A slow and easy slide into the new global reality…

A bunch of idiotic questions on Quora, and an equally large bunch of idiotic answers. Mostly Americans reinforcing ignorance with ignorance. It’s actually profoundly disturbing.

Anyways, in this article I am taking some of the better answers from the more thoughtful answers, (mostly Chinese) and placing them under the inept and amazingly moronic questions flooding my feed.

Have a good laugh and a fine stroll.

Let’s begin with this amazingly stupid question…

Is China the next United States ?

No. The United States is the World Police turning into a Bouncer for Hire. China’s aspiration is to be the Cook.

The United States was catapulted into Superpower during WWII, where its entire industrial base was turned into arms manufacturing. It could have disarmed after WWII, but one thing led to another, that was never done, and so here we are, with Mr. Trump selling protection and blackmailing other countries for protection money.

China is concerned about getting enough to “eat”, and she has figured out that the cook never starves, no matter who else might be starving. So she’s been going around cooking up iPhones, trains, pots and pans, and bridges for other people, and, well, making a tidy sum out of it, and feeding her own family with cents on the dollar (‘cause she makes the stuff herself, so no restaurant mark-up).

So what happened next, was that Mr. Obama calling China “a free rider for thirty years”, because she doesn’t do anything for “global security”.

But I think Mr. Obama failed to appreciate the fact that a cook can not look like a bouncer and going around cracking other people’s heads – who in the world will order dinner from a cook that looks like a bouncer?

Basically if you want to be the cook for the world, you have to be (or at least appear to be) AMIABLE to everybody!

China is friendly with both the US and Russia, both Iran and Saudi, both Israel and Palestine, all four different governments in Yemen, etc.

But if you are a bouncer, well, you’ve got to take sides (“Good vs. Evil”), show your muscle, and beat up somebody occasionally. And you need enemies, otherwise, how do you get customers coming to you looking for protection? Right? But if you are going to fight for the Saudis, the Iranians are probably not going to be buying iPhones and automobiles from you. C’est la vie.

So no, China is not the next United States, because a Cook doesn’t need any Enemies, only customers.

The Notorious B.I.G. – Mo Money Mo Problems (Official Music Video) [4K]

Have fun you all.


The Man from U.N.C.L.E. – Those Were The Days

Bottle Service

“This is what my babysitter used for a teething toy for me.”


This one still gives me nightmares.

When I was in college, I worked for the catering department as a bartender. So I would be there for everything from the college president’s dinners (where I was the only person who could mix the head of the board of trustees a proper martini) to debauched student parties.

I figured I was pretty good. I could handle anything, or so I thought.

One day the head of catering called me and asked if I could do a mid-afternoon shift. The college was hosting a local lawn bowling club. This would be a bunch of old folks who were having a drinks in the university club room after a round on the bowling field. It would just be me—no bar back—-because, well, old people. How much could a bunch of grannies and grandpas drink at 4 PM in the afternoon?

Turns out, quite a sh$t load.

So there I was on the day behind a big table with a demure white table cloth on it at 4 PM, with a bunch of beers and a few bottles of scotch, vodka and gin in the ice next to me. I had some limes and some lemons, soft drinks, a few mixers. I’m thinking this will be the biggest blow-off job of my life. I’ll mix a few G&Ts, chat with the old folks, snag a few tips, fill some water glasses, and be out of there by 6 PM.

I mean, these people were literally from the local rest home.

Things went wrong right away. First of all, they all ignored the food and the tables and came up to the bar. This was around a hundred old people. The usual requests started pouring in, but I was a little taken aback that they ALL wanted to drink, and they immediately started bitching to each other about the fact that “The damn college only put one kid at the bar? Where are the rest of them?”

They wanted things like shaken martinis…with olives or lemon zests. They wanted A LOT of Old Fashioneds. Do you know what an Old Fashioned is? You probably don’t because they drank them back in the days of Bing Crosby. Here is the recipe:

-1 sugar cube

  • 2 ounces ​bourbon (or rye whiskey)
  • Optional: orange slice
  • Optional: splash of club soda
  • Garnish: ​orange peel
  • Garnish: maraschino cherry

You need to muddle the damn cherry (mush it up over a strainer). And I had to make DOZENS of these, using RYE whisky. You’ve probably never had Rye , either. I had to run back to the supply store to find a case of the stuff. It’s basically Canadian whisky. Yeah. Canadian. Americans started drinking lots of it during the prohibition in the USA and I guess they never stopped.

I mean, I had to find SUGAR CUBES and melt them.

