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About the big boobie MM splash screens

Youse guys getting enough big boobie women on my MM splash screen? Yeah, I seem to have a lot of fans doing this. Ah, though. Don’t worry, other things will be presented in our future. LOL.

As far as these splash screens go, the are screen captures of AI Appreciation channel(s) on YouTube. Lots of great stuff. Lots of odd-ball stuff as well. But I think that the big-boobie-women are a crowd draw, and my stats seem to show an up-tick on random visits when the splash image shows boobs.

LOL. Gosh that is a knee-slapper.

Anyways, I’ve collected a bunch, and then the computer crashed and I lost all of them. Ah. That’s life.

I will post more boobs in the future, and then I will morph into other interesting directions. You never know.

The truth is that all this boobie stuff is gonna be short lasting. I’ve got a few months more of it, and then you’ll see other stuff headline on the splash screens. Mostly just about anything… except boobies.

But just hang in there.

Roll your eyes, if you gotta. Just know that this period is transitory, and better stuff… more interesting stuff… will replace it. Don’t you know.


As experienced when traveling by train from Vancouver to Toronto in February this year.

A little adventure as observed.

The train was 7 h late in eastern Manitoba; Suddenly we stopped in the middle of the very dark forest. One of the drivers came to the last car, the bar car, where we were. He said:

“We missed a flag stop, there is a trapper and his dog out there. We cannot leave him in this cold (- 33 C).”

If you want to know about “cold” read Jack London, “To build a fire”.

We could see a very faint light about 2 km behind the train. Then we backed up until we came to where we saw the trapper, his baggage and his dog.

A couple of attendants jumped off the train and tended to his baggage.

The train, 13 cars and about 500 m long, continued to back up. The trapper’s BIG black dog was taken into the heated luggage car, the first car after the TWO locomotives, wrapped in blankets and placed near an electric heater.

Our resident chef was arousen and went to the kitchen at a very late hour to prepare a warming meal for the cold man.

A bit of “Canada” for you. He had been there, outside by the track, for over five hours. No cellphone service and he had no idea when the train would arrive.

When it came, it drove by him at 120 km/h.

Imagine his horror.

Important for the world? Important for the the US to do Gangsterism 101 just like their ugly cousin Britain hold everyone’s balls in in Suez Canal! Sure it is important for the world and but it is two Mafia weapon to hold the world at ransom.

Banana-Chocolate Chip Muffins

These enticing golden brown muffins get their sweetness from a triple play of honey, semisweet chocolate, and ripe banana. Serve them with honey, butter, or soft-style cream cheese.


Yield: 18 muffins


  • 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 cup butter, melted
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 1/3 cups mashed banana (4 medium)
  • 1 cup semisweet chocolate pieces




  1. Line eighteen 2 1/2 inch muffin cups with paper bake cups; set aside.
  2. In a medium bowl, combine flour, baking powder, salt, and baking soda. Make a well in center of flour mixture; set aside.
  3. In another bowl, combine melted butter, honey, milk, and vanilla; add to flour mixture along with mashed banana and chocolate pieces. Stir just until moistened. Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups, filling each 3/4 full.
  4. Bake at 375 degrees F for about 20 minutes or until golden. Remove from muffin cups; cool muffins on a wire rack for 15 minutes.
  5. Serve warm.

Difficult question! My guess would be that there was not a single mechanism responsible, nor did it happen from one day to the next.

Important mechanisms to name a few probably were:

1)The spontaneous creation of complex organic molecules from simple molecules in proto-earth.

2)The 3D complexity of very long organic biomolecules, that in combination with external energy can create complex chemical systems that are difficult to reach equilibrium. Also these molecules can react with simpler compounds (CaCO3, aminoacids, etc) and create other molecules with ridiculously complex 3D spatial conformations like them and increase the available for life chemical reservoir.

3)The natural history of reactions favors (and in a way select) the most stable systems. For example adhesive properties can make systems endure external events, hydrophobicity can create membranes, pores, etc, which can protect and sequester reactions, deoxyribonucleic acids and their packaging can lead to relatively stable structures, etc.

4)The fact that we are the observers of the whole phenomenon gives us a specific viewpoint that can be deceiving. I will explain:

a)We don’t realize the unfathomable amount of chemical reactions and events that happen even in a tiny bit of living material. Every chemical reaction in life happens for a natural reason. There is locally no purpose in them, they are natural events. However, we dont see plain reactions, we see for example mitochondria, cells, etc.

b)Life from a strictly biochemical perspective is a sum of chemical systems that interact. From a biochemical standpoint, there is not such a thing as an individual organism. This is probably a result of a need of human brain to organize and understand systems. Thus, we think that living systems can create order, while in fact life as a whole, if we even include for example death, food and nutrient recycling is a much more disordered system overall, exactly like all spontaneously forming chemical systems.

c)Life’s chemical reactions seem to have a purpose because life self-organizes. However, who is the observer? We. The results of this process are the observers of the process. Everything that happens leads to them. This by itself cancels out the epicness of self-organization. If a river could think, how would it perceive the cycle of water it participates? Imagine a series of events: A->B->C…….Y->Z->A->B…etc and the observer is (N+O). The observer will think that this system can self-organize. Although an over-simplification because life is consisted by unfathomable numbers of chemical interactions, all i am saying is that any system will be perceived to have self-organizing properties from the perspective of its results.

And similar systems under the same laws of nature will constantly produce similar results. Imagine you go to a planet with many chemical reactions on its surface. Your chemical analysis will be similar both now and after 30 years. Every chemical reaction in life happens for a natural reason, for example adenine and thymine form bonds during replication. There is no purpose in them, they are natural events. DNA molecules are a part of the soup, but they are stable and their interactions will be relatively preserved and will expand. Changes in DNA sequences will affect the fate of the chemical system and the most sustainable results will dominate. Natural selection will be in full action, but its like looking it from a different angle. Biology and chemistry look like 2 sides of the same coin, but it depends on the angle you observe the phenomenon.

d)There is nothing more tricky than to try to understand logic and human cognition by using…human cognition. Its like trying to see your eyes with your own eyes.

All thoughts, regardless of how deep or complex, can be reduced down to simple chemical processes. There are no exceptions.

