So there is this movement in South Korea right now. It’s called the 4B movement, and it’s the ultimate collapse of the West.
- No dating.
- No relationships.
- No marriage.
- No children.
Why this movement is PERMITTED and ALLOWED in a nation just shows how corrupted the nation is.
All nations must take care of their society.
If they do not, then they are corrupted, evil and must be policed. As the fundamental purpose of the government is to protect, maintain and support their society.
The 4B movement is one of destruction of society.
Just like WOKE, and BLM. Just like the Nazi movements of the past. This is a society-destroying movement.
Again, I must say…
A government that allows internal destruction from within is a government that needs to be erased and replaced.
What did someone do in an emergency room that made you say “You gotta be kidding me”?
My husband fell off his bicycle and reflexively put his arm down to break his fall. He came home scrapped up and holding his shoulder in an odd, pushed back position. It was a weekend, so we couldn’t see our family doctor, and this was in rural Texas where there is literally only one hospital per county. He was in excruciating pain when we arrived at the emergency room in our small town. After waiting an hour, a nurse gave him a visual exam and told him that he should ice his shoulder, take a couple of Tylenol, and see an orthopedist. She finished by saying that they couldn’t do anything for him, like give him drugs. We were stunned. He couldn’t move that arm, and any pressure elicited sharp pain. We wanted an x-ray, not a morphine drip.
There was nothing we could do but drive to the hospital in the next county. It was the same routine as the first ER. No x-ray, no exam. The doctor there referred us to an orthopedist in a larger town. Again, we were sent home on a weekend with no help.
We rigged up a sling as a stopgap measure and made an appointment with a local orthopedist. My husband couldn’t sleep in the bed, so he tried sleeping in a chair. He also had to return to work because he had no diagnosis or doctor’s note. After two interminable weeks, he finally saw a local doctor who took a single AP x-ray and told him that there was nothing wrong with his shoulder. He also told us that he saw “all kinds” of people like my husband who faked injuries to get drugs.
We saw the second orthopedist after another three weeks. He took one look at the x-rays and literally said, “Wow!” My husband had a posterior dislocation of his shoulder. These are rare and usually missed due to insufficient imaging and lack of examination. By now, it had been five weeks since the accident, and the doctor said he did not have the surgical experience to reset the shoulder. We were referred to a large, orthopedic specialty hospital in Houston that performed the surgery six weeks after the accident. He has recovered, but he has titanium pins in his shoulder now for an injury three providers said he never suffered.
Gen Z during world war 3
Why the West claims Hong Kong is under Chinese oppression while absolutely ZERO person were killed by the police in 2019 and it is actually the West and British who illegally attacked, occupied and oppressed Hong Kong?
Why the West claims Hong Kong is under Chinese oppression while absolutely ZERO person were killed by the police in 2019 and it is actually the West and British who illegally attacked, occupied and oppressed Hong Kong?
It’s simple. Many british people won’t look very deeply into the actual details of the situation as such they imagine Hong Kong was almost exactly the same as life in the UK other than it was filled with Chinese people and hotter humid weather.
So when the BBC and politicians lie about it, they take it at face value and either aren’t invested enough to check it out in more depth or simply trust politicians at what they say.
A great example is how many think Hong Kong was democratic before 1997. I ask them who elected the governor of Hong Kong… they have no answer… now and again this is great because it makes them ask further questions and makes them question their position. Most however don’t and simply double down.
The other group were the occupiers, yes occupiers is a correct word. June 1972 during the 27th meeting of the UN, Hong Kong was taken off the list of British colonies and it was instead considered an occupation. The occupiers lived a privileged life compared to local people in Hong Kong.
This is demonstrated with Kowloon Walled city. People view it as holy fucking shit, but Walled city wasn’t unusual it was only demolished in 1993.

The big apartment blocks to the north only started being built in the late 70s and 80s. Most people were living in shanty towns dotted all over.
SHOCK: Technology Already Developed to put “Vaccines” in Lettuce, Tomatos, and . . . Tobacco Products!
The Tennessee state legislature held hearings about putting “Vaccines” in consumer products like food and tobacco. The hearing revealed startling information . . .
