Square dancing and Chicago food

When I was in High School there was a on-going activity that was very popular with us guys and girls. This was square-dancing. And you know what? I loved doing it. I also loved the attention that the girls would give to me when they would ask me to go out dancing.

It has been many years… but seriously, I haven’t square danced since. And you know what? I miss that aspect of my life. A fun time during school that occurred so, so very long ago.

However, the bright side is here in China, free dancing is morning, noon and night. Woo! Woo!



The US Establishment: The Dumbest People In The Room

Roger Boyd

Oct 17, 2023

With the unbending support provided by the US foreign policy establishment for the obvious Israeli “atrocity” propaganda ploy to facilitate a second Naqba, the complete ethnic cleansing of Gaza, that establishment has once again shown itself to be the dumbest people in the diplomatic and international relations room. Below, I cover the increasing utter ignorance and stupidity of those that have a self-image of the cleverest people in the room; a disabling combination of ignorance, stupidity, corruption and arrogance. The current Israeli elite, the vast majority of which hold US, other Western and even Russian passports, may not be as dumb but are being driven to desperate means by the demographic dynamics of the region together with the now obvious decline of US power.

Part of the pure dumbness of the US foreign policy establishment is due to its utter corruption. Within the military, the generals tend to be those that could kiss ass and politic well, not those that served their countries well. Part of that kiss-assing is to the deeply corrupt corporations of the Military Industrial Complex, who are focused on profits not improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the US military nor its use for the general benefit of the US population. That MIC is the retirement plan for the generals, and admirals, as this piece by the Quincy Institute details. To quote:

·      26 of 32 four–star officers who retired after June 2018 — over 80 percent — went to work for the arms industry as board members, advisors, executives, consultants, lobbyists, or members of financial institutions that invest in the defense sector.

·      The biggest category of post–retirement employment for four–stars, by far, was as board members or advisors for small and medium–sized arms contractors, with 15 choosing that option. This compares to five who became board members, advisors or executives for one of the top 10 arms contractors. 

·      Five retired four–stars became arms industry consultants, five became lobbyists for weapons companies, and four joined financial firms that make significant investments in the defense sector.

The politicians are also widely known to be utterly corrupted, with the MIC making sure that it has factories in the electoral districts of every senator and representative, and “money as free speech” rained down upon them like rain from the oligarch rain makers. Bob Menendez is only one of the worst examples:

Then we have the “intellectuals” who sell their knowledge and skills relatively cheap on the “thinktank” circuit. With respect to Occupied Palestine they have many such intellectual pimping organizations to choose from, one of them being the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, full of ex State Department operatives and craven academics. Nowhere can you find who actually funds this so obviously pro-Israel and pro-aggressive US foreign policy outfit. The beauty of such “thinktanks” is that propaganda can be so easily washed through their hands onto the pages of the mainstream media as if from some, “independent” academic source:

Today, almost daily, newspapers in the U.S. and Europe carry analysis about the Middle East by experts of the Institute, but without identifying the organization as pro-Israel and close to the Israel lobby … the Washington Middle East Scene … changed radically … with the advent of the Clinton administration. Clinton appointed Martin Indyk, who founded WINEP as the research arm of AIPAC, as his chief Middle East advisor (he did not have U.S. citizenship at the time and his papers were rushed in to meet the confirmation process).

The administration then cleansed all Arabists from the State Department and anybody who was identified as tilting to the Arab point of view was sent to Siberian posts. The message was loud and clear: the U.S. government would no longer tolerate anybody daring to express the “Arab point of view” in the Arab-Israeli question.

That quickly elevated the status of the Washington Institute and many of its researchers served in high positions of government, especially at State and Defense. At least three of its “experts” served as assistant secretaries of state for the Near East (the top Middle East post at the Department of State). The reputation of the Institute as the organization which staffs Middle East posts at the National Security Council in the White House, State, and Defense grew.

The US State Department was consciously made dumb, with those that understood the complexity of the Middle East replaced with Zionist ideologues. The same can be said for Russia, with true academics such as Stephen S. Cohen pushed to the media and academic edges as they had the temerity to consider that Russia may have its own legitimate interests. The same with those that truly understand China and understand that cooperation with China is the best option for the US long term.

The US establishment, dominated by the international and global corporations from at least the 1930s onwards, seeks complete domination of the globe for the facilitation of the extraction of resources and value added for the furthering of its own wealth and power. With the coming of the second unipolar moment, all arms of the foreign policy and security establishment were cleansed of those that understood and empathized with other nations and restaffed with ideologues that would happily implement the plan for global domination. This is the reason why the Eastern European Division of the State Department etc. was filled with extremist ethnic Ukrainians and other Eastern Europeans who have a pathologic hatred of Russia. These people are simply tools of the oligarchy, courtiers who will only stay in place if they carry out the oligarch’s wishes. The same for the many Jews in senior state positions, who after the post-WW2 attack upon the Jewish community as communists (e.g. the McCarthyite taking down of the Jewish Hollywood moguls, Oppenheimer, the Rosenbergs etc.) quickly moved to the right to protect themselves; becoming consiglieres to the US Mafia-State in addition to the Italian Mafia.

Their positions are not a sign of their strength, rather a sign of their readiness to serve the US establishment; empires many times use compliant ethnic minorities to help administer their territories. The same as Israel itself being a colonial project of the UK and then the US as a Western island of influence to keep the Middle East weak, just as with Ukraine after the 2014 coup.

Even with the highly obedient ethnic courtiers, no risks are taken with the oligarchic control. Three oligarch-serving and quite prominent Muslim anchors, Mehdi Hasan, Ayman Mohieddine and Ali Velshi, have been removed by MSNBC during the current Israeli colonial escalation. This after the US Jewish courtier Dan Abrams (ABC’s Chief Legal Analyst and media entrepreneur) singled out the three of them for opprobrium for their delivery of an honest balanced view of the true causes of the conflict. How dare the ethnic courtiers question the oligarch’s policies! Perhaps they feel how US Jews felt after being victimized during the McCarthy era?

Taking Afghanistan and Iraq without a plan

Sheer over weaning arrogance drove the US establishment to invade Afghanistan and Iraq without a plan for “what after?” Six trillion dollars later they had exited Afghanistan through a pathetic retreat and had greatly enhanced Iranian influence in Iraq. For much less money the US could have easily funded the development of the two nations and gained the support of their populations. But of course, that would not have provided a massive process of financial extraction through which the MIC and US capitalist ruling class in general extracted vast amounts of money from the US state. The money would end up in the bank accounts of the already rich, and the debts were owed by the US people. As would much of the drug profits from the poppy fields that came back into production after the Taliban was removed, and ceased production soon after the Taliban returned.

Attempting to thwart Chinese technology parity to the US

After blindly profiteering from cheap Chinese labour for more than two decades, while facilitating the development of China as an industrial competitor to the US, the US establishment is now trying to close the technology door after the horse has bolted well down the field. Instead of crimping China, these policies will simply reduce the sales of Western technology companies. Within a decade at most, China will have equalled or surpassed the West in all technology fields. In microchips, as in many other technology fields, the Chinese were happy just to buy the goods from the West. It was the sanctions which actually galvanized Chinese corporations and the state to launch a massive program to overcome the Western technology lead, and the Western sanctions designed to keep China as a subaltern.

Attempting to use Ukraine against Russia

The utter ignorance and delusion of the foreign policy elites was shown in their utterly ridiculous belief that Russia would fold like a house of cards under Western sanctions and its population would rebel and overthrow Putin. The opposite has occurred, as Russia is poised to win the Ukrainian war in the next year or so, support for Putin has strengthened, and it is Europe that has been weakened. At the same time, the Western financial system has been exposed as a tool for the expropriation of those that disagree with the West. In addition, the sanctions have freed Russia to align with both Iran and North Korea; strengthening both in their opposition to the West and strengthening the EurAsian anti-West alliance.

Creating and Facilitating the extremist Zionist Israeli Settler Apartheid State

The vast majority of European Jews in the post-WW2 period wanted to emigrate to the United States, but the still relatively high level of antisemitism in the US blocked this route, as was the case with Canada and the UK as well. Another route would have been to carve a new nation out of the ruins of those that had attempted to exterminate them, primarily Germany but also perhaps a Lithuania where the extermination of the 200,000+ Jewish community had involved many members of a deeply antisemitic community. The latter option was not probable under the Stalin leadership and the former not under the German occupation by the US, Soviet Union, the UK and France. Instead, the Arab population would be made to pay for the centuries of antisemitism of the Europeans.

This option fit the foreign policy aims of the British (who issued the infamous Balfour Declaration in 1917), and later the US, to have a European settler colony to aid the control of the Arab lands under which oil had been found while once and for all ridding themselves of the Jewish issue. This option also fit the aims of the Zionist Jewish minority, a group of non-religious Jews who planned for an ethnically pure Jewish homeland. With the support of the British, an increasing number of European Jews (Ashkenazi) were allowed to settle in Palestine; prior to the British mandate that started in 1920 only about 5%, 25,000, of the population was Jewish. During the mandate, over 400,000 Jews emigrated to Palestine, and by 1947 the Jewish population was 630,000 out of a total of a total of 2 million. Through a UN dominated by the Western powers (the Soviet Union had not taken its chair at the UN Security Council and the Chinese chair was taken by Taiwan), the Jews were allotted a contiguous homeland that was disproportionate to their relative numbers (56% of the land) and contained much of the coast as well as the best land; the desire to “hem in” the Palestinian population was obvious. The Zionists then grabbed much more land through the Nakba ethnic cleansing which was the primary cause of the Arab-Israeli War, forcing 700,000 Palestinians to flee. The UN have since passed endless resolutions telling the Israeli’s to relinquish this stolen land, but with the US, France and the UK enjoying veto powers at the UN Security Council these were toothless. The establishment of Israel was fundamentally a British and then a US geopolitical project, led by non-religious Jews who had planned a nationalist and racist project of ethnic cleansing for decades; the latter simply took advantage of the Holocaust to wrap themselves in religious victimhood clothing.

