Sid was one of the smartest boys in my class. He, and another; “J Eck” were the top smartest kids. Myself, and these two always got “straight A’s” in everything. And it is true, not only were we great friends, but we all had an after-school life that was heavy in books, and adventure.
Both Sid, and “J Eck” dropped out of college and took a wide selection of “bottom feeder” jobs. Sid was a roust-about, and J. Eck worked in the lumber yards. Doing the same thing over and over and over.
Getting by on low wages and living in the same town year after year.
Sid died in his early 40’s. Rumor has it that it was probably drug related. J. Eck is set to retires if not already) from a lifetime of making wood pallets.

Sid was a roustabout for most of his life. He worked the oil fields and the great wide spaces in the ‘Plains and fields of the countryside. I can see him doing that and enjoying it.

But he died so young.
What happened?
Why did I go though the adventures that I did, and end up in China?
None of us had strong role models. Our parents were hit smack when the 1970’s woman’s feminism movement hit its stride and our fathers were auto-marginalized. All the men’s organizations, such as barbershops, clubs, and gangs were evaporating, going co-ed, or being polluted by a Gay movement or whatever. (Think Boy Scouts, and the YMCA.) Sure it took decades to manifest, but back then, we had no strong male role models.
We had television.

And they misled us and distorted our life and expectations of reality.

So, all three of us (Sid, Eck and myself) we similar. But our outcomes were all different.
Well, for one, I had a goal and a dream. I wanted to fly into space and meet aliens. Which I actually did. But at that time, it was my driving dream.
Sid and Eck, well, they were just floating on an ocean without wind in their sail. Trying to make it with the skills that they had, but with no guidance and direction.
I also had a plan; not much of a plan. But a plan. Go study engineering. Go into the military. Get a pilot role, and then seize whatever opportunities came my way. My other friends didn’t have any plans. Any dreams, or any goals.
But perhaps, the most important aspect was that I never gave up. I never bailed out from anything. I was the stupid plow horse that would do things day in and day out. In fact, I might have been smart, but I sure as hell was unaware. So I just plodded on, and over time, with enough experiences, you will get a good enough percentage of opportunities to seize. And that is what happened.
Is my life perfect? No. I have all kinds of things that I deal with. But I am making the best with what I have. And that is the reality.
Sid was like a bright star that climbed to the stars and exploded.
Eck is that star that never ignited; never got a chance to shine. He ran on low his entire life, and then slowly faded and died out.
And myself… I’m that start that is way, way over at the edge of sight. Still burning. Still shining, but no one ever notices.
Be the best star that you can possibly be. Man, woman, or animal. Be the best and stop comparing yourself to others. There isn’t anything good or bad about Sid and Eck. They were just different. Pick the star chart that fits you.
I believe in you.
In 1985, Nike begged a rookie Michael Jordan for help. He said no. Twice. Their response? A move so crazy, it got them fined $5k per game. This is the untold story of the riskiest deal in sports history (that now makes $7 BILLION a year):

