Take a look at reality today while gulping down all kinds of coffee

The United States leadership, the nation and it’s “news” are all functionally delusional, living inside strange inaccurate echo-chambers, and have no concept of how they appear to the rest of the world.

For instance…

Here’s what the American media is saying…

“China is easing quarantine rules”.

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No convinced that this is the American “news” narrative…

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And what China actually says…

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Not yet convinced?

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But why?

Why is China sticking to the zero-COVID policy?

The ONLY thing that has changed is that the 7+3 plan has changed to a 5+3 plan, and people on incoming planes do not “bounce back” if someone on the plane has COVID.

Chinese mainland records 1,504 new confirmed COVID-19 cases

Updated 11:34, 12-Nov-2022
The Chinese mainland recorded 1,504 confirmed COVID-19 cases on Friday, with 1,452 attributed to local transmissions and 52 from overseas, data from the National Health Commission showed on Saturday.

Girl Picking Poppies

Daniel Ridgway Knight

Knight picking poppies
Knight picking poppies

How about a happy thought?

As you probably know — or maybe I have the great pleasure of being the first one to tell you — “Meta,” which is what FaceBook calls itself now because “FaceBook” has the brand approval rating of NAMBLA or The Lincoln Project, just laid off 11,000 of its least useful employees, which, considering that these are “workers” paid to play ping-pong and drink lattes all day in an industry devoted to goldbricking, check-hammering and clock-watching, is really saying something.

The awesomeness of the family station wagon…

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This stupid question is asked by someone who has no understanding of world affairs.

The US cannot beat China in war. The US will not dare engage China in war and risk nuclear destruction.

The Pentagon conducted numerous war game simulations involving China in the South China Sea, and in each and every one of them, China won. Waging war in China’s backyard is a non-starter.

China has the second largest and most powerful military in the world. Waging war with China is extremely foolish.

Thai Iced Coffee

“This is a recipe request. But, as I love iced coffee and drink it right through from May to September, I thought I’d post for others like me. Sounds delicious.”

thai iced coffee
Thai iced coffee



  • Add the cardamom to the ground coffee, and brew the coffee; when the coffee is brewed, add the sugar and almond flavoring, mix well and then let the coffee cool to lukewarm.
  • Fill four 12 ounce highball glasses half-way to the rim with crushed ice and then fill two-thirds full with coffee; into each glass, stir about 1 tablespoon of heavy cream.
  • To achieve a layered effect, hold a spoon on top of the coffee and pour the cream slowly into the spoon so that the cream floats on top of the glass over the coffee.

Nothing. China will never relinquish Taiwan.

Taiwan’s status is deliberately ambiguous from the US perspective. Taiwan is not recognized by the UN.

Thus, China regards Taiwan as a domestic matter, and if anybody else interferes, it will be war.

War with China is a very bad idea because…say it with me…China is a major nuclear power.

Unless you fancy living in a Mad Max-style post-apocalyptic world, you will stay the fuck out of China’s business.

Pepe Escobar
November 4, 2022

The Scholz caravan went to Beijing to lay down the preparatory steps for working out a peace deal with Russia, with China as privileged messenger.

With his inimitable flair for economic analysis steeped in historical depth, Professor Michael Hudson’s latest essay, originally written for a German audience, presents a stunning parallel between the Crusades and the current “rules-based international order” imposed by the Hegemon.

Professor Hudson details how the Papacy in Rome managed to lock up unipolar control over secular realms (rings a bell?) when the game was all about Papal precedence over kings, above all the German Holy Roman Emperors. As we know, half in jest, the Empire was not exactly Holy, nor German (perhaps a little Roman), and not even an Empire.

A clause in the Papal Dictates provided the Pope with the authority to excommunicate whomever was “not at peace with the Roman Church.” Hudson sharply notes how US sanctions are the modern equivalent of excommunication.

Arguably there are Top Two dates in the whole process.

The first one would be the Third Ecumenical Council of 435: this is when only Rome (italics mine) was attributed universal authority (italics mine). Alexandria and Antioch, for instance, were limited to regional authority within the Roman Empire.

The other top date is 1054 – when Rome and Constantinople split for good. That is, the Roman Catholic Church split from Orthodoxy, which leads us to Russia, and Moscow as The Third Rome – and the centuries-old animosity of “the West” against Russia.