And so I’m shaking martinis, I’m muddling the cherries, I’m melting the sugar cubes, and I’m also pouring G&Ts and Scotch and Sodas and I think I made a few Tom Collinses and some Cape Codders and a few screwdrivers. These are mostly drinks your grandparents drank because I was serving A BUNCH OF GRANDPARENTS. I’m popping beers and I’m pouring wine and wine spritzers and CHAMPAGNE SPRITZERS and the whole time they are bitching that the service is too slow.

And then I did the heinous math.

If you take a hundred people under the age of 40 and get them playing croquet or lawn bowling or whatever from 2–4 in the afternoon, and bring them to a bar at 4 PM, you might get HALF of them actually drinking alcohol, and a QUARTER of them actually into the hard liquor. Hell, I like to drink but I rarely have an actual neat scotch before six. THESE PEOPLE WERE HEADING OFF TO BED AROUND THEN…4 PM WAS THEIR HAPPY HOUR.

AND ALL OF THESE OLD PEOPLE WERE DRINKING. There was no “designated drivers” because they had come in a bus and nobody was trying to be good for the boss or trying to lose weight or being PC or just drinking coffee or having an issue with substance abuse or whatever. That World War Two generation might have been the Greatest Generation but my god they were also the Drunkest Generation. These were all slamming them back and then GETTING BACK IN THE LINE FOR ANOTHER ROUND. Finally I was yelling at them, “Listen, you get one drink apiece, not two at a time. That means you, sir.” Or “No, I am NOT making you people a pitcher of martinis!” or “Give me back that bottle of gin, ma’am, I’m not allowed to let you bring it to the table” and then “Give it back and don’t pretend you can’t hear me, lady!”

The more fucked up they got, the more they complained and demanded more booze. Plus, they were lighting up cigarettes in the no smoking building. It was literally getting out of hand. After the first hour my boss appeared and it was basically a drunken riot. The lawn bowlers felt they had a right to an all-you-can-drink bar and the college was ripping them off by only putting me on duty, I was shouting at them to get in line and stop acting like jerks and to bloody grow up and the place was a mess of glasses because there was no way I could bus glasses as well. The place reeked of smoke. He had to clap his hands for attention and they basically all told him to go to hell, they wanted more booze, and this pretty tough guy wound up serving these people next to me for the next hour. We totally ran out of all the hard booze and there was much unhappiness about this from the lawn bowlers, who swore they would never use our facility again.

Thank God.

After they left the two of us cleaned up in total silence. It was like a shared trauma. He paid me double in cash because I didn’t get one tip and then we went back to the store room and each smoked a cigarette (I don’t smoke).

He gave me a case of beer and told me never to tell anyone about this. I think he was kind of crying.

EDIT- WOW. Over 100,000 page views and over 10,000 upvotes in just a few days? THANKS!

Also, Canada is awesome. I edited the piece to make sure people understand that Canadian whisky is great, we just didn’t have lots of it in our college kitchen in 1989 and when I was 19 I didn’t know much about it. Didn’t mean to say anything mean about Canadian whisky! Go Canada!

Also, thanks for all the education about Old Fashioneds but I’m still too triggered to drink them!


It’s laughable you even have to ask. I’ve been to China five times and it’s 100 times safer than the US. The cops often don’t even carry guns. You can walk around any city at 3am with your wallet glued to your forehead and nothing would happen to you. There really aren’t even that many scams for tourists compared to other countries, especially outside Beijing and Shanghai.

But this is why Americans are viewed as so insular and ignorant. Why did you even ask this? You just assume that China is some big bad evil communist country like the American media and society has brainwashed you into thinking?

True story: first time I went to China in 2010 I was literally blown away at how developed and advanced it is. It’s literally 30 years ahead of the US at least in terms of its infrastructure such as airports, bullet trains, subways, sidewalks, roads, etc. But my brainwashed mind had believed the American spin about China that it was some evil shithole. Oh and I also never found it was some police state. I could buy a beer at a store and drink it on the street and that was no problem, try that in America.

So anyway, if you have to ask if it’s safe to visit it probably means you should not even bother going because the real issue is your internalized American fear of the unknown.

Another — excuse me for the adjective I’m going to use — dumb question about China.

Why do people think that Chinese live in a tavern or something?

The Chinese are the people behind WeChat, one of the best applications in the world, and I’m not even exaggerating. It’s a combination of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and MORE into one app.

“Oh, so they just copy the applications that are actually banned in China”.

I also forgot to mention that you can buy almost anything through WeChat.

“Oh yeah, just like ApplePay?”

Yeah, except that when people got introduced with ApplePay, Chinese were enjoying that technology for YEARS already.

An absurd amount of things are done through phones in China, and they sure as hell don’t use Nokia to do so.

Oh and by the way, iPhone are produced in China 🙂

This post was Made in China.

