For the longest time, my wife and I had a little dog. His name was PP. He was a good little guy, really… he was a really GOOD dog. He passed on last year, and I do miss him.
Anyways… when the wife and I lived in Shenzhen we would take him out for walks. He went everywhere with us. That is, long before he got old, and senile. Poor fella.
One day it might be me.
It will happen to all of us. Sadly.
Anyways, one night we went to a restaurant and were drinking beer. It was a new local restaurant in the heart of the “Louhu village” area. Lots and lots of local eating establishments. And so there we were. Eating. Drinking. Chatting.
When suddenly ol’ PP got up and was shaking like a leaf. His tail was between his legs and he started whimpering and shaking uncontrollably. Whimpering, and trembling.
“What’s wrong with PP?”, we asked. But he only got worse.
So we packed up, and we left.
Ah. We left.
Turned out that the restaurant was serving dogs that day. Not feeding them. No.
They were killing them, skinning them on the spot. Then, cooking them, and serving them to other patrons at the restaurant.
Boiled dog heads and internal organs. Roasted dog legs.
Ah. We had no idea.
Poor PP, he probably thought that he was next on the menu.
Rest in Peace little guy.
What psychological knowledge could save a life?
It is late, on a street in Copenhagen.
A man approaches another. He punches him to the face, knocking him to the ground.
The victim falls, cracks his head on the pavement and is unconscious.
The attacker doesn’t stop. He kicks the prone man 47 times to his body and stamps on his skull.
They catch the incident on CCTV cameras. There are many passers-by. It might be late, but the street is busy. It might be dark, but there is sufficient street lighting to see. Despite the brutal assault lasting a few minutes, nobody makes any attempt to stop the man.
It has psychologists puzzled; Why did no-one intervene?
This CCTV footage was one of 81 incidents being examined by researchers conducting an observational study into the ‘bystander effect’.
From viewing the footage, they pick out 764 bystanders who saw and heard a fellow human being assaulted… but they stood back and did nothing.
Not one of those people came to any of the victims’ aid.
‘Diffusion of responsibility’.
The bystander first notices the situation, correctly labels this is an emergency, assumes responsibility for helping, decides how to help and implements the decision to help – at least, that is how most people would react on their own.
But this is different, there are other people present.
Being in a crowd interferes with this process.
When alone, defining a situation is straightforward because we use our own judgment, whereas in a group of strangers, a process known as ‘social comparison’ takes place where everyone looks to other’s reactions to define the situation.
If others lack worry or do nothing, the likelihood of the victim being helped is significantly reduced.
We assume others will take responsibility.
The burden of responsibility is diluted among the number of bystanders present at the scene.
‘Someone else will phone the police.’
‘Someone else will be more qualified to help than me.’
‘No-one else is doing anything, it can’t be that serious.’
The more people there are, the less likely you are to get involved.
But now you know about the bystander effect.
The next time you come across someone collapsed in the street, YOU be the one to phone for an ambulance.
If you see a pick-pocket steal a wallet shout, ‘Stop thief’.
If someone’s life is in danger, tap the nearest person to you and say, ‘We need to help that guy.’ The touch is enough to snap people out of inaction.
Enlist the help of other bystanders. Tell them what to do – it is in our nature to respond to direct requests. Check they understand what you are asking, even if it is a simple request, getting a ‘yes’ reinforces the request and makes people more likely to stick to the plan. Ask others to keep an eye out for trouble/police/ambulance. People need a purpose, even if it is doing nothing.
Your actions might save a life.

“Last year, China registered one of the highest growth rates among the major economies and accounted for over 30 percent of global growth as before.
This was due both to the hard work of the Chinese people and to international cooperation.
China has come to where it is today after overcoming all kinds of difficulties and challenges.
China did not collapse as predicted by the ‘China collapse theory,’ nor will it peak as forecasted by the ‘China peak theory.’
We will continue to advance high-quality development and Chinese modernization, enable the Chinese people to live a better life, and contribute more to sustainable development in the world.
We have the confidence and determination that China’s development has a bright future.”
Excerpt from the speech by Chinese President Xi Jinping during a meeting with representatives of U.S. Business, Strategic and Academic Communities, March 27, 2024.
The Reconquest Of American Culture
Colorado Red Chili

- 3 to 4 pounds pork tenderloin or pork roast.
- 1 pound ground pork
- 12 to 15 whole New Mexico green chiles, roasted and peeled (or 5 or 6 cans whole green chiles)
- 2 or 3 jalapeños for heat
- 2 medium white or yellow onions
- 2 cups chicken stock
- 1 teaspoon cumin
- 1 teaspoon oregano
- 1-2 cloves garlic
- 1/4 cup flour
- 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
- 2 whole tomatoes, cut into 1 inch chunks (or used canned diced tomatoes)
- 1 potato, shredded (optional)
- Cut pork tenderloin (or roast) into 1/2 inch cubes and coat with the flour, salt and pepper. Brown in skillet with small amount of oil until pork is well browned. Remove and set aside.
- Brown ground pork in same skillet and drain excess grease.
- Chop onions into large sections and add to skillet along with the garlic to sweat. Add 1 cup of the chicken stock to deglaze the pan.
- In a large pot add the above pan mixture along with the pork.
- Chop green chiles into 1 inch slices and add to the big pot along with the remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil then simmer slowly for 2 to 3 hours.
- Serve with grated yellow cheese and tortillas or use to smother rellenos, burritos, chimichangas, enchiladas, or use in breakfast burritos.
Why A $100,000 Salary Can’t Buy The American Dream
What are 10 things police officers wish they could tell you, but can’t?
- Guys: keep your dicks out of other men’s wives. Of course you can expect some trouble in your life from the husband. You are just begging for it. You aren’t rescuing her from anything. Let her sort her crap out for herself before you make things more complicated by getting yourself involved.
- Girls: if he is cheating on her with you, he is going to cheat on you with the next one. You are nothing special. Just the next one in the chain. And that new girl is going to think that you are just as trashy as you think the one he is with now is.
- If you have a radar detector in your car, you have had enough warnings already. You are getting a ticket.
- I don’t care who you know. I have a job to do. If you really do know someone who matters to me, word will get back to them that I am doing my job.
- Yes, you really did do a very stupid thing. You made a lousy choice and now you are going to suffer the consequences.
- If you ask for a fight and get one, you don’t get to file charges against the person who beat the crap out of you just because you lost.
- People who do drugs get into some really stupid shit. Sometimes pretty nasty shit as well.
- Hey, you know those people around you called friends and family? They do care and the stupid crap you get into affects them as well.
- Parents, your kids are your responsibility, not ours. If you didn’t care where they were or what they were doing hanging out at 3 am with other kids you don’t know, it’s not our fault that something really bad happened to them. And stop telling them that we will take them to jail if they don’t listen to you. And what the hell do you think you are doing letting someone else’s kid stay in your place all night without knowing or talking to the kid’s parents?
