
Life can be full of opportunities

Husband’s car wouldn’t go in reverse, so he took it to a local mechanic. I had been to that mechanic in the past with my car and he was trying to charge me for a $3,000 part/work that turned out to be simple loose bolt. Whew! Glad I got a second opinion on that one! So…I didn’t trust him, but husband thought he’d be ok.

Husband was without a car far longer than the time the mechanic had said – about a couple weeks. Mechanic kept telling husband…should be tomorrow….two days….next week. Total run around.

Finally I took my husband down there and the car wasn’t there. I asked the mechanic where the car was. He didn’t know. HUH? He said he had someone pick it up to fix it.

I asked, “Who is the guy and where is the car?”

Somewhere in the neighboring town. That’s all he knew. He said he didn’t know how to get to that town, which I knew was a lie. Anyone who lived in the area as long as I knew he had, would know how to get to that town.

I asked, “You let someone take our car, without telling us, and you don’t know where it is?”

Husband was really upset but I said “Let’s go” and we drove straight down to the police station. We shared the story and we were told that the mechanic was probably getting ready to sell the car because they’d had multiple complaints against him.

An officer followed us back to the shop and asked the mechanic about the car. The officer got pretty much the same answers we did but told him he needed to have that car back in 24 hours or he’d be charged with auto theft.

Next day, husband got a call: the car was back and fixed at close to $4,000.

Just a few days after picking it up, the original problem with the transmission happened again. We had the car towed to our home and I filed a complaint with small claims court for our money back plus court costs.

The court date came and the mechanic actually showed up! That was a surprise. He came and talked to us and said he was selling property in California and would be able to pay us the money but not that day. We went with him to speak to the judge who told him he’d have a month to get the money and set a new court date.

New court date came, husband got a call from him. The mechanic said his father passed away in California and he was out there so he wouldn’t be in court.

We went to court, told the judge what he told us, and the judge said he’d give him the benefit of the doubt and set a third court date.

After leaving court, I dropped my husband off at work and, on the way home, went right to the mechanic’s shop. He was standing outside smoking a cigarette. I turned around and drove in. He was nowhere to be found, but I asked one of the employees if he was there. Employee said yes….and went with me looking for him. I was not about to leave. He was hiding in the bathroom and I was going to stay there if it took all day and night.

Finally he came out and I had my phone’s video on. I told him I was so sorry to hear that his dad died, but I suspected the judge would be very interested in what I had to show him. Then I turned and walked to my car.

He came running after me and said, “Meet me at the bank, I’ll have your money.”

Which I did…and…he did.


Hal Turner World October 28, 2024

Extremely severe and extraordinarily dangerous developments are taking place today in both the Israel-Iran situation AND the Ukraine – Russia situation.

With Israel having attacked Iran over this past weekend, many believed the issue __could__ be settled; especially if Iran took-it-on-the-chin and did not respond.

That belief went right out the window this morning when Yoav Gallant, Israeli Defense Minister, reminded everyone “Israel is highly likely to strike new targets in Iran in the coming days.”

The Defense Minister and the war cabinet have emphasized over the past month that the operation against Iran cannot be considered over in a single night.

Iranian foreign ministry spokesperson Esmaeil Baghaei said this morning that Tehran will “use all available tools” to respond to Israel’s weekend attack on military targets in Iran.

The Speaker of Iran’s Parliament said today “Iran’s response to Israel’s attack is inevitable.”


Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov declared this morning: ”If Ukraine joins NATO “either Ukraine disappears, or NATO does.”

I can’t exactly “avoid” these states. The load goes where it goes. But these are the states I most dread having to visit.

California — A difficult state at the best of times, but what really twists my nips is the speed limits. Commercial vehicles are limited to a maximum of 55mph across the entire state. Not only is this maddening (worse if you drive a manual transmission) it makes it very difficult to estimate your eta. Most truck gps’s calculate your eta by assuming an average of 60mph, so every mile is about one minute of driving time. But when your max speed is 55 that throws it all off.

New England — Yes, all of it. Some states are worse than others but they all suck in different ways. The main problem is everything is so much older than most of the rest of the country. That means the roads and many of the loading docks were built back when trucks were a lot smaller than they are now. Boston and Long Island were two of the worst deliveries I’ve ever had. Though once you get away from the big cities it’s not as bad (still pretty bad though).

Michigan — Ironically Michigan is one of the more truck friendly states in terms of the size and design of their roads, but whenever I pick up or deliver in Michigan it’s almost always in or near Detroit, which in my opinion is easily the ugliest city in America. Which is a shame because the rest of the state is really nice. But I’m always stuck in the Asshole of America. And I live in fear that I will one day have to drive to Michigan in the middle of winter. I have seen what Michigan snow looks like. I don’t ever want to have to drive a semi truck through that.

No New Restrictions on U.S.-Supplied Weapons to Ukraine if North Korea Joins the War

Hal Turner World October 28, 2024

FLASH: No New Restrictions on U.S.-Supplied Weapons to Ukraine if North Korea Joins the War

U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s Pentagon has announced there will be “No New Restrictions on Ukraine’s Use of American Weapons If North Korea Joins War.”

People who have read this statement multiple time, are focusing on the word “new” for the Restrictions. Does that mean the present restrictions against using U.S. Supplied weapons DEEP into Russia would still be forbidden, or does it mean there will be no restrictions on the new weapons supplied?

Ambiguity . . . .

