All of my childhood friends are dying off.
Jesus! I’m not that fucking old.
So, I decided to torture myself and look up my old High School and College buddies. Talk about dim-wit ideas. A glutton for punishment.
Oh. So depressing.
We went everywhere in the “scout-er-roo” his International harvester Scout. We partied alot, played chess, rode motorcycles, and shot up bottles at the “bony dumps” (strip mines). Robbie. Died of a Heroin overdose.

Elementary, though college years… bud. Many deep – deep discussions. Partied in the woods surrounding our town. I well remember the time when he wanted to smoke a joint. So we stopped on the lone logging road, got some gasoline out of the tank, made a quick fire and lighted the joint with it. Gun shot.

P. Eck…
Another party friend. Weren’t they all. He and his brother John were this constantly fighting duo that we hung out with. He became quite a character later on. He taught me how to pick mushrooms in the woods. Death by Covid.

These were all my BEST FRIENDS. I won’t add Jerry Marcus, as I cannot find his write up. Anyways, it’s all too damn depressing.
Life moves on.
We are all left behind.
I’m in a low mood.
Today, we are going to get off the Geo-political spaghetti highway, and take a break. But, first a comment.

It’s all a falling apart.
Collapsing. Dying.
Now some context….
When I was retired, it began with a set-up resulting in an arrest and interrogation. I will never forget that time…
But this group of detectives and police came in and arrested me. Hauled me off to the local jail and interrogated me. I wasn’t ready for any interrogation. But Christ, there was a fuck load of accusations against me…
- Collecting unlicensed music (from Limewire – true, but was difficult to prove)
- Sexual assault of a minor. (proven false, medically impossible, but that didn’t matter)
- Possession of illegal firearms. (also false. But the FBI did a full spectrum investigation.)
- Money laundering overseas. (Not even remotely true. Not proven, and even if I tried, the amounts would be tiny.)
- Illegal possession of drugs. (Proven wrong. It was pain medicine for my cat.)
And many, many, many more.
- Possession of fake designer clothes (I went WTF?)
- Burned out tail light – driving a car illegally (potentially. So I couldn’t drive to get it fixed)
- Pictures of Nazi’s on my computer (History buff, but they tried to make a link between me and the Nazi subculture.)
- Books on how to paint and draw nudes (they seized them and used them to describe my “evil nature”.)
- Illegal porn on the computer (this is what they charged me with)
Eventually they were able to charge me with possession of “Child Porn”. With a “doctor” specifying that I had a video on my computer that showed a 17 year old girl. (Not proven, but who cares at this point.)
The interrogation was an experience.
How would you all fare, trying to defend against those accusations? I really wonder. How would you handle it?
Probably better than me.
I was, of course being poisoned with heavy metals at the time, and I was jittery as all fuck. Kid of difficult when your entire hands and legs are shaking and your fingernails are falling out.
Sheech! What a FUCKING life!
Why am I looking up Obituary’s? Why am I looking up Obituary’s? Why am I looking up Obituary’s? Why am I looking up Obituary’s?
What the fuck?
If MM ever goes silent. Consider this an explanation.
I hope not, though. I had a vision that I would live into my 90's. -MM
So today, we are gonna look at some interrogation videos. Just to remind me of the good old days being grilled for my empire of gun running, sexual abuse of children, massive drug empire, and wanton uncontrolled evil.
Just, well, I am in a dark mood.Today…
Painful to watch
An example of what happens to a woman who is never forced to deal in life, and who only relies on her beauty. Painful to watch. Entitled narcissism.
Is it true Chinese men abandon half black children born from African black mothers? I saw in Chinese websites some cases, but very large number marry and seem happy. Or do Chinese men later abandon them?
99% Chinese men DO NOT abandoned their black mix race kids. I believe there are cases that true in Africa when I was in Zimbabwe you will notice 99.99% of all Chinese/black couples are Chinese men and Black women and I saw Chinese looking mixed race children only with their mothers. And since many videos talk about abandoned babies in Africa and the babies always say Chinese man. However the majority of Chinese men with African women DO NOT abandon their child. Vast majority of Chinese men are obsessed with having kids. Although yes, I have been to Zimbabwe and local African women/men said “ You Chinese are very lucky, you get young pretty african girls “ but if you ask me I don’t it’s because Chinese is physically desirable, because why would so many young black girls even think of marrying old Chinese males?
These are unwanted Chinese males (at least many of them). They are rich,

Confession of a 15 year-old killer
Learn how the interrogation is handled, and how he probes. The best thing is to say NOTHING. NOTHING.
As a private investigator, what is the best gotcha you’ve seen?
A domestic case! These are considered the WORST! A wife had attempted to have her husband served with a restraining order. Unfortunately, her attorney had hired Process Servers who tried to serve him but ultimately they burned him (now he knew he was being served and was going to do everything possible to flee from it). At this point of my career, out of hundreds of services I served, there was maybe five that I was unable to do. Her attorney was referred to me and he had been warned to get out his checkbook.
Unlike Process Servers, Private Investigators can do an investigation to help get the subject served. I was able to find out that husband was hiding at a friends house in Beverly Hills and stayed in the house. Husband actually had his friend move his truck every day so as to not get a ticket. After surveillance was done for a couple days, I knew I had ONE SHOT to get this guy out of the house.
Wife had told me her husband LOVED his truck and treated it better than her. So, I knew I could use this to my advantage.
After carefully going through a scenario with my son, I knew it was safe for my son to help and put his acting ability to use. He was doing commercials at the time.
