
A true and real tomato nightmare

I think it feels better to live in rural China than in cities.

In rural areas, it’s easier to know how the majority of people in China, are working and living there.

Despite the fact that China has been working to increase the urbanization rate, there are still around 500 million permanent residents in rural areas.

The issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and farmers have long been a central focus of the Chinese government’s work.

Living in rural areas, you will feel closer to nature and have a healthier way of life.

In northern part of China, you will see large scales of farmland in rural areas, especially in eastern parts of the country.

They plant all kinds of fruits and vegetables and of course, many of them will do farm work for others or work in factories that are not far away from their homes.

Traditional festivals are better preserved in rural areas and are celebrated in a more lively atmosphere.

They will hold various kinds of activities for many days to celebrate traditional festivals.

If you go to rural areas, you will have more food choices to make than you can imagine.

They have special and different kinds of food to eat in the mornings, afternoons and nights.

The street food are always a good choice and full of surprises as they look simple, but are super delicious.

In southern rural areas of China, you will see more beautiful views which look like landscape paintings.

There are more mountains and rivers in southern China than in the north and it’s easier to feel the beauty of nature.

They enjoy food very different from what you will see in northern areas.

Some places like Jiangsu and Zhejiang prefer light flavors while other area like Jiangxi, Hunan and Guizhou like spicy food.

Compared with northern areas, there are more ethnic minorities in southern areas.

If you go there, you will be able to feel the diverse culture and different traditions there.

Generally speaking, people in rural areas are more friendly and hospitable.

They are more likely to share the good things that they have and treat you as one of them.

Even if you are foreigners, they will also be happy to talk with you and share with you what they have.

I was surprised how good this video is.

This January, a repeat felon in the city of Chicago was caught with a firearm. The felon, Cordarrow Thompson, was on early release from his 8 year sentence, given in 2020, for assault with a firearm by a felon.

This man had already, five times in his life, been convicted of unlawfully using firearms to harm others. Here he was for a sixth time, in a city that claims it is hard on gun crimes, with an illegally possessed gun.

I haven’t been able to find details about the firearm he had, but any gun in this situation should have sent him back to prison for the other five years of his sentence, and gotten him convicted for another 8 to 15 years for felon in possession of a firearm.

Instead? They released him without charges.

(Edit: he was in fact charged, but was not held on his charges. A ‘we”ll get him off the streets later’ kind of thing.)

Because gun control totally exists to keep guns out of the hands of people like him, right? It’s only the logical thing to do to just let someone who has repeatedly shown he has no interest in following the law and who is illegally acquiring firearms, is to let him go on the promise of good behavior.

Who wouldn’t trust this face?

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Well, as any thinking person would expect, he went and got not one, but two other firearms, illegally. At least one of which was illegally modified to be a machine pistol, and both of which were equip with drum magazines that are illegal in Illinois.

Which this obvious example of who shouldn’t have guns used to rob people.

At the end of July, some of Thompson’s intended victims turned out to be a cop and a detective. When the cop shot him for the threats, Thompson unloaded nearly 70 rounds into him.

The response from the officials who didn’t prevent this murder by using the copious gun control laws they already have to remove this persistent criminal from society, asked for more gun control. Which they will also not use on the next felon who follows this pattern.

The obvious and persistent pattern is that criminals who are using guns to harm others never have the penalties of gun control applied to them.

You know who does?

The otherwise law abiding gun owner who’s gun barrel is an eigth inch too short or who put the wrong type of foregrip on his pistol, or who was pulled over by police a thousand feet from a school.

That’s why we think gun control is more about taking guns from us than preventing people who shouldn’t have them from getting them.

She Ended Things & Blocked Him 4 Days Before Girls Trip Then This Happened

Thousands, not hundreds.

And not hezbollah, but Lebanese and Syrian.

I refuse to dumb it down to “targeted at terrorists” who “deserved it”.

This is an act of terrorism, period.

And it rivals 9/11 in casualty.

Unlike many here, I have used a pager, a Motorola, which I carried on a gold clip for 2 years in the 90s. I was one of a handful of students carrying one. We were all in the same ECA.

Now what does a pager do?

Well, you dial it like a mobile number, and once connected, the dialer can send an alphanumeric message which will appear on the pager screen. Typically, the message is a callback number or a prearranged code.

