What a busy weeks and a crazy last couple of days. Remember (boys and girls) that if you conduct affirmation campaigns, and you are close to approaching your objectives, there’s a lot of changes that you must end up experiencing. Some are just disquieting and uncomfortable nuisances, while others are adaptations to changing environs, and still others are big “headaches” that you must resolve, but once you pass through the torrent of change, all is good.
Same with me. Changes are coming hot and heavy on my side. All is good, just disquieting.
As all with some of you all.
From DM (I don’t think he’ll mind sharing his story with you all)…
Thought you might be interested to know, I am just finishing up my affirmation dwell period. I took your advice and put in some food affirmations as a tell for when things started happening. One of the tells was ice cream....but not just any ice cream; we had this award winning ice creamery in town that had been there since before me and SD were even born. They just brought out this new flavour - vanilla cookie butter, which was basically like a yellow custard vanilla with caramel biscotti smeered through it - oh my fucking god MM, best ice cream you'll ever taste.....then about a month later they closed down for good. [Now, as LUCK would have it] We have this other ice creamery closer to us that had the same flavour, but i was getting annoyed at it never being in stock whenever we'd go there. So, obviously i put in my affirmations to be able to have it whenever I want. Then i go there one day and they have that particular flavour so i grab a scoop. I notice that they now have a fridge in the corner with tubs full of the award winning ice creamerie's icecream flavours (i knew they were going to be supplying to various companies around town, so wasn't a huge shock, but still, this was the first i saw it in their particular shop). Turns out they were being supplied by the award winning company this whole time, and i can order buckets of it through these guys whenever i want. That's not the best part. I just found out today that the biscotti stuff is now being sold at our local supermarket as a spread for breads, so now i have the option of smeering it through whatever icecream i want. I also was teaching the affirmation stuff to my kids, and my eldest son kept saying he wanted gold broughtto him....well, 2 days later, i shit you not, kids were randomly bring him dollars at the park. We go to the shop, and another kid says "I've got a spare dollar left over from my lollies and was just wondering if your kid wanted it to buy some of his own" (our dollars are gold coloured).
Yeah. It works, I’m telling you all.
I’ve had a couple of busy days, and MM was down, sluggish and just about impossible for a spell. Software upgrades and just terrible implementation issues. Been hit by numerous trolls who managed to cause me some personal grief, and get some Rufus videos on You-tube banned.
I did some volunteering at my daughter’s kindergarten, and I am so proud to be doing so. It’s our highest state of being to give our time, money, labors for others so that the society benefits. Ah, MM the Kindergarten cop!
Here I am with my sign telling everyone on a scooter not to ram the young ones. LOL.

By the way, one of the things that I really appreciate as a parent, is the “parent stalls” in both the men’s restroom and the women’s restroom. These are different that the “baby changing station” or the “disabled bathroom” that often sits outside in the hallway.
This is what those stalls look like…

Let’s continue with the standard daily fare…
Girl on a 1970s bicycle

NASA is pushing its human moon landing back to 2025, and its top official worries China will beat the US there
What is The Matrix?
Loudspeakers: “Leave the city ** BY ** November 7”
Something is hugely wrong and it appears something wicked is truly in the works. Cars with loudspeakers are driving all through Kherson, warning citizens they must evacuate the city “BY November 7.”
Evacuation of the city has been ongoing for over a week. The main administration building took down its Russian flag as seen in the image below:
City workers have been going door-to-door telling citizens “the Ukrainian army is coming and you must get out immediately.”
Russian soldiers have either left – or been ordered to leave- their checkpoint posts in Chornobaivka, Stepanivka, Bilozerka and Korabelnyi district south of the Kosheva river. Map below shows the now-empty checkpoint locations:

There is already widespread and rampant public speculation – even in media – that this may be an attempt by Russia to create a 15 – 30km “no man’s land” to lure the Ukrainians into a trap. The map below shows the region being emptied:

Other people are speculating — and I emphasize this is MERE SPECULATION – that Russia is going to lure the Ukrainians into this area, then vaporize it with Tactical nukes and tell NATO, if you enter Ukraine, your countries will get this too.” These same speculations claim that Russia is planning to prove it’s point once and for all: that it WILL use nuclear weapons to defend “Russian Territory.” Again, this is SPECULATION.
Whatever is actually taking place, the now established FACT that cars with loudspeakers are driving around Kherson telling citizens they must be OUT . . . BY NOVEMBER 7, plays right into the elections here in the USA.
Many people have speculated the Democrats will do something to prevent their shellacking in the mid-term election on Tuesday, November 8. If Russia nukes Kherson on November 7, there could very well be an actual nuclear exchange THAT DAY.
The Democrats would then use a nuclear war as an excuse to remain in power, even though there is no aspect of the US Constitution – or statute law- allowing such a thing. The terms of office for members of Congress, EXPIRE. Once the date in January arrives, they are all simply no longer elected office holders. Their term ends. Nothing they do, by “emergency” or “Presidential Order” can change the fact that the first week in January, their term is over and they are no longer elected officials. Unless they try to force the issue through the barrels of guns.
Then, too, there’s the very fair question of why November 7? Why would Russia play into a US election by picking that particular date?
It cannot be a coincidence. There are no coincidences.
For quite awhile, some folks considered to be on “the fringe” have argued this is all theater. COVID, the Ukraine war, all of it. They argue it is all planned years in advance by the powers-that-be, as either bread-and-circuses for the masses, or a true effort to smash the world through catastrophe and fear into a “new world order.”
When you also factor-in that Russia went the full “COVID-19” with a vax and lockdowns, it seems now entirely possible that the very small group of people who have told us for years that all the big events on earth are “scripted” might be right. If a nuke exchange takes place on Nov. 7, then it __is__ all scripted.
Whoever is right, all these things seem to be telling us all, that something wicked this way comes.
If true, we have until Monday, November 7.
Remember, Congress cannot extend its term of office under **ANY** Circumstance. After the first week in January, they are no longer elected officials and they no longer have duly constituted power. After the first week in January, if they remain in power without an election, it will be actual Tyranny.
1940’s era tat’s

Classic Meatballs
This homemade meatball recipe is a Betty classic, and for great reason! For generations, home cooks have relied on this hearty meatball recipe to show some skills the kitchen. All it takes to achieve this meaty main dish is eight basic ingredients. Got them? Great! Now, if you have 15 minutes to spare and a foil-lined 13×9 pan, perfectly browned and tender meatballs could be the answer to tonight’s dinner jam. Yes, delicious doesn’t take long! In the meantime, prepare spaghetti or rice, veggies or salad, because this recipe goes with anything!