If West-supplied missiles, which require Western Military Satellites to guide them to target, are used to strike deep into Russian territory, the Russians have made clear the use of those satellites makes the West a participant in the conflict, against which Russia will respond.

The West is now saying “No new restrictions on new weapons if . . . . . . .”

Is this a new collision course for the West and Russia?

Not me. Thank God

This guy I know was homeless. Came into our store to buy vodka. One night he was stumbling down an ally and fell on a discarded mattress. Hours later he came to. Felt something hard sewn into the mattresses. He ripped it open and found a briefcase sized box. There was about $40,000 USD inside. The dates on the bills were 10 yrs. old. So he decided he was “rich”. He went to a sleazy hotel that he knew and got a room. Then went and hit all the dive bars, bragging about what happened, handing out $100 dollar bills, and getting really drunk. Evidently he was in a black out. He woke up in that same alley on the same mattress. He got up went back to the hotel room. Someone had broken in and stolen all of the money he found. He did not even have one dollar left. On top of that he hadn’t paid for his room on advance. He just planned to do it later. The hotel manager already knew him and did not like him. The Mgr called the police, and he got taken in for a ‘ theft of service’ charge.

So within twelve hours he went from having enough money to get a new start in life, to broke, hungover, and incarcerated. I don’t think he ever got over that.

My takeaway:

Life can be very difficult when you’re stupid. So, try to show them a little more compassion.

2 reasons.

First, in 2016’s conflict, US Navy prepared to start a war against China for the sake of supporting Philippines, but, China displayed her determination to protect is sovereignty over SCS at all cost, and then the 7th fleet retreated from SCS and Philippines Sea.

From then on, ASEAN countries changed their stance on the disputes in and around SCS.

Second, Russo-Ukrainian conflict told every America’s puppet that they will be fucked if they became the cat’s paw of the US. The US stayed away from Ukraine while the latter was attacked, the US stayed intact, while Ukraine was crushed.

“It may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal.” —— Henry Kissinger.

It’s Official: The Wealthy Have Begun to Flee The USA Ahead of Election Day

Hal Turner World November 01, 2024 Hits: 7934

Wealthy Americans are making plans to leave the United States in the run-up to Tuesday’s election, with many fearing political and social unrest regardless of who wins, according to immigration attorneys.

Attorneys and advisors to family offices and high-net-worth families said they’re seeing record demand from clients looking for second passports or long-term residencies abroad. While talk of moving overseas after an election is common, wealth advisors said this time many of the wealthy are already taking action.

“We’ve never seen demand like we see now,” said Dominic Volek, group head of private clients at Henley & Partners, which advises the wealthy on international migration.

Volek said that for the first time, wealthy Americans are far and away the company’s largest client base, accounting for 20% of its business, or more than any other nationality. He said the number of Americans making plans to move abroad is up at least 30% over last year.

David Lesperance, managing partner of Lesperance and Associates, the international tax and immigration firm, said the number of Americans hiring him for possible moves overseas has roughly tripled over last year.

A survey by Arton Capital, which advises the wealthy on immigration programs, found that 53% of American millionaires say they’re more likely to leave the U.S. after the election, no matter who wins. Younger millionaires were the most likely to leave, with 64% of millionaires between 18 and 29 saying they were “very interested” in seeking so-called golden visas through a residency-by-investment program overseas.

No, I’m not obligated to do that.

It would be a waste of your time anyway.

Say I pull you over for going 78 mph. You ask to see the radar, so I do, and it plainly says 78 mph right there in the little window where it shows the speed I locked in.

If you’re skeptical about my honesty, will that convince you that I’m telling the truth?

If you’re a critical thinker then looking at the radar unit should provide you with an “aha” moment where you realize that I could have clocked any car going that speed and just said it was you. My radar could have been displaying “78” for hours before I ever saw your car.

The only difference is that now we’re both standing on the side of a busy highway arguing about whether I’m a liar instead of the alternative where you sit in the comparative safety of your car and call me a liar.

I very rarely write speeding tickets anyway, and on the rare occasions that I do, and someone asks to see the radar, I usually just stand beside their car and explain how their viewing of the radar isn’t going to prove that I’m not a liar. Generally, that little speech is enough to satisfy them.

EDIT: I should clarify that my radar unit is mounted to the dash of my car, plugged into the car’s diagnostic port, and to the car’s electrical system, and to front and back radar antennae. I can’t take it out and walk it up to someone’s car to show them.

Also, I don’t have the periodic certification paperwork with me. It’s back in the administrative offices waiting for a subpoena.

How Media Continue To Discredit Themselves

Do they not understand how boring this nonsense is?

How Russia, China and Iran Are Interfering in the Presidential Election (archived) – New York Times
Eight years after Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election, foreign influence with American voters has grown more sophisticated. That could have outsize consequences in the 2024 race.

Written by three ‘journalists’ and published at the top of the NYT‘s homepage the intro reads:

When Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, spreading divisive and inflammatory posts online to stoke outrage, its posts were brash and riddled with spelling errors and strange syntax. They were designed to get attention by any means necessary.“Hillary is a Satan,” one Russian-made Facebook post read.

Posts like that ‘one Russian-made Facebook post’ (seen by how many?) ‘interfered’ in the 2016 election and were the reason for Hillery’s loss?

