There’s a lot going on in the world right now. The seriously BIG news is not really being reported in the West.
This is the 20th CPC Congress.
And during it, the Chinese leadership has gathered the rest of the world (minus the USA and it’s toadies) together and are plowing forward aggressively, strongly resolute in a bight future.
This is freaking the USA out, as the November elections are to appear soon, and the messy USA political scene is about to go “crazy on steroids”.
Biden launched the Chip ban, and there’s a lot of bullshit “news” about it. But, don’t you all worry too much about that…
Biden has just about dealt a “death blow” to American electronics operations of all sizes and shapes. If you erase their customer base, the factories close shop and the workers go become baristas at Starbucks.
Fact. This.
Let’s go through the events during this period of time.
Hey! Look at this idiot!
A true and real idiot. I elect him to suffer the fate he so earnestly desires.

And HERE is Redacted commenting on this statement. You MUST click on this link and listen to their commentary.
Did you watch the video, at least a five or ten minute section? Then good. Now, check this out…
China is an organized nation that works together…
I made up this little short you-tube video. It shows what happens to Chinese people when an emergency happens. China is a force to be reckoned with.
You-tube age-restricted the video. So you will have to click on a few buttons to view the Rufus video.
You-Tube reasoning for age-restrictions

What is the point?
China is organized. Unified, and acts as one.
If the United States actually believes that it can provoke and start a war with China, and Russia at the same time, it has absolutely no idea of what a hornets nest it will unleash.
China can mobilize the entire 1.4 billion people to design cutting edge IC chips if it has to.
The USA is a fool, playing around with dynamite. It’s going to have it’s dick blown off if it continues.
Speaking of American freedom ™…
Here’s an answer that was banned on Quora. It’s considered to be “spam”.

Is the US not the powerful, wealthy, developed, and great country like everyone tells you? Even China is a better country than the US.
USA is a powerful, wealthy, developed, and great country. But this tells only HALF of the story…
Being a “great” country is not necessarily a positive thing. Great Britain was great because of the British Empire. France was great because of the French Empire. Spain was great because of the Spanish Empire. But these empires were built upon cruel colonialism, built on the backs of enormous human suffering.
And so it is with the American Empire. How much blood has been shed throughout its history?
But I want to be fair. All nations have checkered histories, especially if you look back far enough. Let’s focus on the recent past, say, the last 30–40 years, the period of time when we and our children are witnessing massive changes in the geopolitical landscape…the decline of the American Empire, the rise of modern China, and the recovery of Russia.
In the last several decades, we’ve seen USA fight dozens of wars, rack up a huge national debt, sanction dozens of countries, experience political chaos (e.g., the Capitol Hill riots), struggle with numerous social problems such as crumbling infrastructure, rampant gun violence, homelessness, opioid epidemic, mass incarceration, etc.
And let’s not forget 9/11, the longest war in US history (Afghanistan), and over a million dead Americans from COVID-19.
USA doesn’t sound so great anymore.
Contrast America with China…
- China hasn’t fought a single war since 1979.
- China rose from a totally impoverished nation into the world’s largest economy by purchasing power parity.
- China built the world’s most spectacular infrastructure of roads, bridges, high-speed rail, airports, etc.
- China finally eradicated extreme poverty in 2020, elevating over 850 million people, according to the World Bank.
- China is helping developing countries build their infrastructure through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
- China is forging positive alliances such as BRICS, RCEP and SCO.
- China has the lowest Covid deaths among all the major economies (5,226).
So I leave everyone with one final question: What is great with USA today?
If China is so peace loving, why is it spending so much on expanding and modernising its military?
Isn’t it obvious???
The USA has bullied, destroyed and ruined countless nations who didn’t grovel and obey them.
China won’t grovel and obey that demon nation. She wants peace and is peaceful but with the USA’s evil and cowardly dishonest slander of China and the USA’s massive military presence all around China, then you really can’t blame China for defending itself.
You would be very stupid to criticise China in the shadow of the USA’s massive military spending. Especially as China has a much better health care system, infrastructure and society than the dying USA. The USA desperately needs to spend more on its population, but chooses to spend it on military instead. China has helped its population miraculously and is able to spend on self defence.
I see no argument against China here.
AOC HUMILIATED Over Funding Nuclear War
What’s Up with All the Blacks on Television?
This is what is going on in the USA today. The society is falling apart. America is in full collapse. A race war is raising it's nasty head. America seems to be facing... A race war, a pandemic, multiple nuclear wars with multiple nations, famine, and full collapse of the government. -MM
Yet despite the constant praise given to Blacks for their “achievements” and “culture” by a fawning media, they have produced nothing of real value in the world, at least in comparison to what Whites have produced over the centuries. Years ago, I discussed this very point with a Black gentleman who tried to persuade me of the great intelligence and ingenuity of Black people. He pointed to a host of modern skyscrapers and complex architectural designs found in some African countries. In his mind, this demonstrated the equality if not the superiority of Blacks over Whites. It didn’t seem to occur to him that all of it was the result of what Whites previously invented many years earlier and which they graciously shared with Blacks under their tutelage.
It’s important to remember that Africans in all their history never even invented a second story building let alone beautiful cathedrals and towering skyscrapers. The first Christian missionaries upon arrival on the Dark Continent were appalled at the ignorance, superstition and blood-thirsty nature of the Africans they encountered. Cannibalism was a common occurrence and was an integral part of African tribal existence. Moreover, Africans had not invented the wheel nor even a codified language. That came years later under the direction of White missionaries. Yet the sort of Wakanda mythology that prevails in America today has permeated the thinking of almost all Blacks and a sizable portion of the White population too. No fair-minded person wants to point out such uncomfortable truths about Blacks, but when complete lies and fabrications are spread about them, there is the need to set the record straight, especially because any shortcomings of Blacks are automatically attributed to White evil.
If one wants to get a perspective of just how ineffectual and backwards Blacks are in creating the kinds of societies that Whites take for granted, I’d recommend the documentary Empire of Dust (2011). It chronicles the frustrating and often futile efforts of Chinese workers to get Blacks in the town of Kolwezi (Congo) to mine the immensely valuable resources available to them. Lao Yang is repeatedly stunned at the level of incompetence, lack of organization and forethought of the Congolese Blacks to take steps in improving their country. The simplest tasks take weeks and even months to accomplish because of problems in the supply chain, mistakes that could have easily been avoided, unskilled laborers, language barriers, and constant bribery which grinds everything to a halt.
