We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
In the late 1980’s and entering into the 1990’s there were all sorts of cost saving efforts undertaken by the corporate clowns running the companies. Some were truly curious, interesting and astounding.
When I worked at <name redacted>, they had replaced the roll toilet paper dispensers with a “public toilet” type. This was a cam based locking mechanism that only permitted one toilet paper sheet at a time. Oh! My! God!
Talk about getting everyone upset and hot and bothered. It was so frustrating that people started to bring their own toilet paper to work. And to compensate for using their own personal toilet paper stash, the employees started to steal pens, pencils, and erasers. It got so bad that there was a meeting about this, and the owner came in to explain why it was necessary to do this.
As a result of that meeting, some new changes were implemented.
A new parking space next to the front door for the owner to use, and no one else.
Removing the water fountains, and replacing it with a vending machine that sold ice cold bottled water.
Removal of the free coffee in the office.
An expansion of the hours at the company canteen so that people can buy coffee during the work-hours.
Removal of department bonuses, but they were replaced with a coupon system. You can advocate or recommend someone to get a “atta-boy” coupon. Each coupon is worth one free cup of coffee at the company canteen.
Look, as I get older, all this seems so trivial. Why fight for pennies, when the bosses get hundreds of thousands of dollars in a yearly bonus?
So this period of time is now in “hush” mode. Not too much is written about this time. Maybe a rare movie or two, and that is about it.
But, I won’t forget.
And let’s all learn from these mistakes and adapt. What do you say?
Isn’t it time the UK ignored what China wants and formally recognised Taiwan?
UK can try & see what will happen.
I bet, I bet, UK wont dare!!!
In the Paris Olympics, Taiwan separatists got warned by French guards/police. Below were few incidents.
1, In 1 stadium, one (Taiwanese?) woman stood on the stairs & held a green banner with Taiwan island on it. French guards/police warned the woman. She ignored warning. A man grabbed the banner from the woman in front of the guard/police & left.
2, In another occasion, a French guard/police grabbed a white & green banner from Taiwanese (?) sitting in the stadium. During struggle, French guard/police tore the banner.
In both cases, Taiwanese separatists dared not do anything against the guards/police.
See, France follows thru the ONE China policy & suppresses social nuisance caused by Taiwan independence.
Of course, these are Taiwanese (?) are actors who are paid to put up a theatrical show. These people only talked tough on the mouth, & held a banner. But facing a guard/police, they are chickens.
Back to UK. UK under Sunak was a US puppet. Like Taiwanese, Sunak talked tough to stage a theatrical show to its puppet master. When comes to action, I do not see anything concrete.
Dont be fooled by politicians’ tough talk; it is just a show.
Have the police just shown up to your door unexpectedly?
Yes, this happened quite a few years ago before cell phones were as popular as they are today.
We had just came back from the store where we had purchased a new set of wireless phones. For some reason my wife wanted me to program 911 as speed dial number 1. I read the instructions, made a number of attempts and determined it wasn’t working. A few minutes later the doorbell rang along with a definite knock. I could see through the glass door it was a couple of officers. One was at the door while the other was a few steps behind him with his hand resting on his firearm.
I opened the door and the lead officer said that there were a number of 911 calls with hangups and they were sent to investigate. I explained about the attempts at programming the phones and he asked if they could come in to see the phone. I let them in and showed them the phone. About that time my wife came into the room to see what was going on. Upon seeing the two officers she was a little surprised. The situation was explained to her and we bid the officers a good day.
A little while later my wife suddenly exclaimed that she just realized that the officers wanted to come in to ensure she was okay. The whole thing was embarrassing for me but rather humorous.
She Laughed After Being Charged with This
What are some potential challenges faced by Filipino soldiers in operating and integrating HIMARS into their defensive strategies in response to threats in the South China Sea?
If the Filipinos are stupid enough to volunteer to be a US proxy. It won’t be like Ukraine.
You realize that The Philippines is over 1,000 miles from China right?
HiMars range is well under 250 miles. And it’s not an air defense system.
The only thing the Filipinos will see is Chinese missiles raining from the sky. So no amount of integration is going to do anything.
HiMars will be target practice for Chinese missiles or glide bombs.
So integrating won’t do anything. Unlike the Russians, the Chinese are fully prepared to go to war with the US, NATO, Japan, SK, and India at the same time. Adding the Philippines is just desert for China. I hope the Filipino people get their heads out of their ass because the US will turn the Philippines into a death field just to get propaganda points.
The question is do the Filipinos want to die for the US so the US can do propaganda stories against China?
At the beginning of the year all of us employees (13 of us) took a voluntary pay cut to help our owners keep the doors open on our little plumbing supply company. You see the Old man who ran the place died at the end of last year and his kids took over. By years end our little company was in turmoil as the college educated heirs didn’t know a thing about actually running a plumbing supply company. Out of respect for their deceased father, we all took a pay cut so the company could survive on the promise that when the ship was righted we would all get a 5 figure bonus which would more than cover the pay cut we took. After this bonus we were to get our regular wages back plus ten percent on top of it.
Well after the latest quarterly report came out, we had actually turned a hefty profit as a company for the first time since the old man’s passing. Finally we would get our bonuses!
We all received an inter-office memo to meet in the conference room. We knew what this was about and were ready to celebrate our combined success!
Our bonuses…
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The absolute nerve of these college educated a-holes! They said since we were raking in record profits that they didn’t want to rock the boat and put the company in a financial bind by shelling out for bonuses or to reactivate our former wage statuses, let alone a 10% increase in pay on top of it.
So they LITERALLY got us pizza and soda as a “thank you”.
Myself and 6 others walked out right then and there.
You cannot treat people like they did and expect things to be okay! Between the 7 of us, there was over 80 years of experience working for their father’s company.
Let them see how hard it will be to replace our knowledge and experience. Maybe they didn’t learn in college manners or how to treat employees as family. Maybe they will think a second and third time in the future before doing something like this again.
Meanwhile, 3 of my fellow co-workers who quit and myself, will be starting our own plumbing supply company and we have every confidence that we will succeed.
We’ll start off small and there will be lean times, but there is nothing on earth that will shake our integrity and treat people like our former employers did.
Another DEI DISASTER As Fantasy & Science Fiction Publication DIES After Hiring WOKE Black Editor
This is a very interesting video.
