Shining a light on these dark corners of the American Empire, where shadowy spooks wage war on the regular people of the world, including non-elite Americans, to benefit the private interests of globalist oligarchs and petty tyrants.
Global supply chains work only in peacetime, but not when the world is at war, be it a hot war or an economic war. The low inflation world had three pillars: cheap immigrant labor keeping nominal wage growth “stagnant” in the U.S., cheap Chinese goods raising real wages amid stagnant nominal wages, and cheap Russian natural gas fueling German industry and Europe more broadly. Implicit in this “trinity” were two giant geo-strategic and geo-economic blocks: Niall Ferguson called the first one “Chimerica”. I will call the other one “Eurussia”. Both unions were a “heavenly match”: the EU paid euros for cheap Russian gas, the U.S. paid U.S. dollars for cheap Chinese imports, and Russia and China dutifully recycled their earnings into G7 claims. All sides were entangled commercially as well as financially, and as the old wisdom goes, if we trade, everyone benefits and so we won’t fight. But like in any marriage, that’s true only if there is harmony. Harmony is built on trust, and occasional disagreements can only be resolved peacefully provided there is trust. But when trust is gone, everything is gone, which is the scary conclusion from Dale Copeland’s book: Economic Interdependence and War. Reviewing 200 years of history, including the Napoleonic and Crimean wars, the book explains that “when great powers have positive expectations of the future trade environment, they want to remain at peace in order to secure the economic benefits that enhance long-term economic power. When, however, these expectations turn negative, leaders are likely to fear a loss of access to raw materials and markets, giving them an incentive to initiate crises to protect their commercial interests”. This “theory of trade expectations” holds lessons for understanding not only today’s conflict between the U.S. on the one hand, and Russia and China on the other, but also the outlook for inflation. Put simply… …if there is trust, trade works. If trust is gone, it doesn’t. Today, trust is gone: Chimerica does not work anymore and Eurussia does not work either. Instead, we have a special relationship between Russia and China, the core economies of the BRICS block and the “king” and the “queen” on the Eurasian chessboard – a new “heavenly match”, forged from the divorce of Chimerica and Eurussia…
Why hasn’t the US been able to drive Huawei out of business even though it has used every trick possible to hurt the company?
Because most of the nations in the world KNOW the US is lying. It is the US that is spying on everyone and trying to impose US rule on every nation in the world.
Since Huawei wasn’t doing any business in the US anyways, the US government has failed because the world trusts Huawei and doesn’t trust the US at all.
After all, the US used a tube of Tide detergent to justify invading Iraq. That is about as infamous as you can get.
Popa Chubby – Little Wing
Let’s start with this wonderful clip… one of the best blues guitarists.
America’s Open Wound
The CIA is not your friend
By Edward Snowden
“Better that right counsels be known to enemies than that the evil secrets of tyrants should be concealed from the citizens. They who can treat secretly of the affairs of a nation have it absolutely under their authority; and as they plot against the enemy in time of war, so do they against the citizens in time of peace.” ― Baruch Spinoza
It hasn’t been a month since President Biden mounted the steps of Philadelphia’s Independence Hall, declaring it his duty to ensure each of us understands the central faction of his political opposition are extremists that “threaten the very foundations of our Republic.” Flanked by the uniformed icons of his military and standing atop a Leni Riefenstahl stage, the leader clenched his fists to illustrate seizing the future from the forces of “fear, division, and darkness.” The words falling from the teleprompter ran rich with the language of violence, a “dagger at the throat” emerging from the “shadow of lies.”
“What’s happening in our country,” the President said, “is not normal.”
Is he wrong to think that? The question the speech intended to raise—the one lost in the unintentionally villainous pageantry—is whether and how we are to continue as a democracy and a nation of laws. For all the Twitter arguments over Biden’s propositions, there has been little consideration of his premises.
Democracy and the rule of law have been so frequently invoked as a part of the American political brand that we simply take it for granted that we enjoy both.
Are we right to think that?
Our glittering nation of laws observes this year two birthdays: the 70th anniversary of the National Security Agency, on which my thoughts have been recorded, and the 75th anniversary of the Central Intelligence Agency.
The CIA was founded in the wake of the 1947 National Security Act. The Act foresaw no need for the Courts and Congress to oversee a simple information-aggregation facility, and therefore subordinated it exclusively to the President, through the National Security Council he controls.
Within a year, the young agency had already slipped the leash of its intended role of intelligence collection and analysis to establish a covert operations division. Within a decade, the CIA was directing the coverage of American news organizations, overthrowing democratically elected governments (at times merely to benefit a favored corporation), establishing propaganda outfits to manipulate public sentiment, launching a long-running series of mind-control experiments on unwitting human subjects (purportedly contributing to the creation of the Unabomber), and—gasp—interfering with foreign elections. From there, it was a short hop to wiretapping journalists and compiling files on Americans who opposed its wars.
In 1963, no less than former President Harry Truman confessed that the very agency he personally signed into law had transformed into something altogether different than he intended, writing:
“For some time I have been disturbed by the way CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the Government. This has led to trouble…”
Many today comfort themselves by imagining that the Agency has been reformed, and that such abuses are relics of the distant past, but what few reforms our democracy has won have been watered-down or compromised. The limited “Intelligence Oversight” role that was eventually conceded to Congress in order to placate the public has never been taken seriously by either the committee’s majority—which prefers cheerleading over investigating—or by the Agency itself, which continues to conceal politically-sensitive operations from the very group most likely to defend them.
"Congress should have been told," said [Senator] Dianne Feinstein. "We should have been briefed before the commencement of this kind of sensitive program. Director Panetta... was told that the vice president had ordered that the program not be briefed to Congress."
How can we judge the ultimate effectiveness of oversight and reforms? Well, the CIA plotted to assassinate my friend, American whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, in 1972, yet nearly fifty years of “reforms” did little to inhibit them from recently sketching out another political murder targeting Julian Assange. Putting that in perspective, you probably own shoes older than the CIA’s most recent plot to murder a dissident… or rather the most recent plot that we know of.
If you believe the Assange case to be a historical anomaly, some aberration unique to Trump White House, recall that the CIA’s killings have continued in series across administrations. Obama ordered the killing of an American far from any battlefield, and killed his 16 year-old American son a few weeks later, but the man’s American daughter was still alive by the time Obama left.
Within a month of entering the White House, Trump killed her.
She was 8 years old.

It goes beyond assassinations. Within recent memory, the CIA captured Gul Rahman, who we know was not Al-Qaeda, but it seems did save the life of Afghanistan’s future (pro-US) President. Rahman was placed in what the Agency described as a “dungeon” and tortured until he died.
They stripped him naked, save a diaper he couldn’t change, in a cold so wicked that his guards, in their warm clothes, ran heaters for themselves. In absolute darkness, they bolted his hands and feet to a single point on the floor with a very short chain so that it was impossible to stand or lie down – a practice called “short shackling” – and after he died, claimed that it was for his own safety. They admit to beating him, even describing the “forceful punches.” They describe the blood that ran from his nose and mouth as he died.
Pages later, in their formal conclusion, the Agency declares that there was no evidence of beating. There was no of evidence torture. The CIA ascribes responsibility for his death to hypothermia, which they blamed on him for the crime of refusing, on his final night, a meal from the men that killed him.

In the aftermath, the Agency concealed the death of Gul Rahman from his family. To this day, they refuse to reveal what happened to his remains, denying those who survive him a burial, or even some locus of mourning.
Ten years after the torture program investigated, exposed, and ended, no one was charged for their role in these crimes. The man responsible for Rahman’s death was recommended for a $2,500 cash award — for “consistently superior work”.
A different torturer was elevated to the Director’s seat.
This summer, in a speech marking the occasion of the CIA’s 75th birthday, President Biden struck a quite different note than he did in Philadelphia, reciting what the CIA instructs all presidents: that the soul of the institution really lies in speaking truth to power.
“We turn to you with the big questions,” Biden said, “the hardest questions. And we count on you to give your best, unvarnished assessment of where we are. And I emphasize “‘unvarnished.’”
But this itself is a variety of varnishing — a whitewash.
For what reason do we aspire to maintain — or achieve — a nation of laws, if not to establish justice?
Let us say we have a democracy, shining and pure. The people, or in our case some subset of people, institute reasonable laws to which government and citizen alike must answer. The sense of justice that arises within such a society is not produced as a result of the mere presence of law, which can be tyrannical and capricious, or even elections, which face their own troubles, but is rather derived from the reason and fairness of the system that results.
What would happen if we were to insert into this beautiful nation of laws an extralegal entity that is not directed by the people, but a person: the President? Have we protected the nation’s security, or have we placed it at risk?
This is the unvarnished truth: the establishment of an institution charged with breaking the law within a nation of laws has mortally wounded its founding precept.
From the year it was established, Presidents and their cadres have regularly directed the CIA to go beyond the law for reasons that cannot be justified, and therefore must be concealed — classified. The primary result of the classification system is not an increase in national security, but a decrease in transparency. Without meaningful transparency, there is no accountability, and without accountability, there is no learning.
Do you believe that the CIA today — a CIA free from all consequence and accountability — is uninvolved in similar activities? Can you find no presence of their fingerprints in the events of the world, as described in the headlines, that provide cause for concern? Yet it is those who question the wisdom of placing a paramilitary organization beyond the reach of our courts that are dismissed as “naive.”
For 75 years, the American people have been unable to bend the CIA to fit the law, and so the law has been bent to fit the CIA. As Biden stood on the crimson stage, at the site where the Declaration of Independence and Constitution were debated and adopted, his words rang out like the cry of a cracked-to-hell Liberty Bell: “What’s happening in our country is not normal.”
If only that were true.

