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Now with the United States crazy mad-dog chained in a corner, the rest of the world are mending fences, and building bridges

The United States crazed mad-dog seems to be effectively muzzled. It seems to be on “pause” for a spell, and the rest of the world is galloping as far away from the United States as possible. Not just France, but India, Brazil, Australia, and many, many African nations. It’s almost a rout.

Meanwhile those in the “West” must be the most ignorant, and ill-informed people in all of history.

American “news” is like American Supermarkets; One long isle of sodas, only two brands (Coke and Pepsi). With a single tiny shelf in the far, back corner with one or two “off brands”.

2023 04 18 15 43
2023 04 18 15 43


China did it again! Yemen and Saudi Arabia mend ties!

Figuring things out

2023 04 18 11 41
2023 04 18 11 41

Shrimp in Caramel Sauce
(Tom Kho – Vietnamese)

The onions should practically disintegrate into the sauce. Adding the oil at the end lends a bit of extra richness; traditionally more lard or oil was added than prescribed here to also give an appetizing sheen to the shrimp.

2023 04 16 16 52
2023 04 16 16 52


  • 1 1/2 pounds (31-40 count) medium shrimp, peeled and deveined
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons fish sauce
  • 2 tablespoonsCaramel Sauce
  • 1/2 yellow onion, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons oil
  • 1 green onion, green tops only, chopped
  • Steamed rice, for serving


  1. Place the shrimp, salt, fish sauce and Caramel Sauce into a shallow saucepan. Bring to a vigorous simmer over high heat.
  2. Add the yellow onion and pepper, stirring to evenly distribute. Continue cooking over high heat, occasionally turning the shrimp so that they’re well coated with sauce. They’ll curl up and release their juices to combine with the other ingredients and concentrate into a dark sauce. Add a little water if things get too dry.
  3. The shrimp are done when they’ve taken on an orange-brown color and have a pleasant sweet chewiness, about 8 to 10 minutes after you’ve added the onion and pepper. There will be a few tablespoons of sauce in the pan.
  4. Remove from the heat, add the oil and stir to coat the shrimp.
  5. Scatter the green onion on top and serve with lots of steamed rice.

4 servings

Each serving, without rice: 229 calories; 725 mg sodium; 276 mg cholesterol; 7 grams fat; 1 gram saturated fat; 10 grams carbohydrates; 31 grams protein; 0.58 gram fiber

Not that Way: The Superb Concept Art Works of Oliver Ryan

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0 20 990×714 1

Oliver Ryan is a UK based concept artist and illustrator working in games and animation.

More: Instagram, Artstation

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CHINA – April 18: “Major Military OPERATION . . .”

The Chinese Maritime Safety Administration has announced that the People’s Liberation Army Navy will be conducting a “Major Military Operation” in the Yellow Sea off the Coast of Qingdao on April 18th between 0900 and 1200 Local-Time.

This is the first time they have ever used the term “Major Military OPERATION.”   Usually, they say “military exercise(s)”   Now, they’re saying “operation.”

Not quite certain what this entails.  ALso not certain why they gave less than 24 hours notice.   That part of China is about 12 hours AHEAD of US East Coast.

The Fall Of America ? | China’s Exposure

The first minutes of the video are a great demonstration on how distorted Americans see the world and how badly the mainstream media can spin stories into their favor.

Massive Numbers of Military-Age Chinese Men Lining Up in Panama to ILLEGALLY Cross into USA

2023 04 18 11 59
2023 04 18 11 59

Massive Lines Of Military Aged Men From China Are Lining Up In Panama Headed For The United States open southern border! This is an Invasion that the President is NOT Stopping! Look at the one minute video below . . .

Here is what is taking place right now in Panama, heading to the USA unabated:

Now, pretty much EVERY American knows that relations between the USA and China are not good anymore.  There is very candid talk that China is going to “re-unify” with Taiwan, and that may happen by force. . . war.

The US has publicly (and foolishly) stated it will “Defend” Taiwan.  Quite a goal given that Taiwan is 8000 miles from the USA but only 90 miles from mainland China.

Just how does the US think it will supply a logistics train for wartime operations which has any hope of overcoming mainland China’s ability to supply Chinese troops?

Yet pledge to defend  Taiwan, the US has . . .

So here we are, with talk of war and lo and behold, thousands of MILITARY-AGE CHINESE MEN are moving to cross into the USA illegally.

Is there any doubt in your mind that these men are part of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) being sent here by their Communist China bosses to attack the USA from within once hostilities break out?