Slow-Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup

The best meals are the ones that take little effort while still earning that homemade label, and this Slow-Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup is the perfect example. This easy-prep chicken tortilla soup recipe simmers for hours while you prep it in just 15 minutes. Come home to amazing flavors like green chiles, diced tomatoes, cumin, cilantro and tasty tortilla chips. Check out our step-by-step directions for how to make this tortilla soup in a slow cooker, and sit down to something delicious.

Slow-Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup


  • 1 carton (32 oz) Progresso™ chicken broth
  • 1 can (14.5 oz) Muir Glen™ organic fire roasted diced tomatoes, undrained
  • 1 can (11 oz) whole kernel corn, red and green peppers, drained
  • 1 can (10 oz) Old El Paso™ red enchilada sauce
  • 1 cup chopped onions
  • 1 can (4.5 oz) Old El Paso™ chopped green chiles
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 lb boneless skinless chicken breasts
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
  • 4 cups tortilla chips, coarsely crushed
  • 1/2 cup sour cream

Samsung once had a big domestic market share in China

Now its been wiped out by Chinese players who are developing products which are comparable, even superior in quality.

As Chinas market has grown, Samsung is forced to move to the only other market where it can hope to establish a nexus – India

More and More Companies will try to move here because they have NO CHOICE.

Chinese Products are taking over the Largest Market on Earth – China.

Even Tesla and Volvo will be wiped out by Cheaper yet Similar Quality Chinese Brands and will be forced to come to India

It wont help us in the long run because we dont have the market for so many products or the economy.

Yet our Media write of this as a Major Victory .

"A recent UN report states that China may have committed human rights violations in Xinjiang."

China may have?

Look, f*ckwad**, either China did, or did not. The word “may” does not constitute anything factual.

Did China commit human rights violations? Yes or no.

If yes, then show us the f*cking evidence. Hard evidence, not bullshit evidence.


It’s weird and it sucks. Take a look at this deli…


When my dad moved to the US 30+ years ago he opened up a convenience store in a rough neighborhood in NYC just like this one, in a building just like this one. But instead of renting the commercial space he took out a loan and bought the entire property which had a few apartments on the floor above.

Long story short, the neighborhood where he bought this building slowly became gentrified, and the value of the property skyrocketed. My dad spent about $200k on the property which is was recently valued at over $2.5 million. The same thing happened with our family home as well, my dad bought a nice New England style colonial like the one pictured below for $300k in the early 90’s. Last year a real estate agent told us if we sold it we could get $2 million…


What’s weird about the situation is that while on paper my folks are rich, and wealthier today than they have been at any point in their lives, they certainly doesn’t feel like they are. Although the prices of our properties have changed, our the properties themselves have not. The convenience store and the building is still as run down as it ever was, and our house hasn’t gotten any bigger either. Yet, each year the money gets tighter as the value goes up, so to do our property taxes, insurance, living expenses, and other bills. The reality we now face is that even though we’re ‘richer than ever,’ we’ll eventually be unable to live the way we’ve always been living.

Magnetic reversals

In Ngawha, on the North Island of New Zealand, an ancient tree has been discovered that contains a record of a reversal of the Earth’s magnetic field. The tree – an Agathis australis, also known as the Maori name kauri – was found during excavation work for the expansion of a geothermal power plant.


The tree was buried 9 meters deep and measures 2.4m in diameter and 30m in length. Carbon dating indicated that she lived for 1,500 years, between 41,000 and 42,500 years ago.

“There is none of this anywhere in the world. This Ngāwhā kauri is unique.”

The lifespan of the kauri tree covers a point in Earth’s history when the magnetic field nearly reversed. Magnetic north and south have shifted positions, but a complete reversal has not taken place. It was almost a reversal.

The Earth’s magnetic field is believed to be generated by the iron in the planet’s core. It produces electrical currents that extend into space as they move. The magnetic field is really like a barrier that protects the planet from the solar wind, which is a stream of particles from the Sun that could remove the Earth’s atmosphere, as happened on Mars. With the magnetic field, they are attracted to the poles.

When the magnetic field reverses, it weakens and the planet suffers more from the effect of the Sun’s radiation. Scientists have already linked extinction events to reversals of magnetic fields.

The rings of this kauri tree have a complete record of this near reversal, and this is the first time a tree that lived through the entire event has been found.

Scientists are now analyzing samples from the tree and are led by Chris Turney of the University of New South Wales, an expert in paleoclimatology and climate change for the past 40,000 years. The research is being funded by the Research Council of Australia.

Turney explained:

“The precious thing is that this huge lone tree grew for about 1700 years in a remarkable period in our planet’s history, when Earth’s magnetic field reversed 42,000 years ago, a period known as the Laschamp Excursion. We’re doing a detailed analysis of carbon-14 in the various rings of this tree.

In the last 83 million years, there have been 183 magnetic pole reversals.