At one point, Yang complained to his Black translator and assistant, Eddy, as to why the Congolese people never improved conditions after French colonial rule. Yang tells him, “You went backwards, not forwards. You neglected the things others had left to you. What’s more, you completely destroyed them!” Eddy had no answers because he knew it was true.
What Yang finally realized after spending time with Blacks was the opposite of any Wakanda fairy tale. He discovered that Blacks accomplish very little in terms of productivity even when given the resources and direction they need. They tend to waste all that’s handed to them and, as Yang discovered, they destroy it too.
When apartheid ended in the early 1990s, for instance, the entire nation of South Africa that was previously ruled by Whites was handed over to South African Blacks. Yet it wasn’t long before they managed to turn it into a corrupt and criminal cesspool. Blacks don’t seem to understand the value of what is before them even when it’s shown to them. They are disorganized and embarrassingly incompetent. Is it any wonder why China has managed to mine the abundant natural resources of Africa rather than indigenous Africans themselves?
There is another documentary that likewise illustrates the rather primitive nature of Africans. It was released in 1966 by two Italian filmmakers and shot over a period of three years: Africa Addio (Farewell Africa). It’s a graphic portrayal of African Blacks and the chaos and bloodshed that ensued after colonial rule. The film illustrates the downfall that occurs when Blacks are left to their own devices. Their more primitive traits are unleashed with no restraint. This is not a movie for the fainthearted. Its value is found in showing how dependent Blacks are upon the White man if they want a civilized society with law and order – the very thing that Blacks historically have been unable to create on their own.
Thus, when America’s media and entertainment industry places Blacks on such exalted pedestals, it reveals how absurd things have become in this once-great nation. It exposes what complete fabrications we live under and which we as Whites are expected to believe without question.
What’s the purpose of so much overrepresentation of Blacks and racially mixed couples on television and in the movies? What is the end goal?
Corporate Profits
There is undoubtedly a financial motive involved. Manufacturers and corporations feel the need to keep up with the changing racial demographics of the U.S., and so they intentionally choose minorities to represent their products since it’s likely to have a broader public appeal. The bottom line for such corporations is understandably large profits. They want to reach as many consumers as possible in order to create great wealth for their shareholders. Thus, if there is a declining White population and a growing minority population, and since Whites don’t seem to mind being portrayed as relatively weak, unmasculine, and stupid, they will make whatever marketing shifts they need to in order to reach any new or increasing demographic. Since financial profits are the bottom line, any concerns over Whites being slowly erased from television sitcoms, commercials and movies plays no role in their marketing strategies.
Hollywood’s Promise to Rectify Past Wrongs
The increasing presence of Blacks and other minority groups is part of Hollywood’s promise to make television and movies less White. Their rational is that Black talent has been held back, that they have not been treated fairly throughout the movie industry’s history, so they are now trying to rectify past wrongs by giving Blacks a greater presence in all forms of entertainment. This is essentially how the motion picture industry frames it. I find it disingenuous at best.
Yet there are other reasons, ones that have a more sinister purpose behind them.
To Signal that a New People Have Arrived
The overrepresentation of Blacks and other minority groups on TV and commercials is intended to signal that a new people have arrived and that White America is history. No longer are Whites seen as the dominant and most important demographic in America. Blacks and an ever-increasing Hispanic demographic are the new Americans. This did not occur overnight. Instead, it played out over a period of about 60 years. It was the result of American corporations wanting cheap labor coupled with millions of apathetic Americans who chose to ignore what was occurring at their southern border. Both legal as well as illegal non-White immigration contributed to our current circumstances. All the while our elected representatives stood by and did nothing of any real significance to stop the flood of invading hoards. President Reagan, in fact, gave millions of them amnesty in 1986 which only exacerbated the problems we faced as a country.
In the past, when one conjured up the image of an American, they naturally thought of a Caucasian. One did not immediately think of a Black or a Mexican. This is no longer the case. We are taught that an ‘American’ is anyone who happens to land on U.S. soil regardless of whether he’s Hispanic, negro, Asian, Middle Eastern or whatever his racial ancestry might be. This, of course, stands in stark contrast to what our American founders would have thought about Blacks and Mexicans for in no way would they have viewed them as our equals or even as rightful citizens. Yet that matters little in today’s America where what our Founders envisioned for the country has been almost completely jettisoned.
To Demoralize Whites
The overrepresentation of so many Blacks on television is meant to demoralize Whites. Its purpose is to make us seem less and to even feel less than who we are. This explains why Blacks are always portrayed as cooler and smarter than Whites. Even our White women are portrayed as smarter than White males. None of it is accidental. All of it is meant to demean us racially, to make us feel inferior, and to condition the entire country to believe that White people are not needed. They are, at best, merely tolerated but even this won’t be for much longer if the anti-Whites have their way. This is why anti-White racism is so widely sanctioned in the U.S. No other racial group, other than Whites, is permitted such opprobrium and overt discrimination. It’s socially acceptable in the U.S. to denigrate White people. And the greater tragedy it is that Whites are more than happy to lead the charge! I can’t think of any other racial group — other than Whites — that works so hard to abolish themselves.
The degradation of Whites in all forms of entertainment becomes even more disturbing when one realizes that we are not being subdued or outclassed by a superior or more intelligent race of people, but essentially by sub-Saharan negroes and their descendants — a racial group that’s only slightly more intelligent than the lowest aboriginals! Talk about rubbing salt into the wound. The powers-that-be have made sure that not only are Whites gradually erased from the very nation their ancestors founded, but they are erased by a vastly inferior racial group — one that not only possesses on average significantly lower intelligence levels than Whites — but which has a long history of strong criminal proclivities and an inability to function in western civil society. It’s perhaps the ultimate insult. But this was its purpose all along.
To Promote and Normalize Miscegenation
The presence of so many racially mixed couples on television is meant to persuade us that marrying out of one’s own race is normal and a good thing. It’s intended to make us think it’s proper. Its ultimate purpose is to dilute our European bloodline. It’s intended to make us mutts, to have no real identity, no real culture, no deep-seated ancestral roots.
But mark this well: The push for racial miscegenation is only for White people. Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians are permitted to retain their unique racial identities, including all that is distinctive of them as peoples. And they are encouraged to do so too. As Whites, we are encouraged to celebrate their racial identities and their cultural uniqueness but to loathe all that is unique to us as a people. That so many White people in America would subscribe to this way of thinking shows just how badly we have been propagandized for the past sixty years.
Who is Behind So Much of This?
