
The big surprise at Christmas

When I bought my home, we were unloading the truck: six very tired people, who were just trying to get the job done. The front door is standing open as we carry in boxes. I look up as a woman walked in, with two little boys in tow, and says “Hi, I am your new neighbor.” I have a house full of tired cranky people, and she thinks I have time for a social call? Really?

She followed me around for about an hour telling me she had heard that a disabled person (me) had bought the house, and how her friend used to own it, yadda, yadda, and I finally turned to her and said, “Please, we have work to get done and I will be glad to sit down over coffee, and get to know you, but today is not the day.” She gathered up her two little boys, and as she walks out my from door, she says over her shoulder, that she and her husband will be by tomorrow “to discuss the rent.” I looked at her and said stupidly “huh?”. She then proceeds to tell me that although I bought my manufactured home through the bank, that she and her husband owned the land it was on, and they would come down and discuss rental amount, etc.! I looked her straight in the eye and told her that I did not buy the house through a bank; I bought it straight out right for cash, for the house, buildings and the land they are on! There is no bank involved. She gives me a dirty look, and says “my husband will have something to say about that!” Turns around and walks out the door.

The following day, I saw her husband coming home from work, so I stepped outside and asked him if he wanted to speak to me as his wife said. He looked at me, kind of embarrassed, put his head down, and said “yeah, I am sorry about that, but when she heard a disabled lady bought the house, she figured she could scam you for some cash. I am really sorry, but she just does these things…”

Grrrrr…! She figured she could rip off a disabled person and get away with it? Nope! Needless to say I rejected all offers of friendship until she sold her house and moved. Buh bye!

Idiocracy deleted scene#4 (Museum of Fart)

It is known that 90% of US mainstream media are funded by Congress.

So, if the congress is pro-Netanyahu, MSMedia will be pro Netanyahu.

In fact, I heard some MSM is funded or owned by billionaire Jewish Americans. Who knows, These billionaires may be pro-netanyahu.

Israel under Netanyahu has been ruled by UNSC & ICC that it has committed genocide.

By supporting Israel, USA has lost its moral high ground on the world stage. USA has damaged its reputation as a world leader. … USA has damaged its soft power on world stage.

Does this loss of soft power threaten US national security?

In a short run, probably no. In a long run, probably yes because it speeds up the collapse of US “empire”.

When I lived in Florida we had the corner lot, which was nice, until we noticed the next door neighbor had “visitors” who loved to use one of “our” curbs to park on. Only they never stayed long. Day and night, randomly through both, different cars would pull up on the curb, someone would go inside for maybe ten minutes or so, and leave. They also had a yard “business,” except we only ever saw the work truck drive a few streets over and park for the day. We aren’t dumb, we figured the lady next door was selling crack, not to individual users either, she was the distributor. We were in that towns version of a ghetto anyway.

Then the feds contacted us once and wanted to use our place to stake them out. That let us know our guess was right. (They never did go past the asking permission faze)

Then a little later we were visiting my MIL, who had always hated where we lived. “Did you see some 60 year old white woman was just arrested for selling crack in your neighborhood?!” She exclaimed pretty quickly after we got there, she’d read it in the newspaper. “Was her name Jane Castro?” Wide eyes from the MIL. “How’d you know?” Shrug. “She was our neighbor.” 😂😂 MIL HATED that.

But she was better than the dog fighters who moved in after that. That’s a much more sad story because we had to see animals be killed in training.

China Slams US for Plundering Syria

What is the most ignorant thing someone has said to you?

Two days after my wife passed away, some idiot from one of the insurance companies I was contacting said this to me when I told them of Margaret’s death;

“It’s all part of God’s plan.”

My response was definitely not God-like (the following is from memory but it is quite accurate);

“Well, what kind of an arsehole is your God? Because that’s the shittest plan I’ve ever heard of. So your God invented cancer, allowed my beautiful wife to catch it, let her suffer for over seven years with it, dragged our family through hell because of it and then his best option was to decide she had to die? Your God doesn’t deserve to be in charge of his own left nut, let alone the whole fucking world. I apologise for the swearing, but while I fully respect your right to your religion, please fully respect my right to absolutely ignore your fucking nutsack of a religion.”

The insurance company was informed, the recording of the call was listened to and the above mentioned idiot has gone off for human training.

Religion has its place, but that place is not in my ear. Not now.

How does “kicking husband onto the couch” actually work?

