
Enjoy the ride

Not the way I read it.

I have been puzzled about the “reserve currency” argument ever since it was floated years ago.

What is a reserve currency? It is a fraction of a circulating currency acquired by central banks as a liquid asset, often in the form of interest-bearing debt.

BRICS is a supranational coalition of the third world spread across continents, cultures and beliefs. There is no hope of stepping up from 0 into a monetary union to issue something like the Euro, which is causing massive damage to, say, the Italian economy because of the failure to coordinate fiscal policy and account for regional differences.

Besides, going from 0 to a fraction of a circulating currency acquired by central banks as a liquid asset isn’t trivial.

What’s more realistic in the interim is a cross-border payment system immune from western sanction, using local currencies as the medium of exchange.

Yes, the forex market is still centered on the dollar, and exchange rates are converted with the aid of the dollar.

For example, sgd/myr is arrived at using usd/sgd and usd/myr rates.

But let’s say a SWIFT alternative is developed by BRICS and 150 countries start using it.

A proxy to the dollar can be established within the system to facilitate local currency settlement to BYPASS THE DOLLAR. This is similar in principle to tether in the crypto world being pegged 1:1 to the dollar, allowing use of the token to transact digital assets. This is also similar to alibaba’s use of a credit ledger to transact yuan denominated goods within its platform.

The technology to implement such a system already exist. “Money as message” and “money as token” are already proven. The challenge is to integrate a real-time forex component into the equation. Complicated, but not insurmountable.

The biggest hurdle is trust. But with more than 100 nations gathered in kazan, there is critical mass to push the project forward.

In time, the brics-issued token within brics-maintained ledgers will morph into trustworthy global stores of wealth, and become a fraction of a circulating currency acquired by central banks as a liquid asset.

So, trading currency, before reserve currency.

Someone asked for a clearer illustration of the difference with the euro.

Simply, the brics currency isn’t used to value assets in-country, only cross-border goods and services.

The Viking Seeress of Fyrkat: a High-status Sorceress and Seductress


A Norse burial site in Denmark from around the year 940 contains the remains of a woman of high status whom experts believe was a seeress or völva.

Such women held a special place in society and commanded the attention of Viking kings, warriors and even the gods. Witches, called völur, are mentioned in some of the old Norse manuscripts.

This grave contains the body of a woman who has been dubbed the Seeress of Fyrkat. She was buried with items that indicate she may have practiced seid or sorcery.

The völur were known to seduce men, and for this reason some deemed them dangerous. The goddess Freya was also known as a seducer, and she may have been a divine role model for sorceresses in Norse society.

Yes, utter pricks.

I was jiffed for some shit job in the sergeants mess, the day a video recorder went missing

About 5 months later I was lifted by the RMP and taken to be questioned. “Where were you on 5th March?”

I had absolutely no idea, it was months ago

“The day you were in the sergeants mess doing X Y and Z”

Right, I was in the sergeants mess doing that; somewhat obvious I thought

They carry on about where in the mess, what I was doing, times, people that saw me etc

Then they play their trump card; “actually, you’ve just told us about the 5th, you were actually there in the 4th. So what we’re doing on THAT day?”

I was in the mess

“But we’ve ascertained what you were doing in the 5th, tell us about the 4th when you were there and the VCR went missing”

“Are you pissed? I told you about the day I was in the mess, you told me the date”

“So you’re lying about what you were doing on the 5th”

“Right, you are making shit up, doing an absolutely fucking shit job of questioning, and I’m answering fuck all else until my boss gets here” I’d already got my sergeant with me, as allowed, but we were allowed to have an officer. Our branch office in the formation headquarters only had 2 officers; a Major (who was out somewhere on a unit visit that day), and Commander Medical, a full Colonel that was an ex ranker, a mate of my dads for nearly 30 years, and absolutely hated MP’s. He turns up, finds out what they’d been doing and absolutely ripped the shit out of everyone he could find, including their OC, a major

So yes, utter cunts

The Seeress of Fyrkat’s Grave

Fyrkat is a ring fortress near Hobro, Denmark. Archaeologists found unusual objects in the woman’s grave, including an iron staff that was disintegrating. Her grave was one of 30 found at the fortress.

