Pipeline explosions…
All circumstantial evidence points to the USA. Any other theories require a degree of mental gymnastics.Some more than others. Posted by: Bob | Sep 28 2022 9:59 utc | 1
Indeed, it’s down right laughable.
Germans Demand that Russian pipeline be reopened

Now the Pipeline is blown up
And the sad point is that Americans actually believe that America is a beacon for “democracy” and “freedom”.
The “war propaganda” is all up and anti-Russia.
Americans don’t trust their government, but oh boy, they actually believe all this bullshit…
The War On Germany Just Entered Its Hot Phase
Just yesterday I laid out how the U.S. is winning its war on Europe’s industries and people.
That war, hidden behind the U.S. created Ukraine crisis, is designed to destroy Europe’s manufacturing advantage compared to the U.S. It is more likely though to strengthen the economic position of China and other Asian economies.
I have argued that Germany must open the Nord Stream II pipeline which can bring Russian natural gas to Germany without crossing other countries’ territory. It must also allow Siemens to repair the defect Nord Stream I compressors. It is in fact inevitable if German’s industry is to survive.
Others have come to similar conclusion and decided to sabotage the pipelines to make their re-opening impossible:
Three offshore lines of the Nord Stream gas pipeline system have sustained "unprecedented" damage in one day, Nord Stream AG, the operator of the network, said on Tuesday in what one German official has suggested is a "targeted attack”. Nord Stream 2 suffered a gas leak which was then followed by a drop of pressure on Nord Stream 1. The company also said that it was impossible to estimate when the gas network system's working capability would be restored.
The simultaneous sub sea damage to three pipelines is obviously not an accident.
A German economy official told Tagesspiegel: “We can’t imagine a scenario that isn’t a targeted attack.”
They added: “Everything speaks against a coincidence.”

biggerThe war mongers at the British Telegraph claim without any evidence or logic that Russia is the culprit:
Russian sabotage to gas supplies to Europe is feared after three offshore lines of the Nord Stream pipeline system suffered “unprecedented” damage in a single day.
Russia has withheld gas supplies to Europe as it seeks to hit back for Western sanctions imposed for the illegal invasion of Ukraine. German newspapers reported sources saying the leaks were as a result of a “targeted attack”.
As stated in yesterday’s piece the claim that Russia is withholding gas from Europe is outright false:
Nord Stream II was created to make Germany independent from pipelines running through Poland and the Ukraine. Blocking it was the most stupid thing for Germany to do and thus chancellor Scholz did it.In the following months Poland blocked the Yamal pipeline which also brought Russian gas to Germany. Ukraine followed up with cutting off two Russian pipelines. The main compressor stations of the Nord Stream I pipeline, which the German company Siemens had build and has the maintenance contract, failed one after the other. Sanction are prohibiting Siemens from repairing them.
It is not Russia that has blocked its gas and oil from European markets. It were the German, Polish and Ukrainian governments that did it.
Russia would in fact be happy to sell more. Putin has recently again offered to push as much Russian gas as possible through Nord Stream II to Germany: …
If Russia were to cut pipelines in the Baltic Sea it would damage those that bring Norwegian gas to Europe, not the pipelines it owns and which give it some leverage.
Russia thus surely has no plausible interest in sabotaging the Nord Stream system. Others though do have such interests. They likely want Germany to ‘stay in line’ with their war to Decolonize Russia. The major potential actors behind this are the U.S., the British, the Ukrainian and the Polish government or a mixture of those.
Geography, and the shallow depth of the Baltic Sea, seem to exclude that a U.S. or British submarines did the damage. Ukraine does not have access to the Baltic Sea. Poland, which had already tried to prevent or hinder the Nord Stream II construction, is the most likely actor behind this though I doubt that it would dare to act alone.
Consider this from April 2021:
The developers of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline have accused foreign naval forces of “provocative” activity in the vicinity of construction work. The controversial pipeline is about 93 percent complete, and two Russian pipelay vessels are on station and working on the project in Danish waters.Andrei Minin, the branch director of Gazprom-run Nord Stream 2 AG, told TASS that “foreign warships and vessels were demonstrating higher activity” near the operation, and that “such actions are provocative and can lead to gas pipeline damage.” He also accused Poland of deploying a military M-28 patrol aircraft to survey the site.
“The Polish Navy is not conducting provocative operations and has been carrying out its statutory tasks in agreement with international laws,” responded the Polish Army’s central command in a social media post. “M-28B Bryza planes regularly conduct patrol flights in the Baltic Sea region.”
Poland strongly opposes the development of Nord Stream 2, which will give Gazprom a subsea alternative route for supplying natural gas to Western European customers. At present, that gas has to pass through overland pipeline networks in Poland and Ukraine, bringing in valuable transit fees and providing both nations – which do not always have cordial relations with Russia – a measure of energy security.
Followed by this from May 2021:
Poland has reacted angrily to President Joe Biden’s decision to waive US sanctions on Nord Stream II, warning the move could threaten energy security across Central and Eastern Europe.“The information is definitely not positive from the security point of view, as we know perfectly that Nord Stream II is not only a business project – it is mostly a geopolitical project,” said Piotr Muller, a spokesman for the Polish government.
On February 7 Biden stated that he would decided if Nord Stream II opens:
After both leaders appeared to avoid mentioning the pipeline, under repeated questions from reporters at an afternoon press conference, Biden, standing next to the German chancellor said Nord Stream 2 would not move forward if Russia invades Ukraine, in a warning to Russian President Vladimir Putin of potential economic consequences.”If Russia invades, that means tanks or troops crossing the — the border of Ukraine again, then there will be — there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2,” Biden said during the press conference with Scholz, who did not go as far as Biden, but insisted the U.S. and Germany remain “absolutely united.”
On February 27 Biden sanctioned the company owning the pipeline.
Under its current rightwing leadership Poland has been extremely hostile to Germany. This month it even renewed is demand for war reparations from Germany, an issue that had been settle decades ago:
Poland’s top politician said Thursday that the government will seek equivalent of some $1.3 trillion in reparations from Germany for the Nazis’ World War II invasion and occupation of his country.Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of the Law and Justice party, announced the huge claim at the release of a long-awaited report on the cost to the country of years of Nazi German occupation as it marks 83 years since the start of World War II.
Germany’s Foreign Ministry said Thursday the government’s position remains “unchanged” in that “the question of reparations is concluded.”“Poland long ago, in 1953, waived further reparations and has repeatedly confirmed this waiver,” the ministry said in an emailed response to a Associated Press query about the new Polish report.
It is high time for the German government to wake up and to recognize that a war has been launched against its country.
And no. It is not Russia that is waging it.
Posted by b on September 27, 2022 at 12:03 UTC | Permalink
Cry Little Sister – Remastered
I love this.
What are the most shocking facts about the UK?
The UK is a poor country.
I grew up in South Africa. At age 28 (last year) I moved to the UK without ever having visited before.
In South Africa (and perhaps many other ‘third world’ countries) the UK has a reputation for being a ‘rich’ country and my assumption was that people live comfortably and in general wouldn’t have an issue affording everyday living costs.
However this is not the case. The UK is not a rich country. It’s a poor country with a strong currency.
When I arrived in the city, what struck me immediately was houses like this (I took these photos):

I know what my response to this would have been if I’d read this post – Obviously there are poor neighbourhoods in any country. But the real surprise is not that these neighbourhoods exist, but that they make up the majority of UK neighbourhoods – At least 80% of the neighbourhoods in every city I’ve visited look similar to this. Especially in smaller towns/cities, to my eyes it seems even more than that.
If you don’t believe me I’d like to challenge you to use Google Maps, pick any UK city and drop a street view pin randomly anywhere in the suburbs. I can almost guarantee you’ll see:
- Trash somewhere on the street/pavement
- Weeds growing out of the pavement
- Houses with paint peeling or a rotting roof
It doesn’t seem like typical traits of a wealthy region. Now do the same in Denmark or Netherlands and you’re almost guaranteed not to see any of these. (PS. It would be cool if you drop your google maps links in the comments and we can see how many times my theory holds true)
After a while in the UK, observing daily life, watching the news etc. I realised that people here really do struggle with cost of living. Electricity is extremely expensive – while the salaries in the UK are perhaps 50–100% higher than in South Africa (for skilled work), the electricity cost is 300–400% higher. It’s a similar story when it comes to food, petrol and other daily expenses, especially rent.

If you earn the average UK wage of £31k, you take home about £2,037 per month. What would that get you in London?