My son went to the front door, knocked, and asked husbands friend if the truck belonged to him because some big kids were spray painting it. My son immediately left to where my friend was in my vehicle. I could HEAR husband RUNNING across the floors in the house and sprinted out the front door and flew to his truck. Who was waiting there? Me. Subpoena in hand.
Husband actually laughed and shook my hand, telling me he admired my ingenuity.
Before anyone yells at me for using my son, at every second, my friend who came with was LAPD and his weapon was trained the whole time. I also put half of my fee in my sons college account. That $750 went to a very good cause. My sons education.
Wannabe Rapper Is About To Get A Big Reality Check
What happened to the SS soldiers after WW2?
My Step Grandfather and Step Uncle both surrendered to the French. They were interrogated, jailed for a few months, no crimes were reported for their battalions and they were released. Went home and began to rebuild.
My wife’s maternal Grandpa David, High ranking 6th Army (read edit) is an entirely different beast. Stalingrad was hell. Both David’s brother’s were killed. David was given leave and flown home to Berlin for Christmas 1942, to spend time with his wife and parents. He got his wife pregnant, my mother-in law.
David was flown back just in time to be encircled and stuck inside Stalingrad with 400 000 comrades (The UK lost 380 000 soldiers during the entire of WWII). Hitler ordered no break outs, no surrender. David immediately cut out the SS tattoo from his left arm, he knew he wanted to return home, he also assessed the situation was hopeless and was going to surrender 1st opportunity.
Things got desperate, food scarce, supplies low. Bodies piling up. Finally, starving, exhausted 91 000 survivors surrendered February 2, 1943.
David was separated due to his convenient left arm injury. Exactly were SS tattoos are located. His story was he was just a medic who was wounded. They didn’t buy it, but didn’t execute him either. They tortured him in various ways. Ice water to hypothermia was a favorite. He was strong, never admitted to being SS. He was sent out every harvest to work due to the lack of Russian men. A soldier would stuff a cob in an obvious hiding spot in order to get beaten. The others, loaded with food would sneak passed.
Over 11 years in prison, December 1954, they released several prisoners. 5000. That’s all that remained from 400 000. David fellow officer had somehow managed to keep a SS medal all that time. It was discovered en route. He was dragged off the train home screaming and crying. He was never heard from again.
David arrived in horrible shape. Unrecognizable. A family member was contacted and he hid and took care of David until he could eat normally and didn’t look like a corpse. Bought clothes and shoes shaved, hair cut. Finally he was able to return to his wife, and 11 year old daughter who he’d never seen. It was shock sad, celebration. 6th Army was assumed all dead. Then suddenly, a ghost appeared. David slowly regained his health. Once he was strong enough, he convinced most of the family they needed to escape to Western Germany. He had seen enough of communism to know what was coming. Soon, they fled with his daughter and new born baby girl. Nearly 4 million Germans escaped to West Germany. Soon after, Soviets built the Anti-Facist Protection Rampart to “protect” its citizens in August 1961. My wife was born 8 years later in 1969 in Hamburg.
David received a pension and was never strong healthy lad that joined in 1939. 15 years of his prime lost for nothing. Rubble. He counted his blessings he was able to raise 2 daughters, see them married with Children. My wife named after his wife.
My wife had several teachers in school who had been SS. Back to work and pre-war jobs. Many SS were leaders and politicians. Part of the rebuild. After all, they knew how to run a country and were educated. I married her 2001 and moved to Germany. Grandma would tell stories about the Hamburg bombing raids. The temperature would rise 1000 degrees and simply leave piles of ash of those who failed to make it to the bunkers. Others were hung from bridges or lamp posts for being “traitors” for refusing to fight or appearing to flee. We lived in Bavaria, Munich, a bit of a SS haven. Every few months another SS accused of war crimes would get arrested and face trial. Or be deemed not fit. Many had severe paranoia to the point of insanity. Almost better to have been caught in some cases. 2003 Hitler’s secretary gave detailed testimony in Munich of the final days. Movie about it THE BUNKER or Der Untergang.
I tried talking with some SS. Looked at their SS picture books. They were, …off. Would break out crying mid sentence, or get angry over 5 min late. Once, we were just about to have afternoon coffee and uncle Martin stood up right at 3pm and marched around the block for 1 hour. He was perfectly sane. But there was no convincing him to wait and eat with us. I asked him just this once to skip or wait and keep talking with us. No! There must be order! I used every psychology trick I knew, but couldn’t budge his routine one minute. He was 83 at the time. Also, Protestant Christian. Until 1942ish, ONLY Christians could be SS. Weird fun fact. He was looking forward to meeting Jesus. But NEVER, and I mean NEVER claim Jesus was a Jew. Wow. How to ruin a family gathering in 4 “blasphemous” words.
Poor children who were robbed of youth and their innocence by great propaganda. 83 years old, still thinking exactly as he had at 16.
I see it happening again now. Sad. It scares me. We don’t evolve.
German wife, Canadian husband, Dutch maid of honor. All of our grandparents fought in a life and death struggle. We’re sipping cappuccino ‘s and laughing in peace best of friends.
Daughter Secretly Recorded Murderer’s SnapChats
How does Hong Kong differ from other Chinese cities like Beijing, Tianjin, Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan, and Shenzhen? Which city would you suggest for a first-time visitor to China and why?
You might find that Shanghai and Hong Kong are somewhat “exceptions” in China, and you would be correct.
China is a historical nation; 200 years ago, there was neither Shanghai nor Hong Kong.