Before 1985, Nike was STRUGGLING to break into the basketball market. It’s hard to imagine such a wealthy company having money problems, but at the time, they were desperate for someone like Jordan. For good reason, too:
Nike’s lack of popularity was a HUGE barrier to the deal. Jordan didn’t even want to sign with Nike! His first pick? Adidas. His second pick? Converse. But, the company eventually won him over with an offer he couldn’t refuse…
In 1984, Nike offered Jordan an unprecedented deal: A 5-year, $2.5 million contract plus 5% of EVERY shoe sold. At the time, it was triple what any other NBA player was getting. But Nike went even further—they gave Jordan complete creative control of the shoe’s style:
The Air Jordan 1 debuted in 1985 with colors that violated NBA uniform rules. Jordan was fined $5,000 PER GAME for wearing them, but Nike embraced the controversy, paying the fines and marketing the shoe as rebellious. The result? $126 million in sales in the first year alone.
Air Jordans quickly became popular beyond basketball. From hip-hop to Hollywood, the shoes became a symbol of status and style. This crossover appeal expanded Nike’s reach, creating a lifestyle brand embraced by athletes, celebrities, and average folk alike:
The release of Air Jordans fueled the rise of sneakerhead culture. People lined up for hours to grab limited editions, turning shoes into collectibles. The hype was real—and it still is. Today, the resale market for rare Jordans is worth billions.
While Jordan earned $90 million from his NBA career, his partnership with Nike has made him a billionaire. By 2023, Jordan had earned over $1.8 billion from Nike alone. What started as a rookie shoe deal turned into one of the most profitable endorsements in sports history.
This brand created a powerful community. The sneaker community brings together all walks of life and even inspires entrepreneurship.
The Air Jordan brand continues to thrive, bringing in billions annually and influencing athletes, designers, and businesses worldwide. (Also accounting for 10% of Nike’s TOTAL revenue.) Michael Jordan didn’t just win championships—he built an empire.
What is your worst “Karen” story?
I was at Best Buy a number of years ago. I heard two people talking about a computer they were looking at and they had some questions. So I politely introduced myself and asked if I could help. Got them squared away and then went on about my business.
Then someone started clearing their throat. I didn’t think anything of it because I was engrossed in what I was doing. Finally, I heard an exasperated sigh and a rude tap on my shoulder. I turn around and look down to see a clearly angry lady standing there.
I turned to her:
Me: Ummm… yes?
Karen: sigh… hello, I need help with a cell phone.
Me: ok…
Karen: well, are you going to help me?
Me: Mam, I don’t work here…
Karen: Look, I know this isn’t your dept. but I waited patiently while you helped that couple for 20 min, and I know you are just a lowly peon, but you could at least get me some help.
Me: Look lady, I don’t work here.
Karen: That’s it, I am going to have your job!
And she stomped off. I shrugged it off and didn’t think about her again.
5 min later she comes back with another guy.
Karen: I want this person disciplined. He was disrespectful, rude, and refused to help me.
Best Buy Guy: Mam, he doesn’t work here.
That’s when I had an epiphany. I look down and realized I was wearing khaki pants and a blue polo shirt.
Karen: Good! I told you I would have your job!
Best Buy Guy: No mam, I can’t fire him, he is not an employee, see, I have the logo <points to his shirt> and he doesn’t <points at my shirt> now how may *I* help you.
Karen: Oh this is ridiculous, you stupid bastards are just sticking together. I am writing corporate to complain and I am NEVER coming to this Radio Shack again!!
Best Buy dude and I look at each other and in almost unison say: “Ok then” and watch her storm off.
GROUNDBREAKING STUDY of 4000 NDEs: Doctor UNCOVERS Near Death Experiences TRUTH | Dr. Jeffrey Long
What parallels can be drawn between the state of the world now, and the build up to WW2? In particular are the tensions over Taiwan, conflict in the middle east and the rise populaism, all evidence another major world conflict is coming?
I am not familiar with the WW2 in Europe. I only know the one in Asia that was waged by the imperialist fascist Japan who said Japan were chosen by Japanese god to rule Asia. At one time, Japan did colonise almost the entire Asia.
First, dont worry about Taiwan which is under good control of China. What you should worry about is South China Sea. If ever there were a war in Asia, it would be Philippines, a US puppet, who provokes China enough to start a war. Just like Ukraine to Russia. Same US formula.
In the Sep 2024 UNGA, Netenyahu made it clear he wanted to rule Mideast. USA who is losing influence in Mideast also wants Israel to rule Mideast so that USA can focus on Asia ie China.
That is why Netenyahu kept provoking Iran, thru assassinations.
History tells us that when the dominant country faces the challenge from the rising country, the dominant one, out of desperation, will wage a war, so as to “die” with the rising one.
Who is the dominant one since WW2? USA.
Who is the rising one since 1980? China.
So far, USA has lost many “wars” to China. Trade war. Trump’s crazy tariff failed to slow down China.
Trump house-arrested Huawei’s CFO so as to blackmail Huawei. Failed. In 2024, Huawei has surpassed iPhone.
Semiconductor & chips. Again failed. China has partially become self-reliant & self-sufficient. Will be fully independent soon.
In Sep 2024, US capitalist sharks went to China to seek a dialogue so as, in their words, not to miscalculate. In short, USA has lost its 2-year financial war to China. It beat down Japan though.
Not to mention USA is to lose its USD & financial hegemony once BRICS matures.
What is left for USA in face of China? Military war esp if Democrat wins election.
I may sound pessimistic. Look at the sabotage of Nord Stream. Somebody was desperate to sell its gas to Europe so as to make money.
I prefer my steaks well done at a steakhouse. Why do most people view a perfect steak as only medium grilled?
As one who prefers your steak well done, you are doing the steakhouse a valuable service, according to professional chef Anthony Bourdain, in his famous book “Kitchen Confidential”
People who order their meat well-done perform a valuable service for those of us in the business who are cost-conscious: they pay for the privilege of eating our garbage. In many kitchens, there’s a time-honored practice called “save for well-done.” When one of the cooks finds a particularly unlovely piece of steak—tough, riddled with nerve and connective tissue, off the hip end of the loin, and maybe a little stinky from age—he’ll dangle it in the air and say, “Hey, Chef, whaddya want me to do with this?” Now, the chef has three options. He can tell the cook to throw the offending item into the trash, but that means a total loss, and in the restaurant business every item of cut, fabricated, or prepared food should earn at least three times the amount it originally cost if the chef is to make his correct food-cost percentage. Or he can decide to serve that steak to “the family”—that is, the floor staff—though that, economically, is the same as throwing it out. But no. What he’s going to do is repeat the mantra of cost-conscious chefs everywhere: “Save for well-done.” The way he figures it, the philistine who orders his food well-done is not likely to notice the difference between food and flotsam …
This is not to say every time you receive a well-done steak you’ve been paying full price for the privilege of helping the chef dispose of inferior meat, but it’s safe to say you’re at higher risk of it than your medium-rare steak-loving dining companions are.
Chefs know that once a steak is cooked until there’s no pink left whatsoever (overcooked) the customer isn’t going to be able to taste the difference anyway. Fresh meat, stale meat, doesn’t matter. That makes you a valued customer. It benefits the steakhouse’s inventory management.
Cooking your steaks at home might be the best bet for ensuring you’re getting what you pay for.
I have friends who dislike medium and medium-rare steak, and often the reason they feel this way is because they’re uncomfortable with the center of the steak being pink and “bloody”. Which is understandable.
However, this is based on a misperception. The red juice coming out of a steak is not blood. It’s myoglobin, a protein that when exposed to oxygen, turns pink or red. There’s no such thing as a bloody steak. It’s just juice. It’s a sign that the steak is cooked just right. This is something you might consider, if that’s a factor in your choice to have your steaks cooked until they turn gray inside.
I am inclined to take your side because I think people should eat whatever style of food they want, prepared however they like, even if others disagree or disapprove. Even if I personally think you’re wrong, you have the right to order whatever you like, however you like it. It’s a free country, man.
Yet I also sympathize with your friends, dining companions, acquaintances, or people in general who voice opposition to steak “well done”, viewing it as inferior way to cook and serve steak. When they dine out, there’s a good chance that they’re being served better-quality steaks.
But since you prefer your steaks well-done, and you won’t be able to tell the difference between fresh steak and not-fresh steak anyway, what’s the harm? Everyone wins.
Splendid Isolation
Submitted into Contest #247 in response to: Imagine a world where exploration is forbidden, and write a story about a character who defies this rule to satisfy their innate curiosity.… view prompt
PJ Town
I asked Maurice how I should prepare for the journey. He told me to travel light, which is a little ironic because I possess next to nothing. According to him, I should wear warm, waterproof clothes; I have two sweaters, which I’ll wear one on top of the other, and I’ll fashion a cagoule from bin-bags. He said that creds can easily be traded for local currency (though I won’t have much money to trade – even less after paying the rest of the fare).
When we met, he briefly taught me some of the local lingo to get me started, and I’ve been turning it over in my head ever since. Just short phrases, like:
Bonjour. Je m’appelle Philip.
Simple words that feel like freedom on my lips and tongue.
What actions have caused tension between the US and China? Why is there tension between these two countries?
I think nobody has explained about that more accurately than Obama. The US doesn’t want China to become prosperous because it feels that all the good things in life is deserving only for the US and its lapdogs.
Obama once told an Australian journalist:
if over a billion Chinese citizens have the same living patterns as Australians and Americans do right now then all of us are in for a very miserable time,
That’ was a painful and revealing honesty. In short, in the mind of the west, the world can continue with a billion of Chinese dead but the world can’t have the US and the west to miss even a good meal.
Pirates of the Caribbean – 1950’s Super Panavision 70
In boot camp, what happens if a particular recruit always finishes last or doesn’t appear to be making much effort?
It absolutely gets noticed. And being noticed is normally a bad thing.
The common advice is that you should try to be the “gray man” who doesn’t get noticed. It’s easier to just get by unnoticed and graduate so you can move on with your career. Certainly being the worst/last is going to cause you to have a hard time (but also sometimes being first/best can be a problem too).
When I went through training we were not referred to by name but by number. It made it easier to track who we were and also which unit we belonged to, especially early on in training. (I’m sure there was also an element of dehumanizing us involved too.) The Drill Sergeants only knew (or at least they only used) the actual names of those recruits who had gotten noticed… for poor performance.
Now, it’s not the end of the world if you’re last in some event. Somebody has to be last. And maybe you’re the slowest, but you really put in all your effort and you still met (or even exceeded) the standard. You just so happen to be in a unit full of studs that skew the scores. That’s okay too. For the most part, the training cadre are among the best of the best. They know when weaker guys are pouring their all into it just to scrape by the same as they can tell when a really gifted recruit is just skating by with minimal effort. The issue arises when you’re repeatedly last and there is that lack of effort.
We had a Soldier in my platoon who had a bad attitude and gave almost zero effort. I don’t know all the details (I was just a dumb recruit at the time), but he was recycled into our platoon for PT reasons. I think he had just barely failed the final PT test because he wasn’t trying hard enough on the run. He complained all the time about how they should have graduated him, but they didn’t allow him to retest. Instead they dumped him back into our unit to do an addition 6 or so weeks of Basic on top of what he’d already done. I believe this was because they were hoping more training might fix his attitude.
Well, after a few weeks with us, one day at the dinning facility a drill sergeant calls him out. “Why is it that you are ALWAYS dead last whenever we’re going anywhere, private? Except when we go to chow you’re always the first one in line?” And it was absolutely true. He was fast enough and smart enough to get himself to chow near the front all the time, yet he was always malingering near the rear at any other time. And the cadre absolutely noticed.
So what happened to him? Well, he had to do almost twice as much training as anybody else because he was recycled. They also refused to allow him to retest (when they could have done so), they recycled him FARTHER back into cycle than they needed to, and they forced him to participate in all these training events he’d already done. The cadre were hard on him the whole time because of his attitude, and most of the rest of the recruits shunned him too because we all recognized that he was a turd and was pulling the group down (even before he got called out at chow).
I wish I could say any of this worked. He remained generally defiant about the whole situation and never gave it his all (although he did pass the final PT test giving just slightly more effort this time). He graduated with my class. Although he absolutely did not have a good time and made almost no friends in training.
Why do all the military branches dump on the Air Force?
At least in the US, the perception is that Air Force folk are soft. They don’t train nearly as hard and as rough or put up with anything like as much BS as I experienced in Army basic training. And their creature comforts are the best offered by any of the services. As in flat out luxurious compared to the Army, and I assume, Marines.
For the most part, though, dumping on them is just good natured fun.
And to be fair, it doesn’t make sense to put airmen through the kind of training intended to prepare them for the kinds of things people in the Army and Marines need to prepare for. The toughness of basic and AIT (and whatever Marines call their basic and AIT) has a purpose. Yeah, a lot of it is mindless machismo, but much of it is intended to prepare folk in those branches for rough and tough stuff they might actually have to do and deal with in case of war.
Even in case of war, though, it’s highly unlikely that airmen will have to stay in foxholes for weeks, or hike twenty miles with full rucksacks. So why waste time making them do that in training, instead of train them for the technical stuff they’ll actually need to know in order to be useful?

