The party continues and the insanity just gets louder

Man, oh man! Is this a strange time.

I’m kind of busy throwing together some you-tube videos so this post is going to be a tad light. But I have a great movie at the end. I hope you enjoy it!

This reminds me of the American leadership

A fine Mel Brooks Classic. Oh, piss boy…

How many Americans knows that at the present not 5 years time. China is already registering twice the amount of US patents in America!

There are really almost no American’s who is aware that China has actually grasped and leads in most key technologies today, let alone 5 years time. How many Americans knows that China leads 5G technologies over the US by a mile! And not adopting the Huawei technologies is as good as leaving the US behind the world!

Do you know that each year China brings out at least 100 times the amount of STEM engineering students compared to the US even though the US is only 4 times smaller in population?

How many American’s realised that China Shenzhen city is the only city in world that has self driving Taxis and every bus is an EV? Not many. Because of your media, you guys knows very little about China except narratives meant to demonised China!

There are 40 cities bigger than New York today. Never mind 5 years time.

Albert Brooks with Robert Cameron Books

Welcome to “Judgement City”…

Full Metal Jacket – Act 2 Intro

“I fuck you long time. Me so horny.”

I was pregnant.

5 years ago now my old man my DLH tuxedo was just acting so odd. He was obsessed with my stomach; would sleep on top on it every chance he got. The final straw was when I put down wet food and he chose to go lay on my stomach instead. That was weird he loved his wet food.

I dragged him to the vet for a check up; everything checked out fine he was completely healthy. A few days later it clicked for me. I called my best friend told her about the cat and thinking maybe he was right; so she got me a pregnancy test and what do you know that cat WAS right.


He knew our twin daughters were coming well before we did. After they were born he chose to be their guard cat. He would sleep outside their bedroom door every night. He would lay in between the two cribs on the floor for naps just to make sure his babies didn’t need anything. He never once tried to get in with them but always made sure he was watching them.

Our girls are 4 now and my old man is a much older man but he absolutely lives for them. He still sleeps in the hallway every night in between their rooms. Just in case they need anything.

I know now when he’s trying to communicate with me I need to listen and I do.

Pelted by Hot Dogs – Joe Dirt

Smile when the world shits on you.

It’s obviously good for the Chinese people. It saves lives. It protects Chinese society. An out-of-control outbreak could harm China much more than the economic hit that China is experiencing.

Look what happened to USA, a country that did NOT follow proper epidemic prevention policy: over a million dead Americans!


Hot Damn! It’s The Soggy Bottom Boys! | O Brother, Where Art Thou?

“Hot damn. It’s the Soggy Bottom Boys!”


According to a statement from the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD), the detonation BY UKRAINE, of some type of radioactive device, is now imminent. Ukraine is losing its war with Russia so badly, they are preparing to cause a doomsday radiation scenario to get NATO to come into the war on the side of Ukraine.

According to Russia’s MoD, the following additional acts will also be undertaken by Ukraine:

Kakhovska Dam and Dnipro Dam will be blown up
A dirty nuclear bomb or tactical nuclear weapon will be detonated in Kherson
All six Reactor units at the Zaporizhzhya nuclear plant will be blown up.

The Kakhovska Dam is shown below on the Google satellite map, which can be scaled to show an enlarged area, for readers to see the region:


The Dnipro Dam is even larger, and can be viewed on a similar Google Map shown below:


If one or both these Dams are blown up by Ukraine (or anyone else) they will release an unimaginable torrent of water, which will flood and destroy gigantic areas of land downstream.  The primary area that will be wrecked by such a release of water, will be Kherson, one of the four Oblasts (states) that recently voted to leave Ukraine and become part of Russia.

Just yesterday the Hal Turner Radio Show reported that Russia Defense Minister Shoigu had telephone conversations with his counterparts from the US, France, Turkey and other nations, directly warning them that Ukraine is planning to do these things because Ukraine is losing the war and they are utterly desperate to cause NATO to enter the fight on the side of Ukraine (Story Here)

Today we can also report that Sergei Naryshkin the secretive head of Russia’s Federal Security Bureau (FSB) has come out PUBLICLY to say they have VERIFIED COVERT INTELLIGENCE that Ukraine is already well underway in preparation to do these things.

Defense Minister Shoigu and FSB Head Naryshkin are among the highest ranking people in the Russian government.  They are out there putting THEIR NAMES on this information.  That is a risk to their careers and public standing, yet they are shouting from the rooftops that Ukraine is already undertaking the steps to carry out such attacks.


