It’s a valid question. Yes it is.
No one, by any jumps or fantasy justifications can actually validate the United States as functioning AT ALL, let alone in some form of order. At this stage, it simply appears that the USA is one enormous criminal network… attacking everyone, fleecing everyone and everything, and just looting and pillaging at will while the vile evil villains joke and strut about proud and haughty in their seemingly untouchable state.
The United States is in a steep nose dive.
All evidence points in that direction.
Consider this next article. If the pandemic is the cause of ACT test results, then you would see a uniform drop across all college entrance tests in all the nations of the world. But that is not what is being observed. Only a drop in the American ACT tests.
Well… it must be the pandemic. Not the US system…
ACT test scores drop to lowest in 30 years in pandemic slide
Ah. Blame the pandemic. You notice that no one is providing proof that it is caused by the pandemic. Just a bold statement taken as truth. -MM
PHOENIX (AP) — Scores on the ACT college admissions test by this year’s high school graduates hit their lowest point in more than 30 years — the latest evidence of the enormity of learning disruption during the pandemic.
The class of 2022′s average ACT composite score was 19.8 out of 36, marking the first time since 1991 that the average score was below 20. What’s more, an increasing number of high school students failed to meet any of the subject-area benchmarks set by the ACT — showing a decline in preparedness for college-level coursework.
The test scores, made public in a report Wednesday, show 42% of ACT-tested graduates in the class of 2022 met none of the subject benchmarks in English, reading, science and math, which are indicators of how well students are expected to perform in corresponding college courses.
In comparison, 38% of test takers in 2021 failed to meet any of the benchmarks.
“Academic preparedness is where we are seeing the decline,” said Rose Babington, senior director for state partnerships for the ACT. “Every time we see ACT test scores, we are talking about skills and standards, and the prediction of students to be successful and to know the really important information to succeed and persist through their first year of college courses.”
Ah. the USA is in freefall.
Consider the American economy. At what point is the “tolerance threshold” crossed and open revolt / fighting occurs?
Pause and think about it.
Pay attention to the first sentence in the next article…
Thanks Biden! This Is What “Stagflation” Looks Like, And It Is Going To Be With Us For A While…
Normally, we shouldn’t have economic stagnation and rampant inflation at the same time. But that is exactly what we’ve got.
U.S. GDP actually declined during the first two quarters of this year, and we are being warned that economic activity could slow down a whole lot more in the months ahead. Meanwhile, we are in the midst of the worst inflation crisis since the Jimmy Carter era. The cost of living has become extremely oppressive, and this is particularly true when it comes to food. We just got some new numbers from the Department of Labor on Wednesday, and quite a few of them are absolutely stunning…
- Fresh and dried vegetables: up 15.7 percent for the month and 40.2 percent for the year.
- Grains: up 10.7 percent for the month and 30.4 percent for the year.
- Fresh eggs: up 16.7 percent for the month and 97.3 percent for the year.
- Bakery products: up 0.8 percent for the month and 14.0 percent for the year.
- Pasta: up 1.1 percent for the month and 34.1 percent for the year.
- Finfish and shellfish: up 2.5 percent for the month and 2.9 percent for the year.
- Processed fruits and vegetables: up 2.6 percent for the month and 16.0 percent for the year.
- Dairy products: down 1.6 percent for the month but up 18.2 percent for the year.
- Soft drinks: up 1.9 percent for the month but up 15.8 percent for the year.
- Pork: up 5.5 percent for the month but down 2.0 percent for the year.
- Fresh fruits and melons: down 1.2 percent for the month but up 20.7 percent for the year.
- Turkey: up 0.5 percent for the month and 38.2 percent for the year.
This is crazy.
In my entire lifetime, I have never seen anything like this.
Everywhere you look in the grocery store, prices are rising to levels that are completely nuts. If you can believe it, even Pepsi has raised prices on their products by an average of 17 percent over the past year…
The 12% increase it expects from full year organic revenue, noted by the Wall Street Journal this morning, comes at the hands of average prices rising an astonishing 17% from the year prior. The price hikes have also helped the company raise its profit outlook. It now expects per-share earnings growth of 10% for the year, the report notes. The rise in prices has helped offset a “slight decline” in overall sales volume, the report says. This means that Pepsi is fighting the recession that the country is in with more inflation.
Has the size of your paycheck gone up by 17 percent during the past 12 months?
If not, you are losing ground.
Sadly, most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck these days, and more of us than ever are falling behind on our bills. Just check out the results of a brand new LendingTree study…
That’s according to a new LendingTree study, which found that 32% of Americans have paid a bill late over the past six months, and an overwhelming majority – about 61% – said it’s because they did not have enough money to cover the costs. Another 40% of respondents said they are struggling more to afford their bills than they were just one year ago. Most said they fell behind on a utility bill, credit card payment or cable or internet bill. “Life is getting more expensive by the day, and it’s shrinking Americans’ already tiny financial margin for error down to zero,” said Matt Schulz, LendingTree’s chief credit analyst.
At the same time that the cost of living is becoming excruciatingly painful, economic activity in the United States is really starting to slow down and big companies are starting to lay off workers.
In fact, we just learned that Walmart will be laying off almost 1,500 more workers…
As Walmart continues making adjustments to the structure of its business plan, the e-commerce-based company has announced it will let go of nearly 1,500 employees by the beginning of December. The employees will all be laid off from one specific fulfillment center in Atlanta, Georgia. This may come at a bad time for all the employees with the holidays quickly approaching, but the company is doing this to ensure their future. A recent blog post published by the Senior Vice President, Karisa Sprague, breaks down and shares details of just how they are developing their fulfillment network for the future. Essentially, the Senior VP says that Walmart is making necessary adjustments to provide the highest level of customer service that they can, as well as also doing the best by their employees. She goes on the mention that evolution is essential as times change.
And has just laid off approximately 40 percent of their entire workforce.. has laid off some 2,000 employees in one of the biggest downsizes in the cryptocurrency industry yet. The cuts account for about 40% of the DeFi exchange’s staff, according to CoinDesk. The current layoffs come after the exchange cut over 400 jobs in the middle of June.
Unfortunately, this is just the beginning.
Many more layoffs are coming.
And just like we witnessed in 2008, the U.S. housing market is really starting to implode.
Rapidly rising rates are scaring off buyers, and demand for new mortgages is absolutely plummeting…
The average interest rate on US home loans has hit its highest level since 2006, as the Federal Reserve’s rate hikes to fight inflation continue to raise borrowing costs for homebuyers. The average rate on a 30-year fixed rate mortgage hit 6.81 percent for the week ending October 7, the eighth straight weekly increase, the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) said on Wednesday. Higher borrowing costs have sent home sales volume plunging. The MBA’s Purchase Index, which measures new mortgages to buy a home, dropped 2 percent from the prior week and 39 percent from a year ago.
This is what stagflation looks like.
And thanks to a series of colossal errors by our leaders, it is going to be with us for a while.
We were warned that an economic day of reckoning would eventually come, and now it is here.
If you are searching for someone to thank for this mess, you can thank Joe Biden, our free spending Congress critters, and the “experts” at the Federal Reserve.
Most Americans trusted them when they told us that they had everything under control.
Now we can see that it was all a charade, and the months ahead are looking exceedingly bleak indeed.
Putin’s CICA Summit Address
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr President of [Kazakhstan] Kassym-Jomart Kemelevich, Dear colleagues! For 30 years, the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia has been discussing pressing issues related to strengthening security and stability throughout the vast Asian region. Today's meeting is taking place against the backdrop of major changes in global politics and the economy. The world is becoming truly multipolar, and Asia plays a very noticeable, if not key, role in this, where new centers of power are growing stronger. The countries of the Asian region are the locomotive of world economic growth. Such integration associations as the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and the Eurasian Economic Union are operating dynamically and with good returns. Russia is also actively involved in all these processes. We stand for the development and prosperity of Asia and the creation for this purpose of a wide open space of mutually beneficial trade and investment cooperation, for the expansion and deepening of cooperation ties in various sectors of the economy. Let me remind you that it was Russia that stood at the origins of the creation of the business council at the meeting, through which many successful conferences and seminars have been held over the past years on the entire range of economic topics. And of course, together with other Asian states, we are doing everything to form a system of equal and indivisible security based on the universally recognized principles of international law of the UN Charter. Our meeting and other regional associations have to deal with many acute problems, including the increased volatility of global prices for energy, food, fertilizers, raw materials and other important goods. This leads to a deterioration in the quality of life in developed and developing countries. Moreover, there is a real threat of hunger and large-scale social upheaval, especially in the poorest countries. Russia, for its part, is making every effort to provide critical products to countries in need. We call for the elimination of all artificial, illegitimate barriers to the normal functioning of global supply chains in order to meet the urgent challenges of food security. Like many of our partners in Asia, we believe that it is necessary to launch a revision of the principles of the global financial system, which for decades allowed the self-proclaimed so-called golden billion, which has closed all flows of capital and technology, to a large extent live at someone else's expense. As a priority step, we see a more active use of national currencies in mutual settlements. Such measures would undoubtedly contribute to strengthening the financial sovereignty of our states, developing domestic capital markets, and deepening regional economic integration. It is extremely important, together with other regional forums and organizations, to continue to work actively to resolve emerging crisis situations and conflicts in Asia, to strengthen cooperation between our states in countering the terrorist threat, identifying and neutralizing extremist groups, blocking their financial support, combating drug trafficking and suppressing the propaganda of radical ideas. Unfortunately, Afghanistan remains one of the most acute security challenges for our region. Our colleagues have already spoken about this today. This country, after more than 20 years of military presence of the United States and NATO, the failure of their policy, was unable to independently solve the problems associated with terrorist threats, which is confirmed by the ongoing series of bloody terrorist attacks, including the explosion near the Russian Embassy in Kabul on September 5. In order to normalize the situation on the territory of Afghanistan, of course, it is necessary to jointly promote its economic reconstruction. But above all, we urge compensation for the damage done to Afghans during the years of occupation and the unfreezing of illegally frozen Afghan funds. In the context of a settlement in Afghanistan, it would be useful to use the capabilities of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and its regional anti-terrorist structure. We also invite all Asian countries to cooperate more closely with the International Data Bank for Countering Terrorism, established at the initiative of Russia. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Russia, together with China, has drafted a joint statement at this summit on security cooperation in the field of information and communication technologies. We hope that it will be approved. In conclusion, I would like to mention the importance of strengthening multilateral cooperation between the states participating in the meeting in the social, cultural and humanitarian spheres, in promoting inter-civilizational dialogue and contacts between people. In particular, volunteer movements also require support. The acute phase of the coronavirus pandemic, which we have passed, has shown the undoubtedly useful role that volunteer and youth structures play in providing assistance and assistance to the population. Russia has a good, rich experience in these matters, which we are ready to share with interested countries. On the whole, I would like to note with satisfaction that the joint work within the framework of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures is progressing in a positive manner. Russia will continue to develop multifaceted cooperation with all the parties represented at this meeting. We support the initiatives of Kazakhstan's chairmanship. Thank you very much for your attention.
With the latest acts of terrorism being performed by NATO, IMO it’s becoming clear that the term terrorism is becoming a cover term for NATO/Outlaw US Empire.
The anti-terrorism principle, which also includes the extremism present within Color Revolution attempts, is now a major part of Eurasian multilateral organizations’s aims.
Thus, while none of those organizations are overtly against any one nation or bloc, it’s clear that they’re against those that are responsible for Terrorism and Extremism, which as we know consist of the Outlaw US Empire and its vassals.
7 Legendary Cryptids that Turned Out to Be Real!