Reason is driven by what we perceive as pleasure-seeking integral tendencies and internal forces and instincts (reproduction, survival, etc).

If you are starving for days, you are gonna constantly think of ways to feed yourself. Just write down your thoughts 1 day after you quit smoking and read them after 2 years. One can deliberately fast, but that is because the person decided that this will give him/her even more pleasure (e.g due to religious views, etc) than eating.

Logic is also driven by self or other parties aims and interests. They build and use their existing background that is written in nervous synapses and based on what they have learned so far, they seek of solutions or develop strategies to fullfil their aims and interests. They do so, because this will give them pleasure and avoid pain.

In other words, cognition and logic is a tool of nature to serve its purposes. It is a homeostasis tool, and its no different than the lungs, the kidneys, etc on that sense.

So to conclude, there are probably several mechanisms that enabled life to emerge, but the main mechanism that made biology different than chemistry is probably the fact that we are the observers.

Where??? (She’s so confused)

Why do foreigners feel very comfortable living in China?

BEIJING: Not all foreigners feel very comfortable in China, but there are many of us who do. I have lived and worked in the capital city for over 11 years so I can provide my prospective on how to adapt and feel better here.

A person coming to China should first know their purpose for arriving in the country. Are they simply a short-term visitor planning to take a vacation or to visit friends or relatives?

If you are just coming for a week or two, it’s best to write up a list of places you hope to visit and do your best to follow the schedule.

For tourists, there are many amazing sites to see, but it’s a big country so it’s best to organize a schedule to meet your objectives. Do you like cities or the countryside?

The major cities are Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Xi’an, Wuhan Chengdu and many other cities with big populations and huge skyscrapers.

For first time tourists with just a week to visit, I would suggest going to Beijing and/or Shanghai.

The capital city is home to the Forbidden Palace, Great Wall of China, Summer Palace, along with many great museums.

While Shanghai is the financial hub so it’s great for dining out, shopping and strolling around the public gardens, parks and of course the Bund.

Nevertheless, China is more than a place for people to take a tour for a leisure trip.

Many people such as myself have moved here for the long-term so this requires having a different mindset to adjust to the cultural differences.

Under these circumstances, you should spend more time reading about China before moving to the country.

Good topics on China should be on Chinese-related history, literature, cultural, economics and contemporary books.

China has a long and rich history so it’s important to know not only the history of the People’s Republic of China and the ruling CPC (Communist Party of China) but you should read books about Ancient China’s history and the imperial dynasties.

That can help one better understand the real mindsets of the Chinese as they take pride in coming from a civilization that has endured for over 5,000 years.

The philosophy of Confucianism plays a strong role in Chinese culture to this day. Chinese families are closely knit and care deeply about education.

Confucianism promotes an ethical code that favors conformity, respect for elders and authority and to embrace a social harmony that places support for the community above support for the individual.

We can learn more about how Confucianism impacts Chinese society from National Geographic. The link is here:

This endangered mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx) was photographed by National Geographic Photographer Joel Sartore on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea, in his ambitious project to document every species in captivity—inspiring people not just to care, but also to help protect these animals for future generations. Before drills disappear,

As reported by National Geographic:

“The main idea of Confucianism is the importance of having a good moral character, which can then affect the world around that person through the idea of ‘cosmic harmony.’ If the emperor has moral perfection, his rule will be peaceful and benevolent. Natural disasters and conflict are the result of straying from the ancient teachings. This moral character is achieved through the virtue of ren, or ‘humanity,’ which leads to more virtuous behaviours, such as respect, altruism, and humility. Confucius believed in the importance of education in order to create this virtuous character. He thought that people are essentially good yet may have strayed from the appropriate forms of conduct. Rituals in Confucianism were designed to bring about this respectful attitude and create a sense of community within a group.”

Based on my experiences, I would advise people planning to move here for the long term to develop more patience, humility and stay reasonable when dealing with unexpected situations.

Why North America is preparing for an Arctic battle

On the use of slippers in hand-to-hand combat

Submitted into Contest #18 in response to: Your fingers tensed around the object in your pocket, ready to pull it out at a moment’s notice. view prompt

