I unfortunately had to deal with an asshole who was trying to seduce my wife.
It’s a long painful story. And I will not discuss that aspect at this time. Let it be known that we (my wife and I) figured out what was going on, and then got rid of him. So he’s long gone.
Now, what I want to discuss is the process that he used.
He was an EXPERT. This was his modus opperandi. He used this time honored technique with such confidence and aplomb that us “normals” were deep in the middle of the shit before we knew it.
His first step was INJECTION.
Once he identified us as a target; my wife as his prey, and myself as the “SIMP de jour” he tried different techniques to wiggle himself into our life. He tried different things, but eventually, he tried to form a business with me. And that was a process that allowed him access to both myself and my wife.
Then came ATTENTION.
He started giving my wife all sorts of attention. Women adore attention, and it is like “kryptonite” to them. They cannot withstand it. And he used every trick in the book, and flooded her with all sorts of attention.
Step three was GIFTS.
He started buying her gifts. Oh, a pack of cigarettes here, a pack of chewing gum. A nice little necklace. A elaborate pen. Then a watch. Then a cell phone.
Step four was PRIVATE COMMS.
He started to chat with her on social APPs and locked me out. These conversations occurred late at nite or at other times when I wasn’t around. I was never permitted to read them, and I’m sure that I would great really angry if I did, because…
Step five was BAD MOUTHING ME.
He generated a constant unrelenting series of statements that made my wife question everything about me. That she could do better; that she deserved better. That I was doing things wrong. That I had hidden secrets, etc. etc.
Step six was EXCLUSION.
He would arrange things where he could be with my wife and I was excluded. Maybe it was a work event, or a trip where they “wandered off”, or them going “to get something to eat”. It started to become the norm. Where I wasn’t included when the two were together.
Step seven was EXTRACTION.
My wife started using my money to buy him clothes, meals, and what not. All for “the business” or this reason or that reason. He would make arrangements for meetings that never actually occurred and then spend the time with my wife while I was extracted from the venue.
Step eight was UNIQUENESS.
He discovered my likes and dislikes in sex and the bedroom. Then did the things that I wouldn’t do with my wife. That way they (him and my wife) shared something unique and special that my wife could not and would not do with me.
Step nine discussing CHANGE.
He started to talk about taking her from me, running away, leaving the country and getting a divorce. Etc, and etc. A night alone. A trip alone. Then never return…
The process is always the same.
Now, let it be well known that he failed, but he caused my wife and I some real grief and trouble. It was unacceptable and horrible, but we survived, and had open discussions about what was going on.
Now, he fled. I mean; he ran off in the middle of the night and left the country.
As he started to notice that I was about to go Hannibal Lecter on him. I mean, here I was out of prison, and with nothing, and the only thing that I had, he was trying to take from me… oh… torture is too pleasant a word for what I planned for him.
And so he left.
Fled to LA, then to Vietnam, and Thailand. I think that he’s still seducing women left and right. He has a penchant for married women. I think it boosts his ego.
I’m over this bastard.
If he ever returns, I will hunt him down and castrate him.
I already sent him to the cornfield, and thus it is unlikely that he will ever be able to return. Today, after my tweaks, he probably looks like Chet from the 1980’s movie Weird Science…
Any thoughts anyone?Today…
What are the reasons for American and Western businesses to flee China once and for all?
Free market economics at play here.
All businesses start at same level. Some thrive, some die.
Two American businesses came into the market. One grows and thrives. Another one does okay.
The example is KFC and McDonald’s. KFC opens a new location every three hours in China. They have three times the locations as McDonald’s and each unit is more profitable than a similar sized McDonald’s. Both used different strategies. KFC changed their menu to the local palette. McDonald’s did not and is now trying to. Chinese consumers liked the look of an endearing grandfather like Colonel Sanders. Less for the McDonald’s clown.
Pizza Hut in China is positioned as fast casual. Elegant decoration. Upmarket. Great business model for China.
Yum brands operates KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell. Taco Bell has been a dud for them. Just doesn’t appeal.
Ford and GM made billions in their hay day. Now they are pulling out. EV sales in China went from 6% to 51% in 3 years. They don’t make EVs in China and have taken huge losses.
Success in business is not related to what country it’s based. It’s based on solid business fundamentals. Understanding your market and selling products and services they want.
It’s not that businesses are fleeing China. They just couldn’t make it work in China.
Cambodia Canal Story
1978, Vietnam brazenly invaded Cambodia and Laos, attempting to occupy these two places by force. In fact, Vietnam wanted to invade more than just these two countries. Myanmar and Thailand were also on Vietnam’s invasion list at the time, but they were ranked a little lower.
Several actions of Vietnam at present have already shown that it is against the United States: just after the death of former Vietnamese leader Nguyen Phu Trong, Vietnam went to the United Nations to demand regional division in the South China Sea; then it conducted joint military exercises with the Philippines, which was clearly a big demonstration to our country!
Then it sent a delegation to visit the United States. With the support of the Americans, Vietnam exerted even greater diplomatic pressure on Cambodia! The reason for its pressure was that the Funan Canal project, which China helped Cambodia build, had officially started.
