As time wears on, the United States looks more and more like a dystopian shit-hole named “Commode”

Called my family member in Germany to ask him WTF is going on. How can they let the pipeline be blown up?

He responded something crazy. Said these Germans are sooo scared of being out of gas is pathetic. Also said the German governmeny is full of pro Russian infiltrators.

I was shocked. My own blood is completely and utterly brainwashed. Hes not German btw. An immigrant.

I responded by saying the pipeline was most likely blown by anti Russians. He changed the subject.

Crazy shit going on in the West.

Posted by: Comandante | Sep 29 2022 18:48 utc | 9

Covert intelligence is suggestive of the United States loading tactical nuclear warheads for shipment to Ukraine in and among conventional warheads and weapons systems.

This would be for covert false flag operations; as the United States military normal for starting full-scale war operations. It would not be for reactionary measures. This is in line with the neocon war philosophy and the current leadership of the United States whoever it is.

The scenario planned, would be …

  • Detonate a tactical (small scale nuclear bomb on a “minor” target.
  • Blame Russia
  • Respond with a NATO tactical nuclear weapon barrage.

Of course, that would trigger the Russian “Dead hand” system which would be the wholesale obliteration of Europe and the United States.

My personal opinion is that [1] all this is just rhetorical cover and disinfo.

[2] The United States “leadership” does not believe that the Dead hand system exists, or that it will not make a difference. That Russia is like the United States, employing rhetoric instead of stating things clearly.

I believe that [3] NATO bases already have nuclear systems and missiles in place, and the United States [4] has a very detailed plan to use them to destroy Russia.

Further [5], Russia is aware of this.

But, it is my belief that if Russia was aware of this, that [6] Russia would unleash HELL before America gets the opportunity to set up a false flag, I would think. But, what do I know? The USA did blow up the pipeline and did do the unthinkable.

Stay tuned for the end of the world. Well, at least the end of the United States.


I hope that htere is just ONE person in the MM audience that appreciates this tune…

Ancient Elites in Western Britain Enjoyed High-Island Living

Archaeologists in the UK have shown how ancient elite families retained their command over communities in the medieval world of Britain’s crannogs. They controlled the communities they ruled from offshore homes located on enhanced islands in lakes and estuaries.

While the elites of Ancient Egypt let their hair down in vast stone palaces, and as the ruling classes of South America hosted parties in temple-pyramids, ancient landlords in western Britain commanded their power over communities from the safety of artificial luxury islands.

Crannogs: From Iron Age Houses to Medieval Control Centers

In prehistoric Scotland, Wales, and Ireland “ crannogs were generally wooden circular structures built on islands in lakes and in river estuaries. While the vast majority of ancient populations lived in mud and wattle huts on the surrounding shores and fields, societal elites enjoyed the relative safety of their “gated” crannogs.


Just one of countless Iron Age crannogs that once dotted the Scottish Highlands (this one is a faithful reconstruction), which have now been proven to have developed into elite party palaces in the medieval period. ( DMac / Adobe Stock)

However, understanding day to day life at crannogs has always been something of a mystery to archaeologists, for until the age of underwater archaeology little material was available to study. But now, a new study has determined that elite families “displayed their power and wealth through elaborate parties in crannogs.”


Figure 1 from the Antiquity study: a) Map of crannogs recorded in the dataset; b) age distribution for Scottish and Irish crannog radiocarbon dates using median ages; c) generalized stratigraphic model of a lake crannog and associated sediment inputs. ( Antiquity Publications Ltd )

Crannogs: Ancient Structures Recently Revised, Twice!

Until 2019 researchers generally agreed that people built crannogs in the Iron Age (800 BC – 43 BC).

But this all changed after the publication of an earlier 2019 paper in the journal Antiquity (entitled: Neolithic crannogs: rethinking settlement, monumentality and deposition in the Outer Hebrides and beyond ) that demonstrated “at least some of Scotland’s nearly 600 crannogs are much, much older.” In fact, this would make them nearly three thousand years older, putting them firmly in the Neolithic era, as early as 2500 BC.

Now, Professor Antony Brown of UiT Arctic University of Norway, lead author of a new study published in the journal Antiquity, says that between 4,000 BC and the 16th century AD, “hundreds of crannogs were created in Scotland, Wales and Ireland.”

Further illustrating how central the crannog was to ancient communities in Britain, the 1998 book “ The Archaeology of Lake Settlement in Ireland ” informs that there are an estimated “1,200 crannogs in Ireland” alone.


Lough Na Cranagh. Prehistoric crannog, a defensive man-made island, in Lough of the Crannog on top of sea cliffs of Fair Head. Ballycastle, N. Ireland. ( David Matthew Lyons / Adobe Stock)

Crannogs Were Also For Parties, Trade, and Communications

Professor Brown said ancient builders first selected shallow reefs in lake beds and on the sides of river estuaries. Then they built up these islands with “stone, timber and peat – to a diameter of nearly 30 meters (100 feet),” said the researchers.

The new study explains that such wetland sites are “much more difficult to study than those on land,” however, the team of archaeologists explored three submerged crannogs gathering organic samples for their analysis.

Dr. Brown told LiveScience that lakes are still and shallow around crannogs and that archaeological materials “never wash away.” Sediment DNA samples (sedaDNA) were taken from a crannog in Scotland that was occupied between 500 BC to 10 AD and from two sites in Ireland dated to between 650 to 1300 AD.


A generalized model of a typical crannog and how it is effected by erosion. The small right side figures are too scientific for this article. ( Antiquity Publications Ltd )

The SedaDNA analysis revealed that people in ancient Scotland, Wales and Ireland were cultivating cereal plants on crannog islands. Furthermore, the team of researchers think traces of bracken ferns ( Pteridium) were brought to the island to fill bedding and for use in the construction of roofs. And common to all three sites was “a lot of DNA evidence suggesting “feasting, partying, trade and communication.”

Evidence of cows, sheep, pigs and goats kept on these ‘island palace’ sites and their slaughter for feasting and ceremonies was identified at all three crannog sites.

Dr. Brown and his team of scientists interpreted this new data against previous studies into samples of pollen and animal bones gathered at other crannogs. Based on these foodstuffs it was concluded that, while crannogs functioned as farmsteads during the Iron Age, they evolved into “elite gathering places” in the medieval period.

Cobb Salad

The classic cobb salad includes chicken, bacon, egg, tomato, avocado and blue cheese tossed with a tangy lemon vinaigrette. Whether you are looking for a way to use up leftover chicken or just want to avoid turning on the stove, this salad is sure to satisfy!



Lemon Vinaigrette

  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground mustard
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 clove garlic, finely chopped


  • 6 cups bite-size pieces salad greens
  • 2 cups cut-up cooked chicken
  • 3 hard-cooked eggs, chopped
  • 2 medium tomatoes, chopped (1 1/2 cups)
  • 1 medium ripe avocado, pitted, peeled and chopped
  • 1/4 cup crumbled blue cheese (1 oz)
  • 4 slices bacon, crisply cooked, crumbled (1/4 cup)

This Cycle Of Retaliation Between The U.S. And Russia Will Ultimately Lead To Nuclear War


For the good of humanity, this has got to stop.  The United States and Russia both keep raising the stakes, and if we keep repeating this cycle it will end with a nuclear war that could ultimately result in billions of deaths.  Unfortunately, leaders on both sides do not seem interested in peace at this point.  The votes that Russia just conducted in four disputed territories were inevitably going to raise tensions even higher.  Of course the western powers have been greatly escalating matters themselves.  Over the past couple of months, NATO has gotten far more deeply involved in the conflict in Ukraine, and now the war is starting to spread beyond Ukrainian borders.

Everyone agrees that the damage caused to the Nord Stream pipeline system was an act of sabotage.  As I discussed yesterday, an explosion that registered 1.9 on the Richter scale was followed by a second explosion that registered 2.3 on the Richter scale.  These explosions were absolutely huge, and that suggests that this was a military operation.

Many in the western world are blaming Russia for the sabotage, but why would they blow up pipelines that they spent so much time and energy constructing and that have enabled them to make giant mountains of money selling natural gas to Europe?

The Russians have already been punishing the Europeans by restricting the flow of gas through those pipelines.  There was certainly no need to blow them up.

If it is ultimately proven that the Russians did this, it would be one of the stupidest geopolitical moves that I have ever seen.

Of course there is someone else that could have done it.

On Friday, September 23rd the following statement was posted on the official White House website

The United States will never recognize Ukrainian territory as anything other than part of Ukraine. Russia’s referenda are a sham – a false pretext to try to annex parts of Ukraine by force in flagrant violation of international law, including the United Nations Charter. We will work with our allies and partners to impose additional swift and severe economic costs on Russia. The United States stands with our partners around the world – and with every nation that respects the core tenets of the UN charter – in rejecting whatever fabricated outcomes Russia will announce. We will continue to support the Ukrainian people and provide them with security assistance to help them defend themselves as they courageously resist Russia’s invasion.

So Joe Biden promised to impose “swift and severe economic costs on Russia” on Friday, and then on Monday both Nord Stream pipelines were blown up.

And by now you have probably already heard that Joe Biden threatened to attack the Nord Stream pipeline system before the war in Ukraine even started

Pres. Biden: “If Russia invades…then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.”

Reporter: “But how will you do that, exactly, since…the project is in Germany’s control?”

Biden: “I promise you, we will be able to do that.”

Biden had obviously been discussing this option with his advisers, and one of those advisers named Victoria Nuland also made a similar threat prior to the outbreak of the Ukrainian conflict…

“If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.”

Some enterprising reporter needs to ask the Biden administration if they were responsible for the sabotage.

Of course they will probably deny it even if they ordered the attack.

But it is interesting to note that the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group entered the Baltic Sea in early September

The Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) with the embarked 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) concluded two successful training events with the Swedish Armed Forces and Standing NATO Maritime Group (SNMG) 1 while operating in the Baltic Sea, Sept. 4, 2022.

Unfortunately, the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group didn’t leave the Baltic Sea area right away.

In fact, it is being reported that this task force didn’t actually leave the Baltic Sea until a few days ago

The Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) and the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) have departed the Baltic Sea and are in the English Channel. The ARG includes USS Kearsarge (LHD-3), USS Arlington (LPD-24) and USS Gunston Hall (LSD-44). Kearsarge and Gunston Hall completed port calls in Gdynia and Gdansk, respectively, last week.

This would have given them plenty of time to plant explosives on the Nord Stream pipeline system if they were inclined to do so.

In addition, we have learned that the U.S. Navy was testing “the latest advancements in unmanned underwater vehicle mine hunting technology” in the Baltic Sea during the month of June

A significant focus of BALTOPS every year is the demonstration of NATO mine hunting capabilities, and this year the U.S. Navy continues to use the exercise as an opportunity to test emerging technology, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa Public Affairs said June 14.

In support of BALTOPS, U.S. Navy 6th Fleet partnered with U.S. Navy research and warfare centers to bring the latest advancements in unmanned underwater vehicle mine hunting technology to the Baltic Sea to demonstrate the vehicle’s effectiveness in operational scenarios.

Experimentation was conducted off the coast of Bornholm, Denmark, with participants from Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific, Naval Undersea Warfare Center Newport, and Mine Warfare Readiness and Effectiveness Measuring all under the direction of U.S. 6th Fleet Task Force 68.

Our Navy seems to have spent a lot of time in the Baltic Sea lately, eh?

Needless to say, the Russians are very angry about what has happened, and they have called an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council

“Russia has requested an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council in connection with sabotage against two lines of the Nord Stream. We expect it to be held tomorrow,” Dmitry Polyanskiy, one of Russia’s top representatives at the U.N., wrote on his Telegram channel, according to a translation.

Shortly after issuing the statement early Wednesday, the French delegation to the U.N. confirmed to him that a meeting would indeed take place on Friday – a tacit acknowledgement of the panic that the explosions and subsequent leaks have caused.

It will be very interesting to see what transpires at that meeting.

Let us hope that the truth about all of this eventually comes out.

But even more, let us hope that cooler heads start to prevail and that leaders on both sides start to push for peace.

Because if both sides continue to hammer one another, at some point someone is going to cross a line that can never be uncrossed.

We are steamrolling toward nuclear war, and once the missiles start flying our world will never be the same again.

So I am not ashamed to say that I am pro-peace.

Nuclear war is a fate that is too horrible for words, but with each passing day our leaders are dragging us ever closer to such a conflict.

The Islands

Meanwhile in the Pacific the Biden administration, late to the party, is trying to force multiple Pacific islands into a joint declaration that somehow 'fights climate change' by increasing US coast guard patrols in the area. The Pacific leaders, who don't like to be rushed into anything, feel pressured and the US is pointing the finger at the Solomon Islands (Guadalcanal) for being too close to China and obstructing the proposal. The MSM reportage on the subject omits to mention that the US has been funding insurrection in the Solomons for years. 

Posted by: Raumati | Sep 28 2022 22:53 utc | 31

I was a juror on a murder trial. An older, disabled gentleman, Bill, was charged with murdering a 20-year-old male, Derrick, twice his size and 1/3 his age.

It was in Baltimore. Bill was a quiet tiny gentleman. He was disabled from a bus accident that left him with a small settlement, a disability check from the government, and a metal plate in his head.