Rep. Scott Cepicky revealed that the University of California at Riverside has “already perfected the ability to put Human Vaccines into our lettuce right now.” He went on to add “Also Tomatoes, has the ability to do that also, from UC Berkely, and also RJ Reynolds has developed the ability to put Human “Vaccines” into Tobacco products.”
Rep. John Ray Clemmons then inquired “Is that even legal to do in the state of Tennessee, to sell those with a Vaccine in them?”
Rep. Cepicky responded “I’m not arguing that, all I’m saying is that if a person walks into a grocery store you as a Consumer should know __this__ head of lettuce __is__ a head of lettuce, but __this other__ head of lettuce right next to it, could contain a Vaccine in it. All we’re saying is, if it does have the vaccine in it, make sure it’s listed as a Pharmaceutical so people can get the proper dosage.”
Hal Turner Snap Editorial
The idea that companies would DARE to presume to include “vaccines” in Human food seems outrageous to me. Who do these people think they are? They have no right to put some medical treatment into food for Humans and thereby into people’s bodies without informed consent.
Take the COVID Vax for instance. We were all told it was “safe and effective.” Those claims turned out to be false. The vaccines harmed or even KILLED many people, and are STILL harming and killing people.
Yet some nitwit thinks it’s a good idea to put things like this into consumer food so that unwitting people get something they otherwise might not want? Shocking! Outrageous!
Some of these “Scientists” seem so preoccupied with whether or not they could, that they didn’t stop to think if they should.
What’s something your husband did to you that you will never forget?
I met my husband through college when I was 18. He was 20. I was married at 21. He went through all my ups and downs with me, and I mean ups and downs. Things got really bad for me once I entered the professional workforce after grad school. I was ironically working in the mental health field at the time, while my own mental health was deteriorating. My husband was there to lie with me when I cried my eyes out, and he was there to calm me down when I was so excitable I could easily make some bad decisions. Never did he act like I was the “crazy person” I felt I was becoming. On two occasions he walked in on me harming myself, and he took the tool from me and cleaned me up in the shower. He was also the person who walked in on me standing in a corner listening to “the voices” that were talking to me from the sky. Yes, he stayed.
My husband is the reason I chose to go to a therapist. It was humiliating; going to a therapist when I worked in the mental health field myself. After all, I should know how to deal with what was happening to me, right? I had a really good life, an awesome husband, and a good career. What was wrong? The therapist sent me to a psychiatrist, something I also would have declined had it not been for my husband.
My husband attended my diagnostic appointment with the psychiatrist. After answering all sorts of questions and talking about what was going on, I was diagnosed as bipolar with psychotic features. I knew it. In the back of my mind I knew it and I didn’t want to know it. It was one of the reasons I didn’t want to go to the psychiatrist in the first place. I was prescribed medication and my ascent to sanity began, although I’m still not there 100%.
The thing my husband did that I’ll always remember happened just after we stepped out of the office. I was upset. I looked up at him trying to make a joke of it (kind of) and said “Well, congratulations, you married a crazy person.” He stopped us both by taking my hand, looking me in the eye and telling me “You’re no different than you always were, and I love you just as much as I always have.” We had been married almost 8 years.
It’s odd to say a romantic moment came of me being diagnosed as, how I thought of it at the time, crazy, but that’s what happened. I had been feeling so worthless. Who could love someone going through psychosis; someone who might just become a burden on others? The fact that he reassured me, after everything he’d been through with me, that I was still loved was more than I could ever thank him for. We’ve been married over 10 years now, and he says he still feels the same way, even when I do have my bouts of depression, mania, psychosis, and panic attacks, and I’ll never forget that moment when he reassured me I was still lovable and the same old me, even if there was now a name for what was happening to me. I am not crazy. I have bipolar disorder and I’m learning how to deal with it while my husband learns how to deal with my behavior.
God I love that man.
**Edit** Thank you all for the kind words! I did show my answer to my husband and he said he never realized how much that moment meant to me. I wish I’d expressed myself better at the time then! I do make sure to show him appreciation as often as possible!
It’s weird, I never felt the way about my clients that I felt about myself. I loved my clients, and they’re each battling their own mental health issues as strong boys and girls (I worked with adolescents). I guess it’s one of those cases where it’s sometimes hard to value yourself when it’s easy to see the value in others.
