Pago Pago Shirts

When I lived in Pago Pago I bought a local Tee Shirt.


I thought the polynesian pattern was interesting. So I bought it and wore it to work.

Imagine my surprise when every local polynesian uniformly told me that the image was evil and hateful. Whoa! I was not expecting that.

2023 11 17 06 24
2023 11 17 06 24

I was the outsider wearing a “Fuck You” tee shirt. Who’d know?

I was totally surprised.

I wore it once.

Threw it away.

Maybe like this clueless gent…

2023 10 10 19 20
2023 10 10 19 20

Life is silly some times, eh?


What was a red flag that made you stop talking to a person immediately?

I travel full-time via my FJ Cruiser and my RV. A year or two ago, I met a guy who turned out to be a federal agent. No, I was not being investigated, at least not for business/national security reasons.

Before finalizing our first date, he casually mentioned that he had run the front plate on my FJ Cruiser, which absolutely horrified me. This isn’t some random guy using Google. This is a federal agent!

It was also the way he said it. As if it was the most normal thing in the world to invade someone’s (especially a woman traveling solo!) privacy in that way.

After he told me he ran my plates, I just stopped responding. I mean, next thing I know, he could be checking my IP address or something and figuring out where I was camping alone that night.

It was creepy.

So a week goes by and he blasts me for ghosting him. I respond, “Are you seriously asking me why? Dude, you RAN MY PLATES!”

Instead of apologizing or acknowledging that that was kinda creepy, he proceeded to tell me that I was “asking for it” by sharing a picture of my rig. He told me the fact that I had a custom plate intrigued him, so it was 100% my fault for dangling the carrot (a custom plate) in front of his face.

I blocked him after that. As far as I know, I’m not currently being stalked by any federal agents. But who really knows? The feds are pretty crafty.

Swiss Bliss

old fashioned swiss steak 3056883 Final 5ba96bcc46e0fb002534cbd6
old fashioned swiss steak 3056883 Final 5ba96bcc46e0fb002534cbd6

Yield: 4 servings


  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 (2 pound) chuck roast, cut 1 inch thick
  • 1 envelope onion soup mix
  • 1 (4 ounce) can mushrooms, drained
  • 1/2 medium green bell pepper, sliced
  • 1 (20 ounce) can tomatoes, drained and chopped, reserving juice
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 tablespoon A-1 steak sauce
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 1 tablespoon parsley flakes


  1. Coat center of large sheet of heavy foil with butter and place into a 13 x 9 inch dish.
  2. Place meat across foil, overlapping each piece slightly.
  3. Sprinkle with soup mix, mushrooms, green pepper slices and tomatoes.
  4. Sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper.
  5. Mix tomato juice, steak sauce and cornstarch.
  6. Add enough water to make 2 cups liquid.
  7. Pour over meat mixture and sprinkle with parsley flakes.
  8. Cover with foil and bake at 375 degrees F for 2 hours.

World in chaos w/ Jeffrey Sachs (Live)

Always a great discussion!

What is the most outrageous thing you’ve heard said to or seen written to a judge?

I had a black client who had been arrested in his house and white cops slammed his head into a dresser drawer just for fun, as witnessed by several officers in the house. As the dresser was pushed against a casement window on the front of the house, slamming his head into the dresser “blew” the window into the front yard with a shotgun-like explosion, witnessed by all the neighbors watching the police action from across the street. The black jailer saw the bruise on the client’s forehead when taking the mugshot.

On the motion to dismiss for unreasonable police violence, all the cops lied and denied slamming the client’s head against the dresser. The judge and prosecutor acted as if the cops were not lying and the window blew itself into the yard.

It was late afternoon and the only civilians in the courtroom was a fifth-grade civics class of 20 kids aged 10–11 years and their teacher. The judge had a reputation as a racist and a hard-ass.

I turned during argument on the (hopeless) motion to the kids and asked the courtroom rhetorically: “Why in the world would police officers take the witness stand, swear on the Bible to tell the truth, and then lie?” Then I said, “Well, it makes winning their case a lot easier, and no one in authority stops them, and the officers know this.”

So I was accusing the judge of “letting” the officers lie to win the motion. That is, the judge OFTEN knows officers are lying and so does the prosecutor, but they don’t stop it. The officers know this, so they lie. Not all and not always, but in cases like this, they all lied together.

