This post is dedicated to those “average” “Joes” that are a foundational support for society

Years ago, I moved into my girlfriend’s house, but after about 2 years, things weren’t working out, and she was making things ridiculously difficult.

So, I signed a lease at another apartment, got some buddies to help me load the moving van, and I was out.

Or so I thought.

That’s when I got a voice-mail “Invitation” to meet at a specific restaurant at noon, to “work out the last few details”.

Naive me, I thought maybe she would give me my tools back – ones I’d used to repair and renovate her home over the years, which she insisted I store in the garage – and which now remained locked away, since she’d suddenly changed the lock on the garage door).

So, I went to the restaurant, found her at a quiet table, ordered “just coffee”, and asked her what she wanted to discuss.

She said, “You are the one who moved out, so you are the one who made this meeting necessary, and you need to tell me what you want.”

Very odd, to claim that her meeting was initiated by me, and that I was the one with an agenda for it.

I should have just stood up at that point and said, “Well, I guess there’s nothing to discuss, then. Bye”,

But instead I said that I wished her well, that we should just go our separate ways, no hard feelings, and all I wanted was to get my tools back.

She then really surprised me with her response:

“You want to dictate to me what I should and shouldn’t do. You want to control me and take advantage of me, then just run away without fulfilling your responsibilities to me.”


I didn’t owe her anything. I’d done more for her than she could ever pay back. How was this me victimizing her?

I got up, said something like, “I guess I should stop dictating to you”, paid the waitress for my coffee, and left.

A week later I got a long letter in the mail.

She had done some math regarding groceries, and how she wanted me to pay her for all the meals she had shopped for, plus time spent cooking and cleaning up. (Somehow she “forgot” to include all the restaurant meals I had paid for, or all the hours I had spent working on her house.)

Also, she wanted me to pay extra for utilities, after we had already agreed on a split. She wanted to change the formula, retroactive for 2 years, so that I somehow owed her utility money.

I had also been paying rent, and she wanted to charge me more than we had already agreed, again retroactively for 2 years.

She also had a list of various items she claimed I had damaged over our time together. A slightly ripped bedsheet, a chipped plate, a dented doorframe, rust stains on the driveway and so on.

She had gotten inflated quotes from home repair services for the ‘damage’ I had caused, an estimate for a full driveway re-paving, plus pricing for new sheets for the whole house (because every room has to match, right?), and an entire new set of dishes. Really? You can’t just order a replacement from Correl?

Plus an estimate from a Handy Man service, for repairs she needed, that I’d volunteered to help with, back when things were going better with us and

And so on, for pages.

The total was over $6,000 and she threatened to sue me!

So, it turns out that this was more than just “the last few details”, and the lunch had been a set-up.

I guess I was supposed to feel guilty for “making her” come to the lunch, then guilty for “dictating“ what she should do, and then I was supposed to sheepishly write her a settlement cheque for $6k?

In the end, I sent her a note in reply. I listed all the restaurant meals I had paid for, with estimated amounts.

I also estimated all the hours I had spent on her house, including materials and supplies. I billed her at the same rate as her Handy Man quotes.

I provided photos of her rusty, leaky beater car and the stains below.

I estimated the (generous) price of one set of sheets and one (1) replacement plate.

And I sent her information on legal requirements for proper notice and percentages for rental and utility increases (spoiler: she had missed all the deadlines).

My total was $12,000, meaning that SHE actually owed ME $6,000. And I threatened to counter-sue.

I never did hear back.

Just to be clear:

  • She had been through a nasty divorce, being left with an empty house, empty bank accounts, and two little kids in the ‘burbs. So me leaving was probably “triggering “.
  • I got some of my tools back, but not all, through a 3rd party. I tried using the police and a Justice of the Peace but every said, “cut your losses, be glad you are out”.

I’ll give one that I learned after I was married.

As a straight man, take ballroom dancing.

I’m serious.

I learned to ballroom dance with my wife 15 years ago – a few years after we were married. When we made it through our first class and first performance, I asked what was the next step.

The next step was to go to ball room dancing events.

Boring, I thought. I’ll humor my wife to keep her happy since this was her idea.

Now let me drop a tidbit that was not obvious to my naive brain at first:

Most of the men that went to this event were not straight…and did I mention that there were more females there than male. And they were single.

Now, let’s do some math. OK, I’ll skip the math and go on to say, that was the first time I ever felt jealousy from my wife, who started to get mad with all the women asking me to dance.

And she sat at the table across from me every. time. it. happened. And it happened every time my wife sat to take a break.