The question naturally arises: Who’s behind all of this and why? There can be little doubt that a host of elite Jews and Jewish organizations stand as the central figures behind most of what’s occurring (along with plenty of White sycophants eager to please their Jewish masters) — especially plausible given the very prominent, even dominant role that Jews play in the media which of course is the main purveyor of these messages. This is not to say that every single Jew without exception has as his or her goal to deracinate White people and to make them minorities in their own countries. The average Jew, I suspect, has no such goals and may not even think in such terms, although most of them would likely support Third-World immigration into the West for perceived humanitarian reasons — the very thing they would not support if such immigration were occurring in Israel.
Yet there is a wealthy and powerful cabal of Jews throughout the West who have worked tirelessly to destroy all vestiges of White racial identity. It’s not so much “white supremacy” they fear (however defined) but organized White solidarity; the fear that Whites might unite on behalf of their own racial and cultural interests; and especially the fear that Whites might discover the culturally subversive ways of Jews and muster the courage to give them the final boot. It’s happened so many times in history that it’s naïve to imagine that perceptive Jews don’t think of it often. Their proclivities toward hysteria, overreach and a victimhood mentality help keep far too many of them in a constant state of paranoia over this very possibility.
There can be no reasonable denial that Jews largely run Hollywood, including the media and an array of social media platforms that guarantee the constant presence of Blacks on television and the movies. Countless names could be mentioned to confirm such an assertion, including Israeli-born billionaire and mega-producer, Arnon Milchan, Bob Iger (Chairman/CEO of Walt Disney Company), David Geffen, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and Steven Spielberg (co-founders of Dreamworks SKG), Jason Blum (founder/CEO of Blumhouse Productions), Aaron Sorkin (prominent writer and producer), David Herzog (Viacom President), and the list goes on. Some Jews are quite proud of it, and they’re not afraid to admit it. Jay Michaelson is one such person. In an article he wrote titled, “The Oscars are Too White – and That’s a Jewish Problem” (The Jewish Daily Forward, February 1, 2016), he posits the following:
“The Jews control Hollywood.” It’s one of those anti-Semitic tropes that, we all know, contains a certain grain of truth. “Control,” no — not with that ominous, conspiratorial connotation. But “helped create”? “Disproportionately populate?” Sure. From the founding of California’s motion picture industry (well documented in books like Neal Gabler’s “An Empire of Their Own: How Jews Created Hollywood”) to the present day, Jews have played an outsized role as its producers, agents, directors and writers. It’s not just a myth. Which is why the at-least-equally disproportionate exclusion of people of color from the Academy Awards — the phenomenon hashtagged as #OscarsSoWhite — is a Jewish problem. But it’s also a Jewish opportunity, because if Jewish leaders took the initiative to address the crisis proactively, the Jewish “elephant in the room” could instead be a powerful force for change . . . If the academy were an actual academy in the true sense of the word, it might recognize the present-day effects of historical injustices — part of what we call white privilege — and take affirmative actions to correct them. But the academy isn’t a real academy, it’s a club. Specifically, it’s like a 1950s private social club. Apart from Oscar winners, members must be referred in. Now, this situation is finally changing. The academy’s president, Cheryl Boone Isaacs, is a woman of color. And, in response to the recent outrage, the governing board took some important steps: abolishing life membership, and doubling female and minority membership by 2020. These steps are valuable, but the academy is a symptom of a larger, industrywide problem . . . Here’s where Jewish leadership could play a role. Suppose L.A.’s celebrity rabbis urged Jewish film makers to take the initiative in diversifying the industry as a whole, not just the academy specifically. Suppose those movers and shakers personally committed to more recruitment, more support and more training of women and people of color in the film industry at large. None of this would require government programs, quotas or race-based hiring. Rather, imagine if the Spielbergs and Geffens of L.A. endowed scholarships for minority students working in film, internship opportunities at their own shops, and proactive efforts to reach out to those from disadvantaged communities. And imagine if they did so as Jews — generally, in the case of Hollywood, non-practicing and non-religious Jews, but still members of what Justice Felix Frankfurter once called “the most persecuted minority in history.” If a public alliance of American Jewish filmmakers took personal initiative to fix this unjust, embarrassing and ugly situation, they could make a real difference.
Michaelson not only concedes that Jews created and “disproportionately populate” the motion picture industry, but he publicly urges Hollywood moguls to recruit and hire even more minorities for leading roles. The result inevitably leads to the displacement of White actors in Hollywood — Whites, although underrepresented, are noticeably missing from Michaelson’s recommendations. Such blatant discrimination wouldn’t be tolerated in today’s racially correct climate if its subjects were Black or Hispanic, but no eyebrows are raised when the subjects are White.
The reasons behind Jewish cultural subversion remain the same whether it’s national immigration policy, the promotion of pornography, gay and LGBTQ+ rights, gay marriage, or the slow and steady erasing of Whites on television, commercials and the movies — namely, to make Whites a despised minority in the very country they’ve founded so that what occurred in Germany between the years 1933 to 1945 may never occur again. Jews may not at first agree with this point, but if you press them long enough, many of them will concede that White racial solidarity remains a constant fear of theirs.
Discerning Jews know they cannot rule when Whites are aware of their racial identity and are strongly connected to it. They oppose all forms of nationalism (other than their own) among Whites because it produces the very solidarity that threatens them and which they seek to destroy. Whites united and racially conscious of their heritage invariably creates the kind of society in which Jews remain as outsiders, and they know it all too well.
For Jews to be successful in our societies, they must sever our racial bonds and create division and strife among us. They use a divide-and-conquer playbook to dispossess our people. Yet panic erupts among them once we discover their playbook and make it known to others. That’s why even veiled public references about Jews are quickly denounced by Jewish activist groups such as the ADL (e.g., “rootless cosmopolitans,” “internationalists,” or even references to George Soros’s political activism). Consider as an example the recent overreaction by Jews over Kanye West’s statements in “naming the Jew” as responsible for originating cancel culture The general public, then, must at all costs be prohibited from learning anything negative about Jews lest they start to connect the dots and see for themselves.
For Whites in America, there is no easy way out of our problems. There is probably a multiplicity of paths that can be taken to help reverse current trends as opposed to one definitive plan. Yet I doubt any of it will prove effective so long as Whites remain divided and under the spell of so much propaganda and deception. Perhaps the greatest need now is for racially aware Whites to work on educating our people. Unless we work to awaken as many as we can about our racial and cultural concerns, little progress will result. Failure to get our people to think differently will only encourage them to side with our enemies.
Rory Gallagher – Shadow Play 1979 Live Video
MSNBC’s open race hate should worry you deeply
Yes it should.
This is the FOX network response to the last article. It’s all a sign of collapse.
What the hell is happening in Haiti??
