2023 02 01 18 21

Classical social media imagery

Our leaders in Washington and the collective west in general are lost in their own sea of arrogance, ignorance and incompetence. They are also certifiably insane. They will escalate the world into oblivion.

JustAMaverick | Feb 8 2023 14:55 utc | 4

Crazy times. A little depressing. Sigh.

Check out the death throes of the United States.

From <redacted> …

Unz can find all the MSM stats he wants and maybe he doesn’t leave home, but Florence and I just lost a third good friend in the last year, all younger than us, all jabbed. That’s statistically abnormal.

Our Indian friend, 42 years old, just dropped dead from a heart attack. Fit, practicing Muslim, father of two children, whom we adopted as honorary niece and nephew starting 22 years ago.

He told me he was going to call me for chat and two weeks later, he’s gone.

Luckily, his wife will have the support of her family in India, but that is no compensation.

Interestingly, on French TV, they recently reported that there is an epidemic of heart attacks in India and they actually suggested it was being caused by the jabs.


Bank of America “Preparing for U.S. Debt Default”


In a conversation with CNN, Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan says the company is preparing for possible US sovereign debt default. The financial institution is the second largest bank in the country and is reportedly preparing for the worst regarding Congressional conflict over the nation’s debt ceiling.

Moynihan spoke about the Congressional debate, and specifically how that impacts corporate America. Subsequently, defaulting on the country’s debt remains a very real possibility that entities, like Bank of America, cannot disregard.

In the first few months of the new year, the National debt has reached unprecedented levels. Thus, that development has led to debates on both sides of the political aisle on whether or not the national debt ceiling should be increased before the summer months.

“We have to be prepared for that, not only in this country but in other countries around the world,” Moynihan told CNN. Additionally stating, “You hope it doesn’t happen, but hope is not a strategy – so you prepare for it.”

There is some expectation that President Joe Biden could address the debt ceiling debate during Tuesday’s State of the Union Address. Conversely, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has already expressed a warning over the nation’s debt crisis. Noting the possible default as soon as June, if the ceiling is not raised.

The US government has so over-spent, for so many years, it does not have enough cash on hand to pay its debts AND fund ongoing operations.  If the debt ceiling is not raised by Congress, then the government would only have the cash on hand which comes in each month from things like Payroll taxes.   That __may__ be enough to keeps some parts of the government operating, but it would not be enough to pay off debt – or even interest on the debt.



China War Mobilization Law Begins March 1, 2023


The China Communist Party (CCP) has quietly passed its Reserve Military Service Law, which will take effect on 3/1/2023. Anyone who is 18 years or older is obliged to enlist after a national defense mobilization is announced.

The notice, instructs China citizens “After receiving the call-up notice, reservists must report to the designated place at the specified time in accordance with the requirements. After the state issued the mobilization order, the reserve personnel who have not received the call-up notice shall not leave the reserve registration place without the approval of the troops and the military service organs of the reserve registration place; if they have left, they shall return immediately or standby in the same place.”

Full text: http://www.npc.gov.cn/npc/c30834/202212/675bfdf572d1440d89e29080e7310b6f.shtml

Females need to serve too, except during pregnancy, maternity leave, and breastfeeding. The shortest serving time is 4 years.

Ordinary reservists can apply for discharge after reaching the age of 30. Officers need to serve until 45-60, depending on their ranks.

A brave cat


Hersh: “How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline”

Updated below:

You all will want to discuss this …

Seymour Hersh:

How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline
The New York Times called it a “mystery,” but the United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secret—until now

The above was only just published. I am currently busy but will eventually read it and make up my mind.

Update: 13:50 UTC

I have now read the piece but I am someone in doubt over it. The story that Hersh tells seems incomplete and not researched as deeply as possible. I bet that his sources know more than that.

But it still fits with the tale I had constructed from open data a day after the pipeline was destroyed:

While the Baltops 22 maneuver already took place in June and July of this year the U.S. Sixth Fleet left the Baltic Sea only a few days ago (in German, my translation):

Big Fleet Group From U.S. Navy Passes [German island passage] FehmanbeltOn Wednesday morning the amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge, escorted by the Landing Ships USS Arlington and USS Gunston Hall, was en route towards west. Previously, the ships were part of US units that took part in NATO maneuvers and called at numerous ports in Germany, Scandinavia and the Baltic States.

