We have a great selection of factories all over Asia to include Russia, China, and SE Asia to make, design, fabricate parts and components related to the hunting and fishing industry. Due to export conditions, there are numerous products that we cannot make, but there are many that we can make.
Category: Electronics
We are able to manufacture, source, and supply solar power energy systems with over 58 client factories.
We are able to source, manufacture, supply and ship solar power energy systems for both home, residential, and business use. We have the background, the skills, the engineers and the technologies to make it happen.
We manufacture modular sub-assemblies for the construction industry with our network of 46 client factories
What we do is fabricate sub-assemblies to print, and then have them assembled in construction projects in the West. These sub-assemblies include complete balconies, and balustrade projects, elevator and escalator systems, large complex motorized doors, access systems, HVAC, LED marquees, and complete building facing projects.
We source and supply inexpensive motorized tri-wheel pickup trucks with over 37 client factories
This is a very special product segment that we handle. Most industrialized Western nations do not bother with this segment, as they have customers willing to plop down $50,000 for a new truck. This product however is different. The vehicles are small and simple, relatively inexpensive, easily up-gradable, tri-wheel, trucks. These vehicles are sold throughout the emerging nations globally. These are probably the first major purchases that otherwise poor or below-middle class people can afford. They might not have air conditioning, anti-lock brakes, and full-leather interiors, but they are reliable, robust and inexpensive. We can source, design and manufacture these products, and have them shipped to you effortlessly to meet your local demands.
We make & source quality mirrors with over 27 partner factories
We work with mirror factories and source mirrors for the consumer product segment. These mirrors are not your “average” run-of-the-mill mirrors. They are unique. Mirrors have been around for a long time, but today the mirrors that you can use are quite different from mirrors that your parents used to buy. These mirrors use new process, new materials and new systems making them robust, have a longer life, integrates with other systems, and are very beautiful.
We can design and source all types of UPS & Power Supplies with over 56 active factory suppliers
We can source, design and manufacture all types of UPS systems, and portable power supplies. UPS stands for “Uninterruptible Power Supply” and are useful to prevent a computer system from crashing during a “brown out” event. But with the various improvements in technology, comes a new range of products that are useful instead of backup generators. We work with factories on these “state of the art” systems.