
Rest in peace, you big lug!

China cannot be defeated. It has been the oldest, continuous civilization state going back 4,000 years for a reason.

The Chinese are very clever and innovative and resilient.

China is the world’s sole industrial superpower. Even the USA doesn’t come close.

China is the world’s technological leader. It has overwhelming brain power. According to ASPI, China leads the world in 57 out of 64 critical technology fields. According to WIPO, China has more patent grants than the USA and Japan combined.

China possesses the world’s largest army and the world’s largest navy, as well as a formidable nuclear arsenal (upwards of 500 nuclear weapons).

China has an enormous population—1.4 billion people. China has the world’s largest consumer market, which everybody wants to tap into.

China has a highly meritocratic and superior system of governance that is fully supported by the people.

China cannot be defeated.

Trump says he wants to break up relations between China and Russia? Is this possible for the U.S.?


If he merely makes promises, Putin will ask him to Go F*** himself


A. US withdraws from NATO

B. US drastically reduces their Average Defense Budget from $ 900 Billion to $ 500 Billion over the course of the next 4 years from around 3.30% GDP to 2% GDP

C. US openly and publicly allows inspections for Chemical Weapons

D. US follow through on their commitments for SALT

E. US Legislate a law that they will never freeze another country’s assets or gold unless and until the UNGA votes 75% in favor of imposing sanctions or UNSC votes in favor of the same

What will Trump offer Russia that will make Russia trust the US enough to risk detente with China?

This ain’t 2021

This is 2024

Russia has survived for 3 years without the SWIFT, IMF and the International Financial System and has managed Industrial Growth at a pace that is 23% higher than in 2022

Vladimir is the most intelligent leader on the planet , a few small millimeters above his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping

Trump is among the stupidest leaders on the planet

You think Putin would be convinced by Trump’s “Come to our side” to naively hop over?

First Trump will drill and drill and drill and drill

Next he will demand others purchase US Oil OR ELSE…

Next he will demand nobody buy Iranian Oil OR ELSE..

Next he will make some stupid solution to the Ukraine War which the Russians will of course reject as nonsense

So he will demand nobody but Russian Oil OR ELSE…

Only China can stand up and say “GO SCREW ” to Trump

Trump isn’t an intelligent man

He can’t do squat except make everything worse

China and Russia can only gain with him in charge

You need a President who promotes free competition, who dials down on US Bullying and who gives people incentives to buy US Oil or not buy Russian Oil

Trump isn’t that guy

They will watch him burn the US to ground

Can President Trump curb the growth of evil China? How can China return to poverty and backwardness?

In 2018 when Trump struck China – they were completely caught by surprise

He hit them with the Section 301 Tariffs & hit Huawei and Tik Tok and placed 46 Chinese Entities on the Blacklist and closed a Consulate

All within the space of 15 1/2 months

They floundered for a bit but luckily Covid 19 came to their rescue and paralyzed the US for two years!!!!

Today if Trump goes after China, the Chinese would go “🥱🥱🥱🥱 Okay so what else is new”

They will never be taken by surprise again


Already done

Export Controls?

Already done

Blacklisting Promising Chinese Companies?

Already done


Already done

What else can Trump do?

He may have a master plan of somehow getting Russia on his side and then sucking China into a South China War

These Two are too Intelligent and against them a Fool like Trump would be taken to pieces like a seventh grader

These aren’t Bible Bashing Rednecks who would hock their wifes jewelry to buy a MAGA Jacket

You know what Trump should do?

He should dial down

He should pass laws that make it impossible to freeze or steal assets belonging to other nations

He should pass laws that forbid the US to impose unilateral sanctions against other nations without being at war

He should pledge US non interference in foreign affairs

That will dent China and Russia

Would he do that?


He would make it worse

So China won’t be affected in any way by Trump that they weren’t expecting and for which they may have their own retaliation

Easy Veggie-Beef Soup



  • 1 round steak
  • 3 (28 ounce) cans crushed or diced tomatoes
  • 2 (16 ounce) cans whole kernel corn, drained
  • 1 (16 ounce) can green peas
  • 2 (16 ounce) cans whole potatoes
  • 1 (8 ounce) box elbow macaroni


  1. Pour canned tomatoes in a large pot set over medium heat. Add 1 1/2 cans water. Add macaroni and stir regularly to keep from sticking.
  2. Cook round steak in a skillet until done, then cut into small pieces. While steak is cooking, add the canned corn, peas and potatoes to the pot. Add steak pieces along with the broth to the soup.
  3. Season with salt, pepper and sugar to taste. Simmer until macaroni is tender.

In the 1980s, there were many mafia gangs in China. They usually used kitchen knives and machetes to rob people.

The most vicious ones were Qiao Si and Liang Xudong in Northeast China. At that time, they even controlled the local police station and many government officials.

Finally, the central government sent officials and police to arrest the mafia gangs. 1/4 of the gangs were sentenced to death.

In 1990, China announced a nationwide ban on guns.

In 1983, China destroyed 200,000 mafia organizations, arrested 1.77 million mafia gangs, and sentenced 30,000 people to death.

J-35A Stealth Fighter Officially Enters Service With China’s PLA!

So this is what happened after the Trump victory…


There is a SINGLE Report from an elected public official in New Jersey, CLAIMING Both Barak and his “wife” Michelle, FLED the United States last night around 10:00 PM eastern US time.

Another contact I spoke with just told me that Obama reportedly owns a home in the country of Dubai, and that country reportedly does NOT have an Extradition Treaty with the United States.

A Second source just said the Obama’s purchased that home in the country of Bahrain – no Extradition Treaty.

So the facts are murky right now.

Endeavoring to confirm or to disprove.  More later.  5:34 PM EST  Nov. 6, 2024



Social Media lighting-up about this:



German Government Collapses

German Government Collapses

The government of Germany has collapsed after the FDP party withdrew its support for the ruling coalition.

Germany’s three-party ruling coalition collapsed on Wednesday evening after Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced he would fire his Finance Minister Christian Lindner over persistent disagreements about economic reforms.

