So Biden is going to sanction China into the dark Ages, eh? Don’t be so sure

Not a lot of people outside China took notice that the US Congress banned CNSA (China’s National Space Agency) to cooperate in the International Space Station program around 10 years or so ago.

The reason cited was fear that China will copy blablabla etc (the same old tired nonsense). Fast forward to 2022, China is about to complete all the modules of its very own space station Tiangong.

The only other one beside the ISS (which is fast approaching its retirement).

Basically China managed to build and launch a fully functioning space station from scratch without any help from other countries in a mere 10 years. Plus, it’s a more advanced, spacious and convenient space station than the ISS.

Same thing with its nuclear weapon program.

Same thing with high speed rail network. Back in 2007 China had none but now it has more than the rest of the world combined.

Same thing with its giant tunnel boring machines. China had to buy them from European countries but it now builds better versions of them domestically and dominates the export market that used to belong to those European countries.

Same thing with ship building. China just took the top spot from South Korea last year.

Same thing with 5G. In 4G era Chinese companies caught up quickly with their western competitors but now 1 Chinese company Huawei owns the majority of patents for 5G technology.

The list goes on and on. But you get the idea.

Betting on China not being able to manufacture anything is a losing bet. The US playing its little game with chips is delaying the inevitable and will only end up in US, Taiwanese and South Korean companies losing the Chinese market share forever to SMIC.

Newspaper: Pelosi’s Husband is Gay Alcoholic; Was “Assault” at Pelosi Home Gay Sex Gone Wrong


Reporter Stan Greene, a Staff Writer for the Santa Monica Observer, reports that the recent assault of Nancy Pelosi’s Husband, at their San Francisco home, was likely an argument between Mr. Pelosi and a Gay Prostitute.

In his story,

“The Awful Truth: Paul Pelosi Was Drunk Again, And In a Dispute With a Male Prostitute Early Friday Morning.”

Greene writes:

As SF's gay bars closed at 2 am, two gay men met in a bar and went home together. Happens every night in the City by the Bay. Except one of these two men, was married to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

I might disappear for telling you the truth. If I do, you'll all know why. But here's what really happened early Friday morning in San Francisco. IMHO

According to SFPD "RP [Reporting Person] stated that there’s a male in the home and that he’s going to wait for his wife. RP stated that he doesn’t know who the male is but he advised that his name is David, and that he is a friend,” the dispatch official said. “RP sounded somewhat confused.”

It's been a rumor for years in SF that Paul Pelosi is gay. David Depape the alleged assailant, is said to be a Castro (neighborhood in SF) Nudist. "The lunatic who allegedly assaulted Paul Pelosi is a Berkeley resident and a 'Former Castro Nudist Protester' and hemp 'jewelry maker' ...sounds totally MAGA Republican to me. 🤣🤣" this from Twitter.

Ok, so here's the theory, as related to me by a source: "Castro Nudists are a group of really radical gay male prostitutes that parade around naked with c--k rings. 

First of all, the Police did not come in response to an alarm. They come in response to a "wellness check". So someone called them to check on Pelosi."

"When he didn't answer the phone, the cops broke the sliding glass door to get in. Pelosi was struggling with the suspect, who was in his underwear.

Pelosi owned the hammer. Not Depape. Or, the male prostitute was doing something Pelosi didn't like."

The web site seems to be experiencing trouble right now. I wonder why?

Greene goes on to write:

"And then there was the press conference when they didn't know the mic was on. During that, a reporter confirmed that the suspect was a gay Castro Nudist, but (authorities) told him he couldn't use it."

"Now tell me something. These people are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Nancy is third in line to the Presidency. You don't think they have the most amazing security? And by the way, when Pelosi was in that drunk driving accident, he had a young man with him, and that too was covered up by the police and the press."

"How would (suspect Depape) have been able to break a window that without triggering an alarm? He didn't. The police broke the window to gain entry. There was only one hammer, and it belonged to Pelosi. And only ONE cop quoted the perpetrator saying, "Where's Nancy?" None of the other sources said that happened.

Greene then points out:

"And one of them could easily have broken that window. Remember, there was no alarm triggered. How would (suspect Depape) have gotten into that house without doing that? The cops smashed the glass to gain entry."

