The Domain Commander’s comments from Q&A #11 was posted on Veterans Today. In my mind, that is the highest honor that anyone can offer me. I am truly humbled. I just hope that I can live up to the respect that VT has provided MM. Sincerely and seriously.
The big news is that Olivia Newton John died. I was a big fan in the day. She died at 73, after thirty plus year of fighting breast cancer. In honor of her, let me present this video.
Olivia Newton-John – Magic
Please enjoy.
A simple truth

The class is asked this question…
Date : 19–05–2017
Place : College lecture hall.
The professor displayed a given photo on the screen and asked:
Question : Do you see anything wrong in the given image?

- Some of the students said that only one girl in the photo was black, while others were white.
- Some of them referred to the dress and stated that everyone had same the dress pattern except one.
- Some of them said only one girl was standing.
- Some students said that all the girls have black hair except one.
After 4–5 minutes.
Me : “Sir, in the given image, the girl in the middle has two right legs. That’s not possible so it is wrong (I judged it because of the position of hallux- thumb toe in both the legs).”

The hall was filled, for minute, with a huge round of applause.
Saiyam Gandhi
Policy By Other Means – By Helmholtz Smith
by Helmholtz Smith
“Hybrid war”. Western propagandists love the expression “The bad guys are doing nasty underhand things to counter our clean-cut decent and wholly justified activities” but they are just making noise. As Clausewitz knew, however, there is an actual meaning:
We see, therefore, that War is not merely a political act, but also a real political instrument, a continuation of political commerce, a carrying out of the same by other means. All beyond this which is strictly peculiar to War relates merely to the peculiar nature of the means which it uses (...) for the political view is the object, War is the means, and the means must always include the object in our conception.
In this sense, all intelligently-conducted wars are “hybrid wars” advancing on many levels to achieve the “political object” by “other means”.
What is the “object”?
Moscow knows that NATO/USA is the real enemy and that the wretched Ukrainians are its puppets and their looted and worn-out country is the arena. Putin himself has said that NATO’s threat to Russia must be stopped. NATO, and the European Union with which it is closely linked, must be exposed as useless, actively harmful to their members and their hostility defeated.
NATO, which loves to pose as peaceful (despite the five or six wars it’s started in the last quarter-century), cannot or will not understand Russia’s point of view. Moscow will shove its face in it. Putin says that he has many times tried other means (Munich 2007 being one of the earliest). Those means having failed, he’s using these means this time.
Far-ranging aims require a multi-front attack. Let us consider the fronts.
MILITARY FRONT. Putin has explained the aims – denazification and demilitarization Maybe they could have been achieved through negotiation – although years of Kiev ignoring the Minsk Agreements suggest not – but that didn’t happen. Maybe Moscow hoped that its feint on Kiev might prevent a bloody slog but that didn’t happen either. And so the battle of annihilation is on – Ukraine’s military power is being smashed and the Nazis killed.
It’s taking a long time for several reasons. Imagine the Western Front trench line but with three times as long to build it and concrete rather than sandbags and wood. Russia and its allies attacked with smaller forces. The allied forces are moving slowly to reduce their casualties and because they are in no particular hurry. The Ukrainians are resisting very tenaciously and NATO is egging them on. The Ukrainian forces are being methodically slaughtered, allied casualties are a fraction of that because “artillery conquers and infantry occupies”.
DIPLOMATIC FRONT. The West likes claim that Russia is isolated. But, in terms of population, the so-called “International Community” represents only 15 to 20 percent of the world and the Russians are well-received elsewhere. Here’s Lavrov very much in the thick of things at ASEAN, in Africa (note media attempts to spin it away) and the Arab world.
Russia isn’t isolated at all and its diplomacy is having effect. US diplomacy, on the other hand, is just threats – Africa is warned, China threatened.
ECONOMIC FRONT. When Moscow began its “special military operation”, it expected that Nordstream 2 would be stopped because it knew the West was stuck on the idea that the Russian economy is dependent on selling energy to Europe – “Russia cannot afford to cut its sales of oil“. Moscow had its response ready – hostile countries have to pay in rubles.
What’s Europe’s response? Hurt Putin by not showering. Don’t, he doesn’t care. Of course the price went up and Moscow has probably completely funded the operation out of the increased revenue. The West is discovering – and, advised as it is by people like Aslund, to its astonishment – that “the country that doesn’t make anything” is a big producer of lots of essential things.
Moscow knew Washington would stick Europeans with the check – just as Washington will fight to the last Ukrainian, it will sanction until the last European freezes. The economic war is doing more damage to Russia’s enemies. They will either figure this out and change their behavior or they won’t and they’ll suffer. Moscow waits knowing that it wins either way.
PROPAGANDA FRONT. It is a common sentiment that Moscow is losing the propaganda war but I’m not convinced. Propaganda has to have some basis in truth – instead we have the martyrs of Snake Island miraculously reviving, the ghostly Ghost of Kiev, million-man armies disappearing, Kherson counter attacks put off again, maternity hospital bombings exposed by the bombed-out mothers, bodies thoughtfully left out to be seen, Russia begging China, Iran or North Korea for weapons, another “game-changer” weapon.
Russia was running out of ammunition in March, April, June and July. You have to be pretty comatose to still believe this. The propagandists have lost their skills. And reality leaks out through the holes in these flimsy tales. Witness the reception of the Amnesty International report that Ukrainian tactics are “putting civilians at risk and violating the laws of war when they operate in populated areas“.
“Putin’s propagandists” chides The Times; “cannot be tolerated” says Zelensky; “Russian propaganda” as she quits. No news to us who have seen Azov fighters sheltering behind civilians in Mariupol, weapons hidden in shopping centers, troops setting up in schools. But it’s a shocker to believers of the Western narrative (especially Vogue readers!).
Skeptics know that the difference between a conspiracy theory and reported truth is a few months. In June it was Russian disinformation that corrupt officials were selling Western weapons, in August it’s news. Zelensky a hero then, corrupt now. Expect more “disinformation” transforming into truth.
JUDO. Putin is well known to be a judo master. Judo is the art of using the opponent’s movements against it. That’s what we are seeing. On every front Russia has time on its side and escalation dominance. The impotence of NATO and the EU – in fact the actual damage that membership in either brings – is more perceptible every day as winter approaches.
Europe’s, the West’s, predominance stood on three legs. The power to compel others. The captivating halo of success. The wealth to fund the other two. Watch this little video – not much respect there. I expect we will see more vignettes like this.
The statue is hollow, the Mandate of Heaven is shifting.
Posted by b on August 8, 2022 at 6:54 UTC | Permalink
A very solid Essay, thought provoking. Some comments:
Military Front – NATOland is Setting up for a very long war. From NATOland’s perspective, Ukraine is only one theater of many. We can expect all sorts of de-stabilization efforts on the periphery of Russia/Eurasia.
Diplomatic Front – it’s slowly dawning on State that 80% of the world is ignoring them We can expect a big push made to corral neutrals back on the reservation. Color Revolutions or similar regime change will be tried in India, Mexico, Brazil, etc.etc.
Economic Front – it’s unlikely that Euro politicians will change their sanctions tune. Euro Pols are intensely Atlantists. Even if the current Euro gov‘ts fall and new elections are held; the new gov‘t will still be Atlantist. The only real possibility for a change in European attitude towards Eurasian lies in Washington. Only, If there is a dramatic change in Washington‘s foreign policy consensus will the Euros change. And….the only way the Washington foreign policy consensus might change is through collapse or revolution. De-dollarization might be the catalyst for either of those unwelcome events. However, de-dollarization will take many years.
Propaganda Front – other than within NATOland; most of the world has accepted the narrative of Moscow and Peking. Check the MFA Websites of various neutrals. They are very much reflecting the Moscow/Peking point of view.
Just some further thoughts on this very good essay.
– Exile

