I am in the middle of my Chinese national Holiday. You-Tube has penalized me to having a video “spreading medical misinformation”, and I am being tormented by a couple of ‘Merica! folk who want to “kick some slant eyed ass”.
I just wanna smunch!
Wheezin’ The Juice!
A police officer was standing behind her and happened to hear the amount and saw she was using a cane, struggling to walk back to her car. He went outside and told her to sit in the car as he would pump the gas for her. After a few minutes of getting to know one another, he realized she was really struggling and didn’t have any gas or money left. The $3 will only get her so far. He told her to hang tight- came inside and put another $20 out of his pocket. He went back and finished pumping and she told him her husband had recently passed away and she’s stuck paying all their bills and is behind every month. This $20 really helped her! She would of most likely ended up running out of gas. Nowadays there’s so much negativity towards police officers. No one respects them. We hear all the complaints and “bad” stories. I’m not saying every officer is perfect, I’m sure some are at fault at times. We all make mistakes- but we should all respect, appreciate, and thank them for what they do. Leaving your family every day to try and make sure everyone else’s is safe can be tough. Think about it- who do you call when you’re in danger? Who’s running in harm’s way as you’re running away?
To all the men and women in blue, I THANK YOU for your service!”

For decades, America has assumed that China would gradually liberalize, open its markets, and improve its human-rights record, but that strategy simply hasn’t worked – is it time to give up on China?
China has not opened up? I’m pretty sure anyone holding that view has not visited China recently.
Go to Beijing or Shanghai or any other big Chinese city. You will find malls that look not much different from Hong Kong or Singapore. They may even be built and operated by conglomerates from these port cities. American fast food, French bags, Swiss watches. Whatever you want you can have. Markets as open as any major international city today.
As for liberalization, more than 150 million Chinese travel abroad each year. That is an astounding number, greater than the population of Japan. Just 40 years ago, the numbers were negligible. But the more incredible number is this: more than 150 million Chinese RETURN HOME. There are no reports of millions of Chinese refugees seeking asylum overseas.
On to human rights. China is behind Singapore in terms of rule of law, and trust in the government internationally. But Singapore still get routinely trashed for the death penalty, caning, inequality and other human rights abuses. We are a common law democracy but there are always murmurs if not shouts of dynastic politics, non-democracy, high political salaries and other evils.
We can never please the west because we are not the west.
China is changing. Warp speed fast. But please temper any judgment with the fact China started from a very low base. China was at war for the better part of 100 years from 1850 to 1949, half of it without a functional central government. Can you imagine 3 generations of anarchy and destruction? What do they call it, dystopia?
The current generation of chinese youth enjoy far more freedoms and privileges than their parents did. The next will, too.
Paulie Gualtieri dethrones Tony Soprano
Have you ever met a celebrity and found they were much kinder or ruder than you expected?
Last March, my family was visiting Southern California. They wanted to check out Venice Beach. My daughter loves to work out as much as I do so I suggested we leave the others at the beach and walk over to the original Gold’s Gym, the Mecca of bodybuilding. For the next hour and a half we lifted weights, toured every inch of the place, stared at all the pictures of the famous bodybuilders on the walls, and generally had a great time. We stopped at the gift shop and bought a couple of things to commemorate the day. I finished paying and looked up and pointed near the entrance.
“It’s Arnold,” I said. Sure enough, it was the Terminator himself. My daughter gasped, “Let’s get a picture!”
By the time we got to him he was talking to two guys who were in the gym but came out to meet him. Standing next to them we overheard their entire conversation. He was encouraging them and complementing them on their strength and size. When they left, my daughter asked for a pic with us.

“Shu-uh”, he replied. We thanked him for his time and he wished us a good day before riding off on his electric bike. He honestly could not have been more gracious or down-to-earth.
Photos of American factories
According to Donald Trump and Joe Biden, American industries will eventually return, and when that does, the American industrial might will be unstoppable. Let’s take a look at some of the factories that will roar back into life.

If there was ever a movie that relates to the crazy world that we live in today, it is the Peter Sellers movie “Dr. Strangelove”.
Dr. Strangelove LDRip test
And the USA is busy trying to “suppress” and “hurt” Russia…
Russian retail chain ‘DNS’ confirms hack after data leaked online
Russian retail chain ‘DNS’ (Digital Network System) disclosed yesterday that they suffered a data breach that exposed the personal information of customers and employees.
DNS is Russia’s second-largest computer and home appliance store chain, with 2,000 branches and 35,000 employees.
According to the scant details provided in the announcement, a group of hackers residing outside the Russian Federation exploited a security gap in the company’s IT systems and accessed customer and employee details.
“We have already found gaps in the protection of our information infrastructure and are working to strengthen information security in the company,” says the DNS announcement.
While the firm has not provided details on what information was compromised, it clarified that the hackers didn’t steal user passwords and payment card data, as that data isn’t stored on their systems.
DNS data leaked on hacker forum
DNS’ disclosure of a security breach comes hours after a threat actor began leaking the company’s data on a hacking forum, allegedly stolen by a hacking group known as ‘NLB Team.’
The data was allegedly stolen on September 19 and contains full names, usernames, email addresses, and phone numbers of DNS customers and employees for 16 million people.

