I love sailing.
Not that I do it all the time, but when I have an opportunity, I take the time to go ahead and take a vessel out and play with the sails and dance with the wind.
Sailing isn’t all that difficult.

Basically, you have this big sheet that you orient so that wind pushes the vessel forward. Oh, for certain, it can get more complicated. From a simple small skiff to a gaff-rigged top mast schooner.

But I’ll tell you when the sail gets blessed by the wind, and the the vessel really picks up its skirts and trots, it’s magical.
Owning a boat, however is a pain in the ass.

The air, the breeze, and the beautiful day is truly special.

Today, please enjoy these visions of paradise.
Do most of the Western people know the truth about China?
No, they don’t.
They’ve been fooled by Western media about China. They’re very gullible to believe their media.
They’ve never been to China to see the country with their own eyes. And they’re not likely to.
Even when presented with material (published articles, reports, surveys, videos) that show the truth about China, they dismiss it as Chinese propaganda. This is the result of Western propaganda-induced bigotry.
There is a minority of Westerners who do know the truth. Unfortunately, the bigots and racists will not accept their word that China is a wonderful country.
Full Metal Jacket (1987)- Battle of Hue City
What screams “I can fight”?
I was sitting in a bar, with a kind of bad rep, having a beer with a couple of guys from work. Across the room are 3 guys standing at the bar. One them is big, about 6′4″ & 260/270. They’re a little boisterous.
Guy comes out of the men’s room in the back. He’s wearing work clothes & looks like he used them hard that day. He’s kind of “chunky.” I don’t mean he’s fat, though there’s a bit there. He looks like he’s put together with chunks & blocks & slabs. He’s about 5′ 9or10″ & 180. (Probably more, this guy works hard.) He has a little shuffle in his walk it’s been a hard day. He heads for the door.
Big guy steps back & bumps into smaller guy. Smaller guy steps aside & excuses himself & tries to continue. Big guy grabs his shoulder & spins him around.
There’s no hesitation. Little guy steps inside, grabs big guy’s lapels & slams their faces together twice. HARD!
Blood flows. Little guy turns, grabs a handful of napkins off the bar & goes out the door. Nobody follows him.
Could he fight? Oh hell yeah! How did I know it wasn’t his first rodeo? That handful of napkins.
Shrimp Etouffee

Yield: 4 servings
- 2 pounds medium shrimp, shelled and deveined
- 1 medium onion
- 1 bunch green onions
- 1 small bunch parsley
- 1 can tomato paste
- 2 tablespoons canola oil
- 2 cups water
- Salt and cayenne pepper to taste
- Dice the onions and scallions.
- Chop the parsley. Hold the parsley separately.
- In a medium pot, add 2 tablespoons of cooking oil (your choice)
- Once the oil is heated, add the onions and scallions. Glaze the onions and scallions.
- Once all are glazed, add 2 cups of water and the tomato paste. Stir until the paste is dissolved.
- Lower the heat to a constant simmer for 35 to 40 minutes. Stir occasionally and add water if needed.
- Add salt and cayenne pepper to taste.
- After simmering, add parsley and simmer for 15 minutes.
- Add shrimp and lower the heat for an additional 20 minutes. If the sauce looks too watery, you can dissolve 2 tablespoons of flour in a little water to a pasty consistency and slowly stir in.
- Serve over rice and/or corn bread.
Trump proposes to stimulate domestic industry by putting tariffs on foreign goods. Foreign countries will retaliate, doing the same with American products. Is this not a zero-sum game?
Did the tariff of Trump 1.0 stimulate domestic industry? I dont see any. Do you?
I saw US farmers were hurt because China has reduced or stopped buying US agricultural products. Instead China has gone to Latin America like Brazil because LatinA is full of agriculture.
Tariff used to work in the old days. But not today when easy transportation & globalisation makes it easy for tariffed countries to find alternatives. But US mentality stays in the past.
Despite the failure of Trump 1.0, why Trump 2.0 still pushes for tariff that is higher than Trump 1.0?
I can only think of 1 reason. US economy is so bad that USA needs “cash”. Below is my earlier post.
Trump 2.0’s crazily high tariff on ALL foreign countries = rob & force them to feed USA.
Have you seen a mafia in movies such as god father?
Inside USA, tariff on foreign country = tax increase on Americans because foreign sellers will add (part of) the tariff to the sale price of their exported goods to USA.
In Trump 1.0, 80–90% of tariff was added to the sale price by foreign sellers. That is 1 reason why there was inflation in USA in Trump 1.0 & Biden era.
In both Trump 1.0 & 2.0, Trump has & will decrease tax to attract votes. How to recover the loss of revenue incurred from tax decrease? Use tariff to cause inflation so that all Americans pay a bit ie use tariff to disguise tax increase.
Analysts suggest countries to fight back & break even. Trump tariffs on imports to USA; countries tariffs on exports to USA with the same amount. Dont feed the robber-mafia.
We must understand: 60% tariff on Chinese imports & 20% on smaller countries is crazily unreasonable. Not many firms can make 60% of profit. Not even 20% for small firms/countries. Nobody will do business with no profit. Thus, decouple & stop/reduce sale to USA is the only option.
In fact, decoupling may be the plan of Trump 2.0. Trump may want USA to start all over again by manufacturing its own products from toilet paper to Trump’s campaign cap to washer etc. Trump wants everything to be made in USA.
US wage is higher than southeast Asia. That is Made-in-USA is more expensive. Trouble is whether USA will increase the wage to catch up with the inflated consumer products. Otherwise Americans will become poorer.
Trump 1.0 failed to attract US investors back to USA. Some still stayed in China. Some moved from China to, say, Thailand to do a finish touch on the Chinese products. This disguise of made-in-Thailand products also pushes up the American consumer price.
Let us watch Trump 2.0 to roll out.
