No question that things are starting to get mighty warm, remember that hot comes next

Busy today. Trying to sort things out.

I hope that you are all having a nice late Summer. Enjoy some fine food, watch a good movie or two and spend some time with friends and family. Here’s today’s installment.

Good Grief! Why are you citing sources like BBC and Uyghur Human Rights Project??? They’re both well-known China haters. You can’t believe anything they publish.

There is no major Muslim country that opposes China’s treatment of the Uyghurs. None. Nada. Zilch.

In fact, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), consisting of 57 member states and representing 1.8 billion people, have praised China’s actions in Xinjiang. You can’t get better endorsement than that!

Day in the Life of a Kitchen, A (ca. 1960s)

Oh my! So dated. It’s so strange…

Are Asians Smart?

I can only speak for myself, but honestly, I don’t think I’m very smart.

I mean, if I were really smart, I guess I’d be working at NASA or some such agency by now. Or cracking codes … for fun, ala Russell Crowe’s John Nash in A Beautiful Mind or Benedict Cumberbatch’s Alan Turing in The Imitation Game.

And there are always a bazillion non-Asians out there who will constantly harp on how Asians are only good at taking exams in school and that Asian people are not creative at all and have very low critical thinking skills. They simply LOVE to pull that one out whenever someone even dares to mention that Asians are smart. The number of people who believe those canards are legion.

In my experience, both in real life and in Quora, Asians aren’t the ones who go around sharing their individual IQ scores with all and sundry like hormonal teenage boys showing off their genital measurements in the locker room.

I think most Asians put more focus on having a strong work ethic and a vast reservoir of grit and patience rather than on flaunting their intelligence/IQ score.

But those are just my observations.

After all, the meme below didn’t just spring out of nowhere.


What Americans Think


Denis Rader was a serial killer

Denis Rader

But he lived a very normal life on the outside. He had a family, who he spent quality time with.

Secretly, he had all the makings of a killer, with one of the hallmark early signs: torturing animals as a kid.

His first murders happened in 1974, when he strangled an entire family of 4, one by one. He then took souvenires with him on the way out, which would be the signatures of his killing.

Over the coming years, he went on to murder 6 more people, most of whom were women, some elderly, strangling all of them.

Against the backdrop of this, he was a boy scout troop leader and living his normal life with his family, being an attentive husband, mowing his lawn.

And yet, continued leaving hints about his murders, and taunting police who couldn’t find him. But eventually, of course, they did catch him. (One of his letters eventually was traced to his address, his arrogance getting the best of him).

Without getting too graphic, but worth noting—at the crime scenes—homicide investigators sometimes found semen samples. All of his murders had been driven by a sexual fantasy to “bind, torture, kill”, which he acted on.

But strangely, they never found that the bodies of the women had been violated. The sex act had taken part separately.


Because Denis Rader said, he didn’t want to ”Cheat on his wife.”

Which is a strange purity test to give yourself while basking in such an inferno of morality.

Regardless of that, his wife and him are now divorced.

The judge even waived the usual 60-day waiting period. I guess he understood the wife’s sense of urgency.

Rader is now serving 10 consecutive life sentences. Though he probably deserves worse.

How To Make Fish in Parchment By Rachael

I love this “paper fish” in China. The spices just saturate the fish.

Tears for Fears – Shout (Live at Roskilde Festival 2019)

Blunt Warnings from Russia Foreign Minister and Federation Council: Nuclear War Coming

Ukraine’s sponsors have been given TWO tough ultimatums; One from Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, the other from Russian Council Member Dmitry Medvedev . . .

"The one-time success at the front [Last week] is only beautifully shown in the press. The death toll along the entire line of clashes has exceeded ten thousand {Ukrainians], the wounded fill all hospitals, there is a shortage of ambulances. The [Russian] Allied forces put the Nazis in one fight by the hundreds. And then the political situation deteriorated. There were rumors in Ukraine that it was Russia who "retreated" to make a camouflage maneuver before something grandiose.

While the "patriots" were waiting for a respite, Russia hit the power facilities. Earlier, Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhny reported to Zelensky about the formation of a large naval group of the Russian Navy in the Black Sea, including amphibious assault ships.

The West fears that the failure of the grain scam is to blame. 

First, Putin pointed out at the WEF that Russia and poor countries were deceived in the grain deal. Then Erdogan admitted it. The UN Secretary General also had to admit this, although an attempt was made to wriggle out. In the USA, they said that everything was fine, but soon their experts still recognized the lack of proper effect from the increase in grain on the market.

Ukraine and more of its sponsors, apparently, have been given a tough ultimatum: either grain goes to Africa, and Russia opens an international food market, or the Russian Navy again blocks Ukrainian ports, but this time with the landing of [Russian] troops with the destruction of the entire port infrastructure. In parallel, the entire Ukrainian infrastructure will "lie down". How this will approximately happen has already been shown. It could be said that it was a hint about the consequences if Russia's interests were ignored."

                -- Sergey Lavrov

While Foreign Minister Lavrov focused on the Grain Scam, where out of 87 Cargo vessels filled with Ukrainian grain, only TWO vessels went to “needy” countries — the rest went to Europe –  below is a much more blunt warning from former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

As you will read, Medvedev is openly warning NATO that if they continue pouring weapons into Ukraine to kill Russians, then the borders of NATO countries will “disappear” and the Russian Army will commence operations!

Here is Medvedev’s statement:

The Kiev camarilla gave birth to the project of "security guarantees", which in fact are a prologue to the Third World War. Of course, no one will give any "guarantees" to the Ukrainian Nazis. After all, this is almost the same as applying Article 5 of the North Atlantic Pact (Washington Treaty) to Ukraine. For NATO, it's the same, only side view. That's why it's scary.

Our sworn friends – Western bosses of various calibres, to whom this hysterical appeal is addressed – must finally understand one simple thing. It directly concerns the hybrid war between NATO and Russia. If these idiots continue the unrestrained pumping of the Kiev regime with the most dangerous types of weapons, then sooner or later the military campaign will move to another level. Visible borders and potential predictability of the actions of the parties to the conflict will disappear from it. It will follow its own military scenario, involving new participants in it. It has always been so. (Emphasis added by HTRS) 

And then Western countries will not be able to sit in their clean houses and apartments, laughing at how they are carefully weakening Russia with someone else's hands. Everything will catch fire around them. Their people will grab grief in full. They will literally have the earth burning and concrete melting. We'll get a lot of it, too. It will be very, very bad for everyone. After all, it is said: "From these three plagues, from fire, smoke and brimstone coming out of their mouths, a third part of the people died" (Rev 9:18).

But while the narrow-minded politicians and their dim-witted think tanks, thoughtfully twirling a glass of wine in their hands, talk about how they can deal with us without entering into a direct war. Dull idiots with a classical education.

     -- Dmitry Medvedev



Medvedev makes no secret of his NUCLEAR threat.

When he wrote “Everything will catch fire around them” and  “They will literally have the earth burning and concrete melting.” he is clearly and unambiguously referring to exactly what takes place upon a NUCLEAR explosion.

We in the West are being warned, yet again, that the actions WE are undertaking, will result in US getting hit by Russian nuclear weapons! 

How much more forthright can the Russians be?

They are telling us what will happen.  They have warned us over, and over, and over again, since their Special Military Operations began in February, yet our Public Servants in government seem to laugh it all off as some sort of “posturing.”

In my assessment, it is not posturing – at all.

It seems to me the public servants of government here in the USA and over in Europe aren’t going to believe they are causing us all the possibility of nuclear annihilation, until an actual nuclear bomb flies through their window and blows their asses to Kingdom Come!

By continuing to supply ever more lethal weaponry to Ukraine, the public servants in government both here in the USA and over in Europe are going to get a lot of us killed.  They should stop what they’re doing and let Ukraine fall.

Yeah, and I came this close — > < — to getting busted.

I was working graveyard at a convenience store. It wasn’t the shittiest job I’ve worked at, but it wasn’t far from the shittiest either.

In California, liquor sales stop at 2 am. There aren’t many customers after that so the graveyard guy had to stock the cold cases and sweep and mop the store.

I had just finished mopping, around 5 am, when a car pulled up in front of the store and two old guys climbed out.

They were both dressed like they were going fishing. One of them went to the cold case with pre-made sandwiches, the other walked to the other side of the store and grabbed a case of Olympia Beer. They brought their selections to the register.

When I saw the case of beer I said, “Come on now guys, it’s 5 am, I can’t sell you that beer.”

The taller of the two played dumb and asked, “Why the hell not?”

I explained that it was against state law.

The tall guy’s buddy said, “Oh come on, man. Who is going to know? We’re going fishing up in the Delta. There’s not going to be anywhere to buy beer where we’re going.”

“Yeah,” the tall one continued, “can’t you just help us out here?”

These guys reminded me of my dad. Some of my most vivid childhood memories are of fishing trips with my dad. Those fishing trips always started at 5 am. And my dad always brought plenty of beer for him and his buddies.

I was just about to say OK and sell them the beer when the short guy again asked, “Who is going to know? Who even cares?”

“The ABC cares,” I replied, referring to the California Department of Alcohol and Beverage Control.

“Who the hell are the ABC?” he shot back.

“They’re a bunch of assholes that have nothing better to do than bust people for selling alcohol after hours,” I answered without hesitation.

Both guys erupted in howls of laughter. I was bewildered.

Finally, the tall one reached in his back pocket and pulled out his badge.

They were an undercover team from the ABC.

I was a little embarassed I had just called them assholes to their faces. But all I could think about was how incredibly close I was to selling them the beer.

We talked for a while. They congratulated me on being a good employee and following the law.

They had no idea how close they were to an arrest.

But I knew.

This — > < — close!


Military expert: “Under Balakleya we missed a blow, but we need to get up, dust ourselves off and move on”

Translated from Russian

Military expert: “Under Balakleya we missed a blow, but we need to get up, dust ourselves off and move on”

Can the breakthrough of Ukrainian troops in the Izyum direction be called a failure? Where are these hyped regional volunteer battalions and how do they show themselves? And will the Russian economy cope with industry?

Valentin ALFIMOV

We talked about this on Radio KP with an expert of the Center for Military-Political Journalism, the author of the Telegram channel Colonelcassad Boris Rozhin.


- Boris Alexandrovich, Ukrainian breakthrough in the Kharkiv region. Why did Ukraine suddenly go on the offensive so brazenly? Have you sharply accumulated strength or have nothing to lose and are running out of time?

- Preparations for this counter-offensive have been going on for quite a long time. Soldiers were trained by NATO countries, parts were re-equipped by NATO countries. It was generally developed and supervised at all stages by NATO countries. By the way, you are talking in vain only about the Kharkiv region.

- Wasn't the offensive near Kherson a diversionary maneuver?

- No, it's not a distraction attack. The enemy had a specific goal - to break through our defense line and reach the Dnieper. Only the attack on Kherson did not work out for them. They choked on blood, suffered very heavy losses. Even according to American underestimated data, the loss ratio was one to five in our favor. They also tried in Kharkov, but it didn't work there either. But under Balakleya it turned out. They broke through the front and brought in the accumulated reserves. And that is why ours had to regroup. Withdraw troops to the line of the Oskol River and now deal with the stabilization of the front.

Was this attack expected?

- To some extent. The West urged Ukraine on to do something. They need visible results from their deliveries, military aid, training. They got it and now they will try to continue further.

- How long will it last?

- The next couple of months - for sure.

- Why customize? To be in time before winter?

Europe is in a hurry because winter is coming. They want some kind of results. The Biden administration is in a hurry because there will be midterm elections in November, and local forecasts say they could lose control of Congress. Therefore, they urgently need some military-political successes. Therefore, Zelensky, regardless of any losses, costs, will try to drive forward.

We talked with the expert of the Center for Military-Political Journalism, the author of the Telegram channel Colonelcassad Boris Rozhin


- Ukrainians trained a whole corps over the summer - according to various figures, from 20 to 40 thousand people. Part was prepared in Poland, part in Germany. Did they go on the attack?

- There were brigades well known from Donbass - 92nd, 93rd, 25th. Naturally, they were replenished, including trained people, foreign mercenaries, and a reserve. But it is impossible to say that new brigades suddenly appeared from somewhere, which had never been there.

- That is, these 40,000 NATO-trained soldiers will appear somewhere else?

- In Ukraine, on the one hand, they are gaining a lot of cannon fodder for mobilization, on the other hand, they are trying to train some and make those units that can be used for offensive operation.

- The role of mercenaries is high or they do not make the weather?