Here is the answer: It doesn’t. At all. Period.

I have been very happily married, for 19 years and counting, to my beloved wife and mother of 4 of my children.

Now you must understand that being “happily married” does not mean that we don’t have conflict. It does not mean that we never fight. It does not mean that our marriage is some “Leave it to Beaver”/Norman Rockwell depiction of what marriage should be.

To illustrate this point, early in our marriage, we had a fight. Lots of yelling. I don’t even remember what the fight was about. What is relevant to the question is the tactic my wife used to convey her displeasure.

“You can sleep on the couch tonight!” she yelled.

I was taken aback. We were arguing about something, and she thought she could relegate me to the couch like a misbehaving puppy?

She thinks that she could do this in our home? Not her home, but our home?

She thinks that our relationship is that unequal?

No. Just no.

Strangely, I instantly forgot what we were even arguing about. I took a deep breath.

“The answer is no. If you are so angry that you need some space, no problem – go find that space.
“I will sleep in my bed. It’s your bed too. You can choose to sleep in it or not, but you will never tell me where I sleep in my own house.
“We can fight, but how we do so is going to decide if this marriage is going to be successful.”

She stared at me with an angry scowl, then went into the next room and called her friend. She gave a synopsis of the argument, and then asked what she should say to me.

Her friend’s response? “Make him sleep on the couch! That will show him!”

My wife: “I tried that. He says he’s not going to. He says he’s going to sleep in the bed, and I can sleep there or not…”

“He can’t DO that!!” her friend said.

About 30 minutes later my wife came out. We started laughing together after she recounted what her (unmarried and single) friend had given as advice.

“I guess it only works if the man actually sleeps on the couch,” she said.

“Baby, do you want a husband or a dog?”

And then it was over. We went to bed.


Modern Women Have Realized They Made the Biggest Mistake of their Lives

1. Today is your youngest day.

2. The airplane oxygen masks only last for 15 minutes.

3. The human brain is the smartest and most crucial organ in the human body, right? But that’s an idea your own brain came up with.

4. When you blush, the lining of your stomach blushes too.

5. 300 million of your cells die every minute, which is like an abortion per hour.

6. The youngest person confirmed to be pregnant was only 5 years old.

7. People cook meat to kill the parasites inside, but the corpses of the parasites still remain in the meat.

8. Roaches can’t walk backward, so if one crawled into your ear, it would be stuck there.

9. Pineapple contains the enzyme “bromelain”, an excellent meat tenderizer. So when you eat pineapple, it’s pretty eating you back.

10. There is more actual lemon juice in lemon-scented cleansing spray than there is in the lemon flavor drinks.

11. In 1944, 9 airmen survived when their planes were shot down off the coast the tiny Pacific island of Chichijima. 8 of the young men were captured by the Japanese, tortured and EATEN. The only survivor was George HW Bush.

12. Instead of looking UP into the sky, you are actually gazing DOWN into the infinite universe, with only gravity holding you to the surface of the Earth.

Idiocracy Prison Escape

Starship Troopers (1997) Outpost 29 Battle 4K

Vietnam from $1 to $1000

How I tried gold digging, BJJs and my dad tells me to get plastic surgery

A Day at Cummins

This is one of the prisons at the ADC. And yeah, I am well familiar with this facility during my “retirement” from MAJestic. It’s part of my past. And good and bad, it made me what I am today.

I urge everyone to be good.

The Fifth Element – 1950’s Super Panavision 70

Space Desert 101

Submitted into Contest #8 in response to: Write a story about an adventure in space. view prompt

