Do you know what I miss?
I miss an A&W root beer in a frosty glass, served in the drive in. And the waitresses that come to the side and serve it to you with the piping hot french fries.
For the longest time, I watched as all the local fast food restaurants were bought up by the big chains of McDonald’s, Burger King, Big Boy, and Jax. Very few remained. Mostly in out of the way small towns.
But when I moved to Milford, Massachusetts, there were a number that remained. And they still kept the old traditions; the girls on skates. The door side, curb side service. The nice cute dresses and all the rest. I’ll be truthful, I’d pay MORE for the experience instead of a standard corporate fast food menu.
How do you all like the corporate world of big social media? Big government? Big arms manufacturers, Big trolls, and all the rest? Is it really making your life better?
I don’t think so.
Here’s some articles of the signs of the times (not the falon gong bullshit). The world is changing rapidly, and your are going to see a peak out mid to the end of next year. Be ready…

Pulp Fiction: I’m Winston Wolfe, I solve problems (HD CLIP)
Banana-Chocolate Chip Muffins
All natural fat free yogurt helps make these muffins moist and delicious!

- 3/4 cup mashed ripe bananas (about 2 small)
- 1/4 cup canola or vegetable oil
- 3/4 cup Yoplait® All Natural Fat Free plain yogurt (from 2-lb container)
- 1 egg
- 1 3/4 cups Gold Medal™ all-purpose flour
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 2/3 cup chocolate chips

The Food Crisis Of 2023 Is Going To Be Far Worse Than Most People Would Dare To Imagine
It's NOT a global crisis. It's a regional crisis centered in the Western nations. -MM
I am trying to sound the alarm about this as loudly as I can. The global food crisis just continues to intensify, and things are going to get really bad in 2023. As you will see below, two-thirds of European fertilizer production has already been shut down, currency problems are causing massive headaches for poor nations that need to import food, global weather patterns continue to be completely crazy, and the bird flu is killing millions upon millions of chickens and turkeys all over the planet. On top of everything else, the war in Ukraine is going to restrict the flow of agricultural and fertilizer exports from that part of the world for a long time to come, because there is no end to the war in sight. In essence, we are facing a “perfect storm” for global food production, and that “perfect storm” is only going to get worse in the months ahead.
Global hunger has been on the rise for years, and the UN World Food Program is warning that we are heading for “yet another year of record hunger”…
The world is at risk of yet another year of record hunger as the global food crisis continues to drive yet more people into worsening levels of severe hunger, warns the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in a call for urgent action to address the root causes of today’s crisis ahead of World Food Day on October 16. The global food crisis is a confluence of competing crises – caused by climate shocks, conflict and economic pressures – that has pushed the number of severely hungry people around the world from 282 million to 345 million in just the first months of 2022. The U.N. World Food Programme scaled up food assistance targets to reach a record 153 million people in 2022, and by mid-year had already delivered assistance to 111.2 million people.
But as I have consistently warned, this is only just the beginning.
Eventually, there will be billions of people that don’t have enough to eat on a regular basis.
In all my years, I have never seen hunger spread so rapidly. In fact, there are large numbers of people that are now facing starvation in the backyard of the United States…
The United Nations is warning that hunger in one of Haiti’s biggest slums is at catastrophic levels, as gang violence and economic crises push the country to “breaking point”. Nearly 20,000 people in the capital’s impoverished Cité Soleil area have dangerously little access to food and could face starvation, the UN says, Across Haiti, almost five million are struggling with malnutrition. “Haiti is facing a humanitarian catastrophe,” a top UN official said.
But most people in the western world won’t care until they are going hungry themselves.
Unfortunately, that day may be a lot closer than a lot of people ever imagined.
Right now, a whopping two-thirds of all fertilizer production capacity in Europe has already been shut down because of the skyrocketing price of natural gas…
Europe’s fertilizer crunch is deepening with more than two-thirds of production capacity halted by soaring gas costs, threatening farmers and consumers far beyond the region’s borders. Russia’s squeeze on gas shipments in the wake of Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine is hurting industries across Europe. But fertilizer companies are being especially affected because gas is both a key feedstock and a source of power for the sector.
There simply will not be enough fertilizer for European farmers in 2023.
And there won’t be enough for everyone else that depends on fertilizer production from Europe.
This is a really big deal, because without fertilizer we would only be able to feed approximately half the planet.
Do you want to volunteer to be among those that don’t get enough food?
Meanwhile, the surging U.S. dollar is causing immense headaches for food importers all over the world…
In Ghana, importers are warning about shortages in the run up to Christmas. Thousands of containers loaded with food recently piled up at ports in Pakistan, while private bakers in Egypt raised bread prices after some flour mills ran out of wheat because it was stranded at customs. Around the world, countries that rely on food imports are grappling with a destructive combination of high interest rates, a soaring dollar and elevated commodity prices, eroding their power to pay for goods that are typically priced in the greenback. Dwindling foreign-currency reserves in many cases has reduced access to dollars, and banks are slow in releasing payments.
The value of the U.S. dollar has been spiking because the Federal Reserve has been raising interest rates.
When the value of the dollar goes up, poor countries have to pay a lot more for food in their own local currencies.
So the Federal Reserve is actually making the global food crisis worse by hiking rates.
But they are going to keep doing it anyway.
At the same time, global weather patterns continue to go completely haywire.
This summer we witnessed the worst drought in Chinese history, Europe endured the worst drought in 500 years, and the western U.S. continued to suffer through the worst multi-year megadrought in at least 1,200 years.
Needless to say, all of this drought is absolutely devastating agricultural production.
According to the Washington Post, “more than 80 percent of the U.S. is facing troubling dry conditions” right now. In the middle of the country, this has caused a horrific crisis for barge traffic along the Mississippi River…
The barge industry is quite important. It’s crucial for moving aluminum, petroleum, fertilizer and coal, particularly on the Mississippi River and its tributaries. About 60% of the grain and 54% of the soybeans for U.S. export are moved via the noble barge. Barges touch more than a third of our exported coal as well. Right now the barge industry — and all of us who depend on its wares — is mired in a crisis. Water levels on the Mississippi River Basin are at its lowest point in more than a decade.
Last week, approximately 2,000 barges were struck at one point.
Sadly, very dry conditions are expected “over the next several weeks”, and so things are not likely to get better any time soon…
Low water levels and dredging shuttered barge traffic heading north and south on the Mississippi last week. At one point, more than 100 towboats and 2,000 barges were stuck waiting. The blocked-off section of the river, between Louisiana and Mississippi, reopened Monday. Traffic is limited to one way, according to Petty Officer Jose Hernandez of the U.S. Coast Guard. That’s certainly better than zero-way traffic, but the Mississippi is still expected to become even more parched. Lisa Parker, a representative of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, told FreightWaves that drier conditions are expected over the next several weeks. The river is slurping up water reserves right now, Parker added, but those reserves will eventually run out.
As a result of this crisis, rates to move goods by barge have gone through the roof, and we could ultimately see massive amounts of agricultural produce rot before it can get to consumers…
Since many barges are stuck and cannot move at all, barge prices are reportedly hyperinflating. As of this writing, the highest USD per ton price shown is $90.44. Prior to the massive spike, it was under $10 to move a ton of goods. The vast majority of the now-stranded bean piles and other farm goods were intended for major export terminals in the Gulf of Mexico. While at least some of them appear to be covered and ventilated, how long will they really last before spoiling?
On another note, we continue to see crabs die off at a staggering rate.
In fact, it is now being reported that the winter harvest of snow crab in Alaska has been suspended because the crab population has experienced a catastrophic decline…
Alaska officials have canceled several crab harvests in a conservation effort that sent shock waves through the crabbing industry in the region. Officials canceled the fall Bristol Bay red king crab harvest and, for the first time on record, are also holding off on the winter harvest of snow crab, according to multiple reports. The decision comes after stark recent population declines of the animals. Data from an NOAA eastern Bering Sea survey shows a 92% decline in overall snow crab abundance from 2018 to 2021, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game confirmed to USA TODAY. An 83% decline occurred from 2018 to 2022, as some small crab entered the population in 2022, according to the department’s Division of Commercial Fisheries.
And thanks to the global bird flu pandemic, birds continue to die in staggering numbers as well.
If you can believe it, nearly 100 million chickens and turkeys have already been wiped out during this pandemic in the United States and Europe alone, and experts are warning that this pandemic will only intensify now that cold weather is arriving.
Those of you that have been to the grocery store lately already know that egg prices, chicken prices and turkey prices have surged to absolutely crazy levels. At this point, prices are so high that one recent survey found that one out of every four Americans plans to skip Thanksgiving this year in order to save money…
One in five Americans are unsure if they will be able to cover the costs of Thanksgiving this year, and one in four plan to skip it to save money, a recent Personal Capital survey found. The state of economic affairs in President Joe Biden’s America is affecting Americans’ holiday plans. According to the survey, one quarter of Americans are planning to skip Thanksgiving this year to save money, and one in five “doubted they would have enough money to cover the costs of Thanksgiving this year.” More specifically, one-third expect their 2022 Thanksgiving dinner to be “smaller,” and 45 percent, overall, said they are “finically stressed” by Thanksgiving.
