At the core of all of this is the US attempt to remain the world’s hegemonic power, by augmenting military alliances around the world to contain or defeat China and Russia. It’s a dangerous, delusional, and outmoded idea. The US has a mere 4.2% of the world population, and now a mere 16% of world GDP (measured at international prices). In fact, the combined GDP of the G7 is now less than that of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), while the G7 population is just 6 percent of the world compared with 41 percent in the BRICS. There is only one country whose self-declared fantasy is to be the world’s dominant power: the US. It’s past time that the US recognized the true sources of security: internal social cohesion and responsible cooperation with the rest of the world, rather than the illusion of hegemony. With such a revised foreign policy, the US and its allies would avoid war with China and Russia, and enable the world to face its myriad environment, energy, food and social crises. -Jeffrey D. Sachs
EU has made some realizations. The United States is clueless. And Russia and China are locking down and will not allow any American bullshit.
Here we continue on our collective of article during this most historical period of time.
We can say the following that appear to be crystal clear at this time;
- The United States leadership, and their proxy nations, all appear to be clueless; meaning that they have no “real world” experience. That humbling series of experiences that impart wisdom, community, and communication.
- They also appear to be either suffering from advanced mental illness, or on very strong drugs.
- Most, if not all, the efforts designed to suppress and contain both Russia and China have failed, are failing, or are destined to fail.
- The above points clearly (and cleanly) explain the domestic, economic, and social turmoil in the West as no other theory can.
- More additional information, as it drips towards our understanding, clearly point to far greater damage and problems coming upon the West.
- It appears that all containment efforts in favor of a uni-polar world has failed, and the USA leadership is unable to accept this fact.
- Thus leading up to a VERY dangerous time; a time of desperation by the moronic, without EVER having the harsh real-world experience of consequences (for their actions).
A dangerous time to be yourself. Speak your mind, or be opposed to the current “Leadership” in the West.

Settle down. Cuddle with a kitty. have a cup of tea or coffee, and enjoy the read.
I just tell people “he was a late bloomer”.
A lifetime of events happened to my husband in less than 10 years.
I met him when he was 60 and I was 50, in 2008. He had been a bachelor all his life, although he’d lived with two different ladies at different times for about a year each. He had no children. We dated a couple years until my kids were out of the nest, then moved in together in 2010. We married in 2011. We moved out of the Seattle area and bought a house in Oregon in 2012. His sisters never thought he’d get married, especially once he hit 60, and when he had asked one of his buddies (who was into owning real estate) if he thought it was possible to still buy a small piece of property and put a mobile home on it for cheap, the guy said “At 60? Nah, man, you’re too late for that.” So that was the first set of milestones-a girlfriend, a wife, stepkids, and a house in 4 years. Not bad.
The next piece is the best part. We hummed along for about 5 years, enjoying life and doing the semi-retired lifestyle in our own place. No big changes. Then, everything changed in the blink of an eye. We got our Ancestry dot com results back, just wondering how much of whatever ethnicity we might be. Two weeks later he got a match on his account that was astronomically high. It was a young girl with Asian and UK heritage. Long story short, this girl submitted her DNA to look for her Vietnamese parents’ American GI fathers. Both her mom and dad were Amerasian children born during the Vietnam war to Vietnamese mothers and American fathers. We got on face time with the family and had the parents send in their own DNA. Sure enough, he matched as the father of the girl’s mother. In an instant my husband was a father, a father-in-law, and grandfather to not one, but four grandchildren (ages 16, 18, 20, and 24). Three girls and a boy! A few months later, the 20 year old grandson and his girlfriend got married and had a baby girl. Now he’s a great-grandfather, and they are expecting their second child.
We met his daughter and her family for the first time the week he turned 70. The family all live in Florida and have all come here to Oregon to visit, more than once. I’ve been to see them in Florida (my husband cannot travel) and his sisters have taken the whole family into their lives and hearts, traveling to see them and hosting them in their homes in Georgia and Texas. It’s truly been a miracle. In 10 years my husband went from lonely bachelor in a run-down duplex to husband, stepfather, homeowner, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, all over the age of 60.
I just tell people “he was a late bloomer”.

