Gosh it’s a crazy time. The Drudge report is pure garbage. It’s all non-stop American war-propaganda. Check this out…

Reading about Putin having brain cancer, and that he’s going to be jailed and replaced any day (now) gets old real fast. As does the endless stories of brave Ukrainian fighters and how they expertly use American HIMARS rocket launchers with only weeks training and how they have the Russians running scared. Ugh! Please spare me the endless bullshit.
It’s nauseating.

I’d rather watch traffic lights turning red and green.
Don’t ya know…
Pay attention. The United States is at war. It’s engaging EVERYONE. And the entire domestic spiel is all about war.
Everyone is just flabbergasted in WHAT THE FUCK IS THE USA DOING?
Just now? Nope. It’s all there.
Ok, so the Chinese holiday is ending. As is the unusual heat wave. No longer is Zhuhai an oppressively humid 34C (93F) but it is now a very dry 25C (78F or so). And so it’s pretty nice out.
I still have three days remaining on my “strikes” on you-tube because I provided “misinformation on coronavirus” in variance with “local law enforcement”. Uh hum. Sure.
I can just see the local Chinese baoan talking with the purple haired chicks about my videos on getting swabs. LOL!
Anyways, the value of the dollar keeps on raising against the yuan. This is a good thing. Not bad. Especially for me personally.

What do you think about the Chinese government killing and imprisoning CIA spies in China?
The answers…