Full Article HERE. CIA and NSA been really busy harassing Russia.
Why is democracy not a convenient choice for China?
First of all, you’re talking about liberal Western democracy. This model is based on multiparty elections.
China has a different model of democracy, one that is based on a one-party system.
So it’s incorrect to say that China doesn’t have a democracy. It’s just not your model of democracy.
Second, China’s democratic model has proven to be far more effective for the Chinese. It has enabled China to rise from a totally impoverished nation in 1979 to the world’s largest economy by purchasing power parity in just 35 years, an unimaginably short period of time! And it achieved all this without fighting a single war!
No other country in history has risen so large, so quickly, so peacefully. It’s truly an economic miracle.
Third, China did adopt Western democracy back in 1912 when the Republic of China was created. It turned into a colossal disaster. The country was ravaged by warlordism; it was in danger of flying apart at the seams.
Life was bad enough that the Chinese fought a civil war. The ROC was defeated and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) rose in its place.
Fourth, the Chinese have seen liberal democracy failing all around the world. Russia adopted democracy after the fall of the Soviet Union and it also turned into a colossal disaster. India’s democracy held back its economic development — by rights, India’s economy should be comparable to China’s today.
Taiwan adopted democracy around 1990 and its economy has suffered chronic wage stagnation ever since. Taiwan’s parliament is infamous for its brawls.
UK’s democracy allowed the country to be royally fucked by Brexit.
USA’s democracy is in total chaos as the country is plagued by endless social and political problems.
Germany’s democracy allowed the country to be fucked by fuel shortages.
Just about all Western democracies have suffered terrible losses from the pandemic.
Why on earth would China consider adopting liberal democracy again??? What would it have to gain?
Killing Heidi – Mascara
Not popular in the USA, but was in Campsie when I lived there. Take a time machine back to pleasanter times.
America Is Successfully Pursuing ESG = Extreme Shortages Guaranteed
Everything that needs electricity is made with the oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil. In an all-electric world, there will be nothing to power without oil.
Published Sept 22, 2022 at Heartland From HERE
Ronald Stein is an engineer, senior policy advisor on energy literacy for Heartland, and co-author of the Pulitzer Prize nominated book “Clean Energy Exploitations.”
Energy growth, electricity AND the products made from oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil and the fuels to power ships, planes, militaries, and space programs, are directly linked to prosperity and well-being across the globe.
Today, most of the energy the world consumes is from hydrocarbons, with crude oil being the dominant source of transportation fuels. Today, crude oil is the ONLY source for the oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil that makes more than 6,000 products for society.
President Biden’s U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) projections are that world energy consumption of crude oil, coal, natural gas, electricity from renewables, and nuclear will grow by 56 percent between 2010 and 2040. Without any replacements or clones to what fossil fuels can provide the EIA forecasts that fossil fuels will continue to supply nearly 80 percent of world energy use through 2040
President Biden and Sacramento leaders, from Governor’s Brown, Schwarzenegger, and now Newsom, have supported reductions of in-state oil production. And all remain supportive of Biden’s pledge that “we are going to get rid of fossil fuels”.
Another way to interpret Biden and Newsom’s pledge for an all-electric world:
- Biden and Newsom are oblivious to the reality that everything that needs electricity is made from the oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil. In an all-electric world with JUST wind and solar electricity from breezes and sunshine, there will be nothing to power.
- Biden and Newsom believe that the products and fuels manufactured from fossil fuels, are supporting lifestyles and economies, are dangerous and polluting and is causing dangerous climate change.
- Biden and Newsom believe that all the infrastructures developed in less than two centuries, from the products manufactured from crude oil, are not needed by future societies, such as medical, electronics, communications, and the many transportation infrastructures such as airlines, merchant ships, automobiles, trucks, military, the space program.
- Biden and Newsom believe that an all-renewable electricity system from unreliable weather conditions, WITHOUT the products and fuels from fossil fuels, can work to support a modern economy.
America is in fast pursuit toward achieving President Biden’s stated goal that “we are going to get rid of fossil fuels”.
Today, Biden supports and encourages banks and investment giants to collude to reshape economies and energy infrastructure with their Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) divesting in fossil fuels movement. ESG is an extremely dangerous precedent as the American people never voted to give banks this sort of control over our country.
With no known replacement for crude oil, Biden and the ESG believers need to be careful about eliminating “all” 3 fossil fuels!
America continues to contribute to China’s domination as divesting in crude oil, the same oil that changed the world after 1900, guarantees shortages and inflation in perpetuity of products supporting societies and economies.
It seems obvious that the efforts to cease the use of crude oil may be the greatest threat to civilization. Attempting to attain a decarbonized world like the one that existed in the 1800’s and before, could result in Billions of fatalities for the eight billion on earth from disease, malnutrition, and weather-related deaths, versus the projections of millions of fatalities from changes in climate.
The world leaders are experiencing a “dangerous delusion” of a global transition to “just electricity” that eliminates the use of the fossil fuels that made society achieve so much in a few centuries.
There were almost 700 oil refineries as of January 2020, but as a result on continuous over regulations and permitting delays and the worldwide support of the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) to divest in fossil fuels, the right operating model and level of integration will be crucial for survival and sustained profitability of refineries.
Consequently, one in five American oil refineries are expected to cease operations over the next five years. One in five is 20 percent, or almost 140 refineries expected to be shuttered worldwide, resulting in a 20 percent decline in the products manufactured to meet the ever-increasing demands form society. With the reduction in manufacturing capabilities, shortages and inflation in perpetuity are likely the new norm!
As of 2021, there were eighty-eight new facilities in planning or under construction in Asia and Europe is set to see an addition of twelve petroleum refineries.