- Definitely high. Against the backdrop of some kind of territorial defense, mercenaries can strengthen some areas. In addition to the fact that these are just soldiers with weapons, there are also specialists - drone operators, snipers, specialists in electronic warfare, cyber warfare. They can seriously strengthen in one direction or another. We saw this on the Balakleysko-Izyum sector of the front as well. It is important to understand that in addition to ordinary mercenaries, there are also active officers of various NATO countries who mimic mercenaries. This applies to the British SAS, Polish special forces, special forces from the Baltics.


- Can the breakthrough of the Ukrainians to Balakleya and our subsequent regrouping with the withdrawal of troops be called a failure?

- The idea of ​​​​the enemy was to go to Oskol with a swift blow from different sides and surround our entire Izyum grouping. Under these conditions, the command acted in the only possible and correct way - it began to pull troops from the Izyum ledge and withdraw them. Yes, with losses, but the main group was able to retreat. The main idea of ​​the enemy, which was precisely in the environment, they could not realize.

- So this can be called a failure?

- This is something in the spirit of how it was in Syria - the loss of Palmyra. First we took it, then the militants recaptured it, then we took it again. In Syria, we also not only walked from victory to victory. This must be taken stoically, like a man. Yes, we missed a beat, got up, dusted ourselves off, moved on.

- And why did it happen? We don't have enough people, we don't have enough weapons?

We have a lot of weapons. Even the enemy talks about it all the time. From the people's point of view... Obviously, if you are fighting in the volunteer army mode, and the enemy is conducting a total mobilization, it is clear that he has superiority. And this makes it difficult to achieve the goals of the special operation. Therefore, there are constant discussions in society - “Is it necessary to carry out mobilization?”. At least limited, partial. To saturate the front with people.


- The Kremlin said that there was no talk of mobilization. But the State Duma was proposed to allow fathers with many children to sign up for the mobilization reserve. Is this the start of a mobilization?

- Not necessary. Various measures are constantly taken. Here are at least the same BARS (special army reserve battalions - ed.), which are recruited in the regions. This is like a measure, like a replacement for mobilization.

- Where are they? Are they already involved? Did they show themselves?

- The same Krasny Lyman held one of these BARS, and the men showed themselves perfectly. When the enemy thought to take Liman with a swoop, they stood there and held their sector. This suggests that with proper equipment, with solid leadership, they can very well become (and have already become, I think) a good addition to regular troops. There are also detachments of volunteers who train on the territory of the Chechen Republic - in the same Gudermes, in a training camp. Volunteers arrive, they are equipped there, they conduct classes, and then they are sent to the special operation zone.

- It is clear that volunteers will not achieve the same pace as during mobilization.


- Let's talk about the future? What to expect in the near future?

- The enemy, after success near Izyum and Balakleya, will try to force our army out of the eastern part of Kupyansk, will try to break through to the north of Kupyansk and will try to push in the direction of Krasny Liman, Svyatogorsk. Some attacks are possible on the Nikolaev, Zaporozhye or Donetsk directions. That is, they will try to make another breakthrough with operational goals. The task of our command is to identify this attempt and stop it in a timely manner. And as the front stabilizes, it is necessary to carry out work to replenish units, increase the size of the existing grouping.

- And our command will reveal this "one more attempt"?

- Yes, the enemy does not hide the desire to attack. So it is a very responsible task and intelligence. On the other side, they are also on the alert - constant misinformation, spreading rumors: "We will advance there, no, right there." I think we understand this.

- Will ours go on the attack? People don't understand why everything stopped.

- What is the official goal of the second stage of the special operation? Liberation of the territories of the DPR. The offensive is going on in the area of ​​Soledar and Artemovsk. Now there will be fighting for Zaitsevo, in the industrial zone of Artemovsk, street fighting continues in Soledar. Gradually and slowly there is progress, and quickly they do not promise anything.


- The authorities of Zaporozhye are sounding the alarm - Ukraine is gathering a very large group under their belly. Do they still have enough strength?

- They pulled a lot to the Balakleya region. Now they can hastily transfer part of the forces along internal routes for reinforcement either to the Zaporozhye or Donetsk direction. Such a train of thought is quite conceivable.

- The head of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Danilov, said that they will not calm down until Russia exists in its current form. Is it about the very “decolonization” that the West dreams of?

- This is the usual barking of puppets. It is important to understand that the people who unleashed the war in Ukraine have not changed their goals since the time of Obama. Their task is to eliminate Russia as a subject of international politics. In fact, back in 2014, we were equated with ISIS and the Ebola virus. And our enemies, of course, are not these Nazis who played in the cargo cult of the Third Reich, but those who sponsor them. They stood in Syria behind the backs of ISIS and Al-Qaeda, here - behind the backs of the Ukrainian Nazis.


Will our economy survive? Is there a margin of safety?

- In the West, there was clearly a hope that it would collapse in February-March due to serious sanctions, people would take to the streets, this would lead to a military-political collapse in the spring. But we see now that the problem of the Central Bank now is not a dollar for two hundred, but how to raise the dollar at least to seventy, because they went too far with stabilization. Economically, yes, the country is doing quite well. It is clear that there will be a decline this year, and there will be next, but not so big. If we have relied on a long confrontation, naturally, the tasks, in addition to actions at the front, are to play our economic cards. And at the moment they are played quite successfully, in my opinion.

- Will the industry cope? "Caliber" riveted?

- We were told that the "Caliber" will end in March, but, as we know, they still fly successfully today. It is clear that everything is not so simple

- it takes time to collect them, stocks are spent. But the pace at defense plants has increased, they work in three shifts. There may be interruptions with imported components. But for most issues, these issues are solvable. Yes, there may be plugs where we screwed up our production. Now we have to deal with the creation of enterprises from scratch. But we can do nothing.


- And our partners can help us with something? Belarusians, CSTO, China.

- Certain help is being provided. It's just that it is not advertised in order to avoid additional economic consequences. It is important to understand that they all consider their own economic interests. Much remains behind the scenes.

- Is it some kind of technical assistance, intelligence or something else?

- Technical assistance, assistance in some issues that are important for the actions of the Russian Federation. For example, Belarus does not hide the fact that it provided great assistance in the logistics or treatment of our military on its territory.

- Can we see some Chinese division "Kun Lun" near Kharkov?

- I do not think that the Chinese will directly participate in the special operation. They have their own war on the nose, they are preparing for other things.
Read on KP.RU

My mom had me at 13 because she was raped by her dad and she lived in an area where abortion was greatly discouraged. Lived with her grandma and my grandma. She tried her best to raise me but she was just too young to do anything significant.

I remember with great remorse that she always worked 2 jobs to try and support me.

My mom was a saint, she treated me like the most precious thing of her life. I was very good academically compared to my peers , though I didn’t realize how much it made my mom happy that time. This was during my high school. I wanted to make my momma happy that’s all I cared for that time. She used to watch me study late nights till 2 in the morning though I had school on 9 am.

She told me “ Promise me that you will stay strong. You wake up every morning to fight the demons that left you so tired the night before, and that my love, is bravery “

Though I didn’t understand what was her thoughts that time, I told her not to worry about anything and go to sleep.

She was never abusive or strict towards me, she would often spoil me rotten, she loved me a lot and I loved her. My grandma died when I was pretty young and eventually we were on our own and it put a lot of stress on my mom. She was depressed and tired. Nothing had gone right in her life. She had no education or pension. She wasn’t able to find husband because her situation was really undesirable and she worked 6 days a week and just didn’t have time or energy to socialize. She didn’t have any friends and I was all she ever had but she never took it out on me.

Always she would find a way to make me happy. I remember one Christmas in particular she bought me a laptop and to do that she had to work overtime and skip meals half time. She was dangerously skinny that time.

After I graduated college and moved out, She killed herself. She said in her suicide note that she loved me more than anything and she would miss me but now I was a man of my own life

Tears rolled down my face. I was devastated.

She couldn’t live anymore. She didn’t have a reason to live anymore because she hated her life but she loved me.

Rest in peace, mom.

Every 3rd soldier in the Kharkiv offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is a citizen of a NATO country

The offensive operation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (and NATO) in the Kharkiv region was planned by the US military command. About 200 units of heavy military equipment and up to 9,000 soldiers were involved in last week’s offensive.

Reportedly, forensic examination of the dead bodies from the Offensive reveal that one in three soldiers operating under the Ukrainian chevron was a citizen of a NATO member state.

These forces were 4-5 times superior to the units of the DPR, LPR and Russia that were defending their positions in the region.

The main goal of the Ukrainian offensive was a flank attack, encirclement and subsequent destruction of the Russian grouping in the area of ​​Balakleya, Kupyansk and Izyum.

The Russian command predicted the offensive of large forces of Ukraine and NATO in this direction. It was aware that it would be extremely difficult to contain Ukraine’s offensive with the forces that Russia had there. It was also virtually impossible to move sufficient reinforcements in time without weakening other areas on other front lines. Having assessed the risks, the Russian military decided to leave the weakly fortified positions and withdraw troops to new lines and straighten the lines of communication.

Before the start of the Ukrainian offensive, civilians were evacuated from the threatened settlements, who agreed to move to the territory of the Russian Federation.

From September 6 to September 11, Russian units retreated in an organized manner under the cover of specially organized units. Using mobile defense tactics, the Russian military destroyed the plan of Kyiv and NATO to encircle the Russian group.

At the same time, obvious mistakes were made by the Russian military. The area in front of the forward positions was not mined. Units on the front lines de facto comprised no more than 30 percent of the enumerated military personnel. The soldiers were not properly provided with anti-tank weapons. There were also front-line reconnaissance failures. As a result, the artillery cover of the withdrawal was ineffective in the first days of the Ukrainian offensive.

Russian troops were withdrawn to new positions along the eastern bank of the Oskol River with minimal losses. Meanwhile, both sides confirm that Ukrainian and NATO units have suffered significant losses in manpower.

It is expected that, within days, the official assessment of the Russian Ministry of Defense will be publicly acknowledged that the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine has definitively escalated into a state of war between Russia and NATO, with unpredictable results for all parties to the conflict.

This assessment is important because the Ukrainian/NATO side is the first, so far at an unofficial level, to engage in NATO’s direct war against Russia, while Russia  continues to operate with the term “special military operation”, continuing to use limited forces and means.

Given the new reality that this is, in fact, an actual war between NATO and Russia, military analysts in the Russian Army have suggested it will be expedient to limit and complicate the provision and supply of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the utmost. They have told their Russian bosses that all routes for the supply of weapons and material and technical means, bridges, railways and highways, places of concentration of troops and military equipment must be destroyed.

Key to the Russian military analysis is the assessment that the railway network of Ukraine must be completely de-electrified without the possibility of restoration.

It is widely understood within the Russian Ministry of Defense that no more offensive attempt by NATO forces should come as an unpleasant surprise to the Russian army. COVER INTEL reports that Mobile reserves of both ground forces and artillery, as well as aviation, must be created by Russia to instantly respond to emerging threats.

COVERT INTEL also reveals that the number of Russian troops should become consistent with the new threats that have emerged.

Steely Dan – Do it again (with lyrics) Restored video

Memory lane time.

When I was a teenager I waited tables at a pizza restaurant. One day, my sister came in with her friends. Her goal was clearly just to pick on me, knowing that I would have to serve her as the waitress.

My sister and I had never really gotten along. We were always fighting about one thing or another. Plus, it was a very small town and she was only one year older than me, so we had had to deal with each other all the time.

So, she came into the restaurant one slow afternoon with her group of friends and they all proceed to make my afternoon miserable. They kept insisting on changing tables. They kept insisting that I re-wipe down their table and then complain that it was now wet and that they needed to change tables again. They all wanted new silverware. They wanted extra silverware.

They wanted more paper place mats to color (we had the place mats with activities on the back for children). They wanted more crayons. They wanted un-used crayons. They wanted pens.

They all wanted drinks in child-sized sippy cups (which had unlimited refills) and then they all wanted re-fills every 2 minutes, because they were teenagers and could finish the cups in one gulp. They all wanted extra lids, which they played with and chewed on. They all wanted extra straws, which they then flicked at me.

Every time I turned my back, they flicked wadded up napkins or straw wrappers at me. They would try to sneak up behind me and untie my apron and laugh. They would purposely try to trip me while I was carrying their food or drinks.

My manager was beyond annoyed, and tried to talk to them about their behavior, but my sister kept insisting that the service was terrible and they wanted to complain about their waitress. My manager told me she would have given the table to a different waitress (she knew it was my sister), but I was the only one, since we were always so slow in the afternoons.

