The silo of peanut butter

I really hated my life, but there seemed to be no way out of the situation.

At the time I was working two jobs.

During the day I would travel to NYC and work odd jobs such as catering.

At night, I worked in the dairy and frozen section of a shitty grocery store called Pathmark.

My brother was in middle school, and too young to work.

My father was out of work, having been fired for the upteenth time.

My mother refused to help support the family.

My grandmother was retired and struggling to pay the bills with her social security and pension.

I had recently graduated from high school, dreaming of going to college and building my life.

Less than a year later, it was starting to look like a pipe dream.

I was incredibly angry about this, and fought with my family constantly, my mother in particular.

She constantly complained about the family’s situation, and would take her frustrations out on me, once calling me lazy when I decided to sleep in for a few hours on my day off rather than fix her TV.

One day, we had a long argument, where I sarcastically thanked her for ruining my life, and called her a lazy cow, among other things.

It was admittedly, not my finest moment to tell you the truth.

Later, she confessed part of it to a childhood friend of hers who lived in Arizona.

She told her about our fight and about the fact that I had yelled at her about wanting to go to college.

The next day, I received a phone call from that friend, a woman whom I had never met, but apparently had talked to on occasion over the years.

She asked me if I would like to move to Arizona and live with her and her family.

I found the idea of living with a stranger uncomfortable, so I said no.

She told me to think about it.

A few days later, the woman called me again at home, and made the same offer.

However, before I could say no, she sweetened the deal.

She would pay for me to go out to AZ and if I didn’t like it after a month, she would send me back, no questions asked.

Thinking that I had nothing to lose, I moved to Arizona, and I never looked back.

It took me a little while to get my bearings, but she eventually helped me find a job, apply for college, among other things.

Now, 15 years later I am a successful teacher, with three college degrees under my belt.

And it was all due to the kindness of a stranger who decided to take a gamble on me and my future.

Women SHOCKED Men Looked At Her In Booty Pants At Gym, Women PREFER BEARS To Men In Woods

The poem “Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost

This is from one of my earlier posts, found HERE. Please guys, MM has a lot of good stuff buried under all the fluff.

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village, though; 
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

This is the lifeless body of Ziba – a 22 year old student at University of Kabul. She was shot several times as she was trying to escape through the window of her classroom to flee from the horror.

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Dozens of other students her age in the very same classroom were killed that day.

It was November 2, 2020 when a group of cowards, misguided, losers, brainless and merciless individuals attacked the University of Kabul in the capital of Afghanistan. They killed more than 20 young students – most of them in their early 20s.

These kids were the savings, the investment, the helping hand, the happiness, the hope, the future and the life of many parents who worked hard their entire life to be able to merely earn a living to survive and send their loved ones to university so that one day they get to see them living a better life than them. They’re gone, so are the better days those parents wished to see. They did not just lose their kids, they lost everything.

That, however, is NOT what boils my blood the most.

What boils my blood the most is the fact that we have individuals who, proudly, take all of that away from those aging parents, and believe that by doing so they’ve pleased god. They believe they can commit such an act of horror and terror, killing defenceless and unarmed individuals in dozens and stand before god on the day of judgment and be rewarded for what they had done! No religion teaches that. This is wrong, this is barbaric and inhuman and it boils my blood that someone would do such a horrific act of evil in the name of religion.

On the other hand, what cools me down and gives hope and patience to those parents and many other Afghans who lost and still are losing their loved ones, is knowing that YES there will come a day that they stand before god, but it will not be with pride, nor will they be rewarded for what they had committed. We believe in promise of god where he says: “so whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it and whoever does an atom’s weight of bad/evil will see it.” (Quran 99:7–8)

M1A1 Tanks PULLED From Ukraine Front Lines “Weak and Vulnerable”

United States M1A1 Abrams tanks have been “pulled” from Ukrainian front lines because, Ukraine says, the tanks are “weak and vulnerable.”  So much for America’s Main Battle Tank when it has to face a Near-Peer Army like Russia!

Video below, posted on social media, shows the latest M1A1 Abrams being towed by Russian troops. Smashed, burned, blown-up, there isn’t much left to the $4.3 MILLION tank.