The US is preparing a brutal, unjustified, unprovoked invasion of Haiti and virtually no one seems to be covering it.
Even in the “alternate media” circuit it’s just redacted with Clayton Morris who’s talking about it, not even Brian Berletic of new atlas, the Alex’s of the Duran, Gonzalo Lira, Scott Ritter seem to be aware.
Posted by: FieryButMostPeaceful | Oct 21 2022 16:02 utc | 2
Robin Trower – Extermination Blues – Seattle 1993
Pork chop scene – Blood In Blood Out (1993)
Funny. We NEVER got porkchops at the ADC.
Energy problems solved
China announces deep water gas field discovery having “proven reserves exceeding 50 billion cubic meters.” China’s ability to develop ultra-deep- water platforms and associated expertise marks another area where it’s gained technological sovereignty.
Posted by: karlof1 | Oct 21 2022 16:37 utc | 9
OMG Mac ‘n Cheese!
“I took a recipe I found online and used it as the base for mine. This stuff is dynamite! This dish explodes with flavor…OMG Mac and Cheese has everything you want from mac and cheese: creamy, melty, stretchy cheese sauce with notes of cheddar, Colby Jack, and Monterey Jack. This makes a tender pasta/cheese with a topping of crunchy, toasted breadcrumbs. And OMG Mac ‘n Cheese is a dish where everyone will want your recipe! (bacon is optional) ”

- 1⁄2 gallon salt water, for boiling
- 1 (16 ounce) package medium pasta shells
- 5 tablespoons unsalted butter, divided
- 1 cup panko breadcrumbs
- 1 cup whole milk
- 1⁄2 teaspoon cayenne pepper (this is a MUST in my version!)
- 8 ounces extra-sharp cheddar cheese, freshly shredded
- 8 ounces monterey jack cheese, freshly shredded
- 8 ounces colby-monterey jack cheese, freshly shredded
- 2 tablespoons salt for the water, plus enough to add on your serving per taste
- pepper
- 1 teaspoon pepper
- 1 lb bacon
- 1⁄2 teaspoon cayenne
I like that there is a pound of bacon listed in the ingredients for no reason. I will get that pound of bacon, and I will eat that pound of bacon.
- Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
- Grease a 9×13-inch casserole dish.
- In a large pot of boiling, salted water, cook the pasta halfway through according to package directions.
- Drain the pasta.
- In a large skillet, melt 2 tablespoons of butter.
- Add the breadcrumbs and sauté, stirring frequently, until toasty brown.
- Pour the breadcrumbs into a bowl and set it aside.
- In the same skillet, melt the remaining 3 tablespoons of butter.
- Pour in the milk and cayenne.
- Add the cheddar, Monterey Jack, and Colby Jack and melt until a smooth sauce forms.
- Fold the pasta into the cheese sauce in the skillet.
- Season the mixture with salt and pepper, but I like to let the person spice their serving with salt and pepper to their liking.
- Pour the pasta and cheese mixture into the prepared casserole dish.
- Top the mac and cheese with the panko breadcrumbs.
- Cover and bake for 25 minutes, removing the lid for the last 5-10 minutes.
- Let sit for 10 minutes before serving.
Staind – It’s Been Awhile (Official Video)
The real story on the US Chip ban
Serious Blowback for US Companies in Chip War is being reported by Global Times:
China is the world's largest market for chips, and it imported about $400 billion worth of semiconductors in 2021, accounting for nearly 60 percent of the global chip market. US high-tech companies are the biggest beneficiaries of the massive Chinese demand, which is their biggest source of profits. It is unthinkable for any chipmaker to lose such a large market. It would greatly affect their spending plans and in turn cause an indirect loss of sales for semiconductor equipment suppliers like Lam Research and Applied Materials. With the global semiconductor sector facing a plunge in sales of personal computers and smartphones amid recession worries, Washington's latest chip ban has seriously destabilized the global industrial chain. The policy, which appears to completely ignore the impact on the wider chip industry, seems more like the Biden administration flexing its muscles and playing tough with China in the run-up to the US mid-term elections.... US restrictions will only accelerate the development of China's chip sector, because the Chinese market won't wait for the US to come to its senses. If the Chinese chip sector catches up quickly and no longer relies on imports, it will not be a $2.5 billion loss for a single US company, but hundreds of billions of dollars of loss for the chip industry.
Overall losses to western companies related to the New Cold War are already in the $billions, which also means loss of tax revenue and jobs/income for workers. It’s yet another way of deindustrialization. The D-Party’s Big Tech allies are going to hurt bigtime as the result will be the complete loss of the Chinese market which will be coupled with the shrinkage of domestic and European markets because of Biden’s policies. They’ll become the Bankers Dictatorship’s newest victims.
Posted by: karlof1 | Oct 21 2022 16:53 utc | 11
American Gangster: Diluting the brand (HD CLIP)
The 20th CPC party Congress
Global Times has published its Sixth installment in its series of articles related to the 20th Party Congress, which contains links to the first five. Here’s the article’s introduction:
Expounding on the "great socialist modern country" as "prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful", Xi noted at the opening session on Sunday the need to better tell China's stories, make China's voice heard, and present a China that is credible, appealing, and respectable."We will strengthen our international communication capabilities, make our communication more effective, and strive to strengthen China's voice in international affairs so it is commensurate with our composite national strength and international status," he said. How will China realize its socialist modernization and present an image that is commensurate with this idea? Observers said the country's international image and appeal are ultimately defined not only by the course of its progress, but also by its means of development and how it engages with and what it brings to the global community.
For those who have yet to read Xi’s address to the 20th Party Congress, here’s the link to the copy provided by Pepe Escobar in his latest article.
I suggest downloading the 64-page document for future reference and for comparing its content to the Joint Declaration made by China and Russia last February.
Posted by: karlof1 | Oct 21 2022 17:08 utc | 13
No Country for Old Men – Hotel Scene
Velvet Revolver – Fall To Pieces (video)
Russia prepares for next phase. Putin orders creation of special coordination council
A video from China
This is from the CCP.
This is what real Chinese propaganda looks like. Not the typical fan-video made by residents. This is a professionally produced video.
But, please listen to the message.
As someone living in China, I can positively tell you that this video IS THE FEELING that most everyone in China has today.
I strongly; MOST STRONGLY, suggest everyone watch this very short video.
I come from the people, have my roots among the people, and I am dedicated to serving the people. Nothing can separate me from the 1.4 billion plus Chinese people.
My name is the Communist Party of China.