Yes, things are already that bad.
But according to Joe Biden, everything is just fine. In fact, he says that “our economy is strong as hell”…
The comment came during a conversation with a reporter at a Baskin Robbins in Portland, Oregon, who asked the president if he had any worry about the strength of the U.S. dollar amid rising inflation. With a chocolate chip ice cream cone in his hand, Biden answered: “I’m not concerned about the strength of the dollar. I’m concerned about the rest of the world. Our economy is strong as hell.”
You believe him, don’t you?
Our leaders would have us believe that all of the problems that we are facing right now are just temporary and that a golden new age of peace and prosperity is just around the corner.
But if that is true, why are they so eager to have us eat bugs?
A tremendous amount of time, energy and resources is being put behind a campaign to promote insects as one of the solutions to the rapidly growing global food crisis.
But I don’t plan to eat bugs, and I am sure that you don’t either.
Unfortunately, there isn’t going to be nearly enough food for everyone on the planet in 2023, and millions upon millions of deeply suffering individuals will soon be desperately hungry.
They can push bug eating all they want, but that isn’t going to fix our problems. Right now, they have absolutely no solutions that will prevent large numbers of people from starving to death during the difficult years that are in front of us.
Harry Tuttle…heating engineer at your service (or Have you got a 27B-6?) – [Brazil movie]
To call the savages General Armageddon faced in Syria or the Nazis he now faces in Ukraine devils would be to libel devils, Declan Hayes writes.
General Sergey Surovikin, aka General Armageddon, the new commander of Russian air, land and sea forces serving on the Ukrainian front, is blessed to have served alongside Syria’s Brigadier General Soheil Hassan, aka The Tiger, whom the late Robert Fisk said was one of the scariest men he had ever met in his long and very colourful life.
Sadly, when one is faced with hordes of jacked up jihadists or NATO funded Nazis, one needs the Tiger, General Armageddon and the Armed Forces of Syria and Russia they command to save the day, as the songs of John Lennon and George Harrison just don’t cut it.
To read NATO’s accounts of these two heroes, who can be seen photographed together in this article, one would imagine they obliterate their enemies for fun and not out of necessity.
In that, NATO’s media jackals deliberately conflate these men with their enemies, NATO’s proxies in both Syria and Ukraine, whose war crimes are as well documented as they are ignored by NATO’s media and political mouthpieces.
General Hassan’s Tiger Forces, as the cutting edge of the Syrian resistance, drove NATO’s killers out of each of their bolt holes, one after the other.
Their patriotic campaign was made much easier by the logistics and other practical support Iran and Russia gave them and the irregulars supporting them. At the heart of that support was General Surovikin, aka General Armageddon, a veteran of the Chechen and other campaigns.
Because it suggests that he obliterates all that stands in his way, Surovikin’s Armageddon NATO nickname is infinitely more revealing of NATO’s hypocrisy than it is of how either Surovikin or the front line Russian forces he now commands fight their wars. It is the Americans and their British and other toadies who fight like they are The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse as witnessed by their shock and awe terror campaign on Iraq and how they levelled the Iraqi city of Fallujah and the Syrian city of Raqqa and all therein.
The Americans destroyed Raqqa because the combined forces of Russia and Syria, along with their gallant allies from the Fertile Belt, stood on the verge of victory.
The Americans destroyed their own expendable stooges so they, in Syria’s east, in conjunction with Israel’s air force in the west and south, could continue to pulverize the women and children of Syria and steal their resources.
General Armageddon’s Russians, on the other hand, boxed differently.
They brokered regional peace deals throughout Syria and even allowed NATO’s cut-throat retreat on the green evacuation buses to Idlib. But even there, NATO’s ISIS operatives could not act honorably and there were several instances of those savages murdering the drivers, with their most egregious crime being the slaughter of 120 Shias, over 80 of them being children, in the 15 April 2017 al Rashidin bus bombing, the facts of which Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney and NATO’s other morally challenged assets in Ireland and Syria are hell bent on suppressing.
To call these savages General Armageddon faced in Syria or the Nazis he now faces in Ukraine devils would be to libel devils. This is not to say that the Russian Armed Forces are cuddly creatures who spend their down time strumming John Lennon and George Harrison numbers on their ukuleles.
They are not.
What they are is a disciplined fighting force who give their enemies plenty of prior warnings before they take their gloves off and put their knuckle dusters on.
NATO, on the other hand, knocks out civilian structure and obliterates anything that moves on day one..
That is what they did in North Korea, Raqqa, Fallujah and countless other places that need not now detain us, except to say that General Armageddon’s forces have not yet brought such apocalyptic firepower to bear in either Syria or Ukraine.
This is to bring us to the important point that we are not armchair Napoleons who can opine with any authority on what the forces of Russia, Syria or Iran’s Quds force should do on any of their various fronts. Though the Tiger likes his poetry, war is not a time of poetry books but a time of strategy, tactics and cold, hard and calculated moves with the pieces one has. It is a time for the Wagner Group, Kadyrov’s Chechens, Hassan’s Tiger Forces and General Armageddon to do what they excel at and, under General Armageddon’s command, to do it in Wagnerian harmony.
This is not to write off Lennon’s Give Peace A Chance or Harrison’s Bangladesh songs but to sing with the Byrds, that “there is a time for every purpose under heaven, a time of love, a time of hate, a time of war, a time of peace”. NATO likes a good war, as long as it can profit from the carnage and its own military aged youngsters don’t spit the dummy. That is why they expend so much resources on cross wiring our youth.
Though the time for peace is predicated on other variables we elucidate below, first see how NATO has thoroughly permeated modern culture to stop peace getting its chance. Don’t even bother looking at that Irish embarrassment Bono sucking up to Zelensky in Kiev or the Bush organized crime family in America. Instead, like the Byrds, “turn, turn, turn” and look at the BBC infiltrating Liverpool’s Kop (called after Spion Kop of Boer genocide infamy) to hijack a vibrant people’s culture they obviously knew absolutely nothing about and, like Hitler and Mussolini (forget that Duke of Wellington public schoolboy crap) before them, cared about only in so far as it could further their imperial designs, in banning Russia from Qatar 2002, as much as politically emasculating England’s gullible youth from 1964 onwards. NATO’s BBC parasites have warped the Beatles’ songs of peace not only in Liverpool and in Belmarsh Prison where, Julian Assange, the truest of today’s peace advocates, is incarcerated in a dungeon that should instead hold John Bolton, Tony Blair, Bill Clinton and the other lickspittles of NATO’s evil empire.
Though it is true that the genie who is Julian Assange lies incarcerated, if the barbarians in His Majesty’s Foreign Office, in MI5 and in their equivalent American and Australian groupings reading this do not know what powers a genie possesses, let me explain. Because prophets like Assange who speak truth to power show how flimsy such power really is, if and when youth’s idols rally behind Assange’s banner of truth and follow the examples of George Harrison, John Lennon, Roger Waters, Muhammad Ali and many more like them, then NATO’s power will crumble like the ongoing ephemeral nightmare it is.
So, welcome to our Apocalypse, General Armageddon,.
As Acts 2 tells us that our old men will dream dreams and our young men will see visions, let me tell thee my dream is the dream of murdered American school girl Rachel Corrie, the dream of the assassinated Martin Luther King Junior, the dream that NATO will stop their murder campaigns that drench Ukraine, Armenia and the Fertile Belt in so much innocent blood.
For our young men to abandon their football terraces and X boxes to see John Lennon’s vision of giving peace a chance, the vision Rachel Corrie and so many others died for and that Julian Assange is being slowly murdered for, the entire civilized world needs you, General Armageddon, to finish your morning coffee and do what you and the Tiger do best.
God speed.
Labyrinth – As The World Falls Down (David Bowie)
NATO, apart from being a fake defense alliance and collective security system, is not only a company in the business of wars and arms sales.
In November 2019, French President Macron warned his European allies that NATO was in a state of brain death. Maria Zakharova, the spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, reacted quickly at the time, asserting that Macron had given a very accurate description of the situation in NATO. Although Macron, speaking of NATO’s brain death, was referring primarily to American arbitrariness and the tendency of the USA not to consult with its European and other allies, the diagnosis he gave three years ago remains completely valid to this day.
NATO is a brainless monster that wastes human lives with the same ease with which it wastes the taxpayer funds of the member states of that infamous military alliance. NATO’s official budget for this year amounts to 1.7 billion dollars for military needs and an additional 328 million dollars for the operation of its civilian structures. These figures may actually, seem quite modest when compared to this year’s British and American military budgets, which amount to £48 billion and a whopping $800.85 billion, respectively. However, NATO is a tool of war in the hands of the U. S. and the UK anyway, and it is impossible to separate one from the other, so these budgets simply have to be added together and considered as a single budget.