Daddy and Daughter, First Christmas together in 2018:
Ukraine – ‘Game Changing’ Policy Moves That Ain’t Game Changing
When politicians throw around big numbers or plans one should always look at the details to see what they really entail.
In May Biden announced and Congress passed a $40 billion package ‘for Ukraine’.
The former U.S. Marines intelligence officer Scott Ritter was very impressed with it. On May 22 he went on a talk show with Garland Nixon and Ray McGovern and claimed that Russia would have to change its special operation to counter all the new weapons. Ritter was very agitated (47:55 min). A few days later, in an email-interview with Sputnik, he called the $40 billion package a “game changer”:
Sputnik: On 21 May, Biden signed a $40 billion military aid package to Ukraine. Could the provision of new weapons become a game-changer for Kiev? Scott Ritter: It's not could, it is a game changer. That doesn't mean that Ukraine wins the game. But Russia started the special military operation with a limited number of troops and with clearly stated objectives that were designed to be achieved with this limited number of troops. Today, Russia still has the same number of troops and the same objectives. But instead of going up against the Ukrainian military as it existed at the start of the conflict, it's now going up against a Ukrainian military that is supported by a weapons package that by itself nearly matches the defence budget for Russia in all of one year. I think the defence budget for Russia in 2021 was around $43 billion. This package that was just provided nearly matches that and when you add it to what has already been provided during the first five months of 2022, that's $53 billion. That's nearly $10 billion more than Russia spends on the totality of its military in one year. That changes the game. Again, the $40 billion package is not all weapons. A lot of it is humanitarian support and then some other financial support. But it's still... The amount of money it's provided through in terms of weapons, it's a lot. The United States and NATO are also providing real time intelligence support to the Ukrainians. That's a game changer. And NATO's countries have now provided Ukraine with strategic depth going back through Poland and Germany, where bases are being used to train Ukrainian forces on the new weapons that are being provided.
However, as Larry Johnson and others pointed out to him, the $40 billion was just a talking point and the real sum was much smaller:
Mark Cancian at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (aka CSIS) provides an excellent breakdown of what was actually appropriated. Here is a quick summary:
- $19 billion for immediate military support to Ukraine
- $3.9 billion to sustain U.S. forces deployed to Europe
- $16 billion for economic support to Ukraine and global humanitarian relief
- $2 billion for long-term support to NATO allies and DOD modernization programs
Right off the bat, you can see that Ukraine is not getting $40 billion dollars worth of military goodies to whack Russians. They are not even getting $19 billion. The $19 billion is carved up into smaller packages:
- $6 billion for training, equipment, weapons, logistic support, supplies and services, salaries and stipends and intelligence support to the military and national security forces of Ukraine (and the specifics of the expenditures remain to be determined).
- $9 billion to replenish U.S. weapons stocks already sent to Ukraine.
- $4 billion for the Foreign Military Financing Program (this allows a foreign country like Ukraine to buy brand new weapon systems).
New weapon systems must first be build which takes quite some time, often years, to do.
Last week the Biden administration made another announcement:
Biden announces $3 billion in additional aid to Ukraine
President Biden announced Wednesday that the U.S. is sending its largest security package to Ukraine to date, valued at $3 billion. The announcement coincided with the six-month anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The package will come from the Ukraine Security Assistance (USAI) funds process, which means the U.S. will buy the weapons through contracts instead of drawing from existing Defense Department inventory and sending them immediately.
People got the impression that this was additional money on top of the previous announced numbers. But, as Politico detailed, this spending is part of the previously announced $40 billion package. More specific it comes out of the $6 billion for training, equipment, weapons, etc. It also only means that the Pentagon will start issuing contracts to manufacturers to produce the weapons and ammunition. The Ukraine is unlikely to receive any of them over the next months:
The Biden administration announced a new $3 billion package on Wednesday that will directly fund contracts with the U.S. defense industry for artillery rounds, mortar rounds, surface-to-air missile systems; a new counter-drone capability; additional drones; and 24 counter-battery radars. The move marks a major shift in how the U.S. has supplied Ukraine, from pulling existing weapons off of shelves to awarding contracts to defense firms for weapons that need to be built. None of that equipment will arrive for months, if not years. But officials say the investment will allow Kyiv to begin planning for its own future defense. The hope is that other wealthy European nations, which have at times lagged in their support for Ukraine, might follow suit in the coming months. ... In all, Congress has set aside $6.3 billion for the Pentagon-administered effort: $6 billion as part of May’s $40 billion supplemental assistance legislation and $300 million in a government-wide funding package that passed in March. As of Aug. 1, just $1.8 billion of that cash had been used, according to Pentagon documentation seen by POLITICO. Wednesday’s announcement leaves roughly $1.5 billion left to be spent.
U.S. weapons are notoriously expensive. A billion or three will not buy much.
A similar misinterpretation of a government announcements as Scott Ritter has made is now playing out on the other side. As the New York Times today headlines:
Putin Orders a Sharp Expansion of Russia’s Hard-Hit Armed Forces
President Vladimir V. Putin on Thursday ordered a sharp increase in the size of Russia’s armed forces, a reversal of years of efforts by the Kremlin to slim down a bloated military and the latest sign that he is bracing for a long war in Ukraine, where Russia has suffered heavy losses. The decree, stamped by the president’s office and posted on the Kremlin website, raised the target number of active-duty service members by about 137,000, to 1.15 million, as of January of next year, and ordered the government to set aside money to pay for the increase.
In yesterday’s analysis Dima of the Military Summary Channel debunked that announcement as a repeat of orders that had already be given months ago.
The Russian Federation consists of 85 federal subjects which are federal cities, oblast, republics or autonomous ethnic regions. In June the Kremlin asked the governors of each of these subjects to set up one or more volunteer battalions of former soldiers who are no longer active reservists. The bigger federal subjects, like Moscow and St.Petersburg, will set up multiple units. On August 8 Kommersant reported (in Russian) that some 20 federal subjects had already set up 40 battalions and that more will become available (machine translation):
In the Perm Territory, a motorized rifle company "Parma" of 90 people and a tank battalion "Molot" (about 160 people) are being formed. Another tank battalion named after Kuzma Minin is being created in the Nizhny Novgorod region. The Amur region, as reported in mid-July by local media, is gathering the Amursky motorized rifle battalion, which is expected to consist of 400-500 people. On the website of the government of the Leningrad Region, an announcement appeared about the recruitment to the artillery battalions "Nevsky" and "Ladoga". And in the Tyumen region, they announced the formation of three units at once with different specializations: the Tobol sapper battalion, the Taiga sniper company and the Siberia artillery battalion. According to the official version, Tobol was formed on the initiative of veterans of the Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School. The first groups of volunteers from these units went to the NWO at the end of July.
The people in these units have signed contracts with the Ministry of Defense. They will be equipped with refurbished weapons out of Russia’s endless depot reserves that are left from earlier downsizing. These are now full times soldiers for which the Ministry of Defense had yet to have a budget. All that Putin’s new order does is to arrange the funding for those new volunteer units.
To form military units, named after local heroes, from men who come from the same region has some advantages. These people will not feel like strangers to each other which gives them some extra cohesion.The Chechen units which are already operating in Ukraine have shown that such an approach can be very successful. The regional approach has also the advantage of involving every part of Russia in the endeavor. It makes the ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine a national project.
While the men in these units will be older than fresh recruits they will also have valuable life and work experience. These new units will probably not be the most agile but they will certainly be able to do a decent job. Moreover these are trained soldiers who will have the standard tanks and other equipment for combined arms operations. Their units will be way more powerful than the drafted Territorial Defense and Jager Infantry Brigades that now make up the bulk of the Ukrainian forces. Currently the new units are training at various facilities throughout Russia. When they are ready they will start their rotation into Ukraine.
Likes Biden’s ‘new’ announcement of the $3 billion ‘additional’ aid, Putin’s decree is only a detail of a previously announced policy.
But neither of those announcements, nor the HIMARS systems, are ‘game changers’.
Big Serge ☦️🇺🇸🇷🇺 @witte_sergei - 13:27 UTC · Aug 27, 2022 Ukrainian channels are reporting that at least 60% of the HIMARS have been destroyed, and they are doubtful of the attempts to destroy the bridge in Kherson. Another wonder weapon gone bust. First saw this on Legitimniy, repeated by Rezident. Both reliably optimistic Ukrainian insider channels. HIMARS activity has definitely dropped off, so there isn’t any particular reason to assume they’re lying. The thing about the HIMARS isn’t that there’s something particularly wrong with it. It’s a fine system. It’s just meant to function as part of a competent combined arms force. It has a specific role, and can’t single-handedly prop up a defeated army.
Posted by b on August 27, 2022 at 16:06 UTC | Permalink
Soldiers of the Bashkir battalion
This is my sister’s cat Sandy. One day a tiny, starving kitten came to our house and refused to leave. My husband took her to the vet, and it turned out she was feline AIDS positive. The vet said my husband needed to decide whether to put her down or not, but he couldn’t get a hold of me to help him make the decision, so he took her home again. After weeks of feeding, treatments and lots of love, she recovered and was taken in by my sister. Even her red coat underwent a transformation! Today she is happy and healthy and much loved.