Finally they finished their food and I offered to box up the last slice of pizza remaining. I took the pan with the single slice, took it back to the kitchen and took an enormous bite out of it, before I boxed it up.

Before they finally left, my sister realized what I had done and went to complain to my manager. My sister took the box to my manager, Leslie, and I was sure I was going to get in trouble. However, Leslie looked at the the slice and immediately said “I’m sorry, I don’t see any bite mark.” My sister pointed to the huge chunk missing from the slice. “No, I’m sorry,” said Leslie, “I don’t see anything. Are you sure it was bitten, I simply can’t see anything there.”

My sister spent the next five minutes yelling at my manager and trying to get her to see the patently obvious bite in the slice of pizza before finally giving up and storming out. I never did get into trouble for it, not from my manager, nor from my parents, who my sister also complained to. They all seemed to think that she had gotten what she deserved.

Scientists claim Covid virus contains tiny chunk of DNA that ‘matches sequence patented by Moderna THREE YEARS before pandemic began’

  • Genetic match discovered in Covid’s unique furin cleavage site on spike protein
  • Matched genetic sequence patented by Moderna for cancer research purposes
  • Researchers say one in 3trillion chance Covid developed the code naturally
  • Critics of the study are sceptical of its author’s conclusions, suggesting that the sequence match is not as rare as has been claimed

Fresh suspicion that Covid may have been tinkered with in a lab emerged today after scientists found genetic material owned by Moderna in the virus’s spike protein.

They identified a tiny snippet of code that is identical to part of a gene patented by the vaccine maker three years before the pandemic.

It was discovered in SARS-CoV-2’s unique furin cleavage site, the part that makes it so good at infecting people and separates it from other coronaviruses.

The structure has been one of the focal points of debate about the virus’s origin, with some scientists claiming it could not have been acquired naturally.

The international team of researchers suggest the virus may have mutated to have a furin cleavage site during experiments on human cells in a lab.

They claim there is a one-in-three-trillion chance Moderna’s sequence randomly appeared through natural evolution.


In the latest study, published in Frontiers in Virology, researchers compared Covid’s makeup to millions of sequenced proteins on an online database.

The virus is made up of 30,000 letters of genetic code that carry the information it needs to spread, known as nucleotides.


There are no Uyghur human rights violations. This is a fabrication of Western governments and Western mainstream media.

The question you should be asking is why Western governments and Western media are lying about China.

The fact is Western governments are afraid of losing their global hegemony to China’s rise. So they must do everything they can to “contain” China, including smearing China’s reputation and turning world opinion against China.

There is not a single shred of credible evidence to support the accusation of Uyghur human rights violations. There is, however, a great deal of fabricated evidence. The West are very, very good at propaganda.

Guns N’ Roses – Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door (Live At Wembley Stadium 1992) – HD Remastered



Wednesday morning, the country of Armenia invoked Article 4 of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CTSO) which calls for all member countries to come to the military defense of Armenia as neighboring Azerbaijan commences military attacks against Armenia.  The world now has a SECOND war front, after the ongoing Ukraine front.

If one of the Member States suffers aggression (armed attack menacing to safety, stability, territorial integrity and sovereignty), it will be considered by the Member States as aggression (armed attack menacing to safety, stability, territorial integrity and sovereignty) against all the Member States of this Treaty.   Article 4 of the CTSO is akin to Article 5 of the NATO Treaty.

In case of aggression commission (armed attack menacing to safety, stability, territorial integrity and sovereignty) to any of the Member States, all the other Member States at request of this Member State shall immediately provide the latter with the necessary help, including military, as well as provide support by the means at their disposal in accordance with the right to collective defense pursuant to article 51 of the UN Charter.

The Member States shall immediately inform the United Nations Security Council on the measures taken on the basis of this article. When implementing these measures, the Member States shall adhere to the relevant provisions of the UN Charter.

(the article is as amended by the Protocol on amendments to the Collective Security Treaty of May 15, 1992, signed on December 10, 2010)

Azerbaijan commenced artillery shelling and mortar fire into Armenia about 48 hours ago.  Several hundred Armenian troops and Border Security force are already dead.

Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan stated the Armenian side has 105 killed in action with hundred more injured including civilians.


Adding to the troubles, the country of Georgia is holding an actual public referendum on whether or not Georgia should re-open its war with Russia!

The leadership of Georgia can organize a nationwide referendum and ask the question: do the Georgians want a war with Russia.

Giorgi Kobakhidze, chairman of the party, made such a statement at a briefing in the office of the ruling Georgian Dream party.

“Let the people say whether they want to open a second front in Georgia against Russia,” Mr. Kobakhidze emphasized.

He promised that the authorities “will act as the people say.”

(HT NOTE:  At the time they spoke about this, the situation in Armenia did not yet exist, so Georgia was speaking as if THEIR country would become a “second” front.   Now, with the situation in Armenia, if the people of Georgia vote to open a new war with Russia, that will be a THIRD war front!)

The politician expressed hope that the Georgian people “will bring clarity, whether he agrees with the statements of Ukrainian politicians about the need to involve Georgia in the war or with the position of the authorities of his country.”

This is how Irakli Kobakhidze responded to the statement of Fyodor Venislavsky, representative of the President of Ukraine in the Parliament, who advised Georgia “to take concrete steps to liberate Abkhazia and South Ossetia.”

Earlier, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksiy Danilov, as well as advisers to the Office of the President of Ukraine Mykhailo Podolyak and Oleksiy Arestovich, publicly addressed Tbilisi with similar advice.

“They all directly said that the opening of the second front in Georgia is highly desirable,” the head of the Georgian Dream recalled at the same briefing.

Hal Turner Analysis and Editorial Opinion

All of this is the underhanded work of the collective West: in particular, the European Union and the United States/NATO.   Turkey backs Azerbaijan. So does Israel.  Turkey is a NATO member.  Israel being a welfare client of the United States, has to do what the US tells it or they lose their $3 Billion+ a year in free U.S. money and their little country, that can’t even sustain itself, fails.  So The trouble with Azerbaijan and Armenia is a direct result of Turkey and Israel doing what NATO and the USA instruct them to do.

Through Turkey and Israel, Azerbaijan got told to re-commence war attacks against Armenia BECAUSE Russia backs Armenia.  The US and EU  __want__ to bog Russia down in multiple wars.  As such, what is now taking place is all deliberate.  It is all the deliberate exacerbation of old grievances, into war.

Step by step, the US and EU are deliberately inciting, fomenting, and facilitating what will very soon become World War 3.

I have a suggestion: Maybe some of the people who are doing these things, should become victims of their own war?   They know who they are . . .  and so do we.  Maybe it could be like Seth Rich; they become a mugging victim that no one investigates?

Gavin Orlowski of Grand Rapids, Michigan, was crossing a bridge with his mother, Erin Brown, when he heard her gasp in horror. Someone in a van ahead of them had just tossed a gray tiger cat out the window. Before they could identify the van, it took off and disappeared into traffic.


As Gavin jumped out of the car, the terrified cat began to scamper around between other cars. By the time Gavin managed to divert traffic, the cat was hanging off the overpass. He was able to grab him and get him back into the car before he was hit.


The frightened cat was so traumatized that he huddled in Gavin’s coat, refusing to leave his side. His claws had been torn off and he had hurt his back in the fall from the van. Gavin and his mother decided to take him to Blue Pearl Animal Hospital.


A friend on Facebook offered to cover the vet bill. Fortunately, the cat was otherwise unhurt and in good health. He quickly recovered.

5-min Quick & Easy Stir Fry Shrimp w/ Ginger & Spring Onion 速炒姜葱虾 Chinese Stir Fry Prawn Recipe

Most of Asia is On the Side of China and Not the U.S. in Growing Conflict


After the megaphones of the West have already called for all-out economic war against Russia, the battle cry against China is now being heard, regardless of the consequences for the “common people.” The reaction of the Asian countries, however, is likely to disappoint the vociferous, self-righteous screaming sharks.

Article HERE

AC/DC – Highway to Hell (Live At River Plate, December 2009)

US-proposed Taiwan bill strongly opposed

This is the Chinese "broadcast" to the United States in regards to the Taiwan 2022 bill. -MM
China Daily
Chen Zhuo
2022-09-15 08:34:50

Draft would provide the island with $4.5 billion in security assistance

A Chinese mainland spokeswoman on Wednesday strongly opposed a possible Taiwan-related bill by the United States that aims to bolster the island’s “defense “capabilities against the mainland, saying that any attempt of “6 independence” will never succeed.

The US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations is set to review a draft of the Taiwan Policy Act of 2022 on Wednesday, which was described by its sponsors as “the most comprehensive restructuring of US policy toward Taiwan “since the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979.

The bipartisan bill sponsored by US senators Bob Menendez and Lindsey Graham would provide Taiwan with about $4.5 billion in security assistance over the next four years and recognize the island as a “major non-NATO ally”.

The legislation would also allow Taiwan to rename its office in the US from the “Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office” to the “Taiwan Representative Office”.

Zhu Fenglian, the spokeswoman for the State Council’s Taiwan Affairs Office, said at a news conference in Beijing that the Taiwan question is purely China’s internal affair, which brooks no outside interference.

The drafting of the Taiwan-related bill by the US lawmakers seriously violates [1] basic norms governing international relations, [2] the one-China principle and [3] the three China-US joint communiques, she said. “We firmly oppose it.”

The ruling Democratic Progressive Party authorities in Taiwan have used every means to persuade some US senators to draft the bill for its attempt of realizing “Taiwan independence”, which will never succeed, she said.

Chiu Yi, a Taiwan-based cross-Straits expert, said in a post on his Facebook page, that once passed, the US would openly destroy its one-China policy, and relations between the US and Taiwan would be made official.

If that happened, the mainland would not sit idle and let the US manipulate “one China, one Taiwan” to undermine the status quo across the Taiwan Straits, he wrote.

Separately, Zhu denounced Chiu Tai-san, head of Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council, who claimed last week that the island doesn’t accept any arrangement to resolve the Taiwan question and urged easing the current situation in the Straits.

The remarks came after the People’s Liberation Army conducted military drills around Taiwan in response to a visit by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi earlier in August, despite strong opposition from the mainland.

Zhu said Chiu made the remarks to hide the fact that it was the DPP administration who relied on the US to seek “independence” that caused tensions across the Straits.

Only by returning to the common political foundation of the 1992 Consensus that embodies the one-China principle can cross-Straits relations improve, and can peace and stability across the Straits be effectively guaranteed, she said.

No matter how the cross-Straits situation changes, the consensus that marked its 30th anniversary this year remains the anchor for cross-Straits relations.

I highlighted the key points.
[1] This document violates all three Chinese RED LINES.[2] It destroys the USA adherence to the One-China policy.[3] China will not sit by idle and do nothing.


年年有餘( 清蒸沙巴仔) Steamed Grouper Fish #賀年菜 #ChineseLunarNewYear #簡易宴客菜 (有字幕 With Subtitles)

Russia strikes Reservoir Dam; Sends water Surging downstream

The Russian army launched a missile attack on Kryvyi Rih, the hometown of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. There were two attacks, the local administration did not announce in which parts of the city the defeats took place.

Military observers tweeted that Tu-95MS strategic (and nuclear) bombers attacked dams and reservoirs in Ukraine with Kh-101 missiles, which have a range of 5,500 km and carry 500 kg of explosive warheads. The deputy head of the presidential administration in Kyiv, Kiril Tymoshenko, announced that a total of 8 rockets were fired at Kryvyi Rih.

Some missiles hit below the waterline of the dam across the Ingulets river.  The impact severely damaged the dam and the water level in the Ingulets river is now surging – severely as seen in the video below:



Electricity and fresh water is now cut-off in Kryvyi Rih.

This is now the second large demonstration of what Russia is capable of doing to Ukrainian infrastructure; the first being missile strikes against electrical stations a few days ago.

Unlike the electric grid, which was re-routed, there’s no way to make a quick fix to this dam.  

Crowded House – Don’t Dream It’s Over (Glastonbury 2022)

Al-Omar Oil Field in Syria Just Blown Up; U.S. Theft of Oil from there, halted

The Oil field at Al-Omar Syria has been blown up and is presently on fire.

This is one of the oil fields from which the United States has been stealing Syrian oil.

It is not yet clear what caused the series of explosions, but initial AND UNVERIFIED reports say it was Russian Air Force missiles.