Automotive Design

Guys In a car Incase you find yourself under water in a car don’t panic
1. Don’t waste your energy trieng to push the door
2. Don’t open the window the force of water entering the car won’t allow you out
3. Take out the head rest
4. Use the steel sharp point to go and break the back window written kick out glass
The car by engineering and design is meant to float in water and the back window will always be facing exit
This can save your life
Russia Suspends On-Site Inspections of Nuclear Weapons under START Treaty with USA
Effective immediately, the Russian Federations has SUSPENDED all on-site nuclear weapons inspections as called-for under the START Treaty with the United States.
No inspection of Russian nuclear weapons will be allowed pursuant to the Suspension.
One aspect of START Treaty weapons inspections is to see the actual physical location of certain nuclear weapons. In particular, Russia’s road-mobile nuclear weapons located on Transporter-Erector-Launcher (TEL) trucks.
This means the USA will no longer be able to verify how many such weapons Russia has, or where those weapons actually are.
This Suspension of inspections is because of travel restrictions imposed by Washington and its allies against Russia.
Inspection conditions proposed by Washington created “unilateral advantages for the United States and effectively deprive the Russian Federation of the right to conduct inspections on American territory,” the Moscow foreign ministry said in a statement.
Russia says it remains fully committed to complying with all the provisions of the treaty.
The United States and its allies including Britain and the European Union closed their airspace to Russian planes as part of a barrage of sanctions imposed in response to Russia’s decision to send its armed forces into Ukraine in February.
The New START Treaty, which came into force in 2011, caps the number of strategic nuclear warheads that the United States and Russia can deploy, and the deployment of land- and submarine-based missiles and bombers to deliver them.
U.S. President Joe Biden said last Monday that his administration was ready to “expeditiously” negotiate a framework to replace New START, which is due to expire in 2026, if Moscow demonstrated its willingness to resume work on nuclear arms control.
But Russia’s mission to the United Nations said Washington had withdrawn from separate talks with Moscow on strategic stability over the Ukraine conflict, and needed to decide what it wanted.
The following day, the Kremlin said time was running out to negotiate a replacement for New START, putting global security at risk.
The conflict in Ukraine has raised political tensions to levels not seen since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, with politicians in both Russia and the United States speaking publicly of the risk of World War Three.
Moscow says it was forced to intervene in Ukraine to defend Russian-speakers from persecution and avert a Western threat to use Ukraine to threaten Russia’s security. Kyiv and its Western allies say these are baseless pretexts for an imperial-style land grab.
Why I LOVE China and the CPC
Why do I love China and the Communist Party of China (CPC)?
It was not always the case.
In fact, for the majority of my life, some 48 years, I hated China and I hated the CPC!
Why This Article
I want to tell my odyssey, my journey to the West, that has taken me far far away from my Motherland.
I hope to connect with a few overseas Chinese who feel similar yearnings that I feel now towards China. I would like to connect with those who feel helplessly sinking in the sea of Western “narratives” or LIES about China promulgated in the mass media, the mainstream and so-called “alternative” media in the West, especially in the USA and Canada.
I am also hoping to connect with a few mainland Chinese who might be able to help me return back to China.
Who knows maybe I will get lucky and President Xi Jinping will hear about my odyssey and be moved to grant me my Chinese citizenship again!
The Arc of My 50 Year Odyssey
It all began one night in Shanghai in early 1972. I don’t remember the exact date as I was only 6 and 1/2 years old when this traumatic event happened and it affected the course of my entire life.
But before I get to that seminal story of how my hatred of China and the CPC began, here is a speech that I gave in early December 2001 (or 2002 I forgot) in the Financial District in San Francisco, California with a bullhorn in hand!
The title on my rambling speech that I literally shouted at the lunchtime passerby’s was “A Warning Of Today’s Holocaust”:
Communists in China have killed over 60 million Chinese people since they have taken over China. Freedom and justice do not exist in Communist China today. Many “Made in China” goods found at Kmart, Wal-Mart, and elsewhere are produced by the slave labor of Chinese people suffering in Laogai concentration camps. Chinese Communists have killed over 1 million Tibetans. They are currently waging a cultural genocide to wipe out all Tibetan culture through massive population transfer. Chinese Communists are readying to take Taiwan by force that could lead to the killing of thousands and maybe millions of Taiwan’s people. Chinese Communists are threatening the people of the United States with nuclear ICBM’s. Western governments, liberal and conservative, including the United States are beholden to multinational corporations. These companies are interested in two things: (1) captive markets to sell their goods (i.e., totalitarian countries like China), and (2) cheap labor to lower their costs of production (i.e., slave labor found in countries like China). Western governments and the multinational corporations reason that greater trade with Communist China will somehow cause the Communist dictators to allow freedom and democracy to flourish. The fallacy of this argument was clearly demonstrated by the Tiananmen Square massacre and by the current persecution of the Falun Gong and Zhong Gong spiritual groups. The motto of the Communists is “Retain power at all costs.” Sacrificing the few or the many to control the rest is their means. The massacre at the Tiananmen Square and its aftermath serve as a stark warning to the Chinese people and to the world. The truth of China and Tibet today is not really known by the ordinary people of the West. If they realized what is happening, they would equate this to what happened in Nazi Germany in the 1940’s — but worse, a lot worse. Would Westerners buy Nazi goods produced from concentration camps? Would they help the Nazis build their war machine if they knew the truth? History has a tendency to repeat itself for those who never learn from it. If the IOC gives the 2008 Olympics to Communist China, it’s Nazi 1936 all over again. Except this time the enemy has the means to destroy millions of people in a matter of minutes. “Never again….” Repeated again. Today. . . .
Everything in my speech is a LIE!
Except for this statement: “The truth of China and Tibet today is not really known by the ordinary people of the West.” But not in the way that I meant it in 2001!
This event of my San Francisco speech was the nadir of my odyssey to the West.
In 2003, I began to suspect that some of the “facts” listed in my speech were not truthful.
However, it wasn’t until early 2020 and the onset of Covid-19 that I finally realized that everything I thought I knew about China and the CPC were LIES. Finally, the insidious and toxic veil was completely lifted from my mind and my heart about the truth and reality of China and the CPC.
I was finally liberated! Free at last! Free at last! Free at last!
But my odyssey was long and arduous and painful. And it is not over yet.
I will return back to my Motherland to contribute what I will towards China’s National Rejuvenation.
One Night In Shanghai
I was born in Shanghai in July 1965. My parents are both medical doctors. When I was around 5 years old, my parents left me in Shanghai with my uncle Jack, my father’s younger brother. With my little sister, they went to Kunming for work purposes. They believed that the quality of life in Shanghai would be better for me, being their first child and only son and all. So I lived with Jack on the small piece of land that my paternal grandfather had bought before the Communists liberated China.
On this land, which exists today as a public park, there were 3 very small houses. I slept in the middle one, a single bedroom house.
One night in late January or early February 1972, eight plain-clothed local policemen came into my room, just as Jack was tucking me into bed. Of course, in those days, nobody locked their doors or gates. God forbid! Only criminals and counter-revolutionaries would do such a horrible thing!
My bedroom is square in shape, with the entrance door in the middle of one wall and my bed leaning against the opposite wall. Looking towards the door from my bed, to my left is an old jukebox radio, one that had large push buttons for selecting various radio stations.
Six of these policemen took Jack to my right and they were engaged in some discussion that I couldn’t hear. The two other policemen went to the jukebox radio to my left.
I had a bird’s eye view of everything.
Looking at the two policemen, I noticed that one of them was pushing various buttons on the jukebox radio. Then the other one shouted out to Jack across the room asking or rather demanding, “Did you do this?”
In China at that time, it was illegal to listen to radio stations from Hong Kong or Taiwan. Parenthetically, I hear that it’s “illegal” in Taiwan to listen/watch certain mainland Chinese media in 2022! The duo policemen were accusing my uncle of listening to an illegal radio station with evidence that they manufactured right in front of my eyes!
Of course, Jack protested that he wasn’t listening to any illegal radio station. But his protests were in vain and they took him away right there and then.
Just as they were all leaving my bedroom, I stood up on my bed and pointed to one of the two policemen with my right hand and shouted as loud as I could, “He did it! He did it!”
But the lonely voice of a little child was not enough that night.
My uncle Jack ended up in some reform jail for 30 days.
I was left alone with our nanny and cook for what seemed like years to a six year old.
Years later, we were able to piece together what really happened and why Jack was take away to reform jail.
But the scar from that night left an indelible mark on my soul and damaged my views and opinions about China for the next 48 years!
From that night onward, I feared and hated China and the CPC!
Nixon in China
From February 21 through 28, 1972, US President Nixon visited China. It was a historical event. From the American objective, the intended purpose of this visit was to draw China into America’s orbit, to counter the Soviet Union. From the Chinese objective, it was the baby steps towards opening China to the West once again.
Incidentally, the geopolitical tango among Russia, China, and the United States has always been the key to the stability or instability on this planet. This is even more true today in 2022 with the events unfolding in Ukraine and Taiwan.
If people remember anything about that historical visit, they remember Nixon meeting with Chairman Mao in Beijing. What they forget is that Nixon also stopped in Shanghai before flying to Beijing.
This is where the trouble began for my uncle. Apparently, Nixon landed at Shanghai’s Hung Chiao Airport which is located very close to our land. Don’t ask me how close (maybe 5 km), but close enough that our local police decided weeks before the important visit to round up all the potential “rabble rousers” and “trouble makers”.
Being a somewhat free thinker with no job and in his 20s, Jack was lumped into the “trouble maker” category. So, he was rounded up with the rest of undesirables a few weeks before Nixon graced our neighbourhood.
During his initial stopover before flying to Beijing, Nixon was only in Shanghai for one hour, but the pre-fallout of his visit lasted a lifetime for me.
Leaving China for Canada/USA
My family left China in October 1973 (my mother joined us later) for Hong Kong. Don’t ask me how that was accomplished, as it was very rare for Chinese citizens to leave China legally in the early 1970s. That story could be another future article!
In October 1974, we left for Vancouver, Canada. I grew up in Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia. I got my Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineer from the University of British Columbia in 1989.
After my graduation, I left for the United States where I spent approximately the next 20 years working as a mechanical engineer, project engineer and project manager. I was a professionally licensed mechanical engineer in the state of California.
For the first 4 years, I joined what turned out to be a spiritual cult in Montana! Of course, you find out about these sticky and uncomfortable truths after the fact!
American Cult
It was during my sojourn in the USA that my opinions about China hardened to such a degree that my resultant false beliefs led me to give that public speech in San Francisco.
The cult that I had join, like a lot of cults, is extremely pro-USA and anti-China. Incidentally, the Washington Times, a newspaper owned by the Moonies or the Unification Church, a Korean cult with considerable influence in South Korea, Japan and the USA, is extremely pro-USA and anti-China. The Epoch Times, an “alternative” news rag owned by the Falun Gong cult, is over-the-top pro-USA and anti-China. Their “news” about China are re-posted by an influential alternative news blog called which is quite popular with libertarians and the “free market” believers.
Permit me to say the following about cults in general:
If I can summarize the defining characteristic or modus operandi or spiritual DNA of all cults, the words of George W. Bush encapsulates it best: “You are either with us or you are against us!” As long as you is going along with the cult’s teachings and philosophy and actions, everything is hunky dory and you are treated as a “member of the family”. But once you cross that line against their teachings or their philosophy or their actions, then you instantaneously become a persona non grata and their mortal enemy. The United States of America, at the level of its governing elites which alternates between the left and the right every so often, is basically a cult, a very dangerous and vindictive cult. Many Americans who believe religiously in the American MYTH are members of the American cult.
It was also in the USA that the LIES about China and the MYTHS about the USA began to unravel for me.
I want to address four of them now (before continuing to tell my odyssey), and expose them for the LIES and MYTHS that they are, as they have affected me and many others very deeply. Sadly, they continue to do so for millions of people around the world.
1. Tibet Genocide LIE
One of the LIES that I learned while I was with the cult in Montana, called the Summit Lighthouse (TSL) and the Church Universal and Triumphant (CUT), is the genocide of 1.2 million Tibetans and the destruction of over 5,000 Tibetan monasteries. This was and still is one of their fundamental political “teachings”.
Along with Hollywood movies about Tibet that feature A-list movie stars like Brad Pitt, it was all too easy to swallow this particularly insidious LIE hook, line and sinker.
Michael Parenti, one of the few progressives in America who talks about the ugly and genocidal reality of the American Empire, wrote an article called “Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth”. I encourage everyone who wants to know the truth about Tibet and China’s liberation of Tibet to read his article which can be found at:
Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth (2007) Michael Parenti • Red Sails • December 2020 • 7,900 Words
Basically, before Tibet was liberated by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) in 1951, Tibet was a medieval kingdom of land-owning lamas, secular leaders, serfs, and slaves. Many more serfs and slaves (95%) than important lamas and secular leaders (5%). The important land-owning lamas, whose progeny is now paraded in the West as “holy men” with their “ancient wisdom” dressed in saffron robes, were in fact slave owners. They maintained a brutal system of serfdom and slavery for centuries for their exclusive benefit and pleasure.
Up until 1959.
Quoting from Parenti’s article:
[The] Drepung monastery was one of the biggest landowners in the world, with its 185 manors, 25,000 serfs, 300 great pastures, and 16,000 herdsmen. The wealth of the monasteries rested in the hands of small numbers of high-ranking lamas. Most ordinary monks lived modestly and had no direct access to great wealth. The Dalai Lama himself “lived richly in the 1000-room, 14-story Potala Palace.” Secular leaders also did well. A notable example was the commander-in-chief of the Tibetan army, a member of the Dalai Lama’s lay Cabinet, who owned 4,000 square kilometers of land and 3,500 serfs. Old Tibet has been misrepresented by some Western admirers as “a nation that required no police force because its people voluntarily observed the laws of karma.” In fact, it had a professional army, albeit a small one, that served mainly as a gendarmerie for the landlords to keep order, protect their property, and hunt down runaway serfs. Young Tibetan boys were regularly taken from their peasant families and brought into the monasteries to be trained as monks. Once there, they were bonded for life. Tashì-Tsering, a monk, reports that it was common for peasant children to be sexually mistreated in the monasteries. He himself was a victim of repeated rape, beginning at age nine. The monastic estates also conscripted children for lifelong servitude as domestics, dance performers, and soldiers.
The Dalai Lama, before his much acclaimed “escape” to India, lived in luxury in his Potala Palace in Lhasa. His worldly possessions included “8,000 kg of gold [worth about $500 million US dollars in today’s terms], 5 million kg of silver [worth about $4.4 billion US dollars in today’s terms], 20,000 pieces of jewelry, and more than 10,000 items of expensive silk and fur clothing.” His family “owned 27 manors, 30 areas of pasture, and 6,000 serfs”.
Not exactly the Hollywood image of piety and non-attachment that he magically acquired later on in the West.
As to the 1.2 million Tibetans killed by the PLA, Parenti wrote the following rebuttal:
Both the Dalai Lama and his advisor and youngest brother, Tendzin Choegyal, claimed that “more than 1.2 million Tibetans are dead as a result of the Chinese occupation.” The official 1953 census–six years before the Chinese crackdown–recorded the entire population residing in Tibet at 1,274,000. Other census counts put the population within Tibet at about two million. If the Chinese killed 1.2 million in the early 1960s then almost all of Tibet, would have been depopulated, transformed into a killing field dotted with death camps and mass graves–of which we have no evidence. The thinly distributed Chinese force in Tibet could not have rounded up, hunted down, and exterminated that many people even if it had spent all its time doing nothing else.
This particular insidious LIE has a “ring of truth” much like the Kuwaiti incubator babies story that was created out of whole cloth by the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the USA. Her tearful and pivotal testimony before the US Congress and televised nationally and worldwide was what precipitated the first American Gulf War against Iraq in 1991.
The Americans love putting out the facade of a good excuse to wage their genocidal wars. Most of them, if not all, are fake.
However, the truth cannot be hidden for those who seek it. Here is a YouTube documentary series on what Tibet was like before and after her peaceful liberation from serfdom and slavery, as told by former Tibetan serfs and slaves who lived during those times.
(Part 1)
(Part 2)
2. Tiananmen Square Massacre LIE
Most of us remember the iconic photo of the Chinese man standing in front of and stopping a column of PLA tanks near Tiananmen Square in June 1989.
Most Westerners believe that thousands of protesting Chinese students were crushed and killed by PLA tanks inside Tiananmen Square. How could this not be true? After all, the BBC and the New York Times both reported this and continue to tell this Tiananmen Square massacre narrative.
I saw it live on TV! Or so I thought.
Although that iconic photo is real, however, no one died inside Tiananmen Square. About 300 people were killed during the June 4th incident outside of Tiananmen Square, most were PLA soldiers and the rest were mainly workers, not students. The students had left Tiananmen Square peacefully early on June 4th.
Those key student leaders who were trained and goaded on by the American CIA (the National Endowment for Democracy or NED) were whisked away secretively via Hong Kong to the United States where they were then offered lucrative scholarships to attend prestigious universities.
Student leaders who benefited from American generosity or quid pro quo after Tiananmen Square include Chai Ling (Princeton University), Wu’er Kaixi (Harvard University), Wang Dan (Harvard University), Liu Gang (Columbia University), Feng Congde (Boston University), and Li Lu (Columbia University).
Here is the story of a cool-aid drinker and bonafide journalist who attended candle light vigils on almost every June 4th demonstration at Victoria Park in Hong Kong for 30 years. His recent awakening to the reality and truth of the so-called “Tiananmen Square Massacre” is quite refreshing and enlightening to read:
- How Psy-Ops Warriors Fooled Me About Tiananmen Square: A Warning
Nury Vittachi • Friday • June 4, 2022 • 3,200 Words
In perfect hindsight, the student protestors in Tiananmen Square were 100% wrong, demonstrating for Western style “democracy”. In actuality, they were instigating a “color revolution” to overthrow the CPC, before this phrase came into vogue much later.
The Communist Party of China (CPC) under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping was 100% correct.
The proofs are in the results.
China today is the second largest economy in the world. Some say she is the largest economy in the world using the Purchasing Power Parity method of calculating GDP. At the end of 2020, China lifted all of her citizens from extreme poverty! The total number of Chinese lifted out of extreme poverty totals over 700 million people! This is historical and unprecedented in human history! More about this later below.
When Chairman Mao declared the founding of the People’s Republic of China on October 1, 1949, China was basically starting from nothing, after many decades of devastation and destruction from the civil war and the war against the Japanese invasion. When Deng Xiaoping began to steer China’s course towards reforms and opening up in 1978, millions of Chinese people were still riding bicycles!
Today, only 44 years later, millions of Chinese people ride super trains that are the envy of the world. China is the largest automobile market in the world. The Chinese middle class is more than the entire population of the USA. The Chinese space program rivals both the American’s and the Russian’s in terms of technological advancement and achievements. China built her space program all by herself, literally from scratch.
I’d say China has attained phenomenal and historical successes since June 4, 1989 . . . under the leadership and vision of the CPC!
3. Xinjiang Genocide LIE
I am getting a little ahead of myself in telling my odyssey, but here is the latest LIE about China. It’s basically the same Tibetan LIE retold once again.
Today, we are told there is another CPC genocide. This time it’s in the Chinese province of Xinjiang where the ethnic minority, the Uygurs (or Uyghurs, as it is spelled in the West), live.
Xinjiang province, also known as the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, is located in the western region of China. It is the home to over 25 million Chinese citizens, comprising of all the 56 Chinese ethnic groups. The Uygurs are a Turkic ethnic group native to Xinjiang. There are about 8 million Uygurs in 2000 and about 12 million in Xinjiang in 2020. Most Uygurs in Xinjiang are Muslims.
The Western narrative on Xinjiang, mainly driven by the United States, is that there are the following: (1) a genocide is waged against the Uygurs by the CPC, (2) Uygur forced labor is used in cotton production and other industries, (3) concentration camps where 1 million or 2 million Uygurs (depending on who is regurgitating this narrative) are imprisoned, (4) thousands of Muslim mosques are destroyed (where have we heard this before?), etc., etc., etc..
I am not going to waste your time or mine to go into this “Tibet Genocide 2.0” LIE retold for Xinjiang. But I will describe the three key sources of these Xinjiang LIES.
One is Adrian Zenz who is a German “anthropologist” known for his very distorted views and published reports on the Xinjiang “concentration camps” and “Uygur genocide”. He is a senior fellow in China Studies at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, an anti-communist think tank in Washington, DC. Mr. Zenz is a fanatical right-wing, religious zealot whose mission in life seems to be to take down the CPC! Of course, US government money has nothing to do with his “mission”.
The second source of these Xinjiang LIES is an Australian think tank called the Australian Strategic Policy Institute or ASPI which is partially funded by the Australian government. The other sources of ASPI’s funding include such US/UK military industrial corporations as Lockheed Martin (known for producing the F-16, F-22 and F-35 jet fighters), BAE Systems (Eurofighter Typhoon jet fighters, Trident nuclear missile subs), Northrop Grumman (missiles), Thales Group (rocket and mortar systems), and Raytheon Technology (Javelin and Stinger missiles).
The third source is the so-called “World Uyghur Congress” that is funded by the US National Endowment for Democracy or NED which is publicly outed as a CIA front organization, and it is headquartered in Munich, Germany.
What I do want is to leave my readers with three videos on the reality and truth of Xinjiang and the Uygurs today:
4. American MYTH
Americans love to preach to the rest of the world about how fortunate they are living in the land of milk and honey: Freedom and Democracy!
But as one British expat living in China, Jason Lightfoot, remarked about the USA in one of his YouTube videos titled “5 Reasons Why I LOVE Living in China!”:
“They may call themselves ‘the land of the free’, but how free are you if you can’t walk down the streets at night and feel safe? You need to keep a gun under your pillow to feel safe. You can’t walk down certain streets at night time or in the day time. You can’t afford your rent because cost of living is sky high. You drive down a road that’s crumbling, covered in potholes. It damages your car but you can’t afford to fix it because you’ve just been laid off. How free can you be in a society like this?”
To Jason’s astute observations, I would add this rhetorical question, “How free are you and how democratic is it to be forced to work 3 minimum wage jobs every day, seven days a week, just to pay the monthly rent and to provide food on the table for one’s family?”
Barbara Ehrenreich wrote a book called, “Nickel and Dimed,” describing this particular American plight. Her book came out in 2001 and things have gotten a lot worse since then.