The gentleman that was killed was young, and judging from the photographs entered into evidence, very powerful. He was shot once, through the heart, with a .38 caliber bullet. He died as he was falling to the ground.

On the day of the killing, the accused had gone to cash his disability check. “Check day” was well-known in Baltimore at the time. All, or most government checks physically arrived on the same day each month. On this day, checks are cashed, rents paid, groceries purchased, needs met. Depending on the needs that are met, it can get pretty energetic on check day.

Maisee and Derrick encountered Bill at the check cashing center. Maisee knew he would be there because her mom did some cooking and cleaning for Bill, and he always paid her mom right after check day. Maisee and Derrick demanded money from Bill. He refused and started walking home. They followed him to the street, pushed him down, and kicked him. He pulled a revolver from his pocket, fired it into the air, and got away running towards his apartment.

Derrick and Maisee followed him, with Derrick picking up a piece of steel rebar, and Maisee throwing rocks. Bill ran to his house. He realized he couldn’t unlock the door and get inside before they caught him, and firm in the knowledge that any strong blow to the metal plate in his head could kill him, he pulled the revolver from his pocket, shot one time, and a man was dead.

The police and ambulance were called. Derrick was taken to a hospital to be pronounced dead. Bill was found and arrested in his bedroom, hiding under his bed. He had hidden the pistol in the back of his closet. It was a five shot revolver. It had three empty chambers, and two expended shells. He literally had no more bullets.

Baltimore city was as violent then as now, and gun crime was prosecuted to the maximum. Bill was charged with 2nd degree murder, voluntary manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter, assault, discharging a firearm in the city limits, everything. Baltimore was going to prosecute its way out of crime.

Judge M. was presiding. She was a no-nonsense black lady in charge of a case where an old black man was accused of killing a young black man. The girlfriend Maisee, was also black. Race enters into this because of her reaction.

Maisee told the police that she and Derrick had confronted Bill because he had beaten her mom. The defense attorney called Maisee’s mom as witness, and asked a few about Bill. No, he had always been kind, and had never hit her.

Of course, the case for the defense was self-defense.

When the defense attorney was asking Maisee about the events of the day, it was clear that he wanted to establish the fact that Bill had run from the confrontation several times, that it was physical, and it was escalating. Every time she began her answer, she prefaced it with a variation of “he beat my mother”.

“How did you meet Bill?”

He’s the man that beat my mother.

That was the lead-in to every answer she gave. The defense attorney objected, because the police had asked, and her mother had testified that he was only paying her to help him around the house. Judge M. told the jury to ignore that remark, and instructed her twice to answer only the questions as they had been asked, without any mention of the fictionalized assault.

She did it again, was interrupted by the judge, and the jury was sent from the court so she could better instruct Maisee.

When we came back to court, Maisee was still in the witness box, and the highly professional defense attorney asked her about the chase through the street, where Maisee and Derrick were following him, she with rocks, Derrick with a piece of steel… Maisee answered to the effect that “He had been beating on my..

Judge M: “Miss xxxxx (Maisee) do not make such a reference again. Now please just answer the question as we discussed.

Maisee: ”Well if you would stop interrupting me…”


“Young lady, if you think I sweated and worked myself nearly to death to get on the Baltimore Police Department as one of the first black female officers, worked every weekend, night, and holiday shift the good Lord sent my way to pay for my night school law classes, studying law while raising two kids so I could become one of the first black female lawyers in Baltimore, and the first female black judge in the city just so some gum-popping finger-snapping Miss Thang can tell me how to conduct my courtroom, then here is your another think coming.”

“The next two words out of your mouth will be ‘I apologize’. You will apologize to this court, and you will then apologize to the jury for wasting their time. Then, every question you are asked will be answered as it is asked. You will show nothing but a respectful voice and tone in your answers to me, or any member of my court, and before I allow you to respond to me, I want to make one thing absolutely and perfectly clear to you: I will put you in jail for contempt of court. And that stands for you, and anyone else in this courtroom who wants to test my patience today. Now, what do you have to say?”

“I apologize. To you, and the jury.”

“Excellent. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I regret you had to witness that, but we judges are only human, and my understanding and acceptance of some habits is growing thin over the years.”

We, the jury went back to the jury room later, and all promised not to make Judge M. angry no matter what.

I shared this story later with a couple of lawyer friends that I knew practiced in city court, and they had the same long, slow whistle response that I did on that day, and mentioned that they had heard of that episode before.

Sorry for the long prelude, but it was a heck of a thing to witness, and I remember the hush that fell on that courtroom was as if all the oxygen had left. Everyone was remembering an important appointment anywhere else, but afraid to broach the subject. That lady was impressive.

If you are interested, we found the old fellow innocent of everything except discharging a handgun inside city limits, which he plainly admitted to doing.

I checked out the defense attorney, and he is still practicing: A. Dwight Pettit was a heck of a defense attorney then, and most certainly got better. That guy was as smooth as wet silk, and smarter than anyone has a legitimate right to be.

Edit notes. I updated the story to include a warning shot that the old fellow fired on the street.

I was a bit overwhelmed by the number of readers and comments. When I posted my story, I was concentrating on the actions of the judge. It wasn’t until I saw the comments about the guilty verdict for discharging a weapon in the city limits that I began searching my memory. This was twenty five years ago, and I had to think for a bit. I remembered being concerned that he only had two bullets. It was remembering that fact that brought the warning shot to mind. It was for the warning shot, fired into the air/street that he was found guilty. In retrospect, I wish I had worked harder for an innocent verdict on that as well.

As I reflect on that week-long trial, I remember being pleased and proud of how seriously the jury took our duty. It stunk, because a young man lost his life, a family lost a son, and a frail, old man feared for his life and took another.

Huawei begins Third-Gen 5G Massive MIMO deployment in global markets, starting from Philippines


Huawei has decided to commercially deploy the third-generation 5G Massive MIMO in the global markets. And, to begin with, the company has initiated the assembling procedure of the product from the Philippines region.

According to the latest information, the Huawei 5G Massive MIMO is capable of achieving the best performance with the lowest power consumption. Further, it involves several advanced and new-generation innovative technologies for managing operations.

For instance, ultra-wideband, multi-antenna, and extremely large antennas. Together, these components improve spectral as well as energy efficiency. Besides, it also aids the industrialists to maintain green, simplified and high-end 5G networks.

So far, the Philippines has been constructing the 5G infrastructure for three years. On the flip side, it executed several Massive MIMO products to continuously deliver 5G facilities among users as well as maintain the 4G demands.

However, in the recent few years, the 5G techniques have overtaken the network spectrum. And the latest MIMO product can face all the hurdles to meet the required network development. The proof is the download and upload speeds which are 35% more than the normal network solutions.

Moreover, it enlarges the coverage area of the network by 30 percent. Eventually, it surrounds the large inter-site distances that other technologies usually don’t.

Where are you getting this nonsense from?

You’re getting it from Western mainstream media.

Haven’t you learned your lesson yet? You can’t trust Western mainstream media. It constantly publishes anti-China propaganda. Western mainstream media is essentially the propaganda arm of Western hegemonic governments (USA, UK, Australia, Canada).

Pardon me? Did I read this correctly? You want to convince your Chinese girlfriend that you know her country and her country’s political system better than she, a native born Chinese?

You are smoking something stronger than tobacco and need to stop because China will put you in prison and throw away the key, unlike what they do to the Uighurs. That or you have no business dating this woman. None.

You do not respect her, her beliefs, or her country—and by extension, her heritage. I am all for interracial relationships. If I ever remarry I hope he’s Chinese so it’s not like I have problems with the practice. Interracial relationships can help two people grow stronger together and build a relationship of respect unique to them.

But not everyone should date interracially. It burns me up to see arrogant non-Chinese people treating their partner disrespectfully by assuming their Western view is automatically correct. It especially upsets me when it’s about something Chinese. Do you really think you know better than a native Chinese on these subjects?

Likely not! Sit back and ask questions of her. Intelligent and thoughtful questions. And then listen to her. If you disagree, respectfully express that and then drop it. It isn’t your job to change her. She’s not perfect but she’s entitled to her own political beliefs.

U.S., Poland, Bulgaria, and Italy Warn Citizens to LEAVE RUSSIA

Yesterday, September 28, the United States, Poland, and Bulgaria, URGED any of their citizens in Russia to “Leave Russia Immediately.”

Today, Italy issued a similar warning for any Italians who may be in Russia.

Glenn Greenwald asks if Russia would sabotage its own pipeline

FOX is like screeching fingers on a chalkboard to me, but it is mainstream. It’s pretty much making fun of the USA government narrative.

FOX is heavily laden with Vault 7 influences. Watch at your own risk. I put it up for reference purposes, as even this “network” is not “buying the narrative”.

According to “the free world”, every country in theory is allowed the right to choose who to ally with. Which sounds logical and reasonable right?

Until they choose to ally with Russia, China, or Iran. Then, you get headlines like this

“How the West should respond to China’s search for foreign outposts”

“Chinese influence is spurring violence in the Solomon Islands”

“Why won’t India’s government condemn Vladimir Putin?”

“India’s vaunted strategic autonomy is a mirage”

“Iran’s rulers enthusiastically seek to destroy the liberal world order and therefore support Russia’s aggression.”

The hypocrisy of certain countries and their undying will to dictate to the little guy who they can and can’t have relations with is amusing. If Ukraine has the right to choose, why doesn’t the Solomon Islands?


Lemme tell you a story about some of the most hardcore and admirable vegans in the world.

In 2008, the Chinese province of Sichuan was hit by a giant earthquake. When a maternity ward in the city of 什邡 (Shifang) collapsed, the hospital manager helped the afflicted families seek refuge at the local Luohan Temple, a Buddhist place of worship.

The temple’s leader, 素全法師 (Master Suquan), did not hesitate to take them in, and let them pitch tents in the courtyard.

However, new dilemmas soon surfaced – some mothers were giving birth, leaving puddles of blood and filth on the temple’s holy grounds; babies needed to be breastfed, which meant mothers had to bare their breasts in public; husbands needed to slaughter, cook and feed livestock to their wives to help them recover after giving birth and produce breast milk.

These offended many of the monks, who lived by a strict code of discipline, including tenets on diet that forbade them from consuming living creatures (i.e. animals). They considered what the families were doing to be utterly taboo, blasphemous and disrespectful.

Master Suquan rebuked the other monks, by saying that the biggest taboo in the universe was to see a life in need of saving and doing nothing. Next to that, nothing even compared. He decreed that they had no business interfering with the choices of others.


He opened the temple’s granary and allowed the families to take anything they needed. When the local People’s Liberation Army medical corps arrived on the scene, the monks would cooperate and do their share to ensure the women had a roof over their heads, and managed to give birth in sanitised conditions. Most of them would have violated some tenet by helping a woman give birth. But it didn’t matter – saving lives was more important.

Eventually, 108 healthy new babies were delivered, and the mothers were all safe.


No doubt the act of slaughtering and eating animals can be horrific and traumatising, especially for privileged people with no other worries in their lives. And yet, most people on earth aren’t privileged white collar workers in developed countries with time, money, energy or knowledge to spare. They depend on meat to survive. Between loving animals and loving human beings, the biggest good is always to love human beings first.

How vegan are you? No more than a Buddhist monk, surely. If those monks could stand the sight of meat and other such “obscenities”, so could you.


When my fiancé and I moved in together we moved into his house.

Blink, his cat was already living with him and I had a bearded dragon called George.

Bearded dragons are known to get stressed in new environments and he refused to eat for weeks and when he did eventually eat, it was barely enough.

No matter what we (the humans) tried, George was wholly miserable.

I thought he was maybe afraid of Blink, seeing her as a predator, but any time George came out of the vivarium to exercise, Blink was his go to.

Since all else failed we asked Blink to explain to George that this was his new home, he was wanted here and we just wanted him to be healthy and happy.

We proceeded to offer George his favourite fruit and locusts.

He once again refused.

We left him alone so as not to stress him out.

While we were away from him, Blink walked up to him, put her nose on his, sniffed around him for a while and kind of nudged him.

He walked towards the vivarium we keep the locusts in, looked at us and licked his lips.

This was George’s way of asking for food.

I got one locust out and offered it to George.

He seemed uninterested but we left it a little and when we looked back around George had munched on the locust and Blink was patting him on the head.

They bumped noses, Blink went her own way and George has had his appetite back ever since ❤️ if not for Blinks intervention, things were so bad, I expect George would have just curled up and died of starvation.

Also, when George was outside in the garden in summer we would ask Blink to stay close to deter seagulls from trying to take George for a meal. She never left his side and it became routine in the morning for George and Blink to make their way to the back door, sit beside each other and catch some rays


Some years ago before the global financial crisis, I began to develop a habit of grinning at almost every piece of supposedly serious journalism on China, whether it was Time, NYT, the Economist or even the BBC and Der Spiegel.

I was unaware of my subconscious bubbling to the surface until my friend asked worriedly “why are you smiling at the laptop?”

I came to the realization I was reading about China in English, and it was a far different picture from the one painted in Chinese, a rusty language I had brushed up in my two years stateside.