Despite everything, I am much better with treatment, and my husband and I are very happy together. He is definitely the love of my life and he makes me feel valuable everyday by telling me how awesome I am as a person, and how “fun I am” to be around. He definitely enjoys spending as much time as possible with me, so I certainly believe him!
I chose to go anonymous mainly because I’m still a bit of a coward and only my close family and friends know about my illness. Maybe one day I’ll have the strength to talk about it more openly, but I worry how that might affect any future clients’ or agencies’ views of me as an effective worker.
Hope that addresses some of the comments I read!
In case of a major conflict between India and China, would the Chinese expect Pakistan to help by opening a second front?
China is too strong today to require the second front
The ‘Second Front’ was a plan maybe ten or twelve years or maybe even fifteen years ago in case of a conflict
Back then both Armies were on similar footing
- Chinas Budget was $ 68.79 Billion in 2009 with a much higher import dependence and Indias was close to $ 46 Billion
- Both countries depended on at least 40% of their Military Supplies on the Russians
- Both Nations had similar abilities on three domains – Army, Navy & Air
- Chinas GDP was around $ 4.8 Trillion to Indias $ 1.58 Trillion. Yet Chinas Debt to GDP was closer to 36% to Indias 21%
Back then Pakistan was also in a far stronger position than today
It was also way closer to the US , so Chinas active plan was to get Pakistan out of US Sphere of Influence into their own
The Plan was if India moved against China, then for China to get Pakistan to open a second theatre either through Economic leverage or Military Leverage
In 2024, this plan is no longer a primary one
- China has the roads now, the infrastructure to mobilize it’s troops in 24 hours and confront India in any direction
- China has Satellite Imaging for every square feet of those mountains
- China has a five domain superiority including Cyber & Low Space where they are streets ahead of India
- Today Chinas economy is at $ 18–19 Trillion and they have virtually the same amount of savings and real wealth plus a Net Foreign Reserves of a Trillion plus bucks
So today the notion of India attacking and moving in offensive on China is much lesser than in 2009, at least militarily
2015–16 was the last year India could have actively moved against China and managed a stalemate or bloodied the Chinese nose and gotten brutally mauled
Today the Chinese are TOO STRONG
They prepared their forces for India as the largest enemy until 2013/14 and since then have began to prepare for US and NATO as their largest enemy
We prepared for China and Pakistan as our largest enemy from the 1960s , so our scale hasn’t surged as much
As a consolation, India is too strong for Pakistan today
Just like the Chinese are too strong for us
Work Smarter
Roasted Black Pepper Wings
with Maple Bourbon Glaze

Yield: 4 servings
- 2 1/2 tablespoons freshly ground black pepper
- 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
- 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
- 12 wings, cut in half at joints, wing tips removed and discarded
- 1 cup bourbon
- 3 tablespoons maple syrup
- 2 teaspoons molasses
- In a small bowl, combine the black pepper, salt and cayenne.
- Place the wings in a zip-type plastic bag.
- Pour the pepper mixture into the bag, close it and shake to coat the wings.
- Heat the oven to 350 degrees F. Cover a rimmed baking sheet with aluminum foil, place wings on foil and bake for 30 to 40 minutes, or until done.
- In a small saucepan over medium heat, combine bourbon, maple syrup and molasses, + 1 cup of water. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to simmer. Simmer the mixture until reduced by about half and thickened, 5 to 6 minutes.
- When the wings are done, toss them with the glaze while they are still warm.
Shorpy time

WTF is going on with American girls?
Peanut Butter Chicken Wings

Yield: 15 to 20 servings
- 50 chicken wings
- 2 (12 ounce) bottles beer
- 1 cup molasses
- 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
- 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
- 1/2 cup Worcestershire sauce
- 1/4 cup prepared mustard
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 2 tablespoons chili powder
- 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley, for garnish
- 1 to 2 lemons, sliced thin, for garnish
- Heat oven to 450 degrees F.
- Remove and discard tips from wings and cut each wing in half at joint.