- If you complain about parking and bad driving in your neighborhood, you are not exempt from getting a ticket because you were the one who complained. You should be happy that your complaint is getting a response.
White House Officially Makes Side Hustle ILLEGAL
This is ridiculous! How else are we supposed to get ahead in this greedy, evil and narcissistic ass country! As hard as it is to make ends meet in America. This will make things harder! I’m sick of these crooked politicians creating laws that take makes it harder for the people who are trying to get ahead! “The land of the free” was just a catch phrase America is turning into a dictatorship.
What if every single nuclear nation emptied their nukes on China before they could respond? If China is such a threat and their leadership needs to die, why don’t we just kill them and be done with it?
Fortunately distance even if you park the SSBNs off the coast of Tianjin means we’d have about 4 minutes to respond.
Those 4 minutes means we can activate a total launch since it’s use it or lose it. There would be literally no time to call for a clarification like with a continental launch which gives 25 minutes to call ask what’s going on.
So we’d be obliterated but our missiles would be in the upper atmosphere and land in your towns and cities about 17 minutes later.
What’s the most questionable cost-cutting move you’ve seen an employer make?
Two weeks on the job and I found that I needed another yellow pad for client notes. I asked my manager, “hey, can I get a yellow pad? And is it possible to get a mechanical pencil instead of a #2 pencil I have to sharpen? The led makes huge stains on my shirts
And I hate to complain, but can I get an optical mouse instead of a rolling ball mouse? The rolling ball always stutters which impacts my productivity”
“yeah – you have to go ask the office manager”
I walk down the hall to ask the office manager and tell her what I need.
“Can I get an optical mouse?”
“all right. Can I get a mechanical pencil so I don’t have to constantly sharpen my pencil and so my shirts don’t get stained”
“Sorry, we don’t provide those”
“Well – ok. I do need another yellow pad. Can I get a few?”
“Yes – follow me”
We proceeded to walk down the hallways of the high-rise we were in at the time. Mind you that this is the most expensive space in all of Sacramento:

Scary office manager went into the managing partner’s office and grabbed keys from inside of his desk (Weird) and took me into the file room.
“What do you need now”
“I need a pencil and a yellow pad”.
She then proceeded to unlock a file room door as if it were the gates to Fort Knox. Inside of it were valuable items such as:
- The cost of a box of 12 #2 pencils: $2.39
- The cost of a box of a dozen yellow pads: $12.39
- The cost of 40 AAA batteries – $20
The cost of treating your employees like 4 year olds to the point where 40% of them quit the company over a 15 month time span: Priceless
America’s economy is failing
Who is the Beijing official in charge of managing Hong Kong affairs?
The Beijing official in charge of Hong Kong affairs is Zhang Dejiang 张德江。
Under the “one country, two systems” approach, Hong Kong is supposed to be independent when it comes to making internal decisions, but when it comes to foreign affairs and defense, it is under Beijing.
In fact though, many important decisions have to pass consultation with the Office of Hong Kong and Macau Affairs, of which Zhang is director. The Office of Hong Kong and Macau Affairs is like a sub-ministry set up to manage relations with these two areas because they do not fall under Chinese domestic control, and reports directly to the State Council, China’s cabinet. In the case of Hong Kong and Macau, they are special administrative regions (SARs) of the People’s Republic.
In addition to handling Hong Kong affairs, Zhang is the third ranking member of the Politburo Standing Committee, being only two steps away from Chinese president Xi Jinping. He is also chairman of the National People’s Congress, and deputy head of the National Security Commission, which is chaired by President Xi Jinping. (The National Security Commission is a new body modeled on the US National Security Council, and started by President Xi Jinping two years ago.)
This means that Zhang is really, really important in the Chinese party and government hierarchy. Basically, he is the third most important person who runs China.
CY Leung, who is Hong Kong’s chief executive, likely reports to Zhang Dejiang on a daily basis, especially following the demonstrations in Hong Kong. Another way of looking at it is that CY Leung is Zhang Dejiang’s front man in Hong Kong. CY Leung cannot make any important decisions about the protests without first consulting Zhang, who would then report to Chinese president Xi Jinping.
Zhang Dejiang is originally from Liaoning in northeastern China, and went to university in North Korea. That’s right, North Korea.
After finishing university, he was made deputy party secretary of Jilin, which borders North Korea. (The deputy party secretary would be like lieutenant governor in a US state.) His first major challenge was dealing with the issue of refugees from North Korea into China.
Later, he was made party secretary of Zhejiang province (like a US governor). Zhejiang has a very lively private sector; Alibaba, which just went public in the US, is from Zhejiang province.
In 2002, he was made party secretary for Guangdong, which borders Hong Kong. As party secretary in Guangdong, he worked with the Hong Kong government to make travel and transport between Guangdong and Hong Kong more convenient for business people. He also worked with Hong Kong’s leading business people on their factories and investments in Guangdong, and providing support for their investments. This way, he built a working relationship with many of the tycoons who play a leading role in Hong Kong’s economy.
He also met with many of the leaders of Hong Kong’s democracy movement.
In July 2011, he dealt with the cleanup following the Wenzhou train disaster. In March 2012, following the sacking of Chongqing party secretary Bo Xilai (who was later sentenced to life in prison), he was appointed Chongqing party secretary.
After successfully cleaning up in Chongqing, he was appointed to several senior positions by Chinese president Xi Jinping.
Chinese president Xi Jinping heavily relies on two people: Vice Premier Wang Qishan, who has managed the party anti-corruption campaign which has taken down so many Communist party officials and Zhang Dejiang, for everything else. You might say that Wang Qishan handles party affairs and party discipline, while Zhang Dejiang handles non-party affairs. Both of these men have proven themselves by successfully cleaning up messes; this is their value to President Xi Jinping.
The party anti-corruption campaign has been especially tough: there are reports that there have been six assassination attempts against President Xi Jinping by party insiders under investigation, or who fear investigation. The travel itinerary for Vice Premier Wang Qishan is a state secret, just for this reason. In speeches to party members, President Xi Jinping has repeatedly stated that it is impossible for the party to be defeated by outside enemies; the only way it can collapse is because of a breakdown of internal party discipline. He has also said that he is prepared to sacrifice his own life in re-establishing party discipline.
If you want to understand how Beijing is going to react to the democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong, Zhang Dejiang is the man to watch.
Read this for more on Zhang Dejiang
Am I the only one?
What subtle behavior makes a person more attractive?
1. When someone hands them an object with both of their hands, attractive people receive it with both of their hands as well.
2. They can remember details such as a birthday date. It’s always good to know that someone has taken the time to memorize things.