Now, eight years later, foreign interference in American elections has become far more sophisticated, and far more difficult to track.Disinformation from abroad — particularly from Russia, China and Iran — has matured into a consistent and pernicious threat, as the countries test, iterate and deploy increasingly nuanced tactics, according to U.S. intelligence and defense officials, tech companies and academic researchers. The ability to sway even a small pocket of Americans could have outsize consequences for the presidential election, which polls generally consider a neck-and-neck race.

U.S. presidential election campaigns spend billions of dollars on fine tuned advertisements aimed at carefully targeted micro-audiences. It isn’t even plausible that social media posts by this or that foreign actor could have comparable effects.

Russia, according to American intelligence assessments, aims to bolster the candidacy of former President Donald J. Trump, while Iran favors his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris. China appears to have no preferred outcome.

Should we not be especially afraid of the ‘sophisticated’ and ‘difficult to track’ foreign interference by China because it has no preferred outcome?

Here is the NYT‘s example for it:

This year, a deepfake video of a Republican congressman from Virginia circulated on TikTok, accompanied by a Chinese caption falsely claiming that the politician was soliciting votes for a critic of Beijing who sought (and later won) the Taiwanese presidency.

How could a fake video of a Republican congressman with Chinese caption that was used to discredit a Taiwanese politician influence a U.S. election in which China has ‘no preferred outcome’? What is the logic therein?

I have no idea. Nor has the New York Times. It just claims that it does.

Whoever works in western media which carries nonsense like the above should contemplate how much they are contributing to this:

For the third consecutive year, more U.S. adults have no trust at all in the media (36%) than trust it a great deal or fair amount. Another 33% of Americans express “not very much” confidence.


Posted by b at 9:01 UTC | Comments (137)

Why Taiwan Should be Disheartened by Iran’s Missile Strike on Israel

Taiwan has considered acquiring its own “Iron Dome,” but it is likely to be even less effective against China than it has been against Iran.

By Yang Xiaotong
October 25, 2024

Why Taiwan Should be Disheartened by Iran’s Missile Strike on Israel
Israel’s Iron Dome air defense system during the Gaza conflict of May 2021.
Credit: Israeli Defence Forces Spokesperson’s Unit

Long seen as a renegade province by China, Taiwan has lived in fear of the day war breaks out. Given that it is getting clearer by the day that the United States will come to Taiwan’s aid should China attack, it remains to be seen whether China has the ability to bring Taiwan back into the fold via military means. What is clear though, is that China’s vast arsenal of missiles will wreak havoc on Taiwan, even if China is unable to permanently put boots on the ground in Taiwan.

To prevent such a scenario from happening, Taiwan has looked toward Israel, which also lives in fear of its neighboring enemies raining down hell and destruction. In response, Israel developed the Iron Dome, an air defense system boasting a 90 percent success rate at intercepting incoming rockets. Pundits argue that if Taiwan was to take a leaf out of Israel’s book, and acquire the Iron Dome, it could cut China’s advantage in missiles back down to size.

However, Taiwan’s dream was shattered after Iran’s two successive missile strikes on Israel this year. The Iranian missiles lighting up Israel’s night sky proved that the Iron Dome would have no chance standing up to China’s missile barrage.

In April, in response to Israel’s bombing of Iran’s embassy in Damascus, Iran mounted its first attack, launching more than 300 drones and missiles at Israel. If we take Israel and its allies at their word, 99 percent of the Iranian projectiles were intercepted, causing minimal damage.

The outcome was to be expected, but the attack was not representative of Iran’s full ability. Iran’s April attack on Israel was more symbolic than substantive, intended to appease hawks in Iran and the Axis of Resistance, rather than to kill and destroy.

At Iran’s National Army Day Celebration in Beijing this year, I was told by an Iranian diplomat that Iran had purposefully held back on the attack, telegraphing its strike days before and using outdated missiles. “If Iran had committed to the attack, then things would have been very different,” he said.

Indeed, when Iran mounted its second attack in October, retaliating against Israel’s assassination of Hamas’ leader Ismail Haniyeh and Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah, Israel was given a run for its money. In the October strike, Iran used much harder to intercept ballistic missiles, which includes the much-touted hypersonic missiles.

This time, instead of giving a specific number, Israel gave a vague statement, claiming that it and its allies intercepted the “majority” of projectiles. Satellite images analyzed in U.S. media showed that although Israel’s intelligence prevented it from suffering significant losses, many Iranian missiles were able to bypass the air defense system. The Iron Dome’s reputation took a serious beating.

Taking into consideration these facts, it would be a fool’s errand for Taiwan to acquire the Iron Dome, which is likely to be even less effective for Taiwan than it is for Israel.

First, Israel had help from not just the U.S., but also the U.K., Jordan, and France intercepting the missiles. While many countries would voice their protest should China attack Taiwan, few would help Taiwan, even indirectly. Aside from the U.S., even fewer countries would directly come to Taiwan’s aid should China attack. Taiwan would have to try knocking Chinese missiles out of the sky practically by itself.

Second, due to the sheer distance between Iran and Israel, Iranian missiles have to traverse 1,700 kilometers before reaching Israel, meaning that Israel had 12 minutes to brace for impact. By contrast, Taiwan lies only 160 kilometers away from China, meaning that Taiwan will have far less time to respond to missile launches from the mainland.