This has led to the residents of these two cities being somewhat “peculiar.”
As commented by the former Foreign Minister of Singapore during China’s epidemic prevention period, regarding Shanghai’s major blunder, he bluntly said, “Shanghai thinks it is superior to other Chinese”(which led to the significant mistake).
He really understands China!
The image below is from a well-known Chinese movie from the 1950s, where a shanghai character says, “Comrade, if things get out of hand, it won’t be easy to manage. We Shanghai people still need to do business with Americans.”
In fact, even today, many websites can show the IP addresses of commenters. We often find that a considerable proportion of pro-American and pro-Western comments come from Shanghai IPs, leading to the meme “creating a new record in guessing the IP,” implying that if you see very pro-American and pro-Western comments, they are likely from Shanghai.
200 years ago… when my old house was being renovated, it was already 540 years old, and at that time, there was no Shanghai.
Shanghai and Hong Kong, in my view, both have a certain anxiety about falling from being China’s most prosperous cities. They rose to prominence and sudden prosperity mainly because they were ports connecting China and the West.
Shanghai isn’t too worried, as it has the entire China as its hinterland, so the problem isn’t significant. Hong Kong, however, truly faces the possibility of decline.
The above remarks are part of a popular activity among Chinese people: “discriminating” against Shanghainese.
But it is only a JOKE.
At that time, Shanghai was the most important, if not the only, light industrial production base in China. During my childhood, two of my family’s most valuable possessions were two tin boxes made in Shanghai, and the most valuable of all, the Red Lantern radio, was also made in Shanghai.
As for Hong Kong, it’s even more “Shanghai” than Shanghai… you get it.
For tourism, all are fine. If you want to see China’s past, go to Beijing. To see China’s present, go to Shanghai (which is very Westernized, with many young people who speak English). To see China’s future, go to Shenzhen.
However, I personally recommend Chengdu or Chongqing because there’s a lot of delicious food.
But why go to these big cities for a trip to China? It’s quite boring. I strongly recommend cycling from Shanghai to Lhasa. Really, give it a try; you won’t regret it! It’s a total of 5400 kilometers, crossing China. This national highway is known as the Scenic Avenue of the Chinese people. Truly, you won’t regret it!
Plumber Came To Fix A Blocked Pipe But Instead Solves Two Cold Cases
If I Had a Time Machine I’d Be Gone in a Second

Girl visits China. Here’s her report.
Born and raised in the United States, my first time to China was in 2016, shortly after I graduated from high school. Since I had studied Chinese for four years and high school, as a gift for graduating my dad decided to take me on a two-week tour of China. To say that this trip was one of the most eye-opening experiences of my lifetime would not be an exaggeration. There were five things that were surprising to me when I visited China and that were entirely different than what the Western media had taught me:
- China is a beautiful place. Growing up in the U.S., pretty much all you hear about China is how “ugly” it is. Before I went, I expected the skies everywhere to be dark and clouded, and the air to be difficult to breathe due to all the media coverage that the pollution in China receives. However, when I actually got to China, I was shocked at how beautiful it was. The skies were blue, the cities were clean, and the pollution seemed just as bad as in any other big city that I had visited in the U.S. Not only that, but there were some landscapes in China that were just absolutely stunning. I particularly remember being blown away by the beauty of the countryside views in Guilin, and the massive rock formations on the Guangxi River.
- Chinese people are very friendly. In the U.S., it is a common assumption that Chinese people are quite rude. My trip to China proved this assumption to be completely wrong. Every Chinese person that I met was extremely friendly, and they were always excited to approach us either to talk or to get their picture taken with us. It was like being a celebrity! Not only that, but everyone was always willing to try and speak English with us, and were very kind when I attempted to converse with them in Chinese. In my honest opinion, many of the people I met in China were friendlier than many people back home. One person that stands out to me in particular was our rickshaw driver in Beijing. Even though he didn’t speak much English, he still tried to point out all of the sights of Beijing to us the best he could, and even though he had a hard job he always had a big smile on his face.
- Authentic Chinese food is good. Back in the United States, it is commonly believed that the food eaten in China is weird, abnormal, and unappetizing. However, all of the food that I ate in China was delicious (my favorite food being from Chengdu), and I actually preferred it to the Chinese food that you can find in America. Yes, there are several cultural differences in the type of food that we eat, but that doesn’t mean that it is bad! While I did see some foods that surprised me, including ants and rats, this was mostly out in the countryside. To any foreigner traveling to China, I would recommend trying as many foods as possible, even if they are a bit out of your comfort zone like they were for me. It’s worth it!
- There are people in China who are very rich. Most of what Americans hear about the Chinese is the extreme poverty that they experience. While it is true that we did see many poorer families while on our trip, we also saw a very luxurious side of China that I didn’t even know existed. The area that appeared to be the wealthiest was definitely Shanghai. There were luxury stores (i.e., Gucci. Tiffany’s, Prada, etc.) all over the city, and there were always Chinese people shopping at these stores. Not only that, but there were also always very expensive cars driving around the streets of Shanghai. It was a side of China that I never even heard about back home, and it was great to be able to see how prosperous China has become.
- Chinese people love their country. In the United States, it is a common thought that many Chinese people must feel oppressed by their government due to their country not being a democracy. However, while I was in China I saw nothing but pride and love for their country. Through many conversations with Chinese people, it was clear to me that they loved being from China. They had a lot of respect for their history, their culture, and for their government. In fact, it seemed to me that Chinese people had much less negative things to say about their country than many Americans do. This just goes to show that just because you don’t agree with a certain method of government doesn’t mean that the people living in that country have to share the same views as you.

