We start off with a commentary from Hal Turner. Now, for those of you who are unaware, he is bunkered up. He’s in rural Pennsylvania and living as a prepper waiting for nuclear evisceration of the United States. While he has some ties to government and all the rest, he’s also a disinfo agent. Think of him as a “double agent”. There’s good, with a lot of bad mixed in his content.
The fact is that he is (himself) in a bunker and hiding out in rural America should tell youse guys something.
Personally… It’s going to get bad for Americans. But, not THAT bad. This is MM speaking.
Russia sending LIVE NUCLEAR MISSILES on launcher trucks to pass in front of the US Embassy in Moscow is the single most unprecedented nuclear threat in the history of the world.
Yet the American people remain blissfully unaware that their federal government is causing so much trouble overseas, we are now at actual risk of being hit with a nuclear attack. The American people are not being told by their mass media that things between the US and Russia have spiraled so terribly in the past few months. In fact, the entire US mass media, including ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, CNBS, FOX News, newspapers like the New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Tribune, the Boston Globe, the Miami Herald, the Dallas Morning News and all the rest, have kept reporting about this matter to a bare minimum. To my knowledge, NOT ONE of them have outlined how close we actually are to World War 3 and a nuclear holocaust. The same goes for all the big name wire services, Associated Press (AP), United Press International (UPI), Thompson-Reuters news service; limited coverage at best.
Want to know why the US Mass-Media is keeping this all low-profile? Because they’re really not “journalists” or even “Reporters” anymore; they’re partisans. They’re completely political. They don’t do “news” anymore; it’s more “propaganda.” The media know their fellow liberal Democrats are in real trouble as the mid-term elections approach. They don’t want to report anything that will make the Democrats look bad. And, of course, the Democrat majorities in the House and Senate, along with the Democrat President, causing so much trouble that we might get nuked, would definitely not make their fellow liberals look good. So the liberal media . . . keeps it all very quiet.
It was only this past week, when dementia-addled Joe Biden told a Fund-Raiser in New York City that we’ve never been closer to Armageddon since the Cuban Missile crisis. The media reported that remark, but did nothing to outline how we got here, what WE did to cause this trouble, and that we are now at actual risk of being hit with a nuclear first strike, by the only country on earth capable of defeating us.
Yes, Russia CAN defeat us. You see, THEY have hypersonic missiles and we don’t. THEY have nuclear bomb shelters for their population, and we don’t. THEY have food, water, medicine, electric generators and machine tools in all of their nuclear shelters, and we don’t.
The long and short of this is . . . . THEY survive . . . . we don’t.
You see, this is not about Russia using nukes against Ukraine; Russia doesn’t need to do that. Ukraine is nothing and the Russian Army would ordinarily make quick work of them. But Ukraine is being supplied by the USA and its NATO vassal puppets on a string.
That’s what NATO countries are: Puppets dancing on a U.S. string.
Russia knows this, and Russia, it seems to me, is growing tired of the relentless meddling by the US/NATO that is costing the lives of thousands of Russian soldiers.
Russia has warned the United States over, and over, and over again, to stop interfering in Ukraine as it is none of our business. Ukraine is NOT a member of NATO. Ukraine has no Treaties for defense with the U.S. The U.S. has no economic or national security interest in Ukraine, yet we are sending tens of billions of dollars in weapons, ammunition, and cash money to Ukraine. In addition, we are using our spy satellites and military spy planes to gather real-time intelligence on Russian troop movements, and then providing TARGETING COORDINATES to Ukraine, to kill those Russia troops.
Russia is rapidly coming to the conclusion that all their troubles can be stopped by hitting the United States with a nuclear strike, and hitting us FIRST.
They know that the moment a nuke detonates on US Soil, NATO will fall apart. Sure, the UK will fire a return nuke strike, but the UK is tiny and can be wiped out by Russia’s new “SARMAT” missile in two-hundred and two SECONDS. Yes, you read that right, 202 SECONDS from launch to impact . . . and the UK is gone. France may also fire a nuke or two, but the French know those Russian SARMET missiles can launch and hit Paris in 180 Seconds. France . . . will likely buckle rather than be nuked.
The way I see it, all the little NATO member countries would fold like a cheap camera the moment big brother USA gets hit. Because all the little NATO countries know they don’t stand a chance if the US isn’t around to back them up.
So, as you read this, Russia has made the most explicit DEMONSTRATION of coming nuclear war, that any country has ever done with any other country. They have publicly and repeatedly warned us to stop interfering. Our federal government won’t stop.
Sooner or later, Russia is going to have to decide whether or not to PUT A STOP to them. And when that fateful decision is made, YOU, ME, and all our family and friends, will begin to see bright, white, flashes before we get burned to death in nuclear blasts and fires.
You know who is doing this to us? No, not just that dementia-addled Commander-in-Thief, Joe Biden, whose Democrat Party stole the 2020 Presidential Election with rampant voter fraud. The people TRULY responsible for this . . . are YOUR local members of the US Congress.
You know, all those political phonies that glad-hand, back-slap, smile, and lie to your face, when they come home from Washington. Yea. Them.
THEY have voted to approve every cent of money used to forcibly overthrow the Government of Ukraine in 2014. The money they approved went to support a new government (read Puppet regime) favorable to the west. THEY approved the money to train and equip Ukraine’s army. THEY winked and nodded when Ukraine started attacking Russian-speaking citizens in Luhansk and Donetsk in eastern Ukraine. THEY (and their dementia-addled POTUS, flatly refused Russia’s Diplomatic efforts for a Treaty to have iron clad, legally enforceable, security guarantees for Russia, as NATO continued its expansion all around Russia’s borders. Russia proposed that in December of last year. The US and NATO laughed at it as they threw the proposal in the trash can.
When you and your family get slaughtered by Russian nuclear missiles, you can thank your local member of the US House of Representatives and the US Senate. They are personally to blame for what is going on and they are personally responsible for creating this situation with Russia.
And when they crawl out of their cushy, safe, nuclear bunkers, while the rest of us who might survive are suffering from the nuclear war they caused, remember it was THEM who did this to all of us. They are to blame. They are guilty.