- 1 lb lean (at least 80%) ground beef
- 1/2 cup Progresso™ Italian-style bread crumbs
- 1/4 cup milk
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
- 1/4 teaspoon pepper
- 1 small onion, finely chopped (1/4 cup)
- 1 egg

Joe Biden back in the day…

Giant Hedge Fund Warns Clients of “Global Societal Collapse”
Eh. I'm thinking that this is something unique to the West, and not to the globe. -MM
In a letter sent to investors by Hege Fund ELLIOT MANAGEMENT, the Florida-headquartered firm told clients that they believe the global economy is in an “extremely challenging” situation which could lead to hyperinflation and “global societal collapse.”
The firm, led by billionaire Paul Singer and Jonathan Pollock, told its clients that “investors should not assume they have ‘seen everything’” just because they have been through the peaks and troughs of the 1987 crash, the dot-com boom, and the 2008 global financial crisis, or previous bear and bull markets.
They added that the “extraordinary” period of cheap money is coming to an end and has “made possible a set of outcomes that would be at or beyond the boundaries of the entire post-WWII period.”
The letter said the world is “on the path to hyperinflation”, which could lead to “global societal collapse and civil or international strife.”
They estimated that markets have not fallen enough yet and equity markets could drop more than 50% would be “normal,” adding that they couldn’t predict when that would happen. The S&P 500 SPX, -1.06% has dropped 19% from its peak at the beginning of the year.
Elliott executives warned clients that the idea that “‘we will not panic because we have seen this before’ does not comport with the current facts.”
They blamed central bank policymakers for the current global economic situation, saying they had been “dishonest” about the reason for high inflation. They said lawmakers had shirked responsibility by blaming it on supply chain disruption caused by the pandemic instead of loose monetary policy imposed two years ago during the COVID-19 peak.
The London Financial Times reported that the hedge fund is posting 6.4% returns so far this year and has only lost money during two years of its 45-year history.
Nice day for a boat ride

Better Call Saul 6×01 “Lalo calls Hector” Ending Scene Season 6 Episode 1
One of the many “smoking guns”
As per the Schiller Institute:
“The Russians have asserted that the UK was directly involved “supervising” the recently repelled drone attack on the Black Sea fleet at Sevastopol, and have demanded an explanation for the “It is done” text message that seems to have been carelessly sent by the already-former British Prime Minister Liz Truss, to U.S secretary of State Tony Blinken moments after the Nord Stream pipelines were blown up. What is next?”
A Salute to Comrade Biden for handing over the world biggest chip market exclusively to Chinese chip companies.
The global semiconductor market is going through a tough time. The slowdown in demand and geopolitical challenges have contributed to a significant dent in the market’s value. Shares of leading semiconductor companies, including Samsung, continue to pressure downward. The export restrictions announced by the Biden administration last week have further complicated matters. These measures cut off China from select chips made anywhere in the world with US technology and significantly limited American technology’s export to Chinese semiconductor companies.
Girl enjoying a cool snack

A healthy ecosystem
From a close-up crocodile to a crab fishing in a cave and a lizard navigating plastic waste, here is a look at a winning image in the Mangrove Photography Awards, run by the Mangrove Action Project.
I think that it is awesome.

Breaking Bad Season 2: Episode 11: Shooting at a drug dealer
Great scene.
Up until the 1970s, you could enter business establishments without shoe and socks

The blood supply of the military has been found to be severely TAINTED with Human Immuno-Virus (HIV) – the virus which causes AIDS — as well as tainted with Hepatitis “B” and “C.” The discovery was made when Ukraine asked NATO for 62,000 liters of emergency blood supply. NATO provided the tainted blood!
The Ukraine medical authorities tested the TWO BATCHES of blood supplied by NATO and found the following:
6.3% with HIV,
7.4% with #hepatitis B, and;
3.2% with hepatitis C.
5.9% with HIV,
6.8% hepatitis B, and;
3.1% hepatitis C
It is not yet known from which NATO countries the tainted blood came, or if it came from several (or all) countries.
It is also not known why military blood supplies were not tested for these diseases when Donors gave the blood.
It is widely known that any person who received blood tainted with any of these viruses, contracts the virus themselves.
HIV causes AIDS and even though the condition can be treated with vast and dangerous anti-viral drugs, person infected are never “cured.”
Those serving in the Military or those of you with family members or friends in the military, may want to alert them to reconsider their continued service given the reality that emergency blood supplies for the military are now known to be tainted with the virus that causes AIDS and other viruses which cause Hepatitis.
I’ll bet that they had a nice day…

“Stay Out Of My Territory” | Over
Oh, this is one of my favorite scenes.
Back in the day…

Big corporations have been rushing into making more investments or setting up new plants and business operations in China. Why?
I am a business man. I am not sure what do you do? For me it is as simple as ABC.
All corporations big or small is set up to profit. Profit to a corporation is no different from blood to body. Without blood your body dies. Without profit corporation go bankrupt and ceased to exist.
To profit you need minimise cost, maximise sales and as such profit. Companies go to China for 3 reasons.
One to produce at a minimum cost and maximum efficiency, no where on planet earth can you do it except China. Workers are intelligent and hardworking, plant and infrastructure is first class and these corporation makes stuffs at a fraction of the cost to do it anywhere on earth.
Secondly, China is a humongous market. It’s Middle class is at least twice that of the US and growing rapidly. The demand in China alone is at least 40% of the worlds market. It is equivalent to the next 5 biggest market put together. Who is willing to sacrificed this market. None except perhaps a demented or extremely lousy businessman.
Worst, China is in close proximity to Asia which together represent close to 65% of world market. Producing in China allows access and competitiveness to this market. I dare say without this market many of these companies will ceased to exist.
Thirdly today’s manufacturing is the galvanisation of a thousand parts in a supply chain management made of of many companies from different nationalities and nations. 99% of them are based in China for the same reasons. Not being in China means huge disruption and very high logistics cost.
So imagine a US branded vehicles needs 900 parts made in China sent to a US plant and after it is assembled, it needs to be shipped back to Asia to sell. The vehicle will not sell. It will cost 50% more than its competitor.
So I dare say US businessman would rather sell of its corporation away than to adhered to the US nonsense to ship home and bankrupt itself. Biden can be a nut but your corporations owners are not. They will sell off their stake or they will change nationality if it comes to that.
Politics and business is like oil and water, it can never mix. There lies the politics of America. Case in point Apple. It must get a million request to move back to The US. It won’t. It can’t. It it does Apple will bankrupt in 5 years.
Girls keeping their cool on the golf course 1920’s

Breaking Bad – Say My Name Scene (S5E7)
Giant Hedge Fund Warns Clients of “Global Societal Collapse”
In a letter sent to investors by Hege Fund ELLIOT MANAGEMENT, the Florida-headquartered firm told clients that they believe the global economy is in an “extremely challenging” situation which could lead to hyperinflation and “global societal collapse.”
The firm, led by billionaire Paul Singer and Jonathan Pollock, told its clients that “investors should not assume they have ‘seen everything’” just because they have been through the peaks and troughs of the 1987 crash, the dot-com boom, and the 2008 global financial crisis, or previous bear and bull markets.
They added that the “extraordinary” period of cheap money is coming to an end and has “made possible a set of outcomes that would be at or beyond the boundaries of the entire post-WWII period.”
The letter said the world is “on the path to hyperinflation”, which could lead to “global societal collapse and civil or international strife.”
They estimated that markets have not fallen enough yet and equity markets could drop more than 50% would be “normal,” adding that they couldn’t predict when that would happen. The S&P 500 SPX, -1.06% has dropped 19% from its peak at the beginning of the year.
Elliott executives warned clients that the idea that “‘we will not panic because we have seen this before’ does not comport with the current facts.”
They blamed central bank policymakers for the current global economic situation, saying they had been “dishonest” about the reason for high inflation. They said lawmakers had shirked responsibility by blaming it on supply chain disruption caused by the pandemic instead of loose monetary policy imposed two years ago during the COVID-19 peak.
The London Financial Times reported that the hedge fund is posting 6.4% returns so far this year and has only lost money during two years of its 45-year history.
Going snorkeling in the 1940’s