An Officer and a Gentlemen Reel
Websites Glorifying Jimmy Lai Should Be Prohibited to Avoid Affecting Fair Trials

Some readers have informed the author that when searching for “Jimmy Lai” or “Lai Chee Ying” on Google in relation to the recent case, the top search result often leads to a website that glorifies Jimmy Lai and promotes support for him. This website is labeled as a “sponsored site,” meaning its operators are paying for Google Ads to secure the top ranking and maximize visibility.
The website, presented entirely in English, contains extreme and provocative content. In its “Timeline” section, it chronicles events from Jimmy Lai’s establishment of Apple Daily in 1995—an outlet infamous for spreading propaganda and inciting violence—up to its closure in 2021. The website heavily whitewashes his longstanding collaboration with foreign forces and his role in causing chaos in Hong Kong. Additionally, the “Awards” page lists numerous overseas accolades of questionable credibility, portraying Jimmy Lai as a “hero” who fought for freedom of speech.
The website also includes sections titled “Trial Updates” and “Hong Kong Updates,” which largely translate reports from local Hong Kong media outlets, such as Ming Pao and The Witness. These reports cover developments in Hong Kong’s judicial system, including updates on overseas judges resigning, national security cases such as the “35+ subversion case,” and daily live updates from Jimmy Lai’s own trial proceedings. However, it remains unclear whether these local media outlets have authorized the website to translate and publish their content in English. This issue requires further investigation.
Furthermore, the “Press” section of the website features numerous photos and videos related to Jimmy Lai’s fourth son filing legal complaints overseas. This highlights ongoing attempts to solicit foreign interference in Hong Kong’s judicial process and continue the subversive activities initiated by Jimmy Lai. The connection between this website, Jimmy Lai’s fourth son, and the so-called “Jimmy Lai Foreign Legal Team” is evident, showing a coordinated effort to influence public opinion and undermine judicial proceedings.
Any attempts to glorify Jimmy Lai, sway public opinion in his favor, or influence the outcome of his trial could constitute criminal contempt of court. This website’s operators are using Google Ads to secure top search rankings in Hong Kong, investing significant funds to spread messages that could interfere with judicial fairness, undermine impartiality, and place undue pressure on the courts. Such actions disrupt the proper functioning of the judiciary, and national security authorities must investigate promptly. These activities cannot be allowed to continue.
In previous controversies, such as those involving “pro-independence songs,” Google has repeatedly refused to remove provocative content. Now, Google is permitting Jimmy Lai-related political websites to advertise in Hong Kong using Google Ads, promoting them prominently and encouraging citizens to access this content. This effectively turns Google’s search engine into a platform for illegal elements in Hong Kong to spread misinformation and manipulate public opinion. Such actions show a disregard for corporate social responsibility, constitute unethical business practices, and violate laws that protect national security and political stability. The Hong Kong community cannot tolerate Google profiting from activities that harm the country and its people.
The Security Bureau should immediately engage Google to demand the removal of such advertisements and related content. If Google refuses to comply, the Department of Justice should promptly seek a court injunction to ensure that websites glorifying Jimmy Lai are no longer accessible in Hong Kong. This is a necessary step to prevent interference in the fair trial process for critical national security cases.
The Book of Eli | Eli Fights Hijackers
Three Bars
Submitted into Contest #115 in response to: Write a story where a device goes haywire.… view prompt
Melanie Varkey
Every couple of seconds, his apps and widgets appeared and slowly took their place on the screen.
Jamie selected 3 on his speed dial list and was met with an unexpected error: There is no contact assigned to this speed dial number.
Jamie long pressed the number again, but the same error appeared. He wondered if he lost all his contacts in the restart. He couldn’t remember his dad’s phone number, so it was always number 3 on speed dial. D for Dad. Scrolling through his contacts, he found his father’s cell number. He tried again. One ring. Two rings. Three.
Finally, an interruption in the fourth ring as the call picked up.
“Dad? Dad? Can you hear me now?”
“Hello? Who is this?” a stranger answered back. His voice was husky and groggy from a mid-afternoon nap.
Jamie frowned. He was sure he had picked Dad from the contacts.
“Excuse me, is this 576-222-3684?
“Yeah, who is this?”
“I’m looking for Walt Robinson. I’m his son Jamie.”
“Wrong number.”, the caller clipped and cut the phone before Jamie could respond. He checked the contact list and tried calling again. The phone rang two times before it cut to voicemail halfway through the second ring.
It was now pouring. Fat raindrops started to soak through Jamie’s blazer and ran down his neck, the chill settling permeating through his layers into his bones. A shard of lightning strode through the slate skies, and a distant rumble of thunder brought. He ducked under the tangerine awning of a nearby coffee shop, formerly a convenience store where a younger Jamie would meet with his buddies and count pennies and nickels to exchange for Marlboroughs. The blackboard easel on the sidewalk stood forgotten, small rivers streaked through proclamations of pumpkin and cinnamon-spiced offerings.
A new approach. Speed dial number 6. N for Naomi. Formerly M for Mom. Naomi should have picked up Gillian from school by now. Their morning was rife with stress. With Naomi fighting a losing battle with a particularly nasty bout of flu, and a sleepy toddler with a penchant for morning tantrums, Jamie was exhausted when he dropped his daughter off at school with two minutes to spare. Thankfully, Naomi had offered to pick up their daughter in their car, so he could drive his father’s car to this impromptu doctor’s appointment and then drive back home.
One ring. Two rings. A familiar voice cut through in the middle of the third ring.
“What is it?”
“Hey Nomi, how are you feeling? “
“Fine? Why do you ask?” she clipped back. Her congestion was gone. The late-night raid of the medicine cabinet cough syrups, lozenges, and rubs enough to knock someone seemed to have done its job.
“Thanks for picking up Gillian, Noms. I’m sorry you had to do that. I just wish Dad would have given me a better heads up about this appointment so I could have found someone else to pick it up. I’ll remind him when I see him today.”
“What are you talking about, Jamie? Are you drunk?”
Taken aback at the accusation and the edge in her voice, he retorted, “What? Don’t you remember our conversation this morning? I’m picking up dad for his appointment, and you’re picking Gillian up from school, right?”