Some people may not understand why the Vietnamese are so nervous about a canal. The reason is simple: Vietnam has not given up the idea of establishing a federation in Indochina until recently. After the counterattack against Vietnam, Vietnam became obedient, but they did not give up the idea of controlling Cambodia and Laos, especially Cambodia. (Remember Sihanouk)
Although Cambodia is a coastal country, there is no smooth connection between their only deep-water port, Sihanoukville Port , and the Mekong River, the largest river flowing through the country. This river originates from the Lancang River in Qinghai Province, China, passes through many countries in the Indochina Peninsula, and its estuary is in Ho Chi Minh City , Vietnam .
Cambodia wanted to use the Mekong River for inland shipping, but the voyage was interrupted halfway; if it wanted to “access the sea”, it had to enter Vietnam and pay Vietnam a large amount of entry fees, tariffs, etc. Vietnam has been using this natural geographical advantage to control entry fees and tariffs to influence Cambodia’s politics. This situation has lasted for half a century, seriously affecting Cambodia’s economic development and even affecting Cambodia’s political autonomy.
Cambodia has always wanted to build a canal connecting the Cambodian section of the Mekong River and Sihanoukville, but construction has not started due to three problems: insufficient industrial capacity, insufficient financial resources, and the widespread mines and poor safety in the country. On 2024 August 5, China officially began to help Cambodia build the canal. Once the canal is completed, Cambodia’s economy will no longer be subject to Vietnam.
Vietnam and the United States cannot tolerate this project; Americans are worried that after the canal is built, China will use it as an outlet to the sea in the Indochina region, and bypassing the blockade of the United States’ three island chains. The Americans did something else two months ago. When the United States learned that the canal was about to be built, U.S. Secretary of Defense Austin personally went to Cambodia and spent a whole day trying to tempt them to be pro-American and stay away from China.
The result, of course, was a complete failure: Hun Sen , President of the Cambodian Senate , told him directly: The United States should not have any crooked ideas to alienate the relations between China and Cambodia. The above is the game between the parties before the construction of this canal. I hope that this project will be completed smoothly and benefit the surrounding countries as soon as possible!
this Canal 100% belong and operated by China, so any attacked on this canal will be regarded as attack of China’s territory.
Author Note :
All those propaganda said that Vietnam won the war with China, but Vietnam attitude changed. late economic reform, land given to China, casualties more than China.
Vietnam recently try to repair ties with China not because of good will, but because of surrounding nation have grown better than Vietnam, and US backstabbing Vietnam. USA a barbarian country which backstabbed France, German, UK, Japan. almost all of it’s allies except Israel.
BLAZING SADDLES (1974) | First Time Watching!
Have you ever walked into your home and known something wasn’t right? What happened?
Yes, I was 12 years old. It was the first week of school. The whole time I was in class I felt like there was something wrong. I had no motivation to do any school work. I was confused as to why I felt like this. Later that day I got called to the office saying I was going home early. Now, I was sooo lost at this point because I would never leave school early. So, I went to the the office and my uncle was there waiting for me and my brother. We were both confused and in shocked. I has asked my uncle what he was doing here and he stayed silent. Then, we went to my little sister’s school to pick her up too. While we were waiting for her in the office I saw that my uncle had my mother’s phone. I was asking questions but my uncle kept saying “It’s okay.” After we got my sister we went back to my house. The house was a mess. So, I started to clean. Our house would always be nice and clean. So many thoughts went through my mind right then. 30 minutes later my cousin came over and started making us food. I started to worry because neither my dad or mom were home. I started to worry but not in front of family of course. Then, my aunts and uncles came to my house and gathered around and started to cry. I was getting even more confused and went to my laundry room and hid there. My aunt saw me and asked me “Are you okay?” I replied “ I just want my mom and dad to be okay.” All that my aunt said after that was “I Love You.” And that’s when I knew one of them passed away. That night my cousin told me my mom had passed away. ( My family tried to hide it from us because they thought it was best to not know yet but I knew)
Edit: You guys been wondering where my dad was during this time. My dad was home that morning too. My mom was yelling for help that she couldn’t breathe. My dad came rushing downstairs and called 911. They told my dad to give her CPR. My mom was taking care of 2 little boys and my youngest brother who was 4 at that time. So, while my dad was trying to revive my mother the little kids were making a mess with toys and things. That is why the house was a mess when I got there. When the ambulance got there my dad called my uncle to take care of the little kids so my dad can go to the hospital with my mom.
TRUE LIES is THE BEST !! * MOVIE REACTION and COMMENTARY | First Time Watching (1994)
Why do many Chinese people become much more patriotic and defensive about China after living in the West?
Since 2021, I’ve been studying and working in Canada. While I’m grateful for the opportunities Canada has provided and appreciate the genuinely friendly people I’ve met, my time here has only strengthened my patriotism towards China. This isn’t just about defending my country—it’s about defending my roots, my identity, and the truth.
Living in Canada has highlighted some stark differences, especially when I compare certain aspects of life here to what I took for granted in China.
Here are a few things:
- Public Transportation: I know in North America, car culture is a thing, and I’m not arguing whether it’s good or bad. I’m just saying that in many situations, better public transportation would benefit people a lot. For individuals, living expenses would be lower.