Assuming the cellular network of the Lebanese hasn’t been penetrated, the only way to trigger the devices will be to send a signal dialed into the pagers’ frequency spectrum and begin a countdown. This is a well-designed piece of wizardry, because the self-destruct circuitry must stay inert as long as it doesn’t receive the signal. In other words, the device must only be primed after arming. Switched off, it must be able to handle daily abuse, and be shielded from current bursts and sound/vibration generated within the device.

One thing is certain. This ain’t no IED. The shaped charge, high quality of the explosive (little smoke and fire) and ingenious circuitry makes it military weapons grade.

A state actor is definitely involved.

This incident crosses a line.

Bombs hidden in electronic devices going off in public is no longer an exciting scenario in a tom clancy thriller.

State-backed terrorism is now the new normal.

Who is to say it won’t happen elsewhere, especially if one side decides the “demons” on the other side “deserve it”?

This is the IOT age. Every object in human society can be potentially powered and connected to the internet, acting as sensor, or messenger. Setting the precedent allow state actors to weaponize anything. After all, a pager is no bigger than a pack of playing cards cut in half.

The nightmare?

Our personal phones, which run our lives today, because the registered mobile number is the key to all kinds of accounts and digital keys.

Can you imagine the power to simultaneously maim millions, if not billions, by sending a signal that will explode factory-direct OEM devices?

It’s pandora’s box, and a living nightmare.

Welcome to the 21st century, where nothing can be trusted, not even brand new retail products.

In A Coma For Days – What He Saw Will Blow Your Mind

By the time I answer this question on 2024/9/15, US senator Hawley has just questioned Intel CEO Rittener about forced labor (to harvest cotton) in Xinjiang.

Intel CEO replied that he is not an expert on this issue. He was questioned 3 times & he repeated the same answer 3 times.

The “forced labor” narrative has not died yet. Because of psychopath politicians.

If western media has been quiet on the cotton issue, it probably is because China is to limit export of certain type of cotton to the West. The type that can be used to make explosives. Perhaps western media wants to be “nice” to China, hoping China will not implement the cotton ban.

You know gun powder was invented by China about 1000 years ago.

There is no forced labor in Xinjiang. It is a US lie to suppress Chinese development & rise.

Let us use logic: China has made a space station in 2021. China collected moon soil from the back of the moon while USA cannot yet. Is it possible that China cannot make a machine to harvest cotton?

China is the 2nd largest economy in the world. If China does not use machine to harvest cotton fast & make money fast, how does China become rich & powerful? So powerful that USA must cook up lies to demonise China.

Most people think China is Communist, not democratic and authoritarian if not dictatorial. But most also know that the people in China live a good live even though per capita GDP is only on par with Mexico and Thailand and below Argentina Malaysia South Korea and Singapore. It GDP is second only to the USA because of high population.

Is China communist? No it is socialist in terms of its relationship with the people. It is capitalist in commerce and it has a Chinese characteristics when it comes to ownership be it tangible property, intellectual or commercial. Government is multiparty although dominantly the ruling CPC. Eight other political parties representing various interest groups including 台盟。There are also multi parties in Hong Kong and Taiwan. The National People’s Congress 人大 has about a third of it seats “reserved” for non party representation.

Democracy is grass root based and leadership is cultivated from these roots and branches of society. Dictatorial? Far from it. Authoritarian? The absence of rule is anarchy which is 混亂 or if you prefer the tongue 乱。

Marriage Is Often a Terrible Deal | Orion Taraban

Very good.

I have a good story about this.

I was on a United flight from Auckland, New Zealand to Los Angeles many years ago.

Many things went wrong with this departure:

  • We boarded about half an hour late
  • Shortly after boarding, three ground crew in hi-vis boarded, went into the forward galley, opened a hatch in the floor and went downstairs, to emerge about 15 minutes later with a heavy electronics module
  • About 15 minutes after that, they came back with another (the same?) module, went back down and made noises for a while, and left without it. I presume, whatever it was, they replaced it with a working one
  • There was a disturbance in First Class, and three cops boarded, leaving with a passenger in cuffs
  • After the disturbance, the Captain made an announcement that was something like “Well folks, some of you may have noticed we’ve had a little trouble, and we’ve had to deplane a passenger. That means we also have to deplane their luggage, which is going to take a little while longer. But not to worry, we have been sharpening our pencils up here, and we’ve loaded some extra fuel, and we reckon we can still get you to LA on time”

By the time we actually left the gate, it was two and a half hours after schedule.

They definitely had loaded extra fuel, it was a very slow, heavy takeoff, that used almost all of Auckland’s already very long runway. The climbout took ages too, and it sounded like they were using a very high power setting for climb.

