We see Empire for the House of Cards it is whereby political rhetoric is divorced from reality and the people enter into open rebellion. One wants to see Macron share the same fate. Posted by: gottlieb | Oct 14 2022 15:53 utc | 1
All the signs are there.
The United States has gone “off the deep end”, and things just keep on going from bad to worse, to much worse, and then to really bad…
What’s next?
WO Globalists Brazenly Float a HUGE Trial Balloon……….
…Which Then Pops Like a Supernova
PayPal’s Shockingly Criminal Attempt
to Play God Foreshadows Our
Perilous CBDC Future
Just when you thought you saw and heard it all, PayPal crawls out from under its rock and appoints itself: Grand Inquisitioner of the Cyberverse—Wow!!! Just WOW ! ! !
By asserting it’s unlawfully arrogated power and falsely presumed right to fine PayPal account holders up to $2500.00 for perceived violations concerning the dissemination of misinformation, the global payment platform totally crossed every line—ON PURPOSE.
KEY POINT: This entire Big Tech drama was obviously choreographed as a
trial balloon to assess just how much the Khazarian banksters could get away with in further ripping off people here, there and everywhere.
Really, how does an American multinational financial technology company operating an online payments system get the idea that it can tyrannically function as judge, jury, prosecutor and executioner in a kangaroo court set up to outright steal funds from PayPal users?!
The hubris, the arrogance, the chutzpah to commit such an egregious institutional crime spree with absolute impunity is beyond comprehension … … … until you consider that PayPal is a wholly owned subsidiary of a transnational corporation … that’s effectively run by a much larger asset management firm … which is completely controlled by the Khazarian Cabal.
Hence, it’s of paramount importance to understand that PayPal would never made such a daffy and brazen move unless it was given the green light by the U.S. Corporation (falsely known as the U.S. Federal Government), another global corporate crime syndicate overseen by the Khazarian Mafia.
The bottom line here is that the “Financial Masters of the Universe” are hellbent on rolling out their fake CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) as an integral piece of their worldwide social credit score regime. Such a financial enforcement mechanism established worldwide is the only practical was to ensure that everyone stays on the New World Order reservation.
KEY POINT: In point of fact, all of the Big Tech and Big Social Media corporate titans were explicitly created to carry out vital control functions, at both the micro and macro levels, up to and after the Great Reset has been completed. See: Here’s how the highly organized Big Tech-Big Government spying and surveillance network really works.
After all, what better way to enforce the corporate ESG woke agenda than to financially penalize every single ‘wrong move’ (read: politically incorrect keystroke) that any individual ever makes in cyberspace. In other words, whenever anyone is digitally connected to the Internet, they are being watched and clocked and blocked as never before.
“We Need To Back Off Ukraine” Military Leaders Tell Biden
Putin is not a cornered animal.
He’s only been using a small percentage of his conventional military capability. All he needs to do is ramp that up which he’s now doing. Also, he’s not likely to nuke an area so close to the most populous part of Russia. It would also make him an international pariah.
In short, Putin doesn’t need to do such a thing and isn’t inclined to unless NATO does it first.
We’re Coming For You
Guest Post by Jim Kunstler
Have you noticed, as the election looms, the Party of Chaos trips deeper into its own self-created chaos? Turns out that the effort to make Ukraine the fifty-first state is not going over so well with the voters. Nor is the campaign to convince children to switch sexes. Or the crusade to sell ever more mRNA “vaccines” that the CDC knows good-and-goshdarn-well is killing and maiming credulous citizens by the millions. Or the program for importing limitless alien “vibrance” across the open border with Mexico…. As the venerable Rolling Stones sang more than a half century ago: “Rape… murder… it’s just a shot away!” This is the kind of country that the Party of Chaos has been grooming you up for.
It’s not working. We are coming for you: leaders, mesmerized minions, and obliging tools of this Satanic faction that seized the levers of power in America and turned them into wrecking bars. After the nervous hiatus from November to January, we’re coming for you in 2023. You are going to answer for the decisions you took and the rules you made that drove our country to its knees and half out of it mind. We are storming you in your Kafka’s Castle of lies and malice, and we are going to drag you out of there kicking and screaming. Preserving your decorum will not be our first consideration, Rochelle Walensky, Tony Fauci, Alejandro Mayorkas, Merrick Garland, Christopher Wray, and the people who work for you.
There’s a lot of loose talk about some as-yet-unknown Party of Chaos’s ploy to stave off the November 8th reckoning — say, drag out the vote count for weeks and confabulate the results… declare some emergency to shut down in-person voting… or somehow postpone the vote altogether. Nothing like that will go over successfully this time around. The lamp-posts in the WalMart parking lots could be decorated with dangling local election officials who get caught churning phony ballots, tweaking Dominion machines, and taping-up the polling places’ windows with cardboard.
You’re getting no help, meantime, from the folks who run the maundering flunkey you installed as president. They just flipped-off Sergey Lavrov’s invitation to negotiate some reasonable end to your $60-plus billion orchestrated fiasco in Ukraine. These are the people that party apostate Tulsi Gabbard identified lately as “an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness.” She got that exactly right, and at exactly the right moment in history, too.