Killer Step-Dad Thinks He Got Away Until Cops Found His Daughter
Racists in the UK
Good to know that there are only a few thousand aggressive racist individuals in the UK in Mike Richmond’s view.
I was surrounded by 7 of them in a park on Saturday evening in a most aggressive manner in a borough not known for such behaviour. It took about 30
minutes to extricate myself and my children. It was a close call. I had been in the park about 10 minutes before this happened.
Let’s do some numbers. Say only 7 such individuals in a borough of around 100,000 people. So in a population of say 70 million that’s about 4,900
individuals only. Mike Richmond therefore made a fine guess.
Now let’s do it another way. When we do neutron transport in nuclear reactor theory, a basic metric is number of neutrons per unit time, per unit energy, per solid angle.
If I hardly spend any time in parks in low crime areas, is 7 aggressive white ethnicity youths surrounding me with anti Muslim slurs a good estimate of the number of such youths per 100,000?
What if we applied the number of aggressive racist youths per unit area, per unit time and then tried to estimate the number of such individuals per 100,000
of population?
We might get a different answer.
I think Mike and I have entirely different motivations. I’m only interested in realistic assessments and how to protect my children.
He might of the view that the UK does not have much of a violent racist subculture and demographic that can lead to wider flare ups leading to massive civil unrest and even civil war.
We are certainly far from civil war – whatever that is. But the trajectory to much greater civil unrest and violence has already not only been laid but being further encouraged and justified. Calls to “take back our country” are hardly limited in scope.
I have spoken to educated hedge fund professionals.who are gleefully anticipating more. They have some odd notions of British grandeur in mind. So it’s not just the disaffected and disenfranchised, or the working class, but a wider demographic that is mostly silent but enjoying the show.
With due respect, Mike’s view and aim is different from mine..Mine is protection of my boys. And by looking at voting patterns and social media I can’t rely on the 4,900
estimate. I’m trying to figure out how to protect my boys, especially as one takes the train daily and walks through the high street. Maybe his skin is pale enough that he doesn’t stand out.
Are my boys pale enough? Can they run fast enough?
Samantha Is About To Find Out
Is China capable of producing stealth fighters that are on par with the current generation ones used by the US, such as the J20 and FC31?
The latest j-20b debuted at air shows in the last 2 years have demonstrated aerodynamic performance that exceed the f22. The ws-15 re-engine is a true generational leap.
In particular, the j20b was captured on film demonstrating a sub-10s death spiral maneuver, in which the aircraft applied afterburners and spun 7 tight rounds before exiting gracefully.
My friend who is an ex-military pilot tells me he has never seen such a maneuver, which cannot be replicated by the su-57 with its 3d thrust vectoring nozzles, let alone the f22’s 1d design.
Evidently, the canard design of the j20 and its new engines enable a potent aerodynamic platform.
China inducted the j20 into service more than a decade ago. It is currently in service across all 5 command theaters. The j20b, a major evolution of the modular j20, is in serial production equipped with new indigenous engines, radar, avionics and software. The production capacity is between 100-150 per year.
China also has a lighter but similarly twin-engine j31/j35 in serial production. It shares many of the same upgrades as the j20b, namely radars, avionics and software. The j35 is the navalized version of the j31, and there may be a v/stol version in the works as well. The production capacity is similarly between 100-150 per year, with rich iteration opportunities due to its modular architecture.
That’s the potential to add 200-300 state of the art stealth fighters annually, to add to at least 300-400 j20 variants and 50-100 j31/j35 in service today.
The f35 is the only 5g fighter in western production currently. It has faced significant delays recently, with software and (underreported) supply chain woes. More than 100 f35s remain undelivered to the usaf, with rumors of parts shortage and key gaps in the software upgrade. They won’t be combat ready until 2025/26.
If the Chinese commit to maximizing the current production capacity, they will operate more stealth jets than the rest of the world within the next decade or two.
We will see.
P.S.: This is 2024. Study the evolution of the deployment of force for indopacom’s airborne and air defense assets in the western pacific THIS CENTURY and the growing respect for the j20 platform is evident.
Ava Realizes She Was Caught On Camera
What is the most shocking thing a doctor told you?
When my wife was pregnant with our first child she thought she was having early labor. We rushed to the hospital and she had a number of tests. It was a fake labor called Braxton Hicks I think. So we wanted to make sure the baby was okay so they did a few more tests.
I heard the head doctor say to a nurse that everything was fine and the heartbeat was at like 175–190. So the hospital is very busy and a teaching hospital which makes it crowded at times with 1st-2nd year residents following doctors around. So I see the doctor hand this 2nd year resident my wife’s chart.
She comes into the room and says, “You should be ready to go home soon BUT the bad news is your baby’s heartbeat is very low and you should expect to lose the baby.” ??? I was stunned and confused. I asked her what the hell she was talking about and she again said we should expect to lose the baby! I asked to see the chart and saw that the baby’s heart rate was fine. I showed her that she was not reading the heart rate properly and it wasn’t 75 — it was 175!! Her response was just a simple “oh” okay.
I stared at her for the next 30 seconds and said “well?” She had a blank look on her face. Now she had freaked me out and it appeared I was gonna return the favor. If I had not heard the doctor earlier, I would have never known she just wasn’t paying attention. So I tore into her. I told her that “for one, that’s not the proper way to give people bad news. And two, you should be certain when giving the bad or terrible news in this case! Maybe you should double checked with the doctor before.” Now I did not say any of this in a polite way. My wife did not know or hear what the real doctor said, so she thought she was going to lose the baby.