On Dwelling in Insane Places

In 1973, a study entitled “On Dwelling in Insane Places” shocked psychologists and psychiatrists around the world.
Nothing for them was as it once was. What made this study so remarkable ?
The Rosenhan experiment was conducted by a psychologist named David Rosenhan and has since been considered one of the most remarkable studies in the field.
The Stanford professor and his associates pretended to hallucinate in order to be admitted to psychiatric hospitals.
When they were admitted, the men behaved absolutely normally.
They told the hospital staff that they had recovered and no longer had any hallucinations.
But in the psychiatric wards they were simply not released and forced to admit that they were suffering from a mental illness.
On average, the team members had to stay in the “closed” for 19 days and were diagnosed with schizophrenia, except for one of them.
They were released on the condition that they take anti-psychotics.
Rosenhan had reassured his family before the experiment, telling them that yes, he could leave when enough was enough.
But they locked him up for two months.
One was released only if one admitted that the psychiatrists were right in what they said.
You had to admit that you were crazy, but you could say that you were better now.

The “patient” who had to stay the longest was kept for 52 days, although he said from the beginning that he no longer heard voices.
All of the pseudo-patients were diagnosed with schizophrenia “in remission” prior to their release.
Rosenhan felt that this indicated that mental health problems were not considered diseases that could be completely cured.
After all, having schizophrenia “in remission” does not mean that one is completely healthy.
It was enough for psychiatrists , if you heard voices once in your life , to label you as sick for the rest of your life .
Rosenhan made his study and its results public.

And the psychiatric guild naturally got very upset about it and rejected all the accusations.
They claimed that they themselves would never fall into his trap and could quite safely distinguish pseudopatients from real patients.
One of the psychiatric hospitals contacted Rosenham and asked him to send pseudo patients to their hospital without warning.
In their hospital, he said, such a thing could never happen, and they would be able to distinguish whether patients were faking their symptoms.
Rosenhan sent them a total of 193 patients, and the hospital identified 41 of them as pseudopatients.
But Rosenhan hadn’t sent any pseudopatients at all. All of them actually had serious mental health problems.
All of this triggered an earthquake. Psychiatry changed. And that’s fortunate.
But there is still a lot to do.
A harsh slap of reality
The phone rang at 1:40 AM.
“Hello?” I answered in a sleepy voice.
“Mr. Quintanilla?” said the man on the phone.
“Who is this? How can I help you?”
“This is the sheriff from the local police station. I want to notify you that your building is on fire.”
“What a bad joke!” I hung up the phone and went back to sleep.
Two minutes later… RING!
“Please, stop bothering!” I said.
“Do not hang up, Sir, this is the Sheriff’s office. One of your tenant’s cars at your building is on fire. Your building is at risk. The fire station has been notified.”
I drove to the building as fast as I could. The fire was contained before it got to the building.
It was a disaster. Two cars were consumed by the flames and the parking area was devastated.
After the fire was out, the Policemen circled the area with a yellow tape waiting for the detectives to determine what had happened.

One day went by. We couldn’t remove the cars nor start the restoration process.
Two days… no detectives.
I visited the police station, “You’ve got to file a report,” the lady instructed. Done.
Three days… nothing.
Four days… Again, I visited the Police station, but nobody would take care of the case.
Five days… another day lost.
I decided to call a good friend who is an attorney.
“Hey, Adrian, I need your help to get this solved.”
“No problem, Hector, let me make a few phone calls,” he said.
Three hours later, “Okay, Hector, I have a solution. It will cost $50,000 pesos, in cash (about $3,800 back in 2009).”
I was furious! “No way, Adrian! This is not acceptable. Please help me any way you can. I don’t want to pay bribes to further feed our corrupt people. They must do their job!”
“I’ll do what I can, Hector,” he said.
“Thank you, my friend!”
Twenty minutes later Adrian called back, “I’m sorry, Hector. This fee is non-negotiable. They want the money.”
“Oh no! Adrian, how can this be possible?”
“Well sadly, this how the system works.”
“I will not feed this corrupt system! I won’t pay them anything!”
I hung up the phone and drove to the police station again requesting a solution to my problem. I felt powerless.
Two days later I escalated my complaint to the Police chief. This is when my friend Adrian called me again, “Hector, you’ve got to stop this. This is getting out of my control.”
“What do you mean, Adrian?” I said.
“They’re threatening me with an ultimatum: either you pay or they will make you liable for the incident and the insurance of the car that initiated the fire will not pay anything. You will be responsible for all the damages, about $1.5 million pesos ($115,000).”
I was in shock.
“I’m sorry, Hector, this is how the system works.”
“Tell those miserable rats I’ll give them the money. Thank you for your help, my friend.” I hung up.
I felt defeated. The very people in power supposed to protect us were stealing from me.
Hours later, a cynical man visited my office, took the cash and in two hours everything was solved.
This was the incident that caused me to change how I see the world:
Public servants leveraging their authority to abuse citizens instead of taking care of them.
This made me understand that there may be things I want to change in the world; but I can’t.
Spicy Beef Burritos
These beef burritos contain various peppers and seasonings on top of refried beans. Top them off with lettuce, sour cream, cheese, and wrap up in a soft shell.