The judge got really pissed and started haranguing me, so I stoked his anger higher. The prosecutor could see how bad all this was starting to look to the appellate judges in any appeal and hung his head in defeat. My client walked out of the courtroom with a very sweet deal from the prosecutor to cut his losses.


Hi guys, just to clarify I do not own any of these videos I just thought it would be interesting to see how people are dealing with the cost of living, sending prayers and well wishes to you.

What common food, was prepared in a way that knocked your socks off? How was it prepared? What made it one of the best things you ever ate?

The Chicago dog:

When I was a kid, hot dogs were lame flavorless picnic fodder that got a squirt of mustard and ketchup and onions if you were daring, nothing more.

One summer a diner opened near me that specialized in char broiled burgers and Chicago dogs. I’d never heard of a Chicago dog before, so naturally I had to try one. Man, what a life changing experience.

It was a snappy Sabrett dog topped with mustard, sweet neon green pickle relish, diced onions, spicy sport peppers, tomato slices and a wedge of dill pickle. Every bite was overflowing with crunchy, spicy, sweet, sour, salty and savory goodness. In my 15 years of life it was literally one of the best things I had ever eaten. I still love them today.

More than just a poem, the Chicago dog contains a lesson: ketchup doesn’t belong on a hot dog.

It was brought to my attention that a true Chicago dog is made from Vienna Beef brand hot dogs and always includes celery salt. I’m down with both of those, so that’s what a true Chicago dog should be made with.

If the United States freezes China’s assets, how do you think China will react?

Tit for tat

There are many American assets in China, estimated to be worth 2.2 trillion.

The US companies that own these assets are not going to be happy with the US government if China were to freeze these assets.

Do you think that the US companies owners and employees will vote for Biden next year if China freezes their assets in response to the US freezing Chinese assets?

The old trick is repeated! Biden attempts to arrest Huawei executives with criminal charges!

Jesus! These idiots cannot stop!

Lavrov claimed at the UN General Assembly that Russia was misled by NATO at the end of the Cold War when it gave guarantees that it would not expand eastward. What was the situation back then that would have caused NATO to make such guarantees?

Thought & Ideology

The US foreign policy from 1948 to 1991 was centred around INTERNATIONAL LAW

Diplomats, Army, Businessmen, Politicians worked as per INTERNATIONAL LAW and relied on their entire foreign policy from a derived paper from 1955 called ‘Peace during the Cold War’, penned right after the Korean War

It taught a formula for maintaining peace and coexistence of different nations with different ideologies

The core objectives of this ideology was :-

  • Strive for Peace always
  • No War Or conflict with Nuclear Nations
  • Preserving Human Spirits & Freedom
  • Ensuring Capitalism and Free Trade flow between allies
  • Economic Cooperation
  • Preserve and not endanger the Security of the United States and it’s allies

Diplomats like McNamara, Kissinger, Baker etc were steeped in this doctrine and founded this doctrine

Kennedy, Nixon, Bush Sr and Reagan followed this core ideology

It was a healthy doctrine

Barring a 7 year aberration with the Vietnam War (1968–1975).

Thus James Baker easily promised not to expand eastwards

He wanted a peaceful handshake with the Russians

Post 1991, a new paper was published which reflected a NEW IDEOLOGY infecting the Americans


That was it’s early name

INTERNATIONAL LAW quickly changed into what we know today as the INTERNATIONAL RULES BASED ORDER

The core of objectives of this ideology were :-

  • The US has to lead the world into a permanent peace after the Cold War
  • The US must stop the rise of any nation that could lead the world into another cold war
  • The US must bring peace to Europe, the Middle East and Asia even at the cost of strategies that could heavily curtail freedom of thought and independence in those nations
  • The US must always maintain a lead in arms and troops and military power for the betterment of the whole world
  • Russia for its own people’s sake needed to be broken down further and controlled by the Rules based order to prevent it slipping back into anarchy and chaos
  • The Middle East and Europe had to be controlled by the USA for their own security and security of energy in the world

This slowly became the leading ideology in USA with all diplomats born in 1966 or later (who are 57 years old or younger today) being steeped in this ideology and thought

This was also called

WDC as coined by Madeleine Albright – WEAKEN, DEMOCRATIZE, CONTROL

Many Politicians, then in their 40s and early 50s endorsed this philosophy openly including Mitch McConnell, Joe Biden, Hilary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Al Gore etc