Cryptozoology is the search for and study of animals that mainstream science considers to be mythical or non-existent. Animals studied by cryptozoologists are called cryptids. Famous examples include creatures like Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and the Yeti. Unsurprisingly then, there is quite a lot of derision aimed at cryptids in scientific circles. Cryptids are the stuff of low-level tabloid magazines and conspiracy theorists, right? Wrong! Many animals that experts once believed to be cryptids are actually flesh and blood living things.
Famous Cryptids that Aren’t Actually Cryptids Anymore
1.The Platypus
The platypus is a weird animal that seems to break a lot of rules. At the time of its first discovery by Europeans, it seemed to contradict everything they thought they knew about mammals.
The platypus is a furry, Australian mammal that lives in rivers. It has the feet of an otter and the tail of a beaver. So far, not that strange. Then one looks at the head, and it appears to have a bill of a duck, unlike any other mammal.
Even stranger still is the fact that it lays eggs. Only five living mammal species do so, the platypus and four kinds of echidna (spiny anteaters). Up until the discovery of the platypus, it was common knowledge that one of the things which defined a mammal was giving birth to live offspring.
On top of this, the platypus is venomous! Venomous mammals were basically unheard of. The male platypus produces venom from glands attached to its ankle spurs. It is believed these are used defensively against other males, especially during mating season.
It’s unsurprising then that European naturalists from the 18th and 19th centuries believed the platypus to be a hoax. When the first platypus corpses arrived in Europe from Australia, the experts weren’t sure what to make of them.
Many thought it to be the work of Chinese sailors, who had previously tricked them with the corpse of a supposed mermaid. It was believed the platypus corpses were just well-put-together amalgamations of other animals! It took nearly a century for zoologists to admit they were wrong and definitively confirm the existence of the platypus.

2.The Giant Squid
Another poster child for famous cryptids that turned out to be real is the terrifying giant squid. Reports of the giant squid go back 2,000 years to the time of Aristotle. Pliny the Elder, a Roman naturalist, did a pretty good job describing the giant squid in his Natural History .
He got pretty much everything right, except the size. Showing that the giant squid was too massive even for the superstitious ancient writers to get right, Pliny only estimated the squid at 30 feet (9 meters) long, when in reality it’s over 40 feet (12 meters) long! Early run-ins with giant squid were likely the inspiration for several mythological sea monsters , like Norse mythology’s Kraken and the Scylla of Greek mythology.