Did you actually propose, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, that the purpose of our misadventure in Ukraine was “to weaken Russia?” How’s that working out? I’ll tell you: Russia is fixing to wipe up the floor with its Nazi antagonists in Kiev (and their NATO helpers). Russia is proceeding with prudence and determination to neutralize our country’s foolish provocations, even despite “Joe Biden’s” admission that “Armageddon” is an option. Here’s some news for you, Party of Chaos: Russia is not insane, but you surely are. You, Lloyd Austin, are busy destroying the American military with your deranged sexual boundary bamboozle. Your sinister“vaccine” policies that have led, among other disasters, to a tripling of cancer rates in the ranks. What, exactly, have you succeeded in weakening?
Do you think the American people have failed to notice this? How are those financial sanctions working against Russia, Tony Blinken, Victoria Nuland, Jake Sullivan, and Susan Rice? Here’s how: they energized trade relations and financial settlements between Russia and the 70-percent of the economic world that is outside the orbit of Western Civ. Meanwhile, they drove the birthplace of Western Civ (Europe) to its knees, upon which it is sliding headlong back to the Twelfth Century. Who told you to do that? George Soros? Klaus Schwab? (Oh, by the way, we’re coming for the two of them also, if they’re still alive in 2023.)
We’ve also had enough, Party of Chaos, of your “Green New Deal” and climate change bullshit. The former is a sheer shuck-and-jive. You propose to mandate the end of gasoline-powered cars in favor of electric cars that charge off of fossil fuel fired power plants? That’s rich. Ironically, though, the whole mass-motoring matrix is failing not on the basis of whatever powers a car but on the simple fact that a sinking middle-class, whose destruction you engineered, can’t afford to buy any kind of car anymore, whatever way it’s powered.
As for your climate change hysteria, consider that human culture has gone through scores of climate swings since the Age of the Pharaohs; the main ones being the Bronze Age warming, the Hellenic cooling, the Roman warming, the Dark Age cooling, the medieval warming, the “Little Ice Age” cooling, and now the present-day warming — with evidence that we are slipping back into another cooling.
The truth is that it has always been difficult for civilizations to adapt to these events, but it’s especially difficult for us with our super-complex, mutually-dependent, hyper-tech systems of daily life, not to mention the giant scale of it all, which pretty much guarantees a hard landing for us. We’re not going to run Wal-Mart, Walt Disney World, and the suburbs on any combination of wind, solar, and recycled fry-max oil, so stop pretending, and quit making everything worse than it has to be. We’ve got to make other arrangements for sure, and that will be hard enough — but no thank you on that transhumanist robot utopia you’re trying to sell.
Well, of course, you’d never quit trying. You just have to be defeated. And that’s exactly what’s going to happen. And after you’re defeated, we’re going to come for you, and stuff your asses into those witness chairs, and compel you to come clean on why you worked so hard to destroy the USA. Maybe you’ll apologize. You should be the first to know, though, that it won’t matter. When did anyone’s apology ever induce in you something besides the demonic lust to inflict more pain on your victims?
Home made “English Muffins”
“Far better than any English muffins you can buy in the store, and much less expensive, too.”

- 1 envelope yeast
- 1 1⁄2 teaspoons salt
- 1⁄2 cup milk, lukewarm
- 1 egg
- 2 tablespoons sugar
- 4 1⁄2 – 5 cups flour
- 1 cup milk
- 1⁄2 cup yellow cornmeal
- 1⁄4 cup butter
- 2 tablespoons butter, melted
- Since you cook these on top of the stove, there is no need to preheat the oven.Proof the yeast in the l/2 Cup of lukewarm milk with the sugar.Scald the 1 cup of milk, melt the butter in it and let cool to lukewarm.
- Add the salt and the slightly beaten egg to the milk-and-butter mixture. Pour the yeast sponge into a large mixing bowl and blend in the milk-butter-and-egg mixture. Add the flour, a little at a time,mixing together well.
- Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface and knead, adding more flour if necessary.
- Knead until elastic and shiny.
- Then place the dough in a large buttered bowl, cover with a towel and let rise for at least 1 hour, until doubled in bulk.
- Meanwhile, pour the cornmeal onto a platter and set aside. Take the dough out onto the work surface and knead again for a couple of minutes.
- Roll it out with a rolling pin to a thickness of about 1/3″ and, with a glass or a large biscuit cutter, cut out round cakes.
- Put these onto the platter with the cornmeal, press down slightly and turn to get the other side covered with cornmeal.
- Place on a baking sheet and cover with a towel.
- Let stand for about 20 to 30 minutes or until doubled in size. Place a skillet over medium heat and when hot, brush with a little melted butter, turn the heat low and place about 5 to 6 muffins in the pan.
- Cook for approximately 5 minutes on each side, or until they are slightly brown.
- Cool on a rack.
- Toast after they are completely cooled off and right before serving them.
Tucker Carlson: This should be a crime — it’s dark and horrifying
Interesting from FOX.
Kremlin officials warn of ‘guaranteed escalation’ to ‘catastrophic World War 3’
After a NATO official said a Russian nuclear response would lead to the intervention of Ukraine’s allies, Russia has once again warned that meddling from the West would spark World War 3.
Russia has warned the world that global carnage would ensue if Western allies of Ukraine continue to meddle in their conflict.
They said World War 3 would be sparked if the West continue to intervene and if a nuclear war was to occur, it would “be catastrophic for all mankind”.
Should NATO approve Ukraine’s bid to join its organization, a top Kremlin official threatened global destruction.
Alexander Venediktov, the deputy secretary of Russia’s Security Council said: “Kyiv is well aware that such a step would mean a guaranteed escalation to a World War 3″.