Since then, Israel has served the US Empire well both as an offsetting power in the Middle East and also as a provider of enforcers across the globe. The latter are extremely useful as they give the US a gift of deniability, with Israelis doing the Empire’s dirty work. Just as the Nepalese Gurkhas and Indian ethnic minority Sikhs had done for the British Empire. Over the past few decades a greater number of non-European Jews (the Mizrahi) have settled in Israel, and their birth rate has exceeded that of the European Ashkenazi. The Mizrahi tend toward a greater level of religiousness and extremism, with the worst elements being akin to a Jewish ISIS that wants a Jewish state ruled by Jewish religious law. It is this group that also wants to demolish the Al-Aksar mosque, the third holiest place in the Muslim world, and build a Jewish synagogue upon its ruins. The current Israeli government, and an increasing number of its armed forces and police, represent the Mizrahi. The Ashkenazi – Mizrahi ideological split represents the basic conflict within Israeli society that had broken out prior to the most recent Gazan conflict.

This excellent Duran panel with Alastair Crooke and Glenn Diesen covers this schism within Israel.

Both the Ashkenazi and Mizrahi are ethnically cleansing Zionists, their only differences are between the nature of the Israeli state and the tactics used to gain their objective. For the Ashkenazi, their plan of the slow death of the Palestinian West Bank communities under a thousand settler cuts has worked extremely well at keeping their ethnic cleansing under the geopolitical radar; greatly aided by Western and Arab elite complicity. The Mizrahi are pushing for tactics that would enflame the whole Arab world and make it impossible for the complicit Arab elites not to side with the Palestinians. Unfortunately for the Israelis the Middle East has greatly changed in the past few decades, and not in their favour:

·      Iran survived the Iraqi invasion meant to quash the still-young revolution against the Western-puppet Shah, and Western sanctions have also been resisted. The Western attempts to destroy Iraq, Syria and Lebanon have resulted in a great expansion of Iranian power in the region; an Iran of 90 million people possessing a highly developed Military Industrial Complex.

·      The second Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 2006 (the first was in 1976) proved to be an abject failure, with the Israeli army being forced back by the forces of Hezbollah. The latter has only grown stronger since then, now possessing over 100,000 soldiers (many having gained experience in Syria) and highly advanced military equipment including 130,000+ missiles.

·      Syria survived the attempts of the Western powers, Israel and some Arab powers to destroy it and has now substantially recovered. One result is a war-hardened armed forces and the presence of both Iranian and Russian military forces.

·      Demographic shifts have massively changed the balance of forces against Israel, with Arab populations growing much more rapidly than the Israeli one with a heavy skew to military-age adults.

·      The peace initiatives between Iran and the Gulf Cooperation Council states (which includes Saudi Arabia) and between Syria and the Arab states, have greatly increased the cohesion of the Arab world.

·      The Ukraine conflict has very significantly deepened diplomatic, economic and military relations between Iran and Russia. Turkey’s rapprochement with both Russia and Iran also removes it as a tool of Us foreign policy in the region, isolating Israel further. Significant amounts of Israeli munition stocks were also sent to Ukraine.

Fundamentally, the issue for the Israeli’s is that they need to come to terms with the new reality that they are no longer invincible or the dominant power in the West Asian region. But this would require Israel to retreat from all of the land stolen from 1947 onwards, together with the Syrian Golan Heights; something that both Ashkenazi and Mizrahi are completely unwilling to do. Together with the power of the US and the West waning, Israel only has a short window where it may be able to complete its ethnic cleansing and that seems to be the strategy that the Mizrahi-dominated government has set upon. The highly fabricated Hamas “atrocities” provide the propagandist smokescreen behind which the 2+ million Gazan population will be driven out through military terror tactics. After that the West bank can be ethnically cleansed in a much less visible way, one enclave at a time.

The fact is that this has to be one of the dumbest strategies possible; one guaranteed to unite the Arab world against Israel as well as ignite a significant proportion of Western populations. As has been noted even by the US state apparatus, Israel does not seem to have a plan for what to do after it has triggered the Arab world’s response. Can it fight a multi-front war against Hezbollah (who have stated that they will intervene if Gaza is invaded), Syria, an exploding West bank, 20% of its own population that is Arab, and possibly hundreds of thousands of Arabs travelling to fight a holy war against Israel? None of these considerations seemed to have passed through the Israeli leaders’ heads, nor at first through the heads of the US and Western leaders who knee-jerked absolute support for their colonial project.

This support, in parallel to the multiple crimes of humanity carried out by the Israelis against the Gazan population (cutting off of basic amenities such as electricity and water, bombing of hospitals, indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas etc.), has destroyed the West’s credibility with respect to the “other 7 billion” and the Arab states in particular. The Abraham Accords designed to support the slow quiet ethnic cleansing of Israel are dead and buried. The Western elites have also been forced into propagandistic gymnastics that serve to undermine their own narratives; for example, being for Muslims in Xinjiang but against Muslims in Palestine, applauding a Nazi in the Canadian parliament only weeks before being “fully behind Israel”. Not unexpectedly, the height of dumbness was reached by Blundering Blinken who on arrival in Israel stated that he came “as a Jew” as well as the US Secretary of State. What are the Arabs supposed to make of such a statement, or the non-Jewish citizens of the US? His partner in the Duo of Dumbness, The Joke Sullivan (US National Security Adviser) had stated that the Middle East was very stable only a couple of weeks ago.

As Bhadrakumar points out in Indian Punchline, an Arab-Iran-China axis has been created on this issue focused on the plight of the Gazan population, aligning the major Middle Eastern Arab and Persian powers and placing China as an ally of both them and the Palestinian people. Such an alliance attests to the incredible failure of US foreign policy in the region while Blundering Blinken flits from one country to another repeating Israel’s “right to defend itself” against those that it has imprisoned. The parallels with the statements of the Nazis with respect to the rebelling populations of the occupied territories during WW2 are redolent, but invisible to this ideologically blinded numbskull. A great product of the esteemed Dalton school, Harvard (social studies degree) and Columbia (law); none of which seem to have taught him any real history or improved his critical faculties. His ascent from lowly speech writer and political fixer to US Secretary of State reflects his craven courtier qualities much more than any great intelligence.

No matter what happens next, the US establishment and its foreign policy and security service courtiers have created a new foreign policy debacle that can only hasten the decline of their soft power across the globe while increasing the cohesiveness of their opponents. Through decades of support for the colonial ethnically cleansing apartheid Israel they have simply fostered an ever more extreme regime. One that threatens to destroy itself, and perhaps the rest of humanity by its actions. Unfortunately for the predominantly Anglo-Saxon US establishment, the Zionists have spent decades embedding themselves in the US state, political and economic circles. The disciplining of Israel would require the disciplining of a core section of the US Mafia-State, the US media, and significantly rich Zionist citizens and their powerful association AIPAC. So, instead Muslim anchors are quietly removed from the media to keep the “Israeli victims defending themselves / terrorist Hamas” narrative unchallenged.

The US establishment may be the “Empire of Chaos” but the result seems to be more of it reaping the whirlwind of blowback rather than gaining advantage against its opponents. Pepe Escobar called it nine years ago, perhaps the Duo of Dumbness and their establishment backers should have read his book.

Chicago-Style Breaded Steak Sandwich

This is a much loved Chicago sandwich. The Italians in Chicago really know how to make yummy sandwiches. You won’t be disappointed!

chicago style breaded steak sandwich
chicago style breaded steak sandwich

Prep: 10 min | Cook: 30 min | Yield: 6 sandwiches


  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 6 sandwich steak or round steak cutlets, pounded to 1/8 inch thick
  • Salt and pepper, to season
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 3 eggs, whipped with 2 tablespoons water
  • 1 cup Italian seasoned bread crumbs
  • 2 tablespoons fresh rosemary, chopped (added to bread crumbs)
  • 1 1/2 to 2 cups tomato basil spaghetti sauce
  • 6 French rolls
  • 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 6 ounces hot or mild Giardiniera


  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Heat oil in a 12 inch skillet over medium heat.
  3. Warm tomato basil sauce over medium heat in a skillet.
  4. Season steaks with salt and pepper, then lightly coat in flour, shaking off excess.
  5. Coat steaks in egg wash, again shaking off the excess egg, then press steaks into breadcrumbs, coating completely.
  6. Fry 2 or 3 steaks at a time in the oil for about 2 minutes per side, or until deep golden brown.
  7. Dip the steaks one by one into tomato basil sauce to coat, then transfer to French rolls, folding them into a v shape.
  8. Sprinkle cheese and giardiniera into the fold of the steaks or over the top of the steaks, as desired, then wrap each sandwich in foil.
  9. Place wrapped sandwiches in the oven. Bake for 3 to 5 minutes.

Why are people getting lazier about finding good jobs?

They aren’t.

