
Massaging the tensions away

My father disowned me once. It was worse than the beating he gave me with his fists and a belt. I’ve never forgotten that day. My mother told me the next day he didn’t mean it, but coming from her that meant nothing. My father was a hard, cold man who played favorites and he loved my younger brother more than anyone. The rest of us were just “labor”, there to do his bidding, and we did. The neighbors called our house “Auschwitz” because it was a miserable labor camp where we were not allowed to play with them until every single chore was done and done completely, every day, all the time. I was mowing the lawn by the time I was seven. My brother hauled rocks in a bucket. The favorite brother would ride by on his new bike and wave at us while we worked. When we complained, we got hit with a golf club my father always carried.

So what did I do? I took it out on my younger brother, the favorite. I was cruel and mean in heartless ways that I am filled with shame when I think of them now. It wasn’t his fault. But when he complained to my father one night, up the stairs he came like Frankenstein. He was a big man, with arms like steel from years of hard construction work, and when he swung he didn’t hold back and when he stopped there were holes in the wall from when he missed me and hit the wall instead. But he didn’t miss often. The entire family watched in silence as I laid there in a ball and crying like a baby. “Serves you right,” my mother said, “For treating your brother like that.” My only guess was that they thought by beating me they would make me love him more somehow, only it didn’t work that way.

I’ve always loved the joke, “The beatings will continue until morale improves”. It has special meaning to me. I moved to college when I was 17. I never went home again.

Dinosaur finds

I was barely twenty-one and working the overnight shift alone in a convenience store. A boy about seventeen was a regular. We had talked quite a bit and I had learned a lot about him. It seems he had some pretty bad parents who had moved away and left him on his own. He had worked to buy his own car and was determined to graduate high school. A teacher at the school had taken him in because he was such a good kid.

One night while I was working, the boy was playing a video game in the corner. A man came in to buy beer. I was careful to request a picture ID because law enforcement in the area had been really cracking down and performing many sting operations. They could be very tricky. The man could not produce the ID and got an attitude, finally saying just give me a pack of cigarettes. I told him I still needed the ID for that too. He did look military and old enough but I had underage friends in ROTC that could pass that test as well so I wouldn’t give in. The man flew into a rage and began cursing and calling me names. He stormed out, got into his truck and gunned it. As he spun his truck around he smashed into the boy’s car who had been playing video games. I called the local police who also called the military police from the nearby base.

We had to go to court and I was called as a witness. I heard that he was reduced in rank because of the incident even before his court date but it got worse from there. I took the stand and his lawyer began questioning me. I will never know why but his lawyer asked if anyone was with him that night. I answered yes there was a woman waiting for him in his truck but it wasn’t the one he brought with him to court that day, who was apparently his wife. I felt really bad for her as the entire court room burst out in laughter, but she did need to know. Her face said it all. He was found guilty and faced several charges but that was the least of his problems at that point. That man had managed to destroy his career and his marriage all in one night.

I absolutely do

I died in 1891 at the age of 54 – as a farmer

I was born again in 1899 and died in 1931 due to drowning

I was born again in 1938 as a Young girl and died in 1954 at 16 due to Smallpox

This Bunkum is called Naadi Josiyam

A Charlatan bamboozled my wife and wrote nonsense for all of us in Tiruvannamalai

A Famous Charlatan nonetheless who took 10,000 bucks from me for stuff I could have written better

My Wife was reborn in 1963 for the 7th time and I was reborn in 1957 for the 4th time and my sons were born in 1986 for the 6th time and 1988 for the 1st time

So My Wife and Older Son were actually Karmically older than me in this Universe

He also said I was apparently a womanizer and lecher in my first birth (1837–1891) and died leaving a pregnant wife in my second birth (1899–1931) and died an unhappy girl in my third birth (1938–1954)

It’s why I didn’t have a daughter in this birth

My wife apparently died in 1961 at the age of 86 (1875–1861) in her Seventh Birth

However I don’t trust the guy a millimetre:-

That’s because he predicted that my elder son would have a love marriage that would disturb me and my family

He had an arranged marriage, as traditional as can be

He predicted my son would be professionally involved with the Government

My son runs a Hedge Fund with three friends and has worked in finance from his first day

So unless my son is a secret CIA Agent, it’s all bunkum

Or unless my second son reveals he was sent by Doval to China to steal secrets on Self Learning Drone Programs

His prediction says my present cycle ends in 2039

My wife who holds a first class degree in Physics is so convinced by this nonsense that in Trivandrum when I had chest pains and went to see Dr Tiny Nair, she actually told a relative “Nothing to worry. He is destined to die only in 2039 so this will likely be nothing”

It turned out to be Gas


There’s a lot of lesson we should learn from the Reuters expose on how the U.S. military spread disinformation in the Philippines during the pandemic. One of the most significant ones is to prevent Philippines and China from transforming their relationship from enmity to amity.

