2023 02 28 07 06

A comparison where I came from and where I am today

I was once (not too long ago) asked why I stay in China.

This was on Quora, a writers’ platform.

Finally after plowing through insults and disparagement, over and over again, accusations, and snarly bullshit left and right.

My only question is this. Why even bother pretending to be an American here? 

If you’re spreading facts you don’t need to start with a lie. But you’re not, are you?

I threw up my hands and just presented some videos.

That shut everyone up.

As they say; “seeing is believing”. So I showed them where I came from, and where I live now.

Where I came from…

I spent most of my elementary school, and all of my High School years here in this tiny town. I lived on Grant Street, and the video goes right by my house. Yuppur. This is my neighborhood.  This is where I spent the majority of my elementary and High School years.

Yeah. It’s a pretty balanced video.

All of these towns host my relatives. My town is too small to be on the list, but there’s New Kensington where my first girlfriend lived. Check it out.

To know the REGION where I came from, you must see where my extended family, and my friends (that I grew up with) came from.

Ok. So that is my past. It’s pretty average. I am just an Average American, living in a small, but average American town. In a pretty typical American community.

Now, today…

Where I live now…

He spends most of this video in JiDa. This is my present “stomping grounds”. It’s not only where I have houses, but it is were my office is located.

His drive on “Lover’s Road” is where my one house is…

I have homes here in Shenzhen as well, so while we are at it, lets see where by other places are too…


Is there anyone; anyone, who believes that I should stay in Pennsylvania? That I should leave the Pearl River Delta of Shenzhen, Zhuhai, and Zhongshan?

If so, then please tell me WHY?

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Alexander Martis

The work of Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping shows. Why? Because they have devoted their lives to their countries. They will not allow anyone to destroy their work and legacy.
Reminds me of Catherine Austin Fitts speaking about growing the pie so that everyone can enjoy a slice, instead of stealing bigger slices of a shrinking pie.
May those reading and enjoying this site have plentiful peace, health, prosperity and liberty.


… And, the sky is just so blue!
I Just can’t stress that enough.

ron guzy

Too short…not enough content.

ron guzy

Oh, you can watch the videos?

Ohio Guy

Reminds me of The Allegory of Plato’s Cave. Live well, MM. You fought and struggled hard. Against the odds. I, for one, am very proud and happy for you. Thank you so much for your sharing of experiences to those of us who can listen and understand.


One is devoid of crime and hostilities
The other is fraught with it, almost to the point of the cities devolving into utter anarchy.
One is high tech, with sturdy and beautiful infrastructure that is actively maintained
The other has decaying infrastructure and heavily pocked roads that are not going to be fixed anytime soon.
One has a bustling and blossoming population where everyone is happy and compassionate.
The other has a declining population where people are fare more likely to shoot and stab each other than help and care for one another.
One looks like a postwar wasteland, and the other looks like a technocratic paradise.
It’s like comparing night and day. There’s no contest as to which place is worth living.

Did you know that DJHives war born and raised in Philly? That guy ran his hustles and businesses over there before opting to set up his Service-To-Self indoctrination school online. He’s since moved to Arizona to live out in a bungalow, but he can attest just as much as I can to how much of an absolute shitthole Pennsylvania is.

Ohio Guy

ANTI, one thing to always remember is the importance of a strong community spirit. Whether one resides in a small or large community or city. Knowing your neighbors. When I say “knowing”, I mean knowing them through regular social interaction. I, myself, always pay attention to each and every interaction and reflect upon it almost always. Many in my community have known each other since childhood. We’ve a good knowledge of each others’ strengths and where we could help one another in areas where their strengths lack. Obviously, I live in an area where food is grown and animal husbandry is well established. We also have the ability to protect (to a certain degree) our way of life here in the countryside. If ever I dropped a big hint on you, ANTI, this is it. It’s a tough goal, to be sure. But, to me, you seem to have a great instinct for survival and something to offer for a group to survive if/when the need should arise. Keep your focus, head on a swivel. Glad you found this safe place to posit your thoughts and opinions.


How much does a home cost there in china? Has to be cheaper than the inflated over priced shit shacks here in the States. When the tax payers of the USA see how much nicer it is overseas they are going to wonder what their tax dollars are being spent on…okay I could have said that a long time ago but it’s true, we are being lied to and ripped off yet nobody is doing anything about it. Thats why I’ve always said Russia and China do not need to do anything military to conquest the west they can put on tshirts and cargo shorts and walk right in and start running the show.

Alexander Martis

Started watching the Shenzhen 2023 Tour video. Everything looks so beautiful it saddens me. Could not go past the first couple of minutes. Our ruling class has squandered so much money and thrown away so many opportunities. The average ruler of the west is emotionally sick and beyond redemption. We have what we have because they are so greedy, corrupt and narcissistic they would rather kill us in a million different ways, rather than taking the route of restoring, recovering, rehabilitating, healing and building. They have perpetuated the slavery of the average person by exploiting illiteracy in so many ways, while making us believe being schooled is not being illiterate.We, in the west have a satanic, destructionist ruling class.

TX usa

You win. No contest.