A 60sqm one bedroom flat with purple carpets on the wrong side (East) of central. Keep in mind, this would be your entire take-home pay, so you couldn’t actually afford this flat by a long shot. Bills and council tax would be an additional £250 or so per month.
By far the worst though, is car insurance in the UK. I don’t know how or why this happened but even as a driver with 11 years of driving experience, minimal claims record and wanting to buy a car worth only £500, I got multiple quotes, spoke to consultants and colleagues etc. and I’ve confirmed that the cheapest car insurance I could possibly get (even third-party-only) is £2500 per year. (I’m trying to get a quote for what this would cost in SA – will edit when I have a number but I’m sure it’s less than £300)
This price doesn’t seem okay to me. The average minimum wage in the UK is about 16k. I’ve had quotes for £3200 so that means that some people have to pay 20% of their salary on car insurance (by the way, it’s required by law – not optional). It’s no wonder they can’t afford to paint their house – All their money has been spent on car insurance!
Until today I still have no idea why the insurance is so expensive – If anyone knows this industry or knows the reason behind it then please tell me in the comments. (Also, I know it goes down after a few years as a thousand people mentioned in the comments – It doesn’t matter, this price is still unacceptable, even for 1 year)
Just to be clear, the UK is still a great place to live, for many other reasons, and still better off than South Africa. But in terms of wealth, the difference is not as big as I thought it would be. I was expecting something more like Netherlands or Germany. But in reality it’s halfway between that and South Africa. In my opinion, if 80–90% of a country is poor, then it’s a poor country – Even if the remaining fraction is ultra-rich.

I love the UK and I prefer it over Netherlands, Germany or even Switzerland for the sheer warmness of the people and the wealth of culture and entertainment. But it’s not a rich country. Think of it of as a poor country – But one that punches far above its weight. Despite everything going on here, it competes with all these top nations on the world stage. It came 4th in the Olympics. It’s a major competitor in the business world. There’s no competition when it comes to music, film and TV. And you can say what you want, it’s a bit more exciting than the rich countries I mentioned.
But I thought it’s worth sharing this side of the story.
Putin just CALLED their bluff and it’s about to get real bad
What is the definition of freedom of speech? Why is it important for us today?
What is the definition of freedom of speech?
Older individuals like myself think along these lines (multiple quotes)
Freedom of speech is freedom to offend.
I may dislike what you say but I’ll defend your right to say it.
Means you must agree with me or else!
We saw this with the peaceful democracy protests in Hong Kong.
The peaceful democracy voters burned a man alive for holding views they disagreed with:

That’s what democracy and free speech means today. You can ONLY AGREE! If you disagree we’ll crush you!
Has a scientific theory ever been proven wrong?
Most recently, and of personal benefit to me, that stomach ulcers are caused by stress.
For decades every standard medical textbook from medical school forward told doctors that stomach ulcers were caused by stress. Patients received antacid and anti-anxiety medication. Tagamet, a drug to treat both issues, was the best selling drug in the United States. The fact patients never got better on this therapy didn’t dissuade anyone. If you took Tagamet you didn’t suffer the symptoms of the condition, so that was good enough.
But there were these two guyhs in Australia who couldn’t figure out what the connection was. Honestly, if you had symptoms it pretty much went like this:
Patient: I have pain in my stomach when I eat.
Doctor: Are you under a lot of stress?
Patient: I guess so.
Doctor: It’s probably ulcers. Here’s some Tagamet. Let me know if it does’nt work and we will try something else.
Like any good doctors they went though the medical literature to find out why doctors thought stress caused ulcers, but they just kept finding older and older references in medical texts, but no experiments or studies. That didn’t sound right.
So they started studying ulcer patients, including taking samples from the area of the ulcer. They took full medical histories of course, and also used a control group. Sure, everyone in the patient group said they were under a lot of stress, but so did many people in the asymptomatic group.
But as they studied their samples, They found something weird. Every sample had a bacteria in it. Heliobacter pylori. They published.
The weight of scientific opinion came down on them like a semi-truck. There must have been some sort of contamination of the samples because everyone knows that bacteria can’t survive in the stomach. The stomach is too acidic.
So they started asking around if maybe heloiobacter might cause ulcers. Everyone told them they were nuts. Except one doctor. He only told the guys they were wrong but they probably were’nt nuts.
The more they looked at ulcers though, the more heliobacter he found. So they decided on a rather extreme experiment. One of them swallowed a sample of heliobacter.
Bam. He got gastritis right away. So he took some antibiotics. The symptoms went away. They tried the antibiotics on their patients. They got better. They published again. This time people paid attention.
And here are Barry Marshall and Robin Warren with their Nobel Prize

And well before they showed up in Stockholm, a doctor gave me a week’s worth of antibiotics for my gastritis. Three days later, my symptoms were gone and my appetite returned. Thanks guys.
What incident fundamentally changed the way you viewed China (for better or for worse)?
I am from Malaysia and live in Malaysia.
I used to view China as a backwards country with a strong military.
My parents has a few apartments that they rented to Chinese students studying in nearby colleges and universities. The way they maintain the house is horrible and everytime they stop renting, we will need to fork out quite a lot of money to repair the house (especially cleaning the house, i have no idea how a porcelain bath tub/toilet seat can be black in color..)
My encounters with Chinese students on campus wasnt too good either. They are ill mannered and talk so loud you can hear them a mile away.
This is more than 20 years ago.
My views changed slightly when i went to UK for my university education. The chinese students i met there is very generous, well behaved. When i was invited to their house for parties or to socialize, discuss things we learned in class, their residence is very clean. But then, i thought to myself back then, these students are children of the rich and powerful chinese compared to the chinese students i met in Malaysia. I thought to myself, this is probably the difference between upper class chinese and the middle class chinese.
This is 15 years ago.
My family decided to go over to China for vacation, mainly 江南 area, including Shanghai. The scenery is breathtaking. But still there is ill mannered chinese everywhere. litter on the floor.. People talking loudly etc.
This is 10 years ago.
Then here is where my views really changed. last year i was asked to go to China for a business trip, to Ningbo and Shanghai. And again this year to Changzhou and Hangzhou. I am very very surprised at how China progressed over the years. The roads got better, transportation improved. But most of all, how the people changed.
People is much better behaved. Well mannered and actually obeyed traffic laws. I see slogans everywhere saying “Be Civilized”. Civilized driving, civilized usage of elevators, civilized everything.
Thats where China did it, and i will say it worked. They started educating children to be civilized at schools and everywhere.
As time passes, i am genuinely sure China will continue to improve with the right policy and education.
Does the CCP do genocide?
CCP has no experience, it needs to send a delegation to the US and learn from the US and Australia how they made tens of millions natives dwindled down to a few thousands and put them in ghettos.
I am sure the US and Australia with hundred years of experience will be the most qualified to share its successful biological weapons and mass slaughtering. They must also learn how the west camouflage and hide their attrocities and hypocritically pretend it cares for human rights.
Hands of to the Australian genocide on its aborigines and the US genocide on its natives. CCP ought to learn from the best in the world.
2022 09 27 The Americans Declared War On Europe
Americans… did this.
Are Australians in awe when they come visit the United States?
I loved America I loved the people I met. Firstly I will warn you. I am going to beat the shit out of your preconceived image.
The countryside and rural towns are pretty good but when you hit the cities Oh My God! I could not beleive how poor it was. Everything looks old tired and sad and the social issues are at levels I previously only thought existed in China, India and South east Asia. Plenty of money in America it is just in very few hands and spent poorly. I could not believe how unstable wealth was in America, everyone I had talked to had been sucessful and bankrupt. In Australia if you work and stick to it you will steadily make it and get to keep it for your life. Employment standards in modern America reminded me of Australian employment standards during the great depression in the 1930’s.
You refusal to go the Western way and provide basic health care cripples your economy and stops good people from suceeding. Before someone says it, healthcare isnt communist It is infrastructure and stability for the private industry and society to thrive on. This is one of the key reasons why every other Western country is first world and America is 2nd world.
I was also suprised at how unbalanced and blatant the agenda of the media was (left and right where equally guilty). I honestly would not know how to get decent information if I lived in America. For a country that raves about free speech and freedom this cut me to the core as I love these values. I will admit though in recent years the Aussie media hass become just as bad.
I think American needs to get out more and realise they are 50 years behind Western Europe and Aus/NZ. I want to see America win and be the country its people think it is. But it will not happen whilst your country is divided and holds up the false image you are rich, free or leading the world culturally.
Sorry America but sometimes you just need to hear the truth so you can get back on track.
Anyone who has seen the news about China coup and putting Xi under house arrest: does anyone have updates on this?
Yeah, here’s an update.
You can basically trace this disinformation campaign. Notably, it was just some silly rumors started in the Chinese side which got amplified by Indian media and — you guessed it — Falun Gong (see that jenniferatntd node).
These are the simple consequences of people who can’t be bothered to check the Chinese internet using the Chinese language, or who could potentially care to do that but have since erected that wall in their brains wherein nothing Chinese is trustworthy or valid. If the crazies outside of China spouting BS are given far more weight simply because “China falling apart” just seems plausible, then this says something about how vulnerable a society is to disinformation campaigns
This is yet another episode of how people in the Western media space are misled on China. Those who forget the previous episode should revisit those claims that China would collapse from banking runs some… 10+ days ago.
To borrow from Bill Chen, read the Chinese, don’t read about the Chinese. Given typical patterns of understanding China, I expect another QAnon-style BS claim about China to make the news in a couple months. I wish I could just laugh this off, but holy hell this sea of ignorant, malicious speculation is the reality we live in.
Dinosaur Jr-“Get Me”
This video was filmed in my “neck of the woods” near Hoptkon, Mass / Milford. Check out the MM scenery.
What is the most MacGyver-like invention you have ever made?
I have made a few over the years. The one that was noted most was like 10 years ago. We were working at a rather remote school for the Saxony fire brigades. We needed internet to work, but the nearest cell phone tower was far away and also on the wrong side of the building.
We had a little stick with which to connect to it.
Remembering my training I thought I might be able to receive the signal bouncing off the forest. I took a kitchen sieve with me and fashioned this on the balcony:

It worked. Not only that . When it rained the signal got better, because the radio waves were also bouncing off the raindrops.
My workmates were happy, so was I.
If China does not obey and leave the South China Sea, will America have the right to sink the Chinese fleet and blockade Chinese ports?
Yes, America has the right to try to sink the Chinese fleet.
But the Chinese then also has the right to respond as severely as they see fit, which can vary from sinking the American navy in the region and destroying all American military bases in the entirety of east and south-east Asia, to even beginning nuclear war targeting America’s major cities.
I think you are a bit lost, attacking China is nothing like attacking Nicaragua or Cuba. It will be a war in a scale never seen before. For some reason you seem to believe the world’s largest domestic economy has a negligible military, and the world’s sole industrial leader cannot start producing military equipment like crazy for the most numerous armed forces in the world to use.
You should probably stop thinking about war as something irrelevant, trust me you don’t want a war between these two. The US is used to fighting wars abroad against minor countries and the citizens only getting to know about them in the news on tv, but this time if you are American then for the first time your life and your family’s is actually at risk, as your country began war with a nuclear power; and you’ll surely lose your job due to the massive historical global economic collapse.
Whatever it takes, it must be avoided.
Why should I never go to China?
All I wrote in this answer are out of my personal experience and my family’s and friends’. So if you have different ideas, you are very welcome to share it. But it would be better if you also write down the reasons and stories with details to help us to understand this country more.
China isn’t a perfect country. Surely she has dark sides. But she isn’t a living hell for human beings that must not be visited.
- If you are a heavy drug user, don’t go to China because it’s really hard to find a drug dealer there. Not an irony here.
- If you are a drug dealer, don’t go to China for the sake of your own life. Not an irony here as well. China has very strict law about drug dealing.
- If you believe Tibet Autonomous Region, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Hong Kong, Macau should secede from China and you are planning on shouting it out loud in Chinese in the middle of the street in China, don’t go to China because the passer-bys will probably punch your face.
- If you think a country without democracy is a living hell for human beings, don’t go to China. I doubt it if you could actually understand the beauty of China ( the people, the culture, the history, the view and etc.) so don’t waste your time and money.
- If you look down on people with no religious belief, don’t go to China because you will be exausted for looking down on people all day.
- If you are allergic to peanut, don’t go to China unless you have learnt how to ask if the restaurant uses peanut oil or not in Chinese (David De Gruijl suggested that you could print what you are allergic to in local language on a card to show the waiter). Otherwise you could put your life in danger since most Chinese restaurants never put their attention on this.
- If you have a fragile and sensitive respiratory system,don’t go to China. But there are cities with good air quality like Nagri, Ledong, Yangpu, Wuzhishan, Qoqek, Diqingzhou, Aba, Shannan, Altay, Linzhi.
- If you are a terrorist, don’t go to China. It has death penalty.
- If you are a white trash/black trash/asian trash/alien trash, don’t go to China. They have had enough trash in China.
- If you speak no Chinese and refuse to use translate apps when travelling in a less developed city, don’t go to China (Or at least don’t visit those cities).
- If you are addicted to Pandas, Chinese food, don’t go to China or you may find it hard to leave the country.
- If you can’t live without your guns, don’t go to China.
- If you expect there will be kung fu masters everywhere, don’t go to China. It’s bitter to break your own fantasy.
- If you are a hugger and will have your heart broken for being refused, don’t go to China. Most Chinese are not fond of intimacies between strangers or even friends.
- If you drink only iced water, don’t go to China. Iced water doesn’t have the room to survive here. We love hot water. Just kidding. China has iced water, but not as popular as it is in most western countries.
- If you only use tampons/menstrual cups and believe women who use napkins are out of their mind, don’t go to China. Only 2% of Chinese women are using tampons. You can buy tampons or menstrual cups in the supermarket of the city area. If you choose to live in the countryside, buy them online using Taobao.
- If you can’t use chopsticks, never mind. Just go to China, I am sure they will have forks and knives. If they don’t, long live the SPOON!
- If you think you are good at playing DOTA or any other games, don’t go to China. The oversea Chinese you know do maths, the local Chinese play games.
- If you can’t stand crowded streets and loud conversations, don’t go to China. If the Chinese didn’t turn their voice down when they are abroad then they will definitely not do it either in their own country. Plus, talking out loud is kind of their culture.
- If you love and care for your pets very much, don’t go to China with them. Cuz the Chinese will eat them, no, no, no, just kidding! Because there aren’t enough good pet clinics in a large part of China. And they cost you a lot. And pets aren’t allowed to enter 90% of buildings including supermarkets, restaurants, companies or hotels.
- If you love shopping for luxury products, don’t go to China. The tariff is terrifying. But HK is an exception.
- If you can’t stand squat toilets, don’t go to China. We do have a lot of toilets with a pedestal for sitting as well but not as popular as squat toilets. Exploded bladder alert!
- If you are afraid of members of the CCP, don’t go to China. There are over 90,000,000 members of the CCP in China (though most of them just exist for this fabulous number). Honestly, a lot of CCP members dislike the CCP as well. They just don’t feel the urge to leave it (a lot of paper work to do if they want to) since the difference between being one and not being one is slight for most people. They don’t get to vote anyway.
- If you can’t live without porn and have no idea how to use a VPN/Chinese social media, don’t go to China. If you have them in your U-stick, don’t upload them/sell them/ share them. Normally, if you do what I mentioned, there won’t be police officers coming to get you arrested but just be careful about it.
- If you are a buddhist/muslim/christian/believer of Flying Spaghetti Monster/ other kinds of religious believers, don’t go to China cuz the CCP and the Chinese will kill you. Hahahahahhahaha! LOL! That’s just a terrible joke. Sorry. Trust me, the CCP/ the Chinese government/ the Chinese has no interest in you or your religious belief unless you are forcing other people to believe in it.
- If you believe Taiwan is an independent and sovereign country, don’t go to China. Nah! A joke again. As long as you don’t yell that Taiwan is a country called the Republic of Taiwan in Chinese in the middle of the street then you will be perfectly fine. You will probably be fine even if you do so. It depends on if people who hear you are aggressive. No police will come and arrest you. William Huang suggested me to write this one.
- If you hate or are disgusted by the people led by the CCP, no matter how they feel about the communism system, don’t go to PRC. A lot of Chinese have no idea what Communism really is and are not communists. But if you still can’t accept it, then only visit ROC (Taiwan). Jacek Pytlarczyk suggested me to write this one.
- If you eat only gluten free food and know nothing about using online service to order them, only go to the developed cities that have western high end supermarkets in China. Bo Dong (Bo Dong) suggested this one.
- If you don’t enjoy living in a safe place where people are very nice to foreigners, don’t go to China. Brian O’Connell suggested this one.
- If you don’t look like an Asian and hate it when people pay attention to you, then don’t go to the undeveloped cities in China. The crowd would be curious about you and probably stare at you more often. But most of them mean no harm.
What makes a pizza better than other pizzas when in the end it’s just a pie, with tomato sauce and cheese?
I remember having a sleep over at a friend’s house when I was a kid.
My friend’s mom promised pizza, which got me pretty excited. My mom made pizza at home and it was her pizza that came to mind. My mother’s pizza was amazing. She made the dough, cold proofed it over night to develop flavor, made her own sauce and topped it with things like roasted peppers, roasted eggplant, olives, fresh basil and parmesan cheese. I couldn’t wait until dinner time because at my house, pizza wasn’t just a meal, it was an event.
Pizza at my house looked something like this:

When dinner time came around we ran through the kitchen and a box on the counter caught my eye.