The U.S. military propaganda was simple: to make sure the Filipino masses will ALWAYS see China as a threat, which would then tie the hands of leaders who want to be voted into power. Why does the U.S. want to do this? Taiwan.

The long-term goal of the U.S. is to prevent the unification of Taiwan with the Chinese mainland.

The real agenda of the U.S. is to keep the Philippine leg of its theatre of war against China. The Philippines is the nearest state to Taiwan, and from which, the U.S. can also launch attacks to Chinese cities.

To justify its massive military presence in the Philippines, the United States has to make sure that Philippine and China relations will remain in permanent crisis. It is never in U.S. agenda for these two countries to pursue a compromise solution. It is only by keeping China as a permanent threat to the Philippines that the U.S. can fulfil its long-term goal of having long-term presence in its territory.

If one would go back to the last 10 years, one can see how the U.S. has made sure that China will always be perceived as a threat by the Philippines:

1. Allowing China to have several fait accompli in the South China Sea: Scarborough Shoal, artificial islands, and I am afraid, soon it will involve Ayungin Shoal.

The U.S. has no intention in stopping China from doing all these things – didn’t do it in Scarborough Shoal crisis; didn’t do it in terms of artificial islands, and will never do it in Ayungin Shoal (hence, the very anemic copy-and-paste statements).

By letting China accomplish these series of fait accompli, the Philippines will be in a state of permanent crisis with China, hence, in a relationship of perpetual enmity. It is the narrative of “China stole these from us” hence we need the U.S. to help us get them back, which will NEVER happen.

The U.S. will keep on justifying its presence as a way to deter Chinese actions, which is belied by empirical reality. The U.S. military propaganda even escalated the narrative into preventing “China’s invasion of the Philippines.”

2. The U.S. military propaganda has prevented any joint development efforts between the Philippines and China. The earliest time I know was the joint-seismic mutual understanding between the Philippines, Vietnam, and China during the Arroyo administration. During my interview with former President Arroyo in my show Statecraft in 2021, I asked her about what was the U.S. position on that.

President Arroyo has told me that U.S. bureaucrats had been objecting to the joint venture. She took it up with President Bush who was surprised that U.S. bureaucrats were objecting to a research project.

The most aggressive propaganda against any joint ventures of the Philippines and China happened during Duterte’s time. Almost everyday, Western media and mainstream Philippine media were undermining diplomatic efforts of the Duterte administration. Filipino pundits beholden to Pentagon have made sure that Filipinos will not find these acceptable, labelling them as capitulation, selling out, debt trap, etcetera. These Filipino pundits have taken advantage of the largely uninformed Filipino masses on how joint ventures work.

If the Philippines and China successfully forged joint partnerships, ventures, and development, their relationship will be transformed from rivalry to partnership, as they have both stake in making the cooperative arrangement work. The alternative to that is perpetual enmity, of zero-sum game between the Philippines and China, which the United States wants to happen.

Just ask yourselves: How many times the United States initiated any diplomatic talks between the Philippines and China? None.

3. The U.S. will never back up the territorial sovereignty claim of the Philippines because that would mean being against not just with Chinese mainland, but also with Taiwan WHICH HAS EXACTLY THE SAME CLAIM AS BEJING, Viet Nam, and Malaysia. It is absolutely idiotic to think that the U.S. will go against any of these countries for the sake of the Philippines.

Thus, the U.S. will keep on encouraging Filipinos to pursue absolutely unrealistic goals. By keeping them in that state of hope that they could achieve those goals with U.S. help, the Philippines will be stuck in a permanent crisis with China, which the U.S. will use to justify its “temporarily permanent” military presence in the Philippines, which is nothing but for the sake of Taiwan, which is also a territorial rival of the Philippines!

4. The U.S. military propaganda will always undermine any diplomatic efforts of the Philippines with China. How many times our Foreign Affairs Secretary had any high-level meeting with his counterparts in Beijing in the last two years??? By preventing any meaningful exchange with China, the U.S. creates the perfect condition for paranoia: Fear of something you don’t understand; and you cannot understanding something unless you have meaningful engagement with it.