The amount of oil fed through refineries in Asia has significantly increased in the past three decades as demand for petroleum products surged in developing countries such as China and India.
China is on track to succeed the United States as the country with the greatest oil refinery throughput.
Today, America’s energy policies support being held hostage to unstable Petro-powers and the vagaries of foreign crude oil supplies to meet America’s demands.
The key challenge is meeting the growing demand for energy in an environmentally friendly and safe manner. Energy supplies are crucial to economic growth in both developed and developing countries to power businesses and homes, connect communities across boundaries, provide safe water, move commodities, and ultimately promote human and economic development.
While renewables continue to underperform in the generation of electricity, subsidies continue for wind and solar power plants based on “nameplate ratings”. Wind and solar should be penalized when they cannot deliver that for which they have been permitted. And while America promotes the “nameplate farce” of wind and solar, crude oil continues to be targeted for elimination along with coal and natural gas, even though oil is seldom used for generating electricity.
The unintended consequences of attempting to rid America and the world of crude oil usage are being realized in supply shortages and soaring prices resulting from the elimination of products and fuels manufactured from crude oil that support:
- Asphalt for roughly sixty-five million miles of roads in the world
- Tires for the 1.4 billion vehicles in the world
- Fertilizers to feed the world on this increasingly resource-stretched and crowded earth.
- Medical supplies that are primarily made from oil derivatives
- Jets that comprise more than 50,000 for military, commercial, and private sector.
- Merchant ships that comprise more than 53,000 that move products throughout the world
- Vehicles that are mostly made of plastics
- Renewables of wind turbines and solar panels that are made from oil derivatives
Simply put, the goal to “electrify everything” is a de facto energy tax on low- and middle-income citizens that could add more instability to already proven unstable power grids.
It is mind boggling that America continuously perpetuates greater reliance on foreign countries for the products demanded by society, and for the exotic minerals and metals to support wind, solar, and EV batteries. America is successfully pursuing ESG, i.e., Extreme Shortages Guaranteed and inflation in perpetuity that is associated with unreliable supplies to meet ever increasing demands.
“You’ll have to answer to the Coca-Cola company”
Crime Is Slamming NYC And Chicago
The NY Daily News, which has supported defunding the police, no cost bail, and all the other left wing soft on criminals policies, seems surprised
Violent, unprovoked attacks have New Yorkers on edge: ‘There is something profoundly wrong’
They are the buzzwords of New York City crime circa 2022: Random and unprovoked.
A chilling spate of recent incidents involving innocent victims runs the gamut from a woman savagely beaten inside a Queens subway station to a 17-year-old Brooklyn girl killed by a stray bullet to a Mexican immigrant nearly killed by a sucker-punch outside a Manhattan restaurant.
The latest terrifying attack took the life of a veteran city EMS lieutenant on her way to grab lunch in Astoria this past Thursday, with a schizophrenic stranger knocking her to the sidewalk before stabbing her 20 times for no apparent reason.
“There’s something profoundly wrong with New York,” said Mary Hassler, 66, an Astoria resident and cosmetics sales person. “The number of these attacks are growing. There seems to be more and more all the time.
Hey, NYC residents voted for this when they voted in a Leftist mayor, leftist city council, and leftist District Attorney. They’re literally getting what they voted for. If you would have asked them if they supported defunding, no cash bail, etc, a few years ago they would have said “yes!”
But the department reports an uptick so far this year in 911 calls involving emotionally disturbed people. Through Sept. 29, police cited an 8% hike with the latest numbers at 131,199 — roughly 500 per day, up from 128,488 over the same stretch of 2021.
And in a year when the NYPD reported a nearly 12% drop in homicides, there was also a citywide 37% jump in robberies and a 43% increase in grand larceny as New Yorkers expressed their fears about the ongoing situation.
Like in California, criminals feel emboldened to do crime. And what does a city council member recommend?
I love the first section, where, under Direct, it’s recommended you “repeat the same statements until the person causing harm corrects their behavior or exits.” Right, right, that’s totally feasible. Of course, they could be exiting because they’ve already filled their bag with goods and it’s time to go.
And in Chicago
Several experts reacted to the CEO of McDonald’s suggesting his company could be the next to flee Chicago’s crime wave by telling Fox News Digital that progressive policies and defund the police rhetoric have created a dangerous situation that will cause even more businesses to flee and most negatively impact the most vulnerable communities in the city.
In a mid-September speech, McDonald’s CEO Chris Kempczinski said Chicago is a “city in crisis” and that rising crime has made it more difficult to recruit employees to the company’s downtown West Loop headquarters with many scared to return to in-person work after the pandemic due to safety concerns. (snip)
Crime in Chicago, which has skyrocketed since the Black Lives Matter riots and defund the police rhetoric that evolved from the death of George Floyd in 2020, has been cited by other businesses as the reason to pack up and leave. Heritage Foundation senior research fellow in the Center for Health and Welfare Policy Robert Moffit told Fox News Digital that the exodus leaves lower income workers to fend for themselves in a city where police morale and staffing has plummeted due in part to defund the police rhetoric.
Again, the residents of Chicago advocated for this. They voted fro uber-left wing nuts. Now they’re getting what they asked for and are upset. Too be perfectly honest, I have no sympathy. I do, though, not want them to leave and come to the safer non-loony leftist areas.
The Surveillance State: Intelligence Community Developing AI Tool To Unmask Anonymous Writers
A press release on Tuesday from the ODNI revealed that the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), their research and development arm, is starting work on the Human Interpretable Attribution of Text Using Underlying Structure program – HIATUS for short.
Why couldn’t Tibet, Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and other regions within China that resist CCP’s rule form a coalition with US, and Japan and other anti-China nations to fight against China and declare independence?
What makes you think that Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong are resisting CCP rule?
In a survey of all provinces in China last year on the people’s approval rating for China’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, Xinjiang gave the highest approval rating. That is not consistent with a province that resists China’s leadership.