Well, the public opinion is running really anti-USA on this American forum…

OK. Enough of that.
Moving on…
Russian nuclear war
Scott Ritter, who knows a bit about nuclear deterrence, has explained Russia’s nuclear doctrine:
NATO and Ukraine both believe that the Russian forces, even after receiving the 300,000 mobilized troops, will not be able to defeat Ukraine. This inability to achieve the desired objectives, they believe, will compel Russia to resort to the use of tactical nuclear weapons on Ukrainian targets in order to break the will to resist on the part of the Zelensky government. The reality, however, is that Russian nuclear doctrine does not allow for such a scenario. Indeed, there are only two conditions where Russian nuclear doctrine permits the employment of nuclear weapons. No 1. “[I]n response to the use of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it and/or its allies,” the 2020 Russian Nuclear Posture document states, or No 2. “in the event of aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons when the very existence of the state is in jeopardy.” U.S. nuclear posture, however, does allow it.
All the war mongering talk and reports about Russia’s alleged threat of nuclear weapon use in Ukraine is totally unfounded. That ‘western’ media suddenly engage in it shows that it is part of a well directed propaganda campaign.
A upcoming false flag event?
One must ask what this propaganda campaign about a non existing threat is really about. Could it be in preparation of a false flag incident in which a U.S or British nuclear device is used in Ukraine to then blame it on Russia as the pretext of an all out military engagement in Ukraine?
Setting off a tactical nuclear weapon as a pretext for a direct US and Polish military incursion into Western Ukraine - perhaps to preserve a Ukrainian rump state there, in the event that Kiev looks likely to fall somewhere down the line in the conflict. False flags and/or WMDs are after all the indisputable standard US MO and playbook for pretexts for military action from the Spanish American War, to Vietnam, to Iraq, to Syria. The Pentagon has been openly and proudly developing and deploying what they call “more usable” battlefield nuclear weapons, specifically for use against Russia and China. And the US is the only country in history to have used nuclear weapons in war on another state, on entire Japanese cities full of people, actually. Or – possibly could this be dog whistle signaling to the Zelenskiy regime or NeoNazi forces in Ukraine about just how to generate the extremis conditions to allow the US to jump directly into the conflict, much like how the US did the same with jihadist forces and chemical weapons “red lines” in Syria.
With Zelenski becoming increasingly unhinged the ‘west’ should be careful what it wishes for.
China says a few words…
China’s Global Times is editorializing about the US losing a nuclear war, and using nuclear weapons in space.
Note to the US – a nuclear war can be won by rivals
... there is no justification for responding to a non-kinetic EMP attack with the killing of millions in a kinetic nuclear counterstrike based only on unverified suspicion. Nuclear war can be won, and Russia and other US competitors are well prepared to emerge as victors. Some advice for the US is don't allow a parochial political agendas or allies to manipulate its decisions.
Nuclear weapons in space might not kill on earth but it would make space unusable for generations to come. Point made HERE
Russian President Vladimir Putin has suggested that Russia is prepared to employ nuclear weapons in defense of its sovereignty. The US dismissed the warning as a bluff and threatened Russia by stating the use of such weapons would be met with unspecified “devastating” consequences.
The US retains faith in the doctrine of mutual assured destruction(MAD). MAD contributed to its Cold War victory, and it is assumed to still be effective today.
Under an umbrella of US MAD deterrence, Ukraine assumes it can now crush Russian aims with modern US conventional weapons and take back what it claims to be its own.
An emboldened Taiwan island could conceivably take a lesson from Ukraine and declare its independence from China.
However, even after Russia was lectured by the US, Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council, emphasized that Russia is not bluffing.
Considering the likelihood that the Biden Administration was misinformed, the sincerity of Russian leaders should be given the benefit of a doubt.
After the Cold War the US cashed in what it called a peace dividend. Funds were diverted from strategic capabilities as the probability of nuclear war seemed negligible.
Instead, the US appointed itself the task of world policeman, enforcing its foreign policy ideals with conventional general purpose and special operations expeditionary forces.
Sensing strategic neglect, in 2004 Congress became concerned for the unique threat posed by nuclear weapons-generated high altitude electromagnetic pulse (EMP).
Experts contended that an EMP would cause nationwide electrical grid anomalies, cascading systems failures, and ultimately unravel the fabric of American society. Even non-state and rogue state actors could defeat the US with only a small number of EMP weapons.
Nevertheless, other funding priorities took precedence. US’ civilian and military systems remain vulnerable to EMP nearly two decades later due to Washington’s continued faith in MAD.
However, Russia and others remain skeptical of the new US-led world order.
Nuclear conflict was not only possible, but perhaps more likely.
Nuclear powers are repelled by memories of the US nuclear bombings in Japan that incinerated two cities and well over one hundred thousand people. Rational nations know that all humanity would suffer planetary devastation and a horrible aftermath in a kinetic nuclear war, and these aspects of MAD still serve as deterrence.
The assumed reliability of MAD has animated the US-supported Ukrainian leadership to disregard Russia’s perspectives.
With similar confidence in the US nuclear umbrella Secessionists on the Taiwan island pursue secession in disregard of China’s sovereignty.
Some may seek to minimize the risks of any nuclear weapons employment because all nations will suffer equally, reinforcing MAD deterrence. But the electrical infrastructure designs of Russia and others have spared no expense in applying Cold War civil defense lessons.
Command economies, long range planning, hardened grids, and stability of centralized leadership further aid their societies in surviving any potential EMP attack.
Given their histories and traditions, those cultures are probably more adept at continued functionality in the absence of amenities and infrastructure than the US.