The giant squid remained a cryptid for so long because its existence was seemingly fantastical, and hard to verify. The sea is almost unfathomable in its size and depth. Looking for anything in the ocean, even something as huge as a giant squid, is like looking for a needle in a haystack. This is exacerbated by the fact that the giant squid is a deep sea creature, and humans haven’t spent much time down there.
The only chance early zoologists had to study and verify the giant squid was through carcasses that would very occasionally wash ashore. The problem with this was that hungry sea creatures had often begun eating the corpses before they washed ashore, meaning complete samples were rare. Added to this was the fact that the carcasses tended to rot extremely quickly, leaving little to work with.
The first recorded discovery of a mostly intact giant squid carcass was in the 1870s. However, it wasn’t until the last decade or so that we managed to take photos of a live specimen, cementing the giant squid’s status as a former cryptid.

3.Sea Serpent Cryptids
Stories of dreadful sea serpents that dwell in the ocean date back thousands of years. Even the Bible makes references to a gigantic beast called Leviathan that roams the briny depths looking for prey. Much like in the case of the giant squid, for a long time, scientists thought these sea monsters were too huge to be real.
Cryptozoologists, however, believe that many sightings of these historic sea monsters are cases of real animals being misidentified, and then being given a fantastical, superstitious twist. One incredibly rare species is perhaps the likely culprit.
The oarfish is a long, bony fish with an elongated body that has been found to grow to at least 56 feet (17 meters) long. They are found in oceans all over the world, but usually live in the deep ocean. They have sometimes washed ashore during storms and occasionally come to the surface when near death.

It seems likely that these giant fish are responsible for at least some of these early depictions of sea serpents. The first live oarfish wasn’t filmed until 2001, showing just how rare and hard to verify these fish were.
4.The Ultimate Cryptid: The Unicorn
Now obviously, unicorns as traditionally portrayed don’t exist. The unicorn is still very much a cryptid. Except it isn’t. Although no one has discovered a horned horse yet, we can go back 2,000 years and find the animals that likely inspired talk of unicorns.
Pliny the Elder described the unicorn two thousand years ago. He described it as having “the feet of the elephant, and the tail of the boar, while the rest of the body is like that of the horse; it makes a deep lowing noise, and has a single black horn, which projects from the middle of its forehead, two cubits in length. This animal, it is said, cannot be taken alive.” That sounds suspiciously like an Indian rhinoceros.

There is another contender for real-life unicorn inspiration. The second is a little stranger, however, seeing as it lives in the sea. The narwhal is a type of toothed whale that lives in the freezing waters around Greenland, Canada, and Russia. Its defining feature is a large protruding canine tooth, known as its tusk. This tusk is startlingly similar to the imagined unicorn horn.
Unicorn horns were an incredibly popular curio through the Middle Ages into the Renaissance period. These unicorn horns came from narwhals that the Vikings had hunted, selling their tusks for crazy prices as unicorn horns. When the English explorer Martin Frobisher led a Canadian expedition in 1577, he came across a dead narwhal. The name he gave it? The sea unicorn.

5.The Komodo Dragon
Before 1910, any scientist claiming to believe in a giant lizard that looked like a dragon would have been laughed out of the room. At the time, it was widely believed that giant lizards were a thing of the past, and nothing on the scale of a Komodo dragon could exist.
When pearl fishermen returned from the Lesser Sunda Islands in Indonesia telling tall tales of giant ‘land crocodiles’, no one took them seriously. After all, fishermen are famous for exaggeration. Then, in 1910, an expedition from Buitenzorg Zoological Museum visited Komodo Island and produced the first scientific report on the creatures. Lieutenant Jacques Karel Henri visited the island and took home both a Komodo dragon skin and a photograph.
The Komodo dragon remained mostly a mystery until 1926, when a second expedition went in search of the dragon. Its leader, W. Douglas Burden, came back with twelve preserved Komodo dragon bodies, as well as two live animals. It was only then the Komodo dragon truly left the realm of the cryptids and entered the world of established science.
The 1926 expedition and discovery of an animal considered by many to be prehistoric went on to inspire the 1933 film King Kong .

6.The Humble Gorilla
Sometimes an animal becomes so commonly known that it’s surprising it was ever considered a cryptid at all. For example, the humble gorilla was considered a cryptid until 1847.
The term gorilla comes from a Carthaginian explorer called Hanno the Navigator, who was exploring the African coast in 500 BC. He described coming across a tribe of “gorillae”, monstrous and violent humans. Although it is likely he actually encountered chimps or baboons, the name has stuck.
Reports of monstrous, hairy humans who would attack and overpower villages continue throughout the centuries but were never taken seriously by scientists. In the 16th century, an English explorer described ape-like humans visiting his campfire at night.
Gorillas in general remained cryptids until 1847, when Thomas Savage found gorilla bones in Liberia. With the help of a Harvard anatomist named Jeffries Wyman, he then released a formal description of the species dubbing it, Gorilla gorilla. Sadly, from this point onwards, other anthropologists began hunting gorillas in earnest, seeking to learn as much about the discovery as possible.
The mountain gorilla stayed a cryptid for a while longer. It wasn’t formally recognized as a species until 1902, when a German officer, Captain Robert von Beringe, shot one in the Virunga region of Rwanda and took it home to Europe.

7.The Okapi
The okapi is an African mammal that resembles a cross between a zebra and a donkey. Their only bizarre feature is the two hair-covered, horn-like structures called ossicones that they have just above their eyes. These may sound bizarre, but actually, the okapi is from the giraffe family, and the ossicones are pretty much the same as a giraffe’s horns.

The okapi isn’t especially peculiar, certainly not compared to the giant squid or platypus. Yet it was considered a myth until 1901. The problem was its central African habitat was already well-known to European explorers, and since they had never seen one, they did not believe the tales the locals told of the okapi.
Okapi inhabit incredibly dense forests and live quiet, solitary lives. Even the locals who told stories of them were unsure. Their knowledge of the okapi predominantly came from evidence the animals left behind, like tracks, rather than actual sightings.
In 1890, Sir Henry Stanley was the first European to describe the mammal after traveling in the region. However, he had no solid proof, and so the okapi remained a cryptid. It was not until 1901 that zoologist and imperial officer Sir Harry Johnston obtained a skull and some skins with the help of locals. With this physical evidence, the okapi’s existence could finally be confirmed.
The okapi wasn’t caught on film in the wild until 2008, which should give an idea of just how hard this beautiful animal is to track down.

So, if these cryptids turned out to be real, what about Nessy or Bigfoot? Why are people who believe in them still mocked and derided in the scientific community? The animals above, and in fact, all former cryptids share at least one thing in common.
They come from remote, hard-to-explore regions of the planet. These animals stayed cryptids for so long because European scientists hadn’t had a chance to fully explore their habitats yet. Once they had, these animals stop being cryptids. The problem is, besides the oceans, most of the earth’s land mass has been pretty well studied by now. The likelihood of creatures as large as the okapi walking around undiscovered up to now is slim to none.
Another thing most cryptids have in common is that they were actually discovered ages ago. The okapi and mountain gorilla had been talked about by African tribes for centuries. Likewise, the indigenous peoples of Australia were likely familiar with the platypus.
The awkward truth is that the only reason these animals were never taken seriously is old-fashioned racism. For the most part, something remained cryptid until European scientists said otherwise, seeing it with their own eyes. Centuries of eyewitness accounts made by the locals didn’t count, because colonial-era European scientists lacked respect for the indigenous people of the places they were colonizing.
Although it is unlikely any more large cryptids will be discovered, there is always some hope. There are still far-flung corners of the world and the fathomless depths of the oceans we haven’t scoured yet. If we are now willing to listen to the people from these areas, who knows what we might discover?
PayPal’s censorship plan EXPOSED and it’s getting worse
This is horrific!
The USA is NOT NOT NOT the land of freedom and justice.
This is fucking horrific. Watch the entire thing to the very end!!!!