Venediktov has insisted that the West are solely making threats of nuclear war
He claimed: “Russian officials have never voiced a threat to use any weapons of mass destruction.
“Meanwhile in Europe, some politicians openly call for such actions, even a number of politicians in the EU do not conceal and do not rule out the possibility of using weapons of mass destruction against Russia.”
Venediktov took aim at Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, claiming his “actions and words” are “dictated” by other people.
He added: “It would be good for the West to realize that their protégé can take on so much that Washington and Brussels will have to think about how to deal with the consequences.
“We must remember: a nuclear conflict will affect absolutely the whole world, and not only Russia and the collective West, but in general any country on this planet.
“Its consequences will be catastrophic for all mankind.”
Russian missiles struck more than 40 Ukrainian cities and towns on Thursday (October 13), leading to heavy destruction.
Drones also hit the region around Ukraine’s capital, which had avoided airstrikes until his week.
Dio featuring Tenacious D – Push
Cartoonist Draws Humor And Sarcasm Blended Together In Funny Comics

Funny comics are a sure way to brighten someone’s day, and that’s exactly what comedy writer and illustrator Steve Nelson does!
As he mentions in an interview with Bored panda, “I would describe my style as simple, cartoony, and crude, I guess. And for my humor—dry and sarcastic jokes with a hint of the absurd.”

Easy Lasagna Rolls
“This is a great quick recipe that’s meatless and light. You can lighten it even more by using lower fat ingredients. Great for kids to make! This is a microwave recipe, but can be made in the oven. Also, ricotta cheese is easily substituted for the cottage cheese, if you prefer!”

- 12 lasagna noodles, cooked, drained
- 2 cups cottage cheese (or ricotta cheese)
- 1 1⁄2 cups mozzarella cheese, shredded
- 1⁄2 cup parmesan cheese
- 2 eggs
- 2 tablespoons parsley, chopped
- 1 (32 ounce) jar spaghetti sauce
- 1 -2 cup mozzarella cheese, shredded, for topping
- Mix cottage cheese, 1-1/2 cup mozzarella and parmesan cheese with eggs and parsley.
- Place one lasagna noodle on work surface.
- Spread 1/3 cup cheese mixture on noodle evenly.
- Roll up tightly like a pinwheel.
- Place seamside down in microwave-safe baking pan, that has 2 cup of spaghetti sauce in bottom.
- Continue until with remaining ingredients.
- Cover rolls with remaining sauce and sprinkle with additional mozzarella cheese.
- Cover with microwave-safe wrap and microcook on high 10-20 minutes, until cheese is melted.
What can mainland Chinese, Singaporeans and Hong Kongers learn from the Taiwanese people’s achievement of democracy?
I am a 53-year-old mainland Chinese.
A radical anti-communist in my youth, I personally participated in the 1989 protests in Tiananmen Square, and I was in China throughout the 1990s trying to orchestrate democratic revolutions.
I have been to Taiwan more than ten times and have lived in Taiwan for more than a year.
When I went to Taiwan for the first time, I was excited that I finally had the opportunity to enter the real world of democracy, and I watched the anti-government protests of Taiwanese live with enthusiasm (Million Voices against Corruption, President Chen Must Go) . Later, I personally observed two elections in Taiwan (2008 and 2016).
The end result was that I became a staunch supporter of the CCP.
One of the main reasons why my perspective changed is that I have learned a lot from democracy in Taiwan.
Russia Moves Nuclear-Capable Bombers to within 115 miles of NATO Country Borders
Russian president Vladimir Putin has increased the number of his strategic nuclear bombers stationed at an airbase near the Finnish and Norwegian borders, satellite images show.
The move comes amid high tension over whether Putin plans to launch an atomic attack in Europe and his on-going invasion of Ukraine, which has suffered a string of embarrassing setbacks in recent months.
Russia has gradually increased the number of strategic bombers at Olenya air base – from none on August 12, to four supersonic Tu-160s on August 21, to 11 now.
The bombers are stationed around 115 miles away from the border of NATO member Norway, and about 95 miles away from the soon-to-become Alliance member, Finland. They can also be used with conventional weapons.
The Armageddon planes are usually stationed at Engels Air Base, 450 miles south-east of Moscow.
POPA CHUBBY – Hey Joe ! Rockpalast
Check this one out!
What’s something that sucks about being a man?
I was walking in the park and a little girl, about 4 years old, was crying her eyes out at the path next to the playground. No adults around, just her, sobbing her little heart out.
All I wanted to do is go up, lower myself to her level, give her a little hug and ask where her mommy and daddy were… but I couldn’t. Modern society says that a man on his own near a park, talking to children is a threat.
So, I had to keep my distance until I’d got the attention of a female walking her dog.
Society is broken when a man feels he can’t even comfort a crying child.
I understand it. But it truly sucks.
It’s Not Working! The Fed’s War On Inflation Is FAILING And That Has Very Serious Implications For Our Future
Earlier this year the Federal Reserve declared war on inflation, and since that time we have seen a series of interest rate hikes that has been absolutely breathtaking. We knew that this would negatively impact the financial markets, and we have already seen trillions of dollars in asset values wiped out. We also knew that this would negatively impact the housing market, and right now housing prices are plummeting all over the nation. But Fed officials assured us that any short-term “pain” would be worth it because inflation would be brought under control. Unfortunately, that hasn’t happened. In fact, on Thursday we learned that the core consumer price index has just hit “the highest level since 1982”…
A closely watched measure of US consumer prices rose by more than forecast to a 40-year high in September, pressuring the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates even more aggressively to stamp out persistent inflation. The core consumer price index, which excludes food and energy, increased 6.6% from a year ago, the highest level since 1982, Labor Department data showed Thursday. From a month earlier, the core CPI climbed 0.6% for a second month. The overall CPI increased 0.4% last month, and was up 8.2% from a year earlier.