This process takes about 7,000 years to complete. Monika Korte, scientific director of the Niemegk Geomagnetic Observatory at GFZ Potsdam, Germany, says:

“It is not a sudden movement, but a slow process, during which the strength of the field becomes weak, most likely the field becomes more complex and may show more than two poles for a while, and then it strengthens and aligns itself in the same direction. opposite direction.”

According to NASA, magnetic field reversals occur at random intervals, although over the last 20 million years it appears to have settled into a pattern, occurring once every 200,000 to 300,000 years.

The last total reversal took place about 780,000 years ago.

Recently, scientists announced that the magnetic north pole had moved unexpectedly.

Instead of constantly tracking from the Canadian Arctic towards Siberia, it sped up so much that researchers had to update the World Magnetic Model (WMM), which is a representation of Earth’s magnetic field. It is used extensively in navigation by the US Department of Defense, the UK Ministry of Defense, and many civilian systems – so knowing exactly where the north and south magnetic poles are is of utmost importance.

Are you thirsty?

Are you thirsty?

Butterscotch Bars



Cook butter and sugar over low heat until it bubbles; cool. Add eggs, 1 at a time; beat thoroughly after each egg is added. Add flavorings, then flour, salt, and soda, which have been added together, and coconut. Mix thoroughly. Bake in shallow greased 9×13 inch pan at 350 degrees F about 25 minutes. (This is heavy dough and should be spread evenly in pan.)

Robot Chicken – Trial of the Blockheads

Robot Chicken gave Gumby a new lease on life.

Robot Chicken | Delicious Gummy Bears | Adult Swim UK 🇬🇧

A rather dark humor.

Slow-Cooker Caribbean-Style Chicken Soup with Lime and Cilantro

Looking for a hearty slow-cooked dinner? Then check out this Caribbean-style soup featuring chicken, Progresso® black beans and chicken broth.

Slow-Cooker Caribbean-Style Chicken Soup with Lime and Cilantro



  • 3 bone-in chicken breasts, skinned
  • 3 bone-in chicken thighs, skinned
  • 1 tablespoon salt-free Caribbean rub
  • 4 teaspoons vegetable oil
  • 1 medium onion, chopped (1/2 cup)
  • 1 teaspoon finely chopped garlic
  • 1 carton (32 oz) Progresso™ chicken broth (4 cups)
  • 1 tablespoon adobo sauce (from can of chipotle chiles)
  • 1 can (15 oz) Progresso™ black beans, drained, rinsed
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk (not cream of coconut)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 3 tablespoons fresh lime juice

Serve-With, if desired

  • Hot cooked rice
  • Fresh cilantro leaves
  • Finely chopped radishes
  • Lime wedges

Are you thirsty?

Are you thirsty?


There are two ways to answer this question.


From a Western perspective, the answer is yes. The Chinese government imposes a society of mass surveillance on its population by forcing it to carry out a vacuum well framed in the rules enacted by the Chinese Communist Party.

For Westerners, this is something terrifying and inconceivable.

From the Chinese point of view, this closed system is perceived as a necessary evil. It is something that provides the stability necessary for China’s long-term economic development.

Over the past 40 years, the Chinese system has lifted 850 million Chinese out of poverty. This is unique in the history of mankind.

For all Chinese, the government is considered to be extremely successful. The majority of Chinese people love Xi Jinping. They accept the rules of the game, because China’s economic success reflects positively on their lives afterwards.

Besides, seeing China becoming the world’s leading power in the future brings them great pride.

As long as economic success is achieved in China, people will have no reason to question the Chinese government

. This is hard for Westerners to accept, but the Chinese do not want the democracy we love so much.

We must open our eyes and accept it.

  1. They won’t bow down to the West, never again after having suffered a century of humiliation in the hands of the imperialist West and Japan.
  2. They solve problems pragmatically, not ideologically, and they do it swiftly sans the politics.
  3. They prioritize collective welfare over individual liberties. This is where the Westerners fail to understand China because they’re individualists, not collectivists.
  4. They view human rights as a utilitarian and not a deontological concept. This is in line with the previous number.
  5. They further undermine the waning influence of the West in global affairs.
  6. They threaten America’s economic dominance.
  7. The Beijing Consensus provides a better alternative to the deeply flawed free-market model of the Washington Consensus.
  8. The Third World (Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and some parts of Asia) would rather work with China now than with the West.
  9. They won’t allow the SJW agenda to poison the minds of the Chinese people and make them purple-haired, easily-offended, man-hating bigots.
  10. Because the Western media tell you they are bad without giving you a fair and objective analysis of why China is China. Case in point: NYT.

I know for a fact that China isn’t perfect and I do find myself disagreeing with their policies from time to time. But in many cases, she’s indeed doing better than the West.