Anyway, I had dinner and went to sleep.

I woke up at one point and looked at the airshow. We had flown slightly south-east out of Auckland, in the general direction of Easter Island, off the coast of Chile. We were doing a ground speed of 1386 km/h with a 450 km/h tail wind… ok, they had found a really strong tailwind, and were using that to get us across the Pacific. (That number was so remarkable I still remember it).

I went back to sleep for a while.

Next time I woke we were over Panama, we had flown up the coast of Chile and were crossing over into the Caribbean, heading in the general direction of Puerto Rico. We were at 40,000 ft (12,000 m) and going pretty fast.

I went back to sleep for a while.

Next time I woke we were over New Orleans, at 44,000 ft (13,500 m), it seemed I had woken up because we had made a roughly 90° left turn, and were now heading towards LAX.

From way to the east.

We had a strong, as in 300 km/h, tailwind at that point too.

During breakfast, we climbed to 46,000 ft (14,000 m). Not only could we go really fast up that high, but we also went straight over the top of all the traffic.

Eventually we arrived at the gate at LAX 15 minutes early, having taken a full two hours 45 minutes off the scheduled flight time, and flown, I guess, about a third more miles than the standard route.

Airliner flight crews have to wear their oxygen masks if they are above 40,000 ft (12,000 m); I’m guessing this crew spent about five hours on oxygen.

What Aristotle Knew About Oligarchy That We Forgot

A lesson for all of us quitters!

A student at Columbia University in the United States fell asleep during a mathematics lecture, and then woke up to the sound of the students’ voices. When the lecture ended, he found that the doctor had written two problems on the blackboard. He said to himself, “Sure, homework problems.” He transferred them to his notebook in order to solve them at home.

When he tried, he found that they were very difficult…but he kept trying and trying and going to the library to get references and research until he was able with difficulty to solve only one problem.

In the lecture that followed, he noticed that the doctor did not ask about the assignment!

So the student got up and asked him: “Doctor, why didn’t you ask about the assignment for the previous lecture?”

The doctor said: “Obligatory?… It was not obligatory. Rather, I was presenting to you examples of mathematical problems that science and scientists were unable to solve!”

The student was amazed and said: “But I solved one of them in four papers!”

The solution to the problem was recorded at Columbia University and is known by his name. This issue, with its four papers, is still on display at the university to this day

This student solved the problem for one reason… because he did not hear the doctor say: “No one could find their solution.”

He convinced himself that it had to be solved… so when he tried it without the effects of frustration, he solved it.

Do not listen to those who tell you that you cannot, as happens to the majority of our youth who are saturated with negative energies, especially from some trumpets that want to sow failure and frustration in their souls.

You can achieve your dreams, reach your goal, and overcome all difficulties. Just trust in God, try and repeat the attempts.

Do not despair.👌✍️



The name of the student was George Dantzig and the problem was from Math Stack Exchange.

“Dantzig showed that in the situation of Student’s t-test, the only way to get a hypothesis test whose power for any given alternative is independent of the standard deviation is to use a silly test which always has an equal probability of rejecting or failing to reject, which is obviously not useful.”

I Was Overweight & Bullied As A Kid, Then Cheated On By My 1st Love…Now I’m Living A Great Life!

I have read some of the answers that people are posting and all I can say is that I have a feeling that none of these people have ever stepped foot inside a penitentiary.

I have served years in the Pennsylvania Dept. of Corrections, I am not proud of that fact but it bothers me that so many people on social media are authorities on “doing time”. Your crime alone does not earn you any respect in other convicts’ eyes. In fact, you can serve on the same block with someone for years and not know what his crime is. If you are a child molester or sex offender, your crime will be known, but unless you became famous because of the news, your crimes are not usually well known by other convicts. Even if they are it is just a point of reference to know what a person might be capable of in a stressful situation.

A convict’s respect comes from how he walks the yard on a daily basis, how he handles the situations which arise every day in a place where people are kept in cages for most of the time. Being a “killer” out on the street with a gun does not automatically get you any respect. In prison many layers, many facades are stripped away; a person has to survive on character.

The only crime a convict will really respect is crime committed in the defense of your own family. Besides that you will have to earn your respect on a daily basis. (Sorry that I started to get long-winded.)

Will America Remain Number One? – Lee Kuan Yew ft. Singapore-US Relations

Why are some American people against China? Have the American people been brainwashed by the US government?