I was tickled by the absurd gap between the two, further reinforced by the dismantling of the China in my mind with the reality of modern China I had witnessed with my own eyes.

I have slowly come around to the conclusion that the free west love communist China for the same reason they hate her.

I kid you not.

You see, the west loves doing business with China because she is big and delivers.

But the west also hates competing with China because she is big and delivers.

The west used to dismiss and laugh off Chinese competition.

Today, they still dismiss Chinese efforts, but there is no laughter. The rhetoric is designed to stir up anger instead.

China delivers, but that is because the evil communists government has turned the poor Chinese people into a monolithic army of spying zombies.

Anyone who wakes up from the zombie apocalypse will be caught and delivered to Tiananmen square to die under passing tank tracks.

Evil must be opposed.

Cue heroic music and the entrance of the white hero with guns blazing to save the day.

On a more serious note, the CCP leadership over the past 70 years has led China from an agrarian, feudal, war-ravaged and exhausted society to a confident, peaceful and modern nation state that has landed on the far side of the moon and launched her own Beidou GPS system with global coverage.

China is behind because she squandered a century and three generations whilst the west industrialized.

She is closing the gap, because a stable China at peace is a formidable proposition.

My Favorite Martian S01E01 (1963) colorized

Back in 1982, when I was 16 years old, I was looking to buy my first car. In the newspaper I found a 1972 AMC Matador advertised with low miles at a price I could afford, so I bought that car, and it served me well for a few years., with no issues. When I turned 18, the Matador started having fuel pump problems, making it harder and harder to start. My dad, who was a fairly decent mechanic, said we could go to the local parts store and get a new one, then put it in ourselves and save some money on labor. Sounded like a great idea to me, I was always one to get my hands dirty, and with my dad helping, I was sure we would be able to slap that new fuel pump into the car in short order.

We went down to Chief Auto Parts, it was a chain type auto parts store that was local to us, and we requested a fuel pump for a 1972 AMC Matador. The store worker went and found the replacement part and brought it back up. Of course, the mark of a great shade tree mechanic is to check the new part with the old part to make sure it is the correct one, which we did … and it looked right, so we went ahead and paid for the fuel pump, got a core charge for the old one, and went off to put it in.

It only took a few minutes to actually put the new pump in, it was held in by two bolts with a paddle that pumped the fuel from the up and down motion made by the lobe of the cam shaft, a pretty slick design. Once it was in, the car started up no problem and ran like a dream, for a week … then the same sputtering and hard starting started again. We figured we got a bad fuel pump, so we pulled it out and took it back to Chief Auto. They didn’t ask any questions, just went to the back and gave us the new one, took the old one and told us to have a nice day. Being the curious type, my dad asked how long the warranty was on the new one, in case we run into another issue. the clerk said that Chief had a life time factory warranty on them, being that they were genuine Mopar parts. Visibly impressed, by dad mentioned that he would certainly be buying Mopar parts and buying only from Chief’ Auto in the future. Little did he know that he was going to be spending quite a bit of time at Chief.

We installed the new “Genuine Mopar” fuel pump, which was the exact same model as the last one we had gotten, and sure enough, the car started right up and ran great, FOR A WEEK. Yep, at the end of the week the car was sputtering and hard starting again, and eventually got to where it wouldn’t start at all, just like before. So we pulled the fuel pump, yet again, and back to Chief Auto. This time did not go quite the way the previous two time went …. the clerk saw in the records that we had already exchanged one of these fuel pumps before, and he started in on a 3rd degree to find out what kind of terrible environment we were running the car in that was causing these fuel pumps to go bad. Of course we explained how the original one had been fine for years, but these last two only lasted a week, but that we had our receipt and that it stated lifetime warranty on it, so the clerk was obligated to honor the Chief Auto warranty for the Mopar part.

After about 4 of these replacements, someone in Chief Auto called the Mopar parts rep, who did some digging, and they found out that the “Genuine Mopar” replacement fuel pump was actually an after market fuel pump that was being made in Malaysia, and that the original manufacturer of that model fuel pump had gone out of business. Worse yet, it was discovered that the paddle used to pump the fuel as it rode along the cam lobe was a half inch shorter than the original design, and the material used for the paddle was not the same hardness, so as it got hot and worn over the week of use, the paddle would deform and then stop engaging with the cam lobe, eventually deforming past the point of operation.

The Matador was a fine car when it ran, and even though I could not continue to drive it due to the potential unreliability of it, my dad traded me his Chrysler New Yorker for the Matador, and each week on a Saturday, he would go out to the driveway, loosen the two bolts to the fuel pump, pull it out and go to Chief Auto to swap the old one out for a new one. I stopped counting after 32, but he continued to use that car and change out that fuel pump for about two years. Finally he gave ithe car to the High School, they needed cars to work on in auto shop class, and it was a huge tax write off, so he made out like a bandit. Funny thing, at $20 buck a pop for those fuel pumps, he must have got a couple thousand dollars worth of free fuel pumps out of that auto store, but even years after we got rid of that car, every time we went into Chief Auto, the guys there would greet my dad like he was one of their crew when he entered the store.

I gotta give Chief Auto props for honoring that warranty for as long as they did, that was great customer service, you don’t see that anymore.

Mamas Family Mamas having a fling

What are the implications of recognizing Chinese sovereignty over Taiwan?

Taiwan is already recognized by the United Nations to be a part of China through the following resolution:


There is no issue about recognition of China’s sovereignty over Taiwan.

The implication of this is that any attempt to separate Taiwan from China is a violation of the above UN resolution and an interference in the internal affairs of China.

Yes. Meet “Tipsy”:


This is a picture of her when I brought her home.

I adopted her from Humane Society when she was 2-years-old. She’s diagnosed with Cerebellar Hypoplasia.

Basically, her hips tip as she walks.

She’s grumpier than most cats. It’s lots of low growls (or something like that) from this girl, if another cat just walks past her the wrong way.

She has mood swings. “Yay! I love you!” or “Ew! Get away from me!” in seconds.

She always tries to beat me to a door. Don’t let her wobbly demeanor fool you, she’s a fast cat! If she hears the creak of a door, she’s at my feet.

She LOVES hugs! I swear, she could hug on me for hours. She puts her arms around me and presses her face against my shoulder. So sweet!

She needs a little extra help with going potty. She’s litter-trained, but accident-prone. I have to hold her hips still, to avoid any poos or pees out of the litter.

She loves to explore! Since she can’t jump too high, she’s safe in my backyard (under supervision, of course). I take her for short walks, to parks, even on road trips (although she’s only been on one).

She’s scared of loud noises. Fireworks, thunder, barking, car horn, ocean waves—she needs a hug to get past those sounds.

She’s completely healthy. While she may look different, walk different, meow different, and act different—she’s not all that different. She’s a normal kitty that will live a long, healthy life. She’s currently 9-years-old, going strong!

The Wild, Wild West s02e10

Anyone who doesn’t have their vaccine pass is denied entry.

So it’s pretty stupid to compare one incident of someone being denied entry because they didn’t have a vaccine pass 2 years ago to how many cop assassinations of black guys in the US since then?

Even if it wasn’t about a vaccine pass it’s kind of stretching things lol.

Nord Stream Explosion Removes the Chance of Seperate German-Russian Peace

Russian ability to restore gas to Germany alone lies in tatters

To be honest, I would also like to know what China has done! I’ve been racking my brain thinking, did China disrespect the US? Did it provoke the United States? Or did it collude with other countries to try to bring down the US? But I don’t see China doing anything like this at all. On the contrary, it is the US that has been actively provocative and offensive. So I reasonably believe that the United States is turning their jealousy of China’s rapid development into a containment policy that suppresses China in an all-round way.

I want to ask every fair and rational person, is there anything wrong with making his country strong and prosperous? In the past three decades, China has experienced unprecedented economic growth in modern history, with a GDP that rivals that of the United States.Some people see this as a threat to the United States, but in fact, China is doing so well because the Chinese government and the Chinese Communist Party are trying to make life better for the Chinese people. Moreover, China’s economic growth has directly benefited the United States, and the United States has always been dominant in bilateral trade. It is unfair to blame China for the US economic recession. This is entirely caused by the mistakes of the US’s own economic policies.

As we all know, China is the most peaceful major country in the world. It has always been moderate and does not interfere in other countries’ internal affairs like the US. It hopes to coexist peacefully with other countries for mutual benefit and win-win results. China will not compete with the United States for hegemony, but the real problem with China is that it does not want to dominate the world, but it may prevent the United States from doing so in a unipolar manner. Therefore, we are now seeing more and more of China’s counterattack against some of the sanctions imposed by the United States.

So do you know what the truth is? The United States has tried hard to make so many accusations against China, but what the United States is really angry about is China’s “crime of disobedience.” There are many countries that are not obedient, but only China is the “real threat” in the eyes of the United States. Because of its size and influence, it enjoys good popularity in the world.


Finally, I would like to ask if a country relies on its own strength to be arrogant and domineering, requiring the whole world to act according to its will, interfere in other countries’ internal affairs under the banner of “human rights” and “justice” and even launch wars, will you stand up and resist? Maybe some people say yes, some say no, I understand. But if there is another powerful country to stand up bravely for you to fight back, help maintain world peace and multilateralism, help poor countries develop, would you support it? I hope there is no hesitation now.

American Roulette

By Batiushka for The Saker blog

Introduction: America’s Death-Wish

‘Russian roulette’ is a most peculiar expression. At least for any Russian. For the simple reason that he has never heard of it. In fact, it does not exist in Russian, neither the expression, nor the reality. It is something we learn about with astonishment when we learn English. The expression is an American invention and only an American with a death-wish could have thought up such a thing, in 1937, in fact ( And so it is that only an American with a death-wish could have thought up the present situation. He has poked the bear so much and so often for over thirty years that the bear has had a lot of time to plan exactly what he would do. Now he is doing it. Why are you surprised? You loaded the gun and pointed it at your own head, now expect the bullet to come out.

Where We Came From

The Special Military Operation (SMO) in the Ukraine could have been over as early as April 2022, or at latest in August when most of the old Soviet weapons of the Kiev regime forces, augmented by supplies from ex-Warsaw Pact countries, had been destroyed. However, ignoring the Ukrainian people, since they are mere cannon fodder, the West intervened and escalated the conflict into a full-scale war by supplying its weaponry, technology and manpower at the bidding of the Westernised Ukrainian oligarchate. (Just as in February 1917, when the West created the ‘Russian Revolution’ at the bidding of the Westernised Russian oligarchate, also ignoring the people). Thus, the Ukraine has become merely the battleground for the real War, that between Russia and the USA.

The Russian response to Western escalation and aggression is partial mobilisation. The limited SMO will need more manpower to defeat the doomed NATO-supplied Nazis, whose numbers have been much increased by the arrival of NATO troops in Ukrainian uniform as well as by mercenaries. President Putin was accused by the Western ruling class through their State-controlled media mouthpieces of threatening them with nuclear attack. This was not the case. He had simply answered Truss, who had threatened Russia with nuclear attack, replying that any such aggression would be met by Russia with the same.

President Putin now awaits the winter in order to give the peoples of Western Europe opportunities to reflect and then force their spineless leaders to reject American tyranny. Since 2014 President Putin has become determined to remove the American threat to his Western borders and so to Western and Central Europe once and for all. Only then will the North-Western peninsula of the Eurasian continent at last become free. In order to do this, he has built up relationships with China, India and others in Asia, as well as with many countries in Africa and Latin America. Thus, in recent months he has rapidly gathered influence all over Eurasia.

Where We Are Now

As the Soviet Union between 1989 and 1991, so the European Union between 2022 and 2024. Now is not the time for top-down Unions –in the last two generations since 1989 they have been collapsing in favour of international co-operation between sovereign nations, as is needed by the grassroots. Demonstrations have taken place in the Czech Lands, Austria, Germany and the Netherlands, all calling on Kiev to start negotiating with Russia, and on the EU Commissars to stop behaving like vassals of the US feudal magnates. Germany is very nervous, it risks its industry shutting down. And German winters can be very cold. Now the two undersea Nordstream pipelines for Russian gas to Germany, have exploded. Of course, it is sabotage.

The USA has successfully cut off German industry, and much of Europe, from the Russian gas that could have powered it up again, had the EU wanted to be free of dependence on the US. The Hungarian government also wants Kiev to negotiate – it has Hungarian citizens across the border in Zakarpattia. And there are those in Romania who think the same about the province of Romanian Chernivtsi across the border, though those who think that are not allowed to be part of the present US-puppet government. Poland also wants its territory back, perhaps all five provinces of the far western Ukraine: Volyn, Rivne, Lviv, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk. Meanwhile, Italy is about to get a new, anti-Brussels nationalist government, much to the dislike of the unelected EU elite.

The euro has already collapsed against the dollar. Now it is the turn of the pound sterling. The pound sterling has lost 20% of its value against the dollar since MissTrust came to power. The UK, stabbed in the back by the US for its anti-EU policy on Northern Ireland, has an economy which is not emerging from covid, but submerging after covid. The UK Establishment media trumpet that the UK State Health Service’s waiting lists are now down to only (sic) two years for most people (if you don’t die before that). Over 10% of UK citizens, 7 million people, are now waiting for treatment. Some are in great pain. In any other country in the world, there would be a revolution if waiting lists for health treatment were longer than two months. Some UK citizens are even going to the Ukraine to get proper health treatment.