Chicken Cordon Bleu Calzones
Yield: 4 servings
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (1 pound)
1 cup sliced, fresh mushrooms
1/2 medium onion, chopped
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1 1/4 cups milk
1 tablespoon fresh basil or 1 teaspoon dried basil
Place chicken in a greased 2 quart dish, cover with water.
Cover and bake at 350 degrees F for 30 minutes or until juices run clear.
Meanwhile in a skillet, sauté mushrooms and onion in butter until tender.
Combine cornstarch and milk until smooth, stir into skillet mix.
Add basil and seasonings.
Bring to a boil, cook and stir for 2 minutes until thickened.
Drain chicken.
Cut pastry sheets in half widthwise.
On one side of each half, place a chicken breast, 1/4 cup mushroom mixture, two ham slices and one cheese slice.
Fold pastry over fillings and seal edges.
Place on a greased baking sheet.
Brush tops with milk if desired.
Bake at 400 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes or until puffed and golden.
As a police officer, has someone you pulled over ever threatened to call “Daddy”?
Originally Answered: As a Police officer, has someone you pulled over ever threatened to call “Daddy”?
I once had “daddy” show up at the scene of a DUI crash. Daddy tried to interfere with the field sobriety tests of his (uninjured) son.
When I politely asked him to step away and let us get on with our business, Daddy ignored me. When I said it as an unequivocal order, he ignored me. When I told him I would place him under arrest in 5 seconds if he didn’t back off, he reminded me that he was friends with my Sheriff.
I told him he would be free to call the Sheriff from jail.
Daddy pulled out his cell phone and showed me that he had the Sheriff’s number stored in his contact list. I told him I had it in my phone too and that his 5 seconds were up. Go over there and call the Sheriff if you want or go to jail. Your choice. I have work to do.
Daddy walked away.
Daddy’s little boy got arrested and lectured me all the way to the jail about how I would lose my job because Daddy is friends with the Sheriff.
Daddy showed up at the Sheriff’s office the next day.
Daddy was buddies with the Sheriff, so he got unusual access to my reports and crash scene diagrams right then and there on the Sheriff’s desk. He made his arguments about why I was wrong.
I got called into the Sheriff’s office, later, to hear “Daddy’s” objections from the Sheriff himself. The Sheriff asked me to respond. I did so.
The Sheriff said, “Good job. I’ve been friends with that guy for years, but he really is an asshole sometimes.”
Daddy’s little boy (in his 20s) was convicted of DUI.
This is why I’ll NEVER Move BACK to the UK – I LOVE Living in CHINA as a Black Brit
Deep in the darkest corner of space lived a pair. They lived together on the planet of Lenunculus, a silly place full of creatures of every kind. The pair, however, were opposites of each other in every way.Weesnorp was mountains tall, with wide wonderful eyes. He had feet the size of a football field, and could run miles in a single step. His body was covered in pom-pom ball fur, with more colors than the human eye can see. Despite his larger-than-life appearance, Weesnorp had the voice of a mouse. No one could hear what he was saying, even if they were standing directly at his football field feet.Parvus, on the other hand, was smaller than a peanut. If a human were to look at him properly, they would require a magnifying glass of some sort. His eyes were covered by long, dangling black hair that went down to his feet. All that was visible on his body was one large, pointy, purple, round nose. In every way that Weesnorp was quiet, Parvus was loud. His voice could be heard on the other side of the planet at half its volume. Attempts to whisper meant whole towns heard his cry.As Parvus was too small to live safely on the planet, Weesnorp allowed him to live peacefully on his broad shoulder. In return for his kindness, Parvus would call out to those below on behalf of Weesnorp. The two appeared perfect together, and would spend years and years at times without an argument of any sort. One day, though, Weesnorp and Parvus quarreled so furiously that their lives were changed forever…Weesnorp was talking to his faithful companion when another creature crossed his path. His name was Amasius, and he was the most beautiful creature Weesnorp had ever seen. He had shimmering locks of blonde hair, with piercing orange eyes that shined against his darker skin. Amasius was the second tallest creature on the planet, so he was the closest to reaching the mighty height of Weesnorp. Weesnorp fell in love at first sight.“Parvus,” said Weesnorp. “Do you see that lovely creature yonder?”“Indeed,” Parvus whispered to his best ability.“Might you talk to him for me? I would tell you what to say, but I cannot find the words,” Weesnorp pleaded. “The creature cannot see you – it would be as though I am talking through you. My lips can match your speech!”
Parvus was pleased at this request. He often found himself to take pride in his own matchmaking abilities. “Very well, my good friend. I will do all that I can. You there!” He raised his voice a bit to get the attention of Amasius.
He was successful. “Yes?” Amasius answered, his voice deep and soothing.
“Are you from these regions?”
“Alas, no.” A hint of sorrow grew behind the dazzling eyes of Amasius. “I am from the far regions of the mountains. A large storm blew across my home, and I am here to find the necessary supplies rebuild it.”
At the sound of this, Parvus had an idea. “Might I help you with this endeavor, friend? I am quite tall. You can hand me the supplies, and I can use my height to reach your homeland on the mountaintops.”
Amasius cheered at this. “You are kind, sir! My name is Amasius. What might I call you?”
“Weesnorp,” Parvus answered.
“How wonderful. Thank you so kindly so your help. The supplies should be this way…”
The two followed Amasius to a forest where they could collect wood to build his home. Parvus spoke on behalf of Weesnorp, telling great tales of his friend’s many talents and marvelous abilities. Amasius was very impressed, and began to grow more and more fond of him as they walked. When they arrived, Weesnorp used his great strength to pluck the large trees from the ground, carrying a dozen in his arms all at once to bring to the mountains. They made their way to the spot Amasius wished, and Weesnorp set to constructing the home above the clouds, where he could see. Amasius spoke to him as he built:
“Weesnorp, would you care for some ungula to eat as you work? I have just caught some, and would gladly prepare it for you. It is a small gift of thanks.”
Weesnorp tensed. He could not eat ungula. It caused him great pain. To his disbelief, though, Parvus responded by saying he would gladly eat it.
He spoke to Parvus in his most powerful voice: “Parvus, I cannot eat that. It makes me sick!”
Without knowing that Weesnorp was speaking, Amasius tried speaking to him, asking, “Would you like a large portion of it? I have plenty, but I know ungula has quite the ability to cause illness. I do not wish you any harm!”
Parvus responded to Weesnorp: “It does not make you sick! You are a liar!”