- Efficiency: I had a cavity filled 3 months ago, and it didn’t go well. I had to book another appointment with the clinic to polish the tooth, then redo the filling, and polish the tooth again. The whole process took 3 months. I also have other stories from my partner, whose chest was torn, but the MRI doctor ended up examining his shoulder after several months…
- Safety: I feel safer in China. There’s a noticeable absence of individuals who appear mentally unstable or those visibly struggling with drug addiction, like the “walking zombies”.
- and the list can go on …
One significant factor has been the relentless anti-China propaganda that often paints people like me, international students and workers, with the same broad brush simply because of our Chinese background. As China continues to gain global attention, I find myself increasingly in a position where I have to defend not only my country but also my own identity.
I also feel disgusted by the unexpected Sinophobia from someone I used to call a “friend.” We used to share Chinese music playlists. Last month, when I shared my latest playlist and mentioned that mainland China has a 144-hour visa policy so that he could travel to one city (I also planned to go back to Beijing for the next Spring Festival), and I’d be able to show him around, his response shocked me. I mentioned, “Lots of people are sharing vlogs about their travels in China, and you mentioned you were pretty interested in China.” Just when I was about to send the music playlist and share the video, he immediately responded with, “(1) They are paid by the Chinese government (2) The Chinese government is very well-known for that (and all the other negative opinions).” I questioned him, asking if he was being serious or just joking, and also asked if he wanted to talk about it with some evidence (as I was curious as well). Instead, he said that I should have a balanced view and other condescending BS. It turned out that my friendly recommendation and genuine offer to be a tour guide were regarded as propaganda. The unexpected hostility towards my country from a so-called first-world citizen with a Master’s degree made me feel quite disgusted. I started to notice that there are so many double standards towards the Chinese, in the Olympics and in daily conversations. There are people out there whose sole purpose seems to be hating on China, as if that’s the ultimate goal of their lives. And that totally goes against the cultural values we hold, such as ‘以和为贵’ (always valuing peace as more precious).
To those who feel the need to criticize China, I challenge you to actually educate yourself first. If you’re going to mock China, at least come with facts, not just some ridiculous “social credits” nonsense that only highlights your own ignorance and proves your single-digit IQ. You’ve got to prove that you’re not the one being brainwashed by your country and its media. Cheers!
TOP “Never go Full Ret**d” Reactions! Tropic Thunder Movie Reaction (Robert Downey Jr Funny Scenes)
How did the nations of Africa try to resist the colonial rule?
Here’s the thing. This is an impossible question to answer “properly”. The methods adopted by Africans in the colonial era is literally thousands of pages worth. There is the battle of Zanzibar that lasted all of 38 seconds, but also Abd el-Qadir’s resistance, which lasted 17 years.
There were retreats, but, all retreats aren’t equal. Caliph Attahiru of Sokoto believing that the end was nigh, tried fleeing to Mecca to await the end of days. He was chased and gunned down by Lugard anyways. But then, there was Samori Toure, Cassandra to his neighbours and Hannibal to his foes. His idea of retreat was to create strategic depth.
Facing the French, he divided his army in three, his crack troops fought a rear-guard action, his second best conquered new territories to the East, in an ultimately vain effort to link up with the Asante in what he hoped would be the common front, the Tukulor had spurned. The final set of troops burned every single resource in the evacuated territories as well as shepherding his factories and bureaucracy eastwards. The dying gasps of his resistance were the creation of a second empire and victory over the French at Owe.
The British fought the Asante 4 times, after the 4th war, their victory was total, the men broken. When a foreigner deigned to sit on the Golden Stool, the very symbol of the Asante nation, it was the women who led the final resistance of that great nation. Similarly, in 1929, British Columns gunned down crowds of women protesting the British attempt to tax their sphere and the imposition of “Kings”.
There were many victories, too many to recount here. How the era saw those, however, is a guide to what the ultimate resistance battle was.
Note the European, certain of the inevitable, even in the face of defeat. These are not invaders, but rather gods! Prometheus bringing fire and civilisation to the savages.
Motifs of tragedy and loss in war were solely reserved for equals.
Okay tangent wandering time. I’m a big fan of Imperial eras, the paintings, the music. But see enough, and you realise that besides scale, the Europeans were playing an old game, a very old one.
You see it too right?
Colonialism was different from earlier episodes of Imperialism, merely in scale. Think of imperialism as a Cuckoo’s egg, a singular event from the periphery which soon takes over the whole.
Just as it takes the Mother Bird’s absence for the Cuckoo’s switch to occur, similarly, Imperialism occurred in the context of internecine conflicts in the future imperial province(s). In many ways, the conquest of Africa may be said to have been a continental civil war. Africa in many ways, was conquered by Africans, from translators and missionaries to Riflemen. There were even Rulers who themselves invited European intervention.
The colonial era was the quintessential “clash of civilisations”, between, the rulers and the ruled, the Metropole and the provinces. Colonial rule was not tranquil, resistance never truly ended and pacification campaigns in the interior were part and parcel of the era. It was from these campaigns that one can trace the beginnings of the idea of “asymmetrical warfare”. It, however, was underpinned by the implicit acceptance of European superiority. It was that idea that held Empire together, and unless broken across all the provinces, independence was doomed to failure, crushed by Sepoy, Gurkha and Hausa Riflemen.
That was the final battleground of the resistance.