Men in these types of positions do not lay their careers and reputations on the line, lightly.  Yet both men are doing exactly that!

Zaporozyhe Nuclear Power Plant

Far and away, the worst aspect of these alleged plans by Ukraine, is an attack upon all six reactors at the Zaporozyhe Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) located in yet another Oblast (state) which recently voted to leave Ukraine and become part of Russia.

The map below shows a COMPUTER MODEL of the radiation release from just ONE of the six nuclear reactors at that power plant:


As you can see on the map below, the radiation would quickly be carried by prevailing winds, to then saturate Poland, and continue moving into Germany.

NATO has already publicly said that if a radiation incident in Ukraine causes radiation to travel into NATO countries, then NATO will consider it an “attack” and will invoke NATO Treaty Article 5 collective self defense.

Russia has long ago made clear that if NATO declares Article 5 collective self defense against Russia, “it will be a war no one will win.”

As most educated people know, the only war “no one will win” is a nuclear war.”

So if Ukraine undertakes the attacks outlined above, and radiation travels into Poland or other NATO countries, causing NATO to declare Article 5, then the world is — at that moment – in a nuclear war.

No warning.

That is the state of affairs in our world, this 24th day of October, 2022.

Get right with God.




Another phone call between U.S and Russian Military Officials on the supposed Ukrainian “Dirty Bomb.

TODAY, October 24, Russian Gen. Gerasimov also spoke by phone with the Chairman of the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Milley. The topic – yes you guess it – a dirty bomb.

The FILE PHOTO below shows the two top-ranking Generals, Milley and Gerasimov:


This is the 3rd Call about the Topic just in the past week alone, definitely an extremely worrying sign.

Crock-Pot Chicken With Black Beans & Cream Cheese

“I love this Crock-Pot chicken recipe for two reasons: one, my family loves it and two, it is so easy to make! I got this recipe from my sister. She has two children of her own, and they love it too! It’s also the best leftovers in the world — if there are any!”




  • Take 4-5 frozen, yes, frozen, boneless chicken breasts put into crock pot.
  • Add 1 can of black beans, drained, 1 jar of salsa, 1 can of corn drained.
  • Keep in crock pot on high for about 4-5 hours or until chicken is cooked.
  • Add 1 package of cream cheese (just throw it on top!) and let sit for about 1/2 hour.
  • All done and enjoy!

So they just admitted it’s ALL a total lie?

Very interesting.

Yes without a doubt.

The US has caused and responsible for hundreds of millions of death world wide beginning in the US itself. Carrying out genocide on it’s probably a hundred million native Americans. Today their population is down to a mere few million mostly living in ghettos dressed as reserves.

Next the murdered and worked to death tens of million African slaves through rape, torture and abused for several hundred years. Upon the abolishing of slavery, the African American were discriminate till today. Their cruelty knows no bounds. Many black babies of slaves were fed to crocodiles for fun by Mississippi farmers. Upon the abolishing slavery, the whites regularly carrying out lynching.

Next they turned to the Caribbean’s and Latin America where tens of millions were murdered to ensure they become are subservient and submissive to the yanks. They are the First Nation to use nukes on humans in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. They are the first to carry out biological weapons on its native population and chemical warfares on the Vietnamese and Koreans.

They murdered and carpet Muslim nations to kill millions of Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Somalia… today they threaten Russia and China with Nukes. Their media lies and spread fabrications to demonised any nations, societies and religious group not willing to be submissive and subservient to them. They sanction and blockade nations and starved and murder innocent men, women and children on their pretentious intentions.

No country or nations comes even close to the US on its evil intent. Not even the Nazis who actually learned from the Americans.

All your West Pacific belong China

What a difference a year makes
Godfree Roberts

A year ago in these pages I explained why China dominates the West Pacific. Since then, things have developed not necessarily to Australia’s advantage.

Last year, for example, a US carrier docked at Darwin Port had zero chance of surviving a volley of Chinese DF-26D anti-ship ballistic missiles and a 50-50 chance in open ocean. Its chances are now zero in both circumstance. A new surveillance satellite with onboard AI recognizes and identifies individual warships, tracks them through rain and storm, and transmits better-than-human information to HQ in real time 24×7. Time on target is infinite, so PLAN shore command screen-shares and discuss the information directly with battery commanders, eliminating delays and miscommunication. The same ships are also tracked by a million human sailors in China’s fishing fleets, by gigantic drones that spend months in the stratosphere, by the PLAN’s ‘undetectable’ conventional subs, by a network of passive receivers on the ocean floor. ‘Spray and pray’ is not a Chinese thing. Missiles are expensive.