3. They maintain grace and joy, even in difficult circumstances. And positivity can be contagious.
4. Occasional vulnerability. People rarely bond with others with whom they cannot relate. We all love humans, not flawless, robotic beings.
5. They take care of themselves. When people start taking care of themselves, they start feeling better, looking better, and even start attracting better.
6. “You are what you eat” holds true for them. Also, people are what they read, watch, and the company they keep, including who they choose to date. If you’d like to improve your dating game, try this platform.
7. They can keep a secret. (An important one.)
8. They greet people by name. Likable people make certain they use others’ names every time they see them.
9. Ask thoughtful questions. People like to know that others are listening, and a question shows that not only are they listening, they also care about what they’re saying.
10. Less is more when it comes to online social media profiles. Showing fewer things can make people more attractive.
America is beyond gone
What is your worst experience in life?
Having to survive as a child, without support.
My Mom killed herself 3 weeks before my 6th birthday and my family fell apart. Up until then, I had a great life. I was the youngest of 4 siblings, had 4 sets of Aunts/Uncles/cousins and my Grandma. They were all local and we interacted frequently. We went to Grandma’s every Sunday and one of my Aunts was so close she would discipline /care for us just like our mom.
By my birthday, my Dad was dating one of the casserole ladies from church (they were bringing us dinner). I remember she bought me gifts. This may be when everyone bailed. My oldest brother (17yrs) left home and lived on the streets. My grandma and one Aunt/Uncle set moved to Vegas. My dad then married a slightly insane woman with 2 children of her own. She was cruel and seemed to want to destroy us kids. We pretty much never saw or heard from anyone again.
We were not adequately fed, clothed or cared for. My stepmother divided us siblings and pitted us against each other. She taught her children to torture us physically and emotionally, as well. It was bad. My dad played stupid and claimed helplessness. If we went to him, we got it worse the next day.
So began my journey of survival. I knew how to find bottles for deposit in trash cans and when I discovered food there too, I knew I was onto something. A year or so later, I learned I could get clothes from the school lost and found. I begged for food during lunch at school and I learned to steal food (candy, I must admit) from stores. After school I would hang around people that had mom’s who would feed me or I’d just hide in the bushes until I had to go into the house. I had to avoid my stepmother and step sisters at all costs at all times. If you were noticed, you were fucked.
This was 1970 and I guess the schools were not aware enough yet to get involved. I know it was pretty obvious that something was a off. I didn’t know how to brush my hair or teeth and it showed. My hair was literally a dirty mass of rats, my clothing – you can imagine, and my behavior was atrocious (I started acting out and bullying by 3rd grade).
I pretty much stumbled through my early life this way. I did not know how to interact so I never really had friends. I never paid attention in class or did any of the assignments and no one said a thing. I started babysitting and doing odd jobs for neighbors at 9yrs, which helped because I could buy things like shampoo or socks. I just had to be damn sure no one caught on or I would be fucked. If I had anything (anything!) it was destroyed and I was tortured. One day, a neighbor man called me into his garage and cut my hair for me. Of course, my stepmother’s rage was viscous and violent. After she was done she took scissors and destroyed my haircut.
I dropped out of high school and ended up couch surfing and slightly homeless until I could save enough money for an apartment at ~20 years old.
So now that I could manage my basic survival, it was time to learn how to interact with the world. I had the social skills of a traumatized 6 year old. I’m 53 now and still have a lot to learn about relationships and self care, but I know I’m not alone in that boat 🙂
Shout out for all the help and resources that I’ve had over the years. I do believe that I would not have made it without the generosity of others….mostly relative strangers who never asked for anything in return. One man cut my hair, one man co-signed a car loan, hundreds fed me. I could go on and on.
Thanks for listening.
Can’t afford to live
What pissed you off today?
I had gone to an ATM some time ago. It is located at an arcade/mall which is very popular with people of all ages. Lots of youngsters hang around this place till late at night.
On my way back I saw a florist and stopped to browse through some flower arrangements. One pani puri (savory dish) vendor is very close to this shop. A lady came there with a small boy of around five/six years and asked the vendor for one plate of pani puri. The boy was giving instructions to the vendor loudly and excitedly. That’s what attracted my attention. The lady and child were dressed in very ordinary, slightly tattered clothes. They were a little unkempt and disheveled in appearance. But the incessant chatter of the boy was super cute.
I was tempted by the smells too. So, decided to get a plate of chaat (street food) packed for the family. While I was waiting for my turn, two girls came there. They placed their order and then gesturing towards the mother son duo, told the guy “Inko dur karo pehle” (Move them away first)!
Whoa man! Did I hear correctly? This was my first reaction. Who did they think they were? Their snobbish attitude pissed me off big time! But, before I could utter a single word at their uncalled for behaviour, the vendor told them “Madam, inko abhi time lagega. Aap dusri jagah chale jao” (Serving them will take time. You proceed to some other vendor). And then, he calmly continued to hand out pani puris to the little munchkin.
A befitting reply by an unassuming, awesome guy! The girls stomped off. Their retreating backs made my chaat more delicious :p
Federal Reserve is a for-profit agency used by the oligarchy to keep Americans imprisoned
What has your kid or a young kid you know said that made you think they were reincarnated?
I never gave reincarnation a second thought until my son was about 2 1/2 , maybe 3.
I recall that he began talking very early, and had an extensive vocabulary by the time he was 2 yrs old. Adults were awed by him. My Mom even called him an “old soul”.
Anyways, one winter night, we were driving home from a family gathering. It was my son, his father, and I in the car. I was driving. He was bundled up in his car seat & I thought, fast asleep.
Suddenly, his little voice piped up: “Mommy, you’re afraid of bridges”. At the time, I was deathly afraid of crossing bridges & had been my whole life, but it was not something I’d ever discussed with my 2 yr old.
Curious where this was going, I said that yes, I was afraid of bridges. He asked if I knew why. I tried to play it off as something silly, then he continued.
“When I was big & you were little, a car got crashed up on a bridge. It was upside down, all the glass was ‘brokened’ and you were ‘blooding’. I couldn’t save you and I was so sad”. His tone of voice was beyond somber. It was sorrowful, brokenhearted, even. And though I can’t explain it, something in the barest bones of my soul just felt as though this was the truth. Tears were rolling down my face even as he told the story.
His dad and I exchanged glances. Very much a “what was that!?” moment, and I remember pulling over to the side of the road. We looked to the backseat, but our son was already sound asleep once again.
Later that week, I asked if he remembered telling me a story about a bridge. He looked up at me, sighed, and said “I don’t like to talk about what happened on the bridge. Don’t ask me anymore” .
In that moment I felt as though I was no longer talking to a 2 or 3 yr old. His demeanor was more of an older, defeated man. I was so sad for him that I never brought it up again.
