The Island of Dr. Mon Santos
I sing of the world as we fear it, hear my tale, and be warned of the day of many woes, the day genetically modified organisms become the mainstream in our society.
Rising to the podium is a boy who grew into a 28-year-old genius, now accepting his Nobel peace prize for his contribution to the advancement of genetically modified plants.
As the somewhat young and handsome creator of superfast foods, fast food that can be cooked with high-speed digital ovens and help you lose weight, the world that didn’t want to change their eating habits, start new exorcises, or just cut back a little, rewards him with our societies highest honor.
As he gives his speech he reminisces of his father, the man who put him on a pedestal all his life and convinced his son that ‘genius is in what you do, not what you know.’, a life lesson that rings more true now than ever in Edward Mon Santos’ mind while he speaks to the scientific community as their intellectual superior dressed in a thin vale of humility under his statement making casual clothes, his mind is in the past, and how he got here, and with bittersweetness, he remembers his father.
Four years prior to his Nobel prize, Dr. Edward Mon Santos spoke at his father’s funeral, and it is here that he finally made ‘the leap’, a decision some famous people talk about when they go from being ‘just another person’ to someone that controlled their own destiny.
Before his father’s death, the idea of putting human brain cells into a tree and granting a person virtual immortality was considered crazy, but his father had literally willed his brain cells to science, and his son, a hero in his own mind would be as Percival to the holy grail, he would not give up until he held immortality in his hands.
In our current time, the time of Mon Santos, it’s common to see news stories stoking people’s fears of genetically modified organisms, the plain fact is that they stoked it so much we all got bored of hearing about GMO’s and then it all fell into the background noise like shootings, robberies, and homelessness.
When Mon Santos received government clearance to use nuclear cells for research, hardly anyone noticed or cared, except the usual customers, the anti-nuclear crowd, who were silenced when our electric cars started shutting down our power grids since the United States was not built to handle fifty percent of the population using electric cars.
Mon Santos along with other competing corporate backed science groups like chemical companies, roboticist, and engineers, all vied for the same prize, being the ones who can give the world cold fusion and profit the most from it, and it was Mon Santos that came up with the idea of ‘plant-based’ cold fusion, using pods of genetically modified algae and quartz crystal matrices, and that’s how Mon Santos was allowed to go nuclear.
In the months after his Nobel prize and world recognition, Mon Santos could still count on a fair share of government spying in the form of regulators and inspectors who served to steal secrets and use them for new military hardware like cold fusion drone submarines.
Under this kind of scrutiny Mon Santos manages to keep the development of the ‘tree of eternity’ a secret, his dream of being the first person to immortalize humanity will not suffer the scrutiny of anyone but him, his use of nuclear materials justified in its noble purpose.
Years after his Nobel prize, while superfast foods are widely falling out of fashion and a new ‘get out and do it’ style of travel-based exercises is now all-the-rage with influencers of the day, Mon Santos meets with his closest colleagues and discusses the future he will bring forth with their help, on the Island of Dr. Mon Santos, a paradise outside of any government control or interference, where they will bring in the age of immortality.
Behind the scenes of the news that spreads panic which chases influential celebrities’ opinions of GMOs, the numbers people see that social media influencers generate more views, and sometimes more revenue than some professional news sources, Diana, a mature and seasoned news personality fights for her share of relevancy by proposing to be the source behind a formal expose of Mon Santos, she would not be denied.
Inside the tree of eternity, the consciousness of Dr. Mon Santos’ father is reconstituted through the cellular mitosis of nuclear radiated cells which enhanced growth properties on an atomic level, a man who was once dead is now reborn mind intact, and now that he remembers what it is to be alive, he remembers what drove him to suicide in the first place, with no way out, he festers and grows his seeds of nihilism in the Tree of Eternity.
In the coming months after Mon Santos dropped anchor at his private island, leaked footage of animals being subjected to experimentation while on the island of Dr. Mon Santos is shown to a militant group of animal rights activists who decide to ‘launch a campaign’ to end the island of Dr. Mon Santos, to Diana’s delight, the useful idiots she has infiltrated have taken her bait, Diana can’t help but be consumed by daydreams of telling famous interviewers how she got the Mon Santos scoop and a Pulitzer Prize.
