Metallicman hosting

Metallicman Hosting

This is a hosting organization. This is the front page. We host websites, maintain them, and “keep them operable” and updated. Our specialty is that we keep popups, advertisements, java, cookies and other forms of invasive for-profit, revenue generating systems under “lock and key”.

Currently, we host five separate websites, and more are in the works.

This is where you go for news, article (lots and lots of articles), opinions, stuff about art, space, conspiracies, and all that stuff. Like all things MM, it is policed. Meaning that all the "riff raff", 'bots, and trolls are killed. Please come and lurk around.  It's a safe place. But be nice. We kill offenders.
Hey, you know, that power drill at Lowes for $150 can be bought straight from the factory for $3. Yup. We can source anything. (Except food and drugs. Don't want to touch them.) We work with companies, and individuals. Make up a "Christmas List" and we can price it out for you DDP or LCL.
A man who loved potatoes had this idea. It was a simple idea. He would build a restaurant chain based upon the great potato. It would offer different types and styles and shapes and preparations of potatoes. Alas, he never could get the backing for his onslaught of fine potato dishes. Such is life. 
Hosted as a favor. If you want to deep dive into the extraterrestrial end of the internet swimming pool, then this is your portal. This is a well maintained site full of archived information that is presented in English and Spanish. It's a great place to visit on a rainy day while you are scrounging around in the attic.
Yuppur, it sure does. And it seems like this Vaxx nonsense is just a continuation of the norm, only at a much, much larger scale. Yikes! Turns out that most nations kill their civilian population at one time or the other, for one reason or the other. And this site documents that madness. 
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Mike Deuel

I must say Sir, your articles are thought provoking. Twenty years ago I’d have dismissed them as absurd, but as time and events roll past, I’m forced to suspend my disbelief to astonishing levels.

The catalytic event that limbered my perception of the world was the 9/11 “attacks”. The parentheses are added, courtesy of N.I.S.T. and our “select” 9/11 commission.

In any case, I’ve been working on a drama/documentary with actor/activist Ed Asner. (Yes, the man’s still alive and by most accounts, kicking like a mule.)

I wonder if you might be interested in participating in the the documentary half of our project… We’re mildly optimistic that the truer origins of our ceaseless War on Terror, might be a sufficient bucket of ice-water, to wake drowsy and distracted Americans to how their blood and treasures are being squandered.

I hope you’ll at least be willing to view a PDF of the dramatic front half of our show, which hopes to kick off an enlightening conversation… Despite it’s rather dreadful theme, Asner’s convinced that there are moments of genuine hilarity.

At very least, you may be acquainted with a filmmaker with more courage than the geldings we’ve previously approached.

In any case, despite some indisputably jaw-dropping claims; I find your writing style curiously addictive… If time eventually reveals you as a con artist, it will be as a masterful one; and one I’d be delighted to knock a few beers back with.

I really do look forward to hearing from you.