We were told its armor was virtually impenetrable; and it’s mix of metals was so secret, the mixture is “classified.”  Now look at what happened to it!

If this is what can be expected of these tanks when they’re in a REAL fight (as opposed to fighting rag-wearing terrorists) then reasonable people have to ask “What are we getting for all this money?”

Blown to shit.


I have got to share this;

My step daughter was given $1000 as a gift from her grandmother when she passed away.

When the step daughter turned 16, I took her to early drivers ed. She passed and had her temp. Now she needed to practice driving and the dreaded parallel parking. I took her to these as well. 4 months down the road, and opportunity came up to buy a used Honda accord 1992. 1 owner who was meticulous about maintenance. I ask the step daughter if she wanted to use her money towards a car. She said YES. I told her that would not buy much car, but this one was in very very good shape. She said yes.

So I got the car, made her change the oil, the battery, and helped her get new tires (mind you aside from the car, I paid for everything else.)

The car got inspect, insured and registered. Then sat there. for about 4 months, she neither asked about it, sat in it, or started it up.

When I asked her mom what the matter was, she told me this:

The stepdaughter did not get to choose what kind of car, nor its color. She didn’t like the interior and thought the car was too old. I asked if she knew what went into get the car road worthy? The mom said not nobody asked me to do all those things for the stepdaughter.

I was stupefied. When the two went on a trip to visit family in late Dec, I sold the car for $1500, gave the stepdaughter $750, and paid the bills with the rest.

The nuclear radiation was evident when they returned and did not see the car in the driveway. I told them too bad. I needed to pay bills. I gave her the money, and she had the audacity to remind me that she initially paid $1000.

Of course I told her of the extra expenses I incurred including the tires. I could present her the receipts. Wisely she said “Fine”.

Course, that incident was NEVER forgotten, and I was forever labeled the bad guy. Step parents never get a break.

Russian State-Controlled TV: If NATO Troops Enter Ukraine , SARMAT, YARS, and Avangard (Nukes) Will Hit NATO Decision-Making Centers

Russian YARS nukes large
Russian YARS nukes large

State-controlled Russian TV today broadcast a direct announcement of Russia’s intent to fire nuclear weapons at NATO Decision-making centers if NATO troops enter Ukraine to battle Russia. The words aired were so blunt as to be undeniable..

Here is the segment of Russia state-controlled TV broadcast today as a warning to the entire West:

So there it is.  Plain. Simple. Easy to understand.  Even the village idiot can grasp this.

“If NATO Troops enter Ukraine to inflict strategic defeat upon Russia . . . . everything will fly: SARMAT, YARS, AVANGARD.”  Those are Russia’s nuclear weapons system names.


. . . . Why broadcast this . . . . now?

Why now?

Could it be because elements from the French Army have, in fact, deployed to Odessa, Ukraine?

Could the RUMORS which claim elements of the US 101st Airborne have also deployed to Odessa, Ukraine, be Russia’s reason for airing this, now?

We already know that France deployed elements of the French Foreign Legion into Slavyansk, Ukraine, and the Russians blew them up with missile strikes about 48 hours after they got there.

We already know that Polish, Romanian, and other NATO-country troops, were hit by Russian missiles at a hotel in Dnipropetrovsk last week.  A slew of them got killed too.

So what is it about developments in Ukraine that caused Russia to instruct it’s state-controlled TV, to make such a blunt, unmistakable, broadcast, Now????

I think something’s up.   I think the Russians either know . . . or are seeing . . . Deployment of NATO troops  into Ukraine.

If you haven’t watched the video, it clearly warns “NATO Decision-making centers are already in the crosshairs, and if NATO troops enter Ukraine to inflict strategic defeat upon Russia, everything will fly: SARMAT, YARS, and AVANGARD.”

There’s no wiggle room in that language.  There’s no nuance.  No ambiguity.

I thought you should know while there’s still time to try to prepare.  Make plans. Buy supplies.

But clearly, there doesn’t seem to be very much time left — at all.

Best Ever Lemon Chicken

Healthy, flavorful and low in calories.