Amasius was taken aback. The voice of Parvus was so loud that he believed Weesnorp was speaking to him. He could not hear the real voice of Weesnorp. “I am terribly sorry to insult you, friend, but I am well practiced in the ways of preparing ungula. My people have eaten it for centuries. I do not think I am mistaken.”
The two could not hear the cries of Amasius, as Weesnorp was so entangled in his own anger. Weesnorp retorted at Parvus: “I am no such thing! I am an honest creature, and I say that my abilities are greatly hindered when I eat ungula! You must believe me!”
Parvus had completely forgotten about Amasius, and turned his attention completely to Weesnorp. “I do not believe a word you say!” he challenged. “Your abilities do not serve much good, with or without ungula!” His voice was rising in volume as he argued further.
At this, Amasius was wholeheartedly offended. “How dare you insult my wisdom! I am a prudentia, a species of great power and knowledge! My people have studied ungula for centuries, and I am mightier than you could ever imagine!”
His cries were no use. He could not break the argument between Weesnorp and Parvus, and the two continued to bicker. “My abilities lack? No, Parvus. It is you who do not serve much good! You could not walk two steps without being crushed by a creature of larger stature! You are nothing without me.”
This was all Parvus needed. His tiny body swelled with anger, filling his lungs with as much breath as he could hold. He yelled with all his strength:
As he did this, he sent out a large gust of wind across all of Lenunculus. Entire seas became instant tsunamis. Mountains were torn from the land and thrown into the air. Worst of all, Amasius was lifted from the ground and hurled into the farthest reaches of Lenunculus – farther than any creature had ever dared to travel. The planet was turned upside down in a more disastrous manner than it had ever before seen.
To this day, Weesnorp and Parvus continue their mighty battle, ignoring any creature that tries to interrupt them. Winds blow throughout Lenunculus every now and then when Parvus becomes incredibly angry, but none will ever match the magnitude of that fateful day.
What is the most unusual and incorrect reason you’ve had the police called on you?
The police have not been called but the threat has been made. A few months ago a couple showed up at our house, my husband knew the man in passing.
To make a long story short, they were homeless, had lost everything in a flood, it was January they were cold, wet and hungry. They wanted to stay in our backyard storage shed for a few days.
We let them. Fed them the night they arrived, provided dry clothes and blankets. The shed has electricity and heat.
Fast forward a few days, they are bringing all kinds of things on the property including two dogs.
We suspected correctly that they were stealing. The left when we confronted him about this but the girl stayed a few more days claiming she didn’t have anything to do with stealing. We didn’t necessarily believe that but the weather was still bad and the guy was bad for her. We encouraged her to split from him and get help with her drug addiction but that didn’t happen and within a few days she was gone.
We still had two dogs and several large trash cans of trash that they left. Clean up took several days.
We then find out she is in a mental health facility. After about a week she gets out and comes to get her dogs…they leave.
Life goes back to normal.
A couple of weeks later her teenage son shows up with one of the dogs and asks if he can leave the dog in our fenced yard for an hour…never saw him again.
A couple of days after that the other dog is dropped at our house.
That was in March it’s now July. We have feed the dogs, gotten their shots etc. Under NC law if you have cared for an animal for 2 weeks or more it’s considered yours.
We first heard from the girl about 3 weeks ago. A letter explaining that she is in jail in SC with a $150K bond for multiple drug charges. She asked for money and asked about the dogs. We ignored the letter.
The next week another letter, again asking for money and wanting us to read letters to the dogs. The dogs were not interested in the letters.
Friday, another letter. Why haven’t we responded. She wants a video call with the dogs. If we don’t respond soon she is going to take action.
So here’s where the police being called comes in…she’s going to call the police, from jail, for a wellness check on the dogs!
Why was Leningrad not captured by Germany and Finland?
Originally Answered: How was Leningrad not captured by Germany and Finland?
About Finland: The Finns wanted to exact revenge on Soviet Russia for invading Finland in the winter war of 1940, that’s why the Finns helped Hitler in his invasion of Soviet Union: Revenge and Recover territories lost to the Soviet.
But by winter 1941 and early 1942, Hitler had failed to capture Moscow, so it was crystal clear that Hitler couldn’t pull off a quick victory over Soviet Union with one blitzkrieg blow and the Wehrmacht would have to go through a war of attrition with the Soviets. And although the Soviets had suffered catastrophic losses and would continue to suffer even more (they would probably even lose Leningrad), in a war of attrition against Nazi Germany, the Soviets would achieve the ultimate victory.
The Finns were well aware of the situation. They wanted revenge, but they also knew the country would be extremely vulnerable to future Soviet aggression. So they never completely cut off Leningrad from the rest of Soviet Russia. Some bare minimum supplies could still get to Leningrad through Lake Ladoga in the northeast of the city. The Finns agreed with Hitler to move close to Leningrad, but just enough to recover Finnish territories yielded to the Soviet in the Winter War. The Finns never took part in a direct attack on Leningrad itself, they never moved beyond the Mannerheim line.
Soviet trucks moving through the ice roads of Lake Ladoga to supply Leningrad.
Now the Wehrmacht.
German Army Group North – one of the 3 Army Groups crossed the border of USSR in June 1941 – was responsible for the capture of Leningrad. But Army Group North was simply not equal to the task, Field Marshal von Leeb did not have the necessary manpower and armored forces to carry out a large scale offensive operation into Leningrad.
For example:
In October 1941, General Hoepner’s 4th Panzer Group was redeployed from the Leningrad front to join the attack on Moscow. Thus, Army Group North was deprived of its only Panzer Group and most of its tanks.
The heavy siege guns (the 800mm Dora, the 600mm Thor and Odin … ) were brought to Crimea to attack the naval base at Sevastopol during a 9-month siege of 1941-1942. These massive guns would never be moved to Leningrad to support Army Group North’s operation.
In 1941, Army Group North suffered heavy casualties but received only 60,000 troops as replacement. Meanwhile, 131,000 replacement troops were sent to Army Group Center and 119,000 sent to Army Group South.
In terms of allocating fresh division from the German Supreme High Command Reserve, the situation was even less favorable: of the 21 fresh divisions released from the reserve, Army Group North got just 3.
Clearly, Leningrad was only of secondary importance to Hitler. The most decisive battles were being fought elsewhere, some around Moscow, Rzhev, some near Stalingrad, Sevastopol … and so the majority of German force was allocated to Army Group Centre and Army Group South. The soldiers of Army Group North therefore referred to the siege of Leningrad as “an eternal war of the poor men”.