What was that box with a picture of pizza on it, I wondered?
Then the pizza was served and it looked like this:

I was like, what? What is this thing we were just served? Where’s the pizza? Where’s the light and airy crust, the chunky homemade sauce, the roasted veggies and the drizzle of olive oil?
I knew that thing they served us wasn’t pizza, it was something that had come out of a box.
What really struck me was the fact that these people were a little better off than my family, at least they put an effort into appearing to be well off, but they ate crap pizza out of a box. It wasn’t like they were just feeding some neighbor kids on the cheap either, because the parents had made one for themselves as well.
That’s when it occurred to me, at my young age, that lots of people don’t know what good food is. Lots of people will eat crap pizza from out of a box and wonder why anyone would bother with anything else, because to them, it’s just a pie, with tomato sauce and cheese.
The Church – Two Places At Once
What did you think of China after traveling there?
I visited the ancient Chinese city of Xi’an, capital of Shaanxi Province, in 2016 as part of a delegation from Nepal to attend a workshop to share the experiences of the 2015 great earthquake that had devastated Nepal. The development of China was beyond my imagination. The skyscrapers were everywhere with countless under construction.
The airports were immaculately clean with every modern facilities one could imagine for. There was even bigger surprise stored for me when I reached the city of Xián. The city, one of four most ancient Capitals of the world, can compete with any existing modern city of the world. All the streets close to my hotel had shopping malls full of designer shops including Gucci and Armani. All the cars seen in the streets were either Mercedes, Volkswagen, Lexus or other expensive ones. The people were very humble and friendly and eager to communicate. Though the language was always a problem
I traveled with other delegates for around six hours around the city up to the nearby Province and the roads could be compared to that of Washington DC and the highways of Israel. It was an eye opener for me.
Edward Snowden given Russian citizenship by Vladimir Putin, two years after becoming permanent resident
President Vladimir Putin has granted Russian citizenship to former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, nine years after he exposed the scale of secret surveillance operations by the National Security Agency (NSA).
Key points:
- Mr Snowden fled the US in 2013 after leaking national secrets
- His name was on a list of 72 foreign-born individuals given Russian citizenship, issued without comment from the Kremlin
- In 2017, Mr Putin said that Snowden was wrong to leak US secrets but was not a traitor.
Mr Snowden, 39, fled the United States and was given asylum in Russia after leaking secret files in 2013 that revealed vast domestic and international surveillance operations carried out by the NSA, where he worked.
US authorities have for years wanted him returned to the US to face a criminal trial on espionage charges.
There was no immediate reaction from Mr Snowden, whose name appeared without Kremlin comment in a Putin decree conferring citizenship on a list of 72 foreign-born individuals.
The US State Department is not aware of any change in Mr Snowden’s American citizenship status, State Department spokesperson Ned Price said on Monday, adding that Washington’s position on the former US intelligence contractor had not changed.
The news prompted some Russians to jokingly ask if Mr Snowden would be called up for military service, five days after Mr Putin announced Russia’s first public mobilisation since World War II to shore up its faltering invasion of Ukraine.
“Will Snowden be drafted?” Margarita Simonyan, editor-in-chief of the state media outlet RT and a vocal Putin supporter, wrote with dark humour on her Telegram channel.
Mr Snowden’s lawyer, Anatoly Kucherena, told RIA news agency that his client could not be called up because he had not previously served in the Russian army.
He said that Mr Snowden’s wife Lindsay Mills, who gave birth to a son in 2020, would also apply for citizenship.
Russia granted Mr Snowden permanent residency rights in 2020, paving the way for him to obtain Russian citizenship.
That year, a US appeals court found the program Mr Snowden had exposed was unlawful and that the US intelligence leaders who publicly defended it were not telling the truth.
Mr Putin said in 2017 that Mr Snowden, who has kept a low profile while living in Russia, was wrong to leak US secrets but was not a traitor.
Love and Rockets – So Alive (Lost Boys Edit)
Fun video.
As someone who has lived in both Europe and the United States, which do you prefer?
I’m an Indian and I lived and worked in the US. I live in Europe for about 10y (France, Germany and the UK). My wife is from the US, so we visit pretty often, at least once a year.
My 2 cents on this topic:
Europe: (mostly Germany)
- Heath care: Hands down the best, cheapest and most easily accessible health care system. I can’t emphasize this enough. In my 8y in Germany I’ve paid only once €7 for an injury. My wife takes an experimental medicine which costs 600 eur every month for free. I pay into the Public insurance.
- Education: Free education means studies through my engineering until PhD with zero loans. On top got paid during PhD while paying taxes, which counts towards my PR and citizenship. My wife got her Masters in Germany for 300 eur a semester and received 2 scholarships throughout her studies. That being said not all universities are free.
- Traveling: Europe is pretty compact, which means within 4h driving we could reach France, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands etc. Flying within Europe is cheap and doesn’t take much time, although that’s changing post Covid. Cities are built around public transport and I really appreciate that I don’t have to drive so often.
- Food: Great quality food options which are also cheap. Even fast foods are of better quality compared to the US. Although I miss the variety of foods.
- Language and integration : In Europe you need to learn the language and integrate. European countries being much smaller than the US, non integration makes you stand out and might work against you. Learning French or German to the point where you can work comfortably takes time and effort, which you gotta make alongside studies or building your career. There’s a bigger pressure to integrate in any European country than in the US.
- Colder people: People are generally colder and aloof compared to the US. It takes time to form connections. A new arrival to the country could be lonely for years before he feels a sense of belonging . It generally takes time to make genuine friends. Most of the time international people hang out with other expats in big cities.
- Lower salaries, difficulty finding a job and lesser flexibility: Salaries could be much lower compared to the US although your quality of life might be better depending on where you live in Europe. The absence of hire and fire policies makes it extremely tough to find jobs in some domains. Germans in particular are less flexible compared to Americans regarding skill sets required for a job. You need trainings and certificates to get hired for a particular job, whereas America demonstrates a better ‘anybody can learn anything’ mindset.
The US:
- People: Amazing people all over, friendly smiling, curious, adventurous. Once I’ve passed immigration I’ve almost never met a rude person. People are courteous and really big hearted. I’ve met really fun people in this country, and I love their big smiles.
- Higher salaries and ease of finding jobs: You could work multiple jobs or one job and earn really a lot of money in the US and live cheaper lives in some places. Finding a job is much easier, even when I was working as an expat here I would get receive offers all the time on LinkedIn. This also means you can switch jobs easily to get bigger salaries or also get fired very easily. Switching careers and trying out something new is really encouraged.
- Food: I really miss the diversity of food that I can find in the US. Any big city offers such diverse foods that Europe could only dream of. Probably only Berlin and London could be compared to the diversity of foods you would find all over the states.
- The politics: This is probably the biggest con for me to live in the US. The swinging political ideologies is a big turn off for me. Which means as a POC, racism could be pretty overt everywhere. Medieval laws such as banning abortion and religious fanaticism makes it difficult to envision a life raising kids in this country.
- Health care: Definitely a big con of living in the US, even with a great health insurance through your company you could pay exorbitant amounts for small procedures. One of my colleagues is giving birth and even though she has great insurance she is going to pay over $5000. This is crazy for me. I’ve never been to a doctor in the states, even though I’d expat health insurance.
- Visa: The complications that come with the uncertainty of visa approvals in the US is just mind boggling. I’ve never had to once worry about my visa in all these years of living in Europe. It’s just awful that even after paying taxes for years and being a legal resident, your visa could be denied and you might have to leave the country on short notice. I’ve known people who couldn’t go back home to see family members who passed away, since they were processing their visas.
It’s very difficult to say which country I prefer over another. Overall both places are great, but at this point in life I just prefer visiting the US for travels and not living permanently.
What is the single reason why the US and China hate each other?
China doesn’t hate America. China used to admire America. Today, China pities America.
America hates China because China’s rise threatens its global hegemony. Within 20 years, China will displace America as the #1 world power.
America is also supremely arrogant. It is very dogmatic about liberal democracy and despises any other political system (like China’s).
America is also very racist. We already know about BLM and “I can’t breathe” but America also fears the “Yellow Peril.” It is very jealous of how China is steamrolling over America.
Godzilla Haikus Are Exactly What You Need Today

When he’s not terrorizing people and destroying their cities, did you know that Godzilla is actually a pretty sensitive creature? So next time you see Godzilla emerge from the sea with that crazy look in his eye, remember that beneath that rough exterior is a poet with a heart of gold. Here are some of the monster’s best haikus.