Third, China boasts a far more formidable array of missiles compared to Iran. Recognizing that it has a long way to go before it can catch up to the U.S. Navy, China devoted much of its effort honing its anti-access/area denial ability. Currently, China has one of the largest and most sophisticated missile arsenals in the world, with 2,300 to 2,400 ballistic missiles. Although Iran has a larger arsenal, at 3,000 ballistic missiles, most of its arsenal consists of reverse-engineered older-generation Chinese missiles, which pale in comparison to China’s more recent models.

Recently, China flexed its military muscle by carrying out a test-launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile – for the first time since 1980. The ICBM, speculated to be either a DF-31 or a DF-41, could travel between 7,200 and 15,000 km. The move was widely interpreted as warning the United States what it could face should it cross China’s redline.

China has no need for long-range ballistic missiles when attacking Taiwan, however. Its 1,200 short-range missiles, such as the DF-11, DF-12 and DF-15, would be more than sufficient. This is not taking China’s vast stockpile of drones and rockets into consideration, the latter of which reportedly could hit targets 160 km away – just enough to cross the Taiwan strait.

Fourth, playing defense is incredibly expensive. When Iran struck Israel in April, Israel spent $550 million intercepting Iranian drones and missiles, which amounts to 1.8 percent of Israel’s annual military expenditure. The missiles Israel used to intercept Iranian missiles, namely the Arrow-2 and Arrow-3, cost $2 to $3 million apiece. In comparison, the most expensive Iranian ballistic missiles only cost $1 million apiece.

In this respect, given that Taiwan’s economy is dwarfed by the behemoth that is China, under no circumstance would it be sustainable for Taiwan to try intercepting Chinese missiles. Wave after wave of saturated attacks mounted by China would inevitably overwhelm Taiwan’s defenses, regardless of whether Taiwan has an Iron Dome in place or not. Taiwan would be better off spending its money elsewhere

There is no “grey zone” in China.

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For example, the United States sold $1.988 billion worth of weapons to Taiwan, which were usually transported to Taiwan via cargo ships.

But here comes the problem. UN Resolution 2758 clearly states that Taiwan is part of China and Taiwan’s waters are China’s territorial waters. The Chinese Coast Guard has the right to board the ship for inspection. If they see any dangerous substances, they can directly seize them!

The Chinese Coast Guard’s law enforcement seizure of dangerous goods and cargo ships is in compliance with international law. China is simply following international practice!

Taiwan’s purchase of weapons has ended up enriching the PLA’s arsenal. The United States thought it could muddy the waters on the issue of Taiwan, but it ended up giving PLA a ‘big gift’.

The United States has repeatedly provoked China’s bottom line, so don’t blame China for being impolite. The seizure of the cargo ship is not only a warning to the United States, but also a reminder to Taiwan: Don’t play with fire!


Submitted into Contest #196 in response to: Write a story involving a portal into a parallel universe. view prompt

Jamie Campbell

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

Jon Trevino sat at his computer doing his very favorite thing in the world: writing of adventures in his fictional world of Oaleth with his six-year-old son on his lap.Jon watched Henry read the paragraph he’d just typed, the boy’s delighted eyes scanning across the screen in the blue glow of the monitor. Teaching his young son to read had been the most fulfilling experience of Jon’s life. He felt that he’d instilled in Henry the same love of story and of fantasy that drove Jon to write, and having seen the boy devour the old children’s classics, Jon decided that if he accomplished nothing further in his life, kindling and tending this flame was enough.A knock at the door. Jon’s heart sank.“Already?” Henry complained.“Looks like Momma’s here,” Jon said. “Next week, okay?”“What’s gonna happen next?” Henry said.“I don’t know yet, bud. We’ll have to wait and see.”“But you’re making it up! Are the magi able to summon help through the portal?”More insistent knocking.“Jon, it’s seven-thirty!” Sheila’s voice, impatient.Jon helped Henry to his feet and opened the door. “Sheila.”Sheila pushed her head in. “Henry, let’s go, honey. Get your coat.”“Hey, how about leaving him with me for the class?” Jon said. “He’s really into the story tonight.”“When are you going to give up on all this childish sword and sorcery nonsense and get a real job? Or are you trying to stay poor to keep your child support payments low?”A bitter spike of ice drove into Jon’s guts, but he’d armored himself against these things over the years.Henry appeared, donning his coat. “Hi, Momma. Can I please stay over? Daddy and I just found a portal in the bowels of the keep, and–”“The bowels of the keep?” She shot Jon a withering look. “Come on, love. Momma needs to get to spin class.”“Next week, pal. I love you.” Jon hugged his son. Moments like these filled the gaps and cracks in his life, and he stretched them out as long as he could.Jon woke with a jolt to his phone ringing. His sister’s name glowed on the screen.“Kate?”“Hey dummy,” Kate said. “Listen, good news. Bruce was able to pull some strings. Someone dropped out last minute, and he got you that booth at Comic-Con.”Jon shot upright in bed. “Oh my god, Kate. You’re saving my life here. Please, please tell Bruce I’ll make it up to him.”“You just get all your copies together and whatever else you need to promote. We want to help, but this wasn’t cheap. Just do your best, okay?”“I’ll be there, all business. I love you both.”San Diego Comic-Con was among the most spectacularly ridiculous things that Jon had ever seen. A scrum of color and noise and nerdy fandom, his modest banner promoting his Oaleth book series was dwarfed by the enormity of it.Jon actually had fans here. He was signing a copy of Ruinwalker when he noticed her: a burly woman in a distant aisle peering around the huge convention center, hard-edged but bewildered, like a wild predator waking up in a shopping mall. He’d have sworn that her cosplay was that of his own invention, the heroine of Fall of Kings. Then she spotted his booth and paused. She marched toward him, a woman on a mission. He was reminded vividly of The Terminator.The warrior woman shoved a fan aside as she reached Jon’s booth. “You are Jon of House Trevino, Worldsmith of Oaleth.” She bowed, but there was mistrust in her narrowed eyes.Her costume was incredible. The green warpaint, the scalemail cuirass, the wolf’s head pauldron on the left shoulder. She was Mad Marion to a T.“Wow, well done.” Jon began. “That’s–”“We must speak,” the costumed woman said. She gripped Jon’s arm and began toward an exit.“Whoa, easy!”She was undeterred. And strong.His protests amounted to nothing until they reached what looked like a utility closet door in a quiet corner of the complex. The jamb appeared to have been kicked in at the handle.“We’re in desperate need of your help,” she whispered. “I’ve been sent by the magi of Freehaven to bring you back with me to Oaleth.”“Right,” Jon said. “Listen, I appreciate that you enjoy the books, but I need to get back to my booth. And you may want to speak with a professional.”She cursed in the tongue of Avedmora. “We don’t have time for this.” She pulled open the utility closet to reveal a shadowed room within.“And what’s in the closet?”“It links to the rift door that the magi unearthed beneath the keep. The portal. You created it, didn’t you? The Enemy’s army is marching toward Freehaven, and our only hope is to sacrifice one of the Staves of the Old World and send a lone traveler through the portal and bring help from beyond the world, yes?”Jon put his hands up in protest. “Whoa, whoa. What the hell is this? I haven’t even finished a draft yet, much less submitted anything to my publisher. How’d you get into my Google Drive?”“I’ve seen your face in the Farseer’s Glass. The magi said that beyond the portal I’d emerge at a site of a great confluence of World-weavers, a nexus of many strange realms and their creators.”Jon blinked at the doorway. “Comic-Con?”She grabbed him by his shoulders and turned him roughly toward her. “Look at me. Who am I?”He took in her features, the deep scar beneath her ear from a slitherhawk’s talon. The long braid which had never once been cut. She smelled of iron and woodsmoke. His disbelief cracked and drifted like an ice floe. “You’re Marion,” he said, awestruck, “once called the Lioness of Avedmora. Lately called Mad Marion. You hate the name, but it keeps people away from you, so you endure it. You’d rather be alone, as it keeps you from hurting anyone.”