I knew enough to lead and to not make a fool of myself and women ate that up. The other men there (who were gay) also danced, but I guess it wasn’t the same. I don’t know why they honed in on the married guy – but I hadn’t ever experienced that level of interest.

It was truly an eye-opening event that I wished I’d known before I was married.

Edit 1 – OK this answer took off. Kudos to Sean Kernan for sharing my answer.

I have two daughters that I take to daddy-daughter dances that I’ve taught the basics to.

To anyone that has never been, daddy-daughter dances can be quite awkward, until the first dad says to himself “screw it, I’m going to make a fool of myself because I’m here to show my daughter how to dance.”

Knowing how to lead helps control your 9 year old daughter and focus her to learn the steps.

The Eternal Light of the Ten Song Lantern

Submitted into Contest #232 in response to: Write a story set in a world with a dying sun, or where light is a scarce resource. view prompt

John Werner

Darkness lay like a blanket over the peaks and valleys of the Spires of Hildefund. The pale moonlight bounced off the ribbon of the snow-crusted pass, Gelvira’s crunching footprints the only blemish upon the pristine meandering track. It was rare that the Sisterhood of the Ten Song Lantern sent its priestesses above ground. Rarer still was it that they were sent without the accompaniment of a Swordsinger, those brave and noble warriors who were sworn to protect them.Gelvira’s boots were warm, crafted in the way of the People of the Hovihar, with the fur of the mountain goat towards the inside. They were still fairly new, gifted to her only upon her appointment to this particular task. In truth, her entire suit evoked an image of those great Hovihar warriors of old, standing strong against the blizzard. Her deep cowled cloak and thick woolen clothes protected her from both the howling winds and the biting cold.“It has been almost two centuries since the Hovihar walked these peaks and passes,” She mused, marveling at the fact that all this beauty could go unobserved for so long.The Hovihar had once been masters of these mountains just as her own people were masters of the caverns beneath. In days of old, their alliance worked to the benefit of both races but since their demise, the Adosinda had retreated deeper into the mountain. Thus was the reason for her appointment to this most venerated station.The summer solstice was a time for great celebration, the giving of thanks, and gathering the light for the Ten Song Lantern. The only light they would have for the coming year. Ten songs would be sung before the sun rose again. She placed her gloved hand gently upon the satchel at her hip. She had gained a muffled response not unlike that of the twinkling bells within the deep caverns of the Adosinda.“But I am far from the warmth of our caverns,” She reminded herself.Instinctively she slipped her pointer, middle, and ring fingers through the slit at their bases in the glove, exposing them to the cold. Stepping through the arc of her recurve bow she strung it and knocked an arrow from the quiver upon her back in one fluid motion, as if the maneuver had been executed as simply as walking.The bow itself was short, for she herself only stood but seven spans off above ground. Her wide nostrils flared and large dark eyes glinted only for a moment as she turned to face the moon. The woody scent of pine filled her head and she breathed in the aroma, storing it up knowing that she may never be gifted a trip to the Hovihar lands again. She lifted her chin and allowed her lower jaw to open just a fraction before breathing the inaudible “chirp” ricocheting across the landscape. Its returning echoes helped her sense what her eyes could not see.The darkness was retreating, and nature was slowly rising to meet it. She received the impressions of many small things, things she would have hunted if she had the leisure, but food was not her mission. They scurried out of their dens and burrows and stood upon the frozen scrub lining the plateaus over which she gazed. She raised her eyes to the sky, tracing an arc from the burgeoning glow in the east to the steadfast darkness in the west.“No sign of them,” She whispered and received a light twittering reply from the satchel. “So we will wait.”With her bow in her lap, she perched, resting on her heels upon an upward jutting stone. The warm glow had overtaken the eastern horizon and she kept her large eyes peeled for any sign of her prey. Once the sun was within sight she would have to work fast. It would only be above the horizon for moments before the world was once again sunk in darkness.The Spellsingers had worked all year, breeding and enchanting the Amelina. The tiny serpents were born in the deep dark places within the mountains. They were clever and quick and produced a pheromone that her prey found completely irresistible. They would not last long in this cold. If they were to die in flight, before they served their purpose as bait, she would feed herself to the hungry cold of the mountain rather than face the shame of returning a failure.She realized she had been holding her breath. The pressure had been building in her chest for uncounted moments for her eyes watched, growing larger and larger as the curved disk of the sun peaked over the horizon and bathed the entire range in the amber light of dawn. 

As if in answer, there was a thunderous fluttering of wings, and up into the deep blue sky soared those great northern Beltreo hawks. Their wingspans were enormous and their great calls echoed into the sky like the scraping of swords against shields. Bright purples, blues, and greens trimmed the feathers of their great wings and tail feathers as they circled, climbing ever higher into the vaults of the heavens.