Marte Van Der Linden


There’s an Egyptian dessert called Oum Ali which commemorates a murder. The story goes that Shajar al-Durr, widow of a 13th century sultan, could not be ruler of Egypt unless she married. So she found herself a total pushover of a husband named Izz al-Din Aybak who she thought would make a fine puppet sultan. He was already married, but that did not stop the ambitious sultana-to-be. She simply forbade him from seeing his first wife and his son Ali.The ruling couple did not exactly live happily ever after. The sultan missed his old family. Eventually, the sultana had the sultan murdered and announced to the world that he had very tragically and completely accidentally died while taking a bath. The sultan’s first wife was not going to stand for this. She lured the sultana to the bath house, where her servants beat her to death with their slippers. To celebrate her victory, the first wife cooked up a delicious bread pudding with coconut and almonds and served it to all her friends. And she named the dish Oum Ali after herself: Ali’s mother. What a woman.I’ve never actually tasted this dessert, but the story stuck in my mind for three reasons. First of all, Egyptians are weird. Why would you name a dessert after a murderer? Second, this tragedy could have been avoided if they’d just let Shajar al-Durr be sultana and supreme ruler without a man. She was quite competent, apparently. Third, and perhaps most importantly, in the right hands a slipper can be a formidable weapon. I had a slipper. It was the middle of the night and someone was moving around my apartment. A burglar? A deranged mass murderer? A ghost? I needed all the weaponry I could get.I suppose Oum Ali and her servants used a fairly hefty type of slipper, perhaps something wooden like a clog. I had one of those flimsy slippers that are complimentary on long flights. I honestly don’t know why there was a slipper in the pocket of my dressing gown. The other pocket contained a toothpick and a postcard. I thought of the bread knife in the kitchen and the hammer in the tool chest. Both were beyond my reach. My bedroom did not contain any convenient cricket bats or thick hardcover books.My fingers tensed around the slipper in my pocket as I crept down the hallway. The light was on in the kitchen and someone was clattering around in there. Drawers. Cutlery. Plates. The tap. The fridge. A pan. The gas stove. Then a tiny crack followed by a loud sizzling sound. What kind of burglar breaks into a house to fry an egg?I peered around the corner and saw a woman dressed in green. She had dark hair that was fighting its way out of a fancy braid. She looked fairly harmless, but I did not relinquish the grasp on the slipper. Perhaps I could slip past her to the living room, find my phone, call the police…I must’ve made a noise because she glanced up.“Hi,” she said, with a flicker of a smile. “I suppose you are wondering what I’m doing in your kitchen in the middle of the night.”“Well, yes.”“Long story.” She opened a drawer and began to rummage through it. “Do you have a spatula?”“How did you get in?”“Your spare key. Honey, your letterbox is the first place burglars look. You really should be more careful.” She spotted the spatula in the earthenware jar by the stove and extracted it with a flourish. “You’re not hungry, are you? There was just one egg.”I shook my head and sat down at the kitchen table while she made herself a cup of tea and some toast to go with her egg. Sunny side up. She sat down opposite me and began to wolf down her food. I kept my hand in my pocket. The slipper felt oddly comforting.“So, first things first,” she said, between bites. “I’m Gloria.”I said nothing.“Aren’t you going to introduce yourself?”“I’m waiting to hear what you’re doing in my apartment.” I was also pinching myself repeatedly but all that got me was a bruised forearm. This was not a dream.The woman – Gloria – mopped up the last of the egg with a piece of toast and popped it into her mouth. “Would you believe me if I said I’m a secret agent, trying to track down a spy who could endanger my entire mission?”“What mission?”“Top secret, can’t tell you.”“I don’t believe you.”“Fair enough. I’ll give you a broad outline. It involves a stolen Rembrandt painting, three cardinals and a significant quantity of enriched uranium.”“I still don’t believe you.”“Too far-fetched? Yes, I suppose it is.” She took a sip of her tea. “What if I said I broke in on a dare?”“Better,” I said. “But still not believable enough. What sort of dare involves cooking?”“I have weird friends.”That I could believe.Gloria took another sip of tea. “You’d like me to leave, don’t you?”“Yes. I don’t like people breaking into my apartment.”“Is it technically breaking in if I used a key?”“Yes.”“I suppose you’re right.” She got to her feet, brushed a few crumbs of her shirt and put her plate in the sink. She also left the dirty frying pan on the stove.“Well,” she said. “It was a pleasure meeting you.”She held out her hand. When I didn’t move, she reached forward and pulled mine out of my pocket. I was still holding the slipper, and she raised an eyebrow at the sight of it.“You’re weird,” she said.

“Bit rich coming from you.”

“Who keeps a slipper in the pocket of their dressing gown?”

“Who breaks into a stranger’s apartment in the middle of the night to fry an egg?”

“I was hungry.”

“Then use your own kitchen!”

“Not possible, I’m afraid. My kitchen is far away. It would take me years to get back there.”

It was my turn to raise an eyebrow.

“It’s true,” she said. The smile was back on her face. The corners of her eyes crinkled. “I’m a time traveller from the distant future.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Well, then! I’m an alien, and my home planet is dozens of light years from here.”

“I don’t believe you. And if you don’t tell me the truth right now, I’m calling the police.”

“And tell them what? That someone broke in and stole your last egg? I’ll be long gone before they get here. You can’t stop me.”

I held up my slipper. “I’ll use this.”

“To do what?”

I whacked her around the head with it. She blinked. I whacked her again. The slipper was drooping at a sad angle. I would be writing the Egyptian people a sternly worded letter concerning the effectiveness of slippers in hand-to-hand combat.

“Stop it,” Gloria said, after I’d whacked her a third time.

“Not until you tell me why you are here!” My brain was fizzing and my kitchen looked oddly shiny and blurred around the edges, the way everything looks when you are so tired you don’t realise you are tired anymore. It was nearly three in the morning by now.

“All right, then,” said Gloria. “I’ll tell you. I’m the queen of the fairies, and I appear in the human world once a year. If I am warmly received, I bless the world. If I am not, I curse it.”

“Curse all you want.” I raised the slipper.

She did swear then, a colourful string of invectives that would have made a sailor blush.

“Actually, I’m a scientist,” she said. A smile flickered across her face again. “I’m studying how people respond to strange situations.”

“I wonder what your ethics committee thinks of that.”

Perhaps I could push her out of my apartment. I stepped forward, and she stepped back, eyeing the slipper in my hand. Step by step, I nudged her towards the front door.

“I’m a member of the neighbourhood watch,” she said, as she took a step backwards into the hallway. “I regularly check if people hide their spare keys in stupid places, and then confront them like this.”

“That’s crazy.”

Gloria had her back to my front door now.

“You win,” she said. She took something out of her pocket and handed it to me. It was my spare key.

I opened the door. A blast of cold air made me shiver. “Why are you really here?”

“I’ve given you at least half a dozen reasons.”

“Are you saying one of them is the truth?”

“No,” she said. “All of them are.”

And she stepped out into the night and was gone.

I locked and bolted the door and placed a chair under the handle for good measure.


I can’t remember falling asleep but I must have done. I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache, still clutching the slipper. When I padded down the hallway, the first thing I saw was a chair propped against my front door. There was a dirty frying pan on the stove and a plate in the sink. I opened my fridge and saw I had one egg. There was a tiny note beside it.

I am many things, the note said. But not a thief.

Dresses inappropriately to get attention at the gym and NO ONE looks at her.

My husband and I were invited to a neighbors house for a potluck dinner.

I made a beautiful cake and put it on a beautiful cake platter that I had recently purchased.

It’s always my husband‘s job to make sure that whatever plate I bring to someone’s house comes back with us. So when the cake was finished, he grabbed the plate and quickly washed it and Put it into our car that was parked right outside.

A few weeks later, this woman called me and asked if she could borrow the platter. I told her of course she could and just pick it up anytime you want.

Two weeks later, I still hadn’t heard from her, so I called her up and asked her if I could come by and pick up the platter.

Her response?!?!

She then said to me “oh! You want to borrow my platter?”

I almost choked! I said “no Susan, I would like you to return my platter, the platter that you borrowed from me.

she then told me that I was mistaken, and the platter was hers. She told me she had recently bought it at Macy’s.