The “USS Kearsarge”, flagship of the association and largest warship of the US Navy, which was in action in the Baltic Sea in the last 30 years, has 40 helicopters and fighter planes as well as more than 2000 soldiers on board, the escort ships about 1000. For the around 4,000 soldiers are heading back home on the east coast of the US after their six-month deployment.

Parts of the Kearsange operations in the Baltic Sea were dedicated to test special sub sea mine destruction technologies:

A significant focus of BALTOPS every year is the demonstration of NATO mine hunting capabilities, and this year the U.S. Navy continues to use the exercise as an opportunity to test emerging technology, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa Public Affairs said June 14.In support of BALTOPS, U.S. Navy 6th Fleet partnered with U.S. Navy research and warfare centers to bring the latest advancements in unmanned underwater vehicle mine hunting technology to the Baltic Sea to demonstrate the vehicle’s effectiveness in operational scenarios.

Experimentation was conducted off the coast of Bornholm, Denmark, with participants from Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific, Naval Undersea Warfare Center Newport, and Mine Warfare Readiness and Effectiveness Measuring all under the direction of U.S. 6th Fleet Task Force 68.

Off the coast of Bornholm, Denmark, is where the pipelines were hit. Just days ago the USS Kearsarge was in that area:

Back then I presented just the available fact and left the conclusion open for the reader to chose.

But it has since become more and more obvious that the U.S. was responsible for the enormous economic damage to Germany that its action has caused.

The gloating by Sec State Anthony Blinken and his deputy Victoria Nuland is just too too obvious. It is a”tremendous strategic opportunity for the years to come” said Blinken and Nuland, in a Congress hearing, was “very gratified to know that Nord Stream 2 is now, as you like to say, a hunk of metal.”

Most Germans, if not their pliant government, have drawn their conclusions from that.

Posted by b at 13:10 UTC | Comments (246)

Spinach and Ricotta Pizza Dough

This is a pretty-looking dough and a good way to get spinach into the kids. The spinach flavor is very mild and the color is a healthy green. A good pizza for a Christmas party could be made from this green crust with a bright red tomato filling.



  • 1 cup fresh spinach, leaves lightly steamed
  • 1 cup ricotta cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 cup (4 tablespoons) olive oil
  • 2 packages dry yeast
  • 2 teaspoons light brown sugar
  • 3/4 cup warm water


  1. Dissolve the yeast in the warm water and stir in the light brown sugar. Set the yeast mixture aside for at least 5 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, put the ricotta cheese and the spinach leaves in a blender and blend at high speed until you have a smooth, bright green mixture.
  3. Sift the flour into a bowl with the salt. Make a depression in the center of the flour and add 3 tablespoons of the oil, the egg, the spinach mixture and the yeast mixture.
  4. Put flour on the kneading board and place the dough mixture on the flour. Knead the mixture for 8 to 10 minutes until the dough is uniformly mixed and elastic. Add flour as you knead if necessary to keep the dough from becoming too sticky.
  5. When the dough is ready, place it in a clean bowl that has been brushed with oil.
  6. Brush the top of the dough with oil and place a clean cloth over the bowl.
  7. Put the bowl in a warm, draft-free place for 1 1/2 hours.

This recipe will make:

2 thin crust pizzas, 12-inches each
2 stuffed pizza pockets
1 thick crust pizza, 14-inch
6 (6-inch) pizzas

The Superb Retro-Inspired Illustrations by Alexey Kot

0 7 990x1238 1
0 7 990×1238 1

Poland-based illustrator Alexey Kot creates beautiful vintage-inspired artworks reminiscent of J. C. Leyendecker and Norman Rockwell’s work.

More: Instagram

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11428694 718427504967891 645403699 n
11311113 128237310852301 2129596780 n
11311113 128237310852301 2129596780 n

Pizza Sauce

2023 02 01 18 27
2023 02 01 18 27


  • 1 1/2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons minced garlic
  • 3 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 1 (15 ounce) can crushed tomatoes
  • 1 teaspoon dried basil
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons dried oregano
  • Salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper


  1. Heat olive oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat.
  2. Add garlic and saute for 10 seconds, then add tomato paste and stir.
  3. Cook and stir for 1 minute, spreading paste on bottom of pan and stirring while cooking.
  4. Remove from heat, stir in crushed tomatoes and oregano and season with salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Spread over pizza dough or store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days or freeze up to 3 months.
  6. Store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days or freeze for up to 3 months.