School children in every single city and town in Russia brought home official government notices today, telling families what to do in Civil Defense Emergencies like . . . radiation.
Poster boards are going up in mass-transit stations, at city halls, in shopping centers with the exact same message.
“Civil Defense
The procedure for the actions of the population on the go signal when at work.
The signal “ATTENTION TO ALL!”
Accompanied by the activation of sirens with intermittent beeps followed by verbal information about the signal GO
* upon hearing the SIGNAL, turn on your radio or television set and listen to the message about the situation and how to proceed
* pass on the information you receive to your neighbors
* Act according to the messages you have been given.
Ways you should notify ALL!!:
* Television
* loudspeakers
* sirens
* bell
*Howls from businesses and vehicles
*phone, text message
* mobile sound-amplifying installations
* Information board
*social networks
Actions of the population
(inscriptions on the signs)
– Turn off lights, gas, water, heaters
– Close windows and doors tightly
– Cover gaps around doors, vents with a wet cloth.
– use personal protective equipment.
– Take cover in the nearest protective structure, buried room or other premises of the underground space, including the subway.
– Report to the assembly area
– evacuate to a safe area.
* Return to your place of work
* Be prepared for a possible repeat of the civil defense “ATTENTION TO ALL” signal.””
The Hal Turner Radio Show reported to readers and listeners back on July 11 that New York City Emergency Management issued a Public Service Announcement for TV telling New Yorkers what to do when a NUCLEAR BOMB hits the city! (Story Here)
Then New York City posted NUCLEAR ATTACK warning signs in Subway cars (Story Here)
The State of New Jersey also began warning its population of nuclear emergencies with large poster boards inside Shopping Malls (Story Here)
In September, New Jersey placed giant ads on the sides of all New Jersey Transit buses with the same warnings and instructions! (Story Here)
Just this week, the country of Finland told its citizens to get Potassium Iodide pills to take in a “Radiation Emergency” (Story Here)
When the Russia-Ukraine thing went “hot” Romania knew what was coming . . . and began handing out Potassium Iodide pills to its citizens (Story Here)
Poland began handing out Potassium Iodide Pills to its citizens just weeks ago (Story Here)
Back in April, the European Commission began construction of nuclear blast facilities for itself (Story Here)
Governments don’t do things like this for no reason. They do it because they either KNOW this is going to happen, or they believe strongly it may happen.
In this particular case, they KNOW . . . . because THEY are the ones causing it!
The only people who aren’t taking much of it seriously is the general pubic. That attitude had better change real fast.
You need Emergency Food (canned, Boxed), emergency water (5 gallon containers for each person at home, minimum, Extra supply of any medicines you need to live, first aid kit, portable radio with spare batteries, flashlights with spare batteries, and much, much more.
Even with these supplies, survival is questionable. However, WITHOUT any emergency supplies, YOU and YOUR FAMILY will not stand any chance at all.
Finland Tells Citizens “Stock Iodine Pills” in case of “Radiation Emergency”
Fears of _actual_ nuclear war continue to grow over the Russia-Ukraine situation. The latest example is Finland’s Ministry of Health which, today, told citizens to stock up on Iodine pills “in case of radiation emergency.”
The ministry presented the new recommendation at a media event on Tuesday.
The ministry said the recommendation was limited to people 3-40 years of age because of the potential risk radiation exposure poses to that age group.
The release of radioactive iodine from a nuclear incident into the environment, could build up in the thyroid gland. This is most harmful to children, who are at greater risk of developing thyroid cancer due to large doses of radiation,” the ministry’s statement read.
The statement noted that in case of such an emergency, sheltering indoors was the main way for people to protect themselves from hazardous radiation.
The ministry also noted that a single iodine tablet dose usually provides sufficient protection. It added that iodine rarely causes side effects, but that individuals who have thyroid conditions should use the substance with caution.
The recommended single dose for 12-40 year-olds in a dangerous radiation situation is 130 milligrams of potassium iodide. Children over 3 years of age are recommended to take half of that dose.
The ministry said that there are no iodine products suitable — nor available in Finland — for children under the age of three. However, the recommended dose for children under three years of age is 32.5 milligrams of potassium iodide, and for newborns half of this.
However, the ministry continues to recommend that pregnant women over the age of 40 keep a supply of iodine tablets at home, as fetal thyroid glands are significantly more sensitive to radioactive iodine than they are among adults.
“Public healthcare services will procure iodine tablets suitable for children under the age of three and will determine the best way to distribute them to the parents of such children and to pregnant women. Regional healthcare providers will inform people when such an iodine product is available,” the ministry’s statement read (siirryt toiseen palveluun).
Iodine stocks sold out
On Tuesday afternoon, Finland’s largest chain of pharmacy outlets, Yliopiston Apteekki, reported stocks of iodine tablets had practically sold out nationwide following the issuing of the ministry’s statement.
Chief pharmaceutical officer Kati Vuorikallas told the STT news agency that the surge in demand has also been reflected in the increased traffic on the chain’s website, which has caused the site to slow down significantly or even crash for some users.
Efforts are being made to replenish the iodine stocks, Vuorikallas added, but there is no precise schedule on when this will happen.
CICA Conference
Here we have some of the results of the CICA Conference, “Astana Statement on the Transformation of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia”, my emphasis:
We, the Heads of State and Government of the participating States of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA), meeting on 12-13 October 2022 in Astana on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of CICA, decided to chart the following course of our further cooperation:
[1] We are launching a structured, comprehensive and transparent negotiation process on a gradual, step-by-step, consensus-based transformation of CICA into a full-fledged regional international organization. [2] The CICA transformation process will pursue the following main objectives: to identify key areas of future cooperation and to strengthen the institutional and institutional framework of our interaction. [3] We believe that the organization will contribute to ensuring dynamic, equal, comprehensive and balanced economic growth, interconnectedness, social and cultural development of the participating States. We will step up collective work within the organization in order to find joint solutions to the problems common to all of us of the XXI century. to ensure the security and prosperity of the region, the peaceful settlement of disputes in accordance with the UN Charter. [4] Our organization will engage and cooperate in areas of interest to all participating States with other States, organizations and forums that share our objectives and principles to strengthen results-oriented and consensus-based multilateral cooperation in the region.
So, yet another multilateral organization aims at joining with other like-minded organizations thus knitting the region more firmly together. And as with the SCO, a big portion of the organization’s focus is on anti-terrorism efforts which are detailed in other adopted documents that can be found here.
Misguided Foreign Policies Against Russia And Others Damage The U.S. And Its ‘Allies’
Political corruption, a lack of knowledge, and irrational foreign policies have brought the U.S. to a point where it is loosing its primacy in the world.
In response to the 2014 U.S. coup in Kiev the Russian Federation supported ethnic Russian rebels in the Donbas region to resist that anti-Russian progroms with which the Nazi-controlled Kiev regime threatened them. This blocked U.S. plans to move Ukraine into NATO and to station U.S. missiles directly at the Russian border.
In 2016 the Democrats sought revenge by pushing fake claims of Russian interference in U.S. elections. To justify her loss in the presidential election Hillary Clinton created ‘Russiagate’, the false claim the Trump was somehow directed by Russia. She was supported by high ranking officials throughout the deep state and especially within the FBI. In hindsight their behavior was beyond belief:
An FBI supervisor repeatedly testified Tuesday that agents did not corroborate an explosive allegation from a former British spy of a “well-developed conspiracy” between the Kremlin and Donald Trump’s first presidential campaign before citing the claim as a reason to initiate surveillance of a former Trump campaign official.
The FBI used the unconfirmed report, Auten testified, to seek court approval of a secret surveillance warrant to monitor Carter Page, a Trump campaign adviser, and then successfully got that warrant reauthorized on three occasions, based in part on the same, uncorroborated claim.
Auten told the jury that shortly after receiving the first batch of Steele documents in the fall of 2016, a group of FBI officials met with Steele and offered him “anywhere up to $1 million” for information that would corroborate the claims in his reports. But Steele never did provide corroboration, Auten said in response to Durham.
Steele had been hired to produce reports by research firm Fusion GPS, which had been retained by a law firm that represented Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic National Committee.
‘Russiagate’ created a feverish anti-Russian atmosphere especially within the Democrats and their followers.
Adding to this was a serious ignorance of Russia economic and technological capabilities. U.S. politicians rely on biased media which created a false picture of Russia. I did my best to debunk that as often as I could:
The rest of the NYT piece is not any better than its very first paragraph. It simply repeats false stereotypes about Putin as an “autocratic leader” or about the non-existing Russian influence on U.S. elections.Nearly thirty years ago when the Soviet Union broke apart Russia had a deep fall. The liberalization of its economy had catastrophic consequences. But it has since reformed itself. It is now back to its traditional position in the world. A large Eurasian power which is in nearly all aspects independent from the rest of the world and able to protect itself. It must therefore be taken into account when one thinks of global polices. That is simply a fact and not the effect of a “mindgame” that Russia allegedly plays with the “west”.
That the U.S. still has problems to understand that is not Russia’s fault but the result of the skewed descriptions of it.
I wrote the above in December 2019(!). Ten month later I revisited the issue:
Over the last years the U.S. and its EU puppies have ratcheted up their pressure on Russia. They seem to believe that they can compel Russia to follow their diktat. They can’t. But the illusion that Russia will finally snap, if only a few more sanctions ar applied or a few more houses in Russia’s neighborhood are set on fire, never goes away.
Russia does not accept the fidgety ‘rules of the liberal international order’. Russia sticks to the law which is, in my view, a much stronger position. Yes, international law often gets broken. But as Lavrov said elsewhere, one does not abandon traffic rules only because of road accidents.Russia stays calm, no matter what outrageous nonsense the U.S. and EU come up with. It can do that because it knows that it not only has moral superiority by sticking to the law but it also has the capability to win a fight.
Russia is militarily secure and the ‘west’ knows that. It is one reason for the anti-Russian frenzy. Russia does not need to bother with the unprecedented hostility coming from Brussels and Washington. It can ignore it while taking care of its interests.As this is so obvious one must ask what the real reason for the anti-Russian pressure campaign is. What do those who argue for it foresee as its endpoint?
The answer to my question was revealed in mid of last year when the U.S. and the EU threatened Russia with ‘crushing sanctions’. The idea was to destroy Russia’s economy to then breakup the country. It was a very stupid one:
Russia is the most autarkic country in the world. It produces nearly everything it needs and has highly desirable products that are in global demand and are especially needed in Europe. Russia also has huge financial reserves. A sanctions strategy against Russia can not work.To use the Ukraine to gaud Russia into some aggression to then apply sanctions was likewise a rather lunatic attempt.
Instead of splitting Russia from China the U.S. has unintentionally done its best to push them into a deeper alliance. It was the most severe strategic error the U.S. could make.Instead of a taking a new strategic posture that would support a pivot to Asia strategy the U.S. is now moving troops back to Europe.
The narrow-minded bigotry of U.S. decision makers, fed by a belief in U.S. exceptionalism while lacking any conception of real power, has led to this defeat.
The U.S., through NATO, had build up the Ukrainian army with the intent to use it against Russia. As NATO General Secretary Stoltenberg proudly claimed:
As you know, NATO Allies provide unprecedented levels of military support to Ukraine. Actually NATO Allies and NATO have been there since 2014 – trained, equipped and supported the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
The recent war was launched by Ukraine on February 17 with artillery barrages against the Donbas republics. Massive sanctions against Russia were introduced. The Russia army finally marched into Ukraine.
It took only a few weeks to recognize that the sanctions, as I had expected, utterly failed. In the first days the Rubel fell only to come back much stronger. There were no shortages for Russian consumers. Russia’s industries kept buzzing along.
But the sanctions did crush the ‘west’ and especially its consumers.
Over the years the U.S. and the EU have held up sanctions against the oil producers Iran, Venezuela and Russia. They also destroyed parts of Libya’s oil industry. In total the sanctions have kept some 20% of global oil production either off the markets or made them more difficult to buy and sell. On top of this U.S. relations with major Middle East producers, especially Saudi Arabia, have cooled down.