- Combine remaining ingredients except parsley and lemon slices in a large saucepan. Cook over low heat for about 15 minutes, until reduced and thickened to the consistency of thick gravy.
- Place wings in a large roasting pan and cover with sauce. Turn until each wing is well coated.
- Bake for 15 to 20 minutes.
- Serve on large platter.
- Garnish with parsley and lemon slices.
Move to Italy
What did you say during your first job interview that helped you get the job? Can you offer any tips for individuals seeking their first job interview?
I was 18 years old (about 200 years ago) and had just graduated high school. I walked 3 blocks down the street to an intersection where the first big box predecessor to Home Depot had put up a first-of-its-kind huge store and lumber yard. I was there to attend a cattle call (open call) for workers.
I had WAY overdressed for a helper job in the lumber yard. In fact, I was wearing the suit I had worn on my graduation night. I stood in line with guys in jeans, work boots, T-shirts and packs of Marlboro cigarettes rolled up in one sleeve. They hadn’t shaved in days. (hell! I didn’t even NEED to shave!—yet)
As each guy’s turn came up you walked into the office and had a 2-minute interview with the yard foreman. I walked in in my suit and I could tell from first glance he had immediately dismissed me. I handed him my application and told him, “Mr. Dykes, for every dollar you pay me I’ll return $10.”
One eyebrow shot up. He looked me over. Not saying a word, he reached behind him and grabbed a pair of work gloves and a hardhat and tossed them across the desk. He told me to be back at 6AM the next morning.
I unloaded boxcars, drove a forklift, and a small delivery truck for Mr. Dykes for one year before I went off and joined the US Air Force.
Why is China’s rise so hard for the US to counter?
For one thing, the Chinese are very clever and adaptable and resilient. The Americans have grown fat, lazy and stupid.
For another, the Chinese number over a billion, more than 4X the size of the US population.
For another, the Chinese are well-educated. In fact, China produces 4X more STEM graduates than the USA does. This is why China can kick America’s ass technologically.
For another, the Chinese are led by a very strong, stable, capable, intelligent government. The Americans are led by clowns.
For another, the Chinese do not waste valuable resources on fighting wars around the globe. They dedicate their resources to economic and technological development.
Why Dating is Broken in 2024 – What Boomers don’t understand
Not in the States
My sister got a job with a popular makeup artist and brought me the contract agreement to go through for her which was all shades ridiculous, I’ll tell you why
First that she would resume work at 8am not a minute more every weekday and Saturday
If a client is assigned to her by her employer, she gets only 20% of the payment and 80% goes to her employer
If she brings the client herself she gets 70% of the payment and her employer gets 30%
She would also mostly use her makeup products and none will be provided by the employer
Her income strictly is on the payment percentage she receives from the clients assigned to her or the ones she brings
She is not allowed to work for another prominent makeup artist 2 years after her termination from this job.
And finally if she breaks any rules set out in the contract she can be terminated at any time and a suit may be initiated against her
N.B she informed her employer that she was a student and so needs a flexible time to be more efficient because her school and workplace was a 45mins drive, the employer declined.
I read through this bs contract and told her to deny the job immediately because they’re trying to enslave her
Edit : many people seem to assume this contract took place in the states lol, it took place once Nigeria not the States
What could Taiwan do to make the UN acknowledge that Taiwan is a sovereign state?
Hold a Referendum in Taiwan and get it supervised by the UN Observers and get a 60% Majority to approve
Then get the UNGA to formally recognise Taiwan with at least 97 nations needed for a yes
In the process you risk alienating China and all the benefits that China brings, not to mention the fact that China will certainly ensure Taiwan won’t survive long enough to enjoy it’s Independence
A Poorly prepared Russia is skewering Ukraine like a Kebab , imagine a vastly better prepared, richer China with a smaller Taiwan
No Taiwanese would want that
Instead Taiwan would be eyeing for what we can call Federation of China
Two Parts of the Federation – The Mainland & Taiwan. The Mainland governed by the CPC and it’s system. Taiwan by it’s Presidential System.