NATO, apart from being a fake defense alliance and collective security system, is not only a company in the business of wars and arms sales. More than anything else, NATO is a tool of global terror, military pressure, coercion, and blackmail and as such, sooner or later it had to cross lines that can only be crossed once. Like an arrow that has been irreversibly shot and is flying toward Russia, NATO has shown that it does not have mechanisms for maneuvering, retreating, and stopping. In short, one gets the impression that there is no longer any moral or at least rational control over NATO, that is, that it is really brain-dead and therefore very dangerous for the survival of civilization and humanity itself. According to the official version of the interpretation of the global political reality, the democratically elected political leadership of NATO members is the one that manages this military alliance and makes decisions that are an expression of the collective will, based on the principle of consensus.
The official interpretation of the way decisions are made in NATO, unfortunately, is a sweet fairy tale that only the ignorant and naive can believe today. The countries of the European Union and other NATO members, with a few exceptions, are ruled by teams of politicians who are nothing more than ordinary American agents of influence. Today, historians know that after the end of the Second World War, the CIA rigged elections in Italy for decades in order to prevent the completely legal and democratic coming to power of left-wing political parties that were pro-Soviet and that would have led Italy out of NATO and the Western military-political bloc. If those early, initial operations of the CIA in Italy were an exception in their beginning, today they have become the rule, and there is no doubt that overseas power centers completely control the European political scene. If anyone doubts such claims, they should think for a moment and compare, for example, two British prime ministers, Winston Churchill, a top intellectual, charismatic and energetic person, and the current prime minister, Liz Truss, whose intellectual abilities and education, to be very compassionate and considerate since we are talking about a lady, incomparably more modest and beyond any doubt, far below the level required of serious statespeople.
It would be also a crime to compare a political giant like De Gaulle, who in 1966 far-sightedly and wisely withdrew France from NATO membership, and Macron, even though the latter was clever enough to set a brave and quite accurate diagnosis of the disease that NATO is suffering from. So, the USA, or rather, let’s be honest, that notorious American-British deep state, through one of its many tools of terror, that is, through the CIA, practiced the art of soft coups on the Italians, and it was such a successful endeavor that it continued to be used throughout Europe. Thus, in Europe, as well as in the rest of the world under American control, democracy has been de facto abolished. And the clearer it was to the ordinary citizens that democracy was killed, the more often and with Goebbelsian persistence it was mentioned in the empty speeches of European political quasi-leaders — the spineless American puppets. Overseas oligarchs did not want to ever again take risks with strong leaders such as De Gaulle and Churchill, people who had not only charisma but also their own strong political will and decisively acted only in accordance with the interests of their nations.
That’s why those powerful people from the darkest geopolitical shadows, those mysterious masters of our destinies who firmly rule the collective military-political West and their servants, replaced the former authentic national leaders with wretched clowns and third-rate actors. They can easily control those empty-headed puppets exactly because they finance their coming to power and maintain them in those positions for as long as necessary. Despite all the pedantry and thorough work, and such terrifying machinery as the CIA and MI6, it still happened that some people of firm convictions, determined to protect national interests at any cost, broke away from them. That is why Erdogan in Turkey and Orban in Hungary continue to defy the interests of the overseas deep state, even though their homelands are still members of NATO. Let’s remember how in 2016, a military coup was attempted against Erdogan and his legal government with the use of parts of the ground army, gendarmerie, tanks, navy and aviation, which were organized, controlled, and led by a corrupt part of the Turkish army officers. It is very possible that in the near future, similar scenarios are being prepared in Hungary, for Viktor Orban and let us believe that he will be ready to deal with them. Despite those two exceptions to the rule, the truth remains that the control of all other members of the European Union and NATO by the elites for the U. S. and the UK is complete.
This leads us to the simple conclusion that there is no control of the democratically elected leadership of the NATO member states over the largest military alliance in the history of mankind, just as after all, there is no democracy in those countries with a few mentioned exceptions. Macron was right; NATO is an organization without a functional brain. But if that is so, the question arises, who in that case has all this terrifying military power at his disposal? Is American President Biden, as the head of the most powerful state of that alliance, the person who can decide on peace and war, on the continuation of life, or on the increasingly certain nuclear Armageddon that he himself warned about a few days ago? If it is true that Biden is the strongman we are looking for, then Macron’s diagnosis of NATO’s brain death would find a more than appropriate tragicomic coincidence in the evident deterioration of Biden’s mental health. The signs of his illness from Alzheimer’s disease or some other form of degenerative neurological disease followed by advanced dementia are more than noticeable and clear to everyone, both his political opponents and allies. Because of his deplorable mental state, the Republican camp is increasingly announcing that Biden will be impeached at the first opportunity.
However, Biden is not that dark lord of NATO, because such great power could never be in the hands of a politician completely deprived of not only health but also the strength of character, ideological consistency, political will, and charisma. No, Sleeping Joe is just a helpless figurehead in the hands of the really powerful people, which we will unhesitatingly expose in this article. Of course, he is neither the first nor the last American president who only pretends to be that. The last American president who actually exercised all the powers given to him by the U. S. Constitution, who served until the end of his term, and left the White House alive, was Dwight Eisenhower. The next man to try to be the real president of the USA, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, was assassinated before the end of his first term. So, American presidents long ago became puppets with no real power in the hands of the infamous American deep state. That state within the state was created for their needs by the alienated plutocratic elites, which is made up of the crème de la crème of the Jewish business lobby, joined with a subordinate partner, the Anglo-Saxon business lobby, and a multitude of smaller partners.
So, we can safely say that the circles dominated by the Zionist and WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) powers have real and full control over NATO. Oh, thank God, you’ll say, if only it wasn’t a demented Biden who could push the red buttons by mistake, and you’d be dead wrong. The ruling clan is not an association of young, cheerful and energetic people full of life, but rather a gerontocratic club. They are mostly people who, despite having powers worthy of demigods, have of course, not been able to defeat their own transience and mortality. In order to better understand the psychology of these gerontocrats, you need to abstract for a moment and imagine how you lived a life full of seductive excitements in which everything was always within your reach; from the most glamorous sexual partners, mansions with swimming pools and heavenly gardens, garages full of the most expensive sports cars and private jets to the ownership of companies weighing billions of dollars.
Imagine that you had everything, and that driven by pure greed, you were destroying entire countries and nations with the same ease with which children destroy aliens in video games, but that you face the end of your own life, that you have been prolonging by all possible means for decades, but you are aware that you can cheat death no longer, even though you have billions of dollars at your bank accounts. Unfortunately, in the hands of such people are the doomsday weapons at NATO’s disposal. You will easily conclude for yourself that these people are capable of dragging us all into the abyss of nuclear war because their minds are disturbed by a toxic combination of enormous power and fear of their own transience before which we are all equally powerless. Ordinary people would find solace and the meaning of their existence in peace of religion and dedication to God. However, these people are used to being worshiped by other people all their lives, convinced that with their endless wealth they themselves have risen among the gods and immortals. People overwhelmed by that kind of pain and anger should never be in control of NATO but unfortunately, they are.
NATO is truly brain-dead because there is no control over it by any moral or rational force. Not only NATO but the entire so-called collective political West with all its vassals and pets such as Israel, a conglomerate that we could call Sodom of the modern age, is in the hands of dying old men with a perverted psyche — that is finally, the dead brain we were looking for! The awareness that the future of all of us is in the hands of such people must be deeply disturbing for any enlightened and intelligent person. Unfortunately, no matter how hard we try to deceive and lull ourselves into sweet dreams of security offered by the non-existent Western democracy; this truth remains undeniable and can no longer be ignored. NATO is not led by thinking and moral people, but by a council of old men whose characters have been eaten away by a life of wealth, privileges, and abundance. The armies of officials, officers, and employees of NATO are not actually in charge and they only have the option of applauding catastrophically bad and every day worse decisions. How did the brain-dead NATO bring humanity to the brink of destruction?
A whole series of fundamental mistakes were made when making decisions to start the project of expansion of the North Atlantic Alliance towards Siberia. One of the most fatal decisions was made at the NATO summit in Bucharest in 2008, when the desire of Ukraine and Georgia to join NATO was welcomed and approved. For decades, the people who manage NATO have completely wrongly analyzed and predicted Russia’s possible reactions and its future moves in relation to their increasingly aggressive expansion towards Moscow. Russia’s reaction after that summit was seemingly absent, but in reality, Russia secretly began preparing for an inevitable military conflict with NATO that same year. And if you think that the Russians did not prepare well for this war, it is only because the Russians do not show their cards too early. Let’s recall the shock experienced by the Nazis when they saw the Soviet T-34 tanks in action, which they did not even know existed. The Kremlin is now saving its best and most powerful weapons and tactics for the inevitable full conflict with NATO armies and it is quite certain that Russians will give them a very unpleasant surprise.