Best Ever Lemon Chicken
Best Ever Lemon Chicken

Yield: 4 servings


  • 4 skinless chicken breasts
  • Salt, pepper and paprika
  • 3/4 cup water, divided
  • 1/4 cup white wine
  • 1 teaspoon chicken bouillon powder
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoons all-purpose flour
  • 1 lemon, thinly sliced


  1. Heat oven to 375 degrees F. Spray a frying pan with Pam.
  2. Season chicken breasts to taste with salt, pepper, and paprika.
  3. Heat frying pan and sauté chicken until nicely browned (about 10 minutes), adding about 1/4 cup water near the end of the cooking time to loosen meat from the pan.
  4. Remove chicken breasts to a shallow baking dish.
  5. To the pan juices, add the white wine, 1/2 cup water and chicken bouillon, and heat through.
  6. Meanwhile mix the lemon juice and flour in a cup. Pour into the frying pan and stir until sauce is thickened.
  7. Pour sauce over chicken. Top with lemon slices and bake for 20 minutes.

Because, contrary to Hollywood movies, armor actually worked.

Even otherwise excellent movies like Lord of the Rings will have you believe that this:

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Might as well be made out of plastic or paper because it offers zero protection against weapons of the day. But cutting through or piercing metal is nowhere as easy as the movies make it to be.

They only stopped wearing armor when it didn’t work anymore after guns became very common. They could make bulletproof armor using medieval technology:

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(In fact the term “bulletproof” is from “proofing” that the armor can resist a pistol shot, seen in the dent above)

These armor are expensive and not readily available. While rich and important people could afford them, the average peasant or soldier couldn’t. They’re also very heavy and limits your mobility.

When bullet massively improved in the mid- and late-19th century (to something familiar today), these heavy armor only make you slow and vulnerable on the battlefield. It didn’t stop both sides from experimenting in WW1 though, even though these bulky suits were mostly useless against anything more powerful than pistols. The steel helmets that became common was used primarily to protect against shrapnel after artillery became the deadliest thing in the battlefield (and still is).

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Bulletproof armor only became practical with the invention of kevlar in the 1970s. Even so, some countries today are still resistant in fully-equipping their soldiers with body armor, either because it’s too expensive or because in the environment they’re operating on (like the tropics) heavy armor that don’t allow sweat to evaporate can be detrimental. But as the war in Ukraine is showing, body armor is mandatory once again in warfare.

The Beverly Hillbillies – Season 1, Episode 1 (1962) – The Clampetts Strike Oil – Paul Henning

While working for the Home Office in the early 2000s, there was a woman whom we’ll call “Joan” in a neighbouring department who’d been through all sorts of hell with an ex boyfriend. Joan would tell us of the awful things he’d said to her, the late night phone calls, turning up to her door uninvited and so on.

We were supportive and would sympathise with her while also telling her to report this to the police. She would make excuses not to do this, and we were unable to force her to do it because she would get so upset.

One day, a delivery arrived at reception for Joan:

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A dozen black roses. Joan brought them back to the office and was in a terrible state. We were naturally horrified by this, but to compound it, she reached into her handbag and brought out one of these:

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A miniature coffin. She had received this in the mail that morning before leaving for work.

Oh. My. Word! We said enough was enough and weren’t going to take “no” for an answer – we alerted her supervisor and called a contact at Scotland Yard (which was just around the corner), and asked them to send a detective to investigate the matter. This was clearly a threat to Joan’s life and a serious matter.

Joan was beside herself when this happened. She really didn’t want the police involved. We told her that this had gone too far and we couldn’t stand by and let poor Joan suffer any longer.

The detective arrived and began his investigation by seizing the flowers and the miniature coffin after taking Joan’s personal details…

The following day, Joan wasn’t at work. We feared the worst and went to her office to enquire if she had called in or whether a welfare check should be carried out. Joan’s boss assured us that everything was fine, but we wouldn’t be seeing Joan again and he wouldn’t say anything more.

Well, now we were really perplexed. Wanting to get to the bottom of the matter, I called the detective that had come to the office.

When the flowers were delivered, there was no card attached. Thankfully, we had CCTV outside the building and the registration number of the van that had delivered the flowers was visible. The detective had found the registered owner of the vehicle (the florist) and called them to ask about the delivery…

When ordering a malicious delivery for someone, it’s not a good idea to use your own bank card. Especially if you’re the “victim”.

