So, are you getting your daily fix of the “hot air” balloon? Yeah. All the American and Western media is a-blaze over it.
Yeah. The non-stop 24-7 flood of disinformation is pummeling the readership, and this can only mean one thing…
Meteorological balloons floating out over other nations is a normal occurrence. It’s not like it has never happened before.
Launched from the ground, radiosondes are meteorological devices that are used to measure temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed and direction in the upper atmosphere. A weather balloon filled with hydrogen or helium gas carries the radiosonde into the upper atmosphere. Depending on the size of the balloon, the expansion that takes place as it rises into lower pressure causes the balloon to burst and the instrument will fall back to Earth to where you found it in this case. During the radiosonde’s flight, it constantly transmits atmospheric temperature, humidity and pressure data to automated receiving ground equipment. This equipment, called a sounding system, processes and converts the data into meteorological weather messages that are sent to the global weather network (WMO GTS network). Radiosondes are launched by our various customers such as the national weather institutes, environmental and research organizations. Typically our customers equip the radiosondes with instructions how to dispose or return the radiosonde. The Vaisala Radiosonde you have found poses no danger to you. If there are instructions on the radiosonde cover for returning the device, please follow them. If you want to keep the radiosonde, please remove and recycle the batteries. If there are no instructions for returning the device and you do not want to keep it, please dispose of it by following your country’s guidelines for disposal of electrical waste. Remnants of the balloon itself, if there are any, can be disposed with household waste.
So why now? Why such a “big deal”?
So many coincidences.
The nation of Turkey is an important “player” in the United States / NATO alliance. They are blocking Sweden’s entry into NATO, which disrupts the war plans to destroy Russia. To this end, all of the “alliance” are freaking out.
Here’s a quick summary of the situation…
Anyways, the USA is throwing everything at Turkey.
And then suddenly “an act of God” creates two “earthquakes” that flattens homes, and building throughout Turkey, and causes great pain.
One thing I've learned from my studies of oligarchical methods is that what is put out as messaging into the public domain are either 1) limited hangouts which avoid the essence of the crimes and agendas of the empire or 2) overblown testaments to capabilities they don't have. They do this all the time and it's just a form of tricky shamanesque witchcraft that induces the plebs to think they have powers of the gods. Just watch Harari's hackable humans speeches or Musk's musings on AI to get a sense of this. It's just a headfake. For Haarp: it deals with EM fields (mostly microwave) that influence the ionosphere. For earthquake precursors: the increased density of electrons within the ionosphere are one of several known precursors that occur hours or days in advance (radon gas emissions from ground water, and spikes in infra red emissions are also other em/chemical precursors). I have seen zero evidence that any of these are causal but rather simply useful precursors several degrees or more removed from the causal nexus which appears to be much much much more driven by solar system/planetary critical geometries which in turn have a big influence on the harmonics of the nested magnetic fields, filtering of interstellar cosmic radiation, etc which in turn are the drivers of climate change, ice ages, storms, volcanism and other "planetary' phenomenon we barely understand. Earth's crust is 60 km on avg. This far we have barely been able to penetrate 16 km. So much we dont know -Jeff Brown
Along the American-occupied Syrian-Turkey boarder.
M7.8, 7.5, 6.0 and 120 more Earthquakes hit Turkey and Syria in one day!
Let me SUGGEST that the placement of large nuclear weapons underground can do the same thing.
If there is one thing that I know; it is this. There is NEVER something known as “coincidence”. There’s always a reason, and you must look for the connections between events.
It is a strong possibility that the United States placed nuclear weapons designed to generate those earthquakes to punish, and “suppress” Turkey to abide to it’s demands. After all, the United States has PERFECTED this technology.
6.8 Magnitude Earthquake Simulated by Underground Nuclear Explosion
A desperate United States is becoming more and more unhinged every day.
My Quora statement
The balloon is a DISTRACTION. These meteorological balloons cross into other nations all the time. To that that it is a frequent norm is an understatement. Yet, all of the Western press, and social media is filled with this “hot air”. (Pun included intentionally)
The REAL reason has to do with the major Geo-political events taking place RIGHT NOW. And the balloon is a distraction away from the nasty elements of it; in effect shielding the American people from the horrific “events” that the United States is involved in.
Yes, this NATO member is not cooperating with the United States. They are not “rubber stamping” the entry of Sweden into NATO, and that really disrupts (throws a “monkey wrench”) the assault phase of the Ukraine proxy war against Russia.
The United States has WARNED Turkey to comply “or else”.
Turkey refused.
So what happened?
Yeah. A series of REALLY MASSIVE earthquakes hit Turkey.
Hand of God, or artificial events created by black operations?
In case you don’t believe that the United States can induce and create earthquakes, then watch this…
You can believe this to be the case or not. I don’t give a fuck.