What’s happening is employers are posting job ads like…

“Senior Developer required! Must have at least a master’s degree in computer science, Ph.D. preferred. Minimum 15 years experience running a large development team for a Fortune 500 company. You will be responsible for rolling out a new $8 billion distributed computing platform that will help our company increase its revenue by $2 billion a year. Starting pay $7.95 to $8.25 an hour. No benefits. “

WhY dOeSn’t AnYoNe WaNt To WoRk AnYmOrE???!

PeOpLe ArE sO lAzY!!!!!”

A Visitor Reports on China

Just finished a 2-week trip in China (Shanghai, Beijing, Xi’an, Yen’An)

Hadn’t been since Dec 2019, previously visited multiple times/year for 20+ years. Had to see for myself how things are vs. media reports within the US. For the record, I am neither Pro or Anti China, I am Pro-Business. Here are my summary observations/opinions:

  • Economy is definitely slowing down and most people feel or see the impact. However, the loudest complainers are from the ‘elite’ segment (well educated, experience with MNCs, live in Shanghai, etc.). Noticed people in Beijing, Xian, and smaller cities weren’t as concerned.
  • Despite downturn, most people aren’t severely impacted for now. They have plenty of savings, almost no debt, and can live with their parents. Chinese are notoriously frugal and save for a rainy day – guess what? It’s raining now. Also, for perspective, economy still going to grow 4–5%, just not 8–10% as hoped/expected. So people aren’t buying as many luxury goods, the 10+ Uber/Lyft rideshare companies aren’t getting as much traffic, and not every engineer will get their dream job.
  • Foreign population visibly lower, the smallest number I’ve seen in 20+ years even in Shanghai. Took a flight from BJ to Shanghai, saw less than 20 foreigners at airport and plane, most appear to be from Europe. Shouldn’t have been surprised given the situation but eye opening nonetheless.
  • Technology progress in China is for real. ~35–40% of cars in Shanghai are EVs. And they are much nicer than expected, even from brands I’ve never heard of. BYD has a version that can do 900 KM on full charge (vs. 450 for a Tesla). Huawei 6G pro is impressive. Bullet train system is easy, convenient, and fast (some routes didn’t exist just a few years ago). Subways are upgraded. Robotic companies everywhere. This was my area of expertise, a bit disturbed to see how quickly they copy-catted, highly likely they got some IP improperly IMO. One executive told me they don’t need any tech know-how from America today. This is where things are at whether the US admits to it or not.
  • 80–90% of all money transactions for me was electronic. I linked my ATM card to Alipay and it was pretty easy most of the time. I got a bunch of added charges though, some expected, some not. Kind of annoying.
  • My US cell phone was blocked in China, meaning I couldn’t iMessage or call Chinese numbers (not the case before). My WeChat messages to locals came with warnings. Just some minor retaliation from China.
  • Downloaded 2 VPNs, between the two I was able to get most of what I needed from US though they would crash 1/day or work very slowly sometimes. People still use WhatsApp a lot in Shanghai. One bonus: Spotify worked great even within the firewall!
  • In Shanghai I saw signs of small groups of “youts”, meaning younger generation Chinese dressed more hip or alternative (baggy pants, blond hair, etc.). Hadn’t seen much of this before, we’ll see if it evolves like Japan in the 80s.
  • Most Chinese are aware of the Sino vs. US tension. The more educated are privately quite critical of the current CCP government. But they are also confused with US positions. For example, why are Huawei and BYD banned in the US but Apple and Tesla are allowed in China? They don’t see all the negative coverage on China from the US, but do get amplified coverage of US deficiencies (gun violence, Trump, Biden gaffes, gov’t shutdown talk, etc.). They all hope things get better. And nearly all Chinese I talked to aren’t big fans of Russia.
  • In summary, my takeaway is China is going through a pretty big correction. For some, it’s hurting but for now, the country is fine. I do see the impact of lesser foreign investment but IMO, there is still significant opportunity. China still covets global products and services, and believe established quality is paramount – especially in Shanghai. The rules are just tighter and some sectors are more complicated than before. I believe if things don’t get better in 1–2 years, there could be some serious trouble. I’m guessing many Chinese nationals outside of the country are also paying attention to this as well.

Scott Ritter: THIS is Why the US Will LOSE Its War on China

This is surprisingly good. Take this video to the bank. It is really, really good.

Easy Sloppy Joe Pot Pie

All the great taste of classic sloppy joes in an easy one-skillet pot pie. No one will miss the buns!


Prep: 5 min | Bake: 40 min | Yield: 6 servings


  • 1 pound lean ground beef
  • 1 medium onion, chopped (1/2 cup)
  • 1 (15 1/2 ounce) can original sloppy joe sauce
  • 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded Cheddar cheese
  • 1 cup Original Bisquick® mix
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 egg


  1. Heat oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. Cook beef and onion in ovenproof 10-inch skillet over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until beef is brown; drain.
  3. Stir in sloppy joe sauce.
  4. Sprinkle with cheese.
  5. Stir remaining ingredients until blended. Pour over beef mixture.
  6. Bake for about 30 minutes or until golden brown.


Special Touch: Before baking, sprinkle with a tablespoon of sesame seed.

What did a family member say or do that you don’t talk to them anymore?

I was adopted by an amazing family when I was 4 1/2. My adoptive mom and adoptive dad had a biological child, my adoptive sister, who was 3 years my senior that was killed in a car accident when she was 21. I was 18 and a senior in high school. The loss of my sister devastated us all and changed the framework for our family for sure. My mom, dad, and I became even closer and cling to one another after knowing that any of us could be gone in an instant after losing my sister under such sudden circumstances.

Fast forward 27 years. My father was diagnosed with Brain Cancer. He quickly gave me Power of Attorney to make all medical and financial decisions on his behalf since he knew I’d honor his every wish. He had a sister that basically controlled and manipulated all their siblings except for him since he was the oldest sibling and had moved away from all their drama first chance he got. When my aunt found out that my father placed me in charge of his care and not her, she angrily called me and said, “You aren’t a REAL daughter! You’re just a daughter on paper!” She then added, “The only reason he put you in charge is because he didn’t have a choice!!”

So, I quietly hung up the phone on her, continued to allow her to visit my father (but kept a close eye on her so she wouldn’t steal anything). On the day of his funeral I went up to her and told her that our mutual point of contact is gone and I no longer wanted any contact with her or anyone she knew! I told her that I wished to cut off all communication and contact with her and that side of the family now. That if I heard from her or anyone that she sent to call, visit, spy on my or my daughter that I’d promptly call the police for trespassing and/or harassment. I later put that in writing when returning an assistive device she had given my dad to tell him get out of the car.

Have not heard a peep from her since. Best decision I ever made! Keep toxic family members out if your life and keep things moving forward for yourselves!!

America at its best

the result of its strong and capable leadership

image 78
image 78
image 79
image 79

This is Evil and Demonic

always calling for war, killing and destruction of others

but they cannot stop threatening or demonizing others

as they and their nation – consumed by hate – are now controlled by the anti-Christ himself

PLEASE do NOT let their hate get to you so that you also lose your humanity and become like them

because that is the exact intention of their Deity

Will the US dollar lose its global power in the next 5 years?

Nobody today wants a confrontation with the United States

It is the United States which is becoming unbearable

After Barack Obama, the US has been :-

  • Reneging on past promises
  • Bullying almost every Nation
  • Imposing illegal Tariffs
  • Making fake claims with no substantive evidence against one and all

The US is becoming so unreasonable that other nations are rightfully ten times more frightened of the US than they are of China & Russia

The US unilaterally blocked all trade from Cuba for almost 65 years for no reason

Cuba hasn’t attacked the US once and is no threat to the US

Now US openly tells Venezuela that only the person US says must be the President if Venezuela want their money back or they will be sanctioned

They have refused to pay 12 nations their own money including Russia

They threaten to sanction any nation that does business with a nation sanctioned by the US

They are like the Catholic Church in the 1100s with their excommunication powers

The US Dollar is a weapon which the US could use to starve a nation of energy and food and imports ON A WHIM

Vermin like Lindsey Graham who still think they rule the world and have a say in what anyone does

So there are at least 100 Countries that want a backup plan to ensure continuous delivery of energy and food if the US decides to go rogue on them

So many nations are going to ensure that they REDUCE THEIR DEPENDENCE on the Dollar

That’s guaranteed

Unless the US goes back to it’s best behaviour and passes a law regarding the legality of sanctions against a nation and against associate nations in the house, Senate and by the President.

Unless the US stops interference everywhere

Now will that lose the Global power of the Dollar

Not necessarily

The USD will remain the largest reserve currency

Yet the US can’t weaponize the Dollar anymore

There will be alternate payment systems and alternate payments for Energy and Food including Cross Currency payments

That’s undeniable

The days of the US Army threatening people are gone now.

The USD and it’s dominance will be dependent on Economics and Trade and not the strength of the US Army Or the threat of Sanctions

That’s virtually a guarantee in five years

BIBLICAL PROPHECY- REAL LIFE: Netanyahu Warns will “Destroy Damascus if Hezbollah Enters War”

World Hal Turner

Biblical Prophecy seems to be playing out in real life right now, as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu just announced “Israel warns that the United States will join (the war) if Hezbollah joins. IDF will destroy Damascus, target Syrian President Assad if Hezbollah joins war; US warships will support Israel in war.”

When I first heard this remark, I recoiled in horror, and instantly recalled the Prophecy of Damascus:

Isaiah 17 predicts the destruction of Damascus, Syria.

Isa 17:1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.