I told her that if she didn’t leave the room immediately, I would help her. And I asked, “What kind of idiot does this knowing she wasn’t listening to the doctor and hopes she heard enough? So instead of admitting to the doctor that you weren’t paying attention you scare the shit out of my wife?” Because I was being a bit loud, the head doctor comes in and asks what is going on. When I told him that the resident just told us that our baby was going to die, he went pale. He ordered her to leave the room and wait outside. He went off on her so everyone could hear it, and apparently this was not the resident’s first incident of not listening.
Why did Italian PM Meloni meet Xi Jinping in China?
Contrary to the common view of strained Italy-China relations post-BRI withdrawal, Prime Minister Meloni’s recent visit to China showcased a remarkable turnaround. Meeting President Xi Jinping, she reestablished the strength and potential of this vital partnership.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s visit to China and her meeting with President Xi Jinping were pivotal in mending and enhancing bilateral relations between the two nations, particularly after the recent decision by Italy to withdraw from the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Meloni’s government took this step to align more closely with the EU and NATO’s strategic outlook; however, this created a rift that required careful diplomatic efforts to address. Her visit signifies a strategic realignment and strengthening of Italy-China ties despite the initial turbulence.
The motivations behind the visit were multifaceted. Politically, Italy needed to bridge the gap created by the lack of high-level visits to China over the past five years, especially given that other European leaders had made multiple trips. For Italy, remaining disconnected from one of the world’s major economies was a strategic disadvantage. Meloni seized the opportunity to reset relations, underscoring that Italy values long-term and stable relations with China. Just as importantly, China’s new economic and geopolitical clout positions it as a critical partner for navigating global uncertainties and fostering peace and stability.
Economically, the visit had potent implications. At the heart of the discussions was trade. With China aiming to return to strong GDP growth rates above 5 percent and facing deteriorating relations with the West, there was a pressing need to secure trade partnerships. Italy, being one of China’s significant non-European trading partners, plays a crucial role here. The bilateral trade amounting to 66.8 billion Euros in 2023 evidences the deep economic interdependence. Furthermore, Chinese electric vehicles facing increased duties from the EU is a direct concern that requires diplomatic negotiations to resolve. Meloni emphasized the importance of creating balanced trade relations that mitigate potential economic conflicts.
Additionally, a Three-Year Action Plan (2024-2027) was signed, supplementing six other agreements aimed at strengthening bilateral cooperation in diverse fields such as investment, intellectual property, and environmental protection. These initiatives reflect both nations’ commitment to not only maintaining but also enhancing economic ties.
Culturally, the visit resonated deeply, highlighting shared histories and cultural heritage. Events like the dedication of a unique exhibition to Marco Polo at Beijing’s Millennium Monument on the 700th anniversary of his death underscore the longstanding cultural exchanges between Italy and China. Such events are symbolic but carry significant diplomatic weight, signaling a shared appreciation for historical ties and a commitment to future cooperation.
18 Year Old Killer Thinks He’s Going Home
Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost
Leonard Cohen – Everybody Knows
Having heard this Leonard Cohen classic on the radio a few days ago, the lyrics have been rattling around in my head as a perfect description of the dystopian horror show we are experiencing in the world today. The song has a dark, foreboding, cynical tone, capturing the sense of a coming catastrophe which everybody can see coming, but we are helpless to stop. Cohen wrote the song in 1987 and it perfectly captures the mood of a Third Turning Unraveling, where greed; narcissism; the breakdown of societal trust; confidence in governmental and financial institutions; and the deterioration of society into the “haves” and “have nots”; sets the stage for the Fourth Turning Crisis of financial collapse, war, and a violent bloody resolution by 2032. Third Turnings are periods of cynicism, deterioration of manners and civil authority, societal disunity, and a cultural descent towards degeneracy.
It was fitting Cohen wrote this song in the same year Oliver Stone’s Wall Street movie splashed onto movie screens, reflecting the “greed is good” mentality of the nation. The insider trading scandals of the mid-1980s informed the good guys that the bad guys had rigged the system, and always won. The early enthusiasm of Reagan’s “Morning in America” presidency had dissipated in a blizzard of scandals, promises unfulfilled, and space program disaster. The 1986 stock market crash had shaken the confidence of the working class, while Greenspan’s bailout of the bankers who owned him, proved the dice were loaded.
It was not so evident at that point that the good guys (you and me) had already lost the war. Cohen didn’t know it at the time, but he was describing the Deep State/Invisible Government control over every aspect of our lives. The dystopia he describes has grown a hundred-fold in the 37 years since he wrote the song, and it keeps getting worse. We are approaching our rendezvous with destiny and everybody who is capable of critical thought knows the next several years will be fraught with peril, determining the future course of mankind.
The dice have been loaded for decades. The war was over in 1963 when the CIA, on behalf of the Deep State, murdered John F. Kennedy. The American people (the good guys) lost, and the Deep State won. They got their war in Vietnam. They got their Welfare State. They got guns, butter, a currency unlinked from gold, and the green light to create debt to infinity. The Deep State has consolidated their power and control over every aspect of our lives in the six decades since they killed JFK.
They have used every crisis they create to abscond with more of our liberties, freedoms, rights and wealth. In addition to the never-ending wars created around the globe to benefit their military industrial complex, their wars on poverty, drugs, terror, CO2, and covid have enriched them and their lackeys, while exacerbating the very things they declared war upon. None of these wars are meant to be won. Keeping the masses in fear and ignorance makes them easier to control.