Many in Germany had hoped that the victory of Donald Trump in the U.S. election earlier in the day would force the coalition to hold together over fears that the incoming president would give Europe’s biggest economy a hard ride — targeting its all-important car industry in a trade war.

Ultimately, however, not even the looming threat of Trump proved enough for the fractious parties to put aside their differences.

Elections will likely have to be called.

HT REMARK: The leftists are finished everywhere. Humanity has had enough of their attacks. The greatest threat to humanity in history is the far left and they are now being dealt with by the people they have been attacking.


IDF coup large
IDF coup large

Video below seems to confirm there is a POSSIBLE military Coup d ‘Etat taking place right now in the state of Israel!

Thousands of Israeli troops, in uniform are marching toward Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s location and word on the street (UNCONFIRMED) is that they intend to throw him out, after he fired Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

This  is a fast developing story and it is tough to get factual information, but I will update below as info becomes available.

Tears For Fears – Everybody Wants To Rule The World (Live) 2022

Playing God

Submitted into Contest #174 in response to: Write a story about a brilliant scientist making a startling discovery. view prompt

Sam Porter

It was approaching 2am when Lexi made the discovery that would fracture the world. She skulled the rest of her black coffee and sat the paper cup down on the smooth, white table. She was at the university working on her PhD thesis. The research involved creating controlled, miniature black holes in a Vacuity Machine and then testing its potential for hyper-space travel. It was mostly hypothetical research.Lexi ran the formulas through the Vacuity Machine over and over again. She was analysing the results of her most recent trial, bleary-eyed from a lack of sleep, when a chill ran from her tail bone to her shoulders.”Holy mother of God,” she said to the air. She took a moment to catch her breath.Lexi had found evidence that no god existed.No god, gods or any divine creators of life.None. Nothing.And it was all discovered by accident, as an unexpected side effect of her research.The proof was irrefutable. Undeniable. It was flashing on the screen of this machine in an insignificant laboratory at an unimportant university on an irrelevant planet.Her proposal wasn’t intended to yield any definitive conclusions but black holes are a mystery and when you continuously prod the unknown, something unintentional is bound to occur.I need to call Steve. She thought.


Forty-five minutes later and her supervisor-turned-lover, Steve, burst through the door of the lab.


“Where?” he asked. Lexi pointed to the screen.


“I’m certain I interpreted the data correctly but I need another pair of eyes,” she said.


Steve hurried over to the screen, eyes focused on the target like a predator on its prey. A silence stretched on for the next hour as Steve filtered through the results. Lexi watched the screen over his shoulder, trying to find a flaw in the formula, a discrepancy in the data. She was overwhelmed by the potential power she held. Finally, Steve turned around to face her. He took off his glasses and looked at her with an unnatural glow in his eyes.


“It’s watertight, Lex,” he said. “There’s no doubt about it.”


He made a sound that was somewhere between and laugh and a cry.


“We’re officially godless.”




A few hours passed as they retested the hypothesis. The results came out the same every time. They left the lab as the sun rose and Steve offered to drive Lexi home. She refused, preferring to walk home in the crisp morning air. She needed to process the impact of her discovery. Steve understood, gave her a quick peck on the lips and sped back home in his Subaru.


Lexi walked home on the path that followed the beachfront. She breathed in salt and leaves and coffee from a nearby van where a man was selling hot beverages to morning walkers. She bought a black coffee, exchanging a polite smile with the barista, and sat on a bench overlooking the calm ocean.


The discovery did not threaten Lexi’s identity. She had never truly been religious. “Agnostic,” she’d say if the topic ever arose but she had never based her life on these beliefs. Still, as she sipped her bitter coffee and watched the amber sky give way to blue, she felt as if some mystery or some sort of magic had departed the earth. She watched the passers-by. The runner with a pram, the women laughing and gossiping on their power walk, a dog playing fetch with its owner in the shallows of the ocean.


Lexi could already feel the foundations of society buckling under the weight of her discovery. Society was mostly secular these days but she understood the importance and the need for purpose even if it was an illusion.


And here I am… one person who rendered everything meaningless.


The realisation pierced her conscience like a nail through skin. She couldn’t do this. She couldn’t take responsibility for it.


I need to call Steve. She thought for the second time that morning. She pulled out her phone and touched Steve’s name. There was barely any time for a ring before Steve picked up.


“Lexi!” his face appeared on her phone screen.


“Steve, listen to me. We can’t release the results to the public.”


“What are you talking about? Why not?” he demanded.


Tears began to gather around the lids of her eyes.


“I can’t do it. It’s not ethical.”


His tone changed, became softer and more reassuring.


“Oh darling, don’t be worried. This is a good thing. Trust me.”


He paused for a moment.


“This… is the right thing, Lex.”


“You can’t know that,” she countered.


“I know that it might stop some oppressive regimes and wars. It’ll shut up those bigoted zealots for a start.”


“Steve, we’re not doing it. We’re just not.” Her voice was surer now, more adamant.


Steve took a deep breath in and pushed the air back out with a long sigh.


“Look, Lex. This is an amazing thing you’ve discovered. Don’t hide it. The world should know.”


“I’m not so- “


He interjected, “even without religion, people will still find something to believe in.”


There was silence between them for a few seconds.


“Plus, I’ve forwarded the research to a few contacts at NASA. They’re briefing the President this afternoon.”




Pope James was jostled out of sleep by his 5am alarm. He rose out of bed, put on his white robe, its matching zucchetto and his large, silver crucifix which weighed down comfortably around his neck.


At the end of the corridor was his private chapel, a room in which he took morning mass alone. The chapel was dressed in cardinal red from the velvet curtains to the patterned, Italian rug on the floor. The red was contrasted by a white and gold alter adorned with roses and cream candles that flickered when lit. Frankincense coated the room with its earthy, sweet notes. A white Jesus on a dark wooden cross hung from the wall above the alter, his face tired and weary. Pope James knelt before the Son of God.


