The Apollo landings were of a nature that completely stopped the Soviet Union space program. They had a robust program, that was leaps and bounds better and more complete than the United States program, but suddenly that all ended abruptly when the United States landed on the moon.
But now, in the 2020’s we see just how extensive the network of lies, and slight of hand is, regarding the United States. Everything is a trick. Everything is a lie. Everything is a deception.
Could the Apollo landings be one such lie?
Some of you are probably thinking that everyone has already seen the footage anyway, when it was allegedly broadcast live back in the late 1960s and early 1970s, or on NASA’s website, or on YouTube, or on numerous television documentaries. But you would be mistaken. The truth is that the original footage has never been aired, anytime or anywhere – and now, since the tapes seem to have conveniently gone missing, it quite obviously never will be. The fact that the tapes are missing (and according to NASA, have been for over three decades), amazingly enough, was not even the most compelling information that the Reuters article had to offer. Also to be found was an explanation of how the alleged Moonwalk tapes that we all know and love were created: “Because NASA’s equipment was not compatible with TV technology of the day, the original transmissions had to be displayed on a monitor and re-shot by a TV camera for broadcast.” So what we saw then, and what we have seen in all the footage ever released by NASA since then, were not in fact live transmissions. To the contrary, it was footage shot off a television monitor, and a tiny black-and-white monitor at that. That monitor may have been running live footage, I suppose, but it seems far more likely that it was running taped footage. NASA of course has never explained why, even if it were true that the original broadcasts had to be ‘re-shot,’ they never subsequently released any of the actual ‘live’ footage. But I guess that’s a moot point now, what with the tapes having gone missing.
We start with this article…
“It is commonly believed that man will fly directly from the earth to the moon, but to do this, we would require a vehicle of such gigantic proportions that it would prove an economic impossibility. It would have to develop sufficient speed to penetrate the atmosphere and overcome the earth’s gravity and, having traveled all the way to the moon, it must still have enough fuel to land safely and make the return trip to earth. Furthermore, in order to give the expedition a margin of safety, we would not use one ship alone, but a minimum of three … each rocket ship would be taller than New York’s Empire State Building [almost ¼ mile high] and weigh about ten times the tonnage of the Queen Mary, or some 800,000 tons.”—Wernher von Braun, the father of the Apollo space program, writing in Conquest of the Moon
I can see all of you scratching your heads out there and I know exactly what it is that you are thinking: “Why the hell are we taking this detour to the Moon? What happened to Laurel Canyon? Have you completely lost your mind?”
It all began a few months ago, when I became very busy at my day job as well as with family drama and with what turned out to be a very time-consuming side project, all of which made it increasingly difficult for me to carve out chunks of time to work on the remaining chapters in the series. Over the next two months or so, I pretty much lost all momentum and soon found it hard to motivate myself to write even when I could find the time.
That happens sometimes. Though it sounds rather cliché, ‘writer’s block’ is a very real phenomenon. There are many times when I can sit down at the keyboard and the words flow out of my head faster than I can get them down on the page. But there are also times when producing just one halfway decent sentence seems a near impossible task. This was one of those times.
I found a new source of inspiration, however, when my wife e-mailed me the recent story about the fake Dutch Moon rock, which I and many others found quite amusing, and which also reminded me that I had a lot of other bits and pieces of information concerning the Apollo project that I had collected over the nine years that have passed since I first wrote about the alleged Moon landings. After taking that first look, back in 2000, I was pretty well convinced that the landings were, in fact, faked, but it was perfectly obvious that the rather short, mostly tongue-in-cheek post that I put up back in July of 2000 was not going to convince anyone else of that.
So I contemplated taking a more comprehensive look at the Apollo program. Toward that end, I pulled up my original Apollo post along with various other bits and pieces scattered throughout past newsletters, threw in all the newer material that had never made it onto my website, and then combed the Internet for additional information. In doing so, I realized that a far better case could be made than what I had previously offered to readers.
I also realized that a far better case could be made than what is currently available on the ‘net.
I was rather surprised actually by how little there is out there – a couple of books by Bill Kaysing and Ralph Rene, a smattering of websites and a variety of YouTube videos of varying quality. Virtually all of the websites and videos tend to stick to the same ground covered by Kaysing and Rene, and they almost all use the same NASA photographs to argue the same points. So too do the sites devoted to ‘debunking’ the notion that the landings were faked, and those sites seem to actually outnumber the hoax sites.
While suffering through the numbing uniformity of the various websites on both sides of the aisle, it became perfectly clear that the hoax side of the debate was in serious need of a fresh approach and some new insights. So I began writing again. Feverishly. That does not mean, however, that I have abandoned the Laurel Canyon series. I intend to get back to it quite soon.
And truth be told, while the Apollo story may initially appear to be a radical departure from the ongoing Laurel Canyon series, it actually isn’t much of a detour at all. After all, we’re still going to be living in the 1960s and 1970s. And to a significant degree, we’re probably still going to be hanging out in Laurel Canyon – because who else, after all, was NASA going to trust to handle the post-production work on all that Apollo footage if not Lookout Mountain Laboratory?
I am very well aware, by the way, that there are many, many people out there – even many of the people who have seen through other tall tales told by our government – who think that Moon hoax theorists are complete kooks. And a whole lot of coordinated effort has gone into casting them as such. That makes wading into the Moon hoax debate a potentially dangerous affair.
Remember when Luther (played by Don Knotts) gets taken to court and sued for slander in The Ghost and Mr. Chicken? And don’t try to pretend like you’ve never seen it, because we both know that you have. So anyway, he goes to court and a character witness is called and the guy delivers credible testimony favoring Luther and it is clear that the courtroom is impressed and everything is looking good for our nebbish hero, Luther. Remember what happens next though? On cross-examination, the witness reveals that he is the president of a UFO club that holds their meetings on Mars!
The courtroom, of course, erupts with laughter and all of that formerly credible testimony immediately flies right out the window.
I have already received e-mails warning that I will suffer a similar fate (from people who heard me discussing the topic on Meria Heller’s radio show). Not to worry though – I have somewhat of an advantage over others who have attempted to travel this path: I don’t really care. My mission is to ferret out the truth, wherever it may lie; if at various points along the way, some folks are offended and others question my sanity, that’s not really something that I lose a lot of sleep over.