What would this do to the Philippines?

1. Stuck in a perpetual cycle of dependency with the United States

2. Forever a mendicant of U.S. largesse.

3. Maldevelopment brought by being in a state of permanent crisis with the world’s largest economy, the world’s most complete industrial system, and the world’s scientific superpower. All these benefits the Philippines will not be able to gain in a transformative way because the U.S. will not want it to happen. If the Philippines benefits from China’s rejuvenation, the U.S. will lose the magic of its propaganda against China.

4. In the long run, the country will be a battleground of a war not of its making.

Joint development with China is the only realistic goal. This transforms the relationship of China and the Philippines from a relationship in perpetual crisis into a collaborative relationship. This will not be accepted by the United States. However, it is up to the real sovereign of the Philippines – the Filipino people – to determine the fate of their relationship with China Permanent Crisis or Permanent Cooperation.

Joe Biden Now Shuffles Like a 2-Year Old Toddler

Bill breaks down Joe Biden's bizarre behavior in recent days, including his shuffling and mumbling during a major address.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has called for Ursula von der Leyen to be replaced as president of the European Commission (EC), describing the past five years as the worst in the EU’s history.

When asked why he was preventing von der Leyen from being appointed to a second term, Orban replied: “Due to her lack of efficiency. The green transformation has been a complete failure of management, and the migration package does not solve the problem.”

“Europe needs more effective leadership. There are plenty of talented politicians who can provide it,” the prime minister said in an interview with German media group Funke.

“The last five years have probably been the worst five years in the history of the EU. The achievements of the European Commission and the Brussels elite are weak,” Orban maintained.

The Hungarian Prime Minister also noted that the results of the European Parliament elections demonstrated a clear desire for change in Brussels.

On March 7, von der Leyen was nominated as a candidate to head the European Commission at the European People’s Party congress in Bucharest.

The most ridiculous adult tantrum I witnessed had to be at a Lonestar restaurant by a grown woman and her family.

My family was having dinner at a LoneStar restaurant. As we were just served our food, we saw a family get up from their table to leave. They were walking towards us to leave the restaurant. A middle-aged woman was at the front of the group and she was dressed up nicely, like they were celebrating some special event. My son and I both looked up at the same time just as the woman – middle aged, took a couple of steps and dived forward right beside our table. She landed face forwards with her hands extended to break her fall. She had high heels on and it was very clear to us that she tripped over her own feet. We saw the before, during and after, like a slow motion video. Her family was right there to help her up and she looked at us, embarrassed. Next thing we knew, she started to yell and moan loudly, so the entire restaurant went silent, watching her. She claimed the floor was wet. It wasn’t. She said she broke her ankle, but we saw her dive forward, not sideways or backwards. She yelled for her husband to hold her as she hopped on one leg towards a bench beside restaurant door, still in her high heels. She insisted that the restaurant call an ambulance.

The restaurant manager very quickly cleared the way for her to put her feet up and tried to dissuade her from calling the ambulance. All this time the woman yelled loudly that it was negligence on the part of the restaurant and she wanted the police. The manager came to our table and looked at the floor and saw that it was completely dry. No spilt drink, or food. The husband now said he saw a piece of paper on the floor that caused her to fall. There wasn’t. The manager was trying to reason with them and offered ice for her ankle, but she screamed for an ambulance and police.

The ambulance came. Yes! She insisted on an ambulance for a supposed twisted ankle! Not life or death situation. Just a twisted ankle. The ambulance attendants couldn’t believe it and we heard them telling her that there was no swelling, no sign of broken ankle, and they didn’t think she needed to go to emergency. She started to cry loudly but agreed that she would not need to go to the hospital. One of the ambulance attendants came by our table and asked if we saw what happened. We told him that we saw the whole event and described the scene to him. He rolled his eyes and walked to the front and left with his team. The woman and her family left right after, but yelled back at the manager “You’ll hear from my lawyer!”

We left our name and phone number with the manager, and told him we would be happy to provide witness account of what we saw. He was most grateful. A few days later we did hear from the restaurant -corporate office. They asked us to recount the event and said they’d let us know if they needed anything else. We never heard from them.

Trump speaks

I had a friend. We were nearly inseparable. Any free time we had, we were doing things together. Hanging out, playing music, meeting new people, racing cars, you name it we did it. As life often facilitates, we lost touch after I moved a number of times and I hadn’t heard from him in years. The last I knew, he was a healthy guy working a good job got his own place and life seemed to be picking up for him. I heard he had a daughter, though that might well have been when things took a dramatic turn for the worse.

