What a year. From the first of the year to now, it’s been an increasing level of insanity out of the United States and the rest of the world is cautiously terrified.
What we know is the top leadership are not only crazy old egotistical mental cases, but sexual deviants that resort to zombies when not ingesting drugs. They care not a wit about the American people, and have been slinging useless dollars everywhere except on the American people.
Neocons, woke maniacs, and their proxy drug-addled accomplices are gearing up for a “big global war” that is obviously not going to benefit anyone, but they are doing so in the hope that a global wide nuclear war will “level the playing field” so that everyone can start again anew, and since America is protected by God, it will remain “the shining house on the hill“.
The rest of us just want the government that is causing all this discord to stop.
Now there are those, such as Jeffry Sacks that argue all the right points but come to the erroneous conclusion that what is needed is “more dialog”. Bullshit. The United States is agreement incapable, is nothing but a non-stop litany of lies and falsehoods and the “man behind the curtain” is a mind-numbed, ideological, idiot.
Of course, it’s all just my optimism showing.
The true and real situation is far worse that this.
Let’s discuss what is going on, in a more humanistic level.
Kittens Rescued On The Verge Of Death Next To Deceased Mother (part 1)
Chinese space station completed

Core module Tian He 16.6 m x 4.2 m Lab module Wen Tian 17.9 m x 4.2 m Lab module Meng Tian 17.88 m x 4.2 m
Let’s not forget how this spacestation has been treated in the Western “news” media…
Let’s keep it “real”, eh?

Remember The Name (Official Video) – Fort Minor
Boneless Breast of Chicken Saltimbocca
“My Mom found this recipe in a Benson and Hedges cookbook, around 20 years ago. It’s a little work but, believe me, it’s worth it. I always requested her to make this dish on my birthday.”

- 6 whole boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut in half
- 1⁄3 cup flour, plus
- 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
- 1⁄3 cup clarified butter
- 12 slices prosciutto ham, thin
- 6 ounces monterey jack cheese, in 6 slices each also cut in half
- 1⁄4 cup chopped shallot
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- 1⁄2 lb mushroom, sliced (about 3 cups)
- 1⁄2 cup dry white wine
- 1 cup chicken broth
- 1 teaspoon fresh thyme
- 1 teaspoon oregano leaves
- 1⁄2 cup dry sherry
- 1⁄2 cup cream
- salt and pepper
- Dip chicken in flour; brown in butter.
- Arrange in a butter 13x9x2-inch baking dish.
- Top each with 1 slice prosciutto ham and 1/2 slice cheese.
- Cook shallots and garlic until soft; add mushrooms, wine, broth and herbs.
- Bring to a boil and cook 10 minutes.
- Stir into hot mixture 1 T flour and a small amount of sherry.
- Stir in remaining sherry and cream; season with salt and pepper.
- Pour sauce over chicken.
- Bake in a 375° oven for 20 minutes.
《纸嫁衣3鸳鸯债》 主题曲 《鸳鸯债》
Do you think the United States has enough confidence and strength in the face of both China and Russia?
Consider this: Since the Second World War, USA has not had one military victory against a powerful adversary. Not one victory in over 75 years!!! Think about that for a moment.
All USA can do is bully much weaker nations like Afghanistan, Bosnia, El Salvador, Grenada, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Panama, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, Yugoslavia, etc.
What can USA do against a military peer like China and Russia? Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zippo.
Going to war with a nuclear superpower is suicide. Both China and Russia have massive militaries and massive nuclear inventories.
Look at the proxy war in Ukraine backed by USA and NATO. Russia is winning. (Don’t listen to Western mainstream media.) Despite all the money and arms that they’ve been shovelling into Ukraine, Ukraine is a dead man walking.
No, USA does not have enough confidence.
Back to the Future: Doc asks who’s president in 1985
This is a hoot!
Elon Musk Cries FRAUD: Says Twitter Execs Tried to HIDE Real User Numbers from the Court / SEC
In a stunning example of corporate filth, Elon Musk, who bought Twitter for about $44 Billion, is now finding evidence the previous Executives may have engaged in literal fraud; not only against Musk to boost the purchase price, but also against the Court wherein they filed suit to force him to buy the company!
This morning, Musk tweeted the following, apparently containing excerpts from internal Twitter Executive email/direct messages:
At first glance, casual observers are saying this certainly explains why twitter’s senior counsel and CEO were fired — with cause.
They get No stock options, no bonuses, no golden parachutes.
If what Musk Tweeted holds true, he can go after billions from the board and executive committee; and perhaps the advertisers have some roll in the deception as well.
For instance, if the number of claimed users by Twitter was deliberately fraudulent, the former executives and Board of Directors might be Liable for the difference proportional to the stock price.
If 100 million users sold for $40 billion… but they had only 25 million users, they owe musk $30 billion plus court costs.
Oh this is going to get good. And there are clear injured parties, clear damage, absolute standing, and governmental oversight in the process. It wasn’t a private sale in a closed room. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was involved. This could be viewed by authorities as stock fraud by former Twitter execs. People could go to prison for this.
How the Russians Found Out it was the UK that Bombed the Nord Stream Pipelines
Over the past two days, the Russian Ministry of Defense publicly accused the UK of blowing up its Nord Stream pipelines. No proof was offered.
I have found out what the proof actually is . . . . and it is the reason Liz Truss is no longer Prime Minister of the United Kingdom . . .
Down in the River to Pray | O Brother, Where Art Thou?
When someone whom you think is your ally screw you………and screw you hard and furious
President Macron of France and Chancellor Scholz held a lunch meeting in Paris last week.
It is clear that they now recognized that the Americans have TOTALLY screwed Europe
That the Americans had:
- triggered the war in Ukraine and took the lead in initiating economic sanctions against Russia
- is strongly believed to have attacked Nord Stream 1 and 2 and with it the cost effective gas supplies needed to fuel European industries and allow them to be competitive and profitable
- AND it capitalized on these by selling American LNG at three to four times what the Europeans had previously paid for Russian gas
- in the process, it effectively decapitated much of European industries