As to the self-proclaimed notion that America is the world’s “greatest democracy”, Chinese venture capitalist and political scientist, Eric X. Li, said it best: “In America, you can change political parties, but you can’t change the policies. In China, you cannot change the party, but you can change policies.”
What is more important, democracy as in voting for political leaders or policy as in having infrastructure (here I include social infrastructure as well)?
Actually both.
In America, the common people neither have the political leaders that represent their needs and interests nor do they have adequate infrastructure necessary to carry on their daily lives. Most of their bridges, highways, dams, and other public works were constructed during the Great Depression and in the late 1940s and early 1950s.
Today, America’s infrastructure is literally crumbling before their very eyes. Their once proud social infrastructure, health care and social safety nets have been dismantled and/or privatized. Their dismal and horrific Covid-19 results, with over one million deaths and counting, are a sad and eye-opening testimony to this stark reality.
The MYTH of America versus the reality of America is the difference between how America is portrayed in its Hollywood comic book movies and the harsh reality on Main Street, USA.
Cognitive dissonance!
Cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort or anguish that results from holding two conflicting beliefs, values or attitudes simultaneously. Cognitive dissonance is a fundamental psychological problem suffered by all cult members. Including cult nations!
The late and great comedian George Carlin summed up the American Myth aka the American Dream ever so eloquently:
“They call it the American Dream because you have to be asleep [or dead] to believe it.”
Enlightenment in Argentina
When I had enough of the cognitive dissonance living in the USA, I decided to leave. The hypocrisy and hubris of the Americans were just too much for me. As the Americans love to say, “Love America or leave!” I chose to leave. But where would I go? China was out of the question, because at that time I still feared China and the CPC. So, I looked for a country furthest from the USA that is not so pro-USA.
That country turned out to be Argentina.
Except for a brief period, I have been living in Patagonia, Argentina since August, 2008. In September 2010, I visited Shanghai with my parents. My fear of China and the CPC, though greatly diminished since my San Francisco speech, was still present.
In mid 2020, the Covid-19 epidemic, which started in Wuhan, China, paralyzed the entire world with lockdowns. In Argentina it was the same. With too much time on my hands and nothing to do, I began to study and research China and the CPC.
Under the direct leadership of President Xi Jinping and the CPC, the incredible response of China to contain and then defeat Covid-19 in Wuhan really impressed me. In just 76 days, this new and previously unknown epidemic was brought under complete control in Wuhan, thanks to the heroic and selfless efforts of tens of thousands of doctors, nurses, construction workers, delivery persons, grocery workers, local volunteers, truck drivers, and military personnel. Many volunteered from almost all regions of China to go to Wuhan to fight!
One of the best documentaries on Wuhan’s fight against Covid-19 is produced by Reporterfy Media and it’s called “Blaming Wuhan The Documentary”:
Incidentally, a few Chinese, including two that I know personally, have turned against President Xi Jinping, or it reconfirms their previous judgment of Xi as this evil dictator, because of the supposed fiascos that resulted from his in/actions in the recent Shanghai lockdown. One of the social media stories is about pets accidentally or intentional killed by public personnels disinfecting unattended apartments in Shanghai. And other such Internet stories like that.
Even if these stories are true, what these Chinese critics lack is a discerning perspective. Comparing China’s with the American response and its aftermath, with over one million Covid-19 deaths and counting, these Chinese critics are nitpicking gnats from shit!
Finally, two things completely destroyed the last dregs of my fear and hatred of China and the CPC: (1) China’s Poverty Alleviation program which has successfully lifted over 700 million Chinese out of extreme poverty, and (2) the incredible journey of Xi Jinping, from the humble beginnings of a young farm worker to the all powerful leadership position as China’s President and Leader.
China’s Poverty Alleviation
I had a very old English book about China written at the turn of the last century. I have lost that book and I don’t remember its title. But what I do remember from that book is the figure of 700 million poor Chinese peasants and how the author salivated at the prospect of selling shoes to a few of those 700 million potential customers!
Chairman Mao, the CPC and the PLA liberated China from a century of imperialism and the disease of parasitic colonialism. They laid the solid foundation for a New China by quarantining and disinfecting China from foreign colonists and foreign invaders, and by building up the Chinese military and nuclear weapons. Mao and the CPC had the foresight to defeat the Americans attempting to enclose China via Korea, Vietnam and Taiwan, chiefly in the early 1950s during the so-called Korea War.
One of the key missions of the CPC is to liberate the Chinese people from centuries and even millenniums of poverty. This dream of Chairman Mao and the early pioneers of the CPC was but a dream when the People’s Republic of China was founded on October 1, 1949. There were over 700 million Chinese living in extreme poverty then, including 100 million impoverished rural residents.
China was still a very poor country in 1978 when Deng Xiaoping started his reform and opening up. However, under the collective CPC leadership and vision of Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao, and Xi Jinping, Poverty Alleviation has accelerated from a rallying cry and a sacred mission to practical actions and state programs in the fulfilment of a 5,000 year old Chinese dream.
Incidentally, US President Lyndon B. Johnson launched America’s “War on Poverty” during his State of the Union address on January 8, 1964. What are the results of America’s poverty alleviation since 1964? Where is the beef as the Americans would say?!?
What has taken place in China since 1978 is nothing short of the miraculous. However, there were no miracles or magic involved. China’s Poverty Alleviation involved the dedicated hard work of millions of CPC Party members and cadres.
Poverty Alleviation in China involved the hard work and ingenuity of over 3 million grassroots CPC officials stationed in some 128,000 poverty-stricken villages throughout all regions of China.
China’s Poverty Alleviation utilized the “five-batch” principles: (1) Local Industrial Development, (2) Relocation, (3) Eco-Compensation, (4) Children’s Education, and (5) Social Security.
Depending on the specific local conditions, problems and needs, a targeted poverty alleviation approach was employed using the “five-batch” principles.
Local Industrial Development involve nurturing existing or developing new local industries. As it says in the Bible, “If you give man a fish, you have fed him for a day, but if you teach him to fish, you have fed him for a lifetime.” Well, that’s exactly what China has done throughout her 832 counties. But there is a more practical Chinese saying, “If you want to get rich, build a road first.” Therefore, many local projects involve building much needed paved roads, bridges, highways, railways, 4G/5G Internet, and other infrastructure to connect isolated regions to the rest of China. Other projects involve building solar power stations and wind turbines for the generation of electricity. Then there is the growing of local agricultural products that are sold via the blooming e-commerce trade in China.
In really isolated and hard to access villages, the only practical solution to lift the impoverished locals out of decades and centuries of poverty is to relocate them to more suitable, accessible and fertile areas. Therefore for these poor villagers, Relocation is the key solution. However, these poor villagers were NOT forced to relocate. In many cases, it takes a lot of persistent effort on the part of the local first Party secretary to convince them to relocate to new and better communities where new housing has been constructed, typically free of charge (free housing), and, in many cases, completely furnished with the latest appliances and furnitures! Between 2016 and 2020, some 9.6 million Chinese have been relocated to 35,000 newly built residential communities with 2.66 million new houses and apartments newly built.
Eco-Compensation entails transforming polluting local industries, such as coal mining, to more eco-friendly and sustainable businesses, such local eco-tourism. The guiding philosophy behind this principle is President Xi Jinping’s “Lucid waters and lush mountain are invaluable assets” concept which he first introduced in Yucan Village, Anji county of Huzhou city on August 15, 2005. China’s forestry services has hired 1.1 million poverty-stricken people as forest rangers, to protect the local environment and native wildlife and animals. Some of these newly trained forest rangers were previously employed in non-sustainable industries.
Children’s Education is the key to China’s bright future and to ensure that the cycle of poverty is broken forever. Between 2016 and 2020, “China ensured free compulsory education for 200,000 students from registered poor households, and free vocational education training for more than 8 million junior or high school dropouts.” This means free tuition for school children and tuition allowances for poverty stricken households. Along with relocation, this also means the relocated school children live near their schools, where previously they had to walk for hours to get to school. Some students even had to slide on steel cables across dangerous rivers to get to their schools prior to the building of bridges!
Last by not least is Social Security for the most needed and impoverished families. They may talk about “no child left behind” in the United States, but in China “no one left behind” is not only state policy but it is a reality. Since 2016, China has provided subsistence allowance or poverty support allowance to more than 19.36 million registered poor people. Social Security also includes free health care and health insurance for the most needy and impoverished people.
In November 2020, China succeeded in eliminating absolute or extreme poverty!
Mission accomplished!
(Beyond the Mountain)
President Xi Jinping
The arc of journey of Xi Jinping is one of the most incredible stories in recent history and it will be studied by millions of people everywhere around the world.
Although President Xi Jinping came from a family well connected in the CPC, Xi himself had to literally start at the bottom. His father, Xi Zhongxun, was a Long March hero who later became the Secretary-General of the China State Council and a Deputy Prime Minister of China.
In 1969, at the age of 15, Xi Jinping was sent to the countryside along with tens of millions of Chinese youth. He worked as a manual farm laborer for 7 years in a small poor village called Liangjiahe in Yan’an, Shaanxi Province in northwest China. At night, Xi slept on a heated brick and clay bed in a room carved into a mountainside.
Nighttime was also when he could read his many books stored in a large brown box that he had lugged all the way from Beijing to Liangjiahe. His thirst for knowledge spanned literature, history, politics, and philosophy. After a hard day’s of manual labor, Xi would read his books well into the wee hours of the night and early morning with a kerosine lamp as his only source of light. Xi loved reading books like Goethe’s Faust, Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Hamlet and MacBeth, Karl Marx’s Das Kapital, and of course Mao’s Little Red Book.
Since his father was a high CPC official, some people might wrongly assume that Xi would automatically become a CPC member. No, that was not the case! It took him 10 attempts to apply for CPC membership before he was finally accepted. Later Xi was elected as the village Party secretary or chief of Liangjiahe. For his exemplary work, he was awarded a motorcycle. Instead of keeping it for himself, Xi traded it for “a tractor, a flour-milling machine and a grain thrower”. These machines were much needed and they were extremely helpful to the local villagers.
In Liangjiahe, Xi Jinping found his mission in life: to serve the people! And it was here that the seeds of his ideas and concepts of “poverty alleviation” germinated.
The rest, as they say, is history!
One of the best documentaries on this incredible arc of journey is called “The Making of Xi Jinping” and I highly recommend everyone to watch this short series:
(Part 1: Liangjiahe Village, Shaanxi)
(Part 2: Zhengding County, Hebei)
(Part 3: Fujian)
(Part 4: Zhejiang)
(Part 5: Shanghai)
~ ~ ~
In conclusion, I want like to end my article with two phenomenal videos. The last video shows the incredible gratitude that the Chinese people have towards their doctors and nurses in the fight against Covid-19 and you will never see this kind of emotional outpouring and national pride in the West. The first one is a seminal talk given by Eric X. Li, who like myself is a Shanghai native son, on WHY China’s system of government works which is the reason WHY the Communist Party of China or the CPC is LOVED by hundreds of millions of Chinese . . . including ME!
The interrogation of Ryan Waller
The interrogation of Ryan Waller, at first it doesnt seem like much, police were called into a welfare check for his GF.