When it appeared that they had reached the limit of their height their tailfeathers began to glow, collecting the warmth and light of the summer sun. It was that light that would sustain the Ten Song Lantern for another year. They began to glow with such intensity that it appeared multicolored stars were swirling in the sky.


She couldn’t have watched them for more than a handful of minutes before she noticed the amber light fade. She grabbed the satchel from her hip and kissed it bestowing a silent prayer upon the Spirits to let her hunt be successful. She looked to the west and saw that the bright, blazing rim that was all her people had even known of the sun was now descending beneath the horizon line. The amber light turned to a golden brown before it gradually sunk back to darkness.


“Now!” She whispered excitedly, opening the satchel and holding it up into the sky.


The Amelina came whizzing and whirring from their warm hiding place. Into the heavens they streaked as the glowing orbs of light, all that was left to be seen of the Beltreo as darkness once again consumed the range, began to descend from their circling dance to the ground below. The serpents’ crystalline scales shimmered like the phantom veil that appeared across the winter sky from time to time. Their keening cries beckoned to the great glowing birds whose lazy descent seemed to stop for a heartbeat, fixing them in the air before they streaked toward the shimmering haze left in the wake of the Amelinas’ flight.


Gelvira readied her bow, her hands loosely holding the string, her arrow knocked and readied. The Amelina were doing their job well but she quietly urged them on for the cold would rob them of their speed in short order. As if answering her thought, the gemstone serpent streaked towards her with a Beltreo in tow.


Gelvira drew the string to the corner of her mouth and breathed. The serpent was racing towards her, knowing its survival depended on luring its prey back to its keeper. In a last burst of speed, it darted past Gelvira and the hawk followed, leaving her with a perfect shot.


Everyone knew that no arrow could pierce the feathered breast of a Beltreo hawk, those armor-like quills protecting like plate mail against any frontal assault. But, from behind, Gelvira’s arrow parted the backward-facing feathers and struck home. The great bird cried as it fell to the frozen ground.


“That’s one,” She said excitedly to herself. “Two more will complete the task. If I can take all five the Ten Song Lantern will shine brighter than it has in ages.”


The Amelina quickly retreated into the satchel where it could gather the warmth to be found there. Its shimmering scales conjured the image of a multihued campfire burning deep within. Its brood mates had done their jobs equally well and Gelvira’s arrows felled two more of the great birds with ease.


As the fourth hawk streaked towards her, its great blue feathers blazing like the fires in the smith’s forges, she heard a cry of despair as the Amelina was overcome. The Beltreo shrieked in agony, its bill breaking across the hardened scales of the gemstone serpent but that did not keep it from swallowing the creature whole. Nursing its wounds, it dove behind the next peak and vanished.


“One left,” She closed her eyes, breathed deeply, and readied herself.


The lone remaining Amelina was whizzing through the pine trees and in and out of deep canyons with the hawk in tow. Gelvira was astounded that the creature possessed such stamina but it, just like the others, lured the hawk past her and her arrow struck true. The great bird faltered but managed to glide on unsteady wings into the forest beyond the next peak where it disappeared.


With four of the five gemstone serpents now returned to the satchel, Gelvira covered it and set it back upon her hip. She easily found her prey, for their feathers still glowed as brightly as they had in life. Gently she placed her hand upon each one, thanking them for their sacrifice and anointing each with the holy oils that would see their souls claimed by the Collector of Spirits. Then she gently plucked each glowing feather and carefully placed them in her quiver.


“Looks like we will have to track the last one,” She said to her satchel knowing that she had already recovered all that was required but relishing the idea of returning home with an even greater bounty.


While there were no tracks to follow there were not many places the Beltreo could have gone. She traversed the peak around which she had seen it disappear and found its warm purple glow emanating from within the upper branches of an ancient pine tree.


Being Adosinda, the climb was fairly easy but halfway up the great trunk she began to hear the despairing cries of hatchlings. When her large dark eyes crested the rim of the nest, the mother hawk lay dead, its wing spread protectively over the nest’s skyward facing opening. Gelvira gently moved the wing aside to reveal five small chicks. Barely fledglings, their spiny feathers were just beginning to grow.


“Hello, little ones.” She whispered and their mouths shot open expecting to be fed. Their chirping made her laugh the type of laugh normally reserved for babies, warm and joyful.


She prepared their mother for the Collector of Spirits, gathered them to her closely, hiding each within the folds of her thick warm cloak, and descended the tree.