The Fed has been repeatedly hitting inflation with an over-sized sledgehammer, and it isn’t working.
Prices just continue to surge higher month after month.
In particular, the price of food is rising at a rate that is extremely alarming…
Prices at the grocery store continued to soar last month, adding even more pressure to shoppers’ wallets. The food at home index, a proxy for grocery store prices, increased 0.7% in September from the month prior and a stunning 13% over the last year, according to new government data released Thursday.
Fed officials assured us that they had everything under control, but it was just a charade.
Thursday’s report makes it exceedingly clear that the Fed’s plan is failing in a major way…
“This inflation report today was an unmitigated disaster,” wrote Christopher S. Rupkey, chief economist at Fwdbonds, a financial markets research company. “It shows whatever Fed officials are doing, it is just not working.”
So will the Fed change course?
Of course not.
Instead, they are going to give us more of the same.
According to Fox Business, it is being anticipated that another 75 basis point rate hike is on the way in November…
The report will also have significant implications for the Federal Reserve, which has embarked on one of the fastest tightening paths in decades. Policymakers have already approved five straight rate hikes, including three back-to-back 75-basis-point increases, and have shown no signs of slowing down. Following the hotter-than-expected September inflation report, the central bank is widely expected to approve a fourth straight 75-basis-point increase when policymakers next meet at the beginning of November.
As I warned many months ago, these rate hikes are not going to solve the inflation crisis.
But they will absolutely kill the housing market.
This week, mortgage rates surged close to 7 percent…
Average long-term U.S. mortgage rates reached their highest level in more than 20 years this week and are likely to climb even further as the Federal Reserve has all but promised more rate increases in its battle to tamp down persistent inflation. Mortgage buyer Freddie Mac reported Thursday that the average key 30-year rate climbed to 6.92 percent from 6.66 percent last week. Some lenders are now even offering rates above 7 percent. Last year at this time, the rate was 3.05 percent.
If the Federal Reserve keeps hiking rates, that will just push mortgage rates higher and higher.
And that will inevitably push home prices much lower.
In fact, home prices are already starting to come down all across the United States…
A home-price slump taking place across popular housing markets in the Sun Belt and other regions could result in some relative bargains for shrewd homebuyers, according to market data released Monday. The median home listing price has plunged by more than 10% in Austin, Texas, since June, according to an analysis conducted by Realtor.com. That marked the steepest decline of any city in the US over that period.
If you are a potential homeowner that has been forced out of the market by rising mortgage rates, you could try to rent a place while you wait for home prices to fall.
But thanks to raging inflation, rents are absolutely skyrocketing in many of our largest cities…
The latest numbers were released in Realtor.com’s September report, and showed that median rent across the country as a whole rose 7.8 percent last month, and remained a whopping 25 percent higher than pre-pandemic rents. The 10 cities with the highest median rent increases last month were Chicago at 23.9 percent, Boston with 19.9 percent, New York with 18.2 percent, Providence with 16.7 percent, Oklahoma City at 13.8 percent, Miami with 13.2 percent, Kansas City at 11.2 percent, San Jose with 10.7 percent, Cleveland with 9.8 percent, and Hartford with 9.6 percent.
I still remember the days when I could rent a nice apartment for 300 dollars a month.
Sadly, those days are long gone. In fact, one couple in New York recently decided to move out of the city entirely when the rent on their one-bedroom apartment went from $5,000 a month to $7,000 a month…
Last May, Charlotte, 31, and her husband packed up their one-bedroom apartment on Christopher Street after learning the rent would likely skyrocket from $5,000 per month to $7,000. The couple loved living in the West Village, but homeownership was out of reach, even with her job in finance and him being in tech. They were both working from home, so they could live anywhere. It was time, they decided, to leave New York.
Can you imagine paying $7,000 a month for a one bedroom apartment?
That is nuts!
Unfortunately, our whole system is going crazy at this point.
The great economic meltdown that I warned my readers about for so long has begun, and the months ahead are going to be very painful.
Fed officials will do all they can to fix the giant mess that they have created, but it isn’t going to work.
They have lost control, and everyone can see it.
Placebo – English Summer Rain [Rock Am Ring 2003]
Kremlin officials warn of ‘guaranteed escalation’ to ‘catastrophic World War 3’
After a NATO official said a Russian nuclear response would lead to the intervention of Ukraine’s allies, Russia has once again warned that meddling from the West would spark World War 3.
Russia has warned the world that global carnage would ensue if Western allies of Ukraine continue to meddle in their conflict.
They said World War 3 would be sparked if the West continue to intervene and if a nuclear war was to occur, it would “be catastrophic for all mankind”.
Should NATO approve Ukraine’s bid to join its organization, a top Kremlin official threatened global destruction.
Alexander Venediktov, the deputy secretary of Russia’s Security Council said: “Kyiv is well aware that such a step would mean a guaranteed escalation to a World War 3″.