Even though the ignorant masses are kept distracted by their electronic baubles and gadgets, while being continuously propagandized and misinformed by the regime media, acting on behalf of their Deep State masters, they know something is amiss. They are experiencing a massive dose of cognitive dissonance, as the institutions they are supposed to trust (government, media, finance, academia, medicine) tell them the economy is great, inflation is only 3%, white supremacy is the real problem, open borders are good for America, vaccines are safe and effective, the puppet president is as sharp as a tack, and it really was just a 20 year old loner who acted alone in trying to kill Trump.
Everybody knows these are provably false, leaving them feeling uneasy and mentally uncomfortable. They know something bad is going to happen, but they don’t know when. Pretending all is well is their only choice, because thinking and questioning the narrative is frowned upon by their peers. Therefore, they keep rolling the dice with their fingers crossed. This can be seen in the astronomical increase in sports betting over the last decade, as economic desperation increases risk taking.
The same mentality can be seen in people financing the purchase of $60,000 depreciating vehicles over seven years and getting into bidding wars over houses when prices are at an all-time high and mortgage rates are at decade highs. They are in a “live for today” mental state because they know the future is going to be terrible and they are being lied to by the captains.
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That’s how it goes
Everybody knows
Leonard Cohen – Everybody Knows
Everybody knows they created the covid plandemic in order to force mail-in ballots to become normalized across the swing states. The provable 3:00 am mail-in ballot fraud, along with whatever tweaks were done through internet access to Dominion electronic voting machines, fixed the 2020 election, and installed the Deep State basement dummy as their puppet president.
This has allowed them to implement their Great Reset new world order agenda, purposely destroying the social fabric of society by financing the invasion of our country by millions of 3rd world parasites; celebrating and encouraging our descent into degeneracy by jamming transgender mental illness down our throats as normal; glorifying the sexualization, mutilation, and trafficking of children; inciting violence, mayhem and lawlessness in our cities; and making the poor poorer, while further enriching the rich.
Their goal is to mentally overwhelm us and force us to acquiesce to their degenerate dogma through fear, peer pressure, propaganda, cancellation, and threat of imprisonment. The celebration of degeneracy just peaked during the opening of the Olympic games in Paris, where degeneracy has always thrived, while the curtain came down upon humanity, normalcy, and good people living unfettered lives.
The question many normal, critical thinking, family oriented, intelligent people are asking is why are “they” doing this and for what purpose? They are aggressively shoving our faces in it and daring us to respond in a violent manner. They need conflict and chaos, as they grow desperate, knowing the liquefying foundation of debt supporting their agenda is giving way. Since the opening of this Fourth Turning in 2008, with the man made financial disaster created by our corrupt politicians, Bernanke and the voraciously greedy cabal of Wall Street bankers, our world has been spiraling downward in a vortex of debt, delusion, deception, despotism and degeneracy.
The national debt stood at $11 trillion in 2009, which was up by $5 trillion since 2000 due to Bush’s useless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and his War on Terror – meant to be endless and permanently beneficial to the MIC and Deep Surveillance State. It took 210 years to reach $5 trillion in debt, and only 25 years to add another $30 trillion. Now that is quite an accomplishment. Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellen and Powell must be so proud, having enabled their owners to become obscenely rich while we became poorer.
The current batch of captured politicians and government bureaucrat drones told Bush, Obama and Trump to hold their beer, as they accelerate our descent towards financial implosion at a current rate of $1 trillion of new debt every 3 to 4 months, trending at $3.2 trillion annualized. They are trapped by their insane belief MMT can work and debt doesn’t really matter.
At this point, if they actually attempted to cut spending and act rationally, we’d experience a deflationary depression, with massive unemployment, foreclosures, defaults, starvation, and cities burning. It seems too convenient the covid scamdemic arrived just as the gears of our financial system were seizing up due to lack of debt creation oil. They have certainly greased the gears of debt since 2020, with no plans to ease up at this point.
Powell continues to print at hyper-speed to keep up with the spending of the swamp creatures and their senile pedophile puppet president. Now his Wall Street owners are throwing a hissy fit by driving the stock market down, so he will cut interest rates and make them richer. You can double the official propaganda inflation figure of 20% since the creepy cadaver was rolled into the White House in January 2021, to get an accurate assessment of what they have done to average Americans.
Covid was used to destroy hundreds of thousands of small businesses, shifting more profits to the mega-corporations who support the Deep State through censorship, promoting deviancy and DEI, while further impoverishing the former middle class. The massive surge in inflation forced Powell to raise rates, exacerbating the destruction of our economy, as interest on the national debt exceeds $1 trillion per year, and accelerating upward like a SpaceX rocket ship.
The military industrial complex is miffed, as interest expense now exceeds military spending. They will insist on a 25% increase, as they prepare for World War III, currently being provoked by Biden’s handlers. Do any of these charts show a sustainable scenario? The answer is NO. That which is unsustainable will not be sustained. The only question is when will this fallacious fantasy meet the cold hard reality of consequences.