The National Museum of Denmark describes the burial:

‘At the time of burial the woman was dressed in fine blue and red clothes adorned with gold thread – which had royal status. She was buried, like the richest women, in the body of a horse-drawn carriage. She had been given ordinary female gifts, like spindle whorls and scissors. But there were also exotic goods from foreign parts, indicating that the woman must have been wealthy. She wore toe rings of silver, which have not been found elsewhere in Scandinavia. In addition, two bronze bowls were also found in the grave, which may have come all the way from Central Asia.’

Several Viking Age graves of wealthy women contained iron staffs explains the museum. Experts concluded these seeresses or völur were from the upper strata of Viking societies. The word völva probably means staff or wand.

The archaeologists also found seeds of henbane plants, a poison that may have been used to induce mild euphoria, hallucinations and trances. The seeds, plus the iron staff with bronze fittings, are signs that the Seeress of Fyrkat may have been a magic-practicing seeress or volva.

Viking seeress cooking spit
Viking seeress cooking spit

The Viking seeress’s cooking spit. The spit was already slightly bent when it was placed in the burial. (National Museum Denmark)

Henbane seeds when thrown on fire produce smoke that is mildly hallucinogenic if breathed in. The seeds could be made into a salve that imparted a psychedelic high when rubbed into the skin. The seeds were in a small purse. Witches of later years also were known to use henbane.

Another poisonous substance, white lead sometimes used to produce an ointment for the skin, was found in the Seeress of Fyrkat’s belt buckle.

The museum site says other grave items indicate the woman was a seeress. Archaeologists found a box containing owl pellets, small mammal and bird bones, and a silver amulet in the shape of a chair. The article says it may have been a magic or seid chair.

a mysterious small cup
a mysterious small cup

This small cup was found in the seeress’s grave. (National Museum of Denmark)

They also found a small cup, possibly for drinking, and a bronze cup that may have come from Central Asia. The bronze cup had a fatty substance inside and a grass cover.

Even Odin, the King of the Gods, Called on Seeresses

A Viking edda or document called the Voluspa: The Prophecy of the Seeress, says Odin visited a seeress and sought “to know the future and what the fate of the world will be. He looks poor and miserable, but as he has only one eye the seeress recognizes him immediately as Odin,” says another article on the National Museum of Denmark site.

Odin offers the völva his necklace and ring as payment for telling him the future. She then begins to inform him about the creation of the world, the first gods and people, as well as the end of the world – Ragnarök, when gods will do battle with giants. The seeress also describes how after Ragnarök, the all-destructive war, the world will rise again. But she also sees that evil will return to the world.

Odin and Völven
Odin and Völven

Odin consults with a volva, drawing by Lorenz Frølich. (Public Domain)

The Vikings believed seeresses could enter altered states of consciousness and see the future or distant events. They did seid or magic using a special seat.

During their sessions, these mystical women were surrounded by young girls who sang to the spirits. The songs invoked the spirits and sent the seeresses into a trance, whence they could communicate with gods and spirits, see far-off places and predict the future. They supposedly also could make an enemy restless or make a weapon invincible.

Seeresses Had a High Place in Society

Seeresses’ high status meant they were accorded respect. Households or settlements in distress would call on them for help.

The Flateyjarbok, an Icelandic manuscript quoted in The Cassell Dictionary of Norse Myth and Legend, says:

‘In those days wise women, called prophetesses, used to travel about the countryside, and they foretold people’s lives. Because of that many people invited them to their homes, made feasts in their honor, and gave them gifts when they left.’

The Saga of Erik the Red tells of a seeress who was called on to do magic for a whole settlement. She had an entourage of young girls with her who sang.

The seeresses did not just practice magic for others. They sometimes used magic to further their own interests.

Christian Authorities Forbid Magic

After the conversion of the Norse lands to Christianity, seeresses were in peril. An Anglo-Saxon  document of the late 10th century says a woman suspected of witchcraft was drowned at London Bridge.

In the Norse lands, after Christianity was introduced, authorities made laws that suppressed pagan ritual and forbade seid and any other magic. Seid is making a comeback today and is being practiced by neo-pagans.

The National Museum of Denmark this year has an interactive exhibit displaying the Seeress of Fyrkat’s grave goods and explaining her place in society. The exhibition is called “The Viking Sorceress.”