Both Syria and Russia have repeatedly warned the US they are not authorized to be inside Syria and should leave.  In addition, both Syria and Russia have told the US, Israel, and Turkey, the theft of Syrian oil must halt.

The US, Israel, and Turkey have ignored those warnings.

Now, the oil field from which they have been stealing, is blown up.

Violence In California Reaches “Epidemic” Levels As Our Society Rapidly Deteriorates All Around Us


I can’t understand why anyone would still want to live in California.  Yes, there are lots of high paying jobs and the weather is very nice, but crime is completely and utterly out of control.  As you will see below, a new report that has just been issued is warning that violence in the state has now reached “epidemic” levels.  The police are doing what they can to try to contain the violence, but at this point they are vastly outnumbered by the predators.  Sadly, this is the end result of literally decades of cultural rot, and what is happening in California is going to happen to the rest of the nation if we do not take urgent action to turn things around.

Originally, I was going to write about something else today.  Tens of thousands of rail and port workers are threatening to go on strike, and this could definitely cause some substantial economic disruptions…

America is bracing for chaos as tens of thousands of railway, port, and hospital workers look set to strike over the winter – plunging the country into further disruption.

As many as 60,000 railway workers, 15,000 nurses, and 22,000 West Coast port workers are plotting mass walkouts as they seek better working conditions.

Several US freight railroads said they were preparing for widespread strike and service interruptions Friday, a deadline set by two holdout labor groups in protracted talks with railroad carriers about better benefits.

But even though these strikes could cause severe short-term problems, they will eventually be resolved.

So in the greater scheme of things, they really aren’t a major concern.

On the other hand, our cultural decay is a massive ongoing crisis that isn’t going to go away.

As I mentioned earlier, a brand new report that was just released is warning that violence in the state of California has risen to “epidemic” levels

The Golden State is losing its luster. A troubling new report labels physical and sexual violence in pandemic-era California a statewide “epidemic.” To put it simply, violence is on an alarming rise.

According to the new annual report from the California Study on Violence Experiences across the Lifespan (CalVEX), violence statistics have seen a significant increase since COVID-19 emerged. The report, conducted by scientists at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine, reports more than one in six Californians (18%) experienced either physical or sexual violence in just the past year.

If you live in one of the biggest cities in California, this isn’t news to you.

Once upon a time, the state was a place of great beauty and great tranquility, but now it has been transformed into a crime-infested hellhole.

I was particularly alarmed by the numbers on sexual violence in this new report

While more than 1.5 million adults in California admit to committing acts of sexual violence in the past year, men were more than two times as likely as women to report that they perpetrated sexual violence and intimate partner violence.

Women also showed greater mental health impacts and life disruptions due to violent experiences, with 82 percent of women reporting anxiety or depression as a result of physically aggressive, coercive or forced sexual behavior.

Of course much of this violence is being fueled by illegal mind-altering drugs.

Some of these drugs are so immensely powerful that they literally put people into catatonic states for an extended period of time…


I will never understand why people would willingly do that to themselves.

Today, we are facing the biggest drug crisis that we have ever seen in American history, and addicts will often do whatever it takes to get another fix.

Sadly, this is one of the factors that is contributing to skyrocketing rates of shoplifting all over the nation

We are all painfully aware of the huge rise in shoplifting and even violent robberies of stores. We watch the videos of thugs brazenly raiding stores, and read about the organized crime rings that have sprung up to profit from the trend. Shoplifting has become a big, if criminal business. Chances are that if you use eBay to purchase a wide range of products at reduced prices you have unwittingly purchased stolen goods. No good way for eBay to stop the practice.

One homeless man that originally came from Alabama recently admitted that he regularly shoplifts in order to fund his heroin use…


There have been homeless addicts in the streets of San Francisco for years, but now we have reached a point where they are seemingly everywhere.

The following is what one reporter witnessed during a recent journey through the city…

I saw complete hopelessness in the eyes of haunted souls dragging themselves down the street looking for their next fix.

I saw men and women of all ages hunched over on the sidewalks with open wounds all over their bodies.

I saw the filthy tent cities stinking with human excrement and strewn with needles and pipes.

I saw children staring in horror at people dying right in front of them.

At one time, such activity was limited to the bad portions of the city.

But now addicts that have been drugged out of their minds are pulling down their pants and crapping in the streets right in front of some of the most expensive real estate in San Francisco.

This has made the wealthy people really angry, and Mayor Breed says that she is finally going to “get serious” about this crisis.

Of course “getting serious” doesn’t mean arresting a bunch of people and throwing them into prison.

That just wouldn’t be very “progressive”.

Instead, authorities in San Francisco are getting ready to launch a “soft-touch” program that will seek to “interrupt” drug trafficking…

City supervisors released a resolution for a vague ‘soft-touch’ initiative called ‘San Francisco Recovers.’

And here’s the catch, and it’s a doozy: the plan is being touted as, ‘a way that nobody’s going to jail but we’re doing an effective job of interrupting the drug market and drug scenes.’

Is this a sick joke?

Yes, it certainly sounds like a sick joke to me.

Good luck with all that.

If major cities such as San Francisco actually want to have a chance of turning things around, they need to send the police out to round up all the drug dealers.

Unfortunately, police forces in many of our biggest cities are rapidly getting smaller.

In fact, a whopping 122 officers have left the Seattle Police Department in 2022 alone…

The liberal city of Seattle is losing police officers amid a major spike in crime, 770 KTTH reported.

“We’re screwed,” former King County Sheriff John Urqhart said, according to 770 KTTH.

In total, 122 officers have left the Seattle Police Department in 2022, including six that left in August, 770 KTTH reported, citing a police source. Since the city council voted to defund the police department in 2020, nearly 500 police officers have left the force.

I wouldn’t want to be a police officer in a major west coast city at this point either.

They are underpaid, the politicians treat them with tremendous disdain, and they are often hindered by absolutely ridiculous regulations which keep them from doing their jobs effectively.

We like to think that we are so “advanced”, but the truth is that if you compare video footage from major cities on the west coast from decades ago to video footage from today there is absolutely no comparison.

Our society is melting down right in front of our eyes, and if we stay on the path that we are currently on there is no future for our country.

But the politicians insist that people like me have it all wrong.

They continue to tell us that things are better than ever and that a glorious future for our nation is dead ahead.

You can believe that if you want, but the truth of what is really happening to our society is on display for the whole world to see.

America is dying, and we are quickly running out of time to turn things around.


Angel is a Bengali cat who travels around the world with her family. Due to the fact that two animals died during a flight – one because of the cold and the other because his cage was hit by other luggage – Angel has started a campaign for all animals to travel in the cabin.

The slogan is: “we are not luggage, we are living beings”.

Due to her large number of followers, this 15-pound cat hopes to make a change. For now, a good way to help her is to spread her campaign and her slogan …WE ARE NOT LUGGAGE, WE ARE LIVING BEINGS!




Food, cats, Geopolitics, videos, fun and the death of the United States. Did I forget anything?

Food yes. China, certainly. This time; cats, maybe not so much. But the death of the United States? Ah. The stench is everywhere.

Oh, yes. And DETROIT style pizza. Yum!

I have lived in a number of older homes over the decades. There are so many features that used to be common, that I miss. Both in the Northern and Southern US.

Pocket Doors. These were popular at one point and they were super useful. They were doors that would slide into the wall and disappear. They have sort of made a comeback, but they aren’t as common as they once were and they are so nice. No hinges/door clearance to worry about. Easy enough to be left cracked without fear of slamming shut in a breeze.


Louvered windows and doors. In the south, on older homes, these are common. Not so much in other areas or some modern construction. These allow you to have open windows and yet if it rains, makes it less likely that the rain will come in if you forget to close them before a rain shower/storm. Plus, on doors, if you have pets, it helps keep the pet from busting out the screen and escaping, and reduces the need for a screen/storm door.


Cast iron hot water radiators. These were always amazeballs. You could adjust the heat per room, you could put a bowl of water on them to humidify a room, you could put your winter gear by them to warm before going out in the cold/dry out after being outside, use as a towel warmer in the bathroom. If you got/had the cap for them you could also use them to keep your coffee/tea warm by setting the cup on top.

When they worked, they worked really well. The problem is that the water in the radiators was never filtered, and the heat caused a buildup of sludge inside the pipes. This, in turn, resulted in all sorts of problems. 

Today, you can use automotive radiator fluid to prevent that build up. And the heat distribution would be much improved. -MM

Clawfoot/deep bathtubs. I love a good bubble bath, or a long hot soak after a physically active day. Modern bathtubs are kind of a joke, I have to choose which body part gets to be submerged, since modern ones are too shallow and short to actually soak in. The old-fashioned claw foots would allow you to actually soak, and you could soak sore legs and back at the same time, if you were under 6 ft tall you could also stretch out a bit.

The 1960s - 1970s "modern" tubs are designed for appearance. And not for use. No wonder that everyone started to shower back then. 

Now the McMansion's are equipped with whirlpools and spa's that never get used. -MM

Direct to the outdoors kitchen exhaust fan. I loved one place I lived that had this over the stove. These bad boys sent cooking fumes, smoke, heat, directly outside. No filters to change, no fancy gadgets with it etc. Just turn on and bye-bye odors, heat, smoke, etc. Those modern hood exhaust fans are like the wimpy, half-assed distant cousin to these.

Actually, the current exhaust fans are under-powered if they lead to a duct. And  if you use a duct, you MUST make it short and as straight as possible. I once lived in a house where the building contractor just had the duct ending inside a dry wall with no venting to the outside at all. -MM

The first home computers were REALLY basic.

My first computer was a Tandy TRS-80 Model 1, bought in 1978.


Please admire the sophisticated cardboard box monitor stand and the huge cassette data storage archive. The calculator was needed because the computer was rubbish at actually calculating things. And hey – I still have that mug 43 years later. The little orange box to the left of the cassette deck was an audio splitter so the deck’s output went to the computer and to headphones. This will be explained shortly in a dramatic twist related to data storage. Oooh. You’re so excited now.

  1. It had 4K RAM. Yes, 4,096 bytes, not megabytes. Which helps explain why programmers used 2-digit years dates and led to the Millennium Bug of 2000. Wasting 2 bytes of RAM to add “19” to a year was an extravagant waste of precious memory. I wrote myself a text editor (in Z80 machine code), but it consumed about a half of my RAM, so my text documents could only be REALLY small.
  2. The screen display was 25 x 80 characters. All UPPERCASE (because having lowercase was another extravagant luxury). And it was monochrome, naturally.
  3. Hard disk drive? ROFL. Easier to buy a unicorn. Floppy disk drive? I would’ve had to sell a house to buy a FDD back then. We had cassettes to store our data and programs on. Like real men. If you wanted to store more than one file on a cassette, you had to fast-forward and listen for where one hiss ended and the next began. All cassettes were adorned with hand-written sticky labels listing the tape-counter values of each of the programs stored on the tape.
  4. The operating system was in ROM and could never be updated. And the OS was Microsoft BASIC.
  5. It goes without saying that it didn’t do multitasking. It was barely able to singletask.
  6. It didn’t have a fancy battery-backed real-time clock. Every time it was turned on, I had to enter the date and time manually. So, nearly every document had the same 1 January date (because I couldn’t be bothered setting the clock every day).
  7. Commercial programs were as rare as hen’s teeth, and of course there was no internet. If you wanted a program, you wrote it yourself (and couldn’t share it, even if you could find another citizen in your state who had any computer at all).

Those were the days.

Yvonne Elliman – If I Can’t Have You

Time machine…

There are three basic reasons:

  1. China’s government is laser-focussed on infrastructure development; it’s a top priority. For the Canadian and US governments, it’s not.
  2. China’s government, by virtue of its authority, can clear away all hurdles that get in the way of infrastructure construction. The Canadian and US governments cannot.
  3. The Chinese companies that do the infrastructure construction have innovated the engineering necessary to get the job done efficiently. They’ve had many decades of experience.

These are all in addition to the fact that the Chinese are highly disciplined, hardworking, and intelligent. It’s a cultural thing.

Europe’s ‘patronising’ efforts to counter Russia and China in Africa falling flat

Western nations may have come up with various initiatives to counter growing Chinese and Russian influence in Africa, but African leaders have been “disappointed” by the way they go about it.