“And brought them back to us?” The young girl asked.


“Exactly so,” The Mother of the Ten Song Lantern declared. “And that is how,”


“We filled the rookery?” The young girl interrupted.


“It took quite some time for us to fill the rookery.” She answered. “But those five eyas were the source from which all others sprang.”


“And now we no longer hunt the Beltreo?”


“And now we no longer hunt the Beltreo.”


“And now we always have light! Praise Gelvira.” The little girl said with practiced respect.


“Indeed, little priestess. Praise Gelvira, Eternal Light of the Ten Song Lantern.” Intoned The Blessed Mother.

China’s Tech, Economy This Week

More hot buttons than usual.

“Epstein Client List” – Elon Musk SHOCKS Tucker on Why Billionaires Are Backing Kamala

Decoupling From China? The Consequences of a Stupid Idea

Ricardo Martins, October 10

There are ongoing discussions about the need for the West, especially the United States (US) and the European Union (EU) to de-risk and/or decouple from China. These discussions pervade all spheres, including journalisticsthink tanksacademia and politics.

Holding China more than 30% of the world’s industrial output and a major destination of Western production or Western firms producing in China, how is this proposition plausible and credible in such intertwined economies without disrupting global supply chains and without bringing high inflation to Western nations?

In this article, I analyse why decoupling is not a good idea, its dire consequences, and the consequences for the West of being deprived of Chinese high-tech advancements. I emphasise that decoupling is a US agenda for the continuation of its dominance over the globe, and not a European one.

Why is Decoupling a Stupid Idea?

The Earth is big enough for China and the US to develop respectively and prosper together

Chinese Ambassador to the US, Xie Feng

According to the World Bank, China holds 31.6% of the total global manufacturing output. The US follows with 15.9%, and Japan is in third place with 6.5%. The leading EU country is Germany, with 4.8%, in fourth position, and the next European is Italy in 8th place, after Russia, with 1.8%. France comes in 10th place, after Mexico, with 1.6%. This data was published in 2024 and refers to the 2023 manufacturing output. Furthermore, according to Reuters, in September 2024, the German manufacturing sector contracted at the fastest pace ever in a year due to “orders drying up at an alarming rate”, and “it is hard to picture any kind of recovery happening soon.”

With globalization and the liberalization of trade of goods and services, the world has become interdependent. In the case of the US, its economy is increasingly dependent on China for imports (particularly manufacturing supplies and advanced materials), Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows, and even the contributions made by Chinese students in living fees and tuition expenses.

An American study has shown that decoupling with China risks all of these value streams, and would constitute losses of over $700 billion in sales and $50 billion in profits for American companies that export to the Chinese market. A similar situation will happen in Europe too.

Consequences of Decoupling

Decoupling from China, given its massive 31.6% share of global manufacturing output, would be extremely disastrous.  Here are a few reasons that come to my mind:

Global Supply Chains: China’s integration into global supply chains means it plays a critical role in the production of everything from high-tech electronics to textiles. Western economies rely heavily on components or finished products made in China. For certain products and raw materials, the dependency rate is over 90%, as is the case for certain pharmaceuticals, chemicals, photovoltaic cells, rare earth and others. China is the dominant producer of several rare earths which are crucial for the manufacturing of a wide range of high-tech products, including electronics, wind turbines, and electric vehicle batteries.

Decoupling would require either relocating manufacturing to other countries or reshoring industries back to Europe or the US would imply disrupting industries for years and would lead to major supply chain disruptions, causing shortages, higher production costs, and high inflation.

Relocation Challenges: Countries like India or Vietnam are often presented as alternatives, but none have the capacity or infrastructure that China has developed over decades. Manufacturing in these regions might help diversify risks but cannot replace China’s dominance in the near term. Additionally, many of these nations already have trade ties with China, complicating decoupling strategies.

Cost Implications: China offers lower labour costs, efficient infrastructure, and a vast workforce. Moving manufacturing to other countries with comparable capacity is difficult. The next biggest players—like India, South Korea, and Germany—have much smaller outputs (between 2.7% and 6.5%). They also may lack the same level of infrastructure or workforce to handle the massive volume of production that China does.

Market Access: With a population of 1.4 billion, over 500 million of whom are considered middle class, China boasts the largest internal consumer market in the world and is the leading market for luxury products. This market contributes significantly to the revenue of Western companies. Many Western firms, including major technology and luxury brands, depend on sales within China to stay profitable. Should decoupling result in economic or political tensions, access to this market could be jeopardised, potentially harming the revenues of these Western companies.