“Look, Jamie, I knew that this would be a tough week for you, but I need you to step up. Gillian has been waiting for hours for you, and I must pick for her now since you didn’t pick her up…I don’t have time for these games. Are you coming to pick her up tonight?
“Pick her up? For what?”
A sigh of frustration. “…It is your weekend with Gillian, James or did you forget? We had discussed this just two days ago. “
Anxiety bled into his voice as he pleaded. “Naomi, please, I’m sorry. Could you tell me what Dad’s number is, and I’ll pick up Gillian as soon as I see him?”
“Honestly, Jamie, I don’t know why you’re doing this. Have you been seeing your therapist lately? I think you should make an appointment with Dr. Brooke. You’ve been acting more unhinged than usual since we signed the papers.”
The rain grew in its unrelenting tempo, soaking Jamie’s sneakers and climbing up the canvas into his feet. A tinny sound rang in his ears, growing in volume and masking Naomi’s hurried goodbye and the click of her disconnection. Jamie struggled to breathe, swallowing gulps of air while stumbling back first into the cafe door and almost falling over as it gave way.
Customers stared at him as he picked himself up. The barista called out to ask if he was okay. Still breathing hard, Jamie nodded, got back on his feet, walked to the closest open table next to a group of high schoolers, and sat down. He put his head between his arms and closed his eyes, and started counting multiples of two. A trick his father had taught him after experiencing his first panic attack before his high school finals. After a couple of minutes, Jamie started to breathe normally again. The café patrons had already turned back to their conversations. He brought the phone back into his ear, but Naomi had disconnected. He thought of calling her again but suspected she wouldn’t pick up this time. Jamie checked the home screen; the time was consistent with the cafe clock. He knew today was Tuesday. But the clock was showing Friday, and the year was 2021. The phone was two years ahead.
He interrupted the intense conversation with the neighbouring table, sipping at their frappes. “Excuse me, what’s the date today?”
The only boy spoke up, “Don’t you have a phone, old man?”. Two of his friends snickered.
Frustration gnawed at him. Through gritted teeth, he replied, “It’s not working right now.”
One of the girls piped up, “It’s Tuesday, October 15th.”
“Thank you. And the year?”
They glanced at each other, weighing whether he was joking. The teenage boy scoffed, “2019, obviously.”
He nodded in thanks and turned back to this now unfamiliar device in front of him. The students rolled their eyes before continuing with their conversation.
The chirp of a notification. A calendar reminder. A meeting with Dr. Brooke tomorrow at 4 pm. His therapist, according to Naomi on the phone. He felt a gnawing unease. He had never had a therapist, never believed in them. Therapists always signalled foreboding. There is never a “good” reason to go to one. You only go to one if something is wrong. Something is wrong with you, your family, or your marriage. But he had a sense that person may be the only one who could answer his questions.
He hovered over the call icon for a few seconds, collecting his nerve. Steeling himself, he pressed and waited. One ring, and the phone picked up.
“Jamie, are you okay?” a soft voice answered.
“Hey, Dr. Brooke, I’m not sure. I feel very lost and confused right now.”
“Call me Diana. Have you lost your memory again?”
Shock bubbled up into an awkward laugh. The timbre of her voice reminded him of his mother. He understood why he would have stuck with her as his therapist.
“You could say so, Diana. You sound like I’ve done this before.”
“Yes, Jamie. What year is it?”
“It’s 2019. October 15th, to be exact.”
“Okay, now tell me. Are you in a safe place right now?”
“I’m at a cafe near Derby station. Thirty minutes from my dad’s. I’m supposed to drive him today to his appointment, but he wanted to go with his neighbour instead.”
The downpour grew to crescendo outside the cafe. Rain slapped at the window, and Jamie felt the chill permeate into his bones.
“Mm, okay, and this is the house on Rollingwood avenue.”
“Uhh, yes. Diana, could I ask you a question or a couple?”
“Of course. But it seems that you have not experienced your triggering events yet, so don’t be alarmed.”
“Does my wife hate me?”
Dr. Brooke replied with a gentle admonishment. “Hate is a strong word and one that I wouldn’t have associated with your wife in our time in couple’s therapy, Jamie. There is still love there, but it is in a different form now. You must understand that she went through the same experience as you and trying to move forward in her way.”
Anxiety ran through his shivering fingers as he struggled to form the words of his next question. Thunder tore through the dine of the cafe, and the lights flickered, and the remaining customers cowered in the silence that followed.
“Diana, where is my dad?”
A pause. The seconds stretched across the silence, louder than thunder.
“Your father passed away, Jamie. Today is the anniversary of his death.”
The weight of her words fell into his gut like a boulder.
He cradled his head between his knees, rocking slowly. He barely whispered the one word, “How?” but Diana must have already anticipated it.
“Walt got into a car accident on his way home from the doctor. The roads were slick, and the car hydroplaned into oncoming traffic.”
Fuck. Jamie cut the call and pushed his way out the milling crowd of storm watchers near the window. The rain slapped him as he sprinted, barely seeing the sidewalk ahead of him, relying only on childhood memories walking home.
He couldn’t see the car on the driveway. No, no, no. His lungs were on fire. The taste of blood filled his mouth as he forced himself to push through one last sprint under the furious storm.
He hammered the door, panting against its frame. “Dad! Dad! Open the door!”
Two seconds, Fifteen, Forty-five, a minute. Finally, Jamie heard a shuffling and a hesitant pull of the door. His father’s eyes poked through the small gap, recognized his son’s soaked face, and pulled the door open just enough to drag him in.
“Jamie! What are you doing here?”
Jamie gulped handfuls of air and replied in a strained wheeze. “I told you I’d take you to the appointment.”
An exasperated sigh. “You shouldn’t have come, son. I was just about to wall over to Libby’s. Just sit here and wait for me. I just put out the fireplace, but it shouldn’t take too long to start it up again.” Jamie tried to shake his head as Walt started to shoo him upstairs. “Your old clothes are still in your bedroom. Go on and change. You’re going to catch a cold like this.”