(Airmen don’t and won’t have to deal with this, so why waste time training them for it? Writers Cafe)
And as to luxurious creature comforts and what seems like coddling, welp… the reality is that a lot of airmen do highly technical stuff that’s in high demand in the civilian world. E.g.; I was a TOW gunner – not a whole lot of demand for that in the job market. So the Army could get away with throwing away the kid gloves when treating 11H and similar MOSes. Air Force computer techs or airplane mechanics and the like, though – if they don’t like how they’re treated, they have better options than do their brethren in the other branches. They simply won’t reenlist when their 4 years or whatever are up, fairly confident that with the skills they learned in service, they can land a civilian job that pays a lot more than Uncle Sam does.
So for purposes of retention, the Air Force has more of an incentive to treat its members nice than the other branches do. They’re literally more valuable in the job market and are easier to lose. Accordingly, the Air Force tries to be as nice to them as possible, in order to increase the likelihood of their sticking around.
What are some benefits of aging that people may not realize until later in life?
The whole “getting there” thing. Just this morning I got a phone call. My ex-wife calling. She told me a mutual friend of ours, one of my daughters’ godfathers, had just died. He was 32 years old. A writer, like me. Struggling, like me. A hopeless romantic, like me. And now, a dead man. Unlike me. The guy was a mountaineer, a poet, a very healthy, well-built young man. Fit as a fiddle. Until he wasn’t. This morning he had a heart attack and passed away before reaching the hospital.
He never got to publish his first novel. Never got to write a screenplay. Never got to be a famous author, and he was so good, his words so pure. He had a good heart. He loved to drink on occasion, he could get philosophical and deep and he was well-read. A good sense of humor, didn’t take himself too seriously or unseriously. A sensitive soul. A lost soul. But also “lost and found” as he’d gotten together with a wonderful woman about eight years ago and she had changed his life for the better. A few years ago he left the bustling city life of his youth for a quiet life in the province. Mountain tops, hills and valleys all around him. Little rivers. Lazy creeks.
I remember the last time we talked and had some drinks — April 2023. We drank whiskey. Smoked a cigar. And thought of the good old days. When we first met. He was jovial, at times introspective. But every part of him screamed “young man in the prime of his life”. There was this fire in his eyes, this little twinkle of life. He was slender, fit, and he had this sense of humor. Sometimes he would laugh at his own jokes. Seeing the humor in his own failings. We promised each other we’d still get together and drink even when we’d be old men. We would still talk about literature, about the novels we had written, about the novels we still planned to write or that were still in the works. We’d be joined by our wives, our children and grandchildren…
The greatest benefit of aging is growing old in the first place. You’re a lucky man if you get to be old. If you get the privilege of still standing at the end of the road. We bury friends along the side of that road. We lose lovely people. And we cry for them. Or we don’t. We miss them in little unguarded moments. Our hearts ache for them. And we carry on. And as much as it hurts… we’re the lucky ones, for still carrying on. I drink to the spirits of my fallen brothers. And my eyes are dry but my heart silently weeps. Count your blessings.
Ranch Round Steak

Yield: 8 servings
- 1 (3 pound) round steak
- 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
- 2 teaspoons dry mustard
- 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
- 1/8 teaspoon pepper
- 1/4 cup shortening
- 1/2 cup water
- 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
- Cut steak into serving size pieces; trim away excess fat and pound to tenderize.
- Combine flour, dry mustard, salt and pepper; use to coat meat. Reserve remaining flour mixture.
- In skillet, brown meat, half at a time, on both sides in hot shortening. Push meat to one side; stir in reserved flour mixture.
- Combine water and Worcestershire sauce; stir into skillet mixture. Cook and stir until thickened and bubbly, reduce heat. Cover and simmer for about 1 hour or until meat is tender.
- Remove meat to platter.
- Skim excess fat from gravy. Drizzle gravy over meat and serve.
A sad cat
“This cat slept on the pillow next to my mother’s every night. As my mother grew weaker, I began taking care of the cat. Seven months later, my mom passed away peacefully in her home, just as she had wished. The cat was in her usual spot by my mother’s head. When the funeral home arrived to take my mother’s body, the cat refused to leave the bed. After my mom was gone, the cat paced up and down the bed, letting out low, loud meows—a heartbreaking sound that was pure grief.
After about 15 minutes of this, I couldn’t bear it any longer and gently scooped her up in my arms. It was the first time she had ever allowed me to hold her, but from that moment on, she became my shadow. She also grew much bolder.

I’ve had cats all my life, but this was the only time I had ever witnessed a cat grieve💔.”
The near death experience of Penny Wittbrodt
Have you ever witnessed unruly behavior in a courtroom? If so, what transpired and how was it handled?
Unruly behavior in real-world courtrooms is rare. Offhand, I can think of only one outburst that I have personally witnessed.
The plaintiff was a former employee of the defendant’s auto body shop. The plaintiff claimed that he had been fired for complaining about unsafe working conditions in the body shop.
At trial, the plaintiff presented evidence of unsafe working conditions that would make your hair stand on end. By the time the plaintiff concluded his case in chief, it was clear to everyone in the courtroom that the defendant was … well, let’s just say that he was one of those people you’d really, really, really, really, really like to throw the book at.
Next, it was the defendant’s turn to testify. For several minutes, he tried to paint the plaintiff as a whiny slacker who was looking for an excuse to get out of doing any work.
Finally, the plaintiff couldn’t stand it any more. He yelled, “I welded in the paint room!”
The judge didn’t say a word.
By that point in the trial, the plaintiff had already established that the defendant was the kind of person who would order an employee to weld in the same room where cars were being spray painted. And everyone was so fed up with the defendant that nobody seemed to care about the plaintiff’s outburst.
Moral of the story: When you order employees to work under conditions that create a risk of blowing up the entire workplace, you shouldn’t be too surprised when one of those employees blows up in the courtroom.
Meet !!! New China’s Gyrocopters Armed With Anti Tank Missiles, is Amazing attack Helicopter
Have you ever been arrested in a foreign country?
In 2014, my wife and I got arrested.
We were going on a 5-day boat tour. 🛥️
From Colombia to Panama through the San Blas Islands.
We had to take a ferry to the departure port early in the morning, so our 20 person group was all at the same hostel the night before.
We took off on the ferry at 6am the following day and quickly learnt something was wrong.
The engines were cut and the loudspeaker rang out . 📣📣📣
👨✈️“We have camera footage of two people stealing from the safe.
We need everyone’s passports and the police will be waiting at the port.”
Everyone was scared. 😱
We were all foreigners, now without passports, trapped on a boat.
As we approached the port. The loudspeaker rang out again 📣
👨✈️”Who was in Room #1?”
That was me and Lexy (my wife).
They spared her, but I was handcuffed as we were dragged away from the group by the Police.
Sitting on the ground of a small cell that morning, we pleaded for hours that it wasn’t us.
Eventually the officer asked:
👮♂️ “How much money do you have in your backpack?”
I knew as I had counted the night before we left Colombia…
👦 “8,236 pesos”
👮♂️ “That’s exactly the amount that was stolen”.
👦 :…………
I sighed a breath of relief as it clicked.
There was no money stolen or camera footage.
We were just getting swindled!
We ‘returned the money’ (bribed the racket) and were released.
When we got back to the group, they had heard the news and the shock had passed.
Everyone had decided to chip in and pay the bribe as a group.
The shared experience brought us together to start the five-day-trip (and gave us a lot to reminisce about 😂).
It made us closer than if it hadn’t even happened.
The experience taught me two things:
- Shared trauma creates bonds and strengthens relationships
- If you’re getting swindled by a racket, it sucks – but don’t sweat it. They don’t want to hurt you. so just pay the ‘fine’ and get out of there.
What was a loophole that you found and exploited the hell out of?
I was 17, about to turn 18 the next month. I knew I needed to start building credit, but given my only income was about 12 hours/week at $8/hour, not many places were keen on giving me a credit card much less without a co-signer (and I did not want a co-signer since it was my credit so my problem).
I finally found a credit card through Bank of America (my current bank too) that had about a $300 limit. Cool, I finally have a credit card!
As I was grabbing my paperwork and about to leave, the teller says,
“Hold on! I forgot to tell you one thing about this card!”
“Yes?” I answered hesitantly. I had already gone through the wringer looking for a card that I can qualify for, and the last thing I needed was another caveat.
“Your card has a cash-back feature as a promotion!” the teller beamed. “That means if you spend $1.95, we will round up the purchase to $2. $1.95 will go to the purchase, and $0.05 will go into your savings.”
“Okay,” I think, “it’s a way to get people to save more money. But how is this a promotion?”
“And,” the teller continued, “Bank of America will match those funds transferred to your savings account 100% for the the first three months of owning the card!”
Whoops, wrong thing to say to a very ambitious 17-year-old.
I immediately began scheming of ways to exploit this. Heck, I figured all I had to do was change my buying habits. The issue was, what do I purchase that I can really exploit this?
Then it hit me: I can buy gas.
Instead of filling up I would put $1.01 into my tank multiple times. Then Bank of America would match the $0.99 cents transferred to my savings account. Sure, it was tedious, but doing this for an hour I would make way more than when I worked at my actual job.
In the end I wasn’t as disciplined with this method as I would have liked. Frankly I felt very suspicious standing at the gas pump for half an hour.
I wound up making around $150 using this “exploit” (I use quotations because if a 17-year-old can outsmart Bank of America, it had to be designed with this sort of use in mind.).
The funniest moment was when I told the teller at the bank what I had done at the end of the three months. Her face looked something like this:

Why does the Chinese government ban some products which are not relevant to politics at all?
Originally Answered: Why does the Chinese government ban some products which is not relevant to politics at all?
The biggest category banned by the Chinese government is not politics, but porn, violence, adultery, gambling, and drug-use. Most PG13 movies and games would be judged as “too much breast” or “too violent” by the Chinese standard. Without the ban China would be the biggest market in the world for Japanese or Korean porn.
This is considered to have too much skin and the TV series was taken off air for three days to crop off the cleavage.

Viewers complain after censors remove cleavage from Chinese TV show
If the government doesn’t do anything, some other people in China will complain about the government not doing enough to ban it.
The Chinese government is one giant parental control.
On the other hand, China has less rules/laws/social norms than most other places. There are fewer things you can’t imagine than things that actually occur in China. For example, take funeral. On the one hand, you have people hiring strippers to strip in funeral processions in order to attract a big crowd, like, let’s give the dead a big send-off. No More Funeral Strippers, Chinese Government Announces. On the other side of the spectrum, you have people blasting national anthem for funerals of some random people. China Bans National Anthem at Weddings, Funerals Why would people do this sort of stuff is just beyond me!
What do leaders of countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative hope to get in return from cooperating with China?
According to United Nations data, there are about 30 countries in the world that qualify as developed countries.
But countries like South Korea and Singapore can only be considered entry-level developed countries.
But there are only 7 truly developed countries: the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Japan, Italy, and Canada.
They are also called G7.
From the end of World War II to the present, developed countries around the world have become richer, and poor countries have become poorer.
Apart from a few examples, such as South Korea and Singapore, almost no other country has gone from poverty to wealth, and none of the large countries have done so.
It stands to reason that during the 70 years of peace, people in every country have been working hard, wealth should naturally grow and accumulate, and poor countries should gradually become richer.
But why does the list of rich countries almost never change?
Are Vietnamese lazier than Americans? Or are Malaysians dumber than British people?
I think neither.
There is something wrong with the rules of the game in this world.
The rules of the game set by rich countries are like a wall that keeps poor countries out.
They can plunder the wealth of poor countries without sending colonial troops.
This means that the rewards that young people in poor countries can get from working hard in the mines for a year are not as good as young people in developed countries from a simple transaction in stocks.
An elderly person in a poor country who has to rummage through garbage dumps for a month cannot compare with what an elderly person in a rich country can get from queuing for ten minutes at a relief station.
This is a problem with the rules of the game. Seventy years of experience show that under the current rules of the game, it is difficult for poor countries to rise.
The existing rules are like a rich country riding in an SUV and seeing a poor country struggling in the desert about to die of thirst, dropping a bottle of water: Hey, I saved you, so you have to work for me for a year. It’s a job, take it or die.
In order to survive, poor countries have to accept that. It is the rules of the game.
In the past, the world had no choice other than the existing rules of the game.
Now, China has given a new option. The Chinese promise to help you dig a well on the condition that they share the output of the well.
Although whether this new option will work, no one knows yet. But any government that wants its country to improve will try to seize this opportunity.
The rich countries will shout, Hey: China’s wells are poisonous, don’t be fooled!
who cares?
Because while they are shouting, they are not giving another well to the poor countries. They hope to continue handing out bottled water and continue the old game.
Why are all the ancient Roman buildings in ruins like they were abandoned? Weren’t there still people living there in Medieval times?
Yes, Rome continued to be inhabited after it’s final “fall” in 476 C.E.
However, Rome depended on its massive Empire to provide it with food and wealth, with that gone, the city was unsustainable. Once home to a million people, within a century the population had fallen to about 10% of that. For the most part, there simply weren’t enough people to maintain the grandeur of the city. Within two centuries, most people who lived in Rome had no idea what the buildings used to be used for (like the Coliseum)
Rome’s also in an area that gets earthquakes, and between the fall of Rome and modern times there were a few quite substantial ones. No-one is going to bother repairing structures that collapse. In fact, by the 19th century, most of the city’s old marble was being ground up for cement.
A good modern parallel is Detroit, Michigan. Yes, about 600,000 people still live there, but the city used to hold over 1.8 million people. Buildings got abandoned. Some were torn down. Some are still there. Some of the old buildings have been restored to their former glory. But there are still a lot of places in the city that are crumbling and abandoned.

What was Elvis Presley’s’ position on the Vietnam War?
Initially, Elvis believed, as many did, that the Vietnam War was an honorable war between good and evil. But, as the years dragged on and the Vietnam casualties were shown every night on TV it became clear to Elvis, and millions, that Americans were being lied to. That the mentality of “we captured this piece of land = victory in war” was unattainable.
The Vietnam War divided America. On one side was the let’s support our troops and win this war and on the other side was we should get out of this war…now.
Hence, Elvis wanted us out of Vietnam as it was unwinnable
Elvis’ infamous flight to Washington DC, in December of 1970which was completely out of character for Elvis as he went alone and on the spur of the moment without anyone knowing other than Sonny West (Red West’s cousin) and Jerry Schilling, where Elvis met with President Richard Nixon and there are photographs of them together at the White House.
On the plane ride to Washington DC Elvis was talking to them, known then as stewardesses who were enthralled by Elvis a young man in uniform stood up to ask for water. With Elvis having honorably served in the US Army from March 1958 to March 1960 he was taken aback by the tortuous look on the man’s face with his head down barely making eye contact.
Elvis asked him his name. Asked him about where he was headed after landing and the man replied he was going to propose to his girlfriend of 2 years. Elvis was careful not to bring up anything about the war and concentrated on the young man who is fighting for his country. Elvis gave the young man an autograph, a ring off his hand, and asked Sonny West how much money they had on them. Sonny West, in Red Wests and. or Joe Esposito’s absence, handled bringing money and replied “Five thousand dollars” OR five hundred dollars depending on the source. Elvis said to hand it over to him. Elvis immediately went back to the young man and said “I wish I could give you more but perhaps this will benefit you and your loved ones”. Elvis then had Jerry write down the phone numbers at Graceland and in California and told the man if he ever needed anything to please let Elvis know. The soldier was speechless and Elvis told him to take care and may God bless you and keep you safe.
Elvis then put on his sunglasses not because of the sun but to hide his tears from everyone. Elvis was deeply moved by the soldier as it represented thousands of young men who went off to war and either never came back or came back being spit upon called war criminals and had mental and physical harm/nightmares.
Elvis knew that the last war America fought, the Korean War should have taught America that either you overwhelm the enemy with bombs and/or troops OR don’t go to war. What Elvis saw of Vietnam when he met Richard Nixon was a quagmire. A never-ending war. Elvis asked President Nixon about the Vietnam War and if the troops had everything they needed. President Nixon said yes. Even Nixon would be lied to by General William Westmoreland and America would learn of Westmoreland’s lies, at a later date, and be horrified. Also, Elvis knew that the rich and powerful were able to keep their children out of the war and/or those young men in college were able to stay out of the war and adversely affected the poor, middle class, and without political connections were sent to war. It was wrong then and it is wrong now.
Elvis loved America but he came to hold the opinion that the war should end and our troops to come home. less than 3 years after meeting President Nixon the President ordered all troops home. Elvis’ heart went out to those who died, were disabled, and their family/loved ones.
Take care
My Wife Has Known For 8 YEARS That Her Best Friend’s Husband Punched My Son And NEVER Told Me!
Who is the most dangerous leader today?
This is Larry Fink.