Top image: The burial of the Seeress of Fyrkat, a drawing by Thomas Hjejle Bredsdorff.                Source: National Museum of Denmark

Be the Rufus!

While shopping at Goodwill one day, I was approached by a lady. She asked me if I remembered her. I said that she looked familiar, which is my standard answer when I have no clue who a person is. In my lifetime I have met thousands of people and I don’t remember them all, but would never tell them that.

The lady started to cry. She took my hand and proceeded to tell me that I am her Angel, that she often tells her grandchildren about the lady who saved her life. I looked at her stunned. How did I save this lady’s life?

Many years ago she was homeless, her then husband had beaten her and thrown her out of her house, she had lost custody of the kids, her family had rejected her and she had nowhere to go. She was living in the women’s shelter but she was not getting along with the other women and had pretty much reached the limits as to what she could endure, so she called a cab to take her to the beach where she planned on drowning herself. I was the driver of the cab she called.

She told me that I wouldn’t drive her to the beach, that instead I drove her around in my cab like I knew what her intentions were. I talked to her about the way abuse works, how giving up on hope is to let the abuser win. About how life may be tough at times but it won’t always be tough, to hang in there.

She said I told her that she will be loved right someday, so don’t give up now. She told me after driving her around for over an hour talking to her and making her broken heart feel so much stronger that I would not take her money for the ride. Instead, I had insisted that she keep it in her wallet as seed money so more would grow.

My words helped her get through the fight to get her kids back, to hold onto hope that life would get better, and it did. She told me she’s married to an amazing man and is happy. She thanked me for showing kindness to a stranger and, since meeting me, how I had become her role model.

I’m glad her life turned out well. I felt uncomfortable being thought of as a role model, To me, what I did was just something that I was able to do at the time, so I did. In other words, to me it was insignificant but to her it was phenomenal.

(Helping the lady see that life was worth living was not insignificant — it wasn’t — what it cost me was insignificant.)

Symbols of Power: Deciphering the Language of the Secret Elite

The Hawthorne Lights

Submitted into Contest #196 in response to: Write a story involving a portal into a parallel universe. view prompt