A State of Martial Law

Professor Hudson then delves on the trip by “Liver Sausage” Chancellor Scholz’s delegation to China this week to “demand that it dismantle its public sector and stops subsidizing its economy, or else Germany and Europe will impose sanctions on trade with China.”

Well, in fact this happens to be just childish wishful thinking, expressed by the German Council on Foreign Relations in a piece published on the Financial Times (the Japanese-owned platform in the City of London). The Council, as correctly described by Hudson, is “the neoliberal ‘libertarian’ arm of NATO demanding German de-industrialization and dependency” on the US.

So the FT, predictably, is printing NATO wet dreams.

Context is essential. German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, in a keynote speech at Bellevue Castle, has all but admitted that Berlin is broke: “An era of headwinds is beginning for Germany – difficult, difficult years are coming for us. Germany is in the deepest crisis since reunification.”

Yet schizophrenia, once again, reigns supreme, as Steinmeier, after a ridiculous stunt in Kiev – complete with posing as a unwitting actor huddled in a bunker – announced an extra handout: two more MARS multiple rocket launchers and four Panzerhaubitze 2000 howitzers to be delivered to the Ukrainians.

So even if the “world” economy – actually the EU – is so fragilized that member-states cannot help Kiev anymore without harming their own populations, and the EU is on the verge of a catastrophic energy crisis, fighting for “our values” in Country 404 trumps it all.

The Big Picture context is also key. Andrea Zhok, Professor of Ethical Philosophy at the University of Milan, has taken Giorgio Agamben’s “State of Exception” concept to new heights.

Zhok proposes that the zombified collective West is now completely subjugated to a “State of Martial Law” – where a Forever War ethos is the ultimate priority for rarified global elites.

Every other variable – from trans-humanism to depopulation and even cancel culture – is subordinated to the State of Martial Law, and is basically inessential. The only thing that matters is exercising absolute, raw control.

Berlin – Moscow – Beijing

Solid German business sources completely contradict the “message” delivered by the German Council on Foreign Relations on the trip to China.

According to these sources, the Scholz caravan went to Beijing to essentially lay down the preparatory steps for working out a peace deal with Russia, with China as privileged messenger.

This is – literally – as explosive, geopolitically and geoeconomically, as it gets. As I pointed out in one of my previous columns, Berlin and Moscow were keeping a secret communication back channel – via business interlocutors – right to the minute the usual suspects, in desperation, decided to blow up the Nord Streams.

Cue to the now notorious SMS from Liz Truss’s iPhone to Little Tony Blinken, one minute after the explosions: “It’s done.”

There’s more: the Scholz caravan may be trying to start a long and convoluted process of eventually replacing the US with China as a key ally. One should never forget that the top BRI trade/connectivity terminal in the EU is Germany (the Ruhr valley).

According to one of the sources, “if this effort is successful, then Germany, China and Russia can ally themselves together and drive the US out of Europe.”

Another source provided the cherry on the cake: “Olaf Scholz is being accompanied on this trip by German industrialists who actually control Germany and are not going to sit back watching themselves being destroyed.”

Moscow knows very well what the imperial aim is when it comes to the EU reduced to the role of totally dominated – and deindustrialized – vassal, exercising zero sovereignty. The back channels after all are not lying in tatters on the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Additionally, China has not provided any hint that its massive trade with Germany and the EU is about to vanish.

Scholz himself, one day before his caravan hit Beijing, stressed to Chinese media that Germany has no intention of decoupling from China, and there’s nothing to justify “the calls by some to isolate China.”

In parallel, Xi Jinping and the new Politburo are very much aware of the Kremlin position, reiterated again and again: we always remain open for negotiations, as long as Washington finally decides to talk about the end of unlimited NATO expansion drenched in Russophobia.

So to negotiate means the Empire signing on the dotted line of the document it has received from Moscow on December 1st, 2021, focused on “indivisibility of security”. Otherwise there’s nothing to negotiate.

And when we have Pentagon lobbyist Lloyd “Raytheon” Austin advising the Ukrainians on the record to advance on Kherson, it’s even more crystal clear there’s nothing to negotiate.