He’s a guy most people have never heard of, and that’s entirely on purpose. While he may not be super well-known, he’s the CEO & Founder of what may be a company that quite literally owns the world: BlackRock.
BlackRock is a lot more powerful than people know. They control and own:
- Most US Banks (such as Bank of America and Chase Bank).
- Major oil companies (like Exxon and Chevron).
- All of the major pharmaceutical companies in the world (such as Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson).
- Most of the mainstream media (such as CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC).
- The supervision of nearly 10% of all stocks traded worldwide.
They quite literally hold a slice of every pie in the world. In fact, they have a whopping $10 trillion in assets — nearly half America’s total GDP.

BlackRock is so influential that the US and Chinese Governments even relied on the company to escape recessions.
Being the Founder & CEO of such a mega-conglomerate, Fink is now quite powerful as well. He currently sits on both the Council on Foreign Relations and the World Economic Forum.

In the words of Henry Kissinger, “Whoever controls the money controls the world”. No other company in history has had as much influence as BlackRock.
The fact that BlackRock is a major shareholder in dozens of major companies (Twitter, Amazon, Google, and Facebook, just to name a few) is very important because it means that for any of these companies to decide on company policy, they must now also consult with BlackRock before doing so.
BlackRock’s influence over 90% of the mainstream media might also be why you’ve probably never heard of them (and why most people haven’t).
Controlling media is a very important step in BlackRock continuing to extend its control over the world, because if everyone knew the consequences of them holding nearly $10 trillion in assets, questions would start to be raised.
Such an unchecked amount of power (especially under the wing of Fink being the sole company owner) means that the guy has unparalleled amounts of power over the world that we may yet to truly understand.
7 MINS AGO: China’s Yuan JUST SURPASSED the US Dollar… & U.S. Is SCRAMBLING!
What is a “pump and dump” scheme?
I live near a fruit shop where all they sell is mostly oranges for 1$ per orange. They open at 10 AM and they close at 11 AM, and usually sell around 60 oranges per day, which means regular clients and the owner are used to selling an average of one orange per minute at 1$ per orange.
I am a scammer, and I want to take advantage of the fruit shop by manipulating the orange market of my neighbourhood. This is how I can do so:
First, I will buy 5 oranges at 1$ per orange and store them in the fridge.
The next day I will hire 10 slackers who have not much to do – they will be my “pump group”. I’ll pay them some money to go to the fruit shop at 10:15 AM, which is the time where the street is the busiest, so that many people can see what they do. They will each buy one or two oranges, but they’ll do so all at once and with a visible sense of urgency. This way, two things will happen:
- Fear of missing out (FOMO): People in the proximities of the fruit shop will feel like not purchasing oranges has a high opportunity cost. In other words, they will believe that if a group of people are rushing to buy oranges, then the deal at hand must be too good to pass up.
- Demand surplus: The shop owner senses a sudden demand surge, indicating that his oranges might be underpriced. He thinks their their market cap is lower than their real value because all of a sudden he has more customers than he can handle. This forces the shop owner to immediately raise the price of the oranges. Now, the price is not 1$ per orange, but 3$ per orange.
As orange prices keep on rising and people start to queue up outside the store, the price keeps on rising until 11 AM, the closing time. At 10:55, the shop owner raises the price one last time: 6$ per orange. At that moment, I come down from my house, triumphantly showing off my basket filled with the 5 oranges I had bought at 1$ per orange. I sit next to the shop and sell the oranges at their current market cap, 6$ per orange. I have invested 5$ in oranges and 10$ in hiring my pump group, and I have made 30$ selling the oranges – which is a return on investment (ROI) of 200%.
But the next day, people exit the ecstasy and delusions induced by my fraudulent scheme, and they figure out that they have spent 3–6 $ in buying oranges whose real value is, in fact, just 1$. The price quickly falls back down to 1$, and those in possession of the oranges realise their assets were only artificially valuable for a short period of time, losing their money to me.
We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled History…
Submitted into Contest #243 in response to: Write a story imagining ‘what if’ one historic invention had never happened. How would our world be different now?… view prompt
Samuel Jackson
This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.
* * *
I toss, unable to find sleep. It’s been nearly thirty years since that night, and the shades of the past still drop by unannounced from time to time. I read a quote once, while sifting through a half-burnt book I’d discovered on the side of a desolate highway. It said, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” Well, that may be true, but we certainly found a way to destroy her in one. We still don’t know what knocked out the power that night, or why it happened to coincide with a harmless radio show about an alien invasion. Some say it was divine intervention, that God wanted to set back the clock to teach us a lesson. Maybe that’s true, but what happened that night didn’t set back the clock, it destroyed it altogether. Without electricity, we’d lost all sense of time, and had no communication systems to connect us. The number of minds who understood the science behind that craft were already slim, and thanks to the impulsivity of humanity, most ended up dying helplessly during the chaos, while several others were publicly executed for being part of the so-called conspiracy – giving up the world to invading space-folk.
Whether it was divine intervention or not, we lost ourselves to ignorance. Parents killing children, children killing their parents, religious cults killing themselves, crazed individuals running the streets killing each other, as they did my daddy. Every city was a victim, filled with so many bodies that within only a few weeks, the diseases started to spread rapidly. As if that night wasn’t devastating enough, millions more began falling ill and dying. We had few doctors, and less medicine, with no way of knowing which diseases were running wild. Still without communications, groups of survivors had banded together to increase their odds. It would be almost five years before reliable communication systems were set up in the big cities, and almost twice as long before the smaller colonies were gifted the same privilege.
Once we could communicate, we began to piece together the mystery of what happened. No one had any answers, at least none that made any sense. The closest answer that carried some semblance of scientific evidence came from a German scientist who somehow made his way over from Europe to meet with the former President of our divided states – which were now governed independently, each colony providing its own security forces and laws. After explaining how it wasn’t just our country who’d lost power, but the whole world, at least from what he’d gathered during his travels, he tried to propose that it was the sun who was the culprit for the electronics loss. A solar event, he called it. His evidence was slim, and only theoretical, based on weapons research they’d been doing in Germany under some leader named Hitler, but it made more sense than the non-existent aliens who wiped out our power just to disguise themselves as humans so they could take over our planet – which was the running theory up to that point.
Personally, I believe that scientist was on to something. I can’t prove it, because I’m not a genius, but when I discovered this place, I’d found stacks of old newspapers, many of the final headlines speaking about that Hitler guy and rumors of the advanced scientific research which were coming out of Germany before the blackout. In fact, I’ve found a lot of interesting things down here, including hundreds of stories, poems, and encyclopedias, conveniently organized and laid out on dozens of wooden shelves that line the entire room, just begging for someone to find them. Then again, if someone had, they wouldn’t be here anymore.