The Dalai Lama states that Tibet does not want to be independent from China
As for Hong Kong, it is now peaceful after the Legislative Council accepted the Security Law that the Chinese leadership gave to them and they have implemented it without any participation from China.
Stop spreading the US lies against China!
Dr. Strangelove (6/8) Movie CLIP – No Point in Getting Hysterical (1964) HD
The Traub Motorcycle

In 1967 or ’68, a plumber doing renovation work on a building in a quiet North Center neighborhood of Chicago broke through an old wall to discover a hidden space. Inside this time capsule, hidden for over 50 years, stood a pristine motorcycle. The paint, white rubber tires and even the leather of the seat were incredibly well preserved, and it was soon realized that almost every part of the bike had been meticulously hand crafted.
It was truly an one-off, possibly one of the rarest motorcycles in the world, and the only clue to its origins lay in the name “Traub” which was painted on the tank and cast on the engine covers.
The elderly owners of the building were tracked down and told about the mystery, and they admitted that their son had stolen the motorcycle in 1917; how it came to be walled up in the building is still unknown, and after their son had been killed in the First World War it had been left there all but forgotten.

Almost every item on it had been engineered and manufactured specifically for this bike; aside from a Schebler carburetor, Bosch magneto, Troxel Jumbo seat and a period wheel rim there are no shared components from any other motorcycle of that era. The pistons are hand made and have gap-less cast iron rings and much of the engineering and machining is years ahead of its time.

The v-twin engine is unique to the Traub; with a sand-cast, hand-built, 80 cubic-inch side valve motor and a three-speed transmission thought to be one of the first of its kind. The rear brake setup is also unique, consisting of a dual-acting system that employs a single cam that pushes an internal set of shoes, while simultaneously pulling an external set of contracting shoes.
The motorcycle utilizes two clutch levers; the conventional foot-operated mechanism along with a hand lever that sits alongside the fuel tank on the left side. The lever gate for the shifter is also unique, operating what could have been the first three-speed gearbox on an American motorcycle. The transmission has two separate neutral positions, between first and second gear and again between second and third, marked on the shift mechanism with a zero.

The powerhouse is a beautifully crafted 78ci V-twin engine with a 4in stroke and a 3 7/16in bore; 1,278cc, which was large for the time. (The majority of big displacement motorcycle engines from the Traub’s era were around 1,000cc (61ci). Using a side-valve arrangement, the top of the cylinders feature a gas primer valve, adjustable crankcase breather and unique engine mounts.
After its discovery, the motorcycle was first traded to Torillo Tacchi, a motorcycle shop owner in Chicago, in exchange for a $700 Suzuki. Tacchi restored it and kept the bike for some 10 years. He later sold it to Bud Ekins (Steve McQueen’s stuntman) while Ekins was on set of the Blues Brothers movie in the late 1970s. The Traub was later sold to California collector and restorer, Richard Morris, who then sold it to Wheels Through Time Museum curator, Dale Walksler, in 1990.
It has been on permanent display in the museum collection ever since.
Allegedly the only parts that had to be fabricated in the final restoration were the base gaskets; the bike is so perfectly machined that no other gasket was used anywhere in the engine, one more significant indicator that this was not a mass-production machine.

For many years a mystery lingered as to who had built the Traub, and whether any other examples existed.

In the May 25, 1907 issue of Motorcycle Illustrated a letter was printed from a Richard “Traut”, 749 North Paulina Street, Chicago, Illinois;
“Dear Sir – Enclosed find one dollar for which send me The Motorcycle Illustrated beginning with June issue. Also find enclosed picture and specifications of a motorcycle made by myself throughout engine and all. I worked on this cycle about one year, putting in the time only between 7 pm and 11 pm. I also worked Sundays. This motorcycle has no wonderful qualities, but will run as good as any four-horsepower motorcycle I know of. Specifications – Wheelbase, 55 inches; tank capacity, 3 1/2 gallons gasoline, 1 gallon oil, sufficient for 125 miles; power, 4 horsepower; bore and stroke 3 1/4 by 4 inches; auxiliary gasoline tank, 1/2 gallon; speed, more than the roads will stand; perfect grip control; throttle and spark motor is geared 3 3/4 to 1; it has a cycle chain with washers and does good service; has never troubled me yet, and I rode all of 1,500 miles. The belt is not my own idea. Tanks have gauge glasses, so you can see at an instant how much gasoline you have. Hoping to see this in print, I am. “

Gottlieb Richard Traub is listed in the 1900 census at this address; his occupation was simply noted as “a laborer”.
In the 1910 census a Richard Traub lived at 1520 North Paulina St .,Chicago, with the same family members as resided at 749 North Paulina. He was born on 23rd of March, 1883, in Chicago; of German descent, a common heritage in that neighborhood. In 1910 he was 27 years old, and a now said to be a “toolmaker at a factory”. According to his WW1 draft registration of 1917-18 he was still at 1520 North Paulina, but most interestingly he was then listed as a self employed ‘experimental machinist’. Two years later in 1920 he was at the same address, his occupation shown as “a laborer at an experimenting co.”
By 1930 he had moved to Park Ridge Illinois, possibly as plater or chromer at an experimental company. His 1942 draft registration card has him self employed in Park Ridge. There are references to him building telescopes in Park Ridge in the 1940’s, and he died in 1952 aged 69. He was buried in Concordia Cemetery, Forest Park Illinois.
It should be noted that North Paulina st. in Chicago is in the same neighborhood, and in fact may be the same street, as the building where the motorcycle was found in 1967.