The woman he impregnated, turned out to admit she was actually a lesbian and had used him to have a child as she wanted it to have his striking physical features. He was half German, and half Peruvian – a handsome fellow. Through the lovely court system they required him to pay an exorbitant amount of child support to a woman that admitted she used him, and was going to do everything in her power to prevent him from being part of their life. He tried like heck. The guy worked double shifts to try and be an honorable man, despite that at the pinnacle of his existence, his life was being devastated by an evil woman.

The emotional turmoil was too much for him to bear. Though this isn’t how I handle myself when I am experiencing stress, I can understand why he chose to do what he did. He needed an escape, his reality was just too tough to cope with any longer. For a man that wanted nothing more than to love a woman, and raise his daughter – never seeing her and being extorted for money was like a death sentence. He went from alcoholism to drug use. A couple of drinks turned into losing most of his body mass and becoming emaciated and on the brink of dying.

I called him one day after contacting his brother who said he could use a friend and that he thought he would be happy to hear from me. We talked, we reminisced about the days of old. I told him how my life was going and asked how his was. He didn’t say much, just sort of avoided the question. I said hey you know what, let’s hang out. He says oh I can’t I have to get some money. I said money for what? He says I owe somebody money, I have to come up with $2,000 by tomorrow or they are coming for me. I said I’ll give you $2,000 and I will come pick you up if you need a ride. I just want to hang out – money means nothing, what time is good? He says you don’t understand, I owe a lot of money. I owe more than $2,000. My cars gone, I lost my job, and now I’m royally screwed.

I wanted to think it was the child support that had him jammed up, but it wasn’t. He said oh by the way, I got injured at a concert, I hit my head. The doctors don’t know why but I lost all this weight, I look like I’m sick. I said that doesn’t sound right man. Be straight with me.. he says I am, I just can’t see you, you’ll never understand. Just get on with your good life, it sounds like you’re doing great, I don’t want you to get involved.

My friend would never be heard from again.

I can’t tell you where he went, or what happened. I don’t know if he moved, or passed away, there was no closure. His family went silent as they knew the truth but weren’t going to tell anybody. I would find out later that he was heavy into drugs that he would take intravenously, and that he owed a drug dealer so much money that it’s possible foul play was involved in his disappearance. To this day I still don’t know, which is very sobering to think about.

It wasn’t the drugs, or the alcohol that I find to be the biggest mistake.

It was him not reaching out for help, or accepting help when plenty of people around him cared enough and had the means to get him out of what ever he was into, and make it go away permanently. He was stubborn to a fault, and it might have cost him his life.

So if you or somebody you know is experiencing distress, please, don’t be too proud to ask for, or to accept help. If somebody reaches out to you, put your hand out and allow them to help you up.

Stay well my friends.

I was pregnant with my first child and working in a hospital. I was probably third trimester, this child was long awaited, and I was proud to be carrying her. For the most part, people were respectful and understanding- coworkers and patients alike.

Then one day I had a patient who was not respectful, not listening to staff, and who threatened to beat me up once he got out of bed. He was actively trying to get up and throw punches. Then he tried to kick me. I lost it.

People talk about Momma bears and maternal instincts and I never took it seriously. I used to box in the ring (before pregnancy) and I used to equate fighter’s zen with maternal protective instinct. Adrenaline is Adrenaline, right? No. Not the same.

Maternal instinct was like being possessed by something very, very ancient and angry. While I can’t tell you exactly what I said to the patient, it was something to the effect of “How dare you threaten me and my child? What would your mother say if she saw you behaving like this?! I know she didn’t raise you to threaten pregnant ladies! Shame on you!” I could feel the truth in what I said and I knew he didn’t dare hurt me. I was invincible. In that moment, I was every mother who had ever been and who would ever be.

I swear the guy’s eyes bugged out and then he started full on bawling. I made a full-grown adult male cry with a scolding. He told me I was right and his Momma would be ashamed of him for threatening me. He promised to behave for the rest of the night and he kept that promise- he even became somewhat protective of me and urged me to take care of the baby.

It was a powerful experience and one I haven’t needed since. Thank God. I know that scolding was only a sampling of the power the rage had given me and I’d feel sorry for anyone it was directed towards- once my children are out of danger, of course.

Threads (1984) – Bombing Scene

I had a patient come in for a consultation. She was accompanied by her husband, who was very concerned.