The leading characters in that Resistance victory are justly famous.
TL;DR: They tried resisting with guns and failed, the true battle was always going to be for the liberation of the mind. That was won, briefly, by a new generation of freedom fighters, who wielded the pen with skill and when necessary, the gun too.
Inevitable P.S(es?)
- Yes, yes, I’ve heard the arguments. “Gandhi has no place in Africa’s history” e.t.c. Thing is, I’ve read of the ferociousness of British India too. Gandhi took away 3 million Bayonets from the British kitty. If you think that had no impact, look at Angola, Kenya, Algeria e.t.c note that the colonialists were willing to hold on to Empire, then attempt counter-factuals but with India army a steamship away. One might as well say, Stalin had no place in the salvation of Western Europe.
- No Mandela because he wasn’t an ideological forebear.
- Yes, Fanon is Carribean. He however was one of the ideological Lodestars of the independence/Liberation movement.
P.S If you’re interested in an in-depth retelling of the continent’s history, do check out my Patreon page. I’m still 19th centuries away from the colonial era, but we’ll get there…eventually.
In memory

Beef Taco Bake

Yield: 4 servings
- 1 pound ground beef
- 1 can condensed tomato soup
- 1 cup salsa
- 1/2 cup milk
- 6 flour or 8 corn tortillas, (6 to 8 inches), cut into 1 inch pieces
- 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
- In skillet over medium-high heat, cook beef until browned, stirring to separate meat. Pour off fat.
- Add soup, salsa, milk, tortillas and half the cheese.
- Spoon into 2 quart shallow baking dish. Cover.
- Bake at 400 degrees F for 30 minutes or until hot.
- Sprinkle with remaining cheese.
What is the worst country you have ever visited?
Several years ago, I visited a country that many travelers rave about—India. The images of the Taj Mahal, vibrant festivals, and colorful markets had always enchanted me, so I decided to see it for myself. But when I arrived in New Delhi, I was hit with a reality I wasn’t prepared for.
The heat was oppressive, the air heavy with pollution, and the sheer number of people was overwhelming. Navigating the streets felt like stepping into another world—chaotic, noisy, and constantly bustling. The poverty was stark, and I felt a profound sense of discomfort seeing the disparity between the grand palaces and the slums.
One particular day, I visited a market that was so packed I could barely move. The vendors were relentless, pulling at my sleeves, shouting for my attention. At one point, I got lost in a labyrinth of alleyways, and the feeling of being a stranger in a place that was both fascinating and intimidating was overwhelming.
But then, something changed. On a quiet morning in Varanasi, I watched the sunrise over the Ganges River. The light bathed the ancient city in a golden glow, and the spiritual atmosphere was almost palpable. I met a local family who welcomed me into their home, offering me tea and sharing stories of their lives. Their warmth and hospitality were unexpected and deeply moving.
By the end of my journey, India had revealed its complexity to me. It was a place of extremes—intense, challenging, and at times overwhelming, but also rich with culture, history, and humanity. What I initially perceived as a difficult, even unpleasant experience, transformed into a journey of growth and understanding.
So while I could say that India was the most challenging place I’ve ever visited, it also became one of the most transformative. It taught me that travel isn’t always about comfort; sometimes, it’s about confronting your own expectations and learning to see beauty in the chaos.
What men desire in a relationship, most women don’t understand
What are China’s tactics to face the USN who will deploy in St. Martin Islands, Bangladesh?
China has ports around. Some are commercial. Some may be military. 1 in Myanmar. 1 somewhere in southeast Asia. 2 in India Ocean. India perhaps should be more worried about US presence at St Martin than China. Dont forget China has short, mid & long-range missiles. Not to mention hypersonic.
A flight of fighters carrying air to ground missiles combined with land attack cruise missiles and hypersonic missiles.
End of US base.
It’s just target practice.
The US would need 100 batteries of patriot missiles which is 32 missiles and 4 launchers EACH battery to slow down China.
Then it would be just a matter of attrition of ammo. So who’s got more.
The problem is that CONUS has only 50 batteries protecting the entire US.
At the rate the US is currently manufacturing patriot missiles, it would take over a decade to build that many patriot batteries.
Also other places need them more. Like Ukraine and Israel. Which means that the it would take the US several decades.
Building bases is meaningless if they’re right next to someone who has a zero length logistics.
What is the weirdest excuse someone ever gave you?
In 2009 I found out the boyfriend I was living with had been cheating on me. I was devastated. To cheer me up my dad decided to take me and my sister up to Maine to stay the motel we vacationed at annually when my Mom was alive.
I asked my boyfriend if he could feed, water, and change the litter box for my cat while I was away for the weekend and if he couldn’t handle it I would leave my cat with a friend. Feeling guilty, he offered to take care of my kitty.
Three days later we arrived back in Massachusetts and I spent the afternoon hanging out with my dad before driving back to the apartment I shared with the cheater. The weekend away had significantly lessened my anger and feelings of betrayal so against my better judgement I figured maybe we could work things out. The driveway was loaded with cars so I parked halfway down the street and made my way up to our second floor apartment.
As soon as I opened the door a wave of what can only be described as what an abandoned animal shelter could smell like hit me in the face. I swung the door back and forth for a minute to make the smell vaguely bearable then pulled my shirt up over my nose while making my way down the hall to the living room.