The UK’s infrastructure, utilities, roads, railways, education and healthcare, has in many places reached what used to be called ‘Third World’ levels. The UK currency crisis has come about because of the UK government’s need to borrow huge amounts of money – this was MissTrust’s ‘bold plan’. After all, the UK Establishment follows to the letter US orders and has had to refuse Russia’s riches and subsidise the bankrupt Ukraine. The UK level of debt is now approaching that of the USA and catching up with that of Italy, whom it used to mock as a ‘basket case’. As they say: ‘What goes round, comes round’.

Where We Are Going

How will all this end? From the start I have believed that this will all end with the Russian victory. This means:

1. Another Ukraine

There will always be an East Slav-speaking country between south-eastern Poland and south-western Russia, whatever it will be called. However, in the future it will be a country within its natural borders, occupied only by those who voluntarily identify with the government and culture in their capital of Kiev. Moreover, deNazified, it will present no military, biological or nuclear threat to its neighbours and will be independent of geopoliticians in Washington and Brussels.

2. Another Russia

As a result of the War against NATO, Russia will be freed of the froth of Westernised sycophants formed in the 1990s, the liberal chattering classes, called in Russian ‘the creative class’. The 5% who are enserfed to the West and its overpriced consumer baubles are only repeating the treason of the Westernised ruling class and traitors from before 1917 who also wasted their fortunes on overpriced Western consumer baubles. Those who will continue to behave like chimpanzees with regard to their Western lords and masters should go and live in the West, if they have not already fled Russian justice for Finland, Georgia or elsewhere. Russia at war against NATO (= the US) is a land that needs patriots, not traitors.

3. Another Europe

At the present time Central and Western Europe risk ‘Donbassisation’ as a result of US demands for absolute obedience to their anti-Russian tyranny, known as ‘sanctions’. This means that NATO-ised Central and Western Europe will become deindustrialised, impoverished, cold, hungry and also left defenceless, as their arms will have been destroyed in the Ukraine. However, it is only at that low point that they will begin to understand that their future is not across the Atlantic, but next door, with Eastern Europe and Eurasia, the gateway to Asian growth and prosperity.

4. Another World

Seven billion of the eight billion people of the world, 87.5% of the planet, await the day of freedom from Western imperialism, exploitation and nuclear threats, aspiring to humanity, truth, justice and prosperity. Their only hope is the coming Russian victory over the US. Once that is here, much will fall back into its natural place. Asia with China and India, Africa, Latin America and all the Western peoples (basically, Western and Central Europe, North America and Oceania), so long oppressed by the gloomy darkness of the feudal Western elite, will be able to follow in Russian footsteps and walk, at first dazzled, into the bright daylight of freedom.


In 1939, quite infamously, Winston Churchill expressed his extraordinary ethnocentric ignorance by calling Russia ‘a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma’. Like many ignorant people, he was of course talking about himself. When you cannot be bothered to understand someone else’s viewpoint, just call it ‘a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma’. You will then have successfully defined yourself as a blinkered and selfish narcissist. The only thing is, when you depend on that someone else for vital gas, oil, fertiliser, wheat, paper, titanium etc, maybe you really should after all make an effort to understand their viewpoint. Otherwise, they will definitely consider your death-wish, the totally suicidal behaviour of your American Roulette as, ‘a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma’.

Eagles – Turn To Stone (1977)

US politicians move to introduce radical bill over China’s Taiwan, in a ‘dangerous provocation’

Wang QiPublished: Sep 29, 2022 11:06 PM

In the latest round of increasingly frequent attempts by US politicians to “score points” by provoking China over the Taiwan question ahead of the midterm elections, Republicans introduced their own version of the highly provocative “Taiwan Policy Act 2022,” which is more radical and dangerous than the version approved by Senate Foreign Relations Committee two weeks ago.

Analysts said that as the current House minority, some Republican lawmakers have tried to use their version of the Taiwan Policy Act to put pressure on Democrats and speed up the progress of the legislation. But at the same time, it also shows that there are indeed some pragmatists among Democrats who are concerned over the damage the bill will do to China-US relations.

Along with 36 other House Republicans, Michael McCaul, Republican leader of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, introduced the House minority’s version of the Taiwan Policy Act of 2022 on Wednesday.

According to VOA, the Taiwan Policy Act introduced by GOP House representatives retained and restored some highly sensitive requirements in the original version, including a requirement that the US increase strategic clarity in “defending Taiwan” and designate Taiwan authorities as a major “non-NATO ally.”

The GOP’s bill calls for the renaming of the “Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office” as the “Taiwan Representative Office.” The legislation would also require the US to sell Taiwan island more weapons.

On September 14, the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved its own version of the bill initially introduced by Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Menendez and Senator Lindsey Graham in June.

Republicans, the minority party in the House of Representatives, came up with a new version of the bill to further hype the Taiwan question, and apparently to pressure Democrats in Congress and the White House to speed up the passing of the bill before the midterm elections, Diao Daming, an associate professor at the Renmin University of China in Beijing, told the Global Times on Thursday.

“I don’t think it means that the Democrats, who have a majority in the Congress, are interested in passing this bill quickly,” Diao said. “If the Democrats want the legislation to be achieved as soon as possible, it should be the Democrats that introduce a House version, which is different from the reality.”

But it does show that some members of the pragmatic wing of the Democratic Party are concerned about being so loud and provocative in damaging China-US ties, Diao noted.

Senior Colonel Tan Kefei, spokesperson for China’s Ministry of National Defense, expressed strong opposition to and condemnation of a series of recent US acts that infringe upon China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, including the Taiwan Policy Act and arms sales, at a press briefing on Thursday.

Some people in the US have violated the one-China principle, reneged on their political commitment to China on the Taiwan question, and strengthened military ties with Taiwan island’s DPP. These provocative actions are very dangerous and do great harm, Tang said.

We urge the US side to end military links with the DPP authorities, or bear the resulting serious consequences, Tan added.

Despite the belligerence of the US lawmakers in drafting the Taiwan Policy Act 2022, experts say that procedurally, there is limited time for the bill to complete its legislative process before the midterm elections.

If more Democrats join the Republicans, the bill is likely to be taken up in the House, followed by bipartisan, House-Senate negotiation. If there is no reaction from the Democratic majority, the bill will just sit there and the Senate version will go to the House Foreign Affairs Committee, where it will be reviewed and amended, and another long process of bipartisan, House-Senate negotiation will ensue, experts said.

In less than 40 days, Congress needs to pass a series of appropriations bills for fiscal year 2023, as well as some major authorization acts, such as the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2023.

However, experts warned of the risks that lawmakers defeated in the election may be more likely to be driven by “special interests” to do risky things for the sake of their legacy. As for the possible winners, they may also do something extreme in the next two months on the Taiwan question in order to meet their own interests.

Although November 8 is the date set for the midterm elections, lawmakers who lose will have to leave office by January 3. If the legislative process for the Taiwan Policy Act is not completed by this date, the next Congress will have to go through the whole process of proposal, review and approval all over again, Diao said.


The “Indian chef” came to our house to fix a meal for our office staff and the neighborhood. The guy had creds. He was the chef at some of the G7 meetings, at various White House events, and carried with him clippings from various magazines that followed his career.

He came to us owing to the kindness of his son, who was training our technical staff on some specialized software. When he learned of my love of Indian cuisine, he said, “Great! I’ll bring my father next time, and he’ll cook for you!”

Which he did.

I collected father from his hotel in the early afternoon, when he handed me his clippings and I began to comprehend his skill and authenticity. He carried with him a black “doctor’s bag” which contained various spices and herbs and some utensils. Our agreement was that I would buy whatever food he wanted, and he would cook, gratis.

Off went we to a supermarket, where he trundled the cart up and down the aisles, tossing in this and that, eventually filling the cart. I was getting nervous about the cost of all that food. But I need not have been. Most everything was fresh — he would be cooking from scratch. We didn’t get coconut milk; we got the coconuts! And the only meat was chicken wings. The bill, I think, was around $60.00. To feed about 20 people.

Now back home, he took over the kitchen, directing the volunteer helpers and me to do this and that. And there was he, roasting red peppers directly on the stove burners! When they caught fire, he would hold them by their stems and gently rotate them for an even char. Pots of heaven knows what were bubbling, and the most alluring fragrances soon filled the home and wafted onto the street.

At roughly 6 p.m., he directed the assembled company to evacuate and await his call to dinner; he and his son would finish everything and set table.

And so we gathered on the deck, preparing ourselves with copious volumes of spirits, wine and beer, while struggling with churning stomachs which eagerly anticipated the feast to follow.

At last, we were called into the dining room, where his creations were arrayed down the center of the table. He explained what each item was, and from what region of India it originated. “I hope you enjoy,” he concluded, modestly. I then asked if people of Hindu faith had such a thing as “grace” before dinner. “We do,” he said. I replied, “Please, then, give us a traditional blessing for this food.”

Which he did.

Now as it turns out, a Hindu blessing is not like the short Christian prayer most of us knew. No, it was more in the nature of a little sermon, drawing parallels between food and nature and goodwill and music and I forget what else; but it all had to do with a kind of karmic harmony. All very nice, but at this point, we were ravenous and wondered when his hermeneutics might, at last, conclude.

Which they shortly did. I pulled out a chair of honor, for him, but he wasn’t having it. No, he preferred to keep the platters and serving bowls filled, to clean up scraps and otherwise wait on us. I didn’t argue.

So at last among the clatter and clinking of plates, bowls, and silverware, we circled the table, filling our plates and either sitting right there or drifting off to the porch, the deck or other rooms as space permitted. And every time we returned for seconds, or thirds, or more, the serving vessels were all filled, again.

By 10 p.m., we were all fully sated and immobile; belt buckles were loosened, bras discreetly removed; there we sat or we laid out like beached whales, groaning with contentment, emitting vapors from our pores or otherwise.

When at last I stumbled to the kitchen, I found it pristine. The left-overs had been neatly packaged and stowed in the refrigerator, and the Indian chef was quietly reading the newspaper. And he thanked ME for the privilege of serving us. He and his son took their leave.

Sixty dollars, over 20 people, a sumptuous feast, prepared by a famed chef. And there were leftovers.


The Guitar Man – Bread – HQ/HD

I was 13 years old…

I see you’ve been reading Western mainstream media. They publish anti-China garbage and you swallow it without discriminating it.

There is no coup in China. Xi Jinping is perfectly safe in his job. Nothing to see here, folks.

Manfred Mann – Blinded by the Light

Asia tech ‘godfathers’ to decide US chips fate

US ‘friendshoring’ and Chips 4 alliance may or may not lure region’s semiconductor heavies to Washington’s side

The importance of semiconductors to economic security adorned newspaper headlines in 2022.

As part of its technological competition with China, the United States has introduced a policy of “friendshoring” its semiconductor production to secure its supply of high-end chips that enable daily life and stock the inventory of major technology firms such as Apple.

The term friendshoring rose to prominence after a speech by US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen in April 2022. Yellen proposed a shift towards “favoring the friendshoring of supply chains to trusted countries”, arguing that this would “lower the risks” to the US economy and its partners.

In an effort to boost national competitiveness, the United States passed the CHIPS and Science Act in August 2022 to enhance domestic chipmaking capacity through major investment in regional centers and support for talent development.

Washington’s efforts also include the Chip 4 alliance — an arrangement through which the US government aims to diversify supply chains among Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

The not-so-subtle aim is to frustrate the ability of Chinese producers to upgrade their capacity. That will help US firms maintain an advantage over Chinese firms like Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC), which recently reported the development of a 7-nm chip, among other new capabilities.

The Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) is preparing to mass produce 3-nm chips, while South Korea’s Samsung has just begun 3-nm production.

Much of the coverage of friendshoring has focussed on manufacturing and design capabilities, the market share of chip firms and political posturing. But friendshoring and the US Chip 4 policy are ultimately about the people, or “friends”, behind these technological innovations.

Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan have chipmaking “godfathers” — people acclaimed for their crucial roles in developing semiconductor capacity. Yet several of these “godfathers” have proven to be “frenemies” to their own companies after being poached by competitors — including Chinese market entrants.

Yukio Sakamoto, dubbed the “godfather of Japan’s DRAM”, was the president of the former semiconductor company and foundry, Elpida Memory. Sakamoto was disgruntled after his experience at the US-based Micron and joined China’s Tsinghua Group in 2019 to build DRAM products.

In June 2022, Sakamoto announced he was joining China’s SwaySure. Sakamoto worked for Texas Instruments in Japan earlier in his career before being recruited by Kobe Steel Electronic Information Group.

Kim Choong-Ki is often called the “godfather of South Korea’s Chip Industry.” Kim trained upcoming semiconductor engineers — called “Kim’s mafia”— who went on to lead semiconductor production at Samsung, LG and Hyundai.

Kim earned his PhD at Columbia University, after which he joined the then semiconductor industry giant, Fairchild, where he worked on R&D in Palo Alto.