The Soviet, on the other hand, tried desperately to defend Leningrad. The city wasn’t just a spiritual center of Soviet Russia. It was also an important sea port, the home base of the powerful Baltic Fleet. If German had taken Leningrad, essential military aid from the Western Allies transported by the Arctic convoy wouldn’t have reached the port of Murmansk. Without the Lend-Lease military aids, the Soviet Union would have encountered even more difficulties throughout the war than they already had.
Half-hearted Finns, understrength Germans, together with fierce Soviet resistance, that’s why Leningrad was never captured by Germany and Finland.
The Problem With Society is: Most men don’t own anything, so they don’t give a F*ck.
Great point.
Have you ever had a person who knew nothing about your job tell you how to do your job?
“Listen, I am not a teacher, but. . .”
“This is how it should be done!”
“The best way to teach that is. . .”
“The only way to make them learn is. . .”
I have been an ESL teacher since forever (over 40 years). I welcome suggestions, new methods, change.
But my students’ responses to what we are doing in class are what my lesson plans and methods are based on.
I have had HR managers, VPs, CEOs, Army Colonels, politicians, janitorial staff and parents of adult students tell me how to do my job.
I smile, say “Thanks” and get on with what is needed.
Have I ever been confronted for not doing ‘as ordered’?
Oh, yeah.
I usually invite the ‘commander’ to attend a class or two; S/he may observe or participate. I also make it clear to the participants that THEY are not being evaluated (very important here in Thailand).
We go through a normal lesson, with its wins, problems, misunderstandings and ‘aha!’ moments (beauty and blemishes?).
If the ‘commander’ is at least at the English level of my students, s/he is eased into participating.
What I love most is when we reach the end of class, and the ‘commander’ is surprised that time has passed so quickly and successfully.
No ‘commander’ has ever come back at me, except to ask if s/he could come again.
The first [map] shows the countries which banned Russian airplanes from their airspace. Russia in turn denied its airspace to operators from those countries. It will cost quite a bit for U.S. and EU airlines as their flight times and cost to and from Asia, which typically fly through Russian airspace, will now increase. Carriers from Asian countries will now easily out-compete U.S. and European airlines on these routes.
British Airways is temporarily scrapping flights to Beijing until at least next year.From October to at least November 2025 the carrier will not fly to the capital of China, although flights to Shanghai and Hong Kong will continue.
European carriers are not currently able to enter Russian airspace which makes flying to China more challenging as it takes a few hours longer than it used to.
Russia’s civil aviation authority introduced the restrictions in February 2022, in retaliation to a British ban on the country’s Aeroflot airline as part of sanctions for the war in Ukraine.
A spokesperson for British Airways said: “We will be pausing our route to Beijing from 26 October 2024, and we’re contacting any affected customers with rebooking options or to offer them a full refund. We continue to operate daily flights to Shanghai and Hong Kong.”
The route only resumed operations on the route in June 2023, following a three-year pause due to the coronavirus pandemic.
At the time, British Airways described London-Beijing as “one of our most important routes”. The airline did not provide a reason for the suspension.
It is one of many Western airlines avoiding Russian airspace, which is adding to their flight times, fuel costs and complexity over how they deploy crew and aircraft.
The second map shows those countries which enacted sanctions against Russia. The secondary effects of sanctions are likely to hurt these countries as much as they hurt Russia. The absence of African, Asian, Middle Eastern, Central and South American countries is quite telling.
It does not look like ‘the world’ or the ‘international community’ is backing the ‘west’.
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biggerThe U.S. also sanctioned all imports of oil products from Russia. President Biden has blamed Russia for the price increase that will inevitably follow. I don’t believe that mid-term voters will accept that reasoning. European countries can not follow that step as their economies depend of imports of oil and gas from Russia and will continue to do so for years to come.
Shipments of Russian liquified natural gas to France more than doubled the first half of this year, according to new analyses of trade data, at a time when Europe has tried to pull back from energy purchases that help finance the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine.Europe has restricted oil imports from Russia, but natural gas is still allowed. And while companies in France are importing the most, one analysis found EU countries overall imported 7% more Russian LNG, natural gas that has been chilled and liquified for easier ocean transport, in the first half of this year compared to the same period a year ago.
Meanwhile in Germany, which currently has a rather crazy government, industrial production is further declining while bankruptcies have reached a record height:
Germany, with its energy-intensive industry and shortage of raw materials, has been particularly affected by the rapid rise in energy prices. Large corporations such as BASF are closing factories because management no longer believes it can efficiently produce essential chemicals. There is a trend of deindustrialization.The volume of orders from German machine-building and engineering companies decreased by 12 percent in the first half of 2024, according to the industry association VDMA. year to year in real terms. Orders from Germany itself fell especially sharply – by 18 percent. Orders from foreign companies fell by 9 percent. Metallurgical corporations are also suffering, as demand for their products is also falling.
All this could be fixed with some sanity and the discarding of useless sanctions.
Posted by b on August 10, 2024 at 10:36 UTC | Permalink
My hometown which is a small town in rural area of China. This is the main street in winter.
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I didn’t expect someone may even say above picture is propaganda. My hometown is even not as beautiful as those small town in the rich part of China. I took pictures during Chinese Spring Festival when I was back.
I miss my hometown, and I miss my relatives there.
During that Festival most of my cousins came back from other cities in China like Wuhan/ Shenzhen/ Suzhou/ Beijing..
I am a very ordinary Chinese person who was born in a small town, and witnessed the huge change in the past decades.
Because feeding a homeless person rewards them for not working, do you realize you are assisting in solidifying their condition?
There’s a homeless guy I often saw, almost every day on my walk to school. One day I decided to sit down next to him and say hello. I introduced myself, said I went to school nearby, and offered him the change I had in my pockets, apologizing for walking past and pretending he was invisible for the last few weeks.
He smiled and said not to worry—it was far kinder than kicking his crutches or his money tin over out of spite. He said his name was Christian.
He used to be a chef, once upon a time. Really nice, fancy kitchen, and then the building got bought out to be converted. He lost his job overnight, and it was during that time he was also starting to develop a limp.
Nobody wanted to hire a man who was about to be unable to walk, and he had nobody from his old job to help him get set up somewhere else, possibly as a supervisor or a restaurant manager.