In late 2021 consumer prices for hydrocarbon products exploded. When they threatened to derail the Democrat’s chances in the mid terms President Biden used tax payer money, in form of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, to subsidize gasoline prices:
The United States and five other world powers announced a coordinated effort to tap into their national oil stockpiles on Tuesday, attempting to drive down rising gas prices that have angered consumers around the world.The move appeared to underwhelm oil traders, who had been expecting President Biden to announce a larger release from America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve, which is the biggest in the world with 620 million barrels.
The concerted effort, the largest ever for a release of strategic reserves across multiple countries, is meant to address fluctuations in supply and demand for oil, administration officials said. And it was a shot across the bow of OPEC Plus, the name for the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries as well as Russia and other countries. Mr. Biden has pushed those countries to increase production, but has been rebuffed.The move could bring a response next week when the group holds its monthly meeting. While it could prompt those countries to increase production, it could just as easily push the cartel to restrict supply further and push global prices higher.
The SPR voter bribe has since continued:
Since 2021, the nation’s SPR has diminished by about 35%, with 2021 starting with 638 million barrels in inventory. By the end of the year, that figure had dropped to 594 million barrels. Today, there are 416 million barrels—and even more are set to be released.
The U.S. has not only sanctioned major oil producers, it also instigated a war against the third largest (Russia) and pissed of the second largest one (Saudi Arabia).
The peak of such stupidity was the idea to limit the price ‘allowed’ to be paid for Russian oil:
A sane actor would conclude that the sanctions were a mistake and that lifting them would help Europe more than it would help Russia. But no, the U.S. and European pseudo elites are no longer able to act in a sane manner. They are instead doubling down with the most crazy sanction scheme one has ever heard of:
[T]he European Union pushed ahead on Wednesday with an ambitious but untested plan to limit Russia’s oil revenue.
Under the plan, a committee including representatives of the European Union, the Group of 7 nations and others that agree to the price cap would meet regularly to decide on the price at which Russian oil should be sold, and that it would change based on the market price.How do you make a big producer of a rare commodity sell those goods below the general market price? Unless you have a very strong buyers cartel that can also buy the product from elsewhere you can not do this successfully. It is an economic impossibility.
Russia has declared that it will not sell any oil to any party that supports the G7 price fixing regime. That is why neither China nor India nor any other country besides the EU and U.S. will agree to adhere to it.
A month ago OPEC+ finally fired back by decreasing its output aim by 2 million barrels per day. To some of them a price of oil around $80 per barrel is simply a budget requirement:
The quiet understanding emerging from [Biden’s] trip was that Saudi Arabia would increase its production by about 750,000 barrels a day, and that the United Arab Emirates would follow suit with an additional 500,000, pushing down gas prices and worsening President Vladimir V. Putin’s ability to fund a war that was stretching much longer — and with much higher casualties — than Mr. Biden had expected.But the production increases were fleeting. While Saudi Arabia boosted production significantly in July and August, it backed away from their promise to sustain those levels over the rest of 2022. Its leaders, and all of OPEC, worried that the specter of global recession was driving prices down, from $120 a barrel over the summer to below $80. Below that level, they fear, budgets have to be cut and social stability is threatened. So the Saudis decided they had to act.
The sanctions and the bad relations with Saudi Arabia mark a major failure of U.S. foreign policy writes M. K. Bhadrakumar:
The Biden Administration tempted Fate by underestimating the importance of oil in modern economic and political terms and ignoring that oil will remain the dominant energy source across the world for the foreseeable future, powering everything from cars and domestic heating to huge industry titans and manufacturing plants.
The Western powers are far too naive to think that an energy superpower like Russia can be simply “erased” from the ecosystem. In an “energy war” with Russia, they are doomed to end up as losers.Historically, Western nations understood the imperative to maintain good diplomatic relations with oil-producing countries. But Biden threw caution into the wind by insulting Saudi Arabia calling it a “Pariah” state. Any improvement in the US-Saudi relations is not to be expected under Biden’s watch. The Saudis distrust American intentions.The congruence of interests on the part of the OPEC to keep the prices high is essentially because they need the extra income for their expenditure budget and to maintain a healthy investment level in the oil industry. The International Monetary Fund in April projected Saudi Arabia’s breakeven oil price — the oil price at which it would balance its budget — at $79.20 a barrel.
The budget point is an obvious one. But more important is that all of OPEC+ recognize the new sanction scheme as a potential attack on each of them:
Meanwhile, a “systemic” crisis is brewing. It is only natural that the OPEC views with scepticism the recent moves by the US and the EU to push back Russia’s oil exports. The West rationalises these moves as aimed at drastically reducing Russia’s income from oil exports (which translates as its resilience to fight the war in Ukraine.) The latest G7 move to put a cap on the prices at which Russia can sell its oil is taking matters to an extreme.
No doubt, the West’s move is precedent-setting — namely, to prescribe for geopolitical reasons the price at which an oil-producing country is entitled to export its oil. If it is Russia today, it can as well be Saudi Arabia or Iraq tomorrow. The G7 decision, if it gets implemented, will erode OPEC’s key role regulating the global oil market.Therefore, the OPEC is proactively pushing back. Its decision to cut down oil production by 2 million barrels per day and keep the oil price above $90 per barrel makes a mockery of the G7 decision. The OPEC estimates that Washington’s options to counter OPEC+ are limited. Unlike in the past energy history, the US does not have a single ally today inside the OPEC+ group.Due to rising domestic demands for oil and gas, it is entirely conceivable that the US exports of both items may be curtailed. If that happens, Europe will be the worst sufferer. In an interview with FT last week, Belgium’s prime minister Alexander De Croo has warned that as winter approaches, if energy prices are not brought down, “we are risking a massive deindustrialisation of the European continent and the long-term consequences of that might actually be very deep.”
All this is the consequence of U.S. ‘Russiagate’ phobia, originally raised for purely domestic policy reasons. It is a consequence of misrepresenting and misjudging the size and importance of Russia’s economy. It is consequence of believing that Russian (and Saudi) interests can be ignored.
Russia’s aim is to de-NATO-size Europe. It will do this by using the sanctions against it to deprive Europe of cheap energy. Sustained over months or years it is all that is needed to make NATO fall apart.
The sanctions will finally split Europe from the U.S. and its failed foreign policy.
Some U.S. politicians still think they must continue to pile onto the mountain of failure that U.S. foreign policy has become:
The congressional backlash against Saudi Arabia escalated sharply on Monday as a powerful Democratic senator threatened to freeze weapons sales and security cooperation with the kingdom after its decision to support Russia over the interests of the US.Washington’s anger with its Saudi allies has intensified since last week’s Opec+ decision to cut oil production by 2m barrels, which was seen as a slight to the Biden administration weeks ahead of critical midterm elections, and an important boost to Russia.
Hitting out at Mohammed bin Salman’s decision to “help underwrite Putin’s war through the OPEC+ cartel”, Menendez said there was “simply is no room to play both sides of this conflict”.“I will not green-light any cooperation with Riyadh until the Kingdom reassesses its position with respect to the war in Ukraine. Enough is enough,” he said.
Another Democratic senator and a member of Congress – Richard Blumenthal and Ro Khanna – expressed similar sentiments in an opinion piece for Politico that also accused Saudi Arabia of undermining US efforts and helping to boost Russian president Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
The senators want to block weapon sales to Saudi Arabia. Mohammed bin Salman will rather happily buy Russian air defense system. In contrast to U.S. systems they have the advantage of actually functioning. Saudi Arabia’s Intermediate Range Missiles are from China. It will be happy to add more of those too.
Pissing off Russia, China and the whole Middle East – all at the same time – while condemning its ‘allies’ to a systemic economic crash and utter poverty, is the result of an irrational U.S. foreign policy.
I find it unlikely that the Biden administration with its librul ideology will be able to correct its own errors. The failures and mistakes will stay uncorrected and their consequences will multiply. It will take a regime change in Washington, and a change in its deep state ideology, to find back to some realistic view on foreign policies.
Posted by b on October 12, 2022 at 16:06 UTC | Permalink
Busy FBI
On the other hand, the FBI apparently cherishes its dog whistle “racists” who are essentially agents provocateurs, most notably radio talkshow host Ted Turner. More than a decade ago, I wrote: Radio talk show host and blogger Hal Turner was an FBI trained agent provocateur, his attorney told reporters in Hartford [August 18, 2009]. The supposed white supremacist worked for the agency from 2002 until 2007. “His job was basically to publish information which would cause other parties to act in a manner which would lead to their arrest,” Michael Orozco told the Associated Press. The article I wrote originally appeared on Infowars and Prison Planet. The above link in the byline of the repost now points to an ad for an old Alex Jones documentary. I am persona non grata at both websites and I imagine a lot of the work I did there has made it to the memory hole. But let’s not wander off track. As the case against Turner and the revelations of his attorney reveal, the government did not abandon its COINTELPRO tactics, as it claimed in the mid 1970s. The FBI, acting as the establishment’s political secret police, continues to undermine political movements the elite consider dangerous and a threat to their control and influence. Recall, I wrote the above more than a decade ago, and since that time the situation has grown far worse, predictably so under the mentally compromised Joe Biden. The FBI infiltrated the Ku Klux Klan in the 1950s and 60s. “During the 1960’s, the FBI’s role was not to protect civil rights workers, but rather, through the use of informants, the Bureau actively assisted the Ku Klux Klan in their campaign of racist murder and terror,” the authors of “COINTELPRO: The Untold American Story.” Church Committee hearings and internal FBI documents revealed that more than one quarter of all active Klan members during the period were FBI agents or informants. However, Bureau intelligence “assets” were neither neutral observers nor objective investigators, but active participants in beatings, bombings and murders that claimed the lives of some 50 civil rights activists by 1964. Bureau spies were elected to top leadership posts in at least half of all Klan units. Needless to say, the informants gained positions of organizational trust on the basis of promoting the Klan’s fascist agenda. Incitement to violence and participation in terrorist acts would only confirm the infiltrator’s loyalty and commitment. The report, nearly impossible to find on the internet, notes the FBI established “dozens of Klaverns, sometimes being leaders and public spokespersons. Gary Rowe, an FBI informant, was involved in the Klan killing of Viola Liuzzo, a civil rights worker. He claimed that he had to fire shots at her rather than ‘blow his cover.’ One FBI agent, speaking at a rally organized by the Klavern he led, proclaimed to his followers, ‘We will restore white rights if we have to kill every negro to do it.’” In other words, the FBI was a prime motivator in racist violence, same as it has more recently worked behind the scenes to fabricate Islamic terror groups.
Unless and until departments/agencies like CIA, FBI, Federal Reserve etc. are shut down USA will remain RINO (Republic In Name Only), a post-constitutional failed state with nuclear power and hosting an international credit cartel. Volatile mix.
Expecting such endemic corruption to be remedied by mid-term or Presidential elections in the current polity is a form of mental illness. USA is a pathocracy.
Posted by: Scorpion | Oct 14 2022 5:05 utc | 51
Energy problems
At his VK, Escobar provides an update on the protests in France that has an accompanying map lifted from Le Figaro:
“A nightmare. Major PORTS are blocked (see those red circles and red squares).
“Le Petit Roi’s goons are starting to introduce FORCED LABOR; if you don’t go to work, you will be fined or go to jail.
“You can’t get away with stuff like that in France. Blowback will be a bitch. Le Petit Roi can have his ‘transition economy’ and eat it too.”
Pepe also provides a link to this article, “Global finance vs global energy: who will come out on top?” by energy analyst Dr. Karin Kneissl, Austria’s Foreign Minister from 2017-2019. A tidbit:
“To really understand the core of the conflict in Ukraine – where a proxy war rages – one must break down the confrontation thus: The US and its European allies, who represent and back the global financial sector, are essentially engaged in a battle against the world’s energy sector.
“In the past 22 years, we have seen how easy it is for governments to print paper currency. In just 2022, the US dollar has printed more paper money than in its combined history. Energy, on the other hand, cannot be printed. And therein lies a fundamental problem for Washington: The commodity sector can outbid the financial industry.”
As you read, I’m not the only one who sees energy at the core of our conflict.
Posted by: karlof1 | Oct 13 2022 17:40 utc | 14
Oh No, something BIG is happening in Germany, the WEF is make it worse
Very interesting. And very dangerous.
Euribor rates.
For a graphical overview of the futility of sanctions have a look at the Euribor rates.

