
I was musing about this the other day. Don’t you know

I was chaperoning a group of boy scouts (ex father in law was the troop leader) on a night hike in some woodland locally. I remained at the base in the car park helping prepare tea, cocoa and snacks. A few of the kids were always around as they went out in intervals with one leader or another so it was important that an adult was there to supervise them, I was around 18, 19 at the time.

A car pulled in to the carpark, which had been cordoned off and reserved for our use so the kids would stay safe. No one got out, so another leader went over to tell them that the park was off limits or see if it was a parent showing up hours early for some reason. They came back almost immediately and told me to call the police (I was the only one with a phone) as the man in the car wouldn’t speak, but was wearing a mask – it was actually the mask from the Scream films – had a shotgun and had piles of rope and tarpaulin in the car.

I remember being so scared that I couldn’t even remember the name of the park when I was speaking to the police, I was shaking and couldn’t get the words out quickly enough. All I could think was that we couldn’t see the car so had no idea if the man was still in it or out in the woods where we had 30 kids out in the dark with no way of contacting them.

Thankfully the police showed up in minutes, quickly found the man and arrested him. He said that he was out there hunting rabbits – why he would do so with a shotgun, or need a mask and rope I don’t know. We got all the kids back safely and didn’t tell them what had happened, but the sight of 7 or 8 police cars and a police dog unit was pretty difficult to ignore.

Definitely one of the scariest experiences I’ve had!

The Golden Ratio – Transmuted Pain to Power in Infinite Divine Proportion

Way back when I was out of college and working my first decent job, I had the assignment of vetting a bunch of applications for a new team the company was putting together. I was lightly bullied in HS by two girls who like to pick on skinny people of which I was one (5′8″ and 115 lbs). After college, I had grown up, filled out, and was a horseback rider and swimmer so in decent shape.

In the stack of about 50 applications that I was to cut down to 20 were applications by those two girls. They were both qualified and looked good on paper so they made the cut. When my company started interviewing, I was the one taking applicants into the room and when the first girl arrived, she took one look at me, turned white as a sheet but proceeded to the interview. I hadn’t told anyone of their actions in HS but it was known by others that the two were bullies when they were together and she didn’t get hired. She blamed me. The second girl was forewarned and was nice to me and apologized for her earlier treatment and when she went into the interview, she apologized to everyone there for her behavior as a teenager and she got hired.

The first girl came to see me at home and came at me again and I just put her on the ground without leaving a mark on her and told her I had nothing to do with her not being hired and she should find out what her friend had done to get hired. She left.

About a year later, I got a promotion and my old job was open and she applied for it and got hired. My revenge was they both worked for me and neither knew me well enough to know that my revenge was to do nothing and let their imaginations made them do good work and behave. I moved out of state about 5 years later and they were both good employees and I think part of that was having to take orders from someone they bullied.

John Mearsheimer: US Warships APPROACHED Lebanon, Putin Sent Anti-Ship Missiles To Houthis Join War

I don’t think it’s a spy balloon, it’s indeed what the Chinese call a “weather device.”


Check out these:

1. Jilin No. 1 satellite cluster

Jilin-1 is a reconnaissance satellite system developed by China. It was developed by the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The first set of satellites was launched at 12:13 on October 7, 2015. As of August 2023, Jilin The No. 1 satellite project has been launched a total of 26 times, with 131 satellites in orbit, which can revisit any location in the world 35 to 37 times a day.

  • This is a picture of the US Air Force base taken by Jilin 1

It can clearly photograph all military bases in the United States. Not only did they demonstrate to the public the effect of photographing U.S. naval bases, they even demonstrated the ability to track an F22 taking off from the Nevada Air Force Base.

2. Wing Loong 3 UAV

The Wing Loong 3 is a large UAV developed by China that can be used for high-altitude reconnaissance and attack. Without in-flight refueling, it can fly continuously for 32 hours and has a range of more than 10,000 kilometers.

If they needed to, it could take off in China and scout all over the United States, much faster and more stealthily than a balloon.

If I were Chinese, I would not choose such a stupid tool as a balloon for military reconnaissance.

The disadvantages of balloons are obvious

1. The flight trajectory is uncontrolled

Where it flies is completely determined by the monsoon, and a precise reconnaissance route cannot be set in advance.

2. Slow speed

It often takes a month to reach the target.

3. Poor reliability

Extreme weather, lightning strikes and other reasons can destroy the balloon at any time.

4. No concealment

Because of its appearance and height, it will even be seen and discovered by ordinary people, causing diplomatic disputes.

If I were North Korea, I would probably use something like a balloon to accomplish the mission. But why would China, which has other stronger and more reliable capabilities, choose this kind of thing?

내 콘텐츠는 한국 언론에 의해 번역되거나 재인쇄되지 않습니다.