I’m not certain there’s any way to avoid what I see coming – nuclear war. But maybe, just maybe, if enough of you get off your butts, start calling and going into Congressional offices and telling them in no uncertain terms they better knock this shit off, maybe we can avoid Armageddon.
If you do nothing, don’t be surprised as your skin burns off your body when the Russian nukes hit us.
Ok. So why is Hal talking about this?
The United States demand that Hong Kong (China) turn over a $500 Billion yacht because of “sanctions”
China told the United States to go away and leave them alone.
The United States retorts that “HK could lose it’s status as a financial hub in Asia”, if it refuses to obey the dictates out of Washington.
After the bombing of the Crimea Bridge by Ukraine, it appears Russia’s “Kid Gloves” have come off. Kiev, and a dozen other cities in Ukraine, are under Russian missile attack. Russian Fighter jets and bombers saturate the skies. Damage is heavy, and continuing . . .
This is a fast-developing story, check back for LIVE updates . . .
- Attack in central Kiev; downtown business and government section:
- “Now, Kiev residents know how the people of Donetsk felt as Ukraine pounded their city for years . . .” Not so nice is it?
- Ukraine President Zelensky’s Office hit by Russian missile strike! Not that it matters, but it’s a ruin.
- During the night, Russia deployed twenty-thousand (20,000) troops on the border between Ukraine and Belarus.
- Mykolaiv region now reports a large number of Russian jets attacking.
- City of Lviv has lost electric power. Welcome to the war you all so wanted.
- Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation Council, Dmitry Medvedev, issued a statement saying “a direct response to the terrorist act of Ukraine on the Crimean bridge “can only be the direct destruction of terrorists.” Not the capture of prisoners. Nope. Their death.
9:44 AM EDT —
- The office of Ukrainian Secret Intelligence Service, (SBU), was hit in Kiev. Of course. My guess is that there would be a large number of CIA, and NATO assets there as well.
9:48 AM EDT —
9:55 AM EDT —
- Another series of explosions throughout Ukraine. It is reported that the attacks are made on government, military, Intel infrastructure. Russian missile attacks have been reported in multiple cities across Ukraine, including in Dnipro (VIDEO BELOW), Lviv, Zhytomyr, Khmelnytsky and Ternopil.
- City of Lviv Thermal Power Plant destroyed:
- Kharkov metro trains have stopped working
- Ukrainian railways report damage to the contact network in Western Ukraine and train delays.
- 75% of internet traffic is lost in Ukraine, netblocks data
- Kiev Thermal Power Plant #6, destroyed:
- Kiev “101 Business Center” Hit.
- Explosions are reported in Krivoy Rog.
- Russia: “We disabled the “Starlink” satellites” being used by Ukraine Army.
"The U.S. Embassy urges US citizens to shelter in place and depart Ukraine now using privately available ground transportation options when it is safe to do so."
- Russian President Vladimir Putin had a top-level video conference with his National Security people this morning:
***** FLASH *****
- German Embassy in Kiev hit by Russian air strike, BILD reports.
(HT REMARK: If this is true, then German Territory has been “attacked” by Russia. Germany may try to invoke NATO Treaty, Article 5, collective self defense. If they invoke it, and NATO agrees, then World War 3 has officially begun.)
- Lviv has lost its water supply
***** FLASH *****
- Evidence suggest a planning surprise offensive using those troops!
- Russia ATTACKED the housing blocks where those NATO troops were being housed, including five-thousand (5,000) Polish regular, active-duty troops.
- The Russian missile strikes killed so many, NATO had to call-off the surprise offensive.
- Now reports going around from Ukrainian media that mobile communications are down all over Kharkov Oblast.
Statement by President Vladimir Putin:
"it is simply impossible to leave the crimes of the Kiev regime unanswered. In case of continued attempts to carry out terrorist attacks on the territory of the Russian Federation, the responses will be tough and correspond to the level of threats."
- Electric grid connections from Poland to Ukraine now destroyed. Power cut.
- Estonia is preparing to formally recognize Russia as a terrorist state, chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the Estonian parliament
- Russia’s Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, says Ukraine strikes only “first episode” of response.
- Total electricity blackout in Lviv, Ternopil, Sumy, Kharkiv, Poltava regions after Russian missile strikes at critical energy infrastructure in Ukraine.
- More missile strikes in Kiev.
- From October 11,Ukraine stops exporting electricity to other countries to stabilize its own energy system, – Ukrainian Ministry of Energy
*** BULLETIN ***
- Poland advises its citizens in Belarus to leave the country.
Really Big

How does a stray cat feel when someone rescues and takes them home?
Last spring my partner and I started feeding the crows in my backyard. They liked peanuts in the shell. I read somewhere that cat food was good for them, and we had some stale food left from a departed cat, so we started putting handfuls of that out. Soon the neighbourhood cats came to eat here.
We noticed one ugly emaciated creature coming to eat; we assumed it was feral as it was terrified of humans. We called it “Skinny” and because it looked so pathetic and bedraggled, we made sure it got something to eat every day.
After a few weeks of nervously eating here, one beautiful day “Skinny” didn’t run away from me while I filled the food dish. Suddenly and to my shock,

“Skinny” was in my lap, nuzzling me and purring. I wasn’t looking for a pet, but I had to decide in that moment to adopt her.
She needed a bath – smelled like she’d been sleeping in a dumpster – and a more dignified name. It became apparent that “Ophelia” was pregnant, and she needed an emergency C-section plus amputation of her broken tail. I had had no intention of spending money on vet bills, but she so quickly found a place in my heart, I had to cough up.
Today she is the most perfect pet. Ophelia is an indoor cat and never tries to escape, but greets me at the door whenever I come home. When I’m here, she’s my shadow, always on my lap or at my heel (even when I go to to the toilet). Sleeps with me every night. She is the picture of health.
I believe she is grateful for her rescue.
The citizens of Russia are so utterly furious with the actions of the United States (and our NATO Vassals) in Ukraine, they took to the streets of Moscow today chanting “Nuke Washington.”
Carrying the Ribbon of St. George flags, and lead by a mock ICBM, the crowd protested the actions of the United States which is arming Ukraine, giving money to Ukraine, and providing intelligence data to kill Russian soldiers, that they gathered and marched through Moscow to the U.S. Embassy.
The St. George Ribbon is of special meaning and importance in Russia.