Anyway, a whole lot of people are extremely reluctant to give up their belief in the success of the Apollo missions. A lot of people, in fact, pretty much shut down at the mere mention of the Moon landings being faked, refusing to even consider the possibility (Facebook, by the way, is definitely not the best place to promote the notion that the landings were faked, in case anyone was wondering). And yet there are some among the True Believers who will allow that, though they firmly believe that we did indeed land on the Moon, they would have understood if it had been a hoax. Given the climate of the times, with Cold War tensions simmering and anxious Americans looking for some sign that their country was still dominant and not technologically inferior to the Soviets, it could be excused if NASA had duped the world.
Such sentiments made me realize that the Moon landing lie is somewhat unique among the big lies told to the American people in that it was, in the grand scheme of things, a relatively benign lie, and one that could be easily spun. Admitting that the landings were faked would not have nearly the same impact as, say, admitting to mass murdering 3,000 Americans and destroying billions of dollars worth of real estate and then using that crime as a pretext to wage two illegal wars and strip away civil, legal and privacy rights.
And yet, despite the fact that it was a relatively benign lie, there is a tremendous reluctance among the American people to let go of the notion that we sent men to the Moon. There are a couple of reasons for that, one of them being that there is a romanticized notion that those were great years – years when one was proud to be an American. And in this day and age, people need that kind of romanticized nostalgia to cling to.
But that is not the main reason that people cling so tenaciously, often even angrily, to what is essentially the adult version of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. What primarily motivates them is fear. But it is not the lie itself that scares people; it is what that lie says about the world around us and how it really functions. For if NASA was able to pull off such an outrageous hoax before the entire world, and then keep that lie in place for four decades, what does that say about the control of the information we receive? What does that say about the media, and the scientific community, and the educational community, and all the other institutions we depend on to tell us the truth? What does that say about the very nature of the world we live in?
That is what scares the hell out of people and prevents them from even considering the possibility that they could have been so thoroughly duped. It’s not being lied to about the Moon landings that people have a problem with, it is the realization that comes with that revelation: if they could lie about that, they could lie about anything.
It has been my experience that the vast majority of the people who truly believe in the Moon landings know virtually nothing about the alleged missions. And when confronted with some of the more implausible aspects of those alleged missions, the most frequently offered argument is the one that every ‘conspiracy theorist’ has heard at least a thousand times: “That can’t possibly be true because there is no way that a lie that big could have been covered up all this time … too many people would have known about it … yadda, yadda, yadda.”
But what if your own eyes and your innate (though suppressed) ability to think critically and independently tell you that what all the institutions of the State insist is true is actually a lie? What do you do then? Do you trust in your own cognitive abilities, or do you blindly follow authority and pretend as though everything can be explained away? If your worldview will not allow you to believe what you can see with your own eyes, then the problem, it would appear, is with your worldview. So do you change that worldview, or do you live in denial?
The Moon landing lie is unique among the big lies in another way as well: it is a lie that seemingly cannot be maintained indefinitely. Washington need never come clean on, say, the Kennedy assassinations. After all, they’ve been lying about the Lincoln assassination for nearly a century-and-a-half now and getting away with it. But the Moon landing hoax, I would think, has to have some kind of expiration date.
How many decades can pass, after all, without anyone coming even close to a reenactment before people start to catch on? Four obviously haven’t been enough, but how about five, or six, or seven? How about when we hit the 100-year anniversary?
If the first trans-Atlantic flight had not been followed up with another one for over forty years, would anyone have found that unusual? If during the early days of the automobile, when folks were happily cruising along in their Model T’s at a top speed of 40 MPH, someone had suddenly developed a car that could be driven safely at 500 MPH, and then after a few years that car disappeared and for many decades thereafter, despite tremendous advances in automotive technology, no one ever again came close to building a car that could perform like that, would that seem at all odd?
There are indications that this lie does indeed have a shelf life. According to a July 17, 2009 post on, “It’s been 37 years since the last Apollo moon mission, and tens of millions of younger Americans have no memories of watching the moon landings live. A 2005-2006 poll by Mary Lynne Dittmar, a space consultant based in Houston, Texas, found that more than a quarter of Americans 18 to 25 expressed some doubt that humans set foot on the moon.”
The goal of any dissident writer is to crack open the doors of perception enough to let a little light in – so that hopefully the seeds of a political reawakening will be planted. There are many doors that can be pried open to achieve that goal, but this one seems particularly vulnerable. Join me then as we take a little trip to the Moon. Or at least pretend to.
“If NASA had really wanted to fake the moon landings – we’re talking purely hypothetical here – the timing was certainly right. The advent of television, having reached worldwide critical mass only years prior to the moon landing, would prove instrumental to the fraud’s success.”
Wired Magazine
Adolph Hitler knew a little bit about the fine art of lying. In Mein Kampf, he wrote that, “If you’re going to tell a lie, make sure it’s a really fucking big lie.”
Truth be told, I’m not exactly conversant in the German language so that may not be an exact translation, but it certainly captures the gist of what the future Fuhrer was trying to say. He went on to explain that this was so because everyone in their everyday lives tells little lies, and so they fully expect others to do so as well. But most people do not expect anyone to tell a real whopper … you know, the kind of brazen, outlandish lie that is just too absurd to actually be a lie. The kind of lie that is so over-the-top that no one would dare utter it if it was in fact a lie.
That is the type of lie, according to Hitler, that will fool the great masses of people, even when the lie is so transparently thin that it couldn’t possibly stand up to any kind of critical analysis by anyone actually exercising their brain rather than just blindly accepting the legitimacy of the information they are fed. Take, for example, the rather fanciful notion that the United States landed men on the Moon in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. That’s the kind of lie we’re talking about here: the kind that seems to defy logic and reason and yet has become ingrained in the national psyche to such an extent that it passes for historical fact.
And anyone who would dare question that ‘historical fact,’ needless to say, must surely be stark raving mad.
Before proceeding any further, I should probably mention here that, until relatively recently, if I had heard anyone putting forth the obviously drug-addled notion that the Moon landings were faked, I would have been among the first to offer said person a ride down to the grip store. While conducting research into various other topics, however, it has become increasingly apparent that there are almost always a few morsels of truth in any ‘conspiracy theory,’ no matter how outlandish that theory may initially appear to be, and so despite my initial skepticism, I was compelled to take a closer look at the Apollo program.