Fatal mistakes were also made when creating psychological profiles of Vladimir Putin and his closest associates. Seeing through a former experienced intelligence officer and hardened politician like the Russian president proved to be too difficult a task, but the Anglo-Saxon mind is such that it tries to satisfy the form and do the job as best it can. Vladimir Putin has been profiled as a politician who, guided by the highest religious and moral principles, will never reach for weapons of mass destruction. That is why NATO, with that stupid and arrogant self-confidence so characteristic of the Anglo-Saxons, continued its expansion towards the Urals and the desired prize — Siberia.
The same teams of analysts and experts tremble in fear of North Korea, which has from 20 to a maximum of 55 nuclear warheads compared to Russia’s 6,000 because they estimated that North Korean leader Kim Il-Jong would use his most formidable arsenal and wipe the American military bases in South Korea and Japan off the face of the earth without any hesitation. If Western analysts were a bit wiser, more professional, and less arrogant, they would have realized that under Putin’s inscrutable poker face, there is a strong and old-fashioned, steel-willed Soviet man who is fanatically consistent and determined to preserve the integrity and safety of Russia at all costs — even at the cost of being forced to order Russian forces to use weapons of mass destruction. Only recently, politicians in the West are slowly beginning to realize that Putin is not bluffing at all. Among the first to realize this was former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who at the end of September warned her colleagues to take Putin’s warnings very seriously.
Much earlier, speaking on October 18, 2018, at the 15th meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club in Sochi, Putin touched on the topic of a possible nuclear war between Russia and NATO, but then the collective West did not listen to him carefully enough. Putin then said that the Russians, as victims of a nuclear attack, would go straight to heaven as martyrs, while the aggressors would simply drop dead because they would not even have time to repent for their sins. Although on that occasion he emphasized that Russia would never be the first to carry out nuclear strikes on NATO countries and their allies, Putin was severely criticized in the West precisely because of this statement, which was assessed as very aggressive, threatening, and intimidating. Maybe then some light bulbs in the dead brain turned on for the first time, but as I said, NATO does not have any strategy for getting out of situations that lead to armed conflict because it is used to easy victories that do not require withdrawal and regrouping, let alone giving up aggression.
Only in the last few weeks has NATO realized that they may have gone too far with the pressure on Russia and that no matter how confident they were before, there is a more than real possibility of a total nuclear war and the realization of Putin’s warning from four years ago. The computer simulations that NATO uses to practice various war strategies and tactics and their combinations completely lack algorithms that could take into account the famous Russian soul because it cannot be represented simply as a series of numerical parameters. The ability of the Russians to make merciless sacrifices for their motherland, despite having been proven so many times in the past, is still something unfathomable to the mind of Western man, and that is why it has also not been included in the calculations. That is why it is not surprising that the mass special psychological operations of disinformation, deception, and the attempt to manipulate Russian public opinion, whose implementers were mostly Ukrainian operatives who speak Russian perfectly, experienced total failure.
Not only has Putin not been overthrown in the color revolution that Western intelligence agencies have been trying to foment in Russia for two decades, but the Russian president is more popular than ever before. The response to the mobilization, much to the regret of Western analysts, was several times larger than necessary, and this is a fact that the Western mainstream media persistently tries to hide. Instead of the required 300,000 reserve soldiers, over a million applied already, so that the Russian military enlistment offices will have the opportunity to choose the people with the most experience and knowledge among those who already served in the Russian armed forces. Therefore, all the assessments on the basis of which NATO de facto declared war on Russia, which is currently being waged in former parts of Ukraine, that is in Donbas and Novorossiya, were completely wrong. There was no color revolution, Putin has not lost his popularity, the sanctions against Russia are not working and worst of all for NATO, things in Russia itself are slowly moving towards full mobilization. NATO is now in a position where it needs a healthy and functioning brain more than ever before, but it just doesn’t have it. NATO needs an exit strategy from its participation in the war in Ukraine, Donbas and Novorossiya, but the council of dying elders wants one last rush of adrenaline in their blood, and their pride won’t let them to back down as they should.
What kind of country is this Ukraine, when because of it and its supposed sovereignty, because it is in fact just an American blindly obedient vassal, we have come to the very edge of a thermonuclear war? The American business magnate and investor, Elon Musk, has asked himself that question these days — still a young man who wants to live and enjoy the fruits of his labor and therefore, the exact opposite of plutocrats and gerontocrats for whom NATO is just a toy and a doomsday weapon at the same time. And after Musk decided to inform himself better, he was suddenly presented with a picture of Ukraine that is very different from the one portrayed in the Western mainstream media. Suddenly, Musk became aware of all the lies about Russia that the Western public is being poisoned by their mainstream media literally from the end of World War II until today. His proposal to cede Crimea to Russia and to hold another referendum in the four regions that joined Russia, this time under the control of the United Nations, drove the Ukrainian leadership and nationalists into frenzy.
Historically, Ukraine is just a Russian border province, which is the correct translation of its name from the Russian language. As such, it is in fact a part of the glorious and at the same time, often tragic Russian history. However, as a state within a state, it was created by the Bolsheviks after their October Revolution because part of their ideology was the destruction of all nations, in this case, the Russian people. Today, absurdly, it is led by Zionist Jews closely connected to Washington and Israel, like Zelensky himself, even if he is just a mere puppet and a bad actor, while the most hardened Nazis are bleeding and dying for it. Built on Bolshevik, Zionist and Nazi foundations and traditions, this kind of country was predestined to internal discord and ruin.
Until 2014 and the coup in Kiev directed by the CIA and MI6, known as Euromaidan, Russia had cordial relations with its western neighbor if for no other reason, then because of the 8 million ethnic Russians and 18 million inhabitants of Ukraine whose native language was Russian. However, Ukraine stood in the way of NATO’s expansion toward the Urals and Siberia and had to be turned into anti-Russia by all possible means, and used as a weapon against the Russian Federation. In fact, Americans, as we have all realized, simply buy the people they need and their services and it was quite easy for them to find corrupt people in Ukraine. That’s how the American intelligence laboratories created that monster with the body of a pig and the head of a chimpanzee. This mindless beast immediately pounced on defenseless Russian civilians and began a slaughter that was supposed to provoke Russia into a reaction at a time when it was still unprepared for a war that it knew would inevitably mean a full military confrontation with NATO.
Yes, Russia always knew that its eventual military intervention in Ukraine, and former Ukrainian regions, would very quickly, but without any doubt, lead to a full conflict with NATO. The only question is whether the people who really run the North Atlantic Alliance were aware of it. However, after almost eight years of trying to solve the problems diplomatically, in the autumn of 2021, Russia became aware of the accumulation of Ukrainian troops toward Crimea and Donbas and was forced to intervene and that was the beginning of the Special Military Operation that is still ongoing. The relatively small Russian expeditionary forces, far fewer than the Ukrainian ones, lured a large part of the Ukrainian forces into the defense of the capital with a phony blitzkrieg toward Kiev. In the meanwhile, Russian forces made key territorial gains in the south, which was actually their main goal. Instead of attacking and suffering heavy losses, which, according to military theory, would be 3 to 4 times higher than the Ukrainian ones, the Russian generals chose to defend themselves and in that way slowly destroyed the Ukrainian army, forcing them to suffer huge losses as attackers, which in the opinion of military experts, are almost ten times higher than the Russian ones. Now, four former Ukrainian regions: Lugansk, Donetsk, Zaporozhye, and Kherson decided to join Russia in a referendum, thus in a completely legal and democratic way. It is a decision that is irrevocable and that the Russian Federation will defend with all possible means.
However, despite being very intelligently designed, Russia’s Special Military Operation is running out of time. By the time this article is published, the Special Military Operation may evolve into the Special Anti-Terrorist Operation not only in Donbas and Novorusiya but in Ukraine itself. However, if we take into account the recently stated personal position of the Deputy President of the National Security Council of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, it is not impossible that Russia will enter into a full military conflict with Ukraine. Namely, Medvedev asserted that Ukraine with the current Nazi political regime represents a constant, direct, and clear threat to Russia. Much earlier, it has become clear to the Kremlin that the Ukrainian leadership does not have its own political will, which is an expression of the will of the people, and that peace negotiations with them are impossible or at best lead absolutely nowhere.
The goal of the Russian Special Military Operation, however, was originally nothing more than to force the Ukrainian leadership to negotiate and conclude a favorable peace for Russia. And indeed, in March, the Ukrainian delegation was ready to reach a peace agreement that would satisfy both sides and which implied Ukraine’s permanent withdrawal from intention to join NATO. The peace agreement was not signed solely because of Washington’s direct and energetic intervention, and immediate and strong political pressure on Kiev. The overseas power centers insisted on continuing the war. Hand on heart, even if a peace agreement was reached with Ukraine, Russia could not really rely on it.