Europe’s ‘patronising’ efforts to counter Russia and China in Africa falling flat

EU leaders’ ‘lack of effort’ at winning over their African counterparts have left a ‘bitter taste’, according to Senegal’s President Macky Sall
Europe has pledged hundreds of billions of dollars under the Global Gateway Initiative, designed to counter China’s Belt and Road Initiative

Monday, 12 September 2022, 12:00:PM
Western nations may have come up with various initiatives to counter growing Chinese and Russian influence in Africa, but African leaders have been “disappointed” by the way they go about it.

This was evident at the African Adaptation Summit in Rotterdam last week when European leaders failed to turn up for a meeting to fundraise for Africa’s climate adaptation projects.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, the only European leader to attend in person, said: “I would have loved to have more of my European colleagues here.”Six African heads of state were present, including the current African Union chairman and Senegal’s President Macky Sall, as well as leaders from Ghana, Gabon, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Ethiopia.

Sall said: “I cannot help but note, with some bitterness, the absence of leaders from the industrial world. I think if we made the effort to leave Africa to come to Rotterdam, it would be easier for the Europeans and others to be here.
“This leaves a bad taste in our mouths. I am a bit disappointed, to be honest.”

In another incident, at the EU-Africa Summit in Brussels in February, around 40 African leaders were invited by the European Union, but at one point only the Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Croo was reportedly present from the other side.

“It was a very bad form on the part of the Europeans. They could have coordinated to have substantive representation throughout the event,” W. Gyude Moore, a former minister of public works in Liberia, said. “Could you imagine where Africans hosted 40 European leaders at an event in Accra and then left them in the room with the president of Ghana?”During that event, the EU announced that it would mobilise a financing package worth around US$150 billion for projects on the continent. The amount is half of what the bloc has allocated for the Global Gateway Initiative, which is touted as an alternative to China’s Belt and Road Initiative.
As part of the EU-Africa Summit, some deals were signed in Senegal, but progress has been overshadowed by the events in Ukraine and Covid-19. “There is a long history of unfulfilled commitments, so this might just be par for the course,” Moore said.Observers say the EU is nervous about the fact that it is losing influence in Africa with the growing presence of China, Russia, Türkiye and other global players. But the EU is internally divided and not able to live up to its ambitions to become a stronger global player, according to Geert Laporte, the director of European Think Tanks Group.
Laporte said the new “scramble for Africa” among global players was already going on. “With the war in Ukraine, interests in Africa have grown and the Africans have skilfully managed not to take positions so as to avoid becoming again drawn into a new cold war,” Laporte said.He said several African leaders and their populations had lost trust in Europe with “Europe patronising, overpromising and underdelivering”.
“To turn the tide, the EU is copying China and other global players with big funding promises (Global Gateway) mainly in visible infrastructure type of initiatives. But with the war at home it is not obvious that the EU will be able to keep its promises,” Laporte noted.The continent has recently witnessed a procession of high-profile visitors from France, the United States and Russia, but observers said America and Europe were known to make promises that they did not deliver.Adams Bodomo, a professor of African studies at the University of Vienna, said, “the US and EU have never hidden the fact that they want to counter China”.
Each of their master plans about Africa was always constructed as an alternative to the belt and road, Bodomo argued, but the EU and EU were more talk than action. “China plans and builds but the US plans and bombs,” he added.Bodomo said Russia’s inroads into Africa were designed to show that it was a viable alternative to Western powers in Africa, and to leverage its good relations with the continent with an eye on votes at the United Nations.
In August, when US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited South Africa, Naledi Pandor, South Africa’s minister for international relations and cooperation, said it was “patronising” for some European countries to force countries to condemn Russia.
“And one thing I definitely dislike is being told ‘either you choose this or else’. When a minister speaks to me like that … I definitely will not be bullied in that way, nor would I expect any other African country worth its salt to agree to be treated [that way],” Pandor said.South Africa is among dozens of African countries that abstained from voting on the UN resolution condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Last month, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told a group of African leaders in a virtual event that “China is making steady progress in implementing all the pledges it made in Dakar [at the Forum on China–Africa Cooperation last year], despite various difficulties and disturbances”.He said over US$3 billion had been delivered out of the US$10 billion of credit facilities pledged to African financial institutions, and nearly US$2.5 billion of loans were channelled to Africa’s priority programmes. More than US$2 billion of the US$10 billion of trade finance had been allocated, Wang said.
France, which has in the past contributed thousands of troops to bring stability to fragile West African nations, is now being challenged by Russia. France’s last troops left Mali in August, ending a nine-year anti-terror operation after Bamako accused it of supporting terrorist groups. And they are being replaced by Russian mercenaries from the Kremlin-linked Wagner mercenary group.Moore said “the growth of both Chinese and Russian influence in Africa has heightened the pace at which their rivals and adversaries have visited the continent”.
Alex Vines, head of the Africa programme at London-based think tank Chatham House, said 25 per cent of the United Nations General Assembly was African – “the numbers game matters for many – increasingly in a world of multipolarity and increasing geopolitics”.Vines said the Russian invasion of Ukraine happened a week after the EU-Africa summit and EU attention was focused elsewhere, but added: “Increased EU funding through the Gateway Europe initiative is still planned.”
For Russia and China, “the simply large number of countries in sub-Saharan Africa makes it a less expensive place to ‘buy’ votes in international organisations”, according to Douglas Yates, a political scientist specialising in African politics at the American Graduate School in Paris.“Not only are these countries interested in the ideological struggles of international votes and sanctions and the like, but they make excellent grounds for espionage – because African countries often have information, and they are quite porous,” he said.


I’m Asian but was born in the US. My wife and I recently visited the Philipines (wife is half Irish half Filipino). I remember going out for lunch with a group of people and they all ordered a burger… just a burger. No fries, no extra nuggets, no nothing. And no, no one ate again until dinner. Just a burger and a drink, and the burgers looked like this.


I was like “WTF is this? A kid’s meal?” Where’s the rest of my food?


Now that! That is a man’s meal!

But then it suddenly occured to me..


Where are all the obese people?! Why is everyone normal sized?

And suddenly I realized…


Asian portions aren’t “small”. Asian portions are “normal”.

For me, I learned how poor I was in second grade. We were learning about emergencies and electric fires and what to do in those situations.

Seemingly innocent enough right?

Our teacher had asked a benign question to the class relating to the number of smoke detectors each of us had in our homes. One by one she went around the room and each student in my class answered the question aloud. Some students had one due to small houses, others two and few lucky and obviously more affluent students had three or more in their homes.

When my turn came around, I eagerly answered that we had none, not a single smoke alarm in our home. My teacher, concerned and equally perplexed, inquired what we would do in the event of an electrical fire.

Triumphantly, I replied it was of no concern as we did not have any electricity in our home.

Silence. Deafening silence. It’s one of those silences that one experiences in a dream when everyone suddenly realizes you’re naked in a public place. That feeling.

Anyway, she stared at me in a cross between concern and bewilderment.

Immediately I was in the hallway with her and she was inquiring as to how long it had been since our electricity had been shut off.

I told her we’d never had electricity.

She asked if we had our water service.

I said yes, we haul the water from a well every morning before I come to school.

She stared at me in utter disbelief.

Next thing I know we are in the principal’s office and my principal, who was a very large man resembling Mr. Clean in a suit, was explaining to her that my family has no modern conveniences and we live completely off the grid.

Now things became interesting.

We return to class and everyone starts asking how we watch tv.

We don’t.

How do we do laundry?

Laundromat once a week.

How do we keep the milk cold?

We don’t, we drink it as we soon as we are done milking the cow for breakfast. Why would we keep it cold?

How do we stay warm?

We use the stove in the living room filled with the wood we chop.

How do we play video games?

I’ve never seen one before.

And like a light bulb, I realized I was the only person in my class who lived like this.

Suddenly everything clicked for me. All my toys were made by my mom.

All my clothes were the same and never from a store.

I went home after school and worked in our garden.

I went home that day and asked my mom why we did not have the things other kids had.

She laid it out for me.

Her and my Dad were in debt.

They couldn’t afford to have the water lines installed and the electricity ran to our trailer.

The trailer we lived in was the best we could afford.

My dad and my mom were living like this with my brother and I because my dad happened to own the land and didn’t want to sell. It was all they had.

They were homesteading it.

We lived like this because we had no choice.

After that day, I realized I was poor. And that feeling has been with me every day of my life ever since.

I used to go to the bathroom in a fence row because we had no toilet. I got worms because of this as I’d frequently walk barefoot through feces.

We shared bath water as a family and we bathed in a horse trough in our kitchen.

I was seven years old. I had no friends in school and was always treated like I didn’t matter.

And I didn’t.

The poor kid in your class that everyone shunned, that is me.

An innocent question about smoke alarms led to one of the great realizations of my childhood.

I should’ve known sooner how different we lived but I didn’t.

It took this event for it to sink in and I’ve never forgotten it.

Is it true that there is corruption in every country?

This is an MM answer. -MM

It’s difficult to be the optimist. I would say; yes. It is true. Sadly. So sadly.

But you know there are DIFFERENT kinds of corruption.

Let’s start at the United States. Corruption was made legal. So the most corrupt rise to power, and those that are not, fall to the bottom of society. America is a land with a million tiny, tiny hands in your wallet. Everything comes with a price. It’s no wonder that many Americans need to work multiple jobs just to “make ends meet”.

  • Want to fish? pay for a license.
  • Want to drink water? Buy it.
  • Want to drive on a road? Buy insurance, have a license, yearly inspections, tolls, etc.

Corruption has been institutionalized.

Now let’s go to the other end of the spectrum.

Let’s look at Zambia. Corruption is personal.

  • Need police help? Buying the officer a cup of tea helps.
  • Want to pick up a package at the post office? Well, perhaps missing a few items won’t be so bad.

Corruption is widespread but on a personal and individual level.

There is one, and only one nation on this entire planet that is trying to do something about this threat of corruption. That is China.

China has created the “corruption police”. They are designed wholly to arrest, punish and prevent all sorts of corruption. And their punishments are graduated. Meaning, the higher up you are, and the bigger your crime is, the more seriously you are punished.



Consider the factory boss that faked baby formula test data. Do you know what happened to him? Oh yeah. He was killed.



Consider the CCP party member who molested a young 14 year old girl at a public restaurant. What happened to him? Oh, yeah. Killed.

But he went through three years of hard labor and organ harvesting first. You know, he had to “pay the price”.



What about women? Do they get a special pass? Nope. China is an equal-opportunity punisher. China doesn’t care about your past; your reasons, or your justifications. If you break a law, you are PUNISHED.



What about the guys that swindled millions of dollars, and then fled the country? Yup, they are tracked down, caught, tried and killed.

China does not play.



Were these events reported in the corrupt West?

  • No.

Why not?

  • It is crucially important that NO ONE gets the idea that national leadership must be policed and punished in a substantive manner. As it stands the wealthy (in most countries) live above the law.

Now, you might love China, and hate that I bring up these stories. Or, you might hate China, and refuse to believe that it would do such things as police it’s leadership.

But it is true.

I personally believe that if we, as a human species, are to move forward and grow, we must find ways to stop the endemic corruption that plagues all nations, and most especially “democracies”. We must think “out of the box” and implement solutions, instead of allowing the mighty corrupt to live and thrive.

We must take action. We must be proactive, and recognize that good people; kind and just people need to be protected from the evil that rise to power.

One thing that strikes my mind was that these pictures were uploaded to the website by the local government. Judging from the police’s old-fashioned uniforms and their helmets, there’s no doubt that those photos were taken at least ten years ago. And with the watermarks, I can say they were not “leaked” by the government officials. Instead, such pictures can be seen on a lot of government websites, they were actually published by the government.

And if you can read Chinese, you’re going to find that those pictures were taken in prisons, not in so-called camps.

More importantly, just looking around all those photos, I find that most of them were for a drill against prison break. That’s why you would see a lot of armed police in a prison, holding their rifles as a pose.


Taking this photo as an example, tell me what information can be achieved through it? Actually nothing…. It’s just a drill. But piling up those photos, a sense of fear can be made.

Actually, it’s obvious that in a real camp, police do not use rifles, sticks are a much better tool to repress the prisoners.


Looking at another one, those four white characters on the wall“新疆监管”. You can translate it by yourself. It means Xinjiang Supervision if you make a plain translation. But the word supervision doesn’t reflect the actual meaning of the Chinese characters, you know the difference happening in translation sometimes. A more accurate translation is Xinjiang Prison. And the prisoner’s suit is a yellow one, which is the standard prisoner suit in all over China. This is completely not in so-called camp, it is just a prison.