3 My Little Pony Moments | Robot Chicken | Adult Swim

The Great Cousins Photo of 1989

“We had a family photo of all the cousins (minus 2 who weren’t born yet) taken for my grandparents wedding anniversary.”


I think my first thought reading this question is: Just how paranoid are you to think China secretly want to invade and conquer US? But sarcasm aside, I guess it is a reasonable question, so I’ll give a reasonable answer:

No, China don’t secretly want to invade and conquer US. Not even the most enthusiastic nationalists and militarists are seriously thinking about that. What are we going to do with a piece of land thousands of miles away from us (even the land is as fertile as North America, full of natural resources)? There’s no reason to go to war with the US and China won’t benefit from it even if we win. In a scenario of open war with US, especially when both countries have nuclear weapons, the result is always really bad for everyone.

So what does China secretly want with US?

1, US, could you please… I mean… please just leave us alone? Really? I think China would be happy if US won’t come and yell at us about our human rights issue and demand Tibet independence.

2, US, if we ever take back Taiwan, please don’t get pissed with us. China and US are so connected economically we really don’t want any problems. Just keep buying our shoes and appliances.

3, US, could you loosen up your immigration policy against China? People can’t even get a travel visa without jumping through 10 thousands loops and hoops. We really want to just visit New York and clear out your high end stores (like we did in Paris). And good Chinese students really want to go study in US. And I really want to have my friends visit me from time to time.

“A dictatorship that can kill 100,000 Americans but feel nothing happens will never care about the lives of the people of the two countries. The low human rights advantage of the United States makes us tremble. The corruption and madness of the US military let us know that we are facing an irrational opponent. The risk of war far exceeds the fool’s imagination.”

Very, very scared.

Especially seeing the combat capabilities of the US military on the Iraqi battlefield.

We have been silently preparing for this for 30 years. We know that one day you will stare at us.

For this we are prepared to use the world as a battlefield.

  • China is the largest trading country in most countries in the world. But we still think that we can only rely on ourselves at the critical moment.
  • China is the world’s largest industrial manufacturing country. But we still think that the military industry may suffer a huge blow in the crazy first round of attacks from the United States. For this, we have established a large number of spare factories in the mountainous areas.
  • We clearly understand that the sudden outbreak of modern warfare does not have enough time for us to mobilize for war. For this we prepare our own underground Great Wall and all-weather combat readiness system.
  • We know that our navy is so fragile, so we are actively developing land-based anti-ship missiles in order to block your entry in the Western Pacific.
  • We firmly believe that we will no longer be as lucky as the Korean War, and the Soviet Union has disappeared. You will definitely use tactical nuclear weapons to destroy the PLA without hesitation. So we have prepared nuclear weapons that are also miniaturized.
  • We firmly believe that no war is not terrifying, and all foreigners may be agents. Similarly, all Asian Americans may be terrorists with nuclear bombs. As the weaker side in the brutal war, we rely on 1.4 billion people for war, people’s war!
  • We firmly believe that you will use full-scale nuclear warfare as an option. Similarly, we must ensure Dongfeng 41 missiles can break through your local anti-missile system and strike all your cities with more than 100,000 people.
  • We are still developing submarine-launched ballistic missiles. JL-2 cannot hit the United States from the South China Sea. We need JL-3. H-6 performance is insufficient, we need H-20. We are still living under your shadow.

In the Second World War, the Chinese persevered under the Japanese invasion for 14 years, and finally won the victory. We sacrificed 11.4 million soldiers. 24 million civilians were killed.

In high-intensity modern wars, we believe that full-scale wars will continue for at least one year, with casualties likely to reach 500 million people within a year.

Therefore, we must establish a corps structure that can fight independently, and all combat units are their own commanders.

The form of war is rapidly changing, economic warfare, psychological warfare, and cyber warfare. We are still the weak side, and we have enough reasons to fear. This fear dominates us all the time.

A dictatorship that can kill 100,000 Americans but feel nothing happens will never care about the lives of the people of the two countries. The low human rights advantage of the United States makes us tremble. The corruption and madness of the US military let us know that we are facing an irrational opponent. The risk of war far exceeds the fool’s imagination.

I can’t help but ask:

When that day really comes, are we ready?



This is the reason for fear, and American people can’t tell right from wrong.

Democracy is not about letting people die in pursuit of profit. The understanding of democracy by Westerners has already been distorted. I don’t know when the concept of democracy became the private property of Westerners.

“Most American people when they travel abroad seem to make no attempt to get to know the locals, instead they travel in their own isolated groups. Is this an indication of the American preference for isolation from the rest of the world? Being scared of the China makes no sense to me, but indicates paranoia due to a lack of consciousness of how the world and democracy works.”