Venediktov has insisted that the West are solely making threats of nuclear war
He claimed: “Russian officials have never voiced a threat to use any weapons of mass destruction.
“Meanwhile in Europe, some politicians openly call for such actions, even a number of politicians in the EU do not conceal and do not rule out the possibility of using weapons of mass destruction against Russia.”
Venediktov took aim at Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, claiming his “actions and words” are “dictated” by other people.
He added: “It would be good for the West to realize that their protégé can take on so much that Washington and Brussels will have to think about how to deal with the consequences.
“We must remember: a nuclear conflict will affect absolutely the whole world, and not only Russia and the collective West, but in general any country on this planet.
“Its consequences will be catastrophic for all mankind.”
Russian missiles struck more than 40 Ukrainian cities and towns on Thursday (October 13), leading to heavy destruction.
Drones also hit the region around Ukraine’s capital, which had avoided airstrikes until his week.
GENERAL ARMAGEDDON. He’s the new Russian commander and now gloves are off says
Shit. It’s going to get REAL bad.
Being an asshole
On the morning of June 10, 2010, a 21-year-old woman named Isabella Thallas was walking her dog Rocko with her boyfriend Darian Simon near Coors Field in Denver, Colorado. When the young couple stopped and urged the dog to “go potty” in front of an apartment block, a man named Michael Close started shouting at them from his window, asking them, “Are you going to train that f–king dog or just yell at it?”

Within moments, Close pulled out an AK-47 and opened fire, striking Thallas in the back and kil8ling her instantly. Simon was hit in the leg and buttocks but survived.
Almost immediately, Close texted an ex-girlfriend and a friend on the police force, telling them that he’d “really f–ked up bad,” then took off in his SUV with a small arsenal. Police quickly apprehended Close and charged him, and was found guilty of first-degree murder among other charges.
My Super Simple Spaghetti Sauce
“I needed some sauce and quick! I am not a fan of the jarred stuff…plus I didn’t want to go to the store. This is a rendition of my favorite sauce Recipe #133806, just made simple and it doesn’t have to cook all day.”

- 1 (15 ounce) can diced tomatoes
- 1 (15 ounce) can tomato sauce
- 1 (6 ounce) can tomato paste
- 2 tablespoons sugar (please adjust to your taste)
- 1⁄2 teaspoon basil
- 1⁄2 teaspoon oregano
- 1⁄2 teaspoon black pepper
- 1⁄2 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes (please adjust to your taste)
- Throw it all in a sauce pan, stir, simmer, cover and continue to simmer for 20-30 minutes.
- Season again to taste.
- **we like a spicy sweet sauce — so please adjust the sugar and crushed red to your liking**.
- Enjoy!
Be a Rufus

This is Matrix movie star Keanu Reeves. He was abandoned by his father at 3 years old and grew up with 3 different stepfathers. He is dyslexic. His dream of becoming a hockey player was shattered by a serious accident. His daughter died at birth. His wife died in a car accident. His best friend, River Phoenix, died of an overdose. His sister battled leukemia.
No bodyguards, no luxury houses. Keanu lives in an ordinary apartment and likes wandering around town and often seen riding a subway in NYC.
When he was filming the movie “The Lake House,” he overheard the conversation of two costume assistants, one crying as he would lose his house if he did not pay $20,000 – On the same day, Keanu deposited the necessary amount in his bank account. In his career, he has donated large sums to hospitals including $75 million of his earnings from “The Matrix” to charities.
In 2010, on his birthday, Keanu walked into a bakery & bought a brioche with a single candle, ate it in front of the bakery, and offered coffee to people who stopped to talk to him.
In 1997 some paparazzi found him walking one morning in the company of a homeless man in Los Angeles, listening to him and sharing his life for a few hours.
In life, sometimes the ones most broken from inside are the ones most willing to help others.
This man could buy everything, and instead every day he gets up and chooses one thing that cannot be bought:
👉To be a caring person.😍❤️
Bad Company-Ready for love (live)
U.S. D.O.D issued a contract for COVID-19 Research to a company in Ukraine, 3 months before COVID-19 was known to exist
Dates on records are funny things; you can’t get around actual dates. The dates on records prove facts, and the facts are as follows: The world first started to hear about a novel coronavirus in Wuhan China in early January 2020. Yet it wasn’t until February 11 that the records of the World Health Organization prove that new virus was named “COVID-19.”
So with the official records proving this, why does United States Government data show that the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) awarded a contract on November 12, 2019 to Labyrinth Global Health INC. for ‘COVID-19 Research?’ November 12 . . . at least one month before the emergence of the virus, and three months before it was officially named Covid-19?
The findings do not end there. The government contract awarded on November 12, 2019 for ‘COVID-19 Research’ stipulated it was to take place in . . . Ukraine . . . as part of a much larger contract for a ‘Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine’.
Maybe that’s one of the reasons the US is so interested in “defending Ukraine” from what Russia is now doing . . . because, it seems to me, this information shows the US funded the actual creation of the COVID-19 virus, which killed millions worldwide, and paved the way for their far deadlier “vaccine”- from which millions more are now dying, and the US needs to make certain nobody finds out.
Read the rest of the story HERE
Why is America better than mostly every other country at everything?
Total rubbish. America is NOT better at everything.
For example:
- America is NOT better than China at building infrastructure.
- America is NOT better than China at helping developing countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Look at China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
- America is NOT better than China at unifying countries with economic and security alliances such as BRICS, RCEP and SCO.