“It’s okay, Dad. I want to drive you there. You know Libby has an old car. She shouldn’t be driving in this weather. We can grab her groceries on the way, too, if she needs it.”
“It’s fine, Jamie. I’m not as old as you think; I can handle myself. I’ve taken care of myself just fine since your mother passed.”
Jamie felt an unexpected tinge of guilt with that last line. Nevertheless, he didn’t move. “No, Dad. Either I’m taking you, or you’re not going”
His father stared at him, considering. After a few seconds, he signalled his assent with a grunt, “Fine. But you’re not soaking my seats like this. Get some dry clothes, and I’ll wait for you in the garage.”
A wall of rain covered them the drive home. The vintage windshield wipers could barely catch up to the wet onslaught. The visit was standard, but Jamie was glad he joined his father: Dr. Goldman had concerns about the recent blood test, especially the dangerously elevated cholesterol levels. If Jamie hadn’t dropped him off, his father would have likely shoved the prescription into his jacket and forgotten it was there by the next day.
Jamie’s phone peeked out at him from the cupholder. He had not had a chance to check on it at the doctor’s office. He wanted to know if it worked. If Dad survived tonight, then speed dial number 3 would work.
He glanced over to the passenger seat. The old man fell asleep as soon as they got onto the main roads. His slow breaths lifted his frail frame, and Jamie wondered at the dramatic transition of the husky working man from his childhood to the wisp of a human being right next to him.
He reached over and grabbed the phone with his right hand, his left on the underhand of the steering wheel. The red battery sign at the top of the screen was blinking at 2%. He didn’t have much time. He had to know.
Finger memory navigated him to the phone screen while he kept his eyes on the road. Pressing 3 again, he waited. The error message didn’t show up. The phone was ringing. One ring. Two rings.
A high-pitched squeal from his blind spot. A shock impact to the right rear of the Caprice forced the vehicle to veer to the left before Jamie over-corrected. The car turned far off into the ditch before landing on the driver’s side in a thick hedge.
The vacuous silence in the minutes after was broken only by faraway sirens and a disembodied voice from a cracked cell phone before it died.
You’ve reached Walt Robinson. I can’t come to the phone, so leave your message at the beep.
Apocalypto Best Scene (2006)
Science & Technology updates with China
By Godfree Roberts
Quantum key distribution (QKD) on a drone platform, a world first, showed that mobile platforms can transmit single photons directly to end-users.
First Large-Scale Integrated 5G-Advanced Intelligent Network covers 10 million Beijingers, a big leap to everyday immersive video, UHD livestreams and cloud gaming.
DJI’s T100 agricultural drone has Lidar + AESA radar + AI + 360 deg 4-eye vision. 75 kg payload sprays 30L/min. Delivers goods remotely. Charges in 9 mins. $15,000.
Huawei’s new Mate 70 phone has AI Teleportation. A grab gesture takes a screenshot and shares it – easier than Apple’s AirDrop.
Driverless taxi fares start at $0.55 vs. $2.48 for a human driver. Apollo Go’s Q3 rides are up 20% YoY to 988,000. Its taxis retail for $30,000, vs. Waymo’s $150,000.
New NDRC department to oversee low-altitude aviation, drive the low-altitude economy, coordinate with other departments like the Air Force.
12 million public chargers installed by the end of 2024, up 49% YoY. Private charging infrastructure hit 8.5 million, up 56%.
Solar leads as China adds 210GW of renewables YTD, up 21% YoY.
Xinjiang’s new lab program focuses on the local coal mining industry by experts from China’s top academic institution to solve scientific and technological issues.
A salmon-farming company plans to use waste cold water produced by LNG regasification plants to keep their fish farm water cold. “The LNG terminal operator offered us land to take the cold water off their hands. They can’t discharge directly into the ocean”.
There will be 38 5G base stations for every 10,000 people by the end of 2027, 5G will be 75% of mobile traffic and IoT connections will exceed 100 million.
TikTok restricted the account of former Chinese gymnastics star, Wu Liufang, after many found her costumes and dances too sexy.
A Zhejiang University student was disciplined after receiving financial aid then traveling across China, Japan, and South Korea.
Guangzhou first Tier One city to grant permanent residency houkou to home buyers who have paid local social security for a year.
“The rates of grain and food loss during production, storage, transportation and processing will be below international averages by the end of 2027. Per capita food waste per meal in the catering industry, government canteens, school canteens and enterprise canteens will decrease significantly, and food waste will be effectively curbed¹”.
Measures to create high-quality jobs and stabilize employment while supporting migrant workers’ urbanization: improving skill sets, safeguarding labour rights, reducing wage arrears, access to medical care, unemployment, work-injury insurance and pensions.
Virtual reality ski simulators let users experience realistic, snow-covered slopes at home while on the slopes, plus smart, heated snow boots give hours of warmth.
In the video, above, the barrier plant’s blossoms have both medicinal (TCM) and financial value² for their carers. All government projects are expected to at least recover their own costs over time.
At COP.29 in Azerbijian, China said the mitigation fund should be at least US$500 billion. “The Chinese were willing to offer more if others did, but the others didn’t,” said President Mukhtar Babayev.
“Chinese modernization is deeply rooted in the fine traditional Chinese culture, mirrors the advantages of scientific socialism, draws inspiration from all of human civilization’s outstanding achievements, represents the direction of the progress of human civilization, and demonstrates a new vision that’s different from Western modernization. It is a new model for human advancement”. Xi Jinping. Above, Xi as Ningde Party Secretary, 1989.
Since water resources belong to the state, China has completed the water quantity allocation of 94 trans-provincial rivers and 373 intra-provincial rivers, determined the total groundwater extraction amounts and water level control indicators of 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, and issued 630,000 sets of electronic licenses to users for water extraction.