There were five guys, including my boyfriend, sitting around the room playing Xbox. Beer bottles were scattered around the room and a thick cloud of cigarette and marijuana smoke hovered above. He looked up for a moment and hastily muttered a “Oh, you’re home early Audi.” before handing the controller over to his friend. I went to the kitchen to put my things down and he followed behind me. The kitchen was a disaster: dishes piled high in the sink and on the counter, an overflowing trash with contents spilling over the edge and onto the floor, and hordes of fruit flies swarming in circles above both areas.
The food bowl was empty. The water dish was tipped over and bone dry. In the bathroom I found a litter box so full that my cat had run out of room and begun using the floor. I found him in the shower licking tiny drops of water from around the drain. From the looks of my nearly leaf-less house tree and piles of puke around the house it appeared as though he had resorted to eating my plants out of hunger.
“You promised you would take care of him while I was gone! He’s starving, has no water, and has nowhere to go to the bathroom!” I told him.
“You asked me to do those things and I did! It’s not my fault he’s a pig and ate all his food and water the first night. And I did clean the box but he just kept using it and things got out of control. He had to learn.”
His excuse was that I had only asked him to do it only once. Last time I checked, cats couldn’t pour their own food, fill their own water bowls, or scoop their own litter. Also, that my cat was a pig. Apparently I wasn’t specific enough.
To top it all off, I later discovered he had spent the entire weekend with the girl he had been cheating with. One of his friends felt guilty covering for him and told me everything. That was the icing on the cake. We lasted for three months longer, barely speaking, rarely seeing each other, and somewhat coexisting before the hatred had built up so much I couldn’t take it. We broke up on my 22nd birthday and our separation was the best birthday present I’ve ever received.
A few people have asked why I even waited those three extra months. That’s a valid and legitimate question.
So why did I wait?:
- We had been together for 3.5 years and for the most part he had treated me well.
- He helped me get through the recent death of my mother.
- I thought he loved me.
- I thought I loved him.
- I didn’t have enough money at the time to move out right then.
- My father had his girlfriend living in my bedroom at the house so I couldn’t move back home right away.
The Chinese people seem to be a nation that pays great attention to their hometown. Are overseas Chinese the same?
No we’re not all the same. I think it boils down to if you were given the speech or not. The speech varied between groups. Black Americans for instance they’re told when they’re in their teens how to act with regards to the police to prevent you know being KILLED.
Levar Burton even said he had to give such a speech to his children.
I can actually think of a fairly good correlation to those given the speech and those who were not.
My dad, Baldie*, Mr Lee** all gave us the speech. Maybe it;s because we’re Hakkas and we’ve been running from oppression for centuries…
My dad said. No matter WHAT you will ALWAYS be welcome back in your homeland. This is your home.
I guess that’s why the 2019 rioters pissed me off so much. Literal invaders on our land telling us to fuck off back to our own land.
*baldie is the dad of the former NHS surgeon who left the UK, she married one of my dad’s younger sisters.
**Mr Lee is also the dad of the other former NHS surgeon who again left the UK, she’s my dad’s cousin’s inlaw or something.
You can see some differences between Calvin and me. He’s more generalist Chinese, I’m far more clannish than he is.
US Dollar Death, Banking Collapses & Endless Wars To Result In Hyperinflation | Lynette Zang
Damn good video.
Alice in Wonder
Submitted into Contest #247 in response to: Set your story on a spaceship exploring the far reaches of space when something goes wrong.… view prompt
Sean Mallery
“Can you give me visual?”
“On the HUD now” The screen glowed with a swirl of purples and red of ather space. Alice moved the camera to see the cargo container. It hung on by a single coupling and flailed wildly.
“Give me manual control” The chair moved back and dual joysticks raised up. She took hold and moved the ship. She turned and rotated until the cargo no longer bounced around. Physics in space are weird, physics in the ather are impossible. The ship was now turned sideways, but still moving in the same direction. As long as she could keep the ship in the ather’s slipstream, it would be fine.
“Starboard engine took damage.” Wonder informed Alice. “On this trajectory we will slide out of the slip in thirty seconds.”
Alice sighed. Drop the cargo or drop out into ather space. She thought about it and quickly decided. Turned the engines off and allow the ship to drift. With the damage done to the engine, there was no telling if she could correct the path either way. Losing the cargo was not an option while working with RED either. Lost cargo means a fine and who knows how big the fine is with the classification placed on it. The ship rumbled as it left the slipstream moving into a thicker ather.
“Great, repair options for the engine?” Alice asked.
“Working on it.”
Alice’s HUD displayed a warning. Shields at 75% It read.
“Work faster” She screamed. “The ather is pressing in on the ship.”
“Yeah yeah. Don’t get your undies in a bunch,” Wonder said with a laugh.
“What? Wonder I need a solution. Can I space walk to repair it?”
“Space walking in the ather will get you deader than your sense of humor!”
“What has gotten into you?”
“I apologize Alice, it seems the effects of ather are causing me to malfunction.”
“Stupid AI, you can’t break now too.”
“Have you tried turning me off and back on again?”
Alice got up from the captain’s chair. She grabbed a tool case from the closet and headed into the bay. She checked a status screen as she walked by. Shields 60% it read.