By violating the Minsk agreements, Ukraine has shown that it cannot be trusted. Quite simply, Ukraine is a typical puppet state that is governed primarily from Washington and London, just as its army is commanded by NATO generals and other officers. Finally, the September Ukrainian offensive exposed the presence of tens of thousands of NATO troops in Ukrainian uniforms. This is not about mercenaries-adventurers who came to kill Russians for money, excitement, or out of pure hatred. We talk about top professional soldiers from Western countries, most of whom have rich and long-term combat experience from other wars. About five thousand professional NATO soldiers from Poland fought in the Ukrainian offensive near Krasny Liman alone. The Polish leadership in Warsaw, die-hard national-chauvinists, for some reason have not yet realized what terrible and fatal consequences the fact that Polish soldiers are killing Russian soldiers and civilians at this moment, will have on their country and them. There won’t be much time for regrets.
All this means that Russia will have to abandon the format imposed on it by the Special Military Operation very soon indeed because it seems that only a complete occupation of Ukraine can bring an end to the war. Second, Russia faced not only the fact that it is now de facto at war with the North Atlantic Alliance, but also that an official and completely open military conflict with it can no longer be avoided. Leaders and spokesmen of NATO, such as Jens Stoltenberg, the 13th Secretary General of NATO, persistently denied that they are at war with Russia, but irrefutable facts speak against them. First of all, the crews of advanced systems such as M142 HIMARS, or the crews of German and other NATO tanks, armored vehicles, anti-aircraft, and missile systems, require experienced crews composed of professional NATO soldiers.
There are reports that NATO outside the borders of Ukraine is currently rapidly training Ukrainian pilots on F-16 and F-15 fighter jets, and that the Ukrainian squadrons of mixed national composition will appear over Ukraine very soon. The markings on the planes will be Ukrainian, but the pilots will not only be Ukrainians but experienced professionals from NATO countries, primarily Americans. Therefore, it is an irrefutable fact that NATO is already in a military conflict with Russia, because not only does it arm Ukraine, but it also provides support in terms of personnel, including command staff and combat troops, especially special units, as well as financial, logistical, and intelligence support and assistance to its war efforts. NATO, of course, knows that it is at war with Russia and that is exactly what it wanted, but it is in no hurry to declare it a factual situation until it uses all the Ukrainians, and after them perhaps also all the Poles, Romanians, Latvians, Lithuanians, and Estonians and other members of second-rate Europeans who, after all, exist only to serve as cheap labor and cannon fodder for the more “noble” Westerners. Also, by avoiding an official war with Russia, NATO wants to keep its military bases and offensive potential intact as long as possible. Because of all this, Russia may be forced to design this new, far more complex war operation in such a way as to pull NATO out of the hole in which it is hiding and to completely expose its undoubted participation in the war against Russia.
Ukraine and NATO cannot defeat Russia. There is not a single outcome of the military conflict between Ukraine and NATO on one side and Russia on the other, which leads to the defeat of Russia and the victory of NATO and their vassal Ukraine. American and NATO officials are warning Russia these days that they will react harshly and by all means, that is, with nuclear strikes on Russia, if it carries out tactical nuclear attacks on Kiev or other targets in Ukraine. Such accusations are absolutely meaningless. Kiev is a holy city for Russians, the Russian capital of the medieval Russian state — Kievan Rus, and besides, Ukraine is simply too close to the Russian borders and Russia’s ally Belarus. Radioactive particles would spread in all directions and kill not only the Ukrainians but also the Russian and Belarusian soldiers and civilians. The Russians will certainly not carry out nuclear strikes without an absolute necessity, but if the Americans bring missile systems that could carry nuclear warheads and if such missiles are fired at Russian forces and territories, that could, of course, be a reason for an immediate Russian nuclear response. This is the biggest danger of the Russian-Ukrainian military conflict.
Misinterpreted Ukrainian missiles flying toward Russian forces or territories could instantly trigger a massive Russian nuclear attack on all NATO countries as well as other hostile countries. At the same time, NATO is seriously dealing with the absolutely insane and inadmissible idea of finding any pretext under which, in accordance with the American nuclear doctrine, preventive nuclear strikes on Russia would be carried out. That is why the mainstream media in the West are slowly preparing the ground for such a decision, persistently insisting that the Russians bomb the Energodar nuclear power plant in the Zaporozhye region, which is under the control of none other than the Russian forces themselves. Anyone who doubts this should independently check on the maps whether this area is under the control of Russian forces or not. In other words, the Western mainstream media claim that the Russians are persistently bombing themselves! The goal of Ukraine’s heavy bombing of the nuclear power plant is not to destroy the Russian forces that secure it. Contrary to common sense, Ukrainians are bombing the power plant itself with the aim of causing the leakage of radioactive materials into the atmosphere. Russian forces would be blamed for that very dangerous nuclear incident, and that would give NATO the desired excuse to launch tactical nuclear strikes against Russian forces or to even carry out strategic nuclear strikes deep into Russian territory.
Unlike the American military doctrine, Russian military doctrine does not foresee any preventive nuclear strikes. If Russia ever really decides to use nuclear weapons, it will most certainly not be in Ukraine because, as we have already established, that would be pure suicide. Even if Russia really wants the destruction of Kiev and other large Ukrainian cities, it has more than devastating conventional means at its disposal for such a goal, which it has never used so far. So far, the Russians have not used their most powerful conventional bomb ATBIP (Aviation Thermobaric Bomb of Increased Power), also known as the “Father of All Bombs” (FOAB), in Ukraine, which in terms of strength is in the range of smaller tactical nuclear weapons that it replaced in the Russian arsenal. Before the Russians would reach for tactical nuclear weapons, which is an extremely unlikely scenario, they would most certainly try to attack Ukrainian troops, command centers, and fortified military facilities with their most powerful thermobaric weapons, and they have not done that even once.
What might actually happen, and might make sense from a military point of view, is that if Russia is provoked by NATO’s undeniable direct involvement in a war against its own military forces and civilians, it will launch nuclear strikes with its unstoppable weapons on the decision-making centers that they are not really in Kiev, which the Russian leadership knows very well, but in Washington, London, Brussels, and other large cities of the Western Hemisphere. This is a very real threat to the NATO aggressor that they should finally become aware of. Russian President Putin, speaking in his recent speech about possible Russian nuclear strikes on the decision-making centers, most certainly did not mean Kiev or any other Ukrainian city because real decisions are not made there, just as it is well known that Zelensky is only an actor who does who obeys American orders.
Therefore, those hypocrites from the West can immediately stop “caring” for Ukraine, which, as the poorest country in Europe, for the sake of their megalomaniac goals, they pushed into a war against the largest country in the world, which also has the largest nuclear arsenal. The responsible gentlemen from Washington, London, Brussels, and other big American and European cities should very seriously start worrying about themselves because Russia is not bluffing at all by threatening with its nuclear weapons. On the contrary, considering that not only its territorial integrity is threatened, but its very survival itself, Russia issues one of the last warnings before realizing its threats. Russian nuclear weapons are unstoppable! NATO has no way to stop Russian missiles such as RS-28 Sarmat (NATO reporting names: SS-X-29, SS-X-30, Satan II), 3M22 Zircon (NATO reporting name SS-N-33), or Kh −47M2 Kinzhal (NATO reporting name Killjoy) and they know it very well. An even more dangerous Russian weapon against which there is absolutely no defense is the Poseidon, an underwater unmanned vehicle, which is powered by nuclear propulsion and has nuclear warheads with a power of 10 megatons (667 times more destructive than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima). Just one Russian nuclear submarine can completely destroy the entire U. S. East Coast. People who, like an arrow, shot NATO irreversibly towards Russia should be extremely worried about all this.
Finally, even if NATO could surprise Russia as it wishes, and completely unhindered, with practically no resistance, in ideal conditions, extremely effectively attack all Russian command centers, military bases, nuclear-armed facilities, mobile units with a nuclear arsenal, and major cities, Russia’s formidable Perimeter system, known in the West by the picturesque name “Dead Hand” would ensure the total destruction of all NATO countries in return. This Doomsday system was designed in Soviet times but has been constantly upgraded and modernized. It is fully automated and if for some reason communication with the Russian command centers were to be interrupted, it would assume that the Russian leadership had been destroyed and would completely independently launch all nuclear warheads and destroy all those states that the Russian Federation considered hostile. “Dead Hand” itself, is completely resistant to nuclear strikes, electronic jamming, or any other means at NATO’s disposal. So, even if Russia were to be completely destroyed, NATO still could not win but would also disappear in the unstoppable, retaliatory nuclear strikes of a dead Russia.