Others will cite a nuclear adversary’s inescapable accountability for an attack through the positive attribution of a weapon’s launch or delivery.
A perpetrator will be immediately identified and targeted with a devastating counterstrike.
Positive attribution is crucial, but far from guaranteed.
At least 15 nations can access low earth orbit, and many have access to geosynchronous orbit. The real nature of every object launched cannot be known with certainty. Nuclear weapons can also be concealed in and called down from the clutter of the super-synchronous graveyard orbit for surprise use.
At best, positive attribution would take time, during which the EMP-debilitated US comes apart at the seams.
And there is no justification for responding to a non-kinetic EMP attack with the killing of millions in a kinetic nuclear counterstrike based only on unverified suspicion.
Nuclear war can be won, and Russia and other US competitors are well prepared to emerge as victors.
Some advice for the US is don’t allow a parochial political agendas or allies to manipulate its decisions.
Knowing that nuclear war can be won, the US should listen to, acknowledge and respect the core priorities Russia and China to de-escalate tensions in negotiations before it is too late.
The Sopranos – Badass Furio Giunta
Hardly Anyone In Washington Seems To Care About The Future At This Point
Our politicians in Washington are literally destroying our future. But do you see anyone out in the streets protesting their calamitous policies? By now, you have probably heard that the U.S. national debt has hit 31 trillion dollars. To be more precise, as I write this article the U.S. national debt is currently sitting at $31,142,591,307,260.01. It is the largest single debt in the history of the world, and given enough time it would completely destroy our economy all by itself. Unfortunately, hardly anyone in Washington seems to care about our rapidly exploding debt at this point.
In the old days, the Republicans would at least put on a show for us. They would huff and puff about the national debt but then give the Democrats virtually all of the spending that they wanted anyway.
But now they have figured out that such a charade is no longer necessary, because most of their constituents just don’t care.
So most of our politicians no longer even pretend to care about fiscal responsibility. In recent years they have been on the biggest borrowing and spending binge in our entire history, and there are no indications that they ever plan to stop.
They borrow and spend trillions upon trillions of dollars, and they expect you, your children, and your grandchildren to pay it back.
Of course that will never happen.
We are never going to pay back the 31.1 trillion dollars that we have borrowed.
Instead, we are just going to push the accelerator all the way to the floor until we finally go off a cliff.
During the month of August alone, the U.S. government ran a $219.6 billion budget deficit…
Some things never change — such as the federal government spending more money than it has month after month after month. August was no different. The US government ran a massive $219.6 billion budget deficit last month, according to the latest Monthly Treasury Statement. That nudged out July as the second-largest monthly deficit in fiscal 2022.
Sadly, I didn’t hear of anyone in Washington giving a major speech when that happened, because the national debt is not even considered to be an important national issue today.
But our entire standard of living depends on the value of the U.S. dollar. Having the default reserve currency of the world has been such a massive advantage for the United States, and now we are frittering it away.
The rest of the world can see what we are doing.
We are transforming our currency into toilet paper, and it is just a matter of time before it completely collapses.
Today, our politicians are stealing more than 200 million dollars from future generations of Americans every single hour of every single day.
Just think about that.
The old geezers in Washington know that they are near the end of the road.
So they know that they will never have to pay any of this money back.
But they get to spend it on whatever they want.
Of course it was inevitable that all of this borrowing and spending would eventually create rampant inflation, and now we are facing the worst inflation crisis in our history.
Yes, even worse than the Jimmy Carter era of the 1970s.
The Federal Reserve is rapidly hiking interest rates in a desperate attempt to get inflation under control, but that is causing all sorts of problems.
For one thing, the interest payments on our national debt will soon exceed a trillion dollars a year…
According to the Congressional Budget Office, this is exactly what will happen. It projects interest payments will triple from nearly $400 billion in fiscal 2022 to $1.2 trillion in 2032. And it’s worse than that. The CBO made this estimate in May. Interest rates are already higher than those used in its analysis.
Unfortunately, I don’t think that the current system will survive until 2032.
Previous generations handed us the keys to the reserve currency of the world and the greatest economic machine that the planet had ever witnessed.
Sadly, we took those precious gifts and completely destroyed them.
As a society, we have lost all regard for long-term consequences.
Let me give you another example. Joe Biden just announced that he will be releasing more oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve…
“At the president’s direction, the Department of Energy will deliver another 10 million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to the market next month as part of the historic 180-million-barrel release the President ordered back in March. And the President will continue to direct SPR releases as necessary,” she said.
What an incredibly foolish thing to do.
It is only supposed to be used in the event of a national emergency, and what Biden has decided to do is absolutely unprecedented.
The fact that things are not looking good for his party in November is not an “emergency”, and Senator Tom Cotton is not amused…
Whoa, say critics, including Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.). “Well, it’s called the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. It’s not the political petroleum reserve,” Cotton told Fox News’s Laura Ingraham Wednesday night.
We are going to need that oil someday.
But thanks to Biden, most of it will already be gone.
If we found ourselves in the middle of a major war, the worldwide flow of energy supplies would suddenly be greatly restricted. That is the sort of emergency scenario that the Strategic Petroleum Reserve was designed for.