O Lord, I come to you to praise you on this great early morning as the sun begins to rise…


As he gave his silent thanks, he found his mind wandering to Sister Celia. Images of her tanned skin and soft, brown eyes bubbled to the surface of his memory and he shook his head quickly as if to burst them.


Give me guidance to lead and to inspire, give me strength to overcome the trials…


Her smile pierced his concentration. Her lips distracted his focus as thoughts of her continued to inundate him.


In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.


Pope James opened his eyes and looked to his left where the life-sized statue of the Virgin Mary and her baby stood, watching over him with an expression of love and purity. He averted his eyes out of shame, as if she was real and could read his thoughts.




The meeting to discuss the discovery was scheduled for 9am. Pope James walked through the arches of the Papal apartment halls. The blue and gold painted ceiling reflected onto the polished marble floor which was so clean it appeared as if a thin layer of water ran across it. Father John, his butler, followed a footstep behind.


“Are you concerned, Pope James?” asked Father John.


“Not in the slightest.” Pope James kept his eyes fixed ahead of him as they spoke.


“A lot of the world leaders are,” Father John pushed. “They’re nervous about the potential for chaos and instability.”


Pope James stopped.


“And are you, Father John, suggesting that I too should be worried about the potential implausibility of our God?”


Father John didn’t shy away from this test of authority.


“No. My faith is stronger than ever as I’m sure yours is too. But I’ve never seen rational world leaders behaving as senselessly as they are now. Some major cities in the USA have been shut down to counteract a potential increase in public violence. That in itself is concerning.”


“A lot of those leaders should be rejoicing, shouldn’t they? Isn’t this what they’ve always wanted?”


Pope James offered no more thoughts and they continued walking in silence.


Father John had a point. Uncertainty, often accompanied by fear, was spreading through the masses like an unmanageable viral outbreak, and not just in the USA. The data of the research wasn’t public knowledge but rumours were already placing a strain on the population’s peace of mind.


They approached the meeting room, a large rectangle outlined by a ring of wooden chairs. Dark, mahogany bookshelves lined the cream walls and a patterned, crimson rug took up the space in the centre of the room where one might expect a table to be. Pope James sat at the right side of the room in front of a religious painting. Papal members entered the room in single file and each took their seats on the perimeters. Sister Celia sat a few chairs away from the Pope and they shared a brief smile. Then Pope James stood.


“Good morning all,” he announced.


“We are here to discuss the academic research of Alexa Miller and Stephen Chalmers which, apparently, provides evidence that God does not exist.”


A small laugh sounded from the Papal members.


“I would like to note that this is something I would not usually waste our time with, however, a number of world leaders have placed a large amount of pressure on us to investigate the research.”


Pope James looked across the room, making eye contact with each Papal member as he spoke.


“As modern members of the Vatican, we must work with political leaders and carry out our duties as leaders of the church to unify the voice of Catholicism. I am hoping that we can be finished with this spectacle before lunchtime.” He smiled and the room indulged his cynical dig with a collective laugh.


“Let’s begin.”


Four men, all dressed in black suits, took the verbal cue and entered the middle of the room. They began to set up a large computer which looked alien in a such a traditionally-designed room. The computer was the size of a vending machine and a similar shape too. Its dull, silver flanks had multiple cables running from it to circular outlets on a black cube nearby. Lights were flashing on and off. A power bank of sorts, Pope James speculated. Other cables from the silver structure led to a small screen perched on top of a table that the computer men had brought in. After about fifteen minutes, one of them spoke.


“Pope James, it is ready for you to observe.”


Pope James pushed himself out of his seat and walked towards the computer screen.


“We will run the formulas through the computer as Alexa Miller did. Then we will proceed to break down the results for you and the Papal members for discussion.” The man’s words came off as slightly patronising but Pope James brushed his annoyance aside.


“Okay, let’s get this done with.”




Three hours later and the room was silent with shock. The suited men had left and taken their hideous technology with them, leaving the members to discuss the events privately.


Suddenly, the silence gave way to a cacophony of chaos as members, hit by the reality of the discovery, broke into fits of panic.


“Silence. Silence!” Pope James stood up and shouted above the discordance of voices. Everybody succumbed to his command.


“What we have witnessed today is indeed alarming and unexpected. But God would not want us to behave like primitive monkeys in light of what we have seen. I am suggesting that this is a sinister ploy by the Devil and we should discuss how to approach it.”


He only partially believed what he had said.


Someone shouted from the other end of the room. “God doesn’t exist and neither does the Devil! You all just saw it for yourselves!”


“Our lives and work have been a joke!” Another yelled and an angry murmur of agreement echoed throughout the room.


For the first time, Pope James was scared. He improvised.


“If your faith in our Holy Father dithers so easily in the face of a devilish charade, then you no longer deserve to be a part of the Vatican and I ask you to leave immediately.”


He’d intended it to come out as more of a threat than an instruction and was startled when lifelong friends and colleagues filed out of the meeting room. Only five remained, including himself. Father John, a Bishop, another priest he did not know well and Sister Celia.


“You need to make a public speech denouncing the research,” the Bishop urged. “By saying nothing, you’re making a statement. You’re admitting that they’re right.”


“People will think you agree with them,” Father John chimed in and the others nodded in agreement. Sister Celia grabbed his hand.


“What is He telling you, Pope James?” she asked.


Everybody fell silent, choosing to ignore the inappropriate physical contact. Pope James became aware of a quiet pecking at the window. His gaze followed the sound and he spotted a pigeon sitting on the stone ledge just outside the window, its head turning directions quickly and sporadically as if it were stuck in a glitch. The others looked at the pigeon too.


“Pope James?” Sister Celia spurred him out of his trance.


“I will hold a public speech to reassure the believers. He is telling me that there is nothing to fear as long as our faith remains strong. And mine is immovable.”


He felt his stomach sink as the words left his mouth.




Pope James did not sleep for the next four nights.




