This is a video that I have referred to in a Patrion post that I made yesterday 30AUG22.
It involves the remote viewing of the “Tunnel of Light” that one observes upon death.
I advise that we use the KISS principle in everything; (Keep It Simple, Stupid), otherwise known as let’s just focus on full understanding of the core elements, and not get too sidetracked.
For instance…
A car.
It takes you from A to B.It can be cheap or expensive, based on HOW it transports you.It requires energy to operate.
You need it to survive.It can taste good or bad depending on your culture and habits.Digestion of it is a human requirement.
So, here, the Remote Viewers were all over the place, and offer some good stuff. But it will need to be sorted (into “boxes”), parsed and put into context.
From DM
"This is very, very similar to my experiences. This is THE best video i have watched so far on the traps. This is legit. "
Very interesting. I am trying to process this video. I really don’t know what to think, but I will query the Domain Commander for some answers later on. -MM
Video Access
Psychic Project On The Matrix. The Unveiling Of The Soul-Loosh Harvesting System (
You-Tube version…
Crappy ass attempt, but a faster and easier video to watch than from Bitchute.
I have Patreon videos on this subject…
I am generating a series of videos where I chat with the Domain Commander about this remote viewing exercise.
They are very interesting, I’ll tell you what.
I am currently posting them on my Patreon.
But do not worry. You all will get to check them out in time.