The first thing that I discovered was that the Soviet Union, right up until the time that we allegedly landed the first Apollo spacecraft on the Moon, was solidly kicking our ass in the space race. It wasn’t even close. The world wouldn’t see another mismatch of this magnitude until decades later when Kelly Clarkson and Justin Guarini came along. The Soviets launched the first orbiting satellite, sent the first animal into space, sent the first man into space, performed the first space walk, sent the first three-man crew into space, was the first nation to have two spacecraft in orbit simultaneously, performed the first unmanned docking maneuver in space, and landed the first unmanned probe on the Moon.
Everything the U.S. did, prior to actually sending a manned spacecraft to the Moon, had already been done by the Soviets, who clearly were staying at least a step or two ahead of our top-notch team of imported Nazi scientists. The smart money was clearly on the Soviets to make it to the Moon first, if anyone was to do so. Their astronauts had logged five times as many hours in space as had ours. And they had a considerable amount of time, money, scientific talent and, perhaps most of all, national pride riding on that goal.
And yet, amazingly enough, despite the incredibly long odds, the underdog Americans made it first. And not only did we make it first, but after a full forty years, the Soviets apparently still haven’t quite figured out how we did it. The question that is clearly begged here is a simple one: Why is it that the nation that was leading the world in the field of space travel not only didn’t make it to the Moon back in the 1960s, but still to this day have never made it there? Could it be that they were just really poor losers? I am imagining that perhaps the conversation over in Moscow’s equivalent of NASA went something like this:
Boris: Comrade Ivan, there is terrible news today: the Yankee imperialists have beaten us to the Moon. What should we do?
Ivan: Let’s just shit-can our entire space program.
Boris: But comrade, we are so close to success! And we have so much invested in the effort!
Ivan: Fuck it! If we can’t be first, we aren’t going at all.
Boris: But I beg of you comrade! The moon has so much to teach us, and the Americans will surely not share with us the knowledge they have gained.
Ivan: Nyet!
In truth, the entire space program has largely been, from its inception, little more than an elaborate cover for the research, development and deployment of space-based weaponry and surveillance systems. The media never talk about such things, of course, but government documents make clear that the goals being pursued through space research are largely military in nature. For this reason alone, it is inconceivable that the Soviets would not have followed the Americans onto the Moon for the sake of their own national defense.
It is not just the Soviets, of course, who have never made it to the Moon. The Chinese haven’t either. Nor has any other industrialized nation, despite the rather obvious fact that every such nation on the planet now possesses technology that is light-years beyond what was available to NASA scientists in the 1960s.
Some readers will recall that (and younger readers might want to cover their eyes here, because the information to follow is quite shocking), in the 1960s, a full complement of home electronics consisted of a fuzzy, 13-channel, black-and-white television set with a rotary tuning dial, rabbit ears and no remote. Such cutting-edge technology as the pocket calculator was still five years away from hitting the consumer market.
It is perfectly obvious, of course, that it was not consumer electronics that allegedly sent men to the Moon. The point here though is that advances in aerospace technology mirror advances in consumer technology, and just as there has been revolutionary change in entertainment and communications technology, so too has aerospace technology advanced by light-years in the last four decades. Technologically speaking, the NASA scientists working on the Apollo project were working in the Dark Ages. So if they could pull it off back then, then just about anyone should be able to do it now.
It would be particularly easy, needless to say, for America to do it again, since we’ve already done all the research and development and testing. Why then, I wonder, have we not returned to the Moon since the last Apollo flight? Following the alleged landings, there was considerable talk of establishing a space station on the Moon, and of possibly even colonizing Earth’s satellite. Yet all such talk was quickly dropped and soon forgotten and for nearly four decades now not a single human has been to the Moon.
Again, the question that immediately comes to mind is: Why? Why has no nation ever duplicated, or even attempted to duplicate, this miraculous feat? Why has no other nation even sent a manned spacecraft to orbitthe Moon? Why has no other nation ever attempted to send a manned spacecraft anywhere beyond low-Earth orbit?
Is it because we already learned everything there was to learn about the Moon? If so, then could it reasonably be argued that it would be possible to make six random landings on the surface of the Earth and come away with a complete and thorough understanding of this heavenly body? Are we to believe that the international scientific community has no open questions that could be answered by a, ahem, ‘return’ trip to the Moon? And is there no military advantage to be gained by sending men to the Moon? Has man’s keen interest in exploring celestial bodies, evident throughout recorded history, suddenly gone into remission?
Maybe, you say, it’s just too damned expensive. But the 1960s were not a particularly prosperous time in U.S. history and we were engaged in an expensive Cold War throughout the decade as well as an even more expensive ‘hot’ war in Southeast Asia, and yet we still managed to finance no less than seven manned missions to the Moon, using a new, disposable, multi-sectioned spacecraft each time. And yet in the four decades since then, we are apparently supposed to believe that no other nation has been able to afford to do it even once.
While we’re on the subject of the passage of time, exactly how much time do you suppose will have to pass before people in significant numbers begin to question the Moon landings? NASA has recently announced that we will not be returning, as previously advertised, by the year 2020. That means that we will pass the fifty-year anniversary of the first alleged landing without a sequel. Will that be enough elapsed time that people will begin to wonder? What about after a full century has passed by? Will our history books still talk about the Moon landings? And if so, what will people make of such stories? When they watch old preserved films from the 1960s, how will they reconcile the laughably primitive technology of the era with the notion that NASA sent men to the Moon?
Consider this peculiar fact: in order to reach the surface of the Moon from the surface of the Earth, the Apollo astronauts would have had to travel a minimum of 234,000 miles*. Since the last Apollo flight allegedly returned from the Moon in 1972, the furthest that any astronaut from any country has traveled from the surface of the Earth is about 400 miles. And very few have even gone that far. The primary components of the current U.S. space program – the space shuttles, the space station, and the Hubble Telescope – operate at an orbiting altitude of about 200 miles.
(*NASA gives the distance from the center of Earth to the center of the Moon as 239,000 miles. Since the Earth has a radius of about 4,000 miles and the Moon’s radius is roughly 1,000 miles, that leaves a surface-to-surface distance of 234,000 miles. The total distance traveled during the alleged missions, including Earth and Moon orbits, ranged from 622,268 miles for Apollo 13 to 1,484,934 miles for Apollo 17. All on a single tank of gas.)