Head of Belarus KGB: “The West is considering the use of nuclear weapons against the country and the Russian Federation”
The KGB of Belarus knows that the West is considering using tactical nuclear weapons against the Belarus and Russia. This was stated on Tuesday by the head of the department, Ivan Tertel, on the air of the Belarus-1 TV channel.
“According to our data, which we obtain from the military-political circles of the West, they believe that in no case should they lose (in Ukraine – TASS note). Therefore, the possibility of using tactical nuclear weapons is being discussed, among other things, which are created for direct aggression against our country and against our allies,” Tertel said.
On October 10, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said that the leadership of NATO and European countries is considering options for possible aggression against Belarus, up to a nuclear strike.
According to him, Belarus and the Russian Federation are beginning to use a joint regional grouping of troops in connection with the aggravation of the situation on the western borders of the Union State.
Why can’t America let China annex Taiwan?
China cannot annex Taiwan — Taiwan is already part of China.
What China seeks is to reunify with Taiwan. Big difference.
America is an imperialist. It sticks its nose into things that are none of its business. Taiwan is China’s domestic matter.
America is using Taiwan as a pawn to undermine China, whose economic rise threatens America’s global hegemony.

The Russian Army is using regular AM and FM radio to transmit to Ukrainian citizens in the city of Kharkiv. The broadcasts are telling them to evacuate that city immediately.
The military high-powered radio transmitters are even broadcasting directly ON TOP OF what would be the traditional radio stations in that area. The military transmitters are simply over-powering the regular radio stations.
Over the past 48-72 hours, Russian troop build-ups are showing what appears to be “Special Military Operation -Season 2” . . . only with very much more men.
On the map below, the hand-drawn circles in red show the present build-up of Russian forces, and the circles in blue show Ukrainian force locations.