Fred Aiken

We crash landed about eight months ago. It’s only an approximation because I’ve lost count of the days. The crew split up the first time someone mentioned cannibalism casually as if were an option. None of wanted to become the next textbook Donner Party.Now I spend most days discovering new species to observe their main form of sustenance, and then I typically mimic them by eating whatever they couldn’t finish. The lizards know where all the good stuff is. There are a couple of mammal-looking creatures that are covered in hair and tend to scavenge during the late afternoon. All the little creatures, though, generally have a lack of taste buds. It would be like eating at a restaurant that was given rave reviews by reviewers with no sense of seasoning.I dug a small enclave on the side of a hill next to a wall of cypresses that only has one way into the hole and one way out. Then I cleaned it up as much as possible by covering the ground in a couple of layers of cushioned debris. The hill keeps away most adverse weather. I thought about trying to create some sort of knife-like tool as a method to hunt protein, though the process became too tedious after trying to hit two rocks together over and over.The small things of convenience that civilization provide hit me the worse first. I missed not being able to order pizza, going to a big store on the corner with all the hard parts of preparing food already done, and talking to other people. I never thought I’d miss talking to another person until I experienced complete isolation.Occasionally I would use the little critters as entertainment to talk to, but the conversation was all one sided. They never challenged me, which seemed nice at first because they didn’t have the verbal fortitude to combat my linguistic might. But invariably the self-realization that I was talking to myself and projecting my thoughts onto these lesser conscious creatures seemed all too depressing to continue.The captain of the ship died in the landing. I believe it was in his contract that he would be responsible for naming this strange land that we came upon. I asked him what he planned on calling it, but he responded that he didn’t know. He wouldn’t know until he saw the place. It would be too presumptuous to name a discovery that could be great, could be awful, could be somewhere in between, before even seeing what it all looked like. He didn’t even have a few rough drafts saved up. He simply intended on naming this land the first thing that came to mind, no matter how horrible, wonderful, or plain it might come out.I believe the succession of the naming responsibility fell on the first mate, and then probably some of the higher members of the crew, possibly a few of the scientists, whichever guy was responsible for making sure the restrooms were cleaned, and then may around the last, or near the last, there would be me. Unlike the captain, I had come up with quite a few reserved names in case I was called upon to name the place. Keep in mind that I’d never seen this place when I came up with these names. No one had. They were back burner sort of names that I knew would never be used. Gregotia. Fanalicka. Vosylianopical. Key Tone Island. x-3190p. Though my secret fantasy would be that it would be named after me. Fresno.

But now I no longer knew where any of the crew that survived the crash had gone to, nor did I know whether or not any of them were still alive. The basic maintenance of living became more and more a fruitless endeavor. I woke everyday thinking this might be the last. No one would know I died here. No one would care. My body would decay after months of these alien creatures feasting on my deceased being. I started to become more morbid the longer I stayed in this forsaken land.

I tried venturing out ever so much on a hesitant scale to possibly make contact with either an indigenous population, or maybe even some of my remaining crewmates. Perhaps they’d given up the notion that it could possibly be a good idea to eat one another. Hopefully after months of continuous isolation they’d made the realization that it would be best if we stuck together. And while I hoped that whatever, or whomever, I discovered would be friendly, at a certain point I no longer cared. I simply wandered as far as I could comfortably go without losing track of my base camp.

The first few times were more exploratory, to make sure the land I occupied was not as finite as a mole hill nor as infinite as space. The land was a bit more desolate than I anticipated. It had all been sterilized and smelled of a foreign chemical agent used to eradicate any semblance of micro-organic life as a means to protect the inhabitants from all alien virus. I couldn’t imagine being sick in a place I didn’t recognize, with no semblance of health care in sight, or at least none that I recognized.

To that extent, I had no idea what I would say to the first alien I met. I don’t imagine they’d be able to understand me. But maybe they were advanced enough that they had some sort of ultra-cool technology that could translate any and all languages throughout the galaxy, and somehow, despite no reasoning for it to work, English was categorized in it and this imagined being would be able to understand my pleas. Though if somehow it could even possibly understand me, I didn’t know if it would treat me amicably. Certainly I was always trained to come in peace. It was the universal message of interstellar media: always travel in peace of other creatures so as to not to disturb their ecosystem. But if they attacked first, then…?

Months of malnutrition had done nothing for my strength, though that’s not to say that I was very strong to begin with. And in terms of any logistically savvy fighting skills, I dare say I would more than likely be at a disadvantage if I came across any hostile life forms. The less terrain I recognized, the more cognizant I became of how vulnerable I truly was. But then, contact.

“Hello,” I called out. “I come in peace.”

The creature didn’t budge. I took a step forward, intentionally making a scruffing sound against the ground to make the alien aware of my presence and movement. Still, no response. I thought for a brief second that perhaps the creature was deaf, or maybe even dead and just positioned upward before some sort of ceremony to commemorate its life. I called out once more, again reiterating that I came in peace.

“I know,” the alien responded. “What in the hell? Put the stapler down and get back to class.”