The first time I saw a library burned to the ground was a few months after the big cities had established their new communications systems. When copies of that fateful radio broadcast were found amongst the ruins, we stored them in order to provide a name to the man who’d killed an entire nation overnight. Orson Wells became the most hated figure in our recollected history, more despised than Ghangis Khan or Joseph Stalin. As soon as knowledge spread that his broadcast was based off one of his novels, War of the Worlds, a nationwide directive was ordered – the destruction of all literature. The colonies believed that if one book could destroy a country, then new safeguards must be put in place to avoid another incident. They claimed that books were necessary, of course, but new guidelines were needed to regulate their information. Since there wasn’t enough manpower to critique every literary work released up to that point, they decided to institute a law banning all books printed before the year 1938. In other words, a clean slate.
Every library and bookstore within our borders were sought out and set to flames. The amount of knowledge lost was devastating, which made it all the more surprising when I found this treasure trove underneath the floorboards of an abandoned house just outside of what used to be Fayetteville, Arkansas – now one of the largest black-only communities in the country. This basement held the clues to our past, and I knew that someone had to protect it for that reason alone. Since I’ve always preferred solitude anyways, I made it my home, and for the last fourteen years, while the states have relied on the nationwide education radio broadcasts or one of only thirteen books to have been published in almost thirty years, I’ve relied on these classics to educate me – which up until now, had been a soothing thought. Unfortunately, despite my “advantageous” education, I still failed to avoid a basic mistake that resulted in the blood of two more men staining my hands. I’m so tired.
I force myself to my feet, realizing that sleep is no longer on the table. I give a quick glance to the Anti-Orson Wells poster across the room which I’d conveniently stolen and put up a few years ago. It’s an irony in this kind of place, which adds a daily dose of humor to my mornings. According to the weekly broadcast I’d caught in town on my last visit, today was the day they are reinstating a new calendar system. We’re bringing in the dawn of a new age, they said. We no longer need to fear our history, because our history starts today!
Nice tagline, but it’s all a joke if you ask me. We’re supposed to be relishing in what should be 1967, yet our technology has barely surpassed the day we lost it, probably because it took a decade’s worth of negotiations before the states would finally work together. We have no more movies, no books, no fairy tales to teach our young. No princesses in need of help, or princes coming to save the day. No knights to protect us from dragons. No Shakespearean poetry to teach us about love, vengeance, or ambition. No whales to hunt down, or rabbit holes to fall into. No more God, science, or philosophy. They say our history begins today, but our history goes back thousands of years, and people chose to let it go because of one broadcast, which was prematurely cutoff before it could announce that it was only fiction, aired at the worst possible time.
I stroll over to the small window that’s carved into the concrete above. Peering through the vines and into the feint stars of the night sky, I wonder if my daddy’s up there somewhere. Can he see me? Is he proud of who I became? Would he be proud of what I’d just done? Or what I’ve had to do in the past? The moon peeks around the corner of the glass, drawing my attention. Would we have found our way to its surface by now? Could we have gazed back from that bright ocean towards an Earth whose face still remains a mystery to us? A shifting blanket breaks my focus.
My eyes hesitantly find the girl across the room, wearily lying on the floor. The gashes in her feet have stopped bleeding, and the bruises around her mahogany wrists seem less defined. I couldn’t tell by her words, because there were none before she passed out, only the frantic sounds of footsteps above before stumbling head-first down my staircase. I was so careless to have left the hatch open. I know better, and now, the two men pursuing her have donated their flesh to feed the insects outside because I slipped up. And worse, I must decide whether to add one more dish to the feast, a living witness to my illegal possessions sleeping only a few meters away.
If she wakes, she becomes my walking-executioner, holding a gun to my head with every breath of her existence. For all I know, this is one of the last collections like this to exist. When our country decided to burn away our history, the world followed, seeing some poisoned sense of reason behind the act. If a thousand holes with a thousand books still exist in these divided states, that’s still a thousand times less than what should be, and I am the one who came upon this house, meaning that I’m the one who God has chosen to protect this particular Holy Grail. I cannot take that lightly, nor can I let the impulses of a teenage girl erase what little stories we have left to rely on. It’s too risky, because I know how she has been conditioned. Every youth of the new world are narcs, squealing on those with a differing opinion or desire – basically anyone who wishes to return us to how things were before. No, I can’t trust her.
I spot my knife, sitting on the edge of the nightstand just beyond her body. My shadow creeps across the wall as I move through the dying incandescence of the candle in the distance. My feet are careful not to bump anything on the way over, their familiarity with the terrain being an unexpected advantage. Reaching the nightstand, her face comes into view, possessed by dreams which force a shuddering inside her eyelids. She’s gone, far away from this place. If I do it now, she’ll fade permanently into that dreamland, without suffering the terror of watching her reality disappear before her eyes. Just one quick stroke to the back of the neck and it’ll all be over.
I silently slip my knife from its sheath, then carefully step over her body. Her hair is parted down the middle, one side resting over a drooping shoulder, the other falling away towards the floor. The ridges of her spine reveal signs of malnutrition, but also deliver a clear view of the sweet spot my knife blade needs, as if God were granting me permission to carry out this saving grace. The edge of the steel hovers over her skin. I shift my weight forward, gripping the handle tighter, and as the nerves begin to fire my muscles into action, I prepare myself for a struggle.
The blade jerks as it enters, catching the tissues between the bones, but my force is still enough to separate the spinal cord. There was no movement, no fight left in her muscles. Her body accepted its final breath as peacefully as it fell asleep. My gaze remained fixed on the failing light of the candle, an eventual breath of relief falling over my lips. She couldn’t have been more than fifteen or sixteen, and by the looks of it, had been the prisoner of those two pigs who were chasing her down. From her markings, she was probably their slave, or toy. I can’t imagine the trauma they put her through, or the courage it must have taken to escape them. But that’s not a good enough reason. Not for me.
I know how this world works. You give it an inch, and it finds a way to hang you with it. She’s not the only one who’s been used as a rag then discarded when you’re no longer useful. The years following the fall were full of senseless murders, rape, theft, and torture. She’s only a teenager. She doesn’t remember when the rules were made by the evilest of men and women, all of which wanting their piece of the pie, with many of them transforming into the shining lights of hope that now run these divided states. This world isn’t fair, it never was. For those who remember, they’d understand why this girl is bleeding out on my floor, and why I must protect these treasures around me. She’s not the first life I’ve taken. Hell, I’ve lost count to be honest. But she won’t be the one who takes mine, nor the one who burns this house to the ground with our history still inside. I’ve made sure of that…
Well, I guess I better get the shovel. I need some sleep.
Man Hit By Truck; Shown His Future And The Purpose Of Life During Shocking (NDE)
Peppery Steak over Rice