This was not the only thing he said that gave me pause to question reincarnation & the afterlife. But it is the most memorable.
What strange law did you accidentally break when you were in a foreign country?
I got arrested in Jordan at rifle point, for snapping a photo of the U.S. Embassy in Amman. It looked like a giant microwave oven from the outside. Concrete barriers and metal barriers, barbed wire. I wanted to capture how surreal it was.
I didn’t know you can’t photograph the U.S. Embassy without permission, for security reasons. I was just standing around, waiting for my fellow journalists to finish breakfast at our hotel. I fired off a few shots.
The next thing I knew, a Jordanian soldier in a brown uniform was pointing a rifle at me and shouting in Arabic. He looked young and jittery—and that made me jittery. The rifle bobbed up and down.
Then he used a lot of hand gestures, forcing me inside the embassy. He followed behind me, the rifle at my back.
We went through what looked like an airline terminal, with all kinds of metal barriers, until we got to a booth where a U.S. Marine in military uniform was stationed. I showed him my U.S. passport.
“Give me your backpack,” he said.
Rats! I had tampons in the backpack. Anything to do with a woman’s body is just weird in the Middle East. It’s like you don’t want to have a body if you’re female. Although Jordan is more secular than most countries in that region, we’d been warned—and warned about how to dress.
Cover your legs. Wear blouses that hide your armpits. Don’t expose yourself.
Amman, the Jordanian capital, was a terrible place to run short of tampons. The day before, I’d had to ask a female guide to come with me, into a huge marketplace, down into a beehive of stores before we finally found a box. They were kept behind a counter, under lock and key. From the looks of disapproval, you would think I’d asked for heroin.
The Marine examined my passport and then emptied my backpack onto the counter. When the tampons tumbled out, his face turned red. He tried not to laugh. Same with the Jordanian.
“Why are you here?” the Marine asked.
“I just wanted to take a picture of the U.S. Embassy. It’s my embassy. Why can’t I do that?” I showed him my stupid little point and shoot camera. “Do you really think a terrorist would use a ridiculous camera like that?”
He shook his head. He laughed.
“Ma’am, you’re a U.S. citizen. You can do anything you want to in this embassy.”
He gestured to the Jordanian soldier, who escorted me out, without the rifle pointed at my back. It turned out he spoke a little English. We had a nice talk about how some of his family members wanted to immigrate to the U.S. Indeed, when we finally got outside, he showed me a long line of people waiting to apply for U.S. visas.
Then I looked across the street and saw the other journalists. They stared at me, open-mouthed. What the hell?
I wanted to join them, but the Jordanian soldier held me back.
“Please,” he said, with a courtly gesture. Then he smiled and waved toward the embassy. He insisted I photograph that hideous building from every possible angle. Then, at last, he let me go.
The other journalists were very jealous that I got arrested. They wanted to know every single detail. They could not get over it.
During the next week, we went to so many magnificent places—Petra, Jerash, Wadi Rum, Aqaba, Madaba, Aljoun. We sailed on the Red Sea. We had tea with Queen Noor, a transplanted American, at her private villa. We had fabulous food in seaside restaurants, on family farms, and in a Bedouin tent way out in the desert. Everything was fresh, delicious, beautifully scented—and new to us. Everybody was so nice. It was an amazing journey.
But late at night when we got to drinking, somebody would always say:
“Candace got arrested. We will never top that.”
What is the most savage revenge you’ve seen someone take on their ex?
This happened to a close friend of my best bud.
He was dating this girl for over 2 years. They were like the best looking couple I have ever seen. They were living together in his house. Her family loved him and was happy that their golden child found her soulmate.
One day he caught her texting her ex. He was reading all her messages from his iPad which was synced with her phone. It was a boundary that was established earlier and she crossed it. However, he didn’t break up with her.
He started taking screenshots of all the messages and pics. After a month or so later, she decided to meet her ex at Vegas using “girl’s night“ as an excuse. She arranged two of her friends to give her cover while she was in Vegas. The second her flight took off, he changed his locks. He blocked her number and all of her social media. He called us to his house to help him pack her stuff and drop it at her friends house who “was in Vegas”. As a final f-u to her, he went to her parent’s house and told them what had happened. He also showed them all the screenshots and pics. They couldn’t believe that their golden child would do something so evil.
Her parents hate her now. She is now roommates with some druggies. One of the friend who tried to give her cover was dumped by her boyfriend for being a part of this plan.
Would recommend doing this to your cheating partner.
EDIT: Wow! This blew up real fast.
Many of you are wondering why her parents would hate their own child. Cheating did make them mad. But what made them hate her were the texts where she trashed everyone including her parents. One of which made fun of her mother’s weight issue and gave her parent’s marriage 6 months time after which she would hire someone to seduce her Dad as “he deserved someone hotter than mom”. I should have made that clear.
Corporate treatment of YOU
Why did your son go to China for work?
My son did his Doctorate in the US and began his Post Doctoral Career there
It was strenuous
He had a 3 year Bond with MOE in Singapore for his Masters Degree for which he had a Grant from the MOE (MOE = Ministry of Education)
He also had loans during his Doctorate to fund his expenses in US
Plus every single year they had to write a grant application and their salaries were dependent on the grant
It was literally begging for money and cutting many aspects of research due to lack of grant money.
Sometimes his wife who taught Middle School Maths earned better than he did
Then he applied for a Job at the NTU School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences to teach Data Science and Artificial Intelligence to Bachelor of Computing Students
While asking for a reference, his Professor from NTU advised him to apply for the position of Senior Researcher in China working on Interfacing for Regression Algorithms (Whatever it means) and application of the same for Autonomous navigation systems
A Chinese company was funding research for 10 years at a Chinese University
He asked for my advise
I said go for it
The Chinese company paid off his full loans in US and Singapore as a Bonus with only 50% repayable at no interest across 5 years
No begging for Grant money every year. Fixed pay, allowances, able to save much more
His daughter gets full waiver on private school fees as the school is within the university campus for all foreign faculty children
So no school fees
No fear of student gangs or kids selling drugs in school or transgender students or teachers
He plans to work 10 years in China and then move to Singapore as an Associate Professor and get a Citizenship there (He is still a PR)
The only small flaw is
First his house is a flat which is around 1300 SFT and at a nominal rent of 800 RMB (Owned by the Company)
In US he had a larger independent house with a lawn and driveway.
Second is Mandarin
He gets free classes on Saturdays but it’s a tough language. His daughter picks up faster, much faster.
So basically for a better life
Postdocs in US at University don’t have it as good as Postdocs in the Private Sector
China is a career changing option
He still is part of a start up in US and while he had to sign a lot of papers for the same in US , he doesn’t have to in China
Standard Issue
Saltpeter. Yeah, they gave this to us in the ADC.