The alien sounded like Mr. Everret from gym class. It even mimicked his attire and mannerisms. But I knew the truth. Somehow this world had the capability to transplant familiar memories of mine as a way to put my guard down. But I remembered the ride over here. I remember losing my crew one at a time as they all descended into an alien world devoid of pleasantness and camaraderie. These aliens were reading my mind, infiltrating my thoughts to make me think I was back home, enjoying another day at school. But I knew the game. Play along until they all had their guard down. I holstered my laser gun and retreated back to my enclave, seeing nothing that I recognized.

Avatar – 1950’s Super Panavision 70

At the pizza place I worked at when I was a teenager, we had a long marble countertop that was used exclusively to punch down and roll out fresh dough balls into pizza crusts. Since pizzas were made to order, this counter had flour and dough on it all the time. Well, space was very limited so above this counter was a series of shelves where folded pizza boxes where kept up out of the way. Each night, the crew was supposed to refill the box bins at the front counter for the next day. Well, I was scheduled to work the grill on this particular Saturday morning, and I noticed there were only a few boxes left in the box bin from the night before. So as crew leader, I asked the new 16 year-old kitchen helper to fill up the box bins. Well, he goes to get them and instead of using the folding ladder to reach them, he moves the ladder out of his way, hops right up onto the counter full of flour and dough with his filthy tennis shoes and grabs ONE box. Then he jumps back down and while looking furtively over his shoulders, he uses his equally filthy hand to wipe out the shoe imprints in the flour. He even stepped on a dough ball sitting on the counter, flattening it and leaving a perfect imprint of the sole of his shoe across it. He flips the dough ball onto the the floor and attempts to kick it out of sight and takes the box into the back of the kitchen??? He goes out the back door, apparently took time to smoke a cigarette, came in the front door, and handed the girl at the register the one empty box???????? What!?????

This occurred in full view of a the dining room full of customers. I was so stunned, I just stood there with my mouth hanging open. I just absolutely couldn’t believe my eyes. Unfortunately, neither could the health inspection officer standing at the counter waiting to meet with our manager about the scheduled health inspection that morning. Well, the consequences for that idiot’s actions resulted in a $30,000 health violation fine to the restaurant. The appeal was denied so, that one incident put the restaurant out of business.

Vintage art

Secret Courtship
Secret Courtship

Grilled Stuffed Peppers

grilledpepper FillWzExNzAsNTgzXQ
grilledpepper FillWzExNzAsNTgzXQ


  • 6 large green bell peppers
  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1 can sliced mushrooms
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 package Lipton Spanish Rice
  • 1 (12 ounce) can V8 juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic
  • Aluminum foil


  1. In a large skillet brown ground beef with salt, pepper, garlic and onion.
  2. Next in small sauce pan prepare Spanish rice. Mix cooked Spanish rice with browned hamburger and add V8 juice and mushrooms; mix well.
  3. Wash and cut the tops off the peppers. DON’T throw them away. Clean out peppers.
  4. Place a piece of aluminum foil on each, large enough to cover bottom and sides of peppers on each.
  5. Stuff peppers, making sure the pepper tops will fit after they are filled.
  6. Place on grill and cook slowly until bottom sof peppers are blackened.

20 Things From The 1980s, We Can No Longer Do

Of interest:

In Ukraine, Killings of Surrendering Russians Divide an American-Led Unit (archived) – New York Times
A German medic said he was so troubled that he confronted his commander. Others boasted about killings in a group chat.

Caspar Grosse, a German medic in that unit, said he saw the soldier plead for medical attention in a mix of broken English and Russian. It was dusk. A team member looked for bandages.That is when, Mr. Grosse said, a fellow soldier hobbled over and fired his weapon into the Russian soldier’s torso. He slumped, still breathing. Another soldier fired — “just shot him in the head,” Mr. Grosse recalled in an interview.

Mr. Grosse said he was so upset by the episode that he confronted his commander. He said he spoke to The New York Times after what he regarded as unwarranted killings continued.

In a second episode, a Chosen member lobbed a grenade at and killed a surrendering Russian soldier who had his hands raised, video footage reviewed by The Times shows.

In a third episode, Chosen members boasted in a group chat about killing Russian prisoners of war during a mission in October, text messages show. …


Posted by b at 15:43 UTC | Comments (309)

BE THAT GUY – Best Hopecore Motivational Compilation

The idle speed is usually between 600 and 1,000 revolutions per minute (rpm) for most cars. The idle speed cannot be too low or too high, because both situations can cause problems for the engine and the car.