What is the most selfless or caring thing you have ever seen a cat do?
My kitty Otter was a dog tamer.

My daughter had dropped off a husky mix named Jackson at the house who would have been otherwise euthanized. This happened while I was on a trip.
This dog had supposedly killed a cat before (don’t know if that was true) and my cats were on the refrigerator.
Well I let him know the kitties outranked him and gradually Otter would challenge him by walking by.
They never were best buds but they tolerated each other.
Fast forward a couple of years. Jackson, who was fairly old when he entered our lives got cancer.
His appetite left him.
So Otter, who had absolutely NO interest in his food would go over and pretend she wanted to eat it!
He would trot right over, get territorial and eat his dinner.
It was so sweet.
He died a few month later.
They were more like buddies at the end.
Otter lived until she was 18. She was the best cat I ever had.
Owned her from the day she was born.
She was always courageous and had a beautiful cat heart.
4 Non Blondes – What’s Up (Official Music Video)
The owner of the cow decided to install a CCTV camera after hearing the barking of dogs every day So he got to see this amazing scene. Every day a Leopard comes and the cow loves him, licks him. When he found out from the old owner of the cow, he said that this leopard was only twenty days old when the mother of the leopard died. Since then the cow has fed him her milk and the leopard thinks that the cow is his mother, so the leopard comes to visit the cow every day in love with his mother.

What’s the best “tourist trap” you’ve ever fallen into?

Personally I’ve never fallen into this scheme but whenever I visit our tiny sister island of Tobago I roll my eyes seeing the amount of tourists who get caught in this trap.
Imagine this…
You’re on vacation with your family in the Caribbean island of Tobago, known for its stunning blue beaches and laid-back, bohemian lifestyle.
As many tourists do, seeing that it’s the closest beach to the airport, they spend their first day on Store Bay, the most commercially popular beach in Tobago.

As you arrive down the steps, past all the numerous souvenirs, handicraft and food stalls, you look for a nice shady area on the sand to lay your beach towel and make camp. Unfortunately all the good spots are taken so you whip out that suntan lotion and decide to take in some Vitamin D because you’ll be taking a dip in the water anyhow.
Suddenly a sinewy barechested young man looking like this:

Comes with a beach umbrella, and while taking puffs of his marijuana spliff, he stabs the umbrella into the sand amongst you, which provides much appreciated shade from the enhanced Vitamin D plus sunrays that are making you sweat.
You think, ‘Wow, what nice thoughtful people these Tobagonians are.’
You thank him but he doesn’t seem to hear you. He leaves and you assume that the umbrella is complimentary of whatever tourism board is running the country as you notice practically everyone has an umbrella like yours.
The man returns with a couple of beach chairs. You jump up ready to assist this helpful man. His mind seems distant as he stares towards the sea horizon as though expecting something. You say thanks again but he leaves without a word.
You enjoy yourself in the sun and sea, taking a few splashes in the azure waters. Discussing plans for the evening with your spouse, watching the kids frolic on the sand.
An old boat adorned in bright colours arrive on shore blasting music from its speakers. You see a bunch of people get up and head towards the boat. It’s apparently a glass bottomed boat that tours the nearby beaches.
The man magically appears behind you.
‘Yuh wah go on de glass bottom boat?’ he says.
You take some time to translate his sentence and you quickly say yeah. He whips out a card of tickets and a pencil and writes a note under some tickets. He then leads you and your family to the boat and assists you all in helping climb onto it.
What great hospitality! What great people! What a nice country! They really do go above and beyond for the tourists.
These are the thoughts you think whilst enjoying the tour, staring at the beautiful sights while the children look at fishes and coral through the glass bottom.

The tour lasts about two hours and when you return you decide that you will stay on the beach for the sunset.
When the sun sets most people are leaving and you see your man along with others like him collecting their vacated beach chairs and umbrellas.
You watch the sunset and fall in love with the country. Your man is somewhere behind you smoking another spliff and enjoying the sunset with you. However he seems to be scowling. You tell yourself that maybe that’s just his countenance. Never judge a book by its cover.
You decide to wrap things up and as you and your family assist in dusting off the beach chairs and folding and the umbrella, your man comes over with a few shirtless friends and takes over that duty.
He is staring at you and you don’t know what to say.
‘Thank you for everything,’ you say awkwardly, ‘You’ve been so kind…..What’s your name?’
‘Yuh have $1200 (TT) dollars for us sir.’ he says in a gruff, solemn tone while staring you in the eyes. His friends are poised nearby smirking at the scene.
‘You didn’t tell me you were charging me all this time! You didn’t tell me the cost?’
You look at him and his men who look agitated and upset and you look nervously at the near deserted beach. You know that quarreling over money with a bunch of unknown, sinewy shirtless locals would not be a good idea given the circumstances.
‘Brudda, if yuh don’t mind’ said one of his friends, ‘We real busy. Y’all went overtime. Jus pay we for our services nuh.’
He is saying this more as a growling threat than a request. You do your calculations. $200 US should cover the fee and give you back a little more than $100 TT change. You grudgingly give him the money. He looks at it, pockets it and he and his men leave without a word, laughing at something they were discussing, not even considering your change.
You’ve just been schemed my good friend.
Lesson #1 in coming to Tobago as a tourist.
Absolutely nothing is free.
Edit: Did not expect this little gem of advice to take off so quickly. But please be aware that these sort of schemes and unwholesome attitudes are mostly prevalent at Store Bay. The rest of Tobago is very easy going and trustworthy.
The Government is doing its best to curb these type of characters from tainting our image. This is just a lesson to be on the alert if you do decide to visit our marvelous country.
Edit 9.01.22: Those guys who try to scheme you with their beach chairs and boat rides in Tobago are nothing compared to the ‘trailer trash’ of Trinidad. Click here to read all about it.
What are your thoughts on China’s treatment of their citizens right now? Should they be charged with human rights violations?
China treats its citizens very well, thank you very much. Whatever you’ve heard or read about human rights in China is Western media propaganda bullshit. You need to be aware that Western governments and Western media have been perpetrating a massive disinformation campaign against China for decades.
How to cook Rogan Josh
Rogan josh also spelled roghan josh or roghan ghosht, is an aromatic curried meat dish of Kashmiri origin from the Kashmir Valley of the Indian-administered union territory of Jammu and Kashmir.

The lovely color of rogan josh (sometimes spelled roghan josh or roghan ghosht) comes from the Kashmiri dry red chiles used to prepare it. When you read the recipe, it may seem like you will end up with a fiery dish, but do not fear—the chiles add fantastic flavor to the Indian curry without making it too spicy.
Whole spices along with ground and fresh spices are what add layer upon layer of flavor to this Indian curry. Marinating the lamb in yogurt helps to tenderize the meat, and a touch of cream at the end gives the dish a little richness.
Serve with plain boiled rice or pulao and a vegetable side dish like okra or cauliflower.
- 2 to 2 1/2 pounds lamb, cubed
- 1/2 cup plain yogurt
- 1/4 cup vegetable, canola, or sunflower cooking oil
- 1 (2-inch) stick cinnamon
- 5 to 6 cardamom pods
- 8 to 10 whole cloves
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 teaspoon peppercorns
- 2 medium onions, finely chopped
- 2 tablespoons ginger paste
- 1 tablespoon garlic paste
- 3 to 4 Kashmiri dry red chiles, coarsely ground
- 2 teaspoons garam masala
- 2 teaspoons ground coriander
- 1 teaspoon ground cumin
- 1/4 teaspoon turmeric
- 2 cups beef, or lamb stock
- 1 cup water
- Kosher salt, to taste
- 5 teaspoons light cream, or half-and-half
- Fresh cilantro leaves, for garnish