- America is NOT better than China at maintaining political stability and unity. Look at the Capitol Hill riots. Look at the gridlock in US Congress.
- America is NOT better than China at protecting its populace from a pandemic. America has over 1,000,000 Covid deaths, while China has around 5,000. And China has 4X the population size of America!
- America is NOT better than China in avoiding wars and massive carnage.
- America is NOT better than China in taking care of its citizens. Look at America’s unaffordable health care, rampant homelessness, rampant gun violence, systemic racism, mass incarceration, etc., etc., etc.
- America is NOT better than China in technological areas such as 5G, AI, mobile payments, quantum computing, infrastructure engineering, green energy, etc.
- America is NOT better than China in fighting poverty. China lifted 850 million people out of absolute poverty, according to the World Bank!
Aerosmith – I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing (Live From Mexico City, 2016)
Russian Air Force Plane Leaves Nuke Weapons Base; Doomsday Plane Airborne
On the FlightRadar24 radar tracking map below:
1.Russian Air Force Ilyushin Il-62M RA-86495 airborne from Soltsy-2 Air Base nuclear weapons facility.
2.Russian Air Force Tupolev Tu-214PU-SBUS RA-64530 “Doomsday Plane”.

China is destroying the Australian economy, and all because the Aussie PM called for an investigation into the coronavirus outbreak. Is China overreacting? 48% of Australian exports were to China.
As I recall, Scotty didn’t just blame China for Covid-19, he demanded China give in and let other (western) countries full access into China and any and all locations. Basically, he said China is guilty and should let America and allies storm into China and have access to everything the allies desired until they could find evidence of guilt.
It was stupid, but if you’ve read anything about Scotty, you’d know this level of stupidity is right around his level.
If you were China, you’d be pretty pissed off as well, especially since China is one of Australia’s largest trade partners. China decided if Australia wanted so badly to break the relationship, China would comply.
This wasn’t China’s decision. This was Scott Morrison’s decision to break the relationship. China just complied. Once that happened, Scotty turned around and cried about how China is bullying Australia.
Watch this video. That small Aussie kid is Australia’s Scotty, constantly bullying the big kid, China. Once the big kid has had enough, he retaliates, and suddenly Scotty starts crying and saying the big kid bullied him.
Watch the video. Watch how Scotty moves and constantly takes pot-shots at the big kid. He was clearly the aggressor. The more the big kid didn’t retaliate, the more shots Scotty took.
There’s a medium sized kid, which I call America, who stands by watching the big kid get bullied. Once the big kid retaliates and drops Scotty, America hops into action and takes a fighting stance against the big kid, but actually does fuck all.
When China complied with Scotty’s wishes to break off relations, does America help Australia by buying the things China now refuses to buy?
Nope, America sees the opportunity to make more money and sells its own goods to China; completely buggering Australia. While that’s happening in broad daylight and without lube, Australia is still blaming China, through gritted teeth. It’s great for America, has little to no effect on China, but hurts for Australia.
What is there to do though?
It’s like the cast of Dumb and Dumber somehow got appointed to run Australia.
The Debut of G.E.M.
She’s a really, REALLY big singer in China today. She is often compared as the “Chinese Taylor Swift”. This is her debut on Chinese television. Amazing.
Would Europeans trade their universal healthcare for the right to bear arms like we have in the United States?
As a gunowner in Europe, I say…
…wait, I’ll have to wipe the urine stains from the carpet from the laughing.
A couple of weeks ago, I had the biannual checkup at the dentist. The dentist said: “Can you come back next week, so I’ll fix the filling that’s been eroding for some time?”. So, the next week I sat in a chair for a long time for the dentist to fix my filling. The total bill of 19 euros came by email, just as I was driving towards the mountains where I had a hunt planned:

Sure, I needed to fill in a couple of forms and pass a couple of tests to get a license, but that was all because the law (decided by we, the people) requires that only sane and law-abiding citizens have a right to own firearms. But I’d fill out those forms easily if I can have free checkups every 6 months and a 19 euro filling AND not have to worry about a loony shooting up a school or a church.
Is it possible for there to be a peaceful transition from authoritarian rule in China towards full-fledged democracy (without any bloodshed)?
By “full-fledged democracy,” you mean liberal Western democracy based on multiparty elections.
Why should China ever entertain adopting Western democracy? What does China stand to gain?
China has her own brand of democracy which works quite well, thank you very much.
- China has grown to become the world’s largest economy by purchasing power parity. And soon by nominal GDP.
- China has eradicated absolute poverty, elevating 850 million people, according to the World Bank.
- China has the finest infrastructure of roads, bridges, high-speed rail, airports, etc. in the world.
- China has protected her population from COVID-19, suffering only about 5,000 deaths. (By comparison, USA has over one million deaths.)
- China is technologically very advanced (5G, AI, mobile payment, quantum computing, etc.). China is at the forefront of space exploration (Mars rover Zhurong, space station Tiangong).
- China has the second most powerful military on the planet making her perfectly safe from potential invaders like USA.
Besides, China tried Western democracy back in 1912 and it turned into a massive clusterfuck.
China can see what democracy is like in USA, India, Taiwan, Brazil, Hungary, Turkey, Venezuela, etc. She doesn’t think it’s worth the risk.
Krokus – Screaming in the Night
What has China done to the USA for the USA to be tough with it?
The Chinese have done a number of things wrong. This has really gotten the Americans totally flummoxed.