Yet Defence, Air Space, Foreign Policy and Trade all controlled by the larger Mainland
It would be the perfect solution – Taiwan would have their right to choose their leaders and Taiwan would be part of China
This isn’t my idea of course
I guarantee 140 nations will approve heartily
Textbook narcissist
A thing happened
Today, my family and I were driving through Starbucks and there was an enraged man sitting at a table by himself. He was yelling and very upset. He appeared unkept and homeless. We felt so sorry for this troubled man and knew he needed help. We called 911 and waited in the parking lot to make sure this man was treated humanely.
An officer appeared.

He calmly and quietly approached the gentleman. He pulled up a chair and sat across from him and calmly asked the upset man what was going on. The officer, eye to eye, down on the troubled man’s level, de-escalated the situation quickly. I was moved to tears at how the officer respected this man and made it clear that he was there to help him. These are the stories that should be in the news. This gentleman, deserves a pat on the back and the recognition of doing an excellent job!
My main purpose for reporting this is in hope that this officer receives recognition. His name is Officer Reese of the Garland Police dept. Please share!
DIY for Tequila
To Americans who visited Europe, what was the most shocking thing that’s everyday life for Europeans?
The first time I went to Europe was in the summer of 1974. I was 22 at the time. I had been to Quebec a few times, but other than that I had lived my entire life in the Northeast. I had taken years of French in school, but I had met only a few foreigners. I short, I was an innocent abroad, much more naive, I think, than anybody would be today.
I’ll mention things that surprised me, though none of them shocked me in a bad way. I hope my experiences will amuse you.
First, when I landed in Luxembourg, the airline loaded us on a bus. A woman sat down next to me and spoke to me in French. I was shocked! You mean people actually speak French?? My French education had emphasized book learning and there was little or no conversational practice. I recovered pretty quickly and managed to get around with my borken French and some German I picked up on the trip.
When I went to plug in my electric shaver, I was shocked that my plug didn’t fit the socket! I had never even imagined that different countries might have different sockets. I did know that Europe used 220 V, and my shaver was able to handle that, but sockets??
Back then it was common and safe to hitchhike, and I met many people that way. English speaking was much less common then than it is now, so I learned to communicate with basic words and a lot of gestures.
When I arrived at the outskirts of Amsterdam (not knowing a single word of Dutch), I was standing at a tram stop decoding the map when a young woman came up and asked if she could help me – in English. And then she apologized because her English was not very good! I felt humiliated. Here I am, an American student, visiting her country, not speaking a word of her language, and she was apologizing because she didn’t speak my (foreign) language??? Would that happen in America? Ever?
One last thing. I had grown up in the 1950s when Europe was still recovering from World War II. When I would be picky about my food, my mother would tell me I should be grateful I had plenty to eat because all the poor children in Europe were starving. When I arrived, I expected to see hardship. But instead I found that life was good, as good as in America in most ways. That was a happy surprise.
CHINA’S RAIL SYSTEM IS INCREDIBLE | Traveling Over 1000km From Guangzhou To Zhangjiajie
Tens thousands of HK people ran for the UK using BNO visa several years ago have now become beggars in streets & many of them have killed themselves in the UK. Why are those HK people becoming food menu on the UK food tables as Blinken claimed?
The BNO is a backdoor opened by the British Crown that is normally shut tight. They even extended BNO eligibility by making it inheritable.
The terms were lavish to say the least—visa-equivalent long-term residency and employment rights.
Unfortunately, the liberal interpretation means the average BNO applicant does NOT qualify for immigration through normal channels.
In other words, the majority of BNO applicants DO NOT satisfy the British government’s immigrant criteria.
In fact, BNO status itself is baggage that is exploited on the jobs market. Employers know there is an excess of yellow folk who speak funny English and they are motivated to depress their offer. Besides, the UK economy has been under strain for several years, due to brexit, covid, inflation, and tight credit. White collar job holders have spilled over into the blue. Professional degree holders are delivering food in the harsh British winter, just to make rent. Quite a number have been assaulted/roughed up in the anti-chinese frenzy whipped up by the media.
All because they are convinced Hong Kong has become intolerable for their freedom-loving souls.
Their liberation as bottom feeders in a society that doesn’t respect or even like them much is an amazing lesson for onlookers. If they would just take a little step back to reflect, they will marvel at the incomprehensible road they have committed to.
