2023 02 11 16 02

The USA is still a kicking and a screaming

It’s a strange time.

The United States is getting ready to wage global war against both Russia and China simultaneously, while the rest of the world readies for the onslaught. My guess is that all is well in hand, and the Western-led block (United States with proxies) haven’t a clue as to how bad the future will turn out for them if they continue upon this path.

Today’s installment…

The United States, Norway and NATO have Committed an Act of War Against Russia


During the final minutes of my radio show last night, I told my audience I wish I didn’t know some of the things I know.  Now, one of those things has become public: It was the United States that bombed Russia’s Nord Stream 1 & 2 Pipelines in the Baltic Sea.

Norway participated by flying-in a sonar buoy which gave off the Detonation Signal.  NATO is an accessory, by willfully using BALTOPS 22 “Exercise” as a cover to plant the bombs.  War is now likely.

In an article written by long-time, world-renowned Investigative Journalist, Seymour M. Hersh, the truth has now come out.

First, from Wikipedia:

Seymour Myron “Sy” Hersh (born April 8, 1937) is an 85 year old American investigative journalist, and political writer.

Hersh first gained recognition in 1969 for exposing the My Lai Massacre and its cover-up during the Vietnam War, for which he received the 1970 Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting. During the 1970s, Hersh covered the Watergate scandal for The New York Times and revealed the clandestine bombing of Cambodia. In 2004, he reported on the U.S. military’s mistreatment of detainees at Abu Ghraib prison. He has also won two National Magazine Awards and five George Polk Awards. In 2004, he received the George Orwell Award.

Hersh accused the Obama administration of lying about the events surrounding the death of Osama bin Laden and disputed the claim that the Assad regime used chemical weapons on civilians in the Syrian Civil War. Both assertions have stirred controversy.

In his “substack” web site, published about nine hours ago (about 7:00 AM eastern US time today) Hirsh published a story entitled “How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline”  with the sub-title being “The New York Times called it a “mystery,” but the United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secret—until now.”   (Direct Link to Story)

It’s a long read, but worth it.

In the story, Hirsh reveals that the Operation was planned for nine months.  It was planned in the top floor of the Old Executive Office Building, on the grounds of the White House.  The biggest concern: How to leave no evidence tying it to the United States.

The story reports that the explosives were placed during the annual NATO Naval Exercise “Baltic Operations 22”  (BALTOPS 22) by US Navy Divers.  The NATO exercise was used as a “cover” for the explosives to be planted.

It also reveals that months later, after receiving the “Go” signal from CIA Director Burns, a plane from Norway’s military dropped a special sonar buoy into the Baltic Sea which gave-off the Detonation signal, triggering the explosives and destroying the pipeline.

Ladies and Gentlemen, make no mistake: This was a crime.   It was a criminal conspiracy to commit a bombing, and later, the actual commission of that bombing.  It seems to me, as a layman, the people who engaged in this are personally guilty of federal Felonies.

The planning for this crime was so thorough, they even chose the use of a specific US Navy undersea dive team which would NOT trigger any reporting to the US Congress about its activities!

Now, I could go paragraph by paragraph to report and analyze Seymour Hersh article, but it is much better if you go read it yourselves.

Very long story short: The President of the United States ordered his staff to come up with a way to “deal with” the Nord Stream Pipeline.  They did.  It got blown up.  This was a crime.  It is also, an Act of War against Russia.

I suspect the Russians are absorbing and analyzing Hersh’s article.  As Russians are well known  to do, they will think about this for a good while.  Then, they will take well-thought-out and thought-through action.

We have committed an Act of War.  Russia now has a Casus Belli – a cause for just war.

I suspect that Russia may publicly demand President Biden be Impeached and criminally prosecuted, along with the other Conspirators.  I also suspect that Russia may add, if Biden is not impeached and prosecuted, and the Conspirators not prosecuted, then it will be war.

Knowing that the US Government will never agree to impeach its apparently now-criminal President, nor hold accountable the other Conspirators, I also suspect war is coming — a lot faster than any of us think, and a lot worse than any of us know.


The Biden regime said an article by Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh claiming the United States was behind the explosions of the Nord Stream gas pipelines was “utterly false and complete fiction.”