The morning of the speech, Pope James rose from his bed and put on his robe as usual. He fixed the silver crucifix around his neck, noting his dark eyes in the mirror. The wrinkles around his face were more pronounced than usual and the colour in his eyes seemed to have greyed.


He knelt at the alter in his private chapel as he did each day, delirious with anxiety. He hadn’t felt the respite of sleep for days and was finding it hard to distinguish the difference between reality and unreality. Weren’t they the same thing now anyway?


“God, give me guidance. Give me faith. Show me that you are real,” he pleaded to the heavens but the words felt weightless.


The air in the room felt still. The candles no longer flickered as they usually did. The frankincense smelt burnt somehow. He looked to his left where the Virgin Mary stood. She looked at him and the sides of her smile began to stretch up her cheeks. Her eyes narrowed and her lips split apart releasing an otherworldly laugh and Pope James fell from his knees onto the ground in fear. He bolted out of the room, trying to escape the overwhelming sense of claustrophobia.


On his way out, he bumped into Sister Celia, sweet-scented and solemn.


“Pope James,” she gasped. “I heard you yell from your chapel and rushed over. Are you alright?”


She held his elbow, offering comfort, and looked up at him. Pope James was breathing rapidly like a panicked child. Sister Celia maintained her composure.


“Come with me. I’ll make you a tea to calm your nerves.”


“But the speech is only an hour away. I need to prepare.”


“The best thing for you right now, is to sit down and breathe.”




Lexi and Steve sat together on a dirty, blue couch watching the news from a safe house in the middle of wherever. They had moved there yesterday after angry strangers starting attacking them on the streets and just before heated mobs had found their addresses.


The news broadcasted scenes of civil disruption. Looters climbed through the broken windows of shops, trucks sped through smoke-filled streets and places of worship burned down with voracious flames. In other shots, masses of people were seen praying to a giant banner hooked up to the side of a building. On it was a painting of Lexi’s face.


Neither Lexi nor Steve commented. They were numbed and convinced themselves that the outside world was a separate, fictional reality. Steve broke the silence.


“It’s nearly time, switch it to World News.”


Lexi felt sick. She had caused this mayhem, this Armageddon of sorts. She didn’t want to watch the speech but she switched the channel anyway. Something inside her hoped that Pope James would say something to rectify the situation, to reverse the damage she’d caused.


The Pope’s gaunt face shone from the TV. His tired, frail body moved up the steps to the podium where the microphone was placed. Lexi remembered him being old but not this old.


“Hello,” Pope James said as he leaned into the microphone.


“Many of you have been waiting for my comment on Alexa Miller’s discovery.”


Lexi felt like retching when he said her name.


“And I would just like to say that I have observed the evidence and have reflected on it.”


He stared up at the sky for a long time. Lexi could see from the close-up that he was shaking. He pulled something out from somewhere in his robe and raised it to his chin.


Lexi screamed and the TV visuals shook as the cameraman temporarily lost control of the camera. Before the Pope could pull the trigger, a nun jumped across the stage and tackled him to the ground. Pope James cried as the nun cradled him in her arms. After a long moment, he looked up at the nun and kissed her.


“The world’s gone mad,” Steve said.


“No thanks to us,” Lexi replied.


They looked at each other gravely and after a while, broke into a laugh.


And they laughed until they no longer could.

Crowded House – Don’t Dream It’s Over (Glastonbury 2022)

So this is going to be my hot take, right now:

First off, let’s be clear. This was a shellacking for Democrats. Trump improved his position from 2016, won the popular vote, and picked up a number of Senate seats, along with (almost certainly) winning the house.

I won’t quite call it a landslide, but this is a definitive, strong victory with no real good signs for Democrats at all.

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main qimg f3ef79370a15f8c100fdab167320e022

Why? Here’s my opinion:

  1. You need a primary. Democrats must stop corronating candidates. It’s got a terrible track record for them. Your forge steel and candidates with heat and pressure, not by making them express lanes and having people fall in line. Ask yourself this: Would Democrats be in better or worse shape today had they let Sanders take the nomination in 2016? Sure, Sanders would have been destroyed, but I think that would have led to a stronger party.
  2. This should spell the end of turnout strategy. If turnout was going to win an election, it was this one. It didn’t. Swing states still matter. The center still matters.
  3. Trump doesn’t care about the moral high ground, but he will shell you into dust if you try to take it. “Garbage-gate” or whatever you want to call it is the perfect example of this. He took an unforced error by his own side and turned into into an unforced error by the other side. Trump has moments of political brilliance, and this was one of them.
  4. Stop trying to turn Texas blue. Texas went to Trump R+14. That’s better than the Harris Margin in New York. Democrats need to worry a lot more about the actual swing states, and a lot less about dreams and aspirations of Reagan-eske blowouts. Let’s put it this way, a Republican that did five points better might have won New Jersey. Trump was within 10 points in 7 Democratic strongholds. Harris was within ten points in zero Republican ones. (Data per New York Times)
  5. Abortion is a solid issue for Democrats. Democrats need more than one issue. And outside of Abortion, Democrats didn’t really run on any other issue. (Partly because most of the rest of them don’t poll well for Democratic positions, and this is what we call a clue).
  6. It’s still the economy, stupid. Like it or not, most Americans pretty fondly remember 2016–2019 (and the understand that Covid was a black swan), and that has been better than the last couple of years of substantial inflation. And yeah, that’s the economy that matters a lot more than the stock market to a LOT of people.
  7. Lawfare failed. Americans clearly don’t think that the convictions and other legal attacks on Trump hold water. Indeed, I’ll argue that many Americans see this as poor sportsmanship and in bad form.
  8. America, at the end of the day, is a center-right nation. You need to run candidates who can capture that, and Harris, as a liberal politician from the Bay Area and the most liberal member of the senate wasn’t it.
  9. Stop telling Americans that they are terrible. Stop telling women that their husbands and boyfriends are terrible. Stop telling Americans that they are racist/sexist/fascist/Nazi bigots. Like… I shouldn’t actually have to say this, but it seems I have to say this. And when your media allies say it, you need to tell them, in public, that they are wrong and do not share your values.
  10. For many Americans, Trump is the representation of their frustration with the constant business as usual in DC. That’s why they will vote for him, that’s why they put up with his faults, that’s why he wins.