The ribbon of Saint George is a Russian military symbol consisting of a black and orange bicolor pattern, with three black and two orange stripes. It appears as a component of many high military decorations awarded by the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and the current Russian Federation.
In the early 21st century, the ribbon of Saint George came to be used as an awareness ribbon for commemorating the veterans of the Eastern Front of the Second World War (known in post-Soviet countries as the Great Patriotic War). It is the primary symbol used associated with Victory Day. It enjoys wide popularity in Russia as a patriotic symbol, as well as a way to show public support to the Russian government.
Why has the US ban on Xinjiang’s tomato exports had such limited effect? | South China Morning Post
The Bill Gates cabal is prepping for NUCLEAR war with these bunkers
Sabotaging Starlink, Russia Is Using EW Complex “Tirada” To Disrupt SpaceX Satellites
Under the condition of anonymity, two government officials told the news outlet that soldiers encountered connectivity issues when they visited cities that had just been liberated from the Russian occupation.
Since the liberation of some areas had not yet been announced, experts speculate that the problem may have been caused by SpaceX employees trying to prevent the Russian military from using the technology.
Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX, tweeted a response to the article. “This operation has cost SpaceX $80M & will exceed $100M by the end of year.”. “Bad reporting by FT. This article falsely claims that Starlink terminals & service were paid for when only a small percentage have been,” he added. “As for what’s happening on the battlefield, that’s classified,” he noted.
Is Russia’s “Tirada” Suppressing Starlink?
On the other hand, Russian media presents a dramatically different version. They claim that the Russian military decided to use the Tirada-2S satellite communications electronic jamming system against Starlink.
There is not much information available about the system in the public domain. It is believed that the development of the equipment began in 2001 when the requirement for a system emerged that could block satellite connection with ground-based terminals and transceivers on aircraft.
Read the rest HERE
Jackson, Mississippi Turning Into A Third World Hellhole
Iran Gives ULTIMATUM to Israel over Lebanon
The Islamic Republic of Iran has issued an ultimatum to Israel asking them to withdraw from Southern Lebanon, giving them 24 hours to do so, otherwise threatening clashes with the IDF in southern Lebanon.
Here is the official statement:

USA pushes “rules based disorder”
Australian article. I like the term "Rule- based disorder". No worry, China is good at putting back order with inclusive characteristics.
The conventional wisdom holds that, simply put, the post-war rules-based liberal international order is under siege thanks primarily to Donald Trump’s “America First” agenda. This is an explanation that distracts us from contemplating more uncomfortable possibilities, ones that might cast doubt on deeply-held convictions about international relations during the past several decades.
Why the conventional wisdom is wrong
The first point to bear in mind is that the conventional wisdom just assumes that the post-World War II order is the same as the post-Cold War order. This is mistaken. The US-led post-World War II order was a bounded order that was limited mainly to the western world and was built on a realist, not liberal foundation. The US-led post-Cold War world, on the other hand, has been international and liberal. With the collapse of the Soviet Empire, the US became the world’s most powerful nation and its leaders sought to transform the realist western order globally into a truly liberal international order.
However, the rules-based order began unravelling in the 2000s.
Have we forgotten the US-led invasion of Iraq, which spawned the Sunni rebellion that morphed into a plethora of Islamic jihadist movements while enhancing Iran’s strategic presence in the Persian Gulf? Far from incorporating the Middle East into the liberal order, the US and its allies have played a key role in spreading illiberal disorder in that region. Meanwhile, a nativist and xenophobic form of populism has been spreading across Europe. And that’s not to mention Russia’s incursion in Ukraine in 2014 or China’s military expansion in the South and East China Seas since 2012.
The upshot from all this is that the rules-based liberal international order was under siege well before Donald Trump’s debut on the global stage. Underlying all these debates about Trump is a broader issue at stake, one that American realists led by my friend and mentor John Mearsheimer have made: that the rules-based liberal international order contained the seeds of its destruction.
The flaws of the rules-based international order
There are several fatal flaws that have helped undermine the effectiveness of the rules-based international order from the outset. Here are six of them.
- Democracy is the wave of the future
In the 1990s, it was widely believed that there was no viable alternative to liberal democracy and that almost every nation in the world was bound to become a liberal democracy.
During the past decade, the number of liberal democracies has been declining, reversing a seemingly unstoppable trend. Indeed, some leaders today extol the virtues of illiberal democracy. This diversity of opinion about what constitutes the best political order means that it is going to be extremely difficult to create a world in which all the great powers are liberal democracies, and virtually impossible to fashion one in which almost all countries are liberal democracies.
- Global consensus
In the 1990s, it was widely believed that globalisation and economic inter-dependency would increase the prospects of international cooperation. However, there never has been and never will be anything approximating universal agreement on genuinely collective policy approaches. Nation-states do not act on the basis of good will or good intentions; they act on the basis of defending the national interest. In an increasingly multi-polar world, more states have effective veto power over collective action. This new pluralistic world has given rise to what New York Times columnist David Brooks has called “global-sclerosis”: an inability to solve problem after problem.
- Western unity
During the Cold War, the conventional wisdom held that “the West” was a given, a natural presence. However, as the distinguished Australian conservative Owen Harries FAIIA observed in Foreign Affairs magazine in 1993, the political West is not a “natural construct but a highly artificial one”.
In fact, notwithstanding the Cold War, the West has almost always been deeply divided politically: just think of Europe’s wars. For most of its history, the US has been deeply suspicious of, and hostile towards, European power politics, stressing its differences from the older continent.
The clash between Brussels and the most unsophisticated American leader in history will mark the breaking point in the political West.
- The end of nationalism
In the 1990s, it was widely believed that nationalism was a thing of the past. However, the decision of liberal states to delegate substantial power to the international institutions that comprise the liberal international order has led to a populist backlash. Because nationalism is all about self-determination and sovereignty, it does not fit with a situation where international institutions make policies that have a profound effect on their member states.
So, it is not surprising that the main reason a majority of British citizens voted to leave the European Union in 2016 is because they felt their nation had surrendered too much power to Brussels and it was time to reassert British sovereignty.
This logic also helps explain why Trump won power by running on an ‘America First’ campaign and slammed the key institutions that comprise the liberal international order, from NATO to the WTO.