The first time she saw the platter was at my house and at the time she asked me where I had gotten it and I told her at Macy*s!

this woman was a member of the country club and I knew she went there regularly. I waited a few days until I knew she was at the club and sent my husband over to her house.

Her husband was home and didn’t know anything about this so my husband just said he was there to pick up our platter.

The husband was very nice and apologized that it hadn’t been brought back to us sooner.

Three hours later, I got a very angry call from Susan, who actually threatened to take me to court to get “her” Platter back.


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On December 26, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) simultaneously displayed two different sixth-generation NGAD fighter jet, the 076 amphibious landing ship, the WZ-9 strategic drone, and the KJ3000 AWACS in tribute to Chairman Mao, the founder of the PLA.

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Some Chinese in the United States sent a message saying that traffic jams have started near the Pentagon, and classic pizza restaurants have also started to be overwhelmed.

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In Washington, the U.S. House of Representatives urgently announced on the 26th that it would hold an extraordinary meeting on the 27th…

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I didn’t expect that Americans would attach so much importance to Chairman Mao’s birthday. Americans are so polite. 😅

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Notably, photos taken in Sichuan Province indicate that China’s new aircraft are already marked with serial numbers. According to Chinese military regulations, only equipment that has been formally delivered to combat units is allowed to have serial numbers. This could suggest that China’s 6th generation fighter has already entered mass production and may even be combat-ready.

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From this perspective, it is still not enough for the US military to evacuate from Okinawa in the first island chain to Guam in the second island chain. Perhaps it will be safe enough to evacuate to Hawaii in the third island chain. The second island chain is also about to collapse… 😂

U.S Marines’ transfer to Guam from Okinawa to start in December
The transfer of U.S Marine Corps troops stationed in Japan’s Okinawa to Guam will start in December, a Marines official said Sunday, the latest development in a long-agreed Japan-U.S forces realignment plan aimed at reducing the southern island prefecture’s base-hosting burden.
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The key to developing a new generation of fighter jets lies in having the necessary next-generation research facilities—specifically hypersonic wind tunnels. In this field, the U.S. is at least eight years behind China.

Wind tunnels are research facilities that simulate real-world flight conditions on the ground, with hypersonic wind tunnels reaching speeds of at least Mach 5. Beijing’s JF-22 wind tunnel can simulate speeds up to Mach 30, flight altitudes of 100 kilometres, and continuous operation for more than 100 milliseconds, making it the world’s most advanced wind tunnel. In contrast, the VOA reported in 2023 that the most advanced U.S. wind tunnel, LENS II, can only simulate speeds of Mach 7 and operate for just 30 milliseconds.

To understand the difference, imagine developing aircraft as training athletes. Having a super-fast treadmill allows engineers to closely observe the athlete’s form and offer precise feedback without having to transport test models to 100 kilometres in altitude. This not only reduces the risk of espionage during development but fundamentally improves the maturity of technology verification machines, ensuring fewer losses and greater safety for test pilots.

While the U.S. Sandia National Laboratory’s Z Machine can accelerate airflow to Mach 30, its primary purpose is to study shock waves for nuclear fusion, and it can only operate for a very brief period. Unlike Beijing’s JF-22, which is designed for continuous operation, the Z Machine cannot simulate sustained high-speed flight conditions needed for aircraft and missiles. It’s like trying to train a sprinter with a treadmill that can only simulate one step. Even if Usain Bolt’s first step is faster than anyone else’s, he won’t win the gold medal if he doesn’t complete the remaining 99 meters.

However, as of November 2024, the U.S. remains behind. The most recently delivered wind tunnel at the University of Notre Dame can only reach Mach 10, just one-third of the capability of China’s JF-22.

The development of hypersonic missiles also requires hypersonic wind tunnels. The lack of hypersonic wind tunnels is the reason why the United States has not successfully tested its hypersonic missiles.

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ARRW hypersonic missile test failed, US Air Force admits
Secretary Frank Kendall confirmed this month’s ARRW hypersonic test wasn’t successful, and said the service is more committed to another weapon.

The faster the flight speed, the greater the air resistance, and the more difficult it is to control the flight. If there is a slight deviation during the flight, the missile will have an error of tens or even hundreds of kilometers from the target.

Hypersonic aircraft is a technology that the United States has not yet developed. In the near space war zone, the sixth-generation fighter jets fly at a speed of Mach 5 at an altitude of more than 20,000 meters, opening up a new air combat mode.

The sixth-generation fighter jets flying in near space need to switch between high-density and low-density air.

Can the B2 or B21 fly at Mach 5? The only standard flight speed of the sixth-generation aircraft is Mach 5. 🤣🤣🤣

Personally, I think it would be better for the Americans to come out and brag about supersonic missiles after they have successfully developed them!

Hurdles in the Hypersonic Race: The United States’ Failed ARRW Program
The U.S. hypersonic program is lagging behind those of its primary adversaries due to multiple factors. The cancellation of the ARRW hypersonic program sheds light on this

Some of China’s Mega Projects

JF-22 wind tunnel

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HL-2M research tokamak

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Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope

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Neutrino experimental device

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TRUTHFULLY (How to Stop Lying with Squares) (AQAL Quadrant analysis)

Cinnamon Crunch Cobblestone Muffins


Yield: 12 servings or 24 sample servings


  • 1/4 cup chopped pecans
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 1/3 cup butter or margarine, melted
  • 2 (11.3 ounce) packages refrigerated dinner rolls
  • 1 tablespoon flour



















  1. Heat oven to 375 degrees F.
  2. Chop pecans using Food Chopper. Combine pecans, sugar and cinnamon in Small Batter Bowl; mix well. Microwave butter in Small Micro-Cooker(R) on HIGH 30 seconds or until melted.
  3. Separate rolls; cut each roll into 6 pieces using Pizza Cutter. Place half of the dough pieces and 2 tablespoons of the butter in Classic Batter Bowl; toss gently to coat using Small Mix ‘N Scraper(R). Sprinkle with 1/4 cup of the sugar mixture; toss to coat. Evenly divide dough pieces to fill 6 muffin cups in Stoneware Muffin Pan. Repeat with remaining dough, 2 tablespoons of the butter and 1/4 cup of the sugar mixture; divide evenly to fill remaining muffin cups.
  4. Add flour to remaining sugar mixture in batter bowl; add remaining melted butter and mix until crumbly. Using Small Scoop, place scant scoop of crumb topping over each muffin.
  5. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until muffins are deep golden brown.
  6. Remove from oven to Stackable Cooling Rack. Let stand 5 minutes.
  7. Remove from pan using Small Spreader; serve warm.