Who called 911 to initiate a wellness check? Either Nancy or her staff, who hadn't hear from Paul all evening and suddenly it's 2 am. Or a neighbor, hearing a fight at the Pelosi residence.

Admittedly, David Depape is a known nutcase. He's an election denier, says mainstream media, who has posted conspiracy theories online. That may be true, but he also lives in Berkeley, where he is a 42 year old career student.

Greene wraps-up his story with this little gem:

"My law firm served a lawsuit against Paul Pelosi one time in SF after attempting to serve at other residences-Napa, Georgetown. They weren't home, but staff were, and multiple law enforcement officers were on the perimeter. Break-in is odd given this level of security." said Harmeet Dillon, Republican National Committee Chairman"

The more the US tries to restrict Сhina, the more stronger, resilient and self-sufficient Сhina is becoming. And we know that because that’s actually exactly what has happened every time the US has imposed a ban on Сhina to use a certain technology.

Here are a few quick examples: After such restrictions/bans went into effect, Сhina has build the first reactor to ever use the third-generation nuclear power technology, became the world leader in photovoltaic, drone, fintech and EV sectors, came at the forefront of quantum computing, created their BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, developed its homemade Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer chips, build the Tiangong Space Station, sent a rover on the dark side of the Moon and on Mars etc. etc. etc.

Have in mind that most of the examples above have occurred precisely after a U$ ban on Сhina to use certain technology.

And Сhina has not only caught up, but more often than not it actually got ahead of the US.

As they say, what doesn’t kill you, only makes you stronger.

Learning from the modus operandi of the US, it will therefore continue to step over the Taiwan's red line. 

We may not read about it in the news, but they're stepping on and over the red line without remit on a daily basis. 

No bullets have been fired yet, but this is war nonetheless. 

It has been going on for over a decade at least, and it will not let up just because a new president is elected or the president says we want peace with China. 

Lies and damned lies. 

Believe habitual liars' endless lies at your own risk. 

The test for Germany is when China is forced to take action vis-a-vis Taiwan. 

If China does not have the right strategy and the means to reunify Taiwan without bloodshed and within twenty-four hours, watch how fast Germany has to act like a US puppy again. 

For those who are not familiar with how a war can be waged without firing a blunderbuss, which is what the US is doing, I refer to the Chinese historical example of the war between Wu and Yue during the period of Spring and Autumn of Eastern Zhou. 

Yue state's chief administrator and strategist Wenzhong devised seven stratagems to destroy its overlord of Wu state. 

Only three were needed to eliminate Wu from the face of the earth. 

One of the stratagems involved supplying the most beautiful woman Xishi to the Wu overlord to cloud his judgment, the other involved surreptitiously damaging Wu's food supply, and the third helped Wu destroy its own economy by encouraging profligate spending. 

The hubris of Wu state's overlord did the rest. Not a single arrow was fired in anger. 

Every Chinese child who was taught Chinese history knows this story. 

Now we know why Chinese people think differently. 


Deng’s model was never intended to be permanent. It was simply the first stage in modern China’s evolution.

Today, China has successfully completed this first stage. It’s time to move to the next stage which Xi will pilot.

China is strong enough, economically, technologically and militarily, to take her place front and centre on the world stage. China has a grand view for herself and the world which Xi will execute.

If you want to know the details, just read the official documents from the 20th National Congress.

One morning a husband returns to the cabin after several hours of fishing and decides to take a nap.

Although not familiar with the lake, the wife decides to take the boat out, since it is such a beautiful day. She motors out a short distance, anchors, and reads her book.

Along comes a Game Warden in his boat. He pulls up alongside the woman and says,” Good morning, Ma’am, what are you doing”?

“Reading a book,” she replies, (thinking, “Isn’t that obvious”?)

“You’re in a Restricted Fishing Area,” he informs her.

“I’m sorry, officer, but I’m not fishing, I’m reading.”

“Yes, but you have all the equipment. I’ll have to write you up a ticket.”

“For reading a book”? she replies.

“You’re in a Restricted Fishing Area,” he informs her again.

“But officer, I’m not fishing, I’m reading.”

“Yes, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at any moment. I’ll have to write you up a ticket and you’ll have to pay a fine.”

“If you do that, I’ll have to charge you with sexual assault,” says the woman.

“But I haven’t even touched you,” says the Game Warden.