Retaliation: China will retaliate against the US and EU’s decoupling measures by imposing tariffs, restrictions, or boycotts on Western products, further reducing export opportunities for Western firms. Key industries, like automobiles, luxury goods, and agriculture, can face severe downturns.

Global Recession Risks: Given the size of China’s economy and its deep integration into the global economy, a sharp decoupling could lead to a slowdown in global trade and investment. If China’s growth slows due to decoupling, it will propagate across the global economy, possibly leading to a global recession, as China is a key driver of global demand.

Many emerging markets depend on exporting raw materials to China. A slowdown in Chinese manufacturing could weaken demand for these exports, slowing growth in those countries and leading to economic instability in regions that rely on Chinese-led infrastructure and trade.

Geopolitical Consequences: Decoupling certainly will lead to economic fragmentation, where China becomes more self-reliant and allies more closely with emerging markets and other nations willing to maintain ties. China is the number one trade partner with 128 countries, out of 190, including the EU. This will shift further the balance of power, creating separate economic blocs, such as the West and the rest, which could disrupt trade and economic cooperation globally.

Western is Losing the Technology Race to China

Trump has played the technology restrictions card to contain China. A few days ago, a Chinese told me that Trump is playfully known in China as “The maker”, the one who has made China technologically resilient and surpass the US. Presently, the country leads in 37 out of 44 technologies examined in the Critical Technology Trackers survey by an Australian think tank.

According to the same study, Western democracies are increasingly falling behind in the global technological race, including scientific innovation and attracting global talent—key elements essential for developing and mastering the world’s foremost technologies.

The Australian findings indicate that China has laid the groundwork to become the preeminent science and technology superpower by securing an impressive lead in high-impact research across most critical and emerging technology fields.

China’s leadership position is the result of intentional strategy and long-term policy planning, consistently emphasised by Xi Jinping and his predecessors.

My Conclusions on this Discussion

1. If decoupling is to be pursued, the US and Europe are prone to be behind in technology but also will not benefit from a fast-growing economy and the biggest consuming market in the world. It is an act of economic suicide, ideologically rooted in the imperialistic ambitions of the United States to maintain its global dominance.

2. As the US and EU distance themselves from China, they may lose economic leverage and influence in Asia, Africa and Latin America, where China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is extending its influence. While Western nations discuss strategies and possibilities on how to de-risk and/or how to decouple from China, the country is deepening its ties with emerging economies, thus reducing the geopolitical influence of the US and Europe in key regions of the world.

3. While efforts to de-risk and decouple from China may be seen as necessary for geopolitical and geoeconomic reasons, they come with considerable risks and challenges. The interconnectedness of the global economy means that any significant shift in trade relationships can have wide-reaching effects, not only for the US and EU but also for China and the rest of the world.

4. Balancing these efforts while maintaining economic stability will be a complex challenge for policymakers in the coming years. A more nuanced approach to managing the US and EU-China relationship, prioritising collaboration over confrontation, is a win-win solution.

5. The EU needs to develop its autonomous strategy for navigating the problematic US-China relationship and not cede to US pressure to be its followers, but actively seek its own path to balance its economic interests with its political and security concerns.

6. Finally, the statement of the Chinese Ambassador to the US, Xie Feng, should be the guiding premise: “The Earth is big enough for China and the US to develop respectively and prosper together.” For this, the US needs to learn to share power.

Ricardo Martins ‒PhD in Sociology with specialisation in EU policies and international relations. 

Guest researcher at Utrecht University, the Netherlands, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”

Contrariwise, US sanctions alerted China to the danger of depending on US for technology, and on the West in general. This was the genesis of Xi Jinping’s Dual Circulation strategy, to strive for technology self-reliance, and to stimulate domestic demand to reduce the dependency on US and western markets.

Take the case of semiconductors.

A few years ago, China’s annual imports of chips were worth over $400 billion . US threatened to cut its supply. China went on an investment spree to develop its own industry. Certainly there were mistakes and billions of yuan were wasted. But look at the outcome.

Annual imports fell steadily. SEMI expects China will account for 35% of global capacity by 2025. This will give it market leadership of supply, as well as, demand, which is estimated to exceed 60%. When the plants now on plan and under construction come into fruition a few years hence, China could be net exporter of chips.

China’s chips industry development is not just capacity, supply, and demand. The clincher is that the industry is comprehensive and integrated, from materials, equipment, through the supply chain. Hundreds of firms are in the mix.

Chinese companies therefore have scales and the synergies from the comprehensive and integrated development. Foreign companies are worried they would not be able to compete with them. They must find means to work with them.