“This is utterly false and complete fiction,” said Adrienne Watson, a spokesperson for the White House National Security Council.

Spokespeople for the CIA and State Department said the same thing, according to Reuters.

Stunning Colorized Photos Of The Discovery Of The Tutankhamun’s Tomb In The 1920s

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Harry Burton’s photographs capture Tutankhamun’s tomb at the moment of its discovery have enthralled the world for generations, enabling the viewer to witness the ‘Wonderful Things’ the discoverers of the tomb, Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon, were fortunate to experience first-hand. Burton’s iconic black and white photographs have illustrated the imagination of millions for almost a century, and now a selection of the original negatives and photographs, housed in the archive of the Griffith Institute, University of Oxford, has been digitally colourised by Dynamichrome on behalf of SC Exhibitions and the Griffith Institute.

More info: Griffith Institute, Dynamichrome (h/t: vintag.es)

December 1922, Tutankhamun’s Tomb | View of the northern wall of the Antechamber showing the sentinel statues (Carter nos. 22 & 29) guarding the sealed doorway leading to the King’s Burial Chamber:

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December 1922, Tutankhamun’s Tomb | Objects stacked under the lion couch (Carter no. 35) against the west wall of the Antechamber included an ivory and ebony chest (Carter no. 32), black ‘shrine-shaped boxes’ (Carter nos. 37 and 38) and a child’s chair made of ebony (Carter no. 39):

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29th November 1923, Tutankhamun’s Tomb | Howard Carter (on the left) working with his friend and colleague Arthur Callender on wrapping one of two sentinel statues of Tutankhamun (Carter no. 22) found in the Antechamber, before their removal to the ‘laboratory’ set up in the tomb of Sethos II (KV 15). These statues had been placed either side of the sealed entrance to the Burial Chamber:

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December 1922, Tutankhamun’s Tomb | The rectangular white box (Carter no. 50), in front of the lion couch (Carter no. 35) in the Antechamber, contained, amongst other items, linen garments (shirts, shawls and loin cloths), 18 sticks, 69 arrows and a trumpet:

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December 1923, Tutankhamun’s Tomb | The linen pall, decorated with bronze ‘rosettes’ (Carter no. 209) inside the walls of the first (outermost) golden shrine (Carter no. 207) in the north west corner of the Burial Chamber:

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October 1926, Tutankhamun’s Tomb | A line of chests down the centre of the Treasury, ending with the canopic chest (Carter no. 266) which housed the king’s linen-wrapped stomach, intestines, liver and lungs in miniature gold coffins, inside an alabaster canopic box:

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29th/30th October 1925, Tutankhamun’s Tomb | Carter and an Egyptian workman examine the third (innermost) coffin (Carter no. 255) made of solid gold, inside the case of the second coffin. (Carter no. 254):

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December 1922, Tutankhamun’s Tomb | Objects, including the cow-headed couch (Carter no. 73) and boxes containing joints of meat (Carter nos. 62a to 62vv) piled up against the west wall of the Antechamber:

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October 1926, Tutankhamun’s Tomb | Three wooden chests (the middle one in the shape of a cartouche) on the floor of the Treasury (Carter nos. 267, 269 and 270). Amongst other items these contained earrings, sandals and a wax model of a heron:

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October 1925, Tutankhamun’s Tomb | Howard Carter working on the lid of the second (middle) coffin, still nestled within the case of the first (outermost) coffin in the Burial Chamber:

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November/December 1923, Sethos II’s Tomb (‘laboratory’) | Arthur Mace (left) and Alfred Lucas working outside the ‘laboratory’ set up in the tomb of Sethos II (KV 15), stabilizing the surface of one of the state chariots (Carter no. 120) found in the Antechamber:

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30th December 1923, Tutankhamun’s Tomb | Howard Carter (left), Arthur Mace and an Egyptian workman standing on scaffolding, roll back the linen pall (Carter no. 209) which lay over a gilded, wooden frame (Carter no. 208) between the first (outermost) and second shrines:

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November 1926, Tutankhamun’s Tomb | Objects, including numerous model boats (Carter nos. 284 to 287), stacked against the southern wall of the Treasury:

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December 1922, Tutankhamun’s Tomb | Sealed alabaster ‘unguent’ vases (Carter nos. 57, 58, 60 and 61) between the cow-headed (Carter no. 73) and lion (Carter no. 35) couches against the west wall of the Antechamber:

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October 1926, Tutankhamun’s Tomb | The Anubis shrine (Carter no. 261) on the threshold of the Treasury viewed from the Burial Chamber. The figure of Anubis was covered with a linen shirt inscribed with the cartouche of Akhenaten:

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4th January 1923, Tutankhamun’s Tomb | Howard Carter (kneeling), Arthur Callender and an Egyptian workman in the Burial Chamber, looking through the open doors of the four gilded shrines towards the quartzite sarcophagus:

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January 1924, Sethos II’s Tomb (‘laboratory’) | Arthur Mace (standing) and Alfred Lucas (sitting) working inside the makeshift ‘laboratory’ (set up in KV 15, the tomb of Sethos II) on the conservation of one of the two sentinel statues from the Antechamber (Carter no. 22). The statue shows the King wearing the nemes headdress, kilt and sandals, and carrying a mace and a staff:

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29th/30th October 1925, Tutankhamun’s Tomb | The gold mask (Carter no. 256a) in situ on the mummy of the King, still inside the third (innermost) solid gold coffin (Carter no. 255):

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December 1923, Tutankhamun’s Tomb | Howard Carter (centre), Arthur Callender and two Egyptian workmen lifting one roof section from the first, outermost shrine (Carter no. 207). With its double sloping roof, the shape of this shrine resembles that of a ‘sed festival pavilion’; it was made of from twenty separate oak sections, held together by a variety of different joints:

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2nd December 1923, Tutankhamun’s Tomb | Howard Carter (at the top of the stairs), Arthur Callender and Egyptian workmen removing the wall between the Antechamber and the Burial Chamber to enable the dismantling of the four golden shrines enclosing the sarcophagus:

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Herbert George Edward Stanhope Molyneux, 5th Earl of Carnarvon, reading on the verandah of ‘Castle Carter’, Carter’s house at Elwat el-Dibbân on the Theban West Bank:

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China is economically defeating U.S. imperialism, Russia is militarily defeating it

Unless Washington’s provocations upset the dangerously unsteady balance it depends on, and lead to a third world war, the future of warfare between the U.S. and its geopolitical challengers will not primarily be based in the realm of international flare-ups like the “Chinese spy balloon” upset.

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It will be based in a series of economic struggles that end with the imperialists losing trade dominance over Eurasia, and therefore losing their neo-colonial extractive sources.

The American war machine’s ruse of treating a benign Chinese aircraft as malicious, then shooting it down for dramatic effect, has had no impact on history other than provide another reason for China to be irritated at the USA.

And unless Washington oversteps in a way which it knows would lead to a crisis too big for it to handle, China and its other adversaries will never respond to Washington’s antics by escalating towards open war.

These kinds of stunts by the imperialists are nothing more than ways to narratively justify its militarism, sanctions, and war-related austerity, which the imperialists hope will reverse the transition towards multipolarity.

I find these manufacturings of drama on Washington’s part relatively uninteresting, because the psyop managers aren’t going to succeed at restoring U.S. hegemony.

Hyperbolic headlines about a balloon can’t undo a process of economic development and geostrategic realignment that’s been underway for decades, and that’s the natural evolution away from postwar unipolarity.

Over half a century after the 1963 film 55 Days at Peking created the famous quote “Let China sleep, for when she rises, the world will tremple,” we’re finally seeing what this rise was going to look like.

The anti-imperialist Pepe Escobar describes the extent of the ways the PRC is changing Eurasia’s economic orientation:

Acute supply chain decoupling, the crescendo of western hysteria over Beijing’s position on the war in Ukraine, and serious setbacks on Chinese investments in the west all play on the development of BRI 2.0. 

Beijing will be focusing simultaneously on several nodes of the Global South, especially neighbors in ASEAN and across Eurasia. 

Think, for instance, the Beijing-funded Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway, Southeast Asia’s first: a BRI project opening this year as Indonesia hosts the rotating ASEAN chairmanship. 

China is also building the East Coast Rail Link in Malaysia and has renewed negotiations with the Philippines for three railway projects. 