His wife was in agonizing pain following an ablation procedure by a local orthopedic surgeon. She had radiating sciatic pain prior to the ablation, but afterwards she developed extremely severe pain in the area of the injection and was unable to sit or stand in a normal upright position. She’d developed all types of compensatory problems due to the limited and contorted positions she had to assume to avoid pain. She was in tears describing it.

The patient had returned to the treating MD, who had told her he had no idea why she was in so much pain and implied that she was hysterical or faking. She had gotten a second opinion from another orthopedist. I happened to know that the second orthopedist was close friends with the first doctor. They got a third opinion from another orthopedist who was a member of the first one’s group practice, and they all shrugged and said they had no idea why she was in so much pain.

Some background: An ablation procedure is a pain-management technique. First, the patient will have a numbing injection, sort of like novocaine, injected into the nerve root that’s suspected of being the source of the patient’s pain. If that gives them relief, they are considered a good candidate for an ablation.

The day of the ablation, the patient is given general anesthetic or sedation. A radiology technician initiates a real-time X-ray video (fluoroscopy) to monitor the procedure, which continues the entire time. The physician then inserts a probe into the nerve root and applies something that destroys the nerve root from which the pain is coming. The real-time fluoroscopic monitoring is important because the probe has to be placed precisely in the anatomical spot where the nerve root is located. The ablation can be done using heat, electricity, or microwaves (radiofrequency or RF ablation). In this case, it was an RF ablation.

The patient brought post-treatment MRI and CT reports in which the radiologist described “ill-defined inflammatory changes” in the facet joint at the level of the ablation (the facet joints are the two little joints between each pair of vertebrae in the back of the spine). On the actual images the facet joint was not even visible, the area being full of fluid and calcification.

The whole thing sounded fishy to me. Instead of examining her, I did something I would ordinarily never have occasion to do as a chiropractor. I contacted the hospital and sent for the operative report of the procedure. I sent her home, telling her to return after I’d had a chance to review the report.

When I read the report, I was shocked.

The orthopedist had dictated the report as though the procedure had gone just as anticipated and no problems were encountered.

However, after the report was dictated, the radiologist had gone back into the record and dictated an addendum. The fluoroscopic equipment had failed just as the orthopedist was preparing to insert the probe. The radiologist advised the orthopedist of that fact, and that the procedure would have to be aborted.

The orthopedist had proceeded with the ablation anyway, blind!

It was apparent to me that the orthopedist had inserted the probe into the patient’s facet joint and applied the destructive microwave radiation anyway. The joint was basically cooked and all the inflammation and calcification I saw was the patient’s body trying to heal the destruction. He’d covered up his mistake in dealing with the patient, and his colleagues had joined ranks and covered for him too.

There was nothing I could do to help this poor woman. As a chiropractor, I can’t adjust a joint that’s been completely destroyed. I did provide the couple with a copy of the operative report (which they hadn’t yet seen) and explained what it said in layman’s terms. I gave them some names of malpractice attorneys.

I never heard what the final outcome of the story was. I was never called to testify in a malpractice suit on the case, but that wasn’t surprising because I had never actually treated the patient and as a chiropractor, I legally couldn’t have an opinion regarding a surgical procedure outside my scope of practice.

That orthopedist was still practicing when I became disabled and left town several years later. He is probably still teaching, and still on the provider panel for all the local insurance plans and HMOs.

Let the patient beware.

When I think of fugitives who could live off the land in the woods, the only name that comes to mind is Eric Rudolph who was the Olympic Park Bomber. By the time that Rudolph was identified as the bomber he had disappeared into the Nantahala National Forest. For five years the FBI scoured the forest with bloodhounds, electronic motion detectors, and heat-sensing helicopters. They set up listening posts with cameras and hired local residents as scouts to search every section of the wilderness.The FBI put Rudolph on their vaunted Ten Most Wanted List and added a $1,000,000 reward tag for his capture. This caused a tsunami of bounty hunters to flood the forest, determined to make a fortune off of finding Rudolph. They all failed.

The FBI spent five years and an estimated $24 million searching for Rudolph and turned up nothing. It took a 21-year-old rookie with the Murphy Police Department named Jeffrey Postell to catch Rudolph in the act of dumpster diving behind a Save-A-Lot store. Rudolph said, “I’m glad it’s over. I’m tired of running.”

After his arrest Rudolph cooperated with the feds for a life sentence and directed them to a campsite hidden deep in the woods. It was scattered with deer hides, wild turkey remains, a high-powered rifle, and food containers that hung from the trees. They also found plywood, roofing paper, books, and cooking supplies. the Sheriff said, “you could walk within 10 feet of it and never see it.”