Most of Ukraine’s forces are engaged in the southeast of the country. The Ukraine troops to the east of Kharkiv, are now finding themselves squished between two superior Russian force groupings; one in the Belgorad region of Russia itself, the other in Luhansk. They seem to be inside a perfect “Pincer” situation.
Ominously for Ukraine, the sudden and very large build-up of Russian troops in Belarus, to the north and northwest of Kiev, looks very much like what existed when Russia initially began its Special Military Operation into Ukraine. At THAT time, the troops in Belarus, north of Kiev, moved in a 47 mile long convoy toward the city, but stopped without attacking.
It turned out to be a feint; Russia did that so as to force Ukraine to keep essential troops in the north to protect the capital, Kiev, while they moved against targets in the south. This time, however, it seems quite clear that if/when those Russian troops come out of Belarus again, Kiev could be mince-meat.
In addition, the Russian forces toward the top left of the map, also in Belarus, is an interesting build-up. Would they swoop in against Kiev, or will they head due south to Lutsk, Rivne . . . or both?
Stay tuned . . .
If China was to launch a naval blockade of Taiwan, what do you think would be the ramifications for regional stability and American interests?
Well, you do understand that Taiwan is part of China, right? China has every right to blockade its own territory and it is absolutely none of the Americans’ fucking business.
However, I’ll tell you what are the ramifications if the Americans interfere: war between China and USA. Very likely, a most devastating war.
So it behooves the Americans to keep their nose out of China’s business.
Obama Official Flip-Flops On Nuclear War w/ Russia