People in any country are not monolithic in their opinions and worldview. There will always be some people who hold one view, and some people who hold the opposite view.

People, including the Chinese, have good reason to be against the US…

  • The US is a warmongering imperialist. It wages endless wars causing massive death and destruction everywhere.
  • The US abuses the status of the US Dollar to sanction countries that don’t comply with its foreign policy. These sanctions cause untold human misery in the sanctioned country.
  • The US is inviting the possibility of nuclear war with its proxy war in Ukraine.
  • The US is risking nuclear war with its military provocations against China.
  • The US is smearing China’s reputation with lies about human rights violations and aggression against other countries.

Nurse Dies And Encounters God; What She Is Told Will Shock You (NDE)

Having icecream before an important event/exam …..

I was in 6th class….our school has traffic rules exam type thing for 5th class and above ….and the exam papers were same for all standards….

I gave my exam without cheating…. Many other students asked answers to each other which confused them as different students were saying different answers….

The exam was multiple choice questions based

So after we submitted our exams……….. I just went home without worrying about it because there was no chance a 6th grader like me can be in top 3….there were many more seniors who had given this exam multiple times whereas me …It was my first time as they included classes below 8th that year….

After 2–3 days ….

I was called to staff room with 4 more students….I was the youngest…..I didn’t know what it was about….then the teachers handed us the same exam paper to fill ….. and after that the teacher checked them and told us that I scored the highest both times…..first when the whole school gave it and second now ….they made us do the exam again to see if we scored because of cheating or actually knew few answers…..

The teachers were surprised because I got higher than my first time ….and all others got lower than their first time ….

(I discussed the exam paper with my elder sis when we went home and she told me few questions which she was sure were right and I filled them wrong)

Anyway…then the teacher told us we will have to give one more exam on Saturday which is the second level ….and at the third level , we will have a quiz competition with other school’s students who scored in top 3….. and we will get scholarship money if we win and if not then just participation money ….

I was really happy and told this to my mom and dad…..dad bought me icecream to celebrate my little win…..

I got high fever next day 🙂……

Well it might not be the ice cream fault but it was slight cold weather and having icecream might have given me a bad cold ….

As a result I got absent for two weeks…..

I told mom that I wanted to participate in the competition but mom refused because I had really high fever……

Later I found out they sent my class topper girl aka my benchmate instead of my place though she didn’t know much and scored low in the second level but thanks to other team members scores they passed…..

When the third level quiz was about to begin ….I got better and asked the teachers if I can continue to third level as it was me who cleared the first level ….

But there was this weird system in our school where they favoured particular students….and my benchmate was favoured a lot as she always got highest marks and had really good handwriting…. whereas me ….I either got first position with her or second ……but idk why teachers didn’t favour me much back then …..(I was favoured afterwards because of my participation in extracurricular activities and winning other awards…. typical teachers…always favouring the one who brings them pride )…..

Anyway then I witnessed the third level quiz in front of my eyes and watching our school team getting the easiest questions wrong…..

They didn’t win….

But yeah after that, I never had icecream before an important exam …..

So many??? It’s less than 40,000. That’s a tiny, tiny percentage of China’s 1.4 billion population.

It isn’t bad. It has ZERO impact on China.

There are many reasons why they might come into the US illegally. For example, they might be running away from a bad personal situation. They might believe that the grass is greener on the other side. Who knows.

Objectively speaking, China is a better place to live than the USA…

  • the cost of living is generally lower—low inflation, greater purchasing power
  • the cities are clean, safe and modern (cf. Shanghai with NYC, for example)
  • fabulous infrastructure (subways, high-speed trains, bridges, airports, etc.)
  • good and affordable healthcare
  • no homelessness
  • no gun violence
  • no drug addiction
  • no mass incarceration
  • no systemic racism (“I can’t breathe”)
  • increasing life expectancy

The grass is NOT greener in America.

DEBATE: Will China or the USA COLLAPSE first?

Actually, this is a really, really great discussion.

  1. When a man asks a girl out, man should pay the bills.
  2. When you see senior people standing on public transportation vehicles, you should give out your seat.
  3. In northern China, if you ask your friend to join dinner/lunch with you, you should pay the bill. And they should return you the favor at next time you guys eat together.
  4. Girls don’t wear clothes which can not cover their cleavages no matter how hot the weather is. A moderate dress in formal senario is ok.
  5. Don’t be obsessed with your private space. China is very crowded.
  6. It is ok to negotiate with government officials when you make mistakes, police officers won’t cuff you nor shoot you.
  7. Don’t be sensitive about racial PC. Chinese are very PInC, but they will never make it a real action, even an eye-rolling.
  8. Don’t criticize the government if you don’t know the people you are talking to very well. Very few Chinese people distinguish people/country/government.