They were the ones that introduced the ban (Wolf Amendment) to deliberately ostracise China thus depriving them of any form of information sharing in that field.

So in asking in such a manner is looking like as if the US congress is benevolent in doing so in the eyes of those ignorant about the bad intentions of the US congress that introduced it in the first place. It gives hypocrisy a new meaning and a with such a shameless manner.

It’s like banishing someone only to accept him back when found that he’s badly needed to be reused.

The US is now seen as an ungrateful nation and treating others countries like disposable diapers. The entire EU countries and a number of Asian nations has become “Diaper Nations” to the US but China isn’t one of those.

Do I think the US congress should lift the.. ?

By lifting that ban now only show to the rest of the world how an entire congress becomes an instant pariah if it hasn’t already.

5 Real Reasons I Left America To Live Abroad As A PASSPORT BRO.

To kick USA out of Greenland? Not so easy.

USA is withdrawing troops from Okinawa in Dec 2024 to Guam & Hawaii.

No doubt for years, Okinawans staged countless protests against US soldiers on their island, but USA the mafia did not care, until 2024.

What makes USA change its mind?

It is because USA knows it cannot fight China in case of war. USA cannot protect its 1st island chain which covers Japan incl Okinawa, S Korea, Taiwan & Philippines. It fact, USA cannot protect its 2nd island chain Guam either. Nor Hawaii. Nor US mainland.

China has both medium & long range missiles that can hit 4000 km ie as far as Guam. China also can hit 8000 km ie Hawaii. In Sep 2024, China has successfully tested fired a 3rd generation intercontinental hypersonic missile that can hit US mainland in minutes.

USA reported that China has finished installing its med-long range missiles ie USA cannot defend its 1st island chain any more. That is why USA withdraws troops from Okinawa.

USA made it news about Okinawa because USA wanted to make it look like USA is such a gentleman who would listen to protests.

My guess is that USA may have quietly withdrawn troops & heavy duty weapons from Japan mainland & S Korea to Guam too. For the same reason, USA cannot defend the 1st island chain.

Now your question.

Greenlanders cannot kick USA out. USA is a mafia who only bows down to fist/weapon. Not to lip/protest.

Look at Syria. USA has illegally occupied the Syrian oil fields, stealing 80% of Syrian total oil production before war. USA also steals Syrian grain. UN condemned USA many times but failed because mafia USA is shameless.

That said. Greenlanders should learn from Okinawa. Protest & make international news. Constantly. Go to UN too. Lip pressure is better than none.

If Greenland is thinking to get military help, dont ask UK or Germany. They are US puppets & will bow down to USA.

Go ask for UN peacekeeping. Go join SCO to see if Russia or China can help with peacekeeping.

Good luck, Greenland. Stay strong because Greenland is sitting on a “gold” mine rich in natural resources AND north pole seaway.

What country do Westerners think has far worse corruption, the US or Russia?

One weekend in Sacramento with my girlfriend at the time we discovered a cool little state-owned military museum. It was exactly the kind of place I love, nothing too grandiose, just a treasure trove of authentic military displays, items and diaramas.

While I was there, I ran into one of the museum’s staff (he was a director or something like that) who was also a lieutenant colonel in the California Army National Guard. We had a great conversation about a lot of things. At the time, I worked for the California NG’s public affairs unit.

I messaged my boss and said this would be a great place to publish an article about, and she agreed. Then a couple of days later she contacted me and said absolutely do not write about the museum, don’t say anything about it. I was baffled and asked why. She didn’t know, that was just the instructions she received.

Then about a week later, that guy I talked to was caught by the Feds robbing the museum in the middle of the night with a few accomplices.

Just to explain what happened here: when a WWII veteran dies, his family will often donate all of his stuff to a museum. Old uniform items and nazi war trophies can be quite valuable on marketplaces like Ebay.

So sitting on millions of dollars worth of trinkets was just too much of a temptation for the lieutenant colonel. And mind you, this guy was not poor by any stretch of the imagination. He was a senior officer in the US Army, plus his position at the museum. But he still supplemented his income with theft. In his mind, he probably justified this enterprise as a victimless crime. The museum was getting more donated old kit and war trophies than they could ever use, and he decided to sell some of it and keep the money for himself.

Another example that stuck out to me. Last year I read about a Marine supply sergeant at Camp Pendleton who was convicted for his role in a crime ring that that sold leftover training ammunition on the civilian market.

Just to be clear, military bureaucracy is annoying and if this guy was just being a little fast and loose with the paperwork I wouldn’t judge him. “Hey Bob, just throw this ammo in your garage and we’ll get together to drink some beer and shoot it off later.” Not legal, but the ammo is getting used for what it was intended for. But these guys were stealing from the American taxpayer and pocketing the money.

And the thing is, it was a trivial amount of money. A Marine sergeant in California would be making at least 6 or 7 thousand dollars a month. And it’s not like they were selling Javelin missiles or 40mm grenades or anything like that. Just excess 5.56mm rifle and 9mm rounds. Was it really worth throwing away his career and spending time in prison for a few hundred dollars here and there? It blows my mind. But that’s corruption for you.

One time I traveled to Camp Roberts in central California and had a long talk with a senior guy at the G-8 (Finance). There had just recently been a massive scandal involving misuse of funds. Money that was supposed to be going to camp renovations was being rerouted to the neighboring base at San Luis Obispo, and also people’s pockets. He was the one honest guy in a den of thieves so got away unscathed, but I noticed he seemed to look older than he actually was.

I can think of at least a couple of other extraordinary cases of corruption that I interacted with personally.