BUT these is NOT all:
- the United States is now in the process of passing the Inflation Reduction Act, which offers tax cuts and energy benefits for companies investing on U.S. soil – a move aimed at these no longer profitable European companies to RELOCATE to mainland United States
- effectively, it will DE-INDUSTRIALIZED Europe
European leaders are now in a panic mode.
- Chancellor Scholtz is now scheduled to visit China
- and this visit will be followed by President Macron who will make a subsequent visit to China
SCREWED by whom they believe was their ally……..over and over
- TOTALITY of it is that many European countries is now likely to pivot to the BRI-Eurasian world.
What is the oddest reason you have been contacted by your child’s school?
When my deaf/autistic son was in kindergarten I got a phone call from his teacher while I was at work. She was laughing and said she absolutely had to call me and tell me what happened immediately.

My son was sitting beside another boy on the floor stacking blocks. Another boy came up and pushed my son. My son made no response and didn’t even look at him. The boy sitting beside him said, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” The bully pushed my son again, and again got no response. The seated boy again said, “I wouldn’t do that.” The bully then bent down and scattered my son’s blocks. My son calmly stood up, took one big swing, and punched the bully, sending him sprawling across the floor. My son immediately sat back down without a sound and started stacking blocks again as if nothing had happened. The seated boy turned to the bully and said, “See? I told you so.”
The teacher on the phone said she and my son’s aide were laughing uncontrollably after witnessing this. Normally a child would get in trouble for punching another kid, but the simplicity and economy of motion were stunning. They said they had never seen anything like it.
1.21 Gigawatts – Back to the Future
Can the US government send a covert fact finding team into the Uyghur concentration camp and take photographs to make a credible case in the UN?
Simply explained in two pictures…

Which one do you think they’re going to show?
Two Guys Noticed These Pipes Sticking Out Of The Ground , They Never Expected This To Be Underneath
Check it out HERE

Two men in Germany were out exploring the fields when they found two pipes sticking up from the ground in the middle of nowhere. What they discovered is nothing short of amazing. This is one of our favorite stories of urban exploration. What they found is simply fascinating.
After finding the pipes in the field, locating the entrance wasn’t too hard. This is the entrance. A hundred meters or so from the periscopes and surrounded by coniferous trees. It was covered with a wooden lid which was easy to remove by using a crowbar. The iron door you can see in the picture would swing back in, but the lock was broken so they couldn’t get trapped inside.
My Cousin Vinny – The Defense Is Wrong
Have you ever lost any respect for someone instantly?
My neighbor was to marry his girlfriend. They had been in a relationship from when they were in the 9th grade i.e. when they were 15 years old. It was nearly a relationship of 13 years.
From sharing notes to sharing their lives, they were forever together. They studied in the same school, the same college and now work for the same software company in Bhopal. Sounds filmy, doesn’t it?
It was all set. I consider him extremely lucky to have got that girl in his life.
They were engaged and the wedding was scheduled in January.

Now January comes, I wait for an invitation but didn’t receive one. I come to know that the wedding has been called off by the Boy’s family. I met him at a party and asked what exactly went wrong. He said, “The girl was characterless. I don’t want to discuss much as I’m already heartbroken.” I feel bad for him but was also shocked as I knew the girl and her family personally. They were good people.
After a few days, this girl’s dad on a casual visit told us the whole story. I was shocked beyond limit knowing the real reason.
The reason was that the guy, who had been dating her for 13 years, had asked her for an XUV-5OO car and ₹10 lakhs as dowry, stating that it is a must. The girl’s father refused at once. The girl, madly in love, was prepared to get the car financed on her own salary. Later, the guy’s younger sibling himself confirmed the whole story (he’s my age).
Man! Lucky are those who get to marry a girl whom you’ve shared a relationship since the IXth standard. Do you agree?
You ask for dowry, call her characterless in your defence when rejected. This is cheapness beyond imagination.
I am speechless!
My Cousin Vinny (5/5) Movie CLIP – Automotive Expert (1992)
The largest artillery bombardment in history saw over 9k Soviet guns and rockets firing along a 18 1/2 mile front. What was that experience like for the Germans who received it?
*chuckle* *chuckle* *chuckle*, yes, I know which bombardment you are referring to. You are talking about the opening barrage during the Battle of the Seelow Heights, right? 9000 Soviet guns firing 500,000 shells in the first 30 minutes alone! For comparison, the Battle of the Somme was just 1,537 guns and 1,500,000 shells in 4 days. I would call that definitely impressive and it can rightfully claim to be considered the largest artillery bombardment history has ever seen. But do you know what is so funny about that?
Well, I will tell you now a little story about this man here …

This is Gotthard Heinrici and perhaps you might know him or not, it doesn’t matter. For now, he is for you just what the Wehrmacht considered an above average general and the man that commanded the German forces at the Seelow Heights. Like the majority of German soldiers he wasn’t exactly stupid and knew his craft. As such, Heinrici anticipated the preparatory bombardment and prepared his forces to stem the tide of the Soviet assault. Zhukov´s one-million men and 3,059 tanks against his unlucky 100,000 men and 587tanks.
As usual, the German defence consisted of a classical defence in depth with multiple layers of trenches and strong points. And obviously, he knew that Soviet offensives were always preceded by a little preparatory bombardment to “soften up” the German lines. Therefore, he pulled his troops back and left the first and second line completely undefended.