Joan had been playing us all along! The ex boyfriend was cleared of any wrongdoing – he hadn’t been in contact with Joan for more than a year and had not behaved the way Joan had alleged at all. Joan used her own bank card to order the black roses and further investigation proved that she had also ordered the miniature coffin that she had produced from her handbag.

Joan was dismissed from the civil service. I hope she got some help with her issues.

Fun Shorpy today

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I’m from Vietnam. We eat rice a lot, almost every meal.

When I was about 5 to 8 years old, once or twice per week, my mom would make ‘mixing special rice’ for dinner. It’s white rice cooked together with corn and sweet potatoes

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(Image source:

I always got excited for those dinners.

We eventually didn’t eat that kind of rice anymore. I asked my mom about that once in a while but she just gave me reasons why she didn’t want to make the rice: out of corn season, sweet potatoes weren’t any good at market,…

When I was 12, on my mom’s birthday, I proudly announced that I prepared dinner. And guess what I made? Rice with corn and sweet potatoes. When I served dinner, my mom couldn’t hold it anymore, she cried. I asked her why? Did I do anything wrong? That was the very first time my mom explained to me that she was sick of this rice because she had eaten it too much.

I didn’t know that we only ate that because corn and sweet potatoes were much cheaper than rice.

I didn’t like that meal as much after that day.

To anyone is thinking about making a comment “hey, it sounds delicious” or “add some butter”, etc, please don’t. I wish we had butter. Also, it was good, but it was not any good after eating it frequently for 30+ years to the point you break down crying when you see it like my mom did.

And I didn’t like it very much anymore wasn’t because it’s not good or because it’s “cheap”. I didn’t like it because it hurt my mom.

Economic Shock: Bombshell GDP Drop, IMF Slams Congress Spending, Republic Bank Collapses

  • The most powerful way to win an argument is to ask questions.
  • If you want people to take your words seriously, say that your father taught you this. People naturally believe in parental advice.
  • If someone is about to get angry at you, sit next to that person. They will have to lower their voice and there will be no direct face-to-face contact.
  • If you want to know if someone is attentive, repeat your phrase with slight variations in it. If you are listening, either your facial expressions will change, or you will point to that part and question.
  • If you think that someone is giving you a false figure then read it wrongly. If they correct you, it’s legit.
  • If you want people to agree with you, nod your head and make eye contact when you speak, they’ll nod too.
  • Explain and repeat what your friend just said. The person talking to you will subconsciously realize that you are a great listener. Of course, don’t go overboard with paraphrasing.
  • Use someone’s name more often. While talking to someone, keep using their name in the conversation. This helps them feel important and valued.
  • When you want someone to agree to something, give them a list with 3 options and leave the one you want to choose at the end. They will most likely choose the latter.
  • What you say about other people affects how others see you. People will associate the adjectives you use to describe other people with your personality. This phenomenon is called spontaneous property transfer.

Sadly it was advice from my father to me. The year was 1968 one of the most turbulent in US history. I had just graduated from HS, the Vietnam war was raging, RFK and Martin Luther King had been assassinated. The Democratic convention in Chicago blew up and I was there watching it all as I was just leaving of all things a Young Mens Convention for Catholics and had stayed at the Conrad Hilton and watched in awe as the anti war protestors and police lined up to do battle.

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This was the auto production line. Endless cars, the USA was #1, 1955 no competition.

My father told me, do not go to college, it is a waste of time. Either go into the military or go to work on the assembly line, best jobs in the world. Union will protect you, he would protect me as he was a Union rep.

In the short run, he would have been right. The jobs were tough but plentiful, but already by 1970 the US automakers were making these.

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Some of the worst cars ever made were coming off the line in the USA by 1970 and the rot had already begun to set in just when I went to work on the line.

My father was so adamant that when I went and tried it on the Monday – Friday program which meant you worked 2 days a week as a ‘college kid’ as on Friday there were not enough workers as they got their paychecks on Thursday which meant they got drunk and didn’t come in. And on Monday they didn’t come in as they were still drunk or hungover from the weekend, I tried it out.