So to actually answer the question, I have thought about how dirty the Russian government is in comparison to the US government, and I have tried to be impartial about it. How much does the average Russian official steal in comparison to the average American official? One HUGE advantage the US has is that our government employees are usually paid pretty well. I continue to be amazed at how little Russian government employees are often paid. BUT, as I already said, good pay doesn’t eliminate the temptation to steal.

The cultural trait working against Americans in comparison to Russians is that we tend to deny the problem exists. I have never met a Russian who denies that corruption exists and is a problem in Russia. But from talking to Americans, they very often bellow that corruption is not a problem and if you even try to suggest it might be, they scream “But but but North Korea but but but Russia but but but Cuba!” That doesn’t boost my confidence that the problem is actually being addressed properly.


Really great rant.

Glimmers From a Gem by Christina Steele

Submitted into Contest #18 in response to: Your fingers tensed around the object in your pocket, ready to pull it out at a moment’s notice. view prompt

Christina Steele

She kept a stone in her pocket. A black stone, cold to the touch, but it fit her palm as if moulded just for her. In times of indecision, she ran her thumb over the flat surface discerning the small crevices and bumps, angulations eyes could not see, but touch could memorise. Intuitively, the surface’s rises and falls represented life’s journeys, the everyday ups-and-downs, and scars, and struggles. Touching was usually enough to soothe her worries, one large Zen bead, or single Rosary bead.Occasionally, she needed to see the stone; to believe it existed. On those arduous days, sitting elbows on knees, moving this touched connection, this weight, from hand to hand, she’d view the depth of the black colour with its subtle contrast of weathered-white speckles. Doing so brought the piece into reality; making it more than something connected only by emotion, or something only ethereal. She had trust in the magic of this rock. This stone delivered to her at her mother’s funeral, when the pastor’s random pull from an amethyst bag, placed the smooth weight into her hand. She needed to see it, for it to be real, on those lonely doubt-filled days, the rock got her through.She rolled the stone over, her eyes mesmerised by the gold engraved cursive. It couldn’t be wrong. It was her mother’s last word, the only unanswered question, answered by a rock placed in her hand, a smooth stone that had seen her through several storms, a gem that spoke to her by feel, and could bring the warmth and pure earthy smell of her mother’s love to her as if by magic—a beautiful black stone with a single, now tarnished, gold word—dream. She read the gold cursive word that she had poured her money into, lost family over, had worked her fingers to the bone to earn. It had to—no—must be; real. If it weren’t, then she’d have nothing.That was the day she laid aside the expectations. She let out the breath she had been holding within, with all her might, for all her life. It was the end, acting as the end always does, as a disguised beginning.She believed beyond reason because if it existed, all her dreams would transform into reality as tangible as this touchstone looked, and felt, and smelled. Faith in the pebble in her pocket fed the hunger of her dream.She slipped the treasured gem back into her pocket — the weight a subtle reminder to ground herself. With a new glimmer of onyx inspiration, she slid behind the keyboard and began the novel, yet again. Knowing beyond any self-doubt, the rock in her pocket would see her through.“When do you think she will believe in herself as much as she believes in that dark abyss of a rock she carries?” her deceased grandmother asked.“Knowing her, not until that rock is dust,” her deceased mother responded. With that, they both picked up their pickaxes and chipped away at the crevices. Each swings’ corresponding chime, creating a song along a nerve, which arrived in their loved one’s brain, tap by loving tap, when silent, she heard—It’s not the rock, baby; it’s you. Believe in you

First, I want to say that we have had excellent meals at restaurants in the U.S. This includes simple diners as well as restaurants with a Michelin star or which are on a star level.

But there are some things which are shocking indeed:

  1. There are restaurants which do not serve alcohol. Once we stayed in a motel near Cape Canaveral in the middle of nowhere and there was nothing nearby but a Cracker Barrel to grab something to eat and they did not serve alcohol. Very hard for us Europeans to have dinner without wine.
  2. Even after travelling to the U.S. for 40 years we still find it shocking how rushed it is in American restaurants. You have barely finished your plate and you are handed the check. In Europe, we like to sit at the table, have one more glass or two and contemplate about what we have eaten. Once, while having a longish layover at a U.S. airport we thought it was a good idea to spend some time in a restaurant. But they rushed to serve us our meal, handed us the check and indicated that we had to leave. Unthinkable in Europe.
  3. When our kids were young we took them with us to fine dining restaurants. Obviously, the Americans do not like the idea to take children into a gourmet restaurant, although our kids always were well-behaved. We ordered filet mignon for them and other things and there was absolutely no reason to raise eyebrows.
  4. In Salt Lake City we stayed at the Hilton Hotel when our kids were six years old. The hotel restaurant did not let the children in because the restaurant had a license to serve alcohol. Completely ridiculous to think that parents would give their six-year old alcohol! We then went to a nearby Mexican restaurant which served 36 kinds of tequila, but they happily accepted our kids.
  5. In a restaurant in Alaska, we had show our passports, including my 88-year-old mother-in-law. How stupid can people be?

This was an honest answer by someone who loves to travel to the U.S. I expect Americans to eat me alive for my answer but the questioner asked for it.

Why Don’t Men “PURSUE WOMEN” Anymore | Women Realizing ” CHIVALRY IS DEAD” in 2024 – Kozmicverse

The Fear of Loud Silence

Submitted into Contest #18 in response to: Your fingers tensed around the object in your pocket, ready to pull it out at a moment’s notice. view prompt