New Jersey Transit Buses Carrying NUCLEAR ATTACK Instructions!
New Jersey Transit public buses are carrying NUCLEAR ATTACK Instructional ads on the outside of the buses!
Here is the full photo, click (twice) to fully enlarge:

This comes just days after similar ads were posted in New York City Subways (Story Here)
And comes just two months after similar ads starting appearing on large poster boards in New Jersey Shopping malls (Story Here)
Which came just before New York City Emergency Management created a TV Public Service Announcement telling New Yorkers what to do if a nuclear bomb hits the city (Story Here)
Do you think they’re doing all these things for no reason? They KNOW what’s coming!
Cherry Cobbler
It’s even easier than pie! Bake tempting cobbler the easy way with cherry pie filling. It’s perfect baked under a tender, flaky crust.

- 1 can (21 ounces) cherry pie filling
- 1 cup Original Bisquick™ mix
- 1/4 cup milk
- 1 tablespoon sugar
- 1 tablespoon butter or margarine, softened

China discloses more evidence of cyber attacks by U.S. security agency
- Source
- Xinhuanet
- BEIJING, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) — China on Tuesday released a new investigation report in which it said further evidence has been found to show the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) is behind “thousands of cyber attacks” on a Chinese university.
With the technical support from a number of European and Southeast Asian countries, Chinese experts were able to retrace the technical features, attack weapons and paths used in the cyber attack against China’s Northwestern Polytechnical University, according to the report published by China’s National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center in collaboration with internet security company 360.
They have found that those attacks originated from the NSA-affiliated Office of Tailored Access Operation (TAO), which had exposed its own technical loopholes and operational missteps during the attack, the report said.
Earlier probe has found that 41 types of cyber weapons were used by TAO in the recently exposed cyber attacks against the university.
Among the 41 types of cyber attack tools, 16 are identical to the TAO’s weapons that have been exposed by hacker group “Shadow Brokers,” and 23 share a 97 percent genetic similarity with those deployed by TAO, said the report.
The remaining two types need to be used in conjunction with other cyber attack weapons of TAO, the report said, adding that the homology of the weapons suggests they all belong to TAO.
Technical analysis found that the cyber attackers’ working time, language and behavior habits, and operation miss have also exposed their links with TAO.
The report detailed the process of TAO’s infiltration into the Chinese university’s internal network. TAO first used “FoxAcid,” a man-in-the-middle attack platform, to hack into the university’s internal host computer and servers, and then gained control over several key servers with remote control weapons. It then controlled some important network node equipment including the university’s internal routers and switches, and stole authentication data.
Hiding in the university’s operation and maintenance servers, TAO stole several key configuration files of network equipment, which were used to “validly” monitor a batch of network equipment and internet users.
The Chinese investigation team found that TAO captured personal information of some people with sensitive identity on the Chinese mainland. The information was sent back to headquarters of the NSA via multiple jump servers.
The report said the true identities of 13 attackers have been found out.
The report, revealing details of the U.S. cyber attacks against the Chinese university, was released to offer lessons to countries across the world so that they can more effectively identify and prevent cyber attacks by TAO.
U.S. State Department Issues DIRE Warning: Americans should “Leave Russia Immediately”
The U.S. State Department has issued what is already being described as “the most dire warning ever seen” to Americans in Russia: Leave Immediately.
Specifically, the State Department told Americans “U.S. citizens should not travel to Russia and those residing or travelling in Russia should depart Russia immediately…” Here’s the exact wording:
x x This is the type of warning the State Department issues about countries where the U.S. is going to war.
And the State Department has good cause to think we’re going to war, because in large measure, it is the State Department that is CAUSING IT!
Just yesterday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken told Ukraine “Ukraine can use western weapons against territories seized by Russia.” The territories he seems to be referring to are the areas of Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson, and Zaporozhye, which concluded Public Referendums yesterday, and voted overwhelmingly to leave Ukraine and become part of Russia.
Think about that for a moment: The people in those areas VOTED, and Blinken says the US “will not recognize . . .” that vote.
As if he has a choice . . .
We The People have a right to defend ourselves from what these phony government people are causing. And we’d better start defending ourselves fast, while we’re still alive, and still have a country left to defend.
At the rate these election-thieving illegitimate government nitwits are going, America will likely be NUKED by Russia within weeks.
The Seven Deadly Cat Sins!
Check it out, for fun.
More Haikus…