America is dangerous. It’s time for Australia to distance itself | The Canberra Times
Temple Of The Dog – Hunger Strike
What are your thoughts on Xi Jinping’s recent consolidation of power within the Chinese Communist Party?
I think it’s a good thing. Nobody wants a weak leader. Xi is a strong, capable leader. He has accomplished a great deal during his tenure and we look forward to a lot more good stuff from him in the future.
- Xi eliminated most of the corruption in the Chinese government.
- Xi launched the most ambitious infrastructure project in human history known as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
- Xi eradicated absolute poverty, finally!
- Xi galvanized the world’s nations with peaceful alliances such as BRICS, RCEP and SCO.
- Xi pursued diplomacy throughout the Middle East rather than bombing the shit out of the region.
- Xi negotiated with the Taliban instead of invading and occupying Afghanistan for 20 years.
- Xi launched China’s first supercarrier, the Type 003 named Fujian.
- Xi launched China’s own space station named Tiangong.
- Xi hosted the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.
- Xi protected the population from COVID-19 with the lowest death toll (5,226) among the major economies. (USA had over a million Covid deaths!!!)
It is a fact of politics that all politicians seek to consolidate power. This is not necessarily a bad thing if the politician is intelligent, capable, fair, peaceful, and visionary.
Isaac Vs The Strongest Guy | The Orville S03E06
You-Tube banned the CPC
Yuppur. Can’t have the Chinese government having a channel on you-tube.

Boston Lab Creates EVEN MORE DEADLY Strain Of COVID
THE problem is that they look at China as if it was themselves.
THEY EXPECT CHINA TO BEHAVE THE WAY THEY DO. " Spot on ! Dr Ferguson ! David Ferguson is Honorary Chief English Editor for Foreign Languages Press in China. He supervised the English edition for the major book by President Xi Jinping : The Governance of China. In psychodynamics, it's called PROJECTION. It's a very powerful unconscious/subconscious psychological coping mechanism. A thief sees everyone as potential or actual thieves. A plunderer sees everyone as potential or actual plunderers. A bully sees everyone as potential or actual bullies A rapist sees everyone as potential or actual rapists. A liar sees everyone as potential or actual liars, etc. And when that "everyone" is a "someone" and that "someone" is a "near peer", to use the utmost conceited lexicon of the Western ruling classes, the OBSESSIVE PROJECTION becomes MADLY disproportionate because their fragile sense of self and of safety is eroded... PROJECTION in psychodynamic parlance is A PRIMITIVE DEFENSE MECHANISM, the persons or the groups massively using it are not very advanced in their personal or collective epistemological journey and there is no real cure except PAIN & FEAR to stop their agressions or simply preventing them harming others in their unending compulsive actings out. I have only one advice for the Sovereigns (China, Russia, Iran, etc.) but it's rather rhetorical from me because they don't need my advice, needless to say. I just want to remind everyone what President Xi Jinping said lately : "fierce storms ahead ". KEEP YOUR POWDER DRY.
God Bless America 2011 – Killing Chloe parents scene
Reacher teaching KJ junior a lesson.
The Significance of the CPC’s 20th Congress at a time of Global Instability and Multiple Crises
Why is this meeting so important?
Why does China keep vetoing sanctions against Syria?
This photo was taken at the United Nations vote on the Syria issue in 2012. When the United States, Britain, France, led by the western countries insisted on military intervention in Syria. Only China and Russia voted against it.

After China and Russia voted against it, Susan Rice stopped the Chinese ambassador to the United Nations Baodong Li and accused him of making her sick.
For China and Russia to veto the draft resolution on the issue of Syria, the permanent representative of the US in United Nations Susan Rice said “I AM VERY ANGER.” in the interpretation of the statement by the draft resolution was not passed。And she claimed that any further bloodshed shall be responsible for them(China and Russia).
We know what happened next. Now you tell me who was responsible for years of war and death in Syria.
War can not solve the problem. But once the war began, we must solve the problem once and for all. So in the beginning, China opposed the use of force to resolve the Syria issue. Because once the war began, it was broken up, whether military or civilian.
Last year, when the Syria army was ready to enter Aleppo. The West has called for a truce, and China has voted against it. Also for the people of Syria, The truce merely delayed the disease and did not solve the problem. The complete elimination of the enemy, in order to achieve a permanent peace.
Tell you a little story.
In 2012, China’s Middle East expert, war correspondent Guoxiang Wang was in Syria that time. He told the story after returning China.
After the United Nations voted for the Syria issue. The second day, he saw it on TV in the restaurant.
Suddenly a young man from Syria came up and asked, “are you Chinese?”.
He said: yes, I am.
The young man said: Can I give you a hug?
Guoxiang Wang: For what?
The young man said: Only China and Russia voted against it, thank you for not invading Syria.
Thank you for not invading Syria. You’re invading them!
Now you know WHY!
Best Judge Judy episode EVER. Evil Step mom. Sub!
“God Bless America (2011)” – Cinema Scene
30-Minute Veal Marsala
“This classic dish has incredible flavor plus in less than 30 minutes, you can enjoy it! VIDEO”

- 4 veal cutlets, pound it down (about 1 1/2 lbs.)
- 2 tablespoons unbleached all-purpose flour (or as needed)
- 1⁄8 teaspoon smoked paprika
- 1⁄4 teaspoon sea salt (to taste)
- 1⁄2 teaspoon black pepper (to taste )
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 3 tablespoons butter, divided
- 3 cups assorted mushrooms, sliced
- 2 tablespoons shallots, finely chopped
- 2 large garlic cloves, pressed
- 1⁄2 cup marsala wine
- 1⁄2 cup low sodium chicken broth
- 1⁄4 cup heavy cream
- 1⁄2 teaspoon dried rosemary, chopped
- 1⁄2 teaspoon dried thyme leaves, chopped
- 1⁄2 tablespoon parsley, chopped (for garnish)
- 9 ounces fettuccine, cooked according to package directions (substitute egg noodles)
- 2 tablespoons butter
- 1⁄2 cup parmesan cheese, grated
- 1 tablespoon parsley, chopped
- Preheat oven to 170ºF.
- Season the flour with paprika, salt, and pepper; stir to combine and set aside. Just before cooking, dredge the cutlets on both sides with flour and shake to remove any excess.
- In a large skillet over medium-high heat, add oil and 1 tablespoons butter. When it gets hot, add veal and cook until golden, about 1 to 1 ½ minutes per side. Place them on a baking sheet and transfer to the preheated oven to keep them warm.
- Reduce the heat to medium and add the remaining 2 tablespoons butter to the skillet before adding the mushrooms; season with pepper. Cook until soft, 5 minutes. Add shallots and garlic; sauté for only one minute.