Heaven J. Fox


It was freezing as I make my way to the bus stop, but that wasn’t the only reason I stuffed my hands in my pockets and kept them there. For the majority of my life, I thought I was severely shy. So shy to the point I’d be stuck in the moment and couldn’t speak. There were so many passing moments, I should have spoken up about something, but every time, my voice escapes me. So many things I should have done, but my body would become paralyzed with an unknown fear.Later in life, I found out I was diagnosed with panic disorder and anxiety. Everything keeps me on edge. That’s why I keep my hand in my pockets. My right hand constantly caressing the content inside. I stay ready; that way, I don’t have to waste any time getting ready.I round the corner as my heart beats faster, pumping blood throughout my entire body. My eyes are wide open, and I’m alert as can be. This isn’t the best neighborhood to walk in alone, but it also isn’t the worst. I’d probably have these same emotions walking inside a gated community.My ears pick up the most silent of things. For instance, I’m sure I could hear an ant burrowing under the ground as I walk past. A dog barks in the distance. It’s faint like he’s barricaded inside the house, but it still causes me to jump, which throws my anxiety into overdrive. I squeeze my fingers around the object inside my pocket, ready to pull it out and use it at any moment. It’s the only protection I have. I wouldn’t feel safe at all without it.It’s so cold out here, my breath turns the air in front of me to that which resembles smoke. I see the bus stop up ahead, which makes me feel calmer, knowing my destination is only a few feet away. I try to slow my steps, thinking it would also slow my heart rate as I implement my breathing techniques.I can hear a car in the distance, probably going a little faster than it should in a residential area. It creeps me out because I don’t see it yet, and then it rounds the same corner I’d just turned.“WHOOP! WHOOP!” That loud piercing sound stops me dead in my tracks and freezes me. Only my physical movements because everything else inside my body again kicks into overdrive.The car comes to a rolling stop right in front of me with the cop car just behind it. In my head, I’m screaming to myself to just get the heck away from there and keep going. This isn’t my business. Once again, my hand squeezes the safety net inside my pocket. My mind shouts for my body to move and continue to make my way to the bus stop, but it’s as if my shoes have turned into cement blocks. If I don’t hurry, I will miss my bus.Nonetheless, I’m frozen with fear. Fear of the situation unfolding in front of me. Fear of leaving and fear of staying. The guy in the driver’s seat easily resembles one of my sons or even nephews. The cop approaching the car also resembles a few of my family members who wear the same uniform. We all are well aware and informed on how this scenario usually plays out. I pull my protection half-way from my pocket, making sure I have a firm grip on it.The officer pumps his chest out as he saunters over to the driver’s side. Feeling instantly agitated, he knocks on the frostedwindow. He shouldn’t have to do that because it should be common sense that he can’t have a proper conversation through the closed glass. His senses heightens, feeling this stop could bepotentially dangerous. “License and registration,” the cop barks as the driver only cracks his window open a smidgeon. What is he trying to hide? The cop thinks to himself as he places a palm on his side, firmly gripping his protection. (I get it. If you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready.)The guy inside the vehicle catches a glimpse of the cop resting his hand on the gun inside the holster. “Why did you pull me over?” The driver shouts through the slit in the glass.I’m sure all of our hearts were beating out of our chests at the moment.“Step out of the vehicle with your hands up!” The officer yells as he takes a step back and brandishes his weapon in front of him, pointing directly at the driver’s window. Anxiety pumps through his veins as he watches for any sudden movements.“I’m not getting out! Why did you pull me over?” The man in the car is filled with fear himself as he sees the barrow of the gun. Anxiety takes over him and he hovers his right foot over the gas pedal. His flight or fight senses kicking in as his fingers tightly grip the steering wheel. He’s contemplating his chances of zooming off and taking flight.The cop removes the stick from his side, ready to bash the driver’s window in. That’s when I pull my hand from my pocket and aim. Who do I shoot? The cop? Or the man in the car? I can’t decide, so I shoot them both.“STOP!” I yell with every fiber of my being, it had even shocked me. From my single voice, the world had come to a halt. Nothing moved or made a sound. Even my camera phone I was holding in my hand had stopped recording and paused.I make my way towards the police officer and hold my paused phone up to him. I can see everything…Officer Churchill had lost his partner not too long ago in a routine stop, just like this one. It should have ended in a warning or worst-case scenario… a ticket. Not someone’s life ending. Not only did his partner lose his life but also the person who had taken his partner’s life. That day, Officer Churchill had to make a split decision to end a human being’s life for the first time.Anxiety and panic shoot through his brain, waking up the fear inside him as he walks to the driver’s side. Inhaling a deep breath to soothe his nervousness, his chest puffs out. “License and registration,” Officer Churchill asks the driver as flashbacks of that day rush through his thoughts. The driver only cracks the window instead of rolling it down completely. Red flags go up, alerting Churchill that this guy was trying to hide something. Drugs? Weapons? He couldn’t be sure because he couldn’t see anything clearly through the frosted glass.Insubordination. It was the first clue that this guy may be a problem. I take the phone away from the officer and direct it towards the driver.Derrick had gotten a call from his son, who lived across town, telling him he’d missed the bus. One goal his son had made since kindergarten was to graduate high school with perfect attendance. Reaching middle school, he had done so thus far. Doing all that he can to help his son maintain that goal, Derrick hops in his car without having enough time to warm it properly and zooms off.WHOOP! WHOOP! That sound alone sizzles fear like electric shocks throughout Derrick’s body. Silently cursing to himself, he pulls over to the side of the road. For sure his son would be late now. The officer approaches as Derrick clicks the button to roll the window down, but because the car is still icy, the window only gives a little.“Why did you pull me over?” Derrick asks with adrenaline still coursing through his body. He did nothing wrong that he could see that would warrant to be pulled over. He quickly retraces his steps, wondering what he had done.The cop pulls his gun out and orders Derrick to exit the vehicle. No way was he falling for that trap. He’d seen way too many incidents on social media and even had a close friend lose his life this same way.If I get out, I’m a dead man. Derrick thinks to himself as panic kicks in his flight or fight senses and hovers his foot over the pedal.“Listen…” I mutter to myself as I take a few steps back from them both.Fear.Fear.Fear.We are not each other’s enemy. Fear is.Perfect love gets rid of fear.But how do we have perfect love? It can only come from both sides. Both sides must have perfect love for one another, or else fear will kick in and control us all and keep us divided.I know… it’s tricky because fear saves us too.Fear also tells us when danger is present.Maybe fear isn’t the culprit after all. Perhaps it’s panic. Maybe that’s why it’s a disorder. I’ve never heard of or have been diagnosed with fear disorder.

So, if perfect love gets rid of fear… what gets rid of panic?

“Listen,” I whisper as I press the button on my phone and continue to record.

“My window is frozen,” Derrick says, his voice shaking as Churchill lowers his stick from the window. “I can’t even open my door, sir. I had to get in from the passenger’s side.”