Morris Chang founded Taiwan’s semiconductor powerhouse, TSMC, in 1987 and led the firm’s growth for decades. Chang obtained his PhD in electrical engineering at Stanford University, working for Texas Instruments for more than 25 years. The Taiwanese government soon after recruited him to lead the soon-to-be-established “dedicated silicon foundry.”

Chiang Shang-Yi headed R&D at TSMC until 2006. After military service, he completed his undergraduate studies at National Taiwan University and graduated with a PhD from Stanford University.

He made headlines for joining China’s SMIC as an independent non-executive director from December 2016 to June 2019, becoming vice-chairman from December 2020 until November 2021.

Liang Meng-song, another semiconductor doyen, was in the spotlight of a court case between TSMC and Samsung.

He was charged with leaking classified information to Samsung after joining the same year he left his long-time employer, TSMC. Liang, like Chang and Chiang, studied in the United States. He spent 23 years working at TSMC before leaving in 2009.

These “friends” gained crucial work experience with US firms and most completed postgraduate studies in the United States.

Sakamoto learned during his time at Texas Instruments while Kim and Chang, Chiang and Liang graduated from elite US schools and worked for leading US firms such as AMD, Hewlett-Packard, Fairchild and Texas Instruments. After returning home, they became the executive officers of semiconductor firms or holders of intellectual property rights.

The US-led Chip 4 alliance has come to life amid the interplay between the long-standing personal connections in the semiconductor industry and the risk of talent moving across firms and countries, as the trajectories of these godfathers exemplify.

The movement of semiconductor professionals ignites wars over employee talent and brings lawsuits relating to patents and trade secrets, intensifying industry rivalry and competition.

While Washington’s friendshoring policy aims to deepen supply chains with key producers in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, policymakers must remember that the people who comprise the leadership of those firms can move.

Friendships evolve over time, and friends learn from one another. In Granovetter’s terms, Washington’s “weak ties” might prove more beneficial than its strong ties to South Korea, Japan and Taiwan in advancing its semiconductor capabilities.

Robyn Klingler-Vidra is Reader in Entrepreneurship and Sustainability at King’s Business School. She is the author of The Venture Capital State: The Silicon Valley Model in East Asia (Cornell University Press, 2018) and Inclusive Innovation (Routledge, with Alex Glennie and Courtney Savie Lawrence).

Yu-Ching Kuo is an independent researcher based in Kaohsiung. She is the co-author of ‘Brexit, Supply Chains and the Contest for Supremacy: The Case of Taiwan and the Semiconductor Industry’ in A New Beginning or More of the Same? The European Union and East Asia After Brexit (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, with Robyn Klingler-Vidra).

The Time Tunnel Ep 05 The Last Patrol



Followed a rabbit down a hole.

I own a cleaning chemical manufacturing business in Australia. My business makes all sorts of cleaning chemicals for retail, industry, commercial and end users. My niche, something the business does very well, is private labelling.

The vast majority of the products leaving my business has other company’s labels, not my own. This has it’s pros and cons but for me and my business it has been hugely successful.

Now here’s the thing. I receive an awful lot of enquiries from people who want their own brand cleaning chemicals and most are simply too small for me to deal with. I give them the time of day but know they are wasting my time.

So this one day, maybe 5 years ago or more, my business receives an email from a Chinese online seller wanting us to manufacture and private label, cleaning chemicals for him and ship them to China for him to sell online.

Of course I dismissed this as an absolute waste of my time. China manufactures for the world. Almost every western nation has outsourced their manufacturing sector to China, why would he want me to manufacture for him?

Fortunately I didn’t dismiss it entirely. What I did was tell my sales rep to “follow the rabbit down the hole and see how far the hole goes”.

From their it progressed. We sent samples, which I was sure would not only be a waste of my time but now my money too. We waited for the samples to get there, and then be tested by them, and to my surprise they wanted to move forward.

So we priced up the products they were interested in and sent through the quote. This would finally put a stop to this absurdity and I could get back to business as usual. Even though I priced it fairly, I was certain we would be too expensive.

But no. Too my surprise they in fact wanted to place an order for something like 20000 500ml bottles. Now I was certain it was a scam. I had been suspicious all along, after all China buying from an Australian manufacturer didn’t make any sense at all. A scam!

My response was I won’t do anything until 100% of the invoice is paid and only after the money has been sitting in my account for a week. They agreed and promptly paid. It turns out they are legitimate after all.

Not only are they legitimate but they are wonderful people and fantastic to deal with and now some several years later they buy a 40 foot container every month on average and it is growing. It is great business to have and fantastic to be supplying China instead of the other way around.

So why did they want to buy from us I hear you say? I asked them the very same question.

Because China has a lot of middle class and wealthy people that don’t necessarily trust products made in China. These people prefer products made in Australia, the UK and the USA. So my client invented his own brand that is manufactured in Australia. And it has been hugely successful for him and for my business.

An insignificant email I almost dismissed entirely as a waste of time has changed my life and my business considerably.

Before I leave you I will tell you what he said to me when I asked him why he chose my business.

“You were the only one that responded to my email.”

Phew! I nearly didn’t either.

China is sending a message to the world, loud and clear:

  • Stay out of China’s domestic matter. You cannot prevent Taiwan reunification.
  • China will reunify with Taiwan one way or the other. She prefers peaceful reunification but is not above using force.
  • This matter is non-negotiable.

Get the message?

Russia Says US Probably Sabotaged the Pipelines!

Either the United States bombed the pipes directly, or the US puppet state “Ukraine” bombed the pipes in the name of the Western war on Russia.

There is no other possibility.


 Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova has asked who the EU intends to punish with the “strongest possible response” for damage to the Nord Stream gas pipelines.

The diplomat said Poland’s former foreign minister has already identified the US as the party behind the apparent sabotage. Radoslaw Sikorski is well connected to Washington elites through his employment at various think tanks.

The two Nord Stream pipelines were seriously damaged this week in what is suspected to have been a deliberate attack.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Tuesday called the incident “sabotage action” and warned that “any deliberate disruption of active European energy infrastructure is unacceptable and will lead to the strongest possible response.” 


 On Wednesday, Zakharova asked who exactly the warning would apply to.

“I don’t get it. MEP Sikorski thanked the US for what had happened, so whom is Ursula ‘threatening’ there?” she wrote on social media.

Zakharova was referring to the reaction to the incident by Sikorski, now an EU lawmaker, who posted a photo of the site where the explosions occurred on Twitter with the words: “Thank you, USA.” He described the incident as a “special maintenance operation.”

Sikorski added that “there’s no shortage of pipeline capacity for taking gas from Russia to Western Europe, including Germany,” referring to the Yamal-Europe land pipeline that goes through Belarus and Poland. After the damage to the Nord Stream strings, Russian President Vladimir Putin “will have to talk to countries controlling” the alternative route to resume supplies, he predicted.

Zakharova earlier asked if Sikorski’s tweets amounted to an “official statement that this was a terrorist attack.” Meanwhile, Dmitry Polyanskiy, the Russian deputy ambassador to the UN, thanked Sikorski for “making it crystal clear who stands behind this terrorist-style targeting of civilian infrastructure!” 

The Ukrainian Jews came out and blamed Russia for the pipeline attacks, which means the Ukraine probably did it themselves. The Ukraine has been obsessively pushing this “false flag” stuff whenever they do terrorism, so I think it’s safe to assume that whenever they blame Russia for something that benefits them, they did it.

Of course, bombing a pipeline is a pretty complicated sabotage operation – much easier than say, blowing up someone’s car – so it’s possible it was done by the US.

It’s notable that the US and NATO are doing drills in the Baltic Sea right now. It’s kind of a weird coincidence.

McHale’s Navy 3×28 The Great Necklace Caper

I worked with an estate sale company for four years. We saw all sorts of things, and sometimes the first person to slap a price on items erred pretty spectacularly. So, we looked out for each other and often suggested bumping prices up or down (all before our first day of sales, during the prep week).

For example, there was a full canister of r-22 refrigerant someone had slapped $10 on (it was going for about $60 a pound at the time, and this held maybe 5 pounds). We bumped it up to $80 & it was still one of the first things to sell. Another time, there was a $10 box of lightbulbs that was $6 at the store – we bumped that down to $4. If a wildly underpriced item from your area came up to the register, you were going to catch heck from the boss later and you would also get chewed out (to a lesser degree) if few things sold in your zone of responsibility because they were all overpriced.

One thing though – if the boss had priced an item, you did *not* suggest changing that price. She took it as an insult to her pride (& really did have a good grasp on market pricing 99% of the time).

At one sale, I couldn’t work the prep week and came in just to help out during the sale days. Before the doors opened, I was doing a once over, looking for any items we had missed putting a price on. A big serving spoon caught my eye. It had a certain “bong” to it, that you may have read about in the Lovejoy novels. Simply lovely, well crafted, and heavy. I turned it over, and spotted English hallmarks (1815, London, if memory serves). It was about 3 ounces of silver… priced at $8.

Pure silver.

Not knowing who had priced it, I took it up to the boss and suggested we bump the price up because it was hallmarked. She got a bit haughty and told me never mind, she had priced that one and serving spoons never sell. I said, “Well, OK” & put it exactly back on the table where I’d found it.

At exactly the 1 hour mark into the sale (when employees are allowed to buy items), I carried that silver spoon up to the front and put it in a basket. She didn’t think much of it, but I certainly felt like I’d found a way to pay myself that day.

Someday I’ll sell it. But, for now I keep it as a memento from that job and a reminder that no matter how much I think I know, it never hurts to listen to someone else for a second opinion.

Mr. Ed | Ed The Lover

5 Major Events That Have Happened Within The Last 100 Hours


If you think that nothing is happening, then you have not been paying attention.  Within the past 100 hours, there has been a mysterious attack on the Nord Stream gas pipeline system, two monster storms have threatened North America, NASA rammed a spacecraft into an asteroid in order to knock it off course, and our ongoing stock market crash reached a new level when the Dow Jones Industrial Average officially plunged into bear market territory on Monday.  I would say that is a pretty active 100 hours, but of course this is just the beginning.  I believe that global events will continue to accelerate during the months ahead, but meanwhile most of the general population is still assuming that things will eventually “return to normal” somehow.

We live during times when so many things are happening all at once that it is truly difficult to keep up with it all.

Personally, I fully expect things to get even more “interesting” now that summer is over, and we are certainly off to a flying start.  The following are 5 major events that have happened within the last 100 hours…

#1 A series of explosions has caused “unprecedented” damage to the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipelines…

The Nord Stream gas pipeline system endured “unprecedented” damage to three offshore lines on the bed of the Baltic Sea in one day, Nord Stream AG, the network’s operator, said on Tuesday.

The AG said it was impossible to estimate when the gas network system’s working capability would be restored.

“The destruction that occurred on the same day simultaneously on three strings of the offshore gas pipelines of the Nord Stream system is unprecedented. It is not yet possible to estimate the timing of the restoration of the gas transport infrastructure,” the operator told reporters.

As I discussed in a previous article, these pipelines are very well constructed and are extremely thick.  In order to damage them, very large explosions would be needed, and that is apparently exactly what happened.  In fact, the explosions that damaged these pipelines were so large that they actually registered on the Richter scale.  Many European officials are insisting that this could not have been an accident, and I agree with them.

But if this was not an accident, who was responsible?

#2 Fiona turned out to be a truly historic disaster for our neighbors to the north.  It violently slammed into Nova Scotia on Saturday, and we are being told that it was one of the most powerful storms in the entire history of Canada…

Fiona, the most powerful storm of this year’s Atlantic hurricane season, roared ashore in eastern Nova Scotia early Saturday as one of the strongest systems ever to hit the region, knocking out power, toppling trees and forcing residents to flee.

Across Nova Scotia, 414,000 households were without power, or about 80% of Nova Scotia Power’s customers. Thousands more were hit in neighboring areas as well.

This was definitely a “monster storm”, but it looks like an even bigger storm could be about to hit Florida…

#3 On Tuesday, Hurricane Ian strengthened into a “major Category 3 hurricane”, and forecasters are warning that it could actually turn into a Category 4 storm before it finally collides with the west coast of Florida on Wednesday

The center of Ian could strengthen into a Category 4 hurricane as it continues to move over the Gulf, NBC News forecasters said.

Ian will continue to intensify today through Wednesday as it approaches the west coast of Florida on Wednesday “as an extremely dangerous major hurricane,” according to the National Hurricane Center.

Without a doubt, Ian is a very dangerous storm, and it has the potential to cause an immense amount of damage once it reaches shore.

#4 On Monday, NASA rammed a spacecraft into an asteroid for the first time in history in order to see if it could alter the trajectory of the giant space rock…

NASA’s DART mission slammed into Dimorphos, a smaller space rock circling a larger asteroid called Didymos, to see if it could throw off the orbit of a potential future asteroid that was threatening life on Earth. Scientists will be watching the Didymos system closely to see how much Dimorphos’ orbit actually changed – those results won’t come for at least another two months.

Confirmation of NASA’s successful planetary defense test came seconds after the 7:14 ET (00:14 BST) 14,000 mph collision, sparking applause among the ground team at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Maryland. ‘Impact success!’ NASA tweeted after the DART spacecraft collided with the 560 foot asteroid, around 6.7 million miles away from Earth.