Back to the Future: Marty introduces his parents to each other
Is the US wasting its time in its efforts to contain China?
Basically, yes. Frankly, its chicken-shit, Tonya Harding-style tactics for containing China are not working…
- using propaganda lies and false accusations to turn public opinion against China — the hope is that nations will “decouple” from China
- banning Chinese companies like Huawei and SMIC, as well as Chinese products like TikTok and WeChat — the hope is that China’s progress will be interrupted
- fomenting political unrest in Hong Kong and Xinjiang using the CIA and NED affiliates — the hope is that there will be an internal uprising to weaken or overthrow China’s government
- abducting Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou in the same manner as Alstom executive Frederic Pierucci in 2013 — the hope is that China and Huawei will be distracted
- operating two supercarrier battle groups just off the coast of China — the hope is that China will feel intimidated and worried
Unfortunately for the US, most countries continue to trade and do business with China.
Huawei still has the lion’s share of the international 5G market.
China is developing its own semiconductor industry and should catch up to America in a few years.
Hong Kong and Xinjiang are stable now. No more thuggery in Hong Kong, and no more terrorism in Xinjiang. Up yours, America.
I expect Meng Wanzhou to be released before the end of the year. The US never had a credible case against her.
China isn’t in the least bit intimidated by the US navy.
Instead of wasting time trying to contain China, the US should focus on solving its domestic problems and restoring its economic competitiveness.
3D movie in the 1950’s

Biff Ruins The Present | Back To The Future Part II
Why will there be no winner in the US-China technology war disguised as the US-China trade war?
According to the Americans, there seems to be no winner from the US-China technology war disguised as the US-China trade war because some Americans are still happy the GDP of the US remains the world top just a little bit more than that of China.
However, according to the Chinese, China has been transformed from a backward country with the core high technology controlled by the foreigners to the international leader in 219 scientific and technological achievements. People can continue counting on more and more up-and-coming hundreds of the latest scientific and technological achievements in China.
China is leading the way in building 5G network infrastructure, but the places where the technology really takes off are factories, coal mines, shipyards and warehouses. Industrial sites aim to use 5G technology to help automate labor-intensive or dangerous industrial processes, with the hope of boosting productivity. These sites include 5G coal mines equipped with remotely operated drilling machinery, “smart factories” that automate production and quality control, and ports that process and count freight containers with the help of connected cameras. China’s 5G deployment is generally at the world’s leading level. According to data from China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, as of the end of last year, there were more than 1.4 million 5G base stations in the country, accounting for 60% of the total number of base stations in the world.
The Chinese have managed to develop China into a world class leader in many technologies including 5G, AI, quantum computer and communications systems and industries producing solar panels, nuclear power plants, remote sensing satellites, …, etc.
China’s development is involved in almost all top high technology industries. The Chinese will shape the country into a big country with a perfect image and want China to be able to stand on the top of the world in every aspect. China’s development in just a few decades has made China so powerful that even some core technology industries are no longer subject to the restrictions of the other advanced countries because the field of China’s independent research and development has become more abundant and can fully support the development of related industries in China. Through the development of less than 100 years, China has transformed itself into a brand-new appearance. That has shocked the whole world and raised eyebrows.
On the surface, the semiconductor chip industry is a technology generation gap, but it is essentially a talent-intensive industry. China has a large enough market, talented people and capital. Then, the rest only takes a little time for the Chinese to make it the Chinese ways. China has accelerated its technological independence. Within 15 years or less, China will have everything.
In summary, it is becoming more and more clear whoever the winner is in a few more years.
Guess the movie…

“Return” of supply and marketing cooperatives? Media Focus: Why do many places recover and rebuild? What will it do?
My personal imagination of the rebuilding of supply and market cooperative as follows: This is to improve the standard of living of villages across China, create employment, control cost of living, creating an inner economy to absorb the coming impact of another US created GFC. In war time, such coorperative can turn into food and basic necessities distribution chains to ensure the entire population is properly feed. China is rebuilding a real economy outside the Internet. Such massive cooperatives network will have the power to buy anything in bulk both domestically and internationally, effectively controlling inflation, ensure affordability, absorbing excess domestic production cause by the crusader's decoupling, and to ration foods and other basic supplies if the crusaders initiated a shipment blockage, or initiated a preemptive war. Please note that 2 years ago, one of China minister (cannot remember who) openly claimed that China has enough food to feed the entire population for 2 years without food production or imports. Xi is a great thinker and strategist , I believe that he will reunify Taiwan in his 3rd term and create a new and fairer world order outside the crusader bullying, and than he will retire in 5 year time. He will be a world leader that many will cry when he leave the planet 🌏. -Chua
Breaking Bad Season 4 Episode 11: Gus torments Hector
What does the US-Taiwan 21st Century Trade Initiative say?
In June 2022, the DPP authorities in Taiwan made a high-profile announcement that they would launch the "Taiwan-US 21st Century Trade Initiative" with the United States. It would significantly enhance Taiwan's international status. However, has the dream of the DPP, Taiwan's ruling party, flying to the top branches as a phoenix, come true ? What is behind the Unites States' conspiracy, trying so hard to push through this initiative? What exactly is the US-Taiwan "21st Century Trade Initiative"? To put it simply, it can be summed up in two words: consolation ceremony and lip service. After the US officially announced the list of countries under the IPEF (Indo-Pacific Economic Framework), the DPP, which has always claimed to be the number one loyal follower of the USA, was dumbfounded. They were not on the list of IPEF participants! Amazement all around, but there was nothing they could do. They had to hide their disappointment with a smile. Embarrassed, the baby was displeased and bitter. But the baby he didn't cry, he didn't show his anger. Then, looking at the "21st Century Trade Initiative", this time, it looked like a candy given by a father to coax a child. The United States clearly did not want to bring Taiwan into the IPEF (Indo-Pacific Economic Framework) business, but at the same time the US didn't want to lose its "Taiwan card" in its strategy to contain China. Needless to say, the consolation gift after the IPEF turmoil has indeed fooled Taiwan. Taiwan took this piece of sweet candy and regarded it as a steppingstone to independence. It can be said that it is hype and propaganda. The American trick achieves the greatest effect at the least cost. It is absolutely amazing. It is not unreasonable to say that the "21st Century Trade Initiative" is just lip service. On the one hand, as stated before, the significance of this initiative is now that it is a cardinal for boasting and showing off, the perfect way for making a big fuss and the basis for self-hypnosis. At the end, this agreement that was eagerly signed after whitewashing the USA, will obviously be written in little Cài Yīngwén's (Tsai Ing-wen) performance book. On the other hand, the euphemistically called "initiative" is actually a lower-end existence than the IPEF "framework". At best, it is just a platform for dialogue between the two sides. The form is greater than the actual effect. Real outcomes will be impossible. As far as the United States is concerned, the economic significance of Taiwan's existence is only the semiconductor industry. When Taiwan is hollowed out, the United States will die. To put it bluntly, the United States is like a scumbag. It is all the time baking cakes for Taiwan, and Taiwan has to accept all the bills. Actually, the United States is very clear in its goals: talking about economic and trade actually means controlling Taiwan. If Taiwan performs well, the USA will talk, but if it does not perform well, the USA will drop Taiwan. Henry Kissinger once said" "To be an enemy of the US is dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal" Taiwan has to squeeze its head and rush forward. The "21st Century Trade Initiative" is a profitable, smooth road for the United States; I hope Taiwan will not turn it into its own road to destruction. _____________________________________________ David Wang
The original cat-woman

The perfect burger
“Here are the ingredients & the instructions to make the perfect burger! Although it may not be the healthiest, use medium ground beef for moistness & flavour. The leaner varieties produce burgers that are drier with a denser, tighter texture. Don’t use previously frozen meat as juices are lost during defrosting. If making ahead, cover with plastic wrap & refrigerate for no more than a day. Enjoy!”