If the idle speed is too low, the engine may not have enough power to run the important parts of the car, such as the water pump, the alternator, the power steering pump, and the air conditioning compressor. This can make the car overheat, drain the battery, make it hard to steer, and reduce comfort. Also, the engine may not get enough air and oil, which can make it burn poorly, build up carbon, and wear out faster. The engine may also stop or hesitate when you try to speed up from a stop.

If the idle speed is too high, the engine may use more fuel and produce more emissions and noise than necessary. This can also affect the transmission and the brakes of the car, because the car may move forward or backward when you change gears or apply brakes. Also, the engine may wear out faster because of more friction and heat.

So 700 rpm is a common idle speed for most cars because it is in the middle of the optimal range which makes sure that the engine works well and uses less fuel. A lower rpm would not save fuel but rather risk stopping or damaging the engine. A higher rpm would not improve performance but rather waste fuel and cause noise or vibration.

But before you go – a click on the upvote button will make both of us happy.

Have a good day/night.

RETIREMENT REGRETS: Top 5 regrets from elderly (70-80 yrs old) retirees!

Yes. I would say Muhammad Ali VS Sonny Liston. Ali has written that he could not beat Liston in a fight outside the ring, and that he was outright afraid of Sonny Liston. Even inside the ring, with rules, he was not sure he could win.

[Joe Louis was in the Liston camp, so Ali brought Sugar Ray Robinson to the Weigh-in for emotional support]

The young Ali/Cassius Clay used his own counter intimidation tactics. At the Weigh-in, he became hyper. Even more hyperactive then normal,… he went into overdrive! It was natural. He didn’t fake it BUT he let himself go with it, talking incessantly, taunting Liston, sticking his tongue out, etc. The police were afraid there’d be a fight right there. But Sonny was calm..

Norman Mailer has point out that Sonny was secretly fond of Clay, like a big brother . But he was also afraid of the Black Muslims and it was rumored that Alisia Muhammad was also fond of Cassius Clay. So here we get into that weird Ryan- Garcia- land. But that’s where boxing has been for …Ever. It is the most head trippy of sports.

Ali later said that, for the first time, he saw a little crack in Sonny’s stoic exterior… Sonny was not afraid of any man…any NORMAL man that is. But a CRAZY man ? So Clay took the act even further. He got so, into the character that his heart rate , measured at weigh-in, was off the charts.

But Sonny’s heart rate also went up ! And he didn’t know what to say or think about Clay’s display.

That weigh-in may have evened the “Intimidation score”, and carried into the fight. Now, It was the Great Intimidater Baer himself, VS…a Crazy Man! You can see that in the first few rounds . Sonny was fired up, not relaxed like his usual self. And Clay/Ali was even more energetic and brash then normal. He put himself into that character and it worked FOR him as well as AGAINST his apponent. As Mailer said, Sonny threw that jab and missed by a mile, and we knew we were on for a different kind of night.

Every Level of the Internet Explained

A call to a mother.

Shibli Sadiq Hridoy, a 20-year-old Chittagong, Bangladesh resident, contacted his mother Nahid Akhter on August 28, 2023.

His voice seemed quite frightened during the call; he told his mother that some people had kidnapped him, and they were beating him mercilessly.

After some time, Nahid got another call, but this time it was a different person on the phone. He said something that created a huge panic in his family.

Who was Shibli?

Shibli, who was born into a poor household, used to study and work to pay for his college tuition.

He worked as a manager on a poultry farm, and the farm six people worked under him.

Shibli being the youngest, and the other six workers being in the age group of 24 to 26, started being carless at work, thinking Shibli wouldn’t say anything.

At first, he explained to them nicely about their mistakes, but still after not obeying at work he started to take action against them which didn’t fit well with them.

This conflict started to get worse until the farm owner called everyone and calmed them.

Shibli forgot and moved on, but the other six did not and started a plan for revenge.

Planning for the revenge.

Two months after the incident, the fateful day came on 28th, August 2023, where they kidnapped Shibli while he was working on the farm.

After kidnapping Shibli, the kidnappers called Shibli’s mother Nahid Akhter, and demanded 15 Lakh Taka (Bangladeshi currency).

Shibli’s family was very poor and started asking people for help with the money.

Even after 3 days, they could not collect the said amount for the kidnappers, and Shibli’s father requested the kidnappers to decrease the money.

The kidnappers knowing that the Shibli family was poor, had reduced the amount to 2 Lakh Taka.

Shibli’s father, with great effort, finally collected the amount.