It was a nightmare and I hated it. Everyone yelling screaming, quality was shit, politics everywhere, the company couldn’t get good cars made and the union was fighting to keep all 2.5 million jobs.

Well what happened?

Today there are 150,000 UAW members about 8% of the number when I started. A lot of people got in and out and grabbed their pensions. They worked the system and left Michigan and went back to Kentucky and down to Florida.

But if I had gone in and stayed? It might have worked but I would have lost everything that I have now done in my life. Lived around the world, a 50 year global career, speaking multiple languages. I have literally lived on 5 continents ranging from California, Florida, the Rocky Mountains, then Australia to China to India to Hungary to Singapore and Hong Kong several times. On and on my career has gone and my education has propelled me and made it all possible.

Most importantly, to survive, repeat survive and prosper I have had to ‘reinvent’ myself again and again and only with my education and MBA and languages and experience working around the world have I been able to be flexible and do this. Millions were literally stuck without a hope so many times in my home town while I simply changed countries and took a new job in a growing industry such as software when I used to be a manufacturers rep for years. Flexibility is the key to a long career and not a factory.

And those guys who were on the line? The lucky ones got away and got their pensions. The vast majority slipped through the process especially after the downturns of 2008 just when they were going to retire and pretty much got little to nothing.

Those who work in the auto industry today have a precarious future especially if you work in an ‘engine’ plant as those will be gone with the EVs.

My father meant well, but from his hard work and premature cancer and youthful smoking he died at 70. I am now 73 and knock on wood, still doing what I like and living a good life in France.

My advice, listen to many but make your own choices and definitely do not look at the past, look to what is happening for the future and it will help guide your decisions. It is way to important to leave to those who think they know, but only know their local situation and what they have grown up with.

Given the rapid change in careers there is no such thing as a safe bet or a definitive career path. If you don’t believe me, think of Detroit and what happened to them as the city never evolved and never changed.

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Packard out of business and the largest abandoned factory in the USA.

Detroit? 2 million people when I was born in 1950, today? Barely 600,000.


I have to ask the questioner if ANY of the predictions made by American politicians ever came true?

  • Swine flu
  • Ebola
  • Y2K
  • 3G causing gas pumps to explode
  • Phones causing planes to crash
  • 4G causing brain damage
  • Hamburgers made out of worms
  • Back-masking of rock music
  • Sex education causing a spike in pregnancies

None ever came true.

But, for some reason, “China will invade Taiwan”. I mean, just how absolutely stupid can a person be. Is there a scale below moronic?

Still Americans (and their Australian and European cousins) believe this swill.

Who figures?

China has made it perfectly clear how the reunification will proceed. And this is well defined and in process right now. That’s the reality.

Accept it.

Oh yes, once when I was very much younger, I went out on a date with a very nice man, and he took me to a good restaurant. We got there, ordered the wine, and some bread rolls and butter were served also, while we decided on what we would have to eat.

The man told me his wife had died, but he didn’t tell me how recently! He didn’t tell me he was still in fairly early stages of grieving, and was trying to put on a brave face.

So I had no real idea of what he was going through.

Then just before we ordered, he started to get serious heart symptoms. I asked him if I should ask the restaurant to phone an ambulance. But he didn’t want that. He wanted to go home and call his private doctor! I thought that was unwise, but that is what he wanted.

We had to leave immediately, and he grabbed some cash from his pocket and put it on the table. He didn’t even count how much! But I am sure it was plenty to cover the bottle of wine and some bread.

I apologised to the staff, and had to drive him home. They were surprised but didn’t mind of course due to the circumstances.

It turned out (after the doctor’s visit) that he hadn’t had a heart attack, but a serious panic attack. I stayed with him all night to make sure he would be okay and keep his spirits up as he didn’t want to be alone.

We never did have a second date. But that was okay. He wasn’t really ready to start dating. He needed to process his grief. He was a nice man though, bless him.

China is famously no-nonsense. They always follow up and follow through on decisions. America, on the contrary, is used to fooling themselves inured in dirty tactics to pull a fast hand, but only end up humiliating themselves more often than not. Sanctioning Russia is a wonderful example. Examples abound that don’t need me to list them here.