The US Ideology back then never considered Africa or China as serious

This was the birth of the NEOCON ideology

Bush Sr, Rice, Albright, Kagan, Nuland, Blinken, Jake Sullivan, Ned Price, John Kirby, John Kerry, Mitt Romney, Joe Biden have all been steeped with this Neocon Ideology or International Rules Based Order Ideology

A Core part of this ideology is to bring peace to Europe by controlling Europe & to break down and weaken Russia

To do this NATO had to keep expanding

A Dramatic turnaround from the Old Ideology of INTERNATIONAL LAW

Today this is the leading ideology but since this ideology doesn’t mention China or Africa or India or how to handle a tougher Putin, the Americans are clueless on how to continue

Unless a new ideology for peaceful coexistence again develops , endorsed by 40–45 year old politicians and diplomats born on or after 1998 or Political Science Students born on or after 2006

The US will slowly sink due to this Neocon policy

Note most of the political ideologues of these thoughts are 65–70 years old at the very least

The Ideology changed, thus NATO kept expanding

That’s the Ideology that drives the US today

Others who are steeped in this Ideology include :- Boris Johnson, Keir Starmer, Kishida and our favorite JUSTIN TRUDEAU

As a dying person, what is your advice to the living?

I can give you a first hand answer here.

In 2009 I was diagnosed with glioblastoma, a grade 4 brain cancer, after surgery the oncologist came back with the sad news that the statistics look quite ugly, he gave me treatments for 9 months, and 6 months to one year to live.

I was engaged preparing to marry in few months. We broke up, I didn’t see why I would leave a widow behind and break her heart.

I had no desire to pursue anything further in life…

It was a time of complete shutdown.

I wanted to quit my job, however my managers managed to convince me to stay with a relaxed schedule…

They started to teach me statistics again.

An average of 1 year, means some people die in 3 years, while others die in 6 months, and that I should have the positivity to assume I’m on the long term survival side.

By continuing to go to work, I kept myself busy, not thinking too much about my cancer.. I travelled , did some of the stuff I always wanted to do, visited places I always wanted to go.

I started to revisit my friends, hang out with those I really liked, got rid of those who made me feel sad, or felt pity. There are those who just don’t know what to tell you, then it gets awkward…

It is not something you want to talk about with everyone. You want to feel good, and not be down all the time.

I started to be more of a minimalist.. I had no desire in all the nice stuff I had always dreamt of, as My life seemed to come to a stop

However over time.. I started to realize that I’m happier .. I had special concerns for my parents, I started spending more time with my parents. With my family They are the joy of my life.. Too sad I never realized that earlier

8 years later I’m still around, although the cancer hit back several times, and my left side is now paralyzed, I’m still active going to work, participating in charities, trying to keep myself busy and active.

I was 32 when I was diagnosed, now hitting the 40’s I feel more mature, I’m guessing age is an important factor in how we take such news.

After all life goes on, and it is how you take the news that makes all the difference..

Keep busy, don’t let your mind wander too much.. No one knows when you are going to die..

There’s a shock at the beginning, try to pass it, embrace the news and you will feel the tranquility after a while..

My key messages would be:

  • no one knows when you are going to die, all doctors have are statistics.
  • Happiness is in the small and little things.. Time with family, reading a good book, listening to nice music, enjoying a movie.. Spending time on the beach, watching a sunset, nature, forest , a bird…
  • Through charity work I started to appreciate what I have, there are sooo many underprivileged people who would dream of what we take as granted, running water, electricity, food,medicine, family.
  • Each night I count at least 10 things I’m grateful for in my life.
  • I also started to keep a journal of the things that make me really happy and doing more of that.

Lavrov: “If the West want war, they can have it. If you insist, let’s decide it on the battlefield.”

God bless Russia and Mr Putin and mr lavrov… The Russians have the balls to tell the truth.. unlike the English and the yanks.

What exactly is a midlife crisis? And how common are they?

Originally Answered: What exactly is a midlife crisis? And how common are they ?

I can only speak from my experience, but here’s a personal account of my own midlife crisis. I was about 34 and I had a strong and relentless urge to pursue an unrealized goal that had been bothering me for quite a while, in fact, over 10 years.

Long ago, I had wanted to pursue nursing school, and due to circumstances such as an abusive ex-husband who prevented me from studies, I was not able to do so. When I finally escaped that decade-long relationship, it took a while for me to get back on my feet as I had to start from scratch to build my finances, portfolio, and confidence up. Time passes, I remarry and have a child and although things are great with my career and family, the thought of nursing kept nagging me at the back of my mind. I got increasingly upset at myself that I had let so many years pass and wondered when would be the time for me to do what I originally wanted to do.