- 1 egg
- 1 teaspoon mustard (regular or Dijon)
- 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
- 1 small onion, finely grated
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- 1⁄2 teaspoon salt
- 1⁄2 teaspoon pepper
- 1 lb medium ground beef
- 1 tablespoon creamy caesar salad dressing or 1 tablespoon Greek salad dressing
- 1 tablespoon chopped sun-dried tomato
- 1 tablespoon sour cream or 1 tablespoon yoghurt
- 1 tablespoon grated fresh lemon rind or 1 tablespoon lime rind
- 1 tablespoon grated gingerroot
- 1 tablespoon ketchup or 1 tablespoon barbecue sauce
- 1 teaspoon lemon pepper
- 1 teaspoon curry powder
- 1 1 teaspoon dried thyme or 1 teaspoon dried rosemary
- 1 tablespoon fresh herb
- 2 teaspoons cajun seasoning
- 1 teaspoon sesame oil
- 1 teaspoon teriyaki sauce or 1 teaspoon hoisin sauce
- 1 fresh jalapenos or 1 pickled jalapeno pepper, chopped
- Lightly oil grill& heat BBQ to medium.
- Whisk egg in a bowl& add next 6 ingredients.
- Add any of the “stir-ins” that appeal to you.
- Crumble in beef& using your hands or a fork, gently mix together.
- Handle the meat as little as possible – the more you work it, the tougher it gets.
- Gently shape (don’t firmly press) mixture into burgers about ¾ inch thick.
- Using your thumb, make a shallow depression in the centre of each burger to prevent puffing up during cooking.
- Place burgers on the grill, close lid& BBQ until NO LONGER PINK INSIDE, turning once, about 6 – 8 minutes per side.
- An instant read thermometer should read 160F.
- Don’t abuse your burgers by pressing with a spatula, pricking with a fork or turning frequently as precious juices will be lost!
- Tuck into a warm crusty bun& add your favourite toppings.
The claw

Breaking! News from friends in Shenzhen shows that China fighting an all out attack on its people. This is war.
From HERE.
Hello, everybody. I’ve got some really interesting news from Shenzhen. Of course, you probably know or maybe you don’t that I teach Chinese students online. My wife and I taught in international schools in China for nine years. Then one year, we had our own tutoring school called Professor Brown. No surprises there. So, I still teach these students because we went belly up in 2008 with the subprime rape of the middle class and poor people. Thus, I have to keep teaching and working to supplement our limited retirement income, because of all that happening.
Anyway, I talked to Chinese friends there along with my Chinese students. I just learned that Shenzhen, which is right north of Hong Kong, there is a river running between Hong Kong and Shenzhen. I’ve walked across the bridge many times. I’ve taken the bus across many times, the metro many times, the train many times. So, it’s very close to Hong Kong. And I found out that Shenzhen is really in super zero-covid mode. Everybody in Shenzhen that I know of is having to take a daily NAT test. NAT stands for nucleic acid test. It’s not as invasive as the ones they like to plunge up our sinuses here in Europe. They just swab the inside of your mouth.
However, Shenzhen is one of the most advanced technological cities in the world. It is the home of Huawei, ZTE, BYD, which is the world’s biggest electric car maker. Fourteen million people. And the government is asking, requiring students, workers, everybody to do a daily NAT test. My Chinese friends tell me they usually do it before going to work, or for the students during lunch, during lunch hour. And it’s not the nurse, it’s not the nurse at the school, or the nurse at the businesses that are doing all this. It is actually teams of government medical specialists every day going in to, likely thousands of businesses, schools, etc., in Shenzhen, testing for Covid. They also report to me that depending on what they’re finding, you have to show a 24-hour, negative NAT test to get into different places, restaurants, etc.
This is really draconian, yet I know why. The reason is that Baba Beijing would not be doing this to 14 million people just to be nasty. I know that Epoch Times and a lot of the many, many mainstream media Big Lie Propaganda Machine platforms that are Sinophobic, China hating, communist hating, socialist hating, want to believe that the government is doing the zero COVID policy to punish and control the people. Although Shenzhen’s is obviously one of the most extreme that I’ve heard of for right now, it is not because they’re tyrannical, that they are dictatorial, authoritarian and want to control everybody.
Can you imagine how much this is costing the Chinese government to do this? How many billions of dollars or euros or yuan, if you want. This is costing them – how this is affecting productivity and also profitability in one of the world’s most important high-tech centers anywhere. We lived there for three years. It’s just an amazing city and they are doing this, not because they hate their people or because they are tyrannical and dictatorial and control freaks. They are doing this because they know that the Covid in China that is being spread around is a Western bioweapon.
I want you to read, I will give you the articles. I will post the articles on my web page, on China Rising Radio Sinoland. I did an entire exposé about how Harvard, all during the 1990s illegally and unethically harvested hundreds of thousands, maybe up to 2 million lung, throat and nasal DNA samples from Han Chinese for ten years. They did this. The Chinese, unfortunately, back then trusted them.
Of course, later the bioweapon source came out, which was patented by Pfizer months before it was released in southern China: SARS. Therefore, the Chinese know all this. They know these are bioweapons. And very, very likely we know that in 2019 Covid was released in Wuhan at the World Military games, by the by the U.S. team that went there, because they were awful (athletes). I even wrote a whole article about that. Just search World Military Games or soy sauce soldiers on my website to learn all about how the 312 soldiers that went over there were not athletes. They were bioweapons specialists.
We know that the variant released in Wuhan was the most virulent. All the other variants that were in the rest of the world were less deadly. There were five variants. There was the one in Wuhan, which was really, really dangerous. Then there was one in Iran, which was also very dangerous, killed lots of people. They targeted the leadership and a lot of the leaders and politicians were killed. The third, the third most virulent, was the one that was released in Europe, not as virulent as the others. And it just so happened that it all broke out around all the US/NATO military bases in Northern Italy. What a coincidence. And then the two that were that were released in the United States were highly infectious. But not deadly at all.
That being the case, the Chinese government, of course, can’t tell their people this publicly, because the that the people would demand retribution against the United States, and China does not want to go to war. That would be the only other option. Thus, they have to play the game that this is the latest, variant of Omicron, whatever. I am sure that these nucleic acid tests, they are able to go in, as they see these variants being released, that they can immediately, do the genomic profile on each of these variants that are coming in, and they can adjust to the nucleic acid tests immediately to test for those.
You’re asking well how can the United States get all this stuff in, or the United States’ Western vassals, get all these viruses into the into China? It’s very easy because they all have embassies and consulates and they have diplomatic pouches. And according to international diplomatic law, the host country can never request to look inside a diplomatic pouch. A diplomatic pouch is considered to be the property of that country. Therefore, countries can, if they want, embassies can bring in viruses, guns, drugs, money, whatever they want. And the host country cannot touch it. Of course, the United States has, I think, for four: Wuhan, Xi’an, Guangzhou, Shanghai, at least four and maybe a fifth, up in Shenyang, on the Korean border. Four if not five consulates that also have diplomatic pouch privileges. These test tubes full of bugs can be easily put in heavy Styrofoam boxes, protected. And then somebody at the embassy or the consulate who is qualified to handle this stuff can go out and drop it in a market or drop it in the subway or whatever.
I can promise you this is proof, the fact that what’s going on in Shenzhen is proof that Baba Beijing knows that it is being attacked with Covid bioweapons by the West. I can guarantee you, vassal Germany, France, Holland, Spain, Portugal, England, if they were asked by the United States to do this, they would have no choice but to do so.
It’s very interesting. I can now understand why my students are so stressed out. I even gave one of my students a 13-minute Buddhist meditation on compassion, which is helping him. They’re obviously feeling the strain. It cannot be fun doing this. I mean, we basically did it here in Europe for several months, too. But we didn’t have the daily nasal test. But, if we wanted to go into into a restaurant, we had to go get our sinuses jabbed with the swab, because my wife and I refuse to get the RNA genetic treatment.
Anyway, this is very, very interesting news. I think it tells us a lot about what’s going on. So, the next time someone talks about Chinese Covid versus American Covid, they’re not the same thing. They’re not the same variant. And the Chinese are reacting as such. For them, Covid being spread in their country is an act of war. Thank you.
When the unthinkable happens…