So could this all be the foundation stone of the Berlin-Moscow-Beijing trans-Eurasia geopolitical/geoeconomic corridor? That will mean Bye Bye Empire. Once again: it ain’t over till the fat lady goes Gotterdammerung.

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Or not.

Jesus H Christ! Look at the drop on this chart!

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2022 11 12 12 06

Ok. Please check out this video. Remember they are talking about the Western mRNA injections. NOT the “dead host” vaccinations used in China.

Black Magic Coffee, Sugar Free-Fat Free

“This is my own creation. I made it for a regular coffee mug but for a “Grande” simply double everything and use a tall latte mug. If you want to go all out for guests or your sweetie leave room at the top of the mug for a wallop (forget the dollop!) of whipped cream and sprinkle it with shaved bittersweet chocolate and finely crushed hazelnuts. Time for making this is after the coffee is brewed.”

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2022 11 12 11 34



  • Pour fresh coffee into mug.
  • Add the extracts and Splenda.
  • Stir and enjoy!

14 arrested over LA smash-and-grab thefts, but all released as leaders call for end to COVID no-bail policy


There are zero reasons for Eastern countries to become more Westernized. Western does not equal civilized. The fact Ukraine and Russia are at war is proof of that. No country should resort to bloodshed to solve problems in 2022 but here we are. The fact the US has been to war for most of its existence is ample proof that the West is not the better path.

The Eastern worldview is not somehow lesser than the West. The Eastern hemisphere is just fine as they are and they do not need any interference from CIA Inc disguised as NGO’s. Stay home, save tax payer dollars and leave the Eastern world the heck alone.

It has been confirmed that the virus came from a US lab. That’s the reason why more than a million Americans died from it because the virus feel most at home in the US. And about the US vaccine, let’s just say that covid is still killing many Americans every day.

Red Eye

“Very strong coffee for those days you just do not want to get up.”

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2022 11 12 11 47


  • 1 ounce espresso
  • 1 cup hot coffee


  • Combine in a glass.

Court: Biden Student Loan Forgiveness UNCONSTITUTIONAL

People who were glad that illegitimate President Joe Biden put forth Student Loan Forgiveness got a big dose of reality Thursday, when a US District Court Judge struck down the plan as “Unconstitutional.”   Student Loan debt cannot be forgiven by a US President.

United States District Judge Mark Pittman, a Trump appointee, scolded Joe Biden in a blistering opinion.

Joe Biden unilaterally announced a massive forgiveness of student loans in August.

Biden canceled up to $10,000 in student debt for borrowers who earn $125,000 a year or less and up to $20,000 for recipients of Pell Grants.

The student loan bailout plan did not pass through Congress as Joe Biden falsely claimed – and Judge Pittman BLASTED Biden for ruling with a ‘pen and phone.’

“In this country, we are not ruled by an all-powerful executive with a pen and a phone. Instead, we are ruled by a Constitution that provides for three distinct and independent branches of government…The Court is not blind to the current political division in our country. But it is fundamental to the survival of our Republic that the separation of powers as outlined in our Constitution be preserved. And having interpreted the HEROES Act, the Court holds that it does not provide ‘clear congressional authorization’ for the Program proposed by the Secretary,” Judge Pittman wrote.

“Whether the Program constitutes good public policy is not the role of this Court to determine. Still, no one can plausibly deny that it is either one of the largest delegations of legislative power to the executive branch, or one of the largest exercises of legislative power without congressional authority in the history of the United States,” United States District Judge Mark Pittman wrote.

Elaine Parker, President of Job Creators Network Foundation, which brought the lawsuit, reacted to the ruling on Thursday.

“The court has correctly ruled in favor of our motion and deemed the Biden student loan program illegal. The judge criticized the Biden Administration program, calling it ‘one of the largest exercises of legislative power without congressional authority in the history of the United States.’ This ruling protects the rule of law which requires all Americans to have their voices heard by their federal government,” Parker said.

“This attempted illegal student loan bailout would have done nothing to address the root cause of unaffordable tuition: greedy and bloated colleges that raise tuition far more than inflation year after year while sitting on $700 billion in endowments. We hope that the court’s decision today will lay the groundwork for real solutions to the student loan crisis.”