Dr. Mon Santos ignores the screaming and yelling of his colleagues as he throws giant slabs of meat to his pet ‘Super Coyotes’ created ‘just because he can’, they are bear-sized coyotes that have been bred to defend the island from trespassers and because as a kid he was told to never play with coyotes, now he has super-coyotes nobody can play with, but at least he’s happy.
It’s now that one is reminded that science can be a double-edged sword, the things that keep the island safe from intruders, make it unsafe for everyone else, including Mon Santos, who travels with armed guards everywhere in case he needs protection from his own creations.
The idea of being scared by accident is insulting to an ego such as Mon Santos, ‘we must control our fear.’, he thinks, as he crafts the creation of so-called altered beasts, genetically modified humanoid-animal hybrid beings with enhanced animal qualities that make them ideal for replacing robots and people for a multitude of tasks, including fighting war.
It is by the tooth and nail of the altered beasts who pick bunches of GMO bananas which are too heavy for any human to pick, that decimate and mutilated an undercover agent working for the militant animal rights organization that Diana is embedded in while Diana recorded the whole thing.
Back at the base, Diana shows footage of the group losing two undercover agents working for an animal rights organization killed by a pack of altered beasts while trying to get off the island leading to outrage and calls to violence and more intensive actions by the unhinged mob, who now raise Diana to the upper echelons of their ranks.
Now emboldened with the success of the tree of eternity, and the reconstitution of his father in said tree, Mon Santos rallies his team to push for his dream of plant-based clean energy for developing countries by harnessing the power of GMO plants with human brain cells to create intelligent cold fusion, a climactic speech later, and a good cheer is had by all.
Meanwhile, Diana uses her pull as a news personality to spread fake news about GMOs, using her celebrity connections, she enlists an army of useful idiots in the media to bolster non science-based claims of GMO fears and paranoia, all while the truth of the Island of Dr. Mon Santos is waiting to be revealed, in her heart, Diana knows there is a mountain of silver waiting for her to be discovered, just like the Spanish in the Bolivian Andes, all she needs to do is mind the journey.
After the publicity of Diana’s fake GMO news gains traction, Diana’s plan to force Mon Santos into inviting her to the island as his guest is bust, and now the US Government and special interest groups, driven by public outrage of the island, conspire to sabotage the Island of Dr. Mon Santos to force government intervention and to lay claim to the island under imminent domain since most citizens on the island are US citizens, Diana is made to feel the pressure of the FBI to get more information.
The sprouts of intelligent plants break through the radioactive soil near the Tree of Eternity, with the little brain cells that they have, the human part of them looks at the size of the Tree of Eternity and hear its thoughts transmitting through the air, and they worship the Tree of Eternity as their deity, their god is named Ben.
Feeling the importance of being worshipped, Dr. Mon Santos’ father, Ben, takes in his newfound sense of importance as the divine Tree of Eternity and demands more power from those he would rule over, the cold fusion plants work hard to please their god and start storing energy producing nuclear isotopes.
Back in the laboratory Dr. Mon Santos shows his prudence as he escorts a hand-picked member of the media to show off his super coyotes to, as well as his plant-based cold fusion, unbeknownst to Dr. Mon Santos, the person he is showing his goods to, is a hand-picked spy using the latest in spybot tech, he deploys a transparent bug that takes flight and records all sight and sound, someone back in the FBI might get a bonus for this one.
Ben, Dr. Mon Santos’ father, reconstituted as the Tree of Eternity, shares his electromagnetic psychic bond with his congregation of intelligent cold fusion plants with functional human brain cells that worship Ben as a deity, together they feel Ben’s depression and hear the scriptures from the church of Nihilism.
All day they gather their nuclear isotopes and prepare for the ending that has been foretold by the almighty Tree of Eternity.
A young man shaking and wounded by super-coyotes, opens a flood gate of grievances about Dr. Mon Santos, he talks to the trees, and a transparent bug talks back from tiny speakers that squeak out the voice of an FBI handler, who coxes the young man into doing their bidding for a coveted golden parachute into a prime government lab.
The young man knows that the FBI’s real job is to steal the secrets of plant-based cold fusion and turn it into a utility for the government to regulate and tax, not immortalize humanity as Mon Santos dreams, even knowing this, he still proceeds to betray Mon Santos and steal secrets.
In the dead of night hushed voices can be heard at Mon Santos’ Altered Beast laboratory, “Are you sure about this?”, one masked woman asks while the masked women she is talking to sabotage a holding cell for an altered beast.