So in my mid-thirties I made the decision to apply to nursing school, quickly took all the prerequisites and I got in a few months later, even though it was extremely competitive. I had to scale back on my other jobs and my schedule became MUCH more complicated. My social life definitely dwindled to nothing! Most people would ask, why are you going back to school? Don’t you like being a photographer and music teacher? Yes, yes I completely love my jobs. But I also want to be a nurse, and I will forever think “what if” if I do not pursue this.

Nursing school is demanding, and there is so much material to know that is compressed in such a short time frame. A typical day would be: wake up at 530am for hospital shift from 7am–3pm, study/edit until family arrives home, feed/play/bathe toddler and put toddler to bed, study/edit until midnight. Rinse and repeat. There were times I felt overwhelmed and perhaps I bit off more than I could chew. The amount of textbooks and notes I have from my studies, stacked on top of each other towers over me! However, I feel the most alive when I am caring for patients, and when they thank me heartily for the care I’ve given to them, my heart swells and that is the best feeling in the world. Therefore, my midlife crisis was a catalyst for me to take a leap and reach for my goal of becoming a nurse.

What does it feel like to become poor after being wealthy?

I can tell the experience of a friend. who married a woman who was multi-millionaire since birth. Saying that they were rich is an understatement. They only flew first or business class, he got a new Porsche or Mercedes every single year and they always lived in the best areas in Manhattan,

I remember when he and his wife moved to New York they hired an interior designer from Milan to do the decoration. They spent around a million dollars only with the renovation and furniture for the apartment.

They had it all, and not even in my dreams I would imagine that one day they would lose it all.

However, like many other stories, they didn’t lose it overnight, but little by little.

I never imagined they would lose all their money because apart of being filthy rich, they were really lucky.

My friend’s wife grew up being a millionaire. Annual trips to Aspen with her family, then summer in Europe and everything we imagine rich people do. I was lucky to enjoy some of these perks when I was invited to one of their vacation homes.

They had a lot of money but they didn’t work. After all, they never needed to do it. She received a monthly allowance from her family that I believe was around 700K to 1M per year so they would probably not bother to work 9 to 6 to make $100K more.

They lived this life for around 10 years. Then, they had some disagreement with their family and they stopped receiving the allowance. They lived by their savings for around 3 years. During those years they lived a very good life, but not so lavish as before. After 3 years, when they were about to start selling everything so they could have some money, her uncle died. He didn’t have any kids so she received a good sum of money that was sufficient for around 3 more years.

When their bank accounts were about to run dry again her mother passed away and she inherited, along with her brothers, around 4M each.

For most people, it would be sufficient for a lifetime, but they made very bad investments along with some poor decisions and I don’t know how, but they ended up losing everything in around 3 more years.

After losing all their money they started living with the money of a trust her parents left to her, Something around 5K per month. But they are on their 50s, they never worked and have no professional skills and they have to pay rent (as they don’t have a home), pay all their bills and above all, health insurance with that amount.

I saw them around 6 months ago and they were miserable. My friend developed a neurological disease due to the stress he endured in the last years. His wife was making all decisions as he wasn’t able to do it anymore. Unfortunately, he is so sick that he couldn’t work even if he wanted to.

I was really sad it happened to them because they were really nice people, It’s easy to judge them for never bothered to have a job or be wiser with their money, however, she was born in a different universe for most of us. What we see as a lavish lifestyle she sees as a regular day since birth.

I asked them if they needed anything and obviously what they need is their old lifestyle back. They moved to a modest apartment in a different state.

She told me that the biggest issue is that they don’t know how to live like that. She can’t imagine what’s like to do their own grocery shopping, and worst than that, go to Walmart with a shopping list. She said that if she spent a little more on things she like she might not have money for the supermarket next week.

I would not dare to say that this experience was humbling to them because they were always nice people, the difference is that they were nice people with lots of money. The only positive thing I believe this experience brought to them is that they are no longer superficial. They used to see everything like poverty, sorrow, and problems from a different perspective, and I used to see them through a mask that looked like they were using all the time

Now, for the first time, I was able to see who they really are. What are their emotions, their fears, their desires, and their regrets… For the first time in their lives they desire things, they no longer pull their credit card and immediately satisfy their desires and in that sense, they look like real people for me.