“Upgrading toilets in rural areas is a task I have always been concerned about. I’m also a person from the rural areas and I know that it’s really inconvenient to go to the toilet in the rural areas”. Xi Jinping on tour last week.
Zhuhai changes the defense discussion
In the west, and especially the US, defense posture is based on appearing powerful and intimidating to deter any political opponents. In China it is the opposite; most of the time it is about appearing unthreatening in order to lure the opponent to make the first move.
This has changed with the Zhuhai Air Show. Up until now, China has not showed off its latest weapons, especially strategic weapons which can hit targets far outside China’s borders. For the first time, it has showed a mockup of a hybrid fighter/space plane called 白帝 (White Emperor), a plane designed to fly in the low gravity of the moon, and the DF-100 long-range cruise missile, and other hypersonic weapons.
Why has China changed its strategy?
- US think tanks and the Defense Department have based all their wargames on a local Asian conflict over Taiwan and the South China Sea. In their wargames, the US homeland is never hit and never suffers casualties and destruction. China wants to make clear to the US that it has the capability and the determination to inflict casualties on Americans in the US homeland just the same as the US can inflict casualties on the Chinese mainland. The aim is to force US war planners in think tanks and the Defense Department think long and hard about the cost of war with China. US politicians have believed that foreign wars are acceptable to Americans as long as there are no American casualties on the US homeland. Both China and Russia through independent demonstrations are showing to the US that this way of thinking is outmoded; if there is a serious confrontation with either country, Americans in the US would die.
- The incoming Trump administration has two key anti-China hawks: Marco Rubio as Secretary of State and Michael Waltz as national security advisor. Both promote confrontation with China in security and what the US formerly called diplomacy (the US doesn’t do diplomacy anymore). The new China defense posture is to convey that China is ready for any worst-case scenario from the US, and that US politicians should be ready to face the consequences.
- US Defense Department war planners have a realistic assessment of China’s war capabilities, but they have not been able to get media support for any views which are from outside Congress and the State Department. The easiest way for them to get more attention is by China showing off its most advanced systems at Zhuhai and other arms export exhibitions worldwide.
- Trump has created a new cabinet which draws from all across the spectrum when it comes to dealing with China and Russia. His intent is to hear opposing views so that he can be the final judge on foreign policy when dealing with China and Russia. Both governments are giving him plenty to think about.
How will Donald Trump try to cut off China’s production and shipping of fentanyl?
He can’t because China does not make fentanyl. Most fentanyl is produced by Mexican cartels within Mexico, where Donald Trump has proposed deploying special military forces to combat drug cartels. Some of the chemical precursors for fentanyl production are sourced from China, but these substances are also widely used in the legitimate pharmaceutical industry for manufacturing essential products such as pain relievers, anesthetics, and other medications.
Governments, including China and the United States, have introduced regulations, monitoring systems, and collaborations with chemical manufacturers to prevent the diversion of precursors for illicit drug production. However, criminal networks frequently find ways to obtain these substances. Drug addiction has persisted in the U.S. since Nixon declared the War on Drugs in 1970, yet instead of addressing the root causes—such as curbing the demand and underlying factors driving addiction—many politicians deflect responsibility by finding scapegoats. It’s time to focus on comprehensive solutions that reduce cravings and dependence among Americans rather than assigning blame.

The Coin Toss | No Country for Old Men
Subject 12
Submitted into Contest #115 in response to: Write a story where a device goes haywire.… view prompt
Anna W
His English teacher was standing behind his desk, hunched in midair, as if he’d been in the middle of standing up, but had suddenly stopped. Ryland couldn’t figure out why this bothered him so much, but fought his rising panic by counting. He was about to enter the classroom, when the teacher stood up suddenly, with jerky movements, and then smoothly walked around his desk and toward the back of the classroom.
Ryland watched him for another moment, seeing nothing else out of the ordinary. Weird, he thought to himself. He blinked several times, wondering if he should be concerned about this, or if something was just wrong with his brain. He felt a sleepy feeling that weighed on his mind and suddenly felt strongly that it was nothing to be worried about. He glanced back down the hall, seeing one of his football buddies rounding the corner ahead. Alright, focus man, he thought to himself, you can do this. He took a deep breath and walked confidently forward.
Officer Lara Walker sat in the uncomfortable chair, fighting the urge to fidget, as she took notes on what Commander Vinn was saying about the operation, in its current stages. She didn’t need the notes, but knew it would make the Commander feel important to have her rapt attention and to be “learning” from him, though she was certain she knew more of Project Strella than he did. She glanced at the screen, where a hazy image of the subject was moving around on the screen, a backpack slung over one shoulder.
Vinn tapped the screen of his tablet out of frustration, “Ugh. NEXA!!” he yelled as he slammed the speaker button of the phone on his desk. “Yes?” came the bored drone of his secretary. Walker thought the yelling was in poor taste, especially since the commander’s secretary was directly in the next room and could probably hear the screaming through the wall. “This screen thing is not connected to the tablet. AGAIN. I thought the guy fixed this mess last week.” “Right, sir, well the technician said the disturbance in the connection might be coming from the core itself. He said he’d be back out next week, with a bigger team to examine it in more detail.”
The Commander rolled his eyes and continued poking at the tablet with his finger. Walker looked back up at the screen and started. The confused eyes of Subject 12 seemed to be peering through the screen, and directly at Walker as she sat in her chair. That’s not possible, she thought, reminding herself of her in depth training of the project and technologies involved. The screen glitched, distorting the already hazy images. The subject was now seated, and seemed to be writing something in a notebook. Walker made a note of the time, so she could go back to this timeframe later and make sure all the transitions were smooth in his memory. She glanced back up at the screen, fixating for a moment on the subject’s face, and then decidedly turning her attention back to her own notes.
Ryland was sitting at the party, surrounded by people, with loud music bumping in his ears. It felt like it was just beating against his brain, but his thoughts were louder than anything else, as usual. He looked down at the cup in his hand and felt like a stranger in his own body. So weird, he thought, morosely, do other people feel this way? Is it just me? What’s wrong with me? He looked to his left on the old basement couch, and saw the group of girls perched on the other end. He made eye contact with a brunette, who blushed and glanced away from him, quickly. Mina. She was the reason he’d delved back into the crowd he’d been avoiding, and gotten one of his buddies to pick him up for the party.