What are some psychological facts about attraction?
1. Love is a feeling, not a decision.
2. People always relate to a person that they love with their best songs.
3. The average male spends 43 minutes a day staring at 10 different women.
4. If you want to know whether someone likes you or not, try to make them laugh. If the laughter comes easy, the answer is yes.
5. When you’re drunk, you will rate people on a higher scale.
6. You are more likely to be attracted to someone you have no chance with.
7. To attract the right type when online dating, choose a right application
over improving your profile.
8. We are more likely to love or hate people that are very similar to us.
9. Women are more influenced and persuaded by a man’s sense of humor than his looks.
10. Women tend to feel loved when talking face-to-face with their partners whereas men prefer to play or talk side-by-side.
All men want this.
All of us.
“Rules-Based Order” Means Rules For Thee But Not For We
The “rules-based international order” that the US-centralized power structure purports to uphold just means an order in which the US makes up the rules and nations had better obey them.
Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
Israel’s allowed to bomb an Iranian consulate, but Iran’s not allowed to strike back. The US is allowed to surround China with war machinery, but it would be World War Three if China ever tried to militarily encircle the US. NATO is allowed to expand to Russia’s doorstep and amass proxy forces on its border, but the last time Moscow placed a credible military threat anywhere near the United States, the US responded so aggressively that the world almost ended.
The “rules-based international order” that the US-centralized power structure purports to uphold just means an order in which the US makes up the rules and nations had better obey them. It means rules for thee but not for me.
Democrats are currently committing genocide, pushing through terrifying NSA surveillance powers, and working to imprison a journalist for life for telling the truth about US war crimes, but it’s very important to support Biden because if Trump wins, fascism might come to America.
The Assange extradition case is like if the mafia was demanding a snitch be extradited to Italy and multiple nations collaborated with them to help make this happen, except in this case the snitch is a journalist who told the truth, and the mob happens to run a global superpower.
The imperial media are once again trotting out John Bolton to help sell the idea of war with Iran. This monster belongs in a cage, not on camera. The fact that the mainstream western press keep having this completely discredited bloodthirsty psychopath on their shows to advocate every possible US war proves that our entire civilization is diseased.
Israel’s actions over the last six months have made it abundantly clear that Biden’s stated goal of preventing the outbreak of more war in the middle east and his stated “ironclad” support for Israel are two mutually exclusive positions. You can do one or the other, but not both.
Outside the mainstream press the news about Ukraine is a nonstop deluge of stories about how badly things are going for them.
Here are some recent articles from
“Ukraine’s Top General Says Situation on the Battlefield Has ‘Significantly Worsened’” discusses Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi’s acknowledgement that Russia is making steady gains and that the frontlines in Ukraine are at risk of collapsing wherever Russia focuses its offensive.
“US General Says Russia’s Military Is Bigger Than Before Ukraine Invasion” quotes General Christopher Cavoli saying “The army is actually now larger — by 15% — than it was when it invaded Ukraine,” an acknowledgement that Washington’s stated goal of using this proxy war to “weaken” Russia has failed.
“Russia Quickly Restores Oil Refinery Capability Hurt By Ukrainian Attacks” discusses how badly Russia is damaging Ukraine’s energy infrastructure compared to the damage Ukraine has been able to deal to Russia’s.
Here are a couple more from The Libertarian Institute:
“US Official Admits Ukraine Proxy War Failing to Weaken Russia” features an acknowledgement from Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell that Russia has reconstituted nearly all of its military losses in Ukraine.
“Ukraine Tightens Rules on Military Service, Angering Soldiers” reports on how “Ukraine’s legislature advanced multiple new laws that tighten rules on conscription and extend military services for those already in uniform.”
It’s absolutely criminal how the west pushed this country into sacrificing a generation to a war they always knew was unwinnable.
So much suffering and loss has been caused by the way people decided a long time ago that killing one person is murder and therefore immoral but killing thousands of people is “war” and therefore fine. The actual act is the same; only the narrative and the scale are different.
Around the mid-1800s humanity began to notice it doesn’t make sense for a small group of rich people to own everything and for everyone else to continually give that group labor, rent and expenses just to stay alive, and ever since then the media, the mainstream culture and the foreign policy of the ruling class have been intensely devoted to aggressively erasing this realization from humanity’s memory.
Yes. This is very odd.
China wants to literally dig its way around geopolitical challenges
What are some human psychological facts everyone should know quite early in their life for a better future?
- When a woman no longer gets upset & frustrated with you, you can almost guarantee that she doesn’t care for you anymore.
- The pain that compels a man to remain silent is much more severe than pain that compels to shout.
- Even if they say they’re always there for you, sometimes you just can’t reach them.
- The world is full of players, be a game changer.
- The distance between your dream & reality is called action.
- Sometimes later becomes never, do it now.
- People who think they’re crazy enough to change the world are the ones who do.
- Never waste your feelings on someone who don’t value them.
- Appreciate what you’ve before it becomes what you had.
- Don’t tell people your plans. Show them your results.
- The only way to change who you’re is to change what you do.
- The older you get the calmer you get coz the older you get the more you realize none of the shit even matters.
- Don’t regret the things you’ve done. Regret the things you didn’t do when you had the chance.
- Sometimes it’s good to pretend that we don’t care.
American companies are looting Americans
New Mexico Chili con Carne

1 pound lean beef, coarsely ground
1 pound pork, coarsely ground
1/4 cup olive or peanut oil
1 onion, chopped coarsely
3 cloves garlic, crushed
1 (28 ounce) can tomatoes, run through a food processor
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon cilantro
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon salt
Pepper sauce, to taste
1 quart cooked pinto or kidney beans (optional)
Brown meat in hot oil in a large pot. Add onions and garlic while cooking.
Then add all other ingredients and three or more cups of water. Simmer for 1 1/2 hours until meat is tender.
Chili con Carne with Frijoles: Add the quart of cooked beans.
Chili con Queso: Stir in shredded Cheddar cheese or canned cheese sauce with jalapeño peppers.

[Commenting on remarks by UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron regarding the Iranian response to the Israeli attack on the Iran's Consulate in Damascus.] "I've learned something over the years—I know David Cameron personally, and I know a lot of British leaders. For a long time, I just loved listening to them because they speak English so beautifully. But what they say is so absurd, so stupid, yet it's so beautiful that it really had me fooled for many decades. The British are the worst at this; they're even worse than the Americans because they had a longer imperial reign. What empire does is make you so arrogant that you think you can say anything and squash anyone that opposes you. It becomes a game to see what you can say that's so outrageous but so authoritative that you can get away with it. And so, the British are the most hypocritical country in modern times. They're not the most powerful—they used to be the most powerful—but they're the most hypocritical because they had the most violent, militaristic empire in the modern world. They left behind all of these problems. Now, they want to be a sidekick of the United States, cheerleading on but with their good old imperial ideas. It's a kind of absurdity at this point, but it's a lot of nerve because—why are we in such a crisis in the Middle East? Because Britain wrecked the Middle East after World War I."