- Co-operation among rival powers
In the 1990s, it was widely believed that the more China and Russia integrated into the global economy and became members of international institutions, the more they would become peaceful and even democratic.
However, China and Russia have resisted Washington’s efforts to spread the liberal international order. Xi Ji-ping is the most authoritarian leader since Mao and China is more assertive than ever. Putin is an authoritarian leader who will play hard ball to protect what the Kremlin sees as vital strategic interests in its near abroad. In particular, neither Beijing nor Moscow want US military forces in what they deem as their spheres of influence.
- US unipolarity
At the turn of the century, it was widely believed the US was seemingly invincible. If anything, America got mugged by reality.
The US has fought seven wars in the years since the Cold War ended – Gulf, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Iraq/Syria – and it has been at war for three out of four years during that period.
Although the US possesses the military means to defeat any other country, there is not an American solution to every problem. To put it bluntly, Americans do not have the understanding of other societies and people, the attention span or staying power, to engage in an active, interventionist policy of nation-building and democracy-promotion on a large scale.
None of this is to deny US strengths. It remains the world’s largest economy and its lone military superpower. Its demographic trends are moving in the right direction.
All this is true enough, but it overlooks a larger point: the ‘Pax Americana’ had been waning for years before Trump arrived on the scene. What distinguishes Trump from his post-Cold War predecessors, however, is that he does not pay lip service to the notion of American global leadership. And without an activist and assertive US, there is no plausible way to uphold the rules-based liberal international order.
All these perhaps explain why so many western leaders are anxious, even defensive, about the state of the liberal international order. However, the rules-based international order frayed a long time ago. It was doomed from the start. And its underlying problems cannot be fixed.
Squirt-Of-Orange Pork Chops
“A splash of juice and an orange marmalade brush-on gives these garlicky chops a burst of flavor. For an extra-special treat, use blood oranges in place of the regular ones.”

- 1 large orange
- 4 boneless pork loin steaks, cut 1 inch thick
- 1⁄2 teaspoon garlic pepper seasoning
- 1⁄4 teaspoon salt
- 1⁄4 cup orange marmalade
- 2 teaspoons fresh rosemary, chopped
- Cut orange in half. Cut one half of the orange into 4 wedges; set wedges aside. Squeeze juice from remaining orange half. Remove 1 Tablespoon of the juice and brush on both sides of each chop. Sprinkle chops with garlic-pepper seasoning and salt. In a small bowl combine remaining orange juice, orange marmalade, and the chopped rosemary; set aside.
- Preheat broiler. Place chops on unheated rack of a broiler pan. Broil 3 to 4 inches from the heat for 5 to 6 minutes. Turn and cook for an addition 5 to 6 minutes, brushing with orange marmalade mixture for the last 2 to 3 minutes of broiling. Chops are done when pork juices run clear or a meat thermometer inserted into center of chop registers 160 degrees.
- Serve orange wedges with chops. If desired, garnish with rosemary sprig. If desired, squeeze juice from orange wedges over chops.
New 2023 Changan Huawei AVATR 11
I was going to buy this car before I chose my hybrid.
STUNNING Testimony: Pfizer Never Tested COVID “Vax” to “Stop Transmission” of Virus! We were all lied to ! ! !
In utterly stunning sworn testimony before the European Parliament, a Director of Pfizer admitted they NEVER TESTED their so-called COVID “Vaccine” for its ability to “stop transmission” of the virus. People around the world were lied to, their freedom restricted, because they were not “vaccinated” and allegedly could therefore spread the virus.
Countries throughout Europe and even in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, prevented people from going outside, socializing, using public facilities if they were not vaccinated. People all over the world were told they could be “spreaders’ without the vaccine. That was a lie because the vaccine was NEVER TESTED for any ability to stop the transmission.
Some countries implemented “Vaccine Passports” and went table-to-table in restaurants to see if people were vaccinated. They were told “show us your vaccine passport” by police.
Oh, and by the way, as we all see now, the vaccine didn’t seem to stop transmission — at all.
The “vaxxed” could still get the virus. They could still spread it to others.
Freedom was viciously taken away for those who chose to remain unvaccinated. In some places, people were even PHYSICALLY FORCED to take the vax, even when they didn’t want it.
All of this was glossed-over with claims “without the vax, you could infect others.”
People lost their jobs over this; and the entire claim that taking the vax to stop the spread, was a deliberate lie.
PFIZER never tested to see if their so-called vaccine would stop transmission.
Putin and China just changed EVERYTHING, and the West is desperate
Check out at least the first 9 minutes…
Jeffrey Sachs: US biotech cartel behind Covid origins and cover-up
Sachs does not say one way or another.
We know that we don’t know.
But one thing is certain. The people in charge of Covid information in the West are lying and obfuscating. They include journalists, scientists, and academics. No need to mention politicians; they’re a given.
Let us stay smart, read widely, gain direct experience, look under the surface, read between the lines, learn about the author, detect false narratives, reject unnecessary adjectives, and question everything. Most importantly, be critical not only of others, but also of ourselves.
Maple Brioche Rolls

Brioche Dough
- 5 cups bread flour, plus 3 tablespoons
- 1⁄2 cup granulated sugar
- 1 tablespoon fine sea salt
- 1 tablespoon instant yeast
- 5 large cold eggs, lightly whisked
- 1 cup cold whole milk
- 14 ounces unsalted butter, at room temperature
- 12 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
- 1⁄2 cup maple sugar, plus more for sprinkling if desired
- The day before you want to make the rolls, make the brioche dough. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the dough hook, mix the flour, granulated sugar, and salt on low speed to combine. Add the yeast and mix to combine, 10-15 seconds more. Add the eggs and milk and mix for 4 minutes. The dough should form a sticky, shaggy ball around the hook.
- Increase the speed to medium and slowly add the butter 1 tablespoon at a time, being careful to incorporate each addition before adding the next; the entire process should take about 3 minutes. (If you add the butter too quickly, it can create a greasy disaster in the bowl, so pace it out.) Scrape the bowl down once or twice to make sure everything is homogenous. (This mixing period is called intense mixing – and it is! Don’t be alarmed if the mixing is noisy or difficult in the early to mid stages, it will come together.) Then knead the dough (in the machine) until it is smooth and uniform, 1 minute more.