He got up to get a refill, even though he’d barely taken a few sips of the swill being served at this party that gave the distinct odor and taste of rubbing alcohol. He couldn’t be completely sure. He’d never tasted rubbing alcohol, after all. He just needed an excuse to move around, instead of sitting by himself.
He was standing awkwardly at the table full of used cups and various bottles of alcohol that had been stolen from a parents’ liquor cabinet or had been purchased by an older sibling. Maybe he should just head home. What am I even doing here? She’s never going to be interested in me. He swiped his hand dismissively, in the air above the table of cups, and pretended not to notice when a few fell over. No time for your weirdness now, dude. He glanced toward the door. There she was, looking at her phone. She must have moved while he was lost in his own thoughts.
He took a deep breath and moved toward her.
“Dating apps?” he asked, kicking himself for the lameness that oozed out of him when he opened his mouth. He’d been around girls his whole life, but sometimes still felt like they were a different species altogether. Or maybe you’re the one who’s different, he thought to himself, and felt a twinge of panic as something about the thought disturbed him greatly. Something… missing… The morose thoughts tried to spiral, but he refused to go into the pit of baseless fear that occasionally consumed him.
He shook his head, in an attempt to clear his mind by pure brute force, if necessary. She glanced up at him, having missed his awkward encounter with the table, thankfully, and said, “Yeah, the prospects here are pretty slim, don’t you think?” He smirked as he recognized her tone as one of sarcasm and playful banter, and not a tone of “get away from me, jerk,” that he’d seen his friends experience. “Yeah, I agree. Probably best to just give up on all these dudes completely. There’s gotta be something more than conversations about football and video games, right?”
“Yeah,” she smirked, as she tucked her hair behind her ear, “You get it. So what… are you saying you’re different from these other guys?” she asked, eyeing him with playful suspicion. “Me? No way. Ask me about 16th century English Literature, and I guarantee I will make a joke about how Elizabethans ‘scored’ or maybe even a space joke. I do have a variety of corny jokes going for me.” He was shocked at his own response, it was more bold than he’d felt in a long while. Something was stirring in his spirit.
“Some wouldn’t consider corny jokes to be a personality trait,” Mina said as she laughed. She laughed! He thought, excitedly. Okay, don’t screw this up now, man. He found himself grinning as well. “Then I guess you’ll just have to let me know what personality traits you’re looking for, and I’ll make sure to confirm that none of these other jokers have them. You know, just to save you some time.” Her laugh sounded far away and tinny, like it was ringing in a metal box, but he decided to ignore it and lean into the boldness of the flirtatious feeling, and whatever else this was.
Officer Walker typed thoughtfully, thinking of how to add nuance to the story she was writing. She knew this wasn’t technically part of her job, but she’d finished all her admin duties, checked the subject’s vitals and memories, and needed something to do. The pre-programmed personalities were falling flat and hadn’t been able to keep Subject 12’s attention. She needed to keep his mind walking through a combination of positive and negative experiences, just like a real life would be, so that they could monitor real progress.
She was the youngest in her rank, having graduated college at 16 and finishing Academy training at 18. Sure, she was just six months on the job and her accelerated technical skills had landed her in a senior position, but the higher ranking officials had been doubtful of her ability to head a department at a young age, and placed her with monitoring Subject 12.
I mean, it’s not a bad job, she thought, remembering the long conversations with the handsome, knowledgeable man she shared a space with, during her shifts.
She silently reprimanded herself for thinking about this. Again. He doesn’t really know me… does anybody really know anybody else? Walker shifted her thoughts back to the job at hand, and reminded herself that Project Strella could not suffer under her watch. She would make sure of it. She wouldn’t let others’ doubts affect her, and she wouldn’t dwell on her own doubts long enough to let those keep her down either.
She glanced at the projection screen, which was a blank, black rectangle, right now, since the subject was sleeping. I mean, I guess he’s technically always sleeping, she thought to herself, feeling a bit sad about that thought. She picked up her worn copy of Romeo and Juliet and flipped through to some of her favorite passages. She put it down before she could get too caught up in the story, and looked at the book underneath, which was supposed to be a guide to Elizabethan England, and heard her dad’s voice reminding her: Get it together, Walker; there’s a job to do. She took a breath and continued typing thoughtfully as she sharpened and defined the program with lines of code.
Ryland sat in Mina’s living room, for the 10th time in the past few months they’d been dating. He looked around, the walls of her home were mostly white, except for one that was a deep red. The color of blood, he thought morbidly, or wine, if you’re not being dramatic. Mina was discussing her favorite Shakespearean plays and comparing it with some reality tv drama her friends had convinced her to watch.
Ryland was trying to listen but found his mind wandering. He’d had so many deep conversations with her, but then, sometimes, it felt like she was saying the thing he wanted to hear, instead of whatever she was really thinking. If she’s really thinking at all, he thought to himself, chiding himself for the unnecessarily mean thought.
He realized his gaze had wandered back to the red wall, and he looked back at Mina quickly, so she didn’t think he was ignoring her. He jumped as he looked at her eyes. They’d gone from a deep green to the same red as the blood-colored wall. He instinctively scooted back from her on the couch, stammering, “Wh– uhh– your eyes!!! Are you okay??” She blinked at him, tilting her head and bringing a hand up to touch around her eyes. “Yeah? I mean… What’s wrong with them? Did my eyeliner smear or something?” She got up and walked toward the large mirror over the mantel in the living room.