He’s never been turned away by a doctor (thank you, NHS), so he can at least still get treatment for his condition, but he still lost his savings on rent and food while trying to find a new job. He’s been on the streets for ages now.
It’s a vicious cycle, he says. He can try to clean himself up for interviews, but it’s never clean enough, and if he does clean himself up for an interview that he knows will be a bust, people won’t drop money in his tin because he doesn’t look homeless enough.
I took him to coffee and the chat ended up turning to my own life. I told him about my film projects, and he wrote down a list of interesting places in the city he’d seen while on the streets.
I stopped by to see Christian again last week and gave him a fiver. He looked fairly content, bundled up with a new sleeping bag someone had given him, reading a book about vampires.
He’d had a job interview earlier that day and his hair was combed, his face shaven. His money tin was empty. He hadn’t gotten the job.
“But this book I found has been quite good,” he said, changing the topic. He pretty obviously didn’t like to dwell on his bad luck.
I leaned back against the wall and pulled my own coat closer around me. “Want to tell me about it?”
With a hidden recorder, he overheard me mocking him. His response changed everything.
What are the disadvantages of living in Thailand compared to other countries like Malaysia or Singapore?
Yeah, the problem of too long a stay in Thailand (especially Pattaya) is immeasurable. I mean it’s like a two-edged sword, either the pros versus the cons or disadvantages versus advantages.
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What about the disadvantages?
After living in Thailand for too long, you are done with your life when you go back to your home country, you turn over a new leaf and become a lawless, a drunk, violent person, mischievous, a monster on the roads, a lazy bum, a cheat, and a good-for-nothing, basically is bad by any standards.
News of many Kuwaiti youth escape the heat and come to Pattaya, Thailand. Instead of finding a sanctuary, they have become “too hot to handle” and sparking street fights between Thais and Kuwaiti tourists in Pattaya.
News of drunk Westerners creating scenes leading to a fight and getting beaten up by the ‘Bouncers’ for refusing to pay the exorbitant bar prices of booze and beer which is expected in places like lawless Pattaya.
That daily news among hundreds of news of badly behaved guest visitors versus die-hard Thais —Never a dull day in Pattaya.
Let’s look at the advantage too?
Plenty! You will be influenced by the warmth of Thai hospitality and taking home with you the gracefulness of the Thai culture. You have turned over a new leaf having great patience, resilience, and fine etiquette of public display of oneself to your compatriots back home.
There is no disadvantages of living in Singapore, you‘d better be good.
Before any mischief or a fight starts, the ever-ready ‘Special Police Forces’ come and take you away in less than 7 minutes.
You will either be sent home or thrown in jail, the morning after.
Is Beijing a safe city for foreigners to live in? Are there any areas or neighborhoods that are considered unsafe and why?
Beijing is an extremely safe city. While all of China is quite safe, Beijing is clearly more tightly managed.
Sometimes it even feels excessive, for example, the entire city of Beijing does not allow drones to be flown…
The density of police and surveillance cameras is probably also the highest in the country.
Americans know that trees in Vietnam can speak.
But I have personally experienced trees speaking in Beijing.
One time, I was running in a forest in a wild park, about 20 kilometers outside the city, when a tree next to me suddenly said, “You have entered a surveillance area.”
Only then did I notice a solar-powered surveillance camera and loudspeaker on the tree… Shocking!
A girl, alone, at 3 am, is safe anywhere in Beijing,it is TRUE.
I haven’t heard of any theft in many years.
There are even a very small number of shops that are completely unattended. You go in, buy what you want, and pay by scanning a QR code with your phone. These shops are very rare, but they do exist.
The main dangers come from accidental injuries, especially for bolder tourists.
This is a 3D map of Beijing.
Although it is located on the North China Plain, there are many mountains around it.
This is a famous tourist spot near Beijing, called Yesanpo.
After the Ming Dynasty fell, some Han people who did not surrender went into the mountains here and continued to resist.
The entire Qing Dynasty tried to wipe them out, but due to the rugged terrain, they were never successful.
It wasn’t until 1929 that the thousands of households living here learned that the Qing Dynasty had been overthrown for 18 years,they resisted for 285 years here.
Even near the capital, the Qing Dynasty couldn’t completely wipe them out, which shows how complex the mountainous terrain is.
It sounds like a joke, but it’s not.
The following is an excerpt from the memoirs of the former Chief of Staff of the People’s Liberation Army:
“They never interacted with the outside world, were not under government control, and didn’t even know that it was now the Republic of China. They were still insisting on “overthrowing the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty”…
……When the Kuomintang soldiers came, they captured and killed them. After the troops of Tang Enbo and Wei Lihuang retreated from Nankou, they passed through this area and had a battalion of guns seized from them, and over a hundred people were killed… Zhang Zihu, the section chief, and Wu Guangqi, from the local work team of the district, were both buried alive by the people near Yesanpo…”
It can be seen that mountainous terrain is very complex.
If you go to the Great Wall, there’s no problem. It was actually rebuilt after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. (It’s all a scam to fool foreigners,eh…. I’m not talking about you)
When I go to the Great Wall, I go to the wild Great Wall that hasn’t been restored. In theory, it’s a cultural relic and climbing is not allowed, but who can manage that far? It’s the Great Wall, stretching for thousands of miles. It’s impossible to manage it all.
Feel free to climb, it’s fine.
But you are responsible for any danger. You could fall and get injured or die, encounter a venomous snake, etc.
This is a mountain next to Beijing, East Ling Mountain,with an altitude of 2303 meters.
It can’t compare to Tibet, but it’s quite high for North China. It’s called the “Mount Everest of Beijing.”
But even this small mountain, with artificial slopes, people climb it during the day, camp at night, and descend the next day. It seems like there’s no problem, but almost every year someone freezes to death.
One year, seven people froze to death, including on the wild Great Wall.
So, I personally choose NOT to go there in winter.
I highly recommend climbing this mountain, but be sure to camp overnight at the summit. If you just climb up and down in a day, it’s not difficult at all because of the artificial trails.
But if you camp overnight at the summit, you can see a beautiful starry sky!
Light pollution is very serious in China now, and even in rural areas it’s hard to see the brilliant starry sky I used to see as a child. As for residents of Beijing… forget about it.
But if you climb this mountain, you can see a beautiful starry sky, it’s so beautiful!
highly recommend!