A.J Roberts

The year was 1990 and everyone thought Becky Pierson was the meanest girl in Hawthorne. She believed she was destined for fame and fortune. Living in a small rural village was her biggest inconvenience. The day was very warm and the school bus ride home was becoming unbearable. Becky was getting ornery, so she scanned the bus for a distraction. That’s when she noticed the two girls sitting three rows in front of her. They left their bus window up when every other window was down. They were much younger than Becky. Still in elementary school. Disgusted that they would dare make her so miserably hot, Becky grabbed her brand new kodak film camera out of her back pack and marched towards the grungy girls.“Why on earth would you leave your bus window up on such a hot day?” She barked. The girls looked up at her startled. The motion caused the taller of the two girls to lose her bow. She picked it up and adjusted her ponytail before answering quietly.“Didn’t you hear what happened to Ricky Anderson? He was taken by the fairies in the forest. He went out to the big hawthorne circle next to the park four days ago. No one has seen him since.” Becky scowled then answered.“Fairies! You two must be the dumbest people to have ever walked the earth.”“I live next to the park and saw the lights in the forest.” The shorter girl interjected. “My grandmother used to live in the Isle of Skye, Scotland. Her neighbors there were fey and fairies visited them all the time. My grandmother wouldn’t lie about such things.” Becky had heard the news about Ricky Anderson yesterday, but didn’t like the girl’s tone. Becky gave the girls a smirk before she stood up tall and shouted as loud as she could.“Hey everybody, these two believe in fairies!” A chuckle rolled through the bus and Becky felt validated. She turned her beady eyes towards the younger girls and showed them her Kodak. She leaned over them and spoke quietly. “My father is a news reporter and his whole job is to expose kooks like you. I am already investigating what happened to Ricky. I’m going to take this fancy new camera that my father got me to find Ricky and prove you two are psychotics. They will lock you up in a mental asylum for spreading dangerous rumors and I will become famous for saving the town from the likes of you.” The bus reached Becky’s stop so she gave the girls one last sneer before grabbing her bookbag. “Fairies aren’t real.” She told the girls spitefully as she walked towards the exit. Becky waited for the bus to pull away and then ran excitedly towards her house. All she had to do was find Ricky and she would be the most famous person in Hawthorne.As usual no one was home, but all that would change when she was rich and famous. Becky emptied her books out of her bag to reload it with supplies. A notebook, a flashlight, snacks, a blanket, and of course her brand new kodak. She microwaved a tv dinner because she didn’t know how long she would be gone. She day dreamed about how awesome she was the entire time she packed and ate. Becky grabbed her gear and hopped on her pink and black, lowrider Huffy. The pink banana seat had a tear down the middle, but it was still the most envied bike on the rural block. Becky looked down at her Casio watch and was shocked. “ It’s already seven thirty I have to get going, where do I start? The younger girl had mentioned she lived by the park, and there was only one park in Hawthorne.” Becky lived about a mile away from Hawthorne Park, so she started in that direction while she planned out her investigation.There was only one family at the park when Becky arrived. A mother with two rambunctious toddlers. She grabbed her note book out of her backpack and walked over. Becky was determined to interrogate the stranger. “Do you know where Ricky Anderson is?”“I’m not entirely sure who that is.” The mother responded politely as she pulled a wad of messy black hair from her face. Becky noticed she was pretty enough to be on tv and felt bitter.“You know who I’m talking about, everybody does. He is the highschool senior who disappeared four days ago. He was last seen at this park. You were probably involved with his disappearance. You look like the type.” Annoyed by Becky’s attitude the mother answered sharper than before.“I can assure you I have no idea who Ricky Anderson is. My children are in preschool, so I don’t particularly pay attention to high school politics.” The mother turned towards the swings and gently shouted. “Boys, it’s time to go home and clean up for the night.” They moaned in unison, but ran to their mother. Becky watched them leave, but hoped her children would be taken away. Anyone who would speak to a fourteen year old girl like that should not be a mother. Becky waited for more families to show up, but the sun had already set and it was getting dark fast. Becky dug her flashlight out of her backpack as she went over the conversation she had earlier on the bus.“The little girl on the bus said she saw lights coming out of the forest the night Ricky disappeared. She said the lights were coming from the Hawthorne circle. Hawthorne circle is where all the high schoolers go to makeout and I’ve never been there. Luckily, I once overheard the highschoolers at the bus stop talking about how to get there. There should be a trail at the .75 marker on the two mile hiking trail that connects to the park. The circle should be down there. I bet Ricky is there right now trying to prank the entire village. They’ll give me an award after I expose his pathetic scam.” Becky grabbed her stuff and started hiking towards the trail. It didn’t take her long to find the wooden marker that separated the main trail from an overgrown and barely used path. Lost in her thoughts she walked the pathway for what felt like an eternity. Suddenly she noticed how dark it had gotten. Becky evaluated her situation and thought.“I will never be able to find the circle. Even with my flashlight it’s too dark to tell which type of trees I am looking at. Good thing I packed a blanket. It won’t be fun, but I guess I’ll just wait for the sun to come up. It will be worth it to find Ricky and get an interview on Oprah.” Becky unpacked her blanket and leaned against a nearby tree. It didn’t take long for her tediously busy day to catch up to her. Her eyes got very heavy and she fell asleep just as the moon was beginning to peak.Becky was in such a deep sleep that the bright blue light startled her subconscious. This caused her awakening to feel like she was falling and about to crash back into her body. She felt the crash and gasped as her eyes flew open. Ten yards in front of her stood twelve massive hawthorne trees aligned in a circle. In the center of the circle was an eight foot tall stone archway. The center of which all the light was flowing from. In front of the archway stood a tall, beautiful woman with long unconfined black hair. Her wild hair rested beneath a crown of purple foxgloves. Becky couldn’t take her eyes off of the queenly woman. Dazed for a long time, she studied the odd scene that had unfolded before her. Becky could see that the woman was speaking, but couldn’t hear over the thrumming in her ears.“Blessed be!” The woman cheered loudly while raising a chalice. At once, a hundred hummingbirds, that Becky had failed to notice, flew from the ground through the archway. Only one remained and landed on the woman’s outstretched hand. The hummingbird looked wrong so Becky focused in.“A fairy!” She shouted excitedly to herself. In two fast movements Becky grabbed her Kodak out of her bag and jumped to her feet. The suddenness of her commotion caused the fairy to follow the others through the archway. Becky marched towards the dark haired woman.“Where is Ricky Anderson?” She asked. “I know you kidnapped him.” The woman smiled at Becky as she approached.“I’m not entirely sure who that is. I am merely a mother visiting your universe for the evening. My children love the hawthorne trees here.” The strange woman reminded Becky of the mother she met earlier at the park. But that wasn’t important right now.“I can tell when I’m being lied to.” Becky scoffed. She pointed towards the glowing archway and said. “ If you don’t tell me the truth then I will be forced to investigate your universe.” The woman looked surprised, but answered very quietly.“I would not do that if I were you. Every universe has a unique time flow. You are not of the fae and may be harmed if you pass through. ” Becky stopped listening when she heard the word not. No one could tell her no when there was fame and fortune on the line. She gripped her Kodak as tightly as she could and bolted towards the portaled archway.“I’ll only be a minute!” Becky shouted behind her as she barreled through. Passing through the archway made her feel nauseous. It felt like an eternity and an instant at the same time. Becky took a deep breath to calm her heart before looking around. On the opposite side of the entrance, thousands of fairies were going about their day in a beautiful forested city. Right in front of her lay a moss like pond, where twenty fairies were sitting on multiple flowering lily pads. Becky could tell by the looks on their little faces that they were very shocked their chat had been interrupted. She raised her camera. Click. Click. Click. She only had twenty four chances to get the perfect photograph and she used everyone. After taking one last glance at the mysterious universe, Becky turned around and closed her eyes, hoping it would help with nausea, before walking through the portal again.“I told you I would only be a minute!” Becky exclaimed before opening her eyes. The beautiful woman was still standing there, but everything had changed. The trees were all ancient looking and different varieties than before.“Was it worth it?” The woman asked. Becky didn’t even have to think about her response.“I have twenty four real life pictures of fairies. I am going to be the richest and most popular person in the world. Of course it was worth it.” The woman nodded then walked towards the archway.“The year is 2990 and your device no longer works in your universe. It is an ancient technology that no one alive today will be able to decipher.” Stunned Becky watched the archway disappear as the woman walked through it. Truly alone, Becky was left with nothing but her thoughts.“Maybe there is more to life than fame and fortune.”