Sadly, thanks to the warmongers in the Biden administration we may soon find ourselves fighting wars with Russia, China, North Korea and Iran simultaneously.
Most Americans have no idea what is going on behind the scenes. Things with North Korea are getting really, really tense, and a major war in the Middle East could erupt at any time.
World War 3 has already started, but thankfully we haven’t gotten to the part where billions of people die just yet.
Unfortunately, our current crop of leaders couldn’t care less about the long-term future of humanity.
So they continue to pursue policies that are incredibly self-destructive, and we are all going to pay a very great price for their foolishness.
November Surprise?
Guest Post by Jim Kunstler
Welcome to the season of chaos, sponsored by the Party of Chaos, America’s Democratic Party, owner and operator of the shadowy “Joe Biden” regime, dedicated to wrecking what’s left of the country — and the rest of Western Civ with it. Do you think I exaggerate? Consider for a moment that your personal ruin — the loss of your freedoms, your livelihoods, and your posterity — is at stake behind the more general demolition of our society.
We are barreling into an election that will determine the composition of Congress. There is much chatter about whether this election will be allowed to happen. Signs and portents point to a grievous loss of power for the Party of Chaos. Power is all they care about — certainly not the public interest or the common good — and a particular sort of power: the power to coerce, persecute, and punish.
It is obvious in everything they do, from the FBI swat-team home invasions of select opponents and the gross mistreatment of the January 6 defendants, to the craven censoring of public speech, to the imposition of medical tyranny and the deadly fraud of Covid shots, to the degenerate insults of their race-and-gender hustles, to their assault on the value of our money, to their sabotage of the oil-and-gas industries, to their treasonous abandonment of border control, to the deliberate perversion of policing and public order, to their promulgation of a faithless and unnecessary war, sharply against our national interests, in faraway Ukraine.
Adults understand that politics is a crooked business, but through the whole of US history until now filters existed in the public arena that allowed for enough sorting out of truth from untruth to enable the formation of a reality-based consensus — which, in turn, allowed daily life to operate coherently. The Party of Chaos has thrown the kill-switch on that crucial function by corrupting the news business and subverting the new social media. The result is a public culture of pervasive and immersive lying, and a stupendous institutional failure of the courts to correct any of that behavior.
Case-in-point: the John Durham Special Counsel Investigation on the origin of the RussiaGate fraud. It now apparently terminates in the prosecution of the tiniest minnow (Igor Danchenko) in that vast inland sea of corruption. Some of the figures who carried out the perfidious seditions of RussiaGate are still employed in the Department of Justice and the FBI, and to this day are active in the continued cover-up of the crimes committed to overthrow President Trump, notably: Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta, DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and others.
Mr. Durham is supposedly among the highest officers of the federal courts charged with enforcing a very particular region of criminality. His staff must be marinated in evidence of the RussiaGate misdeeds — reams of which have been independently documented in the public record, ranging from (just for example) the nefarious activities of figures like Nellie Ohr, wife of DOJ higher-up Bruce Ohr, working as go-between with Christopher Steele and the FBI, to the spectacular failures of Judge James Boasberg and his FISA court, not to mention the well-known machinations of Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe, Rob Rosenstein, Dana Boente, James Baker, Andrew Weissmann, Jeannie Rhee, Aaron Zebley, Brandon Van Grack, Robert Mueller, and other top officials who worked sedulously against the public interest. All these remain apparently off-the-hook for their sketchy activities.
How did that happen? If the Party of Chaos loses control of its Congressional majority, Mr. Durham may have to answer that question. And until he does, American justice will remain a deeply broken institution that citizens can’t trust. In that light, how is our country any better than the most overt petty despotisms around the world? How does it deserve the citizens’ respect or even compliance?
The stakes in the midterm elections are huge for the Party of Chaos, and its worker bees may be capable of any duplicity to throw it off the rails. In my soon-to-drop next podcast, blogger Tom Luongo (of Gold, Goats, and Guns) introduces a surprising twist: the election takes place, he says, but the Party of Chaos finds a way to delay the announcement of the results via procedural shenanigans that go on for weeks after November 8, leaving the country in a state of anxious limbo. What an idea! Such a strategy would wreck the last shred of public trust in elections without having to cancel, postpone, or overtly overthrow the process. It would also invite just the sort of public protest that the Party of Chaos can spin into another insurrection narrative.
I’m strangely confident that there is a hidden column of people that love this country who will not allow this final insulting scam to succeed. Its appearance among us will shock and amaze the multitudes. The rule of the Woke Jacobin maniacs will end. And even though we’ll have to live through the wreckage they brought about, we’ll move about this strange new landscape of hardship in the light of reality-made-visible, seeing clearly what has happened and knowing what we must do to revive our country.
Pat Buchanan on Suicide of a Superpower
Can cats be mad at their humans?
Oh yes! I emigrated to Australia and my buddy, Kaiser von Floppenschnorren, emigrated with me. However, whilst I was exempted from undergoing quarantine, Kaiser had to endure a full 30 days of it.
Let me tell you, when we went to get him released from the Big House, he was as pissed as could be! He shouted at me for the entire trip home and once there, proceeded to shout at me for another half-hour or so until he decided it was time to eat.
My wife took this photo as, like me, she’s had cats all her life, and had never seen such an angry kitty as Kaiser was on that day! He just sat there and shouted!!