Excerpt from remarks by Professor Jeffrey Sachs, American economist and academic, in an interview with Judge Napolitano, April 16, 2024.
Americans are being Taxed to Death ….
Super loungin’
Have you ever caught someone in the act of stealing your car?
My former boss had bought a car when they were rolling out LoJack. They bought a ford explorer and got the LoJack added. They had just got LAPD up and running on the LoJack and they had the car for 6 months when one morning they let the dog out and saw their car drive off. They called the police the west valley lapd and lapd connected to the LoJack and they followed the car.
The car was tracked to Long Beach so lapd worked with LA county sheriff’s and California highway patrol and Long Beach police. The car was found by LoJack in a shipping container with several other stolen cars. The police were able to stop a large international stolen vehicle ring. They were able to link the container with several other containers.
The insurance company replaced the car and they buy LoJack with every car they buy. The car was held as evidence for the court cases. LoJack did what it was supposed to do. Since they happened to catch the car before the container was loaded on a ship they were able to put an end to a stolen car ring.
Around the same time there was a story in the Los Angeles times about a stolen Mazda that LoJack traced from Los Angeles to Mexico and with the Mexican police LoJack recovered the car in the living room of a house just outside of Tijuana. That car was returned to the owner.
There Will NEVER Be War With China For This ONE Reason Alone
China’s Xi Jinping holds a meeting with top American CEO’s.
What is the most badass thing your parent has ever done?
My mom was a nurse. A navy nurse. I’d always known that and we saw her give allergy shots to one of our neighbors’ kid in exchange for his mother making dresses for us girls. This lady had two boys but loved to sew girls clothes and taking her son to the doctor every couple of weeks for his allergy shots was expensive. However, my mom stayed home to raise her children after I was born because they had saved up enough from both of them working and living with my mother’s parents to finally buy a house. My grandmother had looked after my brother and sister while my mother worked but I’d never seen her in action up until that time.
Around 1975 or there abouts, all seven of us were off in the old, dented gold station wagon on some trip or another to visit grandparents. One set had retired to Florida and the other lived in Michigan, so each was a long road trip from the Washington DC area where we lived. I was about eight or nine at the time.
One hot afternoon, we were coming along a road, when we saw an accident. A man’s car had crashed and he stumbled out of the car into the road, covered in blood and broken glass. I wonder now if he didn’t go through the windshield. My mom made my dad pull over so to give aid. I remember her having him sit down in the back passenger seat beside her, after rearranging the five kids, and me sitting next to her on the seat, with her back turned to me while she treated him. I had never seen anything as scary as that horrible, bloody mess in my entire life. I remember my younger sisters in the station wagon’s rear- facing back seat crying quietly and hiding their eyes. I probably was too. We had to stay in the parked car because my parents didn’t want any of us wandering off. I remember my older brother and sister’s shocked faces looking over the backs of the seats watching as much as they could stand and my brother handing my mother tissues or paper towels as she barked out commands for supplies. She has always carried a pair of bandage scissors in her purse and still does to this day. I remember her demanding that my dad and brother find them and using them to cut down compresses to the size she wanted. I remember getting sick and having to open the car door to throw up on the side of the road into the dusty grass. Hardly any notice was taken of this since I was not the point of crisis. At some point after that, my dad drove us all to the nearest gas station to call for help, since this was way before the advent of cell phones. They told us that the police had been called and help was on the way but to take the man back to the accident site to meet the responders. I just remember my mother’s fierce calm as she daubed away the blood and had him hold pressure on bleeding cuts as she assessed the condition and ruffled through his hair looking for more cuts, with the bits of broken glass tumbling off him. My parents had a hard time getting a clear story out of the man, who may have been in his late teens or early twenties. I don’t know if it was the effect of his injuries or if he was already impaired and that was what caused the one-car accident in the first place. The narrative of how it all played out is spotty after all these years but eventually the police must have come and taken him out of our car so we finally got back on our way. I remember finding little hexagons of broken glass in the car for a long time after that.
I know that it made a huge effect on all of us. As a child, my older brother had always wanted to be a paramedic, inspired by the TV show “Emergency,” but this was the first time that any of us had seen, heard and most importantly smelled the real thing. He went on to join the army. Pretty much all five of us have gone on to be tough, strong nerved and calm in a crisis. We now all know basic first aid and have the wherewithal to step up in an emergency and do what needs to be done.
While in the army, my brother contracted a viral infection overseas and was in a coma for a few days. My mother held it together and communicated with the doctors and got us all the vital information we so desperately longed for on my brother’s condition. She calmed and reassured us.
I know that in college, while working security, my brother had given CPR to a man who dropped dead from a heart attack in front of him and another security guard. My brother was taking action, directing people to call for help while he assessed the man and began chest compressions. He was shocked that the other security guard just stood there, sullenly, refusing to help or to do anything as my brother directed him to begin mouth to mouth. The patient could not be revived and died. My brother was so angry, upset and disgusted and thought that there may have been some racial prejudice on the part of the other guard. He blamed and yelled at the other guard for his stupidity for not even phoning for the emergency service. The dying man’s adult son had to do that while being practically incoherent with worry over his father. The concept of not helping when one could help was so entirely foreign to my brother, thanks to being my mother’s son.
My mother told him that her first CPR patient had also died and that actually reviving people is not very common. My mom said that she, a tiny little student nurse, was sitting astride a great, fat man as they wheeled him into the emergency room. The man had had an aortic aneurysm burst and all my mothers’ chest compressions were just making him bleed out faster.
Once, my year-old nephew choked on a bit of gristle from a spare rib. My mother grabbed him, turned him over, swatted him on his back, then reached up with her finger and dislodged the obstruction from his airway, all before my sister could finish dialing 911. She literally saved his life in front of us all.
When her own mother slipped away into a coma from failing kidneys, my mom and her brother made the clear-eyed, rational decisions to stop invasive medical intervention and withdraw life support in accordance with the living will that my grandparents had signed and that I had signed as a witness. Even though I knew that this was my grandmother’s repeatedly stated and expressed directive, I wasn’t ready to let her go and couldn’t watch to the end. I finally went into another room to sleep in a chair while my mother and her brother stood on either side of my grandmother and held her hand through that endless night as she died. My dad and I had to do the same thing a few years later when his father was declared irretrievably brain dead after a car accident. I know my mother’s example helped me to step up for my dad and my uncles that second, horrible night. My mom couldn’t get there until the next day.