- Add Marsala wine and broth, scraping the bottom of the pan to dislodge any brown bits. Increase the heat to medium-high and bring the mixture to a boil. Return the heat to medium and cook until the liquid is reduced by half, about 5 minutes.
- Add heavy cream, rosemary and thyme; stir well. Return the cutlets to the skillet and spoon the sauce over; cook for 2 minutes. When serving, sprinkle on fresh chopped parsley. Serve with linguine or fettuccine.
- After the noodles are cooked and drained, add some butter and a ¼ cup of Parmesan cheese. Stir well before adding the remaining ¼ cup of cheese and some fresh chopped parsley.
Drone Attack | The Bourne Legacy
What is the Chinese government’s opinion on American politics?
It’s pretty obvious. The Chinese government thinks that American politics is broken, chaotic, and undemocratic.
- Remember the January 6 Capitol Hill riots?
- US Congress is essentially bought and paid for by the capitalist elite, in particular, the military-industrial complex. That’s why America fights an endless series of wars around the world.
- The US government does not take care of its people, leaving many homeless, depriving them of affordable health care, allowing rampant gun violence, practicing mass incarceration, failing to protect them from COVID-19 which killed over a million Americans, and so on.
- The US government has weaponized the US Dollar allowing it to sanction dozens of countries and causing untold human suffering in the process. It’s one of the biggest abusers of human rights in the world.
The Chinese government thinks it works much better than the US government. That’s hard to deny.
‘Peaceful Modernization’: China’s Offering to the Global South
President Xi Jinping’s work report at the start of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) this past Sunday in Beijing contained not only a blueprint for the development of the civilization-state, but for the whole Global South.
Xi’s 1h45min speech actually delivered a shorter version of the full work report – see attached PDF – which gets into way more detail on an array of socio-political themes.
This was the culmination of a complex collective effort that went on for months. When he received the final text, Xi commented, revised and edited it.
In a nutshell, the CPC master plan is twofold: finalize “socialist modernization” from 2020 to 2035; and build China – via peaceful modernization – as a modern socialist country that is “prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, and harmonious” all the way to 2049, signaling the centenary of the foundation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).
The central concept in the work report is peaceful modernization – and how to accomplish it.
As Xi summarized, “It contains elements that are common to the modernization processes of all countries, but it is more characterized by features that are unique to the Chinese context.”
Very much in tune with Confucian Chinese culture, “peaceful modernization” encapsulates a complete theoretical system. Of course there are multiple geoeconomic paths leading to modernization – according to the national conditions of any particular country.
But for the Global South as a whole, what really matters is that the Chinese example completely breaks with the western TINA (“there is no alternative”) monopoly on modernization practice and theory.
Not to mention it breaks with the ideological straitjacket imposed on the Global South by the self-defined “golden billion” (of which the really “golden” barely reach 10 million).
What the Chinese leadership is saying is that the Iranian model, the Ugandan model or the Bolivian model are all as valid as the Chinese experiment: what matters is pursuing an independent path towards development.
How to develop tech independence
The recent historical record shows how every nation trying to develop outside the Washington Consensus is terrorized at myriad hybrid war levels. This nation becomes a target of color revolutions, regime change, illegal sanctions, economic blockade, NATO sabotage or outright bombing and/invasion.
What China proposes echoes across the Global South because Beijing is the largest trade partner of no less than 140 nations, who can easily grasp concepts such as high-quality economic development and self-reliance in science and technology.
The report stressed the categorical imperative for China from now on: to speed up technology self-reliance as the Hegemon is going no holds barred to derail China tech, especially in the manufacturing of semiconductors.
In what amount to a sanctions package from Hell, the Hegemon is betting on crippling China’s drive to accelerate its tech independence in semiconductors and the equipment to produce them.
So China will need to engage in a national effort on semiconductor production.
That necessity will be at the core of what the work report describes as a new development strategy, spurred by the tremendous challenge of achieving tech self-sufficiency. Essentially China will go for strengthening the public sector of the economy, with state companies forming the nucleus for a national system of tech innovation development.
‘Small fortresses with high walls’
On foreign policy, the work report is very clear: China is against any form of unilateralism as well as blocs and exclusive groups targeted against particular countries. Beijing refers to these blocs, such as NATO and AUKUS, as “small fortresses with high walls.”
This outlook is inscribed in the CPC’s emphasis on another categorical imperative: reforming the existing system of global governance, extremely unfair to the Global South.
It’s always crucial to remember that China, as a civilization-state, considers itself simultaneously as a socialist country and the world’s leading developing nation.
The problem once again is Beijing’s belief in “safeguarding the international system with the UN at its core.” Most Global South players know how the Hegemon subjects the UN – and its voting mechanism – to all sorts of relentless pressure.
It’s enlightening to pay attention to the very few westerners that really know one or two things about China.
Martin Jacques, until recently a senior fellow at the Department of Politics and International Studies at Cambridge University, and author of arguably the best book in English on China’s development, is impressed by how China’s modernization happened in a context dominated by the west: “This was the key role of the CPC. It had to be planned. We can see how extraordinarily successful it has been.”
The implication is that by breaking the west-centric TINA model, Beijing has accumulated the tools to be able to assist Global South nations with their own models.
Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, is even more upbeat: “China will become a leader of innovation. I very much hope and count on China becoming a leader for innovation in sustainability.”
That will contrast with a ‘dysfunctional’ American model turning protectionist even in business and investment.
Mikhail Delyagin, deputy chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, makes a crucial point, certainly noted by key Global South players: the CPC “was able to creatively adapt the Marxism of the 19th century and its experience of the 20th century to new requirements and implement eternal values with new methods. This is a very important and useful lesson for us.”
And that’s the added value of a model geared towards the national interest and not the exclusivist policies of Global Capital.
BRI or bust
Implied throughout the work report is the importance of the overarching concept of Chinese foreign policy: the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and its trade/connectivity corridors across Eurasia and Africa.
It was up to Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin to clarify where BRI is heading:
“BRI transcends the outdated mentality of geopolitical games, and created a new model of international cooperation. It is not an exclusive group that excludes other participants but an open and inclusive cooperation platform. It is not just China’s solo effort, but a symphony performed by all participating countries.”
BRI is inbuilt in the Chinese concept of “opening up.” It is also important to remember that BRI was launched by Xi nine years ago – in Central Asia (Astana) and then Southeast Asia (Jakarta). Beijing has earned from its mistakes, and keeps fine-tuning BRI in consultation with partners – from Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Malaysia to several African nations.