She stared stonily at him.

“You took on bounties that the other hunters of the realm wouldn’t dare to, until…”

Her muscles tensed. There was rage simmering in the wetness of her eyes, the hardness of her mouth. He had written her just this way, but there was something more here now: Her anger mingled with a keen fear and guilt that he himself had carelessly etched there.

At the worst of times, during the spiteful, hazy gin vapor nights at his word processor, when the divorce loomed large and bore its fangs and threatened to take Henry away from him, Jon had plunged deep into the abyss of his mind’s eye. There he had authored a hideous trauma that had broken this woman.

“Until Brimhollow,” Jon said at last.

Marion inhaled sharply, struggling to keep her composure. Finally, the dam broke. “Children. They were children!”

The vulnerability in her voice shook Jon profoundly. He had never heard this voice when he’d been writing Marion — the great warrior, the lioness — but of course it was there, muted by the pages upon which she had lived. Until now.

Jon remembered the pages, the ones he’d never dared to share with Henry.

It was to be her most daring quest yet: Unsettling whispers of an enchanter in the town of Brimhollow, rumors that the townspeople’s minds were being usurped by old magic. When Marion arrived, only the children remained.

“Their parents were splayed out in their homes, in the streets,” Marion said, “because of course they’d never bring harm to their children, even after he’d changed them. The men and women were half-eaten by animals. Some by the children themselves.” Her voice steadied, soft, her eyes distant with memory. “Their chins were dark with gore when they began to surround me, grinning, animated by the very insects that spilled from their mouths. Little eyes like silver coins. And then, perched upon a pile of bodies — him.”

It was no mere enchanter that had come to Brimhollow, but the dread champion of the Enemy in his black platemail: Azerazet, Lord of Illusions, darling servant to the Queen of Worms.

The wizard vanished, smirking, and let Marion live. It was crueler that way.

“And then the children came for me,” she said, her voice trembling, “and there was nothing human left in them. Not until afterward.”

Marion was going to die, and her warrior’s instincts wouldn’t allow it. She clawed them off of her and kicked them away and swung her greatsword in broad, sweeping arcs. The children poured from the homesteads and clambered from the rooftops and scuttled spiderlike toward her in a throng of shrieking bodies. They fell like wheat before her, black gouts of insects spraying from them, and she wept as she cleaved through them until all was silent but the scuttling insects as they abandoned their young and dying hosts.

“And afterward I could see it on their faces. Then I could see the children that they used to be.” Marion’s eyes bore into Jon, and he saw at last the true danger that had been the Lioness of Avedmora. That which was now “Mad” Marion. “But you knew all that. Didn’t you? That’s what you did to me.”

Jon finally breathed. “I’m so sorry, Marion. I thought I was just writing a story. I didn’t know.”

She spun on him. “Now you know what you’ve done. What you’re capable of. And you’re going to make up for the suffering you’ve caused. For me. For all of us.”

Jon peered into the shadowed doorway.

Just a closet. Nothing special.