“Wonder can I get to any of the parts from the interior of the ship.”
“Panel thirteen – seven. Look for the big red glowy light. That will be the thing. They always have glowy lights to let you know if they are bad.”
Alice turned down a hallway and caught sight of something white and quick moving just around the next corner.
“Wonder, is there anyone else on the ship?” She asked.
“Its just me and you forever baby!”
Alice let out a long sigh. “Is any of our cargo biological? Animals maybe?”
“Sorry that’s classified,” Wonder answered.
“Oh, now you can be serious?”
“Sorry, even I can’t read it. I’m looking at the file on our cargo right now. It just says classified.”
“There is something else on the ship.” Alice explained.
“Nah bro, you are going crazy.”
“What?” Alice said incredulously
“Mild effects of aether poisoning. Step one insanity, step two coming to terms with insanity, step three, the fun part.”
Alice grunted. She knew she needed to move faster before she was useless. She found the panel and removed it. The array of wires and pipes hid circuit boards. She found the one with the red light. She unplugged it and plugged it back in. The light turned off and back red again. Alice frowned. She unplugged the module. Probably didn’t need it, anyway. Alice turned around and jumped. There in the middle of the hall sat a small white rabbit. They stared at each other for a moment. The rabbit took off down the hall and around the corner.
“No, you don’t,” Alice said and chased the rabbit around the corner. She skid to a halt at the table before her. Alice found herself in a large, ornate room. She gawked at the white walls and wooden furnishing. Where was she? This isn’t a room on the ship. Worst of all, there were people sitting at the table, pouring cups of tea.
“Hello” she intoned.
“Oh, hello Alice,” the man at the head of the table said. He wore a purple suit with a tall hat. “Tea?” He asked, gesturing with a steaming teakettle.
“Uh, no thank you.” She said, looking shocked.
“Please sit. You know my friend, the white rabbit.” He gestured to a rabbit sitting on the table. It had its own cup of tea and cookie. It looked up as if acknowledging her.
“And this here is our lead ship mechanic. Scoots.” The man in the suit said.
A short, pudgy man in a black suit and bowler cap looked over at her. “Ma’am.” He said, tipping his hat.
“And I of course, am the ever present Wonder.”
“Wonder? You’re the ship AI?”
“In the flesh!”
“I don’t understand. We don’t have a ship mechanic, and you are an AI. Don’t even get me started on the rabbit!”
“It is very easy to explain, sweetie. You see, you are quite mad.”
“Mad?” she asked.
“Insane, the ather has broken through the shield and you are undergoing the effects. Have a seat, enjoy yourself.“
“I don’t know.” She said, sitting down, “If I am insane, then how can I sit in a chair that isn’t real, smell the tea that isn’t there? Even the light of this room, I can feel it.”
“Well, the ather does weird things to all of us,” Wonder Explained
“For sure,” Scoots chimed in.
The rabbit just looked at her. Alice knew what it was saying.
She held her cup as Wonder poured some tea. “So what do I do now?”
“Well, you have two choices, really. You can get the ship back into the slipstream and finish your delivery. Do the next delivery and then do the next. Until you die. Or Ooooooor. You can stay in the ather and explore what is in this new space. You, me, scoots, the rabbit can come too.”
Alice sipped her tea. “You make a good point, but what if this is just the insanity talking? What if there is nothing out there to explore?”
Wonder leaned back in his chair. “Well honey. I will admit, I am biased. I have always wanted to see you like this. With my own eyes, I mean. Not through a camera, not through you pushing buttons.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying I want to be with you, exploring. Ya know, like this.” Wonder gestured to the table.
“I say we stay,” Scoots said.
“And Mr Rabbit, what do you have to say?” Alice asked. The rabbit reached up to it’s cup and took a sip. It looked over, wiggling its nose. “I’m sold.” She said. Alice stood up and grabbed her cup. Let’s go to the helm and see what’s out there.
“You’re the captain,” Wonder said grabbing his cup a handful of cookies. They all together walked to the helm. Alice sat down in the pilot seat and grabbed the joysticks.
“We need repairs, lets see if we can find a place to land.” Alice said. Wonder took up a position in a newly formed station in the helm. “I see a planet on the scanners.”
“I can see an asteroid belt around that planet.” Scoots chimed in from the maintenance station that was suddenly there.
“How can there be a planet in the ather?” Alice asked.
“Lets find out.” Wonder answered.
Fun science fiction art

What was the biggest scandal at your high school?
I went to a private, prestigious all-girls school. We certainly had a wide range of economic backgrounds, and many of us were solidly middle class, but it is not an exaggeration to say that most of the wealthiest families in town chose to send their daughters there.
The students that came from money….they came from a LOT of money. I will give you some examples. One of my classmate’s first car was a Viper, the first year they were made. Her parents spent over $100,000 on a car for their daughter to most definitely wreck. Some more classmates drove to school in a brand new Hummer (back when this was a somewhat big deal) and they came from their very own expensive downtown condominium. The sisters lived there during the week so they wouldn’t have to make the 30 minute drive to their parents house in the suburbs. One of my classmates at the affiliated boys school received $1 million every birthday and Christmas.