This gave rise to another kind of thinking. All the accusations were not because we did something wrong, but because of deep hatred towards us. The Chinese should work hard as your slaves, not travel and shop around the world. Even if the accusations of democracy are stopped, there will be accusations of human rights. You just need a reason to point your fingers.



As you can see, it is human rights accusation. It may be late, but it will never be absent.

Believing in fake news or pretending to believe is your right, but I really believe that white immigrants in the United States carried out a genocide plan against Indians.

  • In the name of equality for all, trade in slaves.
  • In the name of anti-terrorism, bomb Afghan weddings.
  • In the name of democracy and freedom, seize the wealth of Iraqis.
  • In the name of the free market, let children die from hunger.
  • America has only one name in God’s eyes: Judas.


What scares us most is that you actually want to hate us in the name of democracy and human rights.

If we fail, their rule will be even more brutal.

The definition of democracy and human rights will be further narrowed. Just as the Soviet Union failed, the Western system became the only meaning of democracy. The United States became the liberator of Auschwitz. The world’s largest racist country has become a model of human rights.

Are we qualified to be treated as normal and equal human beings, not as demons?

We can’t breathe.


Like many people, I once thought it was a misunderstanding. It’s time to abandon the fantasy. In fact, there is more hatred than misunderstanding.

Do so many economic and trade links deepen misunderstandings? Why do the western world misunderstand us more and more?

Conflicts of interest and racial superiority cannot be resolved by peaceful protests.

Abandon fantasy and prepare for struggle.



I think before blaming China you should shoot the intelligence officials who let China steal classified information again and again. Lest they treason again. If the FBI and the CIA are all shot to death, someone will be innocent, but if only half of them are shot, there must be an omission.

Remember, before credibly accusing China, please kill an intelligence officer first.

If we fail, the story you tell will become history.

Let me tell you something you don’t know.

In October 1931, US President Hoover gave a public speech in support of Japan’s invasion of the three northeastern provinces of China.

In 1936, the Japanese Army proposed a hugely costly “six-year combat preparation plan” (1937-1942) to deal with future wars against the Soviet Union and China. The United States believed that the plan was aimed at the Soviet Union, so it used various methods such as granting Japanese loans, exporting technology, and supplying strategic materials to provide support for the Japanese Army’s expansion and preparation for war. Among them, the American Ford Company provides Japan’s modern metallurgical technology, the Rockefeller Consortium helps Japan establish a new electrical industry, and the Mellon Consortium helps Japan’s aircraft manufacturing industry to further modernize. In fact, because the large-scale Soviet-Japanese war imagined by the Americans did not break out, the material and financial assistance provided by the United States to Japan eventually turned into guns and ammunition that killed Chinese soldiers and civilians.

According to US government statistics, 54.4% of the strategic materials imported by Japan in 1937 came from the US. 92.9% of copper, 91.2% of automobiles and 60.5% of oil, 59.7% of scrap steel, 48.5% of various machinery and engines, and 41.6% of cast iron are imported from the United States.

The famous writer and educator Tao Xingzhi delivered a speech when he was leaving the United States: “I will return to China to participate in the war of resistance. If one day I was killed by a Japanese bomb, please don’t forget that 54.4% of my body was bombed by your Americans!”


Stimson, who has stepped down as the US Secretary of State, wrote in the “New York Times” that the US government only needs to prohibit the United States from supplying materials to Japan, and the Chinese can easily defeat Japanese aggression. 31 U.S. congressmen jointly pointed out: “We say that Japan has two allies, Germany and Italy. In fact, we are Japan’s best allies. Anyone will undoubtedly believe that we are actively participating in Japan’s war in China. “On May 4, 1938, at a rally of five thousand people in Los Angeles, US Congressman Scott said: “Please note that when Japan is currently killing 1 million people in China, 544,000 was killed by American capital, as an accomplice.”

Facing the pressure of public opinion, the US government had to make some official articles. On July 1, 1938, when China was about to enter the second year of the full-scale war of resistance, the US State Department notified the American Aircraft Corporation that the US government did not agree to sell aircraft and aircraft parts to countries that were carrying out indiscriminate bombing. This is the famous “moral embargo”.

What is surprising is that in 1938, when the “moral embargo” was implemented, the aircraft sold by the United States to Japan was worth 17.454 million U.S. dollars, which was 702.7% of the 1937 figure. The strangeness is self-evident. After collecting U.S. official data, U.S. economist Hu Dunyuan found that Japan’s acquisition of various strategic materials from the U.S. accounted for the proportion of its total imports from 54.4% in 1937 to 56% in 1938. This is the true attitude of the US government towards China’s war of resistance.


Chinese will never forget your friendship between The Americans and the Japanese. As you said, we give you the Korean War and the Vietnam War. Let us forget the lies about friendship. Let us remember the truth of history.