Yield: 4 servings
- 1 pound round steak
- 1 teaspoon dried oregano
- 1 teaspoon chili powder
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 large onions, sliced about 1/4 inch thick
- 1 green bell pepper, cut into thin strips
- 1 red bell pepper, cut into thin strips
- 2 cups hot cooked rice
- Sliced meat very thin. Place into a bowl, then sprinkle with oregano, chili powder, salt and pepper. Toss to coat, then set aside.
- Heat olive oil over low heat in a large skillet.
- Add onions. Increase heat to high for about 2 minutes, then reduce heat to medium and stir. Cook onions, stirring occasionally, until done to desired taste.
- Add peppers; increase heat to high and cook about 3 minutes, stirring occasionally.
- Remove peppers and onions to a bowl.
- Reheat pan over high heat; add steak and spread it in a single layer. Cook, without stirring, until the meat browns well, about 2 minutes. Stir to cook through.
- Mix with peppers and onions.
- Serve over rice.
Who are the scariest people in history?
Theodore loved Liz and her daughter Molly with all his heart, but the relationship was compromised in the darker corners of life. They had lived different lives before they met, and even when they lived partly together, there always was Liz’s feeling that Theodore still had some hidden life apart.

Sometimes he would be distant and absent, and the stark contrast with his usual very passionate and loving ways couldn’t be bigger. As if there was a second Theodore inside. And then he would disappear for a couple of days, and when he resurfaced (he always did), he was exhausted and depressed, taking long naps in which he wanted to escape the cruel world.
The weird thing was that Liz had started noticing that whenever Theodore disappeared for a couple of days, one or two women would disappear as well somewhere in the US, and in hindsight always in the exact same state where Theodore happened to be (for no good reason). But she never asked him the questions, because she knew what the answers were (and that he never would tell).
One time, she found a bag filled with women’s clothes in her apartment, and on another occasion, she found plaster of Paris in his desk drawer that he claimed he had taken when he was working in a medical supply house.
But when two young women disappeared at Lake Sammamish, Liz kept thinking about the cast the guy was wearing who was thought to have abducted and killed both women — “what a perfect weapon it would make for clubbing someone on the head.”
And needless to say, Theodore was nowhere around Liz’s place when the Lake Sammamish disappearings happened.
After his final arrest in Florida (in 1978), Theodore confessed to Liz over the phone that he was “controlled by a force he couldn’t contain.” In the days prior to the arrest, he had killed three women and disabled three further women for the rest of their lives:
“The force would just consume me. Like one night, I was walking by the campus and I followed this sorority girl. I didn’t want to follow her. I didn’t do anything but follow her and that’s how it was. I’d be out late at night and follow people like that … I’d try not to, but I’d do it anyway.”
The last murder victim was Kimberley Leach, and she had been tortured, abused and killed, and left in an abandoned pig farrowing shed. At the age of 14.
In his final days before being executed, Theodore Bundy finally admitted to having killed at least 30 women, committed acts of necrophilia with many of the corpses whom he hid on distant sites (until putrefaction made a halt to that), collected some of their body parts to further engage with in his (or Liz’s) apartment, and much much more.
But he still loved Liz Kloepfer and her daughter Molly till the very end.
Those are the people that scare me the most: the very monsters who are human beings at the same time, perfectly able to hide under their human nature —
And entirely invisible to the rest of us.
The Chinese 4-nanometer chiplet technology breakthrough in 2023
As TSMC has suffered setbacks in the research and development of advanced processes, the global chip industry has realized that the research and development of advanced chip processes is becoming increasingly difficult, and this path is becoming increasingly difficult to advance. Therefore, chip companies have been exploring new technical directions to improve chip performance, and chiplet technology is one of them. In this regard, Chinese chips have made significant progress.
Among the Chinese chip companies, JCET Group 长电科技 is one of the top three packaging and testing companies in the world and also the most technologically powerful chip packaging and testing company in China. It recently announced that it has successfully developed 4-nanometer chiplet technology with a packaging area of up to 1500mm2 and achieved system-level packaging, ranking first in the world.
With the help of the advanced packaging technology, China can use mature processes to produce chips with leading performance. By packaging chips with different processes together, it can achieve 4-nanometer performance, thereby successfully circumventing the current limitations of EUV lithography machines on China’s development of advanced processes.
The Chinese breakthrough in chiplet technology has also been recognized by American chip companies. Recently, news indicated that another domestic packaging and testing company, Tongfu Microelectronics 通富微电, has successfully mass-produced 5-nanometer chiplet technology, with obvious technological advantages. Because its technology is advanced enough, even the American chip giant AMD has recognized its technological advantages and has therefore given 80% of its chip orders to Tongfu Microelectronics, and the contract period is as long as several years.
American chip companies with such advanced technology have all entrusted chip packaging to Tongfu Microelectronics, which shows that Chinese chip companies are already sufficiently advanced in chiplet technology.
The breakthrough in chiplet technology has undoubtedly opened a door for Chinese chips. The world’s leading chiplet technology will help the Chinese chip industry to solve the obstacles of chip technology and develop advanced chips. The performance-leading chips announced earlier by many chip companies such as Loongson are inseparable from domestic chiplet technology. Processors and memory chips produced with domestic 14nm technology are packaged together to reduce the communication time between various chips, which can achieve the purpose of improving performance.
Of course, China’s chip performance improvement is not limited to chiplet technology. China is also promoting the development of quantum chip and photonic chip technology. The Chinese Academy of Sciences has released 3-nanometer photonic transistor technology. Such advanced technology will be able to bypass the limitations of EUV lithography machines, but it will take time for photonic chips to be commercialized, and chiplet chip technology is a more realistic technology at present.
The fact that China has made breakthroughs in many chip technologies shows that many of the US tactics are gradually becoming ineffective. With the joint efforts of Chinese chips, China will soon be able to break the shackles of EUV lithography machines and may even gain a technological lead in the chip industry in the next few years, completely breaking the US monopoly on chip technology.
Chinese chips are beginning to burst out with unlimited potential. The Chinese are constantly creating their own chip technology system. After establishing an independent technology system, Chinese chips will surely be invincible.
China’s Diplomacy, Geopolitics & Defense
Godfree Roberts
Leaders from 54 African countries with 30% of the world’s population attended FOCAC. Xi: “We have together built roads, railways, schools, hospitals, industrial parks, and special economic zones. These projects have changed the lives and destiny of many people”. He committed another $50 billion to continue the work and canceled all tariffs for 33 African countries. The effect will be increased exports from Africa to China.
The greatest demographic fact of our century is Africa’s exponential growth. UN forecasts say its population will grow from 811 million in 2000 to 4.3 billion in 2100, a vastly significant megatrend.
American voters want U.S. China policy to be “smart, firm, strong, and diplomatic.” Only 13% want an aggressive approach and 5% want a confrontational one. 73% say the U.S. should hold high-level diplomatic talks with China.
The UN General Assembly adopted two Chinese resolutins: The first is that July 6 will be “World Rural Development Day” (America has always been hostile to development in foreign countries and China is seeking to have development recognized as a human right). The second, the “United Nations Games” resolution, calls for convening the UN Games annually and invites relevant stakeholders to make voluntary contributions to a trust fund dedicated to the Games (a shot across the bow of the corrupt, US-controlled IOC).
The United States is losing ground in important parts of Asia. “For these poor but growing countries, the American mortgage crisis was a staggering affair: why give poor people high-interest mortgages when they know they won’t be able to pay them back? Morality at zero. The irresponsibility of the United States was soon joined by that of Europe, so slow to react. In truth, it was China’s massive stimulus policy that pulled the world out of recession. The emergence of the BRICs rebounds from this double Western irresponsibility.”
By letting Jews plant bombs in electronic consumer devices, the West has undermined its own and Taiwan’s tech products and boosted China’s. Saudi Arabia and the UAE have switched to Huawei phones and telecoms, with the rest of MENA
expected to follow suit. After Crown Prince Salman revealed that the Royal Family uses custom Huawei phones, Huawei became flooded with orders.
The 2018 and 2019 ZTE and the Huawei incidents forced a reckoning across Chinese industry and government: the flick of a pen from halfway around the world could, at least temporarily, cripple two technological crown jewels. Beijing set up a national technology security system to better protect its high-tech firms.” The government’s main science funding body launched an emergency project to study and solve the “chokepoint problem.” And state media published a list of 35 chokepoint technologies on which China urgently needed to reduce its foreign dependence.
300 German companies in China criticize the slow visa process for Chinese employees. In a letter to German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, “ the qualification of Chinese employees in Germany and joint project development are crucial to the success of German companies. We are concerned that there are still difficulties in providing Chinese employees of German companies with visas for Germany in a timely manner”.
BRICS lays the foundation for decoupling from US agriculture with the development of a post-American international economic system. This includes a grain exchange, new logistic centers, transportation infrastructure, development banks, insurance systems, native technologies and digital platforms, de-dollarisation, and the abandonment of the SWIFT transaction system. The US weaponisation of trade will continue to encourage the rest of the world to reduce their dependence on the US and find more reliable economic partners.