Ryan answers the door like that (slightly bloody and a bruised eye), they assumed there was some domestic violence or something, they see a female on his couch, they ask if its his GF, he says shes sleeping and he wants to let her sleep, the police enter and see she has a bullet hole in her head, they take ryan into custody.
These pics are from the interrogation. he seemed un-interested and/or on drugs, after a while ryan claimed “they had a bow and arrow”, then changed it to “they had a revolver, they shot me with a revolver” then the cops started to notice the wounds on his nose and his head was weirdly shaped.

it turned out 2 guys DID break into his house, shot his girlfriend, then shot him 3 times in the head. he was drifting in and out of consciousness and woke to the police knocking on his door. so the whole time they were interrogating him he had 2 bullets lodged in his brain.
The first time an English queen was beheaded
On Friday morning, May 19, 1536, the number of people in the Tower of London waiting to see the first time an English queen was beheaded was relatively small.

The Spaniard Antonio de Guaras left for posterity a first-hand witness to the death of Ana Bolena.
He said that Ana walked “followed by four young ladies, about 50 meters, slightly uphill, from the guard’s assistant’s quarters to the lawn”, looking “cheerful, as if she wasn’t going to die” (FRASER, 2010, p. 341). ).
Escorted by William Kingston, Anne Boleyn climbed the scaffold, where the executioner was already waiting for her. Wearing a dark damask dress, ermine stole and English cap, she addressed a speech to the audience:
“Good Christian people, I have not come here to preach; I have come to die. According to the law and by law I have been judged to die, and therefore I will say nothing against it. I have not come here to accuse any man, nor to speak of those who accused me and condemned me to death, but I pray to God to save the king and keep him long reigning over you, for the most merciful prince never was, and to me he was always good, kind, and sovereign lord. […] And so I say goodbye to the world and to you, and I cordially ask you to pray for me” (apud IVES, 2010, p. 358).
After saying her last words, Anne Boleyn’s adornments were removed by her ladies, leaving her neck free for the sword.
The victim then paid the executioner with a bag of gold coins and forgave him for what he was about to do.
Finally, her eyes were blindfolded and she knelt down, muttering a little prayer: “To Jesus I commit my soul.”

A renovation story
My last house was built in 1913. It had been empty for 15 years. Before that, it was occupied by an old woman that had lived there for decades, and obviously didn’t repair or maintain anything. The entire back wall of the house was covered with vines that were growing under the house and in the windows.
The inside of the house was extremely dusty. The floor had two layers of carpet, both of which were so old and rotten that it would tear apart if one tried to pick it up.
The wall under the kitchen sink was covered with stamped steel signs of some sort. Probably scavenged from somewhere. They were nailed directly to the studs in place of plaster or drywall. The wall inside one of the closets was covered with flattened soup cans. Very old Chinese newspapers and calendars were used to cover all of the drawers and shelves.
After the carpet was pulled out, I began stripping the many, many layers of wax and paint covering the wood floor. A few layers down, probably from some time in the ’40s or ’50s, one of the rooms had red paint with a giant white stripe down the middle of the floor.

Lastly, there was a space heater installed in a hallway. It was in rough shape and had to go. It was propped up in the back with what looked like a block of wood wrapped in foil. It sat there for weeks and we ignored it while we worked on other things.

I was going to try to restore it, but it was totally rusted out and just not worth the effort, so I picked it up and carried it out. Then, I picked up the foil-wrapped block of wood…and realized it wasn’t wood. I decided to unwrap the foil and found an old band-aid canister inside. (Sorry for the crap photos, my phone was having issues.)