Triple or Quadruple COVID-Vax Recipients Now Developing SORES — **NOT** Monkeypox
Doctors in the United Kingdom say they are “baffled” as numerous persons who admit receiving either three or four doses of the COVID-19 “vaccine” are starting to develop strange, painful, sores all over their bodies.
These are **NOT** Gay or bi-sexual men. They are **NOT** people who engage in an “orgy lifestyle.” And all of them test NEGATIVE for Monkeypox. This . . . is something new.
The ***ONLY***thing any of these people have in common is they are ***ALL** wither Triple or quadruple COVID vaxed. No other commonality — at all.
The sores are developing on hands, then spreading to the rest of their bodies.
The male in the image above was fine seven days ago. Then this appeared, and is spreading all over his body.
The sores are said to be extremely painful. They are, as seen above, disgusting to look at.
Tests of the contents of the sores DO NOT detect any Bacteria. Nothing from inside one of these sores grows in a Petri Dish, even after five days.
Tests also cannot see any Viruses.
Additional tests for Fungus, Mold, etc, are pending.
So far, no explanation of what this is, or if it is contagious human-to-human.
Some folks are already pointing to the Bible, Revelation 16:
The First Six Bowls of Wrath 1 And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. 2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.
My perfect cat
i’m still a (high school) student, last year of secondary school & i spent my entire life begging for a pet, but it was never “convenient.”
i was lucky to have a few hamsters, but a cat or dog was never something we could never hack.
i asked for a cat every Christmas and birthday and tried to volunteer at the spca since middle school (never could because i was too young).
every year i gave my parents Christmas cards with animals on them & brought up the possibility of getting a pet to the point of driving them up the walls (understandable after hearing it for 17 years).
last year, i sat down and spent half a day researching and creating a powerpoint of reasons we need a cat, how they’re beneficial to health, & all of their concerns & what we can do about it.
they were so impressed by the powerpoint by how professionally done it looked & how much work i put into it that they finally considered it & eventually said yes.
i was over the moon & had an appointment to meet a kitty at the spca in less than a week.
my parents met her & loved her immediately & we took her home the next day. we really got the perfect cat & all my work truly paid off.

Rolling Blackouts Begin in Europe; Not Enough Gas to Generate Electricity
Rolling blackouts have begun in Kosovo because the country cannot find enough supply of natural gas to keep power plants running at full capacity.
Other European countries, from the UK to Bulgaria, are also developing plans to cut off electricity.
The reason: These countries imposed economic sanctions upon Russia over its Special Military Operation into Ukraine, and as a result of their own Sanctions, these countries now refuse to buy Russian oil and natural gas.
Rather than mind their own business when it comes to the Russia-Ukraine problems, Europe has decided that its citizens can live in the dark, so Europe can virtue signal how wonderful they are, by not buying Russian natural gas.
The politicians in Europe have personally caused this energy problem and the price hikes, by imposing sanctions upon Russia.
Citizens in Europe should get rid of these politicians before Winter arrives, and folks start freezing to death from no heat due to no natural gas.
Love at first meow
I was staying in my camper, having just vacated a beautiful, but bat-infested house on beautiful Lake Chapala, a few miles south of Guadalajara, Mexico.
A tiny grey and white kitten showed up outside, mewing his fool head off.
I didn’t have any cat food, so I put a bit of dry dog food out for him, as well as some water.
When the neighborhood kids stopped by, I asked them if they knew where he belonged, and they told me that he lived across the street from them.
Already having a 65 pound dog and a sick puppy, I didn’t feel as if I was ready for another pet in that truck camper, so I had the kids take him home.
Long story short, he came back every time I sent him home.
I finally had the kids ask the owner if she wanted to get rid of him.
She did, I found a house, and now I have the grey and white male kitten I had wanted for 20 years.
I’m pretty sure he loves me, as he has spent the biggest part of the past 9 years on my lap!

UK: Criminals Stealing COOKING Oil over Prices of Diesel Fuel
Criminal gangs are raiding eateries and restaurants in the United Kingdom in search of cooking oil as an alternative to diesel fuel amid soaring gasoline prices.
“There is a new type of crime in the UK – criminals steal large tanks of cooking oil.
Others deceive businesses by posing as recycling teams.
The stolen oil is then processed into biodiesel and sold on the black market.
This once again shows how resourceful criminal gangs are. Because they are looking for profit anywhere, and with the rising cost of fuel, their market is only thriving.
All this is taking place because Europe imposed “Sanctions” upon Russia over the Special Military Operation into Ukraine. It is Europe who banned Russian oil and Gas. Then Europe had to go elsewhere to find replacement for the oil and gas they banned.
The only places they could find other oil and gas, were places that were already supplying other countries. So when Europe came to that market, the prices went up: Supply-and-Demand!
Thus, Europe has done this to itself by refusing to mind their own business when it comes to the Russia-Ukraine matter.
Europe and all the rest of the world could still be paying about $2.00 a gallon for gasoline and heating oil, but the Sanctions Europe imposed set all the price hikes in motion.
The skyrocketing cost of fuel for energy is a self-imposed harm.
Will China nuke the U.S. over Taiwan?
This is MM response on Quora. -MM
Let me explain why. Key points are [numbered].
Make no mistake. Taiwan is part of China. The United States and it’s proxy nations are interfering in Chinese domestic matters and [1] China considers this action an ACT OF WAR.
Further, let it be well understood. [2] The Chinese do not play “political games”. They are pragmatic. They see things as they are, and they accept them. If something needs fixing; they fix it. They don’t endless debate it.
Specifically, all this prodding and interference in Chinese domestic affairs, whether it is Tibet, Uighur’s, Hong Kong, or Taiwan are considered to be dangerous military ventures. They are not considered to be anything other than that. [3] The United States interfering in Taiwan are considered to be WAR provocations.
As such, the Chinese do not view a “color revolution” as a “hybrid war”.
[4] Chinese view alternative conflicts as an actual war. A chemical war is a war. A biological war is a war. A economic war is a war. A hybrid war is a war.
With that being stated…
Historically, China has learned many, many lessons regarding war. They have plenty of practice. With over 6000 years of experience. And to understand what China is capable of doing you have to see what you are working with; what China actually is, and not the Western narrative.
So let’s face reality…
[5] China believes in overwhelming firepower, manpower, weapon destruction, and wholesale slaughter to accomplish it’s military goals. This differs substantially from the American belief in “precision air strikes”. The United States would use a drone to kill an Iranian General, for instance. China would level the complete city so that no one would survive. Both techniques accomplish the same end goals. But China’s is much more damaging; as it creates tremendous collateral damage.
[6] China has nuclear weapons. No one actually knows how many. The figure of 300 is from a RAND study in the 1970’s and is woefully out of date. Anyone relying on this figure is a fool. Just clueless “armchair generals” using a singular meaningless number on a spreadsheet as a gauge of resolve, determination and objective realization.
[7] China has a different nuclear policy than that of the United States. The US has developed “bunker buster” precision nukes, and micro-ordnance nukes, and nukes that are designed to be carried on the F-35. China is different. China has “enhanced radiation” nukes. The often cited “neutron bomb”. These are “clean” nuclear weapons. They have a wider range of effect than the Western nukes, but the damage is primarily due to the initial radiation blast. It is designed to completely sterilize huge sections of geography (buildings, cities, etc) of life, while leaving the vast bulk of structures intact.
[8] China possess Hyper-sonic ABM systems. These can shoot down any ICBM, SLBM that the United States fires at China. They have been producing these systems in great quantities.
[9] Agreements with the USA are worthless. All this being said, China and the United States, as well as Russia signed a “no use policy” of nuclear weapons. But since the Chinese government has openly stated that the Untied States lies, and cannot be trusted to hold to their agreements, don’t be so sure that China would abide to that faux signature on a worthless document were China to be attacked.
[10] Russia has China’s back. Were nuclear weapons engaged, both Russia and China would use them simultaneously against the United States in unison. You can easily observe the great deal of cooperation of the strategic military forces, even today in the on-going “exercises”.
All of this combined paints a picture of a very catastrophic result were the United States push for war against China around the Taiwan island.
I would advise “upstairs” to refrain from the political machinations currently going on. But those days are long gone. The current crop of dunder-heads in Washington DC are clueless idiots who seemingly wish to ignite a global nuclear holocaust.
Whether they will stop or not is well beyond my pay grade. My guess is that they will not. And thus, if they continue, well… sadly… yes. The United States cities (at least the top 20) will experience nuclear armageddon over Taiwan.
This follows Chinese military doctrine.
“It is difficult for an army to wage war when their homes, families, cities, language and culture are all erased from history. They stop fighting for ideals and start fighting to survive.”
Our cat remembers
Not abandoned as such but definitely neglected by others.
We got her for £50 from an old woman who already had a very well groomed, fat cat and a 13 year old child with obvious anger issues.
She hated me for months, would hiss and bite but now she cuddles up to me and lets me carry her about with no issues.
She was always defensive of food, and would attempt to get out to hunt birds, and we were told she is an outdoor cat. She wasn’t, she was flea bitten and terribly thin. We think she only went out to hunt because the old woman looking after her didn’t feed her but did the other cat.
When sat at my desk she would sit on the bed and watch what I was doing , but every time I stood up from my chair she would run out of the room, and we think the boy used to play his games or what have you, get defeated and get angry and take it out on the cat. She doesn’t do it as much now but she still does.
And if you scratch her under her chin she starts dribbling everywhere and it’s adorable, she’s a part of our family now and will be until she passes on.