He stepped through, and world went blue.


They emerged onto an ornately carved stone dais in a torchlit cavern, a company of robed and bearded men bowing low as Jon found his footing. He knew this place. These were the very bowels of the keep that had so excited Henry, and the supplicants before him were the magi of Freehaven.

Jon Trevino had stepped through a closet and into the world of Oaleth.

“Hail, World-weaver!” the violet-robed magus said. “We’ve sacrificed a great boon to summon you, but by the storms, you’re truly here.

“I don’t–” Jon began.

All looked up at him raptly.

“I’m afraid I don’t know how to help you. I’m just a storyteller, and frankly I have no idea what’s happening. I need to sit down.” Jon sat down hard on the dais, bewildered.

“My Lord,” the red-robed magus said, “You need only do what’s in your nature.” The old man smiled reverently at him. He produced from the folds of his robe a roll of parchment, ink and quill.


Ever since things with Sheila had begun to fall apart, Jon had grown accustomed to disappointing people, but his failures beyond the portal eclipsed everything that came before.

For days he had worked his quill and ink, attempting to write things into existence. When he was unable to simply remove the threat of the Enemy’s army, he tried to summon rock-dragons and pyromancers, even modern weapons from his own world. Nothing happened. He was their last and shining hope, and he’d proven even more impotent at affecting change here, in a world of his own creation, than he had at home.

Marion had watched him. As he struggled, his hope waning, her coldness toward him seemed to melt by degrees.


As the invasion loomed, the magi and captains of Freehaven called a great war council, and Jon stood before them now, crestfallen.

“I may not be what you think I am,” Jon told the gathered company. “Perhaps I never created this world, but rather channeled it somehow. I may have seen visions of another place and thought it my own invention. But as you’ve seen, I’m powerless to change things with my quill in this place.”

A great murmuring erupted.

One captain cried, “If you cannot help us, then what shall we do against this evil?”

“I’ll help you yet, if I’m able,” Jon said. “Before I came here, Lady Marion made me realize that there are consequences to what I’ve done. I intend to make right what I can.

“I know how and where the Enemy will attack, and how you might prepare. If their champion is defeated, they will fall.” He looked to Marion, whose expression hardened with resolve. “But please: I ask that whatever happens, I must find a way to return to my son. He’s all I have in my world.” Jon’s voice broke. “He’s out there somewhere, without his father.”

Thus did Freehaven prepare, and the torches of the Enemy grew ever closer on the horizon.


The red sky boomed and thundered on the day they arrived at the gates.

Freehaven’s outskirts crumbled under the assault, but the Enemy’s war machines collapsed into the secret trenches dug by her militia.

Archers died on the wall, but great swaths of the land were made impassable when flaming arrows alighted the oil-soaked battlefield.

Jon’s stratagems had bought them time and saved many lives, but this beast was not beheaded yet.


Marion rode hard around the army’s flank, toward the northern rise above Freehaven, Jon’s arms about her waist.

“Azerazet won’t be expecting anyone so far afield,” Jon shouted over the din, “and though he knows that his illusions won’t work twice on the same foe, he won’t recognize you with your helm closed. That’ll be your chance. But don’t underestimate him in close quarters; there’s a reason he’s the Worm Queen’s favorite.”

“He won’t have time for his weapon,” she said. “Lord Trevino, you must know something: I didn’t know of your son. I’m sorry to have taken you from him.”

The idea that Jon may not live to see Henry again firmly struck home. “I believe in you, Marion. You’re stronger than him.”

They crested the rise, and there he was, alone: Azerazet clad in black plate, helmless, looking down upon the field. His sword sheathed, his black staff in one gauntleted hand.

“Prepare to take the reins,” Marion said.

“What?!” He hadn’t begun to grasp her meaning, but already she was moving. They galloped forward, and Marion nimbly stood, balancing upon the saddle. Azerazet turned as she gripped her greatsword in both hands.

“For the children,” the Lioness said, and leapt from the horse.

Marion flew toward the creature, screaming, winding back and chopping downward in a great overhead blow. Azerazet raised a hand to conjure a defense — a mirror image, Jon knew — but nothing came. A grimace of horror alighted upon the wizard’s face, then split. The blade cleaved him cleanly from head to waist, and he fell shuddering as Marion landed and rolled upon the hardpan.

A horrid, multitudinous shriek boomed across the valley as the invaders below shed their parasitic animators — millions of insects scuttling from them and dying upon the battlefield — and collapsed as human beings once more.

Marion carefully collected the staff and inspected it. “I have never seen its like. This is a mighty weapon, a Staff of the Old World.” She held it out to Jon.

“I know,” he said, taking it reverently. It was an ornate yet delicate thing, unspeakable in its beauty. It was just as Jon had imagined it, and it thrummed with power in his hands. “I can’t believe I’m holding this. That it’s actually real.”

“It will open the portal and ferry you home.” For the first time, her eyes were kind and gentle. Her haunting pain had relented, and the Lioness had retreated within her. This was Lady Marion, the once-promised triumvir of Avedmora, who had abdicated her noble seat in favor of adventure. “Be mindful of us, Worldsmith,” Marion said. “We are in your hands.” She bowed deeply, and Jon bowed in return.


When he next hugged his son, Jon held on for a very long time.

Henry eagerly wanted to hear what happened next in the story, and Jon had quite a story to tell.