What does rogan josh taste like?
Rogan josh has a savory, meaty, spiced flavor. Recipes vary greatly based on the cook, so the exact flavors can differ. The balance of dried chiles and a mix of spices gives the curry layers of flavor without making it too spicy.
How spicy is rogan josh curry?
While rogan josh does contain chiles, they are dried Kashmiri chiles, which are a mild type of pepper. The chiles add flavor and color rather than intense heat. You can adjust the chiles to your taste and spice tolerance.
Does rogan josh contain tomato?
Recipes for the Indian curry rogan josh vary depending on the cook’s preference for spices and other ingredients. Some recipes for rogan josh contain tomato puree or tomatoes while others do not. The color primarily comes from the Kashmiri chiles.
Lee Amendment
Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-AK) introduced an amendment declaring that China is not a developing country and should not be treated by the UN or other intergovernmental organizations as such. The amendment would also require the Secretary of State to propose the removal of China’s designation as a developing nation under the Kigali Amendment. Sen. Lee’s amendment passed the Senate by a unanimous roll call vote: 96 vs 0.
From HERE.
What is the smartest thing you’ve seen a child do?
When one of our twins had just turned 5, just a few weeks into kindergarten, I went into our playroom and realized the computer was running Windows 10.
I asked my wife if she upgraded it. I asked our then 10 year old. No and no.
Stumped, I finally asked the 5 year old.
He proudly announced that he had as he liked Windows 10. Not quite believing him, I asked him how.
He sat down, brought up Google, typed in “Window 10 upgrade instructions” and started reading me the steps.
Stunned, I asked: “you can read”?
He laughed and said he’d been able to read that well for over a year.
I asked him how?
He pulled up Youtube for Kids on his tablet and showed me how he had enabled closed captions.
He calmly said he’d been reading along since he was 3.
He’s 6 now. I have yet to find software that will lock down his tablet. He cracks them all.
Proud, and a little scared.
Do younger Chinese, especially the well educated Chinese born after 1990, support the Chinese government more?
When foreigners met a Chinese guy that supports CCP government, they always say, “ poor people being brainwashed by their government.”
However the experiences of mine tells an opposite story.
China education do put little communist ideology in our politics textbook from high school. But it in fact had made an opposite effect – high school students tend to rebel especially you push to convince him/her to believe something. For me, I hated the politics course in those days, and because of that, I chose to study science courses instead of literature courses even though my history is much better than my physics. I was fond of a young writer named Han Han who was often writing articles to criticize the system and government. I did like a history teacher named Yuan tengfei, who is famous for criticizing Mao Zedong and praise western ways of thinking. It was like kind of anti-government idea and I was pretty proud of that then.
But things began to change after I went to Japan for further study. I was looking forward for new free life outside China, I expected lots of people with different ideas and independent thoughts. However people here are not like what I thought. Media have strong bias against everything in China, and most of the people here accept the false information without any doubt. And as I started to watch YouTube, what I have found is just double-standards of westerners.
An example is COVID-19. When Wuhan was lockdown, I was preparing my master thesis in Japan. Like others, I also thought that could no more than a heavy flu. The very strict method is controversial outside China, I was also doubt the necessity then. But days later, the SOS messages from individuals of wuhan began to spread in Chinese SNS. Too many heart breaking stories and I lost sleep in many nights, what I could do was only forward SOS messages to make sure more would see and took care of the people in trouble.
what is it like outside China? They were making fun of the plague and call us the patient of Asia. They were mocking on our temporary hospitals and call them concentration camp. They were making jokes about our country just like democracy countries do not have plague. The westerners always label themselves as human rights fighters and savers but they have never focused on the miseries of Wuhan people, somehow might warn themselves that it is not simply a flu; all the news here is to show how bad CCP is, and make fun of us.
Now the pandemic in China is contained, but for worldwide it have just begun. The developed world acted like shit but they just blame others. The whole world started to build temporary hospitals which is apparently worse than ours, but surprisingly there is no one mocking on them! The president of the most powerful country in the world, has especially strengthened my idea. Mr.president always said it’s a flu and “ I know corona virus better than anyone” two weeks ago; While now US became the patient of America, he said he was always serious and their method against the virus was perfect. Then his popularity just climbed! WTF??? Is this the result your perfect democracy trying to make? To produce a cheater to run the country and cheat the people? And is this your wise people that even not able to tell you are played like a fool?
No it’s too far from my expectation now. I know there are many problems in China but I believe she will be better. Because only 15 years ago while I was a middle school student, there is no road to the city, one of the happiest thing for my childhood was that my dad’s McDonald’s delivery from the city, which at least cost him two days by ship in a round trip. Now? 2 hours on express way and will be 30 minutes by high speed train in 2024.
I’m not going to convince anybody to love China, because after several years abroad I know, it’s impossible to erase the bias in your mind by only talking. At least I don’t think I can convince the 100 million people who support Trump.
Cat on guard
Yes! We used to laugh when our Catkins would stubbornly sit beside the cat door until we closed it at night. We thought it was just another of her many quirks.
But when she had to spend the night at the vet, we found out the real reason for her vigil. We woke up at two, thinking we were dreaming: we clearly heard the sound of crunching coming from the corner where we kept Catkins’ dry food.
We switched on the light to see THREE strange cats calmly munching away! No wonder Catkins kept watch, with three moochers trying to steal her food! The three looked well-fed, and were clearly someone’s pets.
We shooed them out, and took out the cat door. Catkins was then happy to spend her evenings on the couch with us, relieved of the need for guard duty.

Interesting comments from a Canadian
Cardi is a confused clown----a racist piece of trash- a complete idiot --He should be the Minister of Destruction ( their finances could take a future HARD HIT ---the only language fools like Cardi understand ( as well as Boris Johnson- Prince Justin "Jackboot" Trudeua- Amtrak Joe Biden and Scottie Mad Dog Morrison) is a blow to the head or a bankrupt bank account------ ----BIG DEBT but talking proud --------- 2007 might be coming their way very soon ---a big collapse. FIRE Finance Insurance Real Estate ----the 4 stooges ( USA UK Canada Australia ) Make zip --nothing ------all increases in employment courtesy of bankrupt governments--this spending and borrowing can not continue forever. '--------------------------- Oh Liz Truss--visits Queen Elizabeth II and 2 days later--the latter expires. USA is now starting this close all Confucius Institutes Nonsense and Education Minister Cardi ( this idiot should be put away into an institution for idiots) either closed or is closing the Confucius Institute in New Brunswick --- Canada and USA ( the only 2 countries (who know - understand and apply ---human rights ---democracy and freedom) are now planning to sail through Taiwan Straits They ( UK USA Canada and Australia) Have NO respect for anyone---just the Big Bozo sitting in DC and the Industrial Military Complex. =============================================== Third Point: Remember all the fuss 2019 in Hong Kong-------it was going to collapse---its people were suffering---the innocent thugs vandalizing the place were heros --Nancy Luvkins and Trump Toadies --------it is all a game of Yes I do ---NO You don't or No I Don't Yes you do.. Took some material from United Nations HDI Index and the results are as follows: The human development Index measures countries according to the following: Life Expectancy at birth Education: Mean years of schooling Standard of living: GNI (Gross National Income) per capita. Now here are the results for 2013 and the most recently 2022:

Hong Kong rose from 15 to 4 —NOW that is a huge increase and there were the riots there in 2019—–it should have fallen according to MSM like Fox or CNN or even CBC
Canada fell from position 8 to 16 —- a big drop
USA fell from position 5 to 17—– another big drop
Australia fell from 2 to 8
UK was the only one to rise from 13 to 12 —but this Trails Hong Kong.
Each of these English speaking countiries fell by 8 points ——and the HDI measures human condition—-tells the truth –now who is fooling who Mssr Trump-Biden-Trudeau–you are like Mr Know-it-all from International Falls: Bullwinkle M Moose ” Hey Rocky –watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat !!!!”
What British food should one absolutely try (either because it is delicious or because it’s peculiar)?
May I present the humble Cadbury’s Mini Roll:

This was invented when an unsuspecting Brit who, on visiting America, took a bite of a Twinkie and, after throwing up and swearing profusely, took it upon themselves to create the most heavenly yet simple cake bar known to mankind.
They come in packs of 10, laughingly referred to as “Family Packs”, which to be fair is true if you live on your own. I have been known to open the sweet drawer (the part of the kitchen where all Britons hide their shame), open a single bar ‘just for a snack’ and be found 6 hours later by one of my children in a hyperglycaemic coma on the sofa, surrounded by wrappers with chocolate all over my face.
“Is Daddy an alcoholic Mummy?”
“No, he’s just a greedy cu…. so ‘nd so”
These things put all other sweet snacks to shame.
I was inspired to answer this question upon seeing a very well written homage to the Beef Wellington. A BW is all good and well for a posh dinner, but is fuck all good when you are hanging out of your arsehole and need 10,000 swiftly delivered cake based calories and a pint of Lucozade.
Is China on the verge of becoming the next massive threat to the United States? Why or why not?
If you see your shadow as a threat, it will be a threat.
US already regards China a threat. China demands equality in their relationship. Its rise is in inexorable, and gaining influence and respect in world affairs. It sets an example for countries to resist US hegemony.
US responds out of fear and a negative attitude. The proof is that every important US foreign policy statement or action has China back and centre, notably the increasing propaganda to demonize it, the unending streams of sanctions, and the haste to form new alliances, as well as, to draw NATO into the Asian theatre.
China’s technology prowess is catching up with the US. It already leads in several foundation technologies, like 5G communications, green economy, and AI applications. On semiconductors, its manufacturing capacities has taken a quantum leap, in sophistication as well. It is already able to do 7nm chips. US leads in specific technologies to make semiconductors may be tenuous, as it lacks behind in manufacturing. China is STEM-focus, in contrast to law and finance in the US. China graduates 4 times the number of STEM bachelor degrees compared with the US, and 2 times the number of PhDs by 2025. It consistently outscores the US in international science and technology rankings for K-12 students. In 2018m it ranked first in the PISA scores against 25th for the US.
So, China is more than a threat in technology prowess. It is catching up with the US, and sets to overtake it in the near future, and then to widen the lead.
China is a nuclear power. Its military forces are growing stronger in its continuing program of modernisation and mechanisation, which started about 5 years ago. The focuses are on command and control, troop training, and equipment and weaponry, especially the air force, and the navy. It is well capable to defend the country, and if need be, to counter-attack. It therefore lessens the threat of attack by the US, such as by its carrier strike group. It also renders much of the rhetoric by the US to defend Taiwan less believable or moot.
In this sense, China is a threat to the US because it is able to defend an attack by the US. It is a defensive threat rather than an offensive one. It is not a threat if US does not intend to attack it. It is not a threat to attack the US and its military forces and bases around the globe.
China gains many foreign friends and much respect and influence through trade and investments. US feels threatened because this may cause it to lose global influence, and compromise its hegemony in world affairs.
But this threat is more of its own making. US has been (1) dishonest and destructive, as is clear from the countries it had bombed and the failed states in the Middle East, (2) racialist, such as its attitude towards non-white refugees, and the hoarding and slow fulfilment of its pledges of Covid vaccines, and (3) bully and unconscionable, the most flagrant is to freeze $7 billion of money that belongs to Afghanistan, and leaving the people to suffer hungers and starvations.
So long as US hangs on to hegemony, and No.1 in its chosen fields, it will feel threaten by any country on the rise.
In the 1980s, it was Japan, which it was able to dispose off quite quickly. Japan is a much smaller country and is beholden to the US for defence.
Now it is China, which it will have to compromise and find accommodation. China is much larger and more powerful than Japan, and is not beholden to the US. China has its own national goal, which it will pursue disregarding the US.
Why does homemade fried rice never taste the same as fried rice from a Chinese restaurant? Am I missing some secret ingredient or method?
I can’t say for sure whether or not you’re missing any secret ingredients, since I don’t know your recipe. I am certain you’re missing one key component though, and that’s heat.
Chinese restaurants cook over commercial wok burners, which put out 125,000 BTUs of heat. Your home stove might generate 15,000 BTUs out of its largest burner. That’s a pretty significant difference.
The heat of a wok burner imparts a distinctive flavor onto foods. When foods hit the polymerized surface of a hot steel wok, they instantly release moisture, which leaves the food in the form of steam. The foods are tossed through the rising steam, where they capture the droplets of water, and fall back into the wok. This action, repeated over and over, is the essence of wok cooking. The intense heat also causes rapid browning and caramelization and gives the food a distinctive smokey flavor. The flavor, known as Wok Hei in Cantonese, is what makes Chinese take out so crave able, and can’t be duplicated on a home stove. None of what I described can be duplicated, to the same degree, on a home stove. It just doesn’t generate enough heat.
This is a 125,000 BTU wok burner.