Yield: almost 2 cups

BEDAZZLED Clip – “Drug Lord” (2000) Brendan Fraser

The United States, Norway and NATO have Committed an Act of War Against Russia


During the final minutes of my radio show last night, I told my audience I wish I didn’t know some of the things I know.  Now, one of those things has become public: It was the United States that bombed Russia’s Nord Stream 1 & 2 Pipelines in the Baltic Sea.  Norway participated by flying-in a sonar buoy which gave off the Detonation Signal.  NATO is an accessory, by willfully using BALTOPS 22 “Exercise” as a cover to plant the bombs.  War is now likely.

In an article written by long-time, world-renowned Investigative Journalist, Seymour M. Hersh, the truth has now come out.


First, from Wikipedia:

Seymour Myron “Sy” Hersh (born April 8, 1937) is an 85 year old American investigative journalist, and political writer.

Hersh first gained recognition in 1969 for exposing the My Lai Massacre and its cover-up during the Vietnam War, for which he received the 1970 Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting. During the 1970s, Hersh covered the Watergate scandal for The New York Times and revealed the clandestine bombing of Cambodia. In 2004, he reported on the U.S. military’s mistreatment of detainees at Abu Ghraib prison. He has also won two National Magazine Awards and five George Polk Awards. In 2004, he received the George Orwell Award.

Hersh accused the Obama administration of lying about the events surrounding the death of Osama bin Laden and disputed the claim that the Assad regime used chemical weapons on civilians in the Syrian Civil War. Both assertions have stirred controversy.

In his “substack” web site, published about nine hours ago (about 7:00 AM eastern US time today) Hirsh published a story entitled “How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline”  with the sub-title being “The New York Times called it a “mystery,” but the United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secret—until now.”   (Direct Link to Story)

It’s a long read, but worth it.

In the story, Hirsh reveals that the Operation was planned for nine months.  It was planned in the top floor of the Old Executive Office Building, on the grounds of the White House.  The biggest concern: How to leave no evidence tying it to the United States.

The story reports that the explosives were placed during the annual NATO Naval Exercise “Baltic Operations 22”  (BALTOPS 22) by US Navy Divers.  The NATO exercise was used as a “cover” for the explosives to be planted.

It also reveals that months later, after receiving the “Go” signal from CIA Director Burns, a plane from Norway’s military dropped a special sonar buoy into the Baltic Sea which gave-off the Detonation signal, triggering the explosives and destroying the pipeline.

Ladies and Gentlemen, make no mistake: This was a crime.   It was a criminal conspiracy to commit a bombing, and later, the actual commission of that bombing.  It seems to me, as a layman, the people who engaged in this are personally guilty of federal Felonies.

The planning for this crime was so thorough, they even chose the use of a specific US Navy undersea dive team which would NOT trigger any reporting to the US Congress about its activities!

Now, I could go paragraph by paragraph to report and analyze Seymour Hersh article, but it is much better if you go read it yourselves.

Very long story short: The President of the United States ordered his staff to come up with a way to “deal with” the Nord Stream Pipeline.  They did.  It got blown up.  This was a crime.  It is also, an Act of War against Russia.

I suspect the Russians are absorbing and analyzing Hersh’s article.  As Russians are well known  to do, they will think about this for a good while.  Then, they will take well-thought-out and thought-through action.

We have committed an Act of War.  Russia now has a Casus Belli – a cause for just war.

I suspect that Russia may publicly demand President Biden be Impeached and criminally prosecuted, along with the other Conspirators.  I also suspect that Russia may add, if Biden is not impeached and prosecuted, and the Conspirators not prosecuted, then it will be war.

Knowing that the US Government will never agree to impeach its apparently now-criminal President, nor hold accountable the other Conspirators, I also suspect war is coming — a lot faster than any of us think, and a lot worse than any of us know.



The Biden regime said an article by Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh claiming the United States was behind the explosions of the Nord Stream gas pipelines was “utterly false and complete fiction.”

“This is utterly false and complete fiction,” said Adrienne Watson, a spokesperson for the White House National Security Council.

Spokespeople for the CIA and State Department said the same thing, according to Reuters.

  • At this point, insanity is beyond belief, and stupidity has consequences!
  • The military didn’t clap. That says it all.
  • Each day is more shocking than the last.
  • I will strongly suggest to change our leadership quickly before we sink.
    • We sinkin
    • To late
    • too late , point of no return has been reached, asta la vista baby
  • People believe China will have a hard time invading Taiwan because there is a 100 mile stretch of water between China and Taiwan, but the US will have no issue with the thousands of miles required to move weapons and ships to the China theatre. LOL.