To briefly recap then, in the twenty-first century, utilizing the most cutting-edge modern technology, the best manned spaceship the U.S. can build will only reach an altitude of 200 miles. But in the 1960s, we built a half-dozen of them that flew almost 1,200 times further into space. And then flew back. And they were able to do that despite the fact that the Saturn V rockets that powered the Apollo flights weighed in at a paltry 3,000 tons, about .004% of the size that the principal designer of those very same Saturn rockets had previously said would be required to actually get to the Moon and back (primarily due to the unfathomably large load of fuel that would be required).
To put that into more Earthly terms, U.S. astronauts today travel no further into space than the distance between the San Fernando Valley and Fresno. The Apollo astronauts, on the other hand, traveled a distance equivalent to circumnavigating the planet around the equator nine-and-a-half times! And they did it with roughly the same amount of fuel that it now takes to make that 200 mile journey, which is why I want NASA to build my next car for me. I figure I’ll only have to fill up the tank once and it should last me for the rest of my life.
“But wait,” you say, “NASA has solid evidence of the validity of the Moon landings. They have, for example, all of that film footage shot on the moon and beamed live directly into our television sets.”
Since we’re on the subject, I have to mention that transmitting live footage back from the Moon was another rather innovative use of 1960s technology. More than two decades later, we would have trouble broadcasting live footage from the deserts of the Middle East, but in 1969, we could beam that shit back from the Moon with nary a technical glitch!
As it turns out, however, NASA doesn’t actually have all of that Moonwalking footage anymore. Truth be told, they don’t have any of it. According to the agency, all the tapes were lost back in the late 1970s. All 700 cartons of them. As Reuters reported on August 15, 2006, “The U.S. government has misplaced the original recording of the first moon landing, including astronaut Neil Armstrong’s famous ‘one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind’ … Armstrong’s famous moonwalk, seen by millions of viewers on July 20, 1969, is among transmissions that NASA has failed to turn up in a year of searching, spokesman Grey Hautaluoma said. ‘We haven’t seen them for quite a while. We’ve been looking for over a year, and they haven’t turned up,’ Hautaluoma said … In all, some 700 boxes of transmissions from the Apollo lunar missions are missing.”
Given that these tapes allegedly documented an unprecedented and unduplicated historical event, one that is said to be the greatest technological achievement of the twentieth century, how in the world would it be possible to, uhmm, ‘lose’ 700 cartons of them? Would not an irreplaceable national treasure such as that be very carefully inventoried and locked away in a secure film vault? And would not copies have been made, and would not those copies also be securely tucked away somewhere? Come to think of it, would not multiple copies have been made for study by the scientific and academic communities?
Had NASA claimed that a few tapes, or even a few cartons of tapes, had been misplaced, then maybe we could give them the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps some careless NASA employee, for example, absent-mindedly taped a Super Bowl game over one of them. Or maybe some home porn. But does it really seem at all credible to claim that the entire collection of tapes has gone missing – all 700 cartons of them, the entire film record of the alleged Moon landings? In what alternative reality would that happen ‘accidentally’?
Some of you are probably thinking that everyone has already seen the footage anyway, when it was allegedly broadcast live back in the late 1960s and early 1970s, or on NASA’s website, or on YouTube, or on numerous television documentaries. But you would be mistaken. The truth is that the original footage has never been aired, anytime or anywhere – and now, since the tapes seem to have conveniently gone missing, it quite obviously never will be.
The fact that the tapes are missing (and according to NASA, have been for over three decades), amazingly enough, was not even the most compelling information that the Reuters article had to offer. Also to be found was an explanation of how the alleged Moonwalk tapes that we all know and love were created: “Because NASA’s equipment was not compatible with TV technology of the day, the original transmissions had to be displayed on a monitor and re-shot by a TV camera for broadcast.”
So what we saw then, and what we have seen in all the footage ever released by NASA since then, were not in fact live transmissions. To the contrary, it was footage shot off a television monitor, and a tiny black-and-white monitor at that. That monitor may have been running live footage, I suppose, but it seems far more likely that it was running taped footage. NASA of course has never explained why, even if it were true that the original broadcasts had to be ‘re-shot,’ they never subsequently released any of the actual ‘live’ footage. But I guess that’s a moot point now, what with the tapes having gone missing.
With NASA’s admission of how the original broadcasts were created, it is certainly not hard to imagine how fake Moon landing footage could have been produced. As I have already noted, the 1960s were a decidedly low-tech era, and NASA appears to have taken a very low-tech approach. As Moon landing skeptics have duly noted, if the broadcast tapes are played back at roughly twice their normal running speed, the astronauts appear to move about in ways entirely consistent with the way ordinary humans move about right here on planet Earth. Here then is the formula for creating Moonwalk footage: take original footage of guys in ridiculous costumes moving around awkwardly right here on our home planet, broadcast it over a tiny, low-resolution television monitor at about half speed, and then re-film it with a camera focused on that screen. The end result will be broadcast-ready tapes that, in addition to having that all-important grainy, ghosty, rather surreal ‘broadcast from the Moon’ look, also appear to show the astronauts moving about in entirely unnatural ways.
But not, it should be noted, too unnatural. And doesn’t that seem a little odd as well? If we’re being honest here (and for my testosterone-producing readers, this one is directed at you), the average male specimen, whether astronaut or plumber, never really grows up and stops being a little boy. And what guy, given the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spend some time in a reduced gravity environment, isn’t going to want to see how high he can jump? Or how far he can jump? Hitting a golf ball? Who the hell wants to see that? How about tossing a football for a 200-yard touchdown pass? Or how about the boys dazzling the viewing audience with some otherworldly acrobatics?
And yes, Neil and the guys did exhibit some playfulness at times while allegedly walking on the Moon, but doesn’t it seem a bit odd that they failed to do anything that couldn’t be faked simply by changing the tape speed? When I attended college, I knew a guy on the volleyball team who had a 32” vertical leap right here on Earth. So when I see guys jumping maybe 12”, if that, in a 1/6 gravity environment with no air resistance, I’m not really all that impressed.