- Grease a large bowl with nonstick spray. Transfer the dough to the bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for at least 12 hours, and up to 18.
- The next day, roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface into a rectangle about 1/2 inch thick and about 20×12 inches (though no need to be precise). Brush the surface of the dough evenly with melted butter and sprinkle about 2 tablespoons of the sugar evenly over the dough.
- Position the dough so that one of the long sides is facing you. Fold the left edge over toward the center, about three quarters of the way over the dough. Fold the right edge one quarter of the way over the dough and make sure it meets and doughs the left edge. The dough will now look somewhat like an open book with an off center spine. Fold the larger side over the smaller side. You will now have 4 layers of dough. If the dough feels soft or sticky, wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 10-15 minutes – if not, proceed.
- Roll out the dough again to a rectangle about 1/2 inch thick and about 20×12 inches (though no need to be precise). Brush the surface of the dough with melted butter and sprinkle another 2 tablespoons of sugar over the dough. Position the dough so that one of the long sides is facing you. Fold the left edge of the dough one third of the way over the dough. Do the same with the right edge, resting it on top of the piece you just folded over, as though you were folding a letter to fit into a business envelope. You will now have 3 layers of dough. If the dough feels soft or sticky, wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 10-15 minutes – if not, proceed.
- Repeat step 4 to complete another 4-fold.
- Repeat step 5 to complete another 3-fold.
- Lightly grease 16 muffin cups with nonstick spray. I do have to use two muffin pans to make this – if you only have one, refrigerate the remaining pieces while you bake the first. Place the second round only around the edge of the pan so that they bake evenly.
- On a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough into a 1/2 inch thick rectangle, about 12×20 inches. Cut the dough lengthwise into 16 even strips. Tightly roll each strip up into a spiral and place it, spiral side up, in a cup in one of the prepared muffin pans. Cover the pan with greased plastic wrap and let the rolls rise until they appear puffy, 30-45 minutes.
- Preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit with racks in the upper and lower thirds of the oven. Sprinkle the rolls with more maple sugar, if desired. Bake, rotating the sheets from front to bake and top to bottom at the halfway mark, until the rolls are evenly golden brown all over and the internal temperature reads 190 degrees Fahrenheit on a thermometer – about 25-33 minutes. Cool for 15 minutes in the pan before unmolding and serving.
- Citrus Faux-Laminated Brioche Buns: After you mix the dough, mix ¾ cup granulated sugar with the zest of two oranges – let sit, covered, overnight. Use this in place of the maple sugar in the recipe. In step 8, lightly grease a 9×9 inch pan. In step 9, cut the dough into 12 even strips. Roll the strips into spirals and place spiral side up in the prepared pan. Bake for 30-35 minutes.
- Vanilla-Bay Loaf: After you mix the dough, mix 3/4 cup granulated sugar with the seeds of 1 scraped vanilla bean and 2 finely crushed up bay leaves – let sit, covered, overnight. Use this in place of the maple sugar in the recipe. In step 8, lightly grease a 9×5 inch loaf pan. In step 9, cut the dough into 1 inch cubes. Stack the cubes tightly in the prepared pan. Bake for 40-45 minutes.
Here we go again, the U.S. is about to INVADE Haiti next?
The Era Of Cheap Food And Cheap Gasoline Is Over
All of our lifestyles are about to change in a major way, but the vast majority of the population still does not understand what is coming. Throughout our entire lives, we have always been able to depend on a couple of things. There would always be cheap gasoline to fuel our vehicles and there would always be mountains of cheap food at the grocery store. No matter who was in the White House and no matter what else was going on in the world, those two things always remained the same. Unfortunately, those days are now over and they aren’t coming back.
We have entered the greatest energy crisis that any of us have ever experienced, and it isn’t going to go away any time soon.
So you might as well get used to high gas prices. Earlier this month, brand new all-time record highs were set all over southern California…
- Los Angeles-Long Beach – $6.46 (Record high)
- Orange County – $6.42 (Record high Saturday)
- Ventura County – $6.40
- Riverside County – $6.33 (Record high)
- San Bernardino County $6.32
But that isn’t the real problem.
The real problem is with natural gas.
Thanks to the war in Ukraine, supplies of natural gas in Europe have become extremely tight, and this has pushed prices into the stratosphere.
Needless to say, this is going to greatly affect food productions in the months ahead. According to Bloomberg, over two-thirds of all fertilizer production capacity in Europe has already been shut down due to soaring natural gas costs…
Europe’s fertilizer crunch is deepening with more than two-thirds of production capacity halted by soaring gas costs, threatening farmers and consumers far beyond the region’s borders.
This is an absolutely massive story, but hardly anyone in the United States is covering it.
Global fertilizer production is going to be greatly reduced, and that is going to have very serious implications for agricultural production all over the world…
“Nitrogen plant shutdowns in Europe are not simply a problem in Europe,” she said. “Reduced supply on the scale seen this week not only raises the marginal cost of production of nitrogen fertilizers, but will also tighten the global market, putting pressure on plant nutrients’ availability in Europe and beyond.” We’re already seeing prices elsewhere rise again. The price of the common nitrogen fertilizer urea in New Orleans rose over 20% in weekly prices Friday, the most since March, a few weeks after the war began, according to Green Markets.
I know that fertilizer may not be the most exciting topic for a lot of people, but the truth is that approximately half the global population would starve if we didn’t have any…
In fact, it’s estimated that nitrogen fertilizer now supports approximately half of the global population. In other words, Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch — the pioneers of this technological breakthrough — are estimated to have enabled the lives of several billion people, who otherwise would have died prematurely, or never been born at all.
Let that paragraph sink in for a moment.
The only way we can even come close to feeding everyone on the planet is by using vast quantities of fertilizer, but now fertilizer plants all over Europe are being forced to shut down because of the price of natural gas.
As long as this global energy crisis persists, the global food crisis will also persist.
Russia is normally the largest exporter of natural gas in the entire world, and an end to the war in Ukraine would go a long way toward solving our current problems.
But there isn’t going to be an end to the war in Ukraine.
Once again, western leaders are assuring us that the war will not end until Russia is forced out of every inch of Ukrainian territory.
That includes Donetsk, Luhansk and Crimea.