“That’s true, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at any moment.”

“Have a nice day ma’am,” and he immediately departed.

MORAL: Never argue with a woman who reads. It’s likely she can also think.

Jim Lahey’s No-Knead Pizza Margherita

“This is a great recipe for a simple, thin crust pizza. It’s from Jim Lahey (of no-knead bread fame) who now runs a popular NYC pizzeria called Co. The recipe was printed in New York Magazine (Jul 12, 2009). If you don’t have a pizza stone, this works well in a cast iron skillet. The recipe requires very little time and effort but the dough must be started the day before.”




  • To make dough: In a large bowl, mix the flour, yeast, and salt. Add water and stir until blended (the dough will be very sticky). Cover with plastic wrap and let rest for 12 to 24 hours in a warm spot, about 70 degrees.
  • Place the dough on a lightly floured work surface and sprinkle the top with flour. Fold the dough over on itself once or twice, cover loosely with plastic wrap, and let rest for 15 minutes.
  • Shape the dough into 3 or 4 balls, depending on how thick you want the crust. Generously sprinkle a clean cotton towel with flour and cover the dough with it. Let the dough rise for 2 hours.
  • To make sauce: Blanch tomato for 5 seconds in boiling water and quickly remove. Allow to cool to the touch. Peel the skin with your hands and quarter the tomato. Remove the jelly and seeds, and reserve in a strainer or fine sieve. Strain the jelly to remove seeds, and combine resulting liquid in a bowl with the flesh of the tomatoes. Proceed to crush the tomatoes with your hands. Add salt and olive oil and stir.
  • To make pizza: Place pizza stone on the middle rack of the oven and preheat on high broil. Stretch or toss the dough into a disk approximately 10 inches in diameter. Pull rack out of oven and place the dough on top of the preheated pizza stone. Drizzle 5 generous tablespoons of sauce over the dough, and spread evenly. Try to keep the sauce about ½ inch away from the perimeter of the dough. Break apart or slice the buffalo mozzarella and arrange over the dough. Return rack and pizza stone to the middle of the oven and broil for approximately 6 minutes. Remove and top with basil, olive oil, and salt.

A Bit Nippy Here This morning . . .

As of 4:30 AM Sunday, it’s a bit nippy here in northeastern Pennsylvania; 30 degrees Fahrenheit.

I was so exhausted yesterday, I actually went to bed around 7:00 PM and slept right through to 4:30 this morning!

Emotional exhaustion from all the worry about what’s going on in the world, in the nation, etc.

Watching my country deliberately take steps that will result in a nuclear World War 3 with Russia, and/or China.

Watching our elected officials here in the USA openly steal the upcoming November elections . . .

For instance, here in Pennsylvania, they actually mailed out 255,000 election Ballots to “voters” whose registration information cannot be verified with the US Social Security Administration.

Clearly these are phony voters, and those 255,000 Ballots, can swing the elections statewide.  Again.   Just like happened in 2020.

It’s overt.  In our face.  And no one in the cops, or the Prosecutors Offices, does anything at all about it.

If we start getting the idea of taking the law into our own hands, and confronting these cheats, WE are the ones who end up getting arrested.

This all seems untenable.  It’s getting tiresome.

I can’t help but wonder if push is coming to shove?

A kitty story


A friend asked me to take her to a local animal rescue place to drop off some supplies we had bought them.

She had been trying for ages to persuade me to get a cat for company.

She insisted we walk through the cages of cats waiting for adoption.

As we approached one particular cage a black and white cat started jumping up and down against the wire trying to attract attention.

The woman who ran the shelter said his name was Joe and he was only 9 months old, and that his twin sister Jenny was also in the cage, hiding in the sleeping area too scared to come out.

I talked to Joe for a minute then he walked back into the sleeping area and we could see him nudging Jenny, trying to get her to come out and meet us too.

Jenny eventually moved closer to the door of the sleeping area but wouldn’t come any further. She looked terrified and very unhappy.

My heart melted and so I welcomed Joe and Jenny into my life.

That was in 2008 and they are still with me and I love them both.

Putin is correct.

Russian Navy Ships Hit in Sevastopol Harbor – Ukraine Drone Attack



Not just Saudi Arabia.