If you want to have any relationship with your daughter whatsoever, you cease your regulation of her job money and you give her debit card back. Also, make sure to put an apology in there, too.

What you did was an absolutely asshole move. Not just an asshole move, but one that can have severe repercussions going forward. Your daughter has her own body with her own needs and desires, which she is trying to satisfy in a way that is safe and private. Would you prefer she meets those needs with some man who would be all too happy to oblige?

Using the aid, she can’t contract an STD, she can’t get pregnant and she can’t have her heart broken. What you did is make ALL THE ABOVE the alternative that she might be opting towards.

Stop being an asshole, stop denying the bodily autonomy of others and do your best to mend this fence. Because as things stand, she is gone as soon as she hits eighteen.


Here’s a personal anecdote.

In the early 2000s, I was living in Hong Kong and traveling a lot in China for work. Candidly, I didn’t really enjoy traveling there. Credit cards weren’t widely accepted. Cash (usually via grubby renminbi notes, many of them counterfeit) was king. Trains were slow. Airports were congested (and pretty crap).

Then in 2009, I went to live in Europe for 3 years, returning to Hong Kong in 2012.

My first trip into China after coming back to Asia was disorienting. In the 3 years I was away, an extensive high-speed rail network had somehow been constructed. My rmb notes were no longer welcome at restaurants or street stalls; most people now used mobile payment platforms such as AliPay and WeChat Pay.

Candidly, I was stunned how much had changed in three years. And that goes a ways to explaining why people still think China is poor: because not so long ago it was poor.

Combine that with the fact that relatively few Westerners actually set foot in China and know anything about the country beyond what their media outlets tell them, and it’s not surprising that plenty of misconceptions about China exist. A mainland Chinese friend was sharing with me how even in Hong Kong, which reverted to Chinese sovereignty 25 years ago, some 2.5 million HKers have not visited the Mainland within the last 5 years. And yes, many of them have an outdated impression of what the country is like.

Because as I found out, that’s a really long time in China.

Evergrande has survived 13 1/2 months

Evergrande has paid back 36% of all Depositors in Mainland China with money and 26% of all depositors with property shares – in FULL

Evergrande has completed and delivered 1710 homes out of the 13000 homes yet to be delivered in November 2021 while it has surrendered another 3300 homes to the Governments of Xian, Harbin and Hubei. That’s roughly 37.8% commitments closed in a single year.

Evergrande s CEO has coughed up almost $ 1.3 Billion of his own money and properties in Mainland China and Hongkong.

When did you last see a company pull something like this in a Democracy?

Enron? BUST

Lehmann Bros? BUST

Kingfisher? BUST

Barings? BUST

The reason has already been highlighted by Kevin Wong except he uses “Command Economy” instead of “Mixed Economy”

In laymans terms – THE LAND BELONGS TO CHINA!!!

If say an Indian builder like Raheja failed to deliver flats, he would go to jail and the land would remain empty for 20 years courts decide.

In China it will take the Chinese Government maybe a month to start building flats with someone else or even their own Construction Companies used in City Development

Meanwhile the other leases will be taken away and handed to the bank who will sell the leases to someone else and get their money back.

Or the Government will buy back it’s leases with all that delicious export moolah that China rakes in.

Its a closed system.

Will Evergrande Collapse?

Oh sure.

Evergrande stands today to finish it’s debts and ensure the Public in China don’t suffer the consequences.

In US, you have a Chapter 11 and you can retire to Florida and saddle your investors and depositors with debts saying “Hey!!! That’s Capitalism”

In China, you have ECONOMIC OFFENCES and you and your family pay a very big price including loss and dishonor of several generations

Eventually Evergrande will Collapse and the Government will watch it’s collapse like an Oncologist watches a cancerous tumour being surgically removed.

Maybe by Dec – April 2023 or slightly later

Is the problem over with Real Estate, once Evergrande is finished?


Xi Jingping feels that Real Estate is too badly speculated and has crashed all demand due to torrential prices.

Yet Real Estate Instruments are also a prime source of Income investment for Chinese People and if Real Estate Crashes then so does the Income from these instruments.

You see the situation?

So what is China doing?

On one hand, the low demand is perfect for reducing prices and speculation. A Flat once costing 5.6 Million Yuan now costs 3.1 Million Yuan with a 40 year payment model instead of 25.