On September 4, 2023, the kidnappers called Shibli’s father to come to Bandar Ban district with the money.

Shibli’s father in hopes of getting his son back reached the said place and gave the money to the kidnappers.

The kidnappers got caught.

The kidnappers told Shibli’s father to go home now, and his son Shibli will return to the house.

As soon as Shibli’s father reached home, he could not find Shibli, thinking he might come late.

Shibli’s parents waited for 3 days before reaching the Police, and when asked why they came so late, they said the kidnappers had warned them not to tell the police, or they would kill their son.

Shibli’s mother told the police that he quarreled with those six people who worked under him.

Police caught all six workers of the poultry farm.

Their names are Umongching Mama, Suichjingmung Mama, Angthumung Mama, and Ukyathmai Mama. The other two names are unknown.

Initially, all six stayed quiet during the police investigation, but after being questioned aggressively, one of them broke down and told the narrative.

A confession that shocks a country.

He said they only wanted to kidnap Shibli, torture him, and leave him after receiving ransom money.

The plan changed when Shibli learned the identity of his kidnappers and his workers.

Fearing he might go to the police after his release, they killed him by choking his neck.

One of the workers, Umongching Marma even admitted that he cooked some of the flesh of the dead body and ate it.

They then threw the body down from a neighboring hill, and when the police arrived on September 11, 2023, they discovered Shibli’s skeleton bones.

This case had become a topic of discussion throughout Bangladesh country through news channels.

People were furious at the kidnappers, and as the police were transporting one of the main accused, who had admitted to eating flesh to the police, people gathered around the station and grabbed Umongching, who was cruelly beaten by the crowd and murdered.

Jalapeno Rib Eye Steaks

Jalapeno Rib Eye Steaks
Jalapeno Rib Eye Steaks

Yield: 4 servings


  • 1/4 cup cilantro or parsley, chopped
  • 1/4 cup sliced pickled jalapeno peppers, chopped
  • 4 (8 ounce) rib eye steaks
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin (comino)


  1. Prepare grill or broiler.
  2. Combine cilantro and jalapenos in a bowl.
  3. Cut a pocket in the side of each steak, without cutting all the way through. Stuff pockets with cilantro mixture and secure closed with wooden picks.
  4. Combine remaining ingredients and pepper to taste in a bowl and rub over outside of steaks.
  5. Grill or broil about 5 inches from heat source 4 to 5 minutes per side, or longer for more well done meat.
  6. Remove wooden picks before serving.

9 Minutes of Delusional Woke People Getting OWNED #1

1. If you have a few hours to kill on the airplane, delete pictures from your phone.

2. Use your travel toiletries at home the night before you leave for a long trip.

3. Sign out of your Netflix when checking out of an hotel.

4. When using a grocery delivery service, tip a set amount, not a percentage.

5. Waving someone through a stop sign when they stopped after you is not doing anybody a favour and most competent drivers are just annoyed at you for behaving unpredictably.

6. If you need to memorize something, read it, record it and play it quietly at night.

7. Save your PowerPoint presentation as a .ppsx file that starts automatically when opened.

8. Marry someone who will always have your back, even when they are mad at you.

9. If you find a faster way to do something at your work, keep it a secret from your manager.

10. Your company didn’t know you existed before you applied and won’t notice you when you’re gone. Take care of yourself.

11. Before buying something, ask yourself 2 questions: “Where will I store this thing?” and “How difficult will it be to clean this thing?”

12. If the person you are dating invites you over for a home cooked meal, take the initiative and just start doing the dishes without asking. You can thank me later.

13. Ask the person you are dating the non-negotiables of yours in the first few weeks.

14. If you know how late you are going to be, add an extra 5-10 minutes to it. It might be annoying for the people when you say it initially, but when you come before the time you said, it will evoke a far more positive reaction than underestimating the lateness time.

15. Pay Attention to the smell of your home when you come back from a trip. That’s what it smells like to guests all the time, you just get used to it.

16. Never try to be the man your father would want you to be. Be the man you would like your son to be.

The 7 Princes of Hell in 7 Minutes

She came over and knocked on my door and by the look on her face I could tell she was livid and so I asked her if everything was okay. She pointed to the mutual hedge between our houses, which I had clipped the day before. Now keep in mind this hedge is mostly privet which is just underbrush basically. Of the two of us I am the one who keeps my yard up and she is not that interested in yard work. But this day she was upset because I had dared to clip the bushes more than she thought was appropriate. I had clipped them before and it was no problem but now she was not happy. She proceeded to cuss me out saying…”Who f…ing does that?” They were clipped a bit more than usual but they would grow back, I said. She would not back down and was threatening me with a lawsuit and fines until I finally told her I wasn’t going to stand there and take that abuse.