So what is brain-dead NATO trying to do in Ukraine? Obviously, NATO’s tactics are such that they want to wage war against Russia, cowardly, today hiding behind Ukrainian backs while there are still Ukrainians ready to fight for them, and tomorrow hiding behind Poles and Romanians and so on. It exposes all the cynicism of the Judeo-Anglo-Saxon gerontocrats and plutocrats. They look at the terrible bloodshed and enormous human tragedоssiya as an exciting gladiatorial match to the death, in which they recline in comfortable armchairs on the other side of the English Channel and the Atlantic, snacking on popcorn, eating hamburgers, drinking beer and whiskey as if it is about a sports competition or a Hollywood super-spectacle movie.
They don’t realize that Russia can easily cross all those water barriers and make them answer for all the crimes they committed. NATO’s main goal is to make the war last as long as possible, not only in order to exhaust Russia financially, militarily, and morally but above all in order to destroy Europe and its economic power. The Judeo-Anglo-Saxon elites have no friends, but only servants and slaves, and they never really liked the fact that Europe was strengthening economically. First of all, the destruction of Germany and its economic power and the influence it achieves is a priority of the power centers in Washington and London. It could be said that the destruction of Germany, but also France is just as important to the overseas power centers as the destruction of Russia.
All this NATO play on the brink of nuclear war could prove fatal for all of humanity. Russia is slowly but surely losing patience, but it seems that its increasingly harsh warnings will not be taken seriously by the dead brains of NATO until volleys of missiles with nuclear warheads are finally fired at them. The best evidence that Russia has decided to take off its gloves is the appointment of a very brave, determined, energetic, and aggressive general, as General Surovikin undoubtedly is, to the post of commander-in-chief of Russian forces in the former and current territories of Ukraine. From the first day of his command, General Surovikin announced to Ukraine, which at that moment was celebrating the damage to the Kerch (Crimean) bridge for which it took responsibility, that it was threatened with a total disaster, for which they owe thanks to their mentors from the West who dragged them into a conflict they cannot possibly win. It is difficult to understand the amount of irresponsibility and complete lack of intelligence of those people who consciously and deliberately chose to provoke a nuclear superpower such as Russia and force it to intervene militarily in Ukraine and in now former Ukrainian territories. It is difficult to understand the inability of NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg, who is in fact only the spokesperson of that criminal organization, to understand that Russia has launched a counter-offensive which, if the Western hawks do not come to their senses, could, according to the old tradition, end up in European capitals, while London and Washington would end up as radioactive wastelands.
Admittedly, we must be grateful to Stoltenberg, who came forward these days and clumsily admitted that NATO is, as Russia claims, a direct participant in the conflict in former Ukraine. First of all, even if the Russian army begins to suffer a series of devastating defeats against the Ukrainian forces, as Stoltenberg hopes, this should be the worst possible news for NATO, as this would significantly increase the probability of Russian nuclear strikes on the decision-making centers, i. e. on Washington, London, Brussels, NATO military bases, and large cities of the Western Hemisphere. How is it possible, then, that such simple logical equations and algorithms do not reach the minds of responsible people in the West? Both in the Russian army and in the Kremlin, the influence of the fierce hardliners, which ask Putin to conduct the war far more brutally and mercilessly, is growing more and more every day.
The position of Putin himself in Russian society is of course unassailable, but the same cannot be said for all of his closest associates. Putin will not be able to refuse not only support but also the demands of the hard Russian line for a long time, because he needs these people as much as they need him. That’s why it could happen that overnight the Kremlin will be left without those few people who had some sort of inclination towards the West, and the willingness to negotiate from somewhat softer positions. Therefore, the longer the war in Ukraine and on the territories of the four areas that are now forever united with Russia lasts, the stronger will be the influence of fierce patriots and hardliners in the Kremlin and the Russian army. This is what NATO leaders and their masters need to know. Prolonging the war, contrary to the original calculation, does not benefit them at all. Russia will not be weaker and weaker every day, but on the contrary, it will be an increasingly fierce and formidable opponent. The Russian bear has been awakened from his sleep and is getting angrier every day.
The calculation that those notorious elites from the West had at the beginning of the conflict on the territory of former Ukraine, that is, to weaken and ultimately destroy Russia and Europe through war, has become unsustainable. The potential damage to the ideologues of this insane project now far outweighs the potential benefit. At the same time, the anger of ordinary people who are finally becoming aware of all the lies and deceptions of their political leaders is growing throughout Europe. In fact, subordinate European elites proved to be just agencies of Judeo-Anglo-Saxon overseas elites and their interests.
That dissatisfaction is growing stronger every day and threatens to turn into a revolution that will engulf the entire continent. Europeans now fully understand that their “leaders” such as Macron and Scholz do not lead their states and nations according to their best interests, but act exclusively in favor of the interests of Washington, London, and Brussels. In the consciousness of the average European, the belief is growing that false those national leaders, who are in fact nothing more than traitors, American and British agents are leading them to a total disaster and nuclear war, and that they can only defend their interests and bare lives through revolutions and popular uprisings.
All this finally leads us to the conclusion that NATO has already suffered a terrible defeat in Ukraine, which it is still not aware of because it does not look at things in the long term. For the first time since its existence, NATO will have to withdraw and admit defeat. Just as Hitler, at the end of 1942, in his Wolf’s Lair headquarters near Rastenburg (now Kętrzyn), loudly lamented and openly regretted the attack on the USSR, even though at that time he was still far from total defeat, so today the real masters of NATO realize that they have made a fatal mistake by involving themselves directly into a military conflict with Russia, thinking that it could go unnoticed and unpunished.
However, unlike Hitler, NATO was given a final warning and an opportunity to withdraw, save its honor and survive as an organization. If the leaders of NATO and the collective West, above all representatives of the USA, do not sit down at the negotiating table with Russia and accept the right of the Russian people in the former parts of Ukraine to self-determination, renounce the Nazi regime in Kiev and give up from the further expansion of NATO, we can expect the imminent start of a total nuclear war that will most certainly lead to the complete annihilation of the Western Hemisphere. All responsibility for the tragedy on the territory of the former and current Ukraine lies with the people who have the real power to manage NATO. The fate of all humanity is now in the hands of the elites in Washington and London and we all must stand up together, raise our voices and let them know that we want to live!
The Rocky Horror Picture Show “Sweet Transvestite”
Russia will not allow the Empire to control Ukraine, whatever it takes. That’s intrinsically linked to the future of the Greater Eurasia Partnership.
Let’s start with Pipelineistan. Nearly seven years ago, I showed how Syria was the ultimate Pipelineistan war.
Damascus had rejected the – American – plan for a Qatar-Turkey gas pipeline, to the benefit of Iran-Iraq-Syria (for which a memorandum of understanding was signed).
What followed was a vicious, concerted “Assad must go” campaign: proxy war as the road to regime change. The toxic dial went exponentially up with the instrumentalization of ISIS – yet another chapter of the war of terror (italics mine). Russia blocked ISIS, thus preventing regime change in Damascus. The Empire of Chaos-favored pipeline bit the dust.
Now the Empire finally exacted payback, blowing up existing pipelines – Nord Stream (NS) and Nord Steam 2 (NS2) – carrying or about to carry Russian gas to a key imperial economic competitor: the EU.
We all know by now that Line B of NS2 has not been bombed, or even punctured, and it’s ready to go. Repairing the other three – punctured – lines would not be a problem: a matter of two months, according to naval engineers. Steel on the Nord Streams is thicker than on modern ships. Gazprom has offered to repair them – as long as Europeans behave like grown-ups and accept strict security conditions.
We all know that’s not going to happen. None of the above is discussed across NATOsan media. That means that Plan A by the usual suspects remains in place: creating a contrived natural gas shortage, leading to the de-industrialization of Europe, all part of the Great Reset, rebranded “The Great Narrative”.
Meanwhile, the EU Muppet Show is discussing the ninth sanction package against Russia. Sweden refuses to share with Russia the results of the dodgy intra-NATO “investigation” of itself on who blew up the Nord Streams.
At Russian Energy Week, President Putin summarized the stark facts.
Europe blames Russia for the reliability of its energy supplies even though it was receiving the entire volume it bought under fixed contracts.
The “orchestrators of the Nord Stream terrorist attacks are those who profit from them”.
Repairing Nord Stream strings “would only make sense in the event of continued operation and security”.
Buying gas on the spot market will cause a €300 billion loss for Europe.
The rise in energy prices is not due to the Special Military Operation (SMO), but to the West’s own policies.
Yet the Dead Can Dance show must go on. As the EU forbids itself to buy Russian energy, the Brussels Eurocracy skyrockets their debt to the financial casino. The imperial masters laugh all the way to the bank with this form of collectivism – as they continue to profit from using financial markets to pillage and plunder whole nations.
Which bring us to the clincher: the Straussian/neo-con psychos controlling Washington’s foreign policy eventually might – and the operative word is “might” – stop weaponizing Kiev and start negotiations with Moscow only after their main industrial competitors in Europe go bankrupt.