This relates to traditional chips, which are 80% of the market. China is also in the thick of development in high-end chips – the subject of US sanctions. Consider the case of Huawei.

US put it on the entity list, imposed other restrictions, and commandeered the Collective West to deny it access to these chips. They also banned its 5G communications in their markets. The purpose was to bankrupt it.

Now a mere 4 years later, Huawei has broken through to 7nm and 5nm chips, establishes a strong supply-chain network, and its proprietary operating system, called HarmonyOS. Its smartphone business has recovered. The recent launches of Mate 60, Pura 70, the tri-fold Mate XT are produced at near 100% localisation. Its 5G business remains the market leader.

China is alerted to the unreliability of US and western partners. The development in the chips industry will make it independent of western technologies. This lesson is well-learnt and adopted in other industries. You can see this in its green tech industries, like EVs and solar panels. Its leaderships are across the supply chain.

The tide has turned. China is in the stronger position. Just one simple fact to conclude. US for all the tariffs it imposes, it still depends on China for 70% of its lithium-ion battery. Chinese leadership and supply-chain are hard to beat.

PART 3 – Police Officer Exposes THE TRUTH On Domestic “Situations” & How Men Can Protect Themselves

Alice in Wonder

Submitted into Contest #247 in response to: Set your story on a spaceship exploring the far reaches of space when something goes wrong. view prompt

Sean Mallery

“Wake up Alice, we have reached the null point”Alice sat up straight, wiping a bit of drool from her mouth. “What?”“The Captain’s input is needed, Alice. The coordinates are already set.”“Hey Wonder, uhh I wasn’t sleeping.”“Sleeping? I didn’t say you were!” Wonder joked. “I don’t even know what sleeping is. How would I? I never sleep.”“Okay, smartbutt computer. Just give me the calculations of the jump”“It’s on your HUD right now. No need to check. I ran the numbers myself,” Wonder said.Alice leaned forward and tapped the HUD. The map expanded to show multiple solar systems. “Did you calculate the balance of the cargo?”“I’ll admit, I rounded up to the third decimal place. Well within margin,” Wonder explained.Alice brought out her stylus and moved some numbers around. “What is the cargo this time?”“That’s classified under the RED initiative.”“Okay, can you at least tell me if it’s solid, fluid or gas? These things matter when jumping through the ather.” Alice explained.“Sorry, I cannot provide any details, as they are classified.”“Fine, the math looks good. Prepare for ather jump,” Alice conceded.“All systems green, standing by for the captain’s input.”Alice leaned forward and stared at the big red jump button. She pressed her palm down and the ship made a Ker-chunk sound as the jump engines fired up. “And the under paid monkey presses the button” she said.“Hole to the ather is open. Shields are steady,” Wonder reported. The ship pointed toward the glowing hole in space and lurched forward. The 1-DR was not a pretty ship to look at, but it was a useful one. Designed with functionality over aesthetics. All long, with dark lines broken up by exterior propulsion engines. They buzzed, spilling plasma out into space. Alice buckled into her captain’s seat. The transfer to ather space was never a smooth ride. This isn’t some luxury line ship meant to make people comfortable. It moved freight and did it cheaply.“Hitting ather space in 3…2…1” Wonder counted down. The entire ship lurched and moaned as it crossed over. Alice brought up the ship status on her HUD. Before she even had time to look at it, the lights went red and an alarm siren blasted, making Alice cringe reflexively. She silenced the alarm with the push of a button.“Wonder status,” Alice demanded.“We have lost coupling on the aft cargo hold.”“Can you give me visual?”“On the HUD now” The screen glowed with a swirl of purples and red of ather space. Alice moved the camera to see the cargo container. It hung on by a single coupling and flailed wildly.“Give me manual control” The chair moved back and dual joysticks raised up. She took hold and moved the ship. She turned and rotated until the cargo no longer bounced around. Physics in space are weird, physics in the ather are impossible. The ship was now turned sideways, but still moving in the same direction. As long as she could keep the ship in the ather’s slipstream, it would be fine.“Starboard engine took damage.” Wonder informed Alice. “On this trajectory we will slide out of the slip in thirty seconds.”Alice sighed. Drop the cargo or drop out into ather space. She thought about it and quickly decided. Turned the engines off and allow the ship to drift. With the damage done to the engine, there was no telling if she could correct the path either way. Losing the cargo was not an option while working with RED either. Lost cargo means a fine and who knows how big the fine is with the classification placed on it. The ship rumbled as it left the slipstream moving into a thicker ather.“Great, repair options for the engine?” Alice asked.

“Working on it.”

Alice’s HUD displayed a warning. Shields at 75% It read.