Folks, I’m no Priest, or Rabbi, or Preacher, or Reverend.  I’m not some Bible scholar or even a Bible Thumper.  I’m just a regular guy, who grew up a “Holiday Catholic.”  That means I went to church on Christmas and Easter.  Throw in a few weddings and funerals, and that was about it.

Yet even a Biblically-ignorant man like me knows the prophecy of Damascus and now it looks as though we’re seeing it take place in real time.  OUR TIME!

This is terrifying to me because if this takes place, the steps to Armageddon are well along their way.

When US accuses China on information dominance, it’s like Uncle Sam talking about itself

A topic most likely missed

Karl Sanchez

Oct 4, 2023

An Outlaw US Empire government report was issued by the Department of State last Thursday called “How The People’s Republic Of China Seeks To Reshape The Global Information Environment.” The immediate reaction from China and most other nations resounds in the above title, where one writer says, “And the first reaction of the most readers is – isn’t the report about the US itself?. Another article headlines: “People are not blind in seeing US’ empire of lies: Chinese FM refuting State Department’s China report”.

Before I provide the text of those two articles there’s an important observation that needs to be made that some will know while for others it will be a revelation. Some know the history of the US code breakers prior to and during WW2 which was of profound importance and served as the basis for what became the National Security Agency post-war, although it’s most properly known as the National Surveillance Agency. Prior to my working for one of its smaller arms during my US Army Reserve service with an EW/Sigint Company based at Moffet Field, California, I became aware of what was the largest industrial espionage program ever in world history: Project Echelon, which was the #1 NSA project at the time, well before the Internet Age. I wasn’t too shocked by this revelation despite the significance of it being a quasi-fascist relationship between government and Big Business. And it was the Cold War so spying on the Other Side was a given. The work my Company did was tactical battlefield spying and interdiction, not strategic, although it was interesting what the jammers and other spies would listen to during our monthly exercises. On our larger Summer Field Training Exercises (FTX), we were always tasked as the OpForce—the Soviets—and we’d always win because the operational security (OPSEC) of the regular army formations was horrific—as bad or worse than ‘Nam I was told by many. And from what I hear and know, it hasn’t improved much since then. The point being, we were actually good at spying on others but we were woeful when spied upon. And apparently, that’s been and continues to be a chronic problem—US troops just don’t want to follow OPSEC regardless their generation—WW2 to present. The result is an acute sensitivity to the problem—Project Echelon revelations were denied by one and all despite hard evidence and protestations from nations who thought they were seen as friendly. (Thus the lesson that the Outlaw US Empire has no friends only interests.) The Pentagon Papers revealed the degree of propagandization the US public was subjected to, and other revelations told even more, like Operation Mockingbird. Watergate was also revelatory—the president spied on himself! Wow! Was that ever a revelation; and then it was revealed that Ike had started it and JFK continued it. And of course, before all of that was 1984 and its Ministry of Truth that merged well with the propaganda aimed at the West by the West about the Soviet Bloc and then the Red Chinese, etc. And even before 1984 there was George Seldes and other journalists who wrote about their being censored not just by the government but by their own publications”: You can’t Print That! was one of Seldes titles filled with revelations that if published when written might have made a difference. Seldes was followed by IF Stone as the 1940s became the 1950s, and ever since there’ve always been a small number of genuine patriot journalists trying to tell the public what’s actually happening. Which brings us back to our new, latest government lie, which is actually propaganda aimed at the US public to demonize what the Warmongers see as their next opponent.

This op/ed was published in Global Times on 29 September but its access was blocked until today by I don’t know who/what. Because the US government lies all the time to one and all, many assume other governments do the same thing, but that’s not the case, particularly with today’s Info War where the high ground is being truthful and factual consistently so you gain credibility because you’re honest. Lying about others and yourself propagandizes your populace to not trust any government. And in this case, the US Government doesn’t want anyone to trust the word of Russia or China. So, one can see the Outlaw US Empire’s lying campaign as a Psyop aimed primarily at its own people. So, here’s the op/ed’s contents:

The hypocrisy of the US is on full display in its newly-released report on China, while Washington’s anxiety on its own capability to dominate public opinion is also bubbling. The report, launched by the US Department of State on Thursday local time, is called “How The People’s Republic Of China Seeks To Reshape The Global Information Environment.” And the first reaction of the most readers is – isn’t the report about the US itself? 

The report focuses on accusing China of information manipulation via propaganda, disinformation, and censorship in an attempt to seek information dominance globally. Yet it sounds more like a portrayal of Uncle Sam himself when he is looking at the mirror, and then makes it about China, Shen Yi, a professor at Fudan University, told the Global Times.

Has China ever manipulated global information like the US has been doing? Like the time when Washington claimed there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the media parroted the claim, and US allies followed suit in US-led invasion of the Middle East country? Or like the time when the US faced the world’s highest COVID death toll, the US took the top spot on Bloomberg’s COVID Resilience Ranking?

If the US claims No. 2 in the world in disinformation and public opinion manipulation campaign, no one dares to claim No. 1. Think about how US political elites and media outlets uniformly bleats the word “unprovoked” in reference to Russia-Ukraine conflict, despite the fact that the conflict was not only provoked, but deliberately provoked by NATO’s eastward expansion; and how the US distracts public attention from US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh’s report that the US was the mastermind behind the Nord Stream pipelines explosion, by claiming the sabotage was made by a six-member team of a pro-Ukraine group.

The US takes every measure to make the world hostile against Washington’s rivals. Launching an information war against China is therefore a part of US containment strategy, with a goal to create an “evil” image of China in the international public opinion arena. The new report is simply a latest example in US long list of tactics to make the world vigilant toward China. 

This is why the US has been encircling China, half a world away from US own soil, with a chain of military bases and ports, yet calling China an “aggressor.” When a Chinese civilian unmanned airship accidentally floated over the US, the later made no hesitation in labelling the incident an act of espionage. The hysteria lasted for months until Pentagon, after a lengthy examination, confirmed it did not collect any information, not to mention send any data back to China.

American elites are so comfortable living in their echo chamber to repeat their accusation on “forced labor in Xinjiang,” which appears in almost every China-related report issued by US authorities. Unsurprisingly, it also shows up in the latest report. When people, especially from Western countries, have actually visited Xinjiang, acknowledge the development, improved healthcare, rising education and employment levels in the region, as what they see with their bare eyes, the politicians in Washington are busying clamoring so-called genocide and forced labor. 

But whenever someone tells the truth, or whenever Chinese media tell the truth, they are labelled as a puppet of a Chinese propaganda machine. Who is manipulating information? How come the US has the freedom to spread disinformation but China becomes a manipulator for telling the truth? 

The US State Department gets one thing wrong. It is not China manipulating information. But the US has been undermining its own credibility by lying for so long. It seems the US can also sense the fragility of its manipulation. Unfortunately, the way it responds to it is spreading more disinformation by smearing its rivals. 

The more the US tries, the more its hypocrisy is exposed. The last thing the US cares about is public access to information, it cares about its hegemony, including that in the information field. Otherwise, why Julian Assange and Edward Snowden have to go through prosecution just for telling the truth?  

This is what the Global Majority wants stopped ASAP.

On October 1, a reply made by China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs was made and an article built around that was published by Global Times, “People are not blind in seeing US’ empire of lies: Chinese FM refuting State Department’s China report”. Putin’s term, Empire of Lies, is now in wide use, which helps in the Info War but doesn’t mean the use of truth and facts can diminish. And here’s its content:

Refuting the US Department of State’s malicious report claiming that China has invested billions of dollars spreading disinformation globally, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said the report itself is disinformation, and people of the world are not blind in seeing the US’ ugly attempts that have proven time and again that it is an “empire of lies” through and through.

Titled “How the People’s Republic of China Seeks to Reshape the Global Information Environment,” the US report focuses on accusing China of information manipulation in an attempt to achieve global information dominance. It says that China’s “global information manipulation” is a challenge to the integrity of the global information space. 

Responding to the report, a spokesperson from the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Saturday the report is in itself disinformation as it misrepresents facts and truth. In fact, it is the US that invented the weaponizing of the global information space. 

The relevant center of the US State Department which concocted the report is engaged in propaganda and infiltration in the name of “global engagement.” It is a source of disinformation and the command center of “perception warfare.” 

From Operation Mockingbird that involved bribing and manipulating news media for propaganda purposes in the Cold War era, to a vial of white powder and a staged video of the “White Helmets” cited as evidence to wage wars of aggression in Iraq and Syria earlier this century, and then to the enormous lie made up to smear China’s Xinjiang policy, facts have proven time and again that the US is an “empire of lies” through and through, the spokesperson said.

Even some in the US, such as Senator Rand Paul, acknowledged that the US government is the greatest propagator of disinformation in the history of the world.

Some in the US may think that they can prevail in the information war as long as they propagate enough lies, but the people of the world are not blind, the spokesperson said.

“No matter how the US tries to pin the label of ‘disinformation’ on other countries, more and more people in the world have already seen through the US’ ugly attempt to perpetuate its supremacy by weaving lies into ’emperor’s new clothes’ and smearing others,” the spokesperson noted.  

China’s response has revealed the distorted narrative of the US and fully exposed the US’ use of this report as a crucial element in trying to shape public opinion and international consensus in its strategic competition with China, Li Haidong, a professor at the China Foreign Affairs University, told the Global Times on Sunday. 

The spokesperson’s remarks have unveiled the insidious intentions and deceptive nature of Washington, contributing to a clearer and more comprehensive understanding within the international community of the US’ unscrupulous practices in its China policy, Li said. This includes the US’s longstanding history of hypocrisy, deception, and inconsistency in its words and actions.