This is Miaofeng Mountain. It’s right in Beijing city, and any Beijing cycling enthusiast is familiar with it because it has a 21-kilometer uphill climb..
I’m not talking about cyclists falling and dying on the uphill or downhill, this is unavoidable.
But an experienced hiker actually went missing here?
It’s unbelievable, but he really disappeared.
The search and rescue team found a skeleton during the search… Obviously, it wasn’t him. The next day, they found another skeleton… Still not him…
It wasn’t until eight years later that a hiker found a skeleton in a cave, but DNA analysis showed it wasn’t him either…
I find it terrifying. A mountain with an altitude of 1300 meters, only 20 square kilometers in area, and people can go missing. And it’s clear that more than one hiker has died here…
I’m sticking to cycling and never leaving the road!
There are quite a few wild environments around Beijing.
Logically, they shouldn’t be so dangerous, but the fact is that people die there every year.
I think it’s because they’re so close to the city that people feel very safe, which leads to disaster.
Who was the craziest leader in history?
It should be Gao Yang (526-559), the Emperor Wenxuan of Northern Qi.
Northern Qi was a short-lived dynasty that lasted only 28 years.
After Gao Yang established the Northern Qi Empire, he was a great monarch for the first few years. He worked diligently and governed the country very well.
But a few years later, his temperament changed drastically.
He became extremely cruel and absurd, and spent his days drinking. He once married a prostitute named Xue as his concubine (which is very rare in Chinese history).
One time, he got drunk and remembered that this concubine had been with too many men. He was very angry and chopped off her head… At a banquet, Gao Yang suddenly pulled out the beautiful woman’s head from his bosom and began to carve the meat with a dinner knife. Everyone present was stunned. Later, Gao Yang ordered the musicians to make a pipa (a Chinese musical instrument) out of Xue’s leg bones, and he played and sang: 《It’s hard to get a beautiful woman again》(A very famous Tang poem)
At Xue’s funeral, Gao Yang burst into tears again and was extremely sad.
The entire Gao family was like this. According to historical records, they were extremely capable, but they would go mad. For example, his brother once r*ped Gao yang’s wife, but his brother was very powerful at the time, so Gao yang could only endure it.
When he ascended the throne, Gao yang couldn’t retaliate against his brother because his brother was already dead, so Gao Yang r*ped his sister-in-law…
There are countless such absurd things.
For example, he drank every day, and when he got drunk, he would kill people randomly, including his ministers.
He also walked naked on the streets of the capital in winter, showing off his certain big organ… This is something that no emperor in history has ever done.
In short, many people today believe that the Gao family had a genetic mental illness, and the whole family was like this, very intelligent and very scary.
(Gao yang)
From 1988 to 2002, there was a serial murder case in Gansu, China (which belonged to Northern Qi in ancient times). A total of 11 women were killed, and the murderer was never found.
In August 2016, a DNA test was conducted for another small case, and it was found that the DNA of the serial killer was related to this person. Finally, the serial killer Gao Chengyong was caught.
(Gao chengyong)
Some people say that according to the genealogy, he is a descendant of the Gao family of Northern Qi.
I suspect it’s possible.
His two sons both passed the entrance exams to China’s top universities, which is extremely difficult in China. You need to have a very high IQ at least.
And his behavior… is very much like the cruel but intelligent Gao family in the history books.
Linda’s Prime Rib
This is SO tasty. The leftovers make wonderful roast beef sandwiches also.
prime rib2
Garlic powder
Seasoning salt
Mrs. Dash Seasoning
Lemon pepper
Fresh rosemary (optional)
Prime rib roast
Heat oven to 500 degrees F.
Rub seasonings into the prime rib. Sprinkle with fresh rosemary, if desired. For medium rare, cook 5 minutes per pound. For medium, cook 7 minutes per pound.
Turn oven off and do not open oven door for whatever time remains of 2 hours (total cooking time).
Have you ever met someone who seemed normal but you just knew deep down that something was not right?
I thought my brother’s wife was really “suspicious” at first, and then I later upped my opinion to her being an actual sociopath. At first, she wanted my brother to up his life insurance when they were just dating and eventually tried to get power of attorney. Once my brother moved in with her she showed herself to be a liar, and prone to manipulation and attention-seeking behavior. She disliked my mother and me before she even met me, and always feigned illness or “bad days” when my brother and I (three hours apart) made weekend plans or when he was down for Christmas or on course, as he was in the military.
She could not hold a job because of her mouth and leeched off my brother’s earnings while complaining they could not afford the honeymoon they wanted, or top-of-the-line bikes when my brother found two perfectly fine ones for a deal. After being married for a year, my brother discovered she was having an affair basically since before the wedding and said she was leaving and would take the house and he was gonna support her since she is now a student, having just started a new course online.
After being chipped away at for so long, my brother, one of the most life-loving and outgoing guys, shot himself. She only texted me and my mother when it was too late saying he was threatening it knowing that I was in another province and my mom was 4 hours away, she called no one else to go over. She played the grieving widow at the funeral, crying when she was seemingly supposed to but spent the rest of the time laughing with her friends and family members like some family reunion. To cover her tracks she claimed no affair (despite extracted proof from the link in my bio), that my brother was suffering from PTSD (wives get 500,000 if it’s deemed true) and, that he was an alcoholic and she had been seeking help for him for a long time – no proof of this.
His will is mysteriously missing and she has since blocked my family on Facebook while ignoring what little items we asked for from the house. I hear she is selling everything now to pay for what she won’t be able to afford with her part-time Tim Hortons job she may or may not have. A psychiatrist my mother visited later said she sounded like a sociopath. I spent years witnessing my brother give everything to this monster until there was nothing left and she is continuing to drag his name through the dirt to look like a peach and profit further.
Killer Daughter Thinks She Got Away Until Boyfriend Turns Her In
The London mayor said he faced racism as he grew up, but he had no idea racism was still so alive in the UK in 2024 due to the riots. He said his own daughters are afraid to go outside now. Whats your opinion about this?
The London mayor said he faced racism as he grew up, but he had no idea racism was still so alive in the UK in 2024 due to the riots. He said his own daughters are afraid to go outside now. Whats your opinion about this?
It’s easy, he fell into the trap that I literally fell into as did many of my cousins.
Note I was BORN in the UK.