Zhukov was already aware that the Germans would do something like that as this wasn’t the first time that he encountered such a move. As a consequence, he extended the bombardment to the third line hoping to catch the Germans by surprise. What Zhukov didn’t anticipate, however, was that Heinrici, the old Eastern front fox he was, at the last moment pulled his troops back even farther. Because the entire defence network in the plains below the hills was just a ruse and the Soviets fell for it. The Germans never intended to defend even a single inch of ground down there, what they had fortified were the heights.

And thus the bombardment began. So, what kind of effect did this impressive demonstration of Soviet firepower have? What did the largest concentration of artillery the word has ever seen actually achieve? Absolutely nothing! Zero, nada, niente. The entire Soviet artillery hit nothing at all!
Back to the Future Part 2 (8/12) Movie CLIP – The Almanac (1989)
What are shocking historical facts they don’t teach you in school?
They don’t teach you the stories of the enemies.
It makes them human, as stories are told by humans, not monsters.
Think about it. Have you ever read in a textbook about some German soldier who saved dozens of his comrades in battle?
No, you probably haven’t, probably the most human thing you’ve heard from the enemy was the Christmas ceasefire in World War I, and maybe bits and pieces of other stories, but mostly it about patriotism of the people who won, which is why the quote “History is written by the victors.” is all too real (sometimes this isn’t true, see the Vietnam War or the Korean War in a US textbook).
I’m gonna tell you a story of a man that saved two dozen German soldiers from the Russian invasion of Germany.
He drove a ‘convoy’ of two trucks, both Mercedes Benz LG3000s, or more commonly known as that truck from Raiders of the Lost Ark (although the movie’s truck was made off a GMC CCKW 353 chassis)
He was ordered to take the injured men from a skirmish back to Germany to receive proper treatment. But he knew it was over, the Germany he knew would never stay the same, and if any of these men made it back to a German hospital, they would be killed in their beds by the Russians…
So he secretly made plans to take the two trucks filled with injured men (most of these men were about as young as he was) thru Germany, to the now liberated France. He packed up everyone, and his other driver and co-drivers were all trusted friends who wanted to defect too. So they got in the trucks and drove from a devastated Warsaw, making a harrowing journey towards France, a 1,500 km journey, or 932 miles. They took off in the afternoon, but couldn’t drive top speed due to the injuries of the men.
He drove on mainly dirt roads, the uneven paths rocking the trucks back and forth, his truck almost got stuck in mud, which would’ve left all of them stranded in the woods. Luckily they made it. 10 km from the border of France, he tied white cloth to sticks to act as flags of surrender and put them on the top of the trucks, he also brought along red paint to paint the side of the trucks with red crosses so the Allies would know that they had injured men inside. Then they put the pedal to the metal, and drove as fast as they could to the border, not driving on the main roads, as they were in the midst of battle.
Then they did make it across, and when they did they drove as fast as they could down the roads, blaring their horns, then they came across an American allied division, they stopped in front of them and came out their hands up, the Americans shouting at them with guns. The medic spoke little English and said the words “Defect!” and “Injured inside!” and pointed to the white flags and the red crosses.
He was sent to a POW camp in Michigan, and when the war ended, he stayed.
I completely forgot to tell you who that man was!
Way to go Holly.
That man was my great-grandpa, just to let you know, who is still alive to this day. He served under the Nazi regime as a field medic from 1942 to 1945.
Anyways, all of you people have a lovely day!
Cat Proves Every Mother Is Strong After She Saw Her Kitten Dead | Animal in Crisis EP215
What would happen if China started to reclaim Taiwan?
“Reclaim” is the wrong word. Taiwan is already part of China.
China wants to peacefully reunify with Taiwan. It won’t use force unless Taiwan crosses the red line and moves to separate.
If Taiwan crosses the red line, then there will be military action, probably a blockade of the island, as well as the destruction of Taiwan’s military assets and critical infrastructure. Within weeks or months, Taiwan will be forced to sue for peace.
If in the hopefully unlikely event that Western countries, such as USA, UK, and Australia, should intervene, then this will trigger a global conflict, possibly nuclear war. The consequences will be catastrophic, as major cities in China, America, Britain, and Australia would be wiped off the map, and millions of people would die. That’s just for starters.
So that you don’t go to bed tonight burdened by anxiety and nightmares, I’ll spare you any further details.
Movie CLIP – Biff’s World (1989)
The US dollar retains dominance in 2022, but did China’s Yuan gain share among global currency reserves?
At first a leak, then a spill and soon it becomes a gush.
I think the shrinking US orbit nations, like its fellow natives slaughters US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, it’s slave vassal states like Germany, Japan and South Korea it’s former colonial powers of Spain, France, Belgium Netherlands and UK and some tiny fascist states like Lithuania and Moldova will carry on using the USD for some trade for some time but these group of nations are all slowing mature economies and all have huge debts and high deficits.
The rest of world will move on trading with each other’s currencies and some BRICS denominations. Why?
Who on earth wants to be fxxk any anytime and for any whims and fancies by the west especially the US? No one! What they did to the Russians scare the shit out of every other nations in the world.
My conservative guess is that by 2035, the world will use USD roughly 25% BRICS 35% EUROS 10% and the balance 30% will use Currency Swap Arrangement for international trade.
To me China does not even want the Yuan to be used to replace the USD, so you can forget the notion that Yuan will replace the USD. China wants a fair trade not a China centric trade. That is a mere US and western narratives meant to demonise China.
A story of work…
I applied for a job at Coca Cola. I was a high school drop out, without even a GED at the time.
I was really desperate for work, just about on the verge of being homeless.
The person who interviewed me said he was sorry, but a high school diploma was an absolute requirement. He said they have tests that people must pass before they get hired, and without at least a high school diploma, I wouldn’t be able to pass the test.
This was pretty much for an entry level job. I asked him if I could take the test and then he could make his decision. He reluctantly agreed, I guess to get rid of me more than anything else.
Needless to say, I got a perfect score on the test, and finished it in one third of the time allotted.
He called his boss and asked for an exception to the rules, which was granted.
Long story short, when I left Coca Cola, I was the boss of his boss. That was 5 years later.
I’m sure there’s a lesson in there somewhere.
A picture is worth more than a thousand words. …