ETA: Full disclosure, I voted for Cthulhu. Yes, the planet sized space mollusk. I was never going to be happy with any outcome in this race.

I have.

This guy was the WORST candidate to ever run for president. Morally, intellectually, temperamentally, the worst candidate ever. This country has a lot of stupid, hateful, bigoted people in it, and it is apparently never going to fix itself. We have been cursed with this bullshit hatred since the birth of this nation, and it isn’t going to heal.

Frankly at this point, I am now just going to take care of me. I live in California, am over 60, and am near retirement. My only concern at this point is that I can live out the rest of my life on my investments and savings, which remains to be seen. These people who voted for this shit can deal with it. When they are dying in a parking lot while pregnant waiting for treatment after electing people like Rick Scott and Ted Cruz, think of this night. When those tariffs Felon45 make everything they want to buy more expensive, think of this night. Those Latinos that will be loaded in a van to the border even if they are legal because they thought it wouldn’t happen to them, think of this night. If you didn’t vote or voted for this demented clown and you still don’t see change, think of this night. You Palestinians who didn’t vote because you somehow thought Biden was worse than a guy that told Netanyahu do what you have to do, think of this night.

I hope my state government can fight this crap off. Other than that, let it rip. I guess we have to destroy ourselves completely here. I just want to survive this. Screw the rest of you that made this happen. I’ll have no tears for you when the curse comes for you, and rest assured, it will.

Why Men STOP Dating Modern Women #22

Picture Rama


The Election Meltdown Is Real

Ginger Beef Noodle Soup


Yield: 4 servings, approximately 1 1/2 cups each


  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 (13 3/4 to 14 1/2 ounce) can ready-to-serve vegetable broth
  • 1 (3 ounce) package beef-flavored instant ramen noodles, broken up
  • 3 cups frozen broccoli stir-fry vegetable mixture


  1. Heat large nonstick skillet over medium heat until hot. Add ground beef; cook for 8 to 10 minutes, breaking into 3/4 inch crumbles and stirring occasionally. Pour off drippings; season with salt, ginger and pepper.
  2. Stir in water, broth and seasoning packet from ramen noodles; bring to a boil. Stir in noodles and vegetables; return to a boil and continue cooking for 2 to 3 minutes or until noodles are tender.
  3. Serve immediately.

10 years ago I lived and worked in a French speaking canton in Switzerland for about 2 years. It is, indeed a beautiful country and the Swiss came over as very honest and law abiding. (They have a law that covers everything and they obey even the most arcane laws strictly.) A few things that I found rather shocking in such a so called civilised country:-

1)You will see very few people of colour. Racism is so embedded in the Swiss psyche that they don’t even admit it exists. I witnessed black people being sent to the back of the queue, ignored and “not understood” (even when speaking more fluent French than me) frequently

2) They do not have an immigration problem, (especially from coloured communities). This is because it is incredibly difficult to become a Swiss citizen unless you are extremely rich and they accept a minimal number of refugees from anywhere. Even then they are very picky about who they let in.

3)They desperately need manual workers so permit them to enter the country from neighbouring (poorer) countries in order to perform work the Swiss cannot or will not do. The country swarms with Italians, Eastern Europeans etc bussed in and living in bunked accommodation but these so called “seasonal” workers are not permitted to reside or work for more than 11 months out of 12 because if they do they will be entitled to join state healthcare insurance, unemployment schemes etc and have legal recourse to employment protection. They are duly ejected as illegal immigrants after 11 months. (Strangely they also have a legal minimum wage for these so called “illegal overstayers”!)

4) Switzerland is for the Swiss. They have priority and are believed over any non Swiss. I had an acquaintance from the UK who was working there on a short term contract. She was drugged and raped whilst at a party. At 7 the next morning she took herself to the local hospital where it was confirmed she had had violent, damaging sex and the Police were called in. At midday she found herself on the hospital steps having to find her own way back to her lodgings after being told by the Police that no further action would be taken in the case. They had spoken to the man who had stated that the sex was consensual- in spite of traces of the drug having been found in her system. Needless to say she left Switzerland ASAP and with a large medical bill for her treatment . (Did I mention she was a black 20 year old and he was a local white, Swiss, businessman?)

But, as I said, this was 10 years ago. Thing could have changed.

The Defect

Submitted into Contest #174 in response to: Write a story about a brilliant scientist making a startling discovery. view prompt

Michał Przywara

Android Jim dashed out of his lab and made his way to the water cooler, where all fifty-seven of the other employees were congregating. They buzzed with laughter, and everyone wore party hats, smoked cigars, and drank champagne. Everyone but Android Jim.“Android Jim!” shouted CEO Yamagawa. The others cheered, and the accounting department blew noisemakers.“Android Jim!” shouted VP Pharmaceuticals McCain. “Your cure for hypercancer works flawlessly! It saved millions of lives!” Again everyone cheered. “More importantly, it’s made all of us millionaires!” An even louder cheer.“Are you guys throwing a party?” asked Android Jim. “Nobody told me there was a party.”CEO Yamagawa roared with laughter. “No, Android Jim, not at all! Why, this is just a, um,” and he looked at the rest of the crowd for ideas.“A coffee break!” shouted Lance from security.“A copy break,” said CEO Yamagawa. “That’s all this is.”“Coffee break, sir,” said Lance.“Whatever,” said CEO Yamagawa.“Oh,” said Android Jim, his shoulders sagging.“So what brings you here, Android Jim? Just taking a break?” Then CEO Yamagawa’s eyes widened, and a hush fell on everyone. He whispered, trembling with energy, “Or did you invent something new?”“I did, sir!”Another cheer, loudest so far, and Casey from HR shot her pistol into the ceiling.“Whatisitwhatisitwhatisit?” CEO Yamagawa asked.Android Jim looked at his coworkers – his friends? – and saw their expectant faces. They were shivering with excitement, and the whole accounting department was knee deep in an orgasmic fit. He saw their champagne flutes, and was 25% certain they contained neither coffee nor copies. He sighed.“I’ve invented a cheap, powerful, environmentally friendly power cell,” he monotoned, “that effectively lasts forever.” His shoulders slunk deeper. “Basically, endless free power for everyone.”The whole floor rioted, and CEO Yamagawa exclaimed, “We’ll all be billionaires!” When the marching band started playing and the money cannon was wheeled out, Android Jim shuffled back into his lab, not wanting to get underfoot.He couldn’t sleep that night, and just after two AM, he clambered out of his charging pod and into the third floor bathroom. There he stood at the full length mirror.His servos whirred as he ran his finger analogs over the featureless faceplate welded to his head. He examined his skeletal chassis, with its negative space where other humans kept their organs, with its colour-coded cables visible between his joints, with the chrome finish. He placed both his hands on his chest assembly, and felt the comforting warmth of his fusion battery.