Then there are the superposed interconnections. 

The EAEU will clinch a free trade zone deal with Thailand. 

On the sidelines of the epic return of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to power in Brazil, this past Sunday, officials of Iran and Saudi Arabia met amid smiles to discuss – what else – BRICS+. 

Excellent choice of venue: Brazil is regarded by virtually every geopolitical player as prime neutral territory.

Even though the PRC, unlike the DPRK, has decided not to openly voice support for Russia’s anti-fascist war, Operation Z is why this project to economically undermine the empire has become so successful in the last year.

The foremost aim behind Washington’s provoking Russia into intervening was to weaken Russia enough that both the Russian Federation and the PRC could get successfully defeated by imperialist schemes.

The calculus behind this was that when America and Europe used the geopolitical escalation to fully decouple from Russia, and ultimately China as well, the shock would be destructive enough to bring about this scenario of a destabilized Eurasia.

Which depends on the assumption that the imperial powers, after their half a millennium of extracting from the colonized and formerly colonized peoples, consequently have the capacity to crush Eurasia’s emerging superpowers. That their past successes at destroying other societies guarantee they’ll keep being successful at it.

This hubris, and the desperate self-deception it requires, was shown when the EU’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell declared after the sanctions had proven insufficient this fall:

“The world needs Europe…Most of the rest of the world is a jungle, and the jungle could invade the garden.”

These are the words of somebody who’s just lost, and lost in a final sense.

The failure of the sanctions to bring about their objective represents a vast, fruitless sacrifice on the part of the imperial power structure. The campaign to economically isolate Russia and China has destroyed the social stability of the imperialist countries, driving down living standards as shocks devastate the working classes within these places.

Now our ruling class faces a greater danger than ever of uprisings, without having gained the geopolitical victories this destruction was supposed to bring.

The plan was for Americans and Europeans to economically suffer in the short term so that the empire could win on the Eurasian geopolitical chessboard, restoring neo-colonial extraction and ultimately bringing back social stability within the core countries.

Instead what the imperialists have gotten is a crisis for the core which will never end, not so long as workers revolution in the core is delayed.

Intensified austerity and repression is all the core’s proletariat can expect until they manage to overthrow their bourgeois dictatorship.

The only logical outcome, at least if the workers movement gains enough strength, is the end to the rule of our oligarchy.

Because more and more are coming to recognize this reality that their circumstances can only change if they smash the state that keeps capital in power.

This has been true since the beginning of capitalism, our socioeconomic system was always doomed to fail.

With this dual war against imperialism waged by the Russians and the Chinese, the process of capitalist decline is accelerating.

This is true both in the places the imperial ruling class still controls, and in Russia, which is run by a less economically powerful oligarchy.

As Russia’s neoliberal system proves unable to provide for the people’s needs during wartime, the war has sidelined the fascists within Russia’s government, while giving more power to the communists; it was the communists who helped pressure Putin into taking action against Ukrainian fascism, and into therefore solidifying Russia’s role as a challenger towards imperialism.

As present trends go, they’re gaining the leverage to carry out a Bolshevik revolution 2.0.

The equivalent is true in Belarus, where the communists hold great influence over a bourgeois state that’s assisting Russia in the anti-fascist war.

This successful joint attack against the empire is why China’s BRI has become as effective as it now is.

Z has prompted Russia to strengthen its ties with China, and ease the PRC’s project of lifting the peripheral countries out of poverty.

Under even the least optimistic of circumstances, the acceleration of the transition to multipolarity that Operation Z represents will without a doubt bring the defeat of U.S. imperialism as a globally hegemonic force.

And should the class struggle sufficiently succeed worldwide, we’ll see both a restoration of the Soviet Union and a new wave of revolutions across the peripheral countries, which are through the BRI gaining the economic strength to no longer be controlled by the empire.

What could ultimately come is revolution in the core countries as well, and with it the end of capital’s ability to coerce any of the historically colonized countries into submission.

The bourgeoisie will have lost almost definitively, and as long as the future socialist states maintain commitment to class struggle, the bourgeoisie will then be able to go extinct as a social class.