That ain’t your momma’s kitchen stove.
If the US and China have the same wage rate, will America become competitive against China in manufacturing?
Most Americans still thinks that China is competitive because of its lower wage cost. It still thinks and dream on that it owns and provide key technologies.
But the truth is really far from this. Chinese success is only partially because of labour cost. It’s their infrastructure, its their own technology, its their great educational system, its robotics and automation, it is their super duper government machinery, its their hardwork, its the intelligence and skill of their workers.
That is why inspite of the wage rise by as much as ten folds since 1980s, the Chinese has only grown more competitive. And its products and services demand have only got stronger inspite of the trade war, the decoupling, the increase cost.
So even if the US managed to be on par with China on labour cost, American products will still be not competitive. It’s infrastructure is much more dilapidated, its labour could not match the skill and capability of the Chinese, its production lacks robotics and automation, its goverment is of no help and in stalemate.
These are simply facts not words like exceptionality which the US claims over and over again without substance.
Audioslave – Like a Stone (Official Video)
How do Chinese stay slim with all that orange chicken, egg rolls, and chow mein they eat?
That’s easy!
What you think I eat every day:

What I actually eat every day:

Is it true that the BBC in the UK says China is bullying the Uyghurs? Or is the BBC helping US allies spread disinformation to deceive his people?
Watch their expose on it they made a few years ago.
Looks terribly damning but if you wait right to the end? It shows these Uighurs being allowed home for the weekend.
They know that you won’t watch to the end so that’s why they put it there.
What sort of death camp allows people to go home at the weekend?
“All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” — Leo Tolstoy
Why can’t Chinese people eat normal food like pizza, burgers, and steaks?

It’s such a huge pity if your world is only filled with pizza, burgers and steaks.
You will find a lot more varieties of food than you can imagine if you go to China.
China is mainly famous for its eight cuisines, which include Cantonese Cuisine, Fujian Cuisine, Anhui Cuisine, Hunan Cuisine, Jiangsu Cuisine, Shandong Cuisine, Sichuan Cuisine, Zhejiang Cuisine.
You can find hundreds of and even thousands kinds of dishes for each of the major cuisines.
Besides that, there are also various sorts of local food in different places across China.
China has a large territory. Different places have food with different flavors.
The real US agenda in Africa is hegemony
by Pepe Escobar, first published at The Cradle and posted with the author’s permission
Forget development. Washington’s primary interest in Africa today is keeping the Chinese and Russians out.
In a rational environment, the 77th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) would discuss alleviating the trials and tribulations of the Global South, especially Africa.
That won’t be the case. Like a deer caught in the geopolitical headlights, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres issued platitudes about a gloomy “winter of global discontent,” even as the proverbial imperial doomsayers criticized the UN’s “crisis of faith” and blasted the “unprovoked war” started by Russia.
Of course the slow-motion genocide of Donbass russophone residents for eight years would never be recognized as a provocation.
Guterres spoke of Afghanistan, “where the economy is in ruins and human rights are being trampled” – but he did not dare to offer context. In Libya, “divisions continue to jeopardize the country” – once again, no context. Not to mention Iraq, where “ongoing tensions threaten ongoing stability.”
Africa has 54 nations as UN members. Any truly representative UNGA meeting should place Africa’s problems at the forefront. Once again, that’s not the case. So it is left to African leaders to offer that much-needed context outside of the UN building in New York.
As the only African member of the G20, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa recently urged the US not to “punish” the whole continent by forcing nations to demonize or sanction Russia. Washington’s introduction of legislation dubbed the Countering Malign Russian Activities in Africa Act, he says, “will harm Africa and marginalize the continent.”
South Africa is a BRICS member – a concept that is anathema in the Beltway – and embraces a policy of non-alignment among world powers. An emerging 21st century version of the 1960s Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) is strengthening across the Global South – and especially Africa – much to the revulsion of the US and its minions.
Back at the UNGA, Guterres invoked the global fertilizer crisis – again, with no context. Russian diplomacy has repeatedly stressed that Moscow is ready to export 30 million tons of grain and over 20 million tons of fertilizer by the end of 2022. What is left unsaid in the west, is that only the importation of fertilizers to the EU is “allowed,” while transit to Africa is not.
Guterres said he was trying to persuade EU leaders to lift sanctions on Russian fertilizer exports, which directly affect cargo payments and shipping insurance. Russia’s Uralchem, for instance, even offered to supply fertilizers to Africa for free.
Yet from the point of view of the US and its EU vassals, the only thing that matters is to counter Russia and China in Africa. Senegal’s President Macky Sall has remarked how this policy is leaving “a bitter taste.”
‘We forbid you to build your pipeline’
It gets worse. The largely ineffectual EU Parliament now wants to stop the construction of the 1,445 km-long East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) from Uganda to Tanzania, invoking hazy human rights violations, environmental threats, and “advising” member countries to simply drop out of the project.
Uganda is counting on more than 6 billion barrels of oil to sustain an employment boom and finally move the nation to middle-income status. It was up to Ugandan Parliament Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa to offer much-needed context:
“It is imprudent to say that Uganda’s oil projects will exacerbate climate change, yet it is a fact that the EU block with only 10 percent of the world’s population is responsible for 25 percent of global emissions, and Africa with 20 percent of the world’s population is responsible for 3 percent of emissions. The EU and other western countries are historically responsible for climate change. Who then should stop or slow down the development of natural resources? Certainly not Africa or Uganda.”
The EU Parliament, moreover, is a staunch puppet of the biofuel lobby. It has refused to amend a law that would have stopped the use of food crops for fuel production, actually contributing to what the UN Food Program has described as “a global emergency of unprecedented magnitude.” No less than 350 million people are on the brink of starvation across Africa.
Instead, the G7’s notion of “helping” Africa is crystallized in the US-led Build Back Better World (B3W) – Washington’s anaemic attempt to counter Beijing’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) – which focuses on “climate, health and health security, digital technology, and gender equity and equality,” according to the White House. Practical issues of infrastructure and sustainable development, which are at the heart of China’s plan, are simply ignored by the B3W.
Initially, a few “promising” projects were identified by a traveling US delegation in Senegal and Ghana. Senegalese diplomatic sources have since confirmed that these projects have nothing whatsoever to do with building infrastructure.
B3W, predictably, fizzled out. After all, the US-led project was little more than a public relations gimmick to undermine the Chinese, with negligible effect on narrowing the $40-plus trillion worth of infrastructure needed to be built across the Global South by 2035.
Have YALI, will travel
Imperial initiatives in Africa – apart from the US military’s Africa Command (AFRICOM), which amounts to raw militarization of the continent – brings us to the curious case of YALI (Young African Leaders Initiative), widely touted in the Washington-New York axis as “the most innovative” policy of the Obama years.
Launched in 2010, YALI was framed as “empowering the new generation of Africa leadership” – a euphemism for educating (or brainwashing) them the American way. The mechanism is simple: investing in and bringing hundreds of young African potential leaders to US universities for a short, six-week “training” on “business, civil leadership, entrepreneurship, and public management.” Then, four days in Washington to meet “leaders in the administration,” and a photo op with Obama.
The project was coordinated by US embassies in Africa, and targeted young men and women from sub-Saharan Africa’s 49 nations – including those under US sanctions, like Sudan, Eritrea, and Zimbabwe – proficient in English, with a “commitment” to return to Africa. Roughly 80 percent during the initial years had never been to the US, and more than 50 percent grew up outside of big cities.
Then, in a speech in 2013 in South Africa, Obama announced the establishment of the Washington Fellowship, later renamed the Mandela-Washington Fellowship (MWF).
That’s still ongoing. In 2022, MWF should be granted to 700 “outstanding young leaders from sub-Saharan Africa,” who follow “Leadership Institutes” at nearly 40 US universities, before their short stint in Washington. After which, they are ready for “long-term engagement between the United States and Africa.”
And all that for literally peanuts, as MWF was enthusiastically billed by the Democrat establishment as cost-efficient: $24,000 per fellow, paid by participant US universities as well as Coca-Cola, IBM, MasterCard Foundation, Microsoft, Intel, McKinsey, GE, and Procter & Gamble.
And that didn’t stop with MWF. USAID went a step further, and invested over $38 million – plus $10 million from the MasterCard Foundation – to set up four Regional Leadership Centers (RLCs) in South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, and Senegal. These were training, long distance and in-class, at least 3,500 ‘future leaders’ a year.
It’s no wonder the Brookings Institution was drooling over so much “cost-efficiency” when it comes to investing “in Africa’s future” and for the US to “stay competitive” in Africa. YALI certainly looks prettier than AFRICOM.
A few success stories though don’t seem to rival the steady stream of African footballers making a splash in Europe – and then reinvesting most of their profits back home. The Trump years did see a reduction of YALI’s funding – from $19 million in 2017 to roughly $5 million.
So many leaders to ‘train’
Predictably, the Joe Biden White House YALI-ed all over again with a vengeance. Take this US press attache in Nigeria neatly outlining the current emphasis on “media and information literacy,” badly needed to tackle the “spreading of disinformation” including “in the months leading up to the national presidential election.”
So the US, under YALI, “trained 1,000 young Nigerians to recognize the signs of online and media misinformation and disinformation.” And now the follow-up is “Train the Trainer” workshops, “teaching 40 journalists, content creators, and activists (half of whom will be women) from Yobe, Borno, Adamawa, Zamfara, and Katsina how to identify, investigate, and report misinformation.” Facebook, being ordered by the FBI to censor “inconvenient,” potentially election-altering facts, is not part of the curriculum.
YALI is the soft, Instagrammed face of AFRICOM. The US has participated in the overthrow of several African governments over the past two decades, with troops trained under secrecy-obsessed AFRICOM. There has been no serious Pentagon audit on the weaponizing of AFRICOM’s local “partners.” For all we know – as in Syria and Libya – the US military could be arming even more terrorists.
And predictably, it’s all bipartisan. Rabid neo-con and former Trump national security adviser John Bolton, in December 2018, at the Heritage Foundation, made it crystal clear: the US in Africa has nothing to do with supporting democracy and sustainable development. It’s all about countering Russia and China.
When it learned that Beijing was considering building a naval base in oil-rich Equatorial Guinea, the Biden White House sent power envoys to the capital Malabo to convince the government to cease and desist. To no avail.
In contrast, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was received like a superstar in his recent extensive tour of Africa, where it’s widely perceived that global food prices and the fertilizer drama are a direct consequence of western sanctions on Russia. Uganda leader Yoweri Museveni went straight to the point when he said, “How can we be against somebody who has never harmed us?”
On 13-15 December, the White House plans a major US-Africa Leaders Summit in Washington to discuss mostly food security and climate change – alongside the perennial lectures on democracy and human rights. Most leaders won’t be exactly impressed with this new showing of “the United States’ enduring commitment to Africa.” Well, there’s always YALI. So many young leaders to indoctrinate, so little time.
光亮(大型紀錄片《紫禁城》主題歌)Lyrics, Pinyin, English Translation
This is the song that I used in my you-tube tribute to the “Return of the Heroes”.
This is Gypsy, my precious little cat:

He was only 5 weeks old when some horrible person threw him out of their car on the highway in Southern Arkansas.
My dad saw him, stopped and picked him up and took him home.
His nail beds were ripped out and as you can maybe see in the picture, his face was all cut up.
I slept on the bathroom floor with him that night and he crawled out of the basket we put him in and curled up on my neck.
I put him back in the basket over and over and he would just cry and meow and climb back out again onto my neck.
Finally I let him sleep there.
The next morning we took him to the vet and the vet fudged his age up a couple weeks so I could buy Gypsy an airline ticket.
Two days later I flew with him back to California where I live.
He is now 11 months old and living very happily up in his new home in the Sierra Nevadas.

BAD COMPANY – Deal With The Preacher
Have you changed the way you think about China after visiting?
Oh for sure. My opinions on China took a 180 degrees turn. The real China that I saw with my own eyes was so different from what the media had been portraying for years.
I visited Beijing, China for the first time in 2011 March. From then on I visited about once every 2 to 3 years. It was just a 2-hour flight from South Korea where I used to live. I really have wonderful memories of my visits and I feel nostalgic about them sometimes.

Beihai Park, Beijing in 2016 (above)
China just felt so vibrant and full of energy. I did see a lot of similarities with Korea, except it was more interesting and authentic. It is a whole world in itself with its long history and rich unique culture.
What really struck me was the sheer scale of their infrastructure: glitzy skyscrapers, airports, malls. I especially like their malls because they got great restaurants and shops. Any and every kind of brand, product, food, and entertainment that you can ever want is made available to you. The food options are overwhelming sometimes. Every time I go to a restaurant in China, I felt like I was attending a banquet, at least the proper ones where I went for a night out.

