hungarian revolution 1 big

The Line in the Sand- Now What?

Government has three primary functions. It should [1] provide for military defense of the nation. It should [2] enforce contract between individuals. It [3] should protect citizens from crimes against themselves or their property. 

When government, in pursuit of good intentions tries to rearrange the economy, legislate morality, or help special interests, the costs come in inefficiency, lack of motivation, and loss of freedom. 

Government should be a referee, not an active player.”

—Milton Friedman

I found this on numerous blogs. There is an amazing amount of truth behind this heartfelt meme. Come to your own conclusions regarding it. We are at a crossroads.

The LIne
The line. Where are we as a nation. Have we had enough yet? According to those in Washington D.C. and the News Media, it’s still same-old same-old. They are still using the same old play book. They are still doing the same nonsense over and over. What now?

When is the time to seize our government back? Or do we just sit by and continue to take it?

Time to change the government.
Soldiers and armed civilians occupy the office of ousted Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu in the capital Bucharest on Dec. 26, 1989, the day after he was executed.

What is it?

Are you ready to have things go really bad against you and your family? Already Mad Maxine is already mobilizing her troops of brown shirts and they are following her instructions. We are at a crossroads.

We are at a Crossroads

We are at a crossroads. We either accept the situation or we respond back. I really hate to say it, but the radical left will not back down. Those in power will not risk their cushy salaries. Those who control the power and the Untied States will not take any risks. They believe that they can continue to do what they always have and you, the people, will continue to accept it.

It is black and white and there is no allowance for fence sitting.

Revolution 2
The Hungarian Revolution in 1989 took place against the dictator there. The people were tired of the non-stop surveillance, the high taxes, and the myriad rules and regulations that prevented any type of freedom.

My Advice

I am an old man. The government crossed the line back when Bill Clinton was in office. I took it, but hoped that the endless wars, the endless taxes, and the endless regulation would end. It didn’t. It only got worse under George Bush, and impossible under Obama.

So I left the United States. I retired on greener pastures.

I moved out. I had enough, and moved to a place that I assumed that I would never go. Today, I am in a much freer country. I live in communist China. COMMUNIST China, of all friggin’ places!

Let me tell you the truth. It is nothing like I thought it was, and is refreshingly nice. The regulation is much, much less. The personal liberties and freedoms are astounding! The taxes are low, and the weather is nice. It’s just fine for me.

Who would figure? It’s nothing like I expected. I was expecting something else…

But, enough about me. Let’s talk about America today…

DHS vehicle
The DHS is well armed with military grade vehicles, and armor. They are trained to fight on American soil. The Obama administration has been setting up the stages for an armed conflict of Americans against Americans for years.

To stand up to the all-powerful United States government is risky. You could lose everything, including your lives. You could lose your families. You could be maimed horribly. It will not end up well. So, be careful.

I DO NOT advocate armed rebellion.

I do not advocate armed rebellion. However, I suggest that you stockpile, train and become less dependent on the government. Learn to get by. Purchase a bicycle. Have a garden, and start raising chickens in a hidden area. Stock a pond with fish. Know who your neighbors are. Get solar panels and have a wind generator. Arm up. You don’t need to have every gun available. You only need one, but be well trained to use it properly. When in doubt, get a shotgun.

Learn to live without a cellphone. Stop carrying it around with you.

American state police.
People, listen up! America is a police state. It really and actually is. Once you leave the United States you actually see how much it has become a big nasty police state.

Make a secret and hidden secure room in your basement. I learned this from Heinz, who emigrated to the USA from Nazi Germany and ran away with nothing after the Russians invaded. Make sure you have some books to reference in case the internet goes down, or worse yet, the internet is monitored and you fall under an NSA drag line.

If history tells us anything, it is that things will get worse before they get better.

Hopefully you will never need to use the gun, or any of your supplies. However, it doesn’t hurt to take precautions. Take precautions. Train your family. Stay away from crowds. Be aware of the area around you. Be prepared to live when the police will no longer respond to you dialing 9-11.