He told them stories of raiding dumpsters and grocery stores, digging through the dumpster at the movie theater for popcorn. He’d steal food from gardens and grain from silos, transporting it all in a stolen truck. he would boil the grains and then pound them into pancakes and fry them. He also told them that he lived off of nuts, berries, wild turkey, bear and salamanders that he swallowed whole like sushi. He ability to evade the feds turned him into a survivalist folk hero. Some people in the area wore t-shirts that read “1998 Hide and Seek Champion Eric Rudolph.”

Today, Rudolph spends 22.5 hours alone in an 80 square-foot concrete coffin in the depths of the Florence Colorado supermax prison. I bet he wishes he was back in the woods.


The story behind this photo continues to shock anyone who recognizes it.

In 1968, two men kidnapped Kim Bird. They put her in a homemade coffin, took this photo and buried her in the woods. They hung the photo on a local bulletin board and signed on the back, “I am buried in the woods, you have no more than 5 days to find me.” For days, passersby looked at the photo and thought it was a joke. Until a former colleague of Kim’s saw the photo. She immediately went to the police, but they didn’t know what to do. After all, they only have the photo, but where it is buried is unknown. Then Kim’s classmate started looking at the photo and realized that some letters are written strangely, highlighted in bold, and if you look closely, you can read the girl’s secret message….

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main qimg d168f80b8f9b13b241997acefb818a9a

On the leaf was written Kim + Brad (classmate’s name). It was exactly the kind of inscription they had once left on a tree during a vacation in the woods as a token of their love for each other in high school. Brad immediately went with the police to the site and they found a fresh grave next to the tree. Kim was saved, but if she had been found a few hours later, she would not have survived. For many years afterward, neither Kim nor Brad could explain how it happened that she was buried there and how Brad saw that photo. After all, he had just happened to be in town for work, he hadn’t lived here for years.

Proof Egyptians Didn’t Build The Pyramids?


Yes. In the early ‘90’s I worked as medical staff in a drug and alcohol treatment program. Our program was geared toward treating patients who were lower income.

One woman, a single mother of 5, was brought in by her social worker. Said social worker was insistent that we admit this woman immediately stating that she was in imminent danger of losing her children. The children’s ages ranged from 9 to 8 months.

This woman’s 5 and 3 year old children had been found outside at 3am by a neighbor going through the neighbor’s trash looking for something to eat. The 5 y/o was wearing a dirty tshirt and stained underwear. The 3 y/o was only wearing a filthy diaper. This was in the middle of December. Department of child services determined that the mother had been away from home using drugs with a friend for almost a week.

We admitted her. It was her 4th admission in less than 6 months.

During her admission process, she was hostile and uncooperative. It was obvious that she did not want to be there. My tech had asked me to help with this admission as she was having difficulty dealing with this woman and the social worker constantly arguing about this mother’s need for treatment. The social worker reminded her that she may lose her children because she had left them alone for days. At this point the mother turned to the social worker and said “well, you can’t expect me to take my kids with me everywhere I go, can you!”. My tech and I were horrified by this callous statement.

This “mother” stayed in the program 15 days, just long enough to have a letter send to court stating that she was receiving treatment for her addictions.

10 days after she checked herself out of the program, her 5 y/o found some matches and set their house on fire. The 4 children that were in the house at the time died in the fire. The 9 y/o died a few days later. He had been looking for the mother and was on his way back to his brothers and sisters when he saw flames coming through a downstairs window. He died from injuries sustained after entering the house while trying to rescue his siblings.

It took police 3 days to track down the mother. They found her at a local crack house.

I can still see the expression on her face when she said what she did to the social worker that day.


Just when you think it can't get worse, it does.

The story of a taxi driver, which I heard from another taxi driver, who got infected by rabies. 2009 he was bitten by a stray dog, and within few hours he went to the doctor for an anti-rabies shot. He got the first shot right away. A person who is exposed and has never vaccinated against rabies should get four doses of rabies vaccine – one dose right away, and additional doses on the 3rd, 7th, and 14th days. They should also get another shot called Rabies Immune Globulin at the same time as the first dose.