One would have to be a fool to think otherwise.

If they were coming lawfully, they wouldn’t be doing this in Panama.   They’re coming ILLEGALLY because they want no records of them being in the country! No records of who they are, where they will be staying, or for how long.


Americans with guns need to start thinking to themselves “What if war breaks out and these people actually DO start attacking us from within?  AM I ABLE TO SHOOT A HUMAN BEING TO DEFEND MY COUNTRY?”

Few normal people in any country, have had to contemplate shooting another human being.  Even fewer have ever had to do it.   It’s a big deal to do that.  On an emotional and intellectual level, killing another human being is a tremendously big deal.  It takes a considerable amount of thinking — in advance — to figure out if YOU are capable of actually doing that.

If you are, in a combat/fight/life-threatening situation, fine.

If you’re “not sure” then you’d better think long and hard, NOW, before any confrontation occurs.  Because if you’re not sure . . . and, God Forbid, war comes . . . then YOU will get killed BY THEM in the moments you hesitate to shoot them.

None of us want war.  I certainly don’t.  Especially not here, inside my own country.  But it sure looks as though that is exactly what’s coming.


I retired at 49, 6 years ago. Top 4 lessons for a successful transition from a rewarding career:

  1. Don’t buy things that don’t include potential for building a community and friendships. Floating in a wakeboard boat alone is not much fun
  2. 180 degree shift of focus from wealth to health. Read books on nutrition. Take cooking classes. Take college courses on nutrition and wellness.
  3. Pick a big goal that few have accomplished. Make the plan to attain. Write it down. Do the work. It took 2 years to train, completed two full Ironman races with my adult kids last summer. Next up Ironman Portugal.
  4. Hang out your shingle. Never say retired. “I’m a consultant”. Offer your services and advice to a start up venture-even if you get paid in free lunches!
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main qimg 82fd75e850a669af5534ef1dd3438bc4

In a nutshell, the skills one learns during a working life will be essential to flourish in retirement. We only get one shot at life.

80s Time Capsule – Tribute to 80’s Entertainment

This is pretty darn good!

I am from Taiwan.

With some pseudo-research, one might come up with some statistics from dubious sources to pretend to answer your question, but one needs to realize that questions of this ilk are utterly irrelevant and useless in providing any insight into the ongoing Taiwan question.

Yours is the wrong question to ask.

Can Taiwan reunite peacefully with China?

I was born and grew up in Taiwan. I have never lived in mainland China, and do not consider myself enamored with the CCP. I see answers here, totally off the mark, from quite a few fellow Taiwanese. They talk about how they love freedom or democracy, or how they hate the CCP, etc., as an argument for why Taiwan cannot re-unify with China, as if such criteria, or even what they prefer, had ever been a deciding factor in any similar situations in human history. I challenge them to cite a precedent to support their thesis. Quite the opposite, let me give you a few counter-examples to show how futile and useless your arguments are: CSA (The Confederate States of America), Catalonia, Scotland, Kurdistan, …… In all the above examples, the constituents of respective Countries (not Provinces) wanted freedom and democracy, hated the other country that denied their independence, and either completed or are on the verge of completing the democratic procedure to secede. Maybe you can tell me what happened to all of them, and how the international community acted toward their causes. There are happy stories as well. The USA, after paying a steep price in blood and fire, relied on its own struggle and sacrifice to earn its independence, not stealing it under the table by telling the world how they loved freedom or hated King George. That kind of childish whining never cuts it. More counterexamples: Algeria and Vietnam. Both countries achieved independence through bloody and brutal wars of independence from France, incurring a huge loss in lives and properties. And Taiwan, a mere province whose own Constitution still stipulates itself to be a part of China, and who repeatedly refused to even conduct an independence referendum, because its politicians deep down are only interested in using such excuses to oppress its people and steal their money, is in a much worse position to talk about seceding from China. Its case is much, much less defensible than the self-proclaimed independent countries (not provinces) of the CSA, the Catalan Republic, Kurdistan, or a future Scotland. Nobody is asking you what you want or what you like, or whom you hate. The question is whether it is conceivable that Taiwan will re-unify with China, or more accurately, whether it is likely that the Province of Taiwan of the Republic of China (ROC) will be absorbed back into the People’s Republic of China (PRC) through peaceful means. To put it another way, what is your reaction when a 6-year-old screams that she doesn’t want to go to school, or she wants to eat 10 ice creams all at once? I have addressed this question, more on-point, here: And, if a peaceful re-unification is not possible, here are the three options faced by the people of the Province of Taiwan, Republic of China, all equally honorable in my opinion: I also have much more comprehensive background information on this issue in the following links, and nested links therein:

Let me ask you this:

  • How many Catalonians considered themselves Spanish in 2018? Does it matter at all?
  • How many citizens of the Confederate States of America (CSA) considered themselves citizens of the USA in 1863? Does it matter at all?
  • How many Kurds considered themselves Syrians, or Turks, or Iraqis in 2010? Does it matter at all?
  • How many Scots consider themselves British? Does it matter at all?