Seventeen Minutes

Submitted into Contest #243 in response to: Write a story where time functions differently to our world. view prompt

Hannah Lynn

Nineteen minutes. That’s all the time left before she had to leave for her eight hour shift at the clinic. Nineteen minutes. She knew she would come home exhausted after the late shift only to go to sleep, get up early, and do the early shift in the morning. What did her coworker call it? Clopen. The close, open. Her next bit of freedom would be the following evening. Damn.Eighteen minutes. She still had to get her dinner together and pack her bag.She gazed at the TV, her laptop, her comforts of home. She had found a new Netflix series she was looking forward to watching. Oh well, maybe in a few days.Seventeen minutes.She remembered her old alarm clock, the one she had used before her phone took over that part of her daily routine. She used to hit the snooze button with a slap. If only she could hit the snooze button now and stop all clocks so she could enjoy herself for a bit. Slap. She would hit that button so fast. She closed her eyes and imagined it.Another glance at her watch. Seventeen minutes. Wait. Wasn’t it just seventeen minutes? Maybe she was wrong. She got up to pack her leftovers to bring with her. Fun stuff heating it up in the tiny break room. Why do leftovers taste so good at home and so terrible at work? Another one of life’s little mysteries.Seventeen minutes. Ok, seriously. It’s still seventeen minutes? That’s completely impossible. Her watch must have stopped. Running back into the kitchen, she checked the time on the microwave, on the stove. Both said the same thing. Seventeen minutes until she had to leave for work. Did they have a power outage? No, the clocks would be blinking. She took out her cell phone with a racing heart only to see the same time. Seventeen minutes left.She sat dazed on the couch. Ok, get it together. This makes no sense, and surely it must be time to go despite the confusion. She literally didn’t have time to figure it out; the situation would have to wait for when she got home. Grabbing her leftovers, her bag, and her keys she ran out the front door locking it behind her. She felt better already breathing in the fresh air.


In the two minute walk to her car, she planned her day and mentally made her checklist. Sitting in the seat she turned the key in the ignition. Checking her dashboard, she was glad to have gotten gas on the way home the night before. One less thing to worry about. Then she saw it.


What the actual fuck.


Her dashboard clock matched the time of all the clocks in her house, showing she had seventeen minutes before it was time to leave. She felt the blood drain from her face, felt her heart start to race, felt tingling in her fingertips. She was losing her mind. She had to be. There was no other explanation for this.


What should she do? Go to work? Pray this wrinkle in time straightens out while she makes the commute? Pretend nothing is wrong as she greets her coworkers? Hi, how are you? Great, you? Never better.


She pulled out of the apartment parking lot turning on the blinker by sheer habit. It was always a nightmare to merge into traffic every morning, the cars speeding out of control. Why was everyone in a rush? They couldn’t wait to get to work? Not this morning. No cars on the road. None. She stopped in the middle of the highway and put her car in park.


Should she call someone? Who would she call and for what reason? To ask for help? Maybe. She reached for her cell phone and scrolled through her contacts. How would she explain this SOS call? She stopped scrolling at her college roommate’s name. They hadn’t seen each other since graduation, but she was the type of friend she could call out of the blue. They had busted each other’s chops all the time in school, teasing each other good naturedly. She would be the perfect person to reach out to. Maybe test the water to see if this was mass hysteria or her own madness she had slipped into. Yes, she decided, she should call her.


Straight to voicemail. Of course. Why would anything go smoothly right now? “Hey it’s me. I’ve entered another dimension and need you. Call me back.” She laughed. That was a typical random message she would have left back in the day. She waited breathlessly for the return call. After a while she restarted her car for no apparent reason since the world seemed to cease and desist.


The phone would ring any minute, she reassured herself. In fact, they would have the biggest laugh over this. Maybe, just maybe, this was a carefully rigged plan by her friend. Was it possible she was in town unexpectedly and set up this elaborate prank? Yes, it’s possible. It makes sense actually. Sneaking into her apartment, messing with the clocks, she could picture that. Remembering when they lived together she had given her a spare key on the off chance there was some kind of emergency back home. She began to relax. The puzzle pieces were falling into place. Great prank. She got her good. The wheels started turning on how she would return the favor with something outrageous, something to top this.