DHS vehicle
The Constitution clearly forbids stationing troops on American soil, as they could be used against American citizens. But it doesn’t matter. The government did it anyways. Only instead of calling it an army, they call it the DHS.


President Obama made sure that the DHS was well quipped and sufficiently armed against American citizens. He has stocked the necessary military grade weapons, and made sure that the DHS could identify any “home grown” elements of “patriots” or anyone who would be a threat to the implementation of a progressive liberal agenda.

Know how formidable the military is that is stationed in your city.

DHS vehicles.
American military vehicles deployed on American soil in defiance of the US Constitution. All vehicles were deployed under direction and orders from President Obama. These vehicles are fully equipped for military grade weapons and counter measures. If George Washington saw this he would be rolling in his grave.

The Ugly Reality

When tyranny forms in a nation, there are only two outcomes. Either [1] the tyranny is permitted to continue and fester, or [2] there is a movement that topple the government and replace it with something else.

It is my personal belief that the progressive left is counting and banking on a populist uprising. They actually believe that the military is more liberal than it let’s on and will support progressive causes. They are emboldened by the proud communists and BLM that have graduated from West Point in the last few years. They believe that they will have control of key elements of the military just like they have control of the key elements of the DHS, CIA, NSA, FBI and ICE.

They do so in the belief that they will be able to use that uprising to destroy the United States Constitution and replace it with a progressive socialist democracy along the lines of a strict communist government.

You don’t have to believe me. Just visit any of the websites that the left uses. This is obviously their preferred outcome. However, I dare say that it will not go as anyone thinks. It will go badly.

Badly for everyone.

Shelter behind an APC
During the popular uprising in Hungary in 1989, the scene was horrific. Who knows the ugliness that happened to the various members of the factions that supported the dictatorship. It was not pretty.

No it is not pretty.


Yes, the nation is at a crossroads. I am in my “lifeboat”. I am fine, safe and sound. But what about you? What are you going to do when Mad Maxine orders her followers to start burning down houses, shooting up schools and putting poison in Starbucks coffee? What are you going to do?

Because, I’ll tell you what… The DOJ won’t do anything. Led by Jeff Sessions, it is completely and absolutely useless.

The FBI won’t do a thing, except run interference to support the followers of a hyper-progressive agenda.

The NSA will withhold information, and collect information to support the progressive ideals set in motion.

The FCC will block internet communication from non-progressive outlets and directly censor information.

So what are you going to do? Let sleeping dogs lie?

Sleeping dogs
When the world gets even crazier, what are you going to do? Are you going to let sleeping dogs lie?


  • No prison time for thug that stole MAGA hat.
  • No action on the BLM students at West Point.
  • No charges for Lois Learner and the weaponization of the IRS.
  • John Koskinen was fired, but NOT jailed for IRS abuse. Living on pension in a mansion.
  • No charges or arrest for Hillary Clinton in email sweep of SAP documentation. Instead, she is planning to run again for President in 2020.
  • No charges in the vote rigging of the DNC primary against Bernie Sanders.
  • Communist West Point graduate was dishonorably discharged from the military.
  • Imran Awan not charged, no prison time, for espionage and hacking of enormous amounts of secure SAP data. And HERE, HERE and HERE. Some discussion on a chatroom HERE. He got a sweet plea deal instead.
  • Hillary Clinton’s illegal server, you know the one with over 30,000 highly Top Secret SAP documents on it, and the one that was surreptitiously placed outside of government control… was found to send those very same Top Secret documents to a foreign nation! Yes, indeed. The DOJ has not yet decided to take action on this. Rather, they have decided to do… nothing.

Posts about Life and Happiness


  1. Compiled, SEO and release. 9JUL18.
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Wasn’t it Bush 2 that created DHS after 911?


And I agree it was enhanced significantly under O.

50 BMG

When I turned on the radio on Jan. 6 and heard that patriotic Trumpsters had stormed the capitol and shots had been fired, I was very happy! I thought it had started and they were gittin-it-on! 🙂 Then I heard that the only one shot was an America-loving female hero and veteran; that was very disappointing. 🙁