
A Leica M3 with dual-range Summicron 50/2

Even in the worst of the Great Depression in Post WWI Germany, Unemployment was 31% at its peak in 1931

In the US, during the worst period 1930 October to 1933 September – the Average Unemployment was 16.9%

So if China has 30% unemployment then the situation there must be worse TWICE than during the Great Depression

That means one of the 3.47 Million tourists who visited China on their 144 Hour Visa Free Entry between 1/1/24 and 30/6/24 would have recorded it fully and uploaded a Video

You see any?

As for 40% Homeless

That’s too ridiculous for a response given that another accusation against China is also accusing China of having MILLIONS OF EMPTY HOUSES

Only someone with a severe strain of NEUROSYPHILIS would make such illogical statements

$1 Noodles VS $163 Noodles in Vietnam!! (RECORD BREAKING Bowl!!)

On a freezing Sunday night I was eating dinner with my son, I suddenly felt unease I paused for a moment when I heard a scratching coming from the basement followed by a clang. Our area is notorious for violence due to drug related incidents, so no chances could be taken. I have a licence for a gun and I quickly went and fetched it from the safe, then went to a seperate area where I hide the ammo and loaded it.

My son saw what was happening and while he was quite pale, he knew what to do in such a situation because we had talked about it on numerous occasions. He stood behind me and we backed to the face of the wall.

After a few minutes of silence, I heard rapid steps from the basement stairs, from the squelching sound that his boots made I knew he had broken in from the air conditioner vent. Seconds later he dashed through the door and stopped around 2 meters from where we were standing.

Even now I can remember every feature of his face, the scratches on his cheeks and how he kept clicking with his left hand. He paused for a moment, and raised a pistol. My finger crushed the trigger and bullets tore through his body, he took a step forward but dropped to the ground with his legs twitching.

I used to laugh about the stories when people say that every night they see their victims face, but now I realise it’s true. What affected me most was his age, he later learned that he was just 22. As his raspy breathing began to halter, I remember his blue eyes, I feel that somewhere inside he knew I had to do it.

I’m sorry I had to do that but I don’t regret it – I had no choice. My son is my life, and I am responsible for his safety.

Do you have experience in the high school where a group of school friends harassed you? The leader may be jealous of your popularity in school. Others follow & join the harassment. It is a gang effect.

It takes a clear mind & courage to defy the (sick) leader. And leave the gang.

The US-led NATO has been instigating wars around the globe, harming humanity. For US interest only.

USA is sick. Why follows a sick country?

I would say BRAVO to Hungary.

This was my mom, not me, but my friends and I witnessed it. We were goofing off, riding skateboards in the parking lot of our small grocery store, when a fancy car pulls up, a Caddie, and a guy gets out and goes into the store, one of my buddies, a very large black guy, about turned white with fear. He recognized the guy in the Caddie as the head of the Klan in Mississippi, this was in Laurel, Mississippi late 70’s, at the tail end of the Civil Rights era. At any rate Junior barely got the words out when the door opened again with the dbag fleeing getting whacked by a broom, and my mother using language that I had never heard pass her lips before, or thereafter. She called him everything but a child of God as he hightailed it out of there. Two or three weeks later there was a race riot, and every single last convenience store, or grocery was looted and burned out except for ours. Mom always treated everyone the same, she had spent her teen years in a Jewish ghetto in Düsseldorf Germany watching Hitler come to power, she loathed racism in any form. In every other store in town if you were black and needed a hand, like store credit, they racked you up with high interest, we didn’t charge anything. If you were sick, mom showed up, usually with me, with Jewish penicillin, Chicken Noodle Soup, it didn’t matter what color your skin was. That is where I learned my morals.

‘Bombshell’ Exchange Overnight !!!

Between NATO and China.

Do not threaten China, folks.


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