The Russian Federal Security Bureau (FSB) has released arrest video of a Ukrainian Intelligence Bureau (SBU) Agent, in Moscow, with MANPAD, shoulder carried surface-to-air missiles! A second video, shows another arrest in Bryansk, of a man with rocket-propelled grenades, to carry out a terrorist attack upon a logistics facility in Russia.
In the first of two videos below, an actual Agent of Ukraine’s SBU is caught driving a Volkswagon minivan, with two “Igla” MANPAD surface-to-air weapons. These are shoulder-fired weapons that can take down any aircraft at relatively low altitude, especially civilian air liners.
As you will see in the video, the weapons were hidden in a carefully constructed secret compartment, beneath the vehicle:

Since Moscow is not a gigantic military hub, it is initially thought this man was going to hit civilian airliners, to sew terror in the Russian civilian population:
In Bryansk, a second man was quickly taken down, and found to be in possession of some type of rocket-propelled explosive, allegedly to be used against a Russian Logistics center. Video of that arrest, and of the device to be used, is below:

A possible future for the United States
The forces that run the USA are misusing the financial institutions because as long as these institutions can be “s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d”, there are bundles of short term profit. If, (or when) it snaps, (so what), we have garnered $ trillions, and captured the majority of real assets. What will happen? The states will gain more power, as in federalism and some areas will break away. I say areas, because there are not going to be 50 new nations. States can’t sustain themselves alone. There will have to be regions. Even California (the fifth largest world economy) has no water resources. They are dependent on other states.
It is already happening with projects like “Greater Idaho”. It is not that Idaho has expansionist desires. The push comes from the outside.

The way I interpret it is that states have political power, like their two senators. There is a rural / urban divide in America, but every rural state also has a very large city. Illinois and Chicago for example. It is a given that the urban population will cancel the rural vote and thwart their desires and programs. So rural counties want to get out of California and get away from Portland. This is not a break up of the USA, but it is a re-configuration of political power.
State governors could start to feel out the possibilities of regions, develop sharing with allied states. First share emergency services, pollution control, electrical power (which Texas does not do), emergency policing powers, maybe make agreements on the deployment of the national guard? They could make voter blocs in the US congress. Admittedly these are future developments.
Who will Alaska ally with? Russia is an obvious choice. A railroad tunnel would be built. Alaska would become a hub for the distribution of natural gas, when fracking runs dry. They would be a land based shipping center between Asia and the Americas.
I think that it is highly likely.
Joe Biden: “Two Words – Made In America”
Can he count?
The USA is so corrupt…
I learned from the reference below. that
On January 16, 1794, Congress passed a resolution that prohibited anyone who owned stock or held an office in a financial institution from being in Congress. also I learned that The original Thirteenth Amendment (1810) prohibited lawyers from functioning in Congress.. From HERE
It is becoming clearer and clearer that congress does not work for those it governs. What then are the governed to do?
How can the average members of the public in western prone nation states promote for their president and other members of their elected governments non pilgrim society members?
Membership in the society is secret; and i believe Epstein’s trial would have shown how threat, intimidation and blackmail keeps the affairs of secret societies secret and how such intimidation, is used to make government parties vote against the best interest of those it governs.
Over the years, nearly every president and high level member of governments seem to have been member of, or closely associated to one or more these secret organizations (mostly secret organizations seem to work by making government into a secret hidden arm of for profit influence on rule of law and formation and function of government institutions) operating both external to and embedded within the bureaucracies and working governments that govern us all.
IMO surveillance and secrecy are the feedforward feedback loop that allows special interest to carve out and profit from the privatization of monopoly powers. Surveillance and secrecy have captured “governed humanity” and surrendered it into “service of making oligarchs a profit”.
Rule of law created by biased or corrupt politics is a tool of tyranny; it converts government into an invasive imperialistic assault weapon capable to undermine human rights.
Posted by: snake | Oct 13 2022 16:07 utc | 6
The United States has lost it’s mind concerning China
What can you expect from strategy papers when you insist on lying to yourself about import facts? I was just about to read Global Times editorial on the subject, “US’ new national security report lack of creativity, full of viciousness,” and there’s an accompanying article too, “Biden’s national security strategy hypes ‘China challenge,’ full of outdated confrontational mentality”.
Here’s the editorial’s opening paragraph:
"The White House on Wednesday released its new National Security Strategy (NSS). This is a routine of every US government and an important document that reflects and guides the incumbent government's internal affairs and diplomacy. But after reading the 48-page document, the international community generally feels a strong sense of unease and concern. The 'national security' pursued by the US will come at the expense of the security of other countries. If the path and direction stated in the report is followed, the superpower of the US will sooner or later go to the opposite side of world. Therefore, peace and stability, and the consequences will be unimaginable." [My Emphasis]
The writer continues:
"The release of the strategy report was delayed for several months due to the Russia-Ukraine crisis, but we did not see from the report that the US had deeply reflected on the root cause of the conflict, let alone learned any lessons. Instead, it further strengthened the camp confrontation and binary opposition mindset that led to the outbreak of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine." [My Emphasis]
The writer then concentrates on the portion devoted to confronting China.
But from just this little bit we can surmise that it’s more of the same old shit poured into a new can.
However, it appears that the writer needs to learn something about the Outlaw US Empire for he believes the Cold War ended:
"It has been 31 years since the end of the Cold War, but the political elites in Washington still have not learned to coexist with other countries in a new way." IMO, it's China's fault for failing to realize the Outlaw US Empire will never give up its goal to dominate the world, and to also see that goal was inherited--if not stolen from--the Empire's Colonial mother: England. Why is it that China and other nations fail to see what they ought to be seeing?
Well, to be fair, the writer does see many things as this portion reveals:
"The new report is a mirror, reflecting the selfishness, ambition and the deepest fears of Washington's political elites. In all its national strategy reports, Washington emphasizes US' 'leadership.' There is nothing wrong with ambition, but what does the US want to do by 'leading' the world? The report shows that the US is still trying to rope in one group and fight another, creating division and confrontation in this world.... "In its quest to suppress and contain China, Washington has lost its mind." [My Emphasis]
The other article provided this summary regarding China:
"Chinese experts said that the Biden administration's national security strategy basically continues the Trump-era position on China, and is more of a summary of US action and intention. "The strategy suggested that the US basically has three goals it wants to achieve in the future: [1] limit China's development in the high-tech field; [2] limit Chinese influence, promote ideological alliances, and prevent the success of the Chinese system from being widely recognized around the world; [3] and make further provocations over the Taiwan question to trap China, experts noted." [My Emphasis]
I’m curious to see just how the bolded goal above was described and how it’s to be accomplished.
Given the overall continuity, I doubt Biden had any direct input despite BigLie Media saying otherwise, as with this example:
"CNBC believes that the Strategy generally functions 'more as an aspirational expression of a president's values than as a blueprint for military plans.'"
If that’s actually the case, then Biden wants to become a War President; but then, he is already.