“Work faster” She screamed. “The ather is pressing in on the ship.”

“Yeah yeah. Don’t get your undies in a bunch,” Wonder said with a laugh.

“What? Wonder I need a solution. Can I space walk to repair it?”

“Space walking in the ather will get you deader than your sense of humor!”

“What has gotten into you?”

“I apologize Alice, it seems the effects of ather are causing me to malfunction.”

“Stupid AI, you can’t break now too.”

“Have you tried turning me off and back on again?”

Alice got up from the captain’s chair. She grabbed a tool case from the closet and headed into the bay. She checked a status screen as she walked by. Shields 60% it read.

“Wonder can I get to any of the parts from the interior of the ship.”

“Panel thirteen – seven. Look for the big red glowy light. That will be the thing. They always have glowy lights to let you know if they are bad.”

Alice turned down a hallway and caught sight of something white and quick moving just around the next corner.

“Wonder, is there anyone else on the ship?” She asked.

“Its just me and you forever baby!”

Alice let out a long sigh. “Is any of our cargo biological? Animals maybe?”

“Sorry that’s classified,” Wonder answered.

“Oh, now you can be serious?”

“Sorry, even I can’t read it. I’m looking at the file on our cargo right now. It just says classified.”

“There is something else on the ship.” Alice explained.

“Nah bro, you are going crazy.”

“What?” Alice said incredulously

“Mild effects of aether poisoning. Step one insanity, step two coming to terms with insanity, step three, the fun part.”

Alice grunted. She knew she needed to move faster before she was useless. She found the panel and removed it. The array of wires and pipes hid circuit boards. She found the one with the red light. She unplugged it and plugged it back in. The light turned off and back red again. Alice frowned. She unplugged the module. Probably didn’t need it, anyway. Alice turned around and jumped. There in the middle of the hall sat a small white rabbit. They stared at each other for a moment. The rabbit took off down the hall and around the corner.

“No, you don’t,” Alice said and chased the rabbit around the corner. She skid to a halt at the table before her. Alice found herself in a large, ornate room. She gawked at the white walls and wooden furnishing. Where was she? This isn’t a room on the ship. Worst of all, there were people sitting at the table, pouring cups of tea.

“Hello” she intoned.

“Oh, hello Alice,” the man at the head of the table said. He wore a purple suit with a tall hat. “Tea?” He asked, gesturing with a steaming teakettle.

“Uh, no thank you.” She said, looking shocked.

“Please sit. You know my friend, the white rabbit.” He gestured to a rabbit sitting on the table. It had its own cup of tea and cookie. It looked up as if acknowledging her.


“And this here is our lead ship mechanic. Scoots.” The man in the suit said.

A short, pudgy man in a black suit and bowler cap looked over at her. “Ma’am.” He said, tipping his hat.

“And I of course, am the ever present Wonder.”

“Wonder? You’re the ship AI?”

“In the flesh!”

“I don’t understand. We don’t have a ship mechanic, and you are an AI. Don’t even get me started on the rabbit!”

“It is very easy to explain, sweetie. You see, you are quite mad.”

“Mad?” she asked.

“Insane, the ather has broken through the shield and you are undergoing the effects. Have a seat, enjoy yourself.“

“I don’t know.” She said, sitting down, “If I am insane, then how can I sit in a chair that isn’t real, smell the tea that isn’t there? Even the light of this room, I can feel it.”

“Well, the ather does weird things to all of us,” Wonder Explained

“For sure,” Scoots chimed in.

The rabbit just looked at her. Alice knew what it was saying.

She held her cup as Wonder poured some tea. “So what do I do now?”

“Well, you have two choices, really. You can get the ship back into the slipstream and finish your delivery. Do the next delivery and then do the next. Until you die. Or Ooooooor. You can stay in the ather and explore what is in this new space. You, me, scoots, the rabbit can come too.”

Alice sipped her tea. “You make a good point, but what if this is just the insanity talking? What if there is nothing out there to explore?”

Wonder leaned back in his chair. “Well honey. I will admit, I am biased. I have always wanted to see you like this. With my own eyes, I mean. Not through a camera, not through you pushing buttons.”

“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying I want to be with you, exploring. Ya know, like this.” Wonder gestured to the table.

“I say we stay,” Scoots said.

“And Mr Rabbit, what do you have to say?” Alice asked. The rabbit reached up to it’s cup and took a sip. It looked over, wiggling its nose. “I’m sold.” She said. Alice stood up and grabbed her cup. Let’s go to the helm and see what’s out there.

“You’re the captain,” Wonder said grabbing his cup a handful of cookies. They all together walked to the helm. Alice sat down in the pilot seat and grabbed the joysticks.