The US has been taking every measure to make the world hostile against Washington’s rivals. Launching an information war against China is therefore a part of US containment strategy, with a goal to create an “evil” image of China in the international public opinion arena. The new report is simply a latest example in the US’ long list of tactics to make the world vigilant toward China, Shen Yi, a professor at Fudan University, told the Global Times.

However, the more the US tries, the more its hypocrisy is exposed. The last thing the US cares about is public access to information, and it cares about its hegemony, including that in the information field, the expert added. 

Disinformation disguised as disinformation? Why not. The Establishment Narrative is often exactly that. For the public, how can it trust anything said by the national government since it’s being lied to most of the time; when/how can it tell the government’s being truthful? And most know the big problem serial prevaricators have—they don’t know when they’re lying and when they’re being truthful; nor do they know how to exit their false narrative. Most are aware that outlaws always lie to justify their outlawry. Most know the Magic Bullet was a lie and thus the official explanation for who killed JFK is also a lie. Same goes with the assassination of RFK. MLK’s murder was proven to be done by the US Government in a Civil Court suit that never got the press it deserved. Yes, it’s all online. Pearl Harbor. Tonkin Gulf. Serbia, 911. Iraq 2. All the accusations about Iran. Syria. Arab Spring. Ukraine 2004-5 and 2014 to now. And those are merely the major ones, not the thousands of little ones, like Somalia and Sudan and the many within the USA. Which raises a very important question: When did the US Government begin lying so heavily to its citizens? Libertarians IMO think that’s a product of Big Government, but the US Government lied for decades about the fate and its actions towards Native Americans as Helen Hunt Jackson revealed in her 1881 A Century of Dishonor : A Sketch of the United States Government’s Dealings with Some of the Indian Tribes. And then there’s perhaps one of the best kept secrets of all—the proceedings of the so-called Constitutional Convention were never to be made public—Which was actually a coup that ousted the prevailing government and its legal documents—The Continental Congress and the Articles of Confederation—that instituted an oligarchic “republic” that was approved by less than 10% of the populace. We have no way of knowing where the Articles might have led, but we do know what has befallen us via the 1787 Constitution that’s supposed to improve the “Welfare” of all but has failed at that task grandly. Is that why the public’s lied to constantly, even in textbooks?

There’s only one solution to the above problem. People must rise up and not just demand but force the government to tell the truth. But we can’t expect the current Swamp of prevaricators to do that, so a wholesale replacement of most everyone within the federal government is required. Tall task? Yes, you bet it is. Impossible? Only if we don’t gather together and try—we the people have done so before when our problems weren’t nearly as bad as today—1880-1900 and 1930-1940. Many in the world ask when will the American people stand up for themselves and wonder if we have the courage to do so. Of course, thanks to the US Government, many Americans don’t realize they need to stand up for themselves.

What was a meal you loved as a kid but now that you’re an adult you realize your parents only made because you were poor?

We weren’t poor exactly, but as a child in the 70’s, my dad was a teacher and the sole breadwinner. My parents had to budget carefully.

Dad got paid once a month, and they went grocery shopping once a month. They’d buy 4 gallons of milk and put 3 in the deep freeze. Mom had a menu plan for the entire month and bought exactly what she needed to prepare those meals and nothing more. It was a rare occasion to find a box of Little Debbie snack cakes in our pantry.

Mom would make pancakes for dinner at least once a week, and my sister and I would happy dance in the kitchen.

I now know those pancakes were one of the many ways my mother stretched those groceries, an absolute necessity due to the inflation of the 1970’s.

I also know there were times I didn’t have enough to eat as a child. As an adult today I suffer from fears of food insecurity, and an empty fridge and/or pantry sends me spiraling into anxiety.

But I still love pancakes for dinner, although I don’t serve them as a cost saving measure. I serve them because they’re quick, easy & damn delicious.

How do I go to China so that I can tell government officials and cops that I’m a proud and overt counter revolutionary and want to peacefully take the CCP down?


First the cops, they would look at you weirdly and ignore you completely unless you break a law

If you say you want to take down the CPC, they will shrug and keep doing their job

If you disturb them, they will lock you up as per the relevant law

Now the officials

Even a mainlander doesn’t know who security officials are or what they look like

If you talk to a committee official or a local government official about overthrow of the party, he MAY notify the local security bureau

They will contact you, investigate you and when they find you have no funding or any major involvement with any organization, they will deport you and ban you from entry for 12 years if you are a foreigner

If you are a local, they will regard you mad and inform your family and neighbors that you are mad

Madness is not regarded a good thing in China

However most mainlanders are more amused than offended by these jokers who protest and scream and are OBVIOUSLY US FUNDED

Sometimes you can see 30–40 screaming students yelling about Democracy and most mainlanders looking at them like they were Zoo animals and grinning and walking by

In fact it’s a running joke in China

If you want money badly, you simply go to the US Consulate and say you support democracy and want to write a newsletter for 1500 people and want $ 5000 a month

In 2 days, the US agrees to pay this amount and you simply copy paste all leading articles in NYT or Washington Post, translate them to Mandarin and happily earn 35000 Yuan a month and even pay officials 20% Heung Ya

What is the most unusual travel destination on your bucket list and why do you want to go there?

Hashima Island in Japan.

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At one time, this was the most densely populated city on earth. It was built on a tiny island that used to be an important coal mine. Huge living towers were constructed for the coal miners, linked together by a network of underground tunnels. There were movie theaters, restaurants, shops, all built into or beneath the high-rise living towers.

In the 1950s, the mine was no longer economically viable. Overnight, the entire city was abandoned. It has been completely untouched for sixty years; not a single soul, not even a caretaker, lives there.

It is without a doubt the epicenter of urban decay on earth. I could spend weeks doing photography there.

14 Teen Clinical Psychopaths Reactions to Hearing Their Sentences

What is the one advice that you would give to the world from your experiences in life?

Life is Simple.

At the core, life is extremely simple.

If you want to be happy then do what makes you happy.

If you want to be rich then do what makes you money.

And if you don’t do anything then you don’t get anything.

You either love someone or you don’t, either worked hard enough to achieve success or you didn’t and you are either proud of who you have become or you’re not.

That’s the “secret” to life and it’s all very simple.

The worst part about this is, that you know that this is true.

You know that if you just did the things you’ve been avoiding, the hard things, the uncomfortable ones, that your life would likely be far better!

You know that better than anyone, but keep avoiding it because you “missed too much” or “failed too often”; which is ultimately nothing more than pretty excuses.

The truth is you just want to avoid the discomfort of the action.

Something is keeping you from it, be it fear, discomfort or something else.

There is some story that you tell yourself that you believe that keeps you from doing that task.

You are not good enough, not smart enough, not disciplined enough. Life has been unkind to you, your parents prevent you from doing it or your situation does not allow for it.

You can make thousands of excuses and give even more reasons to why life is not that simple, but, in the end, it still is.

For if you just sat down and worked out, if you just worked harder or smarter, your life would be better. Period.

Now, if you do not know how to do it, then spend time figuring it out!

If you do not know what to do, then sit down and work on that.

But in the end it is all about doing the things you know you should.

That’s all it takes.

Stop making things so difficult for yourself, stop telling yourself the reasons that you cannot do it and find the reasons why you can do it or how you can.

Stop looking for ways out and find ways into the action.

Do more of what makes you happy and less of what makes you sad.

Do the things that progress your life and avoid the things that slow that progress down.

Surround yourself with people that make you feel amazing and drop the ones that don’t.

And get the things done that you know you need to to make your life better.

Life, at its core, is very simple. Don’t make it so complicated.

How can I politely tell customers that I’m not interested in small talk or hearing about their day, please purchase and leave?

I used to work in retail. I have worked for a large retail chain both in the UK and the United states and I have owned and co-owned small retail businesses. Retail was my life for about thirty years.

Your question asking how to politeley tell people to just buy and go, suggests that you are not suited to retail.

That is not bad, you just don’t have that social touch that retail shop workers need.

Retail is working with people. They have a commodity that you need. You need their money, if it’s your business you need their money daily. If you are an employee of a retail business you need their money so the owner of the business can pay you a wage.

Now some customers will definitely want to just pay and go. They have what they want from you and you have their money, so transaction over. Hi and goodbye.

Some customers though will actually come to the store for the goods they want and also it can be a huge part of their social life.

You or your staff might be the only person whom they see on a regular basis.

Telling such customers to pay and go is not going to help your business or your employers business. Telling these customers such things is going to hurt them, you will embarass them and make them uncomfortable. Those words will cut, you won’t see a physical wound, but sure thing your top and bottom line will.

They will take their custom elsewhere, with their custom your possibility of gaining their cash. You just added to the profits of your competitors who are much more in touch with their customers.

Yes it is mercenary to see your customers as cash dispensers. But your question suggests that you are such a mercenary. You want their cash, you don’t want them to be sociable, it’s preventing you garnering their money.

In fact if you looked on the sociability side of retail you would find those customers like and trust you more, you are going to be their first choice of store.

It takes time and effort to cultivate a rappour with your customers. It’s damned hard work at times. But those will be the customers you will find coming back again and again.

Learn to take people for what they are and not as you would like to make them. That will take you far in retail.

If that is not your way. Then don’t work in retail, if you own a retail business, get out of the customer facing side and employ someone who will foster a more friendly face to your business. Pay them well and look after them, Because you will need to work harder abd so will they because of your poor attitude so far.