Several hours later, I was coming down my driveway and I saw her sitting on her porch. She practically leaped off the porch and came into my yard shaking some papers in my face telling me she had talked to her lawyer. Turns out they were clearly meant to scare me, which they didn’t because they were very bogus-looking papers.

Then the next morning, early, a policeman came to my door before I was even dressed. He seemed rather embarrassed to even be there when I asked him what the problem was and so I asked if it was concerning my neighbor? He nodded and said, “Ma’am I’m just doing my job and I need you to fill out some papers.” I asked him if it was against the law to clip mutual bushes and he just said, “Ma’am, she filed a complaint so we have to follow up.” Well, he went to his police car and sat there for the longest time and then he drove off and I never saw him again.

My neighbor was still on the warpath and she would do things like park in our mutual driveway and park at the very edge of the drive so that I had to park on the street and couldn’t get in. One time she actually parked behind me blocking me in. And if a friend came and parked in the driveway she put a note on their car, saying “PLEASE don’t park here!!!” Eventually she sent me some more papers from some legal something or another; it seemed like more hogwash to me saying that it wasn’t safe for either of us to park in the drive in case there was a fire because the fire trucks couldn’t get in there and I would be responsible and she hoped I would do the right thing.

Now I was beginning to doubt the mental stability of my neighbor and I just took all this in without saying a whole lot. But after the police visit I did write her a letter telling her the police probably had better things to do with their time and if I ever clip the bushes again I will be sure and ask her and I did deliver the letter in person.

Time went on and she would barely speak to me for over a year. If I was working outside, and the houses are close together, and she was on her porch I would say hello and she would not even look at me. But I did not return her coldness with coldness and I did not seek revenge and eventually she started saying hello again. She even left me some cookies for Christmas one time. Of course they were packaged because I may not have eaten them thinking she was trying to poison me otherwise. Haha.

So this is my disrespectful experience with my neighbor. Hope you learned something about those supposedly nice neighbors of yours. You never know.

Argentina Faces Reality: Renews RMB Currency Lifeline, Expands China Trade For Economic Survival

Being a Chinese who has working experience in both China and Japan, here is some of my personal observations, please take it with a grain of salt (Warning: Generalization ahead!) :

Office politics aside, (it happens in both countries, of course, as well as in any other countries) imagine employee A and B.

A is smart and can-do but pretty “lazy”. He often rushes into the office in the last minute in the morning. He never does overtime, and never needs to- he always has tasks done perfectly, much earlier before it is due, which is why you can often see him net surfing or Skype chatting.

B works very hard but unfortunately, is not particularly skilled. B arrives at the office at 8:30am everyday and usually leaves the office at 9:30pm, sometimes works in weekends. He gives average performance, not perfect but okay. Sometimes he can not hand in the report on the very time, but he always tries his best to meet the ends.

Now what would their performance evaluation be like?

In a typical Japanese company, in most cases, B would be considered a qualified employee. He would have an average or even above career path, and would gain some respect from other coworkers. And A? He would not be liked too much, quite the opposite. Some managers and coworkers would doubt his work ethic and attitude, in many cases he would be isolated- certainly not a bright future.

Want to hear the opposite scenario? Welcome to China!

There is a famous Chinese saying which describes the majority of Chinese companies’ culture- “It doesn’t matter if it’s a white cat or a black cat, a cat that can catch rats is a good cat!” It ROUGHLY means- “I don’t care how you do it, how much time you spend on it, how much efforts you put in, which means you use, if the means are good or not… as long as you give me a good RESULT, you are good!”

Such a gap often causes culture shocks on both sides- Chinese who work in Japan and Japanese who work in China.

Some of my Japanese coworkers who work in a Chinese joint venture used to keep their Japanese style working habit- work long hours, make super detailed paper work full of numbers, report literally everything to the boss… Then they got blamed by the Chinese general manager- “Don’t bother me with those useless papers, don’t waste my time on endless meetings. How to do it is YOUR job. Just show me you DID it.” They found out no matter how much efforts they put in, as long as the result is BAD, the efforts would be considered as nothing, and any reason would be considered as excuses.