Now, he did get his first and second shot on time but then missed his other two injections. Fast forward 2014, he received a call from a customer for taxing to the airport. During a rainy night, he had body aches and headaches. In the morning, he started his day with a mild fever for a few days. He went to GP for treatment to which GP prescribed him Paracetamol, multivitamin, and rest. He took medicine and left for the client’s house. He picked up the client and drove him to the airport. Later in the day, he did his daily chores. While in the market for buying something he got agitated, and he said the cashier was about to hit him. They called the store manager, and the argument concluded into checking the cameras to see what happened. To everyone’s surprise, nor cashier or the driver moved a muscle. There was only a verbal argument. Back at home, he told his wife about what happened that he saw cashier hitting him.

Days passed, and his fever went from mild (99.5F) to fluctuating high (102-103). He still kept taking Paracetamol and multivitamins. Weird thoughts and hallucinations continued with depressions and him crying no reason. Next came the severe back pain and random seizures. GP wrote them for tests and asked for medical history in which they revealed the dog bite. They started with the 4x injection cycle. But nothing worked for the poor man.

Before the seizure, he’d become violent and even tried to attack his own family. At home, he was tied with chains and couldn’t bear the bright morning light. In the last days, even looking at the ceiling fan rotating gave him headaches and seizures. He was fed from a distance and would drool during the seizures. Only his grandfather went to help clean and dress up because the rest of the family was afraid of infection. Within ten days of reappearing rabies, he died.


"Vietnam is a vibrant and unique ancient civilization adding to the tapestry of a multipolar world.

Hanoi pursues an independent foreign policy in the global arena and strongly advocates a just world order based on international law and principles of equality of all states and non-interference in their internal affairs.

We highly appreciate the fact that our countries have coinciding or similar approaches to pressing issues on the international agenda.

We work closely together within key international forums, first of all within the United Nations.

We have similar assessments of the situation in the Asia-Pacific region.

We see Vietnam as a like-minded partner in shaping a new architecture of equal and indivisible Eurasian security on an inclusive and non-discriminatory basis.

We are grateful to our Vietnamese friends for their balanced position on the Ukraine crisis and their desire to facilitate the search for practical ways to settle it peacefully.

All of this is fully in line with the spirit and nature of our relations."

Excerpt from the article by Russian President Vladimir Putin for publication in Nhân Dân, the official newspaper of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee, ‘Russia and Vietnam: Friendship Tested by Time,’ June 19, 2024.

When I was the director of an urgent care in southern California, a patient came in for a gynecologic follow-up after seeing one of my colleagues a couple of days before. The other doctor’s notes stated that he had carried out a pelvic exam and that the findings were all normal. I said to the patient I would like to do a 2nd exam, if she didn’t mind, and she said, “What do you mean by ‘second exam?’ I didn’t have a first!” I was confused. “Wait, you don’t recall the other doctor before me performing a pelvic exam?” She looked at me as if I was nuts. “I think I would remember a doctor pushing and prodding my internal organs!”

I had a chaperone come in, did the pelvic exam, and released the patient home, but then I embarked on a little “internal affairs” inquiry. Since all pelvic exams by a doctor must be accompanied by a female chaperone, at least one of the nurses should be able to confirm if the other doctor had done one on the night in question. All who had been present at the time confirmed that he had not done one. This means that he had falsified the details of the exam and put it in the record. This is very serious. He potentially endangered the patient’s life because she could have had pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

Since I had known this doctor for many years, it was a painful thing to call him in and confront him, and after his admission, he was terminated. If I had ignored the transgression, then I would be guilty of what doctors (and the police) are often accused of: protecting each other and covering up mistakes. There’s no way I could be part of that.

Valentino the cat was rescued from horrible circumstances. But the cat was in rough shape.

She had horrible sarcoptic mange and got sicker each day that she was in the shelter.

They tried to help her. But she needed a lot more care than they could give her.

They couldn’t pick her up, because she was contagious to humans.

And she was sick and weak. After a while, she couldn’t even open her eyes.

The cat was in terrible pain and the shelter didn’t have money to treat her.

They had to put her down.

The sad cat cries silently in her cage waiting to be put down.

Then something incredible happens…

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interesting how we program our sub-conscious… ‘i never went home again’… WOW
first of all it seems it never was a home to begin with, more like a residence of origin, with emotional and physical torture… so what is the definition of ‘home’, and how does it apply to, say, dictionary definition… and then celebrating to never return to home… jeez… what a fucked -up cause of celebration !!!
May your Soul find a path to Home !!!!
Cheerful Love Grizzlybear hug
(lots of honey and salmon for a bear-home. ladybears and cubs too)


“Do you think you were reincarnated from a previous life?”

Yeah, for certain. People have beaten it into my head more than enough for me to accept it.