Brownies with Marshmallow Mint Sauce



  • 1 (16 ounce) box brownie mix
  • 1/2 (1 pint) jar Marshmallow Creme
  • 2 tablespoons green creme de menthe
  • Vanilla ice cream


  1. Prepare fudge-type brownies according to package directions.
  2. Cool slightly; cut into large bars or squares.
  3. Blend together the Marshmallow Creme and creme de menthe.
  4. To serve, top each brownie with a scoop of ice cream. Spoon mint sauce over top.

The ugly truth is that Americans will have to adapt to a lower standard of living and get back to work, instead of arguing politics and blaming each other. This process will last at least 30+ years.

The real reason Republican administrations (Trump) and Democrat (Biden) have started a trade war and put sanctions on chip and AI technology sales to China is because they understand that with the current state of the American workforce and technology, there is no way the American products and services can compete with Chinese products and services in the U.S. and in international markets. The U.S., in its history, has never encountered an economy which has the capability to steamroller the US economy the way China’s economy can. This is the real reason Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen complains about an “oversupply” of Chinese products.

But China is not really to blame for this: it is the fault of the U.S. ruling class for failing to invest in the U.S. workforce, its education system, and transportation and manufacturing infrastructure. Instead of making medium-and long-term investments which would take 1–3 decades to show results, but which would generate a long-term benefit to Americans, they have instead chosen quick fixes and red herrings which would help them win the next election. Both parties have kicked the can down the road, and now they see that there is no more road.

China’s rise is mainly an economic challenge to the U.S., which could have been handled with domestic investment and infrastructure policies 20–30 years ago. Instead, Wall St’s gift to the US economy and the world was the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis, which directly led to populism and Trump’s election in 2016.

Since 2016, U.S. administrations have used China as a scapegoat for their own domestic policy failures. Since the U.S. is used to using foreign military adventures and foreign “enemies” as a distraction to the American people from their own failures, they have tried to goad China into attacking Taiwan by stepping up arms sales to the Taiwan authorities. China has responded by stepping up military exercises around Taiwan, but has not yet taken the bait to attack Taiwan.