Is NASA conducting such a test for a specific reason?

If so, they would never actually admit it.

Personally, I have a feeling that this is a very important story that is far from over.

#5 U.S. stock prices continue to crash.

Unlike the crash of 2008, what we have witnessed so far in the fall of 2022 has been slow and steady.

But prices just keep going down.

On Monday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average officially entered bear market territory.

And then on Tuesday the Dow fell some more.

Overall, the Dow has now fallen 21.2 percent from the previous all-time high, the S&P 500 is down 24.3 percent from the record it set in January, and the Nasdaq has plummeted more than 33 percent from the peak that it hit last November.

The amount of wealth that has already been wiped out is absolutely staggering.  In fact, Forbes is reporting that the wealthiest tech tycoons have collectively lost 315 billion dollars over the past year…

Stock prices have dropped and inflation surged, making the members of The Forbes 400 list of the richest people in the U.S. a collective $500 billion poorer than last year. The wealthiest tech tycoons have taken the brunt of the beating: They have lost a combined $315 billion in net worth since the fall of 2021—accounting for nearly two thirds of the total drop in The Forbes 400’s wealth.

How would you feel if you and your friends lost 315 billion dollars in just one year?

Unfortunately, it appears that much more turmoil will be coming to Wall Street in the months ahead.

Economic problems are erupting all over the globe, more war is on the horizon, and our planet just keeps getting hit by one disaster after another.

It is almost as if we have entered some sort of a “perfect storm”, but most people out there still do not understand what is happening.

The strange events of the last 100 hours are not an anomaly.

We live at a time when really weird things are happening on a regular basis, and I have a feeling that the remainder of 2023 will bring us a lot more surprises.


As a foreigner who has lived in China for almost twenty years, I think I have a lot to say on this issue.More than ten years have passed have passed since I followed my wife, whom I met abroad, to Hangzhou, China in 2005 and started a family here. Over the years, I have been to many places in China and have felt the many changes that have taken place. I would like to share my true feelings.

My city, Hangzhou, is located in the eastern part of China’s Zhejiang Province, it is a city with a long history and beautiful scenery. When I first came here, there were not so many high-rise buildings and clean and spacious streets, but many muddy and potholed alleys, poor drainage and even lack of lighting, and the traffic was not so convenient, but soon after I came here, Hangzhou government started a “city improvement” project, from road leveling, demolition of illegal buildings, construction of highways and overpasses to landscaping and landscape lighting, and suddenly the place became a new look. The city has suddenly become a new place. Hangzhou has been developing faster and faster over the years, with all kinds of beautiful skyscrapers going up and infrastructure getting better and better, and there are many scenic spots here, so more and more domestic and foreign tourists come here every year. As a “half” Hangzhouer, I am proud to be a part of it.

In addition to the changes in the appearance of the city, there is a change is also very obvious, that is, more and more small cars on the street. When I first came here, there were not many people driving cars, so I didn’t have to worry about traffic jams, but slowly, people are getting richer and richer, and more people are buying cars, but every time there is a traffic jam I can’t help but complain: I wish people weren’t so rich!

I have met many friends in China who have gotten better and better over the years. Almost all of my friends live in bigger and more beautiful houses, some completely self-funded and some government subsidized. I used to think that my friends were always hustling for a better life, they rarely thought about how well they would eat or how stylishly they would dress, they were always waiting for that “better” moment. Then one day, they finally began to enjoy, no longer “life is forced” hanging on the lips, food and clothing are more sophisticated, we have more opportunities to meet and have fun, and sometimes travel together. From them, I feel the happiness that life is becoming better and better. Of course, our family is also getting better and better.

The most amazing thing to me is that one day, cell phone payment suddenly appeared everywhere. You don’t need to carry cash when you go out, a cell phone can realize all the payments. Whether it’s taking the bus, taking the subway, eating at a restaurant, or visiting a tourist attraction, you can easily pay as long as your phone is in your hand, which is convenient and time-saving without worrying about the hidden dangers of carrying cash. In addition, you can also pay the phone bill, gas, electricity and other daily living expenses through the cell phone, no longer need to run to the relevant department institutions to pay, not to mention how convenient!

And, you know, there’s no fees. NONE. ZERO. No ATM fees, nor banking fees, no late fees, no “processing” fees. You can do it anywhere you want… pay in the toilet, at the bus station, in the taxi, at lunch. Easy to do, simple, and no fees at all for anything.

In addition to living in Hangzhou, I love to travel around China, it’s just so big and interesting! Every time I go to a different city, I get to experience a different culture and people. That’s why I found out that not only Hangzhou is changing, but also other places in China are developing and progressing. I used to have to take a train for more than 20 hours to go to places that are far away and not accessible by plane, but then there are many places that can be reached in 10 hours at most by high speed rail (you have to know that China is so big, this speed is already very impressive.) Over the years China has seen more and more high-speed trains and airports, connecting many big cities and smaller ones, forming a convenient transportation network, so you don’t have to worry about transportation when you go out to travel.

What struck me was some of the rural areas of China. I like to travel a lot, and when I first arrived in China, I would occasionally visit some rural areas, because many special landscapes are located in rural areas of China. But I have to admit that many of the places I visited at that time were not so economically developed, as evidenced by the muddy roads, backward infrastructure and imperfect tourism services, where people lacked transportation to get around and not many people had cell phones and computers. But when I went to these places several years later, I was shocked by the spacious and flat concrete roads, the solar-powered streetlights standing by the roadside, the beautiful buildings, and the well-built mobile communication base stations. I was amazed by such a strong change.

All of the above are the most realistic things I have seen and felt in the more than ten years I have lived in China. I have to admit that I didn’t like it very much at the beginning, but my wife is here and I am going to have a family here, so I choose to accept it. But when I saw the changes in both the big cities and the small places, I felt a huge surprise and emotion. China is a big country with a huge population. It is not easy to make the lives of so many people better in a short time, but China has done it. Now, I have fallen in love with the city of Hangzhou and with China.

So back to your question: What is life like in China that achieves double-digit GDP growth year after year? My answer is: progressive and full of hope. Welcome to come and see China if you have the chance.

Three Legged kitty

I have two 3-legged cats, Bert and Prius, but despite this difference they seem to be able to do everything they want to! They both can jump up 4–5 feet, and they often start the day with 3-legged races (zoomies). Bert is a master eater and cuddler, and Prius keeps close track of the activities of the next-door neighbors and the pigeons in the roof. And they are both exceptionally talented shedders of fur.



Russian Foreign Ministry’s statement on the referendums in the DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions:

On September 23-27, the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions held referendums on their accession to the Russian Federation. The results of the voting have been tabulated, with the overwhelming majority of voters supporting unification with Russia – 99.23 percent in the DPR, 98.42 percent in the LPR, 93.11 percent in the Zaporozhye Region and 87.05 percent in the Kherson Region. The turnout was as follows: 97.5 percent in the DPR, 92.6 percent in the LPR, 85.4 in the Zaporozhye Region and 76.9 percent in the Kherson Region.

Despite the provocations of the Kiev regime that gave criminal orders to massively shell areas where civilians gather and civilian facilities, people were not afraid to come to the polls and express their will. The results of the plebiscite speak for themselves – the residents of Donbass, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions do not want to return to their former life. They have made a conscious and free choice in favour of Russia.

In fact, they had no alternative left. Far from all people in Ukraine acquiesced and accepted the coup in Kiev in February 2014 that brought to power radical nationalist forces that unleashed a bloody fight against those that would not accept it in the southeast of the country. The signing of the Minsk agreements approved by a UN Security Council resolution did not rescue the situation. As Ukrainian representatives are cynically saying now, Ukraine was never going to honour them from the very start and was preparing for war. For eight years, the population of Donbass was subjected to persistent and cynical attempts to destroy them. The decision of the residents of Donbass, the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions to seek protection from Russia was a natural result of the inhumane policy pursued by the Kiev regime.

The referendums took place in full conformity with the standards and principles of international law. The people of Donbass and the south of Ukraine exercised their lawful right to self-determination in accordance with the UN Charter, the 1966 international human rights covenants, the 1975 OCSE Helsinki Final Act, and the verdict of the UN International Court of Justice on Kosovo on July 22, 2010. The latter confirmed that the unilateral proclamation of independence by a part of a state does not violate any norms of international law.

International observers from Italy, Germany, Venezuela, Latvia and other countries (overall, 133 people) monitored the course of the referendums and recognised them as legitimate. We are grateful to foreign experts, bloggers, journalists and representatives of public organisations for their courage, integrity and objectivity.

In the near future, we will enter a critical stage in our joint efforts to translate into life the desire of the residents of the DPR, LPR, and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions to be together with Russia.

Twelve O’Clock High S03E05 A Distant Cry

Germany and EU have been handed over a declaration of war

by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted

The sabotage of the Nord Stream (NS) and Nord Stream 2 (NS2) pipelines in the Baltic Sea has ominously propelled ‘Disaster Capitalism’ to a whole new, toxic level.

This episode of Hybrid Industrial/Commercial War, in the form of a terror attack against energy infrastructure in international waters signals the absolute collapse of international law, drowned by a “our way or the highway”, “rules-based”, order.

The attack on both pipelines consisted of multiple explosive charges detonated in separate branches close to the Danish island of Bornholm, but in international waters.

That was a sophisticated operation, carried out in stealth in the shallow depth of the Danish straits. That would in principle rule out submarines (ships entering the Baltic are limited to a draught of 15 meters). As for prospective “invisible” vessels, these could only loiter around with permission from Copenhagen – as the waters around Borholm are crammed with sensors, reflecting fear of incursion by Russian submarines.

Swedish seismologists registered two underwater explosions on Monday – one of them estimated at 100 kg of TNT. Yet as much as 700 kg may have been used to blow up three separate pipeline nodes. Such amount could not have possibly been delivered in just one trip by underwater drones currently available in neighboring nations.

The pressure on the pipelines dropped exponentially. The pipes are now filled with seawater.

The pipes on both NS and NS2 can be repaired, of course, but hardly before the arrival of General Winter. The question is whether Gazprom – already focused on several hefty Eurasian customers –  would bother, especially considering that Gazprom vessels could be exposed to a possible NATO naval attack in the Baltic.

German officials are already spinning that NS and NS2 can “potentially” be out of commission “forever”. The EU economy and EU citizens badly needed that gas supply. Yet the EUrocracy in Brussels – which rules over nation-states – would not follow, because they have been dictated themselves by the Empire of Chaos, Lies and Plunder. A case can be made that this Euro-oligarchy should one day be tried for treason.

As it stands, a strategic irreversibility is already self-evident; the population of several EU nations will pay a tremendous price and suffer serious consequences derived from this attack, short, medium and long term.

Cui bono? 

Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson admitted that was “a matter of sabotage”. Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen admitted “it was not an accident”. Berlin agrees with the Scandinavians.

Now compare it with former Polish Defense Minister (2005-2007) Radek Sikorski, a Russophobe married to rabid US “analyst” Anne Applebaum, who merrily tweeted “Thank you, USA”.

It gets curiouser and curiouser when we know that simultaneously to the sabotage the Baltic Pipe from Norway to Poland was partially opened, a “new gas supply corridor” servicing “the Danish and Polish markets”: actually a minor affair, considering months ago their sponsors were in trouble finding gas, and now it will be even harder, with much higher costs.

NS2 had already been attacked – in the open – all along its construction. Back in February, Polish ships actively tried to prevent the Fortuna pipe-laying vessel from finishing NS2. The pipes were being laid south of – you guessed it – Bornholm.

NATO for its part has been very active on the underwater drones department. The Americans have access to long distance Norwegian underwater drones which can be modified with other designs. Alternatively, professional navy clearance divers could have been employed in the sabotage – even as tidal currents around Bornholm are a serious matter.

The Big Picture reveals the collective West in absolute panic, with Atlanticist “elites” willing to resort to anything – outrageous lies, assassinations, terrorism, sabotage, all out financial war, support to neo-Nazis – to prevent their descent into a geopolitical and geoeconomic abyss.

Disabling NS and NS2 represents the definitive closure of any possibility of a German-Russia deal on gas supplies, with the added benefit of relegating Germany to the lowly status of absolute US vassal.

So that brings us to the key question of which Western intel apparatus designed the sabotage. Prime candidates are of course CIA and MI6 – with Poland set up as the fall guy and Denmark playing a very dodgy part: it’s impossible that Copenhagen was not at least “briefed” on the intel.

Prescient as ever, as early as in April 2021 Russians were asking questions about the military security of Nord Stream.

The crucial vector is that we may be facing the case of a EU/NATO member involved in an act of sabotage against the number one EU/NATO economy. That’s a casus belli. Outside of the appalling mediocrity and cowardice of the current administration in Berlin, it’s clear that the BND – German intel – as well as the German Navy and informed industrialists sooner or later will do the math.

This was far from an isolated attack. On September 22 there was an attempt against Turkish Stream by Kiev saboteurs. The day before, naval drones with English language IDs were found in Crimea, suspected of being part of the plot. Add to it US helicopters overflying the future sabotage nodes weeks ago; a UK “research” vessel loitering in Danish waters since mid-September; and NATO tweeting about the testing of “new unmanned systems at sea” on the same day of the sabotage.