Everybody knows that the boat is leaking
Everybody knows that the captain lied
Everybody got this broken feeling
Like their father or their dog just died
Leonard Cohen – Everybody Knows
You can insert whoever or whatever in the role of captain, as the USS America sinks into the shadowy abyss. There have been so many perpetrators, some more responsible than others, but we all need to accept some responsibility for our current inescapable quandary. For decades the masses have believed the captain’s lies. We went about our daily lives, allowing a cadre of evil psychopaths to abscond with our rights, liberties, and freedoms, while implementing a totalitarian surveillance state, slowly destroying our standard of living through insidious Federal Reserve created inflation debasing the dollar, and turning our economic system into a corporate fascist pillage machine, dominated by the military industrial complex, sickcare complex, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Big Banks. No matter what puppet they installed as captain, the puppeteers running the Deep State remained hidden and in total control of the levers of society.
The boat is most certainly leaking and has been leaking for a long time. They have been lying to us for as long as I can remember, because they know our entire system is based on lies and is truly rotten to the core. If you have been paying attention, you know with certainty this will end in catastrophe. The problem is so few have been paying attention. The masses are vying for likes on social media platforms, taught to feel rather than think in government indoctrination centers (aka public schools), told what to believe by their TVs, and instructed to use debt for everything they desire.
Personally, I’ve had a broken feeling, like my dog died, since the onset of this Fourth Turning in 2008. My efforts to try and influence enough people to alter our course and avoid the iceberg, which will sink this empire, have failed. I guess they were destined to fail during this Fourth Turning, just as there is no way to avoid the Winter season. We must face the gauntlet of killer storms ahead with fortitude, courage, and a willingness to do whatever it takes to leave a livable future for our children and future generations.
There will be blood, that is certain. Innocent people will die. That is a fact of war. We are already in a war for the future of our civilization, whether you acknowledge it or not. They have been trying to demoralize the good people, who still make up of the majority of Americans, by declaring the abnormal degenerate beliefs of 1% should override the normal, rational, moral beliefs of the 99%. If we continue allowing these evil miscreant psychopaths to dictate the course of our country through their Great Reset/Great Taking schemes, all will be lost. This Fourth Turning may end in the destruction of our country, and possibly our planet.
Our enemies are humans – despicable humans, but humans just the same. They bleed and die just like us. We are all going to have to decide whether we are willing to live in an authoritarian dystopia, with a boot on our face forever, or whether we are willing to die for a cause greater than us. We know our enemies consider us to be expendable parasites and will slaughter us by the millions to maintain their power, control, and wealth.
The globalist billionaires, their puppet politicians, media mouthpieces, corporate lackeys, feckless bankers, and obedient apparatchiks inserted throughout the government bureaucracy, all have families and addresses. Fear works both ways. Those 300 million firearms are mostly in the hands of the good guys. The time for hard choices is approaching rapidly. I pray enough make the right choices before it blows.
Everybody knows it’s coming apart
Take one last look at this Sacred Heart
Before it blows
Everybody knows
Leonard Cohen – Everybody Knows
Modern Life
What does “wo qu” mean in Chinese?
This question is very tricky and not easy to answer.
As a native speaker, I wouldn’t misuse this phrase, but explaining it clearly is not straightforward.
“我去” (wǒ qù) is a phrase favored by people from Northern China, especially from Beijing.
Literally translated, it means “I go,” a form of symmetrical Chinese phrase that is almost exclusively used by Beijingers. It is akin to saying 走你! “Go, you!”
Originally, the phrase had a certain vulgar connotation.(I go….go you…. I am coming!……Are you coming? oh,oh………Interestingly, replacing O with the letter U still sounds the same…I can’t describe it more carefully, but you get the idea, right?)
“我去” (wǒ qù) is actually a shortened form, originally meaning “我操你妈” (wǒ cāo nǐ mā,I am fucking your mother), which is a Chinese curse.
It is too vulgar, so the latter part was omitted, transforming it into another curse “我操” (wǒ cāo,I fuck), but it was still too crude, so it evolved phonetically into “我去” (wǒ qù).
Eventually, it became an exclamation.
During World War II, China and the U.S. were allies, but Chinese and Japanese people looked very similar. So, the U.S. issued a pamphlet to frontline soldiers titled “How to Distinguish Between Chinese and Japanese People.”
I’ve seen this pamphlet and found it not very practical.
Instead, try this method: Take a needle and secretly poke someone. If they yell “wo cao!” ,they’re Chinese.
If they yell “ba ga” (which means “bastard” in Japanese), they’re Japanese.
Similarly, in Cantonese, “Wa sai” is derived from “Wa sai lin mu,” which still means “I am fucking your mother.”
(But most Chinese people don’t know that wa sai actually means dirty, and they use Wa sai as an exclamation, which is almost the same as “wo qu”.)
Such transformations are quite common in Chinese, as with “你丫” (nǐ yā), which is also a shorthand in Beijing dialect.
Originally, it is “你这丫头养的,”meant “You are the illegitimate child of a slave woman!” then,你丫挺的,at last,”你丫”……at last evolved into a prefix for personal pronouns, used only among very close friends.
In Chinese vulgar language, insults typically revolve around the other’s mother or grandmother.
The focus is on women, with a figurative radius extending to 18 generations…
Perhaps because of ancestral worship, insulting as becoming someone’s father or grandfather is considered the highest form of insult.
But in reality, being a father is quite challenging…
Made my day
What did you learn that broke your heart?
Recently, I saw a little girl playing near a pool of mud and water.
She was all alone, stick in her hand, making shapes and figures in the mud, laughing her heart out.
Couldn’t take her picture but this is where she was playing —

I’d never seen her before — she seemed new, looked like her parents had just moved in here, didn’t have any friends yet, and she seemed 10 at best.
That’s when the most remarkable thing happened.
One little boy and her mother was walking by and the boy pointed to her and asked, “Maa, what is she doing?”