But even that would not be enough – because one of NATO’s key “invisible” mandates is to capitalize, whatever means necessary, on food resources across the Pontic-Caspian steppe: we’re talking about 1 million km2 of food production from Bulgaria all the way to Russia.
Judo in Kharkov
The SMO has swiftly transitioned into a “soft” CTO (Counter-Terrorist Operation) even without an official announcement. The no-nonsense approach of the new overall commander with full carte blanche from the Kremlin, General Surovikin, a.k.a. “Armageddon”, speaks for itself.
There are absolutely no indicators whatsoever pointing to a Russian defeat anywhere along the over 1,000 km-long frontline. The spun-to-death withdrawal from Kharkov may have been a masterstroke: the first stage of a judo move that, cloaked in legality, fully developed after the terrorist bombing of Krymskiy Most – the Crimea Bridge.
Let’s look at the retreat from Kharkov as a trap – as in Moscow graphically demonstrating “weakness”. That led the Kiev forces – actually their NATO handlers – to gloat about Russia “fleeing”, abandon all caution, and go for broke, even embarking on a terror spiral, from the assassination of Darya Dugina to the attempted destruction of Krymskiy Most.
In terms of Global South public opinion, it’s already established that General Armageddon’s Daily Morning Missile Show is a legal (italics mine) response to a terrorist state. Putin may have sacrificed, for a while, a piece on the chessboard – Kharkov: after all, the SMO mandate is not to hold terrain, but to demilitarize Ukraine.
Moscow even won post-Kharkov: all the Ukrainian military equipment accumulated in the area was thrown into offensives, just for the Russian Army to merrily engage in non-stop target practice.
And then there’s the real clincher: Kharkov set in motion a series of moves that allowed Putin to eventually go for checkmate, via the missile-heavy “soft” CTO, reducing the collective West to a bunch of headless chickens.
In parallel, the usual suspects continue to relentlessly spin their new nuclear “narrative”. Foreign Minister Lavrov has been forced to repeat ad nauseam that according to Russian nuclear doctrine, a strike may only happen in response to an attack “which endangers the entire existence of the Russian Federation.”
The aim of the D.C. psycho killers – in their wild wet dreams – is to provoke Moscow into using tactical nuclear weapons in the battlefield. That was another vector in rushing the timing of the Crimea Bridge terror attack: after all British intel plans had been swirling for months. That all came to nought.
The hysterical Straussian/neocon propaganda machine is frantically, pre-emptively, blaming Putin: he’s “cornered”, he’s “losing”, he’s “getting desperate” so he’ll launch a nuclear strike.
It’s no wonder the Doomsday Clock set up by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in 1947 is now placed at only 100 seconds from midnight. Right on “Doom’s doorstep”.
This is where a bunch of American psychos is leading us.
Life at Doom’s doorstep
As the Empire of Chaos, Lies and Plunder is petrified by the startling Double Fail of a massive economic/military attack, Moscow is systematically preparing for the next military offensive. As it stands, it’s clear that the Anglo-American axis will not negotiate. It has not even tried for the past 8 years, and it’s not about to change course, even incited by an angelic chorus ranging from Elon Musk to Pope Francis.
Instead of going Full Timur, accumulating a pyramid of Ukrainian skulls, Putin has summoned eons of Taoist patience to avoid military solutions. Terror on the Crimea Bridge may have been a game-changer. But the velvet gloves are not totally off: General Armageddon’s daily aerial routine may still be seen as a – relatively polite – warning. Even in his latest landmark speech, which contained a savage indictment of the West, Putin made clear he’s always open for negotiations.
Yet by now, Putin and the Security Council know why the Americans simply can’t negotiate. Ukraine may be just a pawn in their game, but it’s still one of Eurasia’s key geopolitical nodes: whoever controls it, enjoys extra strategic depth.
The Russians are very much aware that the usual suspects are obsessed with blowing up the complex process of Eurasia integration – starting with China’s BRI. No wonder important instances of power in Beijing are “uneasy” with the war. Because that’s very bad for business between China and Europe via several trans-Eurasian corridors.
Putin and the Russian Security Council also know that NATO abandoned Afghanistan – an absolutely miserable failure – to place all their chips on Ukraine. So losing both Kabul and Kiev will be the ultimate mortal blow: that means abandoning the 21st Eurasian Century to the Russia-China-Iran strategic partnership.
Sabotage – from the Nord Streams to Krymskiy Most – gives away the desperation game. NATO’s arsenals are virtually empty. What’s left is a war of terror: the Syrianization, actually ISIS-zation of the battlefield. Managed by braindead NATO, acted on the terrain by a cannon fodder horde sprinkled with mercenaries from at least 34 nations.
So Moscow may be forced to go all the way – as the Totally Unplugged Dmitry Medvedev revealed: now this is about eliminating a terrorist regime, totally dismantle its politico-security apparatus and then facilitate the emergence of a different entity. And if NATO still blocks it, direct clash will be inevitable.
NATO’s thin red line is they can’t afford to lose both Kabul and Kiev. Yet it took two acts of terror – on Pipelineistan and on Crimea – to imprint a much starker, burning red line: Russia will not allow the Empire to control Ukraine, whatever it takes. That’s intrinsically linked to the future of the Greater Eurasia Partnership. Welcome to life at Doom’s doorstep.
Slow-Cooker Lasagna
Hundreds of home cooks agree that this slow cooker Italian sausage lasagna is the best and easiest way to make lasagna you’ll ever try. Just pack the slow-cooker with four layers of sauce, noodles and cheese, then come home to crockpot lasagna four to six hours later.

- 1 pound bulk Italian sausage
- 1 medium onion, chopped (1/2 cup)
- 3 cans (15 ounces each) Italian-style tomato sauce
- 2 teaspoons dried basil leaves
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese (8 ounces)
- 1 container (15 ounces) part-skim ricotta cheese
- 1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
- 15 uncooked lasagna noodles

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (3/10) Movie CLIP – The Hotel on Acid (1998) HD
Yup. This is a classic.
Thanks to the greed, crassness and stupidity of NATO’s satrapies we are where we deserve to be, on the eve of destruction.
Despite the unfortunate assassination some days earlier in Sarajevo of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Carl Ludwig Joseph Maria of Austria, July 1914 was quieter than a mouse on cotton, as no one had yet realized the horrors that lay ahead. General Radomir Putnik, chief of the general staff of the Serbian army, was taking the waters at Bad Gleichenberg, where the Austro-Hungarians promptly arrested him. Helmut von Moltke, Germany’s chief of staff, was also holidaying, as was Erich von Falkenhayn, the Kaiser’s War minister. Though there was some war talk chatter in gallant little Belgium, her farmers were more preoccupied with their harvests and her townsfolk were much too busy working and downing beers to fret about such matters even though, on 29th July, Belgian Prime Minister Charles de Broqueville had ordered a partial mobilization of her army, only a few short days before Belgium would join the world war that had begun a day earlier, when Austria declared war on Serbia and shelled Belgrade before the Serbs even had time to consider their outrageous demands.
Would that we could return to that belle époque, the Old Continent’s lost era of cosmopolitan intellectuals and artists that died, like so much more, in the blood, grime and hell on earth of the following four years. But, perhaps, all that had to die, like what remains of it has to now die as a result of NATO’s no less outrageous demands on Russia and on those who speak Russian.
Here, in far away neutral Ireland, the war drums are far from mute. When I told a very well-known celebrity how to access RT, he was afraid he might get arrested for tuning in to it. Scoff though you may at his seeming cowardice or, if you prefer, his caution, but we live in an era where Masha and Mishka are legitimate targets and the works of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky are torched in Kiev.
Now it is those delightful Russian children’s tales and those greatest of the greats of world literature. Then it was German shepherds having to be called Alsations, dachshunds being assaulted, Jewish butchers who looked German being torched and the Crown Catholics of Cork blackballing Kuno Meyer, the great Celtic scholar, because he was German.
The Crown Catholics of Cork, those loathsome princelings who made their fortunes kitting out the British Navy, have not gone away. Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney, one of their loathsome number, currently has a seat on the UNSC, which he uses to insult not only Russia but the referendums a number of Ukrainian provinces are holding to determine if they want to be a part of Russia or of Zelensky’s rump Reich.
Whereas Coveney, like the loathsome Crown Catholic that he is, considers this an abuse of democracy, I consider it, with regard to prior Irish precedents Coveney’s crew helped engineer, as the very epitome of Swiss-style democracy and, indeed, civility. Check out these maps to see how the British, with their Black and Tan terror gang, handed over the majority (non Crown) Catholic populations of Fermanagh, Tyrone, West Belfast, North Antrim, South Armagh and South Down to a gang of Famine Queen-worshipping Anglican fanatics who, when not popping Catholics, also cleansed the area of liberal or left leaning Protestants and the odd, uppity Jew.