NASA’s head warned that China may try to claim the Moon – two space scholars explain why that’s unlikely to happen
NASA Administrator Bill Nelson recently expressed concerns over China’s aims in space, and in particular, that China would, in some way, claim ownership over the Moon and stop other countries from exploring it. In an interview with a German newspaper, Nelson cautioned, “We must be very concerned that China is landing on the Moon and saying: ‘It’s ours now and you stay out.‘” China immediately denounced the claims as a “lie”.
This spat between the administrator of NASA and Chinese government officials comes at a time when both nations are actively working on missions to the Moon – and China has not been shy about its lunar aspirations.
In 2019, China became the first country to land a spacecraft on the far side of the Moon. That same year, China and Russia announced joint plans to reach the South Pole of the Moon by 2026. And some Chinese officials and government documents have expressed intentions to build a permanent, crewed International Lunar Research Station by 2027.
There is big difference between China – or any state for that matter – setting up a lunar base and actually “taking over” the Moon. As two scholars who study space security and China’s space program, we believe that neither China nor any other nation is likely to take over the Moon in the near future. It is not only illegal, it is also technologically daunting – the costs of such an endeavor would be extremely high, while the potential payoffs would be uncertain.
China is limited by international space law
Legally, China cannot take over the Moon because it is against current international space law. The Outer Space Treaty, adopted in 1967 and signed by 134 countries, including China, explicitly states that “Outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means” (Article II). Legal scholars have debated the exact meaning of “appropriation”, but under a literal interpretation, the treaty indicates that no country can take possession of the Moon and declare it an extension of its national aspirations and prerogatives. If China tried to do this, it would risk international condemnation and a potential international retaliatory response.
While no country can claim ownership of the Moon, Article I of the Outer Space Treaty allows any state to explore and use outer space and celestial bodies. China will not be the only visitor to the South Pole of the Moon in the near future. The U.S.-led Artemis Accords is a group of 20 countries that has plans to return humans to the Moon by 2025, which will include the establishment of a research station on the lunar surface and a supporting space station in orbit called the Gateway with a planned launch in November 2024.
Even if no country can legally claim sovereignty over the Moon, it is possible that China, or any other country, would attempt to gradually establish de facto control over strategically important areas through a strategy known as “salami slicing.” This practice involves taking small, incremental steps to achieve a big change: Individually, those steps do not warrant a strong response, but their cumulative effect adds up to significant developments and increased control. China has recently been using this strategy in the South and East China seas. Still, such a strategy takes time and can be addressed.
Does China have the resources and capabilities?
China is investing heavily in space. In 2021, it led in number of orbital launches with a total of 55 compared to the U.S.’s 51. China is also in the top three in spacecraft deployment for 2021. China’s state-owned StarNet space company is planning a megaconstellation of 12,992 satellites, and the country has nearly finished building the Tiangong space station.
Going to the Moon is expensive; “taking over” the Moon would be much more so. China’s space budget – an estimated US$13 billion in 2020 – is only around half that of NASA’s. Both the U.S. and China increased their space budgets in 2020, the U.S. by 5.6% and China by 17.1% compared to the previous year. But even with the increased spending, China does not seem to be investing the money needed to carry out the expensive, daring and uncertain mission of “taking over” the Moon.
If China assumes control over some part of the moon, it would be a risky, expensive and extremely provocative action. China would risk further tarnishing its international image by breaking international law, and it may invite retaliation. All this for uncertain payoffs that remain to be determined.
Controlling the Moon is difficult
With a surface area of nearly 14.6 million square miles (39 million square kilometers) – or almost five times the area of Australia – any control of the Moon would be temporary and localized.
More plausibly, China could attempt to secure control of specific lunar areas that are strategically valuable, such as lunar craters with higher concentrations of water ice. Ice on the Moon is important because it will provide water to humans that wouldn’t need to be shipped from Earth. Ice can also serve as a vital source of oxygen and hydrogen, which could be used as rocket fuel. In short, water ice is essential for ensuring the long-term sustainability and survivability of any mission to the Moon or beyond.
Securing and enforcing control of strategic lunar areas would require substantial financial investments and long-term efforts. And no country could do this without everyone noticing.
All I’m offering is the truth | The Matrix
Germany’s position in America’s New World Order
Ironically, or sadly, the Papacy's power stemmed directly from widespread fear of hell—eternal damnation.
My point is to emphasize the analogy with today’s U.S. sanctions against all countries not following its own diplomatic demands. Trade sanctions are a form of excommunication. They reverse the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia’s principle that made each country and its rulers independent from foreign meddling. President Biden characterizes U.S. interference as ensuring his new antithesis between “democracy” and “autocracy.” By democracy he means a client oligarchy under U.S. control, creating financial wealth by reducing living standards for labor, as opposed to mixed public/private economies aiming at promoting living standards and social solidarity.
Germany has become an economic satellite of America’s New Cold War with Russia, China and the rest of Eurasia. Germany and other NATO countries have been told to impose trade and investment sanctions upon themselves that will outlast today’s proxy war in Ukraine. U.S. President Biden and his State Department spokesmen have explained that Ukraine is just the opening arena in a much broader dynamic that is splitting the world into two opposing sets of economic alliances. This global fracture promises to be a ten- or twenty-year struggle to determine whether the world economy will be a unipolar U.S.-centered dollarized economy, or a multipolar, multi-currency world centered on the Eurasian heartland with mixed public/private economies.
President Biden has characterized this split as being between democracies and autocracies. The terminology is typical Orwellian double-speak. By “democracies” he means the U.S. and allied Western financial oligarchies. Their aim is to shift economic planning out of the hands of elected governments to Wall Street and other financial centers under U.S. control. U.S. diplomats use the International Monetary Fund and World Bank to demand privatization of the world’s infrastructure and dependency on U.S. technology, oil and food exports.
By “autocracy,” Biden means countries resisting this financialization and privatization takeover. In practice, U.S. rhettoric means promoting its own economic growth and living standards, keeping finance and banking as public utilities. What basically is at issue is whether economies will be planned by banking centers to create financial wealth – by privatizing basic infrastructure, public utilities and social services such as health care into monopolies – or by raising living standards and prosperity by keeping banking and money creation, public health, education, transportation and communications in public hands.
The country suffering the most “collateral damage” in this global fracture is Germany. As Europe’s most advanced industrial economy, German steel, chemicals, machinery, automotives and other consumer goods are the most highly dependent on imports of Russian gas, oil and metals from aluminum to titanium and palladium. Yet despite two Nord Stream pipelines built to provide Germany with low-priced energy, Germany has been told to cut itself off from Russian gas and de-industrialize. This means the end of its economic preeminence. The key to GDP growth in Germany, as in other countries, is energy consumption per worker.