She was starting to feel excited about getting to work to put this whole ordeal behind her. Pulling into the parking lot she gasped. No cars in the lot. No lights shining through the windows. She felt tears spring to her eyes unexpectedly and with a flash of annoyance she brushed them aside roughly. Forget this. I’m done. She drove at top speed all the way back to her apartment, let herself in and threw her bags on the couch. She didn’t want to, felt sick at the thought, dreaded the outcome but had to do it. She checked the clock. It hadn’t changed. Not at all. Still seventeen minutes before she was due to leave for work.


I’m ill. I’m obviously ill. Nervous breakdown maybe. Work has been stressful. Personal life overly dramatic. She snapped. Finally snapped.


Going into the bedroom she got under her blankets and closed her eyes. She would sleep it off. Maybe she has a fever. Maybe she needs the hospital. Maybe she needs a drink.


She fell asleep.




Sitting at her desk on Friday she felt groggy, slightly disoriented. She yawned for the millionth time trying to shake the cobwebs out of her head. Were these extra shifts worth it? Yet another clopen, the exhausting close, open of the endless shifts that seemed to blur together in her mind. Her paycheck reflected her hours of extra work but then again so did her mental health. She was shot.


A weird sensation floated through her, kind of like a déjà vu but not quite. She couldn’t put her finger on it. She felt anxious to wrap up the day and finally enjoy some time off.  Although having no plans for the weekend, it would be a wonderful break in the routine. Freedom and time off were what she was desperately craving. Again that weird feeling came over her giving her slight chills. What was her problem? She checked the time, twenty minutes until quitting time. She can do that. No problem. Her mind wandered to getting home to her apartment, warming up the leftovers to enjoy on the couch while finally watching that new Netflix series she was excited about. Weird, she didn’t remember seeing that bag of leftovers that morning when she packed her lunch. It had to be there, she reassured herself. Food doesn’t just disappear. She smiled to herself in anticipation of the meal. Maybe she would indulge in a glass of wine with her dinner. Why not. She earned it.


Glancing back at the clock she was already packing her bag to go. Eighteen minutes. One more minute she thought with a panic, confusion. One more minute until seventeen minutes. She was nauseous, sweating. Closing her eyes, she hoped no one would glance in her direction. Seventeen minutes, seventeen minutes. Stop it, she reprimanded herself silently. You are losing your mind. Get a grip and get out of here for some R and R. That’s the only goal right now. Breathe in, five, four, three, two, one.  Breathe out, five, four, three, two, one. Breathe in, five, four, three, two, one. Breathe out, five, four, three, two, one. The terror passed. She opened her eyes, glancing at the clock with fear. Sixteen minutes. She felt better.


Driving home from work she cursed the traffic. Why was it always so congested on this highway? Whatever. Turning up the music she sang along, belting out the lyrics knowing she was horribly off key, didn’t know half the words but didn’t care. Life was good, she felt great, not a care in the world. She smiled.


The buzzing of her cell phone came through the dashboard interrupting her singalong. She smiled when she recognized the number of her old college roommate. It had been way too long, she realized, since one of their hilarious conversations. Pressing the button on her steering wheel she called out “Hey there girl. Good timing. I’m just driving home and ready to start the weekend.”


“So, you’re back?”


“Back? Back from where?”


“The other dimension. That was great, still don’t know how you did it.  Those special effects, that weird background noise. It was so creepy you actually gave me goosebumps.”

Fried Liver and Onions


Yield: 4 servings


  • 1/2 pound bacon
  • 1 pound onions, sliced
  • 1 pound baby beef liver
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 cups beef broth


  1. Heat oven to 200 degrees F.
  2. Fry bacon and drain, reserving bacon grease. Keep bacon warm in oven.
  3. Return 2 tablespoons bacon grease to same skillet, and over medium-high heat, saute onions until translucent; add more bacon grease 1 tablespoon at a time, if needed. Remove onions to oven to keep warm.
  4. Return remaining bacon grease to skillet. Coat liver in flour, and sear in skillet over medium-high heat, watching carefully. As soon as liquid seeps to top of meat, turn and cook 2 minutes on other side. Remove meat to oven to keep warm.
  5. Sprinkle remaining flour into hot skillet, and stir constantly until flour begins to brown, then add broth. Boil for 1 minute, then reduce heat and simmer 1 minute longer.
  6. Pour gravy over liver and onions, and sprinkle crumbled bacon on top or lay strips of bacon on top.