It is no wonder, that by August this year, China’s trade with countries participating in BRI had reached a whopping $12 trillion, and non-financial direct investment in those countries surpassed $140 billion.
Wang correctly points out that following BRI infrastructure investments, “East Africa and Cambodia have highways, Kazakhstan has [dry] ports for exports, the Maldives has its first cross-sea bridge and Laos has become a connected country from a landlocked one.”
Even under serious challenges, from zero-Covid to assorted sanctions and the breakdown of supply chains, the number of China-EU express cargo trains keeps going up; the China-Laos Railway and the Peljesac Bridge in Croatia are open for business; and work on the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway and the China-Thailand Railway is in progress.
Mackinder on crack
All over the extremely incandescent global chessboard, international relations are being completely reframed.
China – and key Eurasian players at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), BRICS+, and Russian-led Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) – are all proposing peaceful development.
In contrast, the Hegemon imposes an avalanche of sanctions – not by accident the top three recipients are Eurasian powers Russia, Iran and China; lethal proxy wars (Ukraine); and every possible strand of hybrid war to prevent the end of its supremacy, which lasted barely seven and a half decades, a blip in historical terms.
The current dysfunction – physical, political, financial, cognitive – is reaching a climax. As Europe plunges into the abyss of largely self-inflicted devastation and darkness – a neo-medievalism in woke register – an internally ravaged Empire resorts to plundering even its wealthy “allies”.
It’s as if we are all witnessing a Mackinder-on-crack scenario.
Halford Mackinder, of course, was the British geographer who developed the ‘Heartland Theory’ of geopolitics, heavily influencing US foreign policy during the Cold War: “Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; Who rules the Heartland commands the World Island; Who rules the World Island commands the World.”
Russia spans 11 time zones and sits atop as much as one third of the world’s natural resources. A natural symbiosis between Europe and Russia is like a fact of life. But the EU oligarchy blew it.
It’s no wonder the Chinese leadership views the process with horror, because one of BRI’s essential planks is to facilitate seamless trade between China and Europe. As Russia’s connectivity corridor has been blocked by sanctions, China will be privileging corridors via West Asia.
Meanwhile, Russia is completing its pivot to the east. Russia’s enormous resources, combined with the manufacturing capability of China and East Asia as a whole, project a trade/connectivity sphere that goes even beyond BRI. That’s at the heart of the Russian concept of Greater Eurasia Partnership.
In another one of History’s unpredictable twists, Mackinder a century ago may have been essentially right about those controlling the Heartland/world island controlling the world. It doesn’t look like the controller will be the Hegemon, and much less its European vassals/slaves.
When the Chinese say they are against blocs, Eurasia and The West are the facto two blocs. Though not yet formally at war with each other, in reality they already are knee deep into Hybrid War territory.
Russia and Iran are on the frontline – militarily and in terms of absorbing non-stop pressure. Other important Global South players, quietly, try to either keep a low profile or, even more quietly, assist China and the others to make the multipolar world prevail economically.
As China proposes peaceful modernization, the hidden message of the work report is even starker. The Global South is facing a serious choice: choose either sovereignty – embodied in a multipolar world, peacefully modernizing – or outright vassalage.
Is China’s President Xi Jinping the most powerful leader in the world?
Yes, without a doubt.
Others have pointed out that Xi must work within a collective leadership, that China does not have global military power projection, that China has little control over the developed nations in the G7. However, Xi is powerful because he has massive support within his party and within China’s population of 1.4 billion people.
Xi guided many key policies that protected the people from a pandemic, launched the most ambitious infrastructure project in human history (BRI), galvanized many countries in powerful alliances such as BRICS, RCEP and SCO, launched China’s first supercarrier (Fujian), built the world’s largest navy, launched China’s own international space station (Tiangong), eradicated absolute poverty, etc. Name one other leader who has accomplished so much in just two terms of office.
POTUS is powerful for two reasons only:
- The world’s largest military which USA uses to fight an endless series of wars around the world.
- The US Dollar as reserve currency which USA weaponizes to sanction dozens of countries and cause untold human suffering in the process.
This is not the kind of power China wants, and none of us should support it.
Xi Jinping is the most powerful leader in the world precisely because he is peaceful and benevolent, and he chooses diplomacy over warfare, and he makes friends with countries in Latin America, Africa, Middle East, Asia, and even in Europe. Thanks to Xi, BRICS is working on creating an alternative reserve currency to the US Dollar, so even this second pillar of US power will not stand for much longer.
The Authorities Are Our Enemies
Guest Post by Jim Kunstler
The people who run things in this country don’t deserve your respect or allegiance. They are at war with you. They want you and your children dead.
Welcome to the New Age, where authority has no authority and does not deserve to act with any authority, but will act as if it does, anyway, and then lie to you about it. Nowhere is this quandary more vivid than in the racketeering operation formerly known as medicine.
As if there has not already been enough official fuckery over the lab-birthed Covid-19 virus, the CDC’s Vaccine Advisory Committee voted on Thursday to add Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA shots to its childhood vaccine schedule. The vote was 15 to 0 — a final supreme gesture of contempt for the people of this land.
Had none of the committee members seen reports of mRNA-vaccinated children dropping dead from myocarditis induced by the vaccines? Or read about the effect of the vaxxes on the reproductive organs? Or the enhanced incidence of cancer? Or heard about the damage that the shots instigate in human immune systems? If not, that would be astounding. The news is all over the place (if not in the mainstream news media). Was any of this discussed in their deliberations? I don’t think so, but we may never know.
Adding the mRNA shots to the official vaccine schedule will make permanent the liability shield their makers enjoy under the current emergency use authorization (EUA). Pfizer and Moderna are now off-the-hook for any responsibility, unless fraud over the vaxxes is proven in a court of law. Given the vast evidence of harms done by these products, will that be a difficult thing to do? Consider: cases for fraud can be brought in any jurisdiction of the USA, not just in the notoriously corrupt DC federal district court, which does not recognize crime for what it is (crime).
This is the first time that a pharmaceutical under an EUA has been admitted to the childhood vaccine schedule. The Vaccine Advisory Committee said it was okay because it consulted with the Department of Justice’s Office of General Counsel, and the lawyers there said it was okay. One might ask: is it within the purview of the DOJ’s Office of General Counsel to review the medical criteria for such a decision? The answer must be no. How are they qualified? You may be certain they did not parse the drug trial data on the mRNA products, or study the official reports of deaths and injuries. In short, they know nothing. Their authority in the matter is vacated.