Sometime around 2013, I was attending a friend’s party with my wife. There had been a barbecue, and everyone was mulling around in the kitchen afterwards, having drinks.

Our friend brought over another of her friends whom she introduced to us. She made a point of telling us that she was Greek, insinuating that due to my Turkish background, we would have some commonalities.

We traded some pleasantries, and she asked if we ever visited Turkiye. Yes, of course we had. She asked if we’d been to the Hagia Sophia, and my wife discussed how grand and beautiful it was. She (my wife) then gleefully asked her if Greek people also had the same wonderful breakfast spreads that Turkish people eat…olives, cheeses, cucumbers, sausages, etc. This woman then, with great affect, said “No, we Greek people have jobs…we work for a living…and are civilized…We’re not like you Turks”. My wife, by the way is Irish and Jewish, not Turkish. I bit my tongue to avoid pointing out that at that time, Greece had a 30% unemployment rate.

At that point, I knew what we were dealing with. My wife said nothing. I smiled and replied with a simple “I see”. Then we both walked away without saying another word. She left the party shortly after, and our friend wondered why she had left so soon.

Later that evening at home, we were discussing what happened, and our teenage son shared with us that he knew her son from school. Apparently, he had on multiple occasions refused to partake in projects or discussion on Civil Rights, Martin Luther King Jr, among other social topics, as they were part of “Black history”, and he was only interested in “White history”. He had also been suspended at one point for bringing in a homemade sign referencing his supposed “right” to bring weapons to school to protect himself because he was White. He did not have a weapon, but it was enough to garner a suspension.

That one last sentence she spoke to us was enough to tell us all we needed to know. Our friends no longer speak to her, though they would not tell us why.

China: Utopia or Dystopia? I Investigated

Thousand Island Dressing



  • 2 hardboiled eggs, chopped
  • 1/3 cup green pickle relish, drained
  • 1 cup mayonnaise
  • 1/2 cup chili sauce


  1. Mix all ingredients.
  2. Store in a tightly covered container in the refrigerator for up to 1 month.

Did the Romanov sisters (Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia) suffer a lot when they were dying?
Originally Answered: Did the Romanovs sisters (Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia) suffer a lot when they were dying?

Definitely yes, they suffered both physically and mentally. The younger two: Maria and Anastasia suffered more than their older sisters.

During the first shots, Maria, who rushed towards the back door, was injured in the leg. The other girls survived because the bullets bounced off the diamonds sewn into their corsets. However, it wasn’t absolutely painless. This can be compared to being shot with a blind rubber ball.

Masha was injured first

When, after the first round of shots, Yurovsky ordered smoke to be vented from the room, it turned out that only the Tsar, the Tsarina and two servants were dead. Maria was lying injured next the back door, and the other three girls were crouched in the corner of the room.

Tatiana and Olga were shot in the head and died instantly. Then Yurovsky ordered the matter to be settled more quietly, so the Bolsheviks decided to stab Maria and Anastasia with bayonets. Maria, lying on the floor, was stabbed several times, damaging her internal organs and causing internal and oral bleeding. Anastasia, who was still crouched next to the bodies of her older sisters, was forcibly lifted, pressed against the wall, and also bayoneted several times. She sank slowly to the floor, also bleeding profusely. The Bolsheviks thought that all the sisters were dead and took care of kill the wounded: Alexei and Anna Demidova. However, Maria and Anastasia were still alive.

When the bodies were removed (about an hour after the start of the execution) it turned out that both girls were still alive – both groaned while being lifted, and one of them raised a hand to her face. Then they were killed with shots to the head.

Grand Duchesses in 1914.

In summary, the girls suffered a lot before their death. Maria and Anastasia lived about an hour after receiving their first wounds – in pain and with the awareness that these were their last moments, watching the deaths of their family around them. It was real hell.

G7 Allies Threaten Canceling BRICS Payment System To Save USD Trade From Russia & China

What is the nastiest home you have been in?

As a real estate investor, I buy houses in any condition and then assign the contracts to a rehabber to fix up. And I do advertise “I buy houses in any condition.”

One day I received a call from a guy who asked if I really did buy houses in any condition. I said that I did. He repeated: Any condition? He said he had one that was a real $hithole. I couldn’t be interested in that one, could I? I said yes. He was skeptical. After talking a bit, we set up an appointment at the house.

The outside looked pretty nice. It was in a nice neighborhood in a good location. (See the first picture below of the exterior of the house pre-fix-up.) No problem.

But the inside was a $hithole. He wasn’t kidding. The story was that his elderly mom lived there. He lived out of town, across the country, so he hadn’t visited her in a few years. But he regularly talked on the phone with her, and he knew that some of her neighbors socialized with her. So, as far as he knew, everything was fine.

Then one day she had a medical issue and had to go into the hospital. Being a good son (and he was), he flew across country to be with her. And he’d planned on staying in her house—which was the house he’d grown up in 35 years earlier—until he saw the condition of the house.