Of course the Russians would use tactical nukes long before we ever get to that point.
And once the Russians use tactical nukes, the west will do the same.
As it currently stands, there is no “off ramp” for this war.
Instead, we are simply counting down the days until it goes nuclear.
I am sorry to tell you that, but it is the truth.
If the American people truly understood what was at stake, there would be massive peace protests all over the nation right now.
Meanwhile, the worst multi-year megadrought in 1,200 years continues to absolutely ravage agricultural production in the western half of the United States.
A reporter from FOX recently visited the cornfields of Wayne County, Nebraska and what he discovered is extremely chilling…
“I’m standing in the middle of a cornfield that, if this was a normal year or in other words, if the corn was growing the way it was supposed to be, you wouldn’t even really be able to see me right now,” FOX Business’ Connell McShane reported from Wakefield, Nebraska. “It would be way up above my head. But now I look at this, maybe knee-high at best.” McShane visited field after field in Wayne County and found the same short stalks with very sparse ears. Over 99% of that county is in exceptional drought.
This drought has been going on for years and years.
And it just keeps getting worse.
On the west coast, we are being warned that production of tomatoes, garlic and onions will be very disappointing this year due to the drought.
As a result, prices are going to go much higher in 2023…
In addition to tomatoes, other crops like garlic and onion are also expected to be impacted. “What you’re seeing harvested this summer that really hasn’t even hit the grocery shelf is a 25% increase in the cost of the product to the processors — the canners, the buyers downstream,” California State Board of Food and Agriculture President Don Cameron told Reuters. “The onions and garlic have already been negotiated for 2023 with another 25% increase in price.”
This is really happening.
Food prices may seem high to you right now, but the truth is that this is the lowest that they are going to get.
The cost of living is becoming extremely oppressive, and countless people out there are really struggling to make it from month to month.
Earlier today, I came across a tweet from a 47-year-old lawyer that really hammered this point home…
-20 years ago, working as a server, I lived in a corner 1 bdrm apt downtown with amazing water views for $700/month. -A similar apt now $3,600/month, more than 5x as much. -As a lawyer at age 47 I am unable to afford living in the apartment I did at age 27 while waiting tables
Sadly, what we have been through so far is just the beginning.
The cost of gasoline is going to continue to go up.
The cost of natural gas is going to continue to go up.
The cost of food is going to continue to go up.
In fact, the cost of just about everything is going to continue to go up.
The artificially-inflated lifestyles that we were able to enjoy for decades are now disappearing, and there is a tremendous amount of pain on the horizon.
We were warned that this would happen, and now a day of reckoning is here.
I would encourage you to prepare accordingly.
Captain Scarlet Season 1 episode 2
Ukrainian forces have destroyed almost all bridges and mined the roads along the border with Belarus, Anatoly Lappo, chairman of the State Border Committee of Belarus, said on Sunday. Minsk has accused Kiev of planning imminent strikes on its territory.
“Today, almost all border bridges have been blown up, and automobile and railway border routes are completely mined,” Lappo told Belarusian TV.
Ukrainian forces have fortified the border “to the extent that they put anti-tank mines in three rows on the roads,” Lappo said.
The troops Kiev has sent to the border are “not border guards,” Lappo claimed. “We are under pressure, they are aiming at our border guards, sometimes they shoot in the air, constant aerial reconnaissance is being carried out,” he added.
A day before the news broke, Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry claimed that its ambassador to Belarus was summoned to the Belarusian Foreign Ministry and handed an official note saying that “Ukraine is planning to conduct a strike on the territory of Belarus.” The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said that it “categorically rejects” the accusation, adding that it could be part of a Russian plan to “stage a provocation and further accuse” Kiev.
Earlier this week, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko accused Ukraine of massing tens of thousands of soldiers near the border. While Lukashenko allowed Russian troops to enter Ukraine from its territory at the beginning of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, he said last week that Belarus’ role in the conflict is limited to self-defense and denying Ukraine the ability to “shoot Russians in the back from the territory of Belarus.”
With tensions along the 1,000-kilometer border rising, the Belarusian Defense Ministry stated that it has the capacity to field 500,000 trained troops “if the need arises.”
(HT REMARK: Things over there are truly escalating over there at a speed, and in ways, that I did not even imagine. Prepare yourselves. World War 3 is at the door for all of us. Get right with God.)
Russia, Having ‘Run Out Of Missiles’, Launches Barrage On Ukraine
Back in March I had warned that Lies Do Not Win Wars. Here is another practical example.
After allegedly having ‘run out of missiles’ and, more importantly, patience, the leadership of the Russian Federation decided to de-electrify Ukrainian cities with a ‘barrage of missile strikes’.