Many Big Developers have been told to accept fixed instead of speculative profits

Slowly Xi hopes people will buy homes again. The key target this time are the 91 Million Families that dont own any homes instead of the ones who own multiple homes and keep buying homes for investments.

And the Investors?

Ah!!! Sadly they will slowly take out whatever money they can because those 15% rates will simply be impossible now.

I predict by 2027, Investors would lose roughly 747 Billion Yuan ($ 111 Billion) which would be bad but something the CPC has just accepted will happen.

Better to break off the Band Aid instead of keeping appearances and losing 7 Trillion in 10 years time.

How will this end?

Socialism in the Real Estate Sector

Not full Socialism but no more Capitalism for sure.

By 2027, Homes will be available for Fixed rather than Speculative prices.

The Real Estate Sector contribution to GDP will fall from 26% in 2012 to 6.1% in 2027.

More and More Chinese will own homes and the bloating would have ended long back.

The Wealthy 5% will cry but the Median Income Group would cheer.

Yet what can the Wealthy do? The CPC belongs to Xi Jingping and his loyalists for the next 30 years at least.

It would be a Great End for the People of China with Minimal Repurcussions

Would it lead to the Collapse of the Chinese Economy?

No. Of course not.

Not a chance.

A Probable $ 100–120 Billion Public Hit would not even Dent the Chinese Economy

Even if the problem is 10 times worse (And that’s impossible). That’s $ 1.2 Trillion which would cause a stagnancy of (-) 1% on Chinas Growth for 10 years which would bring down aggregate growth from 4.13% to 3.13%

That’s still a whopping $ 566 Billion a year added to the economy

Still more than USA

So why did the West make so much fuss about Evergrande?


They hoped Xi Jingping would somehow lose support within the CPC if enough speculative damage could be done with Evergrande

They hoped somehow Li Keiqang or someone like him could take charge

Now they will rake up Evergrande again until January, hoping that at least XJP will not become the President of China at the People’s Congress Meeting.

Not a chance of them succeeding!!!

Mexican Coffee (Café Mexicano)

“Posted for the Zaar World Tour 2006-Mexico. This drink is so yummy and definitely warms you up on a cold day.”

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  • Place Kahlúa, brandy, chocolate syrup and cinnamon in a coffee cup or mug. Fill with hot coffee. Stir to blend. Top with sweetened whipped cream.

I was meeting with the CEO of a large oil company to gain insight on business. I won’t disclose his name but I can tell you he had a net worth upwards of 8 figures. I was excited to meet him and drove over 4 hours to Atlanta to catch him before his flight left.

He was very kind, but you could tell that he was stern when he needed to be. Instead of picking a five star restaurant, he chose a small burger joint.

We talked about innovation, marketing, management, accounting, investing, and a few other things.

We got to the end of our lunch and I asked, “is there any one thing that’s contributed to the success of your career?”

Being the CEO of a large oil company, I expected him to say something like:

“Work hard”

“Don’t take crap from anyone”

“Profit comes first”

But instead, he said:



“Tithe?” I asked, a bit surprised.

“Yes, never forget to tithe.”

“Like give to the church?”

“Well, yes that’s a form of tithing. But a great way is to give to those less fortunate than you.”

I left our meeting a little confused. I was in the process of starting a business and didn’t have much to spare. I thought, “I barely have enough to get by, how am I supposed to give?”

Right at that moment I drove passed a homeless man.

And then it hit me.

No matter where you’re at in life, there’s always someone doing worse than you.

I immediately drove to Target and purchased supplies to make care packages. I was literally making sandwiches in my car. I put them in bags along with clothes and other items.

I then went around Atlanta handing out these bags to homeless people.

They were just the essentials. Nothing fancy. But from the looks on their faces, you would’ve thought I had just handed them a gold bar.

I can’t explain the feeling you get from giving to those less fortunate, but it’s wonderful.

It’s something that’s always stuck with me.

And if you dig deep enough, you’ll find that every super successful person participates in some form of tithing, whether it be money or simply time.

The reason is not only because you get to help people, but also because it puts you in a state of abundance.

I promise you that for every bit you give, you will get tenfold back.

“Never forget to tithe.”

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