Argentina, Mexico, Turkey, And Iran are joining BRICS soon. It is a given that 3/4 of the world will join hands to stop the US financial and US Dollar hegemony and they WILL succeed. A new global order is here. Thanks to the Ukrainian war provoked and designed by the US and UK.

Think of the US dollar manipulation, the financial blockade of Russia, sanctions on Russia is the last throw of the dice by the US and the west. The demise of the US dollar use by 3/4 of the world will end the ability of the US to print money without recourse.

The BRICS will dwarf G7 by a big way! In population and in economic might. The US shot themselves in their feet the moment the west sanctions were declared. The world has lost all trust on the USD and the financial institutions. No rational and sane nation will ever allow itself to be contained and harm by the US and the West.

Not just in oil but in all trade, countries will do currency swap and use some BRICS denomination backed by real value minerals such as gold. Sure the 12 or so US vassal states, some former colonial powers, Anglo brothers and some tiny Eastern Europe nations will still trade in Dollar or Euro. So let them cheat and sanction each other!

Claim: Twitter Execs Fired FOR CAUSE — No “Golden Parachutes”

Twitter executives let go after Elon Musk took over the company, may not get their $20-$60 Million “Golden Parachute” payments because Musk allegedly fired them FOR CAUSE.

That means they were let go for a reason OTHER THAN Musk buying the company!

Being fired FOR CAUSE may negate the Golden Parachute payments!

When the Buyout Agreement between Twitter and Musk was negotiated, the top executives were assured they would get large payments if their leaving was simply a part of the takeover.

But apparently, Mr. Musk found out something the Executives may have done, or perhaps something they may have said/represented to him, which may not have been truthful, and Musk has now fired those executives FOR CAUSE.

Two sources familiar with the situation told the New York Times that would mean the Executives didn’t leave the company simply as part of Musk’s takeover, they were fired for justifiable reason.

While there will likely be heavy litigation over the matter, for the time being it looks as though none of those executives will get their multi-million dollar golden parachutes.

Young people 0yrs – 20yrs, all injected with the mRNA Vaxx are dying off. They are dying at an alarming rate. Zero flat lined up until March 2020. Then, boom, a steady increase.


Check out the video before You-Tube takes it down.

Do you want to watch You-Tube videos about China?

More educational, on point and goes into great discussions. Then go HERE to the massive You-Tube video repository.

Drone Attack On Sevastopol

This morning at 4:20 local time the Russian fleet in the Crimean port of Sevastopol was attacked by nine unmanned aerial vehicles and seven autonomous maritime drones. Earlier a maritime drone that had run aground in Crimea and had been found and pictured.



During today’s attack a large U.S. drone had flown circles south of Crimea. It likely relayed data from and to the drones.

The maritime drones are British and Russia alleges that British specialists had trained the Ukrainian navy in using them. It also says that British soldiers were involved in the attack on the Nord Stream pipeline.

The Ukrainians published two videos shot by the maritime drones while attacking. One of the video shows extensive gun fire impacts near the drone from a Russian helicopter that is attacking it.

The Russians say that all the aerial drones and 4 of 7 maritime drones were defeated before they could caused damage. They also say that one mine seeking ship was damaged in the harbor. It is possible that the damage is greater than Russia admits.

As a consequence of the attack Russia declared that the deal which allowed for grain exports from Odessa has been suspended. That deal had already been in danger as the ‘west’ had not fulfilled its part of the deal which would have allowed for the export for Russian fertilizer to third parties.

I find it likely that Russia will take additional measures to punish the Ukrainian navy for the brazen attack. Additional attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure is another possibility.

Meanwhile all recent attempts by the Ukrainian army to penetrate the Russian held lines have failed. It is notable that these are now much smaller in size with just a battalion or in some cases just two companies in the lead.

It is now definitely mud season in Ukraine during which it is impossible to cross most farmland even on feet. This will hinder the attacking forces on both sides until winter sets in.