“Try the window again,” the officer orders. Derrick rolls the window up, down, up, and then it finally gives way and rolls down completely. “I pulled you over because you were going pretty fast back there in a residential area. It’s icy out here, and it could be unsafe for kids walking to school.”

“I understand officer,” Derrick says and briefly explains why he was in a rush.

“I will let you go with a warning this time on the premise you drive safely.”

“Will do, sir.”

My heart jolts when I hear a screech and a whooshing sound. I gasp as I turn my head and see my bus awaiting me. I smile and place my phone back into my pocket and board the bus.

“Good morning,” the bus driver grunts. “It’s a bad day out today.”

“No sir,” I smile back at him. “It’s a good day, but it is freezing out there.” I have a seat and slide my hand back in my pocket, gripping my phone tightly. Ready and waiting.

The difference isn’t what the juice companies want you to think it is.

“Not from concentrate” indicates they pasteurized the squeezed juice. That’s it. Here’s what they do not tell you, though: they deplete the oxygen and keep it in large tanks for up to a year.

They include orange by-products’ flavor packs to restore taste lost when they are ready to sell it. These flavors are technically “natural” because they come from oranges but they are as natural as a wolf in a petting zoo.

“From concentrate” meant they squeezed the juice, evaporated the water to simplify shipping, then added water back later. They add the same flavor combinations. The nutritional value is almost exact. The only real variations are storage and processing techniques.

Neither one tastes like fresh-squeezed orange juice. The processing eliminates the subtle flavors. Designed to replicate what has been lost, those flavor packs are created by the same people that create perfumes. All of it is industrial food production; just wearing different masks.

Not a deliberate conspiracy, but I believe the norms and aesthetics around “old money” evolved to prevent revolt.

I am not talking about practical choices — like driving a reliable old car. “A penny saved is a penny earned” is IMO an proven tactic in accumulating wealth.

But displays of wealth are another thing, and this answer refers to the value old money puts on understated displays of wealth. One example is the brands they choose. Check out this coat from Loro Piana, a clothing company many average folks have never even heard of.

Made from baby cashmere and vicuña, “two of the rarest, finest fibers in the world,” this coat retails for $29,000.

I’m sure it’s extremely warm and soft and beautiful, but as a status symbol, it barely registers.

If you passed this person in the elevator, say on your way home from a 12-hour shift in Customer Service, the wealth disparity wouldn’t be obvious. And if you were wont to get mad about some exec wearing a coat that cost more than your car, this particular coat likely wouldn’t raise your blood pressure.

But a fellow old-money person would be impressed, and that’s the whole point. Get the status you crave from those who “matter” (and who may help you get more), while avoiding the resentment (that may devolve into revolt) from the masses.

There are TONS of these secret signifiers among those with wealth and influence, and the longer it’s held by one’s family and associates, the stronger and more entrenched they become. Sure, not all old money people conform to all customs, but enough of them do that it ceases to be a matter of personal taste.

As a social and cultural phenomenon, I find the old money thing to be deeper than it may seem. I believe it evolved over time — centuries or longer — through events like the French and Russian revolutions, as a kind of protective mechanism for the elite class.

After reading the answers from many foreign netizens, I realized several misunderstandings between Chinese and foreigners when it comes to the military industry.

In the minds of Chinese people, the military industry is the most important and cutting-edge industry in a country.

The military industry must develop independently.

But most foreigners don’t see it that way.

Then the problem arises.

For the Chinese, the military industry can invest in research and development regardless of cost, price, or time. Therefore, in many places where China still lags behind in civilian industries, the military industry has long been ahead.

Why the military industry cannot be converted to civilian use is simply because the civilian industry needs to consider costs, cost performance, and sales.

China’s military industry actually sells very few products for export, and most of them are for its own use.

So since it is for your own use, it is natural to use whatever is best.

Also, I always feel that many people mention the research and development issues of things like chips and engines.

But have you ever thought about it, the reason why China’s 3nm chips are not mass-produced is because the cost is too high, the price/performance ratio is not enough, and there is no market competitiveness.

But when it comes to the military industry, does the military industry need to consider cost-effectiveness? Do you need to consider market competitiveness?

Military products serve the war and are used for fighting.

So even if the yield rate is not enough, even if this technology is completely loss-making for civilian use and has no market competitiveness at all, it will be fine for military use.

As for the export of military products, wouldn’t it be enough to export them after the technology matures?

I have seen many comments from foreign netizens, and one stands out: China can only copycat and steal technology?

Did you make something wrong?

China’s military industry has always been a completely independent system from the rest of the world. I admit that in the early days, our military industry was influenced by Soviet technology. But those technologies cost money and are exchanged for benefits. If you don’t believe it, you can ask Russian experts.

In addition, China, the United States and Russia are the only three countries in the world that can independently produce fifth-generation and fourth-generation aircraft.

Now China has become the only country in the world that can independently produce sixth-generation fighter jets, and it already has two types.

And even France and Britain cannot do it.

As for other countries, don’t talk about whether they have fourth-generation or fifth-generation machines.

Ask your own experts who owns the technology and components for your fourth- and fifth-generation aircraft.

Most countries do not even have the ability to independently develop third-generation aircraft.

Therefore, I am very unhappy with the many slanders against China’s military industry.

China’s private industry may indeed have gone through a long process of cooperation, copycats, and counterfeiting, and it has indeed had quality problems for a long time.

But for civilian equipment, the first premise is cost-effectiveness, which must be sold for money. So if the early technology is not good, of course the quality will be bad.

Now who dares to say that the quality of Chinese manufacturing is not good?

However, China’s military industry is rarely exported as commodities. Even if it is exported, it is products that have been eliminated after long time replacement, or that have already met the cost-effectiveness.

As for what I use, of course, what is the best thing to use? Consider value for money.

There are also some comments that think the Chinese will be angry because their military spending is too high?

I would like to respond that for the Chinese, what they have always worried about is insufficient military spending, not too high military spending. All Chinese, even those who are dissatisfied with the country, ridicule our military spending for being too low. When China’s military expenditure becomes the largest in the world, I think there will be far fewer dissatisfied voices.

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Hello MM
from a different perspctive and with many more words to become with even greater criteria in dealing with A I programs….

Cheerful Love GrizzlyBear hug

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