Two Dollars… (Better Off Dead)
Have you ever bought a car that didn’t run and found that it was an easy fix?
Yes, actually I didn’t buy it. I got it for free……. It wasn’t a car, But an RV…. Yes an actual RV. It was a 2002, 26 foot class A RV. It was in perfect condition.
Just didn’t run.
Inside was perfect. The RV only had 16000 miles on it. Generator only has 30 hrs on It. The RV was practically new.
The guy that owned it didn’t want it anymore.
He was paying storage to park it. He said he didn’t want to pay storage anymore for an RV that didn’t work. I guess it wouldn’t start one day.
He took it to a shop and they told him the engine was blown and he needed a new one. The cost would have been around $8,000.
So he just parked it.
So this guy who I didn’t know came to my work wanting to dispose of the RV. I said I would take it. I got the RV to my Mechanic.
He looked at it and replaced a $70 part on the fuel system…. RV started right up!!!!!
Ran perfect.
Took it to a smog shop and it passed in a few min. I couldn’t believe it.
I got an $25000 (today’s value, new was over $100k) RV for free!!!! Best RV ever. I have driven that thing all up and down California. Amazing. What a find….

Reports of Mid-Air MISSILE INTERCEPT over Silver City, Yukon

There are reports that today, Thursday, October 6, 2022, there was a mid-air intercept of an incoming missile, over the Yukon Territory of Canada.
Locals in Silver City, Yukon claim that about 8:30 AM local time:
" . . . 2 objects collided mid air high altitude. The first object looked like it came from the north and the second object came from the west. There was a notable boom that shook the windows in the shack I was working in. The one coming from the north wasn't moving that fast but the one from the west was hauling ass. There's no mention on the news about a plane crash or anything but there's been a bunch of military helicopters most of the day in the area."
If a Russian vessel in the Arctic, fired a missile at the US, the trajectory could send it over that part of the Yukon Territory, “from the north.”
If US Missile Defenses in Alaska tracked it, they could have fired a missile interceptor, “from the west.”
Sounds like bullshit to me. -MM
One Crazy Summer – Godzilla
Roasted Tomato Soup
“Recently had an extra pint of cherry tomatoes on hand and was in search of comfort food. Devised this soup in a pinch and thought it was worth sharing. Mine was a quick soup for one but the recipe has been scaled up and uses the more economical Roma tomato. If you have lots of cherry or grape tomatoes — they have a sweetness that pairs beautifully with the vinegar — use them or do a mix with the roma tomatoes. If you are making this Kosher, skip the cheese or be sure to use vegetable broth.”