[1] The Chinese Weather Balloon is a distraction
- Weather balloons often cross national boundaries. They have been doing so for many years. It’s well understood and well known.
- The Chinese Weather Balloon is a distraction.
- You can identify it as a distraction by the volume of articles. Distractions have profiles. By observing events, and then comparing the way they are reported, one can determine whether it is a distraction or not.
- Other examples of distractions include…
- Y2K
- Hamburgers made of of worms
- Ebola
- Mad Cow
- Toilet paper shortage
[2] Why have a distraction now?
There are many things that the United States is desirous of distraction. Inflation, organized crime, woke movement, the flow of commodities globally, the Ukraine losses, Geo-political alignments, and so on and so forth. But for something to warrant such a large outlay of disinfo, the issue must be significant.
- The most significant Geo-political event at this fractional moment in time is the break-up of NATO.
- This is being led by Turkey.
- To this end, there has been “considerable pressure” put on Turkey to “toe the line”, and follow the plan to “suppress Russia”.
- Of which the “big ticket” issue is the refusal of Turkey to allow Sweden and Finland to join NATO.
[3] What event regarding Turkey is worthy of a distraction?
When the United States and the EU threatened Turkey, they did so in force. They did so quietly, in smoky backrooms, and then publicly. But Turkey refused to move from it’s position. The “on-line community” has been whispering about the detonation of Turkey-Russian oil pipelines, and terror attacks out of American-held Syria. But it’s all just talk.
Then, Turkey experienced a massive series of earthquakes. These are horrific. Check out the you-tube videos linked above. Skyscrapers collapsed, and thousands were killed.
[4] Quite a coincidence
It’s quite a COINCIDENCE that this “act of God”; that this “random occurrence” happened right after the compliance deadline set forth by the United States and NATO. No wonder that many neocons believe that God is on their side.
[5] Can an earthquake be created artificially?
Keep in mind…
- The United States has the (demonstrated) ability to generate earthquakes at will.
- This is a mature technology.
And this is all that I am saying.
[6] Things that will make your life easier
So, with that summary, let me present some truths. If you understand these truths, it will go a long way to help you understand things in this crazy world that we are no a part of.
- There is no such thing as coincidence.
- A coincidence is how a series of events line-up in an array of data sets, when you are not privy to the full background of the data.
- So, when you see an alignment of events, and it appears as a coincidence, know that something BIG is happening, and you don’t have all the information to find out why the events are lined-up so perfectly.
Take a look at the center / source of the earthquate
The earthquakes were traced by Geo-location to originate at the below area. Note the unusually round / circular debris fields in the image. Then compare that to what the ground looks like after an underground nuclear explosion below.
Compare that to the images of underground nuclear explosions

Now, for comparison purposes, let’s look at the debris fields of other earthquake centers… Notice that there are no circular debris fields. NONE.

Every time that I publish this info, or concept on Quora, or other social media… they all collapse. They shut down. Even my You-tube video is somehow lost in twirly-twirly land…
Someone doesn’t want YOU to see this.
What a shame that there are those that would risk damaging or destroying this planet in a last ditch attempt at maintaining power and control over entire populations.
I like reading your site. But this is a bit too far fetched.
Not as far fetched as reality; where a senile old man replaces a reality-show host as President; where it is officially recognized that there are 36 different kinds of genders, and that children can change their sex without parental notification, but you need to show your driver license to buy a beer. Where not wearing a belt in a automobile, eating sunny-side up eggs, or large cokes is against the law in certain areas, and on and on…
I agree with all above. Corrupt as all the other countries together multiply with plenty. But a nuclear device? May the drilling for oil or gas? Or the polar shift? The lining up of planets?
So, if the US used nukes underground to trigger those earthquakes, then they technically started a nuclear war…
Russia has all the more reason to fire their Sarmats and Poseidons, along with Chinese Dongfengs.
“There is no such thing as coincidence.”
Within this topic and other geopolitical theater issues, I can agree. However in life there are many random occurences that we can realize that are just coincidences. Not an act of God, or something meant to be or happen, nothing to get paranoid about, just a simply coincidence. Of course this would coincide with the MWI and withing that I guess there could be a debate on random coincidences.
But yes the China balloon is another of many obvious “eyes off” events put in the main stream media.
This is why I read your blog daily. News found no where else
You will love my you-tube video on this subject.
Greetings to the fellow Metallics…
Late to comment but have to have it on record.
Ever since the Turkey earthquakes news broke out, my first thought was “they have been attacked”.
I do not discount the fact that the area has a record of being seismically active. However, we are conditioned to consider isolated facts or pieces of information as not being related. Distractions, obfuscation, distortion, omission, psychic tricks, anything useful to be used by the Western powers cannot and should not be discounted.
Being aware pays off to be able to protect ourselves and our loved ones.