Posted by b at 16:24 UTC | Comments (136)


The American people are finally waking up to the fact that their government has not been taking care of them for many decades. For example,…

  • The top 10% of Americans own 70% of the nation’s wealth, while the bottom 50% own less than 2%.
  • Millions of Americans cannot afford health care.
  • There is a severe lack of affordable housing.
  • Over 500,000 Americans are homeless.
  • Over 1,000,000 Americans died from Covid.
  • Countless thousands of Americans die from random gun violence and mass shootings every year.
  • America practices mass incarceration — the highest number and the highest rate in the world.
  • America’s infrastructure is literally crumbling.
  • The minimum wage has barely risen since the 1960s. It is NOT a living wage.
  • The average real income of the bottom 50% of Americans has been steadily declining for decades.
  • Instead of helping Americans in dire need, the government is shipping billions upon billions of dollars to Ukraine.

No matter who they vote into office, nothing ever changes!

Julius Nyerere famously said, “The United States is also a one-party state but, with typical American extravagance, they have two of them.”

My Chicken Parmigiana

“This is a family favorite meal and one I make for special occasions, such as birthday dinners. The cooking method of this particular version is different from the conventional chicken parmigiana recipes I always used to make. Once I tried this much easier and moister version, I never went back to the “old” method. I often use homemade sauce in this, but a good-quality bottled sauce, such as Classico or Barilla, is perfectly acceptable as well. I serve this chicken atop mounds of freshly cooked pasta with some additional heated sauce. I have often chosen to replace the mozzarella with thin slices of Provolone cheese. NOTE: Edited to add that pounding the chicken is not necessary with this method. Part of what is unique about this recipe is that even the meatier pieces of chicken get so moist & tender as it braises in the sauce.”




  • Beat egg and set into a rimmed plate.
  • Set bread crumbs in a second rimmed plate.
  • Dip chicken breasts into the egg, then into the crumbs,coating both sides and shaking off excess.
  • Melt butter or margarine over medium heat in a large, deep skillet. Add chicken breast halves to the pan and brown on both sides – just enough to brown the chicken, not to fully cook it yet.
  • Pour spaghetti sauce into the pan, immediately reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer until the chicken has cooked all the way through, about 15-20 minutes but the time will vary depending upon the thickness and size of your chicken breasts.
  • Sprinkle with parsley and cheeses, re-cover, and simmer just until cheese melts- about 5 minutes.
  • Serve with cooked spaghetti.

Here is the Thing


China is the only Nation on Earth who can manufacture Photonic Chips Cost Effectively

No other Nation on Earth Can

US gave it up nearly 20 years ago

You simply cannot run a sustainable Profit

The Scale for which Profit is required is simply unsustainable

The Demand would need to be So Tremendous to justify a scale which would involve ENTIRE CITIES dedicated to manufacture Photonic Chips.

Its not the Technology. The Technology is available openly and readily.

LIke Hypersonic Missiles

The Technology was available in 2000 itself and was nothing new. The Theory was available. However manufacturing efficiently was not possible and US decided it was not worth it.

China and Russia later managed to use their Manufacturing Dominance (China) and Raw Material Haven (Russia) to ensure they could make efficienct Hypersonics and ensure that they now have or plan to have a cost effective Arsenal.

Likewise Photonic Chips Manufacture can be done by China at Effective Cost and on a Scale large enough to achieve sustainability for its own Internal Domestic Market.

That is the Good News!!!!

So All Good?

2023 is simply impossible

Developing the Basic Infrastructure for Indigenous Implementation of the Technology may take 5 Years and another 3 Years for achieving Commercial Dominance

Thats 8 Years or 2030

In the meanwhile China still has to keep targeting the 3nm or 5 nm Wafer Fabrications Indigenously and keep spending the massive Scale of Production

So you see the Problem

China could abandon the 3nm/5nm Manufacture Aim and move completely to Photonic Chips but that would mean a 8 Year Gap and after that – the Results could be screwed up or the Photonic Chips may not work as China expects to

That means a Waste of 8 Years

The Cost of which would be a Delay in Chinas AI plans, Robotics Plans, Upgrading Technology plans

China could stay with the 5 nm/3 nm Manufacture Aim and achieve Indigenous Manufacture by say 2025–2027 and dominate AI and Robotics and move to the next phase of Technology

That would be easier than developing and taking a risk on Photonic Chips

Its the same as Abandoning the Option of Manufacturing of J-20s to make it as good as a F-22 Raptor , and instead seeking to manufacture the Avengers version of Aircraft

Better to persevere and make aircraft like the F-22 in 4–5 years than totally abandon everything to hope to make Captain Americas Helicarriers

Can China do Both?