Has China met its powerful match.?
This is MM response on Quora. -MM
China is not “picking a fight” and is not going to have any conflict over Taiwan. I know youse guys don’t want to hear that, and you all believe the onslaught of “news” from the American propaganda mills, but the fact remains, China and Taiwan are brothers and share the same past and the same future.
ASEAN, SEO all the ‘Stans, and Russia are all fully on-board with China. China is peer-capable in most weapons systems, and ahead of the West in robotics, AI, manufacturing and very specific and unique and dangerous systems. But all those THINGS are of no consequence.
As problems are resolved by people. Not weapons. Not ideology. Not political slogans. Not religion. Not things. Not “news”. Not public opinion.
I can positively state that in the realm of People, China has the upper-hand. Not just a little bit, but by a substantial margin. Quantity, quality, and determination, its’ very difficult to maintain a fantasy of anyone being a match against China. Seriously. There is no comparison.
This VIDEO discusses how everyone in China gets military training.
It starts in Kindergarten, and the discipline continues throughout the lives of the Chinese citizenry. I captured videos of elementary school students training on mortars, throwing grenades, and being involved in weapons training. It’s stuff you won’t find in the Western “news”. To fully understand my opinion and answer to this question, you must OBSERVE how the Chinese people train.
Oscar the Therapy Cat

You see this cutie above? This is Oscar, the cute, snuggly, lovable therapy cat.
“Therapy cat?” you may ask. I know, I was surprised when I saw it too. In case you don’t know already, a therapy cat is basically a cat that helps humans deal with emotional problems. Don’t all cats do that?
Well, Oscar the therapy cat was raised in the dementia unit of the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Providence, Rhode Island. In 2007, he was featured in an article by David Dosa called the New England Journal of Medicine.
This is where things start getting creepy. According to David Dosa, Oscar is able to “predict the impending death of terminally ill patients”. How does he do this?
By lying down with them a few hours before they die.
Funny enough, there are many real stories concerning him. But here’s a summary.
After Oscar had been at Steere House for around six months, staff noticed that Oscar often chose to nap next to residents who died within several hours of his arrival. It seemed to staff as if Oscar were trying to comfort and provide company to people as they died.
Joan Teno, a physician at Steere House, clarified that “it’s not that the cat is consistently there first. But the cat always does manage to make an appearance, and it always seems to be in the last two hours.”
After Oscar accurately predicted 25 deaths, staff started calling family members of residents as soon as they discovered him sleeping next to someone in order to notify them and give them an opportunity to say goodbye before the impending death.
As of January 2010, Oscar had accurately predicted approximately 50 patients’ deaths.
I don’t know about you, but this absolutely freaks me out. Just imagine you’re chilling on the sofa, drinking a soda and maybe eating some chips. And then your cat walks halfway across the room just to lie down next to you…
I’d go ballistic.
Maybe I should’ve gone to the gym…
Mary Ellen
As a Black domestic worker in 1850s California, Mary Ellen Pleasant eavesdropped on her wealthy clients so that she could learn how to invest her money wisely. She later used this knowledge to build a real estate empire — which was worth over $30 million.
Pleasant put her investment profits to good use by purchasing businesses like laundries and boarding houses before building a real-estate portfolio. Before long, she owned shares in other businesses like restaurants, dairies, and a bank.