98 cents for 70 bandages? I thought that was a fun enough find already, especially considering that I work for Johnson and Johnson. But, then I decided to open it up…

Filled with $100 bills, all dated from the ’70s and ’80s. There was over $3000 in there!
That money paid for a pretty good chunk of the renovation. I still have a couple of the old bills in my safe.
An American’s culture shock with France…
I got there and everyone was skinny. Except, they weren’t technically skinny. They were just normal-sized human beings. They weren’t obese as they are in the US.
I quickly learned why in Paris. Everyone walked everywhere—and not just that, they walked extremely fast. I was stunned. I couldn’t keep up. Everyone also wore clothes that fit them. Portions were also much smaller.
It’s just different.
An American’s culture shock with the Philippines…
I lived in Subic Bay, Philippines. I went to a birthday party for a Filipino friend and saw a pig on a table. This is the cultural tradition:

It is an extremely popular event in their country and the food is called Lechon. The country is still developing so if they slaughter a pig, it means something important is happening.
I was only six years old at the time. I had trouble eating pork for a while after that.
The irony is that Filipino food is amaaaaazing. One of the most underappreciated foods in the world.
A New Survey Has Just Discovered That This Is The Most Pessimistic That Americans Have Been About The Economy Since 2008
Americans haven’t been this negative about the future of the U.S. economy since the financial crisis of 2008. Of course it isn’t exactly difficult to figure out why this has happened. A new recession has begun, inflation is wildly out of control, the housing market has started to crash, and more people are falling out of the middle class with each passing day. So many of the economic trends that I have been documenting in recent years are now really beginning to accelerate, and there isn’t much faith that the Biden administration and our other leaders in Washington will be able to turn things around any time soon.
But even though the outlook for the months ahead doesn’t look promising at all, I was still quite stunned by the results of a brand new ABC News/Ipsos survey that was just released…
Americans’ perception of the economy hit the lowest point since the 2008 crash in a new poll showing the Republican Party is more trusted to handle these kitchen table issues. In an ABC News/Ipsos poll released Sunday, 69 percent of Americans claim that the country’s economy is ‘getting worse’, while just 12 percent say it is ‘getting better’ under President Joe Biden’s leadership.
The last time that particular survey produced results like that was right in the middle of the last financial crisis.
Most of you still remember the “Great Recession” very well, and there are many that believe that what we are heading into will be even worse.
That same ABC News/Ipsos poll also discovered that Biden’s economic approval rating has fallen even lower…
Biden specifically has a 37 percent overall approval on his handling of the economy – the lowest point in the polling since he took office last year.
It shouldn’t surprise us that the vast majority of the American people don’t trust Biden and his minions to handle the economy.
What should surprise us is that after everything that has already happened 37 percent of U.S. adults still have faith in the administration.
What are those people thinking?
One of the primary reasons we have so much inflation right now is because our leaders have borrowed and spent way too much money, and now the Biden administration wants even more.
On Sunday, the United States Senate gave Biden a huge victory by passing a 700 billion dollar spending bill known as “the Inflation Reduction Act”…
The Senate on Sunday passed the $700 billion Inflation Reduction Act, a scaled-down version of the Build Back Better Act. The Senate voted to pass H.R. 5376, otherwise known as the Inflation Reduction Act, 51-50. The legislation passed on a party-line vote, with Vice President Kamala Harris breaking the tie.
Of course this bill isn’t going to do anything to reduce inflation.
Instead, it will just make it even worse.
So most Americans should get ready for their standard of living to go down even more.
As the cost of almost everything has gone up much faster than paychecks have, many Americans have been dealing with financial stress in a couple of different ways.
First of all, a lot of us are racking up credit card debt like never before…
Americans piled on $40.1 billion worth of debt in June, the Federal Reserve said Friday afternoon. The figure was considerably higher than economists’ forecasts, after May’s revised total of $23.8 billion. Americans’ borrowing grew by 10.5% in June, compared to 6.3% in May, according to the Fed’s G.19 consumer credit report. Revolving debt — roughly a proxy for outstanding credit card balances — rose by 16% after an 7.8% increase in May.
That was the second largest monthly increase in consumer credit in the history of our country.
Of course piling up lots of credit card debt is a really, really bad idea, and that is especially true when we are plunging into a major economic downturn.
But many people can’t seem to help themselves. If you can believe it, Americans have opened a whopping 42 million new credit card accounts just since the beginning of the pandemic…
Since the pandemic started, about 42 million new credit card accounts have been opened, and consumers now hold more than 750 million auto-loan, credit-card, mortgage, and home-equity lines of credit. Overall, consumers ages 30 to 59 have record levels of debt.
Another way that Americans are dealing with financial stress is by taking on extra jobs…
From June to July, the labor force saw full-time jobs drop by 71,000, while part-time jobs and multiple jobholders increased by 384,000 and 92,000, respectively, according to the latest seasonally adjusted Labor Department data. This trend of the economy dropping full-time jobs while adding second and part-time jobs has been accelerating since March.
Working an extra job is a great way to wear yourself down physically, mentally and emotionally.
It should only be done as a temporary solution, but at this point nearly half of all workers “are working at least one extra job”…
Some 44% of Americans are working at least one extra job to make ends meet each month, according to a survey by Insuraranks, while 28% of respondents said they took on a secondary gig due to inflation.
I am looking at those numbers and I am still having a really difficult time believing that they are real.
Has it really come to this?
What we do know is that survey after survey has shown that close to two-thirds of the nation is currently living paycheck to paycheck.
And as the cost of living continues to rise faster than paychecks do, that figure will almost certainly go even higher.
There are millions upon millions of people that are working as hard as they possibly can, but it still isn’t enough.
Many of those hard working people trusted the con artists in Washington when they were told that everything was under control and that the future looked bright.
Now many of those hard working Americans are realizing that they were lied to over and over again.
The truth is that the future is not bright for the U.S. economy. In fact, the times that we are moving into will be far more horrible than most people would dare to imagine.
The most epic economic bubble that the world has ever seen is starting to burst, and the nightmare that has now started to unfold is going to be spectacularly painful.
Wheel of life

I had one student ask me if he could keep his pencils that his mom gave him for school.
Of course, I said yes.
He then said, “well, I guess I’ll give you a few so my classmates can have them too.”
I thought nothing of it and took the pencils that he handed me.
When I was sharpening them, I noticed writing on a few of them.