In most of the above, they not only considered to be someone else, but they also voted democratically to become someone else!

Does it matter at all?

And this might surprise you. Every single Taiwanese voted in multiple democratic elections in the past two and half decades to send multiple parties into office. All these parties (KMT or DPP) have

  • Chosen to uphold its Constitution, which stipulates in no uncertain terms that Taiwan is a province of China, and national re-unification is the ultimate goal, despite many rounds of Constitutional revisions on other issues,
  • Chosen to prosecute diplomatic relations with the entire world in the capacity of the Republic of China (ROC), with Taiwan being only one of its 35 provinces and two autonomous regions,
  • Chosen to repeatedly strike down motions to conduct referendum on independence, even disciplining party members who stepped out of line,
  • Chosen to maintain the appellation “Republic of China” for all its governmental units in all three branches, its military, its central bank, its passport, its state owned businesses, its public schools, etc..

These parties, on opposing ends of the spectrum, have both won landslide victories during the past 25 years, giving them impressive mandates each time in turn. Together, the two parties enjoy probably over 80% of the popular support*. Think hard about this fact!

The conclusion that one must draw from the above facts is clear, that Yes, the people in Taiwan do consider themselves Chinese.

Otherwise, you cannot explain the above facts. There is simply no other explanation!

How does it go? If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, ,……? And a very “democratic”, a very “self-determining” duck at that.

I implore all you foreigners, to please respect the will of the Taiwanese people, if you agree Taiwan is a self-determining democracy. They have spoken, loud and clear. Please! Be consistent!

But then, don’t forget, as I said, it doesn’t really matter what the Taiwanese think either. Just ask the CSA, the Catalonians, the Kurds, and the Scots in a couple of years.

* The remaining 20% mostly goes to the TPP, which is yet to win a major election, but also upholds all the principles listed above. (Sorry to disappoint you?)

Pla Nung Khing Sai Het
(Steamed Fish with Ginger and Mushrooms – Thai)

Traditionally this is prepared with the fish known in the West as a pomfret, but any similar (flat) fish will do.

2023 04 16 16 50
2023 04 16 16 50

The traditional recipe calls for phak kaat dong (pickled Chinese cabbage). In the highly likely event that you don’t have this on hand, the best substitute is probably pickled red cabbage.



  • Pomfret (or any similar flat fish


  • 1 large field mushroom, thinly sliced,
  • 2 tablespoons grated ginger
  • 2 tablespoons phak kaat dong, thinly sliced (see above)
  • 1 tablespoon prik chi fa daeng, sliced (red jalapeno)
  • 2 scallions/spring onions/green onions, finely sliced
  • 2 tablespoons fish sauce
  • 1 tablespoon light soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon kapi (shrimp paste)
  • 1 teaspoon prik thai (ground black pepper)
  • 1 tablespoon whiskey (optional, but, if omitted, add 1 tablespoon fish stock)


  1. Clean the fish and score the sides with several cuts to allow the marinade to penetrate.
  2. This is steamed, and as such is best done in a bamboo steamer, because in a metal steamer condensation on the lid drips onto the food, and marks it, spoiling the appearance, and also possibly affecting the cooking process (fish is best steamed in “dry” steam). If you use a metal steamer you should cover the fish with a paper towel which is not in contact with the fish. Alternatively you can cook this dish in a microwave, using low to medium power.
  3. Mix the Marinade ingredients and rub them into the fish, leaving it to marinade for about an hour in a cool place.
  4. Transfer the fish, and the marinade, on a dish large enough to hold it, to a bamboo steamer (see note above), and steam for about 20 to 25 minutes (if microwaving, cook until the flesh adjacent to the bones is cooked, allowing it to rest for 1 minute after each 3 minutes cooking before testing).

US Troops on the Ground in Ukraine

It’s official – the US is at war with Russia. This is no longer a proxy war regardless of whether an official declaration has been made.