Guomao business district, Beijing (above)
But the hospitality, warmth, and genuineness of the Chinese people are what really impressed me the most. There was no pretense or fakeness in my interactions with them, as is often the case in the west. Their emotions are more authentic and human.
Before I came to China, I had the impression that China was an oppressive communist regime similar to North Korea. Boy was I wrong. I never felt so free in my life. You are generally free to do what you want as long as you don’t stir controversy by touching on a few sensitive topics. I never had to worry about the police, Karens, racists, and criminals as I had to while I was in the states. For example, I can jaywalk freely without getting stopped by the police.
Overall, I have developed a very positive yet balanced opinion of China after many visits (and many years of living there). I am well aware that it has its issues like any other country. But on balance, a wonderful country where the positives outweigh the negatives.
Arrived In Germany. Will The U.S. Be Close Behind?
Things are starting to get really crazy in Germany. The Germans are dealing with the worst inflation crisis that they have seen since the days of the Weimar Republic, and meanwhile economic activity is starting to shut down all over the nation. Of course other European countries are facing similar problems, but Germany was supposed to be the economic rock that the rest of Europe could always depend upon. Unfortunately, the decision by the Russians to cut off the flow of gas through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline is hitting Germany extremely hard. If we could just get both sides to agree to end the war in Ukraine, that would greatly help matters, but that simply isn’t going to happen. In fact, it appears that Vladimir Putin has decided to greatly escalate matters, and the western powers will inevitably greatly escalate matters in response. What this means is that the economic turmoil that we are witnessing in Europe isn’t going anywhere any time soon.
This week, we got some inflation numbers out of Germany that are so high that it is difficult to believe that they are actually real…
German producer prices rose in August at the fastest rate since records began in 1949, data released by the Federal Statistical Office showed today, pointing to a further increase in consumer prices. Producer prices of industrial products rose by 45.8 percent compared to the same month of last year. Compared to July 2022, prices rose 7.9 percent. Soaring energy prices on the back of Russia’s war against the Ukraine remain the main driver behind rising prices.
If we continue to see monthly increases of around 8 percent, next year at this time we could be talking about a yearly jump of close to 100 percent.
How bad do things have to get before we actually start using the term “hyperinflation”?
Energy prices are the biggest reason why inflation has gotten completely out of control, and the German government has been forced to nationalize a huge natural gas company in order to keep it from going under…
The German government is closing in on an agreement to nationalize gas giant Uniper SE, as Berlin moves to stave off a collapse of the country’s energy sector. A provisional agreement between the government, Uniper and its main shareholder, Finland’s Fortum Oyj, has been reached, according to people familiar with the situation. While contracts haven’t been signed, Berlin is aiming for an announcement later this week.
According to the CEO of Uniper, the company has been losing about 100 million euros a day during this crisis.
Needless to say, the German government cannot save everyone, and so a lot of firms won’t survive this crisis at all.
For example, a manufacturer that has been making toilet paper for Germans for nearly 100 years is now headed into insolvency…
Hakle has been a German household name since 1928, but the Duesseldorf-based toilet paper manufacturer said all it took was this summer’s gas price shock to drive it into insolvency.
Sadly, this is just the beginning.
According to the German central bank, the nation is moving into a “broad-based and prolonged decline in economic output”…
“Economic activity may pull back somewhat this quarter and shrink markedly in the autumn and winter months,” the central bank said, adding that it didn’t forecast this adverse scenario in a June report. Bundesbank continued: “There are mounting signs of a recession in the German economy in the sense of a clear, broad-based and prolonged decline in economic output.” It said a contraction is expected in the third quarter with deeper declines in economic activity in the fourth. “High inflation and uncertainty with regard to energy supply and its costs affect not only the gas and electricity-intensive industry and its export business and investments, but also private consumption and the service providers dependent on it,” the central bank said.
You can refer to such a scenario as a “recession” or a “depression” if it makes you feel better.
I call it an economic collapse.
The U.S. economy will soon be experiencing immense turmoil as well.
According to billionaire Barry Sternlicht, the Fed’s exceedingly foolish policies are pushing us toward a “serious recession”…
In an interview with CNBC’s “Squawk Box” on Thursday, Barry Sternlicht, the chairman and CEO of Starwood Capital, said he believes Americans are facing a major recession if the Federal Reserve proceeds with several more rate hikes as a means of curbing inflation, which is reportedly the central bank’s plan. “The economy is braking hard,” Sternlicht told the financial news outlet, according to the Daily Caller. “If the Fed keeps this up, they are going to have a serious recession and people will lose their jobs.”
He is right on target, but instead of saying “people will lose their jobs” he should have noted that lots of people are already being laid off. This is something that I have been documenting on my website for quite some time, and this week we learned that Gap has decided to lay off hundreds of corporate workers…
Gap Inc. is cutting about 500 corporate jobs as the clothing retailer struggles with declining sales. The job cuts, which include open positions, will be primarily at Gap’s offices in San Francisco, New York and Asia and hit various departments, a representative for the retailer confirmed Tuesday. The moves were first reported by The Wall Street Journal.
In this environment, very few workers are truly safe.
At this point, even the entertainment industry is letting lots of people go…
The struggling TV and film industry continues to run face first into bad news. This week it was reported that Warner Bros. Discovery was firing 100 TV ad salespeople at the same time that Paramount has considered ending offering Showtime as a standalone service, Bloomberg reported. Netflix followed suit with their own layoffs, the report says. The company has reportedly let go hundreds of employees and abandoned some of its office space. At the same time, the firm’s stock price has collapsed and fallen more than 60% from its all time highs.
Back in 2008 and 2009, millions of Americans lost their jobs.
Will we see something similar in the months ahead?
And just like during “the Great Recession”, the housing market is really starting to slow down. In fact, we just learned that homebuilder confidence has now fallen for nine months in a row…
The confidence of builders of single-family houses fell again in September, the ninth month in a row of declines, “as the combination of elevated interest rates, persistent building material supply chain disruptions, and high home prices continue to take a toll on affordability,” the NAHB report said. With today’s index value of 46, the NAHB/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index is now below where it had been in May 2006, on the way down into the Housing Bust.
This time around, it won’t just be a few areas of the planet that suffer.
At this moment we are literally witnessing economic implosions all over the planet, and the stage is being set for an immensely painful 2023.
The one thing that could really turn things around would be peace.
Unfortunately, global leaders on both sides seem absolutely determined to drag us into the type of cataclysmic global conflict that I have been warning about for years.
So there isn’t going to be peace, and that means that things are going to get really bad in 2023 and beyond.
But I also believe that you were put at this specific moment in history for a reason.
It is when times are the darkest that the greatest good can be done, and that is something that we will all need to remember during the very dark times in front of us.
Cortez the Killer – J Mascis & the Fog
A poll result says over 60% Taiwanese would arm themselves to actively resist against PRC China take over, is the poll result credible? Will people willing to put in big bet with their money to show belief for such a poll result?
I am from Taiwan.
Polls in Taiwan need to be read with a lot of nuances. Maybe it is the same everywhere, but definitely so in Taiwan.
In Taiwan the answer to a poll does not reflect what a person believes in, but how he would like the answer to sway the outcome of the poll, and in turn his lot in the big picture. So if you don’t read these polls with a big grain of salt, you would be lost.
So what does an average Taiwanese want? I can safely tell you that, at the present point in time, what he wants is for his current state of life to remain exactly as is, for as long as possible. This is the instinctive reaction of anyone in the face of great uncertainties, not only for the Taiwanese. And Taiwan is currently in exactly such an extreme uncertainty.
Does he really mean to pick up a gun to fight with his life and livelihood on the line? Hell No! But by thus answering to the pollster, he believes it has the biggest chance of attracting international attention and sympathy, and somehow that will translate into some assurance of maintaining the status quo across the Taiwan Strait. Just the status quo, no more! This is the best anyone wants in a situation of extreme uncertainty. No one wants to rock the boat at this juncture, even if that means they have to continue living under the oppressive, corrupt, criminal, autocratic and kleptocratic DPP police regime. It beats uncertainty at this juncture!
If you extrapolate this poll answer, with a strong motive to influence the optics of it, into an interpretation that the average Taiwanese loves his freedom and democracy under the DPP police state rule (LOL), and hates re-unification with China so much that he wants to put his life on the line, then you are totally led astray. I know for sure a predominant number of those who answered yes to this poll will be nowhere to be found if it ever, really comes to that, since this warlike picture and its ramifications were not what crossed their minds when they answered. They were only thinking how this poll result will look in New York Times.
Note I am not even saying these people don’t love freedom under the DPP police regime (LOL) or don’t hate unification. I am rather saying this poll is reflecting something that has nothing to do with these concepts you are interpreting. It is measuring something not asked in the questionnaire, namely, the degree of anxiety about the extreme uncertainty in Taiwan right now. If you interpret it wrong, it will not be pretty.
Also, up to this point I am assuming the poll was conducted by a neutral and honest organization. That’s a tall order. The polls in Taiwan are notoriously rigged and manipulated that most often they are worthless. For example in the 2019 DPP primary for presidential candidate, the polls were manipulated for months in multiple iterations, until the table was turned and the then underdog (incumbent and current president) Tsai finally came out on top. The polls stopped right at that point.
What has President Xi Jinping done that has made him so liked and respected in China?

Steve Wozniaks interview was the clincher here
In 2001 – Apple delivered a Patented Device to a Chinese Factory. For almost 300 days they forgot about it. Then they lazily called back and took collection of their device with China delivering some of the components.
In 2019 – Apple delivered a simple blueprint of a Patented Device for China to develop a manufacturing estimate. 4 Apple Engineers flew down with the blueprint locked in a case. They met in Singapore in a closed room with the Chinese. They delivered 1/4 the Blueprint and said we will share with you only on a piece by piece basis.
That is what China is under Xi Jingping
A Nation that can take an inch and convert it into a Mile
A Nation which is burgeoning so fast that the slighest relaxation can destroy an entire industry

When China developed its famous ‘China Sets’ mocked at regularly by people – the West relaxed and happily allowed their Chipsets to be sold to China saying “Learn from us!!!”
And China did. Under Xi Jingping – China is today at such a position that YOU NEED ACTS OF CONGRESS TO DESPERATELY TRY TO STIFLE CHINAS PROGRESS

Under Xi Jingping – China no longer needs foreign components for Aerospace and less than 5% Components for Defence.
And this happened over just 9 years (2013–2022)
Tell me one Nation that can boast of this?
Israel for all its industry still needs nearly 40% US Designs and Technology
But lets forget these things. After they are economical and while Xi will take credit, China may have evolved anyway as long as you didnt have a Bungling Doofus of a leader.
Lets look at how life for the Common man has changed under Xi

Apartment Buildings
Rampant Speculation meant that a Flat that cost a mere 191000 Yuan to be built sold for almost 1.5–2 Million Yuan.
Under Xi?
326000 Yuan!!!
Under Xis Social Control and Common Prosperity Platform – over 60,000 Apartments are being built by the Government Works Department on an average in a major city.
These apartments are sold for fixed prices ranging from 326K-411K against almost 2 Million for a similar sized apartment built by a private builder.
Exactly like how LKY priced his famous HDBs until his son became a US Lackey and decided to destroy daddys golden model with his less golden model.
And now its likely to be many more apartments.
Every Family in China will own a home by 2035 he promises.
Likewise [1] More Healthcare benefits, [2] Keeping Food Prices easily affordable, [3] Keeping Gas prices in Check, [4] Ensuring Superb Public Transport at affordable prices
- He has been there for the Middle Class
- He has been a Bane for the Wealthy Billionaires
Just like Deng Xiaoping
Unlike Hu Jiantao who was a Boon to Wealthy Billionaires over the Middle Class
A Great Leader – Xi Jingping !!! Makes me envy China every day.
Growing up in a dysfunctional family, the one thing I wish I had was security, a sense of safety.
Don’t get me wrong, my family was pretty well to do. I was very well provided with everything a child needs: food, clothing, allowance, money for school trips, books, supplies for hobbies, after-school classes. I was the first one in my friend group to have a PC, a walkman (remember those things?), a cellphone, and a car.
I grew up with my grandma because both of my parents were workaholics who simply didn’t want to take care of their kid. They divorced and each remarried. They both have hugely successful careers in their own fields. And I wasn’t in their lives.
My grandma did a great job raising me right. But she never let me forget I was living off her charity. She never let me forget the place I stayed was not my home, it was her home; I just stayed there and she could kick me out any time she wanted.
“Then you can go to your dad or your mom, see if they’ll take you in. They won’t, so you better behave!”
I visited my parents often. And when I went to their house, dealing with their new spouses, they would make it very clear to me that, this was not my home. This was the home of my dad and his new wife, and my mom and her new husband. I was a guest and I’d leave in a few hours. They had their own life, I had mine.
So I knew my grandma was right. If she kicked me out, neither of my parents would take me in. Mostly, my dad would talk to my grandma and beg her to take me back again.
It wasn’t a thing I thought about in everyday life. But there was always this sense of insecurity, lingering just underneath the surface. That I don’t belong here, and eventually, I’ll go somewhere else.
I think, all things considered, I grew up alright. I didn’t do drugs, I didn’t get involved with gangs. I graduated from college and became a tax-paying contributing member of the society.
But one thing I noticed about myself as an adult is that I have no sense of a “root.” Every place I stayed, I’d have this lingering feeling that it was all temporary. Eventually, I’d leave and go somewhere else. For the past two decades as an adult, I moved from one place to another, oftentimes with nothing but a few boxes and a couple of suitcases. Other than obvious monetary value, I didn’t have anything that I held dear. I’d look at my room and think that if everything was burned to ashes, I wouldn’t feel anything except “gosh I have to buy everything again…”
I have difficulty forming attachments with people. I have not made a single long-term friend since I graduated high school. The two people from high school I’m still in contact with… we only talk to each other about once a year. I don’t feel lonely. I don’t understand people’s need to “hang out” with friends. I mean, I get it. I can even enjoy it with people I like. But I wouldn’t miss it if I didn’t get to hang out with them.
Things have been getting better for me lately because of these two:

I’m very attached to my cats. I feel that the place I live right now is my home because they live here with me.
How the Internet Transforms the Individual into a Conspiracy of One
Are the Chinese people finally wise to the fact that the CCP are just a bunch of self-serving liars?
You know what, if the members of the Communist Party of China (CPC) are “a bunch of self-serving liars,” we have to say, generally, the general public here in China are thankful to the “group of liars.” For what?
It is this “group of liars” who helped defeat the Japanese invasion during the 1930s to 1940s.
It is this “group of liars” who defeated the Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek)-led Kuomingtang Party during the Civil War and later founded the new China — the People’s Republic of China in 1949.
It is this “group of liars” who established the new China as an independent nation and won itself the respect from the international community, including from the third world countries, and also the Western nations back in mid and late 20th century.
It is this “group of liars” who researched and developed China’s own atomic bombs, hydrogen bomb and satellite back in the difficult times in 1960s and 1970s, which guaranteed our independence, sovereignty and national dignity.
It is this “group of liars” who built the solid foundation for China’s industry in the early years after the founding of new China, from heavy to light, and also from primary, to secondary and tertiary industry segments, so that China has become the only country in the world today to obtain all the industrial categories listed in the United Nations industrial classification — covering all the 41 major industrial categories, 191 medium categories, and 525 subcategories.
It is this “group of liars” who have helped lift more than 800 million Chinese people from extreme poverty in the past four decades or so after its reform and opening up in late 1970s.

(A glimpse of rural life in China.)
It is this “group of liars” who have helped build the national mecical care system covering more than 95% percent of its 1.4 billion people.
It is this “group of liars” who helped reduce the illiteracy rate from around 80 percent in 1949 to some 2.67 percent in 2022, as of July 28, and actually, today, China boasts the largest group of STEM students in the world, which in turn, boost China’s sci-tech industry, the vital foundation for a nation’s overall capability and competence nowadays.
It is this “group of liars” who have helped China’s decades of economic growth which has brought considerable improvements for its people’s livehoods and life quality, even in the turbulent 2022, into the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, facing the worldwide economic downturn, coupled with the Ukraine war which has led to energy crisis and unprecedented inflation in many countries, China is still among the countries with very low COVID fatality, positive GDP growth, comparatively much lower inflation and stable prices, last but not least, generally self-sufficient in food.
It is this “group of liars” who have helped China lead in many hi-tech sectors, such as 5G, AI (artificial intelligence), IoT (internet of things), quantum computing, aerospace, deep-sea research, and hypersonic, etc., so even the US is spying our universities and other institutes to steal our new technologies, or banning our companies in case they surpass it too rapidly.
……Still more can be added to the list.
All said, I do not mean China is a perfect country, or CPC is a perfect party, or CPC members are perfect individuals.
The leaders of CPC have made mistakes, big or small, some with far-reaching impact on the country and its people, some might be not so widely or deeply impacting us.
And actually, ordinary Chinese people can criticize the policies mapped out or carried out by the party-led governments, can also propose our advice and suggestions to the government, to the party, but definitely in different ways and through different channels compared to those Western democracies.
A basic logic here, if all Chinese are banned from making any sound, as smeared by many Western politicians and media, how is it possible for the CPC-led Chinese government to make all these adjustments along the times in the past seven decades?!
Or, there is another possibility: all the CPC members and the leaders, are just too perfect and superb, that they don’t need to listen to the people but can always make right choice and map out correct policies so China can achieve all it has achieved?
Neither is possible, right?
So, back to your question, the Chinese people have always been wise to know the CPC is the real party, and CPC members are the real group of doers, to serve the Chinese people, though there are still big margins for them to improve themselves.
Remember one thing, there is only one ruling party, CPC, here in China, so they don’t need to fight for their votes, and they can focus their job on delivering concrete results; they don’t need to invest too many efforts and too much money into the election campaign, so the efforts and money can instead be used in building our infrastructure, investing in medical care, education, R&D, etc.; there would be no partisan conflicts and even rivalries, so, they can carry out the policies coherently, five-year after five-year, after another five-year, the 14th five-year plan right now, but only with adjustments according to the international and domestic situations, not like, say, in the US, Trump overthrew nearly everything of Obama, while Biden kicked out many of Trump’s.
We need to admit, we are living in a colorful and diversified world, and we need to allow all the colors and diversities to co-exist, and hence people of different countries, races, cultures, etc., can find their own comfort and satisfaction in their life.
Our history will never end, unless one day human beings as a whole disappear from the Earth. “Democracy” is not the only form of society, and “democracy” should not be defined just by the West, and the West can not and should not force its own version of “democracy” onto others, and the West should not label those who reject their version of “democracy” as demons.
As Chinese, we are quite OK with CPC, and to some extent, thankful to CPC. It’s not up to whether you like it or not, it’s up to ourselves — whether we are enjoying a better life, in an all-around way.
Ukraine War Planned YEARS AGO Documents Reveal
They Know That They Are Killing The Economy, But They Are Doing It Anyway…
They know exactly what they are doing. The “experts” that run the Federal Reserve know that if they dramatically hike interest rates it will cause countless American workers to lose their jobs and it will absolutely crush the housing market. And even though those two things are already starting to happen, they just announced another massive rate hike. If there was a school for central bankers, one of the very first things that they would teach you is that you should never, ever raise rates as an economy is plunging into a recession. Every Fed official knows what has happened in the past when rates have been hiked at the beginning of an economic slowdown, but they are doing it anyway. To call this “economic malpractice” would be a major understatement, and the American people should be deeply alarmed about what they are doing to us.
After everything that has already happened, it is hard to believe that Fed officials would continue to be so reckless. On Wednesday, it was announced that rates would be raised by another 75 basis points…
The Federal Reserve on Wednesday raised its benchmark interest rate by 75 basis points for the third straight month as it struggles to bring scorching-hot inflation under control, a move that threatens to slow U.S. economic growth and exacerbate financial pain for millions of households and businesses. The three-quarter percentage point hikes in June, July and September — the most aggressive series of increases since 1994 — underscore just how serious Fed officials are about tackling the inflation crisis after a string of alarming economic reports. Policymakers voted unanimously to approve the latest super-sized hike.
It was a unanimous vote.
There wasn’t even one dissenting voice.
Have they gone completely mad?
Wall Street certainly did not like this decision. The Dow plunged hundreds of points immediately after it was announced…
The Dow Jones Industrial Average slid 522.45 points, or 1.7%, to close at 30,183.78. The S&P 500 shed 1.71% to 3,789.93, and the Nasdaq Composite slumped 1.79% to 11,220.19. The S&P ended Wednesday’s session down more than 10% in the past month and 21% off its 52-week high. Even before the rate decision, stocks were pricing in an aggressive tightening campaign by the Fed that could tip the economy into a recession.
For ages, the Fed coddled the financial markets, but now it is almost as if they don’t even care anymore.
Personally, I am far more concerned about what will happen to ordinary hard working Americans in the months ahead. Even Jerome Powell is admitting that “an increase in unemployment” is likely because of what the Fed is doing…
“I think there’s a very high likelihood we will have a period of … much lower growth and it could give rise to an increase in unemployment,” he said. Will that mean a recession? “No one knows whether that process will lead to a recession or how significant a recession it will be,” Powell said. “I don’t know the odds.”
Actually, we are in a recession right now.
And Powell and his minions just made things a whole lot worse.
Even Democrats understand this. After the rate hike was announced, Senator Elizabeth Warren went on Twitter and warned that “millions of Americans” could soon lose their jobs…
.@federalreserve’s Chair Powell just announced another extreme interest rate hike while forecasting higher unemployment. I’ve been warning that Chair Powell’s Fed would throw millions of Americans out of work — and I fear he’s already on the path to doing so.
This is one of the rare occasions when Elizabeth Warren is right on target.
As I have been documenting on my website for weeks, large numbers of Americans have already been getting laid off.
In fact, things are already so bad that even Facebook is trimming their numbers…
As growth stalls and competition intensifies, Facebook parent Meta has begun quietly cutting staff by reorganizing departments, while giving ‘reorganized’ employees a narrow window to apply for other roles within the company, according to the Wall Street Journal, citing current and former managers familiar with the matter. By shuffling people around, the company achieves staffing cuts “while forestalling the mass issuance of pink slips.”
So why would the Fed choose to raise rates when layoffs are already beginning to spike?
Higher rates are also having a devastating impact on the housing market.
This week, we learned that sales of existing homes have now fallen for seven months in a row…
Home sales declined for the seventh month in a row in August as higher mortgage rates and stubbornly high prices pushed prospective buyers out of the market. Sales of existing homes — which include single-family homes, townhomes, condominiums and co-ops — were down 19.9% from a year ago and down 0.4% from July, according to a report from the National Association of Realtors.
Someone should start putting “Jerome Powell did this” stickers on for sale signs all over the nation.
Because this didn’t have to happen.
Now the housing market is already in a “deep recession”, and the Fed just keeps making things even worse…
The prolonged downturn in confidence shows the housing market has been “in a tailspin for the whole of this year,” according to Pantheon Macroeconomics chief economist Ian Shepherdson. “Activity tracks mortgage applications with a lag, and the early September numbers are grim, even before the full hit from the rebound in mortgage rates in recent weeks works through,” Shepherdson said in a note to clients on Monday. “In short, the housing market is in a deep recession, which is already hammering homebuilders and will soon depress housing-related retail sales,” he added.
The Fed seems determined to kill the economy.
But why?
Why would they do this?
One analyst that was just quoted by Fox Business is warning that “times are going to get tougher from here”…
“With the new rate projections, the Fed is engineering a hard landing — a soft landing is almost out of the question,” said Seema Shah, chief global strategist of Principal Global Investors. “Powell’s admission that there will be below-trend growth for a period should be translated as central bank speak for ‘recession.’ Times are going to get tougher from here.”
Yes, times are definitely going to get tougher from here.
In fact, we are eventually headed for a meltdown of epic proportions.
But instead of working to prevent a historic crisis, the Federal Reserve is actually encouraging one.
The American people deserve some answers, because there is something about all of this that really stinks.
What happens if we ignore the One-China policy?
If Taiwan is persuaded to move to separate from China, China will annex Taiwan by force.
If Western countries like USA, UK, Australia, and Japan intervene, it will trigger World War 3.
If accident or human error leads to nuclear escalation, it will devastate the world. Many cities** and many millions of people on both sides will be wiped out. The world economy will collapse and many nations will become impoverished.
** Say goodbye to NYC, LA, Chicago, Houston, Toronto, London, Paris, Berlin, Sydney, Melbourne, Tokyo.
Why doesn’t my homemade cheeseburger taste like a diner cheese burger, even though I have all the ingredients and follow recipes very closely? What am I missing?
Okay, let’s break it down.
Your burger is a product of its ingredients, the equipment you’re using and your cooking ability. Somewhere in there lies the difference between yours and a diner burger.
80/20 ground chuck is the standard burger meat in most restaurants. It’s an ideal choice because it has the right amount of fat and flavor. So for meat, start and stop right there.
I recommend buying a bakery bun, not something you’ll find next to the Wonder Bread in a pack of eight. Save the cheap buns for the kid’s birthday party, you want real bread between your fingers, not some gummy Sunbeam bun.
From here, things get personal, when it comes to burgers. I can’t tell you what to put on your burger, that’s your call. I believe you are trying to imitate a specific burger, so follow its lead.
Myself, I go for shredded iceberg lettuce, thinly sliced red onion, a slice of tomato (seasoned with a pinch of salt and pepper), some dill pickle slices, American or cheddar, 1000 Island and/or Heinz ketchup. That’s my basic diner burger, as far as ingredients are concerned.
You get to pick whatever toppings make your heart sing, just get good stuff, that’s my only demand. Cooking is a garbage in, garbage out equation. Pinching pennies on ingredients just cheapens the flavor of your food.
Diners usually run a flat top grill, rather than a char-broiler. Reason being, flat tops are more versatile. Breakfast, lunch and dinner can be cooked on one piece of equipment, which makes things easier for the cook. You won’t have a flat top grill at home, so I recommend getting either a cast iron skillet or a cast iron griddle.
Lodge is the best bang for the buck when it comes to cast iron. You can find their products at places like Target, they’re affordable and battle tested, battle proven. Of course, you can cook a burger in any heavy bottomed pan, but nothing beats cast iron, especially when you are trying to compete with a commercial flat top grill.
Cast iron holds heat like no other, so when you drop cold burger patties onto it, the pan’s temperature doesn’t drop appreciably and the meat begins to sear immediately. Cast iron is my choice when it comes to cooking steaks and burger, it should be yours too.
Okay, we should be set with ingredients and equipment, let’s talk about technique. Technique is the proper procedure for cooking food. Sure, there are lots of ways you can make a burger, but if you want the best possible results, follow my technique.
First, you need a burger ring. You can buy ring molds at kitchen supply places, or go to Home Depot and have them cut a piece PVC pipe that has an interior diameter that is burger sized.
You want the interior diameter of the ring to be slightly larger than your bun, because the burger will shrink as it cooks. No one like a bread bite (a bite of bun with no burger in between), so find a ring that is about 1/4″ larger than your bun of choice.
Take your ground beef, divide it evenly and roll each portion into balls. You can make your burgers any size you like but 7oz is what I go for. I believe a 7oz burger gives you the best ratio of meat to bun to topping for a diner style burger.
Depending on the size of your bun, anything from 6oz to 8oz will be fine. If you’ve got a scale, awesome, otherwise, eyeball it or ask your butcher to portion the meat for you.
Now place a piece of waxed paper on a cutting board and press the meat into the ring evenly. Pull off the ring and you’ve got a burger that’s ready to go to the pan. Get the pan hot, like wisps of smoke coming off the surface hot, place the burger paper side up in the palm of your hand, peel off the paper and place that perfectly flat side onto the pan. You want to put the perfectly flat side down so you get a perfect sear.
The meat should sizzle loudly when it hits the pan.
Now sprinkle 1/4 tsp of salt and 1/8 tsp pepper all over the top side of the burger and don’t touch it.
I repeat, do not touch the burger.
This initial sear is the most important step in cooking that patty. Right now you are developing the majority of the texture and flavor of your burger. If you muck around with it, you’re going to upset that process, which is called Maillard Browning, and your burger won’t reach its full flavor potential.
Just let it sizzle for about 4 to 5 minutes, until droplets of moisture begin to appear on the top. When you see a few drops of moisture appear on the top, get a spatula under it and give it a flip.
Make sure you scrape deeply under the burger, so it doesn’t stick. It shouldn’t stick, but if it does, that delicious brown crust will stay stuck to the pan and you’ll lose all of its color and flavor.
You should be rewarded with something like this:

That’s the diner burger patty of your dreams.
Once you’ve flipped, let the burger cook for a few more minutes, to your desired doneness, season it again with salt and pepper, drop on a slice of cheese and let the cheese relax. From there, it’s to the bun, top as you please and enjoy your tasty burger.
Why do some homeless people prefer cash over food when offered?
I’ve answered this question before, but am happy to do it again.
If you give me food, I will take it graciously, tell you I am going to eat it back at my hidden shelter, thank you and then walk away. When out of sight, that food goes straight in the bin.
Because I don’t know if you’ve tampered with it. Even if the container is sealed, I still can’t be sure you’ve not done anything to it. People think it’s funny to buy a happy meal, spit in the burger, re-wrap it and give it to a homeless person. Even better to piss in the lemonade and hand that over too. Yep, reaaaaly funny…
Many “charitable” people came up to me with cups of tea and were incredibly annoyed when I firmly told them to move away from me immediately. In this particular case it wasn’t because of the tampering thing, it’s because I’m extremely allergic to tea.
However, if you offer to buy me food, I would politely ask to come with you to “see what’s on the menu”. I have zero problem accepting food of any kind if I’m there when you purchase it. Most people wouldn’t do this though, so I just accepted whatever food I was given and later threw it away, or spent any money they gave me on food myself.
You might know the food you’re giving me is perfectly fine, I don’t.
I prefer money as my health always comes before your charity.
I’m getting a bit sick and tired of people telling me “beggars can’t be choosers”. YES WE CAN. Whenever it has anything to do with our health, we have every right to refuse donations from you. We have allergies, we may have dietary requirements or restrictions. We may be able to eat something, but our bodies might not be able to process it.
I’ve had my food tampered with and I got sick as a result. Being sick when you’re homeless can be deadly. What might give you a stomach ache could easily kill us. My health will always come first, and if that offends your delicate sensibilities, I couldn’t care less.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – you might know the food you’re giving me is safe to eat, I don’t. I cannot afford to presume everyone is nice, because some of you just like hurting people like me.
How long did it take for your cats to adopt you?
Immediately. I stopped in a Petco one day to buy bird seeds and noticed there was an adoption event for cats going on. I went over to the container in the front, held my hand out to the kitty in it. She sniffed my fingers, and we immediately adopted each other. That was in 2009. Since then, she has never been friendly with anyone, but me. One of the best things I ever did. Her name is Cheyenne. She was 18 months old at the time.
When I got her home and opened the carrier I was given to transport her in, she walked out very nonchalantly – not scared at all – and promptly started snooping here, there, and everywhere – like she owned the place. Apparently, it and I were deemed worthy of taking care of her properly. 🙂
Unfortunately, she passed away on Easter Sunday, and my heart is broken.