I don’t know what these photos are to demonstrate since they can be found on government websites. Chinese can read the slogans and names in those pictures and can quickly come to realize they’re just for anti-prisonbreak drills.

But what about foreigners who cannot read Chinese? What impressions would these photos leave on them? Fear can be made deliberately.

I can’t imagine………

From an experienced fashion photographer working 14 years in this industry, I’m going to show you the most amazing thing you’ve ever seen.

I’ll start with the photos of the fashion model “Imma”. She is the Asian model under the pink wig in the middle.


Imma is one of the most photogenic Asian models exploiting social media. She has 76K followers on Instagram, just months after she started modeling.


No matter what kind of lighting or camera, Imma manages to take flawless photos with ease. (Even in a selfie)


Imma taking selfie with her friend:


But why are these standard photos so amazing?…




Because …


Imma not real.


Imma was computer generated.
Imma was created with 3D modeling programs.



belongs to a handful of the new trends of “Virtual Influencers” that take social networks by storm. It was created by the company CG Modeling Cafe, based in Tokyo, and recently graced the cover of CGWorld magazine



We cannot believe everything we see on the internet. This is somewhat awkward.

Technology here in the United States is advancing very fast, automation and artificial intelligence are taking over everything.

It’s happening so unobtrusively that people still don’t react. In this case that I just talked about, this will possibly affect the modeling industry.

On Instagram and other social media, women and men are subconsciously comparing themselves to these perfect Instagram fashion models that don’t exist. That is worrisome.

Let’s have a story:

Samantha Tan, 23 year old Asian woman, professional racer.


As anyone would have guessed, she wasn’t born a racer. She was born a little girl in an immigrant family whose parents barely struggled to get by, as with most immigrant families.

Her current car: BMW M4 GT4


But guess her first car?


Every little girl has a dream (or many dreams). But just because Samantha has the potential to be a professional racer (now we know) doesn’t mean she can. Her first car is her parents’ first investment in her. Her sponsors (BMW being one of them) take her to the professional level.

Without all these, Samantha Tan would just be another random person struggling to get through life like the rest of everyone else. The legacy of Samantha Tan the racer will never happen.

China started this Belt and Road Initiative as a way to make money, plain and simple. China isn’t out there to do charity. China cannot afford to do charity at this scale.

But like with every businessman ever existed, China thinks: we need to invest in others, we need to help others help us succeed. China is big, the world is bigger.

It is no different than BMW investing millions in this unknown Chinese Canadian girl. They see the potentials, they invest. They know it’s not a guarantee, but Samantha is good enough for their investment.

China doesn’t throw money out randomly. Every country, every person, they evaluate. Also, China is not the country, but the multitude of privately owned corporations. Every investment China put down is good enough for China, balancing risks and potential for return.

So is this all about China?

No. Samantha wins, too. China’s partners win, too. Everyone wins, if the investment pans out. Nothing is easy. Everything is blood and sweat.

Just like Samantha getting an opportunity to be what she wants to be, China’s partners get opportunities to have a future. Many countries have so much potentials, but without investors, they are doomed to stay poor, with their dreams remaining dreams.

China is giving them a chance to help China and help themselves succeed. It’s the only way to get out of poverty. It’s very tough and risky, but it seems only China gave them a chance, whereas the West didn’t.

Number 1 foundation for success: infrastructure.


Because you can’t do shit with these muddy dirt roads.


Or no road at all.


I studied in Foshan, Guangdong province for a bit less than a year. Naturally, as a Hijabi-wearing Malay who was still studying Mandarin, I was absolutely nerve-wracked about what exactly I was about to get myself into. Cantonese is also the daily spoken language in Foshan so I was bit concerned about a possible language gap.

We never talked much about Chinese politics or history when I was first studying Chinese. So naturally, all I knew about China is from what my family told me and from what I’d heard on the news. Which as you can presume, was often quite negative.

When I first arrived in China, the man (Mr.Hui) who came to pick me up had a long beard and a taqiyah (The Muslim skullcap that some men wear). My immediate reaction was “I did not see that coming” XD. Surprise, there are Muslims & religious people in China


My second big surprise was finding plenty of halal restaurants and food stands. I found more there than I’ve found in some areas of Europe. I had been frequently told that it would be very difficult for me to be there as a Muslim, which kept getting disproved on a daily basis


The police in China, which are often shown in the West as these terrifying guys who will take you down if you’re a foreigner, were very helpful. I was completely lost at many points and they were very friendly and helped redirect me. At one point, I couldn’t get my sim to work and the officer personally walked me to a nearby cellular store. I felt very safe during my stay in China, far more then I do now in London.


A lot of my stereotypes & negative views about China were broken in less than a month of me staying there. I’m highly considering living there after I finish my studies.

Sade – Cherish the Day

Every nation on earth manipulates the media, and every nation on earth restricts free speech when necessary. No exception.

You don’t think America manipulates the media? You don’t think America restricts free speech? Don’t be so fucking naive.

America has recently been censoring journalists for telling the truth about Russia and Ukraine. America has been using the media to spread propaganda since, well, forever.

Your question exposes your colossal ignorance and naivete.

The Boy


There was this boy in my class at school in 7th grade. He was short for his age. He kept to himself and never really mixed with anyone. He always ate his lunch alone on a bench seat which was on the edge of the playground just staring into space. It was like he was in his own little world and nothing mattered to him. I never saw him smile in all the time i knew him.

He would get called all kinds of names that really hurt him deep down. But he never retaliated or showed how much it hurt him, which seemed to infuriate his tormentors.

They were relentless. Mean. One day he stepped in front of a car outside of school and stopped in the middle of the road as if waiting for it to hit him. The driver screeched to a halt only inches away from his body. He was frozen and only moved when the driver asked if he was OK. He hung his head and walked away slowly.

Nobody chose him for team sports during PE and when he was the last one left everyone called him a loser and laughed at him. He hung his head and went to the far corner of the gym and sat down hiding his face in his hands.

They tormented him in the change rooms and started calling him a ‘homo, faggot and perv’. It wasn’t long before it had got around the whole school that this boy was a ‘homo’ and so everyone started calling him those terrible names.

He had fruit thrown at him from behind so that he never knew who it was. It hit him in the back of his head knocking him down to the ground. With tears in his eyes he tried to stand up but they came at him again and knocked his books out of his hands making him go down again. People laughed at him. He got up, grabbed his books, and ran outside and kept running till he couldn’t run any longer. He ended up walking for 10 miles just following a road not knowing were he was going. But he didn’t care if he died that day.

Still he didn’t retaliate. Or tell anyone. Or complain. The next week he wasn’t at school. Someone started a rumor that he committed suicide. Everyone laughed. Nobody called to see if he was all right. Nobody missed him. Nobody cared.

What they didn’t know was that his stepdad had hurt him so badly and that he was in hospital for three days. Too sick to attend school. He never told anyone about what happened when he returned to school. When everyone saw that he was still alive, they were disappointed. And told him to go kill himself. “Do it properly this time”.

He was still not well from what his stepfather did to him. When they pushed him into the lockers at school or tried to jam his head in the door, he let out a yelp. But the pain was not from what they did to him.

One day after PE he was acting very strange. He stood facing everyone with his head hanging low. As if his whole world was about to come crashing down. He was trembling. There was an unusual silence in the room that scared him. It was then that everyone saw his body. Covered in black and blue welts across his back, legs and arms. He had tears falling from his eyes and was clearly ashamed of his body.

The shower stung like a 1000 bees.

They didn’t touch his clothes or call him names or hit him; this time they left him alone.

That boy is me.

I never told anybody what had happened to me. I knew that if I snitched on my stepdad it would be 100 times worse. I was 12 and as far as I knew, nobody would help me even if I asked. I was too afraid of what he would do to me. I woke up every day hoping things would change. I didn’t hold grudges and never have. It helped me get through some depressing periods while i was at school.

I just wanted a normal life and to be happy.

I can’t say that I have found that dream and I probably never will. But at least I am in no danger now and I deal with the consequences of my childhood as it surfaces and as an adult I can put it in its proper place.

That depends.

First things first, YES, you can lose weight and still love food.

Boy, do I love food.

A few years ago, I had let things go to the point where I was pushing 235lbs, and my doctor had a fairly stern talk with me as he put me on blood pressure medication. Me being me, I made the decision to cut my weight down to the weight I felt best at, 195, and set about reading about how to do it the right way.

I chose a course, I followed that course, and hit my goal of 40lbs lost in 68 days.

In the simplest terms, losing weight is about getting your body to burn some of itself off, primarily fat stores, in order to produce the amount of energy the body needs to live and do all the things it needs to do.

So to lose weight, you have to:

  1. Reduce the amount of fuel you take in below the amount of fuel your body needs for your standard activity level
  2. Increase your activity level so that your body needs more fuel than you normally consume
  3. Change the fuel you intake so that there is so little “Quick energy” fuel available that your body is forced to burn fat for energy.

NOTE: Yes, this is an extremely oversimplified statement of why removing sugar and starch from your diet results in weight loss, but I’m not going for peer-reviewed science here.

The most healthy way to lose weight is to combine 1 and 2. You reduce your fuel intake while you increase your activity level so that your body now has less fuel than it is used to burning, and is using more energy than it normally does, and therefore needs more fuel.

The body primarily burns 3 things for fuel: Sugar, Starch, and Fat. (Again, I’m going to keep this simple.) Those three things are listed in the order of how fast they “Burn” or how quickly they are converted from fuel to energy. They are also listed in order, therefore of how quickly the body burns them.

Fat is the outlier. If the body has enough sugar and starch to burn, the fat stays where it is. If the body takes in more sugar or starch than it needs to produce the energy it needs for the day, it (In essence) turns that extra fuel into fat as a way to have reserves in case a time comes when no food is available, it will have something to burn for energy. The body has NO idea how much fat it’s a good idea to store, so if you keep taking in more fuel than you need to maintain your activity level, the body is going to keep adding more reserves, and yes, that means your ass is going to keep getting bigger.

What I’ve just described is your metabolism. Your metabolic rate is another factor here. Not everyone burns calories at the same rate. So when looking at the best way to lose weight, it’s important to pay attention to your metabolism as well, because if you go off the deep end and drop your fuel intake too much, your body will react by going into starvation mode and slowing your metabolism down. This is why people who crash diet rebound so quickly when they start eating again. It’s why crash dieting is a bad idea.

When looking at points 1 and 3 on the earlier list, when you’re looking at reducing fuel, you’re normally looking at reducing calories. When you’re looking at removing “Quick Energy” fuel you’re looking at cutting carbs. I’m focusing on cutting calories here.

When looking to lose weight by cutting calories, a general rule of thumb is to intake at least 500 fewer calories than the body needs to maintain your current weight. That in and of itself SHOULD result in an average of about 1 LB a week of weight loss. An average woman needs about 2,000 calories a day, so she should be cut to 1500, and an average man needs about 2,600 a day, so he should be cutting to 2,100. Note, this changes with how much you weigh, how old you are, your height, and your activity level. There is a good calculator on how much you personally really need here:

How Many Calories Should You Eat per Day to Lose Weight?
Here’s a simple but accurate calorie calculator that shows exactly how many calories you should eat to lose or maintain weight.

Cutting even more calories will result in faster weight loss, but you need to be careful not to go below the minimum needed to maintain your metabolism so that when you’ve reached your goal and return to a normal diet, you don’t rebound right back to where you were.

So Getting back to the question at hand, How can you do this if you REALLY love food. The answer is:

  1. Look at the kind of food you love and choose more of the things that have lower calories, lower sugar, lower fat, higher protein, and higher fiber. Watching sodium while you do that is a VERY good idea, as cutting your sodium intake will help you with water weight and improve your heart health.
  2. Look at the foods that don’t really fall into the “Low bad, High Good” categories above that you really don’t want to give up, and look for ways to budget limited amounts of those foods into your diet while keeping below your caloric budget.
  3. Drink lots of water, and eat more things that fill you up, but have very low calories, like green leafy things (CAREFUL OF THE SALAD DRESSING!) and other green vegetables, use those to fill yourself up so that you can be satisfied with smaller portions of things you still need to get enough protein, but that have higher calorie counts, like lean meats.
  4. CATALOG. There are some very good apps that will help you catalog your food intake and keep track of your calorie budget along with the recommended daily intake or limit of nutritional things like Protein, Sugar, Carbs, Sugar, Fat, Cholesterol, Sodium, Vitamins & Minerals, Fiber, etc. The one I use is called “My Fitness Pal.”
    I like it because it can interface with other fitness apps that count what you’re burning, and give your Net caloric intake (Consumption/burn) and it also has a bar code scanner, so you can just scan the barcode of whatever you take out of the fridge or freezer and tell it how many servings you’re having, and it drops the entire nutritional value into your catalog for the day.
    It also has a HUGE database of stored foods that don’t normally have barcodes like fruits and vegetables, and even Menu items from popular restaurants, common recipes, that sort of thing, so it makes it really easy to say “Lunch – Small Turkey Sandwich from Jersey Mike’s on white with Mayo and Cheese, and it drops all the nutritional information in there, then gives you a bit of hell for all the cholesterol and Sodium in that one meal. — The main thing is to catalog. What happens when you start cataloging EVERYTHING you’re intaking is that you really start to see the impact snacking has on your diet, and it helps you to cut back on the snacking, or at least start to make some different decisions….a handful of almonds or some cucumber slices instead of those potato chips makes a HUGE difference.