Am I the only one, by the way, who finds it odd that people would move in slow motion on the Moon? Why would a reduced gravitational pull cause everything to move much more slowly? Given the fact that they were much lighter on their feet and not subject to air and wind resistance, shouldn’t the astronauts have been able to move quicker on the Moon than here on Earth? Was slow motion the only thing NASA could come up with to give the video footage an otherworldly feel?
Needless to say, if what has been proposed here is indeed how the ‘Moon landing’ footage in the public domain was created, then the highly incriminating original footage – which would have looked like any other footage shot here on Earth, except for the silly costumes and props – would have had to have been destroyed. Perhaps it’s not surprising then that NASA now takes the position that the original footage has been missing since “sometime in the late 1970s.”
Unfortunately, it isn’t just the video footage that is missing. Also allegedly beamed back from the Moon was voice data, biomedical monitoring data, and telemetry data to monitor the location and mechanical functioning of the spaceship. All of that data, the entire alleged record of the Moon landings, was on the 13,000+ reels that are said to be ‘missing.’ Also missing, according to NASA and its various subcontractors, are the original plans/blueprints for the lunar modules. And for the lunar rovers. And for the entire multi-sectioned Saturn V rockets.
There is, therefore, no way for the modern scientific community to determine whether all of that fancy 1960s technology was even close to being functional or whether it was all for show. Nor is there any way to review the physical record, so to speak, of the alleged flights. We cannot, for example, check the fuel consumption throughout the flights to determine what kind of magic trick NASA used to get the boys there and back with less than 1% of the required fuel. And we will never, it would appear, see the original, first-generation video footage.
You would think that someone at NASA would have thought to preserve such things. No wonder we haven’t given them the money to go back to the Moon; they’d probably just lose it.
Germany – Chancellor Addresses United Nations General Debate, 77th Session
Actual video (mentioned in a previous article) without the overdub. Don’t even bother watching it unless you can understand German.
Big Changes for Europe
Russia eventually ripped the curtain down and denounced the treaty that mainly established security in Europe. From Maria Zakharova:
The masquerade is over, gentlemen!
Russia is denouncing the document signed in 1990 between the countries of the Warsaw Pact and NATO on the balance of the two blocs and the limitation of armaments along the line of contact. Behind this screen, the West, despite all its promises, openly escalated. Our attempts to adapt the treaty in 1999 were ignored.
NATO has brazenly advanced towards the Russian borders, having already carried out 9 waves of expansion of its military bloc, including our neighbor Finland.
Under these conditions, the denunciation became simply a necessary measure that threw off false covers and exposed reality. To put it bluntly, she’s intimidating!
In the last sentence, she means that the sheer size of the western fraud, swindle and deception is massive. She is talking about the Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty, which at the time formed the basis and cornerstone of European security. If you were wondering about the term ‘indivisible security’, then it comes mainly from this treaty. HERE
What it means in reality is that I cannot think of another treaty, another agreement that legally stands between Russia and a wider war. Then we have Mr.Shoigu yesterday saying that:
Western nations have basically been waging an undeclared war against Moscow and Minsk, according to Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, who was speaking on Thursday with his Belarusian colleague Viktor Khrenin. Sergei Shoigu stated, ‘Today we are facing the collective West, which is virtually waging war against our countries’.
He stated that ‘the NATO’s military activities have become as aggressive as possible’. ‘The joint armed forces of the alliance in Eastern Europe are being made more combat-ready through the implementation of a number of initiatives. The deployment of more military personnel and facilities, as well as an increase in training and reconnaissance operations close to the Union State’s frontiers,’ said the head of the Russian military department.
I leave you to draw your own conclusion from this. What it means to me, is that the possibility of a wider war is now measured in probability percentage. The Mearsheimer video posted yesterday, tells us about the inability of NATO now to de-escalate. In addition, another new missile is unveiled in Russia. No doubt, Andrei Martyanov will tell us about it.
The following video is on a lighter note, but clearly indicates the Russia / China relationship. Again, draw your own conclusions.
Speaking out for China
TOP INTELLECTUALS IN THE U.S. stood up this week to speak out for China—and demand a stop to the powerful militaristic country’s drive to start an unnecessary war in East Asia.
The White House claim this week that they did not want conflict with China is “Denial and information distortion bordering on propaganda,” said Stephen Roach, Yale University professor and former chief economist at Morgan Stanley. The untrue statement was “classic Cold War posturing”, he said in statement on Twitter on Thursday.
Others agreed. Falsely painting the Chinese as trying to take over the world is bad for everyone, writer David Rothkopf argued in a Daily Beast essay printed today. Why paint China as a threat?
“Why? Why is it such a great threat even though the country has no history of conquest beyond its region in 5,000 years of history and is far from being able or inclined to pose a direct threat of attack to the U.S.?” he asked.
Even the relentlessly hostile Financial Times printed a column by Edward Luce admitting that the current geopolitical tension in the world did not come from China, but from the U.S.
“This week, Xi Jinping went further than before in naming America as the force behind the ‘containment’, ‘encirclement’ and ‘suppression’ of China. Though his rhetoric was provocative, it was not technically wrong,” wrote Luce in a column on Wednesday. Luce, like most FT writers, normally takes a very hostile line against China.
Offensive, but funny

Iowa Applesauce Cake

- 1/2 cup butter
- 3/4 cup granulated sugar
- 3/4 cup packed brown sugar
- 1 egg
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
- 1 1/2 cups applesauce
- 1 cup raisins
- 1/2 cup chopped walnuts or pecans
Cream Cheese Frosting
- 6 ounces cream cheese, softened
- 1/2 cup butter, softened
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- 4 1/2 to 4 3/4 cups sifted confectioners’ sugar
- Cake: In a large mixing bowl, beat butter for 30 seconds.
- Add both sugars and egg; beat until combined.
- Stir together flour, baking powder, baking soda and spices.
- Add flour mixture alternately with applesauce to butter mixture.
- Stir in raisins and nuts.
- Pour batter into a greased 13 x 9-inch baking pan and spread evenly.
- Bake at 350 degrees F for 30 to 35 minutes, or until a wooden pick inserted near the center comes out clean.
- Cool in pan on wire rack.
- Cream Cheese Frosting: Beat together cream cheese, softened butter and vanilla extract until light and fluffy.