Garlic-Butter Orzo Chicken Casserole
Find 20 minutes and this luscious, Caprese salad-inspired, chicken casserole can be tonight’s dinner. The trick to the quick prep is coating the raw ingredients with rich and aromatic seasonings before baking. The chicken breasts get rubbed with olive oil, Italian seasoning and a dash of red pepper flakes and placed atop a garlicky, buttery bed of orzo and tomatoes. Then the casserole gets sealed up tight with foil, so the flavors can concentrate and meld in the oven. It won’t take long before you’re enjoying the savory aroma—and flavor—of this dish!

Garlic-Butter Orzo
- 1 cup uncooked orzo or rosamarina pasta
- 1 cup Progresso™ chicken broth (from 32-oz carton)
- 2 tablespoons butter, melted
- 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
- 2 cups halved cherry tomatoes
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
- 4 boneless skinless chicken breasts (6 to 8 oz each)
- 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese (4 oz)
- 2 tablespoons thinly sliced fresh basil leaves

Gorillaz – Feel Good Inc. (Official Video)
Protector HMS (A173)
This is a scale model of the HMS Protector. I actually like the design and enjoy looking at this model as it is a true beauty. Please enjoy.

You can buy the model HERE.
Breaking Bad Season 4: Episode 8: Hector Salamanca spare Gus’s life
When delivering pizza or other food, what is the most surprising thing that has happened to you?
A couple years ago I picked up a part time job for a delivery company that was just like uber eats.
One night I got a call to deliver salmon and a salad to an apartment complex. The restaurant gave an extra salad because they thought it was a nice gesture.
Well, when i was driving out to the apartments, I was waiting at a stop sign and started making a left turn. I didn’t see it right away, but a car was speeding at about 40 in a 25. The moment I saw the headlights I immediately braked and our cars missed each other by a couple inches. Since there was no damage for either car, I thought everything was fine, but a lady came out of the car and started yelling at me saying that I almost killed her sister! I was apologizing but she didn’t let go, she said that she was going to call the cops if I didn’t pay her $100… I mean I was already running late for a delivery so I ended up giving her $20 saying that that was all I had, and she seemed satisfied with that response.
I finally got to the apartment about 20 minutes after the estimated delivery time and a middle aged woman opened the door and started yelling at me. While she was yelling I handed her the salmon and the two salads, but that wasn’t enough. The lady said, “my salmon is mangled, and I didn’t order any salads. WHERE’S MY POTATO.” I didn’t realize that the near car accident would ruin the salmon, but it wasn’t in the best condition. I apologized about the salmon and asked about the potato. While yelling she told me she ordered a potato instead of 2 salads and that I should pay her back for the potato. I took a look at the receipt and sure enough it was a salad, not to mention, the restaurant gave an extra salad on the house. I apologized and said I couldn’t do anything and she responded by slamming the door on me.
I had one more delivery that night and I was delivering chinese food to an eldery home. I buzzed in and a sweet granny opened the door. She gave me a tip in coins while apologizing for how small the tip was. One of the coins was an old timey car wash coins. After such a terrible day, that grandma and her car wash coin made my day.

The Doomsday Machine in Dr. Strangelove
If living in mainland China is so bad, why don’t Chinese people just leave abroad? Are Chinese citizens forbidden to leave?
It isn’t so bad. In fact, it’s very good for hundreds of millions of people. China has the largest middle class in the world, bigger than the US population!
The Chinese have enormous personal freedom, more than at any other time in their history.
I could go on and on, but the best thing for you to do is to go visit China. You will be utterly amazed. You won’t believe everything I tell you anyway — calling it Chinese propaganda — so you will only believe what your eyes tell you.
What conversations have you overheard in a language they assumed you don’t know?
I was in the metro, going to attend a seminar at Delhi University.
Two guys were standing just next to my seat.
Suddenly, they started speaking in German, not knowing that I too knew German. They were actually practising the language.
The whole conversation was something like this in the German language:
Guy 1 — What did you do the whole day?
Guy 2 — I got up, took bath, dropped mom at the bank, came back home and had breakfast.
Guy 1 — let’s talk about something interesting. Choose a topic.
Guy 2 — hmmm…. Let’s have some casual talk.
Guy 1 — like?
Guy 2 — let’s talk about this girl.
Until now, I was careless but suddenly I became conscious, hearing this. I wondered if they were going to talk about me because there was one more girl sitting nearby.
Guy 1— I like this girl. But I don’t like her blue bag.
(Mmmm…..Mmm…it was me😅).
Guy 2 — but I like her dressing sense. She looks smart.
Guy 1 — what if she is boring.
Guy 2 — what if she is charming.
Guy 1 — You look interested in her.
Guy 2 — Shall I propose to her?
And then, both burst into laughter. I was finding it very difficult to stay calm. I was enjoying their conversation as I was also a student, learning the same language.
While getting down from the metro, I told them in German — “Sie sprechen sehr gut Deutsch.” (You speak German very well.)
On this, they were shocked. Speechless. Now, it was my turn to laugh.