The Soggy Bottom Boys Against the Ku Klux Klan | O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Kittencal’s Chicken Cacciatore
“Coating in flour then browning firstly will insure your chicken will be moist and tender and also add extra flavor to this dish, you will need a large skillet for this or you may use a pot, I use my wide 5-quart chicken fryer skillet — if you are not an olive-lover you may omit, they really do add flavor to this dish, but do not use black olives — adjust the chili flakes to suit heat level, using good-quality canned Italian diced tomatoes will only improve the flavor of this dish also for the best flavor I would strongly suggest to use only skin-on bone-in chicken for this — made as stated this make a delicious restaurant-quality dish paired with cooked pasta and sprinkled with freshly grated Parmesan cheese on top.”

- 8 bone-in chicken thighs (can reduce if desired)
- 1⁄2 cup all-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon garlic powder
- 6 tablespoons olive oil
- 1⁄2 lb fresh mushrooms, sliced (or use a 10-ounce can sliced mushrooms, drained)
- 1 medium onion, chopped
- 1 medium green bell pepper, seeded and chopped
- 2 tablespoons fresh minced garlic
- 1⁄4 – 1⁄2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
- 1 teaspoon dried oregano
- 1 teaspoon dried basil
- 3 tablespoons tomato paste (1/2 small can)
- 1 (28 ounce) can diced tomatoes, undrained
- 3⁄4 cup chicken broth
- 1⁄3 cup dry white wine
- 1⁄3 – 1⁄2 cup sliced green olives (you may omit if desired, I suggest to add them in)
- 1 teaspoon seasoning salt (or use white salt, or to taste)
- fresh ground black pepper
- 1 large bay leaf (to taste)
- Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat (I have listed 6 tablespoons oil, use enough oil to cover the bottom of your skillet).
- In a shallow bowl mix the flour with garlic powder, then coat each piece of chicken lightly in the flour mixture (shaking off any excess).
- Cook the chicken in oil over medium-high heat on both sides until just lightly browned (about 4 minutes per side) then remove to a plate and set aside.
- Add in mushrooms, onions and green bell pepper; cook stirring for about 3-4 minutes or until just softened scraping any browned bits that have accumulated on the bottom of the skillet.
- Add in fresh garlic, chili flakes, oregano and basil; cook stirring for 2 minutes.
- Add in tomato paste; cook stirring constantly for 2 minutes.
- Add in diced tomatoes with juice, chicken broth and wine, olives, seasoned salt and bay leaf; bring to a boil.
- Reduce heat to low and simmer covered for about 15 minutes stirring occasionally (just to blend the flavors).
- Return the browned chicken back to the skillet (carefully turn the chicken to coat with the sauce).
- Reduce heat to low and simmer covered for about 1-1/4 hours, stirring occasionally and turning the chicken pieces a few times during cooking.
- Season sauce with more salt if desired and black pepper about halfway through cooking.
- Serve with cooked pasta.
Russia begins dismantling Biden’s neocon Ukraine project
The Wealth of Nations
I would suggest that the US public should read the book by Adam Smith called “The Wealth of Nations”. The countries in the world will be richer if they can specialize in what they do best and trade with each other. I will start by talking about Walmart. It provided the lower classes in America with really very good products but at really cheap prices. It made their standard of living much higher. It is cheaper than anywhere else in the world for similar products. Walmart has a subsidiary called ASDA in Europe which benefitted the Europeans. So American Walmart is doing really well for the US and wherever they go because of globalization. This is the case of American ingenuity combined with Chinese manufacturing skills to benefit the world and itself. Then there is Apple’s iPhone, Nike, General Motors, Ford, and other international American brands, which are good and relatively cheap. Macdonalds, KFC, Starbucks are all over China. A lot of intermediate goods like bicycle parts, personal mobility vehicles are imported into the US to make them cheaply for Americans. Are all these bad and should be destroyed? Then there is the Rare Earth for the manufacture of the modern weapon system for Lockheed Martin, Should it all be stopped too?
For the last three years, every time the President mentioned the “Decouple” word, the American Stock Market will be in a tailspin. Do the people know more about the economy better than the President? It all started with a little invention 5G. All these came about because the Chinese Huawei developed 5G which will give us a faster download than 4G on our phones. The American Hawks went into a frenzy and extrapolated that the Chinese will displace the American hegemon with the Chinese hegemon! Why the bullshit about 5G and not a thing about 4G and 3G? This is a crazy lie! If you should fact check from Wikipedia, you’ll see that the per Capita Income of the US is more than six times that of China. The Chinese are worried about their flooding, Coronavirus Pandemic, uplifting their very poor citizens in the mountainous areas, and on top of the lying bullshit from the US. They are already very busy and would not in the least be interested in being the hegemon! Just go and have a look at present China, you’ll see that they are as free as America in the various cities. They produce a lot of billionaires and fast catching up with America. The difference is that they have a very steady and efficient leadership and the US has an inept president. They need to be a bad communist regime to produce that number of billionaires because communists are poor and corrupt.
Whoever comes in October will need to have an agreement with China on terms that will benefit both of them. Hopefully, the evil China that Trump described be kept in the dustbin of history. Deal with the new China that we know and understand! The world can only hope that the US and China do not fight Stupid trade wars but negotiate a set of rules whereby they can live by. Americans do not need to bad-mouth China, it already is a great country. Will that be too much to hope for instead of the fighting and war talk. In case some American hotheads bring out the stealing subject, I will list a few data to dispel it. The Chinese have filed more patents than the next four of the US, Japan, S.Korea, and the EU combined. They produce more than 7 times the STEM graduates than the US. At the present time, they do not have the need to “steal” American technology. In the last few days, Qualcomm settled to pay Huawei 1.8 billion dollars for the patent rights to use the 5G technology. Likewise, Huawei had paid a mountain of cash to use Qualcomm 4G technology. The “stealing” and the copying came from a distant past. Put that in the bins of history and move on.
In short, the US and China have a symbiotic economic relationship whereby both parties benefitted enormously from it. It is a win-win relationship! Try to live with the facts and move on!
Back to the Future: The skateboard chase
Newspaper: Pelosi’s Husband is Gay Alcoholic; Was “Assault” at Pelosi Home Gay Sex Gone Wrong
Reporter Stan Greene, a Staff Writer for the Santa Monica Observer, reports that the recent assault of Nancy Pelosi’s Husband, at their San Francisco home, was likely an argument between Mr. Pelosi and a Gay Prostitute.
In his story,
“The Awful Truth: Paul Pelosi Was Drunk Again, And In a Dispute With a Male Prostitute Early Friday Morning.”
Greene writes:
As SF's gay bars closed at 2 am, two gay men met in a bar and went home together. Happens every night in the City by the Bay. Except one of these two men, was married to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. I might disappear for telling you the truth. If I do, you'll all know why. But here's what really happened early Friday morning in San Francisco. IMHO According to SFPD "RP [Reporting Person] stated that there’s a male in the home and that he’s going to wait for his wife. RP stated that he doesn’t know who the male is but he advised that his name is David, and that he is a friend,” the dispatch official said. “RP sounded somewhat confused.” It's been a rumor for years in SF that Paul Pelosi is gay. David Depape the alleged assailant, is said to be a Castro (neighborhood in SF) Nudist. "The lunatic who allegedly assaulted Paul Pelosi is a Berkeley resident and a 'Former Castro Nudist Protester' and hemp 'jewelry maker' ...sounds totally MAGA Republican to me. 🤣🤣" this from Twitter. Ok, so here's the theory, as related to me by a source: "Castro Nudists are a group of really radical gay male prostitutes that parade around naked with c--k rings. First of all, the Police did not come in response to an alarm. They come in response to a "wellness check". So someone called them to check on Pelosi." "When he didn't answer the phone, the cops broke the sliding glass door to get in. Pelosi was struggling with the suspect, who was in his underwear. Pelosi owned the hammer. Not Depape. Or, the male prostitute was doing something Pelosi didn't like."
The web site seems to be experiencing trouble right now, but here’s a partial screen shot of the original story (Archive link HERE):