It’s believed that her white male business partner helped her acquire numerous investments under his name so that she wouldn’t have to encounter as many issues as other aspiring Black businesswomen of the era.
Pleasant soon became one of the wealthiest women in America, and she always tried to use her money for good, first by supporting antislavery causes and then later by fighting against racial discrimination. When it came to standing up for what she believed in, she once famously said, “I’d rather be a corpse than a coward.”
How does mainland China compare to Hong Kong and Macau in terms of development?
This is MM response on Quora. -MM
It’s a good question.
Let’s chat about this.
Mainland China is absolutely a “first-world futuristic nation”. The cities, all of them are brand-spanking new. High technology, and clean. Parks are everywhere. Food, transportation and shelter are cheap. The towns and minor villages are developing. They lag behind, but not so far behind as one would think. Overall, the impression that people have when they visit China is that of a futuristic world. High speed trains. Robots. Bioscans. A fully cashless society. APP driven government. Accountability. Clean. Productive.
Hong Kong is “American standard”. Or, perhaps I should refer to it as a “Western Standard”. For decades it has been a FIRE (Finance, Insurance and Real Estate) based society. Overcrowding in the cities. High costs of living. Empty and unimproved rural areas. There are two classes of people. There are the super-rich, and then there are the worker / renters / serfs. Since China has clamped down on this piss-poor treatment of Chinese people (2019 and on) by the British aristocracy that ran HK, things are slowly moving and correcting. The arrest of Jimmy Lai and others has really sent many of the overlord parasite-class scurrying away to their homes in the UK, and the United States.
Macau is “European Socialist”. It’s a haven for the wealthy and the “well-heeled”. While at the same time, providing generous living standards, and social support for the working, lower-income classes. Many people in Macau are very happy there, and support their government entirely. The Casinos tend to be nice, new and glitzy, but the rest of society live and work in older, often very shabby buildings and structures. I can positively affirm that the vast bulk of society travel back and forth between Macau and Zhuhai via the Gongbei port.
Taiwan is “American Proxy”. In 2014, (then) President Obama installed a puppet regime in Taiwan. Just like he did in Ukraine. While it is supposed to be a “democracy”, like Ukraine, all opposition parties were banned, and American military now run the government with nominal local personalities (notably hand-selected actors, and fame promoted personalities) running things. There are basically two classes of people, and wedged between them is a tiny middle class. The oligarchy, the serf/renters, and the small middle class. As a result, you will see a mixture of society. Nice gleaming buildings that represent banking interests, military interests, and industry, and old and neglected structures that serve the bulk of the citizenry. Much like what we see in Ukraine.
Where are the Islands of the South China Sea located?
This is MM response on Quora. -MM
They tend to lie within the “heart” of the South China Sea in the South East quadrant of China off the Chinese coast. There are some minor atolls and other land masses, but those are of minor consequence. They primarily form two groupings.
Paracel Islands. Which lie off the coast of China’s Hainan island. And the Spratly Islands that lie close to the Phillippines.

China opposes U.S. Congress members’ Taiwan visits disguised as “unofficial”: spokesperson
- Source
- Xinhuanet
- Editor
- Li Jiayao
- Time
- 2022-08-27 23:08:02
BEIJING, Aug. 27 (Xinhua) — A Chinese mainland spokesperson on Saturday expressed firm opposition to the visits by some U.S. Congress members to China’s Taiwan region in so-called “unofficial” capacities.
These acts have seriously violated the one-China principle and the provisions of the three China-U.S. joint communiques, said Ma Xiaoguang, a spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, in response to U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn’s visit to Taiwan from Thursday to Saturday.
The spokesperson warned Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party authorities that their attempts to draw in external anti-China forces to make provocations seeking “independence” are doomed to failure.
The Western "news' repeats endlessly how Nancy Polaski went to Taiwan on her own accord, independently. As all the other Congressmen. China is not having any of that nonsense, and do not believe the lies for a second. They are treating this all as repeated provocations. -MM
Some thoughts on Canada
I am originally from a tropical country, and when I immigrated to the Great White North five years ago I found a lot of things amazing and unbelievable. I will list out a few of them:
- Canada is cold!! You can’t believe how cold till you actually live through the winters here. Nothing in the world can prepare you for the long, dull and brutally cold winter…and it’s not just the winters. Spring is cold, fall is cold, but what actually surprised me the most was that the summers are super short and really hot. I come from a tropical country, I thought I could handle a month of heat, but I was mistaken. It’s probably because of the extreme dry weather in Saskatchewan though.
- The sky is so blue!!! Clear beautiful skies with no trace of pollution. Again, this could be because Saskatchewan is the “land of the living skies”.
- It rains in summer, and only in summer. That was really surprising to me, coming from a tropical country.
- Canada is a beautiful country. Saskatchewan is flat, you really can’t believe how flat unless you have actually been there. As you drive towards Alberta you can see the landscape change. Every part of Canada is beautiful. The Rocky mountains, Okanagan Valley…every single part of Canada.
- The Niagara falls…breathtakingly beautiful!!!
- Everybody dresses casually, nobody really cares what you wear. There is absolutely no body shaming, there is no right or wrong thing to wear, whatever be the occasion. I once was at a wedding where many people wore shorts…in a church!!!
- People are really polite and nice, especially here in Saskatchewan.
- The obsession with Tim Hortons is unbelievable. The Canadians either love it or hate it.
- Poutine…oh my God…poutine.
- The slang is took us a really long time to get the hang of it. ‘Loonie’ for one dollar, ‘toonie’ for two dollars, ‘flip flops’ or ‘thongs’ for slippers. Also, nobody really says ‘aboot’.
- Healthcare, public schools and public libraries are free. Of course, nothing is really free, you do have to pay taxes for all that, but it’s nice to know that you don’t have to spend extra on your health or basic education.
- The government really takes care of you – universal child care benefits, COVID-19 benefits and everything else in between to help you through difficult times.
- We became Canadian citizens within 4 years of landing in Canada. That’s amazing!!
- The election campaigns are usually clean and simple, which is really nice.
- It really is a bilingual country- not many people speak French, but everything is labeled in English and French, even toothpaste.
- People spend an insane amount on hair and nails.
- Canadian sitcoms are awesome!!
One day it will be you
One man just needed Panadol for his wife but the shop assistant simply said it’s in ‘6’. But he struggled to navigate the supermarket and as I watched him go in the wrong direction, I left all my groceries and took him where he needed to go.
Today, I watched an elderly man struggle in the heat, who had obviously had a fall with a huge scrape and blood on his leg.
He walked past people in the cafe, while he slowly made his way to his car.
Not one person stopped.
Or looked.
Or acknowledged him.
I took him to his car and checked he was ok.
He told me he had a fall and wasn’t sure how the air con worked in his car so he just didn’t use it.
I sat with him until his air con kicked in and heard him talk about the old frail body that he is in, that fails him now, every single day.
When you see an elderly person walking down the street, searching in the supermarket, or struggling with their car, take a minute out of your busy schedule and ask them if they need a hand.
Think about your grandparents and your parents and how pissed you would be if someone didn’t stop to help them.
But more, think of them as you.
Once upon a time they were you.
They were busy, they had work, they had children, they were able…
Today, they are just in an older body that is not going as fast as it used to and this busy life is confusing.
They deserve our utmost respect and consideration.
One day it will be you, it will be us. I wish more people gave a sh*t about them and acknowledged them for their admirable existence and geez I hope someday, not that far away, someone does it for me.