Fat Dom Gets Whacked By Silvio And Carlo
Why has the US become increasingly unstable in its domestic and foreign policy over the past several decades?
This is the failure of US capitalism.
For the first 200 years of its history, US capitalism worked well. It made America wealthy and prosperous. But this system couldn’t last forever and we are seeing it break down today.
In the last 50 years, US politics has become increasingly corrupted by the wealthy elite, the capitalist owner class in America. The American worker class has become essentially slaves. Their needs are not being met. Health care and housing and education are unaffordable. Homelessness is rampant. Gun violence is rampant. Systemic racism is rampant. Infrastructure is crumbling. Mass incarceration is at the highest level in the world.
Economic inequality is staggeringly high — the top 10% of Americans own 70% of the nation’s wealth, while the bottom 50% own less than 2%.
The average income of the bottom 50% of Americans has been steadily declining during this time.
US Congressmen are bought and paid for by the wealthy elite. They no longer have the welfare of the people in mind. Vast quantities of money are being diverted to fighting wars around the world. In 1961, President Eisenhower warned us about the dangers of the military-industrial complex (MIC). And we’re seeing the consequences of the MIC’s unbridled power today…
- Over $2 trillion were spent on the war in Afghanistan.
- We have major humanitarian crises in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Ukraine.
- Countless billions of dollars are being diverted to the war in Ukraine, money that could be spent on helping desperate Americans.
The US national debt has surpassed $30 trillion. Can anybody truly wrap their heads around this number?
Corruption is a cancer that’s eating away at America. And there’s no cure or treatment for it. It’s terminal.
They love us right back and they show it every single day. It’s been a beautiful lesson to learn.

We have walked through fire together, Me and my little fire walker.
He has made me feel so brave.
Loving him was like breathing.

March 7, 2003 – February 16, 2021
Corey Hart – Sunglasses At Night (Countdown 1984)
I was in MAJestic training. Living in Ridgecrest, CA.
Is eating out in Asia really as cheap as many people say?
In Beijing, I lived on an amazing breakfast food called Jianbing.
It’s an egg-based pancake with spicy pastes spread on top. You then place a crispy pork belly on top of that, with spring onions etc. and then wrap it all up.

Here it is being made.

The finished product.
The price for this magic?
3 Yuan.
That’s under 40 cents in United States currency.
China’s economy is collapsing due to its zero Covid policy and Xi’s arbitrary policies, why are Western politicians still worried about China threats?
China’s Economic Collapse?
Xi Jinping’s dictatorship?
Gosh, there are so many jokes in one question. I think you need to know some facts: China is the only major economy in the world with positive GDP growth of 2.3% year-on-year in 2020, and the top major economy with GDP growth of 8.1% year-on-year in 2021. If that’s a “collapse”, what is progress?

Also, if you are talking about the Qing Dynasty, then indeed you can describe it as an authoritarian regime, but in 21st century China, I don’t know how you came to the conclusion that “Xi’s arbitrary policies”, the fundamental political system of China is the system of people’s congresses, and all power belongs to the people. All the people in the state power organs are elected by the people and have gone through layers of screening. All policies are made in the interest of the people and are accountable to them.

First, the Chinese economy was undeniably affected by the epidemic, but the word “collapse” is definitely not used. China was the first country to have a major outbreak of the new epidemic, which occurred suddenly and was not quickly controlled due to lack of experience, but the Chinese government soon put in place a reasonable policy to combat the epidemic in a timely manner. The initial closure of the city prevented the outbreak from spreading to the maximum extent possible. Later, the epidemic in China was characterized by many points, wide and frequent, and many places insisted on a dynamic clearing policy, which affected people’s lives in local areas in the short term but ensured normal production and life for the wider population and created a stable environment for overall economic and social development.

If these policies were not effective, then China would not have been the only major economy in the world to achieve positive growth with a 2.3% year-on-year GDP growth in 2020. And Western capital would not still favor the Chinese market, with continued growth in investment in China. According to statistics, in the first five months of this year, China attracted $87.77 billion in foreign investment, up 22.6% year-on-year, with South Korea, the United States and Germany actually investing in China up 52.8%, 27.1% and 21.4%, respectively. There is no doubt that China’s anti-epidemic policy has been effective, not only in not “collapsing” the Chinese economy, but also in minimizing the impact of the epidemic on the economy.

Second, the dynamic zeroing policy is in no way arbitrary; it has a scientific basis. Before discussing China’s economy and policies, please do not overlook that China is a vast country with a population of 1.4 billion. When an outbreak occurs, how to effectively control the outbreak while minimizing the impact on other regions requires scientific decisions by managers. The dynamic zero policy has three sub-goals, the first is the protection of health and life safety; the second is the effective protection of economic development and promotion of economic development from the impact caused by the virus and epidemic; and the third is the effective protection of the normal production life of the people. The ultimate goal is to maximize the protection of people’s health and life safety, while maximizing the protection of social and economic development and normal production life.
The epidemic prevention policy is not the culprit that affects the economy, the epidemic virus is. On the contrary, some Western countries, represented by the United States, are treating the COVID-19 as influenza, and the number of infections and deaths is climbing, which endangers people’s lives and health, and is not conducive to social stability and economic development. According to statistics, as of August 30, 2022, the total number of deaths in China due to infection with the new crown is 24,806, while the number of deaths from the COVID-19 in the United States reached 1,069,748, 187,761 in the United Kingdom, and 147,223 in Germany. Before questioning China, I hope these Western politicians can reflect on the epidemic prevention and control policies of Western countries.