Jerry Finds Out Elaine Faked It

Celebrities Recreated As If They Were In Classical Paintings By Kyès

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Art from the past comes back into our lives once again. The internet fell in love with classical paintings that were turned into memes, therefore, we are sure you will be interested to see what this artist did.

Kyès (previously featured) is an expert in using the style of French 17th-18th century paintings to reimagine what today’s celebrities would look like if they lived back in the day. His first works portrayed French rappers, but later on, he included other celebrities. These paintings are made digitally using computer programs, but the results seem to look just like real paintings from the past.

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Kyès’ first shared digital painting was of Charles Baudelaire, a French poet, portrayed as a joker. The artist seems to give attention to French artists and celebrities first, but over time has incorporated other well-known people such as Rihanna, Beyonce, Kanye West, and others as well.

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Kyès uses Photoshop to recreate old classical paintings into ones with celebrities that are famous today. Such an approach makes us look up original paintings that let us revive our memories of old art. We noticed that Kyès usually uses paintings from the 16th to 18th century as a base. The art style varies from the High Renaissance to Rococo and Neoclassicism.

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Most Renaissance artwork is thought to be made between 1300 and 1600. After that, all the art is classified as High Renaissance. The difference between these two is that while earlier Renaissance artists would emphasize a work’s perspective or technical aspects, High Renaissance artists were willing to forego technical principles to create a more beautiful, harmonious whole.

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BREAKING NEWS: Video Proof Ukraine Using Chemical Weapons Against Russian Troops


WARNING. GRAPHIC VIDEO BELOW. VIEWER DISCRETION STRONGLY ADVISED. Video has been put out by the Ukrainian Armed Forces laughing about their use of Chemical Weapons to kill Russian Troops. The video, complete with happy, carnival-type music, appears below.

The video, shot from the drone which drops the chemical weapon, shows two separate cartridges being dropped on Russian troops who have taken cover in a small creek or stream.

The first cartridge has limited effect.  The second cartridge, with a blue end cover,  is utterly horrifying.

The soldiers go into spasms and convulsions, with balled-fists, and flailing legs.

As the chemicals saturate them, the soldiers clearly cannot control their body movement, and end-up failing to keep their heads above water, presumably because they are neurologically impaired from the attack, and their brain cannot think to keep their heads out of the water.  Both soldiers die within minutes.

The Geneva Protocol

The 1925 Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare, commonly known as the 1925 Geneva Protocol, bans the use of chemical and bacteriological (biological) weapons in war.

Based upon this video, it appears Ukraine is now using such banned weapons, and boasting about what they’re doing by releasing videos with happy music.

This is the single most disgusting display of inhuman cruelty I have so far seen from the battlefields of Ukraine.

WARNING: This video is extremely graphic.  Viewer discretion is advised.



Easiest Homemade Pizza Dough

2023 02 01 18 23
2023 02 01 18 23


  • 1 cup plain Greek yogurt
  • 1 to 1 1/2 cups self-rising flour, divided


  1. Combine yogurt and 1 cup flour in the bowl of an electric stand mixer. Mix until combined, scraping down the bowl as necessary until combined.
  2. Knead on medium high for 5 minutes.
  3. Slowly add additional flour as necessary to help dough come together. Depending on how thick your yogurt is, you may need up to an extra 1/2 cup of flour.
  4. Dust clean counter top with flour and remove dough from bowl. Knead a few turns until dough is tacky, but not sticky. Roll out and add toppings as desired.
  5. Bake in a preheated 450 degrees F oven for 10-12 minutes.

Yield: 2 medium pizza crusts or one extra large pizza crust

China Rejects “Shoot First, Talk Later” Attitude

Here is demonstration of typically childish-arrogant behavior of the U.S. government towards foreign countries.

China Isn’t Ready to Pick Up Phone After Balloon Incident
Chinese officials rejected a request from the U.S. defense secretary to speak with his counterpart after an American fighter jet shot down a Chinese spy balloon.

The Pentagon said on Tuesday that China had rejected a request from Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III to speak with his Chinese counterpart on Saturday soon after an American fighter jet shot down a Chinese spy balloon off the coast of South Carolina.

That statement by the Pentagon immediately raises a question. Why hadn’t the U.S. defense secretary called the Chinese defense minister before shooting down the Chinese weather ballon?