“We need repairs, lets see if we can find a place to land.” Alice said. Wonder took up a position in a newly formed station in the helm. “I see a planet on the scanners.”

“I can see an asteroid belt around that planet.” Scoots chimed in from the maintenance station that was suddenly there.

“How can there be a planet in the ather?” Alice asked.

“Lets find out.” Wonder answered.

I once had a strange passenger that asked me to go and check the ‘’toilet’’ for her, before she went in.

I asked her why she wanted me to check the lavatory FOR HER. She told me to go and check in case the toilet was dirty before she went in. I told her that she could go and check herself. If she discovered that the lavatory was dirty then I could clean it for her. But she insisted that I had to go and check the toilet for her. I kept telling her that it was all right and that she could do it herself.

My God this lady was crazy.

She had this attitude and tone to her voice. Not soft-spoken at all. I tried to talk to her softly and kindly so that I didn’t have to go to the lavatory and do a check for her. That she could do it herself. But she talked to me as if I was her butler of some kind.

Anyhow at the end, I told the lady ‘’OK no problem, I will go and check the lavatory for you’’. I had the most fake smile ever as I said that.

Oh my God, I was so annoyed.

This woman was in her 40s. She looked young and healthy. She was not disabled. She could manage to go to the lavatory herself and check.

I could have done something more important than going to the lavatory and check. The world would not come to an end if she walked to the bloody lavatory herself.

But I went to the lavatory, opened the door and before I went in I looked at the woman who was giving me bloody death stares of God knows what. I did check around and put a toilet seat cover on the toilet. The lavatory was clean. I came out from the lavatory and l went to the lady and told her ‘’The lavatory is clean and you can go if you want’’.


The woman then asked me ‘’Are you really sure that the toilet is clean?’’

Oh my God, what did she think? What was she afraid of? What the hell was going on?

With an annoyed voice, I said, ‘’Yes the lavatory is clean and you saw me go and check’’.

The woman then went to the lavatory without a ‘’thanks for checking’’ or even a smile. She did not even look at me when she went. I really felt disrespected there.

What a weird thing to ask someone.

Then I watched her go to the lavatory and I kept thinking what if she would come back to me and tell me to clean something for her? I would of course have done whatever she would have asked me. But she was very strange.

Yes, one of our duties as a cabin crew is to make sure that the lavatory is clean. But we don’t really deep clean the lavatory. Before passengers board the plane the cleaning team comes in and cleans the entire plane. The only thing we do is to put a seat cover on the toilet and sometimes we don’t even have to do that. Spray the lavatory and change or add soap/hand cream. Flush if needed. Fix the WC roll if needed. We do safety checks in the lavatory too. For example, we check so no one has messed with the smoke detector in the lavatory. The things we do in the lavatory are minor. For example, if major issues happen in the lavatory then we close the entire lavatory. The cleaning team that comes in before the passengers board the plane does the deep cleaning.

But the way this woman was speaking to me, her tone and attitude made me feel disrespected. How hard is it to stand up and go to the lavatory and check yourself? If it is dirty THEN you go and grab a crew and ask them nicely to clean it, if needed.

This woman acted as if she was the queen of whatever planet and I was her personal butler.

When my Mom first when into the nursing home due to a broken pelvis, we were shocked at the people wandering around in wheelchairs hollering different weird things as well as all the noise. Bells, alarms, ect. Then the sad thing is as my mothers dementia progressed over several years, she was the one sitting in the hall way in a wheelchair yelling “help” over and over. Then you ask her what is wrong, she would just say nothing. Saddest thing ever. She passed this fourth of July, quietly in her sleep after 9 years living there. The last four I would go every week and she had no idea who I was. It was actually a relief.

A Bridge Too Far – 1977 – 80 Years Market Garden – Fan Cut Edition

Outstanding video FREE, and full edition.

A Bridge Too Far, is a 1977 war movie portraying Operation Market Garden from 1944, where it’s objective was to create a 64 mile (103 km) salient into German territory with a bridgehead over the Nederrijn (Lower Rhine River), creating an Allied invasion route into northern Germany.

The operation succeeded in capturing the Dutch cities of Eindhoven and Nijmegen along with many towns, and a few V-2 rocket launching sites. It failed in its most important objective; securing the bridge over the Rhine at Arnhem.

Richard Attenborough, took on the heavy task to portray this operation as best as he possibly could in 1977, this movie has some inaccuracies that irked historians for many years. This fan cut, released on 80 years after Operation Market Garden, is my attempt at fixing some of those inaccuracies.