- They have been wildly successful in bringing EVERYBODY out of poverty.
- They care about EVERYBODY. All of them.
- The will no longer kowtow to the US, nor anybody else.
- They have developed non dollar trading mediums.
- They have circumvented US hegemony
- They have developed their own allies
- They have pursued win win economic policy with their neighbours
- They have signed up half the world into the Belt and Road trading group.
- They have stayed in their borders.
- They are too big to attack.
- They provide the chain of supply for the US government and military.
- And thanks to Felix Su :- Last but not least. They’re doing Capitalism better than the US. That isn’t allowed. How dare those Chinese go from Communism to Capitalism and beat the US in 50 years!
I could go on but ALL of these things are anathema to the Ferengi. The US hate success in others, especially when they cannot get a piece of the action. The US prefers a zero sum game. I win, You Lose.
The United States regards business as WAR, to be won at all costs. Much of this they will claim they got from a book called “The Art of War” by a Chinese scholar named Sun Tzu. Because of the belief the Ferenghi really cannot tell the difference between a competitor and an enemy.
I have deleted 3 very long and very nasty comments from Ferengi. In retaliation this answer has been reported for not following BNBR rules. I have appealed but it looks like the answer will be deleted. We shall see, meanwhile please push the upvotes.
YAY my appeal was upheld and now they have shared it to 120,000 people. So I am still in business. Thank you common sense, and for cracking 1000. .
Another concert with G.E.M.
Quick and Easy Baked Ziti
“This is a quick dish I like to make when I need to get dinner on the table in a hurry. If you like a zestier ziti, use a hot Italian sausage. Note: cooking/prep time does not include time for cooking pasta.”

- 1 lb mild Italian sausage, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
- 1 onion, chopped
- 1 green bell pepper, chopped
- 3 garlic cloves, minced
- 1 (26 ounce) jar pasta sauce with mushrooms
- 1 (12 ounce) package ziti pasta or (12 ounce) package penne pasta, cooked and drained according to package directions
- 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese, divided
- 1⁄2 cup fresh parmesan cheese, grated
- Preheat oven to 350ºF. Lightly grease a 9×13″ baking dish; set aside.
- In a large saucepan, cook sausage, onions, green pepper, and garlic over medium heat until sausage is browned; drain fat.
- Add pasta sauce and cook until mixture is hot, stirring occasionally. Add pasta to the sauce mixture and mix well. Stir in 1 cup of the Mozzarella cheese, mixing until well combined.
- Pour mixture into the prepared baking dish. Top with remaining 1 cup Mozzarella cheese and the Parmesan cheese. Cover with foil.
- Bake at 350ºF for 15 minutes. Remove foil and bake for an additional 15 minutes.
What should we do to counter Russia and Saudi Arabia’s reduction of oil production to increase prices?
You could sanction Saudi Arabia and bring “Democracy” to Riyadh. But I’d argue that would only make things worse. Or you can try asking the Iranians for oil. But I don’t think Khamenei is going to give you a single liter.
Which now leaves his EU/NATO allies in a difficult bind. The EU are going to suffer the brunt of the coming energy crisis. Biden however will quietly relish in the fact that the USA will continue to sell more & more oil to the EU. And while I’m no fan of Saudi Arabia & MBS, Biden spent a lot of his election campaign promising to crack down on the Saudis. Now he’s asking them for help in his time of need, but they’re saying no.
Saudi Arabia, Qatar & the UAE in particular care about one thing and one thing only; money. Anything that threatens that source of income is going to be rejected. Surely Biden knew that MBS would never agree to raise oil production at the risk of prices being cut.
Nonetheless, I have to say, I’m quite amazed at US foreign policy lately. They’re managing to annoy every single one of their key allies from India, to Germany, to Saudi & the UAE. I wonder who will be next in this political saga.
Líz Truss Continues To Be The Bad Prime Minister Everyone Had Expected Her To Be
In late September I stated that Liz Truss is the bad prime minister everyone expected her to be. The chaos her chancellor’s mini budget caused continues to endanger pension funds. To recap:
As soon as the deceased queen was buried Truss went to work. Chancellor Kwarteng announced a ‘mini-budget’ that will lower taxes for people with high incomes while increasing the deficit to cover the promised energy cost subsidies:
[…] As soon as the ‘mini budget’ was announced the British pound sterling tanked. This not only against the overvalued U.S. dollar but also compared to the rather weak Euro.Interest rates on British government bonds (Gilts) increased sharply.After two days the British central bank, the Bank of England, had to intervene to prevent a Lehman like crisis that would have killed many British pension funds. The bank, which had just increased its interest rate to tighten money supply, reverted to quantitative easing by buying gilts in the open market. This will further increase the already runaway inflation.
On October 3 Truss had to trash her plans to lower taxes for rich individuals:
In a major U-turn, Prime Minister Liz Truss said Monday that the proposal to scrap the 45 percent rate for people earning more than 150,000 pounds ($168,000) had become a “distraction.”Reacting to the news of the reversal, the pound rebounded Monday morning against the U.S. dollar, returning to where it was before the government’s tax-and-borrowing plan sent it plunging.
But Britain will still have a major budget deficit and gilts soon started to fall again. Three days ago the Bank of England again stepped in to save the nearly bankrupt pension funds.