Early on in my life, I had an odd fascination with paranormal TV shows and news articles: spirituality, ghost sitings, psychics. That stuff all called out to me even as a little boy. I knew that our lives on Earth was not the only one from a young age. I could tell that reincarnation was a thing, as were different spaces and sectors for the deceased to venture to when departing from their physical bodies; like “Heaven” and “Hell” for Westerners/Christians, Lokas/Yama for Hindus, super freaky interim spaces for “special” people.

I did not delve deeply into this past-life stuff until I read about my last life,the events of the memoirs, autobiography (disguised as a fictional novel) and Magical Instruction books all called to me strongly, and right then and there I wanted to be just like Franz: not realizing that, according to the Schizophrenic Handpuppet Psychic I met in Sept 2011, I was him: I wrote these books and perfected the magic delineated therein (as well as the remainder of the 72 Leaves that are found in my old employment’s chambers. From the get go, I did not believe it because I had no magic powers, and although I do look like Franz at certain times, I do not have his personality either.

But wait: more and more people substantiated that I am Legit.

Tom and Rose from WSW’s secret site were quick to affirm that I was Franz. My soul-mother, Tesla, accepted and never questioned me being Franz. Even my captain, who has the strongest Past-Life/Original-Form scanning abilities, confirmed that this was me.

And what do you know? It explains some oddities with me. It explains why I w as angry when Handpuppet Psychic Juilianna told me I was fated to be as wealthy as Elon Musk. I did not want that because by doing so, I would have to be in alignment with the very psychos who had used me and dumped me one incarnation ago, and I would not give them anything of value after how badly they fucked me over: I worked for them over thousands of years and often suffered very brutal deaths/torture to do their bidding, only to be beguiled into eating pork to kill myself when I was held in a communist prison as Franz (they would not let me just depart from my physical body or shut off my pain receptors. I inexperienced this extreme trauma in this life when my duodenal ulcer ripped open from eating raw eggs and getting an H Pylori infection).

It also explains why I never felt “comfy” with the ancient cult James inducted me to: The Secret Kings. But I was under so much pain at the time that I would cling to anyone who would give me support and reassure me. Surprise surprise, years later, I figured out that this group is an ancient Nazi Cult I fought against one incarnation ago; a group responsible for making the Nazis a thing in the first place (and they ensured Hitler’s Rise to Power and secret escape to Argentina). Despite that James insisted I be hard working, efficient, cunning, ruthless, and conniving to be a valuable member of this Magical Nazi group, a part of me did not want, nor cared about servicing these fuckers who tortured me for years in my last life. I would never live with myself if I did; those fuckers nearly had me rat out WSW in a way that would doom the entirety of this Sentinence Nursery in 2016 when I was the most unstable and in pain.

I find myself randomly making hand-mudras and uttering Quabbalic Runes or Tibetian chants to try and effect people/things with spells and hexes (but to no avail).

So while it’s not obvious (if it was, I would have been killed long ago or re-assimilated into the Divine Dickwads who had framed me one lifetime ago to do away with me,) the small clues kept on adding up, and it’s made me ever more angry that I have been reduced to such a mess by the people I used to call “Divine Providence”, “God”, “Master”, “The guys who appointed Brother Jesus (who, according to my research and our findings in WSW, was later on incarnated as the Freaking Fuhrer who demanded I serve his Reich to ensure victory and global conquest.

I want revenge against these fuckers, but I am in no condition to do anything much. I cannot walk straight nor communicate properly with people, especially when I ruminate and deal with “Voices in my Head” all the time. It’s frustrating, but my captain insists that, in due time, justice will be served and I will even have a chance to exact revenge to these so-called “divine” dicks myself.

I hate talking about this, as it requires me to show some of my biggest regrets and fears, but I decided to divulge this to you all so you can understand my predicament and why I can come off as so flagrant and hurt.


Great courage in this sharing of such intimate details of your experience Anti….Lamentable levels of suffering….Not at all easy to make a genuine ‘change of sides’ in any life-incarnation.
amongst the creatures with ‘wings’, presence or absence of feathers on any species determines the ability to fly, bald wings limit even bats from gaining heights they might aspire to… So what process allows one to re-grow feathers on them ‘leathery’ wings (?????) to reach heights appropriate to one’s species , thus finding the joy in authenticity of one’s experience of onesself and the environment ???
May you find the Path to grow the feathers, even if tiny ones, baby feathers, on your wings…

Cheerful Love GrizzlyBear Hug

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