He didn’t know what to think. Yes you do, a voice resounded in his mind. It sounded like his voice, but older and wiser. Do I? He thought back to it. Look. Really look. It echoed in his mind. Look at what?! He asked in a panic, thinking of the blood red eyes of the girl, who was now looking at her face in the mirror. The disembodied voice didn’t answer him. She turned back around, having examined her face, and finding nothing out of the ordinary, apparently. Her eyes were still a deep, crimson red. “I’m — I — I should go, I’m just not feeling well,” he choked out. Grabbing his jacket and rushing out of her front door.
He could hear her calling out to him, but he just didn’t care. He felt this realization growing in him, mixing with the bold confidence like a fire in his chest of determination. He was walking briskly down the street toward his own home. He glanced at yards to his left and right, and quickly looked behind him as his pace picked up into a run. No one was following him, but he knew, he just knew he was being watched. His heart started racing and the warmth in his chest grew as his run turned into a full sprint.
He passed his own house, and despite knowing his parents would be inside, he felt no pull to see them. He felt cut off from everything and everyone he knew. He was only a body, only a mind. Only your mind can help you, now. They have your body, the voice whispered. He pushed himself, not physically, but mentally. He was physically sprinting, but he pressed his mind and began mentally sprinting. He allowed the warmth in his chest to grow and increase, until it felt like it would consume him. Maybe he should let it consume him. Being consumed was better than whatever this thing was inside him that made him feel so disconnected all the time. So stuck.
He closed his eyes, feeling the warmth in chest like a burning fire now, and letting it flow into his arms and legs. Instinctively, he jumped. He opened his eyes, not understanding why his feet weren’t hitting the pavement anymore. He was flying. He was flying over his sleepy little town. He didn’t feel that sleepy, fearful feeling weighing on his mind anymore. He had left that on the ground. He pushed out with his chest, putting his arms out in front of him, and flew.
Everything around him began to blur, and his eyes began to water, but he pushed harder. He felt a weight on his chest, as if someone was trying to press him down. He roared in anger at the invisible hands he knew were keeping him imprisoned in this place. He remembered his life before this hell they were keeping him in. I will get out! I will be free again! He pressed forward, with everything he had.
Subject 12 arched his back off the table, the Alien Life Support and Simulation Device on his chest glowing orange as it sparked. He roared a terrifyingly desperate sound as Walker worked furiously on the computer connected to a diamond-shaped, glowing instrument implanted in his chest cavity. She hit the Code Red button on the wall and barked orders at several medical staff who had run in when the device had started going haywire. “Hold him down!” she yelled, “You two stand on that side! Push hard! Give him more sedatives. I don’t care if he’s hit the limit, just do it, or he’s coming off this table. DO IT NOW!” she screamed as the subject came a full 2 inches off the table.
More military personnel had flooded the room, responding immediately to a Code Red. “PUSH!” she screamed again, as six full grown men and two women pressed their hands down on Subject 12’s body and attempted to push him back down onto the table. Two doctors worked off to the side of the flailing man, putting syringes of medications into the fluids that were connected to his elongated, lavender colored body. One doctor looked frantic as he finished unloading the syringes into the fluid bag connected to the lavender man. He walked over and jabbed a needle directly into Subject 12’s upper arm.
The vitals of the subject slowly came back down to normal levels. He floated effortlessly down onto the hospital bed. The screens returned to normal, flashing warnings receded, and the main screen reflected a projected mental image of the subject sleeping, as Walker finished coding the subject’s journey into brief images that the subject would accept as memories of how he’d gotten from one place to another.
She sat down in a huff, sweat pouring down her brow. She knew if one more thing had gone wrong, She’d have been punished severely. She might have even permanently lost her assignment. Maybe she should request a new assignment anyway. She glanced at the tall, lavender colored man on the table, now seeming to rest peacefully, as the device glowed a light green color. She’d gotten too close. Put too much of herself into the program. She brought out his feelings, but they had been too strong for the program to contain.
What about her feelings? Her heart ached but she tried to keep her mind in check. She was failing, and allowing feelings to get in the way of the mission. She scolded herself for the panic she felt, reminding herself that she was trained for this. Trust your training. Trust the greater purpose. She repeated the mantra that she’d heard since her first day at The Academy. She was serving a greater purpose, right? She felt a pang of sadness that threatened to overwhelm her. The potential disaster scenarios swirled in her mind again. What if… what if Subject 12 had died? Or worse. What if Ryland had woken up?
Bugging The Scotch (Tom Hanks) | Charlie Wilson’s War
Southern Fried Quail

- 10 to 12 quail
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon pepper
- 1/4 to 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
- Dry and pick quail. Clean and wipe thoroughly.
- Salt, pepper and dredge with flour.
- Have ready a deep heavy frying pan with close-fitting lid half full of hot fat.
- Put in quail. Cook for a few minutes over a high heat, then cover skillet and reduce heat. Cook slowly until tender, turning the quail when golden brown.
- Serve on hot platter garnished with slices of lemon and sprigs of parsley.
How The New Russian Missiles Are Changing The Game
To describe a weapon system as a game changer on the battlefield is always open to be ridiculed. Many of the weapon systems that have been delivered to Ukraine were called game changing but failed to make any difference in the outcome of that war.
So why did I call the new Russian Oreshnik missile a ‘game changer’?
There are several reasons.
For one the missile with its 36 kinetic war heads is an unexpected response to the U.S. abolition of the Intermediate Range Nuclear Force (INF) treaty. The U.S. had hoped that the stationing of nuclear missiles in Europe might give it an advantage over Russia. Oreshnik denies that advantage WITHOUT resorting to nuclear force.
Any U.S. attempt to pressure Russia into a situation where it would either have to concede to the U.S. or to go nuclear has been demolished.
This is most visible in Ukraine. Over the two plus years of the war the U.S. has used a ‘boiling the frog’ strategy against Russia. It increased the temperature by slowly increasing the reach and lethality of the weapons it has provided to Ukraine. In each such step, the delivery of tanks, of Himars, of ATAMACs, of allowing Ukraine to use these on Russian grounds, was declared to be a move across imaginary Russian red lines. Each such step was accompanied by propaganda which claimed that Russia was looking into a nuclear response.