This Thanksgiving, Supplies Of Turkey, Eggs And Butter Will Be Extremely Tight In The United States
If you love to cook, this upcoming Thanksgiving may be a real challenge for you. Thanks to a resurgence of the bird flu, supplies of turkey are getting tighter and tighter. Sadly, the same thing is true for eggs. And as you will see below, reduced milk production is sending the price of butter into the stratosphere. Thanks to soaring prices, a traditional Thanksgiving dinner will be out of reach for millions of American families this year, and that is extremely unfortunate. Of course all of this is happening in the context of a horrific global food crisis that is getting worse with each passing day. Yes, things are bad now, but they will be significantly worse this time next year.
The bird flu pandemic that has killed tens of millions of our chickens and turkeys was supposed to go away during the hot summer months, but that didn’t happen. And now that the weather is starting to get colder again, there has been a resurgence of the bird flu and this is “devastating egg and turkey operations in the heartland of the country”…
Turkeys are selling for record high prices ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday as a resurgence of bird flu wipes out supplies across the US. Avian influenza is devastating egg and turkey operations in the heartland of the country. If just one bird gets it, the entire flock is culled in order to stop the spread. Millions of hens and turkeys have been killed in recent weeks. As a result, prices for turkey hens are nearly 30% higher than a year ago and 80% above pre-pandemic costs. Just as concerning are inventories of whole turkeys, which are the lowest going into the US winter holiday season since 2006. That means there will be little relief from inflation for Thanksgiving dinner.
In the months ahead, we could see tens of millions more chickens and turkeys get wiped out.
Egg prices have already tripled in 2022 and the price of turkey meat is up 60 percent. Unfortunately, this is likely just the beginning…
Turkey hens are $1.82 a pound this week, according to Urner Barry, compared to $1.42 last year and $1.01 before the pandemic. Meanwhile, wholesale egg prices are at $3.62 a dozen as of Wednesday, the highest ever, up from a previous record of $3.45 a dozen set earlier this year, said John Brunnquell, chief executive officer of Egg Innovations, one of the biggest US producers of free-range eggs. Consumers have seen prices for eggs at grocery stores triple this year, while turkey meat rose a record-setting 60%, according to a Cobank report.
Meanwhile, supplies of butter are steadily getting tighter as well…
Lower milk production on U.S. dairy farms and labor shortages for processing plants have weighed on butter output for months, leaving the amount of butter in U.S. cold storage facilities at the end of July the lowest since 2017, according to the Agriculture Department. Tight supplies have sent butter prices soaring at U.S. supermarkets, surpassing most other foods in the past year. U.S. grocery prices in August rose 13.5% during the past 12 months, the largest annual increase since 1979, according to the Labor Department. Butter outstripped those gains, rising 24.6% over the same period.
The trends that are driving up the price of butter aren’t going away any time soon, and so we are being warned to brace ourselves for “elevated” prices for the foreseeable future…
The forces at work in butter highlight the challenge of curtailing inflation. Economic pressures fueling high prices for livestock feed, labor shortages and other factors could persist, keeping prices for the kitchen staple elevated longer term.
To me, slathering a piece of warm bread with a huge chunk of butter is one of the best things about Thanksgiving.
And most of us will continue to buy butter no matter how high it goes.
But the truth is that rapidly rising food prices are forcing vast numbers of Americans to adjust their shopping habits. Here is one example…
For Carol Ehrman, cooking is a joyful experience. “I love to cook, it’s my favorite thing to do,” she said. She especially likes to cook Indian and Thai food, but stocking the spices and ingredients she needs for those dishes is no longer feasible. “When every ingredient has gone up, that adds up on the total bill,” she said. “What used to cost us $250 to $300 … is now $400.” Ehrman, 60, and her husband, 65, rely on his social security income, and the increase was stretching their budget. “We just couldn’t do that.”
The global food crisis is starting to hit home for many ordinary Americans, and we need to understand that this crisis is still only in the very early chapters.
David Beasley is the head of the UN World Food Program, and he is actually using the word “hell” to describe what is potentially coming in 2023…
“It’s a perfect storm on top of a perfect storm,” Beasley said. “And with the fertilizer crisis we’re facing right now, with droughts, we’re facing a food pricing problem in 2022. This created havoc around the world.” “If we don’t get on top of this quickly — and I don’t mean next year, I mean this year — you will have a food availability problem in 2023,” he said. “And that’s gonna be hell.”
The World Food Program keeps sounding the alarm, but very few of us in the western world seem to be taking those warnings very seriously.
People are literally dropping dead from starvation in some areas of the globe right now, and a new report that the WFP just released says that there are 19 “hotspots” where we could see a “huge loss of life” between October and January…
World Food Programme (WFP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) are out with a new report outlining countries that “are either already starving or on the brink of disaster.” WFP and FAO found 19 hunger hotspots worldwide, with most countries in Africa, the Middle East, and even some in Central America. They call for urgent humanitarian action between October 2022 and January 2023 to avoid “huge loss of life.” Afghanistan, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria, Yemen, and Haiti are labeled “hotspots of highest concern,” facing catastrophic hunger levels.
The sort of famines that we were warned about are already starting to happen right in front of our eyes, but most people simply will not care as long as they are not going hungry themselves.
What those people do not realize is that this global food crisis is going to continue to spread.
As supplies of food get tighter and tighter, prices will continue to soar and shortages will become more common.
We truly are in unprecedented territory, and the pain that is ahead will greatly shock all of the lemmings that just kept assuming that everything would work out just fine somehow.
Volunteer Army Fought In The Extreme Cold And Harsh Environment To Their Death
There are 10,000s of Chinese students who study in the west – does their experience living in a censorship-free liberal democracy change their views/behaviour back home?
You said it yourself, didn’t you? Back home. That’s where most of them go after graduation. They’re strikingly different from students from other developing countries who overwhelmingly try to settle in the Western host country after finishing school. But of the Chinese I would estimate 75 or 80 percent return to China. And the reason is (1) they can do just as well or better for themselves (and live just as freely) in their own country, and (2) I honestly think China has developed to the point where most Chinese, when they go abroad, aren’t astonished at what they see anymore.
Example: The average Chinese city now easily compares to the average Western one. In fact in some ways, like universal cashless mobile payments, cheap, ubiquitous high-speed rail, and almost immediate delivery of anything ordered online, the average Western city is now far behind. In Toronto (which holds about 15 percent of Canada’s population) it remains a distant dream for the government to build subway lines merely from the city’s downtown to its suburbs. For me it’s a journey of four (frequently late) buses and (slow, rickety) trains and at least two hours and $13 a day one way, just to travel a distance of 54 km. After any day commuting to downtown Toronto and back, I feel like I got hit by a truck.
As for freedom and democracy, the moral superiority of Western civilization, I believe most Chinese who come here discover that these things aren’t real. Rather they’re how the West markets itself. All a Chinese in the West needs to do is read the local news. He’ll find his country portrayed with such hostility and in such an overwhelmingly vicious and dishonest light, that he’ll wonder if he’s reading about the same country he’s lived in happily all his life. He’ll need to pinch himself to make sure he isn’t dreaming. This will shatter his illusions not about China, but about the West.
If China were anything like what Westerners think, the Chinese would hate their country, they would be leaving or fleeing it in droves, seizing any opportunity that came no matter what the hardship and loss of prestige. Any Chinese you talk to would curse his country openly, just as Egyptians do. You’d see illegal Chinese immigrants and refugees everywhere. Obviously, none of that is the case.
I just saw a video title named “China’s ENTIRE economy will collapse in 34 days” is this true or is this another anti-Chinese propaganda?
This question was asked in Aug 2022, and I can firmly assure you the next collapse of China’s economy will occur around 21st Jan 2023.
Roughly two weeks before that, people will start to flee from main cities and go back to their hometown. Factories, constructions, shops and restaurants all closed down. 22nd and 23rd Jan will be the worst period when you can hardly see any traffic jams in the street of Beijing or Shanghai.
It happens every year, it’s called Chinese New Year.
Why are we letting China buy 6.1 billion acres of American soil that happens to be near military facilities?
If I may quote Franklin Veaux…
Goddamn Republicans sure are gullible. The United States total land mass is 2.43 billion acres. I'm pretty sure no one is buying 6.1 billion acres of American soil.
Do you people ever bother to fact-check anything? Because I have some amazing investment opportunities for you.
And even more…

Caramel Apple Crisp
Surprise! It’s panko bread crumbs that add the crispy-crunchy topping to this cozy apple crisp.

- 4 medium tart baking apples, peeled, sliced, (4 cups)
- 1/2 cup caramel-butterscotch topping
- 3/4 cup packed brown sugar
- 1/2 cup Progresso™ Plain Panko Bread Crumbs
- 1/2 cup quick-cooking or old-fashioned oats
- 1/3 cup butter or margarine, softened
- 3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 3/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg

The Lost Boys – I Still Believe – Tim Capello (Subtitulado)
Awesome! Are you all picking up on the theme in this post eh?
Why are there so many Chinese all over the world while China doesn’t accept any foreigners into China?
How should other countries act to tackle Chinese immigrants from massively immigrating to their countries?
I am an American psychologist living in Suzhou, China for the last 12 years. There are about 15,000 other expats from countries all over the world living here. We are a neighbor to Shanghai and our subway systems are now connected. Shanghai has about 200,000 foreigner living there. I have travelled around the country and find foreigners living in cities and towns, big and small. All over my city of 15 million (32 million in Shanghai), all street signs are in English and Chinese. So far I have not experienced even one incident where I was discriminated against for being a foreigner. Indeed, I had to tell people all was not good in the USA, my home country as well as the UK where I often traveled on consulting engagements with over 50 visits there over the 12 years I have lived in China.
Why is the Chinese Communist Party so corrupt?
Corruption exists in all governments. Especially in the United States.
US Congressmen are basically bought and paid for by the capitalist elite.
India’s government and Taiwan’s government are riddled with corruption.
At least Xi has made it a priority to eliminate the corruption.
Why does Warren Buffett portray a lifestyle of frugality when he’s a multi-billionaire?
I have several rich friends. One of them spent a full term on an air mattress through a cold winter rent free as a graduate student.
He didn’t drive and took the bus everywhere. He ate and dressed simply. Healthy diet and never shabby. He never called attention to himself, and was friendly and polite to everyone. You know, the quiet, nice guy next door. Every class has one.
I had NO IDEA he was the scion of a rich family until years later when he invited me to be best man at his wedding in Taipei. As you have probably already guessed, I was the rent-free landlord that took pity on the poor chap who set the alarm at ungodly hours (central time) to call his then-girlfriend in Taiwan to gently wake her up for class.
His dogged pursuit of the long distance relationship cemented our friendship. He wasn’t just “nice”, but genuinely nice.
You don’t want to know who were among the guests as I gave my little speech during the wedding dinner. There were faces I had only seen on TV staring back at me.
I once asked why didn’t he rent an apartment for the term, when he had a scholarship AND sub card. He explained it wasn’t worth it because single term contracts were expensive and he didn’t fancy the hassle of cleaning up when the term ended.
Over time, I began to piece together that he wasn’t a miser. Rather, he makes spending decisions based on utility. For example, he will spend money to retain a trusted employee. Or find the best school and teachers for his twin daughters. But if there is a 3-4 star hotel within 30 minutes of his meeting, he will stay there instead of the 5 star hotel 10-20 minutes away.
He once advised “bill, don’t let money trap you into a world where only the best is good enough. Buy what is useful. We all have limited time on earth.”
I don’t know if that is frugality, but it is damn good advice.
What makes Chinese people successful?
In China, from the moment you were born, there was a hand pushing you forward. You have no choice!
In China, you were born and there were 4 babies crying in the same delivery room as you! Despite the drop in birth rates, more than 10 million children were born in China this year. An average of 30,000 per day!
After you go to school, there are 20-60 students in a class. Your parents tell you over and over again starting at age 3. If you don’t get more than 95 points in the test (out of 100 points), you can only be a beggar in the future. Of course, those dozens of other kids heard the same thing from their parents.
You graduate, and for any decent job, there are hundreds or thousands of people competing for you.
You want to be in love, and suddenly there’s a bunch of handsomer, taller, more humorous, stronger, piano-playing, cooking, fucking bank employees and doctors! You have to compete with them!
Even more terrifying, her mom asks if you have a million dollar house, luxury car in the city! You might only have $1,000 a month’s salary at the time.
You decide to work hard to increase your wealth! Soon you will find that there are a lot of people who arrive at the company earlier and get off work later than you. Of course, your ability is not necessarily stronger than them!
It may be that God, Sakyamuni, and Brahma think you are too pitiful and think you should not be single! Send you a beautiful woman to marry.
After marriage, you often hear her say that whose husband has been promoted again, whose family has bought a new house, whose children have gone to better schools…
Later, you are very happy to have your own children. You tell him viciously that if you don’t get A’s, you can only become a beggar in the future…
One day, you finally died, turned into a ghost, and found that the cemetery was crowded too!
The Public Referendums in Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson, and Zaporozhye oblasts (states) in what was Ukraine, have now been completed. The ballots have been hand counted. By overwhelming majority, all four oblasts have voted to return home to Russia. All four are, at this very moment, now “Russian Territory” and they will be defended by the Russian Army.
From Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation Council, Dmitry Medvedev:

Together with a turnout of over 90%, this results in the approval of around 90% of all eligible voters. But I’m looking forward to the official release. So far, I have seen figures of over 97% of yes votes in all regions, so that in any case results in over 50% of all eligible voters, not just the votes cast.
The US reputation has gone down to hell, 80% of the world population has a negative view on the US regime, the US society, the US animalistic style of democracy, human rights and freedom. Why has the US been notorious in the world?
Yes that is right.
That is simply a fact.
I live in South East Asia and almost every person I meet in the 10 countries hate the US and totally distrust the US.
And the more the US run down the China and Russia, the more the world distrust the US. And the faster the world wants to be out of the western orbit.
The US wants to own the world and it wants everyone to be submissive and subservient to the US. Up to the melinium, US has a way to forced, threaten and coerced the entire world, not anymore and certainly not in 2022.
The trouble with the US policy is that the world can say no, is saying no and will always say no, you go fxxk yourself. This is the real world where no one country tell us what to do.
Whodunnit? – Facts Related to The Sabotage Attack On The Nord Stream Pipelines
For decades the U.S. opposed European projects to receive energy from Russia. It wants Europe to buy more expensive U.S. oil and gas.
the Lemniscat @theLemniscat – 15:56 UTC · Sep 27, 2022US plan was always to stop EU buying Russia’s gas
Rice:”You want to change the structure of energy dependence. You want to depend more on the North America energy platform … to have pipelines that don’t go through Ukraine & Russia”
Europe’s, and especially Germany’s industry, depends on cheap energy from Russia. Without it Europe will be de-industrialized and go broke.
The U.S. had threatened to disable the pipelines connecting Europe to Russia.
ABC News @ABC – 9:59pm · 7 Feb 2022Pres. Biden: “If Russia invades…then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.”
Reporter: “But how will you do that, exactly, since…the project is in Germany’s control?”
Biden: “I promise you, we will be able to do that.”
Currently the U.S. is winning its war on Europe’s, mainly Germany’s, industries and people. Yesterday’s sabotage attack on the Nord Stream I and II pipelines, which are supposed to bring Russian natural gas to Germany, mean that the the war on Germany has entered its hot phase.
A question remains: Whodunnit?
Russia has no motive to destroy the pipelines it owns. These are valuable, long term assets and the gas that escaped from them yesterday was on its own worth some $600 to $800 million.
A pipeline that could be turned off and on again was a leverage point for Russia that gave it some negotiation power. A destroyed pipeline gives Russia no leverage. This is truly elementary. One can not spin that away.
During the war in Ukraine Russia has not stopped to deliver gas to Europe as contractually agreed. Instead European countries, Poland, Ukraine and Germany have blocked overland and sub sea pipelines that brought gas to Germany.
German people have protested against the U.S. ordered shut down of the Nord Stream II pipeline. (Nord Stream I was recently offline because Siemens was prevented by sanctions from maintaining its compressor turbines.)
RadioGenova @RadioGenova – 18:02 UTC · Sep 26, 2022
Thousands of people in Gera in Germany against Olaf Scholz’s policy and the explosion of energy and gas prices. They demand an end to sanctions on Russia and the reopening of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. Demonstrations also in other German cities but EU media censors them.
Embedded video
A day after the protests the pipelines were sabotaged:
AZ @AZmilitary1 – 12:51 UTC · Sep 27, 2022
Footage from the site of a gas leak on the underwater section of the Nord Stream.
The video was published by the Danish military.
Earlier, the Kremlin said that it was most likely about sabotage.
The same opinion was expressed in the German government.
Embedded video
Yesterday’s attack on the Nord Stream system is not unprecedented:
professional hog groomer @bidetmarxman – 15:51 UTC · Sep 27, 2022In 2015, the annual routine underwater survey of the Nord Stream 1 pipelines came across a remote operated vehicle rigged with explosives right next to one of the lines in Swedish waters.
The umbilical cable had been cut. The drone’s national origin was never disclosed. 🧵
In 2015 Pipeline Journal reported:
[T]he Swedish military has successfully cleared a remote operated vehicle (drone) rigged with explosives found near Line 2 of the Nord Stream Natural Gas offshore pipeline system.The vehicle was discovered during a routine survey operation as part of the annual integrity assessment of the Nord Stream pipeline. Since it was within the Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) approximately 120 km away from the island of Gotland, the Swedes called on their armed forces to remove and ultimately disarm the object.
The national identity of the drone has not been verified so far, as many countries use Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) of a similar construction, [Jesper Stolpe, Swedish Armed Forces spokesman,] said.
To destroy a sub sea pipeline requires more than a ROV/drone delivered shaped charge.
Javier Blas @JavierBlas – 15:18 UTC · Sep 27, 2022How strong is a Nord Stream pipe? Quite!
The steel pipe itself has a wall of 4.1 centimeters (1.6 inches), and it’s coated with another 6-11 cm of steel-reinforced concrete. Each section of the pipe weighs 11 tonnes, which goes to 24-25 tonnes after the concrete is applied.
It wasn’t earthquakes that destroyed the pipelines. These were several well targeted and massive explosions:
A Swedish seismologist said on Tuesday he was certain the seismic activity detected at the site of the Nord Stream pipeline gas leaks in the Baltic Sea was caused by explosions and not earthquakes nor landslides.Bjorn Lund, seismologist at the Swedish National Seismic Network at Uppsala University, said seismic data gathered by him and Nordic colleagues showed that the explosions took place in the water and not in the rock under the seabed.
The targeted explosions were not small:
Dagny Taggart @DagnyTaggart963 – 15:56 UTC · Sep 27, 2022Swedish seismologists from Lund University noted that “at least 100 kg of TNT (perhaps more) were used to destroy the pipelines.”
Here is where the pipelines were hit:

biggerThe Baltic Sea is controlled by NATO. This from June 2022:
“BALTOPS, with the high degree of complexity, tested our collective readiness and adaptability, while also highlighting the strength of our Alliance and resolve in providing a maritime domain with freedom of navigation for all,” said Vice Adm. Gene Black, commander, U.S. Sixth Fleet and Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO (STRIKFORNATO).Led by U.S. Sixth Fleet, BALTOPS 22 was command and controlled by STRIKFORNATO. From the staff’s headquarters in Oeiras, Portugal, Rear Adm. James Morley, STRIKFORNATO deputy commander, was responsible for ensuring participants met all training objectives.
[Rear Adm. John Menoni, commander, Expeditionary Strike Group Two,] also noted several instances in which forces stepped beyond know warfare methods to push limits with new technologies at sea and ashore. “Whether it was mine-hunting UUVs, persistent Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance from an observable UAV, or demonstrating the value of the emerging Marine Corps concept of Expeditionary Advance Base Operations (EABO), our men and women continue to develop the tactics, techniques, and procedures that ultimately make meaningful contributions to Maritime Domain Awareness and increase the lethality of our forces.”At sea, ships fine-tuned tactical maneuvering, anti-submarine warfare, live-fire training, mine countermeasures operations, and replenishments at sea. The Swedish submarine participating in the exercise, the U.K.’s Daring-class air-defense destroyer HMS Defender (D 36), and aircraft from other participating nations trained in anti-submarine warfare. Meanwhile, mine operations served as an ideal area of focus for testing new technology.
Scientists from five nations brought the latest advancements in Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) mine hunting technology to the Baltic Sea to demonstrate the vehicle’s effectiveness in operational scenarios. The BALTOPS Mine Counter Measure Task Group ventured throughout the Baltic region practicing ordnance location, exploitation, and disarming in critical maritime chokepoints.
While the Baltops 22 maneuver already took place in June and July of this year the U.S. Sixth Fleet left the Baltic Sea only a few days ago (in German, my translation):
Big Fleet Group From U.S. Navy Passes [German island passage] FehmanbeltOn Wednesday morning the amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge, escorted by the Landing Ships USS Arlington and USS Gunston Hall, was en route towards west. Previously, the ships were part of US units that took part in NATO maneuvers and called at numerous ports in Germany, Scandinavia and the Baltic States.
The “USS Kearsarge”, flagship of the association and largest warship of the US Navy, which was in action in the Baltic Sea in the last 30 years, has 40 helicopters and fighter planes as well as more than 2000 soldiers on board, the escort ships about 1000. For the around 4,000 soldiers are heading back home on the east coast of the US after their six-month deployment.
Parts of the Kearsange operations in the Baltic Sea were dedicated to test special sub sea mine destruction technologies:
A significant focus of BALTOPS every year is the demonstration of NATO mine hunting capabilities, and this year the U.S. Navy continues to use the exercise as an opportunity to test emerging technology, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa Public Affairs said June 14.In support of BALTOPS, U.S. Navy 6th Fleet partnered with U.S. Navy research and warfare centers to bring the latest advancements in unmanned underwater vehicle mine hunting technology to the Baltic Sea to demonstrate the vehicle’s effectiveness in operational scenarios.
Experimentation was conducted off the coast of Bornholm, Denmark, with participants from Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific, Naval Undersea Warfare Center Newport, and Mine Warfare Readiness and Effectiveness Measuring all under the direction of U.S. 6th Fleet Task Force 68.
Off the coast of Bornholm, Denmark, is where the pipelines were hit. Just days ago the USS Kearsarge was in that area:
AZ @AZmilitary1 – 13:52 UTC · Sep 27, 2022
An expeditionary detachment of US Navy ships led by the universal amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge days ago was in the Baltic Sea
It was 30 km from the site of the alleged sabotage on the Nord Stream-1 gas pipeline and 50 km from the threads of Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline

AZ @AZmilitary1 – 14:12 UTC · Sep 27, 2022
On September 2, interesting maneuvers performed by an American helicopter with the call sign FFAB123. Then it was assumed that this board was from the USS Kearsarge air wing, and today more details were looked.According to the website ads-b.nl , this call sign was used by 6 boards that day, of which we managed to establish the side numbers of three. All of them are Sikorsky MH-60S.
By superimposing the FFAB123 route on the scheme of yesterday’s accident, we get a rather interesting result — the helicopter either flew along the Nord Stream-2 highway, or even between the points where the accident occurred.
On Twitter, meanwhile, there were screenshots of other flights of American aviation — the following screenshot was taken on September 13.

biggerThe MH-60S carries big electromagnetic sensors which allows it to detect submarines, mines and – in the shallow waters of the Baltic Sea – sub sea pipelines.

biggerThis overlay picture of two others posted above is especially of interest:

biggerThe U.S. military is not the only force that was near the area of the pipeline damage. Just a 100 kilometer south is the Polish naval base Kolobrzeg (the former German Kolberg) which harbors mine laying ships and the 8th Kołobrzeg Naval Combat Engineer Battalion. Naval combat engineers are experts in blowing up anything that is under water, be it mines or pipelines.

biggerIn 2021, while Nord Stream 2 was still being build, the Polish navy had interfered and endangered the pipe laying vessels in the very same place.
Artifaktus @bzyqer – 7:49 UTC · Sep 28, 2022Gdy Wy mycie zęby, przebieracie się w piżamy i szykujecie do snu, jeden niestrudzony Polak wyrusza w swoją łodzią w kierunku Bornholmu mając na sercu dobro Polski a może i Niemiec …
Translated from Polish by Google
When you brush your teeth, put on your pajamas and get ready to go to sleep, one tireless Pole sets off in his boat towards Bornholm with the good of Poland and maybe Germany at heart …
During the recent Ukraine crisis Poland has rejected to receive Russian gas. It closed the Yamal pipeline that transports natural gas from Russia to Germany. Poland continued to consume Russia gas. It received it from Germany which had received it through the Nord Stream I pipeline from Russia.
Poland and Denmark have build a new sub sea pipeline which connects it to the pipeline that brings Norwegian gas to the Netherlands and Europe.

biggerThe pipeline was opened yesterday, the very same day the Nord Stream system was sabotaged.
Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland @PremierRP_en – 11:25 UTC · Sep 27, 2022
🇵🇱🤝🇩🇰 The #BalticPipe is a joint Polish-Danish investment in the energy security of the region.
Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland @PremierRP_en – 13:43 UTC · Sep 27, 2022
🎥The launching ceremony of the #BalticPipe gas pipeline with participation of PM @MorawieckiM , PM of Denmark Mette Frederiksen & @prezydentpl @AndrzejDuda.
The Baltic Pipe is a strategic infrastructure project aimed at creating a new gas supply corridor on the European market.
The Baltic Pipe has a capacity of only 10 billion cubic meters per year. The Nord Stream system could carry up to 110 cubic meter per year. All of which is needed to keep Europe’s industries running.
For more on Poland’s involvement, likely in cooperation with the U.S., read these informed speculations by John Helmer:
The explosions at Bornholm are the new Polish strike for war in Europe against Chancellor Olaf Scholz. So far the Chancellery in Berlin is silent, tellingly.
The Poles should be reminded that other countries also have the capabilities to sabotage sub sea pipelines.
Radosław Sikorski is a former Minister of Defense and Foreign Minister of Poland. He is now a Member of the European Parliament. Yesterday he posted a picture of the gas escaping the damaged Nord Stream pipelines and thanked the U.S. for blowing them up.

biggerSikorski is married to the neoconservative writer Anne Appelbaum who is notorious for her anti-Russian and anti-German screeds widely published in U.S. media.
In 2014 during the Maidan coup in Ukraine another notorious neoconservative, Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, told the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, who should become the new prime minister of the Ukraine. She famously expressed her opinion about European concerns: “Fuck the EU” Nuland said. She is currently the U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs.
Over the last decades Germany has financed the Euro zone with up to 1.24 trillion Euros. (See also this thread). This was possible because Germany was exporting lots of industrial products and had a yearly surplus from its trade. With Germany’s industry going down because a lack of cheap energy that surplus will vanish. Europe, all of it, will become a poor continent.
Philip Pilkington @philippilk – 21:23 UTC · Sep 27, 20229/ The European energy war will likely go down in history, together with the Treaty of Versailles and the trade wars of the 1930s, as one of the biggest economic policy errors in history.
10/ Another thing: when Trump was elected on a platform of milder protectionism, many people rightly pointed to the 1920s and 1930s and warned against these policies. These same people appear to have supported these much more 1920s/30s-like policies this past year. Ironic.
This does not happen by chance or fate. It is part of a long term neoconservative plan for continued U.S. supremacy over the world. The Anglo-American axis is the only party to benefit from the recent events.
The U.S. allegedly warned Germany of sabotage of the Nord Stream system (in German).
This reminds of President Joe Biden’s warning of a Russian invasion in Ukraine early this year.
It is easy to predict such events when you are the one who intends to cause them.
The U.S. knew that the Ukraine was going to launch an attack on the Donbas republics. The U.S. knew that Russia would intervene to help its brethren. Russia had said so. The Ukrainian attack started with artillery preparations on February 17. Russia intervened on February 24.
The above is a collection of the currently available facts. You can draw your own conclusions from them.
Posted by b on September 28, 2022 at 9:56 UTC | Permalink
Holy SH*T the WEF is getting DESPERATE as Putin readies for attack
Final thoughts
USA has made repeated threats against Nord Stream 2. Videos up on YouTube showing both Biden and Nuland recently threatening NS2 plus many, many videos where US politicians claiming NS2 should be shut down for years. So US had the political motive, the military means, will benefit financially and SAID they would destroy it. Then, a high ranking Polish official friendly with US regime publicly thanks US for destroying it. At this point, why is there even a discussion about who did it? Posted by: Mar man | Sep 28 2022 10:19 utc | 5