Greene goes on to write:
"And then there was the press conference when they didn't know the mic was on. During that, a reporter confirmed that the suspect was a gay Castro Nudist, but (authorities) told him he couldn't use it." "Now tell me something. These people are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Nancy is third in line to the Presidency. You don't think they have the most amazing security? And by the way, when Pelosi was in that drunk driving accident, he had a young man with him, and that too was covered up by the police and the press." "How would (suspect Depape) have been able to break a window that without triggering an alarm? He didn't. The police broke the window to gain entry. There was only one hammer, and it belonged to Pelosi. And only ONE cop quoted the perpetrator saying, "Where's Nancy?" None of the other sources said that happened.
Greene then points out:
"And one of them could easily have broken that window. Remember, there was no alarm triggered. How would (suspect Depape) have gotten into that house without doing that? The cops smashed the glass to gain entry." Who called 911 to initiate a wellness check? Either Nancy or her staff, who hadn't hear from Paul all evening and suddenly it's 2 am. Or a neighbor, hearing a fight at the Pelosi residence. Admittedly, David Depape is a known nutcase. He's an election denier, says mainstream media, who has posted conspiracy theories online. That may be true, but he also lives in Berkeley, where he is a 42 year old career student.
Greene wraps-up his story with this little gem:
"My law firm served a lawsuit against Paul Pelosi one time in SF after attempting to serve at other residences-Napa, Georgetown. They weren't home, but staff were, and multiple law enforcement officers were on the perimeter. Break-in is odd given this level of security." said Harmeet Dillon, Republican National Committee Chairman"
The Maltese Falcon (1941) – Humphrey Bogart
Lies, Lies, Lies
By Batiushka for The Saker blog
Introduction: Narcissists All
One of the laziest but most effective forms of lying (propaganda/spin) is not simply to tell the opposite of the truth, but rather to lie by attributing to your enemy your own weaknesses.
That way you do not have to invent anything, you just make a transfer.
An example is how the Kiev regime, which at that time had lost 60,000 dead from their armed forces and claimed that the Russians had lost 60,000 dead from their armed forces, rather than the actual figure of 6,000 (1). Children do this: ‘It wasn’t me, it was him’. This is in fact a form of psychological transfer, used by all narcissists and gaslighters: ‘You are the one who is ill, not me’. And it typifies the narcissistic (‘West is best’) Western mentality.
Thus, in 1854 Commodore Perry forced Japan by military threat to ‘trade with’ the USA, in order to ‘take it out of its isolation’ and that led to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Those who lived in those two cities then much regretted their lack of isolation.
And as for the USA? It was itself still in a state of cultural isolation, having learned nothing from age-old Japanese culture, but instead imposing its own anti-culture on all and sundry. Or then there was that war criminal General Curtis LeMay who boasted of his potential to ‘bomb back into the Stone Age’ in order to bring freedom and democracy, when in fact his brain was in the Stone Age and he had no idea what freedom and democracy are. Or there is the statement that Russia is corrupted by oligarchs, when in reality ‘Russian’ oligarchs (most of them are Jewish) are purely Western creations from the 1990s, following the model of the only system that the Western world has ever practised – Feudalism, with its economic serfdom (2).
What are Musk, Bezos, Gates and Buffett, if they are not oligarchs/feudal magnates?
This technique was clearly displayed in the 2006 Litvinenko and 2018 Skripal cases in the UK. In the first case, a Russian traitor and British spy was murdered by polonium.
Now, if you wanted to murder someone (who presented no threat to you) without incriminating yourself, would you rather not just employ a hired killer who would leave no trace?
It would be much cheaper.
Interestingly, polonium is a very rare radioactive substance, but is available to British secret services. In the Salisbury case of the Skripals, involving a retired British spy, who seemed to be wanting to repent for his treason (he had already served his sentence in a Russian prison), and who was poisoned with a substance available in only about three places worldwide, one of which is twelve kilometres away from where he lived in one of the most fearsome chemical weapons establishments in the world.
His murder was bungled, on which Skripal and his daughter were then abducted and ‘disappeared’ (to New Zealand?), though an innocent woman did die of the poison. When questions were asked about some very strange aspects of the case, the British media were issued with a ‘DSMA-Notice’, censoring them and forbidding them to report any further on the matter.
Below are just a few examples of this psychological transfer taken from the current War on Russia (WOR) being conducted by the Western elite in what is still for the moment known as the ‘Ukraine’:
1. This is a war for the freedom of the sovereign and democratic Ukraine.
Now anyone knows that the Ukraine is run by the hated SBU, or Secret Police, which threatens to examine every e-mail, Viber, Whatsapp or Telegram message for any evidence that you may not support the Kiev regime, which overthrew the previous democratically-elected in 2014 and has genocided part of its population. (By the way, if you do not support the Neo-Nazis in Kiev, expect to be waterboarded – after all the SBU are CIA-trained). The Ukraine – a sovereign country? It is in fact a US vassal, a colonial client-state, which has no sovereignty at all and is run by Jewish (Poroshenko, Kolomoisky etc) and US (Hunter Biden and Monsanto) oligarchs.
2. Ukrainians are against Russia.
Some are. Some are not and they greet Russian logistical aid as liberation. The conflict in the Ukraine is basically being fought between US-backed and Russian-backed Ukrainians. Not surprising when you consider that the Ukraine is a purely artificial State, constructed by monstrous, Non-Russian, Marxist dictators, Lenin in 1922, Stalin in 1939 and Khrushchov in 1954. Interesting to see how the ‘Free World’ fully supports the tyrannical decisions of Communist dictators….
3. The war in the Ukraine started in 2022.
It started in 2014 with the coup d’etat which cost the US taxpayer $5 billion. Read a little history.
4. The rouble will be rubble.
Claimed by Biden last February, the opposite soon became true. It is already the euro and sterling that are rubble.
5. The Russian economy will be in tatters.
Claimed by Biden last February, the opposite soon became true. It is Western economies that are in tatters.
6. Russia is Bankrupt
Claimed by Biden last February, the opposite soon became true. It is Western economies that are bankrupt and above all the Ukrainian economy, which depends on a transfusion costing the US taxpayer $1.5 billion per month. According to today’s edition of the Rothschild comic ‘The Economist’, the Russian economy has never done so well.
7. Putin is dying of cancer and has only weeks to live.
Claimed last February, he seems to have made a miraculous recovery since! Whereas Biden is clearly not always compos mentis….
8. Putin is mentally ill.
Is this why he can make high-level speeches with powers of analysis and depth of logic completely lacking in any Western politician? Biden, Johnson, Truss, Zelensky? Here is where you should be looking for mental illness.
9. The Russian armed forces have run out of fuel.
Claimed last April about the armed forces of the country with the largest oil reserves in the world. On the other hand, Kiev forces clearly lack fuel.
10. The Russian have run out of ammunition.
Claimed last April, they have no shortages at all. After all they have a huge and independent arms industry, with arms so technologically advanced that they do not exist anywhere else in the world. (After all, 80% of the International Space Station is Russian-made). On the other hand, Kiev ran out of ammunition just about that time and now NATO supplier-countries are also running out.
11. Ukrainian refugees are fleeing the war for Europe.
Yes, they are. Over 2,000,000 have fled the Kiev regime’s genocide in the Eastern Ukraine and Russia has more Ukrainian refugees than any other European (yes, Russia is a European country) country. I personally know some of them. In Western Europe we also have a lot of Ukrainian refugees. But with rare exceptions, until now they had no reason whatsoever to flee non-War zones where they lived, apart from the large numbers of young men fleeing conscription into the Kiev Army (bribes of up to $5,000 dollars were being paid to Ukrainian border-guards to get out last March; I know cases). Most of them here in Paris are doctors, dentists, interior designers and other professionals, middle-class and upwards, with German cars much better than those owned by the average Western European. They simply left the Ukraine (where in 95% of the country no war was apparent until a few days ago) to get residence permits in Western European countries. Indeed, 4,000,000 of them have returned to the Ukraine since May, when they realised that Western European streets are not paved with gold and that here you have to work for a living.
12. Russians Commit Atrocities
According to the State-controlled media in Kiev, Russians love to waste their missiles on civilian apartment blocks and cultural edifices, like the Philharmonia in Kiev. They also love to murder civilians, especially babies (though not this time round in Belgium or Kuwait, only in the Ukraine) and they especially target hospitals and primary schools. As the filming from Bucha showed, Russians generally murder people three days after they have left the area (by long-distance hypnosis?) and lay out the bodies of their own supporters from local morgues, face down at regular intervals along roads. This is a great aid to filming.
13. The Russian have killed millions of civilians.
Where are the bodies? On the other hand, the graves of the 14,000, including 400 children, murdered by Kiev since 2014, are visible to all in the Donbass.
14. The Russian have lost hundreds of thousands of troops.
Since fewer than 100,000 have been used, this would be rather difficult, unless the Russians have a technique for resurrecting the dead several times over. If it were true, there would be a public outcry in Russia at such losses. On the other hand, Ukrainian losses….
15. The Russians have so few soldiers that they are recruiting new ones in prisons.
The fact is that the Russian Army, at 1,000,000 and with 2,000,000 reservists, is one of the largest in the world. As for recruiting in prisons, this is the technique of the French government. Any convicted murderer in France is offered a choice: Go to prison or else join the Legion (the Foreign Legion).
16. Russia is preparing to start a nuclear war.
The only nuclear threat made so far has been that made by the British Truss. However, since British nuclear weaponry depends on the USA, she will not be allowed to use it without US permission. And the US are frightened.
17. Putin’s operation is doomed.
Claimed by Western journalists in September 2022, the statement has yet to be justified. On the other hand, the Ukrainian operation…
18. The Russians blew up its own Nordstream Pipelines.
Obviously: The Russians are so logical that they always blow up their own pipelines, especially when Biden has announced that he would do something like this, the former Polish Foreign Minister has thanked the USA for doing it, and the pipelines are in NATO-controlled waters, infested with NATO submarines, underwater drones and divers, and the pipelines are not being used anyway because of illegal sanctions.
Conclusion: Mental and Spiritual Feudalism
I am sure that readers can find a host of other examples, the fruit of the creative writing of State-controlled Western media. We mentioned above economic serfdom, the result of Feudalism, which was nothing but a protection racket run from castles (bizarrely now become tourist sites), surrounded by their concentration camp villages. Indeed, the Italian mafia is only a late leftover of Norman-introduced Sicilian Feudalism, which, like its later form of Capitalism, never knew the difference between price and value. However, worse than economic serfdom is mental and spiritual serfdom. And this is the fruit of the institutionalised system of lies, called the State-controlled Western media.
13 October 2022
1. This miraculous multiplication reminds me of a Ukrainian Uniat (Greek Catholic) bishop I met many years ago. When I asked him, how many Ukrainian Greek Catholics there are, he answered: ‘700,000, but at the Vatican we always tell them 7,000,000. If you don’t multiply the real numbers by ten, they won’t take you seriously’.
2. For the academically-minded, regarding the history of the development of Feudalism around the eleventh century, French historians are the best, naturally, given that Feudalism began there. See, for instance: La Societe Feodale, Marc Bloch; L’An Mil, Georges Duby; L’An Mil, Henri Focillon; L’Europe est-elle nee au Moyen Age, Jacques Le Goff; Le Pape Leon IX et la Reforme de l’Eglise 1002-1054, Charles Munier; Les Grandeurs de l’An Mille, Pierre Riche. In English, apart from Richard Southern’s studies, you have a translation from French with The Feudal Transformation 900-1200, Poly and Bournazel; and original works by, for example: The Making of Europe: Conquest, Colonization and Cultural Change, 950-1350, Robert Bartlett; The First European Revolution 970-1215; R.I. Moore; The Formation of a Persecuting Society: Authority and Deviance in Western Europe 950-1250, R.I. Moore. In German, apart from the older studies of Tellenbach, you have especially Karl Leyser’s Am Vorabend der ersten europaeischen Revolution. Das 11 Jahrhundert als Umbruchzeit and his lecture in English The Ascent of Latin Europe.
Rufus leaps into action
It was around 1am and I was woken by a loud crash. Still in a half asleep stupor, I wondered if I had dreamed it but I got up and went down to my front door. This was right in front of my house:

Except, the police hadn’t even arrived, yet. I’m a nurse, and I have seen some horrific things at work, but nothing ever scared me this much. This was the view from my front door.
I’ll never forget how creepy it felt as I walked over to check on the occupant(s). My heart was racing and my legs felt shaky. The airbags had deployed (obviously), so I couldn’t see inside. With a shaking hand, I pulled back what remained of the side airbag on the driver’s side and peered inside. I was expecting to see something that looked like it went through a meat grinder.. There was a teenager boy in the driver’s seat. His eyes were open and he was calmly staring straight ahead. I could see he was still breathing.
I held his hand and asked, “Are you feeling pain anywhere?” He looked at me and his face was completely intact, though his nose was bleeding. He said, “Yes. Can you please call my mom? I don’t know where my phone is. She’s worried.”
My phone was in the house but my neighbor had his. I asked the kid for his mother’s number and repeated them to the neighbor. After six numbers, the kid shut his eyes, his hand went limp and stopped talking, so we weren’t able to call her.
The car in the above photo had been an Acura SUV.
I checked on the other car, and it was a middle aged woman in a Dodge Durango. She was conscious and had a broken ankle and probably some broken ribs and a neck injury. The impact of the crash had snapped the back of the driver’s seat and she was flung into the back of the vehicle (she had been driving with the back seat folded down, I think.
By then, emergency personnel had arrived, so I let them take over. That’s when I went inside and snapped the above photo.
Here’s a photo of vehicle #2. The front of the house in the background is mine. I have a 14″ stone retaining wall in front and if it was not there, this vehicle would have ended up coming into the front of the house. The rear axle of the vehicle had snapped from the impact of hitting that wall.