That would be the thing

However it would need a Huge Load of Investment

Huawei is in a perfect position to explore and work on Photonic Chips

Huawei has the Technological Edge and the Exponential Leap into cutting edge Research


SMIC Meanwhile can continue to explore and keep targeting the Indigenous Supply Chain dominance of Chips within the Chinese Economy

Presently SMIC has achieved Commercial Production Capability of 14nm

And that was fast

So its a Lot of Hard Work and China shouldnt be like India

This “Ready to supply the World by 2023 and 1000 Times better”- this is Indian Language

Chinas language is always China Hopes to achieve indigenous control over its Chips and leave it there

Its Possible and if China can manage it – It would be incredible

Fingers Crossed!!!!

Canned Tomato Products Lover? Stock Up Now


A Severe drought is crushing American California tomato crops and shortages are coming – fast.

Soup season is upon us, but one of the main ingredients for soups, chilis and stews may be in short supply: canned tomatoes.

We’ve been hearing for a few months now that a historic drought in California is impacting farmers’ tomato crop yields this year and unfortunately, it doesn’t look like the drought is going to end anytime soon.

The California League of Food Producers references a recent Reuters story that reports California’s current drought actually started in 2020.

Another news story published on says that the drought is the worst the Golden State has seen in more than 1,200 years.

Just how bad is the drought in California?, a website managed by the National Integrated Drought Information System, reports that 99.8% of the entirety of California is suffering from moderate drought, while 91.8% of the state is in severe drought; 40.9% of the state is in extreme drought; and 16.6% of the state is in exceptional drought, hitting its agricultural belt hard.

In addition to the impact tomato crop shortages may have in fresh produce displays at grocery stores, the shortages will likely impact other household staples like canned tomatoes and tomato sauce.

“Ninety-five percent of the processed tomato products consumed in the United States comes right here from California’s Central Valley,” Mike Montna, president and CEO of the California Tomato Growers Association, told CNN.

“Mainly the tomatoes from the growers that I represent go to your ketchups, pizza sauces, your retail sauces that you see at the supermarket.”

Those of you who rely on canned tomato products,, whether it be whole, crushed, diced, Puree or Sauce, had best stock up now, while you can.

Kittencal’s Mini Meatball Minestrone Soup

“This is a delicious rich soup that will need a longer cooking time then most soups and tastes even better the next day it’s really a meal in itself, I serve it with garlic bread on the side — to save some time prepare the meatballs up to a day ahead, the meatball mixture may be doubled if desired, if you don’t use all the meatballs then freeze for another time and just drop them into the soup frozen — 1/4 to 1/3 cup dry red wine may be added to the soup :)”




  • For the meatballs; in a bowl combine all ingredients until blended.
  • Shape into 3/4-inch balls; cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to add to the soup.
  • In a large pot heat olive oil over medium-high heat; add in garlic and saute for 2 minutes.
  • Add in onions, dried oregano and crushed chili flakes; saute for about 4 minutes, stirring.
  • Add in celery, carrots and tomato paste; saute stirring for 2-3 minutes stirring with a wooden spoon.
  • Add in chicken broth, tomato sauce, kidney beans, green beans, spinach leaves and zucchini; return to a boil.
  • Add in uncooked meatballs; bring to a simmer (do not stir for at least 20 minutes).
  • Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for about 1-1/2 to 2 hours (after about 30 minutes of cooking season with salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste).
  • Add in cooked pasta and 1/3 to 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese; stir to heat through (can add in more cheese if desired).
  • Ladle into bowls and sprinkle with more Parmesan cheese.

Russian Missiles Hit British Operations Center in Ukraine


The Russian Army has struck the base of the Ukrainian Navy in Ochachiv, a city in the Nikolaev Region, with missiles.  This particular strike took out the Communications Center and Intelligence Department of the British Naval Operations Service.

We are told by sources in Ukraine that at least one Russian precision missile hit at the actual window sill of the Base Commander Office!

Said one knowledgeable source …

"Britain is responsible for the Kerch bridge attack, the NS1 and NS2 sabotage, sinking the cruiser Moskva and also for yesterdays attack on the Sevastopol Crimea naval base. If you are in UK, I would start thinking to move out. You not gonna like whats gonna happen next...."

Be the Rufus. Don’t look back.