- 2 lbs plum tomatoes
- 6 garlic cloves, peeled and whole
- 1⁄4 medium red onion
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
- 2 sprigs oregano, remove leaves from stem
- 3 -4 basil leaves
- salt
- pepper
- 2 2 cups fat-free chicken broth or 2 cups water
- 1⁄4 cup parmesan cheese, shaved or grated (optional)
- Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees.
- Wash and cut tomatoes, placing in a shallow baking dish cut side down.
- Add onion pieces, garlic, oregano and basil to the pan.
- Drizzle vegetables with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
- Season with salt and pepper.
- Bake for 45 minutes.
- Place roasted vegetables in food processor bowl or blender and begin puree. Slowly add broth or water until soup has desired consistency. Continue blending until smooth.
- An immersion blender also works very well. (If you warm the broth first, the soup will be hot without reheating.).
- Serve garnished with cheese if desired.
Rufus Story
Sitting in McDonald’s carpark waiting for an appointment, a gentleman who I later found out was named Tony, approached my car window.
He asked if I knew about the state of my tyres.
I explained that I knew I needed new ones but at the moment simply couldn’t afford it.
He asked me if I would follow him to Bridgestone Pimpama across the road to see what they could do for me.
This complete stranger, Tony explained he couldn’t live with himself if he walked away from the situation knowing they were about to blow at anytime.
Tony didn’t expect anything in return, just asking that one day when I’m in the position where I’m able to help someone that I pay it forward.
535 dollars, a lot of tears on my behalf, a few hugs, three brand new tyres, a wheel alignment and the offer to fuel up my car.
Then he left.
No last name, no contact number.
Just Tony the gentle giant with his two beautiful sons teaching them a life lesson.
Tony if this ever reaches you, thank you!
Thank you for your utterly selfless act, your kind words, for restoring my faith in humanity.
From the bottom of my heart thank you!
Also a big thankyou to Bridgestone tyres Pimpama for fitting me in on a fully booked out day and for the great service, you guys are champs!

Credit – Tegan Langley
Madonna in Desperately Seeking Susan #2 (1985)
What is your biggest regret as a cat owner?
My biggest regret EVER, is not doing it sooner. For so many years, I didn’t like cats…all for dumb reasons. This is my best friend in the world, the Captain. I like to think we both changed each others lives for the better.

Saudi Arabia Cuts Oil Prices for Europe but Hikes Them for the US Again
Saudi Arabia is raising oil prices for US buyers, following a similar move a month ago. Meanwhile, state-run Saudi Aramco lowered prices in Europe and left them largely unchanged for the Asian market. The price moves come after OPEC+ slashed production quotas, which the White House said aligns the oil group with Russia.
Oh SH*T, something big is happening to our food supply thanks to the WEF
Quick Creamy Broccoli Soup
“Adapted from epicurious.com. This is a fantastic low-fat soup recipe that tastes very creamy. It is also fast and easy-a really great healthy soup for the broccoli lover!! I used my immersion blender to make it even creamier.”

- 3 cups frozen chopped broccoli (or fresh broccoli florets)
- 1 onion, cut into quarters
- 1 -2 clove garlic, peeled
- 1 1⁄2 – 2 cups chicken broth or 1 1/2-2 cups water (or combination of the two)
- 1⁄4 teaspoon salt
- 1 cup milk
- 2 tablespoons flour
- 1⁄2 – 1 teaspoon basil
- 1⁄2 teaspoon parsley
- 1 dash vinegar
- In a large pot, combine broccoli, onion, garlic, broth (I used vegetable broth) or water, and salt.
- Cover pot, bring to a boil, and then simmer for about 15 minutes, or until everything starts getting soft.
- Use a ladle to transfer 2/3 of the soup into a blender.
- Blend the soup until smooth. (I just used my immersion blender until I was happy with the texture.)
- Pour back into saucepan and turn on heat to medium setting.
- In a small bowl, combine milk with flour and whisk together until smooth.
- Pour mixture into soup and stir.
- Add basil and parsley and stir until soup begins to thicken.
- Add vinegar, and salt and pepper to taste.
Desperately Seeking Susan (7/12) Movie CLIP – Into the Groove (1985) HD
U.S. Now Provoking North Korea Missile Launches
Poor kitty
This cat tried to come into my house at the end of June of this year while we were in the middle of a heat wave in WA.
It’s like she was saying, “I’m sick of being ignored! Someone has to help me!”
This is the cat after 3 months of living inside and being out of the elements.
I discovered the cat was very old, she has been declawed, so there was no way for her to catch any food for herself.
The cat was horribly dehydrated, had 104 temperature, she was skin and bones and yet she was so sweet and loving!
She also was microchipped but I never heard back from the original owners.
I took the cat to the vet immediately where she had x-rays, the vet said she has severe arthritis in her back.
Poor kitty could barely walk!
So this is quite a success story, I named her Ladybug and she is so much happier now!
You can tell she feels like someone’s pet again.
She loves to cuddle and gives back so much love, she didn’t deserve to be abandoned and left for dead.