Came for the boobs, but stayed for the bra
Actually, pretty darn informative.
In an emergency scenario in which China overtakes then US as the largest economy and America is too weak to influence overseas countries, how will China provide a more responsible (pro-China) alternative international government to U.S liberalism?
Please note that I am answering this question with a non joking and non sarcastic attitude.
A pro China US government is not a viable option. Supporting a US government and providing economic support to expand this influence is not cost-effective at all. It’s fully stupid.
Only arrogant leaders like American politicians would feel that such a large country can be infiltrated, controlled, and subverted without themselves being affected. You can only use the wrong ideology to make the other country fall, but after affecting hundreds of millions of people in the other country, you yourselves will also be infected.
This is also why the United States has long been hiring Chinese trolls to disrupt the agendas of the Chinese people and that’s wasting money.
However, even if the United States knows this and is facing financial difficulties, it will never stop doing so, because from the perspective of policy makers, all reasons that can consume national finances are appropriate because they can profit from it.
The reason for answering this question is simply to make ordinary Americans aware of their government’s wrongdoing. I find it interesting to see them face errors that cannot be corrected. You always have the right path to take, but you won’t choose because it’s not an easier way.
Ha ha ha ha
What did someone do that made you think they were really smart?
When I was still in primary school, my elder brother asked our parents for a diary. Every day he wrote an entry in the diary and locked it in his drawer.
What a beautiful, fine diary! A symbol of grown-ups and secrets. So I asked my parents for a diary too. But I didn’t have my own drawer, so all I could do was put it in a paper box which was full of toys.
The day I got my diary, I ran to my parents and pointed at the box with pride: “That’s where I will put my diary!” My dad gave me a meaningful smile: “Good girl.”
My brother whispered to me: “Why did you tell them where your diary is? You know they will peek!”.
I smiled and said nothing.
I began to make entries in the diary. But what I wrote was just like this:
Today my mum cooked for me. She is really a great cook and I can’t name another person who has better cooking skills than her!!!! I’ll study hard and make a lot of money and buy my mother a big house!!!!
I’m sick. My daddy drove me to the hospital. Looking at his figure, I can’t believe I’m his daughter. How happy I am!
Today my teacher asked us for a composition named “The one I want to thank.”, I plan to write on my mother. She is so open-minded and warm-hearted!
My parents’ attitude towards me changed. Every time they saw me, they almost ended up in tears of joy and love.
My diary became my “Wish book”. Whatever I wanted, I just needed to write it in the diary and I would receive it a few days later.
They gradually couldn’t afford this. Every time they opened the diary, ¥50–300 flew out of their purse.
In the end they bought me a drawer.
“No, I really don’t need this.”, I said.
“Keep it.”, they said, “It’s better to lock it.”.
“Thanks but no.” I said.
“Please, lock it!”
At least I got a new drawer. It’s good. Yay.
Workers doing it right
Is the USA the only free country in the world (which is why it’s so great)?
Do you know an English adage ”self praise is no praise at all”First US is not free at all 25% of worlds. Prisoners are Americans! 9 times per million compared to China! You Government thrall the entire internet and what you watch on telly to check on every America disclosed by Edward Snowden! And 99% don’t want either Trump or Biden but you are laden with them because of your undemocratic political system that is really chosen by a few rich and influential!
It is anything but great, the highest debtor nation on earth, highest deficits, warmongers and trouble makes everywhere, with s million homeless and living in tents throughout America, to tally dilapidated infrastructure and highly highly uncompetitive! Has not have a real growth since 1960 64 years ago.
Apricot Chicken Casserole

- 6 to 8 chicken pieces (drumsticks or thighs)
- 1 envelope dry onion soup mix
- 1 small can apricot nectar
- 2 or 3 carrots, chopped
- 2 to 4 medium potatoes, sliced
- Mushrooms, sliced
- Garlic powder
- Sprinkle onion soup mix over chicken pieces.
- Add vegetables and mushrooms.
- Pour apricot nectar over all, and sprinkle garlic powder over everything.
- Add small amount of water to casserole and bake at 350 degrees F until done, about 1 to 1 1/2 hours.