THIS is how Colombians are seeing us now (it’s not good)

When I first arrived in Medellin Colombia in 2016, the way that foreigners were depicted was much different. But now, I see a big change in how they see us.

What did you learn too late in life?

According to Steve Jobs,

there is one single thing that “separates the people that do things from the people that just dream about them.”

It isn’t their intelligence, their work ethic, or their financial means. It’s something much more simple…

When Jobs was only 12 years old he opened the phone book and placed a call to Bill Hewlett (the co-founder of Hewlett-Packard). On the call, Jobs asked if Bill happened to have any spare computer parts he could have for a project he was working on––building a frequency counter.

Not only did Bill have the parts, he gave Steve a job that summer working on the assembly line at his company. To quote Jobs, “I was in Heaven.”

So what did Jobs do that was so special? (Besides calling the co-founder of a computer company when he was just 12 years old). He asked. Yep, that’s all.

So many of us are held back by our own self-doubt or unwillingness to ask that opportunities we never even know are available pass us by.

A simple question I’ve used for years that has served me well: Will I be any worse off than am I now by asking for this opportunity? If the answer is no, which I’d argue it almost always is, ––then you’ve got nothing to lose.

If you’re too afraid to ask, you’re too afraid to fail. And without failure, you’ll never grow. Just take action. Just ask.

How can China and the United States coexist peacefully while respecting each other’s interests and rights to development?

From the US side: only if China kneels down, promising:

  • not to further develop the nation in case it would surpass the US in the near future (better would never);
  • not to upgrade its industry, especially in the high-tech sectors so that the US can remain its tight grasp on making the standards to charge for high IP, licensing fees, as well as gaining enormous profits via selling high-end products to China, etc.;
  • not to build up its military prowess, so that the US can coerce and bully, even strike China at its will, while China does not have the power to hit back, even to complain about that;
  • not to reunify its territory, ie, forget about reuniting Taiwan province, even by peaceful means, let alone any attempts to taking it back by force even under the fiercer and fiercer provocations from the Taiwan authority backed by the US, and also directly from the US itself, as well as from other US allies;
  • not to adhere to its socialism system, instead, should adopt the US model of capitalism, so that international capital, especially US capital controlled by conglomerates in various fields can march into the Chinese capital market and eventually control the economic system of China, like what they have done with many other economies;
  • not to continue its one-party rule model, instead, follow the Western multi-party model, so that the US can sow certain evil seeds among different parties and then cultivate those who would rather sell their soul to the US in return for their selfish own interests, like many politicians in some countries, who have turned into the barking dogs of the US;
  • not to sell its products all over to the world, especially those which the US still has some competitive edges (though fewer and fewer), so that the US can still havest wealth from around the globe;
  • not to cooperate in a win-win manner with other countries, especially those countries less developed but abundant in natural resources, anyway, before China advocated this new win-win approach, their natural resources could be easily obtained by the US-led West in exchange of some rosy political promises of democracy and freedom, or looted (for example in Africa), or even stolen (for example, even right now, oil in Syria stolen by US soldiers) by them.

Then, the US would like to “coexist peacefully” with China.

(China-US conflicts not about values but interests: Global Times editorial)

But from the China side, can and will any Chinese people (except those traitors or betrayers, or those still naively believe the US, or broadly, the West, is still the “beacon of hope” of our human beings that China should and must obey the US’ order, etc.) agree to even just one term of the above listed?

Is it China’s fault to develop its nation?

Is it China’s fault to upgrade and develop its tech sectors?

Is it China’s fault to build up its military strength to protect its 1.4 billion people, their properties, as well as China’s overseas interests, since it is now the world’s second largest economy, the largest exporter of goods, and the second larget importer?

Is it China’s fault hoping to reunite its territory? Don’t forget, China is the only country among the five UN permanent members who has not finished intergrating its territory. The UN, and 182 of its 195 members, including the US itself, have stated clearly, Taiwan is a part of China.

Is it China’s fault to choose its own political system and governing mode? There are 193 UN member nations (with another 2 observe states), then actually there are 195 governing modes with various political systems, could the US require each and every one of them to follow the US model, why singling China out?

Obviously, a strong and rising China itself is the “threat,”because China’s rise is posing a “threat” to the US hegemony.

But a strong and rising China, is what China wants to be, needs to be, and is striving to be.

So, don’t expect a so-called “peaceful coexistence” between the US and China in the short future, unless one day, either China failed on its upward road onto the mountain, or the US continues to decline and lose its absolute control over the world with few to none tools to further block China’s rise.

When the Cat at the adoption center chooses you

What is your opinion on China’s call to the United States to “carefully consider” rules that ban or restrict U.S. investments in China’s tech sector?

It is self explanatory.

The long-term forecasts clearly favor China by every measure.

If American companies fail to use this period of time to invest, they will not be able to “jump on the bandwagon” and take advantage of opportunities that are presenting themselves today.

If the Biden “government” insists that all American (and allied) companies “sit this one out”, then the entire American and Western industry will fall back and will NEVER be able to catch up.

China is being kind.

The United States NEEDS to “carefully consider” the long-term ramifications of their current actions.

As China gets stronger, more important, more dominant in all areas, the United States is at risk to not only falling behind, but going absolutely obsolete in the process.

This is not something that China wants.

China wants and prefers a vibrant world; one where different regions; nations, societies and people thrive. In the world that China envisions, it is a WIN-WIN for everyone.

However, the path that the United States has embarked on is fraught with danger. And the United States appears to be on fast-track towards becoming a blight; a mawed gouge in an otherwise improved world.

So China is being very polite, and very understated.

However, the truth is the truth.

Putin blasts ‘rules-based order’

So-called “order” is just a front for colonialism, with purported rules ever-changing to fit needs, Russian president has said

The Western-promoted “rules-based order” is merely a cover for colonialism, as the presumed rules have never been agreed-on by anyone and are ever-shifting from one case to another, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said.

The president made the remarks in an exclusive interview with state-run broadcaster China Central Television (CCTV) that was aired on Monday.

“Have you ever seen these rules? No, because no one has ever written them, and no one has ever agreed to them with anyone. How can we talk about order based on rules that no one has seen?”

Putin stated.

While such a situation definitely looks “from the point of common sense” as “nonsense,” it’s extremely beneficial for the proponents of the said “rules-based order,” the president explained.

“If no one has ever seen these rules, it means that those who talk about this themselves come up with these rules from case to case in a way that suits their own interests. This is the essence of the colonial approach,”

Putin noted.

Colonialism has always been based on supremacist ideas, segregating people into different “classes.”

“Colonial countries have always believed themselves to be first-class people. After all, they always said that they bring enlightenment to their colonies, that they are civilized people and bring the benefits of civilization to other peoples, who are considered to be second-class,”

Putin stressed.

The colonial mindset remains strong, he noted, with all the US talk of its “exceptionalism,” for instance, stemming precisely from it.

“That is, when they say that they are exceptional in the United States, it means that there are other people, people of some other second class. How else can we perceive this? These are the rudiments of the colonial mindset, nothing else,”

he added.

The approach exhibited by Russia and China is entirely different from that shown by the West, with Moscow and Beijing both believing that treating all nations equally is the cornerstone of the emerging multipolar world and the basis of cooperation between the two nations themselves, Putin stressed.

“We proceed from the fact that all people are equal, everyone has the same rights, the rights and freedoms of one country and one people end where the rights and freedoms of another person or of an entire state start. This is how a multipolar world should gradually be born,”

the president explained.

What is the most accidentally slick thing you said to a girl?

I was at my local college bar in Long Island, NY. I saw a girl and she looked like someone I knew that wasn’t from my college area, someone from hundreds of miles away not far from my hometown in Vermont.

That girl was named Sharon Smith. Sharon and I kind of dated one spring/summer and we went to the local big name amusement park. I met Sharon during one of my high school wrestling meets. She was from a town in New Hampshire about 45 miles from my hometown.

It was kind of hard to maintain a relationship with someone so far away back in the rotary phone days, long distance calls, etc. Neither one of us had a car. I left for college, and we never saw each other again.

Since it was such an uncanny resemblance, I commented, “I think I must know your twin.” Now, I didn’t really think she was the twin of Sharon, I just thought she looked so much like the other girl.

The girl rolls her eyes at me since she knows she’s not from this area, and I guess she thinks it’s quite a lame pick up line.

She says something like, “Yeah, right.”

I reply, “I just think you look like a girl named Sharon Smith from Keene, NH.”

She then says, “Sharon is my twin sister, I’m Joann Smith!”

I did know Sharon had a twin sister, but I never expected to see anyone from my hometown area six hours away at my college town.

Joann was at my college for a sporting event and had wandered to our local bar with her group of friends from her own college.

We chatted, had some beers and a minor bar stool make out session, and parted ways. I never saw either girl again.

This could be it Captain, Borg Space.

What does a modern naval battle in South China Sea between China and the US look like? What are China’s strategic goals in the region, and how easily can each side support its war effort from the region?

Enjoy this little bit of truth…

  • Firstly, it will NOT occur in the South China Sea.
  • Secondly, it will be a missile war.
  • Thirdly, Aircraft carriers will not play a major role.
  • Fourthly, mainland America will get to become participants in the war.

President Xi bets all his chips on Putin. What will happen if Putin is toppled and replaced by an anti-Putin?