The CIA was attempting to set up hundreds of paramilitary officers in North Korea. What struck him as a spectacular secret was a CIA cover organization called the SEA Supply Company. In a few years, this group would be training police forces in Thailand, but in the immediate term Smith discovered that SEA Supply was involved in planning an invasion of China through the CIA Station in Taiwan with the help of the Nationalist Chinese (Kuomintang or KMT), stationed in Burma. General Stilwell’s deputy, Desmond FitzGerald, ran the operation, which had the goal of invading China from Burma through Yunnan province.
The last CIA-sponsored invasion of China occurred in August 1952, when 2,100 KMT troops led by General Li Mi were turned back by the Chinese army after penetrating 60 miles inland. Then Li Mi gave up on his goal of taking over China and focused on controlling the opium trade with his 12,000 troops located in Burma. “Li Mi’s troops would not give up their Burmese poppy fields,” Smith wrote, “because of the problems that it could lead to in this still explosive part of the world.”
In July 2024, a Chinese tourist was murdered in Osaka. In February 2024, a Chinese student was murdered in Japan’s Hamana lake. In August 2024, a Chinese student was stabbed to death by a Japanese.
Egypt operates 220 F-16s with no beyond visual range air-to-surface weapons whatsoever, and Washington offered Cairo the upgraded F-16V, but the cost was too high. The U.S. sold 66 F-16Vs to Taiwan for $8 billion, or $121 million per jet. By contrast, Pakistan signed a $1.4 billion deal with China in 2009 to buy 36 J-10Bs at $39 million each. The J-10C offers superior combat capabilities to the enhanced F-16V at a comparable cost. The J-10C can carry the PL-15 300 km range missile.
USN fanboys become furious when I point out that silly FONOPs in the South China Sea are under constant surveillance and can be hit by hypersonic missiles from multiple directions. FONOPs symbolism works for people ignorant about modern weapon systems, satellite coverage, etc. In other words, how a 21st century naval war (which no one has ever seen) might be fought. PRC remote sensing capability is now very advanced, and they have developed a 10B parameter transformer specifically for processing remote sensing data: Having a 300 remote sensing sat constellation like Jilin-1 that can see object move w/ 0.5m precision & able to revisit location every 5 minutes. How much data has been collected from silly FONOPs that was then used to train the remote sensing transformer?
China just released Kongtian Lingmou 3.0, the world’s first 10 billion parameter space-air remote sensing interpretation model. It can process massive datasets and complete space-air tasks, like fine classification and tracking small moving targets. Pair that with the 10 billion model and tracking ships 6000 nm away wouldn’t be much of an issue. And that’s just their civilian constellation. TP Huang
China’s VT-4 main battle tank has successfully completed assessments in Algeria, The VT-4 boasts very high levels of mobility, with its 1,300 hp diesel engine ensuring a high power-weight ratio. The tank benefits from torsion bar suspension, an integrated hydraulic transmission system, and automatic gear transmission for steering and acceleration. It uses an autoloader allowing its weight to be reduced considerably and its crew cut from four to just three. The tank uses a 125mm main gun, while Japanese and South Korean tanks use 120mm guns. The tank uses composite armor and FY-4 explosive reactive armor for protection, equivalent to 700mm of protection.
A more detailed look at China’s mysterious stealth frigate, a technology demonstrator for the next generation of warships. China produces more destroyers than the next several producers combined, and has in some years launched ten destroyers in a single year. Only six countries in the world field more than ten destroyers in their entire fleets, with the U.S. Navy fielding 75, Japan 36, and South Korea 13.
The first Yulan-class landing helicopter assault (LHA) ship, the Type 076, will be the world’s largest amphibious assault ship, 260 m. x 52 m, or 13,500 m2—the area of three U.S. football fields, considerably larger than the U.S. America-class LHA and Japanese Izumo-class. Its electric catapult will launch fixed-wing aircraft, unique among LHAs, and an aircraft elevator on each side for lifting aircraft from the internal hangar to the flight deck. The 076 may launch fixed-wing aircraft, or at least fixed-wing combat UAVs, putting the Type 076 in a class of its own. It features a floodable well deck on its stern, for launching amphibious vehicles for “ship-to-shore” operations.
Egypt placed its first order for Chinese J-10C fourth generation fighters, following its admission to BRICS. The J-10C is far more capable than any fighter in the Israeli fleet other than its two squadrons of F-35s, with large scale acquisitions potentially forcing Israel to expand F-35 orders and to invest in more capable air to air missiles for its aircraft.
Two huge container ships for the first time passed each other just 750 nautical miles from the North Pole, en route to connecting Chinese ports to Russia’s Saint Petersburg. Flying Fish 1, the first-ever Panamax container ship to venture into the Arctic, is traveling from Saint Petersburg in the Baltic Sea to Qingdao in northeastern China. Carrying close to 5,000 containers across a length of 294 meters it sets a new record for largest box ship to travel across Russia’s Northern Sea Route.
Chinese scientists use Starlink satellite signals to detect stealth targets during a radar experiment in the South China Sea. The detection method relies on forward scatter, where an object like a plane or drone disrupts electromagnetic waves from a satellite, causing small signal disturbances, which are captured and analyzed to determine the object’s location. This technique does not require the radar to emit signals, making it harder for adversaries to detect or jam.
What are the most common misconceptions Westerners have about daily life in China?
Many of them are mentally fixed. As such they saw something in the past and think nothing has changed.
It doesn’t look like that anymore. There’s been significant progress. Some think of 1960s, 1950s is similar to modern day China. In the UK I remember some retirees they were talking as if Chiang Kai Shek or Mao was still alive. They’ve been dead 40+ years.
It’s like these videos of American schools in the 1980s-1990s. It doesn’t look like that anymore. The children got heavier and wider.
Barring visiting themselves they often don’t see it and have no reason to change their point of view. Add in the absolute lies told by western media and the paid comments by the western world (UK has 77th brigade) and censors western media to block out alternative views.
A realistic picture can only be found by going there and looking yourself.
So what’s the problem?
You ever read Orwell’s 1984? Prisoners are paraded around before their ‘disposal’. Winston surmises that if the average prole managed to talk to the prisoners they’d realise they were far more alike than they were told.
So what’s the problem? People can go there and go see for themselves!
The western world has travel advisories against China.
This means people can’t get travel insurance.
My dad keep a house in the UK. Before he had cancer travel insurance from the UK to HK/CHN (he sometimes flies in via Guangzhou airport or Shenzhen) travel insurance was insignificant as a cost. He could get travel insurance full medical evacuation type for £20 per trip or £110 a year.
He got cancer. He’s much better now. His travel insurance single trip is £300 and refused quote for a year. This is to Europe.
The travel advisories and alerts to China mean that you simply can’t get travel insurance to China at all. So the only people who go are the adventurous younger ones who travel without insurance.
I mean the USA does not look like this everywhere. I know this as do many people know this,
But guess what? The USA is denying many visas to Chinese people, so guess what? Chinese people can’t see that the USA doesn’t look like the above.
Why does The Art of War say to never put your enemy in a corner?
It will dodectuple the enemy’s resolve and will to fight.
This should be self-evident to any officer. Always leave a surrounded enemy an escape route. The reason is that a drowning man will grab even a straw – a surrounded enemy will grab it, and a retreat will quickly turn into a rout. The enemy can be slain at will along that road while he routs.
But what happens if you cut that way to safety off? You effectively put him in the Terrain of Death. The enemy will now know his only chance is to fight – and he will fight with a terrible resolve. This is effectively the inverse of burning the bridges behind – the enemy is now fully committed and will fight to the last man.
This is exactly why the British Army did not close the Falaise pocket in Normandy 1944, but left deliberately a gap out. The surrounded Germans routed through it, and by doing so, the Royal Air Force bombed and strafed them at will. The Germans left behind all their vehicles and heavy equipment, and their morale was crushed.
Now suppose what would have happened if the British had closed the gap – and the route to safety? Yes, the Germans would have fought like cornered rats, with all the desperation of a besieged enemy, and caused immense losses to the Allies. Resolving the battle would have taken weeks, perhaps months, and given Germans time for a counterattack.
What is an incident that changed your life?
When we saw tears in my Dad’s eyes :- I still remember the incident, when my dad came home with tears in his eyes. At that time we (my elder brother and I) were in class 9, we asked dad, what happened? He said “I want to see you both as successful people, just focus on your studies.”
Later we came to know due to some family issue, my uncle hit my dad.
We were not good students at that point of time. In class 9, my brother scored 40/100 in Mathematics, while I scored 48/100. Next year in 10th U.P board exams, my brother scored 88/100 and I got 78/100 in mathematics. We both passed with first division.
After that, we never looked back.
12 years later –
Today I am working as a Senior Software Engineer in a leading Telecom company in Berlin, Germany and my elder brother is working as production manager in Shenzhen, China.
Yes, happy ending. 🙂
Edit 1 : Someone asked, how are my parents now & how are we taking care of them?
My parents are pretty good & we are taking care of them very well, soon they will be visiting me. Before moving to Germany, I worked in Malaysia with a leading American MNC. When I had to move to Germany, I called my Mom and Dad to Malaysia, I took them to Singapore and Cambodia too. This was the first time they traveled by plane. 🙂
My daughter helped me meet my affair at our house, but then the worst case scenario happened
Oh, these stories of mistakes and how they evolve are interesting and depressing at the same time.