It was considered impolite to talk about money, and mostly people didn’t, but everyone knew.
We took special educational trips in the winter (called Winterim). If you can afford it, you could go and educationally swim with the manatees in Florida. If you couldn’t afford it, well you would probably end up at a local camp. And I did.
You could choose wherever you could afford to go in the catalog, except for your senior year. Senior year everyone went to Disney World.
After a few nights in Disney World, our headmaster frantically gathered us all into a hotel room.
A couple of wealthy girls had been caught shoplifting. Our teachers actually collected some of our spare pocket change to have enough cash to bail them out.
Two months before graduation, after many thousands of dollars in tuition, the girls were expelled. I heard they managed to graduate from the public school they were zoned for.
Burger Bundles

- 1 1/4 cups herb stuffing mix
- 1 pound ground beef
- 1/3 cup evaporated milk
- 1 can cream of mushroom soup
- 1 tablespoon ketchup
- 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
- Parsley, for garnish
- Prepare herb stuffing mix. Mix ground beef and evaporated milk. Divide this into five (6 inch) circles. Spoon 1/4 cup stuffing into center of circle. Draw edges over and seal. Place in a casserole.
- Combine cream of mushroom soup, ketchup and Worcestershire sauce. Pour over meat.
- Bake, uncovered at 350 degrees F for 45 to 60 minutes.
- Garnish with parsley.
Have you ever walked into your home and known something wasn’t right? What happened?
Yes, I was 12 years old. It was the first week of school. The whole time I was in class I felt like there was something wrong. I had no motivation to do any school work. I was confused as to why I felt like this. Later that day I got called to the office saying I was going home early. Now, I was sooo lost at this point because I would never leave school early. So, I went to the the office and my uncle was there waiting for me and my brother. We were both confused and in shocked. I has asked my uncle what he was doing here and he stayed silent. Then, we went to my little sister’s school to pick her up too. While we were waiting for her in the office I saw that my uncle had my mother’s phone. I was asking questions but my uncle kept saying “It’s okay.” After we got my sister we went back to my house. The house was a mess. So, I started to clean. Our house would always be nice and clean. So many thoughts went through my mind right then. 30 minutes later my cousin came over and started making us food. I started to worry because neither my dad or mom were home. I started to worry but not in front of family of course. Then, my aunts and uncles came to my house and gathered around and started to cry. I was getting even more confused and went to my laundry room and hid there. My aunt saw me and asked me “Are you okay?” I replied “ I just want my mom and dad to be okay.” All that my aunt said after that was “I Love You.” And that’s when I knew one of them passed away. That night my cousin told me my mom had passed away. ( My family tried to hide it from us because they thought it was best to not know yet but I knew)
Edit: You guys been wondering where my dad was during this time. My dad was home that morning too. My mom was yelling for help that she couldn’t breathe. My dad came rushing downstairs and called 911. They told my dad to give her CPR. My mom was taking care of 2 little boys and my youngest brother who was 4 at that time. So, while my dad was trying to revive my mother the little kids were making a mess with toys and things. That is why the house was a mess when I got there. When the ambulance got there my dad called my uncle to take care of the little kids so my dad can go to the hospital with my mom.
Modern Women Are DOOMED – New BAN On Alimony Gets Passed!
What role did the US have in the recent regime change in Bangladesh?
In Jeffery Sachs’ article (Ref 1), the U.S. is implicated in the removal of Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Imran Khan. The compelling evidence of U.S. involvement in Khan’s ouster suggests that a similar situation could have taken place in Bangladesh.
In Pakistan’s case(Ref 2), Donald Lu, the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia and Central Asia, met with Pakistan’s Ambassador to the U.S., Asad Majeed Khan, on March 7, 2022. Following this meeting, Ambassador Khan promptly reported back to his government, relaying Lu’s warning that Prime Minister Khan’s “aggressively neutral position” on Russia and Ukraine was jeopardizing U.S.-Pakistan relations. That same day, members of parliament began procedural steps to oust Prime Minister Khan, who later accused the CIA of playing a role in his removal.
The U.S. appears to have played a similar role in the recent violent coup in Bangladesh. PM Hasina was ostensibly toppled by student unrest and fled to India when the Bangladeshi military refused to prevent the protestors from storming the government offices. Yet there may be much more to the story than meets the eye. PM Hasina is claiming that the U.S. brought her down. Specifically, she says that the U.S. removed her from power because she refused to grant the U.S. military facilities in a region that is considered strategic for the U.S. in its “Indo-Pacific Strategy” to contain China.
On May 17, 2024, the same Assistant Secretary Lu who played a lead role in toppling PM Khan, visited Dhaka to discuss the US Indo-Pacific Strategy among other topics. Days later, Sheikh Hasina reportedly summoned the leaders of the 14 parties of her alliance to make the startling claim that a “country of white-skinned people” was trying to bring her down, ostensibly telling the leaders that she refused to comprise her nation’s sovereignty. Like Imran Khan, PM Hasina had been pursuing a foreign policy of neutrality, including constructive relations not only with the U.S. but also with China and Russia, much to the deep consternation of the U.S. government.