The war entered into 1938. The huge consumption on the Chinese battlefield forced Japan to implement the “first munitions mobilization in the China Incident,” but the production and supplies of munitions still could not meet the needs of the Sino-Japanese war.

The satisfaction rate of weapons is 70%, ammunition 60%, aircraft 66%, tanks 27%, light armored vehicles 43%, gas masks 97%, sanitary equipment 90%, veterinary equipment 87%, and marine equipment 80%. From April 1, 1938 to March 31, 1939, Japan was forced to implement the second military mobilization plan, which comprehensively reduced the supply of materials for all industries unrelated to military supplies, and required the citizens to implement “conservation, rationing, recycling” war.

Ten major measures such as a simple life, stipulate that 32 kinds of materials such as steel, milled iron, gold, silver, copper, lead, etc., shall be subject to strengthened use restrictions. Even the coach rifles used in Japanese middle schools were taken back and used by the Japanese army. Under such circumstances, if the United States cuts off the supply of strategic materials to Japan, by the end of 1938, the full-scale war of aggression against China launched by Japan will not be able to continue due to exhaustion of resources.

Japan suffered a huge defeat on the Chinese battlefield. Forcing Japan to turn to resource-rich Southeast Asia to support its material needs. Let me be straight, the US-Japan “alliance” relationship has been challenged. But the United States chose to earn the last coin.


According to statistics, in 1939, military supplies exported from the United States to Japan amounted to US$186.9 million, accounting for approximately 86% of the total US exports to Japan that year. Among them, the U.S. exports of scrap iron and steel to Japan that year were 9 times more than in 1938. In 1940, US military supplies exported to Japan amounted to 190 million U.S. dollars, accounting for approximately 84% of all US exports to Japan. From 1937 to 1940, the total value of materials exported from the United States to Japan was US$986.7 million, of which military materials accounted for US$703.9 million.

What irony, as potential allies, China and the United States import and export commodities mainly for civilian use. As potential hostile countries, the imports and exports of the United States and Japan are mainly military materials.

On September 23, 1940, the Japanese troops stationed in northern French Indochina, their strategic intention to abandon the northward attack on the Soviet Union and turn to resource-rich Southeast Asia was already very obvious. When its own interests were seriously threatened, President Roosevelt ordered on September 26 that year to control the delivery of scrap steel to Japan, but did not mention the issue of oil supply. At this time, the United States still had the illusion that Japan changed its course and went north to attack the Soviet Union. Therefore, it has always “opened the net” on the oil issue that is vital to Japan.


Japanese aircraft rely heavily on petroleum products supplied by the United States.

In order to conceal the fact of supplying oil to Japan from the public so that the U.S. government is less criticized by public opinion, the U.S. Department of Commerce, in accordance with the requirements of the State Department, replaced “aircraft fuel” with the term “high-quality fuel for engines” in trade documents. In the first quarter of 1941, the US aviation gasoline sold to Japan was 131% higher than in the same period in 1940.

Until July 22, 1941, when Japanese troops began to occupy the southern part of French Indochina, the United States announced on July 25 that it would freeze all Japanese assets in the United States and imposed a comprehensive embargo on oil and scrap steel. But it was too late. Because in the first seven months of 1941, the pig iron, steel plate, and scrap metal exports from the United States to Japan increased by more than three times in currency terms compared to 1940.

Therefore, when the Japanese combined fleet attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, most of the aviation fuel that supported Japanese aircraft flying over Pearl Harbor was provided by the United States. Most of the materials needed to build airplanes and bombs also come from the United States. The United States called this day “the darkest day”, and President Roosevelt called it “National Humiliation Day.” But looking at what the United States has done since 1931, it can be said that this is the disgrace of the American policy of appeasement and the result of the greedy American capitalism. Blame it on its own, not worthy of sympathy.


China bankrupted the Japan-U.S. strategic alliance through persistent resistance, making the United States compelled to join the anti-Japanese militarism camp in order to defend its strategic interests.

The Second World War is not a funny story about American heroes saving the world. You didn’t have this ability in the past. By now, you have lost even the ability to solve your own domestic problems.

Of course, the United States will never lack super-powered office officials who claim to be able to sink the Chinese fleet in a short time, trade officials who promote the US’s quick victory theory, and a president who cannot fulfill his campaign promises.

By the way, the great achievements of the U.S. military. Never in human history has an army achieved so many achievements:

  • Harassing pedestrians in South Korea.
  • Caused a major accident in Italy.
  • Gang rape of women in Japan.
  • Bombing children in Iraq.
  • Burning grain fields in Syria.
  • Agent Orange is used in Vietnam.
  • Contest to kill civilians in Afghanistan.
  • Armed police shot civilians wantonly in America.