That is why we are where we are today.

First, it is American troops stationed in Okinawa, and more recently, taiwan, including the provocative presence of SOCOM forces in jinmen, within sight of Xiamen in fujian.

Second, it is indopacom that is drawing down half its Okinawa troops to be redeployed on Guam and surrounding islands. Kadena is no longer the keystone of the pacific, with Guam being fortified to the tune of billions as the new fortress.

China has no claims to the ryukus, although it insists on the fulfillment of the cairo and Potsdam declarations as an equal-weight victor. China was not party to the treaty of San Francisco that left significant gaps on the table.

In the 2020s, China’s sovereignty claim on Taiwan, and by extension, diaoyutai, is a quarrel between Washington and Beijing. The US recognizes china’s claim by upholding the One China policy, but refuses china’s exercise of sovereignty. Beijing meanwhile insists on the One China principle. I will leave the difference between the two as an exercise for the interested reader.

As we have seen in the past two years, China is fully prepared and drilling intensely for a blockade on Taiwan. In 2025, a complete encirclement of taiwan can be enacted on demand, with the latest exercise declaring exclusion zones in real time without pre-warning.

Naval and air force units have been rotated for drills in the Ecs to familiarize personnel with local conditions and maintain a strong presence in the vicinity of taiwan, particularly the key Bashi and miyako straits.

China is prepared to turn Taiwan into a cocooned fort rather than the battleground.

After all, the threat to Taiwan is as far south as America, as far east as America and as far north as America.

The US Has Already Lost Guam to China

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In my experience, hitting that plateau while dieting is because of the body’s metabolism slowing down as a reaction to less energy being available.

I found out the hard way that there’s no short cut to having a “cheat day” or days. While I was losing that 75kg I found that I had to have one day a week, I chose Saturdays, where I ate 2.5k calories and that would stop my metabolism from slowing down. After a few months I even had to have a “cheat week” to bounce my metabolism back up!

After all the hard work of dieting it felt really counter-intuitive to eat more to keep losing weight and I really didn’t want to accept that reality. Eventually I relented and learnt the hard way, as I usually do. Even pushing harder with more exercise didn’t work, it just slowed my metabolism down more. I found that one easy day a week of eating normally is what works best.

It’s good to avoid alcohol while dieting too as that really messes with the body’s hydration. It takes almost a week for it to return to normal after one night’s drinking!


Tim Ferris’ “The 4 Hour Body” gets into cutting edge body chemistry and mechanics for the uninitiated. With plenty of solutions to offer folks struggling with disease/weight/metabolism problems. I learned a lot reading that book just out of interest and keep it handy for reference. Essential reading and broken down into tight sections, even if things are fine biologically, and turns some old fashioned dieting and body training myths upside down, such as lifting weights, rather than infinitely more effective bodyweight training (as our bodies have their own, inate intelligence, and react badly to being loaded with weight non-progressively via machines and levers) and utterly debunked “no pain, no gain” approaches; that usually just result in permanent damage, subtle and unrecognizable as that may be– that is, until you’re pushing 60 or 70 and struggling to tie your shoe laces, suffering stubborn painful joint flareups, or much, much worse.
Great book. As for stubborn weight plateaux, Metallicman, find the nearest hill or mountain and figure out a way to climb it or a portion of it every morning, without fail (barring one weekly rest day). And forget the jogging. 90 minutes up and down, in total, will do it. Trust me. The weight will fall off and you can eat what you like, within reason. Half portions are indeed the most effective. Lots of water but don’t saturate yourself. A pint of two post exercise is enough. Nothing before, just rinse your mouth out and gargle, and do it early, pre dawn. And stop drinking water as you exercise in general– pro tip. Verrry important that. Only after. Repeat: only after.
Alternatively, swim 20 lengths every morning in preferably cold water. Same result. Guaranteed. (But with proper breathing techniques or it won’t work– you’re not trying to
give yourself a heart attack.) Maybe 2-3 months to gain exponential loss for both approaches. So watch out!! You’ll notice bones in your face you never even knew were there, 😂.


Maybe you lose fat, but your weight stays the same because of increase in muscle mass.


Xin nián kuài lè!🎋🧧🧨🐍

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