But first came the propaganda blubber:
- 320 missiles in a day: Russia targets short-range ballistic missiles at Ukraine; what is the result? – WION – Mar 2, 2022
- Russia running short on guided missiles, firing indiscriminately – Ukraine – Jerusalem Post – March 17, 2022
- Russia Running Out of Precision Munitions in Ukraine War Pentagon Official – US News – Mar 24, 2022
- Russia running short of precision missiles, say western officials – Financial Times – Apr 29, 2022
- SCORCHED EARTH Now humiliated Putin is running out of MISSILES in desperate bid to defeat Ukraine, UK armed forces chief tells TalkTV – Sun – May 5, 2022
- Putin ‘running out of missiles’ amid claims quarter of Russian Army now lost – City A.M. – May 6, 2022
- Is Russia running out of missiles? US, Russia send mixed messages – Jerusalem Post – May 16, 2022
- Explainer: Is Russia Running Low on Missiles? – Moscow Times – May 17, 2022
- Has Russia Run Out of Precision-Guided Missiles? – SOFREP – May 23, 2022
- Russia ‘running out’ of precision weapons – UK Defense Journal – Jun 11, 2022
- Russia fires five-and-a-half ton Cold War-era missiles designed to destroy aircraft carriers at Ukrainian forces in the Donbas after running out of precision rockets, MoD says – Daily Mail – Jun 12, 2022
- Vladimir Putin running short of missiles as Russian forces turn to old weaponry stock – Mirror – Jul 8, 2022
- Putin left scratching head as Russia RUNS OUT of missiles to make ground attacks – Express – Jul 23, 2022
- Will Russia Run Out of Precision-Guided Munitions? – National Interest – Aug 11, 2022
- Russia Has Run Out of Long-Range Missiles to Terrorize Ukraine – !945 – Aug 20, 2022
- No more than 45% missiles that Russia had before the war remain Chief Directorate of Intelligence – Ukrainska Pravda – Aug 27, 2022
- Russia ‘running out of Iskander and Kalibr missiles’ – The New Voice of Ukraine / Yahoo – Aug 27, 2022
- Ukraine Situation Report: Kyiv Claims Russia Is Running Low On Missiles – The Drive – Aug 27, 2022
- Russian Federation will run out of shells, artillery and armoured vehicles by year end – Ukrainska Pravda – Aug 31, 2022
- Russia Might Run Out of Weapons, Ammunition By End of Year: Report – Newsweek – Aug 31, 2022
- Russia Is Running Out of Missiles. That’s Bad News for Ukraine – Defense Post – Sep 1, 2022
- Alexander Kovalenko: when Russia will critically run out of missiles – Odessa Journal – Sep 2, 2022
- Russia Resorting to Out of Date Missiles as Weapon Stocks Run Low: Ukraine – Newsweek – Sep 4, 2022
- Ukraine believes Russia has less than 50 hypersonic missiles left because it can’t get the chips needed to make more: report – Business Insider – Sep 6, 2022
- Out Of Missiles! Russia Is Left With ‘Limited Stock’ Of Hypersonic Weapons Due To Microchip Shortage – Ukraine – Eurasian Times – Sep 7, 2022
‘We Haven’t Started Yet,’ Putin Says in Hawkish Speech on Ukraine Invasion – Haaretz – Jul 7, 2022
President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Russia had barely got started in Ukraine and dared the West to try to defeat it on the battlefield, while insisting that Moscow was still open to the idea of peace talks.
“Today we hear that they want to defeat us on the battlefield. What can you say, let them try,” he said.”We have heard many times that the West wants to fight us to the last Ukrainian. This is a tragedy for the Ukrainian people, but it seems that everything is heading towards this.”
“Everyone should know that, by and large, we haven’t started anything yet in earnest,” he added. “At the same time, we don’t reject peace talks. But those who reject them should know that the further it goes, the harder it will be for them to negotiate with us.”
U.S. Believes Ukrainians Were Behind an Assassination in Russia – NY Times – Oct 5, 2020
American officials said they were not aware of the plan ahead of time for the attack that killed Daria Dugina and that they had admonished Ukraine over it.
UN: Ukraine nuclear power plant loses external power link – ABC News – Oct 8, 2022
The U.N. nuclear watchdog says that Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, the biggest in Europe, has lost its last remaining external power source as a result of renewed shelling and is now relying on emergency diesel generators
Ukraine unveils stamps celebrating Kerch bridge explosion – hours after the attack – Telegraph – Oct 8, 2022
Timing of the Post Office announcement, just hours after the Crimea bridge was destroyed, raises questions about the nature of the damage
Syricide @Syricide – 8:33 UTC · 10 Oct 2022 #Kiev yesterday.

Russia Unleashes Biggest Barrage of Strikes on Ukraine Since Invasion – WSJ – Oct 10, 2022
Cities throughout Ukraine, including Kyiv, are bombarded after Putin slams Ukraine over Crimea bridge blast
KYIV, Ukraine—Russia carried out waves of strikes on several Ukrainian cities including the capital in the broadest and most intense onslaught since the start of the invasion, after President Vladimir Putin accused Ukraine of a “terrorist attack” on a critical bridge connecting Russia’s mainland to the occupied Crimean Peninsula.Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Russia had carried out dozens of strikes using missiles as well as Iranian-made drones to target civilian and power infrastructure. “They want panic and chaos,” he said. “They want to destroy our energy system.”
Ukraine “under missile attack” as explosions rock Kyiv and other cities – CBSNews – Oct 10, 2022
Kyrylo Tymoshenko, deputy head of the president’s office, said on social media Monday that, “Ukraine is under missile attack. There is information about strikes in many cities of our country.”General Valeriy Zaluzhnyi, Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, said on Twitter that Russia had launched 75 missiles at Ukraine but that “41 of them were neutralized by our air defence.”
Zelenskyy later emerged onto a street in Kyiv to record a selfie video with a message to his people and the world, denouncing Russia for the barrage of missiles which he said had targeted Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, and its civilians.
Kiev, Lviv, Karkov, Dnipropetrovsk, Krivoy Rog all report damage to their electricity infrastructure.
Posted by b on October 10, 2022 at 10:00 UTC | Permalink
Russia Now Devastating Ukraine In Latest Escalation
Finland Tells Citizens “Stock Iodine Pills” in case of “Radiation Emergency”
Fears of _actual_ nuclear war continue to grow over the Russia-Ukraine situation. The latest example is Finland’s Ministry of Health which, today, told citizens to stock up on Iodine pills “in case of radiation emergency.”
The ministry presented the new recommendation at a media event on Tuesday.
The ministry said the recommendation was limited to people 3-40 years of age because of the potential risk radiation exposure poses to that age group.
The release of radioactive iodine from a nuclear incident into the environment, could build up in the thyroid gland. This is most harmful to children, who are at greater risk of developing thyroid cancer due to large doses of radiation,” the ministry’s statement read.
The statement noted that in case of such an emergency, sheltering indoors was the main way for people to protect themselves from hazardous radiation.
The ministry also noted that a single iodine tablet dose usually provides sufficient protection. It added that iodine rarely causes side effects, but that individuals who have thyroid conditions should use the substance with caution.
The recommended single dose for 12-40 year-olds in a dangerous radiation situation is 130 milligrams of potassium iodide. Children over 3 years of age are recommended to take half of that dose.
The ministry said that there are no iodine products suitable — nor available in Finland — for children under the age of three. However, the recommended dose for children under three years of age is 32.5 milligrams of potassium iodide, and for newborns half of this.
However, the ministry continues to recommend that pregnant women over the age of 40 keep a supply of iodine tablets at home, as fetal thyroid glands are significantly more sensitive to radioactive iodine than they are among adults.