Florida passes a law…
Have you ever taken the law into your own hands?
My neighbor is a big-shot lawyer. One night, his dog was outside my house. I didn’t know it was his dog and had to ask around. I was told it was “the lawyer’s dog.” I noticed that the dog was terribly skinny and, in general, just didn’t have the bounce in her step like most black labs do.
I left her at my house and knocked on the door. I told him I had his dog. He didn’t seem concerned. When it appeared he wasn’t going to come outside, I asked him if he expected me to deliver the dog to him. He got all huffy and said, “Fine!” His beautiful and very, very sweet wife and four little girls were thanking me but he was just pissed that I interrupted his “pizza and movie night with the family.” He begrudgingly followed me home.
I am a retired humane officer and still have a lot of influence at animal control. But I didn’t want to sound arrogant and threatening so I didn’t mention it. I just asked if the dog was okay as she seemed a little gaunt. He told me to mind my own business.
I asked him if the dog had been to see a vet lately and he said, “What’s with all the g-damn questions?” Since I had had this very same exchange many times in my career, I didn’t get mad. I just smiled and said I was concerned about the dog. He again told me to mind my own business. I said “Okay, well, if you’re not going to talk to me…” and trailed off.
The dog was less than enthusiastic to see him and he had to actually pick up the dog .
The next day, bright and early, two uniformed Animal Control officers knocked on his door, demanding to see the dog. He got a seven-day warning to get the dog to a vet or be fined. Seven days later they came back and were shown a letter from a vet that the lab had been seen and is now under treatment for a pancreatic disorder.
My neighbors asked me how I was so bold and stupid to make an enemy out of a big-shot lawyer.
- Right makes might. I had right on my side.
- I will never be afraid to speak out on behalf of a dog. In my career I had dealt with hardened criminal dog fighters and my anger gave me courage.
- I gave him the chance to talk to me, and I would have offered to take the dog to the vet since I know he and his wife are busy, but he shot me down so fast.
- My husband is a big-shot lawyer, too, but this guy doesn’t know that.
I called in a favor from my old colleagues and showed this guy that he didn’t intimidate me and that “Failure to render treatment to an animal in need” is a crime and not even a big-shot lawyer is above the law.
As real as it gets
Although men are the first casualties of Feminazi movements like 4B, it’s the children who suffer the most in the end.
These movements ensure that fewer and fewer children will be born, and it also ensures that the family unit will be ever more volatile; so much so that women are galvanized to weaponize their own children against their fathers without remorse nor mercy. They are okay with taking them away from their fathers and having them work themselves half to death (or to death) over the next couple of decades when the divorce is settled. These movements ensure that many a child will never get to know their fathers, unless it’s fed to them by their hyper-biased and scornful mothers (many a father would stop at nothing to raise and protect their children; notwithstanding actual deadbeat dads that momma should not have been messing around with in the first place).
These children will have mounting expectations pressed onto them in a young age; boys being told by society they need to be highly successful and productive and suave and tall in order to “make it” in life, and girls are fed feminist propaganda that makes them view the majority of men as subhuman, and to only covet the aforementioned “gigachad” alpha males who succeed in life.This intense level of societal pressure will crush and overwhelm the majority of boys and, concordantly, disappoint many of the girls.
Without their fathers in their lives to teach them the basics of autonomy, self-responsibility, accountability, and honesty, these children are doomed to make the same mistake as their parents; they become helpless simps like their fathers, or narcissistic homewreckers like their mothers; perpetuating the cycle of child abuse once more.And by proxy, society destabilizes from the abuse, neglect, and diminution of children and their rights to a stable family and parents who will NOT argue and fight over each other.
And governments that allow these movements are, ironically but not unexpectedly, fraught with pedophiles, child traffickers, and people who aid and abet the aforementioned. All so abominable and certain to cause civilizations to implode on themselves.
I lament any child that has to be raised under such hyper-balkanized societies, for they are being weaponized and groomed before they ever have a chance to think fo themselves or enjoy their childhood.
Federation of China ???
Already exists, its called 1 Country 2 System (1C2S) practiced in Hong Kong & Macau. HK started 1C2S in 1997 & Macau 1999.