Be proud.

When the U.S. military is constrained by China, guess who is their next target for robbery?

Maybe it’s Iran, maybe it’s Venezuela, maybe it’s Belarus.

But I think it is you Americans who are most likely to be robbed by the higher US military expenditures.

Wish you guys good luck.

Just a small point. They’re not.

You can see from the map that Vietnam has by far the most islands in the disputed area, some not even that close to Vietnam. Philippines has the next most, followed by Malaysia with China coming a distant last.

The narrative put forward by the US is that China is taking over SCS. Vietnam is about the only country in the area backing this fake news up, but their island claims are in a different league so we can assume they’re only doing it out of hate of China.


China is claiming some islands to make a forward defensive post. They still remember the naval invasions, opium, century of humiliation etc and want to protect that border.

Waldo’s Last Stand (1940) OUR GANG


Are you hungry?


When was the last time China took over or invaded another country.

Now ask yourself the same question, but insert USA instead of China!

Nazi propaganda 101, accuse others of that which you are guilty!

The USA is currently a country at war with itself.

No one wants to get involved, because the only consistent export out of the USA is hypocrisy, the latest being a new set of tarrifs on countries not doing enough against global warming, lol the hypocrisy is appalling, it literally describes the USA, the world capital of climate deniers.

I swear that the USA believes that the rest of the world are stupid, it’s actually delusional in a national scale!

Mental illness and conspiracies are the USA’s enemy, not China.

Fleetwood Mac – The Chain (Official Music Video)

Enjoy this trip though the dusty past…


This is a fact that the West is unwilling to accept, simply because China’s system is different from the West. include:

1.Big government

CCP has 90 million people, plus 200 million people in its family. This means that every Chinese person has a close relationship with the government. Attempting to separate the Chinese government from the Chinese people is a very naive idea.

2. have power

The Chinese government controls all areas of China’s economy, education, military and justice. Banking, transportation, energy, heavy industry and other important industries are state-owned enterprises. There is little resistance from the government, but this does not mean that the Chinese government is dictatorship. They are true political groups, and the US government is a tool for capitalists without any independence.

3. People’s support

Chinese satisfaction with the government is much higher than in other countries. Every year, one million people take government exams to get jobs. Every year, 100 million people travel abroad and eventually return to China. Trying to prove that the Chinese are not free is just the job of Western media.

4. peace

Everyone who advocates the Chinese threat theory forgets that China’s last war was 40 years ago. China has the most peaceful government among the major countries.

5. Results

For political purposes, Chinese opponents will make the Chinese government notorious. But none of this can stop China’s progress. The Chinese government has made greater progress with these allegations.

Where the fuck are you getting this nonsense from???

China’s policy has not failed, far from it. It has worked spectacularly…

Total Cases


Total Deaths


Just yesterday, USA had 50,486 new infections, Japan had 134,743 new infections, Germany had 35,995 new infections, Taiwan had 35,064 new infections, France had 19,866 new infections.

China? 280.

Just yesterday, USA had 313 new deaths, Japan had 265 new deaths, Germany had 119 new deaths, Brazil had 99 new deaths, Italy had 89 new deaths.

China? A Big Fat Zero.

(Data from Worldometer at the time of writing.)

China vastly outperformed all major economies.

My dad was a farmer all of his life. One day, when he was about 50, he had a dental appointment. He came home, showered, and drove about 15 miles into town. He then entered the office and signed in. He was kept waiting for over an hour.

He didn’t say much when he was finally taken in, but he did write a letter to the dentist. In it he explained the importance of keeping to a schedule where farmers are concerned, since watering equipment needed to be moved and turned on at specific times throughout the day.

He also enclosed an explanation of what his time was worth. What REALLY caught their attention was a bill for the time he had been kept waiting!

What I found interesting was that the letter had been saved all those years and placed in his chart. Oh! The fee was credited to his account … and he was never kept waiting again!

The office manager was most impressed. She commented that sometimes people needed to be reminded that they are not the only ones whose time is valuable.

When it comes to cooking, the most simple test is usually the best one. When I was taking culinary classes, our final exam was to cook 2 things:

Perfectly poached egg


Soft-boiled egg


We had to do it without a timer on hand. It was all done through intuition. It may seem so simple but trust me, it’s not. It took me two tries to get the perfect soft-boiled egg (first one I took out too late). The egg continues to cook even after you’ve taken it out of the pot. We weren’t given a bowl of ice water.

We were only given 3 eggs each so thankfully, my poached egg came out nicely.

It was simple, cheap and tests the chef’s skill under pressure.

Tears For Fears – Everybody Wants To Rule The World (Live) 2022

Let’s end this post on a great note. This is from this year.