“Public healthcare services will procure iodine tablets suitable for children under the age of three and will determine the best way to distribute them to the parents of such children and to pregnant women. Regional healthcare providers will inform people when such an iodine product is available,” the ministry’s statement read (siirryt toiseen palveluun).
Goonies clip
If you have time, this is a cute little B-grade escape.
Iodine stocks sold out
On Tuesday afternoon, Finland’s largest chain of pharmacy outlets, Yliopiston Apteekki, reported stocks of iodine tablets had practically sold out nationwide following the issuing of the ministry’s statement.
Chief pharmaceutical officer Kati Vuorikallas told the STT news agency that the surge in demand has also been reflected in the increased traffic on the chain’s website, which has caused the site to slow down significantly or even crash for some users.
Efforts are being made to replenish the iodine stocks, Vuorikallas added, but there is no precise schedule on when this will happen.
Top 5 Chinese Electric Cars to Look Out For in 2022
Welcome to my world…
a Ukrainian AN-124-100 heavy transport aircraft departed Entebbe, Uganda this morning and landed at Rzeszow-Jasieńka International Airport in Poland, which is the main air hub for military equipment, weapons and ammunition delivered to Armed Forces Ukraine (AFU).
According to open sources, Uganda’s army has several dozen units of Soviet equipment, including T-72 and T-55 tanks, BMP-2, BTR-60, 122mm D-30 guns and Grad MLRS, as well as a stock of ammunition for them. In addition, T-90C tanks and BTR-80A armoured personnel carriers were supplied to Uganda from Russia.
A few months after the outbreak of hostilities, most of the AFU’s artillery ammunition stocks began to run out, and many familiar Soviet vehicles were also needed, forcing Ukraine to seek new sources of supply from European states with Soviet-era equipment as well as exotic countries such as Pakistan.
This strange flight of a Ukrainian Ruslan from Uganda, a country with large stockpiles of Soviet armaments, to a Polish airfield, which is the main supply base for Ukraine in need of Soviet armaments, raises serious concerns about the possible involvement of Uganda in this conflict on the side of the AFU.
American & Russian Supercomputers Become Friends, Impose World Peace By Nuking Cities
And this is what is being “reported” in the West…
Vladimir Putin’s forces now facing ‘total collapse’ in Ukraine, former NATO commander says Vladimir Putin’s crumbling army is heading for a total collapse in what could be Russia’s biggest military disaster in a century, a former NATO commander has predicted. Sir Richard Shirreff, a retired British army general, served as NATO’s Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe from 2011-2014. After leaving the military, he wrote a book on the threat of a potential war between Russia and NATO. “I think the scene is being set for a decisive rout of the Russian army in Ukraine,” Sir Richard told The Sun. He hailed the “masterclass” counteroffensive which has seen Putin’s forces driven back in the east and south of Ukraine, and added that the fightback was “maintaining momentum”. Ukrainian forces are now bearing down on the key city of Kherson as they make significant gains in regions Putin only recently tried to claim as part of Russia. In an attempt to turn the tide, Putin is reportedly massing troops in Belarus, which neighbours Ukraine and whose dictator Alexander Lukashenko is a Russian ally. Belarus was the initial launch pad for the invasion, and it’s feared that Russia could try once again to encircle the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv. In response to that threat, Ukrainian troops have been seen moving to reinforce the border with Belarus. But Sir Richard believes such a gambit would be of little use for the Russians. In fact he says there is likely no way out of their current, desperate predicament. “The Russians are like the boxer trapped in the corner of the ring against a very agile opponent who punches one side and then punches the other,” he said. “The Ukrainians pushing the Russians back to the February 23 line – the day before the war started – by the end of 2022, I think, is entirely feasible.” He compared the current rout to the collapse of the Russian tsar’s military in 1917. That revolution saw soldiers mutiny and refuse to follow orders, ending Russia’s involvement in World War I. “The scene is setting for a collapse of the Russian army,” the retired general said. “This could be an avalanche, and now we are seeing the cracks in the snow. The Ukrainians are creating more problems than the Russians are capable of solving. It’s looking good. “The morale is gone. You’ve got soldiers who simply don’t want to fight. These guys were told they would be welcomed with open arms by cheering crowds and the so-called ‘Nazis’ would collapse. But they were met by a ferocious resistance. They are in a country that doesn’t want them there. Why should they die for Putin’s adventure? “Conceptually, the Russians do not understand combined arms warfare, they haven’t trained properly, physically they haven’t got the right kit and what they do have is rubbish, and morally they are completely bankrupt. “The Ukrainians are well prepared, they’ve got the clothing, they’ve got the kit, and they’ve got the morale and the motivation. They are not going to stop.” But while he was optimistic, Sir Richard warned the danger – including the threat of nuclear weapons – has by no means gone away, urging the West to keep up the pressure on Putin. “We should take that nuclear threat very seriously, but we should not in any way blink, and I am pretty encouraged by the response of the West,” he said. “But if we are promising massive retaliation in some way or other, you have to prepare for the worst case, and the worst case is being at war with Russia.” And he drew a grim comparison between Putin and Adolf Hitler, saying the Russian leader was now “in the bunker”, as the German dictator was in the dying days of World War II. “We are dealing with crunchy political issues at the moment, but nevertheless – we might not want this war, but this war might want us,” said Sir Richard. “We must prepare for the worst case. This is about insurance. The way to avoid a potential war with Russia is to be ready for it, and we are not ready for it.” Putin recently copped a new humiliation as his prized Kerch Bridge was blown up, partially severing the one fixed link between mainland Russia and the Crimean Peninsula. Russia responded with a wave of indiscriminate bombardment across the country, as Putin labelled the Ukrainians “terrorists”. Fears also continue to loom that Putin could follow through on his nuclear threats as he is backed further and further into a corner. And questions remain over his future, with it being increasingly difficult to see how he can remain as Russia’s leader if there are more humiliations. “There will be no peace in Europe while either Putin, a Putin-like regime, or an ultranationalist sits in the Kremlin,” Sir Richard said. “The only way to ensure that the threat (is over) once the fighting stops is to make sure Ukraine is a member of NATO, and NATO must bite the bullet and put troops on the ground and forces in the air over Ukraine. “The way to maintain peace and the way to deter war is to be ready for it, and that means a generational challenge with a serious, major military expenditure, not unlike the Cold War.”