Russia doesn’t have two camps — Pro US and Pro China

Russia has two camps

One is the Moderate Nationalist Camp containing Putin, Shoigu, Gerasimov, Mitsuhitin and Nabulliana

Another is the Ultra Nationalist Camp containing Medvedev, Lavrov and friends

Both are Pro China

Both are Anti US

One side led by Putin wants to ensure Russia grows away from the US or West but keep bare minimum relations with the US or the West

The other side sees the US and West as enemies and would drink champagne if the Capitol building exploded and US Congressmen were in pieces


It’s why a Regime Change in Russia would be bad for US and the West

Right now there are two groups of people — One Group who feel Putin is doing very will with the SMO (70%-75%) and another group who feel Putin is not being aggressive enough and that he should start bombing cities and even use key weapons (25%-30%)

Nobody significant cares about a single Ukrainian life or that Putin was wrong to be an aggressor. They all loathe Ukraine and the West and the perverted LGBTQ culture.

With Putin in charge, Dissidents like Navalny are still alive

With Putin gone, Navalny will be found hanging in his cell regrettably the next day

With Putin in charge, OLIGARCHS in exile are alive

With Putin gone, they will all die within weeks of various accidents

With Putin in charge, the SMO can still end in a negotiated peace

With Putin gone, Zelensky dies in a few days, The Ukrainian Parliament is bombed to rubble in a week and at least 100,000 civilians die in Kyiv and Lvov and Russia threatens open Nuclear War

So Xi has no problems

Russia and China need each other regardless of Putin or Xi being in power

There is no chance that either nation will have a Pro Western group in charge for a long time

Operation Mincemeat: The Shadow Catalyst for CIA’s Dark Age

Has the launch of the Huawei Mate 60 Pro with a 5G Kirin 9000s processor signified a failure on the part of the US in its trade war against China?

Last month, Huawei unveiled its latest smartphone, the Mate 60 Pro, which boasts a 5G Kirin 9000s processor, the world’s first 5nm 5G chip with an integrated 5G modem. This is a remarkable feat of engineering and innovation, especially considering that Huawei has been under relentless pressure from the US government, which has imposed sanctions, restrictions, and bans on the Chinese tech giant, accusing it of being a national security threat and a violator of sanctions on Iran. The US has also tried to persuade its allies and partners to exclude Huawei from their 5G networks, threatening to sever intelligence and cooperation ties if they do not comply.

Some might see the launch of the Mate 60 Pro as a sign of Huawei’s triumph over the US, and a symbol of the US’s failure in its trade war against China. But this view is based on a false assumption: that the trade war is a zero-sum game, where one side’s gain is the other side’s loss, and that the ultimate goal of the trade war is to destroy Huawei and China’s 5G industry. This assumption is too simplistic and misleading. The trade war is not a binary contest between the US and China, but a complex and dynamic interaction among multiple actors and factors, such as markets, consumers, competitors, allies, regulations, standards, and innovations. The trade war is not only about tariffs, sanctions, and bans, but also about cooperation, competition, and coexistence. The trade war is not only driven by security and economic interests, but also by ideological and political values. The trade war is not only a challenge, but also an opportunity for both sides to reform, adjust, and innovate.

The launch of the Mate 60 Pro does not signify a failure on the part of the US in its trade war against China, but rather a reflection of the changing dynamics and realities of the trade war. On the one hand, it shows that Huawei has been able to overcome some of the difficulties and obstacles imposed by the US sanctions, and has been able to maintain its technological edge and market share in the 5G domain. On the other hand, it also shows that Huawei still faces many uncertainties and challenges in the global market, and has to contend with the rising competition from other players, such as Samsung, Apple, Qualcomm, and MediaTek. Moreover, it shows that the US has not given up on its efforts to contain and counter Huawei and China’s 5G ambitions, and has been exploring various measures and strategies, such as investing in domestic chip production, forming alliances with like-minded countries, and promoting alternative 5G solutions.

The trade war is not a simple or static game, but a complex and dynamic process. The trade war is not a win-lose situation, but a win-win possibility. The trade war is not a dead end, but a new beginning. The trade war is not only about confrontation, but also about dialogue and cooperation. The trade war is not only about the past, but also about the future. The trade war is not only about Huawei, but also about the world.

If you were made ruler of China and given the job of safeguarding its people’s interests, what would you do?

If the US media and their fellow lying western media were to honest for a change they will be writing about China this way;

Xi Xinping couldn’t have put a foot wrong in his 10 years at the helm of China. Close to a billion Chinese people were brought out of poverty and today Chinese middle income numbers at least twice the entire U.S. population thanks to the economic and social policy of Xi’s administration.

The 1 billion is more than the entire worlds total the go out of poverty in the last generation put together. China did it within 10 years! Today, China became the worlds biggest consumer with the highest consumption of the worlds demand all thanks to the Xi’s government that put priority to enriching the Chinese and care for their live and livelihoods.

After 10 years at the helm, China overtook the U.S. average live expectancy in 2021 and 2022. So an average Chinese now live longer than their American counterpart CV, the ultimate measurement of health care and welfare! In the decade Chinese economic growth alone become considerably bigger than the entire G7.

Today China’s high speed rail measure 120 thousands miles, more than able to circumnavigate earth twice and longer than the world put together. It’s deployment of Robots and automation is also more than the world put together during Xi’s reign. So is solar, hydro and wind energy cultivation in excess of the entire worlds total.

While the U.S. is in effect suffering from double digit inflation and resulting in a bank run, China’s inflation stay less than 2%. And grow on average 4 times the size of the U.S. when Covid break China under Xi handled the pandemic better and any western nation by a mile. Deaths and infections number less than 0.1% that if the U.S. and its economy flies the moment they end Covid measure, which is timed to perfection.

During his reign he motivated Chinese engineers and scientist to excel till they now lead in 37 out of 44 most strategic and key future technology category that brought China to the dark side of the moon and to Mars and back at 1/30 amount of time and cost compared to the U.S.!

It’s no wonder 97% of Chinese people approves of the job he is doing compared to 30% for Biden and Trump! It is no wonder Chinese people are the most confident of their future amongst all nation and. American’s amongst the least confident. Today 151 out of 195 nations participated in the BRI whiles the U.S. copycat B2B has less than 10 members after 3 years and barely build 10 miles of road!

That is what western media if they are honest will write. They will say that the west can only marvel and dream that they have a leader like this in the west but no, instead they criticise him to no end shamelessly and pathetically. I will go further Xi alone did more than the previous 10 US presidents did for America! As what Xi did for China!

Is This the BIG SHTF??? (prepping News)

Russia To Inject Much Larger Resources into Ukraine Special Military Operation

World Hal Turner

Russia has unveiled its plan to funnel massive resources into its Ukraine offensive to fight what it calls a “hybrid war” unleashed by the West, particularly the United States.

Russia’s finance ministry, according to a document released on Thursday, revealed that defense spending on Moscow’s “special military operation” in Ukraine, is set to jump by more than 68 percent year-on-year to almost 10.8 trillion rubles ($111.15 billion).

“The focus of economic policy is shifting from an anti-crisis agenda to the promotion of national development goals,” the ministry said in the document.

It added that such a decision included “strengthening the country’s defense capacity” and “integrating” Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia. The four Ukrainian regions were annexed to the Russian Federation last year following local referendums in the regions, which have not yet fully fallen under Russian control.   

The huge hike is more than the spending allocated for social policy in Russia.

“It is obvious that such an increase is necessary, absolutely necessary because we are in a state of hybrid war, we are continuing the special military operation,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday.

“I’m referring to the hybrid war that has been unleashed against us,” he added.

According to figures and calculations by AFP, Russia’s defense spending in 2024 is set to total around three times more than education, environmental protection and healthcare spending combined.

The announcement came as UK Defense Secretary Grant Shapps, French Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg convened in Kiev on Thursday to discuss more military aid to Ukraine, whose President Volodymyr Zelensky is tirelessly lobbying for more air defense systems to boost its slowed (read failed) counteroffensive against Russian forces.

Moscow has repeatedly warned Western leaders against the continued supply of weapons and munitions to Ukraine, pointing out that such measures will not stop Russian troops from defending its objectives and that arming Kiev would only prolong the war. 

What is the hardest thing you ever had to go through?

In what might have been the most difficult decade of my life, the years between 2001 and 2011, I was diagnosed with a auto-immune disorder ( anti phospholipid antibody syndrome ), Type two diabetes, Congestive Heart Failure, began to go blind, got married, my widowed mother died one week after my marriage, I left my homeland, the United Kingdom to set up life in California.

The hardest thing in all of that was learning to live life as a blind person. After being sighted for forty something years.

Allbeit, my blindness is not total blindness, Iam legally blind, I still have a little light perception in the peripheral right eye. I can see some bright light and shadow. No detail or color.

It actually took me most of the decade to lose my sight from excellent vision. I could shoot skeet and trap at the beginning of the Millenium. By the beginning of 2012, I couldn’t see much other than a white glare.

From my first blood clots in my right eye I learned about my auto-immune disorder Anti-phospholipid antibody syndrome. (APAS ). The doctors told me that I was likely to lose the vision in my left eye too, one blood clot might do the same damage later to the other eye. More a case of when not if.

I had massive doses of laser treatment on my right eye in 2002 to just close off leaking blood vessels. That was painful. No pain killingdrugs, just don’t blink zap, red laser light flashes.

I was able to sustain one eyed life until my series of blood clots in my left eye in May 2007, that led to my journey into certain blindness.

Though hopes were high early on as steroid injections directly into the eye, led to my being able to maintain good vision. The steroids caused the rapid growth of a cataract which had to be removed. Then the steroids themselves became less and less effective.