The ugly truth is greed. The damage of Israeli genocide on US image is already done. It’s not TikTok’s fault and banning it is only a pretext. American political and business asshole pirates have long coveted TikTok’s huge market share and profit potential. China is wise to keep this trade mark and technology, and continue expanding its global market. The world is big enough for TikTok with unlimited potential.

Uh oh!


“To regain sovereignty, the EU needs to stop following Washington’s policies, but the European Commission is pushing the American agenda and resembling a fascist system with its single-minded decisions.

Europe determined its future when it responded with contempt to Russia’s attempts to forge ties after the collapse of the USSR and did not honour the Minsk agreements to give Ukraine time to arm itself, according to Didier Maisto, former director of Sud Radio. In an interview with TVL, he pointed out that while Europe used to try to encircle Russia, now it is gradually encircling Russia itself, but the EU should have thought about this earlier.

The partnership between the BRICS countries is actively developing and they are finding common ground for special agreements. The US, which opposes them, continues to advance thanks to its military-industrial complex and business, imposing its laws in other countries. Sandwiched between these vise is Europe, which needs to stop dancing to Washington’s tune to regain its power and sovereignty.

The main conductor of the American agenda in Europe has become the European Commission – the centre of gravity and the centre of decision-making in the EU is shifting towards it. Now the entry into war, the supply of weapons and medicines, the banning of certain media are approved without confirmation by a vote in the European Council. Didier Maisto reminds us that back in 2017 he warned that if Macron is elected president, Europe will slip into soft fascism.”

What is wrong with Joe Biden?

Doesn’t matter what is wrong with Biden. He’s not running things anyway.

My father-in-law owned a 1988 Ford Escort wagon. He only drove it locally to and from work, and he probably never turned on the rear defrost.

My FIL passed away, and my MIL offered the car to me. The Escort was about 2 years old with ~13,000 miles. My 1980 Honda Accord was 10 years old and starting to get up in mileage, so I accepted it. My wife at the time drove it from Virginia to New Jersey during the summer. I started driving it to/from work about 15 minutes each way. I worked late one evening in the fall. When I got into the car, there was condensation on the rear window. I started the car and turned on the rear defrost to clear it up. Within a couple minutes, I hear a loud boom and notice my rear window is shattered. I thought someone was shooting at me! That was not the case. A rear window with a rear defrost is just 2 pieces of glass sandwiched around the heating elements and glued together. My theory was that the rear window had an air bubble in it due to a manufacturing defect. The heating element caused the air bubble to expand. Eventually, the air bubble got big enough to break the glass causing the explosion.

Ford would not replace the window because the car was out of warranty. (12 months/12,000 miles in those days) They wanted over $700 to replace it. I had a price of ~$225 from a glass shop. Ford said their price was what it was because it was “Ford quality glass”. If their glass was such high quality, it wouldn’t have shattered in the first place. Needless to say, I went with the glass shop. They even came to my office and replaced it in the parking lot.


A few years later I changed jobs, and I started commuting ~30 minutes each way on the highway. Ever since getting the car, I would notice a faint smell of antifreeze. I never noticed any leaks, but I did have to periodically add antifreeze to the overflow reservoir. After driving to/from the new job for about a month, I was driving home, and the car started to overheat. Long story short, the engine blew its head gasket, and I had to get the engine rebuilt. When the shop took the engine apart, they found a bolt that was sheared off. They said it probably came that way from the factory. That was the cause of the antifreeze smell, the slow loss of antifreeze, and ultimately the head gasket failure. After rebuilding the engine, there were no more problems like that.


Strange Failures – 2, Ford – 0. On this car, Quality was not Job One.