The so-called “uptake” on mRNA shots for children has been paltry. Parents do not want their kids to get the shots. Do you know why? I’ll tell you: Because, unlike the experts who sit on the CDC’s Vaccine Advisory Committee, many parents have actually read about the serious adverse reactions in young people who get the shots. And many more have heard enough horrifying rumors — despite the criminal delinquency of the major news media in ignoring any negative news about the vaxxes — prompting these parents to steer clear of vaxxing their children. Other countries have officially and altogether discontinued mRNA vaxxes for children. Do you think that’s for no reason?
If the schools require mRNA shots, then many parents will not send their kids to these schools. Parents have plenty of other reasons to want to withdraw their kids from public schools, not least the pervasive race-and-gender hustle that is replacing actual pedagogy in this country. The schools are now hostage to Marxist lunatics, launched from colleges and universities that are likewise captured by Marxist lunatics. They seek to overturn Western Civilization and its long train of accomplishments in discovering how the world works. They seek to replace all that with a set of wishful fairy tales that don’t comport with reality. Why would any sane parent subject their child to such a wicked regime? Might this not provoke a rebellion against paying the exorbitant school taxes all across America?
Beneath all of this lies the subterranean flow of enormous sums of money to the Pharma companies that virtually own the US public health bureaucracy. Anthony Fauci’s minions, dispersed among the various agencies under the US Department of Health and Human services, plus those in the ancillary CDC, have been pulling hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in royalties from patents associated with the mRNA products. And they’ve continued to haul in that schwag during the three-year fracas over the bad faith origins of Covid 19 and the deceitful introduction of these so-called “vaccines” — which do not stop the transmission of the disease and present manifold dangers to those who take them.
Léon: The Professional: Still alive (HD CLIP)
Do you think the United States has enough confidence and strength in the face of both China and Russia?
Consider this: Since the Second World War, USA has not had one military victory against a powerful adversary. Not one victory in over 75 years!!! Think about that for a moment.
All USA can do is bully much weaker nations like Afghanistan, Bosnia, El Salvador, Grenada, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Panama, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, Yugoslavia, etc.
What can USA do against a military peer like China and Russia? Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zippo.
Going to war with a nuclear superpower is suicide. Both China and Russia have massive militaries and massive nuclear inventories.
Look at the proxy war in Ukraine backed by USA and NATO. Russia is winning. (Don’t listen to Western mainstream media.) Despite all the money and arms that they’ve been shovelling into Ukraine, Ukraine is a dead man walking.
No, USA does not have enough confidence.
China’s fighting spirit diplomacy
Today’s Global Times recap ends with this editorial about China’s “fighting spirit” diplomacy.
Such words are refreshing to read:
The strongest reaction to the fighting spirit of China's diplomacy comes from the US and Western public opinion and some political elites. This shows that only those with sinister motives will be irritated. How many of China's partners feel threatened and uneasy from China's diplomacy? Even if Washington is sparing no effort to sow discord around the world, what other countries are concerned about is actually the consequences of such actions and the pressure from the US. Fighting is a necessary form of Chinese diplomacy, which is important means to seek cooperation and avoid conflicts, and often creates preconditions for cooperation in reality. There is a mild, reserved and introverted aspect of traditional Chinese culture, which is meanwhile also embodied in the style of China's diplomatic work. However, self-restraint is in no way a sign of China's submission to powerful forces. Chinese people not believe in fallacy nor are we afraid of evil forces. We'll advance despite difficulties. The determination to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity and safeguard the fundamental development interests of the Chinese nation is unshakable and rock-solid. Dare to fight reflects the diplomatic understanding and will, while being good at fighting tests diplomatic wisdom and steadiness. The purpose and goal of China's foreign policy is very clear, that is, to maintain world peace, boost common development, and promote building a community with a shared future for mankind. In fact, the international community understands and applauds the fighting spirit of China's diplomacy, because the fighting emphasized by China is a defensive one based on bottom-line thinking. For the vast number of developing countries that are deeply threatened by power politics, such a fighting is of universal significance. It is impossible for China's diplomacy to become hideous because of its fighting spirit. On the contrary, the grim face of US-style "offensive realism" diplomacy has been increasingly seen by the world. No matter how much makeup it puts on, it cannot be covered. The fighting spirit will make China's diplomatic image more vivid, richer and sincerer and give it more room for action.
As the world gathers together to combat the last Imperialist Power, China’s diplomatic stance provides a rallying point, and its goals provide a basic manifesto the RoW can agree upon.
I imagine we’ll continue writing/commenting on the New Cold War for the next several years.
Posted by: karlof1 | Oct 21 2022 17:26 utc | 19
Given that China is an authoritarian state, how do its citizens view democracy in the United States?
They view democracy in the United States as a joke and a tragedy…
- Last year, they had a near-insurrection with the Capitol Hill riots.
- US politics is deeply divided and paralyzed.
- US infrastructure is crumbling and decaying.
- Millions of Americans can’t afford health care.
- Homelessness is rampant in the major cities.
- Gun violence is rampant across the country.
- Blacks suffer from systemic racism.
- USA practices mass incarceration.
- USA suffers from a nationwide opioid epidemic.
- During the pandemic, over a million Americans lost their lives to Covid.
What has democracy done for the American people???
The Chinese regard their own country as the most democratic in the world!
So I challenge the assertion that China is an authoritarian state.
DIO – Heaven And Hell (Live 1986)
If Taiwan is part of China, instead of threatening to attack, why isn’t the CPC just sending 20 million unarmed people to live there and changing the Taiwan system from the inside?
Something even better has happened.
More than two million people from Taiwan have moved to live and work in Mainland China.
The value of trade between China and Taiwan is greater in value than that between China and the US.
China has set no deadline for a peaceful reunification.
It has clearly delineated two red lines that Taipeh has been very careful not to cross. But the US and its allies keep stirring the pot and encouraging some elements of the Taiwanese population towards a misstep.
Here’s a little-known fact: A lot of China’s historical artifacts and treasures were taken to Taiwan when the KMT escaped to the island after it was defected by the PLA. Visit the National Museum of Taiwan and you will see these on display. To view the full collection, you would have to visit multiple times assuming they change exhibits annually.
Some people in Taiwan readily acknowledge this. Some say it keeps them safe from a military attack that might see these priceless relics destroyed.
Oh, and the KMT took a lot of money too.
Conan the Barbarian – Conan vs Doom Warriors [HD]
Take away the hi-tech weapons, and it’s all the same.
Somme over the top
We have to remember what a horror war actually is.
The China/Taiwan Conflict, Explained From Both Sides
Fair and balanced. Two sides of the story. Not what you would see in the Western “news”.