John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs | All-In Summit 2024

On the disturbing side, a friend of mine went camping with his girlfriend. They set up their campsite just a short walk from a river.

Two canoes pulled in on the bank of the river in the late afternoon. The four guys from the canoes wove their way among the trees as they approached the campsite. My friend asked his lady to please bring his backpack to him. He was digging through it when the four gentlemen arrived, sounding friendly enough.

One of them told him that his girlfriend was pretty and that the four of them would like to share her company among themselves, but if he was good and just walked away, they wouldn’t hurt him. To emphasize a point, they drew knives and one picked up a rock.

Shortly thereafter, they discovered that he had been holding a .357 revolver inside the pack. A different friend had offered it to him before the trip and he decided to take it with him. He hadn’t intended for his girlfriend to even know it was there, but under the circumstances, it seemed appropriate for her to know.

One of the gentlemen had the clarity of mind to suggest that the gun wasn’t real and that he should fire a shot to prove it was. His response was to offer to sink one of their canoes, but they declined his offer to avoid the expense of repairing it, they said by way of rejection.

My friend told his girlfriend that there was another gun inside the pack for her, but not to bring it out unless she was going to use it immediately.

They subsequently offered to return to their canoes and continue their journey and heard no arguments from the couple.

As soon as they were gone, she told him she couldn’t find another gun in the pack. He told her she wouldn’t because there wasn’t one, but it seemed to slow the gentlemen down after they began moving as if to position themselves more advantageously.

They packed up the campsite and moved upriver to a more populated site where they would spend the night with other campers around them.

When they stopped at the ranger station to inform them about what they’d experienced, the ranger told them that it was not as unusual an event as most people would expect it to be. That was the most disturbing part of the story she told me.

The Ruler of the Moon

Submitted into Contest #243 in response to: Write a story about a character who wakes up in space. view prompt

Patricia Restrepo

For a second or maybe hours, she feels a heaviness that presses her onto a spongy-bouncy-like surface and debris poking at her back, and then a heat that rises within her starting at the sole of her feet and on through her eyes. “There is a sandstorm,” she thinks as an American flag comes into focus. ” Finally,” she says faintly as her forehead is stamped by a man in a strange suit with ‘You have arrived.’The last thing she remembers is the thrill she felt seeing the joy in his eyes when she told him she was going to the moon.She didn’t mean the moon. Who says that? She meant – I’m going to hell. Not because she had been bad as she was accused of being since she was five – she was just finally getting out and never coming back. But his stare swallowed her bravado which she had no problem displaying when she was running around doing crazy things. Although to her, they were not crazy. They were what saved her. She was more calculating than she was ever given credit for, and she always looked behind her.“I am going to the moon,” she said to her father when she was nine. She wore her white jumper suit and helmet and ran through the house. She heard laughter behind her, and she found this odd. She wondered why they were laughing. From the top of the roof, she looked at the sky and she raised her arms as she daringly jumped towards the sky.When she was a teen, she challenged her fate. She would simply look up into the sky and stare straight into her soul and call out her cowardice — try to stop me — she would say. And off into the night she went leaving her parents in a silent panic. Her mother would sleep on the sofa in the hopes she would return before sunrise and her father would pace half the night in her bedroom before surrendering to sleep.One day, when she was sixteen, she dared to dream. She was in her robotics class, and she dreamt about the moon. She imagined herself there all on her own – she would be the ruler of the moon. This made everyone around her happy. They showered her with attention and praise but something about that made her feel uneasy, as if she was conforming. So, she dropped it.On her 20th birthday, she came home fifteen minutes past midnight and was surprised not to see her mother on the couch but she suppressed any turmoil rising in her gut and proceeded down the hall passing the dining room table decorated with confetti and cake. At the foot of her bedroom door, she saw the shadow of shuffling feet and she turned and walked out.She traveled through deserts and mountains trying to reach the sky and confront it face to face. She stayed away from the beach although the strangers she met tried dragging her to its shore. She feared the ocean and she knew she could not defy it for it would swallow her without hesitation. She was a better runner than a swimmer.


At 22, she was gently woken by the moon. It led her home. Her bedroom light was still on, and her bed was neatly made. The bookcase was intact, filled with rows of her favorite books and her RCA record player that her grandfather gave her still worked. She played, Fly Me To The Moon. In the corner of her room, she noticed her white astronaut suit she got on her ninth birthday. It is full of stains and memories. She tried to settle.