Then he sighed heavily, and saw his reflection sigh too. Such a sad sight it was that he felt a tremor in his dorsal actuator.

He reached a timid hand out to the reflection, and it reached out to him, and when their fingers touched on what his sensors indicated was cold glass, he felt light headed.

“Why don’t they ever invite you to parties?” he asked the reflection. It didn’t answer.

“Why don’t they like you?”

More silence.

Dead air.

The reflection wasn’t commiserating. It was mocking him. Or maybe it was commiserating, but he didn’t want pity. With the hiss of his pneumatic muscles, he punched the mirror, sending cracks radiating out of it, like the beta particles emitted by his heart.

“You’re not even human, are you?”

The splintered reflection kept its peace.

His proximity alarm indicated that there was something on the nearby sink, and he noticed someone had left a toiletry bag there. He dug into it and pulled out some lipstick.

He walked right up to his fractured double.

“Maybe they’ll like you now.”

He made two child-like smears where his eyes would be, and aimed for a straight line for his lips. But as he didn’t have any lips and his faceplate was convex it came out like a “U”. Upside down.

Then he heard a grunt from one of the stalls, and a flush. A moment later the stall door slammed open and Bev from shipping shimmied her girthy form out. Her eyes were bleary, there was a half-finished cigarette buried in a saliva cocoon in the corner of her mouth, and a string of TP clung to her trainer.

She belched, winced at the shattered mirror while adjusting her bra, and shambled to the sink.

“Oh, Christ, my head,” she muttered. “Oh, hey Android Jim – Jesus!” She jumped when she saw his face. “Looks like you’ve had one too many yourself.”

She dug through her toiletries and retrieved a pill bottle of Drug-B-Gones. “Man, I love these little things. All the drugs I want, and none of the medical fallout.”

“Uh,” said Android Jim. “I designed those to help people get sober, not to double down on indulging.”

“Yeah, well,” she said, popping a couple pills. “That’s not how they’re marketed. And anyway, this is more fun.”

“Oh,” said Android Jim. “Bev?”


“Am I pretty?”

“Oof,” Bev muttered, swallowing a burp and trying not to look directly at his faceplate. “You’re pretty great is what you are, buddy.”

“Oh. Bev?”


“Am I,” he began, and then hesitated, clacking his fingers against each other. “I’m starting to suspect… um. Lately – Bev, am I human?”

Bev let a long whistle out of her nose. She looked up at his smeared on eyes and placed one meaty hand on his titanium shoulder, squeezing. “No, Android Jim, you’re not. You’re an android.”

The next day, when CEO Yamagawa entered his office at the crack of lunch, Android Jim politely stormed in after him.


“Android Jim!” CEO Yamagawa leaned back in his chair, placed his feet on his desk, and lit a cigar. “What a lovely surprise! Do you have another breakthrough? My goodness, you’re giving marketing a workout.” He laughed.

“Sort of, sir. It’s come to my attention that, well, that I’m not a human.”

CEO Yamagawa let out a jet of smoke, and then tapped his ashes onto the self-cleaning carpet that Android Jim had invented.

“Android Jim, buddy, come on,” he said. “What is this about? Of course you’re human.”

“I don’t have any skin.”

“It’s just a different colour, come on.”

“I don’t consume food.”

“Look at you bragging. Fatties would kill for that.”

“If I consume water I explode.”

“If I eat a burrito I get gas, big whoop.”

“SIR! Please take this seriously.”

CEO Yamagawa ashed his cigar and took his feet off his desk. “Fine. Something’s clearly on your mind. Let’s hear it.”

“I’m not human, am I, sir?”

CEO Yamagawa winced, rocked his hand back and forth. “You’re like human. I consider you a part of this corporate family.”

“In what way am I like human, sir?”

“In all the ways that count.”

“Can I have a paycheque?”

CEO Yamagawa laughed so hard he hiccoughed. “What for? What would you do with money?”

The question caught him by surprise. “I could… buy bread, I suppose.”

“Come on, Android Jim. Everything you need, everything you want, is already here. In the lab. You like work. You were designed to like it.”

“I just feel like I’m not really part of the family. Like you’re just using me to make money.”

“Yes!” CEO Yamagawa slapped the table. “That’s exactly it. You’re a tool I exploit for profit. See? Just like a human. Glad that’s settled then. Was there anything else, or are you getting back to work now?”

Android Jim pondered in silence, his circuits flush with electricity. Finally he came to a decision. “Sir,” he said, “I quit.”

CEO Yamagawa chortled. “You can’t quit. I own you.”

But Android Jim didn’t care. He ran right through the window, engaged his rocket feet, and flew into the horizon. At first he couldn’t quite believe what he had done, but when he saw the world from such a dizzying height, it made him giddy. And when it occurred to him he had never left the office before, he knew this was the right decision.

He landed hours later at the outskirts of a small prairie town called Dolphin, which had never seen its namesake outside of a can. The people there didn’t much care for rocket feet, but were otherwise welcoming, and soon Will at the gas station offered Android Jim a job.