- Gradually beat in 2 cups of the confectioners’ sugar.
- Beat in remaining 2 1/2 to 2 3/4 cups confectioners’ sugar to make a spreadable frosting. Spread on cake.
- For a decorative finish, set a doily lightly on frosted cake and sprinkle lightly with a mixture of cinnamon and nutmeg.
- Carefully remove the doily.
Survey of the Japanese Submarine the 124 – mini documentary.
Is the UK like the USA, but less rich?
I am American, and I own a flat in North London. My mother’s family is from the UK, and we are still very close with our cousins there.

Here are just some thoughts. This isn’t an exhaustive answer.
I think overall we’re more similar than we are different, but it is definitely different there.
Arriving in London feels like arriving in an East Coast US state or Canadian province, but much older and more populous. Things that I see Americans notice right away, are chimneys that look like they’re something out of Mary Poppins, and rows and rows of shops of all kinds along high streets. (Small businesses in the US have been utterly destroyed by Walmart.)

As for less rich? I don’t get that impression at all. Just because things are smaller (shops, houses, flats, cars) doesn’t mean they’re less rich. In fact, the typical American doesn’t know the luxury of being able to walk up to the high street and take care of all of their errands within a hour, and not even get into a car.
Oh, and then to top it all off by walking home with food that is fresher and higher quality than anything you’ll find in most US cities that aren’t near farms.

By the way, step into a Waitrose, and you’ll feel like you’re in a US supermarket. The only difference there is that the shopping carts (trolleys) are slightly smaller than ours, and their checkout employees are seated at the tills, rather than standing.

For me personally, the weather is one of the biggest differences, but that’s mainly because I’m from the desert. But I love rain and fog and so I enjoy it. The grey skies are intensely grey though. It can feel like dusk all day long, on some days.

One really cool thing is that North London is so diverse, that people generally can’t tell I am a foreigner from my American Southwest accent! It wasn’t always that way, but now there are so many immigrants and people from the all over the UK living there, that I sort of… just blend in, which I just love!
What’s the craziest or most dangerous thing that happened in your life?

That’s my truck. Was my truck.
Summer of 2013. It was a normal day for me and my three sons. We were on our way to the storage place to retrieve a few important items and documents because we were in the middle of moving out to another city and needed proofs and such. It was a narrow two-way country road 50mph (70 to the locals). I had my turn signal on (at a dead stop) watching the oncoming traffic for my chance to take a left turn into the entrance of the facility when I just happened to look in my rearview and noticed some headlights coming up from behind really fast.
I recall shouting “Brace for impact! They’re not slowing down!” I couldn’t turn left because the oncoming traffic was still coming. Just then a truck slammed into the back of us! I would later find out he was going 70mph. It spun my truck into the left oncoming traffic. We were T-boned and spun around the other way. Then side swiped and spun again! We were hit three times at 70mph.
OnStar comes on over our radio and I cannot think about answering the woman on the other end because I’m seeing my then 4-year-old son unresponsive dangling from his car seat. My eldest son (13years then and in the passenger’s seat) is the only calm one in this situation and speaks to OnStar on my behalf. I’m checking on my middle son (10) and asking him to please wake up the baby. I tell him he’s okay and that he’s being a big boy and I’m so proud of him for taking care of his baby brother. I pull myself out of my side of the vehicle and climb into the back seat to my sons and take them out. The youngest vomited on me and kept apologizing and the middle wet his pants and was ashamed. My eldest came around and took my youngest from my arms and said “Mom, we’re okay. Everyone is okay. We’re not hurt.” He was right. No injuries whatsoever. We lived.
She Died Horseback Riding; What She Saw In The Afterlife Will Shock You (NDE)
The US is increasing its GDP by high inflation and printing tens of trillions of dollars, whereas China by increasing its manufacturing productivity. Why are the US and China GDP growth rates so different?
The US uses manufactured numbers and printed stacks of paper currency to create an economy. China uses manufactured goods at prices the world can afford, need and buy in huge quantities to create an economy.
It is the difference between a US fantasy Hollywood economy promoted by coercion with a powerful military as the enforcer and a Chinese well-organized real economy built on needs the world has and needs the Chinese people have, using honest mutually beneficial trading practices with more than 140 countries trading goods and services along the Chinese Belt and Road trade routes.
It is the difference between, Chinese Business and American monkey business

The G7 is an outdated tool of the US neo-empire
Washington has co-opted both the winners and the losers of World War II into defending Western domination around the globe
By Timur Fomenko, a political analyst
President Joe Biden, left, shakes hands with Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida prior to a bilateral meeting in Hiroshima, Japan, Thursday, May 18, 2023, ahead of the start of the G-7 Summit. © AP Photo/Susan Walsh
The summit of G7 nations took place in Hiroshima, Japan over the last weekend.
Hiroshima is significant for a few reasons. First of all, it is known to the world as the location that the United States nuked, along with Nagasaki, at the end of World War II, which led to the surrender of the Empire of Japan and that country’s transformation into a US client state.
Secondly, Japan is working to remilitarize itself in line with America’s dual containment effort against China and Russia. Thus, while Japan is chair of the G7 this year, the event was a rubber-stamping of US-centric geopolitical goals which took aim at both countries.
However, what might be said about the G7 itself? Founded as a Cold War-era organization in 1975, and briefly incorporating the West’s aspirations for post-Soviet Russia, the group professes to represent the world’s “most advanced industrial countries,” but anyone could tell you this is an outdated category. Countries such as China and India, with economies larger than most G7 members, are not part of the group. Rather, the character and agenda of the G7 is distinctly ideological, and its goal is to preserve a Western-dominated concept of the world at all costs.
It should not go unnoticed that the G7 is an effective aggregation of former empires that once dominated the world unchallenged, now held under the wings and servitude of the US. Remarkably, all three Axis powers of World War II, defeated by the allies, are a part of this grouping. Although the respective fascist-oriented regimes of Germany, Italy and Japan were rightfully destroyed, these countries were all rebuilt as American client states following the war and their respective interests placed in the hands of Washington.
Similarly, the allied empires, which emerged victorious, including France, Britain and its imperial dominion, Canada, found that the war had severely depleted their national resources and strength to the point they could no longer continue as the global superpowers they had been. Consequently, they surrendered their leadership baton to the US and have ever since relied on following its lead to secure their interests around the world.