What you’ll find when you do it this way is that you can still have many of the foods you like, you’ll just be doing a better job with portion control and a better job choosing what to eat between meals.

Burning Calories is a HUGE deal. The most effective way to lose weight is to intake enough calories to maintain your metabolic rate and burn more than you took in. Not easy. You don’t ACTUALLY have to. But if you are burning more with increased activity than you are taking in, you are GOING to lose weight.

Now someone who doesn’t exercise isn’t SUDDENLY going to be able to do that. You need to work up to the point where you have the physical capability to engage in that level of activity. This starts with walking, and light exercise, which you need to increase at a rate THAT IS NOT COMFORTABLE. You have to push at least a little.

Start with 2 walks a day, EVERY DAY. You can’t skip. If allow yourself an excuse to skip one day, you are GOING to allow yourself the excuse the next, and the Following. If you need a rest day, at a minimum, look for a low-impact “recovery” style exercise to follow along with on YouTube, with stretching or Yoga. The key is to do SOMETHING every day when it’s exercise time, it has to become a habit.

The best tip I ever heard on adding exercise to your day is that you can’t add something to your daily habits without removing something habitual. So think of something you do every day that isn’t really doing you any good, and remove it.

When I made the decision to cut my weight, I used to start my day every morning watching Sports Center for at least half an hour. I replaced that with exercise time. I used to eat my dinner in front of the TV and would continue watching long after I finished. I changed to eating dinner in my kitchen and going for what eventually became a daily 3-mile walk after dinner before turning on the TV.

The exercise varied. I started with a walk and a workout played on my ChromeCast from a good platform, at the time I liked Daily Burn, because it had a really good entry-level program with a number of half-hour videos that were somewhat difficult for me when I was starting out but manageable, and worked me up to where I was able to progress to higher and higher levels in the program until I was able to keep up with the trainers in the highest level programs.
I have since switched to Beachbody because I like the variety better. But if you can’t afford that, there are plenty of programs you can follow on YouTube, just find some lower impact ones to start out with.
I mixed those programs with half-hour workouts on the Elliptical machine in my Apartment Complex’s fitness room, then eventually got back to where I could manage a 3-mile run, and began to rotate between a bodyweight workout, an elliptical machine workout, and a run.
By the time I was getting to the highest level workouts in Daily Burn, I switched to just those every even day, a 3 mile run every odd, and the half-hour on the elliptical every day after work, before dinner, after which I still took the 3-mile walk. By that time, I was regularly consuming negative net calories, despite making sure I was taking in enough calories every day to maintain a healthy metabolism, enough protein, enough vitamins and minerals, enough fiber, but cutting Sugar, Fat, and Sodium as much as possible.

I wanted my morning coffee with real cream in it. So I budgeted that in. I wanted to use butter on some things, I don’t like margarine, so I budgeted that in. I budgeted in a bowl of ice cream after dinner most days.

But I followed all the advice I just gave. I still loved food. I found, through the process that my love of food extends to enjoying finding the best way to eat healthily. I enjoyed the HECK out of finding new ways to cook lean meats, and to build meals around larger servings of vegetables and smaller servings of meats and starches.

And I learned that you really can lose weight and still love food.

GDP is a worthless measure. It does not reflect anything other than the VOLUME of the PAPER used as currency. The more money that is printed, the higher the inflation and the higher the GDP.

Seems strange huh? Well, of course, it wasn’t intended to be a measure of paper, but that is what it has become. The GDP, as a measure, was initially based upon the value of existing national assets, as well as the production of new assets. This consists of the utility in resources; oil, minerals and manufactured products. But President Nixon ended that in the United States.

It was this exact mix that contributed to the enormous growth of the United States GDP. But when those industries imploded, the GDP was left being a function of FIRE related assets. Instead of a balanced mix of FIRE and STEM. Without hard resources (oil, minerals, produced manufactured products) the GDP ends up representing the paper currency that is used in service industries (primarily).

Thus, it’s not an accurate comparative measure of the strength of a nation.

Sure, you can measure the value of the stock market with it. You can say that an lawyer is rich, or an accountant can claim a “book value” on a property or a car. But being rich “on paper” differs from being actually wealthy. And that is the disconnect with American-led GDP measurement.

Consider the roaring, wonderful, stock market in the United States. According to the GDP, times are BOOMING throughout the USA. But since less than 1% of Americans own stock, it is not reflective of the American society as a whole. Just it’s richest 1%.

So what is a better measure of society as a whole?

PPP is a great comparative measure. It measures how well a band of average people live. Its a reflection of ownership, renting, and the primary costs of goods and services. It tosses away the notions that a person is wealthy owning a wheelbarrow of paper currency. Instead it replaces that notion with the idea that buying one hamburger with a solid copper coin is more valuable that a wheelbarrow of paper that no one wants.

What does this tell you?

Highest GDP – The United States

Well, by numbers alone, the United States has a wonderful GDP the highest in history. You can thus believe that the United States must be a wonderful and great place. And thus those that collect the resources of this currency are doing very, very well.

  • Wallstreet
  • Bankers
  • Lawyers
  • Government officials

As these are the “industries” and employment segments that accumulate the currencies; the “paper currencies” that the GDP is based upon.

However, the 99% of the population that do not represent these “industries” and these investment avenues are not contributing or profiting from the great GDP.

Highest PPP -China

This measurement is based on how well the “middle segment” of society lives. If you want to compare what being middle class is like in China to any other nation, you would use the PPP measurement. And the results are crystal clear. The higher the PPP, the better, and more successful the lifestyle is for the middle class.



If you want to measure how successful the wealthy are doing in a nation; the oligarchy and the rulers, you use GDP.

And if you want to measure how “Joe and Suzy Average” is doing in a given nation, you use PPP.

‘Don’t lecture us!’ East Timor president defends China, offshore gas drilling

By Matthew Knott

September 7, 2022 — 5.57pm
East Timorese President Jose Ramos-Horta has defended China’s role as a growing strategic and economic power in the Asia-Pacific, arguing it has “hardly ever” invaded other countries and was unlikely to do so in the future.

In a forthright appearance at the National Press Club, Ramos-Horta also said he would not be lectured by western environmentalists opposed to the development of a giant gas field in the waters off East Timor.

He added Australia could not credibly tell other countries to shun Chinese investment given it leased the Port of Darwin to the Chinese-owned Landbridge Group in 2015.

Ramos-Horta was speaking after the Australian and East Timorese governments signed a new defence agreement making it easier to conduct joint military exercises and allowing greater co-operation on humanitarian assistance missions.

Defence Minister Richard Marles said the agreement represented a “significant step forward in our partnership” and a “new chapter in Australia’s close relationship with Timor-Leste”.

Ramos-Horta said China’s rise had been predicated on peace and stability and it would be against its interests to take aggressive military action – including by invading the autonomous territory of Taiwan.

“China has too many neighbours, too many choke points,” he said. “And to feed itself it depends on the stability in the seas, freedom of navigation. It depends on the stability in the world.”

He continued: “Would they want ever to undermine that? ... No, I do not think so.”

He said Chinese leader Xi Jinping would also have learnt from Russia’s poor military performance after invading Ukraine.

“I don’t think that China intends to invade anyone,” he said.

“And in fact, you know, in fairness to them, God, they hardly ever invaded anyone.”

However, Ramos-Horta made clear he does not intend to sign a security pact with China as Solomon Islands leader Manasseh Sogavare did earlier this year.

“Any leader that is serious about being a leader, you have to be sensitive to your neighbours,” Ramos-Horta said.

“Don’t bring in extraterritorial, regional interests, powers that might not be welcomed by our neighbours.”

Ramos-Horta’s main mission in Australia was to pressure the Albanese government to encourage Australian resources company Woodside to pipe gas from the Greater Sunrise field for processing in East Timor rather than the company’s preferred option of Darwin.

He said several other countries – such as Indonesia, South Korea or China – could partner with East Timor on the project if Woodside and the East Timorese government could not reach an agreement

“We’re not talking about maritime security. It’s just a pipeline!” he said. “And China will be just an investor. The port of Darwin [was rented for] 99 to 100 years to China, and no one lost sleep over it.”

He said the project could help unlock extraordinary economic opportunities for the developing nation. “You would see Timor-Leste like either another Dubai or another Singapore,” he said.

Asked about the environmental impact of the gas project, Ramos-Horta said if western countries are so concerned then they should provide East Timor with $100 billion to cover the cost of not pursuing the project.

“Other than that, please don’t lecture me!” he said, adding “the Europeans, you were the ones who polluted the whole world with coal, with oil and everything that you can imagine”.

He said foreign investors should not be concerned about putting their money into East Timor.

“We are not Venezuela with nationalised companies and whatever,” he said. “And we are so inefficient that we probably wouldn’t know how to nationalise a company. So no need to fear.”

Only an imbecile would ask such a question.

US factories in China represent a tiny percentage of international factories. The absence of US factories would have minimal impact on China’s economy.

US factories do not belong to the US government. They belong to private companies. The reason why these factories are in China is because these companies make much greater profits. The US government cannot force these companies to leave.

I was born in the winter of 1991, in a small city called Weinan, Shaanxi Province. My father was a worker in a state-owned chemical plant and my mother was a primary school teacher.

The 1990s witnessed China’s market economic reform when many of the stated-owned enterprises were forced to close down because the reform marked an end of government funding. All of a sudden my father went unemployed, at the year I was born. And my mother’s salary contributed little to the household income. In other words, I was born in a family literally with nothing.

In order to feed the family, my father started as an apprentice in a small firm doing decoration business. After 3 years, he started his own business based on what he had learned as an apprentice.

Back then we were so poor that my parents were always reluctant to buy me any snacks or toys. For many years, we had to rent single-storey houses here and there which were always unhygienic. During winter we could even not afford the heating, my mother can still recall today that I was crying at nights as an infant because of cold. My mom once asked what was my dream when I was young, I said: ‘That we can have our own home.’


(Despite the poor life we had, my parents still tried their best to give me a happy childhood, this photo was taken in 1997 in Shandong province when we had our first trip outside the hometown )

Then my father’s business started to thrive. In 2002 we finally purchased our first apartment, I still remember I was so excited that I didn’t sleep at all the night before moving in. This photo was taken when we moved in: we thanked the blessings of our ancestors – my grandfather passed away before I was born and we believed he had blessed us all along.


Later on we started to have cars and more properties, from 2005 onwards my father transferred his business to installations of natural gas pipelines. In recent years my parents had been traveling around China. This photo was taken in 2013 during their trip to Fujian.


In the old days, Chinese from Northern China got warm by burning coals, which was one of the major contributors of air pollution during winter, as you might have seen in some media coverage. Realizing this, the government initiated the project known as ‘coal to gas’ (煤改气) in every city in need of heating. My father’s firm was commissioned by the government to install the pipelines in major districts of our city before it was getting cold in 2014. Those days I saw my father led 4 teams involving 50 people to work on the project day and night. And they did finish the job before the deadline. One day my dad came back very happily and said ‘we’ve completed the pipelines so that people in our city won’t suffer from cold, I think I’ve done a good thing for the people!’.

From then on, the air quality in our city has greatly improved. This is the picture I took yesterday when I went for a walk. Have you ever seen such pictures on the biased western media? Probably not, because it isn’t eye-catching enough.


10 years ago it was unimaginable for my family to afford me to study overseas, now I’ve finished my 4-year study in Australia.

10 years ago I had to take an 1.5-hour bus to Xi’an, the capital city of our province, to attend high school; nowadays young students spend 19 minutes to Xi’an by high speed trains.