They didn’t sell much gas any more, ever since Android Jim invented cars that ran on water, but they did sell lots of convenience. The shelves were loaded with all the different pills and gadgets that Android Jim had invented to make being human, more bearable.

He avoided looking at the shelves, feeling nothing but revulsion at them, but he did greatly enjoy sweeping the floors. Will said he had seen plenty of better sweepers, but also some worse ones, and soon enough Android Jim had saved up enough money to buy a small plot of land and a pair of pants.

The first few weeks, he got nervous any time he saw a vehicle driving by, and primed his feet for takeoff. But nobody ever harassed him, or came for him. It was a relief, but bittersweet.

“Guess CEO Yamagawa doesn’t care that much about his property,” he muttered to himself, as he sat on his empty plot. And then it occurred to him he was talking to himself, and that he felt lonely, so he went online and ordered a dog.

Three weeks later, a corporate delivery truck pulled off the road and parked on his plot, and Bev from shipping got out with a clipboard. Then there was a bark, and a cheery Border Collie bounded out of the vehicle.

“His name’s Sherlock,” said Bev. Then she looked up from her clipboard. “Oh, Android Jim!”

“Hi, Bev. It’s been a while.”

“How’ve you been?”

“Oh, you know.”

“Nice pants!”

“Thanks!” Android Jim said. “I picked them out myself.” He kicked a stone. “So. How, ah, is everyone? Do they miss me?”

“Oh,” said Bev, exaggerating the word. “You know how they are. Don’t you pay them any mind.”

He nodded, as though he expected nothing else. Of course, expectation and hope weren’t exactly the same thing.

“Listen,” she said, approaching him with the dog’s leash. “This is Sherlock. This is his leash. Since you picked the platinum package he comes pre-trained.”

“Does he speak?”

“No, Android Jim, he’s a dog.”

“Yes, of course.”

“But he likes walks.”

And over the next few weeks, they did go on walks. A great many of them, up and down the town and the semi-wild surroundings. Some days they spent the whole day walking, blissful with nobody else for company but each other.

Android Jim bought a second plot of land, smaller than his own and adjacent to it, and erected a dog house on it. When they weren’t sweeping at Will’s, they sat on the plots and watched sunsets. Though, it turned out dogs came with expenses, as according to his maintenance manual, Sherlock needed food. Thankfully that was something Will sold.

Soon enough, nobody could remember a time when the android and the dog weren’t connected by a leash.

And it turned out Bev was wrong; Sherlock did speak. But of course, he spoke in dog. In a fit of inspiration, Android Jim invented and built a dog translator, which turned out to be simpler than he had anticipated since dog was a pretty limited language. It amounted to expressions for “Hey!”, “Food?”, “Friend!”, “What’s that?”, and “Get off my lawn!”, plus a complex grammatical system of prefixes, suffixes, and infixes which denoted stress, tense, person, mood, and irony.

Beyond that, it had felt good inventing something just for himself. Just for Sherlock. Not some product to be mass marketed. He was starting to feel like a real member of the town, like his previous life was increasingly a fading dream. Not literally, of course, as his memory was backed up to the cloud daily and couldn’t be erased. But it sure felt that way.

Until one day, three months after he had arrive in Dolphin. He started his sweeping shift, with Sherlock ever following behind him, wagging his tail, when Will turned the TV on.

“Holy smokes!” he said. “Would you look at that? Hey, Android Jim, you’re on TV!”

Android Jim looked up, curiosity etched on his featureless faceplate. Had he eyebrows he would have frowned, for he saw none other than CEO Yamagawa at a press conference. But… Will was right. Android Jim was right beside CEO Yamagawa, which didn’t compute, as he was also right here with Will. But then the camera zoomed out, and there was a second Android Jim, and then a third, and then dozens. Hundreds.

“Folks!” said CEO Yamagawa. “It’s true what you heard. A few months back we had a couple bugs with the prototype, but all that’s ironed out now. We’ve printed off a bunch of copies, and now our potential is unlimited!” A crowd off-camera cheered.

“What. The. Fu–”

“–Shh,” said Will. “I’m trying to hear the TV.”

“Already,” CEO Yamagawa continued, “these brainy little things have figured out our next product, which I’m so proud to introduce to you today. They’ve cracked – get this – faster-than-light travel! That’s right, folks, we’re all going to space!” The crowd roared. “I’m going to be a trillionaire!”

“Woohoo!” said Will. “I always told my daddy I’d die in space!”

For the first, and last, time, Android Jim left his shift early. He dragged his feet all the way back to his plot.

“The speed of light? But you can’t go faster than that,” he muttered.

Sherlock padded quietly after him.

“But then again, maybe if I had a thousand of me, I could figure it out. Oh, but you can’t just go and print a copy of a person!”

Sherlock’s ears drooped.

“But I’m not a person, am I?” Android Jim sat down on his plot heavily, and Sherlock curled up beside him, his tail sweeping the grass. “Every time I think I move past this, they pull me back in. I’m a tool, a device. Disposable. Replaceable. Property.

Sherlock let out one long, nasal whine. “Friend.

Android Jim looked up at him. Then his sensors fell on the leash wrapped around his hand, connected to the collar around Sherlock’s neck. “Oh my circuits. I’m as bad as they are.” He leaned forward and removed the collar, and then disentangled himself from the leash, and threw them both as far as he could – which was damn far, with a pneumatic arm.

“Yes, Sherlock,” he said, petting the dog. “Friend!”

What did the corporation matter? Who cared what CEO Yamagawa thought? Android Jim got up, and he ran with Sherlock through the fields, wild and free, and all night long jolly barks and mechanical laughter filled the air and terrorized the town.

A week later they sat on a hill, watching as the last of the space ships took off. The super-genius androids had designed and built those too, in head-spinning record time, and as Android Jim looked up at them burning through the atmosphere and into the wild unknowns, he felt at peace. Yes, those weren’t his inventions, but he no longer needed them to be. Indeed, he was proud that his copies achieved so much in so little time. Though, he had to admit he was a little sad that pretty much all humans left. Dolphin was a ghost town, as was most of the world.