When I was young I mean in school it was OK, I do remember three incidents to this day as does my dad. In school the teacher said what are you a p*ki or a n*gger? A school teacher said this to me. Also remember I spent a few years in China with my grandparents. I am fluent in English (lots of uk people attempt to gaslight me and say you’re not using any english you can’t be understood at all). Another teacher asked my dad if I was handicapped. Later on when I got a nose bleed which wouldn’t stop, a doctor said my dad had beat me up as we were all like that apparently.
Anyway, growing up and going into high school it changed on day. There were constant slurs to go back to your own country and violence oh so much violence. My nose was broken so many times it’s crooked to this day and I knew the doctor who put it back by first name. I would get racist comments on the bus, so I cycled home… but this just got racists driving past me screaming racist comments out the windows and throwing stuff at me.
I was even hospitalised and beaten badly at one point. We moved away that year and always kept guns after that.
The violence subsided at 6th form college, but the slurs didn’t… as I wrote prior I did not go to university immediately and there was all sorts of casual racism as it was so normalised.
Then something changed.
There was less violence, there were less slurs. Had the UK changed? No, I had changed.
I got a UK driving license and a car. This meant that there was simply less opportunity for people to be racist to me.
I no longer had to wait for a bus – where racists would lurk.
I no longer had to travel by bus – where racists and nutters would use.
I literally drove up to places parked right outside and walked in.
Amazon and mail order started to become big too and I gained a small niche of what seemed to be friendly people. So yet again there was less opportunity for people to be racist to me. This all came to a head when in 2016. My car needed to be fixed. So I dropped it off at a garage and made the mistake of walking the mile into town. Normally I would park in the NCP car park… but that day I didn’t..
And somebody tried to kill me by smashing my head in with a brick – most british people are cheering at this point – and I’ve had many commentors say I deserved it! I’ve even had people say I should have let people attack me because I was bold enough to fight back. My car wasn’t fixed for a couple weeks and I was attacked again.
I decided to leave the UK and shortly after renounced my UK passport.
Back to the OP statement
The London mayor said he faced racism as he grew up, but he had no idea racism was still so alive in the UK in 2024 due to the riots. He said his own daughters are afraid to go outside now. Whats your opinion about this?
Something similar likely happened to Khan. He moved into some sort of bubble where others simply didn’t have the opportunity to be racist to him.
Take for instance some of the middle england writers on here. They live in leafy suburbia away from the rough town centres and see very little of the inner cities and think there’s nothing wrong at all! You’re just imagining things.
What was the best revenge you’ve ever gotten?
Originally Answered: What was the best revenge you've ever given?
I am a frequent flyer, but at this time in my career, I wasn’t getting frequent upgrades to business class. I prefer the aisle seats, and was settling in for a long flight across the country, when a very annoyed woman informed me that I was sitting in her aisle seat.
I was embarrassed after taking a look at my boarding pass and seeing that I actually had been assigned a middle seat. Middle seats are the worst seats on the plane. You play elbow jockey with not one but two people in your row, and you still have to ask permission from the person in the aisle to use the rest room. It’s a crummy way to take a long flight.
I apologized and took my proper seat.
As she sat down, she said something to me like “I bet you wish you were in the aisle seat.” I replied sheepishly that I probably did.
She went on to say that she was a frequent flyer and only sits in aisle seats. I mumbled something in semi-polite response, but it was clear she was gloating.
All of a sudden, in what seemed like perfect timing that only happens in a movie, a gate agent magically appeared in our row looking for me. She asked me if I would be interested in an upgrade to business class.
With a look of unbridled joy on my face, I responded “Why yes thank you, I would love an upgrade to business class.”
I gathered my gear, pulled my carry on luggage from the bin, and headed up to the front of the plane…but made sure to look back and wink at the woman in the aisle seat.
What is the saddest thing you’ve ever seen?
It was my 12 year old niece as she headed into school shortly after her mother died from breast cancer. I stayed to help out after my sister’s funeral for several days. My niece put off going back to school as long as possible, but finally her dad said it was time to go back. I offered to bring her to school. We arranged to bring her in shortly after school started. She didn’t want to arrive at the regular drop off time because she didn’t want to deal with kids staring or trying to talk to her. She just wanted to go into class as it started and make it through the day.
I pulled up to the school and went to get out of the car and walk her in the building. She stopped me and said, “You don’t need to come. I can do this by myself.” I said it wouldn’t be a problem, but she insisted that she needed to do it on her own. I saw her start to walk to the doors and stop a few feet away. It was just a small gesture, but I saw her shoulders slump down and her hand wipe her eyes as she paused for a few seconds. I was going to get out of the car and help her but my husband held my hand and stopped me. Then she straightened her shoulders, stood tall, and entered the school. I know it may seem minor, but to me it was one of the saddest things I’ve seen. Up to that point someone in the family has been with her since the funeral to help her through things, this was the first time she faced something alone. Her mom had been the one to drop her off at school in the morning and now that was gone from her life. That small incident has stayed with me and when I think about it, it still brings tears to my eyes.
2:11 PM EST — About one hour ago, U.S. President Joe Biden GRANTED permission for Ukraine to use long-range weapons to attack deep interior Russia.
Developing very fast, check back for updates below.
There are differing reports coming in regarding this issue. Some of the reports say “long-range missiles” while other reports say “long-range ATACMS”
The MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) is a supersonic tactical ballistic missile designed and manufactured by the US defense company Ling-Temco-Vought (LTV), and later Lockheed Martin through acquisitions.
It uses solid propellant and is 13 feet (4.0 m) long and 24 inches (610 mm) in diameter, and the longest-range variants can fly up to 190 miles (300 km).
The missiles can be fired from the tracked M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) and the wheeled M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS).
An ATACMS launch container (pod) has one rocket but a lid patterned with six circles like a standard MLRS rocket lid to prevent an enemy from discerning what type of missile is loaded.
The immediate effect upon Russian military forces engaged in the Ukraine conflict is severe. Russia has much of its Ukraine supply lines and spare forces WITHIN RANGE of the longest-range ATACMS.
The ma below, created by the Institute for the Study of War, shows how much of western Russia can now be attacked by Ukriane, using ATACMS:
The the New York Times is now reporting this story, saying “the Biden Administration has for the first time authorized the Ukrainian Military to use U.S-Supplied Long-Range Missiles, including ATACMS, against Russian Territory.”
So it is not simply ATACMS, it is also Long-range missiles.