Yes. I used heavily for 10 years without having more than 36 hours clean ever over ten years. Jail/prison was the only way I was ever able to kick. It’s strange because sucks, of course, but at the same time it’s weirdly easier to do it while locked up because you know there’s nothing you can do about it. Once you can accept that all the anxiety and desperation disappears and it allows time to pass quicker. I know when I was using and was dopesick I would toss and turn in my bed for what felt like 6 hours and look at the clock and 15 minutes had passed. It just crawled by at a agonizingly slow pace. It wasn’t like that in jail.

Also tell the staff you have really bad diarrhea, and are dangerously dehydrated, and they should offer you Imodium. Imodium(loperamide) binds to the opiate receptor in your gut and will give you some relief. It also slows the movement of electrolytes through your body so you won’t be on the toilet as much, and won’t be as dehydrated, which causes a lot of the muscle pain.

If you have a court date that you know is when you are going to sign and start your time then start tapering down as much as possible before you go in. I went from $100 a day habit down to where a $20 would last me 2 days before I went in and it helped tremendously in reducing the severity of my withdrawals.

Once I was done I was like “wow, that’s what I was so afraid of for 10 years?” It really wasn’t that big of a deal. Not pleasant, but time will pass, it has to, and the symptoms will fade. It won’t kill you. It did take me 9 months of a 15 month sentence to change my mindset that I was going to use soon as I got out. I just woke up one day and no longer remembered heroin fondly. I only remembered everything shitty about it.

Probably the most famous case like this involved the eccentric billionaire Howard Hughes.

The story starts in Las Vegas and the Hotel Desert Inn which, at the time, was owned by Dalitz.

At the time, the Desert Inn hosted the largest casino on the strip in Vegas. Hughes moved into and rented the top two floors of the hotel on Thanksgiving Day 1966.

After a couple weeks the hotel owners wanted to get Hughes to leave as they felt his eccentricity was negative PR for the Vegas image of their hotel. They also wanted to make room for the high rollers expected over the upcoming holiday season. Hughes was also perceived as a little crazy by this time in his life.

Instead of moving out though, Hughes entered negotiations to buy the Desert Inn. He managed to purchase the resort from Dalitz for $6.2 million in cash and $7 million in loans.

Hughes lived, worked and never left his 250 sq. ft. bedroom in the hotel. The windows and doors were taped shut. No housekeeping was allowed in. He conducted a large amount of business from the phones of this small, darkened room.

He was finally carried out four years later on a gurney and flown to the Bahamas to live out the last few years of his weird life.

Stand by me – Full movie

This is a GREAT movie. It’s a 1980’s classic and all about boyhood.

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A word to the wise, Metallicman. Something that just popped up after reading: There’s a reason [east Asians generally] avoid iced water. I used to guzzle the stuff in warmer climes by the litre, and suffered a few minor but stubbornly persistent ailments in situ, which I thought were unrelated– and never even made the connection. Until an asian collegue noticed me guzzling one day, asked a few questions, and referred me to an old shamen/acupuncturist they knew. The doctor performed a few minor tests, jabbed a few super sensitive places, asked me back a few times, and finally advised me to “absolutely avoid” iced water, certain very common foods, and cold water fish (ciggies and beer, too– absolutely– but occasional minor indulgences in “white” hard alcohol would be beneficial to me, believe it or not, especially with food); and that the iced water was an American convenience “introduced via Japan in the later 19th Century” that has in fact many undesirable effects on most *body types* (if you know asian medicine, you know what I mean by that– there’s a reason people traditionally drink hot tea in ancient tropical cultures and climates).
Needless to say I followed his advice, the ailments cleared up almost immediately, and I haven’t touched iced water since. I allow myself the occasional small glass of *refrigerated* lemon water after exercise or with a coffee or something (hot) on a very hot day, but not iced. And emphasis on the small glass.
Try it sometime if you notice you drink a lot of iced water in summer as I used to do. You’re gonna be surprised at the results, especially if you’re of a type that *cold stomach* (something I’ve learned a lot about since– can be deadly if unmanaged, but say that to a western trained doctor or dietitian and he’ll probably scoff at you; they did me, several times– they are frikking clueless, and most I know through family, wife’s connections are multiple jabbed to the point of visible illness– so much for their advice, *cough*) can be seriously problematic, especially as we age.
But as with bread and sugar, iced fizzy drinks making headway now in east Asia as they adopt more and more western habits– and obesity levels in Korea and Japan are visibly noticeable. Young people only, especially women. When I first traveled to these parts fatties were a rare sight indeed, now Uniglo have introduced double and triple X sizes. Previously unheard of.
Go figure.


Great to hear. You have mentioned asian medicine before and I know you’d swear by it.
And btw, the wife has just informed me that as of earlier this year, Uniglo now stock 4X size in Korea. Although the items must be ordered online and individual outlets don’t stock as of yet. She has a friend in retail and guess what… [what previously would have been referred to as] *outsized clothing stockists* are “struggling to keep up” with the demand.
Signs o’ the Times, as the Great Man once musically opined.

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