Every time I visited them over the years I always invited them for lunch, breakfast or coffee and even though I’m not wealthy I always offered to pay, and 6 months ago, when I saw them for the last time, I invited them to have a coffee at Starbucks and that was the first time in more than 15 years that they said thank you after I offered to pay for our breakfast.

It felt different. They don’t need to thank me for anything because during their life, just by inviting me to stay with them, they offered me much more than anything I’ve ever offered to them, but for the first time in their lives, they are learning to value every small good thing that life gives to them.


Thank you all for the upvotes and feedbacks to this story. In fact, I had two stories about the theme but Quora doesn’t allow to publish two answers for the same question, so, for those who are interested I’ll post the second story here.

In 2007 I was hired by a medium size tech company. The company had around 150 employees and they were growing fast. When I was hired they told me they would be moving to better offices in two months and they really did it. The new office was really impressive. Huge, very modern to the point it made the cover of a magazine.

My boss and her husband were the owners of the company. They were simply amazing. She was sweet, very polite and it was a pleasure to work for them. They were also very rich. In fact, she was so down to earth that it took me two months to realize that she was one of the owners of the company. It happened one day that we had a meeting with a client and she told me if I was OK to be squeezed on the back seat of her car, as another person was coming with us. I Imagined that she had one of those very small cars, but she showed up on a brand new convertible Porsche .

Little by little, we became acquainted. They invited me to have dinner one night and I was impressed by how rich they really were, They lived on a mansion, the land was so big that they had a tennis court, swimming pool and a stable with 5 horses on their land. He also was a motor enthusiast and had 9 cars. They owned a farm and a beach house in another city, even though we lived in one of the most beautiful beach cities in the world.

They made money fast because I was hired in 2007 and the company was founded in 2002 and it looked like they had a good lifestyle for some years.

They were amazing people, very humble, very calm and you would never say they had so much money just by talking to them.

I left the company by the end of 2007 because I received an offer to work in another place. I talked to them before accepting the offer, I explained my reasons and they were really supportive and told me that if I changed my mind the doors would be open.

By the end of 2008, a former colleague contacted me asking for a reference as he was leaving the company. I asked why he was leaving the company and the told me that the company had gone into receivership. Basically, they were impacted by the GFC.

They were so rich that I imagined that although the company had bankrupted they probably had a lot of savings.

I never heard from them again until 2017.

I had a health issue and I needed to see a specialist. When I got to the doctor, I was talking to the receptionist when I saw a sign with her name over her desk. (Let’s say Jennifer Parker – I’ll omit her real name). So I said to her. Hey Jennifer, what a coincidence, I had a boss with exactly the same name.

Then she told me that she was not Jennifer, that Jennifer was the other receptionist, that she worked Monday and Tuesday and Jenniffer Wednesday to Friday. I saw the doctor and two weeks later I came back for my return and when I arrived who I see working as a receptionist there? My former boss.

When she saw me she recognized me and told me that the other receptionist told what happened and when she saw my name she connected the dots.

She told me what happened to the company, basically was a problem with the contracts they made and as they weren’t able to get a new loan from the bank they could no longer keep the company and pay their debts. With that, they lost everything, not only the company but literally everything.

Their kids moved from private to public schools, they had all their cars, properties and assets confiscated and ended moving to a small apartment near the city. Her husband was able to get a new job (at nearly 60 years of age) and she had to go back to work to complement their income.

It was a huge surprise for me because you always expect that these things will happen to bad people, but never to nice people like them. They were honest, decent, hardworking, family oriented, and everybody in the office liked them.

Coincidentally I bumped into them again 3 months later in the mall. What surprised me the most is that they were able to go from a very rich to a very modest lifestyle without changing who they were. We sit together to have lunch in the food court and they were living like that was the life they always had. They were exactly the same people I met 10 years before, they were happy, making jokes with their kids (that were teenagers by then) and even when she told me what happened she didn’t do it with sadness.

I don’t know how they managed everything so well. Going through an experience like that could be very damaging, but it looks like they had a way to cope with everything.

It taught me a lesson that money can’t be trusted, life can be full of unexpected events with many things out of our control.

Spock – McCoy banter and friendship

Starlink lost over 200 satellites in two months

Pay attention to this bit of news. -MM

Starlink, a satellite constellation operated by aerospace company SpaceX, lost 212 satellites in the period spanning July 18th and September 18th, data compiled by shows.