Just as with the Ulster Catholics Cork’s loathsome Princes handed over to the Black and Tans, so also are the Russian speakers of Eastern and Southern Ukraine not children of some lesser God. They too have a right to live in peace and with dignity and, as NATO have deliberately reneged on Minsk 1 and Minsk 2, they are right to confederate with Russia so that they may enjoy the peace NATO denies them. No turkeys voting for Christmas with that lot.
Although I wouldn‘t publicly disagree with him in Kiev or Cork for fear of being strapped to a lamppost with my underpants strewn down around my shins, Nazi Reichsmarshall and Luftwaffe-Chief Hermann Goering was wrong to say the people do not want war. Large swathes of people crave war today, just as Coveney’s Cork Crown Catholics prayed for it and recruited for it in August 1914. There is, as any of the Coveney, Biden, Clinton, Zelensky or Obama families can attest, big money to be made from war. And, as countless American war criminals could likewise attest, there is adventure to be had, foreigners to be murdered, lives and communities to be destroyed and men, women, boy and little girls to be raped.
And then there is Hollywood, which made more money out of Vietnam than what it cost the Americans to wage that particular genocide. Just as Black Hawk Down made a hero out of child sex abuser John Stebbins and American Sniper made a hero out of serial killer Chris Kyle, so also does the war in Ukraine and the apocalypse it is dragging us all into afford Hollywood an opportunity to portray American mercenaries not as the villains they are but, as Truss and Biden (Joe) tell us, the harbingers of freedom, democracy and Micky Mouse apple pie Hollywood portrays them as.
CIA asset Matthew van Dyke would make an excellent Hollywood hero, as he has been a cold blooded mercenary for hire in Syria, Libya and Iraq, just as he is now a mercenary and, one better, an American in Ukraine. American transexual Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, who pumps out Ukrainian propaganda from somewhere within Zelensky’s rump state, could supply the love interest, not least because factual news is not America’s thing and no Americans are too interested in getting it, in any event.
But soon, it might all be moot. Israel is helping the Azeris annihilate the Armenians, whose only hope is Mother Russia, China is seeing that it cannot sit this conflagration out in hopes of windfall gains, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are the unlikeliest of peace intermediaries and, as Africans and Latinos have already seen that they are last in line when NATO dispenses fertilizer and other necessities, they best don their walking shoes and migrate in their hundreds of millions States-side or, at least to where there is food and some prospect of survival.
Those balmy, calm before the storm days of July 1914 have returned but with infinitely more menace than the scariest Hollywood horror movie could conjure. Ukraine will see Russian and allied hi tech pitted weaponry against NATO and allied hi tech weaponry and armies of women and children flee with not even the hope of better days to come to bring them solace. Though nobody admits to wanting any of this mayhem and I, who have seen it all before, certainly don’t, this is our end road all of those who voted for Trump, Biden, BoJo, Blair or Truss have thrust upon us all.
And when the war is over and if Westminster’s Parliament is still standing, Labour MPs will stand up and complain, as they did in 1919, about the Tories who made fortunes from this carnage and simpletons will cock ear to them, as they did in 1919.
But the reality is that those who voted for Trump and Biden, Blair, BoJo and Bush, Obama and Truss, Coveney and Zelensky, Hitler and Macron are as guilty as those German school teachers who encouraged Erich Maria Remarque and his chums to march off to their doom at Verdun, Passchendaele and the Somme to satiate the egos of the Kaisers, Kings and Tzars, who reigned atop that entire mess, just as our own plastic Kaisers, Kings and Tzars lord down at the slaughter they have visited upon us all from their mountains of money in Washington, Kiev and London.
If, as Cher sings, I could turn back time, it would make absolutely no difference. Russia and China gave NATO the benefit of the doubt in Iraq and millions were murdered, just as in Serbia. Ditto in Syria and the same again in Yemen and Libya, where NATO again committed all of the same war crimes NATO does best. This time, there is no turning back time, no more second Troys, no more second chances and that is Luke 16: 27-31 speaking, not me, not Putin, not Xi and not anyone else.
Luke is not the only one to tell us that NATO’s leaders pay no heed to the advice of the living or of the dead. Navy Admiral Charles Richard, commander of U.S. Strategic Command, has told us we are back in Dr Strangelove country, that “direct armed conflict with a nuclear-capable peer” such as Russia and/or China and with all it entails is now a real possibility. Former POTUS Donald Trump has declared that the Ukrainian conflict “should have never happened” not least because it might “end up being World War III.” And even the devious realist Henry Kissinger has repeatedly urged caution but all to no avail.
Today is Tuesday, 28th July, 1914. The hay is saved, our beer tankards are as half full and theirs are half empty, the World Cup looms and, thanks to the greed, crassness and stupidity of NATO’s satrapies we are where we deserve to be, on the eve of destruction. Though this mess could conceivably end in the return of the halcyon days of 27th July 1914, if nuclear annihilation is to be avoided, NATO must not only be made blink but must be totally and utterly decommissioned and disbanded. Don’t hold your breath.
Fourteen percent!
Army of Darkness – Little Ashes
About US trade talks

Do you have some idea what is the implication of the poem hanging on the wall during the recent Sino-US trade talks in China?
In ancient Chinese, it reads
It literally translates as
The mountain is more grandeur with the clouds, it is picturesque with the clouds moving AWAY; the mountain shines and gets dark because of the clouds, and the cloud is only marvelous because of the mountain. (I) stand in the cloud leaning against a cane, and (I) marvel at the scene looking back toward the other side of the mountain.
If I venture to put it into modern Chinese, it probably is translated as
I will be better off with you by my side, and I would also survive without you. We are intertwined one way or another, and if you want to break up, be my guest
If I am not mistaken, the calligraphy is 小篆, a font first adopted by emperor Qin Shihuang more than 2000 years ago, whose biggest achievement was to unify China into a centralized empire.
Unification of China…
What does it remind you of? Is it a clear message to tell US to fxxk off from Taiwan?
I do not know, I could only guess. But I believe Americans would never get such subtle message, all they could understand is muscle.
12 Monkeys (clip4) -“I’m not crazy”
Check out the dialog.
Why has China’s high-speed railway system developed so successfully? How advanced are China’s high-speed trains?
China’s HSR is the most advanced in the world. More advanced that anything the Germans and Japanese have.
China has the world’s largest HSR network, over 40,000 km worth.
China developed its HSR quickly and successfully because:
- China was totally committed to doing so. It was one of China’s top priorities. So it was well-funded and well-planned.
- China faced no obstacles nor opposition because it was in total control. That means no red tape, no bureaucracy, no regulations, no unions. China could push it through easily.
- The Chinese were extremely innovative and inventive. China’s infrastructure engineering is second to none in the world.
- China was in need of HSR. Other forms of transportation were inadequate to meet the needs of 1.4 billion people spread out over a vast geographical area.
- China saw HSR as a public good, not a profit centre. Western countries won’t focus on HSR unless it’s profitable.
UPDATED SUNDAY, 11:13 AM EDT — China Foreign Ministry Tells all citizens EVACUATE UKRAINE IMMEDIATELY

For the very first time since Russia began its “Special Military Operation” in Ukraine on February 24, the China Foreign Ministry has issued an URGENT Bulletin to all Chinese anywhere in Ukraine, to EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY. *** UPDATE 11:13 AM EDT SUNDAY – SEE BOTTOM
This action by China is no doubt based upon information they derived from Russia thanks to the close relationship between those two countries. It also bodes ominously for Ukraine.
What does China NOW KNOW about the immediate future of Ukraine, that they are choosing to URGENTLY tell their citizens to evacuate immediately?
“POSTPONE” Mid-Term Elections???
There has been very much speculation inside the USA that the Democrat Party knows it is going to be walloped in the upcoming Midterm elections in November. Today being October 15, it seems to many Americans that whatever the Democrats plan to do, they HAVE to do before that date, if their goal is to somehow postpone the election.
Trouble is, the elections are not run by the federal government; they’re run by each of the fifty states. Congress has zero authority to postpone elections.
Moreover, there is no provision within the US Constitution, permitting Congress to somehow EXTEND their term of office. They cannot remain in power after January of 2023 no matter what law they pass.
Many believe firmly, however, the law and the Constitution won’t stop the Democrats from trying to cling to power by any means necessary. If they start World War 3 next week, and the nukes fly, many suspect they would try to exploit that to their advantage.
Bear in mind, this nation held a Presidential Election during the Civil War. Even an actual war, on our own soil, did not stop an election. Keep that in mind.
Kazakhstan announced it is closing its Ukrainian Embassy immediately and all of its citizens should leave Ukraine at once. Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Serbia have told citizens to leave Ukraine as well . . .
China has EXPANDED it’s urgent advisory to Chinese citizens. Now, they are telling their people to evacuate Ukraine “and surrounding areas” immediately ! ! ! !