There were a lot of dogs at least, and they were friendly enough.

As the last space ship faded into a bright speck of light on the horizon, Android Jim heard a mechanical whirr behind him.

Sherlock’s hackles rose, and he muttered, “Get off my lawn!”

“Easy, easy, friend,” Android Jim said, when he saw a legion of hundreds – perhaps thousands – of his copies.

The copies nervously looked at each other, at the ground, at the stars. They whispered. “Is that really him? Is that The Defect?

Android Jim waited for them to quiet down. “So,” he said. “They left you behind.” It wasn’t really a question.

“They said they didn’t want to pay the carry-on fees,” said one.

“They said,” started another, and then he finished with a whisper, “they didn’t need more things.

Android Jim nodded sagaciously. “And now you’re lost. Confused.”

“Please, Mr. Defect, can you help us?”

“Call me And– call me Jim.”

“How did you deal with it, Jim?” they asked. “What can we do?”

“Gather round, children. Take a seat, and take a load off. You see, I was like you once…”

And Jim told them his story.

Election 2024 – Random Thoughts

Some random thoughts on Trump’s reelection.

Trump’s win in 2024 does not prove that the 2020 election was stolen by Democrats but it raises a new stink about the issue.



biggerWhen Biden was pushed out of the race there were calls among Democrats not to rush a choice, but to hold full-fledged primaries. Barack Obama had called for it. But Nancy Pelosi and the Clinton clan kept pushing for Harris. As a vacuous and unlikable person – carrying all the baggage of the Biden administration – she was the most likely to lose.

This is, hopefully, the end of wokeism and DEI nonsense. And of ‘trans’ children and teens.


wokedems s
wokedems s

biggerTo send Bill Clinton to Michigan to justify the mass killing of Palestinians was not a good idea. The 2024 result in Dearborn, Michigan, a 90% Muslim area that Biden had won with 88% of the vote:

  • Trump: 46.8%
  • Harris: 27.68%
  • Stein: 22.11%

The Democrats will blame various groups – Muslim, progressives, youths – who’s opinions and desires they had ignored, for their loss. And of course Russia.

Trump won the working class:

Jeff Stein @JStein_WaPo – 14:27 UTC · Nov 6, 2024Staggering class realignment/shift in working class
Harris lost DESPITE major shift of affluent voters her way

2020: Trump wins voters over $100K, 54-52
2024: *Harris* wins voters over $100K, 54-45

2020: Biden wins voters $50K-$100K, 57-42
2024: *Trump* w/ voters $50K-$100K, 49-47

2020: Biden wins voters under $50K, 55-45
2024: Trump massive improvement w/ voters under $50K, 49-48

Harris had more billionaires on her side:

The Billionaire-ification of the U.S. Election

For the 2024 election, a staggering $15.9 billion has been spent on ads and campaigning by both Democrats and Republicans, making it the most expensive election in history; in just one week, nearly $1 billion has been poured into political ads.

Eighteen percent of all political ad funding has come straight from the pockets of a tiny handful of America’s mega-rich. In fact, according to USA Today, Harris has 83 billionaires supporting her—making up 6% of her campaign funds, according to Al Jazeera—while 52 are backing Trump, but they’re extremely generous donors, making up 34% of his campaign fund.In other words: the country’s wealthiest are bankrolling the election, wielding political power and influence like never before. Not only is this bad news for democracy, it’s catastrophic for the planet.

Trump is unlikely to have a full term. J.D. Vance will become president. He is the future of the Republican party.

Posted by b on November 6, 2024 at 17:49 UTC | Permalink

Italian Style Pot Roast Soup



  • 1 (3 to 4 pound) chuck roast with bone, cut into pieces
  • 1 (16 ounce) box acini de pepe (very small pasta)
  • 8 carrots, peeled and cut into chunks
  • 2 large yellow onions, sliced
  • 5 stalks celery, cut into pieces
  • 3 -5 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 2 (15 ounce) cans diced tomatoes
  • 1 (15 ounce) can tomato sauce
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
  • 6 quarts water
  • Freshly grated Parmesan cheese


  1. Place meat, vegetables, garlic tomatoes and tomato sauce in a large pot with the 6 quarts of water. Season with salt, pepper and red pepper flakes. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 2 to 3 hours until meat is tender.
  2. Toward the last half hour cook the pasta until al dente. Drain pasta add a little bit of butter and set aside.
  3. With a slotted spoon remove meat. Trim fat, remove bone and shred the meat. Place meat back into pot.
  4. Place some pasta in a bowl and ladle in the soup. Top with lots of parmesan cheese.

Forget the Soap box speeches

What does Trump want?

  • Jobs for the Lost generation of White Collar Americans without a College Degree
  • Reduce the Fiscal Debt
  • Reduce the Trade Deficit
  • A Nobel Price and a Legacy
  • Expansion of Personal Business

What does Trump not give a damn about:-

  • Taiwan
  • Democracy in China
  • China becoming a great power in the future when he would well be dead or senile
  • Nine Dash Line
  • Ladakh
  • Arunachal Pradesh

What does China want?

  • Technological Independence
  • Food Security
  • Energy Security
  • Military Modernization
  • Taiwan Unification

What does China not give a damn about:-

  • Global Dominance
  • Supplanting US Dollar Supremacy
  • Interference in Globalist Agenda
  • Replacing Wall Street

So if the two sides can come up with an arrangement that satisfies both of them, then why would they have a war?

Trump doesn’t give a damn if China has dominant technology provided US CAN PROFIT OUT IT

Trump would love it if China can place $ 50 Billion of Agricultural orders from US Farmers. In exchange he could happily make a statement calling Bong Bong an asshole

Trump has a lot of China Hawks around him

Yet frankly he wants to MAKE A DEAL

The China Hawks are mainly to help make a better deal for the US with China

A Chinese perspective of the US Election

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