The U.S. apparently detected the balloon on January 29 when it was over the Aleutian Islands. Austin could have called his Chinese counterpart anytime in the seven days between that detection and the time the decision was taken to shot it down:

“We believe in the importance of maintaining open lines of communication between the United States and the P.R.C. in order to responsibly manage the relationship,” Brig. Gen. Patrick S. Ryder, the Pentagon press secretary, said in an emailed statement, referring to the People’s Republic of China. “Lines between our militaries are particularly important in moments like this.”It was not to be. “Unfortunately,” General Ryder said, “the P.R.C. has declined our request” to arrange a call with Wei Fenghe, the Chinese defense minister.

The purpose of high level lines of communication between military and political leaders is to prevent that crises happen or, if one has happen incidentally, to prevent their escalation.

Before the shot down the Chinese defense minister Wei Fenghe likely would have taken that call. But the U.S. decided to shoot first and to talk later. That was and is inappropriate.

On January 29 the Chinese weather balloon was drifting westward over Alaska and Canada. There was no expectation that it would cross into the United States. But an unusual low pressure formation over east Canada eventually caused that. Low pressure areas in the northern hemisphere turn counter-clockwise. High pressure areas turn clockwise. The unusually strong low pressure zone over east Canada pushed arctic air masses south through Canada and then south west to west to New England. This phenomenon, on February 1 and 2, caused a cold snap in east Canada and the northeast of the U.S.. But the wind also caused the 200 feet high balloon to turn south.




Picture the coldest Canadian night imaginable. What did you think of it? Clear skies? Calm winds? A deep snowpack? This cold snap had none of these ingredients align because this type of cold is different. Meet advection cold.The cold air wasn’t developed on location. The imported cold was fed south by a strong low and the trajectory of the polar vortex. The polar vortex was swirling near Hudson Bay and was slingshotted south by favourable atmospheric dynamics.

The cold air wrapped around a developing low, lifting across Labrador. Not just any cold air, either — the stratospheric polar vortex mixed down in what’s known as a tropopause fold and occurs near the core of a jet stream.

A wind and pressure map from February 3 shows the then already waning low pressure area in the upper right. The red arrow shows the balloon’s course.



biggerBoth the cold snap and the balloon’s turn were surprising. The jet stream would usually have prevent both from happening. But this time the low pressure area proved to be stronger if only for a short moment. It is the reason why the balloon ended up crossing the U.S.



Source: WikipediabiggerThere was no way the balloon could have been steered against the prevailing wind. Here is a CBS meteorologist, who had used NOAA software to predicted the course of the ballon, confirming that fact:

Ed Russo @EdRussoWX – 11:37 UTC · Feb 4, 2023Replying to @soonersfan2022
The balloon is flying at the height of the jet stream. The jet stream winds will steer the balloon… even a simple rudder won’t be a match for the 200+ mph upper level winds.

By no means could China have planned the balloon’s course. Any allegations that the balloon was being ‘steered’ and intentionally crossed U.S. missile fields and military bases to ‘spy’ on those are thereby bogus. China has some 300 satellites in the earth’s orbit. It does not need balloons to take aerial pictures of static missile silos in the mid-west U.S.

The NYT also writes:

China has insisted that the electronics-laden machine was simply a weather balloon that had drifted off course.

The balloon debris has not been recovered yet. Based on what fact is the NYT then claiming that it the balloon was an ‘electronics-laden machine’?

China is not happy that the Biden administration is hyperventilating over the incident. But it will keep its calm:

Different political forces within the US, including President Joe Biden and the Republican Party, are still hyping up the incident of a Chinese civilian unmanned airship in the US media in order to gain political interests ahead of the annual State of the Union address, rather than making efforts to cool down the matter.Chinese experts said on Tuesday that it shows that the chaotic, messy and sick political situation in Washington means that China-US tensions are unlikely to ease in the near future. It also proves that the Biden administration is incapable of setting so-called guardrails for bilateral ties under the complex situation within the US.

China will keep calm and observe what the US does next, and whether Biden creates conditions for engagement or Washington allows bilateral ties to keep worsening, China is ready to handle any possible moves by the US, experts noted.

Austin’s attempts to call his Chinese counterpart AFTER the shit happened is seen as an attempt to additionally insult the Chinese government.

Austin will not be given a chance to do that.


Posted by b on February 8, 2023 at 14:34 UTC | Permalink

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