Washington confirmed that there is “a small U.S. military presence,” but only made the admission after the Pentagon data leak.

National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby insists American soldiers are not fighting on the battlefield.

“I won’t talk to the specifics of numbers and that kind of thing. But to get to your exact question, there is a small U.S. military presence at the embassy in conjunction with the Defense Attachés office to help us work on accountability of the material that is going in and out of Ukraine,” Kirby said, claiming the troops are connecting to a specific embassy. The initial data leak showed that there are also at least 50 troops from the UK on the ground in Ukraine, along with military personnel from 33 NATO nations.

The New York Times reported on Monday morning that NATO members are amassing their troops along the border. “NATO is rapidly moving from what the military calls deterrence by retaliation to deterrence by denial. In the past, the theory was that if the Russians invaded, member states would try to hold on until allied forces, mainly American and based at home, could come to their aid and retaliate against the Russians to try to push them back,” Steven Erlanger wrote.

But NATO is going on the offensive rather than the defensive this time around. “To prevent that, to deter by denial, means a revolution in practical terms: more troops based permanently along the Russian border, more integration of American and allied war plans, more military spending and more detailed requirements for allies to have specific kinds of forces and equipment to fight, if necessary, in pre-assigned places,” the journalist wrote.

The war in Ukraine has already cost more than any war since World War II. Ukraine is not a NATO member, and there has never been a situation where NATO prepared its troops to battle a country unaffiliated with its alliance. Russia is completely backed into a corner now and the war must escalate. Putin will not retreat or surrender.

Russia does not have the option to surrender as the world powers would swoop in and take over the nation, including its very valuable resources, which they’ve wanted all along. Zelensky is no longer running the show, and the global elites will decide how quickly to escalate this battle.

Countless men, women, and children will die, all for the pride of a few who want to destroy the world to Build Back Better.

90s Time Capsule – A Tribute to 90’s Entertainment


US warship sails through Taiwan Strait days after China drills

A US warship sailed through the waters separating Taiwan and mainland China, the US Navy said, days after Beijing staged war games around the self-ruled island.

2023 04 18 11 46
2023 04 18 11 46

Led by the United States, multiple Western navies regularly conduct “freedom of navigation operations” to assert the international status of regional waterways such as the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea.

The USS Milius guided-missile destroyer “conducted a routine Taiwan Strait transit April 16 (local time) through waters where high-seas freedoms of navigation and overflight apply in accordance with international law”, the US Navy said in a statement.

“The ship transited through a corridor in the Strait that is beyond the territorial sea of any coastal State.” This was the first such US operation through the waterway since January.

The US 7th Fleet shared images Monday on Twitter of crew looking out into the strait, one of the most crucial waterways in the world for international shipping.

China said on Monday it had tracked a US warship through the Taiwan Strait, adding that the United States had “hyped up” the transit.

Colonel Shi Yi, a Chinese military spokesman, said troops in the area “remain on a high level of alert at all times and will resolutely defend national sovereignty and security as well as regional peace and stability”.

China claims Taiwan as its territory and has vowed to bring the island under its control one day. It also claims the entire Taiwan Strait as its territorial waters.

China launched three days of military exercises around Taiwan on April 8, simulating targeted strikes and a blockade of the island.

The drills were in response to Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen’s recent visit to the United States, where she met with Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy.

“The Eastern Theater Command of the Chinese PLA fully monitored the US warship’s passing operations, maintaining a high-level alert at all times and resolutely defending national sovereignty and security,” a spokesperson said via the Global Times.

Beijing bristles at any official contact between Taipei and foreign governments. On the final day of last week’s drills, Taiwan’s defence ministry said 54 Chinese planes crossed into Taiwan’s southwestern and southeastern air defence identification zone (ADIZ) — the highest recorded in a single day since October 2021.

That same day, the USS Milius sailed through waters claimed by Beijing in the South China Sea.

That deployment triggered condemnation from China, which said the vessel had “illegally intruded” into its territorial waters.



Since the war games ended, Chinese warships and aircraft have continued to circle Taiwan.

On Monday, Taipei’s defence ministry said it had detected four warships and 18 aircraft, four of which had crossed its southwestern ADIZ.

The guided-missile destroyer USS Chung-Hoon sailed through the Taiwan Strait on January 5, months after McCarthy’s predecessor Nancy Pelosi visited the island.

Pelosi’s trip sparked China’s largest-ever war games around Taiwan.

Do you know what this reminds me of?

The neighbor down the street taking his dog to go shit in my flower garden.

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