Chinese Movie ‘Home Coming’ Becomes National Day Box Office Hit China’s latest patriotic blockbuster ‘Home Coming’ focuses on Chinese diplomats as the saviours of overseas Chinese in times of trouble.
The movie is said to be based on real events but it is set in the fictional Numia Republic (努米亚共和国). According to Chinese state media outlet China.org, Home Coming is inspired by an evacuation event in Libya in 2011, when the Chinese embassy reportedly evacuated more than 30,000 Chinese nationals in a time frame of 12 days. At the time, Chinese official media called it “the largest such operation China had mounted abroad since the Nationalists fled in 1949” and Chinese nationals were evacuated from the war-torn Libya via land, sea, and air (Zerba 2015, 107). On Weibo, there are many reviewers giving Home Coming a five-star rating, with some saying the movie moved them to tears. “I needed four tissues,” one movie-goer said, while another person complained that they forgot to bring any tissues to dry their tears. In light of the movie’s premiere, photos of people crying while watching the film also circulated online.
Article HERE
HD】南征北戰NZBZ – 《生來倔强》巡迴演唱會_生來倔強 (Live)
Why do Chinese think Westerners have an easy life?
Because on some level, it is the truth.
I’ve lived in Australia for 20 years, longer than I have had in China, and have seen lives on both sides.
I have this Aussie female friend, young, blonde, pretty and just getting to her late 20’s. A white collar, not high ups but she gets by well enough. She makes what, 80K AUD a year? That’s median up level for a average worker in Sydney. She drives a BMW M4, goes to professional race tracks every few weeks for fun. She’s not married, but in a stable relationship, boyfriend is also a white collar, makes less money than her but not by much. No mortgages because by god who can afford in Sydney anymore these days, so they rent. Every year she takes her 4 weeks annual leaves to Fiji or Europe or Hawaii or wherever she fancies, since she still wants to see the world before deciding to settle down. No plan for babies yet, god, that’s a huge responsibility isn’t it? Her parents sold their family home and moved to a regional city a few years back, to a nice picturesque little town near a lake, she visits them often. She has a sister, who apparently lives in another city but they are quite close. The plan is should the parents’ health fails, they would move into a nursing home close to home, with assisted living.
This is what many young Aussie’s life, you take away the names you can almost slot in any guy/gal you know in there and you wouldn’t call it out of place.
My wife has this Chinese female friend. Same age, just as pretty. She lives in China, has a stable job but highly stressful since she has KPIs to reach every month. She makes 5000 yuan a month, a respectable amount for a young Chinese professional, but still there’s not much left after paying off the monthly bills. She doesn’t have a car, and changes bus three times every morning to work. She got married last year, and the baby is on the way so she’s very stressed about the job and the finances. Husband is a hard worker, works three jobs, one regular during the week and two other jobs on the weekend. He’s a heavy smoker, to which I’m not surprised, on account of all the work he does on the side. They bought an apartment in a Tier 2 city last year before they got married, with their own savings, but I’m sure the parents contributed a fair amount as well. Parents on both sides got their own place, so at least they got that going for them. But her mother’s health is failing and she’s constantly worried about that. Oh the woes of being the only child ! They don’t entertain much because by gosh who has time. They prefer having hotpots with friends on a Friday evening in the alleyways behind their apartment building.
This is a typical young Chinese’s life. Same deal, put your friend’s name there you probably can’t tell who’s who.
Now you tell me which side of the two lives is easier?
China is getting there, but the price is paid via blood and sweat of this generation. The Aussies have already paid theirs. You don’t get to see it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. What the Chinese are doing today is making sure their kids can live a somewhat easier life in their future.