I worked in McDonald’s overnight for one year as a cashier in the drive thru. During my year working in McDonald’s I encountered some things that I really don’t recommend doing:

  1. Not paying attention to the cashier when he/she is telling you what you got.
    If you don't pay attention when I asked you, please don't complain if I charged you $100 for things you didn't order because you said “yes, whatever.”
  2. Expecting the cashier to know you don’t like pickles or onions.
    Yes, we know some of our regulars. No, we didn't know you don't like pickles.
  3. Ordering things are not on the menu.
    Do not ask me for a whopper. Do not ask for a chicken junior. There is no such a thing as fajita in McDonald's.
  4. Calling an employee a derogatory word.
    Please, don't do it. If it’s a word you don't enjoy being called. I refused service to a customer once for addressing me as “you, nigga”.
  5. Getting mad if you ordered 15 Quarter-pounders with fries and a shake and your bill is more than $100.
    If you think it is too much, please cook it at home.
  6. Spitting.
    Seriously, I got spit on my face more than once.
  7. Swearing and/or yelling.
    Please, if you had a bad night, you got evicted, divorced or whatever - it’s not the cashier's fault. You should not call the cashier (or anyone you don't want to mess with) a motherfucker.
  8. Not knowing what you are getting.
    More than once I had customers claiming I put things they did not request in their food.
    A guy yelled at me once because there was ice in his smoothie. On a different occasion, a guy yelled at me because he got only three sauces with his order (a 10 piece chicken nuggets meal only comes with three sauces); he requested three more and tried to punch me when I told him that they were not free. The question “what does that come with?” works very well.
  9. Last but not least, being violent.
    Please try to keep your temper. Also, try to be as nice as possible.

Tales From The Shoe Store | Married With Children

  • Control your emotions and lust (Overcome)

It’s completely normal to experience lust, or sexual desire in teen. Your feelings might be focused on a particular person, or you might be drawn to activities like masturbating or watching pornography. But sometimes, these desires can be overwhelming or unwanted. If you just can’t shake those uncomfortable thoughts and feelings, don’t worry—there are things you can do to manage them.

The price of temporary lust can be expensive.

  • Learn About Finance Early

Money should be your friend throughout your life, not your enemy. Sadly, the education system doesn’t do such a great job at teaching you about finance, so you have to learn it on your own. There are plenty of sources that you can get financial advice for free.

  • Make Good Friends, Not More Friends

Building a network of friends at school is always going to be valuable whether they are the greatest people or not. Spend more time trying to develop and grow those relationships that you think will be good for you.

You are the average of your five friends around you hangout with the most.

  • Don’t Care About What Others Think of You

This is definitely the best advice for teenagers who feel like they need to impress the world! Nobody cares either, so why would you? Laugh when you embarrass yourself. Dress how you want to dress. Be honest about things you don’t like. Not only does this help you become more of yourself, but you’ll also make friends with the right people.

  • Take Care of Your Body

Because it takes care of you everyday! Just by implementing some simple practices like Exercise, Practice Proper Hygiene, Have a Skin Care Routine, Invest in Yourself and you’re already getting ahead of where you were the day before.

  • Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

Comparing yourself to others will only lead to disappointment and lack of confidence. There will always be someone with more than you more money, more friends, more style, more of anything.

Compare who you were yesterday not someone else’s today.

A friend of mine is a pilot for one of the big airlines. He related this story to me. One day, he is headed through security and in front of him are two air marshals escorting a prisoner in hand cuffs. First the TSA Agent tried to tell the marshals that they had to uncuff the prisoner before he could go through security. (yeah, that got cleared up pretty quick). Then the TSA agent tried to tell them they would have to remove their guns (this time a supervisor was called over to educate the TSA agent). Then the TSA agent told the marshals to empty their pockets. One of them had a tiny fingernail clipper with a small file on it that vaguely resembled knife. The TSA Agent proudly jumped on that and demanded the marshal would have to relinquish it as “contraband”. I think at this point the marshals were just tired of dealing with this person so he gladly gave her the fingernail clippers so that they could go on their way.

In summary: two marshals escorting a prisoner..both of the marshals armed with pistols and other weapons, had a pair of fingernail clippers confiscated because it was “contraband”.

Cinnamon Garlic Roast Chicken

40 Cloves of Garlic Roast Chicken 010
40 Cloves of Garlic Roast Chicken 010


  • 1 (3 pound) chicken, cut up
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder (or 2 cloves fresh, minced)
  • 2/3 teaspoon cinnamon
  • Paprika
  • 1 onion, thinly sliced
  • 1 cup water


  1. Clean chicken well.
  2. Combine salt, pepper, garlic and cinnamon. Sprinkle mixture onto all parts of the chicken.
  3. Refrigerate for at least an hour.
  4. Heat oven to 400 degrees F. Spray a roasting pan with vegetable oil spray.
  5. Remove chicken from refrigerator, and place in roasting pan.
  6. Sprinkle with paprika.
  7. Scatter onion slices around chicken, and roast uncovered for 35 minutes.
  8. Reduce heat to 350 degrees F.
  9. Stir onion slices, add the cup of water, and continue roasting for an additional 50 minutes until tender, basting occasionally.