I then realized that my student’s mother took the time to write on his pencils.
I asked him if he would mind showing me the rest of them.
What I read melted my heart:
- – You are so talented.
- – This will be a great year.
- – You are creative.
- – You are phenomenal.
- – Never give up.
- – You can do this.
- – You are knowledgeable.
- – You are a math whiz.
- – You are intelligent.
- – Proud of you everyday.
- – I love you.
- – You have a brilliant mind.
- – You are wonderful.
- – You are a problem solver.
- – Follow your dreams.
- – You are perfect.
- – I am proud of you.
- – You will change the world.
- – You are amazing.
- – You are the best.
- – You are important.
This probably took his mom a few minutes to do yet it lit up his whole day at school. He wasn’t embarrassed that his mom wrote on his pencils.
Thanks to his mom, he was reminded of his self worth and wanted to share the same feeling with his classmates.
THESE are the things that we should be reminding our kids (both parents AND teachers).
Imagine the look on a child’s face when they are reminded that they are important, talented, loved, knowledgeable and so much more.-
Help them know that someone believes in them and is proud of them in everything they do.
Even if you think it is cheesy or you don’t have enough time or that you will have little impact, remember that you may be the only one telling and reminding them these things and EVERY kid needs to know their value.
This is why I teach.
Exclusive: the Fugitive Who Tried to Spark a US-China War
ISTANBUL – Guo Wengui, also known as Guo Haoyun, and by his English names Miles Kwok and Miles Guo, is a politically connected, self-proclaimed exiled Chinese billionaire who tried to start a U.S.-China war.
On Feb. 15, the billionaire filed for Chapter 11, personal bankruptcy protection in US Bankruptcy Court in Bridgeport, CT, listing assets of just $3,850 and liabilities between $100 million and $500 million. Guo’s declaration came after a Hong Kong money manager, Pacific Alliance Group, sued him over unpaid debts.
That certainly didn’t add up. Only three months after filing for bankruptcy, Guo had spent nearly $2 million on legal fees. Yet on May 11, he filed a waiver of personal bankruptcy with the court through his lawyer, stating he had no more funds to pay his legal fees.
During the bankruptcy hearing, Guo claimed he owned no house, no car, and no credit cards. That certainly didn’t square up with the lavish lifestyle he flaunted on social media – replete with mansion, private jet and yacht.
So is this story really about bankruptcy? Or a very elaborate ruse?
‘I Wanna Be a Part of It, New York, New York’
Guo was born to a modest family in February 1967 in a rural area of Shandong province. According to the news site China Youth Network, he went through proverbial, eye-opening experiences as a teenager, such as skipping school, brawling and gambling. He married at 18; got his own brother killed for an argument revolving around a mere 7,000 yuan; and was sentenced to three years in prison and four years probation for fraud.
Guo rose to fame by building a real estate empire in Beijing, which earned him titles such as “Capital Giant”, “Power Hunter” and “Pirate of the Caribbean” from awed Chinese netizens. In 2017, Interpol issued a Red Notice for Guo, who had already fled to the US in 2015 after being accused by the Chinese government of fraud, bribery, and money laundering. He denied all charges.
Yet according to information publicly available, Guo committed a series of financial frauds, including a $539 million scam targeting small investors in the United States, a $470 million fraudulent loan in China, and a $43 million cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme.
In recent years, Guo has had a quite active life online, amassing special notoriety for his fierce criticism of the Chinese Communist Party.
According to China’s Chongqing Public Security Bureau, Guo has been building a case since August 2017 for political asylum in the US by concocting a series of online exposés.
Some of these, revolving around Hunter Biden’s sex antics, caught the attention of US media. Guo’s central spin at the time was that “We have to express…the Chinese Communist Party used these to threaten Hunter and [Joe] Biden.” But he provided no proof of this.
In 2017, Guo gained the attention of Foreign Affairs in an article co-written by Rush Doshi, who’s now senior director for China at the US National Security Council. The article focused on how Guo – without providing sources or conclusive evidence – threw lurid allegations at Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan, the head of President Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign.
“Guo Wengui, an expatriate Chinese billionaire, began to make explosive allegations on YouTube and Twitter about China’s leaders,” Doshi and co-author George Yin explained.
“President Xi Jinping, Guo claimed, had sought incriminating information about Wang Qishan, Xi’s right-hand man and the chief of his anti-corruption campaign. The figure tasked with rooting out China’s official graft, Guo suggested, was himself corrupt — if not directly, then through his family’s alleged financial holdings. Guo’s claims seemed designed to sever China’s most important political relationship before this fall’s 19th Party Congress, where officials will determine Xi’s longevity as president and select members for China’s top decision-making bodies.”
Guo’s patrons included disgraced Chinese security officials Ma Jian, Vice-Minister of Public Security 2006-2015 and Zhou Yongkang, Minister of Public Security 2002-2007.
A powerful member of the Politburo’s Standing Committee, Zhou was expelled from the Communist Party in 2014 and sentenced to life in prison the following year. In 2018, Ma was sentenced to life in prison for taking bribes from Guo, according to court proceedings. Another of Guo’s handlers, Politburo member Sun Zhengcai, got a life sentence for bribery in 2018.
Sun was the Communist Party boss in the western megacity Chongqing. After Sun’s disgrace, the supervision of Guo passed to China’s vice-minister of police Sun Lijun (no relation), and Justice Minister Fu Zenghua. Sun Lijun was convicted of corruption in July 2022 and awaits sentencing. Fu is under arrest and awaiting trial.
What stands out is that throughout this period Guo acted as an agent of elements in China’s security services purged and convicted for corruption.
Later, in 2021, Guo switched to promoting the allegation that Chinese hackers had shifted presidential election votes from Trump to Joe Biden.
Guo’s politicking is just as intriguing as his business adventures.
Especially because of his status as former protégé of the very powerful ex-Vice Minister of State Security Ma Jian, who was himself a mentor of security chief Zhou Yongkang, then a Politburo member.
It’s not an accident that Guo fled China soon after Ma and Zhou were arrested as part of President Xi’s anti-corruption campaign. At the time, Guo was in a bitter business dispute with his former partner and politically connected tycoon Li You. That was bringing unwanted attention to his financial dealings.
The central plot in this murky saga revolves around opaque developments inside the all-powerful Ministry of State Security (MSS) in the early 2010s, when Xi Jinping came to power.
Guo’s intelligence handlers, Ma and Zhou, were allies of Ling Jihua, who was former President Hu Jintao’s chief of staff. The crucial link between Ma and Ling was provided by Sun Zhengcai, the former party secretary of Chongqing, also a Politburo member.
As we’ve seen, Zhou, Ling, and Sun all ended up in jail – targets of Xi’s anti-corruption campaign. But, remarkably, not Guo – who according to former Chinese government officials was Ma’s MSS agent in charge of special ops overseas.
Guo’s job in 2012 was to sabotage the ascension of Xi by spreading an array of fake news in China and among the Chinese diaspora. That failed.
Nonetheless, Guo remained at work as an MSS agent until at least October 2021, according to well-placed Chinese sources. Considering his recent activities and the fact he was lavishly embraced by prominent US China hawks, it appears that his assignment was to cause maximum damage to US-China relations, arguably derailing them to a point of no return.
How to Profit From Lavish Overseas Funds
Guo impressed his American hosts with a show of vast wealth. After fleeing China he took up residence in New York in a $70 million apartment in the Sherry-Netherland Hotel on Fifth Avenue overlooking Central Park.
His bragging rights included buying more than 200 custom-tailored suits a year; spending more than $20 million in legal fees around the world; smoking $10,000 cigars; and drinking limited editions of the Chinese liquor Moutai. All that, of course, neatly fit his claim to bankruptcy court of holding only $3,850 in personal assets.
In his bankruptcy filing, Guo argued to the court that his expenses were funded by his family. The luxury apartment in New York was owned by the family company; a villa was owned by his wife’s company; daily expenses and all those customized suits were provided by Golden Spring, a New York-based company owned by his son Guo Qiang.
Qu Guojiao, or Natasha Qu, Guo Wengui’s former financial assistant, still living in China, revealed in an exclusive interview that in the space of over 20 years, Guo set up more than 100 companies in Hong Kong, China, the United Kingdom, the United States, the British Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands. None of these were under his name, she said. Yet regardless of who and which company holds them, the ultimate flow of funds and shareholding arrangements always proceeded at Guo’s own discretion, Qu said.
Guo is known to have amassed a huge fortune by colluding with corrupt Chinese powerbrokers and business tycoons: that’s the reason for his fame among Chinese netizens as a “Capital Giant”. Yet most of the funds came from unknown sources, and were never under his name.
The Blair Connection
As previously reported by the respected Chinese business newspaper Caixin Global, one of Guo’s main sources of money materialized with the help of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. With Blair’s endorsement, Guo raised $3 billion from the Abu Dhabi royal family.
Blair flew on a luxury private jet during a visit to the Middle East in 2013 when he was the U.N. Quartet’s Middle East envoy; he was accompanied by Guo, who was responsible for paying for the flight, according to Caixin.
Guo won the Blairs’ favor when he bought 5,000 copies of Blair’s wife Cherie’s new autobiographical book in Chinese, Speaking for Myself, in August 2009. In 2013, Blair introduced Guo to a group of dignitaries from the Abu Dhabi royal family, the newspaper reported.
In 2014 Guo, with the support of all-powerful Ma Jian, then Chinese vice minister of security, used Blair’s position as the Special Envoy to the Middle East Quartet to gain the trust of the Abu Dhabi royals. Guo ended up signing a contract with them in Macau on Dec. 16 that year, setting up a “China-Arab Fund,” according to China Daily.
The first $1.5 billion was paid from Abu Dhabi’s Cayman Islands-registered company Roscalitar 2 to one of Guo Wengui’s bank accounts the following day. Guo’s assistant at the time, Qu, confirmed in the interview that the money was used to buy Hong Kong stocks, property, a yacht and other assets.
Natasha Qu stated: “In December 2014, the Abu Dhabi side transferred 1.5 billion to Guo Wengui, who immediately instructed her to transfer the money to HK International Funds Investment Ltd, a company controlled by Guo Wengui through her and Guo Qiang.”
Guo, according to Qu, “asked to transfer a total of $520 million in two installments to the Bravo Luck Ltd account. Payments were then made through the Bravo Luck Ltd account to purchase the Lady May yacht, the luxury apartment in New York, and money was also transferred to Guo Qiang himself and to his controlled [company] Golden Spring” at its Hong Kong head office.
Natasha Qu adds: “Although Guo Wengui had more than a hundred companies in Hong Kong and the British Virgin Islands, none of them had any real business and there was basically no money in the company accounts. They were set up simply to raise and transfer money. All of Guo Wengui’s spending in those two or three years both at home and abroad came from this Abu Dhabi money.”
There’s no information as to whether any of these funds are still left. What is clear is that Guo kept spending right up until and after his recent bankruptcy filing. After claiming he was flat broke, Guo hired three big-name lawyers from top US law firm Brown Rudnick LLP each charging more than $1,000 an hour, according to news reports of the bankruptcy filing.
Documents in Guo’s bankruptcy case show that the day before filing for bankruptcy, he sent $1 million to law firm Brown & Rudnick from Lamp Capital Ltd (Lamp Capital). In addition to this firm, Guo also hired the services of Stretto Insolvency Solutions and V&L Financial Services, according to court filings. In May 2022 Guo set up an $8 million loan from his own New York-based company Golden Spring to pay for insolvency administration and financial services.
Should I Stay (Bankrupt) or Should I Go?
It’s not clear how wealthy Guo Wengui really is, and what are his real assets.
One of the most contentious assets in the years-long litigation between Hong Kong’s Pacific Alliance Group and Guo Wengui is the now-famous Lady May yacht, where federal officials had arrested Steve Bannon in 2020 for alleged fraud. Guo claimed that he sold the yacht to his daughter Guo Mei for $1, and that it is docked in a Spanish harbor.
Natasha Qu reports that “the yacht was purchased in February 2015 by Guo Wengui for €28 million, with funds from the first US$1.5 billion released by the China-Arab Fund, in the name of Hong Kong International Fund Investment Ltd, and registered in the same name.”
Qu says she transferred the ownership of Lady May to Guo Mei for US$1 on June 17, 2017, as instructed by Guo. Back in October 2014, Guo asked Natasha Qu to sign a Declaration of Trust to hold Hong Kong International Fund Investment Limited for him, after which the company was transferred to Natasha Qu to hold on his behalf for the price of HK$1.
The Declaration of Trust made it clear that all actions of the trustee, Natasha Qu, in relation to the shareholding of the company were to be done in accordance with the instructions of the beneficiary, Guo Wengui. After Qu signed the Declaration of Trust, she said the document was taken away by Guo and kept by his lawyer.
As Natasha Qu explains, “When the Hong Kong police investigated Guo Wengui for money laundering in 2017, Guo asked me to prepare the paperwork for a trip to the United States to transfer the entirety of Hong Kong International Fund Investment Limited to Guo Mei.”
After he fled to the US, Guo tried his best to package himself as deeply hostile to Beijing. Guo’s patrons in the security services were convicted of major crimes or under investigation, and he feared arrest under corruption charges. According to the New York Times, Guo was on China’s most-wanted list for bribery, fraud and money laundering.
Guo spent lavishly to win the support of associates of President Donald Trump. He hired former White House strategist Steve Bannon for a $1 million a year retainer. In 2020, alongside Bannon, Guo announced the creation of the “New Federal State of China,” supposedly to overthrow China’s Communist Party.
The “Federal State” held an event in New York on June 4, 2022, with Bannon and a group of former senior Trump aides, including White House trade advisor Peter Navarro and speechwriter Jason Miller.
Before the “Federal State” adventure, Guo set up the Rule of Law Foundation in 2018; launched a G series of investment projects such as GTV and G Coin, as well as farm loans, G-Club cards and Xi Coin. These ventures brought in hundreds of millions of dollars in sales and donations, but landed him in legal trouble.
In May 2020, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) imposed a $539 million penalty for Guo’s US$487 million in illegal private placements of GTV and G Coin. The remaining projects are also being investigated to varying degrees, including a “farm loan” of almost US$200 million at the end of 2020 and over US$100 million from the sale of one billion H-coins in 2021. The whereabouts and use of these funds are a complete mystery.
Guo Wengui’s personal bankruptcy case is still pending. Under court order, Guo, as the owner of the Lady May yacht, promised on April 6 to allow the yacht to return to the US by July 15 and to post a US$37 million bond. On April 17, the bankruptcy court held Guo in contempt for hiding his yacht overseas.
On May 11, Guo voluntarily filed to dismiss his personal bankruptcy case. This bizarre behavior caught the attention of major news media.
Bankruptcy Court Acts
On June 16, the Connecticut Bankruptcy Court noted that Guo Wengui and his family had interests in numerous limited liability companies and allegedly hid assets and defrauded creditors by depositing substantial personal assets among numerous subordinates and family members.
The court ultimately denied Guo’s motion to dismiss, appointed a trustee for the bankruptcy assets, continued the bankruptcy proceedings, and appointed a trustee to conduct a worldwide investigation into Guo’s assets and whether Guo had acted in good faith in filing for bankruptcy.
If creditors pursuing their investigation find that Guo has hidden assets and filed for bankruptcy, he may be found guilty of violating US bankruptcy laws as well as bankruptcy fraud. That would land him in serious legal trouble. And this time there won’t be any powerful Ministry of State Security patrons to lend a helping hand.
A Rufus tale