The woman had sounded good on the phone. She said she was doing well. But, in fact, she had trouble getting around so she hadn’t cleaned the house in years. Worse, she had a number of cats that simply defecated wherever they wanted. (Cats are fastidious and if their littler box is dirty, they’ll go somewhere else.) And worse still, she had some pet birds that in recent years had had the run of the house, pooping as they went. There was a huge lice infestation in the basement. I hadn’t noticed it walking through there, but once outside my pants were covered with lice. The place stunk from the bird droppings and cat $hit and pee. The pee alone made it smell like you were inhaling ammonia from the jug. And, while the woman wasn’t really a hoarder, you’d never have known it by looking at the place. Here are a few pictures. They don’t really do justice to the place:

I assigned the contract to a great husband and wife (rehabber and designer/Realtor team who did an amazing job of fixing it up:

The son made a nice amount of money by selling the house. He took his mom to live with him and used the money to help pay for her expenses. (And he sent me a very nice thank-you note.) The mom transitioned from living alone in the $hithole to living with her son in a nice home. Some young family bought the house—nicely fixed up—at a very fair price. The rehabber and his Realtor wife made a nice profit for their work. And I made a few dollars on the deal. So it ended up being a win-win for everyone involved.

Cooktop Cove: I couldn’t stop licking my fingers after tasting these

By Emily Monaco
Fried chicken wings are a classic bar snack for a reason, but not only are they high in calories, deep-frying at home can be a bit of a pain. That’s where the recipe below comes in. Rich in flavor but lower in fat than fried, these baked chicken wings are ultra crispy, thanks to a secret ingredient: baking powder.
These wings are delicious on their own with just a hint of salt, pepper and paprika. But you can also add your favorite seasonings and dipping sauces to make them even tastier. Consider adding other spices to the breading, like garlic powder or cayenne pepper, and serve them with your favorite buffalo sauce, ranch or blue cheese dressing for dipping.
Extra Crispy Baked Chicken Wings
20 chicken wing pieces, flats and drumettes
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon paprika
½ teaspoon black pepper
½ teaspoon salt
1. Preheat the oven to 450 F.
2. Pat the chicken wings dry with paper towels. In a bowl, combine the baking powder, paprika, pepper and salt, and toss the mixture with the wings, covering them evenly.
3. Arrange the chicken wings on a sprayed wire rack set over an aluminum foil-lined baking sheet. Bake for 30 minutes, then flip and continue baking for 15-20 minutes more, until golden brown and crispy.

Russian Foreign Minister: “US, Moscow on ‘brink’ of direct conflict”

Lavrov 10 09 2024 large
Lavrov 10 09 2024 large

The United States and Russia are very close to engaging in “direct military conflict,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warned in an interview published Friday in a Turkey daily, just days ahead of a US presidential election.

“Under the current president (Joe Biden), who has taken the downward spiral of Russophobia in the US to its logical conclusion, our countries are on the brink of direct military conflict,” he told the Hurriyet daily, without elaborating.

Asked about next week’s US election pitting former Republican president Donald Trump against Democratic nominee Kamala Harris, Lavrov said the outcome would make little difference to Russia.

“We have no preference. When the Trump administration was in power, it adopted the highest number of anti-Russian sanctions compared to its predecessors,” he said.

“No matter who wins the elections, we don’t think the United States’ anti-Russian bent can change.”

Although Trump has previously made clear his fondness for Russia’s Vladimir Putin, the two men are not close and have maintained a deliberately ambiguous relationship.

Project Redsun: NASA’s Secret Manned Missions to Mars

Let’s sort out what happened.

On the evening of Jan 18 local time, TikTok suspended its service to US users, and both Google and Apple removed it from their app stores for the well-known reason: Washington’s “ban-or-sale” order under the guise of “national security.” The abrupt move is undoubtedly very unpopular, and it has also led some TikTok users be like “okay, if you don’t let me use TikTok, then I’ll just go join another Chinese app.” This eventually turned into a trend, and we have all witnessed the lively scenes on Xiaohongshu in recent days.

When many American bloggers first log onto Xiaohongshu, they tentatively post a “Hello.” post. Some admit that years of Western politicians and media shaping an “information cocoon” to demonize China left them initially apprehensive about exploring a Chinese-language platform. Yet, they quickly discover that the friendliness and openness of Chinese users dissolve their unease. From sharing memes and “cat taxes” to helping with homework, the enthusiasm for mutual exchanges between netizens of both countries is rising rapidly. Conversations are transitioning from lighthearted to profound, causing the “information cocoon” to be squeezed into its cracks.

I’m going to use this meme I found on Xiaohongshu again. Apparently, on the significant question of “what kind of China-US relationship the US needs,” there is a notable gap between American politicians and the general public. Demonizing China’s development and using it as a scapegoat for Washington’s ineffective governance is a narrative that is increasingly losing its ability to deceive in light of evident truths. As one popular post by an American netizen on the X platform noted, “Thousands of people downloaded RedNote to spite the US government, finding themselves having lovely interactions with the millions of Chinese citizens on the app & inadvertently undoing decades of US propaganda.”

“They want the two great powers in the world to be enemies, but we want to be friends.” “We must remember the love and trust we have for each other in this moment.” Xiaohongshu has become a “message board” for the people of China and the US, reflecting the simple wish for a world of peace and prosperity. I sincerely suggest that American politicians also create an account on Xiaohongshu and listen to the real voices of the people. I also hope that the “Xiaohongshu phenomenon” can serve as a mirror for Washington to refer to when formulating and correcting policies towards China.

These videos are coming fast and furious.

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Ola, on your first thoughts here, I must think of “the road not taken”

I, too, had a very similar experience just a few days ago – just like a very prominent off-ramp or detour to the everyday timeline – I did not take.

I would be in a whole different world now – for the better ? I will never know…
(But I doubt it, like in “when it feels to good to be true it probably is”)

Best regards and have a nice Sunday!

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