The aim was to push Russia into a situation where it could either make concessions over Ukraine or use nuclear weapons. The U.S. was sure that Russia would refrain from the later because it would put Russia into the position of an international pariah. By going nuclear it would lose support from its allies in China and beyond. It would also risk an all out nuclear war.
The strategy would probably have worked if Russia had not found an asymmetric response against it. It now has non-nuclear weapons, (the Oreshnik will not be the only one), which allow it to apply the equivalent of nuclear strikes without the dirty side effects of actually going nuclear.
Russia’s announcement that future Oreshnik deployments will come under the command of its Strategic Forces -which so far have only been nuclear. This is a clear sign that these new weapons are seen as having similar strategic effects.
The kinetic concept of the Oreshnik payload is not a new one. Mass times speed is the amount of destructive energy these can deliver. [Comment correction for my sloppy writing: Force equals one half the mass multiplied by velocity squared. F = 1/2 m * v^2] Being hypersonic and hitting the targets with a speed of Mach 10 allows even small penetrators without explosives to have very strong, explosive like effects.
In the early 1980s president Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative included several attempts to introduce kinetic weapons. ‘Rods from God‘ (and later ‘Brilliant Pebbles’) were conceptualized as kinetic darts to be launched from satellites to hit Soviet ICBM missiles:
A system described in the 2003 United States Air Force report called Hypervelocity Rod Bundles was that of 20-foot-long (6.1 m), 1-foot-diameter (0.30 m) tungsten rods that are satellite-controlled and have global strike capability, with impact speeds of Mach 10.The bomb would naturally contain large kinetic energy because it moves at orbital velocities, around 8 kilometres per second (26,000 ft/s; Mach 24) in orbit and 3 kilometres per second (9,800 ft/s; Mach 8.8) at impact. As the rod reenters Earth’s atmosphere, it would lose most of its velocity, but the remaining energy would cause considerable damage. Some systems are quoted as having the yield of a small tactical nuclear bomb. These designs are envisioned as a bunker buster.
None came from it. The envisioned penetrators had to be too large and too heavy to be positioned in space. The huge ‘telephone pole’ size of the penetrators was need because these would burn up during the hypersonic flight through the atmosphere.
The penetrators Oreshnik is using are much smaller.
Russia seems to have solved some general physical problems of objects flying at hypersonic speed. In March 2018 Russia’s president Vladimir Putin announced the introduction of several new weapons designed to penetrate U.S. missile defenses. One of these was the hypersonic glide vehicle now known as Avangard:
The use of new composite materials has made it possible to enable the gliding cruise bloc to make a long-distance guided flight practically in conditions of plasma formation. It flies to its target like a meteorite, like a ball of fire. The temperature on its surface reaches 1,600–2,000 degrees Celsius but the cruise bloc is reliably guided.
We are well aware that a number of other countries are developing advanced weapons with new physical properties. We have every reason to believe that we are one step ahead there as well – at any rate, in the most essential areas.
I have since been looking for what ‘new physical properties’ or principles Russian scientist might have discovered to solve the problems of guided hypersonic travel within a plasma envelope. Nothing has come up so far. But the fact that Oreshnik is using relative small guided projectiles at hypersonic speed makes it likely that the new physical properties or principles the Russians discovered have also been applied to this weapon.
Until those basic scientific discoveries become known in the west there will be no chance for it to make weapons that can match the characteristics of Oreshnik and Avanguard.
Oreshnik is, so far, a non nuclear weapon with a limited (5,000 kilometer) range. But there is nothing in principle that hinders Russia from equipping an ICBM missile with similar non-nuclear capabilities. It would make non-nuclear strikes by Russia on U.S. grounds, or more likely on U.S. foreign bases and aircraft carriers, possible.
But those facts, and their consequences, have yet to penetrate the minds of western decision makers.
Even after the Oreshnik strike happened the U.S. continued to pin prick Russia by guiding Ukraine to fire ATAMAC missiles against targets in Russia. Yesterday the Russian Ministry of Defense announced, uncharacteristically, that two such attacks had taken place:
On 23 November, the enemy fired five U.S.-made ATACMS operational-tactical missiles at a position of an S-400 anti-aircraft battalion near Lotarevka (37 kilometres north-west of Kursk).During a surface-to-air battle, a Pantsir AAMG crew protecting the battalion destroyed three ATACMS missiles, and two hit their intended targets.
On 25 November, the Kiev regime delivered one more strike by eight ATACMS operational-tactical missiles at the Kursk-Vostochny airfield (near Khalino). Seven missile were shot down by S-400 SAM and Pantsir AAMG systems, one missile hit the assigned target.
Militarily these strikes are irrelevant. But they demonstrate that the U.S. is still trying to ‘boil the frog’ even after it has escaped from the vessel. Russia has, according to Putin, several Oreshnik and similar weapons ready to launch.
The potential target for such missiles are obvious:
MOSCOW, November 21. /TASS/. The US missile defense base in Poland has long been considered a priority target for potential neutralization by the Russian Armed Forces, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stated during a briefing.”Given the level of threats posed by such Western military facilities, the missile defense base in Poland has long been included among the priority targets for potential neutralization. If necessary, this can be achieved using a wide range of advanced weaponry,” the diplomat said.
Russia has closed the airspace over the Kapustin Yar missile range until November 30. Kapustin Yar is the test range from which the Oreshnik had been fired.
As there is no defense possible against Oreshnik type weapons Russia could announce a strike on the U.S. controlled Redzikow base in Poland days or hours before it would take place. As the strike would be announced, conventional in type and would cause few if any casualties it seems unlikely that NATO would apply Article 5 to it and to hit back with force.
Such would become a moment where the boiling of the frog would start again but this time with the U.S. being the frog inside of the vessel. Russia, by hitting U.S. bases in Europe by conventional means, would increase the temperature day after day.
Would the U.S. dare to go nuclear over this or rather retreat from its plans to defeat Russia?
Posted by b on November 27, 2024 at 12:45 UTC | Permalink