Not exactly

The Chinese stock market is among the most undervalued in the world and is stubbornly remaining there due to a lot of regulations against speculation

The US Treasury still pays 5.31% as Peak Bond Yields

The Chinese Real Estate prices are low which is good for the buyers but that means investors will be giving it a wide berth

This means a lot of HOT MONEY will not be coming in but going out

Hot money is money used to buy shares and bonds and real estate securities by foreign firms

Speculative money!

No matter even if the US says China is booming, this is going to happen

Likewise if China raises interest rates to 6% then Yields rise to a peak of 6.53% and suddenly Hot money will flood into China no matter even if the US says China is crashing tomorrow

Likewise China is getting a flood of Long term investments for their EV and New Technology investments

That won’t change no matter what the US says

China is still the world’s second largest consumer market plus the worlds largest manufacturer at peak profitability

That won’t change no matter what the US says

So China simply doesn’t care too much about what the US media says beyond rebuttals on their English Language Media (CGTN) or Global times or SCMP

Ukraine: “Corpses Everywhere” as Russians smash through

Ukraine Army Corpses large
Ukraine Army Corpses large

The ground is strewn with corpses: Soldiers of the “Center” group show everything that remains of the 47th brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Berdychi.

Corpses of dead Ukrainian soldiers are everywhere.

The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine does not betray itself and continues to send Ukrainian militants on suicidal missions.

As a result of fierce fighting from artillery and tank attacks, only in this small section of the forest,  the commanders of the 47th brigade managed to put an entire platoon.

Russian soldiers report that they did not even try to evacuate them after the fire began and the subsequent assault. They just left the whole brigade in this position – forever.

One of my first jobs was in a hospital, primarily in the E.R. Being a community hospital, we all performed many unassigned duties. Many of the staff had been leaving due to management issues and I soon put in my notice. Because of the staff loss, I was one of the few who knew how to operate several pieces of equipment. I had made the attempt to teach others how to operate the equipment, but they refused.

On my final day, the hospital administrator came up to me and said he was very unhappy with my job performance and told me I was fired. I packed my belongings and left, kind of in shock. A day later I was in my new position at the hospital I’d put in notice for. Two days later, I recieved a rather frantic call from the Administrator telling me I needed to come in and show someone how to work the equipment. It seemed they had almost lost an E.R. patient because no one could run the tests.

I told him that was impossible because I was on the way to work and hung up. A week later the Administrator, his daughter, and his son in law, were all arrested for stealing from the hospital.

Smithsonian Cover-Up: Ancient Egyptians and Giants in the Grand Canyon In 1908, President Teddy Roosevelt wanted to declare the Grand Canyon off-limits to all timber and mining operations. It would take another 11 years for Congress to designate the Grand Canyon a national park. Sensing a final opportunity for adventure, explorer G.E. Kincaid took a boat down the Colorado River and through the Grand Canyon. The canyon was rich in minerals like gold, silver and copper and Kincaid wanted to see what he could find before the area was closed off for good. About 40 miles up-river from the El Tovar Crystal canyon, Kincaid saw stains in the sediment formation about 2,000 feet up. He tied off the boat and got out to investigate. Kincaid couldn’t find a trail, but after a short hike he found something interesting covered in desert brush. Steps. Hundreds of them. Carved in sandstone. Steps that wound their way up to a high shelf on the side of the canyon. He followed the steps until he came across a cavern entrance. An entrance that was clearly man made. Kincaid entered the cavern and turned on his flashlight. On the walls he saw writing. But it wasn’t English or Native American writing. It was Ancient Egyptian Heiroglypics. Kincaid lifted his flashlight and saw that the tunnel ran far into the distance. He didn’t realize it at the time, but this was only the beginning.