Data shows the number of burned-up satellites steadily increasing over the past three years, but a significant spike can be observed starting the month of July.

It’s unclear whether these satellites were scheduled to de-orbit or whether the burn-ups were a result of a failure. Cybernews has reached out to SpaceX for comment but has not received a response.

Some experts questioned the accuracy of numbers posted on the tracker website, saying they appeared to be unusually high. According to, its data is based on public tracking information published on space-track and elsewhere.

Starlink satellites are designed to burn up in the Earth’s atmosphere at the end of their life cycle, which is approximately five years.

SpaceX started launching Starlink satellites in 2019. Over 5,000 have been sent into Earth’s lower orbit since then. Of those, about 4,500 are believed to be active.

Satellites can also be vulnerable to electromagnetic storms, with strong solar flares recorded this summer as the sun enters a period of heightened activity.

Destructive solar events have affected Starlink before. In February last year, SpaceX said it lost 40 new satellites shortly after launch because of an electromagnetic storm. When accounting for the rocket launch, it potentially cost the company about $100 million in damages.

Steak with Gorgonzola Thyme Crust

img 5811
img 5811

Yield: 2 servings


  • 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 (6 ounce) beef tenderloin or small rib eye steaks, cut 3/4 inch thick
  • 1 large or 2 small cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 teaspoons chopped fresh thyme or 1/2 teaspoon dried
  • 1/2 cup (2 ounces) crumbled Wisconsin Gorgonzola cheese


  1. Heat broiler.
  2. Spoon Worcestershire sauce over both sides of steaks; let stand for 5 minutes.
  3. Sprinkle garlic and pepper over steaks. Place steaks on rack of broiler pan.
  4. Broil 3 to 4 inches from heat source for 3 to 4 minutes per side for medium rare steak.
  5. Remove pan from broiler. Sprinkle thyme, then cheese over steaks.
  6. Return to oven and broil for 2 minutes or until cheese is golden brown.

China is Sending Armored Vehicles To Mali Africa ! U.S PANIC

Nations like Mali have been overlooked in international forums, but as China’s prominence rises, Mali has found a key ally. This video explores China’s involvement in Mali’s development and security, delving into the intricate dynamics of China’s relationship with Africa and its potential implications for the global stage.

What was the most expensive thing you ever got for free, because someone made a mistake and didn’t charge you?

Back in 1983, I needed an upscale cocktail dress for a cosmetic industry function. I found a delightful $1200 silk dress marked down 50% to $600. It has a tiny rip by the zipper that I could repair but it was still way over my budget. (I was a very junior marketing person at the time, so not earning great.)

I asked the sales clerk if they do better on the price due to the rip and she agreed to take another 50% off bringing it to $300. She retickets it over the original ticket and the 1st sale ticket. Still more than I could truly afford but I decided to buy it anyway.

I go to the cashier to pay and she asked me if it came off the 50% sale rack. When I said it was, she says it is 50% off and rings $150 into the register, instead of the $300, even though it had multiple sales tickets on it. Lucky me, I’m thinking.

But before I can pay, she notices the small rip and says she will deduct an extra $50 which now brings it to $100. I happily paid and left the store ASAP, just in case. Lol

And I received many compliments for my dress at the event.

If someone knocked on your door, with tears in their eyes, saying they haven’t eaten for days and beg you to give them food, would you?

Walking into a McDonald’s one morning a young couple pretty dirty living rough approached me. The young man probably mid twenties asked if I could buy his girlfriend a egg McMuffin because they only had a handful of change not enough for the sandwich. So I asked them to come to the counter with me and asked them what on the board they would eat. The young man’s eyes went wide. Told me they had not eaten in three days. I said you can have whatever you like. The both asked for the big breakfast and a juice and a milk. I told them maybe they should order the sandwich she wanted as well. they were extremely happy they thanked me. They went and sat outside ate their meals cleaned up and moved on. Maybe they don’t even remember the event in their lives. But I was satisfied that I and spent my money wisely and am still left with a good memory of a McDonald’s breakfast when I was heading to get a seniors coffee.

BEDAZZLED Clip – “Famous Writer” (2000) Brendan Fraser

PLOT: Desperate to gain the affection of a beautiful co-worker, Elliot (Brendan Fraser) strikes a deal with the Devil (Elizabeth Hurley) — a drop dead gorgeous woman with a wicked sense of humor. In exchange for Elliot’s soul, she will grant him 7 wishes. But with each wish, he gets more than he asked for.