A few years ago, my brother broke his thigh into five pieces on his 89th and final military static line jump just before he retired from the military. My parents were out of town, skiing, and my older sister and I each drove from Florida and the DC area respectively, to be with him in North Carolina. My sister had to go back to work so I ended up staying to care for him after they released him from the hospital. He needed personal care day and night, wound care and supervision about his meds. Percocet made it hard for him to keep track of what he had taken. He was in a wheel chair that needed to be hauled into and out of the car. It was exhausting. My parents got there by the following weekend. I remember all four of us and the wheel chair all crammed into the orthopedic surgeon’s tiny office, looking at X-rays and discussing his future prognosis. After a week, I had to get home to my child, my dad had to go back to teach skiing and my five foot-two, seventy-four year old mother stayed and looked after my 5′9″, 180 lb brother for another six weeks until they could transfer his out-patient care to Bethesda Naval Hospital. Then he stayed with my parents and she continued to look after him for months until he got back on his feet.
She’s delivered babies, given birth to her own five babies, waited while her grandchildren were being born and given last rites to a stillborn child while a navy nurse. She can give commands that make sailors, marines, corpsmen and kids jump to order. She’s talked down psych patients in psychotic episodes. She’d given me some of my vaccinations. She helped give her mother insulin shots and when I had to take a course of injections which I hated, she gave me shots when I couldn’t reach the injection site on the back of my right arm.
My mom was a registered nurse, a Navy Lt. JG, an emergency room nurse, a pediatric nurse, a public health nurse and a psyche nurse. She is calm, collected and brave. She’ll be eighty next year. She is a still a total bad ass. As I said in the comments, she’s now had both knees replaced so on top of everything else, she’s now a cyborg.
Update: Someone in the comments said that this story inspired them to take first aid classes. That is absolutely the sort of inspiration that my mother would want to be. That, nursing school, sound nutrition, exercise, Catholicism and taking up skiing. So, you know, take your pick.
U.S./EU Lobby Against Georgian Law That Would Reveal Their Secret Influence
The government of Georgia has tried for some time to implement a law “On transparency of foreign influence”. Its aim is to publicly identify organizations and parties who receive a significant amount of their budget from abroad:
The draft law “In order to ensure transparency”, initiated for the second time by the Georgian Dream faction, envisages the registration of such non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) legal entities and media outlets, whose income – more than 20% – is received from abroad as an organization carrying out the interests of a foreign power. According to the project, everyone who is considered an “organization carrying the interests of a foreign power” must be registered in the public register under the same name in a mandatory manner. At the time of registration, it will be necessary to reflect the received income. At the same time, the organizations will have the obligation to fill in the financial declaration every year.
Those organization who currently receive money from the various U.S. or EU government or non-government organizations are of course not amused that they will have to reveal their association with such sources. They want to lobby for foreign positions without being identified as foreign influencers.
They have therefore launched protests against their country’s government and parliament which has passed the law in the first reading. Two further readings will be required to finalize the law.
The protesters against the law claim that it is a “Russian law” against “foreign agents”.
Since 2012 Russia does have a law that is somewhat similar to what Georgia is attempting to implement but such type of laws are certainly not a Russian intervention:
Supporters of the [Russian version of the] law have likened it to similar legislation in the US that requires lobbyists employed by foreign governments to reveal their financing.
The U.S. equivalent to the Russian and Georgian law is of course the much older Foreign Agents Registration Act:
The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) (22 U.S.C. § 611 et seq.) is a United States law that imposes public disclosure obligations on persons representing foreign interests. It requires “foreign agents”—defined as individuals or entities engaged in domestic lobbying or advocacy for foreign governments, organizations, or persons (“foreign principals”)—to register with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and disclose their relationship, activities, and related financial compensation.
FARA was enacted in 1938 primarily to counter Nazi propaganda, with an initial focus on criminal prosecution of subversive activities; since 1966, enforcement has shifted mostly to civil penalties and voluntary compliance.For most of its existence, FARA was relatively obscure and rarely invoked; since 2017, the law has been enforced with far greater regularity and intensity, particularly against officials connected to the Trump administration. Subsequent high-profile indictments and convictions under FARA have prompted greater public, political, and legal scrutiny, including calls for reform.FARA is administered and enforced by the FARA Unit of the Counterintelligence and Export Control Section (CES) within the DOJ’s National Security Division (NSD). Since 2016, there has been a 30 percent increase in registrations; as of November 2022, there were over 500 active foreign agents registered with the FARA Unit.
The Washington Post, without mentioning the long standing FARA law which is at least as strict as the new Georgian one, falsely insists that the original idea of the new Georgian law is indeed Russian:
Georgia pushes Russian-style ‘foreign agent’ law, putting E.U. bid at risk
Georgia’s Parliament voted Wednesday to advance deeply contentious legislation aimed at cracking down on “foreign agents” — an echo of a similar law in Russia that has been used to crush political dissent.In Georgia, the bill has sparked huge street protests and drawn condemnation, including from President Salome Zourabichvili, who is not a member of the Georgian Dream political party, which controls Parliament and the government.
Zourabichvili and other critics say the bill is itself an instrument of foreign interference — backed by Russia and intended to undermine Georgia’s bid to join the European Union.
On Tuesday evening, as some protesters clashed with police in the streets of the capital, Tbilisi, Zourabichvili said the bill was evidence of Russian meddling.
However neither is the law “Russian style” – it is a copy of FARA – nor does the law include the loaded word “agent”. It does not accuse anyone of being such but seeks public transparency over foreign financial influences which would of course also include Russian ones.
The protests against the law look like an attempt of a typical color revolution:
17 Apr 23:15 – “Let’s demand that the Prime Minister talks to us” – rally participants moved towards the government administrationAfter Levan Tsutskiridze, co-founder of the “European Platform of Georgia” group, announced the plan of action, demonstrators headed towards the government chancellery and demanded a meeting with the Prime Minister. Tsutskiridze proposed demanding that the government repeal the law and release those detained the day before. Police and security forces are strengthening their cordon near the chancellery building.
At 21:30 rally participants presented an ultimatum to the authorities demanding the repeal of the law and gave them one hour to make this statement.
Attempts to storm or blockade government buildings have been pushed back. The government is holding firm. It has a solid majority in parliament and can outvote a potential presidential veto.
Every Georgian decision maker has the Ukrainian “Maidan revolution” in mind during which the opposition used snipers (allegedly from Georgia!) shot at police as well as protesters.
We can be sure that the Georgian government is aware and well prepared for such an escalation.
The law is likely to pass. Soon thereafter a majority of the organizations which currently organize the street protests against the law will have to admit that they are the foreign paid influencers the law is aimed at to reveal their dubious interests.
Posted by b on April 18, 2024 at 13:12 UTC | Permalink
- Take a cold shower in the morning to increase alertness.