These anti-Russian sanctions make today’s New Cold War inherently anti-German. U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has said that Germany should replace low-priced Russian pipeline gas with high-priced U.S. LNG gas. To import this gas, Germany will have to spend over $5 billion quickly to build port capacity to handle LNG tankers. The effect will be to make German industry uncompetitive. Bankruptcies will spread, employment will decline, and Germany’s pro-NATO leaders will impose a chronic depression and falling living standards.
Most political theory assumes that nations will act in their own self-interest. Otherwise they are satellite countries, not in control of their own fate. Germany is subordinating its industry and living standards to the dictates of U.S. diplomacy and the self-interest of America’s oil and gas sector. It is doing this voluntarily – not because of military force but out of an ideological belief that the world economy should be run by U.S. Cold War planners.
Sometimes it is easier to understand today’s dynamics by stepping away from one’s own immediate situation to look at historical examples of the kind of political diplomacy that one sees splitting today’s world. The closest parallel that I can find is medieval Europe’s fight by the Roman papacy against German kings – the Holy Roman Emperors – in the 13th century. That conflict split Europe along lines much like those of today. A series of popes excommunicated Frederick II and other German kings and mobilized allies to fight against Germany and its control of southern Italy and Sicily.
Western antagonism against the East was incited by the Crusades (1095-1291), just as today’s Cold War is a crusade against economies threatening U.S. dominance of the world. The medieval war against Germany was over who should control Christian Europe: the papacy, with the popes becoming worldly emperors, or secular rulers of individual kingdoms by claiming the power to morally legitimize and accept them.
Medieval Europe’s analogue to America’s New Cold War against China and Russia was the Great Schism in 1054. Demanding unipolar control over Christendom, Leo IX excommunicated the Orthodox Church centered in Constantinople and the entire Christian population that belonged to it. A single bishopric, Rome, cut itself off from the entire Christian world of the time, including the ancient Patriarchates of Alexandria, Antioch, Constantinople and Jerusalem.
This break-away created a political problem for Roman diplomacy: How to hold all the Western European kingdoms under its control and claim the right for financial subsidy from them. That aim required subordinating secular kings to papal religious authority. In 1074, Gregory VII, Hildebrand, announced 27 Papal Dictates outlining the administrative strategy for Rome to lock in its power over Europe.
These papal demands are strikingly parallel to today’s U.S. diplomacy. In both cases military and worldly interests require a sublimation in the form of an ideological crusading spirit to cement the sense of solidarity that any system of imperial domination requires. The logic is timeless and universal.
The Papal Dictates were radical in two major ways. First of all, they elevated the bishop of Rome above all other bishoprics, creating the modern papacy. Clause 3 ruled that the pope alone had the power of investiture to appoint bishops or to depose or reinstate them. Reinforcing this, Clause 25 gave the right of appointing (or deposing) bishops to the pope, not to local rulers. And Clause 12 gave the pope the right to depose emperors, following Clause 9, obliging “all princes to kiss the feet of the Pope alone” in order to be deemed legitimate rulers.
Likewise today, U.S. diplomats claim the right to name who should be recognized as a nation’s head of state. In 1953 they overthrew Iran’s elected leader and replaced him with the Shah’s military dictatorship. That principle gives U.S. diplomats the right to sponsor “color revolutions” for regime-change, such as their sponsorship of Latin American military dictatorships creating client oligarchies to serve U.S. corporate and financial interests. The 2014 coup in Ukraine is just the latest exercise of this U.S. right to appoint and depose leaders.
More recently, U.S. diplomats have appointed Juan Guaidó as Venezuela’s head of state instead of its elected president, and turned over that country’s gold reserves to him. President Biden has insisted that Russia must remove Putin and put a more pro-U.S. leader in his place. This “right” to select heads of state has been a constant in U.S. policy spanning its long history of political meddling in European political affairs since World War II.
The second radical feature of the Papal Dictates was their exclusion of all ideology and policy that diverged from papal authority. Clause 2 stated that only the Pope could be called “Universal.” Any disagreement was, by definition, heretical. Clause 17 stated that no chapter or book could be considered canonical without papal authority.
A similar demand as is being made by today’s U.S.-sponsored ideology of financialized and privatized “free markets,” meaning deregulation of government power to shape economies in interests other than those of U.S.-centered financial and corporate elites.
The demand for universality in today’s New Cold War is cloaked in the language of “democracy.” But the definition of democracy in today’s New Cold War is simply “pro-U.S.,” and specifically neoliberal privatization as the U.S.-sponsored new economic religion. This ethic is deemed to be “science,” as in the quasi-Nobel Memorial Prize in the Economic Sciences. That is the modern euphemism for neoliberal Chicago-School junk economics, IMF austerity programs and tax favoritism for the wealthy.
The Papal Dictates spelt out a strategy for locking in unipolar control over secular realms. They asserted papal precedence over worldly kings, above all over Germany’s Holy Roman Emperors. Clause 26 gave popes authority to excommunicate whomever was “not at peace with the Roman Church.” That principle implied the concluding Claus 27, enabling the pope to “absolve subjects from their fealty to wicked men.” This encouraged the medieval version of “color revolutions” to bring about regime change.
What united countries in this solidarity was an antagonism to societies not subject to centralized papal control – the Moslem Infidels who held Jerusalem, and also the French Cathars and anyone else deemed to be a heretic. Above all there was hostility toward regions strong enough to resist papal demands for financial tribute.
Today’s counterpart to such ideological power to excommunicate heretics resisting demands for obedience and tribute would be the World Trade Organization, World Bank and IMF dictating economic practices and setting “conditionalities” for all member governments to follow, on pain of U.S. sanctions – the modern version of excommunication of countries not accepting U.S. suzerainty. Clause 19 of the Dictates ruled that the pope could be judged by no one – just as today, the United States refuses to subject its actions to rulings by the World Court. Likewise today, U.S. dictates via NATO and other arms (such as the IMF and World Bank) are expected to be followed by U.S. satellites without question. As Margaret Thatcher said of her neoliberal privatization that destroyed Britain’s public sector, There Is No Alternative (TINA).
My point is to emphasize the analogy with today’s U.S. sanctions against all countries not following its own diplomatic demands. Trade sanctions are a form of excommunication. They reverse the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia’s principle that made each country and its rulers independent from foreign meddling. President Biden characterizes U.S. interference as ensuring his new antithesis between “democracy” and “autocracy.” By democracy he means a client oligarchy under U.S. control, creating financial wealth by reducing living standards for labor, as opposed to mixed public/private economies aiming at promoting living standards and social solidarity.
As I have mentioned, by excommunicating the Orthodox Church centered in Constantinople and its Christian population, the Great Schism created the fateful religious dividing line that has split “the West” from the East for the past millennium. That split was so important that Vladimir Putin cited it as part of his September 30, 2022 speech describing today’s break away from the U.S. and NATO centered Western economies.
The 12th and 13th centuries saw Norman conquerors of England, France and other countries, along with German kings, protest repeatedly, be excommunicated repeatedly, yet ultimately succumb to papal demands. It took until the 16th century for Martin Luther, Zwingli and Henry VIII finally to create a Protestant alternative to Rome, making Western Christianity multi-polar.