How can a country that can’t even beat Vietnam be a superpower?
This is MM response on Quora. -MM
Oh, you are referring to the United States. Well, while it is true that the United States lost the Vietnam war, it’s really hard to justify that war in the first place. The United States had no precise objectives. meaning, there wasn’t any measurables that would certify if a war was won or lost.
If you are referring to the Chinese-Vietnam conflict, then you are wholly confused about history. That action achieved it’s objectives. And that is, after all, the pure tell-tail of success. Indeed, today the ties between Vietnam and China has never been stronger.
If you are referring to the Cambodian-Vietnamese conflict, then you are again in error. Vietnam conducted a police action to remove the Kilmer Rouge from power and remove Pol Pot. They were successful in that venture. Cambodia never claimed to be a superpower.
The United States has a uranium problem and that will severely impact USN fleet operations
The US will not be able to replace Russian uranium in the event of an import ban, Assistant Secretary of Energy Kathryn Huff has warned, saying Washington must develop enrichment capabilities domestically.
“Worldwide, there’s not enough capacity to replace that gap from trusted sources,” Huff told the Washington Examiner on Wednesday, adding that it was the US’s responsibility to “encourage and incentivize that enrichment and conversion capability” on American soil.
Huff told the Examiner that US reliance on Russian-sourced uranium posed unique energy security and national security risks, and noted that Russia still provides about 20% of the low enriched uranium at existing US reactors.
“We have the largest nuclear fleet in the world, and we currently do not have the capability to provide fuel for all of our reactors,” she said, claiming that Russia is “no longer a trustworthy source of our fuel, and we need to find alternatives here and build up that supply chain.”
Article HERE
Romans Added Lead Sweetener to Their Wine and it Killed Them
How far did ancient people go to enhance the flavor of their food and drinks? Would they consume toxic substances if it made things a little more appetizing? Well, the Romans did, by adding a sweet version of lead to their wine and, later, to their food. Some scholars say that widespread lead poisoning contributed to the fall of the powerful Roman empire.
Pliny the Elder , Cato the Elder , and Columella wrote that a syrup was produced by boiling unfermented grape juice in order to concentrate its natural sugars. If the juice was reduced to one third of its original volume, it was called sapa.
As the juice was boiled in kettles made of lead alloys, this harmful element seeped into the syrup. By reacting with the acetate ions in the grape juice , lead(II) acetate was produced, a highly toxic chemical compound. In fact, sapa, or ‘sugar of lead’, contained lead levels 200 times higher than today’s acceptable level.
The ancient Romans used sapa as a form of artificial sweetener, especially in wines. They eventually found a way to turn sugar of lead into crystal form. This meant that the toxic substance could be produced in the way table salt or sugar is produced today. As a consequence of this innovation, the consumption of sugar of lead became even more widespread, and started to be used in cooking as well. In the 4th century Roman recipe book of Apicius, almost a fifth of the recipes were made with sugar of lead in its syrup form.
The writings of some ancient Roman authors indicate that the Romans were aware of the dangers of lead consumption; but by then, the damage had already been done. Side effects included dementia, infertility, cognitive difficulties, fatigue, gout and eventually organs shutting down.
Sugar of lead wasn’t the only source of lead poisoning in ancient Rome. Romans also drank water transported through lead pipes , making the water hazardous for their health. Research in 2019 suggested that more than half the population in Roman-era London was dealing with health issues caused by lead poisoning.
Using the analogy of the United States leadership following the same path as the Roman leadership, then what is the analogy or substance that American leadership are ingesting? Things to think about. -MM
Chinese Neighborhood committees.
These invasive aunties that poke their noses into your daily lives.

They have their origin in the Chinese countryside, where matters would be settled by the village elders.
After the Communists came to power in China, where 90% of the population lived in the countryside, they were transformed into a grassroot democratic force, often led by the now empowered female elders who had all the zeal to apply their newly given voice on others.

Party all night? You’ve just earned a visit by the old ladies to lecture you on why you should not bother the sleep of others, and how young people should study hard and sleep early and contribute to the society.
Don’t clean up after meal or cook for the wife? You’re soon to be taught a lesson on the importance of gender equality (submission to the females) when the gossip reach their ears.
Kids playing with firecrackers or slingshots or other dangerous things in the street? You may get a surprise visit by some old ladies dragging your crying kid along and lecturing you in front of your family and friends on how to be a responsible parent.
Secretly having a third child or something that goes against the policies of the Communist Party? You just keep those curtains shut tight or the old ladies will peek through and call the cops on you.
This is unthinkable in the West. “Who the hell are you to come into my house and manage my family?!”
And in the American South, “Leave my property on the count of three or I’ll shoot! … One… Bah!! Bah!! Bah!!”
But in East Asia, or at least where Confucianism is prevelant, the collective community and the village public led by the elders have always stood above individuals since ancient times.
If it’s an elder, and especially an older woman in the Chinese case, thanks to the Communists for gender “equality”, you simply can’t touch them, even if they break into your life and smack you silly, unless you want to have a mob of old women descend upon you.
I’m pretty sure most Chinese born before or during the 80s have had some frustrating bitter sweet memories of these neighborhood ladies.
They’re a bothersome bunch, and pain in the ass if you’re a man, but they’re also the ones who alert you that your house is on fire, or the ones who chase away the burglars trying to enter your house, with their walking sticks.
Now with urbanization, the flexibility of employment and the freemarket of housing, the neighborhood committee is less present since people don’t know each other as much.
They are transforming, taking on a role more similar to NGO or community service or election organizer, but very present and invasive still, like how they participated in the surveillance and enforcement of the strict lockdown during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.
Oh, and did I mention your divorce application now has to be counciled a couple of times by these aunties before the government would even process your request?

A popular Chinese online video from January 2020: an old man from the neighborhood committee in a village stopping people from visiting their families during the Chinese New Year.
Rubbish and Expendable
Expendable, and his brother Rubbish.