To add credence to Hasina’s charges(Ref 5), Bangladesh had delayed signing two military agreements that the U.S. had pushed very hard since 2022, indeed by none other than the former Under-Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, the neocon hardliner with her storied history of U.S. regime-change operations. One of the draft agreements, the General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA), would bind Bangladesh to closer military-to-military cooperation with Washington. The Government of PM Hasina was not enthusiastic about signing it.
The U.S. is by far the world’s leading practitioner of regime-change operations, yet the U.S. flatly denies its role in covert regime-change operations even when caught red-handed, as with Nuland’s infamous intercepted phone call(Ref 3) in late January 2014 planning the U.S.-led regime change operation in Ukraine. It is useless to appeal to the U.S. Congress, and still less the executive branch, to investigate PM Khan’s and PM Hasina’s claims. Whatever the truth of the matter, they will deny and lie as necessary.
Covert regime change operations are illegal under international law, particularly under the Doctrine of Non-Intervention, as outlined in UN General Assembly Resolution 2625 (1970). Despite this, the U.S. has been involved in 64 covert regime change operations between 1947 and 1989, as documented by Lindsey O’Rourke( Ref 4), a political science professor at Boston College. The U.S. continues to engage in these operations with alarming frequency, toppling governments around the world. It is imperative that the U.S. take action to investigate and address these blatant violations of the UN Charter, which it is committed to uphold.
Secret Pakistan Cable Documents U.S. Pressure to Remove Imran Khan
Just another day in America
Today I was pulled over by police. I had a loaded and concealed handgun on me at the time. Please keep in mind that my actions were completely voluntary for one simple reason. This is what happened.
He approached the drivers side and asked if I knew why he stopped me and I said I did not. He said my registration expired June 30 of 2016. He asked to see my drivers license, registration, and insurance card. As I kept my hands firmly locked at 10 and 2 on the steering wheel I immediately stated…..
“For your safety and mine sir I would like to inform you that I am a legally armed citizen. I have a concealed carry permit in my wallet. I don’t want to get my registration and insurance card because I have my pistol in the same compartment as my documents. The pistol is in the small compartment under the cup holder. Please be careful, there is a round in the chamber, the thumb safety is on, and there’s an extra magazine with it.”
He asked that I keep my hands on the wheel like they were and asked again where my handgun was. He asked where my wallet was with my permit card. I answered and then said…..
” I would like you to take possession of the handgun. I’ll get out of the truck if you want me to while you get it.” He told me that would be great and thanked me for my cooperation.
When I got out of the truck he wouldn’t turn his back to me. I asked if he would like to search me for any other weapons so he knew I wasn’t a threat. He said….
“If you don’t mind that would be great. Do you have any other firearms or weapons on you or in the truck?” I replied that I did not.
The police officer searched me and retrieved my handgun from the compartment with my documents and asked permission to retrieve my drivers license and conceal carry permit from my wallet. I gladly gave him permission to get what he needed. I also gave him permission to search the rest of my truck if he wanted to if he felt it necessary. The officer declined the consent I gave him to search.
After all the formalities the cop brought my pistol back to me and I said “If you want you can just lay everything on the drivers seat and I’ll get it when we’re done.”
I thanked him for being as calm as he was especially dealing with someone that had a handgun that was legally carried. The cop thanked me for my cooperation. He asked me to sign the warning ticket and to make sure to get my registration taken care of ASAP.
I thanked him and the back up officer for their service and told them to be safe, especially nowadays with all the crazy shit that was going on. I told them that was the reason I carry a handgun myself. I shook both of their hands. He handed me my warning and I went on my way.
After the cold blooded terrorist attack and hate crime in #Dallas and that day learning about #BatonRouge where the blood spilled still fresh in the minds of every American I chose to do what I thought was right.
The moral of the story.
It’s about everyone’s safety.
It’s about respect.
When you treat people with civility you get treated with civility.
Thank you Altoona Police Department for having professional law enforcement officers representing your department and protecting the well being of the city.”
Credit: Matt Powers
“Pre-Emptive Strike” Discussions . . .

NATO has actually begun discussing “preemptive precision strikes” on Russian territory says Admiral Rob Bauer, head of the NATO’s military committee.
“This is a new discussion within NATO, and I am glad that we have changed our stance on this and on the idea that we are a defensive alliance that will sit and wait to be attacked before responding. It is more prudent not to wait but to strike Russian launchers if Russia attacks us.”
Recently, the West has increasingly voiced ideas about a direct military conflict between the alliance and Russia. The Kremlin, however, has stated that Russia poses no threat, does not threaten anyone, but will not ignore actions that could potentially endanger its interests.
Bauer, Chair of NATO’s Military Committee, went on to urge businesses in Europe to adjust production and distribution to withstand disruptions from global adversaries like Russia and China.
Speaking in Brussels, Bauer emphasized reducing reliance on critical supplies from China, which controls 60% of rare earth materials and supplies key pharmaceuticals. “Commercial decisions have strategic consequences,” he warned, calling for economic resilience to bolster national security.
Hal Turner Editorial Opinion
Based upon these statements, and factoring-in the behavior and conduct of NATO over the past few years, I am of the personal opinion they have become delusional and suicidal.
They have now poked the Russian bear for years hoping he will do the 1st strike, without success.
Now they are talking about striking first and I think they will act surprised and shocked when Russia retaliates.
Just watch them play the victims when it’s them who attack first.