His mother looked up, smirked, and said, “She’s a dirty girl. She’s playing with mud. Stay away from her.”
Openly and brazenly — and I’m sure the little girl heard her.
The boy then laughed and said, “Haha, okay. Yuck, so dirty.”
The little girl, hid her head in shame, quickly threw away the stick, and ran away.
Silence enveloped the field once more.
The silence born of shame, judgment, and ridicule.
That’s when I realized something.
Maybe, for the first time ever in her life — this little girl had to face the disappointing reality about people, this world, and how it all really worked.
Lesson, you learn, as you grow up.
That there’s a price you need to pay for happiness in any shape, size, kind, or colour……
…..and often, this price is one that we can’t ever bear to suffer.
That’s how this world breaks you to make you like everyone else.
My heart broke, for it longed so fiercely —hoping, praying, wishing with as much strength as I could muster.
That she could hold on to her childish innocence, just a while longer.
Despicable & Shameless Western Media! After the game, some Western media enthusiastically offered water to Pan Zhanle;
Pan Zhanle’s coach found out and stopped them in time. Later, the water was tested positive for ecstasy!
After Pan Zhanle won the gold medal in the men’s 100m freestyle yesterday with a world record-breaking 46.40 seconds, beating his Western opponents. Just after the game, a Western media person enthusiast offered Pan Zhanle water to drink; fortunately, Pan Zhanle’s coach found it and stopped him in time. Later, the Chinese team detected doping in the water!
What does this mean? This means that if Pan Zhanle accidentally drank the water handed over by the Western media, and was summoned for a urine test later, he would definitely be found to contain doping in his urine! That means Pan Zhanle has no excuses, not only will his gold medal in the final be revoked, he will even face the misfortune of being banned by the International Swimming Federation for a long time!
Think about it, Western media, athletes and those evil leaders, in order to stop China’s progress are simply unscrupulous to the point of being outrageous! Hateful! Shameful!
Mom Discovers Her Disgusting Secret Was Filmed
This is disturbing, but really good.
As a pilot, what makes you roll your eyes every time you hear it?
As a pilot (Commercial/Multiengine) and a longtime airline passenger (two million miles), I’m bemused by people’s assumptions about cabin pressurization.
I hear things like “the oxygen tanks that supply the cabin” (there aren’t any) or complaints about headaches from “the constantly-recycled air with all that CO2 buildup” (that’s not how it works).
The pressure cabin of a passenger airplane is not an Apollo capsule, Space shuttle, or the ISS. It’s not a hermetically-sealed atmosphere. Yes, it maintains a higher pressure than the ambient air pressure at 37,000 feet, but it does so by constantly pumping in fresh (outside) air, while allowing the air inside the cabin to bleed out to the atmosphere, at a controlled rate. The pressure of incoming air, and the amount of air allowed to escape, are controlled by the pressurization system. The pilots set the desired cabin “altitude” (typically 7,000′–9,000′ depending on the aircraft, the planned cruise altitude, and the elevation at the destination airport), which is in the 10–12 psi range. (For comparison, sea level air pressure on a standard day is 14.7 psi.) The pressurization air inflow and outflow are adjusted and monitored by the system.
Here’s a demonstration I saw an A&P technician deliver to a class:
Take a car tire with a tiny nail hole in it. (No, don’t drive on it … set it on a workbench.) If you leave the tire alone for a few hours, the inside pressure drops to the outside pressure and a tire gauge will read zero psi.
Now connect an air hose to the tire inflation valve. Turn on the air. The tire will inflate and, if you keep the air coming in at the valve, the tire will stay inflated … air coming in at the valve, air escaping via the hole.
(Caution to the curious: If the hole is small enough, and the incoming air pressure is high enough, the tire might over-inflate to the point of bursting. Which can cause injury. So don’t conduct this experiment unless you know what you’re doing.)
BUT ANYWAY: As the air pressure inside the tire increases, this pushes air out of the hole faster and faster. Eventually — assuming you don’t exceed the tire’s max inflation pressure — the pressure inside will reach equilibrium … meaning the amount of air coming in and the amount leaking out are equal. The tire pressure stops rising, and holds steady at whatever the equilibrium pressure is.
The actual equilibrium pressure depends on (a) the pressure at which you’re pumping air in (which most air compressors allow you to control); and (b) the size of the hole letting the air out. Which you can adjust:
- If you widen the hole, the pressure inside will drop.
- If you plug the hole partially (still leaking, just not as much), the inside pressure will increase.
- If you do either of the above but want to maintain a constant pressure, you adjust the incoming air flow to maintain the same pressure.
That’s how aircraft pressurization works too. Incoming air pressure/volume are balanced to the “bleed” air flowing out, maintaining the desired pressure.
Speaking of CO2 buildup:
Depending on the aircraft and the cruise altitude, the total volume of cabin air is replaced by entirely “new” air every so often … I’ve read 5 minutes, 10 minutes … it all depends. But you’re not breathing pure CO2 by the end of the trip, nor are you getting supplemental oxygen from huge storage tanks.
(There are emergency oxygen bottles aboard … some for the flight deck, some portables for flight crew, and some mounted in overhead compartments for passengers But those are for emergencies, not routine operation.)
But the long and short of it is: We’re all breathing the outside air … it’s simply pressurized to maintain comfort (and sufficient partial pressure of oxygen so we don’t get dizzy). And at high altitude, the air is surprisingly PURE, because most pollution hangs out at lower altitudes. Breathe easy.