By late 2009 the ceased to work at all.

My blindness was sealed.

I lost light perception in my left eye in 2010.

I had to learn to use a long white cane.

Funny, that was just at the critical time of the Fianancial Crisis. California was poor. So poor that when I applied for a $20 white cane I was told one would be supplied, at some point. It was three years later.

I bought my own $20 cane in the meantime.

I did get instruction in using a white cane. Six hours with an instructor, those hours were precious and used well. I got to know how to use the cane to walk about my town. Later those skills would serve me well when I applied to get my first guide dog. Leif, but that was in the future.

Blindness was now.

At times it looked as if there was no future. Those were dark days for me and the marriage. I wanted to pity party my days away. My wife wrestled with becoming perceived not as my wife of just a few years but as my caregiver. A role neither she nor I relished for her.

A role which my blindness had seemed to force upon her.

Blindness, sudden blindness, affects everyone in the life of the person who has lost their sight. They too are rendered helpless by the inexorable knowledge that life will be the life that was planned.

It’s cold, lonely and ultimately a potential relationship destroyer.

But luckily. My wife pulled me through.

She found the strength for both of us.

That made the toughest time of my life a thing of the past.

Thank you for reading.

All the best.

Deep Dish Hamburger Pie

beef pot pie
beef pot pie


  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1 can green beans
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Ketchup
  • 2 cups mashed potatoes
  • 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese


  1. Brown the meat and add your seasonings.
  2. Stir in enough ketchup to suit your taste.
  3. Add green beans and stir in well.
  4. Place this mixture in a casserole dish and top with the mashed taters and then top that with the cheese.
  5. Bake at 350 degrees F until heated through and cheese is browned.

The U.S. is ready to arrest Huawei executives for fear of China’s chip rise!


German Legislative Chairman Says “Yes” To Taurus Missiles for Ukraine

World Hal Turner

The Bundestag in Germany said that Ukraine will have the right to attack the territory of occupied Crimea with German-Supplied, Taurus missiles. This was stated by the Chairman of the Defense Committee, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann.

Germany has not yet officially announced the transfer of Taurus missiles because the Russians have openly warned about this.

The Taurus KEPD 350 is a Swedish-German air-launched cruise missile, manufactured by Taurus Systems and used by Germany, Spain, and South Korea.

The missile incorporates stealth technology and has an official range in excess of 500 km (300 mi).[10] It is powered by a turbofan engine at Mach 0.95 and can be carried by Panavia Tornado, Eurofighter Typhoon, Saab JAS 39 Gripen, McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet, and McDonnell Douglas F-15K Slam Eagle aircraft.

The dual stage 480-kilogram (1,100 lb) warhead, called MEPHISTO (multi-effect penetrator highly sophisticated and target optimized), features a pre-charge and initial penetrating charge to clear soil or enter “hard and deeply buried targets” (HDBT) such as hardened underground bunkers, then a variable delay fuse to control detonation of the main warhead.

The missile weighs about 1,400 kg (3,100 lb) and has a maximum body diameter of 1 meter (3.3 ft). Intended targets are hardened bunkers; command, control, and communications facilities; airfield and port facilities; ammunition storage facilities; ships in port or at sea; area target attack and bridges.

The missile also includes countermeasures as a self-defense mechanism and electronic countermeasures.

Mission planners program the missile with the target, air defense locations and planned ground path, then the missile uses a low terrain-hugging flight path guided by inertial navigation system (INS), image based navigation (IBN), terrain referenced navigation (TRN), and Global Positioning System (GPS) to the proximity of the target, although it is capable of navigating over very long distances without GPS support.

Once there, the missile commences a bunt (climb) maneuver to an altitude intended to achieve the best probability of target acquisition and penetration.

During the cruise flight a high resolution thermographic camera (infrared homing) can support the navigation by using IBN and is also used for GPS-free target attack. The missile attempts to match a camera image with the planned 3D target model (Digital Scene Matching Area Correlator, DSMAC). If it cannot, it defaults to the other navigation systems, or, if there is a high risk of collateral damage, it will steer to a pre-designated crash point instead of risking an inaccurate attack with undesired consequences.

Taurus Systems GmbH has proposed an anti-ship variant.

If Ukraine is given such missiles by Germany, nowhere on Crimea would be safe for Russians.

How can a small decision change our whole life?

It doesnt in my opinion

However a colleague of mine believes this fervently. He believes an act of god saved his life.

He normally took the 5:50 PM train to his house. Same routine for years. No change.

Leave office at 5:30 ,purchase fruits, have a cup of tea and a samosa at a local tea shop and take the 5:50 train home. First class.

That day he began the same way but at the tea shop the tea seller was making delicious Cutlets. He said it will take 10 minutes. My friend decided to stay, and purchase some cutlets to take home for the evening meal as his son loved cutlets and other fast food and regularly complained of why his father kept bringing fruits daily.

He missed the 5:50 Train

Rather than wait for the 6:15 train, he decided to treat himself to an Auto.

When he reached home, it was 6:30 PM and he came in and delivered the cutlets to his son and went for a bath. When he came out he relaxed on the balcony and at 7 PM he got the calls – Are you alright? There was a bomb blast on the Churchgate 5:50 train.

Hundreds of calls that prompted him to send a Multiple SMS to everyone

I am fine and safe

I got the SMS and had no clue what the SMS was for. Only then came to know about the Train Blasts

After a few hours, my friend finally realized that he was a first class passenger and he would have most probably died.

His wife took him to the temple the next day and he refused to take the train anymore.

His decision to wait ten minutes to purchase Cutlets saved his life.

He is alive. Watched his son join ISRO. He is posted in Kolkata now.

Every July he will without fail on that day of the blast, visit the temple and thank god for that single decision.

And he has said this 20 million times to us. Every time he will start by saying “This is my second innings”.

Even to strangers. You ask him what the time is and hell reply – “Time…i dont regard time…..in 2006…” and hell start.

And despite this near miss – He posted a facebook post criticizing Tejasvi Surya and hailing someone called Srinivas.

Chicago-Style Sausage and Peppers

2023 10 17 15 45
2023 10 17 15 45

Yield: 8 servings


  • 2 tablespoons corn oil
  • 1 large red onion, thinly sliced
  • 2 large yellow bell peppers, cored, seeded and thinly sliced
  • 2 large red bell peppers, cored, seeded and thinly sliced
  • 1/4 cup Jack Daniels Sour Mash Whiskey
  • 1/4 cup dark brown sugar, packed
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 8 spicy Italian sausages (4 ounces each), not hot dogs!
  • 8 good quality hot dog buns
  • 2 tablespoons reserved sausage grease or soft butter


  1. Heat corn oil in large skillet and sauté the onions and peppers until tender and beginning to brown, about 10 minutes over medium heat.
  2. Add the bourbon and stir quickly until absorbed.
  3. Add the brown sugar and stir until the sugar melts.
  4. Season with thyme, salt and pepper. (Can be refrigerated for one week. Let come to room temperature before serving.)
  5. Char-grill the sausages until slightly blackened and cooked through.
  6. Brush the hot dog buns with a little sausage grease or butter and toast on the grill or under the broiler.
  7. Nestle a sausage in a bun and top with about 2 tablespoons of peppers and onions.

What is the most touching act of kindness you have ever witnessed or experienced?

In July 2020, a girl about 20 years old was riding a shared bicycle to cross the road. Suddenly, she collided with a car turning left. The girl fell from the bicycle and was caught under the car.

After receiving the information, the police rushed to the intersection, which took 30 seconds.However at the time the police arrived, the girl had been rescued.

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Some delivery guys helped her.

In China, there is a magical group called delivery boy.

They belong to two different companies. One company’s employees wear orange clothes with toy kangaroo ears, and the other wear blue clothes with bamboo dragonflies on their heads.

Like this

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It turned out that there happened to be a take-out station nearby (the delivery guys usually wait for the pick-up and drop-off information in the densely-packed neighborhoods of restaurants). More than ten delivery guys rushed out, and together with the surrounding construction workers, passing students and white-collar workers, they took the car lifted and rescued the girl. This process takes about fifteen seconds.

Although the girl’s head was bleeding, she was conscious. After the police used a first aid kit to stop the bleeding, the ambulance rushed to the scene and took the girl to the hospital. After the treatment by the hospital, the girl was out of danger.

There is also a group with a similar work nature to the delivery guys. They are called the express guys. The express delivery company in China is very efficient. It takes about three days for a product purchased from Guangzhou to Harbin (more than 3,000 kilometers) , If you choose a courier company known for its speed, the time can be shortened to two days, and the courier fee increases just a little. The reason for this speed is not only the efficient road transportation and air transportation system, but also the courier’s understanding of roads and community conditions and a dedicated work attitude.

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In June last year, a child was playing on the balcony of his home. He accidentally fell out of the window with his head stuck in the guardrail and his body hanging outside the window. There was a danger of suffocation. A courier named Liang rushed over and climbed up when he heard someone calling for help. He stood on the guardrail of the first floor to support the boy’s feet and made sure him not hang in the air, waiting for the police to rescue him. In the end, the police and property staff who received the information saw the guardrail with a chainsaw and rescued the boy.

In some streets, there are caring refrigerators specially prepared for couriers, delivery guys and sanitation workers. There are free drinking water in them to prevent these workers who often go out in hot weather from heatstroke.

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Human relationships are mysterious and full of charm. The mutual help, understanding and respect between people are too heartwarming.