A witness, who had been driving southbound behind vehicle #1, said there was a slow moving vehicle ahead. The kid got impatient and swerved into the northbound side, to pass, and collided head-on with #2.
It took the fire department over an hour to cut this kid out of the vehicle.
A few days later, the kid’s mother was walking around in front of my house, with tears rolling down her face. I went out there and asked if she was okay. She introduced herself and I asked if he was okay. She said his leg was pretty mangled and he had a ruptured spleen, but he was going to be fine. She told me that he has cystic fibrosis and was wearing a chest brace that saved his life. The surgeon who worked on his spleen told her the brace likely saved his chest from being crushed.
I explained about him asking me to call but losing consciousness before I got her number. She said he remembered me and had asked if I the lady called her. She asked what lady and he said the one that was holding my hand when I had the accident. She thought he was delirious. She hugged me.
She told me it was her car and she had asked him to fill the gas tank for her, around 12:30. He had stopped at Taco Bell before getting gas and was heading home. She got nervous when he was gone for an hour and asked her older son to drive her around to look for him. They had driven past the scene of the accident and didn’t even recognize her car. She said she was praying whoever had that crash was alive. After driving around for more than an hour, her son stopped at the accident scene to ask a cop if they’d had any other accident reports in the area. The cop asked him what kind of car and he told them. He asked if he knew the license plate number so he asked his mother and she handed him her registration card. The cop walked over to the back of the vehicle then told them that was her car and the hospital where they had taken him.
Luckily, nobody died in this horrific accident. It could have been much worse.
Noor Inayat Khan.
On Sep 13, 1944, a princess from India lay dead at Dachau concentration camp. She had been tortured by the Nazis and then shot in the head. Her name was Noor Inayat Khan.