Afterthought: What admiral would sail a $30 billion battle fleet and 7,000 sailors in range of such weapons when his air wing is a thousand miles beyond operational range?

Firstest with the Mostest

While never denying its power, Mao called the US military-industrial complex a ‘paper tiger’. One hard, early punch in the nose, he said, is worth 100 later, and the punch he delivered in Korea shattered and routed the US Army. The PLAN is prepared to repeat that lesson.

Early next year, Xi will commission five new Burke Class destroyers simultaneously, all of whose thousands of missiles outrange and out-punch their USN counterparts. China has the biggest, most modern, newest, most powerfully armed fleet afloat, manned by the world’ best educated¹ and motivated sailors.


Nasty Air Force!

The PLAAF’s (now mass produced) J-20 Mighty Dragons have an unparalleled combination of range, speed² and payload. In their 2-seater version, the copilot controls three drones that zip ahead to draw fire or attack targets. There is no room in the F-35 fuselage for a second seat, and the F-35 will be our frontline fighter through 2050.


Asymmetry in the Pacific

Any attack on Chinese territory would draw an equally powerful counterstrike on the US West Coast. Of this there is absolutely no doubt.

China’s ICBMs are longer ranged than America’s, and carry more powerful payloads faster and, says Fred Reed,

Defense is impossible.

Missile defenses are meaningless except as money funnels to the arms industry. This is not the place to go into decoys, hypersonics, Poseidon, maneuvering glide vehicles, bastion stationing, MIRV, just plain boring old cruise missiles, and so on. Coastal cities are particularly easy targets, being vulnerable to submarine-launched sea-skimming missiles. Washington, New York, Boston, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle for starters. All gone.


Be Prepared

If worse comes to worst, Chinese and Russian preparations for ICBM exchanges are excellent, while the US has no effective defense at all.

Does it strike you as odd that undefended America is provoking a nuclear exchange with the two best defended nations on earth, and which have superior intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance superiority, and can easily strike the US at strategic and operational depths?

Fair Weather Friends

Internationally, Biden is a pariah, even insulted to his face, while Xi and Putin are rock stars. Xi, having risked $3.5 trillion helping poor countries develop, is God of Plenty to Putin’s God of War, and the Putin-Xi bromance has deepened with age. Putin’s reaction to his first standing ovation from other national leaders: “For God’s sake, sit down!”. Matteo Salvini, Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister, makes no secret of his admiration.


Defending Your Life- Courtroom scene 1

How will you fare?

Our party’s over

We squandered our natural riches, degraded our human resources and hocked (financialized) our assets. Former friends now decline our invitations or, if they come, bring people we can’t stand, then leave early and surly³. Africa couldn’t make it. Turkey’s almost out the door. The Saudis, like the Turks, spent billions on Russian S-400 systems, have said their goodnights. Latin America is waiting for a cab.

The neighborhood has gone downhill in the last 40 years, we’ve maxed our credit cards and, in front of six billion people, we’ve been stealing stuff that other countries entrusted to our care.

By Christmas next year it will be over bar the shouting.

Ukraine will be de-Nazified and its ports in Russian hands. NATO weapons will be back at their 1979 locations. Intra-EU cooperation will be a memory. Washington will have a shrinking economy, expanding inflation, 35 million Covid invalids, mass homelessness, and, for the first time since the 20’s, mass hunger⁴. Already, there are more illiterate, homeless, hungry children, drug addicts, poor people, prisoners, suicides, and executions in America than in China.

The Money Distribution | Hazard Pay | Breaking Bad

You make a lot. You lose a lot.

Theirs is getting started

By Christmas next year, the world will have a new reserve currency. To forestall Ukraine’s fate, Taiwan Customs and China Customs⁵ will merge⁶.

TSMC will still produce the world’s high end chips, but unfriendly buyers may experience paperwork delays. Beijing’s new foundry will be mass producing the world’s first photonic chips, made with Chinese equipment and IP, signaling the end of copper circuitry and the dawn of an era of higher speeds and lower power consumption.

At that point, it will be obvious that the American century has ended.


Chinese soldiers have a three year advantage over their US counterparts in STEM subjects. (2020 PISA).


The J-20 cruises supersonically without afterburners.


A SE Asian Ambassador was overheard cursing President Biden in his presence, and another loudly upbraided colleagues for rising when Biden entered.


In 2021, 53 million Americans turned to food banks to put food on the table.


China Customs, in continuous service for 2200 years, already processes 52% of Taiwan’s exports, and integration would be trivial.