Why did it take so long? The answer is that the Crusades provided an organizing ideological gravity. That was the medieval analogy to today’s New Cold War between East and West. The Crusades created a spiritual focus of “moral reform” by mobilizing hatred against “the other” – the Moslem East, and increasingly Jews and European Christian dissenters from Roman control. That was the medieval analogy to today’s neoliberal “free market” doctrines of America’s financial oligarchy and its hostility to China, Russia and other nations not following that ideology. In today’s New Cold War, the West’s neoliberal ideology is mobilizing fear and hatred of “the other,” demonizing nations that follow an independent path as “autocratic regimes.” Outright racism is fostered toward entire peoples, as evident in the Russophobia and Cancel Culture currently sweeping the West.
Just as Western Christianity’s multi-polar transition required the 16th century’s Protestant alternative, the Eurasian heartland’s break from the bank-centered NATO West must be consolidated by an alternative ideology regarding how to organize mixed public/private economies and their financial infrastructure.
Medieval churches in the West were drained of their alms and endowments to contribute Peter’s Pence and other subsidy to the papacy for the wars it was fighting against rulers who resisted papal demands. England played the role of major victim that Germany plays today. Enormous English taxes levied ostensibly to finance the Crusades were diverted to fight Frederick II, Conrad and Manfred in Sicily. That diversion was financed by papal bankers from northern Italy (Lombards and Cahorsins), and became royal debts passed down throughout the economy. England’s barons waged a civil war against Henry II in the 1260s, ending his complicity in sacrificing the economy to papal demands.
What ended the papacy’s power over other countries was the ending of its war against the East. When the Crusaders lost Acre, the capital of Jerusalem in 1291, the papacy lost its control over Christendom. There was no more “evil” to fight, and the “good” had lost its center of gravity and coherence. In 1307, France’s Philip IV (“the Fair”) seized the Church’s great military banking order’s wealth, that of the Templars in the Paris Temple. Other rulers also nationalized the Templars, and monetary systems were taken out of the hands of the Church. Without a common enemy defined and mobilized by Rome, the papacy lost its unipolar ideological power over Western Europe.
The modern equivalent to the rejection of the Templars and papal finance would be for countries to withdraw from America’s New Cold War. They would reject the dollar standard and the U.S. banking and financial system. that is happening as more and more countries see Russia and China not as adversaries but as presenting great opportunities for mutual economic advantage.
The broken promise of mutual gain between Germany and Russia
The dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 promised an end to the Cold War. The Warsaw Pact was disbanded, Germany was reunified, and American diplomats promised an end to NATO, because a Soviet military threat no longer existed. Russian leaders indulged in the hope that, as President Putin expressed it, a new pan-European economy would be created from Lisbon to Vladivostok. Germany in particular was expected to take the lead in investing in Russia and restructuring its industry along more efficient lines. Russia would pay for this technology transfer by supplying gas and oil, along with nickel, aluminum, titanium and palladium.
There was no anticipation that NATO would be expanded to threaten a New Cold War, much less that it would back Ukraine, recognized as the most corrupt kleptocracy in Europe, into being led by extremist parties identifying themselves by German Nazi insignia.
How do we explain why the seemingly logical potential of mutual gain between Western Europe and the former Soviet economies turned into a sponsorship of oligarchic kleptocracies? The Nord Stream pipeline’s destruction capsulizes the dynamics in a nutshell. For almost a decade a constant U.S. demand has been for Germany to reject its reliance on Russian energy. These demands were opposed by Gerhardt Schroeder, Angela Merkel and German business leaders. They pointed to the obvious economic logic of mutual trade of German manufactures for Russian raw materials.
The U.S. problem was how to stop Germany from approving the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Victoria Nuland, President Biden and other U.S. diplomats demonstrated that the way to do that was to incite a hatred of Russia. The New Cold War was framed as a new Crusade. That was how George W. Bush had described America’s attack on Iraq to seize its oil wells. The U.S.-sponsored 2014 coup created a puppet Ukrainian regime that has spent eight years bombing the Russian-speaking Eastern provinces. NATO thus incited a Russian military response. The incitement was successful, and the desired Russian response was duly labeled an unprovoked (sic) atrocity. Its protection of civilians was depicted in the NATO-sponsored media as being so offensive as to deserve the trade and investment sanctions that have been imposed since February. That is what a Crusade means.
The result is that the world is splitting in two camps: the U.S.-centered NATO, and the emerging Eurasian coalition. One byproduct of this dynamic has been to leave Germany unable to pursue the economic policy of mutually advantageous trade and investment relations with Russia (and perhaps also China). German Chancellor Olaf Sholz is going to China this week to demand that it dismantle its public sector and stop subsidizing its economy, or else Germany and Europe will impose sanctions on trade with China. There is no way that China could meet this ridiculous demand, any more than the United States or any other industrial economy would stop subsidizing their own computer-chip and other key sectors.[1] The German Council on Foreign Relations is a neoliberal “libertarian” arm of NATO demanding German de-industrialization and dependency on the United States for its trade, excluding China, Russia and their allies. This promises to be the final nail in Germany’s economic coffin.
Another byproduct of America’s New Cold War has been to end any international plan to stem global warming. A keystone of U.S. economic diplomacy is for its oil companies and those of its NATO allies to control the world’s oil and gas supply – that is, to reduce dependence on carbon-based fuels. That is what the NATO war in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and Ukraine was about. It is not as abstract as “Democracies vs. Autocracies.” It is about the U.S. ability to harm other countries by disrupting their access to energy and other basic needs.
Without the New Cold War’s “good vs. evil” narrative, U.S. sanctions will lose their raison d’etre in this U.S. attack on environmental protection, and on mutual trade between Western Europe and Russia and China. That is the context for today’s fight in Ukraine, which is to be merely the first step in the anticipated 20 year fight by the US to prevent the world from becoming multipolar. This process, will lock Germany and Europe into dependence on the U.S. supplies of LNG.
The trick is to try and convince Germany that it is dependent on the United States for its military security. What Germany really needs protection from is the U.S. war against China and Russia that is marginalizing and “Ukrainianizing” Europe.
There have been no calls by Western governments for a negotiated end to this war, because no war has been declared in Ukraine. The United States does not declare war anywhere, because that would require a Congressional declaration under the U.S. Constitution. So U.S. and NATO armies bomb, organize color revolutions, meddle in domestic politics (rendering the 1648 Westphalia agreements obsolete), and impose the sanctions that are tearing Germany and its European neighbors apart—[without official acknowledgement of such acts].
How can negotiations “end” a war that either has no declaration of war, or is a long-term strategy of total unipolar world domination?
The answer is that no ending can come until an alternative to the present U.S.-centered set of international institutions is replaced. That requires the creation of new institutions reflecting an alternative to the neoliberal bank-centered view that economies should be privatized with central planning by financial centers. Rosa Luxemburg characterized the choice as being between socialism and barbarism. I have sketched out the political dynamics of an alternative in my recent book, The Destiny of Civilization.
Marlin Brando on the boat…