The Germans knew her only as Nora Baker, a British spy who had gone into occupied France using the code name Madeline. She carried her transmitter from safe house to safe house with the Gestapo trailing her, providing communications for her Resistance unit.
- Wireless operators in France had a life expectancy of six weeks. Noor was actively transmitting for over three times as long.
- While she was in France, every other wireless operator in her network was slowly picked off until she was the last radio link between London and Paris. It was “the most dangerous and important post in France.”
- She was offered a way back to Britain and refused.
- In fact, in her transmissions to London, she once said that she was having the time of her life, and thanked them for giving her the opportunity to do this.
- She was captured by the Gestapo, but never gave up; she made three attempts at escape. One involved asking to take a bath, insisting on being allowed to close the door to preserve her modesty, and then clambering onto the roof of the Gestapo HQ in Paris.
- Her last word before being shot was, “Liberté!”
Her entire life and her mother’s life as well are FASCINATING. A Royal, Muslim, Anglo-Indian woman in WW2.
Dexter saved my life.
In 2020 I was feeling a gnawed off most days and my primary care physicians couldn’t track down a justification behind my constant weakness and failure to prepare hard (I’m a previous genius contender who actually prepares like one).

Following quite a while of getting minimal all the more then, at that point, shrugs from clinical staff one day I began feeling chest torment. It seemed like a torn muscle so I chalked it up as a preparation injury and disregarded it.
Out of nowhere Dexter, who had been around me for a very long time, went to me and began pawing at my chest and crying. He had never acted along these lines. I concluded it was a warning and called 911. As I opened the entryway for paramedics I had a “widow producer” cardiovascular failure and fell (extremely low endurance rate, consequently the name). The cardiologist who worked on me said assuming that I had held up 3 additional minutes to call I could never have made due.
I’ve had many pets throughout the long term and cherished them all. However, I had an exceptional cling to that feline. He experienced a stroke and died a couple of months after the fact. I miss him consistently.

Update: Amazing! I generally knew Dexter was a unique kitty yet everybody’s upvotes and positive criticism shows others on the planet see that as well.
He was a decent ally to me for a long time I’m happy to see him gaining the appreciation he merits.
Miracle That Happened To Abandoned Cats (Part 2)
The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of – The Maltese Falcon
One of the finest endings in all film history. Hammet’s marvellous words about solidarity and brotherhood (remember this film was released as America made a commitment to fight Fascism and this is a great anti-fascist speech) stay in the memory.
I think Bogart almost, (almost), gets a little too theatrical and loses his peerless naturalness at the moment he picks Mary Astor up and gives her the final hard words ‘I won’t because all of me wants to’.
But this is momentary and his final words as his eyes are fixed on the elevator/gallows as Astor is put behind ‘bars’ are sublime acting. Astor is brilliant throughout as well and just oozes sexiness. Brigid O’Shaughnessy thought that would be enough, Sam Spade showed her it wasn’t.