China Customs already processes the majority of Taiwanese exports.

If you liked this post from Godfree’s Newsletter, why not share it?

The Producers – Springtime for Hitler and Germany

This is a WTF moment for all of you to enjoy! This is a classic!!!!

***URGENT*** Russia Formally Declares Detonation of “Dirty Bomb” By Ukraine will Be Viewed as “Nuclear Terrorism”


The Russian Permanent Representative to the UN, has formally notified the UN Secretary General, in writing,  that Ukraine’s plan to detonate a “Dirty Bomb” will be viewed by Moscow as “Nuclear Terrorism.”

Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia penned a letter to the UN Secretary General, outlining Ukraine’s plan to detonate a radiological “dirty bomb” so as to create an excuse for NATO forces to enter the fight on the side of Ukraine. We have a portion of that letter, shown below.

In it, he states “The authorities in Kiev and their Western backers will bear full responsibility for all consequences of such irresponsible action” and goes on to bluntly warn “We will regard the use of the dirty bomb as an act of nuclear terrorism.”

It should be pointed out to readers of this story that under Russia’s public nuclear doctrine, the Russian Federation makes clear the explosion of a dirty bomb is viewed as the equivalent to a first nuclear strike against Russia; they can and will respond to nuclear terrorism with the use of their own nuclear weapons.

Here is part of Nebenzia’s letter to the UN Secretary General:


Yesterday, the Hal Turner Radio Show reported that The Russian Defense Minister had four separate telephone conversations with his counterparts in the US, UK, France, and Turkey over the past few days, in which he alerted his counterparts that Russia has VERIFIED Intelligence that Ukraine is in the final stages of constructing a radiological “dirty Bomb.  Worse, he told his counterparts Ukraine also has military plans to bomb all six nuclear reactors at the Zaporoahye Nuclear Power plant to cause a massive radiation incident.  In addition, that story reported the secretive head of Russia’s FSB, publicly warned that Kiev is planning to use a “dirty Bomb.” (Story Here)

Ukraine knows from public statements, that NATO will deem any radiation incident inside Ukraine, which causes radiation to drift over NATO member countries, as an “attack.”  NATO has already publicly made clear that if NATO member countries are doused with radiation from the Ukraine-Russia conflict, they will invoke Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, collective self-defense, and enter the fight on the side of Ukraine.

Russia has already made clear that if NATO declares Article 5 collective self defense against Russia, “it will be a war no one will win.”   Readers intuitively know that the only war “no one will win” will be a nuclear war.

So at this stage, Russia is now shouting from the rooftops that Ukraine is preparing to use a dirty bomb.  Russia will view it as an act of nuclear terrorism.  NATO will enter the fray if radiation drifts over NATO countries, and if NATO enters the fray, Russia has made clear it will be a war no one will win.

The world is literally sitting on a precipice, overlooking an abyss: nuclear war.

And if Ukraine does, in fact, detonate a radiation device, the escalations will happen so fast, almost none of us will have any warning that the nukes are launched.  For most of us, the only information we’ll get is when we start seeing the brilliant, white, flashes that begin to vaporize us.

U.S Troops Sent To Ukraine Border



“Yum! Given to me by a German neighbor, very simple and delicious.”



  • 4 butterfly pork chops
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 34 teaspoon pepper
  • 34 teaspoon paprika
  • 14 cup flour
  • 12 cup breadcrumbs
  • 12 cup Butter Flavor Crisco
  • 2 eggs, beaten


  • Wash meat and dry on paper towel.
  • Beat meat until doubled in size with meat beater.
  • Season with salt, pepper, and paprika.
  • Dip in flour, then beaten eggs and in the bread crumbs.
  • Heat butter crisco in large skillet and place schnitzel in pan.
  • Brown well on both side in pan on medium heat for abut 15 to 20 munutes.

Russia Notifies U.S. Its Annual Nuclear Exercise Has Begun


Russia has notified the U.S. that its annual nuclear exercise has begun and that it will include launches of nuclear capable missiles starting Wednesday.

The annual exercise has been described by U.S. officials as “routine” around this time of year but nevertheless will take place against heightened Russian rhetoric about using nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

The Russian “Grom,” which in English translates to “Thunder,” nuclear exercise, typically involves large-scale maneuvers of strategic nuclear forces, including live missile launches, a senior military official said earlier this month.

Officials have expected the annual exercise for several weeks but only recently received notification from Russia.

Joe’s Apartment (1996) 1080p

Here’s a real treat. The full movie of this great comedy. I hope you love the singing cockroaches!