One of my Chinese coworkers (an IT guy) who received a training in Japanese head office got reported by his trainer, because he “played with his cellphone at working time.” He couldn’t understand why it was wrong since he already did a good job on the training project. The funny thing is the Chinese HR manager who was supposed to give him a warning could not give a good explanation either. She said, “You can’t do that. You know, it’s Japan.”

Process-focus Japanese and Result-focus Chinese, I feel they come from Mars and Venus.

I feel other differences too:

  • The HR system. Equalitarianism and seniority in Japan. Performance-only-matters company values in China. My coworkers often jokingly say “China is a capitalist country with a name of socialist; Japan is a socialist country with a name of capitalist”.
  • Data-and-detail-lover Japanese VS Data-and-detail-hater Chinese. A typical Japanese style business report format is an A3 paper, full of numbers, charts, with a super small font size, make you admire and dizzy. Still your Japanese boss will always find out any typos or inconsistent borders. Get ready to revise it at least 3 times. A typical Chinese style business report format is… well, in most cases (if it’s not an outward-facing presentation), you don’t need to make it. Your Chinese boss has no interest to read it anyway. Talk to your boss, better smoking together, in 5 minutes, that’s it. You will get a clear yes or no.
  • Risk-hater Japanese VS Risk-lover Chinese. My Japanese boss’s catch phrase is “What do you think about the risks?” And my Chinese boss’s response?- “Risks mean bad things not happened yet right? Let’s talk about them when they happen.”
  • Silent Japanese VS talkative Chinese. My Japanese coworkers generally don’t like speech too much. When they need to do a presentation, they often make a super detailed Power Point and read it word by word. Some Chinese leaders from the head office can give a whole 2 hours speech without a text, and amazingly, when you seriously think about the content, you will find… no real content there.

The list would go on and on.

Those differences always amaze me. From them, I guess the reason why Japanese products can KEEP a high stable QUALITY for so many years. I guess the reason why Chinese enterprises can DEVELOP unbelievable FAST.

I learned much from the differences.

Protestors Are Finally Getting Arrested

At some companies in Silicon Valley in the first dot com boom and the early 2000’s, the *only* way to get a raise or a promotion was not just to threaten to quit, but to actually get a job offer (whether you wanted that job or not) and then to actually quit. That was the only way management would take you seriously and grant you the raise and/or promotion you had asked for. Before the act of quitting, you were viewed as a just squeaky wheel. After quitting, they suddenly realized they needed your wheel, squeaky or not!

In my case, I didn’t specifically ask for a raise — I asked for headcount to do the job that had been assigned to me. I had been at the company for 7 years and held an incredible amount of institutional knowledge, even if the CxOs didn’t recognize that knowledge. The job was impossible to do by myself. I thought a team of 3 (including me) would do the job. Multiple times I made the argument for the additional headcount, the expected results, the ROI, and the basic logic. Around this time I had been assigned to a new manager with a lot of book learnin’ (Harvard JD/MBA), but little work experience and a new VP whose focus was elsewhere, but who knew what I was asking for and why.

Eventually I got fed up asking and got a job offer (for a company I would have worked for). The job offer came through while I was overseas in Dusseldorf visiting my most important partner. I immediately sent my resignation and two week notice to my junior inexperienced Harvard manager and the VP who was trying to ignore my request. Within minutes the VP called. I had no intention of going back to that job, but for some reason felt I should explain what led to my departure. The VP listened and asked good questions for 90 minutes while I was pacing the waterfront wall beside the Rhine. He called again the next evening. And the next. He finally asked what it would take to get me back. I figured I should go all out since I wasn’t planning to go back, I was really just pushing his buttons to see how far he would go. First, the two headcount. Done. Second a $20,000 raise. Done. Third, more stock options. Done. Next a $40,000 retention bonus. Done (to be paid quarterly). Last, I never have to see, talk to, or report to the junior book-readin’ Harvard schnog, I would report to him, the VP. Done. After all that, how could I say no?

Of course, within a year, more re-orgs and other changes made my overall division’s future at the company tenuous. The VP eventually asked me to make an impossible proposition to our most important client — basically tell them a massive lie — a proposal for work my company could never complete. I decided my reputation with the contacts at my partner companies was more important than the job. I refused to make the proposal and quit. But for a year, I got a big raise, a big sign-on bonus, more respect, and a better line of sight to the VP and CxO suite. I’d say it was worth it.

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