10 years ago I thought the developed countries must be the paradises on earth, now I’ve returned to China to witness the great changes of my homeland, even though she is still imperfect.

So back to your question – are Chinese people really happy under their government? Well I’d say the Chinese have a fresh memory of what we’ve been through over the years, thus fully understand the importance of a competent government. Sure my family built our fortune by working hard, but we are unlikely to achieve this without a stable environment and the opportunities provided by the government. Most importantly, there are millions of Chinese, like my father who would rather solve problems practically than blindly adopting foreign models.

Veruca Salt – Seether (Glastonbury ’95)

In American movies, Russians are portrayed as demons, Africans as corrupt, Mexicans as criminals, and only Americans are heroes who do righteous deeds; American politicians’ speeches are all looking for beautiful words to cheat votes and their people are constantly brainwashed in this way. So, when I claim that this is not the case, there will be much opposition. Following, I will list eight reasons why America is not the greatest country in the world anymore.


First, Poverty and homelessness

According to World Population Review, over half a million people are experiencing homelessness in the United States. Among all those states, California currently has the highest homeless population, with about 151,278 homeless people. This is about one-fifth of the total homeless population in the United States. These individuals live in a temporary shelter or transitional housing or sleep in a place not meant for habitation. The top four causes of homelessness are lack of affordable housing, unemployment, poverty, and low wages.


Second, low wages.

As I mentioned above, one of the main reasons for the high homelessness rate is low wages. New research reveals that nearly a third of all workers in the US earn under $15 an hour. But women and people of color do much more than their fair share of low-wage jobs, and as wages lose value, it’s becoming a civil rights crisis in this country. One report from CNN states that the national median rent was $1,792 last month, up 17% from a year ago. With low wages and rising rents, people are in great pain.


Third, debt crisis

80% of the people in the United States are living on debt, such as credit card loans, student loans, home loans, and so on. The consumption of the American people relies on the money they don’t have. This terrible disaster, in fact, is encouraged by the government because the U.S. government itself is a big debtor. On February 1, 2022, it surpassed $30 trillion for the first time. Such a huge debt problem will sooner or later detonate, with the strong dollar bound to be impacted.


Fourth, no health insurance

The U.S. does not have a uniform health system and no universal healthcare coverage. Fifty million people, 16% of the U.S. population, lack insurance coverage. Medical expenditures such as pharmaceuticals and medical supplies have increasingly become unaffordable for marginalized communities. Therefore, paying medical bills and other medical costs have become high out-of-pocket expenses. Deprived communities continue to lack access to primary healthcare services and rely on emergency departments to treat chronic diseases and preventive care.


Fifth, racialism

George Floyd’s dying under Derek Chauvin’s kneeled to the biggest outcry against racial injustice in the U.S. in generations. People across the country continue to call for justice in the killings of Daunte Wright, Rayshard Brooks, and many others. On April 27, The Minnesota Department of Human Rights slammed the city of Minneapolis and its police department for what it described as a “pattern or practice of race discrimination in violation of the Minnesota Human Rights Act.” The report found that MPD maintains an organizational culture where officers consistently use racist, misogynistic, and otherwise disrespectful language against suspects and community members, especially the black people.


Sixth, gun violence

It was over 50 years ago when President Lyndon Baines Johnson declared that “firearms are a primary instrument of death in American crime”. At the time, about 90 million guns were circulating in the country. Today, there are many more guns and many more deaths. Firearms deaths have become even more of a fixture in American life, with the 1.5 million that took place between 1968 and 2017. In 2020 alone, more than 45,000 Americans died at the end of a barrel of a gun, a 43% increase from 2010. According to CDC, nearly 53 people are killed each day by a firearm in the US. Besides, the vast majority of murders, 79%, were carried out with guns.


Seven, fake democracy

The United States was founded more than two hundred years ago. However, the two-party system it follows is fake democracy. Independent candidates who want to survive the cracks between the two parties are completely restricted. Many people with special political talent cannot stand out. In addition, the U.S. political system is completely controlled by the consortium and a few large political families. The so-called democracy is actually a false move.


Eight, warmonger

Since the September 11 attacks, the US ‘war on terror’ has cost not only millions of lives and injuries. It forcibly displaced at least 37 million people in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, the Philippines, Libya, and Syria. Frankly, the US military has waged war continuously for almost two decades. In the recent Ukraine-Russia conflict, the U.S. is the one behind the scene. Behind the US’ hype about a potential war in Ukraine are its intentions of satisfying the voracious appetite of its military-industrial complex, which stands to gain the most from a potential war.


If these reasons above still cannot change your mind, I’ll give you more: America has the most advanced medical system in the world, yet it failed in the battle against the covid, with the highest number of confirmed cases and deaths in the world; For a century, the United States has established many military bases around the world, amounting to neo-colonialism. 2021 Capitol attack on January 6 nearly exposed the dark side of its bi-partisanship and further tore the country apart. I also want to ask why does the government always take slow response to the major disasters caused by tornadoes, floods, and wildfires in various regions? And why did two or three days of bad weather bring Texas to a complete blackout and almost paralysis? America is now in a bubble, which is doomed to burst one day.

Finally, I want to end with lines from a TV series The Newsroom by the leading character, Mill McAvoy—“The first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is a problem. America is not the greatest country in the world anymore.”

When I was ten years old, I went on vacation with my grandparents. Now, a couple things you have to understand about my grandpa is that:

1. He was a trucker for 30 years
2. He grew up very poor.

Somehow, this manifested into him being all about gas station food and also insisting on eating every last bite of food he purchased for himself or anybody else. You waste nothing—ever.


We pull up to some random gas station in the middle of nowhere. I’m starving to death and see that on their menu they have BLTs, but not just any BLT, but THE MONSTER BLT. Being a stupid kid, I didn’t even read the description. I like bacon. So why not?

So I said, “Hey Gramps, will you buy me this BLT?”

In his rugged accent he says “I buy it, you eat it.”

I swear to God he sounds just like Clint Eastwood.

So I think well yeah I’m going to eat it. Why wouldn’t I eat it?

So a few minutes later, the gas station lady pushes something that looks like this across the counter toward me:


My palms got sweaty. But I was up for the challenge. I actually believed my 60 lb. self could handle a sandwich of this magnitude.

About a quarter of the way into it, I was trying to think of ways to get rid of the thing. Maybe there was a dog somewhere? Maybe I could knock it in the floor. Surely my grandpa wouldn’t make me eat a BLT off a gas station floor…would he? Across the table from me, my grandpa sipped his coffee, eyeing my every movement. I had no choice but to eat on.

Finally, I swallowed the last morsel. And, to my amazement I didn’t barf.

I looked at my grandpa expecting some sort of congratulations.

He smirked and asked, “Got room for dessert?”

Today, my grandpa has Alzheimer’s, but this is one story he can recall on command.

You should listen to Denzel when he promises to screw you up

Detroit-Style Pan Pizza Recipe

The Americans are among the most wasteful people on the planet. So, yes, if 1.4 billion Chinese were as wasteful as the Americans, then our world would be fucked.

The Americans need to be a lot less wasteful.

Obama would’ve been right about the 1.3 billion Indians, too. And the collective population of around 1.3 billion in Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Brazil, Bangladesh, Russia, and Mexico. Are you suggesting that all of these nations mustn’t develop because they would drain our planet’s resources?

ALL nations have the right to develop. ALL nations must cooperate to develop as efficiently as possible for the benefit of all.

I’ve worked in two high-end Chinese restaurants, both serving authentic Cantonese cuisine and more than eight different smaller authentic Chinese dim sum restaurants. (so authentic that our wait-staff were often described as curt and brusque).

I’ve also worked in two Korean restaurants, one a warm, cosy, family-style affair that specialized in samgyeopsal, and one a smaller affair inside a food court that served the usual varieties of bibimbap and guksu dishes.

Also, I’ve worked in one Japanese izakaya establishment specializing in more eclectic stuff – think uni omelette and motsunabe, two dishes Western folks might not find at their local sushi bar. And for one week, I had a wonderful opportunity to work with some very fine folks at a ryokan in the onsen town Yamashiro, in Ishikawa, preparing kaiseki-ryori. Well, they prepared it, I mostly listened, attempted, documented and wrote about it 🙂

Here’s a tofu dish I prepared that I (somehow) managed not to bungle:
(I actually do own this picture 🙂 )


“Do you consider the Japanese cuisine the most refined cuisine in Asia? If not, why?”

From my living and moving from country to country, I’ve come to the conclusion that many Westerners (and by that I mean white folks from Australia, the UK, Ireland, the States, Canada, and Western Europe) consider Japanese cuisine the most refined of all Asian cuisines.

After all, in terms of aesthetics and plating, it mirrors the precision and beauty of French haute cuisine. That is the type of food that wins Michelin stars and haughty food critics rave about. It’s definitely no surprise to me that Japan is the Asian country that has the most Michelin 3-star restaurants (the second is Hong Kong by the way…) Forget Asian country – Japan is THE country with the most Michelin 3-star restaurants, in the world.

To people who salivate at eating at such restaurants, refinement means 3-stars. And Japanese cuisine ranks very high on that list, perhaps at their personal top spot.

To such people, “Refinement” in cuisine is equated to Michelin stars, aesthetics, and clean flavors.
Such people often consider all other Asian cuisine unrefined.

As an Asian, I’ve heard the below reasoning too many times:

“ Asian cuisines (non-Japanese) use spices to cover up the inferior quality of their ingredients. You would only use spice if you had inferior quality ingredients.”

Look no further than to one of the answers here, written by one Angel Lopez.
I have found this reasoning to be popular in white-dominant countries.

You can see it on Quora as well. I’ve lost count of the number of people here who think European cooking is superior to Asian cooking because – get this – Asian cuisines uses “spices” to “cover up” “inferior/bad quality ingredients”.

I’ve heard it all:

  • Chinese cuisine is too sweet, too greasy.
  • Korean cuisine is too spicy.
  • Thai cuisine is too spicy.
  • Indian cuisine is too spicy.
  • Filipino cuisine is too messy and simple.
  • Singaporean / Malaysian / Indonesian cuisine is too spicy
  • Asian cuisine doesn’t have fresh foods! (this is the most bizarre one yet)

I think Vietnamese cuisine may be the only Asian cuisine I’m familiar with that tends to escape such criticism.

And Vietnamese cuisine is influenced by French cuisine…. so…. well….

Many of the people who come up with the above criticisms (not all, but I would posit many) have never even been to the above mentioned countries and base their opinions on the localized versions of the cuisines they get in their own country.

For example, saying “Chinese cuisine is terrible” based on their experience eating at Panda Express or a Chinese restaurant in the middle of nowhere that serves Teriyaki chicken opposite Beef and Broccoli.

“Yes, Dante, but do YOU consider the Japanese cuisine the most refined cuisine in Asia? “

If by “refinement”, you’re talking about cuisine that can win Michelin stars, that focus on visual aesthetics in plating and in presentation, that focus on clean tastes – then yes, I would say that Japanese cuisine could be considered the most refined cuisine in Asia.

But, unlike those who find the spices found in Asian cuisines off-putting and base that opinion on the very erroneous presumption that people only use spices when the ingredients are inferior or bad, I find great joy in eating Asian cuisines of all kind.

I’ve never considered non-Japanese Asian cuisine to be, in any way, shape, or form inferior to European cuisines.

The food in Asia is super fresh – sometimes, the chicken/fish etc has just been slaughtered minutes prior to your meal – and tasty to boot.

Why settle on one Asian cuisine when you can have more than handful of ‘em?
Why settle for one flavor palette when you can have an explosion of different flavors and textures?

My Delores

A woman writes about her cat. -MM

I had spent over an hour looking at all the kitties at the shelter. I finally picked one out, and the lady was getting the paper work. While she was gone, the cat out of nowhere hissed & struck out at me.

I took it as a sign.

I didn’t want to start off that way.

There were lots of kitties. I sat there talking with the shelter lady, and one kitty I hadn’t noticed came over and gently crawled up into my lap.

She was so sweet. She’d probably been hiding a bit, watching me. The ladies there loved her.

Her name was Delores. A beautiful Calico/ tortie looking kitty. And she had claimed me.

She started purring away.

I put her aside and she came right back. It was destiny.

She came home with me.

She followed me everywhere.

We were best friends.

They told me at the shelter she was about 5, but later the vet said she was probably twice that.

I had her less than a year.

She died suddenly of kidney failure and I literally cried for three years. I loved her so much.

I can’t think about her at all without crying, even as I write this. There was just something very special about my Delores.