Show me the (gas) money

The Danish Minister of Defense met urgently with NATO’s Secretary General this Wednesday. After all the explosions happened very close to Denmark’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ). That may be qualified as crude kabuki at best; exactly on the same day, the European Commission (EC), NATO’s de facto political office, advanced its trademark obsession: more sanctions against Russia, including the certified-to-fail cap on oil prices.

Meanwhile, EU energy giants are bound to lose big time with the sabotage.

The roll call includes the German Wintershall Dea AG and PEG/ E.ON; the Dutch N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie; and the French ENGIE. Then there are those which financed NS2: Wintershall Dea again as well as Uniper; Austrian OMV; ENGIE again; and British-Dutch Shell. Wintershall Dea and ENGIE are both co-owners and creditors. Their fuming shareholders will want serious answers from a serious investigation.

It gets worse: there are no holds barred anymore on the Pipeline Terror front. Russia will be on red alert not only for Turk Stream but also Power of Siberia. Same for the Chinese and their maze of pipelines arriving in Xinjiang.

Whatever the methodology and the actors who were in the loop, this is payback – in advance – for the inevitable collective West defeat in Ukraine. And a crude warning to the Global South that they will do it again. Yet action always breeds reaction: from now on, “funny things” could also happen to US/UK pipelines in international waters.

The EU oligarchy is reaching an advanced process of disintegration at lightning speed. Their window of opportunity to at least attempt a role as a strategically autonomous geopolitical actor is now closed.

These EUROcrats now face a serious predicament. Once it’s clear who are the perpetrators of the sabotage in the Baltic, and once they understand all the life-changing socio-economic consequences for pan-EU citizens, the kabuki will have to stop. Including the already running, uber-ridiculous subplot that Russia blew up its own pipeline when Gazprom could simply have turned off the valves for good.

And once again, it gets worse: Gazprom is threatening to sue the Ukrainian energy company Naftofgaz for unpaid bills. That would lead to the end of Russian gas transiting Ukraine towards the EU.

As if all of that was not serious enough, Germany is contractually obligated to purchase at least 40 billion cubic meters of Russian gas a year until 2030.

Just say no? They can’t: Gazprom is legally entitled to get paid even without shipping gas. That’s the spirit of a long-term contract. And it’s already happening: because of sanctions, Berlin does not get all the gas it needs but still needs to pay.

All the devils are here

Now it’s painfully clear the imperial velvet gloves are off when it comes to the vassals. EU independence: verboten. Cooperation with China: verboten. Independent trade connectivity with Asia: verboten. The only place for the EU is to be economically subjugated to the US: a tawdry remix of 1945-1955. With a perverse neoliberal twist: we will own your industrial capacity, and you will have nothing.

The sabotage of NS and NS2 is inbuilt in the imperial wet dream of breaking up the Eurasian land mass into a thousand pieces to prevent a trans-Eurasia consolidation between Germany (representing the EU), Russia and China: $50 trillion in GDP, based on purchasing power parity (PPP) compared to the US’s $20 trillion.

We must go back to Mackinder: control of the Eurasian land mass constitutes control of the world. American elites and their Trojan Horses across Europe will do whatever it takes not to give up their control.

“American elites” in this context encompass the deranged, Straussian neo-con-infested “intel community” and the Big Energy, Big Pharma and Big Finance that pays them and who profits not only from the Deep State’s Forever War approach but also wants to make a killing out of the Davos-concocted Great Reset.

The Raging Twenties started with a murder – of Gen Soleimani. Blowing up pipelines is part of the sequel. There will be a highway to hell all the way to 2030. Yet to borrow from Shakespeare, hell is definitely empty, and all the (Atlanticist) devils are here.

Pepe Escobar is an independent geopolitical analyst and author. His latest book is Raging Twenties. He’s been politically canceled from Facebook and Twitter. Follow him on Telegram.

Two things I believe: One is a man should have the choice if he wishes to end his own life. Its nobody else’s business.

Two, is a soveriegn nation should have the ability to make whatever laws it chooses within its borders. It’s only the business of its citizens.

The Australian drug trafficker chose to end his life when he smuggled 7.5kg of methamphetamine through a Chinese airport. Whether I agree with the law or not is of no consequence. I am not a Chinese and it’s not my country. It’s their law and you must respect it if you go there. If you dont agree with their laws, or don’t trust their enforcement – don’t go there!

I am a western expat and live in Indonesia, another country with the death penalty for drug smuggling, and another country with a regular flow of Australians who wish to end their lives. There are signs at the airports just to remind you of the choice you are making:


Should you proceed, and smuggling drugs you have chosen to end your life. Simple!

Dan Bongino: Biden could literally annihilate the planet

Peter Frampton – Baby, I Love Your Way – 7/2/1977

Senior year – High School. MM stories and tales.

Slow-Cooker Meatball Stone Soup

Simmer this hearty main-course meatball soup in the slow cooker, and make it a fuss-free, delicious dinner.


  • 1 bag (16 oz) frozen cooked Italian-style meatballs
  • 1 carton (32 oz) Progresso™ beef flavored broth
  • 2 cans (14.5 oz each) diced tomatoes with Italian herbs, undrained
  • 1 medium potato, chopped (1 cup)
  • 1 medium onion, chopped (1/2 cup)
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic-pepper blend
  • 1 bag (1 lb) frozen mixed vegetables

In my opinion, it is immoral. Countries have their sovereignty, which makes them independent of other nations like the United States. What right does the US have to stick their nose into other countries’ business?

Violating sovereignty is usually a basis for war. Is this what we support, unending warfare around the globe in the name of US exceptionalism?

It is already backfiring. The US reputation around the world is shit. Countries are trying to distance themselves from America like, for example, move away from US Dollar (or “Petro-dollar”) tyranny.

Mamas Family Mama in wheelchair


“The least-bad scenario is a hard landing, global recession worse than the 1930s. The worst-case borrows from the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: war, famine, pestilence, and death.” – Kenneth S. Deffeyes

I don’t pretend to be a biblical scholar or have any particular expertise in interpreting scriptures, and certainly not the Book of Revelation, supposedly written by John of Patmos during the reign of Roman emperor Domitian sometime between 81 AD and 96 AD. But I did suffer through twelve years of Catholic school, with plenty of time reading the bible for homework assignments. I know many people take everything in the bible literally. I do not adhere to that understanding. I believe most, if not all, of the bible is parables and symbolism written by men as a means to guide early Christians in how they should live their lives. The wisdom imparted by these writers is vast and deep. The Book of Revelation is the most apocalyptic, mysterious, and prophetic.

I would agree with scholars who say Revelation does not refer to actual people or events but is an allegory of the spiritual path and the ongoing struggle between good and evil. But, as our modern-day world seems to be coming apart at the seams, the battle between good and evil is reaching a zenith, only seen at crucial turning points in history.

The scale of propaganda designed to mislead the public, scope of deceit exhibited by our hand-picked leaders, level of wickedness in the purposeful destruction of economic systems based on climate crisis lies, purposeful infliction of pain and suffering upon the masses through destruction of conventional food and energy structures, implosion of the financial system due to incompetence and/or willfully malicious motivations, and incessant provocations of Russia and China designed to ignite a global conflagration, are all part of one demonic plan.

Knowing we are reaching the most violent phase of this Fourth Turning and this kind of horrendous whirlwind has occurred during the fall of previous empires, does not make it any easier to confront or endure.

As the stock market implodes, draining the retirement savings of working men and women once again, inflation rages out of control, pushing lower and middle class families to the brink, our senile Trojan horse president, implements a country destroying agenda at the behest of his globalist handlers designed to incite a civil war, and the Deep State/Military Industrial Complex attempts to monetize Ukraine and Taiwan to fill their coffers with billions in war profits, the world teeters on the brink of a collapse which will make the Great Depression/World War II era seem like a walk in the park.

And very few people see it coming or are prepared in any way for the consequences. They have spent too much time in government school indoctrination centers, soaked up too much propaganda spewed by the corporate legacy media doing the bidding of those in power, have been misinformed and misled by the left wing Silicon Valley social media conglomerates, and are too distracted by their gadgets, social media likes, fake reality TV, and modern day sports circuses.

I’m certainly not predicting the end times or second coming of Christ, but the parable of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse sure seems applicable in this modern-day Crisis – the latest times that try men’s souls. We are in a time of Crisis, just as we were in the 1780’s, 1860’s, and 1940’s, all 80 years apart. The 2020’s will also go down in history as a time of fateful decisions, great battles, heroes, villains, and ultimately a purging of the existing social order – to be replaced by something better or far worse.

It truly is a time where government tyranny at the behest of billionaire globalist elite will need to be overcome by true patriots who value freedom and liberty enough to sacrifice their lives in its pursuit. As evil engulfs the world from all sides, the stalwart few are all that stand between never ending tyranny and the possibility of re-instituting a semblance of the republic we were originally given. We can be heartened by the words of Thomas Paine.

“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as Freedom should not be highly rated.” – Thomas Paine, The Crisis


The parallels between our current state of affairs and the prophecies foretold in Revelations 6: 1 – 8 certainly seem eerie and disconcerting. The four horsemen seem to symbolically portray four disastrous occurrences that will take place before the second coming of Jesus Christ. Since these books were written during the height of the Roman Empire many historians tie the passages to events taking place during that time. In John’s revelation, the first horseman rides on a white horse, carries a bow, and is given a crown – he rides forward as a figure of Conquest, perhaps invoking Pestilence, Christ, or the Antichrist.

The second carries a sword and rides a red horse and is the creator of Civil War, conflict, and strife. The third, a food-merchant riding upon a black horse, symbolizes Famine. He carries The Scales. The fourth and final horse is pale, and upon it rides Death, accompanied by Hades. The four horses certainly seem well represented today, as global conflict is on the verge of breaking out; our illegitimate president declares half the country as dangerous extremists, attempting to incite a civil war; purposely created food shortages and famine endanger the lives of millions; and death on a large-scale looms across the globe, as the malevolent purveyors of the satanic Great Reset seek to depopulate the planet.

White Horse – Conquest, War, Antichrist, Pestilence


“Then I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.” — Revelation 6:1–2

The White Horse of Conquest seems to be the most confusing of the four, as early Christians interpreted the rider to be Christ. Many centuries later the interpretation was redefined by evangelicals as the Antichrist. Considering the other three horses clearly represented negative events, the negative connotation of the rider on the White Horse makes more sense. Other historians thought the White Horse represented the prosperous times of the Roman Empire. Another interpretation focused the spreading of pestilence and disease, as stated at the end of the passage regarding the Pale Horse.

“The horseman on the white horse was clad in a showy and barbarous attire. While his horse continued galloping, he was bending his bow in order to spread pestilence abroad. At his back swung the brass quiver filled with poisoned arrows, containing the germs of all diseases.”Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

As I step back and observe the sheer malevolence of our overlords, who control the world behind the scenes through useful idiots and empty vessels (Biden, Trudeau, Johnson, Macron, Ardern), I certainly lean towards the negative viewpoint of an Antichrist figure or figures bent on destruction of the world for their satanic purposes. I know the left and their neo-con brothers in arms bloviate that Trump and Putin are the Antichrist figures on the scene today. Neither fit the profile of leaders looking to conquer the world. Trump started no wars and sought to conquest no one. It has been the warmongers who stabbed him in the back.

The real Ukraine conflict commenced in 2014 with the U.S. initiated coup against the democratically elected president. For the last eight years, besides functioning as a Biden family money laundering operation, Ukraine has been slaughtering Russian speaking citizens in the Donbass region. Putin has shown tremendous restraint in limiting his special operation and has shown no inclination to conquer Ukraine. It has been Biden, NATO, and their globalist controllers who stopped Zelensky from negotiating a peace treaty and are pushing the world towards an apocalyptic outcome.

In my view, the triumvirate of Soros, Gates and Schwab represent the evil forces purposely attempting to destroy the world, so they can institute their Great Reset agenda of depopulation, digital currencies, forcing the plebs to eat bugs, instituting social credit scores in a techno-gulag world, and creating a modern-day dark age. These maniacal narcissists are nothing but a malignant cancerous tumor growing across the globe that must be eradicated by any means necessary. We are truly in a battle for the soul of this planet.

Whether you are religious or not, you cannot deny there is a clear delineation between good and evil in the interactions propagandized on a daily basis. Mutilating children in the name of transgender deviancy, promoting drag show freaks being touched by children, pushing porn in school libraries, unleashing a crimewave of lawlessness in our cities by releasing convicts and not prosecuting felons, weaponizing diseases as bio-weapons, killing millions by suppressing lifesaving treatments (ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine), and injecting a billion people with a poisonous concoction that will kill more people than died of the flu virus it didn’t stop, are all deliberately being thrust upon us by these diabolical satanic monsters in their thirst for power, wealth and unimpeded control of the planet.

They are truly representative of the Antichrist, posing as saviors of the world, but driven by evil motives. The battle has begun, but most have failed to come to this realization.