Two weeks ago, I was digging in the garden when I heard pitiful meows. I thought gods, Jackie’s (our feral cat) jumped over the garden wall and has been hit by a car.
I ran outside, no Jackie.
Just a rubbish bag.
That’s where the meows were coming from. A rubbish bag.
I don’t know if their original owners gave them a name. For them, they were rubbish.

Time for some new names.
Clio and Zoe, getting used to not being scared, to being fed, to being loved, and forgetting they were rubbish and expendable.

How to Make Fresh Homemade Guacamole – Easy Guacamole Recipe
One of the better videos.
University tuition and student loans in China.
I want to talk about my experience about Chinese university tuition and student loans.
When I was in the third year of high school, my grandmother got cancer. We spent a lot of money but my grandmother passed away. I have no money at home to pay for my tuition.
My tuition costs 8,000 yuan ($ 1100). My dad’s salary is about 4,000 yuan. I also have a sister who is a college student. You can imagine how difficult my family is.
I can only apply for student loans. 6000 yuan per year, three times, 18,000. There is no interest at university, and 4.75% after graduation.
I graduated from college in 2015 and I have a loan of 18,000. But for me, there is no great pressure. My first job was 7,500 yuan a month. Six months later, my parents helped me pay off the loan. They think there is less interest on loan repayment in advance. Interest is 400 yuan.
Cheap tuition and student loans. More and more poor students can go to college and receive better education.
Finally, I want to talk about education or infrastructure. A real thing, just a few days ago.

Because of the virus, these students are unable to study at school, the signal at home is not good, they can only learn to use mobile phones in the mountains.
On April 24, this video appeared on the Internet.
On April 25, the Chinese communications company “China Tower” read the news and contacted the students.
On May 1, China Tower installed a 2.3KM optical cable for this student. Because her family is poor, the Internet is free. China Telecom, they provide a free network for 10,000 poor student families for 3 months.
There are many, many more such things, for poor students to receive education.
Is the independence of Taiwan worth it to begin a war over?
This is MM response on Quora. -MM
First of all, the “independence movement” in Taiwan is a small minority that is generously funded by the United States and various Taiwanese oligarchs.
Second of all, there is never a good reason to have a war. Wars should always be the last result, when every other realm of compromise has failed.
Finally, yapping little American poodles snapping at the heels and shins of a massive armor-clad, fire breathing, winged, and clawed, Chinese dragon deserve what ever they provoke. It’s called “natural selection”, don’t you know.
Learn about what you all are dealing with HERE.
The Texas school shooting was horrible. This man is one of the Border Patrols Most elite agents trained to kill. News don’t want to talk about him much but he deserves the recognition.
His wife is a teacher and his Daughter named Jayda was also in the school. He sat down for a haircut with his barber when he got a text from his wife saying “there’s an active shooter, I love you” .
He jumped up, grabbed a gun and went right to the school.

When the police couldn’t do anything they needed a new plan and that’s when he showed up.
He went right into the school , saved his wife, hugged his daughter as other officers escorted them out of the school safely.
He didn’t stop when his own family was safe, he continue to help save other children ,This man was first in the line of fire, no hesitation .
This is an example of a Fucking Rufus! Give this man some Recognition His words
“I did what I was trained to do”
You sir Are the fucking MAN!!!

What should you never say to a cat owner?
I have a beautiful gray and white male cat named Gizmo. About a year ago, several things happened all at once, and it was a very stressful and taxing time.
I was renting a house from my parents while we waited for my sister to sell her house (so she could move into the house and I could move out to a cheaper town home). I had a good job, my roommate (and best friend of over 10 years) had a good job, all was good and well.
But my sister was having issues, and those issues were overflowing onto us. She was asking us to cover things, to let her dogs stay over at the house, and just making the entire situation far more stressful than it needed to be. In addition, my roommate and I were trying to save money for the move as well as having to buy moving supplied and worry about the deposit and first month’s rent.
We managed this all, but it basically knocked out our entire savings.
So we get to this new home, and within the first week, we notice that Gizmo is MISERABLE.
The first day that we lived at the town home, he buried himself in my blankets and was overheating, but refused to leave. I managed to fix that by moving him to one of his condos, draping a blanket over it so he was covered, but air could pass through.
He stopped eating as much, and I would routinely wake up to vomit and diarrhea in the kitchen. I thought it was just him adjusting to the move, and in a way, I was right.
I didn’t start to panic until I saw the blood in the sink… and then on the floor, and then in the litter box.
I immediately took him to a vet, and they diagnosed him with Bladder Stones — which can be fatal, especially for male cats. They believed that the stress of my sister’s dogs coupled with the stress of the move had caused them. I needed over 1,300 USD to pay for surgery, or Gizmo would pass within a week.
We JUST moved. Our Savings, which we had been building up, was completely destroyed. We didn’t have 1,300 USD to just pay for surgery. I took to the internet and pleaded for help… and I got it. GoFundMe was able to successfully fund Gizmo’s surgery.
However, I received a message when I was promoting the GoFundMe, that essentially told me that because I could not pay for my cat’s surgery, that I was a horrid pet owner and that I deserved to lose Gizmo.
I’ve had Gizmo since he was FOUR weeks old. I’ve practically raised him. He was the ONLY kitten of his litter to survive, and ONLY survived because I fought to take him home at four weeks old. IF I hadn’t JUST moved, I could have paid for the surgery without asking for help.
The message crushed me, especially when I was already terrified that I was going to be losing my Gizmo within a week if I couldn’t get the money.
It’s not just something that shouldn’t be said to a cat owner, it’s something that shouldn’t be said to ANY pet owner.

What an eye opening article about exposing the duplicity and abuse by the western mental health system.
These mentally sound and well educated researchers got Gaslight to Hell and then misdiagnosed after all of that gaslighting. This type of abuse can easily break down normal people, and the medications that are given won’t actually address the root cause of the psychosis or trauma. It only blankets out the symptoms in a way that guarantees that the patient will be prolongedly dependent on the (often expensive) meds and Therapy sessions.
This is some Inquisitor-level manipulation/projection that can cause more insanity and agony than it resolves, but I am thankful that at least nowadays, the psych/therapy clinics are nowhere as predatory as they were in the past (though a lot of progress still has to be made).
The last time I’ve gone to an official “therapist” was over a decade ago. I trust Psychics/Fortune Tellers more than I do, Psychotherapists/psychiatrists.