President Xi Jinping Meets with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz
On the morning of 4 November, President Xi Jinping met with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on his official visit to China at the Great Hall of the People.
President Xi noted that Chancellor Scholz is the first European leader to visit China after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), and that it is also his first visit to China as the Federal Chancellor. The visit will further enhance the mutual understanding and trust between the two sides and deepen practical cooperation in various fields. It gives the two sides an opportunity to plan for the growth of bilateral ties going forward.
President Xi stressed that China-Germany relations could not have reached today’s level without the extraordinary vision and political courage of generations of Chinese and German leaders. This year marks the 50th anniversary of China-Germany diplomatic relations. The five-decade journey shows that as long as the two sides follow the principles of respecting each other, seeking common ground while reserving differences, maintaining exchanges and mutual learning, and pursuing mutually beneficial cooperation, bilateral ties will keep going in the right direction on the whole and making steady progress. Noting the complex and fluid international landscape, President Xi underscored the need for China and Germany, two major countries with great influence, to work together in times of change and instability and contribute more to world peace and development. China will work with Germany for a future-oriented all-round strategic partnership and for new progress in China-Germany and China-Europe relations.

President Xi briefed Chancellor Scholz on the 20th CPC National Congress, with a particular focus on the essence of Chinese modernization. President Xi pointed out that modernization is an aspiration and goal shared by people in all countries. That said, countries should choose their paths to modernization in light of their own national realities. Chinese modernization has elements that are common to the modernization processes of all countries, but it is more characterized by features unique to the Chinese context. This is so because of China’s unique national conditions, because of China’s social system and governance philosophy, and because of understanding gained through decades of endeavors toward modernization. China has been upholding and promoting world peace through its own development. In this process, the development of China and that of other countries have become more interconnected and mutually reinforcing. China will stay committed to advancing high-standard opening up, keep to the right direction in economic globalization, promote an open world economy, and expand converging interests with other countries.
President Xi stressed that political trust is easy to destroy but difficult to rebuild and that it should be nurtured and protected by both sides. He cited a quote which former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt used and which he also appreciated, that political leaders should have the serenity to accept the things they cannot change, the courage to change the things they can change, and the wisdom to distinguish between the two.
It is important that China and Germany respect each other, accommodate each other’s core interests, adhere to dialogue and consultation, and jointly resist disturbance from bloc confrontation and attempts to see everything through the prism of ideology.
Both sides should keep to the overall direction of bilateral ties from a strategic height, pursue the biggest common ground in a constructive manner, and advance practical cooperation with an open mind to create conditions for long-term and steady growth of bilateral ties.
There should be no self-imposed restrictions or unrealistic expectations. Noting the high degree of stability and consistency in China’s policy toward Germany, he called on Germany to follow a positive China policy for the mutual benefit of both countries.
President Xi pointed out that over the past five decades, bilateral practical cooperation has kept deepening, with two-way trade growing by almost 1,000 times, serving economic and social development in both countries. The two sides should make the pie of common interests still bigger. While exploring more cooperation potential in traditional areas, efforts should be made to energize cooperation in emerging fields such as new energy, artificial intelligence and digitalization.
China will work with Germany and Europe to further deepen aviation cooperation, conduct exchanges and cooperation on COVID-19, increase interactions and mutual learning on green development and ecological conservation, and encourage more people-to-people exchanges.
He called on Germany to join China in resisting protectionism so that the fruitful bilateral cooperation can deliver more benefits to the two peoples. [Another reference to the USA. -MM]
President Xi pointed out that China-Europe relations bear on global stability and prosperity in Eurasia and should be maintained and developed with efforts from both sides. China always regards Europe as a comprehensive strategic partner. It supports the strategic autonomy of the European Union and wishes Europe stability and prosperity.
China maintains that its relations with Europe are not targeted at, dependent on, or subjected to a third party. [USA, don’t you know. -MM]
The more complex and difficult the situation becomes, the more important it is for China and Europe to uphold mutual respect, mutual benefit, dialogue and cooperation.
China will work with Germany and with Europe to step up coordination and cooperation in international affairs and jointly look for solutions for such global issues as climate change, biodiversity and food security.
Chancellor Scholz expressed his pleasure to visit China in a year that marks the 50th anniversary of Germany-China diplomatic relations and have an in-depth discussion with President Xi on Germany-China relations and on important issues of mutual interest. He thanked President Xi for the update on China’s development outlook. He observed that in a complex and grave international landscape, Europe also faces unprecedented challenges. China is playing an important role on many global issues like climate change, biodiversity, COVID response and food crisis. Germany wants to maintain communication and coordination with China to better safeguard regional and global peace and security.
China is an important trading partner for Germany and for Europe as a whole. Germany firmly supports trade liberalization, supports economic globalization, and opposes decoupling. Germany stands ready for closer trade and economic cooperation with China, and supports more mutual investment between Chinese and German businesses.
On issues where the two countries’ positions diverge, Germany is willing to exchange views with China to increase mutual understanding and trust, and stabilize, cement and grow bilateral ties.
A multi-polar world is needed in which the role and influence of emerging countries can be taken seriously. Germany opposes bloc confrontation for which politicians should be held responsible. Germany will play its role in furthering Europe-China relations.
The two leaders also exchanged views on the Ukraine crisis. President Xi reaffirmed China’s support for Germany and Europe to play an important role in facilitating peace talks and to build a balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture in Europe. Under the current circumstances, the international community should: support all efforts conducive to the peaceful settlement of the Ukraine crisis and call on relevant parties to remain rational and exercise restraint, start direct engagement as quickly as possible, and create conditions for the resumption of talks; oppose the threat or use of nuclear weapons, advocate that nuclear weapons cannot be used and that nuclear wars must not be fought, and prevent a nuclear crisis in Eurasia; work together to keep global industrial and supply chains stable and forestall disruption to international cooperation in energy, food, finance and other areas and consequent damage to global economic recovery, especially the economic and fiscal stability of developing countries; and make joint efforts to tide civilians in areas affected by the crisis through the winter, and improve the humanitarian situation to avoid a humanitarian crisis on a bigger scale.
After the meeting, President Xi held a banquet for Chancellor Scholz at the Golden Hall of the Great Hall of the People.
Wang Yi and He Lifeng were present at the events.
Ready for a tumble

Biden tells rally ‘we’re going to free Iran’
President Joe Biden was "expressing solidarity" with protesters when he said at a campaign event late Thursday that "we're going to free Iran," a White House spokesman clarified on Friday. The comment sparked an indignant response from the government in Tehran and went beyond the president's previous statements, which had been carefully worded so as not to suggest direct US involvement in the protest movement. Biden told the California crowd: "Don't worry, we're going to free Iran, they're going to free themselves pretty soon".
Mickey’s surprise