In each instance, all of these countries held positions of privilege from their imperial eras. Having colonized most of the globe, and Japan having militarily occupied much of Asia, these countries had made themselves tremendously wealthy. Britain’s fabulous wealth, for one, is tailored directly to the exploitation of Africa and India. Colonial empires were strictly commercial in character, using ideology as a justifying force for aggression, upholding their economic interests by immense military power. This gave these countries privilege, which thus formed the distinction between the Global North and the Global South.
Unable to carry their empires forward, either by exhaustion or defeat, these respective countries seek to sustain the unfair economic privileges they attained through compliance with the US, a “neo-empire” which is the inheritor of the international order they created. Thus, the G7, the aggregation of all these countries into one ideological grouping, is no coincidence. Their respective goal is to maintain their own economic privileges and to attempt to suppress changes in the international order that threaten their position, which in this case is the rise of the Global South and China.
On this note, the G7 buys into the US-led goals of attempting to blockade China from making breakthroughs in high-end technologies. It also wants to stop other countries from buying into Beijing’s development model and to sustain the fundamental gulf in wealth between the Global North and South. It wants to be the only group entitled to impose massive sanctions and embargoes on other countries and then decry China’s defense of its interests as “economic coercion.”
They also want to make sure that neither China nor Russia can challenge the West’s historic military dominance. The US has thus in effect co-opted both the winners and losers of World War II (minus the USSR) into one grouping and used it to continue the same world they were vested in. However, one undeniable fact is that the world is changing in ways that are not favorable to the G7. They no longer have that degree of dominance, and their share of global GDP is only going to shrink. As the BRICS economies continue to grow and multipolarity emerges, their own little exclusive club is hardly in a position to try and dictate the flow of the global economy.
This little club wants to remain rich, while stopping everyone else from enriching themselves as well. It isn’t going to work.
This Mistake Cost 16 Skydivers Their Lives (Lake Erie Disaster)
Does the US want to decouple with China or not? Just give a straight answer.
The United States does NOT know what it wants:
- it wants access to the huge Chinese market for its products
- access to cost effective Chinese suppliers for its consumers and manufacturers.
HOWEVER, it does NOT want Chinese competition
- in the high profit, high margin products including semiconductors, aircraft and other industries which it currently lead
AND it is resentful of Chinese domination in key hi tech sectors including telecommunications, next generation products like EV and AI
Therefore it seeks to impede and reversed Chinese progress in these area thru:
- sanctioning Chinese companies
- restrict China’s access to underlying technologies
- as well as other non-conventional atttacks
- AND tried to get allied and other countries to do likewise
HOWEVER, it is clear that American efforts have failed.
The internal Chinese market is far too big, Chinese manufacturing too dominant AND, most all, the United Stated and its allies have sanctioned themselves off critical markets of the world including Russia, Iran and Syria.
Over the last few months, it is now clear that the Chinese have begun their fight back: from de-dollarization, the expansion of BRICS, the boycott of American products including corn and Boeing jets to declaring Micron a security risk. The Chinese have clearly concluded that the pendulum of power have swung in their favour AND they are correct.
The implosion of American power will be fast and furious.
The United States is reaping what it has sown.
A World War 2 Soldier Was Found Frozen in Ice!
Terrifying Discovery At Cleopatra s Tomb In Egypt That Changes History
Horseshoe Sandwich with Idaho® Fingerling Fries
The Horseshoe is a regional specialty in the Springfield, Illinois area. It is an open-faced sandwich on toasted bread that can utilize a variety of meats, topped with French fries and a creamy cheese sauce.

Yield: 4 sandwiches
- 4 toasted slices Texas toast
- 6 Idaho® Russian Banana Fingerling potatoes, sliced into fries
- 2 teaspoons olive oil
- Freshly ground Italian seasoning blend
- 4 grilled hamburger patties, sprinkled with steak seasoning and seasoning salt before cooking
- 1 medium onion, sliced
- 1 cup fresh mushrooms, sliced
- 1 red or green bell pepper, cut into large chunks
- 2 tablespoons butter
Cheese Sauce
- 2 tablespoons butter
- 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
- 1/2 teaspoon dried basil
- 1 cup milk
- 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
- Lay out potato slices onto cookie sheet lined with foil.
- Drizzle olive oil over potatoes and use brush to evenly coat them.
- Grind Italian seasoning over potatoes until there is a nice, even dusting of seasoning.
- Place in oven heated to 425 degrees F. Bake for 15 to 18 minutes or until fries are cooked throughout and lightly brown.
- Place onion, mushroom and pepper in foil. Place butter on top and sprinkle with freshly ground Italian seasoning. Tent foil and close. Place in oven. (They should be softened by the time the fries finish cooking.)
- While the fries and vegetables bake, start on cheese sauce by melting butter in a small saucepan. Once melted, add flour and stir to make a roux.
- Add milk and basil and stir constantly until it starts to bubble. Continue stirring for two to three more minutes until it begins to thicken.
- Add shredded cheese gradually, stirring constantly as it melts.
- Lay out toasted bread on plates, topped with hamburger patty. Spoon vegetables on top of burger, followed by a layer of fries. Top with cheese sauce.
Grilled vegetables, such as green peppers and onions, are also common on a Horseshoe sandwich. Alternate meat suggestions include smoked ham, pulled pork and grilled chicken breast.
‘I Died:’ Women Share What Their Near-Death Experiences Were Like
These 50 Pics Of Men Before And After Beards May Show Just What You’ve Been Missing In Your Life
The effect of seeing a smooth-faced person come out from the shadows sporting a full-fledged beard is undeniable. Think about the first time we, as a society, saw what wonders a handful of tactically-shaped hair on Keanu Reeves or Chris Hemsworth can do to already charming features. And don’t get us started on George Clooney… Although, we still aren’t sure about Prince Harry (then again, it’s not totally surprising he was ordered to shave that ‘thing’ off his face).
Whether inspired by curiosity or the lack of razors, many men across the world have tried to see if their faces are suited to rock a sexy lumberjack look. Similar to leather jackets and Aviators, it’s definitely not for everyone. But when a guy pulls it off, the world has to see it as well. And with that, dear pandas, we present to you a handful of men who let testosterone do its magic and showed us their transformations from baby-faced to stubbly.