Some saner members of the conservative party were finally preparing to oust her:
Britain’s government faced intensifying calls on Thursday to retreat from tax-cutting plans that have alarmed financial markets, as questions continued to swirl about the future of the country’s new prime minister, Liz Truss, and her beleaguered chancellor of the Exchequer, Kwasi Kwarteng.On a day of political turmoil, the foreign secretary, James Cleverly, warned colleagues against trying to oust Ms. Truss. And Mr. Kwarteng rejected suggestions that the backlash against his so-called mini-budget, which includes unfunded tax cuts and a costly package to help consumers with energy bills, could cost him his job, insisting: “I’m not going anywhere.”
On Thursday, Downing Street said that its policy had not changed, but that did nothing to quell speculation that the government would have to change course and increase corporate taxes, something it had previously decided against.
Speaking from Washington, where he is attending a meeting of the International Monetary Fund, Mr. Kwarteng acknowledged there had been “some turbulence” following his announcement last month but told the BBC that he was still focused on delivering the tax-cutting plans.Asked if he and Ms. Truss would be in their jobs next month, Mr. Kwarteng replied, “Absolutely, 100 percent.”
But there is skepticism that she has the support for such measures among her own lawmakers. A majority of them preferred Rishi Sunak, a former chancellor of the Exchequer, to succeed the last prime minister, Boris Johnson, who was forced out after a series of scandals. But the final decision fell to rank-and-file party members, who chose Ms. Truss.
Under the Conservative Party’s rules, Ms. Truss cannot face a leadership challenge until September 2023, but so sour is the mood within the party that there is already talk of changing the rules.On Thursday Mr. Cleverly, the foreign secretary, acknowledged the threat to Ms. Truss’s position even as he defended her strategy. “Changing the leadership would be a disastrously bad idea,” he told the BBC.
Kwarteng is not good in making predictions. Today Truss sacrificed her pawn to survive the game a bit longer:
Kwasi Kwarteng has been sacked as chancellor amid intense speculation Prime Minister Liz Truss is about to junk key parts of their economic plan.Mr Kwarteng met Ms Truss for crunch talks in Downing Street after cutting short a US trip.
In a letter to the PM, Mr Kwarteng said Ms Truss’s vision for economic growth was “right” and he still supported it.
Ms Truss is expected to announce a U-turn on business tax cuts at a news conference in Downing Street at 14:30.
The prime minister has appointed former Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt – who backed Rishi Sunak in the Tory leadership contest – as the new chancellor.
Ms Truss’s pledge to cut taxes was at the heart of the economic agenda that won her the Tory leadership at the start of September.
Truss was responsible for the ‘mini-budget’ and its tax cuts for the rich and for large corporations. Those were her ideas. She had fought for them. In her news conference today she further withdrew such plans:
Prime Minister Liz Truss’s U-turn on corporation tax means it will rise from 19% to 25% next April – a move that should add an estimated £18bn a year in tax revenue to the government’s coffers.Corporation tax is paid on profits by UK companies and foreign companies with UK offices.
Before the Conservatives came to power in 2010, it was charged at 28%, but was then cut several times before being reduced to 19% in 2017.
In his March Budget, the former Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced the tax would climb from 19% to 25% in April 2023. He said it was fair to ask companies to contribute more after the government spent billions of pounds supporting them during the Covid pandemic.
However, Liz Truss had pledged to reverse the decision before her U-turn was confirmed today.
It is certainly fair to criticize her change of mind:
Reacting to Liz Truss’s U-turn on corporation tax, the Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary Jon Ashworth says “this is a government in utter meltdown”.”Let’s be clear what’s just happened. Liz Truss has sacked her chancellor for carrying out the policies of Liz Truss – a set of policies that led to turmoil on the markets, a run on pension funds and soaring mortgage rates for homeowners across the country,” he tells the BBC.
After only 38 days Kwarteng is no longer chancellor. That is good. But Liz Truss still has the same ideas and in her libertarian zeal will continue to make dreadful policies.
How many of those will the conservative members of parliament, who had just planned to oust her, let pass?
Said differently. I do not expect that this was the last episode of the bad movie we have just seen. There are many crises still developing in Britain and Europe that will hit critical points over the next months. Wrong decisions can make each of them worse.
The Bank of England will not be able to save everything.
Posted by b on October 14, 2022 at 15:45 UTC | Permalink
The Cult – Fire Woman HD
Crank it up!!!!
Most popular posts today
Tells you where everyone’s head’s at…

Kwarteng gone. Elensky curse coming for Truss. Sunak next in line
Big changes in London.
Now this is funny…
Who did this? Well, I’m sure that China knows.

Actually, Xi Peng is BELOVED throughout China, and COVID lock-downs are not a big deal. Then out of the blue you have this joke…

Oh, and Dictator Biden just announced this…

It’s discussed in detail here…
Personally, I think that it’s fake news.
- Biden can say anything he wants, but the US citizen cannot be taken away.
- The number of American IC engineers in China is very, very tiny. The idea that it is a large number is ludicrous.
- No announcement from the American consulate or embassy in China regarding this. Which is a dead giveaway for fake news.
Conclusion is that this is FAKE NEWS.
Mutiny in outer space (1965) Full Length Sci-fi movie
I hope you all enjoy this little old science fiction movie. It’s full length so only watch it if you have the time.
The reason why I am putting it up here, is because the United States today sounds exactly like the low-budget, B-grade, idiotic, science fiction movie with all the worn out, old, and stale cliches endlessly repeated.