- Similarly, eat an apple in the morning instead of consuming caffeine to increase alertness.
- Pick your work outfit the night before, so that you don’t waste time messing up your closet in the morning.
- Create your lunch the night before, to give you more time to eat breakfast in the morning.
- Create food in batches. Put the food in containers and place them in the freezer. Food lasts longer this way.
- Get into the habit of cleaning as you go. Don’t leave the mess to build up. It’ll only cause you to feel more stressed and anxious.
- Don’t hoard items. If you don’t need something, throw it away.
- Keep your workspace tidy and file all important information away in an organised manner.
- Talk about your feelings, no matter how hard it may seem. If you can’t talk, write.
- When you need to reflect or think, take a long walk.
- Get into the habit of saving money. Put aside a percentage of your earnings every week.
- Find time for yourself. It’s important to let your body rest. Sometimes, it’s okay to simply do nothing.
- Take short breaks during work as this will help you remain focused.
- Adopt a positive mindset. When something doesn’t go your way, learn from it and if it brings you ease, tell yourself that it could have been worse.
- Engage in meditation, prayer or mindfulness.
- Read every single day, to increase your vocabulary and to gain knowledge.
- Ask questions. If you don’t understand something, ask for help.
- Get into the habit of saying ‘no’ when you need to.
- Drink plenty of water, every day.
- Control your junk food intake.
- Remove make-up before you go to sleep.
- Eat chocolate in moderation. Or alternatively, eat a sweet fruit.
- If you don’t like water, drink flavoured water.
- Exercise daily. If you’re too busy, take a 10 minute walk.
- When you’re studying, remove all distractions, including your phone. Try to study somewhere, other than your bedroom.
- If you find social media distracting, deactivate or delete the app. It really isn’t that hard.
- Spend time with those you love. Those are the memories you want to hold on to forever.
The BRICS Just Secretly Acquired These 3 Assets To Crash The US Economy | Andy Schectman
A different view point. A little dry for me personally, but suggest that the Global South has all things in hand.
Do you think Chinese EVs, such as BYD, Geely and SAIC, pose a threat to US national security?
No not at all. Americans are threaten with better cars that they will drool over and they will loved to own and it will cost them half of they will pay for the US brands and giving them twice their mileage with the same dollar they spend on their present gas guzzler and a third of the cost to maintain it.
That is the real threat the American government are worried about for its citizens. Getting value for money. It needs to protect its so call too big to fail corporations that sells you overpriced and underperforming vehicles by profiteering on the ooor and the middle class in the U.S.
Is that the threat? Ask your government if you guys are not made brain dead by the U.S. government!
Poland just did the UNKTHINKABLE to Ukraine, Blackrock and Vanguard are FURIOUS
Ancient marine reptile found on UK beach may be the largest ever
The jawbone of an ichthyosaur uncovered in south-west England has been identified as a new species, and researchers estimate that the whole animal was 20 to 25 metres long

By Chen Ly
The 200-million-year-old fossilised remains of an ancient ichthyosaur, unearthed on a beach in south-west England, may be part of the largest marine reptile ever found.
In 2020, amateur fossil hunters stumbled across a giant chunk of bone at Blue Anchor beach in Somerset. Upon further inspection, Dean Lomax at the University of Manchester, UK, and his colleagues quickly realised that it was a jawbone fragment of a giant ichthyosaur – a kind of reptile that roamed the oceans between 250 and 90 million years ago.
Subsequent digs at the beach have uncovered 11 more fragments, allowing the team to partially piece together a bone that sits in the back of the jaw called a surangular.
This latest discovery comes after a 2018 report that described a similar ichthyosaur jawbone found on a different Somerset beach. At the time, the team didn’t have enough evidence to determine its species.
“It was very clear that this was another one of these giant jawbones,” says Lomax. “So I was very, very excited.”
My landlord sent me a letter saying that she believes that I have someone living with me, which I don’t. I asked her if she had proof. What should I do?
My landlord sent me a text once and told me “you know you’re not allowed to sublet” I just asked her what she meant. She said that she had reason to believe that I was subletting. I explained that I share a 1 bedroom apartment with my adult daughter and couldn’t imagine where I would put anyone else. Then asked her what led her to believe this. She said that multiple people had been seen coming and going from the property carrying luggage and other belongings. I explained that is the neighborhood just north of me who rents out her spare room on short term rental. She insisted that it was me. So I asked where she got her information. She insisted that she had parked across the street and watched it. I said so you’re watching me? She stated that she has the right to keep an eye on her property. I said well of course you do but I have difficulty believing that you drove the several hours from your home to mine to just watch me when it takes several weeks and at least 2 rescheduled appointments to get you to come make repairs. She made a snarky comment about how if I don’t like it I can leave but she stopped making accusations and now leaves me alone. For me I believe it was the neighbor on the other side of my duplex who has been complaining about me since I moved in.
What is the most inappropriate interaction you have had at a Starbucks?
I took my dad to a Starbucks….once. Dad had previously managed the largest coffee roasting plant in the world. The man knew coffee. At the time we visited Starbucks, dad was older and more feeble. I thought he would enjoy it.
First of all, the sizes. Who is Starbucks trying to impress? When your seventy or eighty something, the sizes are small, medium, large, and I guess extra large. Not eenie, meenie, miney or whatever words they think are so cool. The man who has been drinking coffee since before your founder was born knows that.
Dad had to talk to the barista. I don’t know and he didn’t know if being a barista is a career path or not. To Dad, that kid behind the counter was regarded pretty much like the kid at McDonald’s McD’s may have been held higher. Dad loved fries. But dad wanted to talk with the barista. “What kind of coffee are you serving?” The kid responded. Not the answer Dad wanted. Dad asked about the roasting, the blending, and the grinding of the coffee (apparently there are several ways to grind coffee or dad, at this point was yanking the kid’s chain about the grinding.). None the less, the kid was deemed to be “an idiot”, who according to dad, “ Didn’t know a “damn thing” about coffee.” Dad schooled the kid in coffee. Foam or no foam? Foam? This isn’t laundry; this was coffee. And, according to Dad, if the coffee is decent, you “don’t need all that crap.” No foam.”
Then finally, it was time to actually drink the coffee. I am not a fan of Starbucks, but said nothing. Dad had plenty to say. None of it was good. Dad told the kid that he had “burned” the coffee or he had some bad beans. The kid looked at me for a rescue on this one. I shrugged and shook my head trying to explain that, sorry, your coffee has never tasted right to me.
We left and I took Dad someplace where I knew he would get a good cup of coffee. But that day, in Starbucks where patrons normally act as if they were enjoying the nectar of Gods instead of a cup of coffee, my dad’s interactions were pretty inappropriate. Go Dad!