Reassurances are given, and the sabotage continues, “when one of them finally eats it out here, then they will have to rethink what they are doing.”, she refocuses on her work, “and besides, they killed some of us first.”, the lady finishes her work and promptly leaves.
Outside Diana continues to keep a lookout until she is relieved by the squad she came with, Diana, now at the upper echelons of the militant animal rights group commands a well organized and armed group who are now veterans at getting in and out of the island, the secret to dealing with super-coyotes is to fill a can with rocks and shake it, after all, super-coyotes are still coyotes.
The next Day Dr. Mon Santos tours the facility with his media correspondent in tow, they cross paths with a few disgruntled employees, including the FBI informant who does his best to pretend he doesn’t know who the media correspondent works for.
While on tour at the altered beast facility, one of the new sea-borne aqua super-coyotes falls upon the media man and tears the man apart while broadcasting live to the news resulting in massive public outrage that utterly ruins the company’s image overnight, the last hope for Mon Santos, he thinks to himself, is to save the good name of Mon Santos.
Here, at the Tree of Eternity, the church of Nihilism hears the thoughts of Ben, who teaches the lesser intelligent plants that the whole point of their existence as living thinking creatures is to reach nirvana, a state of wanting nothing and needing nothing, and he will show them the way to nirvana.
Meanwhile in a closed meeting of governments, the US backed by FBI information, lead a call to vote for seizing the Island of Dr. Mon Santos to stop the spread of altered beasts, now that they are found to have the capabilities to leave the island, the vote concludes in favor of the richest country in the room.
“The path to nirvana is nigh.”, the great one speaks, and the lesser intelligent cold fusion plants feed their radioactive isotopes to their god, the great Ben in the Tree of Eternity, this is the beginning of the end for Ben, and he couldn’t be more excited.
To supplement the needs of their god, the cold-fusion plants grow intelligent humanoid plant monsters that stalk the night looking for places to seed new pods for more cold fusion plants around the island.
Five years after his Nobel prize, morning dawns on the debut of Mon Santos’ super bees, giant bees genetically altered to carry nuclear material to their nests where scientist can use equipment to transfer fusion energy from the nests to the power grid, and this is what would be the catalyst to the end of Mon Santos.
Ben, the Eternity Tree now facing the loss of the radioactive isotopes he has painstakingly gathered over the years of growth, is now being harvested by beings that he considered lesser than himself, super bees created by his son to clean up his own image problem.
Without the radioactive isotopes there can be no nirvana, so the godly Tree of Eternity commands his minions to take over the super coyotes and use the radiation to mutate them into defenders of the tree.
Radioactive humanoid plant monsters absorb and mutate super coyotes into flying griffons that defend the Tree of Eternity from swarms of super bees, and soon the island is overrun by altered beast used to control the super bees, who were created to manage the radioactive Tree of eternity, and now that they overrun the security station thanks to Diana’s militant animal rights activist, the island has finally devolved into its final form, total organic anarchy.
Amid the chaos, a special organization of international troops descend on the Island of Dr. Mon Santos, many men die in the fighting until they are repelled by altered beasts of war, even the battle droids get smashed leaving two of the best to fight their way to Mon Santos to put an end to the madness.
During the storm, Diana and her squad of militant animal rights activist save a plant creature from automated defenses set up to defend Mon Santos’ secret lair, where he is confident the US government who now lay claim to the island through a presidential news conference will save him.
Finally, here at the Tree of Eternity, with camera in hand she asks, “So you can talk?”, Diana eagerly awaits the words of the worlds first fully sentient plant and looks at the tree of Eternity surrounded by the plant creatures that allowed the militant activist this far.
Ben, the benevolent Tree of Eternity tells her what life is like being a tree in a world full of humans who waste their lives polluting the earth and always grasping for more resources and how having human consciousness as a tree is so boring he is bored to death.
“Why did you bring me here?”, she asks hoping for divine wisdom from the Tree of Eternity, Ben speaks back for the last time, “you are the lamb who opened the seal of the end times.”, Diana focuses her camera on the talking tree as Ben continues, “and with a thundering voice I say come and see.”
Ben concentrates all his consciousness to communicate to the cold fusion plants and creates a chain reaction throughout the island from the base of the Tree of Eternity causing a nuclear explosion throughout the island of Dr. Mon Santos and destroying everything on it along with all it’s dark secrets.