For a while, she dreamt again of the moon – the highlands and its dormant volcanoes and each night she hid in a different crater with her dreams. Her days were spent visiting planetariums and devouring facts on physical environments and the Earth’s relationship with the moon. The praises about her above-average grades and “you are doing so well now,” always made her shrug and she dismissed them with disgust. The smiles offered to her were terrifying as she presumed they were fake, and she felt a chill each time she was approached by a hand wanting to tap her head in approval. This did not suit her well. She saw everyone around her trying to sabotage her journey and she knew their actions were suspicious.


She ran, barefooted, into the woods. She felt the mud underneath her toes and liked how it was real. The sun shining in through the trees that did not ask for anything but provide shade and allow her to breathe – gave her the most comfort during this time. One of her favorite parts of the day was welcoming the sunrise which brought promises and cleansed her body and mind.


For decades, she mostly walked alone but strangers still dragged her out. They pulled her and filled her head with psychedelic colors and pretty songs. She believed their words and intentions and briefly felt happiness. But the light of the moon usually revealed the ugly truth, and she would run – always looking back.


Now at 48, she glances at the sky timidly but still defiant. With her hands in her pocket and her neck bent back, she challenges her once again knowing she can deliver devastating blows. She no longer feels the excitement, but it is what she knows so off she goes in the opposite direction – into the darkness of the night.


“Luna, I knew you would make it to the moon. You were born in 1976 and you were destined to reach…”


She ran out and slammed the door leaving trapped all the words she always heard her father say. She imagined them floating above his head – bumping into each other with nowhere to go.


And now, for a split second, she knows she is there – her beloved moon is finally her home. She settles and the lights go out.

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Back in late summer of 1975 I was beginning senior year in high school. At the time, I played ice hockey with a group of older guys, most of whom were in the pagans gang. To me, they were nice guys. Anyway, one of them who lived near me had a 442 just like the one in the picture. I admired it every day when I walked home from school. When I asked him about it, he said it was for sale. I asked how much and he answered “two “. I didn’t have $2,000 and told him so. “No, $200” he answered. I ran into my house and grabbed $200 from my paper route money and gave it to him in exchange for the title. “Now, if doesn’t run “ he told me. No problem. It looked like a fighter jet just sitting there, and it was MINE. Had it towed to a garage where a friend worked. Turns out the negative cable from the battery was corroded. He cleaned it and she fired right up. Drove it home that afternoon. He came out, looked at the car and said “ cost a lot to get it running “? I had to stop myself from saying “No!! Didn’t cost me a penny!” Just in time, I looked down and said (truthfully) I didn’t expect it to cost what it did”. You don’t tell a Peagan that you got a steal buying his car. That car instantly made me a somebody at school…. and I went to Tina Fey’s high school. The one she wrote Bad Girls about. Long before her, but things were the same. Loved that car!!

My friend Amy was a single mom. She and her daughter Carol, had just spent time at the beach and were headed home.

They didn’t make it.

There was a terrible car accident and Amy died.

Carol was in the hospital in the pediatric unit and was refusing to eat.

Time went by and nothing anyone said or did would change this little girl’s mind.

When asked why she wouldn’t eat, she just shook her head and her eyes would well up with tears. She never spoke.

She hadn’t spoken a word since the accident.

Then one morning a nurse came in and Carol’s disposition had changed. She was sitting upright and the first thing she said was, “I am hungry. I can eat now.”

The nurse gently inquired what changed her mind.

Carol replied,

“My Mom just came to see me. She sat on the edge of my bed and told me it was okay. She said the accident wasn't my fault. I told her I was sorry for being hungry that day. If I hadn't been hungry we would have stayed at the beach longer and then the accident wouldn't have happened.”

The nurse quietly asked,

“What did your Mom say when you told her how sorry you were?”

Carol replied, “

My Mom said it wasn't my fault. It was okay.for me to be hungry.and that I need to start eating again.”

Both the nurse and Carol.shared this story several times throughout the day. The nurse shared it with the hospital staff, and Carol shared it with her Dad’s grandmother.

I was away when the accident happened. When I heard the story, I thought about my friend Amy.

I never doubted the truth of it.

Amy was the Mom who would make any sacrifice for her child. She would go to any length to help her. In my world, this included making a needful appearance in between worlds.

In this instance it meant, coming back to this physical plane just long enough to remind Carol, it’s okay to be hungry.

It is time to start eating again.

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