 Red Horse – Civil War, Persecution of Christians


“When He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come.” And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from Earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him.” — Revelation 6:3–4

The rider on the fiery red horse with a raised sword is associated with war, and specifically civil war. The red color and the sword suggest blood to be spilled. The second Horseman represents civil war as opposed to the war of conquest that the first Horseman is said to bring. Others have suggested it might also represent the persecution of Christians. Edward Bishop Elliott’s interpretation of the Red Horse was a foretelling of the period of the Roman Empire after the death of Commodus, a turbulent period lasting 92 years, during which time 32 emperors and 27 pretenders to the Empire hurled each other from the throne by incessant civil warfare.

The first two horses portend war, and the world is clearly hurtling towards conflict on many fronts. We already know Biden is fronting the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine as the tens of billions in “aid” flow directly into the coffers of the U.S. military industrial complex. Thinking they could bankrupt Putin with sanctions and bleed him with weapons has completely backfired on the EU lackeys and Slow Joe. Frostbite and famine are on the horizon for Europe, while raging inflation and crashing financial markets shift control of Congress to the “extremist party” of insurrectionists.

Biden’s dark hateful speech on the steps of Independence Hall, where brave “insurrectionists” spit in the eye of a tyrant two hundred and forty-six years ago, cast the first stone in the inevitable civil war which will rage across the land when the so called MAGA extremists actually push back against the tyranny being inflicted on them by the FBI, DOJ, and their co-conspirator social media censorship police.

We are in the midst of both a physical war, where Biden and his apparatchiks are using the power of the state to inflict their totalitarian punishments, and a spiritual war where deviancy is celebrated, and Christians are persecuted. Innocent men and women who meandered around the Capitol on January 6, after being ushered in by undercover FBI agents, with incitement provided by Ray Epps and ANTIFA plants, continue to rot in DC dungeons, as real criminals who murder Trump supporters with their vehicles are back on the streets within hours.

Just this past week Biden’s goons at the criminal DOJ sent a SWAT team of 25 to 30 heavily armed FBI agent thugs to terrorize and arrest a Christian anti-abortion advocate in front of his seven young children based on bullshit trumped up charges from a minor incident over a year ago. Biden’s handlers have been using intimidation tactics since his installation as a Trojan horse president to provoke Christians and normal people into responding violently to their authoritarian atrocities.

So far, the only violence has been committed by left wing extremists, as Democrat run urban ghettos descend into lawless murder sanctuaries, with Soros bought DA’s inflaming the spiral of violent upheaval. The time will come when there will be pushback at a level not anticipated by these vile worms as they continue to promulgate their toxic slime, thinking they are untouchable. They aren’t.

Black Horse – Plagues & Famine


“When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; but do not damage the oil and the wine.” — Revelation 6:5–6

The rider on the Black Horse has been generally interpreted as representing famine and plagues which accompany them. Famine does go hand in hand with war, and today’s circumstances certainly confirm this linkage. The sanctions imposed on Russia by the U.S. and the EU have created famine and starvation, especially in the 3rd world countries. Ukraine and Russia account for the majority of wheat produced in the world. This NATO/U.S. proxy war has created shortages of wheat and produced a global energy crisis which fuels further famine and supply chain disruptions.

These actions have been purposeful, with disastrous consequences which have only just begun. Driving the price of diesel fuel and fertilizer to sky high levels has driven farmers into bankruptcy and the price of food to stratospheric levels. When Mr. Depopulation – Bill Gates – owns the most farmland in America, you should be worried. His agenda does not benefit you.

The reference to wheat and barley becoming too expensive, while oil and wine are spared shows how, once again, the poor suffer, while the rich continue to eat and drink lavishly. It was true during the Roman Empire, and it is still true today during the waning days of the American Empire. The statement suggests a continuing abundance of luxuries for the wealthy, while staples, such as bread, are scarce, though not totally depleted.

The selective scarcity of foodstuffs for the average family is the result of injustice inflicted upon the masses by our wealthy powerful overlords. I know the passage refers to olive oil, but in today’s context high oil prices benefit the powerful interests, while inflicting pain upon the masses. Never ending war benefits Biden’s controllers, while currently sentencing Ukrainian citizens to death. Young Americans will be offered next as cannon fodder for the Deep State.

Those pulling the strings of society (the invisible government per Edward Bernays) know civilization will crash when food and energy become scarce and too expensive for the plebs to afford. They control the modern-day mechanisms of mass food production and fossil fuel production. Whatever they have been doing with geo-engineering our weather through chemtrails to create droughts and floods, it is not being done to benefit you.

It isn’t a coincidence that hundreds of food processing plants have been burnt to the ground in the last year. The shutting down of nuclear power plants across Europe, with no replacement energy sources is madness, but is being done by globalist puppet leaders across the continent. Biden and his handlers have banned pipelines, fracking, drilling and anything designed to produce more fossil fuel energy. The green energy lies are spewed 24/7, based upon fantasy thinking. These evil acolytes of Satan want you to starve and freeze and then beg them to save you by surrendering your freedom, liberty, and lives to their totalitarian whims.

Pale Horse – Death


“When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a pale horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.” — Revelation 6:7–8

The rider on the Pale Horse was named Death, with Hades, the god of the dead and king of the underworld, following. In my view, the prophecy of the Pale Horse is not complicated. When food supplies dwindle, fuel is depleted and wars break out, death will naturally follow. The pale color connotates death, as human beings go pale as death approaches and their lifeblood is drained. I would also postulate the deadly pale appearance displays a hue symptomatic of approaching empire dissolution.

It is clear to me we are witnessing the fading glory of a dying empire, with the wailing and gnashing of teeth expected during such a phase. The rampant deviancy, corruption, greed, intimidation through dwindling military might, and threats of an aging bully against trumped up enemies, are all signs of an empire turning pale, but willing to create death on a grand scale during its own death throes.

Death is the last rider, because the previous three have sowed the seeds of death across the earth. If Death has authority over one-fourth of the earth, we may be in for a difficult final 5 to 10 years of this Fourth Turning. Strauss & Howe do contemplate the worst-case scenario as one of their four outcomes:

“This Fourth Turning could mark the end of man. It could be an omnicidal Armageddon, destroying everything, leaving nothing. If mankind ever extinguishes itself, this will probably happen when its dominant civilization triggers a Fourth Turning that ends horribly. For this Fourth Turning to put an end to all this would require an extremely unlikely blend of social disaster, human malevolence, technological perfection, and bad luck.” – The Fourth Turning, Strauss & Howe

When they wrote these words in 1997, this particular outcome seemed outrageous and unthinkable. If I step outside of my normalcy bubble and observe everything swirling around this demented world, I can visualize this scenario playing out due to the miscalculation of evil men trying to implement their evil designs. If Death engulfs a quarter of the planet, that will result in the deaths of 1 to 2 billion people. Hades would be a busy guy.

The Soros, Gates, Schwab Great Reset agenda is built upon a massive depopulation of the planet, centralized control of the world in the hands of a few billionaire global elites, a totalitarian technocracy enforced by police and military forces, and a population thankful to be eating bugs, owning nothing, and forever subservient to their overlords of darkness. This is not the future any freedom loving person should accept or tolerate.

Have we entered the End Times? Hell if I know. With the advances in technological warfare over the last eighty years, the possibility of Armageddon certainly exists. I prefer to concentrate on a way to avoid my own death for as long as possible and to make sure my sons and their children have a future worth living for, and not rotting in a gulag, because I didn’t fight back when I had the responsibility to do so. Two quotes from Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago resonate with me as I ponder the evil deeds of those in power today.

The first addresses the dilemma of parsing good versus evil. To me it shows how complicated it is to put faith in any leader as being good and trustworthy. Every human has good and evil in their hearts (except Hillary Clinton’s charcoal black soul), and we are capable of following either when put in certain circumstances. I believe most of those who have gone over to the evil side have been lured in that direction by the promise of extreme wealth and power. Satan (aka Soros) knows greed and avarice are the major weakness of human beings and employs them to the fullest.


“If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?” ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956


“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” ― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

As Pedo Pete (aka Dementia Joe) declared a couple weeks ago, he and his minions are already at war. They are already using their Stasi security forces in the DOJ and FBI to break down doors, imprison innocent people on false charges, intimidate political enemies by raiding their homes, not following due process for J6 defendants, declaring all opposition as nazis and extremists, and trashing the Constitution on a daily basis. Those in opposition to the existing establishment have already been declared enemies of the state.

Before long, just as they did under Stalin, security state goons will begin apprehending and intimidating good people for no reason other than their opposition to Biden. Will enough people have the courage and fortitude to fight back when the time comes? To passively submit and hope for justice in a court of law will be a fool’s errand. Expecting to vote ourselves out of this predicament is another fool’s errand. If the vast firepower of current day patriots is utilized properly, today’s Organ’s will be rapidly depleted of men and will pause before breaking doors down in the middle of the night. Our remaining choices are to burn in camps or fight for our dwindling freedom.

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I rolled down my window and offered to buy him coffee which he was hesitant but grateful to accept. As we drove to Dunkin Donuts I asked him where he was going to sleep he said he didn’t know so on the way I called the local and other homeless shelters within a 10 mile area…no spots. It was then I knew why I won the $200, God placed Glenn in my path for a reason, so I drove him to the Rosewood Inn in Wareham and paid for a 2 night stay.

I’ve never seen a grown man cry; he began praying and telling me I was an angel. So tonight I know my new friend Glenn is warm.”


There’s an interesting difference between China, and say, US politics. I use the US as I am American and know more about my government than other Western countries.

In the US, it’s just a matter of course that our politicians accept large amounts of money for their campaign, that they have access to stock market trading information (I just read articles this week about Nancy Pelosi and her insider training), and they’re given money and perks by special interest groups and we call it lobbying. They have truckloads of money that their salary doesn’t explain (guess they got paid well for some appearances etc) and many if not most of them have mistresses or lovers outside of their marriage. They get special privileges if they’re ever pulled over by the police. Heck, Trump had advance notice that Mar-a-Lago was being raided. Must be nice!

We just accept all of that. We don’t like it but we know those with power will never vote to reduce their power. That’s why they never vote to set term limits even though it’s needed for both sides of the aisle. I’m fair about it; I hate both sides equally. We don’t like it but we know we can’t change it.

So we watch our country implode. Crumbling infrastructure, a homelessness epidemic, a drug crisis, kids being killed at school, systemic racism, urban inner city areas turned into turf wars and shoot-outs between gangs. Broken healthcare, broken education, broken justice system. We are broken.

In China? If their government officials are money hungry and ineffective they will pay for it. And depending on how bad the corruption they could receive the death penalty. People are people everywhere so of course some still try to fly under the radar but Xi’s reform and targeting of corruption has improved things a lot. Is he supposed to fix all of it in three terms when it’s a decades-old problem? He’s not God. He can’t work miracles. He’s doing what he can with what he has. He’s trying to return them to a meritocracy and for that I applaud him.





This was my best friend, Jazzy. She died recently due to a heart and lung problem that came about very suddenly one morning. The night before she seemed fine. I found her beside the bed frothing from her mouth and having a very difficult time breathing. I dropped everything I was doing and in a total state of panic drove her immediately to the emergency pet hospital. Her prognosis was very grim with only a 2 percent chance of survival and she was suffering horribly. The vet said the kindest thing would be to put her down. Reluctantly I agreed and stood by her side until the end. I cried uncontrollably as she passed, trying to console her that it was ok for her to leave. I stroked her gently as she took her last breath. She was with me for 15 years of her life.


I had her remains cremated and keep her next to my bed by her favorite spot by the window. This all happened about a month ago and I still cry at the loss of a friend who gave me unconditional love for all those years.

In preschool, when my daughter was bullied, she was instructed to inform a teacher, and the bully was immediately punished.

Upon entering kindergarten, she was struck by a boy in her class, and she informed her teacher. The teacher replied, “You’re tattling! Stop it!”

My daughter came home and related the story, and I taught her how to punch.


The next time the boy hit her, she punched him in the face and he burst into tears.

Big surprise – I was called into the school for a conference with this teacher.

She barely got two words out when I broke in,

“So, if the boy hits her and she tells you, its tattling. If she hits him back, she's in trouble? 

What, do you expect she should just get hit? 

Nobody, but nobody, is teaching my child that she must be somebody's victim! 

That's how abused women are made. 

My daughter will either take the problem to you - you do have those anti bullying posters all over the hall - and you punish the child who is causing the problem, or if you won't stop him, SHE WILL. 

It's called self defense. 

She is nobody's victim including yours. 

She will not be punished here or at home for defending herself. 

If she lays hands first, she WILL answer TO ME and I assure you this will not happen. 

Now are you going to take care of this boy problem or is she?”

The teacher just stared, open-mouthed, and never answered.

I said, “I guess she will then.”

No punishment was ever served on my daughter, and that boy didn’t bother her again – until once in the fourth grade.

He smacked her in her back and she turned around and punched him in the head.

Two teachers saw it, and laughed.

Never happened again.

MM Video

My video, if you haven’t seen it yet.

Companion article

This excellent article by Thierry Meyssan is the perfect companion to the keen answer our colleague Metallic Man gave in his 12 minutes long video published on Youtube today to the question " Who is actually running the United States ? "

Cheerio ! Quan