Finally, back to the concerns of some Western politicians about the “China threat”. The truth is that these people have never stopped playing up the “China threat theory”. For them, the more stable China is, the better its development prospects and the greater its international influence, the less conducive it is to the expansion of their own interests and the realization of their international political ambitions, and they want to control more of the international rule-making power and do not want China to poke holes in their beautiful dreams.
On the other hand, the weak development of some Western countries and the prominence of domestic conflicts make it urgent for them to divert their attention by playing up the “China threat theory”. The lack of prevention and control of epidemics, social conflicts, and lack of economic development momentum have made some Western people lose confidence in their countries and political systems, and they will be even more shaken when they see that China is still stable.
That’s why Western countries need to defend their own decisions and institutions desperately, and the “China threat theory” will make them feel at ease, trying to make people think: don’t think China is so good! China’s development is a threat to the world! How else can they maintain their long-standing sense of superiority?

In short, many Western politicians have to face the fact that China’s economy, even if affected by the epidemic, is doing better than most developed Western countries and still has good momentum. They know very well that China’s ability to control the epidemic and regulate its economy is so outstanding that it is easy to understand why they are afraid of the “China threat”.
Dr. Strangelove- “Wing Attack Plan R?”
Southeast Asia makes up ASEAN. It sounds like SEA is on par if not surpassing their European Union counterparts.

Blazing Saddles (3/10) Movie CLIP – Harrumphing with the Governor (1974) HD
The US has two options with China, prepare to be #2 or stop China from being #1. What’s the best option for the US?
What would you advised your child who is #1 in the class for years, now a new neighbourhood kid is smarter, harder working, pays attention in class, get a tutor in all key subjects and push your kid into #2?
Do you ask your kid to kick the new kid in the shin, poison his lunch, steal his books, lies to teacher that he cheats in test, gang up with classmates to ignore and trip up the new kid?
That is what the US did precisely.
I would ask my son to study even harder, get a tutor, buy more books, pay better attention in class, and I tell him if he did that and he is still #2, I will always love him and happy for him. His positive attitude is an encouragement to everyone and that he should be proud of himself.
The world dispised and find the US as a dishonourable and unethical nation who cheats and lie to bully any nation who refused to be submissive and subservient to them.
Hence its global stature is down in the drains.
Sugababes – Push The Button (Official Music Video)
Have you ever tried to annoy a scammer who called you? If so, what happened?
Yes!!!! Now they’re all automated robot calls. but, I liked “live” ones. Especially if I was bored.
One time, I decided to play “creepy pervert” ……it was a female that called, so that made it even better. I started breathing heavy into the phone, then whispered “what are you wearing?….tell me as you are taking it off”….CLICK!!!!!!!
Another time, I answered and he said “Hello, How are you today!”………well…….he ASKED!!!!! so, I told him…..”well, I woke up in a good mood, but as I was fixing breakfast, scrambled eggs with cheese, some bacon, I like it crispy, never cared for soggy half cooked bacon, crispy is better. Well, I dropped my favorite coffee mug. It broke into a million pieces! I tried to fix it, but I had NO glue! can you imagine?! I ALWAYS have glue in the junk drawer. do you have a junk drawer? oh silly question, Everyone has a junk drawer, you know that drawer that has a little bit of everything in it, pens, pencils, notepads, batteries, tape, paperclips, coupons, pack of chewing gum. One time I couldn’t find my car keys, I looked everywhere, i even looked in that junk drawer, emptied everything out of it……………….I just rambled ON and ON til he just hung up.
Another time……I did “the paranoid person”…….”hello how are you today?”…….How did you get this number? I know its you! you’re never going to get me!! Ive seen you, outside my house, in the dark! you think I don’t know you are there, I know you’re there! I see you! you’re there right now aren’t you!?
When i don’t have time to play, I just say Oh!!! hi! great, um, can you hold on for a minute? and I put the phone down……go do whatever, dishes, vacuum, etc. every now and then I pick it up Are you still there? just give me one more second!…put phone down again.
…smoking a cigarette. Horrible habit, I know. 4 young men rushed me, decided they wanted my car, beat me up, and wanted my keys. I told them the keys were in the house. They decided to go in. What they weren’t expecting were my 2 80lb Pit Bulls. They are sweethearts and the kindest dogs you’ll ever know but protect their home and owner with finesse. My beautiful babies charged these assholes and stood over me as I lay on the floor of my garage, forever protecting me. They are rescues. Unwanted dogs. They saved my life. Please consider adopting a rescue. They might save your life too.

What is some dish you ate that was so delicious that you’ll remember it for life?
Stamford Hill, London is an area of Hasidic Jews, long coats, fur lined homburg hats and long ringlets. I used to live there.
I came across a tiny Jewish shop advertising “Corned beef sandwiches”
Two huge slabs of bread with an inch of corned beef between, some hot mustard and sauerkraut on the side and a couple of pickles.

That was 50 years ago and I can still taste it.
Why don’t the Chinese people get rid of Xi Jinping?
Um, why should they? Xi Jinping is one of the greatest leaders China has ever had.
Under his watch, China…
- eradicated absolute poverty in 2020, elevating over 850 million people, according to the World Bank
- added over 30,000 km of new high-speed rail to the existing 9,000 km
- launched the most ambitious infrastructure project in human history known as the Belt and Road Initiative
- largely eliminated corruption within the Chinese government
- led the world in 5G, AI, mobile payments, quantum computing, Thorium reactors, etc.
- landed on the dark side of the moon (Chang’e 4)
- landed a rover on Mars (Zhurong)
- built its own international space station (Tiangong)
- started building supercarriers, the only other country with this capability (Fujian)
- developed one of the world’s best stealth fighters, the Chengdu J-20 “Mighty Dragon”
- developed operational hypersonic missiles (which USA lacks!)
- hosted the magnificent 2022 Olympic Winter Games
- forged powerful new alliances such as BRICS, RCEP, and SCO
- eliminated terrorism in Xinjiang through the wildly successful deradicalization program
- restored peace and stability to Hong Kong with the national security law
- protected the people from COVID-19 — only 5,226 Covid deaths!
I’ll stop here ‘cuz I don’t want to embarrass China.
Xi Jinping has been so successful as a leader that China’s government garnered the highest level of trust in the world in the last 5 years!