Dead for 11 Hours: My Unexpected Journey to Heaven and Hell with Jim Woodford
Russian Border Checkpoint Attacked by Tanks from Ukraine; Destroyed in Belgorod

At this moment, a fierce battle is going on with the Ukrainian DRG on the border of the Belgorod region near the village of Dronovka — Russian sources
Tanks have entered the territory of the Russian Federation at the Grayvoron checkpoint.
Russian media report: “Right now, there is a fierce battle with the Ukrainian DRG on the border of the Belgorod region near the village of Dronovka. Military equipment has been brought in from both sides.”
The fighters of the self-proclaimed “Russian Volunteer Corps,” a unit within the Ukrainian Armed Forces comprised of Russian citizens who willingly defected to Ukraine, have taken responsibility for the raid in the Belgorod Region.
Belgorod Regional Officials have stated that “Ukrainian Forces” have entered and Partially-Captured at least 4 Russian towns near the Border Region including the Towns of Kozinka, Glotovo, Gora-Podol and Grayvoron with a Heavy Fighting still going on in the North.

Forensic Detective Dies ; Came Back With Proof & Message Of Afterlife That Would Shock You NDE
That’s all for today. Now go forth and enjoy your day.
The article, Wagging the Moondoggie by Dave McGowan was excellent. I remember years ago contemplating the same or similar questions he posed in his writings. One thing IS for sure though. The US/NASA has a shitload of spy and warfare equiment spinning around the planet. They also have one helluva mind control program as well. Personally, I’ll be relieved when I finally leave my mortal coil for something much better. Something with greater purpose. Certainly I’ve “passed the audition” on this planet in my given reality/timeline. OG
There’s plenty of things the Fed Gov does that they lie about. Landing on the moon is NOT one of them. We went…and we landed there…SIX TIMES. And we left things behind that can be seen by telescope. Anyone denying the moonlandings happened is an abject moron.
I first went through the “Wagging the Moondoggie” site years ago and it was a compelling read. It made it so very obvious that the landings were faked.
But, it never really “sank in.” That the US has basically been a fraud for so very long is only really starting to fit my world view. I think it’ll be easier to see it for what it is when I’m eventually on the outside.
The truth will likely come out once the grenade has been taken off the monkey, so to speak. It’ll just be another humiliation for the US to endure as the world turns away to a brighter future.
Greetings Metallic-friends around the globe.
Had a busy weekend, not partying. Before my two cents on the Moon landings, and while the related debates rage on, lets chill out with this non-related stuff:
HERB ALPERT — Rise / Rotation
Excellent vinyl transfer done by MrVinylObsessive. Impressive dynamic range (for audio interested folks like me) and a clean, clear, crisp sound quality, considering it is a vinyl audio transfer.
About the moon landings, I believe they were real, but there is a reason why NASA has been called “Never A Straight Answer”. The truth has been made secret. Projects related to these landings has been taken darker than black. Why? Because probably they found what the grey told the nurse, that has been described in the book “Alien Interview”. Also we can recall what has been told by the Domain Commander in the many Q&A sessions done by our esteemed, resident and original spook, Mr. Metallicman.
For those looking into the work of Ingo Swann, in his book “Penetration”, he describes what he found in his remote viewing of the moon. He discovered, inadvertently, people working there. That book is one heck of a read. Definitely one of the premier psy spies doing research for SRI, with Rusell Targ, among others.
Can we see a pattern of information coming through these sources?
But wait, there is more.
For those like myself, interested in what was the cutting technological edge in telecommunications technology used in the Moon related missions, check out:
CuriousMarc channel in YouTube:
CuriousMarc series on the Apollo S-Band Communications:
Before reading here about the missing transmissions, I had found about it through one of CuriousMarc videos. As soon as I am able to pinpoint the video in which he mentions it, I will post it here. He also talks about some technical information about these missions which has been classified from them and still today; I recall he talks about something related to ITAR. I will go over these videos again to see if I can point out in which one, to share with you all.
Whatever is said about the Apollo missions, NASA and contractors were working with the very cutting edge back then. Surface-mount technology (SMT), Integrated Circuits, pulse-code modulation, and the finest in microwave communications technology was being used, way before making it to the average person.
When we tie what seems to be disparate, non-related sources of info, making some casual references to the same stuff, we can see a pattern emerge.
See you later guys and gals…
Alexander I think you’re spot on!
I just read the page 495 of “Majestic Messages of Disclosure” where it is revealed that, in this “timeline”, not only the moon landings were real, but also there are secret space programs that exist outside of public domain.
But the most shocking thing I read, was that the Apollo mission is related to some kind of child trafficking and slavery. So, not only the moon is an artificial space station responsible for “prison planet” holding IS-BEs on Earth, but it is also related to child abuse?!
I know that “Majestic Messages of Disclosure” is a Domain venue for revealing information that is supposed to be less accurate, but still!!! What kind of other terrible acts are humans and other beings doing in our solar system?!
I don’t know any of that stuff about “child trafficking” and slavery. Perhaps you are misunderstanding things, or mixing up content from other venues. Or not. Who know?
Hello again.
The west is being ruled by a gang of vandals, with the only purpose of destroying the United States and its satellite nations. These vandals have a campaign to destroy what are legitimate achievements of the United States.
Lets not get distracted by the noise. Our reasoning is, what in telecomunications would be, the digital signal processing and low noise amplifiers we need to use, to extract the knowledge, the truth, the intelligence, the needed signal, and not get side tracked by the billion things we are being bombarded with.
Knowing that, we should be able to focus our affirmation campaigns on making these bastards pay the price they should pay, for all their evil.
It is enough. I have had enough. They use everything they can against us, and do not stop a second. Whatever we can imagine, they use. Incantations, black magic, affirmations, everything available for them.
We fight back with non-violence, no physical harm, no destruction. We have more powerful means and tools.
For ourselves and our loved ones, we fight back.
CuriousMarc video mentions fact of disappeared Apollo footage. Also explains limitations imposed by video frame rate of camera used in spacecraft, and how it affected video quality of television transmissions on earth.
Apollo Comms Part 21: TV from the Moon
Apollo Comms Part 22: How NASA Upgraded the Moon TV to Color