China Satellites Firing Green Lasers Over Hawaii

2023 02 11 16 01
2023 02 11 16 01

People on the Hawaiian islands have noticed barrages of green laser light being fired down at them from space at night. Turns out, the lasers are coming from Chinese Satellites in space – on purpose.

China claims they are scanning for “air pollution.”

Above the islands of Hawaii on January 28, a green laser was seen piercing the night sky, silently tracing a path towards the horizon like a stutter in the Matrix’s code.

The scene was caught on camera from a telescope atop Hawaii’s tallest peak.

Originally, experts at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), which co-owns the camera, announced on Twitter that the green light probably came from a radar device on an orbiting satellite, known as ICESat-2.

ICESat-2 is owned by NASA, and it’s used to keep an eye on the thickness of Earth’s sea ice, ice sheets, and forests.

But on 6 February 2022, NAOJ updated their footage of the laser beam saying that based on the trajectory, it was unlikely to be NASA after all.

“According to Dr. Martino, Anthony J., a NASA scientist working on ICESat-2 ATLAS, it is not by their instrument but by others,” a note on the YouTube video explains.

“His colleagues, Dr. Alvaro Ivanoff et al., did a simulation of the trajectory of satellites that have a similar instrument and found a most likely candidate as the ACDL instrument by the Chinese Daqi-1/AEMS satellite.

“We really appreciate their efforts in the identification of the light. We are sorry about our confusion related to this event and its potential impact on the ICESat-2 team.”

China’s Daqi-1 satellite was launched in April last year and similar to ICESat-2, it’s an atmospheric environment monitoring satellite.

That means it’s in orbit around Earth in order to monitor global carbon levels, as well as atmospheric pollution.

Daqi-1 contains five instruments to help it do this, including ACDL, which stands for Aerosol and Carbon dioxide Detection Lidar.

Lidar is an acronym for laser imaging, detection, and ranging, and it works a little like sonar. But instead of sending out sound waves to map an area, it sends out laser beams.

And it’s these lasers that are believed to have lit up the sky over Hawaii at the end of January.

In the case of ACDL, it can send out dual-wavelength lasers at specific wavelengths in order to detect various molecules in Earth’s atmosphere.

The time it takes for these laser beams to bounce back provides information on the composition of the atmosphere and ground below.

For example, ACDL can work out how much CO2 is in Earth’s atmosphere by emitting two alternating lasers around the 1572 nanometer wavelength range.

“Daqi-1 can monitor fine particle pollution like PM2.5, pollutant gasses including nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and ozone, as well as carbon dioxide concentration,” a March 2021 press release from the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, which developed Daqi-1, explained.

It’s early days for Daqi-1 so we’re still waiting for results from its scans.

But if all goes to plan, the satellite is just the start of China’s plans to keep tabs on air pollution.

“China will produce a series of Daqi satellites in the future, which will be used to monitor atmospheric pollution, provide remote sensing data support for environment authorities, and also support scientific research into global climate change,” the March 2021 press release explained.

“Daqi-1 will be networked with other satellites, including Daqi-2, to realize greenhouse gas monitoring and help China achieve reduction of carbon emissions.”

It’s yet to be seen whether these green atmospheric detecting lasers may become more common as China achieves this goal.

Below is the satellite map of Earth, from U.S. Satellites which track actual pollution. The area circled in red is eastern China. Maybe they would do better if they started “studying” in their own country?

2023 02 11 16 02
2023 02 11 16 02

No War With China

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I fell on my left side a couple of days ago.

I was riding my bike when an SUV door opened in front of me. I hit it, then I fell to my side on the street. There was a sedan just meters behind me, but it stopped in the nick of time. I only got away with an injured left arm. No brain damage, no dislocations.

It’s healing up fast kudos to my Affirmations. Should be able to get back to exercising soon.

Now, to be on topic with this article.

The fact that they are fomenting all this warmongering and hatred towards China and Russia coincides with your prediction that this year, 2023, is going to be the year that the Western Ship finally sinks. I can feel the terror and worry everywhere I go as people check out the news and see all the decay happening domestically and internationally as well.

Ohio Guy

Stay safe ANTI. Always be cognizant of your surroundings, especially in that big city you reside in. Head on a swivel, as they say in the .mil. My thoughts are with you, sir.