It was just last week that the Russian FOreign Ministry took the unusual step of reminding the collective West that allowing Ukraine to use west-supplied, long-range missiles to attack deep interior Russia would make the collective west “parties to the conflict” because those long-range missiles require satellites to guide them to target. THe Foreign Ministry reminded everyone that Ukraine does not HAVE any satellites.
So in order for those missiles to hit targets in Russia, the missiles need active satellite guidance from US/EU/NATO satellites, and that active guidance makes the West “combatants” against Russia.
The Foreign Ministry then said “there mere granting of permission for the use of such missiles will result in an imminent and devastating response against the West.”
As of about 1:00 PM eastern US time today, Sunday, 17 November 2024, that permission has now been given.
Welcome to World War 3.
Multiple confirmations that Ukrainian forces are preparing for their initial long-range operations against Russia.
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France and Great Britain have now ALSO allowed Ukraine to fire UK and France-supplied SCALP/Storm Shadow missiles deep into Russia.
By these permissions, first from the US, then from UK and France, the collective West has taken the decision to become active parties to the conflict and as such, Russia can now respond militarily to those countries.
We should expect to get bombed here inside the US, from Russia. For months, Russian submarines have been off the Atlantic coast, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Pacific Coast. They are also up around Alaska. Submarine-launched missiles would have very brief flight time before impacting US targets.
Moreover, we in the US do NOT have “Over-the-Horizon” radar protecting us from missiles launched from the south. Such missiles could cross over our coastline and impact deep in Middle America and we wouldn’t know a thing about it until they impacted and detonated.
This decision is the direct responsibility of President Joseph Biden. He is starting world war 3 because his Party lost the election. If they cannot keep power, they clearly intend to burn the world down.
As our cities get bombed by Russian missiles, as our friends and family members get killed, as our way of life gets irrevocably smashed, REMEMBER who caused this when you see the politicians slithering out of their Bunkers, trying to blame everyone but themselves for what has taken place.
THEY are responsible. THEY are guilty.
As of 2:59 PM eastern US time today, British Prime Minister Kier Starmer is on a PRIVATE JET heading to Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
What does THAT tell you? It indicates to me that he KNOWS what’s coming, he’s getting his ass far away from the wreckage he thinks is coming. ALL CAUSED BY HIM AND HIS POLITICAL PALS IN THE US AND NATO.
He’s apparently isn’t the only one who knows. At 1:04 AM this morning, I published a story highlighting the strange number of aircraft departing the United States in the wee hours of this morning.
I pointed out there were several HUNDRED aircraft flying out into the Atlantic at 1:04 AM. (Story Here), and that it was very odd to see such a massive number of planes leaving the US on a Saturday night-into Sunday morning.
Given today’s developments, it appears to me the rich muckity-mucks all seem to have gotten “the word” to high-tail it out of the country last night.
The Military Industrial Complex seems to want to make sure they get World War 3 going before my father has a chance to create peace and save lives.
Gotta lock in those $Trillions.
Life be damned!!! Imbeciles! https://t.co/ZzfwnhBxRh
North Korean leader ORDERS military to ‘raise readiness for possible war.’
Washington’s approval for Ukraine to strike Russia with U.S. long-range missiles triggered warnings from Russian lawmakers.
A senior member of the Federation Council, Andrei Klishas: “The West has decided on such a level of escalation that it could end with the Ukrainian statehood in complete ruins by morning.”
First deputy head of the Russian upper house’s international affairs committee, Vladimir Dzhabarov:“This is a very big step towards the start of World War Three.”
Chairman of the State Duma lower house’s foreign affairs committee, Leonid Slutsky: “Strikes with U.S. missiles deep into Russian regions will inevitably entail a serious escalation, which threatens to lead to much more serious consequences.”
The video representation below shows what is now at-stake for Russia as a result of the US, UK, and France decisions made tonight. The areas in color show the effective range of the weaponry now made available to Ukraine by the West:
As Russia starts being hit by these Western weapons, and Russians start being killed, it is already fully known that Russia will hold the West responsible AND STRIKE BACK.
Tonight the Russian Foreign Ministry issued a special statement on these developments reiterating “If Western weapons strike deep inside Russian territory, our response to the West will be devastating.”
My son and I high-tailed-it from Pennsylvania to New Jersey to pick up my wife and get her out of here. Too close to NYC.
While we were on the road, I got a call from a source who told me Russian President Vladimir Putin has been in the air from Moscow for about an hour, on his way to the URAL MOUNTAINS where Russia has it’s nuclear bunker. Bear in mind Russia is eight hours ahead of the US east coast, so when I got told this around 7:30 eastern US time, that made it 3:30 in the morning over in Moscow, Russia.
The President of Russia does not board a plane from Moscow to the Ural Mountains at about 3:30 in the morning for drill.
In addition, all of the Russian military’s top brass — AND THEIR WIVES — are boarding planes for the Urals as I type this. They don’t take wives if it’s a drill.
Earlier I reported that UK Prime Minister Starmer was on a PRIVATE JET flying to Brazil Strange that he didn’t use the typical UK military plane. I found out, Joe Biden is down in Brazil as well.
I am now leaving my North Bergen home with my wife and son to head back up to Pennsylvania. It will be a three hour drive. PennDOT has Route 80 all screwed up for construction. They close five miles of road down to one lane, so they can put three trucks to do road work at the end of the five miles. Traffic is a nightmare.
I will update this again when I get to PA.
My wife, our son, and I, have arrived safely at our home in Pennsylvania. Stopped to fuel-up the two vehicles before coming to the house, so everything is topped-off.
Will make a quick review of all the Intel Comms and info. Updates (if any) to appear below within 30 minutes.
Zelensky has notified the world – that they are prepping the coordinated strike with those loing-range weapons inside Russia.
Putin in September this year on the update to their nuclear doctrine – will assume NATO is behind the coordinated attack ( target intel, targeting, equipment supply, equipment manning ) and may engage tactical nukes and will consider such an attack as NATO getting directly involved in war with Russia, we have various response options he said.
On Sunday, Russia launched 120 drones/missile in a large attack on Ukraine infrastructure and military targets. It is now widely being stated this attack was just a first immediate response to Biden’s move on long range missiles.
It is now also CONFIRMED Zelensky told Trump: Either promise us NATO or we will go with the nuke option within months.
RF response – we will not allow Ukraine to build nukes, period.
The TRUTH about the SOUL TRAP… (The Astral Plane was Corrupted?)