Prusak took the woman aside and instructed her to return the money, after which she said no. The teenager made her leave, told her,” Ma’am, you can either return the $20 bill or you can leave, because I’m not going to serve someone as disrespectful as you”, the woman left.
But when Prusak returned to the blind man, he gave him $20 out of his own money. Prusak notes, ”l was just doing what l thought was the right thing to do without even thinking about it”
Be the Rufus.
No soul

Slender Man stabbing: Wisconsin girls sentenced to 40 years in mental hospital
They looked like the average 12-year-old, playing in the woods.

But Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier were far more sinister than that. For months, the girls had been planning and plotting a murder on their classmate, Payton Leutner.
The girls lured Payton to a sleepover and originally planned to stab her that night — but decided they couldn’t go through with it. The following day, they grabbed a knife from the kitchen, and set off for the woods for an outdoor play session.
It all started with a game of Hide and Seek.
Payton crouched down and the girls pounced on her back, stabbing her 19 times!
Having promised to go and search for help, the girls ran several miles away from the scene, to a place they believed was Slender Man’s castle.
Yes, the girls truly thought they were servants of the fictitious character, Slender Man — a tall creature with a blank face and thin legs. If they failed to please the Slender Man, he would harm them and their families.
Despite the heinous attack, Payton managed to crawl for help in the woods. She was found critically wounded by a cyclist, who called for an ambulance.
Thankfully she survived, and the two girls have a long sentence ahead of them![1]
A Matter Of Life And Death: Tens Of Millions Of Americans Will Be Without Medicine Once Trade With China Stops
If you are against a war with China, you need to make your voice heard while you still can. Because once the bullets start flying, it will be too late.
Once a war with China starts, our current standard of living won’t just be interrupted. The truth is that our current standard of living would end.
There are thousands upon thousands of products that we currently get from China that would very quickly disappear from store shelves. They simply would not be available any longer. And Taiwan produces more of our microchips than anyone else in the world by a very wide margin. When the microchips stop flowing our whole economy will come to a crashing halt. So the stakes are incredibly high, and most people don’t seem to realize this.
Nancy Pelosi knew that her visit to Taiwan would absolutely enrage the Chinese, but she did it anyway…
Pelosi and the rest of her delegation disembarked from a U.S. Air Force transport plane at Songshan Airport in downtown Taipei after the nighttime landing on a flight from Malaysia to begin a visit that risks pushing U.S.-Chinese relations to a new low. They were greeted by Taiwan’s foreign minister, Joseph Wu, and Sandra Oudkirk, the top U.S. representative in Taiwan. Her arrival prompted a furious response from China at a time when international tensions already are elevated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. China considers Taiwan part of its territory and has never renounced using force to bring it under its control. The United States warned China against using the visit as a pretext for military action against Taiwan.
China is warning that there will be a military response, and the whole world is waiting to see what that will be.
If the Chinese don’t do anything more than they have already done, it will look like a big victory for Nancy Pelosi and the United States. There is no way that Xi Jinping is going to allow that to happen, and what happens next could change everything.
It is being reported that Chinese forces are gathering near the coast for a potential invasion, but I don’t think that China will launch a full-blown invasion of Taiwan quite yet.
Instead, I think that it is far more likely that China could grab a couple of the small islands right off the Chinese coast that currently belong to Taiwan.
If that happens, I believe that the Biden administration would feel compelled to respond very forcefully.
Of course if both sides keep raising the stakes it could escalate into a full-blown war in the Pacific very rapidly.
And once a conflict begins, our trading relationship with China will halt.
Are you prepared for that?
Needless to say, this would hurt us very badly in countless ways. For example, very little of our medicine is actually made here in the United States, and that is an enormous problem.
According to a statement posted on the official website of U.S. Representative Mike Gallagher earlier this year, 80 percent of the drugs that Americans use come from overseas, and China is the largest supplier…
“The Chinese Communist Party has threatened to withhold lifesaving drugs from the U.S. once and we’d be crazy to think they won’t attempt to do so again,” said Rep. Gallagher. “Congress needs an aggressive plan to protect our critical pharmaceutical supply chains and end our reliance on China. This is a national security imperative and to many Americans, a matter of life and death.” “The United States must end our reliance on China for lifesaving drugs and critical medical equipment,” Stefanik said. “We have become far too dependent on China’s supply chain, and their malign regime represents too great a threat to our national security for us to be at their mercy. I am proud to sponsor this legislation to equip our domestic pharmaceutical and medical manufacturers to be able to efficiently produce these items here in the United States. Through this effort, Americans can have better peace of mind regarding who they rely on for their own personal health needs,” said Conference Chair Elise Stefanik. “Eighty percent of the drugs that Americans depend on come from overseas,” said Rep. Bill Posey. “China, whose pharmaceuticals have been subject to numerous recalls, is the largest manufacturer. As a result of this reliance, the U.S. has not produced basic medicines like in the case of penicillin since 2004.”
Are the pills that you take every day made in China?
You might want to check.
And once war with China starts our supply of antibiotics will also dry up very, very rapidly…
Right now, the U.S. has no capacity to manufacture antibiotics. That’s because China currently controls roughly 90% of the global supply of inputs needed to make the generic antibiotics that treat bronchitis, pneumonia, pediatric ear infections, and life-threatening conditions such as sepsis. At the peak of last year’s COVID-19 hospitalizations in the U.S., these generic antibiotics—including azithromycin—were urgently needed to treat secondary bacterial infections. However, the U.S. faced a potential shortage, since the key materials for azithromycin and other drugs are supplied by China.
We should have never allowed ourselves to become so dependent on one of our primary global rivals.
All of the experts could see a scenario like this coming, but nothing was ever done. Two years ago, there was a major article about this in the New York Times…
“If China shut the door on exports of core components to make our medicines, within months our pharmacy shelves would become bare and our health care system would cease to function,” - Rosemary Gibson, a senior adviser with the Hastings Center and an author of “China Rx: Exposing the Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine.”
Read that quote again.
If this thing with Taiwan gets out of control and we go to war, our health care system “would cease to function” for the duration of such a conflict.
So what would we do then?
Does anyone out there have an answer for that?
If people can’t get their pills, many of them will go absolutely insane. Never has there been a population that is more dependent on pharmaceutical drugs than we are…
Almost 70 percent of Americans take at least one prescription medication, and more than half take at least two, according to a new study by researchers at the Mayo Clinic. The most common prescriptions are for antibiotics, antidepressants and opioid painkillers. One-fifth of Americans are taking five or more prescription drugs, CBS Atlanta reports.
As I have been warning for years, a full-blown war with China would be absolutely unthinkable.
But our leaders are provoking one anyway.
I wish that I had the words to express what I am feeling.
We are so close to a truly cataclysmic conflict, and if it happens it will be far more horrifying than any Hollywood movie studio could ever imagine.