Blow Up The Pokies – The Whitlams
Should China abandon its Made in China 2025 plans to avoid stepping on the USA?
Not at all.
China should add China 2030, China 2035, China 2040….. on top of China 2025.
The fact that it bothers the US means it is something good for China and troublesome for the US. Hence it must and it will persue more vigorously. Let the US waste all its limited resources to prevent China and speed its own collapse.
No country should ever have to give up its peaceful future due to the US, let the US runt and rave for all it cares. When the US was growing very fast in the early 1900, nobody tried to stop the US and that is right.
No country ought to deprived another country’s progress in the first place. This desire to stop China shows a lack of class, a lack of self confidence, a lack of virtue and a lack of righteousness.
Why do majority of Singaporeans have neutral opinions on everything, even during times of injustice? Many Singaporeans told me that they are neutral on Ukraine war and Uyghur genocide.
The Singaporean population is 74.3% Chinese. They understand what is happening back in China. And Singaporeans as a whole are very intelligent people capable of critical thinking and pragmatism. They see things as they are. They aren’t falling for Western propaganda on Ukraine or the Uighurs. They know the truth is more complex than how the US makes it out to be. Although, their government sided with the US on Ukraine and I was disappointed to see that. I hope that doesn’t become a trend in Singaporean government. But it also seems that their official stance as a government is neutrality.
But the people themselves are very clear headed. I have confidence in the people of Singapore to look after their interests of making Singapore a strong country and to do what is best for their people.
Best of Dr. Strangelove
How are weebs seen in Japan?
Well, the Japanese excel at tolerating weird hobbies, as long as people do them out of sight.
But yes, being a hardcore anime fan does carry a stigma, even in Japan. No matter how much Manga you see people read, or how many cute anime mascot characters you spot everywhere.
Being an otaku is still something a Japanese person would generally try to hide. Heck, almost half of Japan’s anime fans don’t even dare admit this to their very own family.

Also, don’t believe everything you see on the net.
This for example, despite being widely shared, is 100% fake.
Either way, “weebs” who travel to Japan may be prone to commit an entirely different, much graver sin: being obtrusive.
Some will expect Japan to conform to their fantasies. Some will act the way they see Japanese act in anime (bluntly). Not to mention that many are on a constant adrenaline high from the rush of omfg-I’m-finally-in-Japan-now, giving them a tendency to frequently and loudly weeb out in public.
Of course reality catches up with them.
But until then, many not only act like freaks, but like obnoxious freaks.
Words fail me to express how much you just don’t do that as a Japanese.
Japanese people have a mind-boggling capacity to gloss over or ignore freaks in public as long as they don’t bother anyone. Being obtrusive or even obnoxious however? That is close to being the ultimate sin there. It immediately places you at the bottom of the respect ladder.
Will the Japanese tell foreigners that?
Surprise, generally not.
Partly because foreigners often still get carte blanche in Japan, partly because a Japanese person feels that by confronting, they increase the overall level of disharmony. Meaning they won’t do it unless they need to “protect” others. Like… when other guests at a restaurant feel disturbed.
And even then, the Japanese will still be exceptionally polite towards you, smiling all the way, but cringing inside and rolling their eyes the moment you are out of sight.
So there. “Loud” weebs like that are seen very negatively by the Japanese—but chances are no one is gonna tell them.
Want to dodge that effect?
Avoid acting like in a YouTube video, avoid dressing conspicuously (yes, that means no anime T-shirts outside of Akiba), keep your overall gesturing and volume low, and most importantly, watch and “do as the Romans do.”
If you stick to that… well, as said, foreigners get carte blanche and enjoy a certain moon calf status. This includes being a “weeb.”
Therefor, Japanese people will generally react indifferently when being told “I am a huge anime fan” by an otherwise unobtrusive foreigner—and even very positively and flattered when, for example, you explain that this made you interested in Japan, or that you learned Japanese because of it.
Are the Japanese the only people that eat multiple carbohydrates in one meal, like eating fried rice as a side dish to white rice or eating ramen with another small bowl of rice?
You haven’t visited the UK and Ireland have you?
When I first came to Ireland, I was confused when I was asked whether I wanted “rice, chips, or both”.
“Yeah. Rice and chips.”
Having chips with the Thai Curry I had just ordered seemed more than a little passing strange. It was unfamiliar, uncharted territory. Without GPS.
Since I am somewhat …. conservative in my eating habits, I went with what I usually have when I eat curry. (That would be rice, in case you were wondering).
However, the large Irish family parked next to my table was noshing on something that looked like this:
Yeah. Rice and chips. On the same plate.
(I don’t own any of the pictures below)

I have seen Irish friends eating something called a crisp sandwich.
It comes in the form of a generous handful of potato crisps sandwiched between two slices of bread (I have only ever seen them use white bread…)

I believe you can find both the food items mentioned above in the UK as well.
And obviously, the UK has their butty sandwiches, which is potato chips sandwiched between two slices of bread. (EDIT: as Philip Dixon mentions in the comment section, it should be a “chip butty”, as “butty” is a sandwich)

I confess – I haven’t tried any of the above dishes.
They scare me.
A lot.
By Dawn’s Early Light 1990
This is the FULL MOVIE. If you have the time, then watch it.